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horrors / slashers 2002-2008, give them to me...

Started by zombie, December 31, 2023, 06:12:15 AM

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The Hollow (2004) -

It was aired on ABC Family but was heavily edited. Stars Kaley Cuoco, Nick Carter, Stacy Keach, and Judge Reinhold.


^^ this one's on YT in full, bookmarked for a watch  :thumbup:

Quote from: claws on January 01, 2024, 01:19:31 PM

Altered (2006) Alien terror from one of the Blair Witch Project directors. It is decent enough to watch.

I assumed the BLAIR WITCH directors would go on to be major figures, but it didn't really happen I guess... not heard of this one though


And finally 2007 + 2008

Wind Chill (2007) Snowbound scares with limited setting. Rare Emily Blunt horror produced by George Clooney.

Whisper (2007) Criminals kidnap pure evil. More snow and The Omen shenanigans.

End of the Line (2007) Little seen Canadian horror about the end of the world and demons from hell. Neat practical effects.

Lake Mungo (2008) I don't think it is that scary, but the Internet thinks it is. Certainly worth watching.

Alien Raiders (2008) 'The Thing' type of horror inside a locked-in supermarket on Christmas Eve. This was when Warner Home Video released a series of horror produced by Raw Feed after scoring big with 'Rest Stop' in 2006.

Insanitarium (2008) Not good by any means but still good for what it is, if that makes sense. Flesh eating crazy folk inside an asylum, starring Peter Stormare as the mad doctor. On a sidenote, this was the first movie on DVD I watched on my back then brand new Blu-ray set up. Insanitarium looked great upscaled.
Is it October yet?


Quote from: claws on January 02, 2024, 01:48:24 AM

Lake Mungo (2008) I don't think it is that scary, but the Internet thinks it is. Certainly worth watching.

looks like something a bit different, from the trailer....

EDEN LAKE (2008) got a load of hype and I recently saw it in some online best horrors ever list... I thought it was decent


Quote from: zombie on January 02, 2024, 10:14:15 AM
Quote from: claws on January 02, 2024, 01:48:24 AM

Lake Mungo (2008) I don't think it is that scary, but the Internet thinks it is. Certainly worth watching.

looks like something a bit different, from the trailer....

When I first watched Lake Mungo it was like watching something on YouTube. It's a slow burner, and I wasn't feeling it. Years later, I kept seeing Lake Mungo mention on forums, and I was like 'what did I miss?'. It took me a few viewings to appreciate it more. The creepy lies in its simplicity, I guess.

Quote from: zombie on January 02, 2024, 10:14:15 AM

EDEN LAKE (2008) got a load of hype and I recently saw it in some online best horrors ever list... I thought it was decent

The ending still upsets me and makes me angry. Very brutal film.
Is it October yet?


can't remember the ending off the top of my head, might have to re-watch... yeah I remember it being a pretty harsh film

ftr, a few franchise sequels (and original installments) released during this timeframe:

HELLRAISER 7: DEADER (2005) bit weird
HELLRAISER 8: HELLWORLD (2005) guilty pleasure.

FREDDY VS JASON (2003) even worse than my worst prediction of how bad it would be

FINAL DESTINATION 3 (2006) can't lie, I quite like all entries in this franchise. not great movies though

SAW 1/2/3/4/5 (2004/5/6/7/8) can't get into the SAW films despite trying. they depress me and also find them boring

WRONG TURN 2: DEAD END (2007)  yet another case of I think I've seen these? or at least the first one

HOSTEL (2005)
HOSTEL 2 (2007) these don't do anything for me.

HALLOWEEN (2007) to say this was not my cup of tea would be an understatement but I liked it better than RZ's next one

chainsaw midget

Quote from: Alex on December 31, 2023, 01:27:30 PM
I can confirm that Monster Man is good (silly) fun. Highwaymen(2004) is a more serious take on the genre and there is always Joy Ride.
I'll back you on Monster Man. 

A Monster driving a Monster Truck is just such a wonderful idea I'm surprised nobody has ever done it before.