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The Grudge 2 Dilema

Started by Mr. DS, February 20, 2007, 01:14:14 PM

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Mr. DS

This past weekend I took part in watch The Grudge 2 (the American edition).  After seeing the first one I was hoping that certain plot elements would be resolved.  For example, I wanted to hear more about the curse on the house and someone's knowledge on how to stop the girl from killing.  The end result was another "huh" ending with no plot resolution. 

I guess my main complaint is the lack of any real movement in the storyline unless theres something I'm missing.  I personally haven't seen the Japanese edition.  Do they cover more in the Japanese edition that I'm missing?   :question:
DarkSider's Realm

"You think the honey badger cares?  It doesn't give a sh*t."  Randall


I can honestly say that The Grudge is the only film to EVER put me to sleep in the theater.  I absolutely loathe that film with a passion.  The original was surreal and creepy, while what we got here in America was crap.

I'm staying as far away from the sequel as possible.
"The greatest medicine in the world is human laughter. And the worst medicine is zombie laughter." -- Jack Handey

A bald man named Savalas visited me last night in a dream.  I think it was a Telly vision.


Darksider, Grudge and it sequel (Japanese versions) really doesn't hold connetions or answers to the house. Just bits here and there. If want that type of info your going have to get a made for tv called "Ju-on". I don't think its out in the States (I bought them bootleg from E-bay) on two dvds. They give alot of interesting info and answers on the kid and mother and how they died and why. Its creepy as hell.
Most of all I hate dancing then work,exercise,people,stupidpeople


here you go

in japan its a quadrilogy of sorts
ju-on: the curse
ju-on: the curse 2
ju-on: the grudge
ju-on: the grudge 2

T-Rex Television

Well, i saw part of the japense version ( although the speech was in japanese and i cant see too far away so i couldnt read the subtitles either from where i was) but it wasnt even that good, just a lot and lot of talking, 95% of it was boring talking, then a couple parts where a girl slid down the stairs, or moved around, it was pretty boring. i didnt want to see it in the first place, but someone else was watching it and i was bored. but i dont even want to see the american verision, 1 or 2 (or 3 or 4, how ever many more sequels they do), or the japanese one again.  major dissapointment, even though i knew it would be bad before i even saw it.
"Be still my dog of war, I understand your pain. We have all lost someone we love..."


the Japanese versions are far better films, which is funny because the same director has been doing the American re-makes, which blow.
"There is no way out of here. It'll be dark soon. There is no way out of here."


I must be the only one on the planet who liked both versions of the first movie. The American sequel, on the other hand...that's a different story.

The Grudge completely freaked my wife out. She squeezed my hand into paste when we saw it in the theater. For weeks after that, I would comment on seeing a small Japanese boy sitting in a corner when we came into the house at night or I would make that croaking sound from down the hall. These things usaually got me dirty looks from her. Sometimes I got hit. :teddyr:
The FDA has been looking for a generic name for Viagra. After careful consideration by a team of government experts, it recently announced that it has settled on the generic name of Mycoxafloppin. Also considered were Mycoxafailin, Mydixadrupin, Mydixarizin, Dixafix, and of course, Ibepokin.


Quote from: Shadowfyre on February 23, 2007, 11:11:39 PM
I would make that croaking sound from down the hall. These things usaually got me dirty looks from her. Sometimes I got hit. :teddyr:

I had a friend of mine who LOVED the American re-make of the Grudge (though he's a massive Buffy/Sarah Michelle Ghellar fan) and I despised it.

I've got the croaking sound looped on a CD and I call his house all the time while him and his wife are at work and leave it on their voice mail.   :lookingup: 
"There is no way out of here. It'll be dark soon. There is no way out of here."


Quote from: Skaboi on February 20, 2007, 01:27:39 PM
I can honestly say that The Grudge is the only film to EVER put me to sleep in the theater.  I absolutely loathe that film with a passion.  The original was surreal and creepy, while what we got here in America was crap.

I'm staying as far away from the sequel as possible.

Couldn't have said it better myself.
"The only three things I hate are demons, malfunctioning robots, and monster movies that don't show you the monster."

Joe the Destroyer

Quote from: rich andrini on February 20, 2007, 03:52:31 PM
Darksider, Grudge and it sequel (Japanese versions) really doesn't hold connetions or answers to the house. Just bits here and there. If want that type of info your going have to get a made for tv called "Ju-on". I don't think its out in the States (I bought them bootleg from E-bay) on two dvds. They give alot of interesting info and answers on the kid and mother and how they died and why. Its creepy as hell.

The theatrical Ju-Ons (Ju-On: The Grudge) are out in the states.  The made for TV ones (Ju-On: The Curse) aren't, though.