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Rated R
Copyright 1995 Budget Movies
Reviewed by Andrew Borntreger on 29 November 2000

The Characters:  

  • Henry - The younger version is your standard "poor little rich kid." After fifteen years in a mental institution he has become a cross between Hannibal Lector and Wilson from "Home Improvement."
  • Kenny - Henry's close friend, the only one able to forgive him for killing all their other friends.
  • Becky and Bill - She was the girl Henry had a crush on in school, the latter is the man she married and had children by (even though he was just visiting when they met).
  • The Primos - Henry's parents, somehow influential enough to have him confined in a barred room in their own house.
  • Dr. Green - Psychiatrist, she seems to be bored with life in general.
  • Nurse Patchett - Must be a real nurse, because she sure isn't an actress.
  • Dale and Jimmy - Two police officers, the prior sounds a lot like the host from "America's Most Wanted."
  • Jim Kizay - Drug dealer and all around asshole who spiked Henry's drink, causing the murderous rampage. Gutted like a pig.

The Plot: 

We are first introduced to Henry as he begins preparations for his sixteenth birthday party. Conveniently armed with a heap of cash, a limousine, a rented motel (the whole thing apparently), and two clueless parents he has everything in place for a police raid. Unfortunately, for several of the guests that is, the cops do not show up. With Kizay's drug cocktail raging in his veins the young man grabs a knife and begins slaughtering the unfortunate teenagers in their motel rooms. Why nobody in the car warned him about Kizay spiking the drink is beyond me, these people are supposedly his friends.

Fifteen years later Henry is being released from the mental hospital, except released is a misnomer. Still considered dangerous, he is to be confined inside his parents' home. The Primos have spared no expense, a brick reinforced room has been constructed with bars on the window and door. Inside he will dwell, able to communicate with them over closed circuit television by using his sketch pad (he refuses to talk).

The most striking change in the subject psycho is his growth spurt. That spiked drink must have contained some crazy steroid formula as well, because he goes from being a slightly smaller than average teenager to a big dude. Imagine some professional wrestler with a couple of extra pounds tacked on, the appliance dolly used to ferry him around must have been heavy duty.

In addition, the drugs did something to give Henry Extra Sensory Perception, since the doctor even tells us he can read people's thoughts. Fat lot of good it does, there are one or two times the plot forgets this fact. Didn't help him hear the jerk who attached jumper cables (spliced into a wall socket) to the wheelchair did it? I remembered the ESP, why didn't the writer? Arggghhh!

Along with not talking we find out he insists on wearing a mask, although "stitched leather fright mask" would be more accurate. From what I could tell this serves a major purpose, Mark Mason (writer, director, actor) is physically imposing, but probably has a baby face. His eyes are freaky enough when experienced alone, so covering everything else up with the "stitched leather fright mask of ultimate horror" (starting to get impressive in length) makes it work. This is in comparison to most of the acting, which ranges from bad to really really bad.

Leading a new life is not part of Henry's future though, Kizay will never let that happen for some reason. Of course, neither will the police. While investigating a rather distasteful case of vandalism the first thing the cops do is question the Primos, even before seeing the crime scene! "Something bad has happened and we don't know what, but we believe your freak son is involved." Astounding!

To be fair, our protagonist - or antagonist, depending on your perspective - tries to be normal. The members of his class even invite him to the reunion after he saves some kids from an attacking dog. Wait a minute... ...he killed part of the class and they invite him to the reunion? Okay, breathe normally, keep your cool. During the ceremony the previously mentioned electrocution occurs, setting off the killer instincts again. He butchers everyone at Kizay's house before going over to Becky's for a final reckoning.

Things I Learned From This Movie: 

  • Parents always trust their teenage son with a wad of cash and full use of the motel.
  • Gateway sponsored a band at some point.
  • Some sixteen year old girls can give Dolly Parton a run for her money.
  • Don't make fun of a guy's penis if he has a cord wrapped around your neck.
  • The downside of investigating a crime involving human feces is taking fingerprints.
  • Overdosing on drugs will give you ESP.
  • Restrained mental patients are usually transported in the open beds of pickup trucks.
  • Some schools have thirteen year reunions.
  • Women intuitively know when their husbands are home.

Stuff To Watch For: 

  • 7 mins - I think that they are singing "House of the Rising Sun," but wouldn't put money on it.
  • 16 mins - Dead man's float my butt! She is holding her head out of the water!
  • 35 mins - They hit the space bar and the door opens? Not the enter key?
  • 36 mins - Looks like your daughter could use a psychiatrist too.
  • 41 mins - Should have super sized the drink. Hehehehe!
  • 64 mins - For some reason this makes me think of a young Drew Barrymore doing the dishes.
  • 66 mins - Everybody in this room was a nominee for the "Who Changed the Least Award."
  • 84 mins - We heard two shots, but he has three holes in him. Odd.
  • 87 mins - He can't get far with two, um or three bullets in him..., maybe it was five?

 Audio clips in wav formatSOUNDSStarving actors speak out 

Green Music Note partycrasher1.wav Kizay: "Check it out; Henry's hung like a Barbie Doll."
Green Music Note partycrasher2.wav Dr. Green: "Need I remind you that fifteen years ago this man murdered in cold blood seven of his classmates, and is still considered very unpredictable?"
Green Music Note partycrasher3.wav Police Sergeant: "It appears some pervert has decided to take a dump and use this stuff to write graffiti on the front doors of a couple of nice houses."
Green Music Note partycrasher4.wav Becky's Son: "Mom, you made the crasher mad and that's why he killed all his friends, and he's going to kill you 'cause you married dad, and he's going to kill us 'cause we're your kids."

 Click for a larger imageIMAGESScenes from the movie 


 Watch a sceneVIDEOMPEG video files 

Video Clippartycrasher1.mpg - 1.7m
Henry is in the middle of his adolescent rampage here. He humanely spares this girl the pain of dealing with a slipped disc her senior year (from the weight of her breasts).

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