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Not Rated
Copyright 1990 Mike King
Reviewed by Mike Allan on 'a long time ago'

The Characters:  

  • Goose - Leader of the Ravens, a street gang. Knows kung fu and carries around nunchuks. When clean-shaven, he looks disturbingly like Leif Garrot.
  • Kristy - Goose's girlfiend, into Voodoo and witchcraft stuff, wants Goose to quit the gang.
  • Danny - Abusive SOB, leader of The Spiders, a rival gang.
  • Keith - Fellow member of the Ravens, second in command.
  • Stubbs and Bonecrusher - Danny's goons, both are seriously f**ked in the head.
  • Goose's Father - Vietnam vet druggie who has a serious obsession with beer and the rats that seem to be lurking in his walls.
  • Various Ravens - Blasted away by the Spiders.
  • Various Spiders - Fodder for when Goose gets medieval on their asses near the end of the film.
  • Kristy's sister - Shows up near the end of the film. (Goose had called her and set up a meeting.)

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The Plot: 

Goose is a leader of the Ravens, a tough street gang. After a brief one-on-one knife fight with one of the Spiders, Goose returns home to tend to his injuries and gets chewed out by his girlfriend Kristy who wants him to quit the gang. Goose finally agrees and things seem to be a lot happier for the two. (Course that quickly changes else we wouldn't have a movie.) As Goose is out on a drug deal, Raven members Stubbs and Bonecrusher stop by his apartment and disembowel Kristy. Goose, finding his woman dead, freaks, and, after disposing of her body, he goes out in the city, wanders around a lot, gets drunk, visits his crazed, drugged-out Vietnam Vet father, and eventually tries to kill himself. Keith saves him though, but only because the Ravens need him for one last a job - joining forces with the Spiders to rob an armored car. After the job is done, the Spiders (surprise, surprise) betray the Ravens and only Goose survives. On the run with the stolen money, Goose gets into several kick-ass fight sequences which more than make up for the movie's slower parts. After wiping out the Spiders, Goose, mortally wounded, gives Kristy's sister the stolen money and then expires. (Which, of course, she'll go ahead and keep rather than turning it over to the police.)

Things I Learned From This Movie: 

  • Never ask a Ouija board if you're going to die today unless you REALLY want to know the answer.
  • Gang leaders like to padlock their girlfriends inside vault-like apartments every time they go out for a drug deal.
  • Golf clubs are real crappy for trying to break off locks.
  • Ohio has a huge gang problem.
  • Gang leaders prefer to dump their girlfriend's dead body into trash compactors rather than holding a funeral.
  • Old Grannies like to carry guns in their purses.
  • It's real easy to rip someone's throat out with your bare hand.

Stuff To Watch For: 

  • 1 min - Wow, groovy scene change!
  • 2 mins - Hey lady, you forgot to blow out all the candles sitting on the shelf...
  • 5 mins - Hey, its Leif Garrot!
  • 7 mins - Guess they both got the point, huh?
  • 11 mins - AHHHH! Male butt shot!
  • 13 mins - A nunchuk to the head is how we say, "Hi, can I borrow your bike?" in these parts.
  • 19 mins - Another groovy scene change!
  • 25 mins - Hmm.. guessing this place doesn't have a back exit to it...
  • 45 mins - Okay, he's getting drunk, high, having flashbacks, and walking around a lot. Can we get to a point, please?
  • 46 mins - Gosh, Keith would make a lousy crisis intervention counselor.
  • 55 mins - Harassment by snake, now that's gotta be a new one.
  • 57 mins - Funny, I don't remember them actually grabbing any bags of money...
  • 61 mins - RANDOM GRATUITOUS PUSSY SHOT! (You'll have to see it to get the joke.)
  • 63 mins - Ah man, if you can't trust a violent rival street gang, who can you trust?
  • 70 mins - Nice that this guy orders breakfast for God...
  • 71 mins - Suuuuure, if I were female, I'd go ahead and agree to meet some stranger I'd never heard from before who claimed to know my sister..
  • 73 mins - If they really wanted to kill him, why don't they just shoot him?
  • 75 mins - WHOA! Unless it's from Hong Kong, low budget fighting does NOT get any better than this!
  • 79 mins - "Oh (gasp!) here... ...Merry Christmas!"
  • 80 mins - Our final "groove" effect.


  • "Don't get me wrong, I didn't save you cause I care."

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