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Alex's even longer post thread.

Started by Alex, March 19, 2020, 10:14:15 AM

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I had a spaceship crash into my head today. It hurt a bit I have to say, and I have a bit of a lump on my forehead. As far as I could tell the ship was undamaged.

A bit of a different day then. My Bela Lugosi figure had slipped down behind one of my shelves and was pushing the whole set forward. As I was retrieving him, my die-cast Nostramo decided it was time to launch. All part of sorting out my mancave and making more room.

Anyway, this is what it now looks like.

Also worked on getting my WW2 figures boxed up. Just the Soviets and the German vehicles to go.

Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


I see you have Uncle Zombie's skull there on one shelf 😳😃☺️😉🐢
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


Impressive. Have you ever had your collection appraised and insured?
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


Quote from: Trevor on June 04, 2023, 02:35:39 PM
I see you have Uncle Zombie's skull there on one shelf 😳😃☺️😉🐢

There are more skulls on the shelf than can be seen in the photo.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Quote from: ER on June 04, 2023, 02:51:31 PM
Impressive. Have you ever had your collection appraised and insured?

Which one? I have a lot of collections lol (off-hand, figures, board games, DVDs, vinyl albums, books, tee-shirts, M:TG cards). They are covered under the general house insurance policy. Pretty sure nothing in it will go over the 5 grand limit for a single item.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


While I was sorting out the mancave shelves I came across a butterfly knife, something I hadn't seen for a long time. It was part of a collection of knifes a friend once gave me. Came from Pakistan. It isn't a particularly good blade or anything but it does look nice.

Had the assessor come around for a pre-march out should we end up having to move out of the house. Since we've been in for more than 10 years we don't have to worry about the carpets or walls. They will automatically replace and repaint as appropriate there.

Logged in to discover my potential new employer had sent out a crap load of emails for further information. Urgh. You only get one chance to fill in the documents so no getting anything wrong. If they had just asked me upfront for all this info it would have been so much simpler.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Quiet day today. Kristi was working in the morning but off in the afternoon. I dropped Ash off and then it was nice to have some quiet time.

I wonder if the long-awaited Ukrainian counter-offensive has begun yet? I keep reading reports from journalists that it has or hasn't. The way they write, you'd think they are experts on every subject. I wonder if that is taught in their courses?

Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Ash met his future school teacher yesterday for the first time. He seemed to like her and settled down in her presence after about 15 minutes, then joined in the activities the other kids were doing.

Kristi ended up working later than expected yesterday, so she asked me to prep her D&D session, make up the maps and stat the bad guys. Managed to get it all done for her, but that took up all my available spare time.

I got a call from Kristi saying the nursery had called her saying that Ash was ill and running a fever. Went down to pick him up, but he seems to be fine. Certainly didn't stop him from wanting an ice cream and a chocolate bar (and still asking for more sweets). Or maybe a sugar rush cures all ills. He certainly doesn't have any kind of temperature going on. He does tend to run hot normally which I put down to his almost constant activity and running around.

Got my Aliens board game yesterday, looking forward to playing that one. It also has the bonus that I don't really need to paint the Alien figures. They come black already so all sorted there. I am painting up the humans though. Watching John Wick 4 just now. Funny how watching an aging actor kicking arse can be so entertaining, be it this, Taken or From Paris With Love. I am not sure it is worth a damn near 3 hours though.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.

Rev. Powell

Quote from: Alex on June 06, 2023, 03:12:01 PM
Quiet day today. Kristi was working in the morning but off in the afternoon. I dropped Ash off and then it was nice to have some quiet time.

I wonder if the long-awaited Ukrainian counter-offensive has begun yet? I keep reading reports from journalists that it has or hasn't. The way they write, you'd think they are experts on every subject. I wonder if that is taught in their courses?

Fog of war, right? We don't even know for sure who blew up the dam, who attacked the Kremlin, etc. Ukraine says one thing, Russia says the opposite, and most of the time it's too dangerous for neutral observers.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Quote from: Rev. Powell on June 08, 2023, 12:03:25 PM
Quote from: Alex on June 06, 2023, 03:12:01 PM
Quiet day today. Kristi was working in the morning but off in the afternoon. I dropped Ash off and then it was nice to have some quiet time.

I wonder if the long-awaited Ukrainian counter-offensive has begun yet? I keep reading reports from journalists that it has or hasn't. The way they write, you'd think they are experts on every subject. I wonder if that is taught in their courses?

Fog of war, right? We don't even know for sure who blew up the dam, who attacked the Kremlin, etc. Ukraine says one thing, Russia says the opposite, and most of the time it's too dangerous for neutral observers.

I could say things, but honestly, I'd just be taking guesses. I haven't looked at any proper reports or anything since my last day in uniform. Under Putin though, I would not trust anything his government says. They have lied about the most basic things even when plenty of proof otherwise is freely available.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


So tonights D&D session was... interesting.

QuoteIn 40 years of gaming, I've seen a lot of bad rolls. I am not sure I have ever seen a night where people rolled quite this consistently bad ever though. It was like the spirit of Garry had possessed everyone. Out of 30 combat rolls, 17 were regular misses against fairly easy targets. 7 fumbles were rolled. I am amazed that the party managed to survive, only nearly losing two of their number.
On the plus side, there was some good roleplaying tonight.

I suggested to the team that we call the session early and just pick it up again next week as things were just constantly going from bad to worse for them. I now have a mildly drunk player on discord trying to work out the odds of rolling 7 ones out of 30 rolls. I refuse to turn my brain towards the calculation. He decided first it was 1 in 4000, then 1 in 400, then he decided it was way higher.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Second thunderstorm of the day. Feels nice. It has certainly cooled the air down nicely. One thing I have missed about living here compared to where I grew up is that there are a lot less thunderstorms. I saw some spectacular sights, be it sitting in a house halfway up a mountain on an island and seeing the lightning strike the sea below, or the night I saw lightning jumping from cloud to cloud instead of hitting the ground. You'd see the contours of the clouds illuminated with each flash. It is hard to describe, but if you've ever seen it you'll know what I am talking about. It was in the early hours of the morning with very few people around. I can only imagine how much more of a sight it must be if you didn't have light pollution around.

The disastrous (for the players) D&D session mentioned above from Friday's game is still being talked about. Below is part of the map. Bonus karma for anyone who can identify where each of the red wizards names came from (they are all standing around the southern end of the water feature). So far, the record is all but 3. Radara the Red is a wizard, but despite that he isn't a Red Wizard so don't bother with him.

The party is currently in a slight bit of trouble and are assuming it is a rival of their employer who is causing the trouble. They asked for a character of mine from another game to have a cameo in this one. I wonder what they'll think when they find out it his him that has set them up (he want's to escape from Thay and is setting things up so that the party will think forces more powerful than they can handle are out to get them and will accept the escape plan their good friend Juan has so kindly came up with for them. This all fits into Juan's backstory about escaping from the wizards that run Thay, so the idea is the party will find out how he did this and help him get out of there).
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Kristi has a day off today. She decided to keep Ash off nursery because he'd been a bit ill yesterday. I suspect she didn't want to get out of bed early this morning though and just wanted to be cuddled by me.

Work is slowly progressing on the December 1st diorama. I'd ordered a dragon for a completely seperate project, but when it turned up, it was nowhere near big enough for what I wanted. I decided though, that this dragon could be my Rudolph. I still need to find another 5 reindeer though, then I can start linking them up and turning some thin wire into reins. The round bases will have 2 reindeer on them each. Had to reposition on of them, but the legs snapped at the ankles. Managed to repair that with a couple of pins and then painted over it so you'd never know about it. That the figure was reared up on its hind legs did make it a bit more tricky to do though. Painting up some gnomes and children that will be added to the scene and some flying fairies. It is going be a lot bigger than any of my previous works.

If I can find another 5 reindeer that don't different from the ones I already have.

The sleigh.

The not quite chubby enough dragon.

Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Ash is having another extra settling-in day at the school today. They seem to think he is settling fine and won't need the other extra days they had planned. He has a class one tomorrow. I think three kids from his nursery are going to be in his school with them. We picked a nursery that was quite far away from our house based on the amount of outdoor play they do. Ash is a child who needs to run off energy or he doesn't sleep. Anyway, I took him up which was a fight. I couldn't find the jacket he wanted to wear and when it came time to leave the house he physically fought against me. I carried him out the house and pretty much had to dump his butt down on the ground while I locked the door. He calmed down as we walked to the school. Kids generally do calm down when they are walking with me. Then again, the choice is generally to walk beside me or get dragged along behind. When it came time to leave he got very clingy, and didn't want to acknowledge his teachers. He did go off with them relucantly and I waited about for 10 minutes or so just to make sure he wasn't having a meltdown or anything. They told me he'd settled so I headed off home.

I'll pick him back up in an hour. Watching a film called Southbound in the meantime. It has just started but I am going to guess it is people trapped in hell and this is their punishment.

That is Ash dropped off back at nursery. He had a good time, was well behaved and joined in the activities. They got him playing on a computer which I guess means I should move up plans to buy him a tablet or something. He was really happy to see me and jumped up to be held. I was glad though that afterward he went over and gave his teacher a cuddle before we left. I took him a cookie to eat while we walked down. Very hot weather today. I had a shower at about 7 this morning, it is just past 11 and I feel like I need another one. Damn hot outside, but very cloudy. More thunderstorms and rain to cool down the air would be nice.

Still thinking this film is a bunch of people trapped in the afterlife. It keeps showing clips from Carnival of Souls whenever anyone passes a tv.

I think his new school is a good one and gives Ash the best chance we can give him at living his best life. Only time will tell if we've made the right decisions and there are no takebacks or do-overs. All we can do is all any parent can really do. What they thought was right at the time.

Got attacked by a pair of seagulls today, one of them coming close enough for its feet to brush through my hair. I threw a punch at it, and they decided to retreat to a safer distance. A guy I used to work beside managed to fall off a pavement when a seagull dived bombed him and couldn't get back up. How bloody useless is that?
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Watching the news at the moment, something I've not done seriously for a couple of months. It is a vague stab in the direction of catching up with the world. No idea if I'll keep that up or just let the world drift on ahead without taking any real notice of it.

Another hot and sweaty day looks like it lies ahead. Took Ash up to his new school. It is just for 45 minutes. Really it would have been easier to stay with him than come home, but I want him to get used to going without me. Since I did the stay-and-play at nursery a few weeks ago he's been expecting me to stay every day so I decided that on balance I should let him stay himself. Plus he'd ignore everything going on if I was there.

Kristi is working until 6 tonight. Might go down to the beach later. The little man can round around the dunes, run off some steam. He loves the beach, just hates the sea. He likes to play on the riverside of the dunes. Maybe we'll go out for lunch.

Picked Ash up after the sports day and took him down to his nursery. He had an award for coming in first at something. He couldn't tell me what, but hey well done whatever it was. He'd been really well behaved at it until I turned up. Once he spotted me, that was it he kept coming running over.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.