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INVADERS FROM MARS: Both U.S. and British version coming to DVD

Started by Chris K., November 14, 2002, 12:50:04 PM

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Chris K.

Recently, I just heard about Image Entertainment and Wade Williams planning to release INVADERS FROM MARS, the original 1953 classic. And, it will have both the American version and the British alternate cut as well.

After hearing so much about the "alternate versions" of this classic, it will be great to see what the differences are on DVD. Anybody have their thoughts and views on INVADERS FROM MARS.


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I was excited in hearing that a high quality DVD of this classic will be released.  The DVD that was released is terrible.  It is at the top of my "buy these DVDs" list.

"Invaders from Mars" has its low points, mostly the budget for the aliens (except for the leader, which is very cool, they are guys in jumpsuits).  What was done very well is the sense of helplessness in the face of "everyone else."  The scene with the kid in the police station, with that huge desk dominating the room like an ancient monument, was very well done.  Who is going to believe a young boy over respected adults?  This and "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (original) carry that helpless theme very well.

Andrew Borntreger