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Not Rated
Copyright 1957 Howco International
Reviewed by Andrew Borntreger on 6 November 1999

The Characters:  

  • Steve - Nuclear scientist who is possessed by an evil entity from the planet Arous.
  • Sally - Steve's fiancee', she's moderately worried about his sudden change.
  • John - Sally's father, um... ...that's about it for him.
  • Vol - The good brain from Arous, he is on Earth to stop Gor at any cost. Takes over the body of a dog.
  • Dan - Steve's assistant and friend, the unhappy recipient of third degree sunburn. (Courtesy of Gor.)
  • Sheriff Pane - (Reggae with me!) Gor microwaved the sheriff, but..., sorry.
  • General Brown - Ranking military officer aboard Indian Springs.
  • Gor - Evil alien power which possesses Steve and really digs this libido thing. Steve finally stomps a hole in his Thalamus.

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The Plot: 

Two brains from outer space land on our planet, one is good, one is bad. Both must possess bodies to accomplish their goals. Who will be taken next? Can Earth survive the massive confrontation of beings from planet Arous?

Actually yes, but only if you can get over transparent brain monsters with glowing eyes.

When Steve and Dan go investigate a strange radiation source on Mystery Mountain they discover Gor. The renegade intelligence has fled to Earth seeking a hiding place. Not welcome on Arous any more, he plans to enslave humanity and build spacecraft to return home and conquer the universe! Gor discovers something else on Earth he likes: Sally. He turns the former gentlemen Steve into a sex-crazed maniac. Unfortunately, the young lady does not like it rough; advances fail past aggressively sticking his tongue in her mouth. (Oh sure, big tough alien power can make planes explode at will, but second base eludes you.)

Sally and dad are a little confused with the change in her fiancee's behavior until Vol shows up. He is a agent from Arous and powerful enough to capture Gor. Only when the criminal takes leave of Steve's body to gather oxygen though. Otherwise Vol would have to kill the possessed man.

Now it is time for math; if the good brain had taken the latter route and Steve died our total body count would be two. (Steve+Dan.) As it happens, they decide to try and save the nuclear scientist. Gor destroys two planes then fries the sheriff and Col Frogley. Final body count? At least forty-two people. So much for benevolent alien powers knowing best. There are plenty of B-movie contrivances (they find a piece of melted metal in a plane wreck and decide no power known to man caused it) and special effects to gawk at.


This is just a small part of Brainathon 99, make sure you read these other great reviews:

And You Call Yourself a Scientist!
Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension
Cold Fusion Video Reviews
The Bad Movie Report
Oh the Humanity!

Things I Learned From This Movie: 

  • Geiger counters can pinpoint radioactive sources thirty miles away.
  • When it's hot the temperature is exactly 120 degrees.
  • Making sincere advances of friendship is difficult while holding a rifle at the ready.
  • French kissing causes migraine headaches.
  • Water coolers are not flattering.
  • Anytime you visit a mountain bring two flashlights.
  • Barking dogs ruin the mood during date rapes.
  • If you are an alien space brain, whose sole weakness is being clobbered on the Fissure of Rolando, don't leave axes lying around.

Stuff To Watch For: 

  • 4 mins - Steve, I'd take that gay hat off.
  • 7 mins - Where did you learn how to drive, one damn mountain in the middle of a desert and you run into it.
  • 11 mins - Why doesn't Steve's sweat patch run under his arm?
  • 23 mins - Doesn't anybody use pronouns around here?
  • 32 mins - Alien brain possessing you? Take two aspirin...
  • 42 mins - Bodies which plummeted several thousand feet from an exploding airliner and struck rocks would be a little more mushy than that.
  • 58 mins - How did they know that wasn't the atomic bomb?


  • Sally: "Oh, I'm beat dad. Whew, it must be 120 out here today."
    Dad: "This is no place to rest, at least there's shade in that cave over there."
  • Gen Brown: "There is absolutely no doubt of your power to destroy. I saw it. I saw an American Colonel killed, burned to a crisp by radiation by one look from this man."

 Audio clips in wav formatSOUNDSStarving actors speak out 

Green Music Note brainarous1.wav Gor: "I am Gor, I need your body as a dwelling place while I am here on your Earth."
Green Music Note brainarous2.wav Gor: "Your feeling of helplessness is your best friend savage. When I am occupying your body, or in my present transitory form, I without substance am indestructible!"
Green Music Note brainarous3.wav Vol: "You can help me save the Earth from a terrible experience. Yes, the whole Earth."
Green Music Note brainarous4.wav Gen Brown: "You mean to enslave the world?"
Russian Delegate: "Russia would never agree to it!"
Steve: "There's a simple answer to that, there'll be no Russia."

 Click for a larger imageIMAGESScenes from the movie 


 Watch a sceneVIDEOMPEG video files 

Video Clipbrainarous1.mpg - 2.3m
Sally is in trouble, but Steve takes this fight to the Fissure of Rolando and wins the day. Hardly a fair match, considering Gor is an inflated prop and big man is using an axe.

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