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THE BRAIN - 2 Slimes
Rated R
Copyright 1988 Brightstar Films Inc.
Reviewed by Andrew Borntreger on 'a long time ago'

The Characters:  

  • Jim - A genius, rebel, high school student. These kids are a dime a dozen I tell you.
  • Janet - Jim's girlfriend, besides her promising career in fast food and refusal to have sex with him, she doesn't have much going for her. Dum, da, dee...
  • Dr. Blake - A world famous psychologist who is controlling people's minds with the Brain.
  • Willie - Food for the Brain; why did this guy even show up? (Answer: For one day's starving actor pay.)
  • Debbie - Willie's girlfriend, available now and only about thirty-two or so...
  • Vivian - One of the other scientists, she get's chomped. She also wanders around half naked in most of Jim's hallucinations, which is not a bad thing.
  • The Evil Assistant - Dr. Blake's to be exact. He goes around doing your standard "evil assist" stuff: chopping up police officers with an axe, chaining up Janet, and eventually being eaten.
  • The Brain - A brain-like creature which enjoys bathing in spinal fluid, long walks along the beach, controlling minds, and consuming bit part actors.

The Plot: 

First off, if you haven't read it. Check out the excellent interview with Kevin Danzey in reference to this film.

Jim likes to play pranks, especially those involving pure sodium and a school toilet, this does little to gain him popularity with the principal. What he really doesn't like is Dr. Blake's show, which the doctor is using to project mind controlling thoughts from the Brain. When people are able to resist the monster they experience vivid hallucinations, usually involving tentacles or nude women. (Sounds like Cinemax must have another one of the monsters in their studio...) Do you really want to watch a goofy actor pretending to see and combat a writhing tentacle? I'd have locked him up in the funny farm too, though Jim has to flee when Dr. Blake's assistant shows up and chops the sheriff into pieces with an axe. After dodging the brainwashed authorities our little rebel saves the day by feeding the creature pure sodium, approximately a gallon of it.

The Brain is a fairly amusing piece; watch for the scenes where it is obviously mounted on a wheeled carriage and pushed along. Especially when you can see someone's foot sticking out.

Things I Learned From This Movie: 

  • Strange Brain creatures feed on mice and sultry blondes.
  • If you are trying to sneak in somewhere or hide do so in broad daylight, wear bright blue clothes if possible.
  • Boilers require pure sodium for some reason.
  • Never be the last one in line, that person always gets eaten.
  • Cutting someone in half with a chainsaw causes no splatter and is unlikely to attract the attention of any police within 50 yards.
  • Listening to a school fire alarm in monotone for 3 minutes is really annoying.
  • Our heads come off pretty easily - be careful.

Stuff To Watch For: 

  • 20 mins - Nobody saw him put a huge glob of glue in that seat? His parents are looking right at him!
  • 41 mins - Few actors could more accurately portray a man fighting off a hallucinatory tentacle...
  • 53 mins - That's a darn clean axe considering he just cut someone's head off.
  • 61 mins - Now, let me get this straight - he used the giant pair of boltcutters to cut the handcuffs off himself how?
  • 75 mins - He just walked past how many people and cops, who are looking for him, without notice?
  • 87 mins - Enough with the "running up and down the stairs" scene.
  • 89 mins - He's stabbing it with a tube of caulk?

 Audio clips in wav formatSOUNDSStarving actors speak out 

Green Music Note thebrain1.wav HS Principle: "So you think you're in America do you?"
Jim: "Last time I checked."
Principle: "Well you're not you're in high school."
Green Music Note thebrain2.wav Jim's Mother: "Jim, Dr. Blake wouldn't be on TV if he wasn't good."
Green Music Note thebrain3.wav Jim: "I didn't realize there were so many crazy people in Meadowvale."
Guard: "Crazy people are that way."
Green Music Note thebrain4.wav Vivian Hallucination: "This is your hallucination Jim. You have a dirty mind."

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Video Clipthebrain1.mpg - 1.8m
The evil assistant gets eaten.

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