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Links to more sites for those who appreciate "other than fine" film.
NEW Only in Haddonfield - Quite simply, a page filled with facts and trivia about John Carpenter's "Halloween" (1978). Neat stuff.
Kitley's Krypt - The energetic webmaster obviously spends lots of time sifting through different sites and that means his updates are full of the meaty stuff. There are also reviews, some trivia games, polls, and a growing biography section. Come on, how can you not like a horror site with a page dedicated to Vincent Price?
Dr. Geoff's Horror House - From classic silent, to sick zombie gorefest, this site contains info, audio, pics and video on all your favorite horror films. There are a number of interesting tricks to keep things lively (it seems like an online haunted house) as you browse the capsule reviews. - Billed as a horror movie site, but let's see here: Bigfoot, Blacula, Island Claws, Microwave Massacre, and Redneck Zombies...they're definitely on our side.
Horror Asylum - Looking for reviews and articles about horror films closer to the mainstream? Visit this site. All seven "Halloween" movies? Check. Four "Alien" movies? Check. The slick layout is a beautiful sight when running Internet Explorer.
Arrow in the Head - Fine example of a well-rounded horror website here. In addition to the reviews you will find interviews, polls, and the oh-so-very important "Mistress of the Week."
Oh, the Horror! - NSFW! However, this horror movie review site is a lot of fun. The articles are enjoyable to read, and each one ends with amusing ratings for the respective amounts of carnage and skin (these guys know the heart of horror films). What I got addicted to was the nicely functional random review link on the front page. Must...stop...clicking...
Racks and Razors - Horror website that covers a wide spectrum of films, and does it in a lot of ways. In addition to reviews, they also publish a monthly audio podcast, and host poster/photo galleries. However, I think that the most interesting section is the "Celluloid Casket." It contains biographies about movie personalities who have died, including the circumstances surrounding their deaths.
Frankensteinia: The Frankenstein Blog - This is a fantastic tribute to the story of Frankenstein (both the doctor and his monster), in all of its incarnations. Very interesting and a fun read. Fans of the classic horror icon should definitely take a look.
Strictly Splatter - These guys are definitely low budget horror lovers, and by that I mean they like a little blood and guts in their film. Everything from "Pieces" (1982) to the 2007 version of "The Wizard of Gore."
Stalk 'n' Slash - This horror movie review and festival news blog is devoted to newer films, mostly 2004 and later.
Horror Movie Database - Fairly new, but this is a pretty cool project. Members can add information to the database, including titles and reviews. - Horror movie reviews from the female perspective. The present focus of this site is capsule movie reviews (there are quite a few), but they have other interests, including books. - Interactive flash site for fans of zombie films. Navigation can be a little tricky, but use the zombie hand arrows at the bottom of the screen to scroll right and left, then move your mouse over objects to find the different sections (movie reviews, site trailer, etc.).
The House of Pain - Focusing on horror - film, literature, music, anything. This is one of the best sites I've come across with numerous awesome graphics, midi files, and online resources.
Horror Wood Webzine - Monthly webzine dedicated to b-movies, they run the gauntlet from what I read. Black and white crud to Tromaness, you can find a wealth of information on the bad movie scene.
Night of the Creeps - Horror movie appreciation site, these guys like films with a healthy dose of gore and mayhem. They are also host to ASTOUNDING rants of such a nature to render most conservatives catatonic. Regardless, with a host of evil reviewers on hand they stay extremely dynamic. (Updated often.) Hitler's Brain resides at the website with some questions for you and beware anything endorsed by Merciful Buddha! Kids had better stay home, their normal language sounds like me annoyed (and that is pretty impressive)... Winner of the Dancing Slime Award for April 1999 - June 1999.

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Lesson Learned:
  • Osmosis: os·mo·sis (oz-mo'sis, os-) n., 1. When a bird eats something.

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