Rated PG
| Copyright 1984 Sherwood Productions
| Reviewed by Andrew Borntreger on 'a long time ago'
- Buckaroo Banzai - Peter Weller! Brilliant particle physist and neurosurgeon, he is also a martial arts master and plays in a band.
- Lord John Whorfin - John Lithgow! Evil leader of the "Red Lectroids." Buckaroo vaporizes him.
- Penny Priddy - Ellen Barkin! The lost twin sister of Buckaroo's deceased wife.
- New Jersey - Jeff Goldblum! A cowboy at heart, this neurosurgeon partner of Buckaroo is joining The Hong Kong Cavaliers.
- John Bigboote (Bigbooty! Hehehehe!) - Christopher Lloyd! Red Lectroid from planet 10, shot by Lord Whorfin for talking back.
- Rawhide - Clancy Brown! (He played Kurgan in "Highlander.") Member of The Hong Kong Cavaliers, poisoned by a Red Lectroid.
- Perfect Tommy and Reno - Two of The Hong Kong Cavaliers. Tommy has some serious bleached hair.
- John Parker - Black Lectroid, sent to help Buckaroo save Earth before his people are forced to destroy it.
- John O'Conner - Vincent Schiavelli! (He's been in lots of stuff, the teacher in "Better Off Dead" and the subway ghost in "Ghost.") A Red Lectroid. Vaporized.
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This movie has more famous people in it than most blockbuster films! Look at them all! Just look at them! What we have here my friends is a seriously out in left field piece of work. Buckaroo Banzai and his partners have just perfected the "Oscillation Overthruster" and it allows them to travel into the 8th dimension. Why did we miss all the ones between? I dunno! How can a 3rd dimension being interact on the 8th? I dunno! Lord Whorfin is trapped on Earth with a select group of followers, he wants to steal the overthruster and free all the Red Lectroids from exile in the 8th dimension. Then they will return to their home on the 10th planet and defeat the Black Lectroids! Black Lectroids are the good aliens by the way, they're also all Jamaican oddly enough. Need a romance in here somewhere so Buckaroo runs into Penny while performing at a club, she's the lost twin sister of the woman he loved. (She died, we don't really know how.) Well, the Black Lectroids can't let Lord Whorfin escape Earth, they are fully prepared to precipitate a nuclear war if necessary. They do have the courtesy to shock (literally) Buckaroo so he can see the alien's true forms. With his elite band of six shooting scientists, The Hong Kong Cavaliers, Dr. Banzai is able to defeat Whorfin and save Earth. Do you get the idea? What more do you need? Okay, how about Christopher Lloyd running around and everyone calling him "John Bigbooty?" Or Jeff Goldblume as New Jersey, decked out like a cowboy - he even has black and white spotted luggage. Gateway 2000 luggage! Watch the film two or three times, the plot is there...
Things I Learned From This Movie: | |
- Neurosurgeons shouldn't tug on things they don't recognize.
- Rocket powered pickup trucks don't look right.
- The 8th dimension looks a good deal like what you might see through an electron microscope.
- New Brunswick, Maine is a tough town.
- Aliens with bird like ships should stay well clear of Earth during duck season. Especially you, yeah you, darn Romulans.
- Alien Lectroids have nads.
- Hologram viewing glasses are made out of bubble wrap.
- Girls: Never try to get intimate with some guy carrying a electric charge.
- Bacteria can affect people via television.
- Good aliens appear to hail from Jamaica.
- Four star generals should not use the phrase, "I'm barely holding my fudge."
- Alien thermal pods carry parachutes.
- 7 mins - This is some serious high tech stuff!
- 10 mins - Buckaroo is driving through a mountain?
- 13 mins - John Lithgow is applying electric current to his tongue!
- 23 mins - If Peter Weller was bawling out a song to me I'd do the same thing.
- 32 mins - Somebody shut Penny up, damn blonde...
- 48 mins - That little asian guy looks funny riding a Harley.
- 50 mins - Awful lot of folks named John.
- 53 mins - What the heck did the alien kill him with? Spit?
- 60 mins - Yeah, why is there a watermelon there?
- 78 mins - These guards don't notice a double decker bus?
- 85 mins - Now that is a mad looking slug, um thing.
| Audio clips in wav format | SOUNDS | Starving actors speak out | |
| File | Dialog |  | buckaroo1.wav
| Buckaroo: "No,no,no,no. Don't tug on that. You never know what it might be attached to."
|  | buckaroo2.wav
| Lord Whorfin: "Laugh while you can, monkey boy!"
|  | buckaroo3.wav
| Lord Whorfin: "I wanna make a call to Mr. John Bigbooty at YoYodine Propulsion Systems."
|  | buckaroo4.wav
| John Parker: "Wait a minute, I need see Buckaroo Banzai in person. My name is John Parker."
|  | Theme Song | Listen to a clip from the soundtrack. | |
| Click for a larger image | IMAGES | Scenes from the movie | |
| Watch a scene | VIDEO | MPEG video files | |
 | buckaroo1.mpg
- 2.5m
Just a moment ago Vincent Schiavelli and Christopher Lloyd were sitting there, but now Buckaroo can recognize them as aliens from the 8th dimension! Lost? That's a normal reaction for people watching this the first time.
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