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World War 1/spy movie comedy

Started by wondermanrules, December 07, 2011, 07:32:22 AM

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Trying to think of the name of this movie has been driving my father and I insane for years. It was played on HBO in the mid 1980s early 1990s and IMDB and Google have produced no results.

The only scenes we remember are these:

An aerial battle between two biplanes during World War 1 opens the film with a narrator talking about the combatants over the action. The German pilot manages to escape or is let go by the other pilot who could have killed him and the narrator says, "...and if he had just shot the Fokker down in the first place none of this would have happened."

The second scene I recall happens later in the film. The hero who is a bumbling spy and a woman are in a hotel room and he opens a suitcase and a giant spider bites his hand. He lies to her about the spider bite and starts showing clear signs of being poisoned but keeps denying it, including his hand swelling to the size of a baseball mitt and foaming at the mouth.

If this sounds familiar to anyone please let me know. I'm dying to find this movie again.


Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!


No it wasn't Biggles because it didn't have time jumping in it, but thanks for reminding me of this film. :)

The one I am trying to find wasn't set in modern times if I recall right just WW1 and maybe WW2. It was a sort of a parody film of war and spy movies like Top Secret but without as big a budget. 


I forgot to add that I think the movie may have been British or at the very least had British actors.

Rayo Casablanca

Hmmm. I'm really curious about this one. Perhaps the French, dubbed flick DON'T LOOK NOW: WE'RE BEING SHOT AT?

Rayo Casablanca

Also look at Blake Edward's WWI spoof titled DARLING LILI. There's a spy in that.


No, it wasn't DON'T LOOK NOW: WE'RE BEING SHOT AT or DARLING LILI.  :bluesad:

The movie wasn't that old. I think at the most it could have been from the late 1970s but I am almost positive it was filmed during the 1980s.

Like I said the film starts out with the biplane dogfight and it's narrated as if it's a serious film until the line about shooting the Fokker down. It was very much in the same vein of humor as Airplane or a Monty Python movie.

I wish I could remember more about it. :question:


\\\\\\\"Freedom is not free\"\\\\\\ or ///\"Where ever you go, there you are!\"///


No, it wasn't Top Secret, I have that on DVD.

Rayo Casablanca

This one's really killing me. How about HIGH ROAD TO CHINA (83)?

Rayo Casablanca

There's also the super-obscure BRING 'EM BACK ALIVE, a TV show INDIAN JONES rip-off set in the '30s about an animal wrangler caught up in spy shenanigans. That would explain the spider...


No, it wasn't High Road to China, that movie has a totally different beginning than the one I'm looking for. And I am positive it wasn't a TV show since the movie was played on HBO, the movie channel, during the 1980s so it wasn't Bring 'em Back Alive.

I mostly remember it was on in the early mornings and afternoons around the same time they used to show movies like Detective School Dropouts and Blame it on the Bellboy so it was definitely being played as late as 1993 on that channel.

The only other thing I can recall is the hero/main spy was constantly trying to act suave and cool like a James Bond type but he was a complete idiot.


There are few things more beautiful than a sporting montage with a soft-rock soundtrack


YES!!!  :bouncegiggle:That's it! I just watched it on YouTube and it has the scenes I remembered. Thank you so much for helping me with this!  :thumbup: :cheers: