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EVIL DEAD 2 - 4 Slimes
Rated R
Copyright 1987 Rosebud Releasing Corporation
Reviewed by Andrew Borntreger on 'a long time ago'

The Characters:  

  • Ash - Complete BADASS! Evil spirits beware when this man has a chainsaw or shotgun.
  • Annie - Daughter to professor Knowby, she is almost constantly screaming during this movie. Stabbed by the Hand.
  • Jake - Backwoods redneck with bad teeth. Turned into puree by the Henrietta Demon.
  • Bobby Jo - Jake's woman who is a little on the flighty side. Eaten by a tree.
  • Ed - Blonde dude who seems pretty normal until he's possessed.
  • Linda - Ash's woman and the first possessed. Demon form is decapitated with a spade.
  • The Henrietta Demon - Annie's possessed mother who was locked in the cellar. Chopped apart by Ash.
  • The Hand - Ash's possessed hand which he cuts off, it crawls around and causes mischief. Fate unknown.

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The Plot: 

Here is one of the great bad movies! A legendary artwork from the genius of Sam Raimi and beloved of myself. Terrific sight gags, a lean and mean Bruce Campbell as Ash, and soul swallowing demons! Ash and his woman Linda want some time alone so they shack up in a deserted cabin. Unfortunately it was being used by professor Knowby while he translated "The Book of the Dead" and when Ash plays the recording evil spirits are summoned. Having to chop up your girlfriend makes you a little loco and when demonic forces are screwing with you it just gets worse. About half the film chronicles Ash's struggle against insanity and the unholy terrors. When everyone else arrives they misunderstand the situation of course, heck - there's some maniac with a bloody chainsaw and shotgun in the Knowby's cabin. They learn soon enough Ash isn't perfectly sane but right on track with his assessment of the situation. Unfortunately the newcomers aren't the hardy breed though, and they fall one by one. In the end Annie is able to recite the passages to dispel the evil with her dying breaths but Ash is dragged through the time warp and into the medieval past. I really love this movie, the Hand is a riot! More movies should use the idea of the main character's hand becoming possessed and menacing them. Like... ..."Dirty Dancing!" Now what if Swayze's hand had become possessed and he was trying to deal with that while doing the Tango or something. Hey, what about "Forest Gump?" Hehehehe! (Say this in a Gump voice.) And mah hand was acting all funny like, it even tried to stab me. Momma never said nothin bout no hand trying to stab me so that jus didn't seem right. What it boils down to: If you have not seen this film you are missing out.

Things I Learned From This Movie: 

  • Sex isn't interesting enough to put down a book bound in human skin.
  • Tape recordings can summon evil spirits.
  • Evil spirits make sounds vaguely akin to a distorted motorcycle engine.
  • Watching your rotting, decapitated girlfriend perform erotic dance is NASTY.
  • Cutting off your possessed hand with a chainsaw is pretty messy. Plus then it's free to wander around, drop it in a garbage disposal or something.
  • Duck tape is underutilized for first aid.
  • Demonic hands have to look out for rat traps.
  • Evil spirits like to eat hair, explains a good deal about haunted castles in Europe huh?
  • The human body contains about twelve gallons of blood.
  • Cheap jewelery repels demons.
  • Never tell the man holding a double barrel shotgun, "I'll swallow your soul!"
  • When opening a space/time vortex you need to know beforehand how to close it.

Stuff To Watch For: 

  • 5 mins - Oh sure, something drags your girlfriend out a window and you go looking for her without a weapon.
  • 9 mins - Ash has got to have some serious prune toes.
  • 19 mins - Ash, that decapitated head has teeth, it's going to bite you. Told you so! Hit it or something, yes against the wall! With a book! How about the tool shed?
  • 20 mins - Chainsaw is missing, not good. Oh HECK!
  • 26 mins - Ash's hand is possessed. And it's kicking his ass!
  • 28 mins - Round two with the hand and it's still winning. Look out! It's going for the meat cleaver!
  • 33 mins - Isn't shooting your hand with a twelve gauge overkill?
  • 35 mins - Now this is a mad house.
  • 41 mins - The famous "Eyeball Popping Out and Flying in the Screaming Girl's Mouth" scene.
  • 65 mins - Yikes, better take the ax away from wigged out girl.
  • 66 mins - Attaching the chainsaw to the stump of his hand and sawing off the shotgun. Awwww yeah!

 Audio clips in wav formatSOUNDSStarving actors speak out 

Green Music Note evildeadii1.wav Prof Knowby: "It is through the recitation of the book's passages that this dark spirit is given license to possess the living."
Green Music Note evildeadii2.wav Linda Demon: "Even now we have your darling Linda's soul, she suffers in torment!"
Ash: "You're going down!"
Green Music Note evildeadii3.wav Ash's reflection: "We just cut up our girlfriend with a chainsaw."
Green Music Note evildeadii4.wav Henrietta Demon: "Someone's in my fruit cellar."
Ash: (Screams)
Henrietta Demon: "Someone with a fresh soul."

 Click for a larger imageIMAGESScenes from the movie 


 Watch a sceneVIDEOMPEG video files 

Video Clipevildeadii1.mpg - 2.4m
Here is the legendary eyeball popping out scene. I still find it to be one of the funniest things I have ever witnessed, even if it is just latex.

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