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Alex's even longer post thread.

Started by Alex, March 19, 2020, 10:14:15 AM

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The weather has become chilly with a dash of wet.

We had another party member's death last night. This time we were fighting an undead skeletal dinosaur which managed to chew up our paladin in two rounds of combat. Although undead fighting isn't something I am great at (I do lots of damage to things that care to have beating hearts though), but I came up with a cunning plan that did its part in saving the day (magic that heals a living creature damages undead creatures. While I don't have any healing spells as such, I do carry a number of healing potions and splashed them on the thing like it was holy water). It wasn't enough to save the day by itself but it helped.

Some might say I should have given the paladin the healing potion instead, but they'd be weak and lacking in moral fibre (the war cry of our drill instructors back in the day on anyone who was failing).

So the chancellor has just made a statement on a new budget. The last one caused a bit of an economic collapse. You'd think that two people who both hold degrees in economics would figure out that spending plans not being properly funded and accounted for would cause the pound to collapse. Then again, studying something is all well and great, but if you haven't done the job in real life, how much do you really understand about it? Initial reports are that following his speech, the £ fell again, although it remains to be seen how far.

Still not feeling like I am getting a good nights sleep on a regular basis, but everyone seems to be the same way. Surprised Mark hasn't came up with a story about how the immortal lizard people from another dimension are responsible for it. Hmm, I wonder if they have a name for that species? And how do they kill them if they are immortal? If the earth is flat, could someone stand on the edge and stamp their foot hard enough to tip it over and make everyone slide off?
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


I started a new campaign last night. Everything had to be sorted out at fairly short notice to run it (it was first discussed Tuesday night). I decided to run something slightly different. I sat with the players on voice comms, got them to roll some dice, but didn't tell them what the dice were for. I then assigned the scores to their various attributes based on my discussions with them about what they thought their characters were good, bad or indifferent at.

At no time have the players got to see their character sheets. What they got instead was some descriptive text from me, like:
Living on the outer edge of the law, you've certainly learned how to take care of yourself in a fight. With a weapon in hand, you are a better fighter than most men. You can handle your own with a bow or sling too. You do have to watch though. While you can throw a good punch, you have something of a glass jaw. People find you likeable enough, although in most ways you are an average sort of person, if slightly slower than most in the quick thinking department.

Stealing cattle has taught you a number of talents. You can handle a horse and cart, although you've never quite got the nack of riding an animal. You can creep around even the most attentive guard in the wilds, although in cities you haven't quite mastered being able to move quite as quietly. You can handle a lasso competantly and know the secret signs used by those who live off the land. You've even made a few signs yourself. You've found you have an excellent singing voice, and are a natural talent for dancing. You've even snuck into more than one country estate and watched fancy balls through the windows and are confident you could easily do these posh dances.

You carry a wide variety of weapons. You have a belt knife on your hip, a sword, and hidden inside your jacket, a knuckleduster and a throwing knife. For more long ranged problems you have a longbow and a sling. To protect yourself, you wear a thick leather jacket and a cheap pot helmet. Your clothes are well made, if travel-worn and stained. In your backpack, you have a lantern and four pints of oil, 10 yards of good rope, a week's supply of iron rations, a blanket, cloak, whetstone and a fine pair of leather boots. You also have a quiver loaded with 30 arrows.

In your pocket, you keep 2 gold coins.

The idea is that it makes them roleplay more as opposed to roll-playing. I want them to play the game, not the rules and I've just gotten a little bit bored with people trying to make game-breaking character builds, which just means I design enemies that can handle their powers in order to give them a challenge. It is a mini-arms race and not really what I'd like the game to be about. So now they are playing a game where they don't know exactly how good they are. Hell, they don't even know what system we are playing (which also cuts down on the rules lawyer arguments).

From a Games Master's point of view, it is fantastic.

I was worried the players would find it frustrating, but everyone seemed to enjoy it, and I even got them roleplaying their characters.

Today I was issued a challenge to enter a Bolt Action competition at the local games store. I've decided to enter with a British army, and try something different. I am going for a mechanised force and not taking either a tank or even any anti-tank weapons. It is a risky proposition, but I find tanks are generally a huge points sink in that game, and they attract a constant hail of firepower that tends to neutralise them. So instead, I have lots of lightly armoured vehicles. My troops can move fast, and they have a lot of LMGs to lay down heavy anti-infantry firepower. Just not anti-heavy weapons fire.

Going with:

1*1st Lieutenant (Regular experience) + 1 man. 85 points (1 dice).
1*Forward Observer (Artillery, Regular experience). Free (2 dice).

4*5 man Infantry Squads, each carrying 1 LMG (Regular). 280 points (6 dice).
1*10 man Gurkha Squad carrying 2 SMGs and 1 LMG (Veteran) 164 points (7 dice).

4*Bren Carrier with forward firing LMG (Regular). 240 points (11 dice). (Transport for the 5 man teams).
30 CWT Truck (Inexperienced, no weapons). 28 points (12 dice). (Transport for the Gurkhas).
Jeep (Inexperienced) 17 points (13 dice).

Sniper (Veteran). 65 points (14 dice).
Flamethrower team (Regular). 50 points (15 dice).

In theory the flamethrower can disable a tank. I just need to get them very close without being shot up.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


One of the pubs in Elgin keeps opening up under new owners for a brief burst of life, before closing down again. It is being prepared for yet another reopening. Lovely looking old building and I wish the new business luck, but I am expecting it not to last long sadly. On the off chance that people are interested, I'll put a few photos up.

From the street outside.

Fairly old, but not the oldest local building.

I am assuming this is what it used to look like.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


We had a management visit this week. They were supposed to fly out this morning on a BAE flight, but the plane broke. We've been eating out for lunch and then going out for dinner every damn day. I declared that if they had to stay another night, I wasn't going out tonight. Luckily they got another flight organised and should be getting home about now.

Nice visit, welcome to come back another time, but I am glad to see them go too.

On Monday a Fellow from the Royal Society is coming to give a talk on Ukraine. I normally love going to these things. You get a lot of information (although you do have to temper it with the knowledge that what they know tends to be theoretical rather than practical). After leaving Kristi to deal with Ash by herself though I don't think it would be fair to spend another night away. Hearing an academic that actually knows something about what they are talking about without suffering from Ivory Tower Syndrome is a rare thing and the lectures I've been to before from those ones I generally of a high quality.

Due to a school strike meaning the nursery school teachers have to stay home to loo after their kids, means I'd to take tomorrow off work to look after Ash since Kristi is volunteering tomorrow. The Community Council is having to look after some Ukrainian refugees that the local council has dumped on them. They don't object to helping, but the local council didn't contact them before and this isn't really the job of the Community Council.

The concert we had booked to go see for our 10th wedding anniversary has been cancelled, unfortunately. We still have tickets for Valentine's Day and Weird Al two days later, but it is a disappointment, especially since the band seemed to forget to make an announcement that they had cancelled their tour.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Sitting at home, surrounded by computers. I check in on my work laptop every so often to make sure no one is trying to get a hold of me.

I am going to miss this easy life when I leave, but for now life is good.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


I saw a post tearing into Live Aid and Do They Know It's Christmas for being imperialistic and so forth. I asked Kristi to talk me into not replying to it with "Message Received. Next time let them starve."

I seem to be mostly avoiding arguments with idiots and fools recently. Quite unusual for me, normally I'd argue with them to the death. I am guessing it comes down to all the other stuff I am dealing with right now. On a side note, if anyone out there reading this has any political influence, please improve the mental health care provision for veterans in the US. You are lagging badly behind many other countries in this respect and I cannot pick up every single one who slips between the cracks.

And f**king hell, but there are a lot of them. They were willing to put their lives on the line for you, regardless of the cause, or if you agreed with it or not.

Another weekend reached, another weekend closer to being out of this mess. Lots of arguments were going on today when the time came to go home. I just stood up, interrupted it all and said "I'm off, see you all Monday" and left them to it. The winner of the argument was predetermined and I didn't see anything to be gained from either joining in or contributing, especially since the person who was always going to win, was in the right and the loser wasn't going to accept it until it was laid down effectively in law.

I didn't have a lot to do today so I spent it browsing through a website called Cosmic Bazaar. It is an interesting one to read, although I rarely contribute to it. I've been a member for a while now, but it is just something I've not previously used as a resource as much as I perhaps should. It allows experts to comment anonymously on a variety of current events. It is one of those things I'll miss in the future.

One of many things I'll miss I guess, but none of it is enough to persuade me to stay one day longer than I need to. Right now, I think the only things that would persuade me to stay would be if a war broke out between the UK and a major power (in which case I'd be recalled to duty anyway, so I might as well stay and at least pick my job).
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Quote from: Alex on November 25, 2022, 01:05:52 PM

On a side note, if anyone out there reading this has any political influence, please improve the mental health care provision for veterans in the US. You are lagging badly behind many other countries in this respect and I cannot pick up every single one who slips between the cracks.

You are so right, yet if you've been following the revelations about the decades of drinking water contamination at Camp Lejeune, that shows the reality of the lack of concern that exists for US service personnel and their families, behind all the flattering patriotic words of respect and support politicians blow out about them like hot gas every election year.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


Quote from: ER on November 25, 2022, 01:32:42 PM
Quote from: Alex on November 25, 2022, 01:05:52 PM

On a side note, if anyone out there reading this has any political influence, please improve the mental health care provision for veterans in the US. You are lagging badly behind many other countries in this respect and I cannot pick up every single one who slips between the cracks.

You are so right, yet if you've been following the revelations about the decades of drinking water contamination at Camp Lejeune, that shows the reality of the lack of concern that exists for US service personnel and their families, behind all the flattering patriotic words of respect and support politicians blow out about them like hot gas every election year.

It isn't something I've been aware of. When I said elsewhere that I really don't have enough time for things I wasn't kidding. I can guess from your post that it is very poor quality water, possibly with industrial pollution? Currently, the water we drink on our base is filtered and boiled before consumption.

Our new D&D player didn't turn up last night. Not unusual behaviour for him with his PTSD, but Kristi said on his own Discord server he is asking if people want to play a game run by him on Thursday nights. Neither myself nor the guy who runs the Tuesday night game knew he had his own server (it isn't a problem that he has one though). Guess we aren't invited then? Truth be told, with 3 games running weekly and another 2 occasional campaigns ongoing I simply do not have the time for another game. He had told me when he joined that he'd been games mastering for a while and just wanted to play. Combined with his disruptive behaviour during games, we are wondering if he is deliberately trying to wreck other people's games so he can take over and run his own. Not going to judge him yet, but I am keeping my eyes open. As regards the other games, more than one player has approached me asking if our characters could kick his character out of the party (not stopping him playing, but making him reroll). I suspect he'd come up with something equally as disruptive though. It appears to be his preferred style of play.

It doesn't seem like the other players are going to sit back and just let him do his thing. If it comes down to it, I do have equipment that will neutralise all of his special abilities. He can turn invisible at will, but I can see invisible creatures, he has damage resistance against anything not made from cold iron. I happen to have cold iron weapons. He can fly, we are inside a building with low enough ceilings, and my character has boots that allow her to jump up very high and do some Hong Kong-style aerial jumping fighting. Certainly high enough to jump up and stab him. He has arrows that can put you to sleep or wipe your memory, I can snatch arrows out of the air (and fire them back). I'd rather the rest of the group dealt with it in game though with me as a last resort. Hopefully, it will all settle down though and such things won't happen. Since this is not happening in a game I am running (although he is trying to be disruptive there too by becoming a chaos worshipper. I've said this is allowed, but it will give him a lifespan measurable in single-figure games since he will be marked by the god he follows and start to pick up mutations and I have a very big book filled with mutations to roll on).

Ah, the drama.

If I were a better painter (or at least willing to take more time painting), this would look a lot more like Peter Cushing as Baron Frankenstein.

And this would be his creation. Not quite finished them yet.

Taking some time out today, and just spending it doing some writing, watching some horror movies and whatever. I am feeling like I really need just a break from being asked to do things, being there for people and whatnot. Just a bit of time to recharge my batteries.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


The new player mentioned above has dropped out of my Friday game. This isn't something I am worried about. He wants characters who will mess with the party and gets upset when he can't do this. I've got other people waiting to join in. He is still in Kristi's game, but the party has rapidly tired of his antics and he isn't aware just how easily he could be taken out (for example his character can turn invisible at will, I can see invisible creatures, he is immune to most weapons unless they are made from cold iron, I have cold iron weapons, his main attack is being able to fire a magical arrow. I can catch arrows out of the air ninja-style and fire them back, he has spells that I my character is very good at dodging out of the way of). I have asked for the rest of the party to deal with him, but if they don't (or can't), then I can step in. I doubt he'd last more than two rounds in melee combat with me. Ranged, he'd do better but still be outclassed.

Football stuff continues. I keep hearing of shock defeats for big teams against little ones. Kristi told me that she'd seen on the American news that they'd knocked England out of the competition, but others who are more interested in the thing tell me this is wrong and that they (England) are sitting top of their group and look likely to go through to the next round. I did chuckle when someone showed me a headline from I think it was some New York newspaper declaring that their draw against Wales was a huge thing. Come on, Wales is a country of 3 million people and not from what I understand one of the giants of the footballing world. Well done for getting a draw, getting a win would be better, but either way give it a bit of perspective.

Urgh, I know the results of at least two, maybe three football matches. Stop this insidious stuff from crawling inside my head and replacing other useless information, that I happen to be more interested in.

Do they really need another round? I mean come on, the whole thing is just a bunch of overpaid men kicking a bag of air around. The vast majority of the planet's population could do that. Just take it in turns. Ok, you be best this year, and we'll be best next year and them over there, well they can have it the year after.

Give me a shout if there is any real action. Give me rugby or martial arts or something any day over any type of sport that just involves hitting a ball.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


One of my favourite authors is getting his main series of books turned into a tv show.

Lets hope they don't do a Shannara on it.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Quote from: Alex on November 28, 2022, 06:56:28 AM

Football stuff continues. I keep hearing of shock defeats for big teams against little ones. Kristi told me that she'd seen on the American news that they'd knocked England out of the competition, but others who are more interested in the thing tell me this is wrong and that they (England) are sitting top of their group and look likely to go through to the next round. I did chuckle when someone showed me a headline from I think it was some New York newspaper declaring that their draw against Wales was a huge thing. Come on, Wales is a country of 3 million people and not from what I understand one of the giants of the footballing world. Well done for getting a draw, getting a win would be better, but either way give it a bit of perspective.

Urgh, I know the results of at least two, maybe three football matches. Stop this insidious stuff from crawling inside my head and replacing other useless information, that I happen to be more interested in.

Do they really need another round? I mean come on, the whole thing is just a bunch of overpaid men kicking a bag of air around. The vast majority of the planet's population could do that. Just take it in turns. Ok, you be best this year, and we'll be best next year and them over there, well they can have it the year after.

Give me a shout if there is any real action. Give me rugby or martial arts or something any day over any type of sport that just involves hitting a ball.

For the first time in decades, I am not watching the Soccer World Cup: Qatar's human rights record sucks and all those people who died building the facilities? I love soccer but not that much  :tongueout: :tongueout:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


I got into work before anyone else this morning and discovered we had neither power or heating available. Phoned in for a repair, called everyone not yet at work and the boss declared that everyone should go and work from home.

Fair enough, although right now my work consists of watching the Friday the 13th movies. Been meaning to rewatch them for a while and this seems like a great excuse while I do the stuff I need to do.
(Lunch time just now, so I can take a break from my laborious tasks).

The results of the last census are out. Christianity for the first time since they began taking these things is now a minority religion, having lost 13% of people claiming it was their faith in the past 10 years and going below 50%. This has led to calls to decrease the church's remaining political power. It is still the largest religion in the country with its 40-odd percent (compared to say Islam with 6.5% it is still certainly the largest) of people still claiming it as their religion. Shamanism is the fastest-growing religion, but that is all within the context of an increasingly smaller pool of adherents to a faith. That is in England and Wales. With the pandemic, Scotland decided to delay its census during Covid. I can't say I am surprised though. The church could have chosen to be a champion for civil rights and move forward with the modern era but instead chose to try and keep certain people as outcasts. *shrug* It is their choice to act that way and they can deal with the consequences. Faith should never mean oppression though.

I am playing a Civ-type game at the moment called Old World. My wife is 157 years old currently and has the attribute Debauched. Since I am 8 years older than her in the game I feel rather impressed at that.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Quote from: Trevor on November 30, 2022, 09:49:50 AM
Quote from: Alex on November 28, 2022, 06:56:28 AM

Football stuff continues. I keep hearing of shock defeats for big teams against little ones. Kristi told me that she'd seen on the American news that they'd knocked England out of the competition, but others who are more interested in the thing tell me this is wrong and that they (England) are sitting top of their group and look likely to go through to the next round. I did chuckle when someone showed me a headline from I think it was some New York newspaper declaring that their draw against Wales was a huge thing. Come on, Wales is a country of 3 million people and not from what I understand one of the giants of the footballing world. Well done for getting a draw, getting a win would be better, but either way give it a bit of perspective.

Urgh, I know the results of at least two, maybe three football matches. Stop this insidious stuff from crawling inside my head and replacing other useless information, that I happen to be more interested in.

Do they really need another round? I mean come on, the whole thing is just a bunch of overpaid men kicking a bag of air around. The vast majority of the planet's population could do that. Just take it in turns. Ok, you be best this year, and we'll be best next year and them over there, well they can have it the year after.

Give me a shout if there is any real action. Give me rugby or martial arts or something any day over any type of sport that just involves hitting a ball.

For the first time in decades, I am not watching the Soccer World Cup: Qatar's human rights record sucks and all those people who died building the facilities? I love soccer but not that much  :tongueout: :tongueout:

Yeah, a very self-rightous vegan I know is watching it. I know exactly what he is going have said to him the next time he tries preaching to us about how his lifestyle is better than ours.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Sitting at work with no supervision and no work to do right now. I've been listening to some fun tunes and just thinking about life, the universe and everything. We have a 5th D&D campaign starting up shortly, and I've been working on my character a bit. Going for a Swashbuckler this time.

I am not watching the videos on my phone, just listening to the music. The adverts on youtube seem to be something of a waste since I am cannot see them, and whatever they are trying to sell me I have no idea.

It's funny. When I was a teenager, I remember thinking life couldn't get any better. I had a small pool of friends who I trusted, rather than a wide circle and we had great times. There weren't any members of my circle that I didn't like or just tolerated.

Then I left school and headed off into the big wide world. Mostly unprepared, but I made my way through it fairly well. I made a good living but wasn't really tied down to any job and at any time I could just quit, and head off. I travelled a fair bit, lived, laughed and loved life. Much to my surprise, by the time they ended I was not only surviving my 20s (much to my surprise), and I thought life couldn't get any better. It was even more fun than being a teenager.

My 30's were more of a mixed bag. The first third was great, hit a rough patch around the mid to late years, but then 2 years before I was due to leave them I did something I had never really done before and fell in love. I got married and once more life was great.

Now, 2 years off of my 40's ending and approaching middle age (for some reason, I've always looked forward to my 50s. 40s and 60s not so much, but being 50 I dunno just sounds fine to me), life is still being awesome. I still do all the little romantic gestures I did for my wife when we were courting and newlyweds. I have a son who is great fun to be around, even if he does exhaust me.

I am watching the next generation of my extended family being born, moving from the stage where we see our kids entering the world and seeing grandkids arriving instead.

I really pity those who complained about being old while they were still young instead of just enjoying the moment. You get one life to live for sure. Everything else no matter how confident you might feel about your beliefs being the right ones are ultimately conjecture and unproven. Enjoy it, because come that day when it is all over, you'd feel mighty foolish if you spent your life not having fun, only to find out there isn't some big sky daddy judging you for everything you've ever done.

Occasionally I do wonder if somewhere their is a price to be paid for enjoying life this much. I know Kristi has never quite been as full of life and joy since we lost Lilly-Beth. Once I leave my job and I no longer have a secure high income and house, will we end up struggling, homeless and living in poverty? It would be very easy to just cancel my PVR and stay hidden here, having an easy life for another two years. Still, leaving is something I have to face sooner or later and at least this way I am meeting it on my own terms.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


I am the only person in the office today. For different reasons both Karl and Mark need to work from home today,

No work on, so what to do, what to do?

Well first off, I can sit and watch me some old Hammer-type movies (I will quite happily include stuff from Amicus as being Hammer because at the end of the day they were copying them so closely there isn't really much of a difference).

Hopefully, my gaming group will finish The Oldenhaller Contract tonight and I can move them onto a new adventure. I am thinking of a gothic horror haunted mansion-type thing. Of course, this assumes they will survive their encounter with a creature called a Beast of Nurgle. Imagine a very friendly puppy that just happens to cause whatever it touches to pick up a variety of nasty diseases. Anyway, should they get past that adventure, their employer will offer them a second job. He has a remote mansion that has a problem with squatters and the party will be employed to clear them out. I am thinking the party arrives a little bit before dark.

Tomorrow I have the wargaming competition I signed up for and have been wishing I hadn't ever since. Oh well, I've paid for my ticket now so I might as well compete. As soon as that finishes I am rushing home for a night out with Kristi. Busy, busy, busy. Today at work is something of a relief to be honest. I hope we have nothing planned for Sunday.

A previous ex once told me that she was worried I'd die alone. I don't see why that should be considered a bad thing. I mean if I am dying with other people, then presumably it is some sort of accident or act of war. I'd kinda like some privacy myself. If she'd said I'd live alone, well that I could have understood more as something to be worried about. Oddly enough, I always figured that would be her fate, being a total b***h until she had forced anyone who tried to care about her, out of her life. She wanted three things out of life. A honeymoon in Mexico, not to get pregnant again unless she was married and to emigrate to Australia. I wonder if she achieved any of them. Hopefully, but somehow I doubt it. Takes more than just being a pretty face to get through life and get what you want I guess. Maybe if she'd had some kind of lucky break, she could have been something more.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.