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Started by Nightowl, February 10, 2011, 01:26:39 PM

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Rev. Powell

Conjoined twins the Hilton Sisters appeared in only two movies in their lives, FREAKS (1932) and CHAINED FOR LIFE (1952). On September 13, 2019, two unrelated movies titled FREAKS and CHAINED FOR LIFE will be released to theaters.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


pacman000 got it right. The answer is cucumbers. You can grill most vegetables on the grill, but not cucumbers, as they apparently turn mushy, when grilled on the grill.

He likes/he dislikes. His opinions. Yet they are seldom backed up by facts, as to what he like/he dislikes. There are exceptions.
So, next time: an exception.


The front page of the Cincinnati Enquirer for Monday July 10, 1944 shows a helicopter delivering laundry to a suburban home with an article predicting this as the coming future. With Amazon experimenting with drone delivery,  I'd say the writer was not far off.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


As he said: "He likes/he dislikes, but he seldom has factual reasons for what he likes/he dislikes. Yet there are exceptions. One being Broadchurch."

Broadchurch. The British TV miniseries from 2013. Here the characters of the police are so poorly written, that they come off as being more stupid than smart. Thus, here are over 30 instances that they showed their stupidity, and over 30 factual reasons he disliked Broadchurch.

01. Failed to treat properly cigarette butt evidence found near victim's body.

02. Failed to sift sand around victim's body for more evidence.

03. Failed to bag victim's hands to prevent contamination of any evidence found under victim's fingernails.

04. Failed to understand that when a family member is killed, the most likely suspect is another family member.

05. Failed to verify one suspect's alibi, before allowing suspect to walk off and set up a possible false alibi.

06. Failed to understand that any trace evidence found on victim's body is important.

07. Failed to search victim's room for clues to victim's murder. Police not Soco.

In another British mystery, a better written British mystery, the police checked out every book, every cd, every dvd in the victim's room in an effort to try and understand the victim and any possible motivation for the victim's murder.

08. Failed to properly seize victim's electronic devices and search them for clues to victim's muder--in a timely manner.

09. Failed to properly use police manpower.

10. Failed to question improper use of police manpower.

11. Failed to do anything about--apparently--thriving drug trade in town.

To be continued . . .


Continuing previous post . . .

12. Failed to provide competent police laison to watch for suspects in victim's family.

13. Failed to use victim's funeral to look for possible suspects.

In an American mystery, a better written mystery, the police used the victim's funeral to look for suspects in victim's murder.

14. Failed to call for more police when a mob shows up at one suspect's door.

15. Failed to have another adult present, when questioning a child who was a suspect in the murder. Thus, possiblely, making any evidence attended in questioning inadmissible in court.

In other British mysteries, better written mysteries, apparently, a child cannot be questioned by the police, in most cases, without an another adult being there to represent the interests of the child.

16. Failed to stop pursuing one suspect, even when suspect's hands proved to be too small to commit a strangulation murder.

17. Failed to prevent one material witness from leaving town.

18. Failed to bring material witness back to town.

19. Failed to even pursue material witness.

20. Failed to listen to police chief, when being spoken to. Instead walks away.

You do not walk away when the boss is speaking to you. You just do not.

21. Failed to say anything to person being spoken to, who walks away.

That is the problem with Broadchurch. Characters say and do whatever they want, without anyone correcting them.

22. Failed to create a realistic recreation of victim's last moments.

To be continued . . .


There are still quite a few movies that German censors think are harmful to minors, remaining on a list of forbidden movies that will most likely never see a release in Germany. A few examples:

The School Girls (1970) - pornographic scenes involving young teenage actors.
Mark of the Devil Part II (1973) - glorification of sadistic violence.
The Bod Squad (1974) - glorification of sex and violence.
Faces of Death (1978) - animal violence, graphic death scenes.
Cannibal Apocalypse (1980) - glorification of violence.
Ilsa, Harem Keeper of the Oil Sheiks (1976) - pornographic scenes, sadistic violence.
Inseminoid (1981) - glorification of violence.
Inferno (1980) - liable to have an undesirable influence on the moral development of young people.
The Toolbox Murders (1978) - for violence and sadistic violence.
Tower of Evil (1972) - for graphic violent content.
Skin 'em Alive (1978) - glorification of violence.
Death Wish II (1982) - rape, violence.
The Ultimate Warrior (1975) - violence.
Torso (1973) - sex, drugs and violence.
Caligula And Messalina (1981) - pornographic content.
Don't Go in the House (1979) - sadistic violence.
Vigilante (1982) - violence.
Vengeance of the Zombies (1973) - sex and violence.


In the early 20th century, when words had other meanings, the state of South Carolina launched an ad campaign in various magazines aimed at attracting tourism to the state.

The slogan was:


(This was re-discovered in this century and resurrected, amid much protest and anger.)
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


I am currently 40% sure that my new co-worker is either gay and living in a closet or at the very least bi. Not that this makes any difference to anything. Even when I was a child or teenager I never really cared about anyone's orientation.

Possibly his excuse though of being late for work because he had to finish the sing-a-long version of The Greatest Showman might be the worst excuse for being late I have ever heard.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.

Svengoolie 3

Some scandi country rated. E. T. "X" because it taught kids to defy adults.
The doctor that circumcised Trump threw away the wrong piece.


Denmark was founded by men named Dennis and Mark.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


Did you know that a bunch of lightly armed Canadian paratroopers saved Denmark from Soviet occupation at the end of WW2? I'd imagine both Dennis and Mark and both grateful.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Continuing . . .

23. Failed to remove oneself from case, when ill health endangers case.

24. Failed to remove one from case, when ill health endangers case.

25. Failed to protect possible crime scene from weather and/or human contamination.

26. Failed to take back-up when confronting murder suspect.

27. Failed to keep victim's father away from possible murderer of victim.

28. "Rats" (i.e. Internal Affairs) failed to properly investigate prior case, which had to be dropped because of police misbehavior.

29. Failed to do door-to-door canvasing for witnesses.

30. Failed to look for any boats that went missing on night murder was committed.

31. Failed to investigate suspects' past, as this is probably not the 1st time that suspects' were suspected of child molestation.

32. Failed to investigate what victim was doing with 500 British pound sterling hidden in room.
      No why? No who? No where? No when? No how?

33, Failed to note and/or photograph, for suspecious behavior, of people visiting victim's memorial.

Thus, the police are the best examples of characters so poorly written, that they come across as being almost totally stupid, but, the other characters in the TV miniseries also said and/or did somthing so stupid, that the mind boggles, at how poorly written, they were. Thus, we will take them up next time.

To be continued . . .

Rev. Powell

Quote from: claws on September 22, 2019, 08:11:34 PM
There are still quite a few movies that German censors think are harmful to minors, remaining on a list of forbidden movies that will most likely never see a release in Germany. A few examples:

The School Girls (1970) - pornographic scenes involving young teenage actors.
Mark of the Devil Part II (1973) - glorification of sadistic violence.
The Bod Squad (1974) - glorification of sex and violence.
Faces of Death (1978) - animal violence, graphic death scenes.
Cannibal Apocalypse (1980) - glorification of violence.
Ilsa, Harem Keeper of the Oil Sheiks (1976) - pornographic scenes, sadistic violence.
Inseminoid (1981) - glorification of violence.
Inferno (1980) - liable to have an undesirable influence on the moral development of young people.
The Toolbox Murders (1978) - for violence and sadistic violence.
Tower of Evil (1972) - for graphic violent content.
Skin 'em Alive (1978) - glorification of violence.
Death Wish II (1982) - rape, violence.
The Ultimate Warrior (1975) - violence.
Torso (1973) - sex, drugs and violence.
Caligula And Messalina (1981) - pornographic content.
Don't Go in the House (1979) - sadistic violence.
Vigilante (1982) - violence.
Vengeance of the Zombies (1973) - sex and violence.

Wow, that sounds like a British Video Nasty list. I never thought of Germany as heavy on censorship (except for Nazi stuff, for obvious reasons). Some really sick stuff has come out of Germany over the years. If I understand the system correctly, they can still sell this stuff directly---isn't it like the US MPAA rating system, where "NC-17" means no one will advertise it, but it's not actually prohibited? I mean, they sold NEKROMANTIK, after all.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...

Svengoolie 3

Fun fact: if yoiu took out all your blood vessels and laid them end to end, you would die.
The doctor that circumcised Trump threw away the wrong piece.


Quote from: Rev. Powell on October 02, 2019, 02:20:06 PM
Quote from: claws on September 22, 2019, 08:11:34 PM
There are still quite a few movies that German censors think are harmful to minors, remaining on a list of forbidden movies that will most likely never see a release in Germany. A few examples:

The School Girls (1970) - pornographic scenes involving young teenage actors.
Mark of the Devil Part II (1973) - glorification of sadistic violence.
The Bod Squad (1974) - glorification of sex and violence.
Faces of Death (1978) - animal violence, graphic death scenes.
Cannibal Apocalypse (1980) - glorification of violence.
Ilsa, Harem Keeper of the Oil Sheiks (1976) - pornographic scenes, sadistic violence.
Inseminoid (1981) - glorification of violence.
Inferno (1980) - liable to have an undesirable influence on the moral development of young people.
The Toolbox Murders (1978) - for violence and sadistic violence.
Tower of Evil (1972) - for graphic violent content.
Skin 'em Alive (1978) - glorification of violence.
Death Wish II (1982) - rape, violence.
The Ultimate Warrior (1975) - violence.
Torso (1973) - sex, drugs and violence.
Caligula And Messalina (1981) - pornographic content.
Don't Go in the House (1979) - sadistic violence.
Vigilante (1982) - violence.
Vengeance of the Zombies (1973) - sex and violence.

Wow, that sounds like a British Video Nasty list. I never thought of Germany as heavy on censorship (except for Nazi stuff, for obvious reasons). Some really sick stuff has come out of Germany over the years. If I understand the system correctly, they can still sell this stuff directly---isn't it like the US MPAA rating system, where "NC-17" means no one will advertise it, but it's not actually prohibited? I mean, they sold NEKROMANTIK, after all.

It (is and) used to be a complicated system. Since the 2010s German censors have "lighten up" so to speak, in regards of forbidden movies from yesteryear. Movies they thought were harmful to minors in the 1980s aren't anymore these days. For example, The Evil Dead (1981) was banned in Germany for what, 36 years? Two years ago German censors and the court declared The Evil Dead as not a threat to minors anymore (in other words: it is dated by today's standards. They also said the special effects come off as laughably bad now). The uncut version was re-rated and received a "16" rating which is similar to a PG-13.

In some cases (back in the day) German censors actually confiscated original prints / film rolls directly from the distributer of movies they thought broke the law (example: Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2). There was also a time authorities would raid video rental stores, confiscating tapes of movies that were put on the index list.

If German censors refuse to give a movie a rating, the distributer has a few options. They can release the movie without a rating but they usually end up on the index list of forbidden movies. They still can be sold in stores, but you have to ask (clerk) for them. They can not be displayed or sold online anymore.