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Alex's even longer post thread.

Started by Alex, March 19, 2020, 10:14:15 AM

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Quote from: Trevor on April 24, 2023, 07:39:40 AM
Quote from: Alex on April 24, 2023, 05:15:03 AM
Meant to bring a book to read but didn't pick it up on the way out.  The family are all popping into Irvine for the day. I'll meet up with them on the way back.

Is that the Irvine mentioned in the Proclaimers song?

Yeah. It is about 5km from the town I grew up in.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Took the family out to Glasgow yesterday and to the Transport Museum. Passed by the S.S. Waverley which was docked outside the science museum. That is something that I want to take Kristi on for a trip. Had time for a quick bit of shopping afterwards and picked up a book (because I can't go without buying a book afterall) before we'd to get home in time for Elizabeth to go out for her Tuesday night thing. We had a quick spot of lunch on board the ship. I was surprised how curved the deck was below.

Anyway, this is the Waverley which to the best of my knowledge is the last ocean-going steamship still going in the world.

This is at the front end of a sailing ship, which is the last such vessel built in Glasgow that is still afloat.

The pointy bit of the boat.

The sticky up bit.

Inside the pointy bit.

These things are long.

The windy up & down anchor bit.

The captains bedroom.

His bath.

The main part of his cabin.

He gets his own kitchen too it seems.

Found the ships cat.

I am going to assume the ship isn't actually steered from here as there were structures to the fore of it and if you have your hands on it, you are looking out over the back of the ship. Or maybe sailing vessels had rear-wheel steering?

Communications flags for semaphore.

The map room. This is what blocks your line of sight from the wheel.

One of the old trams.

Ash playing.
[img width =300][/img]

We used to have one of those camper vans. My memories of it though are incredibly vague.

Used to have one of these cars too. That one I remember fairly well.

Looks like the traffic cones are winning.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


The trip home was quiet enough. It was marked by there being absolutely no problems and we got back an hour and a half earlier than we expected. Yay for that.

Hmm, Amazon thinks Tank Girl has nudity in it? Well, ok a guy strips off, but it isn't like you actually see anything. I guess they have very wide-ranging criteria. To me, if you'd see more skin if someone was dressed for sunbathing, then it isn't really nudity. I remember Lori Petty in an interview saying she'd have loved to have got naked for that role. Maybe it's the thought that counts?

Never did like her fake eyebrows myself.

Dropped Ash off this morning and then ran out to Elgin for some urgent supplies. Kristi is doing a course tomorrow, so I might pop in again and take the little man with me. It has been a while since I was last at the cemetery and I like the grave to have fresh flowers. If I can't do anything else for Lilly, I can at least do that for her. On the off-chance there is an afterlife I want her to know she isn't forgotten.

With a week away, we've had no RPG's going on. Tonight should be the first session back, with my party exploring the house that is slowly driving them insane and taking their souls into the bargain. Ordered some more display boxes for my figures. Hopefully, I've ordered enough that I can have a shelf clear. Ideally, all of Kristi's US troops will be boxed up along with the vast majority of my smaller fantasy figures. The larger ones... well it isn't really worth putting them in these boxes. They are tall enough that they'll cancel out any benefit I'd have gotten.

We got our friend to come out each day and sit in the house with Elsa while we were away. It gave her time away from her partner to think about things and settle her own mind. I also got her into reading David Gemmell (one of only 3 writers that have managed to give me a major emotional reaction to one of their stories). They've started couples therapy. I've said to Nikki that if her partner suddenly starts making excuses not to go, that this is a major red flag and she needs to get out.

I think we've adopted another stray person.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Kristi is off doing a course all day today, so I took Ash out with me. Went up to the cemetery first, which to Ash is nothing more than a wide open space to run around in. I generally have to keep a tight grip on him and explain that he can't do that here. For some reason, today I told him to "Let them sleep. We don't want to wake them up early." No idea why I said that, or why that way.

Then again later on when I was in a shop, I apparently bought something I don't even remember picking up or looking at. It isn't even something I can use or want. I have a friend I can give it to though, so it won't be entirely wasted. Big enough box. You'd think I'd remember picking it up. There was a music festival on, but Ash wasn't interested in going anywhere near it. All the young girls and women were all dressed up for it, in their best festival gear. For some reason, this year that seems to mean wearing stupid hats that look like rejected lampshades. Still I hope they have fun. One girl who obviously thought she was the coolest thing on the planet managed to trip up and fall flat on her face in the middle of the high street. That did give me a chuckle. She seemed unhurt by it though (other than her pride).

Woohoo, I finally managed to get to listen to the whole of Iron Maiden's Empire of the Clouds without anyone interrupting me. It is 18 minutes long and this is the first time since the song came out that I've been able to listen to it from start to finish without having to go off and do something else in between.

I just spent a couple of hours answering a lot of questions about sex. It left me feeling like Quagmire from Family Guy, which should be odd because there is an awful lot of things out there I've not tried (and have no wish to). Since the person asking me has been sexually active for a fair length of time themselves (over a decade), and this kind of Q&A session is not unusual for me, I'd have to say people get a little bit more experimental. If you get only one run at this life and there is no afterlife you might as well enjoy yourself as much as possible.

Kristi is watching an Elvis movie. I gave it away that I wasn't watching it when I absent-mindedly started singing along to Asia. Shame it hadn't been the next song to come on (True Survivor by David Hasselhoff).
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


i really need to start reading this thread daily again.
don't EVEN...EVER!


Got Kristi to take Ash out of the house for the day yesterday, which rather than meaning I can dance naked around the house or whatever, means I get time and space to do the deep cleaning jobs. Yesterday was the unfortunate combination of cleaning the oven along with doing laundry. I say unfortunate because the crap I cleaned out of the oven (I've been trying to a chance to do this since last year, but Kristi got p**sy with me every time I asked her to take Ash out and I got fed up with it so stopped asking meaning it was way overdue a clean. Next time she does that, I'll take him out myself and leave her to do the work. In fact, if I get anything less than a "Yes darling, I'll take him out quite happily" I'll leave her to do the job and then maybe she'll appreciate me doing it a bit more. She'd been asking me all morning if I wanted Ash to stay or go with her, and that is was my choice. When I said take him with you, she turned around to Ash and asked him if he wanted to stay with me or go with her. At that point I just said why the hell did you ask me if you were going to turn round and do that), managed to clog up the sink. When the washing machine went to empty itself the pipes were then blocked and this led to a minor flood in the laundry room. I discovered this when I walked in and there was water running down the cupboards from the overflowing sink. I also at one point managed to get a big lungful of the cleaner (even with full ventilation etc), and it had me throwing up (hence why I don't want either Kristi with her damaged lungs, or Ash anywhere near while I am doing the cleaning).

Anyway, I got all the mess cleaned up and done with before they got back.

Got some guy wanting to do a survey based on our tv viewing habits. Since we don't watch terrestrial tv channels any more, that should make it quite a short thing. He is supposed to be around later this morning. Anyway, tidying up the living room before he arrived turned into scrubbing the downstairs of the house. I guess that is appropriate for Beltane.

It is now the afternoon, and he hasn't shown up yet. Fine with me.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Took Kristi out for a walk today as part of a fitness regime. Normally she goes on long walks, but they are meandering slow-paced affairs, whereas I had her walking at closer to my speed. I told her to set a fast pace that she was comfortable with and could keep up for an hour. We'll continue at that for a little while then work her up. The idea is that you walk at a speed that is just on the edge of being short of breath. You don't slow down, just keep up the same pace. Definitely don't sit down to catch your breath (when you sit down you close up your lungs slightly and get less oxygen in when you are breathing so it is counterproductive taking a rest. The best thing is to walk around with your hands clasped behind your head to open your lungs up).

Catching up with season 3 of The Mandalorian. I wonder how the movie will tie things up?
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


alex. you know i love you, so i'm going to BEG you NOT to use that nasty oven cleaner anymore!!! but the citrus and enzyme stuff! it takes longer, but it won't hurt ANY of you!!!
don't EVEN...EVER!


Quote from: Alex on May 01, 2023, 06:27:27 AM
Got Kristi to take Ash out of the house for the day yesterday, which rather than meaning I can dance naked around the house or whatever

Oy  :buggedout: :teddyr: :teddyr:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


I was having a slightly late lie-in this morning. I normally go get Ash out of his bed just before 7 and he'll lie in bed between me and Kristi until he wakes up properly, normally this takes about 10 minutes. This morning he fell back asleep and I dozed off too for a little bit myself. When I woke back up I thought, if Kristi is sleeping and Ash is sleeping, I am just going to leave them. He can have the day off. Kristi did wake up though. Anyway, she said I could have a lie-in if I wanted. For some reason, my brain started thinking about previous lovers and ranking them up for various awards (Best Boobs, Most Imaginative, Smallest Boobs, Most Selfish, Highest Stamina, Most Likely To Be Mistaken For A Log, Loudest and so forth). Most of them were clustered around a group of a dozen or so women. Well, all of them were in this small group. Each of them were special to me in their own way. Sometimes in a good way, sometimes in a bad way but they and their names have stuck in my memory (well except one who my memory keeps trying to change her name).

I was looking at the cost of flights for me and Ash's holiday and came to the conclusion that we'd have to cancel it. We could afford the flights and the medical insurance costs etc, but we'd have no spending money. That is depressing me quite a lot, but hey I'll get over it in a day or two.

It is my birthday this weekend and the countdown on the final year of my 40s dawns. Even as a teenager, I looked forward to being in my 50s. No idea why, but it has always seemed an appealing age. 60s not so much. I view that as being officially old, coffin-dodging time. That I'll still be raising a son when I hit that milestone is not lost on me. Got some geeky friends (come to think of it, I am not sure I have any non-geeky ones) coming over this weekend. Time for some board games, beer and chilling out.

Apparently, these are the signs of middle age:

1) Losing touch with everyday technology such as tablets and TVs - So so. I've never gotten that involved with tech.
2) Finding you have no idea what 'young people' are talking about. - Even when I was one.
3) Feeling stiff. - This past couple of months yes.
4) Needing an afternoon nap. Hell no.
5) Groaning when you bend down. That has been happening for decades.
6) Not remembering the name of any modern bands. - Hah! Got you there. I actually do listen to some new music (although within my specific preferred genres. Don't ask me about the charts), but stuff like Powerwolf, Poppy, Sabaton, Alestorm and so forth, sure).
7) Talking a lot about your joints/ailments. - See 3.
8) Hating noisy pubs. - Never been a fan to be honest.
9) Getting more hairy -– ears, eyebrows, nose, face etc. - No.
10) Thinking policemen/teachers/doctors look really young. - Not yet.
11) Preferring a night in with a board game than a night on the town. - Always. This is not age-related for me.
12) You don't know any songs in the top ten. - Guilty.
13) Choosing clothes and shoes for comfort rather than style. - I dress in comfortable black, thus fulfilling both.
14) Taking a flask of tea on a day out. - I don't care for tea.
15) Obsessive gardening or bird feeding. - Loath gardening and the thing about feeding birds is that they'll s**t on you afterwards and not care.
16) Thinking there is nothing wrong with wearing an anorak. - No. Never.
17) Forgetting people's names. - Does not bothering to try and remember them in the first place count?
18) Booking on to a cruise. - Thought about it but I have the suspicion that I'd be very bored unless it went all Under Seige or something.
19) Misplacing your glasses/bag/car keys etc. - I always put these things in the same places so I know where they will be when I need them.
20) Complaining about the rubbish on television these days. - Well I think there is a lot of good TV currently.
21) Gasping for a cup of tea. - Nope. Don't like tea much.
22) Getting bed socks for Christmas and being very grateful. - If by grateful you mean offended, then yes.
23) Taking a keen interest in The Antiques Road Show. - I used to enjoy watching that when I was young, but I've went off it.
24) When you start complaining about more things. - I think I complain about the same as I always have.
25) Listening to the Archers. - Never have.
26) You move from radio one to radio two. - Yes, not that I listen to either, but out of the two, I'd prefer the latter.
27) Joining the National Trust. - No.
28) Being told off for politically incorrect opinions. - I am in the military, so yes.
29) Flogging the family car for something sportier. - Never owned a car.
30) When you can't lose six pounds in two days anymore. - Sadly yes.
31) You get shocked by how racy music videos are. - Did you ever see the full uncensored video for Duran Duran's Girls on Film? Yeah, come back to me when you have more nudity than that.
32) Taking a keen interest in the garden. - Hell no, I pay someone else to do that for me.
33) Buying travel sweets for the car. - No.
34) Considering going on a 'no children' cruise for a holiday. - No, I like going places with my kid.
35) When you know your alcohol limit. - No.
36) Obsessively recycling/ knowing the collection dates. - No.
37) Always carrying a handy pack of tissues - No, but Kristi does.
38) Falling asleep after one glass of wine. - Don't drink wine.
39) Spending more money on face creams/anti-aging products. - No. I do have a moisturiser that I use when its windy to avoid windburn though.
40) Preferring a Sunday walk to a lie in. Since I was a young boy, I've preferred getting up and doing something to a long lie in.

I guess mentally I am not quite there yet. Wouldn't be fair to Ash either to accept growing old. Do you have any idea how many times a day he'll ask me to chase him through the house and tickle him, or he'll want me to pick him up and carry him? Yeah, I don't get to accept aging for a while yet lol.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Over a period of months, for various reasons, my D&D assassin had killed off 3 party members. This record has now been equalled by another group member.

We were exploring in caves around a volcano. A swarm of tiny bugs called Hellwasp swarms (well, three of the swarms) attacked us. Fighting a swarm is a difficult thing to do. Regular weapons do no damage against them, so the fighters are pretty much useless and it comes down to AOE spells. The bugs also carry a potent venom that was slowly draining the party's Dex, which in turn means they are easier to hit, so it is a challenging fight. The bugs were crawling over everyone, and the casters were low on spells, but we were in a desperate situation, so we told them to pull out whatever big guns they had left. The cleric calls down a meteor which slams into the ground, doing a lot of damage(my assassin and the other rogue in the group were able to avoid the damage but that leaves the rest of the group to take the pain). You might think that is where we lost some party members, but no we all survived it although it weakened us. The bugs, however, were still in the fight. I took out one of the swarms by throwing a tanglefoot bag at them (basically trapping them in a sticky goo), but we still had another 2 swarms to go.

The wizard pulled out a spell called Cone of Cold. Again, this was going to hit everything. He decided to use another magic item he had in conjunction with the spell to mean it would cause the maximum possible damage. It was at this point in the game that 3 party members dropped dead. You go unconscious at 0 HPs and die at -10 HPs. Matt's character was taken down to -69 health, so Kristi ruled him to be a frozen popsicle (later on I pushed him over and when his body shattered, I used some of the ice to cool my drink). We did manage to use a one-off magic item to bring back one of the dead party members, but we are definitely battered and bloodied.

Matt has now lost 6 characters in the game.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Got to take Ash to the nursery by myself this morning. I won't say he went in happily, but I did get him to go in without tears and crying. Normally Kristi will ask him questions about what he is going to do there and since he doesn't want to go, rather than talking about the things he enjoys at it, he just gets increasingly wound up about it on the journey. I've asked her to stop but to no avail. Anyway, after hearing about today's results, she has finally agreed to try it. He asked a few times on the trip if instead of going to nursery, if we could go to Elgin instead. Poor kid, wait until he gets a load of school. The child psychiatrist might have suggested trying talking to him about going and the fun he is going to have, but that doesn't mean it is going to be successful and since it's been tried for over a year and had no positive results thus far I am going to say it just isn't ever going to work. It is just a shame it has taken this long to get her to at least give my idea a try. He is almost finished going there (finishes up in June). You aren't going to figure out kids problems by thinking like an adult and applying that straight to them. You really need to remember how you thought and felt as a child. I love Kristi very much, but having to prove myself every damn time that I can be right about things is exhausting me. Whether it is something like this, or even something as simple as what platform a train is going to be coming in, it would be nice if there wasn't an automatic assumption that I am wrong about it. I mean it only took me one week to completely change walking him down there in the mornings. I got him calmed down so he wasn't screaming, it took 20 minutes to walk there instead of an hour. You'd think I'd have earned a little trust there, but while Kristi has kept reminding him that he is going to nursery, I just haven't been able to make any further progress.

Anyway, Ash had an incredibly good day at nursery. He went outside with the other kids, ran around and played. All things he doesn't normally want to do. Now, that might just be a one-off and have no connection (although I find it doubtful. If I am getting him there happier and not stressed out, it stands to reason he'll have a better time), but it is at least worth continuing with trying. Ideally, I plan on getting him to the stage where he is happy to be going, although I might not have enough time left in the school year to get there, I am still going to try.

Got told a friend had a fight with a local shop owner whom I am also friendly with and I called him to check and see if he is ok. He was completely surprised and confused as no such argument or fight had taken place.

Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Getting ready to take a walk out to the shops. Ash brought me the first of my presents this morning (a pair of Urbanmechs for Battletech. My first thought was "Oh dear, I've upset Kristi." (Urbies are renowned for being terrible mechs), but since she doesn't play the game and doesn't know the units I figured it is more she just bought what was available). Despite their reputation, I do have a soft spot for Urbies. You put them on the table and your opponent will immediately underestimate them). There were a few other gaming-related gifts, but my favorite so far is this:

Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Quote from: Alex on May 07, 2023, 04:24:47 AMThere were a few other gaming-related gifts, but my favorite so far is this:

That movie produced a piece of trivia which really made me LOL when I read about it.  :teddyr: :teddyr:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


don't EVEN...EVER!