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It's a perfectly fine DAY OF THE DEAD [1985] at WTFFILM

Started by wtffilm, June 29, 2008, 03:32:08 AM

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Film Review: Day Of The Dead [1985] George A. Romero

"For those less critically minded, rest assured that DAY OF THE DEAD still packs enough of a gore quotient to make most so-called gut munchers squirm - entrail slopping, throat ripping, finger munching, and eyeball gouging are all on the menu before the relatively brief 100 minute running time is up."

My apologies for the lack of updates these past two weeks - that foul thing known only as "work" is getting in the way of the more amusing aspects of my life again.  I'll see what I can do about that in the future.

Kindest regards,

Kevin P.