Rated R
| Copyright 1990 Demon Wind Productions Limited
| Reviewed by Andrew Borntreger on 'a long time ago'
- Corey - A young man looking for the farm where his family was killed years ago.
- Elaine - Corey's girlfriend, she wears panties with a red heart sewn over the left buttock.
- Dell - Muscular, blonde, dumb guy who apparently owns Terri.
- Terri - Dell's girlfriend, a huge step back for women's rights.
- Jack - The token nerd with no combat abilites at all, he's the last to die of course.
- Bonnie - Girls do find nerds attractive, really.
- Chuck - Terri's old boyfriend who is a martial arts master, champion hackeysack player, and magician.
- Styx - The other magician, tends to talk with his eyes closed.
- Willie and Renee - Fodder.
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Special effects that look like they were drawn on the film with a crayon along with masses of demonic nonsense, drop a cast into this including some dude wearing a magician outfit and you're all set. Even though it makes me thump my noggin I like the "kick the can" scene and when Corey suddenly turns into a bald elf! When the cast begins to thin out a carload of other people, who we had no idea were showing up, arrive. Look for the hologram box folks (yep, hologram cover) next time at the video store. |
Things I Learned From This Movie: | |
- Dropping a snowglobe on the floor will cause your house to explode.
- Human skeletons naturally remain intact even when hanging from a cross.
- Speaking Latin causes earthquakes.
- Having Satan in the area is worse on car batteries than leaving your lights on all night.
- When trapped in an otherworldly house, in the middle of the night, with a half naked demonic woman calling you - for pete's sake don't go outside.
- Multiple gunshots will not wake your friends up.
- When you start running low on friends the others, that you totally forgot about, will show up.
- Shotguns hold about, oh twenty rounds. Pistols at least a dozen.
- Possessed people continously spit up pancake batter.
- 10 mins - Why is this girl pointing a stick at the car?
- 12 mins - Corey is dreaming about talking to his dead grandmother, in the middle of the night, while he's naked at a gas station... ...oh to hear Freud's spin on this.
- 21 mins - Corey says, "Oh yeah." but his mouth never moves.
- 30 mins - Okay, everyone walk this way offscreen but don't look at the camera. I said don't look at the camera damn it!
- 81 mins - Where the heck did Bonnie come from and why is that thing chowing on her?
- 84 mins - Holy cow! Corey turned into a bald elf!
- 92 mins - Hello? Sound guy, could we get some sound in here?
- Ending Credits - I can't read them, at all. Must've been the sound guy's brother.
| Audio clips in wav format | SOUNDS | Starving actors speak out | |
| File | Dialog |  | demonwind1.wav
| Waitress: "We have beer, Coke, water and goat's milk."
|  | demonwind2.wav
| Elaine: "His thing's about this big."
|  | demonwind3.wav
| Dell: "Skinny little chickenshit, I'll shove that Karate crap up your ass!" Chuck: "Be my guest."
|  | demonwind4.wav
| Dell: "Crazy! All of you! You're all crazy!"
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| Click for a larger image | IMAGES | Scenes from the movie | |
| Watch a scene | VIDEO | MPEG video files | |
 | demonwind1.mpg
- 2.2m
At first we think that the demon might eat Corey and Elaine, but then the special effects man steps in. That is, if you feel comfortable calling these effects "special."
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