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Death Race 2000

Started by Andrew, March 30, 2003, 04:49:29 PM

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I wonder if anyone noticed the HUGE hole in the plot of the movie... if frankenstien wanted to blow up the president on the winners podium after winning the race - WHY DIDN'T HE DO IT THE LAST TIME HE WON?!

Frankenstien won two Death Races prior to the one in the movie, and probably got to shake Mr.P's hand twice before, if the assasinantion was his lifes work - why didn't he do it then?

Oh well... plot was never a requierment for a good movie :)


An absolutely excellent movie, dissapointing ending (according to some, including yours truly).

It's like Carmageddon on the big picture!!!
*and we all love Carmageddon don't we* Muahahahahaaaa!!!

Just a guy

One of the best movies of all time.  I first saw it when we got cable tv installed.  It was '80 or '81.  A truly inspirational film.  

Dan Lyon

Truely the finest motor-head ultra-violence viddie of it's day. Great cast, great cars, great wummin. Masterpiece Theatre of Schlock.

slick rick

This movie RULED on Betamax! That kind of film your parent´s didn´t allow you to see when we were 9 or 10 (my case). When I got busted watching it on a fourth turn, they took it away... forever! No kidding.
An odyssey began. For years I wandered the surviving images in me. Dreams hunted me, reconstructing the pieces. It was a log journey until I got a copy on VHS 10 years ago. Let me tell you, it as a long black alley.
The flick is great and I´m pleased to see a lot of people still dig it as much as I do. I recently got the DVD transfer and it´s awesome. Gotta see it again!

And that´s my DEATH RACE 2000 evolutionary home video transfer experience.


this  movie is so great, i was cracking up the whole time. my favorite part is when they put all the old people outside to get run over and he drives through the hospital. great movie!


Es una peli de puta madre, de las mejores del mundo y altamente recomendable para niños por su caracter didactico. Lo mejor de todo es el papelon de nuestro queridisimo Silvester Estaloun. Elementos que este gran actor aporta con su personaje y su gran calidad interpretativa son el gapo que le echa a frankesntein en el coche, el puñetazo que le pega a su copilota por tontear con frankestein, el atropello de su equipo tecnico por hablar de el a sus espaldas, su modo de reventar el violin a un musico, su asquerosisima forma de comer, su intento de violacion, el corte de manga que hace a la grada mientras conduce... Simplemente genial


Deathrace 2000 - remains a cult-classic! Little more can be said than most of what has already been said above ... with the exception maybe of repeating 'do get yourself a copy as no library is complete with out'!
That said ... if you're a fan of DR2000 check out David Carridene's other car-gem; CANNONBALL (and I do mean GEM)
Done long before Burt and fellow rat-pack gang decided that a comedy-racing-cheese movie might just be the ticket to boost some sagging carreers.
The CANNONBALL plot is just a tad bit more substancial this time ... an ex-con on probation (also sleeping with his probation officer) enters into an illegal coast-to-coast road-wreck, ... er, I mean road-race ... cars, speed, stunts and tongue-in-cheek black humor abound, and the number of famous 'unknowns' cast here and there top the scales ... from Dolf to Stallone (even his squeaky-voiced blond bimbo co-pilot is back) making it a bit of an all-star-cast by today's standard!
Cheap, dated and cheesy, but I like it too!
Cannonball & Deathrace 2000 ... classic Drive-In fare at it's best!


This movie rocks. Stallone plays the ultimate insane over the top pyhsco path. Damn frankenstein for winning, we all know it should have been machine gun joe!

"In My Ear?"
"You lousy sons of b***hes!!!!"
"Lousy stinkin dirtball, you got 2 seconds to live"
"Hey you wanna zip your lip mira?"
"I though i told you to stop playing that music!!!"

All classics joe moments. The movie contains much more


There must be several cuts of this movie in cirulation. Because I can't believe no one has commented on Stallone's full frontal nudity scene.  I mean really.. how did he ever get the nickname "Italian Stallion"..  or is that nickname just as satirical and campy as this great movie.


One of the best ever made.  I remember my brother and I laughing through all of it.


I am amazed that this film has received such positive reviews, when quite simply it is an appalingly acted, poorly directed, low budget piece of trash.

They say the seventies were the decade style forgot, well this movie proves it. By the production standards, I don't think it had a budget, more of a whip-round.

There is little humour in mindless violence of this sort, considering we all know someone who has been involved in a vehicle accident.

I may have p**sed off a few people, but you'll get over it, unless your lives are as sad as it seems to find movies like this entertaining.


Just like in 2005, the French are to blame for disrupting the sanctity of America's way of life. Lou Dobbs you were right...yeah right.


Scrawny bondage clad 40 year old Carradine kills innocent people in a tacky sports car painted up to look like a lizard. What more could anyone want? See this film and your life will be complete.


THIS MOVIE IS FRIGGIN' GREAT!!!! It's hilarious to see the dumb-asses get themselves run over. And in such creative ways. They just don't make movies like this anymore. Did anybody see the so-called "sequel/follow up" "Deathsport"? It was pretty good. David Carradine stars again. It takes place in the year 3000 and it has these really cool motorcycles called "Death Machines". They use ray guns that can completely disintigrate (did I spell this right?) people and horses. Richard Lynch (Cromwell from "The Sword And The Sorcerer) plays another bad guy chasing our hero (Carradine) across a barren wasteland. "Deathsport" is available on DVD. Check it out.