
Other Topics => Off Topic Discussion => Topic started by: Alex on March 19, 2020, 10:14:15 AM

Title: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 19, 2020, 10:14:15 AM
[Continued from here:,149958.1560.html (,149958.1560.html) - admin]

Since the Rev asked me to start a new thread, here we go. I had said to him about finishing the story I was doing on there up and then starting a new topic, so as promised here we are.

Tomorrow I can leave the house. Ya... Oh wait, I am an introvert. Dammit! I want another week stuck inside.

Kristi is watching Picard. I dabbled in the series a bit and it seemed ok. I figured I would watch the rest of it at some point in the future. Ash is having a terrible two's day and seeing how far he can push his boundaries. It isn't going well for him and we are having a lot of tears. We've been debating a lot recently over ownership of my chair in the mancave.


The struggle is real.

At the moment, we are sitting downstairs though, and he is facinated with Dinosaur Train. I'll settle for him watching any of his shows that aren't Peppa Pig.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Paquita on March 19, 2020, 11:51:13 AM
That's a super cute picture!  Bat has been pretending to have a crisis in his bedroom only to make me put my laptop down (I'm working from home) and run in there and then he races past me to my room to smack all the buttons on the laptop, steal my phone or the remote and throw it down the laundry chute.  I'm on to him now.

So.. did that guy actually try to bury a suitcase full of ladies clothes in his front yard or was that all made up?

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 19, 2020, 12:44:52 PM
I thought the part about the alien cyborg ninjas gave it away that it was just a story. :bouncegiggle:

Bonus points to both the Rev and Barri for noticing I'd just reworked 'Rear Window'.

I am watching an Argentinian horror film at the moment (shout out to Gabriel Knight there, but if it is terrible I am blaming you). Hmm, reading a synopsis of the film... ****SPOILER ALERT****I have never before considered sex as a way of exercising a demonic entity.

Based on Jack Nicholson in 'The Witches of Eastwick' it wouldn't work anyway.

Damn. I am out of beer. Why doesn't off licenses do home deliveries? Or how about an ice cream truck, only for adults going round with hard beverages? Hah! Imagine trying to get a business permit for that one.

I wonder if we could get Ash to stand still long enough for us to measure his height. Kind of doubt it. If he stretches out in his cot then I might have a chance of checking it while he sleeps.

It just occured to me that I've not watched The Witches of Eastwick since the glory days of VHS.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on March 19, 2020, 06:35:00 PM
i love that movie! one of the rare ones where i feel the movie is better than the book.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Rev. Powell on March 19, 2020, 06:38:56 PM
Quote from: Alex on March 19, 2020, 12:44:52 PM

Damn. I am out of beer. Why doesn't off licenses do home deliveries? Or how about an ice cream truck, only for adults going round with hard beverages? Hah! Imagine trying to get a business permit for that one.

You can't get beer delivered? We can! Hard liquor, too. Score one for the USA!
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Newt on March 19, 2020, 06:53:28 PM
Quote from: Alex on March 19, 2020, 12:44:52 PM
I have never before considered sex as a way of exercising a demonic entity.

Exercising?  Ask any succubus/incubus.
Exorcising?  Apparently not.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 19, 2020, 06:54:25 PM
We can get it delivered from supermarkets, but not off licenses or bars. At least I haven't came across any that offer that service.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Paquita on March 19, 2020, 09:06:55 PM
Quote from: Alex on March 19, 2020, 12:44:52 PM
I thought the part about the alien cyborg ninjas gave it away that it was just a story. :bouncegiggle:

OK! I knew the rest of it was pretty much a story but I thought you were inspired by the guy actually burying the suitcase and just embellished from there.   I was getting the Rear Window reference, but it was also reminding be a bit of The 'Burbs.

P.S.  Hi Newt! 

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Allhallowsday on March 19, 2020, 09:15:19 PM
Quote from: Newt on March 19, 2020, 06:53:28 PM
Quote from: Alex on March 19, 2020, 12:44:52 PM
I have never before considered sex as a way of exercising a demonic entity.

Exercising?  Ask any succubus/incubus.
Exorcising?  Apparently not.
Nice to see you around, Newt
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 20, 2020, 03:53:51 AM
The British soldier who died alongside two American's in the recent rocket attack in Iraq has arrived back in the UK. Lance Corporal Brodie Gillon was repatriated back to Brize Norton. She travelled a long way to do her duty and gave all she had, and all she ever could have.

Remember that if you are asked to stay inside for a few days and feel like grumbling about it.

Got out the house for the first time in a week today. It was just a trip to the local shop, but it was nice feeling the cold air on my skin. Kristi did insist though that I went back into the house and put some clothes on though before we went any further.

We are looking at heading into Elgin later. It will be interesting to see how the supermarkets are doing. We don't need much. The local shop was entirely out of milk. We still have a couple of cartons as well as powdered milk for emergencies, but I'd like to get some of the normal stuff for Ash.

We managed to get cheese and bread though and if we have that then we can make toasted cheese and if we can make toasted cheese then there is something right with the world.

Ash was on full-on terrible twos mode today. If I told him not to do something then he'd look around at me, put on a cheeky smile and keep on doing it. He spent a lot of time in his cot as a result. His happy smile would be replaced with some screaming and I'd leave him there for ten minutes or so.

Heard earlier that they have finally taken the decision to order all bars, clubs, cafes and restaurants have been to close. Everything is being done piecemeal though.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 21, 2020, 10:14:56 AM
Kristi is feeling bad about our food stock again. I've pointed out to her that all our food has been bought up over the past several years, it wasn't panic bought and it hasn't left anyone else without stuff. It is part of her religion to be prepared for a disaster and ok, we were thinking more along the lines of bad weather stopping supplies getting to shops or something, but it still works now. She was donating some long-life milk to one of the food bank charities which I am totally fine with. I think it surprised her though when she asked me about giving stuff to the people I worked with and I pointed out to her that they are on more or less the same money than me and could have prepared themselves.

Other peoples lack of preparedness is not my emergency. If they chose to spend their money on other things, well that is up to them.

I wouldn't see them and their kids going hungry, but I am not about to start doling out food parcels to the entire street either. Hopefully, I can keep talking to her and convince her that she hasn't done anything wrong.

Its Mothers Day tomorrow in the UK. Got cards posted off down to my mum. And holy crap, I just realised I haven't bought anything for Kristi from Ash. Having been stuck in the house kind of has that effect. Well, it is handy that she is sleeping just now. I can pop out to the shop and correct my error.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on March 21, 2020, 10:25:20 AM
Number one thing I admire about LDS: they try to be prepared!
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 21, 2020, 10:52:03 AM
Ok, flowers, chocolates, card and fluffy toy have been bought. I feel a little bad about not having something more for her, but then again, getting out the house has been a no no until yesterday.

Having another fun day with Ash. He got upset when I wouldn't let him in our bedroom. Kristi had a sudden attack of tiredness so I sent her for a lie-down and he is just going to have to get used to that idea. He decided to sink his teeth into my nipple when I wouldn't let him go, so he is currently having a cry in his cot. When he calms down a bit I'll go retrieve him.

We have a whatsapp group for my office. The feeling seems to be that we will be going down to minimum manning. Two on days, one on nights. No idea what days I'll be working or anything, but hopefully I'll catch up on what has been happening this past week when I go back on Monday.

Discovered yesterday that the first person I know has lost someone to Covid. One of the officers on base mother has died. I always think death is such a waste. All that learning and experience just gone. My grandmother, for example, had seen two world wars and a pandemic that makes this one seem like a mild cold. She witnessed the rise and fall of the Nazi's, the end of the British empire, the moon landings, the fall of communism... and so many other events. And then all one day all those memories are just gone. As Roy Batty* said, "lost in time like tears in the rain."

When I got Ash up from his time out, he just wanted to be held. He must have lain against my shoulder, sobbing for a good 10 - 15 minutes. Most unlike him. And of course, since he has a runny nose I'd to change my tee shirt afterwards. When I was younger, so many of my female friends had lain their heads in the same place whenever they needed a shoulder to cry on that I was convinced they'd worn a comfortable groove in it. It is still available for use, but unless you are Kristi I now charge a fee.

Comfortable shoulders to cry on, don't grow on trees you know.

Finding it amusing that shops are only taking cards right now rather than cash. Any emergency based film I've ever watched people will only take cash or barter. Folks, you are doing the apocalypse all wrong. And where are the damn zombies anyway?

*Or at least Rutger Hauer said it. I now have an urge to rewatch 'Blind Fury'.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on March 21, 2020, 11:06:45 PM
kids sense our stress. ash is sensing kristi's, i think. please reiterate from me that she is NOT to feel guilty for being who she is and doing things the way she was raised to do them. i'm willing to share my' new england snowbound" food hoard in ceertain circumstances, but NOT from guilt. i have nothing to feel guilty about for being practical, and neither does she. i know it's part of her religion,but family first, always. give her my love. :thumbup: :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 22, 2020, 02:22:16 PM
Feeling much better than I did last night. Had a raging headache, anything touching my skin was extremely painful and I felt like I was burning up. Considered taking myself to the local hospital, but since I wasn't collapsing or passing out I figured I'd be fine. Two of the guys from my office are in lockdown right now. I wonder if any of us will escape it before this is over. Some are gleefully taking time off work, others are more worried.

I'll be back at work myself tomorrow. I wonder just how many across the camp will be off. Some English politician said that people should escape to the Highlands to avoid getting infected. One caravan park had to turn away a convoy of 30 vehicles as they just didn't have enough room for everyone. Others have been pointing out, yes the area you are heading to has a low population density. This means it has very little in the way of medical facilities. One ambulance and one doctor covers that particular region, so if you do come up here and fall ill then you are f**ked. Doubtless the local shops equally lack the supplies for that many people suddenly turning up at this time of year. Summer and the tourist season is some way off.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on March 22, 2020, 04:28:35 PM
glad you're feeling better hon.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 22, 2020, 05:19:58 PM
Since Ross's laptop has went kaput, our planned return to D&D didn't happen this week. Instead me and Kristi finally got to play our delayed game of Bolt Action. Flamethrowers seemed to be the dominant weapon of the night, with my Flammpanzer wagon baking her commanding officer (Chest Puller no less. If Andrew was still posting here, no doubt he could tell you a lot about that man), and her White Scout Car when it made the ballsy move of driving straight down the main street of town in the face of a mortar team and a howitzer, while in return her squad of Engineers BBQ'd my CO (Oberleutnant Bob, his batman and his Kubelwagon). My troops quickly grabbed most of the available buildings and set up some pretty murderous fields of fire, forcing the Amerikaners to retreat to a safer position and await reinforcements. Alas, my Nebelwerfer failed to hit anything the entire match, so those Nebels are still out there... waiting. I did make a very silly move when I had my submachine gun squad jump out and spray her Scout Car with automatic fire, only to discover they couldn't cause any damage to it, but its been a while since I last played this game and I'd forgotten most of the rules.

So, Ellie, I am afraid I did not get the ass-kicking you wanted, but maybe next time. We are going to try and have a game a month. For the moment though, the jackbooted ubermen hold the village.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on March 22, 2020, 07:30:29 PM
Kristi needed a Popeye figure so the battle could've been over in a five-second theme song. Little spinning tornado of fists, Germans flying everywhere.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 23, 2020, 03:19:29 PM
Quote from: ER on March 22, 2020, 07:30:29 PM
Kristi needed a Popeye figure so the battle could've been over in a five-second theme song. Little spinning tornado of fists, Germans flying everywhere.

She did have Sgt Rock on her team if that counts for anything, but my sniper blew his head off. I may have to amend the rules of Rock-Paper-Scissors to indicate that Sniper, in fact, beats Rock.

This is from my facebook status today.

QuoteWhen you were a child, did you ever dream about being a hero? Saving the world? For myself, I tended to prefer anti-heroes. Six year old me thought Quint from Jaws was way better than Superman.

Anyway, the reason I bring this up is because now you have your chance to fulfil those childhood fantasies and tick it off your bucket list.

All you have to do is nothing. Stay at home / socially isolate and you'll never know how many lives you might have saved, but you'll have contributed to saving them nonetheless. Even if you are not at risk, you might save the lives of people who are.

Quint remained my hero until the first time I saw Snake Plissken on TV.

People in the UK do not seem to be listening to the stay at home advice and the government is looking at emergency laws to force the issue. Yeah, watch Boris let go of those powers once he gets them. It'd be like Darth Sidious at the end of the Clone Wars.

So the beating heart of capitalism in the UK has, at least for the moment if not fully stopped then it is in critical condition. Not from the working masses as Marx predicted, but from that tiniest of living organisms (ok, you can argue on wither viruses are alive or not if you wish, but for the moment I am going with it), the germ.

How very H.G. Wells.

The other ones of these I've done have been British soldiers so far, and while there are a few more of them I'd like to cover, I thought I'd do some of the figures from the other nations involved first. This particular one was Hitler's favourite commando and although he never renounced naziism, rumour has it that he at one point worked for Mossad. It is rather a long article, but then again he had a much longer fighting career than most, continuing long after the end of the war. I have cut out a few bits to try and make it a bit shorter.

QuoteManiacs of the second world war.

Otto Skorzeny.

After the 1939 invasion of Poland, Skorzeny, then working as a civil engineer, volunteered for service in the German Air Force (the Luftwaffe), but was turned down because he was considered too tall at 1.92 metres (6 ft 4 in) and too old (31 years in 1939) for aircrew training.He then joined Hitler's bodyguard regiment, the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler (LSSAH).

Skorzeny took part in the invasion of the Soviet Union with the SS Division Das Reich and subsequently fought in several battles on the Eastern Front. In October 1941, he was in charge of a "technical section" of the German forces during the Battle of Moscow. His mission was to seize important buildings of the Communist Party, including the NKVD headquarters at Lubyanka, and the central telegraph office and other high priority facilities before they could be destroyed. He was also ordered to capture the sluices of the Moscow-Volga Canal because Hitler wanted to turn Moscow into a huge artificial lake by opening them. The missions were cancelled as the German forces failed to capture the Soviet capital.

In December 1942, Skorzeny was hit in the back of the head by shrapnel; he was evacuated to the rear for treatment. He was awarded the Iron Cross. While recuperating from his injuries he was given a staff role in Berlin, where he developed his ideas on unconventional commando warfare. Skorzeny's proposals were to develop units specialized in such warfare, including partisan-like fighting deep behind enemy lines, fighting in enemy uniform, sabotage attacks, etc. In April 1943 Skorzeny's name was put forward by Ernst Kaltenbrunner, the new head of the RSHA, and Skorzeny met with Walter Schellenberg, head of Amt VI, Ausland-SD (the SS foreign intelligence service department of the RSHA). Schellenberg charged Skorzeny with command of the schools organized to train operatives in sabotage, espionage, and paramilitary techniques. Skorzeny was appointed commander of the recently created Waffen Sonderverband z.b.V. Friedenthal stationed near Berlin (the unit was later renamed SS Jagdverband 502, and in November 1944 again to SS Combat Unit "Center", expanding ultimately to five battalions).

The unit's first mission was in mid-1943, Operation François. Skorzeny sent a group by parachute into Iran to make contact with the dissident mountain tribes to encourage them to sabotage Allied supplies of material being sent to the Soviet Union via the Trans-Iranian Railway. However, commitment among the rebel tribes was suspect, and Operation François was deemed a failure.

On the night between 24 and 25 July 1943, a few weeks after the Allied invasion of Sicily and bombing of Rome, the Italian Grand Council of Fascism voted a motion of no confidence (Ordine del Giorno Grandi) against Mussolini. On the same day, the king replaced him with Marshal Pietro Badoglio and had him arrested.

Hitler's common procedure was to give similar orders to competing organisations within the German military. So he ordered Skorzeny to track Mussolini, and simultaneously ordered the paratroop General Kurt Student to execute the liberation.

Mussolini was being transported around Italy by his captors (first to Ponza, then to La Maddalena, both small islands in the Tyrrhenian Sea). Intercepting a coded Italian radio message, Skorzeny used the reconnaissance provided by the agents and informants (counterfeit British bank notes with a face value of £100,000 forged under Operation Bernhard were used to help obtain information) of SS-Obersturmbannführer Herbert Kappler to determine that Mussolini was being imprisoned at Campo Imperatore Hotel, a ski resort at Campo Imperatore in Italy's Gran Sasso massif, high in the Apennine Mountains.

On 12 September 1943, Skorzeny and 16 SS troopers joined the Fallschirmjäger to rescue Mussolini in a high-risk glider mission. Ten DFS 230 gliders, each carrying nine soldiers and a pilot, towed by Henschel Hs 126 planes started between 13:05 and 13:10 from the Pratica di Mare Air Base near Rome. The leader of the airborne operation, paratrooper-Oberleutnant Georg Freiherr von Berlepsch entered the first glider, Skorzeny and his SS troopers sat in the fourth and fifth glider. To gain height before crossing the close by Alban Hills the leading three glider-towing plane units flew an additional loop. All following units considered this manoeuvre unnecessary and preferred not to endanger the given time of arrival at the target. This led to the situation that Skozeny's two units arrived first over the target. Meanwhile, the valley station of the funicular railway leading to the Campo Imperatore was captured at 14:00 in a ground attack by two paratrooper companies led by Major Otto-Harald Mors, who was commander-in-chief of the whole raid. They also cut all telephone lines. At 14:05 the airborne commandos landed their ten DFS 230 gliders on the mountain near the hotel; only one crashed, causing injuries. The Fallschirmjäger and Skorzeny's special troopers overwhelmed Mussolini's captors (200 well-equipped Carabinieri guards) without a single shot being fired; this was also due to the fact that General Fernando Soleti [it] of the Polizia dell' Africa Italiana, who flew in with Skorzeny, told them to stand down. Skorzeny attacked the radio operator and his equipment and stormed into the hotel, being followed by his SS troopers and the paratroopers. Ten minutes after the beginning of the raid, Mussolini left the hotel, accompanied by the German soldiers. At 14:45 Major Mors accessed the Hotel via the funicular railway and introduced himself to Mussolini.

Subsequently, Mussolini was to be flown out by a meanwhile arrived Fieseler Fi 156 STOL plane. Although under the given circumstances the small plane was overloaded, Skorzeny insisted to accompany Mussolini, thus endangering the success of the mission. After an extremely dangerous but successful lift-off, they flew to Pratica di Mare. There they continued immediately, flying in a Heinkel He 111 to Vienna, where Mussolini stayed overnight at the Hotel Imperial. The next day he was flown to Munich and on September 14 he met Hitler at the Wolf's Lair Führer Headquarters near Rastenburg.

The landing at Campo Imperatore was in fact led by First Lieutenant Georg Freiherr von Berlepsch, commanded by Major Otto-Harald Mors and under orders from General Kurt Student, all Fallschirmjäger (German air force paratroop) officers; but Skorzeny stewarded the Italian leader right in front of the cameras. After a pro-SS propaganda coup at the behest of Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler and propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, Skorzeny and his Special Forces (SS-Sonderverband z. b. V. "Friedenthal") of the Waffen-SS were granted the majority of the credit for the operation.

"Operation Long Jump" was the alleged codename given to a plot to assassinate the "Big Three" (Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill, and Franklin Roosevelt) at the 1943 Tehran Conference. Hitler supposedly gave the command of the operation to Ernst Kaltenbrunner, chief of the RSHA, who, in turn, ceded the mission to Skorzeny. Knowledge of the whole scheme was presented to the Western Allies by Stalin's NKVD at the Tehran conference. The Soviets said they had learned about its existence from counter-espionage activities against German intelligence. Their agents had found out the Nazis knew the time and place of this meeting because they had cracked a US naval code. According to the NKVD, the assassination plot was foiled after they identified the German spies in Iran forcing Skorzeny to call off the mission due to inadequate intelligence.

Following Tehran, the story was treated with incredulity by the British and Americans who dismissed it as Soviet propaganda. Skorzeny supported this view by stating in his post-war memoirs that no such operation ever existed. He said the story about the plans being leaked to Soviet spy Nikolai Kuznetsov by an SS Sturmbannführer named Hans Ulrich von Ortel was a complete Soviet invention; Hans Ulrich von Ortel never existed. Skorzeny claimed his name was used only to add credibility to the story because the NKVD knew his renowned record as an SS commando would make the existence of such an operation more plausible.

In early 1944, Sonderverband z.b.V. Friedenthal was re-designated SS-Jäger-Bataillon 502 with Skorzeny staying on as commander. They were assigned to Operation Rösselsprung, known subsequently as the Raid on Drvar. Rösselsprung was a commando operation meant to capture the Yugoslav commander-in-chief, Marshal Josip Broz Tito, who had also recently been recognized by the Allies as the Yugoslav prime minister. Marshal Tito led the Yugoslav Partisan resistance army from his headquarters near the Bosnian town of Drvar, in the centre of a large area held by the Partisans.

Hitler knew Tito was receiving Allied support and was aware that either British or American troops might land in Dalmatia along the Adriatic coastline with support from the Partisans. Killing or capturing Tito would not only hinder this, it would give a badly needed boost to the morale of Axis forces engaged in occupied Yugoslavia. Skorzeny was involved in planning Rösselsprung and was intended to command it. However, he argued against implementation after he visited Zagreb and discovered that the operation had been compromised through the carelessness of German agents in the Nazi-affiliated Independent State of Croatia in occupied Yugoslav territory.

Rösselsprung was put into action nonetheless, but it was a complete disaster. The first wave of paratroopers, following heavy bombardment by the Luftwaffe, jumped between Tito's hideout in a cave and the town of Drvar; they landed on open ground and many were promptly shot by members of the Tito Escort Battalion, a unit numbering fewer than a hundred soldiers. The second wave of paratroopers missed their target and landed several miles out of town. Tito was gone long before paratroopers reached the cave; a trail at the back of the cave led to the railway tracks where Tito boarded a train that took him safely to Jajce. In the meantime, the Partisan 1st Brigade, from the 6th Lika Partisan Division, arrived after a twelve-mile (nineteen-kilometre) forced march and attacked the Waffen-SS paratroopers, inflicting heavy casualties.

n October 1944, Hitler sent Skorzeny to Hungary after receiving word that the Regent of Hungary, Admiral Miklós Horthy, was secretly negotiating with the Red Army. The surrender of Hungary would have cut off the million German troops still fighting in the Balkan peninsula.

Skorzeny, in a daring "snatch" codenamed Operation Panzerfaust (known as Operation Eisenfaust in Germany), kidnapped Horthy's son Miklós Horthy Jr. and forced his father to resign as head of state. A pro-Nazi government under dictator Ferenc Szálasi was then installed in Hungary. In April 1945, after German and Hungarian forces had already been driven out of Hungary, Szálasi and his Arrow Cross Party-based forces continued the fight in Austria and Slovakia. The success of the operation earned Skorzeny promotion to Obersturmbannführer.

As part of the German Ardennes offensive in late 1944 (Battle of the Bulge), Skorzeny's English-speaking troops were charged with infiltrating American lines disguised in American uniforms in order to produce confusion to support the German attack. For the campaign, Skorzeny was the commander of a composite unit, the 150th SS Panzer Brigade. As planned by Skorzeny, Operation Greif involved about two dozen German soldiers, most of them in captured American Jeeps and disguised in American uniforms, who would penetrate American lines in the early hours of the Battle of the Bulge to cause disorder and confusion. Skorzeny was well aware that under the Hague Convention of 1907, any of his men captured while wearing U.S. uniforms would be executed as spies and this possibility caused much discussion with Generaloberst Jodl and Field Marshal von Rundstedt.

A handful of his men were captured and spread a rumour that Skorzeny personally was leading a raid on Paris to kill or capture General Eisenhower, who was not amused by having to spend Christmas 1944 isolated for security reasons. Eisenhower retaliated by ordering an all-out manhunt for Skorzeny, with "Wanted" posters distributed throughout Allied-controlled territories featuring a detailed description and a photograph. In all, twenty-three of Skorzeny's men were captured behind American lines and eighteen were executed as spies for contravening the rules of war by wearing enemy uniforms.

Skorzeny spent January and February 1945 commanding regular troops as an acting major general, taking part in the defence of the German provinces of East Prussia and Pomerania, and at the Defence of Schwedt Bridgehead. On 17 March, he received orders to sabotage the last remaining intact bridge across the Rhine at Remagen following its capture by the Allies, but the bridge collapsed that same day, and the naval demolitions squad prepared instead unsuccessfully attacked a nearby Allied pontoon bridge between Kripp and Linz. Hitler awarded him one of Germany's highest military honours, the Oak Leaves to the Knight's Cross.

Skorzeny was interned for two years before being tried as a war criminal at the Dachau trials in 1947 for allegedly violating the laws of war during the Battle of the Bulge. He and nine officers of the Panzerbrigade 150 were tried before a US Military Tribunal in Dachau on 18 August 1947. They faced charges of improper use of US military insignia, theft of US uniforms, and theft of Red Cross parcels from U.S. POWs. The trial lasted over three weeks. The charge of stealing Red Cross parcels was dropped for lack of evidence. Skorzeny admitted to ordering his men to wear US uniforms, but his defence argued that as long as enemy uniforms were discarded before combat started, such a tactic was a legitimate ruse de guerre.

On the final day of the trial, 9 September, F. F. E. Yeo-Thomas, a former British SOE agent, testified that he and his operatives wore German uniforms behind enemy lines; the Tribunal acquitted the ten defendants. The Tribunal drew a distinction between using enemy uniforms during combat and for other purposes including deception and were unable to prove that Skorzeny had given any orders to actually fight in U.S. uniforms.

Skorzeny was detained in an internment camp at Darmstadt awaiting the decision of a denazification court. On 27 July 1948 he escaped from the camp with the help of three former SS officers dressed in US Military Police uniforms who entered the camp and claimed that they had been ordered to take Skorzeny to Nuremberg for a legal hearing. Skorzeny afterwards maintained that the US authorities had aided his escape, and had supplied the uniform.

Skorzeny hid out at a farm in Bavaria which had been rented by Countess Ilse Lüthje, the niece of Hjalmar Schacht (Hitler's former finance minister), for around 18 months, during which time he was in contact with Reinhard Gehlen, and together with Hartmann Lauterbacher (former deputy head of the Hitler Youth) recruited for the Gehlen Organization. Skorzeny was photographed at a café on the Champs Elysées in Paris on 13 February 1950. The photo appeared in the French press the next day, causing him to move to Salzburg, where he met up with German veterans and also filed for divorce so that he could marry Ilse Lüthje.

Shortly afterwards, with the help of a Nansen passport issued by the Spanish government, he moved to Madrid, where he set up a small engineering business. On April 1950 the publication of Skorzeny's memoirs by the French newspaper Le Figaro caused 1500 communists to riot outside the journal's headquarters.

In 1952 Egypt was taken over by General Mohammed Naguib. Skorzeny was sent to Egypt the following year by former General Reinhard Gehlen (who was now working indirectly for the CIA) to act as Naguib's military advisor. Skorzeny recruited a staff made up of former SS and Wehrmacht officers to train the Egyptian army. Among these officers were former Wehrmacht generals Wilhelm Fahrmbacher and Oskar Munzel; the head of the Gestapo Department for Jewish Affairs in Poland Leopold Gleim; and Joachim Daemling, former chief of the Gestapo in Düsseldorf. In addition to training the army, Skorzeny also trained Arab volunteers in commando tactics for possible use against British troops stationed in the Suez Canal zone. Several Palestinian refugees also received commando training, and Skorzeny planned their raids into Israel via the Gaza Strip in 1953-1954. One of these Palestinians was Yasser Arafat.

He stayed on to serve as an adviser to Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser.

The Israeli security and intelligence magazine Matara published an article in 1989 claiming that Skorzeny had been recruited by Mossad in 1963 to obtain information on German scientists who were working on an Egyptian project to develop rockets to be used against Israel. Reporting on the Matara story, the major Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronot said that it had confirmed the story from their own senior Mossad source. Former Mossad head Isser Harel confirmed the story that former Nazis were recruited to provide intelligence on Arab countries.

Unnamed sources asserted Skorzeny was recruited after Mossad visited his home in Spain, where he expected that he would be assassinated. After undergoing instruction and training in the Mossad's facilities in Israel, the rumoured work for Mossad included assassinating German rocket scientist Heinz Krug who was working for the Egyptian government and mailing a letter bomb which killed five Egyptians at the Egyptian military rocket site Factory 333. He also allegedly supplied the names and addresses of German scientists working for Egypt and the names of European front companies supplying military hardware to Egypt.

No confirmed source can explain Skorzeny's motives for working with Israel, but he may have craved adventure and intrigue and feared assassination by Mossad. An article featured in Der Spiegel on 22 January 2018 raised doubts as to the involvement of Skorzeny in Krug's death, stating that Mossad boss Isser Harel ordered the murder.

Went into work today and my boss accused me of having broken self-isolation and told me I'd been spotted picking up Ash from the creche on Friday (I guess in the US that would be kindergarten?). I pointed out that Ash did not attend the creche. He did have a playgroup, but that was only on Mondays and had been cancelled a few weeks ago. I also straight away called Kristi, put her on speaker and said: "Can you tell everyone what days Ash attends playgroup and when he was last there."

That seemed to settle their hash down a bit. That is the second time I've been off ill and someone has accused me of that and I get a bit irked about it. Unfortunately, whoever has done it gets anonymity, otherwise I'd be having words with them. Angry, angry words.

Because my brother is has received an organ transplant and has to be on immunosuppressant drugs to prevent rejection, his work has told him to isolate for three months.

Lucky bastard. I wish I got to stay home in my man cave for three months.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on March 23, 2020, 04:39:25 PM
There are a lot of stories about Skorzeny's work for the Israelis floating around out there, and I've often thought if he had a change of heart and was trying to atone for his service to a terrible cause in Nazi Germany, good for him.

I've also thought if he was only working with the Israelis to save his own life and was willing to betray his former comrades to do it, well, then he belonged in the lowest circle of Hell.

Considering the tone of his funeral and the guest list, I am leaning toward him having done it all to save his own ass.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 23, 2020, 05:01:20 PM
Yeah, that is what I figure. Part of his work in South America appears to have been aimed at establishing a 4th reich. I could imagine Mossad threatening him to get him to work for them. I never heard of him at any time denouncing naziism. 
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 23, 2020, 05:08:14 PM
Spent a few hours chatting with a friend from Denmark reassuring her that eventually the world will return to normal. She is around the same age as me, so I pointed out a whole bunch of the s**t we'd already been through and life had kept going and then broke out my special mental image that I only use in extreme cases of really needing to make someone smile.

Every time now she thinks of that image for the rest of her life she will find herself involuntarily smiling.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 24, 2020, 10:04:27 AM
So I went into work today and had decided to give them until lunchtime to do something before I asked a question loudly "So what are my rights if we the management don't allow us to practise social distancing and we then fall ill?"

Terry had been trying to find out some official direction, was getting nowhere and had decided that off his own authority he'd go down to minimum manning.

We were discussing this around 10:00 when Si walked in and announced that everyone non-essential was to go home. Terry said I was essential, but I talked him into letting me give the people who send me work my phone number. If they send something, then I'll go into work and do it. Otherwise, I will come in for two hours in the afternoon to do the normal daily tasks and then isolate the rest of the time.

Last night when I got home Kristi told me we were having friends round for dinner. They have a grandmother in hospital and they've been told that she doesn't have long left (non-Covid reasons), so they were stopping in to get fed on the way to go to the hospital. Anyway, we all had dinner together and gave them hugs before they left.

About five minutes after they left I said to Kristi "It has just occurred to me, that we just did an amazingly stupid thing."

"Yeah, but," she replied "They have a relative dying in hospital and won't be feeling like cooking for themselves.

"I don't disagree that it was a nice thing to do, but it was also bloody stupid of us. Two of the other members of the family who live in that house (who weren't at ours for the meal) are in isolation. We need to be smarter than this."

Anyway, it got into a bit of a circular debate at that point. It is easy to slip and forget though.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on March 24, 2020, 10:56:05 AM
i understand wanting to help friends, but yeah, it was stupid. but then, i was stupid yesterday too, and opened the door  to give deni her bread. SHE was smart and stepped back and told me to set the bag on the porch and close the door.  :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 24, 2020, 03:23:03 PM
So today when we were discussing shift rota's it was mentioned having Barry (my immediate boss), on shift to do my job and give me a break from doing all the cover while Joe is in quarantine. I said that I'd rather do it myself as I did not trust him to be able to do my job and I'd just end up with more work fixing things if he messed them up.

Afterwards, it occurred to me that, that was a pretty damning inditement by itself. I am sure I can handle two weeks working on my own. Hell, when we were establishing this post I manned it by myself for months so it is no real biggie.

It isn't a matter of disliking Barry. He is a nice enough guy, but he is playing the system. When his time in the mob ends he will not do well in civvy street. Then again, you can play the system there too, its just a different one. Certainly not one where you get to stay on a full wage.

Right now though, I am going to make the best I can of the extra time off this whole thing is giving me. Yes it is serious, and yes there are going to be some dark times to get through before it gets better, but here is the thing. Right now, it isn't. Enjoy life while you can, cause once its gone, that is it. Unless the Buddists are right there are no second chances there.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 25, 2020, 06:35:35 AM
First day of my minimal exposure working hours. Wither that is minimal expose to Covid, or work well I leave that up to you to decide. Certainly, I tried to balance work needs Vs risk, but you are always going to have that bias that wants not to be at work, but still get the money.

I had just gotten up around 8ish (oh the rare luxury of a mid-week lie in) when I got a text message from Joe. He lives at the far end of the street from us and his wife and one of his kids have Covid. He asked if I could pick up milk and bread for him as they were running short. Didn't expect the shop to have either of those and since Joe is a nice guy I was quite happy to go help out. I'd have even taken him some stuff out of our private stock (which I wouldn't do for everyone I work with), but the shop appeared to be almost fully stocked, so that was good. I wonder if the panic buying is over or did I just get lucky?

Anyway, dropped in a box of chocolates as a surprise for him and his family. Having the basics is all you need, but there is nothing wrong with a treat now and then. I was going to knock on his door and just leave the bag, but I started to feel paranoid that I'd gotten the wrong house, so I waited until I could see someone coming. Joe opened his window to let me know he'd pick the stuff up. He wanted to pay me (he'd put money in the frame of the other window), but I told him we could settle up once he was back at work. I may have to do some more supply runs for him in the future. Besides, money is a good way of transferring germs and my carefully horded supply of apocalypse money is mostly useless since people are only using cards at the moment.

I say mostly useless, but I could actually fill some socks with all those coins and use them to cosh anyone who tried to raid my supplies, or load them into a wrist-mounted catapult. A coin from one of them is surprisingly lethal. Especially if you clip the edges and file them down into sharper edges. The world could run out of bullets surprisingly quickly, but there will always be improvised weapons.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on March 25, 2020, 10:08:35 AM
Put a poisonous snake in a five-gallon bucket and threaten to toss it on anyone who comes near your stash. It's surprisingly intimidating to be faced with a viper being hurled at you.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 25, 2020, 05:31:59 PM
Making progress writing stuff with my extra free time. Not as much as I should be doing, but I am getting there slowly. And any progress is better than none I guess. Splitting my time between three separate stories and the D&D campaign of course does not help.

First world problems eh?

Spent the day playing with Ash. He loves it when I get down on all fours and growl, chasing him through the house. He'll giggle and run until he gets cornered, and then he'll run up to me, shove my head down and climb up onto my back so I let him ride around there until he jumps off. I guess it is the simple pleasures.

Having a chill out night tonight. Kristi had an urge to go watch Maverick so it's on now.

The police in the UK have the power to split up groups now. I wonder if they will start with Coldplay?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 26, 2020, 12:54:09 PM
Busy, busy days. I wonder what they are like?

Got Kristi a boxed set of Merrills Mauraders and using some of my time to paint them up. Got them based and the undercoat on. Still, the equipment & skin to go through. One unit isn't really enough to make an army, but I reckon her Marines will fit in for the rest just as well.

Ash and Kristi are taking a nap, so I am catching up on my quota of horror movies for the year. Got to go get ready for work soonish though. Everywhere seems quiet and empty now. If only I could have the world this way more often and it didn't take a pandemic.

The latest news in the UK is that the virus has claimed its youngest and oldest victims in the country, 18 and 102. Both had preexisting health conditions.

I have a good way of getting people wandering outside and breaking the whole self-isolation stuff. Walk up to them and cough. Just watch them panic and run home.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on March 26, 2020, 01:20:54 PM
Quote from: Alex on March 25, 2020, 06:35:35 AM

I say mostly useless, but I could actually fill some socks with all those coins and use them to cosh anyone who tried to raid my supplies

:buggedout: +  :bouncegiggle: :teddyr:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 27, 2020, 07:29:50 AM
So my bank card is a few days from its expiry date. A couple of weeks ago I went to a localish branch (I was out of town on a visit and check-in while I was there anyway) to check a new card was being sent out as normally they arrive a few weeks in advance. Generally, it isn't something I'd worry about, but since at the moment, most places are only taking card rather than cash I thought I should chase it up. The bank said it was on the system for me to be sent a new card, but this hadn't been done yet and wouldn't happen until at least mid-month. I was specifically told that no card as of yet had been sent out (something I considered important to note from an anti-fraud point).

Ok, I thought. That is potentially cutting it a bit fine, but I do have backup accounts that I can transfer money between so we still have access to my funds.

Called up their helpline today and got told that a card had been sent out in February. I said well I've not received it and when I checked up this is what I was told. So, my bank details have been out there floating around for over a month and I could have done something about this sooner if they'd told me this when I first asked. The card we do have has to be shut down now (which is stupid because we know the one we have is fine, it is the missing one that is the problem).

I should still be able to access the funds online, and still transfer them to another account, but I am standing by to find out on Tuesday when I get paid that the account is frozen or something until we get the new card, at which point I think I am going to grant myself the rare indulgence of actually losing my temper with someone. Normally I consider that reaction to be pointless and counter-productive but sometimes, it is worth it just to let off steam. Trouble is the nearest branch of that bank isn't the one I'd went to, to I'd be shouting at the wrong person and dealing with people has to suck for a job at the best of times.

Oh well, time to heard into work. Stay safe and healthy everyone.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 27, 2020, 03:52:22 PM
So last night there was this thing where at 20:00 everyone went to their front door, opened it and started clapping. It happened all over the country and it was to show thanks to all the healthcare professionals out there. Many people have filmed it and uploaded them online for the doctors, nurses and whoever else in the field so they can watch it and know they are being appreciated.

I like to think that goes out to all those fighting this pandemic and all the other medical conditions across the world, not just on our own shores. I know there will be those out there who say it is of no practical use, but sometimes even a little thank you can be a big morale boost and help keep you going when times are tough, so to all those out there saving lives, I'd just like to add my own personal thanks. Keep doing what you are doing guys and gals. Being awesome.

Things are still staying quite calm and stable around here. Joe's isolation will finish today, so should I fall ill now there is cover (well there was cover before for work, but Joe is a fellow specialist, whereas the other guys are trained in our stuff, but normally do a different job).

Ash is still merrily singing away in his cot. He has been there for over an hour now. When he gets upset, I'll go get him up for 10 minutes, put him back in his cot and he will settle down to sleep. Just the way he is.

Reading that some preacher who said that Covid-19 was all just mass hysteria has died of complications from it. I do not wish anyway to die of this disease (although there are plenty that I wouldn't shed any tears for if they did), but if anyone does die, then it would seem appropriate that people putting others in danger should be amongst them. I'd have to research more into the specifics of this guy and what he has said to count him as one of them though, and to be honest I doubt I will take the time to do that. Wither he was a good man or a bad man, google his name 10 years from now and doubtless, this is what he will be remembered for. Seems odd that a lifetime can boil down into a couple of tweets or posts. Then again, one particular politician (who I have never cared for myself, found him too oily), did once say something I've always agreed with. "Too many tweets makes a twat."
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on March 27, 2020, 09:41:25 PM
what was ash singing? just curious...
as for the preacher, may i just mention that ron paul called the whole thing a hoax, and his son rand has tested positive? karma is an amazing thing, and CAN happen in the present life... :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 28, 2020, 04:42:50 AM
Mostly he sings the letter 'E' in a variety of pitches and tones.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on March 28, 2020, 04:56:25 PM
well, that's not too bad then. when syd vicious was that age, hers the word you. she has always had a fabulous voice, but boy howdy that got annoying, lol!
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 28, 2020, 05:05:13 PM
Watching a show you might like Barri if you haven't seen it already. It is called Nekrotronic and is an Australian sci-fi horror-comedy.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 29, 2020, 09:04:49 AM
We had another family walk today, staying away from other people and washing our hands when we got back in.

I am seeing a lot of stuff now being posted about looking after peoples mental health suddenly over the past day or so. I would imagine the old folks who are being told they need to stay indoors for 12 weeks will be most seriously affected there. I can't imagine many people not leaving their house for three months. Watched some news today. New York looks like it is coping with the aftermath of a major battle.

Gave my mum a call yesterday. Our Mothers Day cards finally arrived a week after we'd posted them. I know they said that the post would be running slow just now but that is a lot slower than we expected. Normally if I post something before 5 pm, I'd expect it to arrive the next day. Anyway, I let Ash gabble away on the phone to her. I know hearing his voice cheers her up. Then again, that isn't so surprising. He rarely sounds anything but happy himself.

Working on D&D stuff. I have the time to write and am hopefully getting plenty ahead of the group. Since I know what they will be doing for the next several sessions it makes it nice and easy to plot things out.

I've heard nothing on the news recently about South America or Russia. I wonder how they are doing currently?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on March 29, 2020, 05:27:48 PM
i think we've seen that, i'll ask the old guy.
some of my ebay friends have been posting pics of reno and's positively eerie to see no lights, no cars, no people...apocalyptic is a good description.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 01, 2020, 07:28:38 AM
From the gradually lessening number of people (still 99% women), that I've had to chat to and help calm down it seems like people are adjusting. General reports seem to be that folks are mostly listening to the correct advice and that in the next couple of weeks the numbers of people getting infected in the UK should reflect that. They think they have successfully flattened the curve. Be interesting to see how that plays out and I have every hope that it has worked out.

Finally got to see 'Underwater'. Struck me as being a very standard horror film. Decent enough cast, but the movie wasn't engaging me and Kristen Stewart spends a fair chunk of the run time running around in the worlds least sexy underwear. She seems to display a single emotion for most of the movie, but its at least a different one from Twilight. TJ Miller plays pretty much the same character he plays in Deadpool. Tonight, Kristi wants to watch Tiger King. I've heard of the guy they made that show about. Doesn't really appeal to me, but if she wants to see it then I'll give it a go. I am still trying to summon the enthusiasm to watch Breaking Bad.

Had a Roxy Music kick yesterday. No idea why I suddenly wanted to listen to a whole bunch of their songs, but I went with it. Today, I am listening to 'Bad Magic', Motorhead's final album before Lemmy corked it. Although I've listened to other Motorhead stuff since he died I haven't listened to that album. There are a few times when you can hear his voice is weaker. The first time I saw Lemmy on stage was in '92. He just looked like he did when I saw him on TV in the early '80s. It wasn't until the last time I saw him live that he looked any different, but by Hel did he look older. He was having to cancel shows because of illness and I figured then he was on the way out, although he still died earlier than I expected. Or maybe I just hoped he'd last longer. I do miss going to see him play every November. Still 'Bad Magic' is an album you could slot into any time period of Motorhead's career and it would fit in well. Not that there was a huge variation in the kind of songs they put out. They knew what they wanted to play, what the fans wanted and they gave it to them.

Was chatting to the manager of the largest local shop. He was saying his employees are getting an extra £100 in their next wage as well as £50 to spend on stuff from the shop. Nice to see employers looking after their workers. His staff have been getting abuse from some customers when they can't get what they want and he has just started banning those people from coming in his store now. It seems to be people coming in from out of town that have been causing problems though. Hard to believe there are smaller and more remote towns around here than Lossiemouth.

Planning our next Bolt Action game. Going to give my Japanese a run out against Kristi's American's. Last time I played the Jap's I had real problems destroying her Sherman tank. I managed to disable its tracks so it couldn't move and I damaged the turret so it couldn't rotate, but the damn thing just wouldn't die. I do have some more troop options this time, but the Japanese really did not have a reliable tank killer. Whereas in Europe where the Sherman was only adequate thanks to the numbers, it was available in, in Asia it was a monster. Shame that the nature of island warfare meant it didn't see many tank on tank battles, because if it had, it would have been the god of the battlefield. Anyway, since the companies I normally order stuff from have shut down for the duration, I've ordered some terrain stuff. We have plenty of houses to fight urban warfare scenarios, but we lack things like trees (surprisingly expensive), hills, walls and hedges. The stuff I've ordered in will help address that a bit (no trees but I did order a river, MDF walls and stuff that I can make hedges from). Gives me some stuff I can work on since we won't exactly be travelling far in the current climate. I am going out to the next town on Saturday to buy some stuff and I am going to do my daily exercise while I am there and pop up to the cemetery. I like Lilly-Beth having fresh flowers regularly.

Prepping our next game of Bolt Action. While Kristi is getting used to the rules she is sticking to her American army, but this time I am going to field some Japanese against her. We'll be fighting a skirmish from the battle for Guadalcanal. Hmm. I used to play a computer simulation of that battle when I was a kid. Always played as the US Navy.

2nd Lieutenant. A mandatory choice here at this rank. Made him a veteran and had given him a bodyguard, but I later had to drop a few points to get under 1000 so he is now on his own, but he does have a submachine gun.

IJA Infantry squad. 12 men. Armed with an LMG this squad is the core of my firebase. They will pour rifle fire down on anyone out in the open. These are regular infantry/
IJA Infantry squad. 12 men. I gave this unit anti-tank grenades. Guess what their job is? The Japanese did not have a great choice of anti-tank weapons to play with. If Kristi brings a Sherman, then this is my best bet against it and not a good bet at that. I expect them to charge up the field Banzai style and true to most charges in the face of good defensive fire, die horribly. Still, this was a tactic used by the Japs. As a suicide squad, I've left them as regulars.
IJA Grenadiers 6 men. Early to mid-war, the Japanese equipped infantry squads with multiple light mortars. This squad will try to force the enemy out of any cover I want for myself and support the anti-tank squad. I want them to hopefully find a good spot at the start of the game and just not move from there for the rest of the game. These too are regular troops as mortars accuracy isn't affected by combat experience.

MMG. Another part of my anti-infantry arsenal. This army is going to be heavy on that. I made it a veteran unit as smaller sections normally get increased training.
Anti-Tank Rifle. Despite its name, this isn't much good against anything other than the lightest kinds of tanks. It is however perfectly fine for taking out other armoured vehicles like half-tracks, armoured cars, tankettes and the like. And if there are none of them in the enemy force then it makes an acceptable sniper unit.
Flamethrower. Capable of wiping out anything it hits, this is my other option should Kristi bring along a Sherman.
Sniper Team. For dealing with enemy officers, support weapon crews or just denting the enthusiasm of enemy infantry units who are trying to get places I don't want them to go. As is usual for my snipers, I took them as veterans.
Chi-Ha tank. Great for dealing with infantry but vulnerable to heavy machine guns and any gun bigger than that. I took this as a regular unit as I don't think Japanese tankers had a long life expectancy, but by this point in the war they would most likely have seen some action.
Type 92 70mm Infantry Gun. The lightest of light howitzers, this is more like a glorified light mortar than a true gun. Still, it fits in my overall plan.

Ok, so my LMG infantry squad, Grenadiers, MMG, Anti-Tank rifle, Snipers and howitzer are my firebase. My aim with them is to force the enemy infantry to stay back and pepper them with lead if they poke their heads out of cover. I don't want them to move much during the game (not at all if possible, but that rarely works out that way). The Chi-Ha is a mobile bunker. If I am pressed on any flank I'll have this rollover there and lay down a withering fire from its two MMG's. It does have a howitzer in its turret which does more damage than the 70mm. I must not however let myself get caught in a duel with any other vehicles with this tank. It just won't stand up to them. My officer will back up the anti-tank grenade squad and lend his short-ranged firepower on any banzai charges. If that squad gets near to any enemy armour, then I'll try an assault. Otherwise, I will just have to ignore any heavy armour opposing me and take any damage that comes my way from it.

Part of me hates playing as the Japanese because of their lack of decent equipment, however, it does make the game more of a challenge.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 02, 2020, 06:21:44 AM
Sitting with Ash while he goes on a rampage of Kaiju-like proportions and destroys the living room. Ah, the joys of our nightly tidy up after he goes to bed.

Windy weather today, although it is supposed to be nice over the weekend when the winds switch around and come up from the south instead of blowing from... well we normally have a choice between northern Canada, Siberia or the Arctic. All places famed for their warm weather.

Going to try to find a film to watch tonight that I can't guess everything that is about to happen in. Kristi is doing a nightly update of all the local shops that are doing home deliveries and various other bits and pieces that are helpful for the local community, all on the local village FB page. A lot of people find it handy, but it takes a couple of hours to get all the info in and type it all up every night and by the time she'd finished she didn't feel like watching her tiger show, so we ended up just watching some B movies I came across. Someone sent her an article from Sky news that says the local council has asked if it can borrow a hanger to use as a temporary morgue should the local facilities get overwhelmed. No idea how true or not the story is, but she decided it wasn't something the local community would find useful to know.

Just looking at my book collection. I think I need to buy in some more horror novels. although part of the problem there is that I am very picky about my authors there. Sci-fi or action I'll pretty much give anyone a read, but I like my horror to be atmospheric. How the hell I ended up with 5 Shaun Hutson novels is beyond me. Got a full James Herbert & Lovecraft collection, a fair bit of Clive Barker, some Dean Koontz and after that it all kind of breaks down into authors I've tried one or two books of, or short story collections that were mostly either bought when I was a kid or were picked up for long train journeys. Only one Stephen King book and I haven't even read all of that one. Used to have a few of his. Wonder where they've went to over the years? I think comedy is the hardest genre to write in though. I've read very few books that had me laughing out loud all the way through. Terry Pratchett's The Light Fantastic did that, but afterwards, he moved more into social commentary and was never quite as good again.

After it taking a week for letters I posted to make it to the other side of Scotland, one of the packages I ordered from ebay went and turned up today. Well, we now have a river for our games. I am actually more hoping that one day we will get to role-play around a table once again and I can use all this stuff for it.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on April 02, 2020, 01:37:30 PM
you might try some of esther friesner's books for comedic fantasy, and she edited the chicks in chainmail series of short story collections, they're great too. :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 04, 2020, 02:40:11 AM
Up early this morning to deal with Ash and let Kristi get a lie-in. I went to put on some music on Youtube while I did some online reading, but he climbed up onto my lap and watched the music videos so intently. I ended up just letting him sit there, and we watched them together.

It's those little moments really.

Anyone else think that Eric Clapton is vastly overrated as a singer/songwriter/guitarist? I've always felt Mark Knopfler is superior to him in each of those departments.

Sometimes you'll meet a soldier who you just know is going to make it through a war and while they might be injured, there is no way they are going to be killed. Ancient Celt's described such people as having an aura, or battle light around them. I would imagine this guy was one of those men.

QuoteManiacs of World War 2.

Sgt Audie Murphy.

Murphy had always wanted to be a soldier. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941, he tried to enlist, but the Army, Navy and Marine Corps all turned him down for being underweight and underage. After his sister provided an affidavit that falsified his birth date by a year, he was accepted by the U.S. Army on 30 June 1942.After basic training at Camp Wolters, he was sent to Fort Meade for advanced infantry training. During basic training, he earned the Marksman Badge with Rifle Component Bar and Expert Badge with Bayonet Component Bar.

Murphy participated in the September 1943 mainland Salerno landing at Battipaglia. While on a scouting party along the Volturno River, he and two other soldiers were ambushed; German machine gun fire killed one soldier. Murphy and the other survivor responded by killing five Germans with hand grenades and machine gun fire. While taking part in the October Allied assault on the Volturno Line, near Mignano Monte Lungo Hill 193, he and his company repelled an attack by seven German soldiers, killing three and taking four prisoner. Murphy was promoted to sergeant on 13 December

He returned with the 3rd Division to Anzio, where they remained four months. Taking shelter from the weather in an abandoned farmhouse on 2 March, Murphy and his platoon killed the crew of a passing German tank. He then crawled out alone close enough to destroy the tank with rifle grenades, for which he received the Bronze Star with "V" device.

fter landing on Yellow Beach near Ramatuelle, Murphy's platoon was making its way through a vineyard when the men were attacked by German soldiers. He retrieved a machine gun that had been detached from the squad and returned fire at the German soldiers, killing two and wounding one. Two Germans exited a house about 100 yards (91 m) away and appeared to surrender; when Murphy's best friend responded, they shot and killed him. Murphy advanced alone on the house under direct fire. He killed six, wounded two and took 11 prisoner.

Murphy's first Purple Heart was for a heel wound received in a mortar shell blast on 15 September 1944 in northeastern France. His first Silver Star came after he killed four and wounded three at a German machine gun position on 2 October at L'Omet quarry in the Cleurie river valley. Three days later, Murphy crawled alone towards the Germans at L'Omet, carrying an SCR-536 radio and directing his men for an hour while the Germans fired directly at him. When his men finally took the hill, 15 Germans had been killed and 35 wounded. Murphy's actions earned him a Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster for his Silver Star. He was awarded a battlefield commission to second lieutenant on 14 October, which elevated him to platoon leader.[59] While en route to Brouvelieures on 26 October, the 3rd Platoon of Company B was attacked by a German sniper group. Murphy captured two before being shot in the hip by a sniper; he returned fire and shot the sniper between the eyes. At the 3rd General Hospital at Aix-en-Provence, the removal of gangrene from the wound caused partial loss of his hip muscle and kept him out of combat until January. Murphy received his first Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster for his Purple Heart for this injury.

The Colmar Pocket, 850 square miles (2,200 km2) in the Vosges Mountains, had been held by German troops since November 1944. On 14 January 1945, Murphy rejoined his platoon, which had been moved to the Colmar area in December. He moved with the 3rd Division on 24 January to the town of Holtzwihr, where they faced a strong German counterattack. He was wounded in both legs, for which he received a second Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster for his Purple Heart. As the company awaited reinforcements on 26 January, he was made commander of Company B.

The Germans scored a direct hit on an M10 tank destroyer, setting it alight, forcing the crew to abandon it. Murphy ordered his men to retreat to positions in the woods, remaining alone at his post, shooting his M1 carbine and directing artillery fire via his field radio while the Germans aimed fire directly at his position. Murphy mounted the abandoned, burning tank destroyer and began firing its .50 caliber machine gun at the advancing Germans, killing a squad crawling through a ditch towards him. For an hour, Murphy stood on the flaming tank destroyer returning German fire from foot soldiers and advancing tanks, killing or wounding 50 Germans. He sustained a leg wound during his stand, and stopped only after he ran out of ammunition. Murphy rejoined his men, disregarding his own injury, and led them back to repel the Germans. He insisted on remaining with his men while his wounds were treated.

Murphy would go on to have a successful acting career but was troubled with post-traumatic mental health issues. Despite this, he did try and get assigned to a combat post during the Korean war.

Well, Ash has been eaten his breakfast and is now back in his bed. Did not seem ready to be awake. More than half tempted to go back to my bed myself.

I wonder if this is the worlds most uncomfortable looking music video. The singer looks like he has been dragged in off the street at gunpoint and been told to be in the video or get shot and is maybe having second thoughts about which option to take.

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Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: indianasmith on April 04, 2020, 07:28:36 AM
Audie Murphy is our hometown hero!  Our local museum is named after him and exhibits his uniforms, medals, as well as a lot of his film memorabilia, and there is a 16 foot tall statue of him out front. 

The Museum is actually called the Audie Murphy American Cotton Museum.  (It was originally the American Cotton Museum when I worked there, but when Murphy's family donated all his stuff, one of their stipulations was that the museum be renamed in his honor.)
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 04, 2020, 08:28:19 AM
I did not know he was from your neck of the woods. Another place I'd need to visit if we ever make it to Texas.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: indianasmith on April 04, 2020, 07:10:18 PM
It's ten minutes from my house - so we'd have to have a good visit!!
I worked for that museum for a couple years, actually helped build the place they currently occupy.  It was a fun job.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 05, 2020, 11:27:41 AM
And the world continues its mass silence. Funny to think how much good everyone staying home is doing the rest of the world, just not us. Still, not to worry. Won't take us long to catch up on messing everything up again. Apparently, across the rest of the country, people aren't following the shut-in rules enough and tightening the rules is on the cards. I would imagine the cities are the problem.

Working on stuff for tonights game. Bandits, cultists, ghosts and families may (or may not) turn up tonight depending on where they go and how far they get. Hoping they will reach the lair of the next mini-big bad. It is always possible however that the group will run off on some completely random tangent. From talking with Ross I think he has finally figured out that going for a super high armour class will just cause him problems, but we shall see. I have no doubt he will be looking for some other way to make himself invulnerable.

Kristi and Ash are both sleeping. All is still. All is quiet. I am not going to complain. Alone time must be the hardest thing for people to get right now. I hate to think what this whole thing is going to do to the divorce rate worldwide. Or the murder rate.

Such is the world today.

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Still, it is important to take your pleasures and breaks when you can. I wonder how much more people will appreciate their everyday freedoms when they get them back? Keeping your mental health up matters just as much as your physical health. One can seriously affect the other.

To keep my spirits flying high, I am currently watching the conspiracy theories on the web, something I watch now and again when I am in the mood. They take one slim strand of proof, which can vary in quality from being a proven fact to just plucked out of thin air and then build this entire belief system around it. It really is quite fascinating to watch it grow and develop it, pulling in extra strands that add to the mythology and reinforce their pre-existing belief until... well it is almost like a religion. Indeed, I could imagine the start of a religion growing in very much the same way. Some of them I think start off knowing they are talking bollocks but they keep talking it for so long and so in-depth that they come to accept it as fact and only occasionally remember it is all just a hoax. Others fall for it straight off. You have a few random assertations, back them up with a weak fact base and off you go.

What an odd species humans really are. With so much in the world to discover and believe in, so many choose to believe in any old pile of crap.

Oh well, catch you all later. I am off to do some spelunking in the Hollow Earth.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 07, 2020, 03:52:17 AM
Yesterday Kristi told me she wants some more tanks for her US army. Since she already has 4 Sherman's including one with a Calliope mount I figured I'd look at the lesser-known tanks like the Grant, Lee & Stuart. Maybe a Pershing for late war fun.

Going to get me a squadron of Chi-Ha's first though. Then I can get some transports and we can play the Tank Wars rules.

We are going to venture outside today for a walk around town. It is a nice day. Just a shame we can't do the things we would normally do, like take Ash to the swings. While he is still generally his usual happy self,we are seeing bouts of frustration from him which might be regular two-year-old stuff or might be him reacting to this sudden change in his lifestyle. Going to at least let him out of his buggy so he can walk around a bit. People around here are pretty good at maintaining a bit of social distancing, although heaven help anyone who in our current climes tries to randomly touch him. I hate that at the best of times never mind right now.

Thought I'd take some pictures of the east beach, so if you've been missing the out doors, just imagine yourself there.





When this whole Covid-19 thing first hit the headlines at the tail end of last year, I watched its progress carefully. I saw it spread tentatively at first, and then growing like wildfire. And I waited. I waited to see what would be done. I looked for orders, for volunteer lists. I waited for signs that we were going to be ready to deal with it. I watched as some people declared that this was nothing, that the flu killed more people per year than this and with that they also declared they did not understand why this would be more of a problem. I saw those who thought this would all somehow magically disappear, not be a problem at all (well done there folks, you really hit that one out there park by the way). I watched for signs that plans had been put in place to deal with what was coming.

And I saw nothing. Not until after it had hit. Then all of a sudden there is movement, calls for volunteers, for people with 3D printers to make equipment, people to make protective clothing for hospitals. For over a month we sat there and did nothing. There were measures that could have been taken to limit its spread. Inconvenient ones to be sure, but ones that would have meant there was a lesser effect later on. Maybe behind the scenes, extra supplies were being bought in, but if they were nothing was being said publically. I am waiting on hearing the first "Lessons need to be learned," a phrase I have grown weary of hearing over the past twenty-odd years. It seems to mean yeah, this sounds a good thing to say while we don't actually do anything.

Perhaps it will be another 100 years before we see another pandemic like this one hits. Perhaps another will start next week. In either case, I do not see us preparing any more for the next one than we have for this one. I mentioned in a previous post that there had been a clap for the NHS event recently to say thanks. Tomorrow some people want to organise a clap for Boris Johnson, our sickly Prime Minister. The man who sat on his arse and did nothing and is now struck down with this virus. It isn't an evil thing looking to take down the bad people in the world. It isn't karma, it isn't justice. It is simply a thing and it doesn't care who it does or doesn't affect, but of all the people I could show my appreciation for, or give sympathy to he is pretty godsdamned far down my list. Yes, he has done some pretty good things now to help the country deal with it, yes I accept he isn't perfect and no-one is going to get everything right. I might go out for the clap for boris thing though. Not to clap, but to see who does. Maybe I'll glower at them when I pass them on the street. I am good at glowering.

Going to watch more Tiger King tonight. I am so disappointed that it wasn't a show about German WW2 tanks. Finally got Kristi's US jungle fighters painted up and the bases all sorted. Made up the hedges for our terrain collection today and am just waiting on them all drying.

Funny, I keep going to do a post without discussing Covid, but right now it just seems to be dominating everything in a way past events have not.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 09, 2020, 03:18:02 PM
Got outside of Lossiemouth for the first time in weeks.

All the way to the town 5 miles away.

Most of the shops (as expected) were closed. I went to one of the supermarkets to pick up some stuff. Outside the shop, they'd made walls out of shopping trollies to control access to the store. Didn't get much, but then again I wasn't looking for much either. In one of the shops I went into, one of the workers commented that nothing I'd picked up was exactly essential supplies. I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I can in for essential stuff, but you didn't have anything important."

They didn't reply to that. What I'd really been looking for was some PJ's for Ash. He's been taking his top off while he is in his cot and then waking up in the middle of the night because he is cold. I was hoping to find him a sleeping suit, or bodysuit that would clip at the bottom, but they had nothing in his size anywhere.

Think I have picked up too many eggs for Ash. Every time I've been to the local shop I've bought him one and he now has a substantial collection. Eostre has indeed blessed him this year with extra chocolate to make up for being stuck inside lol. I am so looking forward to being able to take him to the park again and take him to the swings.

Finally getting around to catching up on Supernatural. Running through season 14, although in truth I can't remember what the last episode I watched was.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 11, 2020, 04:26:58 PM
Do you have somewhere you consider to be your home? Regardless of where you go, it always feels special to return to this place?

I believe many people do, but it isn't something I've ever really felt myself. Throughout my life, I've moved an average of every 3 years. Going to see certain people feels like home, but a place not so much. Maybe this is just an extension of my inability to connect to vague symbols like flags or countries, or even something as nebulous as a religion. The other things I can at least prove exist, even if I feel no connection to them.

I've been posting a lot of videos and photos of Ash on facebook recently. People keep telling me that this cheers them up. I have no idea why my particular crotch Goblin should help the moods of others, but hey if it works then I am willing to participate. As long as no one requests anything weird like photos of him in the shower or something. I have the strange feeling that might actually get me angry.

I was picking out my daily selection of pills earlier. I no longer need to take my Allopurinol, but I have several months of supply. Metformin I am hoping to be coming off soon as my blood sugar has been heading in the right direction. Presumably the same applies to my Atorvastatin. Funny to think that I can turn up at a pharmacy say I need them and I get a three month supply that would cost people in the States hundreds if not thousands of dollars. You'd think as a species we'd have figured out looking after each other by now. I mean we've been kicking around 200,000 years. Yes, I know there are people who disagree on that, but tough. The proof is out there. Oh, and evolution is a thing. It is has been proven enough to no longer be a theory. If you want proof of it, just look at why so many people worldwide are staying indoors right now.

Intelligent design my f**king arse! The butthole is way too close to the VJ for that to have ever been a smart choice.

I was looking back through memories of the past years. Seven years ago today I was manually moving stuff into this house. That got me thinking about where I'd be right now if me and Kristi had gone with our original plan where I was going to quit my job and move to the US. Would I have been able to find a good job? Would we be struggling and panicking in case one of us fell ill and couldn't afford the basic healthcare? At work right now between P8's and Lightning II, we have a lot of people who have been over there recently and generally the opinion I've heard the most runs along the lines of "Thank f**k I don't have to go through the US health care system. I went through X experience over there and it was brutal." When I last over there (and oh does that feel so many years ago right now), my mother in law had gone in for a double knee replacement. I didn't think the system seemed bad (but then again I wasn't going through it personally), although I did get quite angry when Kristi had to go in for a bunch of tests and they couldn't find anything wrong and we got charged $1000 dollars for the privilege. She went to see a doctor when she got back to the UK and he identified what the problem was within 30 seconds. It took 2 to 3 years to sort out the payment. Not because the insurance company tried to avoid paying, but because the hospital just wouldn't take the damn money.

I think that fiasco has been sorted out, but I never received anything to say "Yup, money has been collected and all is sorted." For all I know they could just have decided it wasn't worth the effort to collect. Or they had an attack of a guilty conscience and decided since they had given such a p**s poor performance that they shouldn't charge for it. I have to admit though I consider that a fairly unlikely result.

Do you remember your first love? I doubt I will ever forget mine. I still remember exactly where I buried her.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 12, 2020, 01:57:45 PM
Got up with Ash this morning. I had hoped the whole family would get up together, but Kristi had a rough night so I'd gotten up about 7 and heard Ash singing in his cot an hour later. Got him out of bed, cooked breakfast (eggs seemed appropriate) and by the time they were ready Kristi was getting up anyway. Gave Ash his first chocolate egg (a pagan one, natch), which being a chocoholic he devoured in short order. I did decide to be semi-responsible though and limit him to one egg a day.

He has about a weeks supply if we stick to that. I remember having a lot more eggs than that as a kid, but since he is only two I am going to limit him and not let him gorge himself until he feels sick. He did crash quite quickly tonight and before his usual bedtime. I'd prepped him a bottle and he saw it, grabbed a dummy (he only gets them when he is going to bed now), and headed upstairs. I followed and he was trying to climb into his bed, so I put him in and checked on his 5 minutes later. Poor kid was passed out already. He had slept longer this morning than he usually does, but he didn't get a nap either.

I see Boris is out of the hospital. Part of me was hoping he'd die, more to see how the situation would play out rather than particularly wishing he was dead because I don't like him. Not that I do like him or anything. I definitely don't like how he was being made out to be some kind of hero given that his earlier inaction cost lives and nearly his own. You could argue he has paid for that, but I don't think so as we fast approach 10,000 deaths. Sadly no one will ever know how many people have really died from this as not everyone is being autopsied. I can't imagine there are the facilities to do everyone. We will also never know how many people have caught it since not everyone is being tested.

With Kristi not feeling great and Ander's reporting in that he was sick too, I've called off tonights game. Wouldn't be fair on Mary and Val, given what they are getting close to facing. They are about to encounter one of the more minor league bad guy groups, one of the fringe crazy groups, equivalent to the more right-wing conspiracy nut jobs I like to read posts from. On the one hand, it makes me laugh, but on the other it makes me despair a bit for the species.

If she is feeling better tomorrow Kristi wants to do our next Bolt Action game. Her marine force consists of:

1*1st lieutenant (veteran).
2*US Marine squads (5 men each, regular experience).
1*Medic (regular).
1*Forward Observer (regular).
1*Engineer Team (8 men, regular plus Flame Thrower).
1*Bazooka Team (regular).
1*MMG (regular).
1*Medium Mortar (regular plus spotter).
1*Sniper Team (regular).
1* M7 Priest (regular).
1*US Marine squad  (8 men, one submachine gun for the NCO).

The M7 is pretty much a tank with a howitzer instead of a cannon. That will be a big threat to my infantry, but my anti-tank rifle might be able to take care of it, and if not... well I have my grenade squad. The bazooka and the Engineer squad are the threats to what the Japanese laughingly called a tank. The Forward Observer will be an issue. He is my snipers priority target. The two five men squads shouldn't be hard to suppress with my larger infantry squads and my mortar unit. Fairly confident I can wheedle any units out of cover if they are being a problem.

QuoteManiacs of World War 2

Simo Häyhä - The White Death.

Simo Häyhä's involvement in the Winter War was very extraordinary. With his Mosin-Nagant M91 rifle, he would dress in white winter camouflage, and carry with him only a day's worth of supplies and ammunition. While hiding out in the snow, he would then take out any Russian who entered his killing zone. Hayha preferred to use iron sights on his gun instead of scopes, as scopes had a tendency to glare in the sunlight and reveal his position. He would put snow in his mouth to hide his breath from being seen in the cold air. While he may sound like an ordinary sniper, this was far from the case: over the course of 100 days during the winter he racked up over 500 kills, earning him the nickname "The White Death". The Soviets feared him so much that they mounted numerous counter-sniper and artillery attacks to get rid of him, all of which failed miserably. However, on March 6th, 1940, he was hit in the jaw by an explosive round from a counter-sniper. He fell into an 11-day coma, awakening on the day that the war ended.

Simo's kills were believed to have been split roughly evenly between those from his sniper rifle and his submachine gun. Estimates place his total number of kills at 542, although he himself said it was somewhere around 500. On one day he managed 25 kills, his highest total for a single day.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 14, 2020, 04:26:25 PM
You'd think that being mostly stuck in the house would make me glad to get out, even just to go to work, but no. The less I have to go there, the less I want to go there. It's a shame because years ago I used to love my job. Well, either way, I'll be heading in, in an hour or so. Letting Ash have a sleep just now and watching 'The Gingerdead Man' between now and leaving though.

Well, work was fun. Ended up working a bit later than usual to get everything cleared. One of the problems with us working half days every second week. If they keep giving me my full pay though I am not going to complain. Phoned one of the guys from work this morning just to check something and afterwards, my screen just went black. I couldn't get anything to come up. It was fully charged etc but was for all intents dead. Eventually, we tried calling it from another phone and it sprang back to life. I guess it is a software bug or something. Meh. I hate having mobile phones anyway. Maybe I should join the anti 5G mob and go destroy some mobile phone masts? I suspect there are several conditions the number of signals we have going through the air could be causing, but somehow I don't think Covid-19 is one of them. Got a friend of Kristi's who has made a post about how Covid-19 must be a bio-weapon designed to reduce the population. I have thus far resisted the urge to point out that it isn't very good at that, having a low death rate, plus the people it is killing are mostly the elderly who don't generally breed that much, so it won't don't do much to lower the growth rate for the population.

Besides, 9 months time I am thinking there is going to be a pretty substantial population boost. All those people stuck at home are going to find something to do to keep themselves amused...

Hopefully, the hospitals are getting some extra resources now that they can use to plan for that. I suspect not though. Right now I can't imagine there is much spare capacity to take on things like that.

We got a whole string of words at various times during the day from Ash. Wondering if he has decided he is going to start talking? My favourite is when he copies my impression of Randy Savage saying "OH YEAH!"
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on April 14, 2020, 07:04:28 PM
oh yay! i'm so looking forward to finding out what sort of accent he has!  :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 15, 2020, 03:03:08 PM
12 weeks of staying at home. Work is going to try and figure out a way to get me a work laptop so I can do some working from home. The trouble is that all the laptops assigned to my section have already been given out and I need access to a system that I can't get to from home. I need to be at work to get into it and 99% of what I do involves this other system.

Kinda limits what I can do.

Time to spend some quality time with Ash, make a dent in my to be read pile and put my feet up then.  :smile:

I can also get the garden done and the garage sorted. Or at least tell the person who messed it up that they will be sorting it out.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 16, 2020, 03:46:43 PM
So I got a phone call today saying that I might have been misinformed about having to stay home for twelve weeks, so I called the med-centre up and they said: "No, you are supposed to stay home, however, you can make the decision to come into work but it is then on your own head." I've made an appointment for a telephone call appointment with one of the base doctors and I'll get some professional advice before making a decision.

That's kind of a big one. First off my immediate thought is that no job is more important than my family, ergo I stay at home, but part of me wants to go back in and do the damn job they are paying me for.

Not a decision anyone else can make for me but it is a big one and requires a requisite amount of thought and consideration.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on April 16, 2020, 10:20:37 PM
i know i can't make the decision for you, little brother. but i CAN BEG  . PLEASE STAY HOME!!!
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 17, 2020, 07:20:48 AM
I'll wait and see what the doctor says, Barri. Most of all what I want to find out right now is what it is they think I have that puts me at a higher risk of a more severe case of this, as I know other people with the same conditions as me who aren't on this list. Then based on what he tells me I'll sit down and think about the odds and take it from there.

If it's a case of they say "We are advising you not to work, but if you choose to and get sick then it's all on your own head" then I'll be staying home for the duration.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on April 17, 2020, 03:20:40 PM
don't be offended, buti hope they DO tell you at least that. and that you DO stay home. :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 22, 2020, 01:33:32 PM
Not posted about this for a little while as I was letting my temper cool down a bit. After being told that I had to stay at home (which hey, I was making the best of and trying to make light of, although I was worried about Kristi having to be the one going out all the time), I got told oops, that was a mistake. You are fine to go outside. Now, I accept people are under pressure, they have a lot to consider and this is just me blowing off a bit of steam, but telling me I had to stay at home put my wife at extra risk and she does have a number of health conditions which come down to her home state of Utah having air that at certain times of the year can best be described as crunchy.

I was also looking at spending a few hundred pounds on exercise gear that to be honest we don't really have the room for, not to mention the wasted money that would have involved.

Anyway, as soon as I was told I was ok to go outside we took a walk. It was for some essential stuff (Kristi's medications). Was a really nice, sunny day too.

Still thinking about getting a stand for my bike so I can go for a ride without having to leave the back door.

Anyway, here are some of the pictures from the walk.





The 2 to 3 group charity that Kristi is on the board for has expanded its operations from a daycare to sorting out food packages and help for vulnerable people who can't get out to the shops. The community centre closed its doors as part of the social distancing and whatnot. Alas, that is where they kept their supplies, but luckily they were able to persuade one of the local churches (baptist) to let them use their building while they can't hold services. It has been a bit of an eyeopener for the churchgoers, some of whom were shocked to discover the level of poverty in the village, even in some cases amongst its own congregation. Indeed some of them are still in a bit of denial about the whole thing. That to me though is what religion should be about. Helping each other. All the bollocks about praising Jebus and so on can come later. Look after people first. Who knows, you might actually make more converts that way too than their current recruiting methods. Start earning the moral authority you claim but have rarely earned. Anyway, it is refreshing to see them helping out and I hope it leads to a change in ways.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 24, 2020, 04:11:28 AM
Kristi decided she wanted to watch a charity fundraising show combining two of the annual fundraisers, Children in Need and Comic Relief. Both of them are for worthy causes, but as she was to find out they sadly lack in actual entertainment value. I did make a donation to them but I normally do that anyway without undergoing the torture that is watching their show. Apparently in the US these shows have higher production values.

Anyway, she was watching it because Alfie Boe was going to be on it and she loves his singing. Turned out he was on screen for maybe 30 seconds.

Got a nice long walk in yesterday. Ash brought Kristi his jacket, and then he brought his reins through so we figured he was dropping enough of a subtle hint.


That used to be the site of one of the local bars until it burned down. Supposed to be getting rebuilt, but as with all construction projects it has been delayed.





Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on April 26, 2020, 06:37:11 PM
little man ash, and you 2, you spark my joy and gladden my heart. i hope you all know that. :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 28, 2020, 02:47:40 PM
We do our best. People keep telling me that seeing Ash's smile cheers them up so I've been making an effort to post pictures on FB semi-regularly of him. Found out yesterday my iphone will make videos of pictures of people and tried uploading one of him yesterday, but it wasn't getting online for some reason.

Life continues under the lockdown. Mentioned about the post Kristi does nightly updating the community on services that are available and discovered that the office all read it. They were surprised to find out it was her writing it for the community council.

I wonder if any people who were sent home from non-essential jobs are having a crisis about being deemed non-essential? So many humans do seem to just be here to do things because there are so damn many of us. That isn't meant as a criticism of those people, just a random wondering things will bring on a wave of the equivalent of mid-life crises or not. Something to wait and see in the future I guess.

QuoteManiacs of WW2

Lauri Törni (Larry Thorne).

During the battles at Lake Ladoga, Törni took part in the destruction of the encircled Soviet divisions in Lemetti.

His performance during these engagements was noticed by his commanders, and toward the end of the war, he was assigned to officer training where he was commissioned a Vänrikki (2nd lieutenant) in the reserves. After the Winter War, in June 1941, Törni went to Vienna, Austria for seven weeks of training with the Waffen-SS, and returned to Finland in July; as a Finnish officer, the Germans recognized him as an Untersturmführer. Most of Törni's reputation was based on his successful actions in the Continuation War (1941–44) between the Soviet Union and Finland. In 1943 a unit informally named Detachment Törni was created under his command. This was an infantry unit that penetrated deep behind enemy lines and soon enjoyed a reputation on both sides of the front for its combat effectiveness. One of Törni's men was future President of Finland Mauno Koivisto. Koivisto served in a reconnaissance company under Törni's command during the Battle of Ilomantsi, which was the final Finnish-Soviet engagement of the Continuation War during July and August 1944. Törni's unit inflicted such heavy casualties on Soviet units that the Soviet Army placed a bounty on his head of 3,000,000 Finnish marks. He was decorated with the Mannerheim Cross on 9 July 1944.

The September 1944 Moscow Armistice required Finland to remove German troops from its territory, resulting in the Lapland War; during this period, much of the Finnish Army was demobilized, including Törni, leaving him unemployed in November 1944. In January 1945, he was recruited by a pro-German resistance movement in Finland and left for saboteur training in Germany, and to organize resistance in case Finland was occupied by the Soviet Union. The training was prematurely ended in March, but as Törni could not secure transportation to Finland, he joined a German unit to fight Soviet troops near Schwerin, Germany. He surrendered to British troops in the last stages of World War II and eventually returned to Finland in June 1945 after escaping a British POW camp in Lübeck, Germany.

As his family had been evacuated from Karelia, Törni sought to rejoin them in Helsinki but was arrested by Valpo, the Finnish state police. After escaping, he was arrested a second time in April 1946, and tried for treason for having joined the German Army. After a trial from October to November, he received a 6-year sentence in January 1947. Imprisoned at the Turku provincial prison, Törni escaped in June, but was recaptured and sent to the Riihimäki State Prison. Finnish President Juho Paasikivi granted him a pardon in December 1948.

Törni then travelled on board a Swedish cargo ship as one of the crew. While it was in the Gulf of Mexico he jumped overboard and swam to shore, claiming political asylum. He was granted a permit of residence.

Törni joined the US Army in 1954 under the provisions of the Lodge-Philbin Act and adopted the name Larry Thorne. In the US Army, he was befriended by a group of Finnish-American officers who came to be known as "Marttinen's Men" (Marttisen miehet).

With their support, Thorne joined the US Army Special Forces. While in the Special Forces, he taught skiing, survival, mountaineering, and guerrilla tactics. In turn, he attended airborne school, and advanced in rank; attending Officer Candidate School, he was commissioned as a 1st lieutenant in the Signal Corps in 1957.[20] He later received a commission and a promotion to captain in 1960. From 1958–1962 he served in the 10th Special Forces Group in West Germany at Bad Tölz, where he was second in command of a search and recovery mission high in the Zagros Mountains of Iran, which gained him a notable reputation.[21] When he was in Germany, he borrowed a car and briefly visited his relatives in Finland. In an episode of The Big Picture released in 1962 and composed of footage filmed in 1959, Thorne is shown as a lieutenant with the 10th Special Forces Group in the United States Army.

Deploying to South Vietnam in November 1963 to support Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) forces in the Vietnam War, Thorne and Special Forces Detachment A-734 were stationed in the Tịnh Biên District and assigned to operate Civilian Irregular Defense Group (CIDG) encampments at Châu Lăng and later Tịnh Biên.

During a fierce attack on the CIDG camp in Tịnh Biên, he received two Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star Medal for valor during the battle. This attack would later be described by author Robin Moore in his book The Green Berets.

Thorne's second tour in Vietnam began in February 1965 with 5th Special Forces Group; he then transferred to Military Assistance Command, Vietnam – Studies and Observations Group (MACV–SOG), a classified US special operations unit focusing on unconventional warfare in Vietnam, as a military advisor.

On 18 October 1965, as part of the operation Shining Brass, Thorne was supervising the first clandestine mission to locate Viet Cong turnaround points along the Ho Chi Minh trail and destroy them with airstrikes. Two Republic of Vietnam Air Force (RVNAF) CH-34 helicopters launched from Kham Duc Special Forces Camp and rendezvoused with a United States Air Force Cessna O-1 Bird Dog Forward Air Controller in inclement weather in a mountainous area of Phước Sơn District, Quảng Nam Province, Vietnam, 25 miles (40 km) from Da Nang. While one CH-34 descended through a gap in the weather to drop off the 6-man team, the command CH-34 carrying Thorne and the O-1 loitered nearby, when the drop helicopter returned above the cloud cover both the CH-34 and the O-1 had disappeared. Rescue teams were unable to locate the crash site. Shortly after his disappearance, Thorne was promoted to the rank of major and posthumously awarded the Legion of Merit and Distinguished Flying Cross.

In 1999, Thorne's remains were found by a Finnish and Joint Task Force-Full Accounting team and repatriated to the United States following a Hanoi Noi Bai International Airport ceremony that included Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Ambassador Pete Peterson.

Formally identified in 2003, his remains were buried on 26 June 2003 at Arlington National Cemetery, section 60, tombstone 8136, along with the RVNAF casualties of the mission recovered at the crash site. He was memorialized on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial at Panel 02E, Line 126. He was survived only by his fiancée, Marja Kops, who later married another man.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 30, 2020, 07:27:09 AM
Got called back into work last night. A mistake had been found and the people investigating it wanted to know if it was our fault or not. I looked into it, and as far as I can find nothing comes down to us.

Or at least me. I don't care about the rest.  :bouncegiggle:

Pretty sure they are safe too though. In fact, I think it is the people who have complained about the mistake that have made it. Boy, is that going to get them when they find out they've screwed themselves. Made a big order of WW2 stuff today. Getting my Brits a 3" Mortar carrier, a Churchill AVRE tank and a truck to carry some infantry. I need to get a few of the last off that list. For Kristi's Americans, I've ordered an HMG, heavy mortar and a LVT(A)-1 37mm AMTANK. Finally, my Japanese are getting some loving with a platoon of Chi-Ha's. Aiming towards playing a tank war scenario, but that mean's not only getting tanks but also having enough vehicles to transport any and all infantry around.

Been wondering about picking up a 3D printer to make my own vehicles. Going to do some research and see if it is practical and if it would save money in the long run. I think what will be the deciding factor will be the cost of the raw materials to make the stuff. If anyone has any experience of using one though feel free to give advice.

Looking forward to having next week off work. I even wanted to book one of my callout days as leave, but my line manager wouldn't let me. He said he'd cover that day.

Sounds great that doesn't it? Thing is that he doesn't know my job and if something goes wrong he'll need to call me and I plan on being drunk early doors that particular day.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 01, 2020, 04:14:16 PM
Went into work today expecting a fairly easy day as things had been slow this week.

Boy was I wrong.

Emails that had been sent yesterday at lunchtime with work for me didn't turn up until today, other work came in and our software suite wasn't working. When I tried to access Office it constantly froze up, none of the printers were coming online, my boss wanted some extra stuff doing... Normally on a Friday, we finish at 15:00. At 18:00 I turned the computer off, said I'd had enough and went home.

I've had four beers now and I am feeling like beer cans do not hold enough beers.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 02, 2020, 04:31:19 PM
In the last job I had before the one I am currently in, I was working in a factory. Initially, my contract was from mid-November until December. I figured it was a decent enough wage and I could do it to get money for presents. Over the first few weeks, they figured out who the good workers were and got rid of the others. Those who were leftover ended up having their contracts extended and the job lasted until 2 weeks before I was due to join up in early July.

I still remember the faces of the people I worked with, although mostly their names have been lost to the mists of time. There was the one guy I nicknamed the Mongolian Horseman, for no other reason than to see if people would call him it. They did. I worked beside all sorts of people from ex-soldiers, guys with university degrees, ex-R.A.F. policemen, junkies and more. We were all temp workers for an employment agency, while the people who worked in the factory already worked directly for the company. I don't know if you have ever worked in that kind of situation, but there is always a degree of enmity from some of the permanent staff towards the temps. We get a higher wage, but we don't get other benefits like sick or holiday pay. There was only one woman who had that attitude towards us in this particular place, and she was a loudmouth who wasn't afraid to voice her opinions so everyone could hear.

Mostly we ignored her. She'd say we were all lazy. Now, this woman was heavily overweight, while at this time I was up early in the morning to run a couple of miles, then cycle 7 miles to work, do a 12-hour shift and cycle home. I doubt she could have kept up with me for 10 seconds. Anyway, our shifts started and finished at different times from the permanent staff and we had different breaks. She was always accusing us of taking too long on our breaks and so on, which was bull. One particular break the permanent staff got happened to be at the same time as the end of our shift (our shifts rotated on a 2 week 12-hour cycle whereas they had a three-week 8-hour rotation), so I suggested to the guy I was working beside that we play a bit of a trick on her. We had a loud conversation about going off for our break, not mentioning it was really our home time and off we went.

Of course, when we didn't come back, she ran off to complain to one of the supervisors saying that we'd taken a longer break than we were allowed and been a bit humiliated when after shouting loudly enough for the entire factory floor to hear what she thought of us being told that we had completed our shift and went home on time. One of the other permanent staff told us the next day that she'd been livid about it, but for the remainder of my time working there, I never heard another word from that fat, bloated, b***h.

Of course, as with everywhere else, I've worked, the factory closed down after I'd quit. I occasionally wonder where she ended up. I suspect a lifetime of minimum wage jobs followed by an early death. Maybe she is still kicking around and done well for herself. Just one of those things I will know though for sure.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on May 02, 2020, 06:06:34 PM
my entire banguet team except for the captain was made up of long term temps, they ROCKED! and nobody got to mistreat them that was a regular company worker. i p**sed off ALOT a cafeteria people who came in for extra shifts, needless to say.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 03, 2020, 06:59:01 AM
Warning, this is going to be an extremely geeky post about WW2 stuff and wargaming. It is more just somewhere to put down a vague notion of a game I will most likely not get to play.

The set of WW2 rules we play (Bolt Action), is designed as primarily an infantry based game. You might have a tank in your force, but it is the grunts that really do the work. It does, however, have a variant called 'Tank Wars'.

So, this is for my British force since I have the most variety of vehicles for them out of the assorted armies we have. There are too many vehicles to put into one platoon, so I've split them between two, a light and a heavy platoon.

1st  Platoon (Light).

Command vehicle.
Humber Scout Car. Pintle-mounted LMG. Veteran. 108 points.
Bit risky putting my commander in a light tank, but I am going with a theme of fast and mobile for this force and it seems to fit. Besides, it looks cool. And if it was cool enough for J.O.E. in 'A Bridge To Far' then it is cool enough for me. I'd have this starting off the table, coming on later is a flanking manoeuvre and looking to suppress the enemy infantry accompanies by the Wasp ad the Cromwell. Someone commanding this force is going to have plenty of experience, so I am making him a veteran.

Mandatory vehicle 1.
Mortar Carrier. Inexperienced. 64 points.
A Bren Carrier converted to a self-propelled artillery vehicle with a 3" mortar mounted on it. This can move quickly enough to provide fire support where required. Mortars are inaccurate weapons and cannot be relied on, but if one is firing at a unit, then the unit is going to move fast rather than risk it zeroing in on them. I can use this to relieve pressure on any strategic locations. 3" mortars are not normally front line weapons, so I've made this crew inexperienced. I am not going to use this one as a flanking unit though. I want it on the table the whole game, popping shots off every turn.

Mandatory vehicle 2.
Wasp.. Regular. 100 points.
Another Bren (or Universal) Carrier variant, this time with a flame thrower built-in. Flame throwers are terrifying weapons and any crew caught using one are normally executed out of hand, Geneva convention rules be damned. Having this turn up on my opponents flank should cause him a bit of consternation.

Optional vehicle 1.
Cromwell tank. Medium anti-tank gun, 2 MMGs. Veteran 246 points.
The first decent British tank of the war, with armour and a weapon roughly equivalent to a Sherman or Panzer IV, but much, much faster (they were powered by aircraft engines. There is a story of 3 of these tanks being caught by surprise by a larger enemy force and being able to escape by driving at full speed and doing a Dukes of Hazard leap over a canal. Boy, that would have been something to see). The gun on this is a medium anti-tank weapon, so it will be good against normal vehicles and similar tanks but will struggle to penetrate the front armour of the German big cats. These tanks saw a lot of use as reconnaissance a lot towards the end of the war having the speed to go ahead of the main forces as well as having more firepower and protection than most such units should it get into trouble.

Optional vehicle 2. LRDG Armed Truck. 2 MMG. Veteran 54 points.
These improvised armed trucks were used by the Long Range Desert Group on their raids deep into enemy territory during the desert war and provided a little bit of fire support to the lightly armed raiders. The machine guns aren't going to penetrate armour but are going to help keep peoples heads down.

Mechanised Infantry.
Jeep. Unarmed. Inexperienced. 17 points.
1st Lieutenant plus 2 men. Sub-machine guns. 116 points.
A zippy little fire support/assault section able to quickly move to any threatened sections of the table and lend close fire support.

5x Bren (Universal) Carriers. 2 LMG's. 350 points.
4x Five Man Regular Infantry (Mid/Late War). Rifles & Anti-Tank Grenades. 240 points.
Forward Observer (Artillery).
The most widely manufactured fighting vehicle in history (I think over 100,000 of these were made). At the start of WW2 Britain led the way in the mechanisation of its army. This is a fairly small vehicle and can only carry 5 men, but counts as a recce vehicle (which means it has a special ability to retreat. The Italians should have bought this). I can use these to run up the battlefield and either deploy a small squad or keep the troops inside and have them fire off the two LMG's (if the troop's exit, the driver can only fire one gun). Since if I am using this army, my enemy is also going to be fielding a load of vehicles I've given the troops anti-tank grenades so they have a chance of destroying any enemy vehicles bothering them. The Forward Observer can call his arty strike and then just an LMG for the rest of the game giving me a very mobile fire support unit.

The idea with 1st Platoon is that they are the ones charging up the table, taking the fight to the enemy, or preferably, grabbing secure locations with some cover and forcing the enemy to take the fight to them. While it has a lot of light firepower they'd have problems dealing with heavier armour. That is where 2nd Platoon comes in.

2nd Platoon (Heavy).

Command Vehicle.
Churchill Tank Mk VII. Medium anti-tank gun, 2 MMG's. Regular. 435 points.
The Churchill is a beast. It was huge and very heavily armoured but had the disadvantage of being slow (it was designed to travel at the same speed as the infantry it would be accompanying) and lacking a gun to match its armour. It was well-liked by its crews and between the length of the machine and its engine it could deal with terrain that many of its contemporaries simply could not handle, which was especially useful in the fighting in Italy. It counts as a super-heavy tank and can thus shrug off most threats to it. It is debated wither the Churchill this tank was named after was the legendary Prime Minister or an earlier military leader.

Mandatory vehicle 1.Churchill AVRE. Heavy Howitzer, 2 MMG's. Regular. 290 points.
The engineering variant of the Churchill, this was designed to breach beach defences and other hardpoints. It fired a massive 18kg shell which travelled slowly enough to be seen and was nicknamed the Flying Dustbin. The armour on this is slightly lighter than the VII and the howitzer can only fire at short range, but what it hits, it destroys.

Mandatory vehicle 2.Sherman Firefly. Super-Heavy Anti-Tank Gun. 1 MMG. Veteran 345 points.
American doctrine said that tanks were for infantry support. Where American tanks encountered enemy tanks the idea was you would back off, call in Tank Destroyers and then let them deal with the threat. A lovely idea in practice, however, if aren't able to either get away or call in reinforcements then you have a problem. I don't consider that to have been a bad decision though, it was kind of dictated by the supply lines across the Atlantic and what was available. The British, however, decided to take what was arguable the best pure anti-tank gun of the war (the 17 pounder), and stick it into the turret of some of its Sherman's thus giving them some tank killing power of their own. Initially, every troop of 3 Sherman's would have one Firefly, but as more become available this altered to a 2 in 4 ratio. Sherman's were not popular with their crews being vulnerable to catching fire easily. They were nicknamed Ronsons (because they lit up first time, every time), but they had the advantage of being available in large numbers and were easily repairable (accounts of tanks being fixed up with patches welded over holes in the tank, and the Shermans then been given a new crew without the bloodstains from the previous crew being cleaned up are not uncommon) which when you are fighting a war on that scale is what was needed. Anyway, my Firefly will sit back and use its range to pick off opposing heavy tanks. Or any vehicle really. There isn't anything anyone can field at this time that doesn't need to fear that gun. I would imagine the most experienced crews possible would have been assigned this tank, so I've made the crew veteran.

Optional vehicle 1. LRDG Armed Truck. 1 MMG, 1 light anti-tank gun. Veteran. 94 points.
I've opted to switch out the second MMG on this one for a little bit of an anti-armour capability

Quad Tractor.. Inexperienced. 15 points.
QF-17-Pdr. Super-heavy anti-tank gun. Veteran. 288 points.
The Quad was an artillery tow that looked like a heavily armoured vehicle but wasn't. It is powerful enough to tow by second big tank killer, the QF-17. This is the same gun as was put in the Sherman Firefly and had been developed during the campaign in North Africa to deal with the next generation of heavily armoured German tanks. This will be towed to a good firing position on the first turn of the game and then used to pick off anything that dares show itself. I expect it to more be an area denial weapon as no one is going to want to risk being shot at by this and it isn't very mobile.

2*15cwt Truck. Inexperienced. 25 points.
2*Eight Man Regular Infantry (Mid/Late War). Rifles, LMG.
A couple of larger infantry units to provide a bit more staying power and a bit extra firepower just in case.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 04, 2020, 11:34:05 AM
Well, Boris has been really playing up his time with Covid-19. He's been saying how the doctors were giving him a 50/50 chance and so on. Can't help but think he is playing it up for the publicity since while he was sick it was made clear that he didn't require a ventilator. Not a medical expert though so I'll confess I could be, being harsh there. His government has been putting a spin on the numbers of PPE equipment delivered though. They were claiming a billion assets have been delivered, but they've started counting things like cleaning sprays, and individual gloves rather than pairs.

Decided to order to new desktop last night. The laptop I've been using really doesn't cut it for what I need it to do. Next month I can look at adding a 3D printer.

Have you seen the Lego-style video the Chinese have put out criticising the US governments Covid response? Read a bit about it, but I haven't bothered watching it.

Ended up getting a free Indian meal tonight. One of the local restaurants has been making free meals for people struggling with money. Normally they give a day or two's notice and that gives the team distributing the food time to assign it to the correct people, but today they just turned up with 50 meals and the volunteers couldn't find enough people to give the food to at short notice, so we ended up being given three of them. If it wasn't for the fact the food would have been binned I'd feel bad about it.

Ok, I am lying there, I wouldn't feel bad at all, but I'd be aware that I should.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on May 04, 2020, 12:17:47 PM
Quote from: Alex on May 04, 2020, 11:34:05 AM
Well, Boris has been really playing up his time with Covid-19. He's been saying how the doctors were giving him a 50/50 chance and so on. Can't help but think he is playing it up for the publicity since while he was sick it was made clear that he didn't require a ventilator. Not a medical expert though so I'll confess I could be, being harsh there. His government has been putting a spin on the numbers of PPE equipment delivered though. They were claiming a billion assets have been delivered, but they've started counting things like cleaning sprays, and individual gloves rather than pairs.

Decided to order to new desktop last night. The laptop I've been using really doesn't cut it for what I need it to do. Next month I can look at adding a 3D printer.

Have you seen the Lego-style video the Chinese have put out criticising the US governments Covid response? Read a bit about it, but I haven't bothered watching it.

Ended up getting a free Indian meal tonight. One of the local restaurants has been making free meals for people struggling with money. Normally they give a day or two's notice and that gives the team distributing the food time to assign it to the correct people, but today they just turned up with 50 meals and the volunteers couldn't find enough people to give the food to at short notice, so we ended up being given three of them. If it wasn't for the fact the food would have been binned I'd feel bad about it.

Ok, I am lying there, I wouldn't feel bad at all, but I'd be aware that I should.

You openly serve your nation, therefore your nation owes you. Take whatever those you defend offer you. Others who do less would have taken it without a qualm.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 05, 2020, 02:29:43 PM
Well, today I got a message from Terry at work asking me to call him when I had a minute. Even though the text said it was nothing bad, I still always worry about these things.

I've been applying for various posts in the hope of remaining at Lossiemouth for the remainder of my career and so far I'd been turned down for them for various reasons. It doesn't help that they are short of people who are trained to do my job and the posts I've been applying for are what are called "off-trade" so manning have been saying "Nope, he can't be released from his trade to do this job." That is what happened with the job I really wanted, which would have involved a move down to Glasgow.

I miss being able to jump on a train to Glasgow and go shopping there. Although not as much since The Dragon & George (my favourite D&D type store) closed down. I was always pretty sure that the guy who ran it, Tom was in fact an avatar of Nyarlathotep. Especially because he always denied it.

Anyway, the phone call was because Terry had received word on the last job I had applied for. He told me about the message he had been sent as to the success or failure of my application. Bearing in mind that this was pretty much my last chance to remain at Lossiemouth where I have been based my entire career or have to move elsewhere, it is pretty important to us. Especially Kristi who wants to remain in Lossiemouth, and if I am entirely honest I don't want Ash growing up with an English accent. Besides, there are a lot of advantages to being north of the border (since Scotland got its own parliament, the land border has moved south as some towns in the border region have asked to move under Scottish jurisdiction so they must be doing something right).

Having some beers now, to either celebrate or commiserate. I am not going to say which just because I think Barri will want to know the answer.

I can't imagine anyone else would, but if anyone does have a burning need to know, PM and I'll reply. Unless I don't like you, in which case I won't.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on May 05, 2020, 06:28:49 PM
my darling butthead, you are far more transparent then you think, at least to SOME of us, lol! congratulations!  :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 06, 2020, 02:51:22 AM
I guess not as much as you might think since I didn't get the job.  :lookingup:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 07, 2020, 05:12:18 AM
Got woken up this morning sometime after 3 with Ash screaming. Went and got him out of his cot, but couldn't seem to calm him down. It isn't the first time he has woken up like that. We have wondered if he is having night terrors, but it could be any number of things. I was going to get up with him, but he wanted his mum and Kristi ended up having to get out of bed. He did eventually settle down and go back to sleep (and indeed is still currently sleeping as as his mum). It could be he is teething again. He doesn't cry much with that and certainly has never kept us awake all night with it. These days when he wakes up, he insists on having a shower and brushing his teeth.

Means I can get up, have a beer for breakfast and put on my rarely played original pressing of 'Ace of Spades'. I've long wanted a tattoo on my right shoulder. Ever since I got one on my left shoulder in fact. Think I've finally settled on the design. Suspect I'll need to save up for a while though. Getting it done the way I want is going to be expensive.

Decided not to run any more games of D&D until I get my new PC, which is due to be delivered on Monday. Not a top of the range computer like I used to buy, buy
but then again I don't play the kind of online games I used to play any more that need that kind of rig.

Ash is up now. He seems to have stopped his habit of challenging me whenever I tell him not to do something. No doubt there is more of that to come and this is just a temporary respite.

Looking at the news. Money seems determined to get the world moving again regardless of the true cost to come. Meanwhile Spain is seeing a spike in cases of Covid-19 after loosening restrictions. Capitalism really isn't really set up to deal with this kind of thing.

Got my first rebate on ebay. I'd ordered something and the seller said he'd posted it but it never arrived. With everything that is going on I gave them a couple extra weeks for the item to turn up. When I contacted him (or her) I got no reply, so ebay contacted them and got no reply either. Wondering if I should give my first negative feedback now.

Wonder what joys work will have for me on Monday. I have the next step to work out. I am already now overdue moving jobs. On the other hand, moves have been put on hold while Covid is running around so I have no idea when I will move.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on May 07, 2020, 04:31:54 PM
you really didn't get it? well that just BLOWS. did they tell you why?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 08, 2020, 08:27:23 AM
Actually, I did get the job which should mean that I will be finishing my career at Lossiemouth.   :bouncegiggle:

My boss has to decide when he can let me go as we have 4 people from the office all going on deployments or being posting out all at the same time so it might be August before I move.

Went on a nice long walk around Lossiemouth yesterday, including taking Ash down onto the beach for the first time (my first time with him on the beach, Kristi has had him there before). Since no one is playing golf at the moment, we were able to safely cut across the local golf course (there are no trespassing laws in Scotland, but they do have a couple of paths for the public to take across the course anyway, if you don't mind taking the risk of being hit by a stray ball). It occurred to me that a golf course is a huge waste of space used by only a few people. I've heard the line about golf being a waste of a good walk attributed to many different people, but whoever said it first, I agree with them. It would make a great park. We did once come across a bunch of drunk Canadians playing gold at midnight when we were out on one of our late night / early morning walks, back before we had Ash.

Anyway, here are some photos from the walk.









Spent the night drinking a beg of Werewolf beer all to myself and then this morning a present turned up from my brother. A dozen bottles of beer.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on May 08, 2020, 06:26:47 PM
deep sigh....WHY do all the men i know and love feel the need to mess with my head? and WHY am i so gullible? but hey, i WAS right, i know you rather well, butthead!  :cheers:
* and yes, i know you all do it because i AM gullible and actually think you're serious occasionally, lol!*
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 09, 2020, 03:39:33 AM
Barri, last night I had someone sneak into your house and write gullible on the ceiling above where you are now sitting.


Did you just look up?  :bouncegiggle: You know you want to.

Clouds have come in. We had some very light rain last night. I know this because it took us until 22:00 last night to get Ash to settle down and go to sleep so we took him out for a walk. Hoping we get a little bit more and then perhaps I can get a chance to dig up the garden. Right now the ground is baked hard and I don't care enough about the garden to fight that battle.

We are running low on some of our supplies and are discussing venturing forth into Elgin to restock. Kristi has said because I've not been out for a while I can go if I want. I don't think she realises just how well I can adapt to not leaving the house. Give me music I like and something good to read and I am can hunker down to outlast any apocalyptic scenario happily. Kristi wanted to watch the V-E celebrations last night. Mostly consisted of video calls with surviving veterans and some women in WW2 RAF uniforms singing songs from back then. The uniform really hasn't changed much since then.

So once again I've had a birthday and do my annual "How the hell did I make it this far?" thinking. Really, I didn't think I'd see 30. Getting out of the town I grew up in helped. Pretty sure I'd be long since dead if I hadn't. What a s**thole. I know at least 3 guys my age who didn't make it to their mid-20's. One set himself alight one night when he was bored, drugs and alcohol took the other two. One of them put himself in a coma for a bit and gave himself brain damage, following one cocktail of illicit substances, and then a few months later finished the job. None of them were what I'd call shining examples of humanity though and I've shed no tears for them. I never really kept track of anyone I was at school with, so I have no idea how the majority fared. I suspect most of the boys I went to school with have had lengthy prison careers though.

Stupid bastards. Some of them were fairly intelligent, they just got caught up in gang fights. One of them hit someone in the back of the head hard enough with a golf club, or two by four that his eye was knocked out of its socket. I think he was left blinded and paralyzed.

Ah, the joys of growing up in a village where the factory that had for generations provided 100% employment was shutting down. So glad I wasn't born there and that I don't stay there anymore. If it wasn't for family living there, I'd never go back. Nowhere is perfect, but that place was just miserable.

My new desktop arrived. It comes with a remote control and lights. I am not sure how they improve its performance, but hey ho. Now I get the fun and games of installing programs and downloading updates. But I can actually do stuff now when it is all sorted. It wasn't supposed to arrive until Monday, but I am not going to complain about that.

On something of a Fields of the Nephilm kick today. They are a band that I wish I'd been into when I was younger. I was aware they existed, but I never really heard of of their music back then.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 10, 2020, 05:39:38 AM
Did not get a good sleep last night. Got a pair of seagulls attempting to nest in the front garden and they kept waking me up. The ones over here are somewhat larger than the ones Kristi is used to back in Utah, and when they lay eggs they will get very territorial and I can't have them attacking Ash when he leaves the house. I've been destroying the nest, but I've not managed to catch the birds in it yet and scare them off. Might have to put something down that will persuade them to move on.

Then again if I dig up the garden today, that might persuade them to move on. Will have to see if the ground is soft enough to be dug up after the past couple of days rain.

Well, I went to dig up the garden and it started snowing quite heavily. That was unexpected. Might cause a change in my plans.  :bluesad:

Hell, everytime I go outside today we are having different weather, either snow, rain or a freezing cold wind.

Oh and we can now add hailstones to that list. I've given up for the day. It looks like a nice day out there, but the instant you step outside the weather ambushes you.

Trying to keep Ash occupied at the moment while Kristi cooks. I went looking for a cartoon to stick on the TV, but the only thing I have up here is Akira, so he is being introduced to that. Looking forward to seeing how this computer does on tonights game. Looking forward to seeing how the group does against tonights big bad.

Tried running a bath for Kristi tonight, while she and Ash were finishing dinner downstairs. He slipped upstairs and saw the bath running, so now it is his bath lol. He loves playing in water. I think am going to need to cut his baths and showers down though. He has had 3 today now. Still he is tired, and it helps keep him awake until bedtime. He has stopped napping around noon and wants a lie down around about 15:00. If we let him have that then it's sometime between 20:00 and 22:00 before we can get him to sleep.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on May 10, 2020, 07:09:07 PM
never mess with a weather witch, sweet butthead, lol! seriously though, that sounds like may in new england( or kansas) with the wild changes. As for the ceiling, no point in looking up, i broke my glasses months ago, can't see that far.
   happy about your new puter! i'm thinking about getting a new desktop for curtis's bday in november, his is almost 10 years old and miles broke the tray for cds about a month before he died. he needs a cd burner.  :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 11, 2020, 12:12:10 AM
Most computers nowadays no longer seem to have a disk drive, so you might need to look for a plug in one. My new computer doesn't even have a slot for an integral one.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 11, 2020, 06:40:12 AM
A slightly late present arrived today, including a photo of me with slightly more hair.


Now I can listen to 'Diggy Diggy Hole' on my record player. Today was my first day back in work since getting my move confirmed. No date yet, but I expect around August, although I am happy enough to wave my 90 days notice. It isn't like I am going to have to move down to England (although I will have to do a 3 month course down at Coningsby at some point).
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 13, 2020, 05:29:45 AM
We were feeling lazy today for making food, so we took a walk to the local shop. I went in, got a couple of sandwiches (wearing a face covering), and we went home. Kristi picked a chicken and stuffing one out of the selection and I had a BLT. She said it wasn't quite right. The taste and texture were... off. Turned out in small letters on the packaging was that it was a vegetarian substitute.

Won't be buying that brand again then.

I was listening to some random music earlier. Got a bit of Ozzy, 'You can't kill rock and roll'. The lyrics made me think of the people who are still in denial over Covid-19, or just don't realise how much worse it could get. Then again, it's not the first time that I've seen people being willing to sacrifice other people for their own beliefs. Hell, maybe we should just let it all go to s**t and see who left alive at the end. Let the old folks die and if the suggestions that this is causing long term damage to kids' major organs, well that is something they'll have to deal with as they grow up.

Being sarcastic there for anyone who didn't realise. Don't care what your business or job is if you aren't essential then your job isn't worth someone else's life or health.

When I left work today, I slapped some hand gel on and was applying it while I strolled home. I was going over a grassy path and my wedding ring shot off my finger and somewhere into the long grass. Luckily I managed to find it fairly quickly. When death comes, you can take it serenely, you can go fighting all the way, you can beg and plead, but a man who goes home without a wedding ring is going to find out which one of those is going to find out which one he gets pretty damn quickly.  :teddyr:

I remember my old physics teacher, Mr. Beresford telling our class that a modern nuclear reactor's safety features meant that a meltdown couldn't happen in less than 48 hours and that there was a lot you could do in 48 hours to stop it.

Always figured what I could do was get outside  :thumbup: distance. He was one of the better teachers I had at school though. Nice old guy. Must have been close to retirement when I had him. I hope he had a good life.

Do you have anything that irrationally offends you? For me, it is being bought grey clothing. I absolutely hate it. It doesn't matter what kind of clothing it is, if you buy me that I will not be a happy man. When we first got married Kristi took it upon herself to start buying me clothes, most of which I disliked, but I grinned and bore it. Even when she bought me a grey fleece jacket, I kept quiet. It wasn't until we were having a conversation with friends and she said: "Oh, I buy all of Alex's clothes now and I do a good job of it." After that, I had a private conversation with here where I as nicely as possible asked her to stop buying me clothes. Anyway, these days she generally only gets me tee-shirts and those ones she does pick out things I like there.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on May 13, 2020, 04:05:25 PM
things that irrationally offend me? yup. when people call me back without listening to the voicemail i left. i don't know why that annoys me, but it really does.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Paquita on May 13, 2020, 10:00:43 PM
Quote from: Alex on May 11, 2020, 06:40:12 AM
A slightly late present arrived today, including a photo of me with slightly more hair.


Now I can listen to 'Diggy Diggy Hole' on my record player. Today was my first day back in work since getting my move confirmed. No date yet, but I expect around August, although I am happy enough to wave my 90 days notice. It isn't like I am going to have to move down to England (although I will have to do a 3 month course down at Coningsby at some point).

YES!!  We love Diggy Diggy Hole in this house!

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 14, 2020, 03:41:26 PM
The weather has turned. I guess the summer is over and we are back on winter already.

Listening to my favourite Alice Cooper album (Hey Stoopid!), although to industrial sound of 'Brutal Planet' comes close to topping the '80's power metal sound of 'Hey Stoopid!' in my book. Damn, but I am a sucker for a grinding guitar riff. Throw in a nilhistic tune and I am all yours.

I found out tonight I am the only person in the world who has collected a 28mm German army, but doesn't have a Puma. In historical terms, it isn't a vehicle they made a lot of (about 100), but pretty much every army features one as they are very effective for their points.

Except mine anyway.

Tonight is the last night of late night flying which I am not going to complain about. A take off at half past midnight is still as loud as one during the day unfortunately.

Looking at the news. It is amazing that while in other eras people have stood up and fought against all sorts of great threats, while in this one, we in our self-entitled world can't even stay at home to help others. Mind you, apparently when our Prime Bumbler, Mr Johnson announced that kids would be going back to schools in the summer, parents and teachers have turned around and told him to p**s off, and that their kids are not going to be used as guinea pigs. In the other countries of the union the administrations are saying "Nope, we won't be lifting the restrictions."

Then again, perhaps this will be the end of Johnson's political career. The man was funny when he was on 'Have I Got News For You', but dammit, that joke just isn't funny anymore. Not that I can see any of his possible successors being much better. The best I can say for them is that they might have a bit more dignity.

Never thought I'd miss politicians at least pretending to have that.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 15, 2020, 01:18:15 PM
Quote from: Paquita on May 13, 2020, 10:00:43 PM
Quote from: Alex on May 11, 2020, 06:40:12 AM
A slightly late present arrived today, including a photo of me with slightly more hair.


Now I can listen to 'Diggy Diggy Hole' on my record player. Today was my first day back in work since getting my move confirmed. No date yet, but I expect around August, although I am happy enough to wave my 90 days notice. It isn't like I am going to have to move down to England (although I will have to do a 3 month course down at Coningsby at some point).

YES!!  We love Diggy Diggy Hole in this house!

Do you have a preferred version? I think Wind Rose's is fantastic, especially if you watch it with the video.

Another weekend has rolled around. Still got no idea when I switch posts, only that it should be some time in August at the earliest. In many ways, it doesn't matter. Just by getting this posting, I have what I need. The starting date is more or less, immaterial. It would be nice to have a firm date in place none the less.

For some reason I've been having an urge to find a copy of Dune 2 and complete it as all three factions. I remember I'd completed it on two of them back when it came out. No idea which ones, although I'd be surprised if I didn't start as Harkonian.

Kristi decided to sign up for Disney+. Had a look at all its movies and they didn't have anything I don't already have and fancied watching. Was hoping they'd have Fox's films up, but maybe they are saving them for a seperate service?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 16, 2020, 04:34:39 AM
Designing a trap-filled mansion for the D&D group to get caught up. Although the area the house is in, is a magical, extra-dimension space, the traps themselves I am planning on making mundane (ie non-magical). The first one involves the hallway they will enter into. It has a stone floor and is dominated by a statue in the middle, with a table with a note in front of it. Both in front and behind the statue are two rugs, while a number of different sized urns are scattered around and the walls are covered in paintings. Light is provided by a couple of braziers which will cast a dull light around the room, but no light source brought in by the party will work. In one corner lies a mummified body (this is a red herring, but I am expecting the party to be very suspicious of that).

The idea is that someone will walk over to the desk to read the note and find out that the rug is covering up a pit filled with acid. Each of the urns are sealed up, but are made from a weak and crumbly clay. Any rough treatment, including big, flashy spells will cause them to shatter and release a poisonous gas into the room. There are no secret passages behind these paintings, but they are coated with a potent toxin, so examining them closely will cause issues for anyone not wearing gloves, or who later touches either themselves or someone else if they are wearing gloves.

Should they actually get to read the note, all it says is "Welcome to the Murder House. There are no cunning riddles here, no puzzles to solve, only death. Time does not pass here, but you shall."

If anyone has any idea for traps I can include later on, go ahead and suggest them. I have lots of ideas already, but I have many, many rooms to fill with multiple traps.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Paquita on May 16, 2020, 01:59:37 PM
Quote from: Alex on May 15, 2020, 01:18:15 PM
Do you have a preferred version? I think Wind Rose's is fantastic, especially if you watch it with the video.

I didn't know there were other versions besides mine: "Diggy Diggy Eye", "Licky Licky Face", and my fav "Slurpy Slurpy Butt".. don't get any ideas, those last two are about my dogs.

Your murder mansion sounds infuriating.  I already feel like quitting and storming off and I'm not even playing.  Another reason I can't play D&D :).
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on May 16, 2020, 11:51:36 PM
okay. so. i've tried very hard to find a more polite way to say this....and i've also tried to find" his" name, just so you know...
  when i saw the brother book, i literally shouted" OMG, ALEX LOOKED JUST LIKE WHATSHISNAME FROM ANOTHER WORLD!" and i showed it to curtis. who said" oh. my GOD, HE DOES!!!" and neither of us can remember his name or character's name!!! i WILL find it, just because i was SUCH a freakout! seriously, i hope you aren't insulted... but you DO look just like him back then... :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 17, 2020, 01:30:10 AM
This is the version I was talking about. (

Its on the album I am holding in the above photo.

That is something I haven't seen so, but I doubt I'd be insulted either way lol. I tried looking it up and found a tv show, movies and a computer game all with that title, so not 100% sure which one you are refering to. I am guessing the tv show though.

Via email, ER is currently playing through the Murder House. She is still in the first room, but has survived a dip in the acid bath.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on May 17, 2020, 05:03:41 PM
yes, it was a long running soap opera that was one of the first things curtis and i discovered we had in common besides punk rock.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 18, 2020, 04:33:31 PM
With us on reduced hours, occasionally a backlog will build up at work. I went in today to help clear the small one that is building up at the moment, only to discover my opposite number had went home early.

Guess who decided just to go back home too then. Might be that Joe is working mornings instead of afternoons, but since I haven't done this particular task for a couple of years I had planned on him reminding me what the right procedure actually is.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 19, 2020, 01:52:32 PM
Not slept much for the past three days. Kristi says I look exhausted, but mostly I am feeling fine. I did try sleeping yesterday evening, but Kristi was in a Zoom call, and when she is doing the phone, skype or whatever she seems to think she has to shout instead of using an indoors voice and everytime I dropped off, she woke me back up.

I at least got an hour or two last night. Ash woke up at 5 this morning. Kristi got up with him, so I did get to just lie in bed and rest. Should be enough to get me through the day.

We had a nice long walk through the town, what Kristi calls the Lossie Loop. Picked up some stuff at the local butchers for breakfast and headed home. Ash walked most of it, but towards the end he did want to be carried, so he finished up on my shoulders. It tired him out enough that he went for a nap when we got back home. I only let him sleep until 12 though. Any later and he is up at night until 20:00 or later.

Still no word on when I start my new job. Funny, but when I joined up I figured they could have me for up to 3 wars and then I'd be out. They are on number 5 now. We always seem to have someone to fight. I wonder who will be next?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 20, 2020, 02:18:00 PM
Getting a new oven fitted on Friday, so I decided to give the old one a cleanout to make the job a bit more pleasant for whoever comes to take the old one away and fit the new one.

Funny that they spent about £250,000 training me up to work on electronic systems on aeroplanes, and yet we are not allowed to change our own ovens. Or change a lightbulb for that matter. But they do expect us to do the gardening, something for which I have had zero training.

Ever wondered about Medusa's pubic hair? I mean were they snakes too?

Saw these figures. Might have to buy them, although I'd never be able to paint them quite as good as this.


Playing Battletech at the moment. The AI seems ok except for two things. One: 60-foot tall robots can run through each other with no collisions and Two: No matter how badly outnumbered or damaged my opponents are they neither surrender nor attempt to retreat. I can have 4 medium 'Mechs strip all the weapons off of a light 'Mech and surround it and still, my opponent will fight on. Makes me think of the Black Knight from The Holy Grail.

So Kristi had kept on mentioning she wanted a swing for Ash in the back garden. I said yes, because well I generally indulge her in these things. What has turned up sits fours kids on its various parts. She'd gotten some spikes that need to be driven about 18 inches into the ground to secure it.

Did I mention in a previous post that this is the stoniest ground I have ever come across? After a couple of hours, I'd gotten down about 8 inches for one leg and a large pile of stones that I'd had to dig out of the ground by hand. Oh well, at least the set is all built up.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 21, 2020, 02:46:50 PM
So I went into a conference call today as Joe was busy and I said I'd cover the meeting for him. Someone down south had found out that we get another section to fill in some details on the jobs they do, in an online form. They also have to put some details online for other people but we don't have access to that. It takes about a minute to fill in the details, so why someone half the country away cared is beyond me, but anyway.

By the time the call was finished, not only are we going to keep doing things the way we were before, but our process has been identified as best practice and the base down south is going to adopt our procedures. Makes me laugh though. We had seven people in the call ranging from my rank up to chiefs and warrant officers just to decide that. Still, at least it was only a 20-minute call. I was expecting a minimum of an hour.

I miss the days when I used to have wild and wacky adventures. Sure, I nearly died a couple of times, but still. It's amazing just how alive you can feel at those times.

Ash continues to surprise us by generally behaving. I was expecting the terrible 2's to be much more challenging. When he is tired he will bring us a bottle and attempt to open the fridge so we can fill it with milk for him and then go upstairs and try to climb in his cot. His teething is continuing at the moment, so we do get occasional tears. Last night he woke up about 21:00 crying. We had just finished building his swing out the back door, so I distracted him by putting him in it. That kid does love his swings. Gave him some stuff to soothe his mouth and then put him back in his cot and off he went straight back to sleep.

Funny how Queensryche's 'Revolution Calling' seems a lot more relevant nowadays than it did back when it first came out. Now there is a band who lost greatness. Shame they were never able to replicate the heights of 'Operation: Mindcrime' or 'Empire'. I found a lot of their later stuff painful to listen to. Oh well.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on May 21, 2020, 04:31:25 PM
you'll get the fearsome fours instead, i'll bet, like in my family. and they can speak clearly by then, it's terrifying.
  those stones would make a lovely rock garden....*running, while hoping kristi sees this* :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 22, 2020, 12:44:19 PM
Made it to another weekend and the rest of the world can go f**k itself.

Right now it feels like a game of Monopoly, where another player owns all the houses on the street and I am just trying to land on the safe spaces. Joe's wife has been exposed to Covid-19 again and has to go for testing. She should have the answer tomorrow. I guess we'll also know if you can catch this thing twice.

People are complaining that online services are editing the stuff you watch. Hah, score one for those of us who still prefer buying physical media. One less layer of interference on what you watch.

Playing around on Battletech just now. Enjoying the game mostly. I do wish my callsign wasn't BJ-1 though. I feel it dents my credibility as a merc. Now, were I playing a game where I was a rentboy then I'd be sorted.

The Scottish government has laid out its roadmap to getting to the new normal. Funny, I thought this was the new normal and what we wanted to do was get back to the old normal. Garden centres and golf courses will be reopening in the first wave. Since neither of those pursuits interest me, it makes no difference to me. I did come to some conclussions about the kinds of people who play golf though while watching them from a nearby bar, playing in the middle of a thunderstorm.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on May 22, 2020, 01:56:38 PM
they play in snowstorms here too.
some of the sailors who were positive on the USS roosevelt have recontracted the virus, according to the news. :bluesad:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 22, 2020, 02:03:49 PM
Oh, it isn't official yet but I've been given my starting date for my new posting.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 23, 2020, 12:32:54 PM
We had a toddler who just couldn't sleep last night. There was a bit of a storm going on outside and we think the wind kept waking him up.

This is why I shut our double glazed windows, while someone else in the house has a habit of leaving them open...

Heh, in truth I like having the windows open. The trouble is, in the winter it is too damn cold while for the rest of the year you have seagulls screaming all damn night long. Frickin' rats with wings. Them and pigeons. Those are exceptions in my general appreciation for the animal kingdom.

Curiously, winged insects also (pun not intended) bug me. too. Normally the noise they make.

Anyway, we finally got him to sleep about half nine. Kristi got to doze as well, and both of them slept until the early afternoon. I figured I should wake them up at that point so they could sleep tonight.

Outside is miserable still. All wet and windy. I've given up on the idea of digging up the front garden. The rocky layer just beneath the surface would be more effort than I feel like making. Still going to have to dig through it in the backyard though to anchor the swing set in place. Still the wee man loves his swings and since we can't take him to the ones in the local parks, it gives us something we can go outside with him and have fun with.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on May 23, 2020, 03:17:20 PM
very good on the date for the new post. now you can make solid plans.
  i'm with you all the way on flying things, except for bats. i like bats. seagulls,pigeons, geese and crows are true lifelong enemies, for sure. and doves. i HATE doves. we had them in the trees at my parents house, the constant cooing was maddening!
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 24, 2020, 04:20:47 AM
I had a memory come up today on facebook from a few years back. Some extremists had just driven a car into the back of a soldier, then jumped out the car and cut the guys head off with a meat cleaver. I was pointing out the man telling us that we were still to travel to and from work in uniform was surrounded by bodyguards and lived in a street that had a big iron fence preventing the general public from entering (that would be David Cameron, the effing twat that he is). We have a different person in his old house now, but while we are now being told only to leave our house for everyone's good, they are now attempting to justify any time any of their political ilk decides to go travelling around the country. Some have had decent reasons (although normal people in the same situation using the same reasons would not get them off from having to pay a fine), others less so.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Trying listening to some new bands. Thought I'd found one that I'd like called 'Ghost', but on extended listening, their songs are just too repetitive. Kind of sounds a bit like a pop version of a black metal band. Still, they have a couple of songs that will go on my playlist, but I don't think I'll be buying their albums or seeing them live. Shame.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 24, 2020, 01:49:12 PM
So in the game of Battletech, I am playing, you can have up to a team of four people piloting giant robots on the battlefield. One of my pilots, with the codename Dixie has been with me since the start of the game. She went through a period of being an alcoholic, cleaned herself up and with a bit of support. She became an inspiration to her fellow mech pilots and was a top-notch pilot. Unfortunately, she was killed when her mech was blown up. At one point, they had a random encounter where she'd come to me and confessed she was worried about when her name would end up on the memorial wall and needed a pep talk.

Funny how you can get attached to something that doesn't exist.

Normally when it is a players birthday, I give them a free level in D&D. Just had to tell Ross he can't have one this year as I have already given him four free levels (every time you die, you are supposed to go back down to halfway between the previous level and your current one. Mary was 9th level when she died, but I let Ross create an 11th level character so he could keep up with the rest of the group, and I didn't take a level off him the last time his character died). Besides, giving him an extra level at the moment would put him ahead of Tina and caught up with Kristi which I don't think would be fair.

Not that he'd stay there for long. He is bound to die quite quickly again and lose the level, but still.

I wonder how North Korea is doing these days? I'd say I'd hadn't heard anything from the stupid haired leader for a while, but there are so many of them in the world right now people would be wondering which one? Funny how in the first half of the 20th-century dictators often had stupid hair or crappy 'taches. Or in Mussolini's case a giant head.

Good job they shot him. I have the feeling if they'd tried to hang him, his centre of gravity would have meant his head would be pointing down. Not that the man was a lightweight. Hell, when he was rescued by the German's his bulk almost was too much for the aeroplane to take off.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on May 26, 2020, 09:52:09 PM
HEY! WATCH THE GIANT HEAD REMARKS!   :thumbdown: there's a reason i call curtis punkinhead, you know!!  :tongueout:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 27, 2020, 12:36:09 AM
Quote from: chefzombie on May 26, 2020, 09:52:09 PM
HEY! WATCH THE GIANT HEAD REMARKS!   :thumbdown: there's a reason i call curtis punkinhead, you know!!  :tongueout:

Because he is a demon of revenge?

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 27, 2020, 04:21:24 PM
After how many weeks of half days and now being back on full days, work is really dragging. It doesn't help that my enthusiasm is gone for the job.

Mind you, it has been gone since November. I just want to go start my new role.

QuoteManiacs of World War 2: Simone Segouin.

In 1944, when she was only 18 years old, she joined the Francs-Tireurs et Partisans – a combat group made up of militant communists and French nationalists. Her father served in the Great War and he was a great inspiration for her to join the resistance. She was known by her nom de guerre Nicole Minet.

She was given a new name and false identity papers; this was supposed to protect her family if she was captured by the Germans. Now, "Nicole Minet" was from Channel port of Dunkirk. The Germans bombed the port at the beginning of the war, so it was hard for them to check her details.

Soon, she was trained to use weapons and participated in more dangerous missions than stealing a bike from the Germans. It didn't take long for her to start blowing up bridges and even assisting in capturing German soldiers. She was involved in armed actions against enemy convoys and trains, attacks against enemy detachments, and other acts of sabotage.

She fell in love with Roland Boursier, who was commander of the Thivars Operation. They met in the countryside of her village. Roland asked her to be a runner for him, taking messages back to the Resistance group.

Later, he asked her to join them, and she said that she would be happy to do it.

The French newspaper Independent Eure-et-Loir described her as  "one of the purest fighters of heroic French Resistance who prepared the way for the Liberation".

They spotted her eating a baguette smeared with jam, her machine gun by her side, wearing an FTP armband. She said to the journalists that she was there in order to provide security for De Gaulle.

She helped to liberate Chartres, and then she linked up with France's 2nd Armoured division, which was headed to Paris in order to liberate it. Paris was still a battle zone and Simone became part of it.

Simone killed two Germans in the fighting and also had assisted in capturing 25 German prisoners of war during the fall of Chartres.

When the war was over, she was awarded the prestigious Croix de Guerre and she was promoted to lieutenant. Women made up just 10% of The Resistance, but their presence helped force a shift in the way their gender was treated. For example, women voted for the first time in France in the local elections in 1945, and later in the national elections too.

Simone went on to become a paediatric nurse in Chartres, where her wartime exploits made her hugely popular. A street in Courville-sur-Eure was named for her.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 28, 2020, 04:19:14 PM
The day started out all grim and grey, but very humid. By the time I finished work it was a gorgeous day. I decided we'd get dinner delivered and have a night off cooking, washing dishes and so on. It was such a nice evening we decided to take a stroll outside afterwards. The sunsets recently have been stunning. Right now it is looking like it is going to be a long, hot summer. No doubt that will bring problems of its own, but for now things are good and we are enjoying life.

It is important at times like these to remember the beauty in the world and enjoy it. Hell, that is important at any time, but especially right now.

From tomorrow restrictions will start to slowly be lifted in Scotland. The government north of the border seems to be getting lots of praise both internally and internationally on how it has dealt with the pandemic so far. Compared to how things are being handled south of the border which is dominated by the PM's closest advisor (who helped write the rules), flaunting them. His actions and the subsequent response from Boris have led to a lessening of trust in the government and its advice. Police have been reporting an increase in people breaking the rules on staying home with no doubt people thinking, well if it is good enough for him, then its good enough for us.

Regrettable, but understandable in the circumstances.

I got an email today about applying for an extension of service. Not something I overly want to do, but with the world economy pretty much in cardiac arrest a steady job and guaranteed income isn't something to be sniffed at either. I can always pull the ejection seat if things recover quickly. My boss reckons they'll offer me a 4-year extension. I am not going for any golden handcuffs on it though. I want the freedom to get out when I've had enough. If I stay in until I am 54 then I'd have spent half my life in the one job and for what ever reason that is not something I want.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 30, 2020, 05:01:20 PM
After spending yesterday in a very hot office I was just tired for the rest of the day. Crashed out about 22:00ish. It did mean though that I was back up by 04:00. Ash joined me a couple of hours later and Kristi is getting to enjoy a lie-in. Ash is watching Scooby-Doo.

It is a scorching hot day outside, the kind we should only have at the height of summer. Mind you, a couple of weeks ago we had snow. Got another ant invasion, much smaller so far than in previous years, but I've taken the usual steps to stop them coming in the house. A local fast food place was doing a hog roast in the park today, so we popped along to it for a bite and to enjoy the weather. Nice to see that people were keeping the required distances. Be nice when this is all over though. Not that I want to mix with people, but I do like being able to go out when and where I want.

We are watching the space launch. not something that overly interests me, but Kristi likes that kind of thing. To me, it is just too much like my day job lol. Hope it all goes well and everything. I wonder what those G forces feel like though. That has got to be better than any rollercoaster out there.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on May 30, 2020, 09:56:03 PM
since i am curious bear, i have to ask, what are the usual precautions against an ant invasion?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 01, 2020, 03:07:04 AM
Putting ant powder down on the entry routes, making sure no food is left sitting out. Stuff like that.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 01, 2020, 06:01:43 PM
So trump was (according to reports), secreted away in a bunker while riots went on outside and left shaken.

Having seen something of the security around one of his predecessors I highly doubt the White House was ever in any danger. Not saying the story is true or untrue, it could have been a purely precautionary measure. If he was left shaken by the experience than that is going to be a bad thing just from how he will react to being afraid. He will use increased force, which I suspect will lead to further violence.

A government really shouldn't be afraid of its people and neither should a people be afraid of their government.

People tend to strike out against what they fear. They might live under it for a while, but eventually, they will get tired of being afraid and try and remove the source.

On the government's side you also run the risk that the people you send in to use force will refuse. It was the final nail in the coffin of the Tsars when the military sided with the people rather than its leadership for example. Not that I am expecting to see the US government overthrown in a bloody revolution any time soon.

Oh well, it has just hit the witching hour here. I am off to go and dabble in dark powers that men was not meant to meddle with.

What else would you do with them after all?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 02, 2020, 08:43:24 AM
Got a decent days weather for digging today so the third post hole has now been dug for Ash's swing set. This one had less stones, although they were larger ones than the two previous. It started raining or I'd have got the forth dug out. Still, it is stable enough now.

Still Ash loves it and that makes it worth it.

Found a couple of adaptations of Lovecraft's 'The terrible old man' on Amazon. Watching one of them atm. Clearly an amateur effort, but that doesn't mean it won't be any good.

Kristi has gotten a 25% pay raise and it's been backdated four months so she has a bit of money to spend. Going to encourage her to get something for herself with it.

Watching the news again this morning. Well at least it wasn't all Pandemic news I guess. That's about the only good thing I can say about it. Well a peaceful protest was tried and they were told taking a knee was disrespectful and they were ignored. There was time to do something and nothing was done with it. Now you have the consequence. Looks like they are going to deal with the symptoms and not the cause. What has happened before, will happen again.

It truly is the doom of men that they forget.

For us though, life continues as close to normal as it can be, and it is good. Me and Ash are watching some Thomas the Tank Engine. The narrator died a few days ago. I wonder if the joy of kids watching the shows he worked on would be any consolation to him? There are worse legacies one could leave.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 04, 2020, 02:11:07 PM
We had a plumber and joiner round to look at the en-suite bathroom floor. Turns out the shower, toilet and whole damn floor needs replaced. Oh, and the main bathroom needs work too.

Glad I don't have to pay for the repairs.

In other news, I've had official notification that I've gotten the post at Lossiemouth I applied for. I think Kristi won't be quite as happy with it as she is now once I start getting sent away. I mean right off there is the 3-month course in England to consider. Doubtless, I'll get that whenever the next major football tournament is on. Every time I get sent on a course there is a football tournament on and England get absolutely hammered in it. The last time was a world cup where the pundits declared that they wouldn't win it, but they were good enough to make the semi-finals.

Yeah, they lost two games (can't remember who against), and drew one match against that powerhouse nation of international football, the USA.

I wouldn't mind either way, but I don't care about football. It bores the hell out of me. But when it is on, it is all most people will talk about.

Working my way through Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Only really watched the first season when it came out and then only caught the occasional episode thereafter.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on June 04, 2020, 11:11:30 PM
willow's story over a couple of seasons will choke you up, you're a great deal more empathic than you usually are willing to admit.
  larger rocks? BETTER ROCK GARDEN! *running*
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 06, 2020, 02:48:10 AM
Just remember Barri, I can watch the end of Armageddon without getting choked up.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 06, 2020, 05:30:22 PM
Woohoo, the stuff I ordered at the start of last week so I'd have something to do this week finally turned up.

Nice timing there. Two days left before and I go back to work and all.

The local council decided to try and stop people from crossing over the broken bridge to the east beach. Folks were able to slip through the old barricade too easily. The new one... well here is a picture of it.


My first thought was "Game of Thrones". I wonder if this one will work?

A few years back when many countries swung to the right politically speaking, I thought a lot of people would be in for a rough ride. Not in the way that things have gone, but in the reaction to world events. Situations I would have expected such governments to be able to handle really seem to be totally out of their ability to control. It isn't that these things couldn't to some degree be managed, but instead that the talent, skill or whatever term is most appropriate just isn't there. Many countries are drowning in the ignorance of their leaders. You could sit back and blame those in charge, but at the end of the day, ordinary people voted for these figures, be it in the UK, Brasil, the US, Turkey or where ever so it is their fault for voting for such people. Normally, with them in power, I'd be thinking "Oh well, at least the economy will recover quickly", but right now I have my doubts about their competence to handle what is generally their core strength.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on June 08, 2020, 02:21:03 PM
trump needs those barriers in his fear wall.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 10, 2020, 02:25:28 PM
It has been a frustrating week. One of those ones when you feel like you are fighting against those higher up the chain because they've given you a job to do, but then get in the way of it actually getting done.

It was having 18 months of days like that, that about 12 years ago convinced me that my future did not lie with this employer and that I did not want to get promoted any further.

12 years later and here I am still working for them.

Decided f**k it, I am having a beer or two tonight to chill out. And some bad movies of course.

I submitted the paperwork for extending my contract. Not something I overly want to do, but it does give me a safety net and I want Ash to grow up seeing me having a job, not sitting on my arse living off benefits. I'd like to set a better example than that. I can always drop in my PVR later if I want to get out once I've completed 22 years.

Ash's obsession with Scooby-Doo continues and is coming in handy. When I need to do something and he wants to be climbing over me I can stick it on for an episode and get whatever I need done out of the way, like having a shave, hanging a picture or whatever. He is sitting on my knee watching the first season as I type this.

I saw a post this morning pointing out that there isn't a single white guy in the bible. I'd have to say I don't think that is quite true. After all, you have Roman's in it.

Yup, the bad guys.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on June 12, 2020, 02:45:50 PM
sometimes my nephew in law reminds me of you. my grand nephew had brain decompression surgery for chiari malformation( he's doing well so far) and has a huge scar on the back of his head with staples that have to stay there for years. trev, his dad, got a tattoo with the same scar and staples in support. my first thought was" alex would do that too." :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 12, 2020, 02:49:49 PM
Yeah, I'd do things like that.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 13, 2020, 11:24:10 AM
So last night I woke up in the middle of the night with some pretty heavy stomach pains. All in all it was a rough night.

This morning I find this...


Well, that explains a lot. Not the book itself. Frankly, it reads like stereo instructions.

I do know the reason for the pains though. I hadn't taken my meds for a couple of days and restarting them is always a bad night. You'd think I'd remember to take them and avoid going through this drama, but apparantly not.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 14, 2020, 03:53:26 PM
The weekend is just about over. The weather has been cloudy and wet, but its been fun. Except for Ash waking up at 4am these days.

That part is less fun.

Kristi is watching a cartoon from her childhood. I've heard of Gargoyles before but never watched it. Seems to have been a retirement home for Star Trek actors judging from the voices. I do like that plot elements carry from one episode to another in it.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on June 14, 2020, 05:55:23 PM
where did she find the gargoyles cartoon? i loved that show!
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 15, 2020, 02:06:41 AM
It is on Disney+, all three seasons.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 15, 2020, 02:15:21 PM
Went out shopping today into Elgin. I believe other than walking to the local shop, work or strolling around Lossiemouth, this is the first time I've been out of the house since just before easter.

Been thinking that out of all the people I know who have died that I miss my gran the most. She went in 2000, just as I was about to finish my training. By that point in her life, she was ready to go. She was practically blind, had lost her sense of taste and so on. She knew what was coming and was ready for it. I remember after she'd died though thinking about how much a waste it was of all the slowly garnered experience and knowledge.

But such is life. It ends all too soon and is organised badly. Blame god or evolution, whichever one happens to float your boat more. I've seen a few people who have been ready to die. Tends to be those around them that are never ready for the experience.

Trying a Sith warrior in Star Wars The Old Republic. Apparently, I make a good Sith. Leastways, I want to kill most of my instructors seconds after meeting them. Even got to kill one of them.

Started painting up my Time Bandits figures. Wish I could make these ones look as good as they did on the website selling them, but oh well.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 17, 2020, 04:25:59 PM
Ever heard the thing about every man having two wolves inside of them? One is good and one is evil and throughout your life they battle each other.

The idea is you are supposed to ask "Which one wins?" To which the answer is "The one you feed."

Quite aside from the point that many people are quite incapable of telling which wolf is which, there is one other point. A wolf is quite capable of feeding itself. It doesn't need you to feed it. Evil people are generally quite incapable of realising what they are. Maybe good people are the same. You'd have to ask someone good about that one I guess. Quite often those who think of themselves as being bad people are just too stupid or ignorant to realise they aren't bad people. Or maybe it is just easier to think of themselves that way than admit to themselves what they really are.

Bloody wannabes. Come back when you have completely f**ked up someone's life who isn't you. Sitting on your arse whining doesn't make you evil. Pathetic maybe, but not evil. b***hy, nasty or just unpleasant to be around and many similar descriptions, certainly. Strangely, as much as I might take pleasure in taking really bad people down I can respect them to a degree. I'll also spend some time taking down the wannabe's but that is more of just keeping in practise for dealing with the real thing.

Ash is currently in his cot. He is talking to himself in a deep growly voice and then giggling hysterically. I am minded of various demonic possession movies.

Oh, and China and India are currently shooting at each other for the first time in 45 years. 20 soldiers dead so far.

I was looking at buying some models and on one particular tank, part of the description read thusly:
QuoteThe traditional form of the tank, including the unique suspension system with multiple small road wheels has been faithfully reproduced. In addition, the kit comes with figures which depict a commander, gunner, driver, and a farmer.

I was not previously aware that farmers were a standard part of a tanks crew. Maybe he is being run over by it or something?

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on June 17, 2020, 06:24:43 PM
ask rance, tanks and tank models are his specialty. being a tank jockey runs in his family.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 18, 2020, 09:08:22 AM
The company that owns Dungeons & Dragons has just announced that they are going to redo Orcs and Drow (Dark Elfs) to be more culturally sensitive.

In the words of Mugato "I feel like I am taking crazy pills."

Am I going to turn up to gaming sessions where we solve problems by getting everyone to sit around a campfire and discuss their issues? Tear down any statues of Tolkien (if there are any), because he repressed Orcs and Goblins?

I really can't decide right now wither I detest the far left or far-right just now. Must be a hell of a view of the world, when your head is jammed so far and so tightly up your own arse.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 18, 2020, 03:30:41 PM
One of the guys I D&D with has asked me to do a background of an empire for him. I had a bit of a conversation with him to get what sort of thing he wanted, which was fairly sketchy details to be honest. I've sent him my initial work and he loves it. Nice to know my work hasn't been wasted. This is what I've given him so far, and a map he gave me for the capital city. He wanted a Roman theme to it, which I've tried to do, but mixed in with other influences from the places it has absorbed into its borders. The Elf's are going to have something of a Byzantian flavour though just to mix it up a little bit further and make it seem very cosmopolitan. The gods I just grabbed from the campaign  I am working on at the moment, while the Guild of Sellswords etc is something I've used in a few of my creations.


A Rough guide to Byantus.


The ancient empire of Byantus has stood as a bulwark of civilisation for over 800 years. Once its legions trod the earth, conquering all foes. Now, it is its merchants and diplomats who increase its holdings. By trading with other nations and making ever stronger alliances until a political union is formed, they have welcomed as many new nations as provinces with open arms as they did by main force. Such unions also have the benefit of not having to rebuild shattered nations after a lengthy war.  

The secret to the success of Byantus has been its adaptability. As new cultures have joined (even those defeated in wars), they have been allowed to keep their own distinctive identity, rather than trying to force them to adopt the ways of the empire. As a result, it is a hodgepodge of many faiths and cultural practices. Over time they tend to blend into the Imperial culture anyway. The rulers of Byantus are patient and content to let these things happen gradually, having learned painful lessons in a number of rebellions and civil wars. It is these internal conflicts that have done more to shape the modern nation than any other single factor.  

The Empire once had an Emperor and a hereditary line of rulers; however, their increase of power grew in locked step with cruelty, decadence and incompetence. This was the driving force between the nearly 50 years of civil wars that threatened to destroy the empire between the second and third centuries of its existence. It emerged in its current state following the death of the last claimant to the throne in a battle that saw the original capital reduced to rubble. A triumvirate of leaders led the victorious side, and thus it has been ever since. Three people (the empire does not discriminate between male and female, there have been many leaders from both genders), chosen by popular vote serve. Proconsul Militant is primarily responsible for the security of the empire, while the Proconsul Spiritual has in their portfolio the care of the Empires people, be that religiously, medically or whatever. Finally, the Proconsul Temporal is responsible for the treasury and foreign relations. Each of the Proconsuls has a secondary responsibility for their fellow's portfolio, should one fall ill or otherwise be unable to fulfil their duties, until such time as a replacement can be organised. The Proconsul Militant is the back up for the Proconsul Temporal, Temporal is the stand in for the Spiritual, and Spiritual would take Militant's place.  

In theory any citizen of the empire (of good standing), can become a Proconsul. However, in practice it takes a lot of money and influence to win an election and successful candidates to tend to come from a comparatively small pool of wealthy families. There have however been exceptions over the centuries. Individuals who have rose to meet some challenge and been swept into power on a wave of popular acclaim.  

The capital city of Byantus is a wonder of the world. It is not the original capital, instead having been constructed specifically for the purpose of governing the empire. The original capital city was destroyed during the last battles of the civil wars that ended the line of emperors and empresses that had ruled or misruled the empire for its first three hundred years. It is however regarded as a holy site and its remains are a common pilgrimage site as it was here that the first empress is said to have transcended her human origins and took her rightful place amongst the gods.  

Byantus has reached its peak as an empire. Its remaining neighbours to the north and south are too powerful and independent to be conquered easily, and to attack one would invite invasion from the other. Therefore, an uneasy peace exists. Sytheria (its northern neighbour), and Parthi (its southern neighbour) hate each other quite passionately and would gladly go to war with each other (or Byantus itself), but to do so requires marching through its territory.

In recent years the empire had been suffering financially. The costs of maintaining its standing armies, not to mention the costs of retaining the Honourable Guild of Sell Swords, Mercenaries & Free Lances was rapidly draining the Imperial treasury and without fresh conquests to bring in more wealth the empire had started to stagnate. The soldiers were growing dangerously bored with no campaigns being fought (and no loot from defeated enemies). The decision was taken to stand down the land forces of the empire and instead require each city to raise and equip a militia out of its citizens who would be trained and deployed as a purely defensive force. Every city would become a fortified holdout designed to withstand a siege while mercenaries and adventurers from the Guild would strike at the enemy armies in hit and run attacks designed to drain their strength. Wither this plan will work in practice is yet to be tested, but it has allowed the finances of the empire to recover and rebuild. This plan is known as Manius Reforms after the Proconsul who proposed them.


Proconsuls and voting.  

The leaders of the empire are the Proconsuls. These are elected positions and held for 10 years. Two of these positions, the Proconsul Militant and Proconsul Spiritual rarely change hands outside of the death or retirement of the current incumbent. A Proconsul Militant who is losing a war will normally step down (sometimes with a helping, or even pushing hand), but the Proconsul Spiritual tends to be able to hold their position regardless of popularity. The position as being anointed by the gods carried a lot of weight with the generally religious population of the empire and a vote against such a person is to take a stand against the gods themselves.  

In theory all members of the empire are able to vote. In practice though, as proof of identity is required to vote it is limited to those who hold lands, possess a trade or are noble born. The majority of the population who work on farms owned by nobles and rich merchants have no such luxuries. This situation has never been addressed more out of a lack of understanding that most people simply do not possess any of the requirements to prove they can vote rather than anything out of malice or a deliberate attempt to disenfranchise the many. Still, while it has its faults it is still a more representative form of government that many of its contempories.  

The Proconsul's themselves are normally addressed by the second part of their title, Militant, Spiritual or Temporal occasionally with the appellation Lord or Lady, with the full title only being used for formal business.  

Each of the Proconsuls has a uniform. Once elected to their position they are never seen in public in any other guise. The ceremonial costumes are however rarely worn for day to day business, a gradual change from the original days of the founding of the Triumvirate when once elected, the holder would only ever wear his outfit and their true face would  

The Proconsul Militant wears the silver scale armour and black tabard worn by the city militia, although with a red stripe along the edge to indicate his rank. A heavy iron mask said to be the image of the founder of the empire. Both items are of course enchanted. The armour's purpose is functional, dating back to when the Proconsul would lead his armies on the battlefield. The mask however is more designed with increasing the authority of the wearer (Charisma bonus, increases the range the speaker can be heard from, gives people within range a morale bonus similar to Bless spell or Heroism? Picturing something along the lines of a Greek actors mask here). The Proconsul Militant normally comes from one of the human merchant families, although they are often younger sons and daughters who made their names as adventurers, rather than those who inherited wealth (and are better suited to the role of Proconsul or occasionally one of the Dwarven clans who supply the rest of the empire with much of its higher quality weapons, armour and other sundry equipment. The Mask itself is the original one, passed from Proconsul to Proconsul. In theory the armour is also the original artefact, however it has been repaired many times, altered to fit the body shape of the office holder and even altered to fit in with fashions and technological advancements. The current holder is Layonx Manius, a veteran adventurer who was originally a member of the Honourable Guild of Sell Swords, Mercenaries & Free Lances. He led the defence of the northern city of Calaxtos when it came under siege from the barbarian tribes of Orcs common to the mountains and was instrumental in the disbanding of the Imperial army, replacing it with the Citizen Militia, backed up by the Guild. He is a tall, muscular man in his 50's who still trains regularly and inspects the Militia on a regular basis. Those who meet him unmasked are often surprised by his youthful appearance and intelligence. He has dark hair, kept cut short and a well-trimmed beard and stands around 180cm tall.  

The Proconsul Spiritual as befits the figurehead of all (recognised) faiths wears the costume of a high priest/priestess, with an exquisitely carved ivory face mask. The outfit contains elements from most of the major religions present throughout the empire and has been altered as gods rise and fall in the pantheon. Unlike the Proconsul Militant, this outfit has been remade and replaced an uncountable amount of times. At times, this has left the official outfit looking quite bizarre. Designing and creating one is a hotly contested honour amongst the capital's tailors and seamstresses with some candidates going as far as murdering the competition. The current outfit is a glittering, silvery affair and emits a aura of serene calm. As with the Militant's mask, the Spiritual's one is enchanted to increase the charisma of the wearer.  


The empire has a very open policy towards other faiths, as long as they cause no harm or threat to the empire. The power the Proconsul Spiritual wields is subtle, and this often causes it to be overlooked but it is power nonetheless. The Elf's in particular appreciate this kind of position and the majority of Proconsul Spirituals have come from them. The current holder, the Lady Athanasia Kerularia is believed by all to be an Elf belonging to one of the medium sized houses, however unknown to even her fellow Proconsul's she is in truth a Silver dragon. Her motives in infiltrating the empire in this way are for the GM to decide. She appears as a female elf of average height with long silver hair showing the first signs of aging, but still attractive and a face of serene wisdom. She is famed for her insights into even the most complicated situation and her understanding of the citizens of the empire. While her fellow Proconsuls tend to be respected, feared or hated depending on your views, the Lady as she is commonly called is more adored and venerated by the populace. It would surprise most of the empire if they were aware of this Proconsul's harder edge. She is responsible for the persecution of any prescribed cults (especially the followers of Titan) and is the driving force behind the Imperial witch hunters who hunt down the followers of the darker gods. She is also responsible for the continued secret funding of the empires secret police, something her co-rulers believe disbanded many decades ago. While she has curbed the worst excesses of both groups and attempted to focus them against certain groups, innocent people along with the guilty still go missing in the middle of the night without trial to face torture and execution.  

The final Proconsul primarily represents the wealthy merchants that are the lifeblood of the empire. The Proconsul Temporal, while he has other responsibilities is the front man for the trading houses and spends more time arguing against any form of taxes and looking after the interests of himself and the wealthy elite of the empire than the other areas of his duty. Fortunately for the empire, he is good at his job and when finances are required for some expensive project, his fellow Proconsuls are able to outvote him when they overlap portfolios, such as funds for the training of the Citizen Militia. This position has never been occupied by anyone who isn't either human or dwarven. The Elf's have little interest in direct matters of making money, preferring to keep such matters at arm's length, while the financial muscle of the trading houses is more than sufficient to keep any upstarts from the other races from taking the position. Little unites the individual Trading Houses, but a direct threat to their position from an outsider, or even a potential threat does like nothing else. The Proconsul Temporal supplies their own outfit (normally very expensive clothes and jewellery), but as with the other two positions there is a face mask, made of gold and inlayed with jewels. The current Lord Temporal, Craasus of House Terrigan is a portly man who tends to wear clothes designed to make him look larger. Dark furs are a particular favourite (picturing something along the lines of Henry the 8th here). His mask, rather than increasing the personal appeal of the wearer, works instead to make anyone hearing the speaker more gullible and agreeable to what they hear (temporary penalty to Wisdom on a failed Will roll). If a Lord Temporal dies in office, he is buried with his mask of office and new one is cast.  



The Gods.  


The empire itself has a fairly small pantheon of gods, which expands and contracts over time. New gods have been added and slowly absorbed into the worship of others or taken positions as minor deities under the central core of gods.  



Rumanious – Lawful Good. The Ruler. The central goddess of the empire, Rumanious was the queen who carved her way through her neighbours and became the first empress. Following her death, she was elevated to the position of patron goddess of the empire. While the man himself was something of a brutal warlord who subjugated many other countries and enslaved their peoples, in the long years since his death he has come to represent a more idealised paragon who brought the light of civilisation to the savage nations that surrounded and threatened his kingdom. A temple to her exists in every settlement of any size in the empire and most homes have at the very least small shrine dedicated to her. She is the most popular god for paladins to follow, as well as magistrates and teachers as he is seen as having been a righteous woman who fought for right as well as bringing justice and learning to those she defeated. Initially her title was The Empress, but with the fall of the Imperial family this was changed and an emphasis was put on her two brothers who served as generals to present the image that the empire has always been ruled by a trio. The brothers, Regen and Ataxus occupy a position roughly to the holy ghost in Christianity, often mentioned but not worshipped directly as such. His temples are imposing buildings, meant to impress and intimidate. They often serve multiple purposes being courthouses, libraries and even barracks in some places.  


Carolious - Neutral Good. The Nurse. Caroliousian followers are the healers of the empire. They are beloved and harming one is met with the severest punishments the local magistrate can think of. She is in particular the patron of expectant mothers. Her temples are hospices where anyone, rich or poor can come and seek care. Branches of the faith also operate poor houses, orphanages as well as care homes for the elderly. There are always more in need than the faithful can attend to, but they do their best. Carolious was originally an Elvish deity, but her worship has spread across racial boundaries to all races of the empire.  


Dice - Chaotic Good. The Gambler, The Laughing Rogue. Dice is the lord of fate and chance. All those who live by their luck tend to pray to him, but it is usual to make some form of devotion to him before starting any risky endeavour. He is a somewhat rakish figure. No two statues of him ever depict exactly the same features, but he normally wears stylish clothes and a cloak and is always smiling. The main element in many games of chance take their name from him. He is an especial favourite of all manner of rogue types and bards. Thieves Guilds tend to have their own private temples to him, hidden away from public eyes and entirely separate from the official clergy. Dice's portfolio does not include sending people bad luck, that is more Bal's domain.


Tirris - Lawful Evil. The Dark Lord, Tirris is the single most powerful of the evil gods. His followers are expected to follow a code of unbending loyalty. The core belief of his faith is that the strong rule the weak and might makes right. Worshipers are expected to work hard and work their way up any organisation they are a member of. Several times followers of Tirris have occupied the Lord Militant's position. Such occasions have been marked by an increased militarism within the empire and wars to expand its borders. Interestingly worship of Tirris is not proscribed and he has many fortress-like temples in cities throughout the empire. His followers' discipline is viewed as helpful to the empire and cult maintains a private army that has on more than one occasion brought victory to Byantiusan forces and even saved the empire from destruction. There is a schism between the followers of Tirris within the empire, and the main sect in the northern neighbouring state


Titan. Chaotic Evil. Not actually a single god, but instead a horde of demonic entities of varying strength from no more powerful than a mortal up to demi-god status. The Titan are beings dedicated to mindless destruction. A world ruled by the Titan would be one of endless slaughter. They fight against each other as much as they seek to take over the mortal world. Such beings are said to have ruled the cosmos before the coming of the true gods and were banished to the realm of Dis where they rage and plot their return. The mortal realm lives in dread of one of them gathering enough power and followers to lead them on an unholy campaign against the mortal realm. The main efforts of the internal intelligence agents and witch hunters of the empire are directed at rooting out cults of Titan followers, of which there are a surprising number. The more powerful Titan are able to grant power to their followers in return for their efforts in helping them return. Cults dedicated to the Titan tend to be short lived. The sudden rash of murders in an area is a sure sign that one has arisen and tend to bring Imperial retribution down very quickly. The few that do manage to last any length of time though  


Lurgh. Neutral Good. The Sky Father. Lurgh is an imported god. One of the first obstacles to Rumanious's plans of conquest were the western hill tribes, and even after they were defeated in open battle, they continued to plague the occupiers with guerrilla attacks. It took many decades to pacify the region and part of the later efforts to achieve this involved the empire adopting the gods of the hill tribes. Lurgh is one of those who survives in regular worship. His purvey is everything that can see the sky and his blessings touch all good creatures. Many of his followers believe that as a logical extension of this, creatures who dwell in darkness and avoid his blessing must be evil and thus seek to exterminate all such creatures.


Daen. Neutral Good. The Earth Mother. The wife of Lurgh, she is prayed to by farmers and those who make their living off the land. Her worship is closely tied to that of Lurgh and the pair share most of their temples.


Bal. Neutral Evil. Bal is the god of murderers and assassins. He sends curses and ill-fortune to plague the world and revels in the suffering of mortals. Warlocks of an evil inclination often have him as their patron and evil doers of an independent mind will follow him rather than the binding worship of Tirris. His worship is outlawed, but as his followers are more subtle than those of the Titan, they are harder to root out.

Mithran. Neutral. The war god. Mithran watches over professional soldiers. His is the purview of strategy and tactics. He appreciates that war must happen but is against unnecessary suffering or prolonging conflict any more than is needed. Those who wantonly engage in torture or kill innocents are not welcome in his temples.

Other gods are worshipped in specific areas of the empire, but followers of these gods can be found everywhere within its borders, and in some cases outside of them too.

Locations of note.

Captial. The administrative centre of the empire, Capital is a bustling city of around 150,000 people. It is the largest city in the known world, something only possible due to the excellent roads the empire has and its organisation. Food, tribute and trade goods flow here from all over Byantus. Much of the city reflects the wealth that brings, and a deliberate attempt has been made to avoid the overcrowding and unhealthy conditions that exist in so many other cities, however peasants thinking to make their fortune find their way to Captial and get no further than the deprived area known locally as Scurvytown. Still the city fathers do their best. Clean water is supplied by a network of fountains throughout the city limits and when the shanties grow too close together the city watch is sent in to clear the worst of it, pulling down buildings to prevent any fires from ravaging the city, or the sorts of conditions that can see a plague spread like wildfire. Such actions doubtless seem harsh to those evicted from their rude dwellings but are viewed as vital to prevent a much worse tragedy.

When Capital was first planned out, it was foreseen that the city would grow rapidly and unusually no plan was made to build a wall around the entire city. Only the core (which is now referred to as Old Town) is protected in such a manner. Since the dissolution of the standing armies that had been bankrupting the empire and the formation of the Citizen Militia, it was planned that the city would now have a wall built around it that the militia could man in times of war. The Proconsul Temporal however has demurred and resisted any attempts to raise any additional funds for this. Having been relieved of the burden of paying taxes to maintain the army, he is in no hurry to restore any costs. The Lady Spiritual could step in and break the tie but for her own reasons has remained silent on the matter.

Old Town.

The heart of the empire, this contains all the major administrative buildings that govern the wide swathe of territory that makes up Byantus. The whole of Old Town is protected by a mighty wall. In previous times a full garrison was stationed in each of the towers situated around the walls. Every tower was designed to be an impenetrable fortress in its own right. A second, smaller wall surrounds the three palaces of the Proconsuls. The vast majority of Imperial citizens never get to see any of Old Town. One must have a good reason to pass through its gates. PC's are unlikely to see inside this area unless they find themselves accused of treason or facing some other charge that would require a trial in front of the Senate rather than facing justice at the Hall of Justice elsewhere in the city, or are very well connected. Even foreign dignitaries are not generally allowed to see the Old Town as the Triumvirate are loathe to let outsiders gauge its defences.

Of especial note is the Senate building (number 1 on the map), where the day to day running of the empire is organised. The Senate itself does not make many major decisions, these instead falling to the Proconsuls, but they arrange the practicalities and details of any commandment issued from the Proconsuls. Each of the Proconsuls has their own palace as an official residence. Building 2 is the Temporal Palace, Building 3 is the God House where the Lady Spiritual holds court and finally, the fortress-like building 4 is the seat of the Lord Militant. Should both the outer and inner walls be breached, this is designed to be a last holdout and is simply referred to as The Keep. Houses in this area belong to the nobles and wealthiest men and dwarves of the empire and each seeks to outdo his neighbour in its splendour. Elf's tend more to stick clannishly to the Eastern District or Elftown as it is known throughout the rest of the city. I imagine most of the building here being constructed very much in a classical Greek / Roman style, lots of statues and columns.

Merchant Town.

The buildings here are only slightly less impressive than those of the Old Town. This is not so much a residential area, but is instead devoted to the business of well, business. The Merchant Houses have their headquarters here, as well as the more powerful guilds including the Honourable Guild of Sell Swords, Mercenaries & Free Lances (building 3) and the Fraternal Brotherhood of Arcane Mastery (the wizards guild to the common folks, building 6). Both these organisations may be of interest to a group of adventurers and are presented in more detail later. The Merchants supply their own watch, which is paid more than the regular watch (a point of some contention between the two groups) and is often accused by the common folk of turning a blind eye to certain business practices. With the warehouse and dock areas nearby rumour has it that many smuggled goods find their way here for storage until their buyer comes to collect. Such tales are dismissed as the envy of the poor against their betters by the rich and the city fathers turn a blind eye to a certain level of smuggling rather than risk going against the powerful Merchant Houses. Indeed, many of the city fathers are members of a Merchant House. PC's with a taste for operating in the grayer areas of the law, are liable to find plenty of work here and find themselves abandoned by their patrons should they be caught. Merchant town's buildings are very much an imitation of Old Town, but often with exotic twists from far off lands that very much give it, its own unique character.

Temple District.

Each of the (acceptable) major gods has a temple here as well as ones to various minor gods throughout the empire. The largest temple to Rumanious is of course here, constructed from stones taken from the ruined remains of the old Imperial Palace. Unofficially, no temple is allowed to be larger than the one to Rumanious and mysterious accidents, including fires or the collapse of entire buildings have prevented any attempt to outdo her temple. Some say this is the wrath of the patron deity of the empire, others suspect a more mundane cause. There is no single architectural style or theme to this part of town. Each temple will very much have its own design based on its god and the region it originated from.  

The shared temple (Building 1) to Lurgh and Daen for example is a massive wood and earth hall, very much in the style of the ancient hill tribes even though their modern descendants have otherwise abandoned such designs in favour of more modern buildings.  

Building 2 is possibly the temple to Dice, depending on who you ask. Some people consider it nothing more than a gambling and bawdy house. Still, for those with money to burn it is always open and always welcoming. The clerics are supposed to make sure that the games and the... escorts are clean, although the house wins more often than it loses. If anyone asks about this the priests tend to simply shrug their shoulders and point out they do follow the god of luck afterall. Imagine this place as a medieval Las Vegas.

Sitting (or more accurately looming) opposite each other are the fortress-like temples to Mithran and Tirris (Buildings 3 & 8 respectively), both of whom serve as walled garrisons as well as places of worship. Both religions are somewhat resentful and suspicious of the other and are always on the lookout for ways to diminish the worship of the other. Groups of adventurers often make handy catspaws in these plans, with or without their knowledge.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 18, 2020, 03:36:46 PM
Hmm, for some reason I can't get the map to come up. Oh well, never mind.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 21, 2020, 07:11:31 AM
Sat and watched some of the Soltice being live-streamed from Stonehenge last night. Also watched the sun going down here just the same, if a little bit later. One of the factors of being further north. Even at midnight it still wasn't dark last night, just twilight.

Continuing to work my way through watching Buffy. Still not got up to the point where I'd actually watched it, like 20 years ago.

Still think Willow is the hottest woman on that show.

Especially Evil Willow...

Fathers Day here. Ash got me a bottle of whisky and Kristi made an awesome breakfast. I see trump protestors bought loads of tickets for his rally and didn't turn up. Personally I'd have let his supporters get them, attend and then see how they handle the resulting outbreaks, but then again doubtless if they had, it would only have led to the infection of people who didn't attend too and whatnot. Not exactly fair to punish the innocent for the sins of the stupid.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on June 21, 2020, 07:10:27 PM
that's a BIG part of why we did it, to protect people. but i gotta say, it was an absolute BLAST to punk the cheeto!  :cheers:
  willow is curtis's fave too, he still has a crush on her.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 23, 2020, 02:13:16 PM
Training Max up to do my job when I've gone. I have this week and two others to go, then two weeks off and one week back in work.

My care level is hovering over zero but not by much.

Scotland has a different tax regime from England. Some ranks in my job pay less tax and some pay more. To keep things fair, anyone stationed in Scotland gets a tax rebate for what they have to pay over those stationed elsewhere, which we get paid next month. Everyone was having a look at their pay statements to see how much they were getting and we discovered that 1) Stresshead Jim is on the wrong tax band and 2) although both of us are at the highest pay band for our job, I get paid more than he does. On the one hand, this has him wound up because he is now worried he owes a huge amount of money to the taxman. On the other hand, he is now p**sed because he thinks he is being underpaid. I do actually know the reason why there is a gap in what we earn, but I decided not to mention it. Terry eventually pointed out the reason, but until that point, I amused myself greatly by winding Jim up.

Heh heh heh.

It is time to buy myself a new computer chair. My current one has started to wobble a bit, thanks to Ash climbing up one side all the time. My previous one (a chair which I loved), got broke because Kristi kept on coming over to me and leaning on one side of it. I asked her several times to stop, but that's women for you. Anyway, I've picked my next one out and I'll order it on payday. Not going to mention anything about it as if I do I get presented with a list of dozens of whatever I want to buy to look through, or Kristi will go looking at things online and keep saying "How about this one?" I kinda like to take my time and look through these things at my own pace. It's nice that she wants to help and I appreciate the effort, but it just isn't how I like to shop. Hell, just getting me to buy things online in the first place is a major advance.

Life was all so much simpler when I refused to do any of the online stuff, didn't have a credit card, debt and was pretty much untrackable. Even my mobile phone was pay as you go. I miss not being to trackable.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on June 23, 2020, 08:19:58 PM
women are SUPPOSED to lean on their men. or their men's chairs, lol! her punishment shall be the daily beer sacrifice for a week, once i send her the shrine, how's that?  :teddyr: :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 24, 2020, 01:36:27 AM
When I mentioned last night that I'd had a look and picked out the chair I wanted, Kristi mentioned she'd picked out a bunch of chairs for me to look at. I am glad I just went ahead a picked one. Did go through a few. Found one I really liked, but the company had a lot of bad reviews online for customer service so decided not to get that one.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 24, 2020, 01:27:27 PM
I checked my to-do list for today. At the very top, it said "Torment Barri."

Mischief managed there I think. I'll have to wait and see though. If I haven't then I will just have to come up with something even worse.

Training Max up is going better than expected. He had been going really slowly, so I put him under a little bit of pressure to get things done today (I deliberately kept it light though), and he managed to get the work done and caught up with the backlog that had grown in the past couple of days. I was happy enough with his progress that I could afford to send him home early today.

Something I've been wondering about recently. In my job violence is always a possibility. When I am on guard duty or deployed and most likely to be involved in such a situation prior to starting the stint and every three months afterwards we do various briefs and tests where it is drummed into us that you use the absolute minimum level of force required to get the job done. If you believe there is a threat to human life and there is no other reasonable way to prevent it, then you can shoot someone. We do judgemental assessments where you are put in various situations and you have to pick the right course of action and you'll keep doing them until you get enough right answers. You know though even if you shoot someone and it is entirely justified, you are still going to be investigated by the police. During training we undergo a course in ethics and morality.

Now here is my question, surely the police in the States have some similar training? Don't get me wrong, it isn't the exact same rules every time. They are tailored to where we are being sent, what the threat level is, local laws, the laws of armed conflict and so on, but I can't imagine the police get taught these lessons any less than we do in any modern, first world country.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on June 24, 2020, 05:15:09 PM
don't make me sic kitty and katz on you, butthead!  :tongueout:
  seriously though. yes, cops DO go through training, but in many places, not nearly enough. the BIGGEST problems are the fact that the police union protects bad cops, and the good ones who speak out get treated as pariahs and usually lose their jobs.
  another problem is the fact that most departments DON'T check on a cop's past " indiscretions" before they hire them. and the reason for that is the whole union situation that covers the past up with" self investigations" and wiping their records clean. and again, if anyone speaks out, THEY are the bad guy when they AREN'T.
  while i ran the catering kitchen, i sat in on MANY training classes that i cooked for, and got to know many cops. frankly, i was horrified by some of the blatant racism i hard, but i was far more horrified with hearing the people who spoke out against that kind of talk being told to shut up, mostly by the senior officers. and i'm not talking JUST white cops either, some of the black ones were just as bad.
  things ARE changing here in doodah, thanks to chief ramsay, but it still goes on in the sheriff's department and among the staties too. my governor is trying to fix it, and i hope she can....
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Rev. Powell on June 24, 2020, 05:21:28 PM
Quote from: Alex on June 24, 2020, 01:27:27 PM
I checked my to-do list for today. At the very top, it said "Torment Barri."

Now here is my question, surely the police in the States have some similar training? Don't get me wrong, it isn't the exact same rules every time. They are tailored to where we are being sent, what the threat level is, local laws, the laws of armed conflict and so on, but I can't imagine the police get taught these lessons any less than we do in any modern, first world country.

Police here are regulated at the local level so some do, some don't, depending on what training the jurisdiction provides. You would think de-escalation techniques would be standard, but they aren't taught everywhere. (
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 25, 2020, 12:46:59 PM
Went into work this morning and discovered the nightshift had decided to move all the desks around so more people can work in the office without breaking social distancing.

All good so far.

Thing is that the some people can't get out from their desks, we don't have wide enough fire lanes and the backs of seats are being knocked out by the backs of our chairs banging against them. Stresshead Jim who can't handle change looked like he was going to have one of his episodes. He didn't speak a word all morning, just sat slumped in his chair (and yet he is in the same job as me. Seriously if you can't handle things being moved around should you be in this job?). I did keep an eye on him, but he perked up in the afternoon. Our boss, Terry was seriously p**sed off that they'd moved things around without asking anyone else about it and was talking about making them work the weekend to put everything back (I doubt he will but man, was he raging about it first thing).

Sent out an instruction today and I guess it is a lot of work to carry this one out as I got a reply from one of the sections saying they acknowledged receipt and noted with some relief that it did not apply to any of their aircraft.

I sent another email back saying "I hate to tell you this mate, but they've already up issued an ATL for this instruction and its going fleet wide. I am just about to send it out. :D"

I then waited 15 minutes and sent another email saying "That may have been a wind-up... or was it?".

I got a phone call immediately and the guy I'd emailed (Dave) was calling me a git because he'd already passed the email onto his management and would now have to go round and tell them it wasn't real.

Wasn't quite as much fun doing that as winding Jim up this afternoon though. Since he seemed to have gotten over his earlier shock, I figured he could stand to be tormented some more.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on June 25, 2020, 07:33:29 PM
you ARE a git sometimes...but i love you anyway. :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 26, 2020, 06:52:15 PM
It has been a hot and sweaty week. And not in a good way either. My offer to extend my contract finally came through. They've offered me just enough time to take me up to five years left rather than the four Terry thought they'd offer me. This is something of a relief. I do not want to end up stuck in this job, too afraid to leave it and work in civvy street like many of my co-workers.

Five weeks left in post and then I move on. Two of those I am on leave for. The other three I am training up two guys to replace me. I am taking that to mean I am so damn good at my job they need that many people to do it when I go.

As to how I will be as a computer programmer... well that remains to be seen.

Training Max on new instructions has went better than expected. I haven't been able to do any cancellations with him, but I am going to go in on nights next week and give him a few hours training there. As much as I am tempted to not train these guys up and let some people stew in the mess they've made themselves, that would also mean I'd make things harder for people who don't deserve it.

And if you are reading this and thinking "Hey! You punish me and I haven't done anything!" Yes you have. You have been a very bad person, that is why I torment you and don't make me tell everyone all the details.  :bouncegiggle: :twirl: :drink:

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on June 27, 2020, 03:27:03 PM
 :bouncegiggle: :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 28, 2020, 09:49:49 AM
Listening to a podcast of some REH, while laughing at an idiot who can't get anything right. At this point, it is just providing a medium level of amusement.

Up early this morning, it is too hot to keep the windows open and the seagulls are noisy.

Damn, but I hate seagulls. Were they and pigeons to disappear entirely from the world I would not shed any tears.

Ash had been moving around when I got out of bed, but he seems to have dropped off back to sleep so I am just leaving him to sleep as long as he will. Its been a rough few days with him, lots of tears for no reason we can tell. Lots of possible reasons but no way to tell for sure. Doesn't seem to be teething though.

Going to have a clean up of the man cave today (and indeed through next week). See what stuff I can get rid of. I want to rebuild my Death Star, but that is going to need some space to live in.

I did hope to go out today, take a walk down to the harbour and get everyone ice creams, but the weather is not playing along with that idea. Heavy rain all day so far. It is supposed to get better through the week though, and I am putting off the laundry until then.

I've started watching Horror Hotel. The hostess isn't quite Elvira, but there are some decent movies on there too, and many that I haven't seen before as well as some old favourites.

Has it occurred to anyone else that Jurassic Park is just a remake of The Killer Shrews?

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on June 28, 2020, 02:16:43 PM
horror hotel? tell me more!
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 28, 2020, 02:42:08 PM
If you have a Roku, her channel is on there and free to watch. ( is the website. I find Lil' Zombie irritating. She has an annual convention relatively close to you (in Ohio), its a lot closer to you than it is to me.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 30, 2020, 03:56:09 AM
Rough night last night. Ash seemed to be screaming at the top of his lungs for much of it. It wasn't his I am in pain scream, although once it was because there was a cat up at the kitchen window. Kristi had gotten up with him first as she'd had a nap during the day, but I wasn't really getting any sleep either so I got up to come help. Cuddled him for a bit and then tried him in bed and off he went to sleep like there was nothing wrong.

We did plan on going out into Elgin shopping today (first time we have done that since the whole Covid stuff kicked off). No idea what time Kristi and Ash will sleep to today, but I am just going to leave them to it. Well, in Ash's case at least until 12. If he sleeps after midday then he won't settle down until some time between 21:00 and midnight. Feeling somewhat tired myself but since it is daylight, my brain will outright refuse to let me sleep.

I would much rather cuddle up in bed with Kristi and go to sleep right now given the option.

Clicked on the news this morning, people are complaining that the government hasn't done anything to hit certain parts of the population hit by the lockdown. Always going to be someone gets left out or left behind, unfortunately.

I should sort out some breakfast I guess.

We all took a trip into Elgin today. The first time we've had a family outing outside Lossiemouth for 4 months. Our local geek store has just reopened after expanding its floor space. It is still nowhere near the size of the ones in Utah, but at least if you have two people in it then it isn't overcrowded. Picked up a new version of Munchkin. I got £140 tax rebate in this months wage and used that to get a new computer chair along with more WW2 stuff online. Figured I could spend the last of it on stuff from the shop though.

Had word that there has been a few confirmed cases of Covid-19 on the camp. It is civilian contractors rather than military staff. I'll be popping into work to train Max up some more tomorrow night, so it will be interesting to see what if any, changes that makes.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 30, 2020, 06:57:26 PM
So here I am. It is approaching midnight. I am drinking JD & coke because it is loaded with sugar and will help keep me awake.

That would be because Ash is awake, and if he is awake then either Kristi is awake or I am awake. Tonight is my turn to do even more sleep deprived. Still, he sleeps better than most parents get to experience.

It is more the amount of s**t in the world right now that bothers me more than anything. I can take a look at any amount of situations across the world and ask WTF? Even more so than I could in previous years. I remember when Bush Jnr was president and thinking that there was no way any president could possibly have a worse reputation worldwide than this guy. Noone could claim more and achieve less.

Yeah, America kind of had a "Hold my beer" moment there.

I could look at Russia and Putin's masculinity issues, N. Korea and its leader's god complex which frankly I wouldn't give a s**t about if they didn't have nuclear weapons. I could look at China and that they have a dictator in the mould of Mao Zedong and where that is going to go. In the old days of the empire (for all its faults), I can say that they would never have allowed another country to interfere with sea lanes in this way. Now, China is powerful, modern and able to steal tech from any country in the world and it does nothing. Hell, even mere regional powers like Lran can have a worldwide reach thanks to the world wide web.

The environmental battles I tried to fight as a teenager seem like small change compared to the challenges the world faces nowadays. Hell someone my age has survived the cold war, half a dozen pandemics (if you think Covid is bad you should just think about what the world would be like if some of the other diseases which have threatened to spread had actually managed it, like Ebola).

Sometimes I think the only reason I still drink alcohol is for a temporary escape from what is going on in the world. It might just be a coping mechanism and if I could step away from everything going on and not have to worry about it, then it would be a crutch I would no longer need. I often like the taste of alcohol, but I've never particularly cared for being drunk itself.

Besides, I have never overly cared for drunk me. He isn't someone I get one well with or even like. Drunk me can be fun and can be very honest in ways that sometimes people need to hear, but he can also be very hurtful to others, whiney and just not care about other people. Things that are minor complaints in the day to day grind become major issues and yet sometimes I need that to just let go of things. Why I can't let go of them without it, well you can decide for yourself the reasons for that. Nothing is ever as simple as a single reason though. If only life we as simple as a game of D&D or an episode of Supernatural or even Buffy. I'll even settle for Dr Who where all you have to do is defeat some bad guy inside the run time of an episode run time and the world is good until next week.

As a kid, I used to wonder why in Star Trek they just didn't skip Wednesdays from 18:00 to 18:30 when all the problems in the universe would choose to strike. Either the original series or TNG would have found life much easier if everyone had gone into suspended animation for half an hour every week.

Damn but I feel tired. When I was younger I tried to solve everyone's problems and eventually I switched to just trying to help with the problems of the people I cared about. Right now I feel the way I did when everyone else's issues just overwhelmed. You can't win a war by retreating all the time though. Yeah sometimes you need to let the enemy wear himself down, but sooner or later you have to go on the defensive.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on July 01, 2020, 01:19:53 AM
i get it. please take care of yourself, sweet butthead. i worry, you know. you make me crazy and you love to torture/tease me. and i love you for that, it takes a nice BIG set of brassies to mess with an elder witch.  :cheers:  be well, my darlings.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 03, 2020, 12:49:33 AM
I think I've been watching too much Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Last night I had a dream where I was married to her and she was cheating on me some guy, who turned out to be a homunculus made from spare bits of leftover Diet Coke cans.

I've had stranger dreams than that.

Besides, there is no way I'd settle for Buffy, while that sexy minx Willow was around. Especially evil vampire Willow. Now, there is a woman who could make a happy man very old.

This weekend lockdown rules change in England. Well except for that one place where they have had to put the town into quarantine following a big outbreak. In Scotland, from Monday you'll have to wear masks in shops. I find the masks uncomfortable to wear and irritating, but if it saves someone else's life, then I'll wear one and just grin and bear it.

Got Ash up early yesterday and kept him up a bit later than he is used to, but it worked and he slept through the night. I am going to wake him up at 7 am every morning now instead of letting him sleep until he wakes up himself. Took him out a walk yesterday. My plan had been to stop at the various playgrounds on the way to the harbour and let him play in them, then get him an ice cream and head home. Alas, the first park is still locked up, the second one was filled with kids playing. When we got to the harbour, the shop I had wanted to go to wasn't open. I got him an empire biscuit from the local bakery instead and he seemed happy with that.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 03, 2020, 04:58:15 AM
Eight years ago today was not a good day on base. The day started out perfectly normally, but as it progressed an op was called that none of us had ever heard of before. Then we heard, two of our Tornado's had collided over the north sea. Three out of the four crew died in the crash. I was later to be involved in packing away the personal effects of one of the crew, which was... well lets just say I got well and truly drunk that weekend. Packing away most of his stuff was fine, although I really wanted to put some music on to break the silence, but when you got to something that must have meant something to the owner, like wedding invitations or a little lego figure of a pilot it reminded you that this had been a real person.

Not much in my job has an effect on me, but that was one of two times when it has.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 05, 2020, 03:06:55 AM
With yesterday being the 4th and knowing that Kristi wanted to watch it, I thought I'd stick on Hamilton. Turned out to be a mistake. Neither of us enjoyed the music. In my case, that was what I expected. I had thought Kristi would like it though. She asked me to put it off. But hey, if it is your kind of thing then more power to you. If not, well maybe you'll like this adaptation more.

Error 404 (Not Found)!!1 (

This morning I got woken up by Ash screaming his I am not happy and want attention scream. Took him into bed with us since I didn't feel like getting up at that time. He lay still enough but did not go back to sleep. It did seem he was tired though. Kristi got up to go to the toilet and decided to try putting him in his cot. Unfortunately, he did not agree with this policy and leaned out over the edge to try and grab his mum, overbalanced and fell out. I heard the bang of him hitting the floor, had jumped out of bed and was heading through to his room before he ever started crying. His cot is on the lowest setting. I guess I could drill out some new holes and lower it a little bit more, but not by much or he'd be able to slip out the bottom. Admittedly this would be better than him climbing out over the top and falling quite as far. He has a big red mark on his forehead, but it hasn't bruised or swollen up, his pupils are dilated or different sizes, no straw coloured liquid running from either ear and he is neither dizzy nor throwing up so I am going to guess he hasn't taken any serious damage. I'll keep an eye on him though.

Bought a Panzer I from a supplier I haven't bought any tanks from before. Trying to decide if they really were that small or the scale is out of whack. The grey vehicle in the middle is the Panzer 1


And here it is sitting beside a Tiger.


Hell, it is even smaller than the tiddly little Japanese tanks.

When I was younger, we had an election back when Johnny Major was the PM. His government was viewed as a lame duck, dead in the water and all it needed was the life support switching off because there was no hope of bringing it back. Every few weeks we'd have a new scandal engulfing them and they just limped from disaster to disaster. All the polls had his party heading for a heavy loss and no one believed they could possibly win the next election.

The day after the election, lo and behold, Johnny Major was still in power. The excuse the pollsters came up for getting it wrong (and to be honest here I do not understand why they bother coming up with excuses any more because they rarely call it right), was that people, when questioned, had been too ashamed to admit to supporting such a disastrous government. I've always thought it was important to note that they didn't change who they were voting for, regardless of how much of a laughing stock they had become, no matter how much they'd gotten wrong. They still voted for them, because most people do not change who they vote for. Doesn't matter if the candidate/party is right or wrong if they've done good or bad the great mass of people will still continue to support that party they've supported all their life.

They didn't vote for who they thought could do the best job.

Most of the time I just try to pick the least worst party that still has a chance of, if not winning, then at least presenting an effective opposition. That's a big reason why I didn't switch back to the Labour party in the last election as an example. I felt they were too riven with internal strife to either govern or at least oppose effectively. At that point it didn't matter to me what the said their policies would be, I didn't feel they would have any chance to implement any of them until they stopped fighting each other.

My new computer chair has arrived. It is taller, wider and the seat higher off the ground than my previous one. I think I am going to like it more, although I'd hoped the smaller armrests would be too small for Ash to climb through. No such luck there.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 07, 2020, 03:36:21 PM
Today I built a stone bridge, bunker, pub, house, boat house (including a jetty and a couple of boats), a barn, and an ordinary house.

Meanwhile, the two guys who are replacing my shower and toilet have been working for two days and still aren't finished yet.


Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 08, 2020, 03:03:01 PM
My "Do not give a f**kometer" is reaching unheard of heights. Someone at work is going to cause a lot of problems at work and it was being discussed. When I was expected to contribute to the conversation I would happily reply "I am not going to be here to deal with it, I don't care."

This phrase was repeated several times during the conversation.

At one point I got up out of my seat, walked over to Kev and started rubbing his shoulder. When he asked what the hell I was doing I said "Rubbing it in that I am not going to be here to deal with this s**t."

Decided to back a post-apocalyptic roleplaying game someone is working on. I normally do not back first time projects, but this was only £30. If it falls through I can afford to lose it. For the level of the pledge I've provided I get to have a name in the credits. Figuring I'll put Ash's name in, only I'll do his full-length name.

QuoteManiacs of WW2.

Frankly, I enjoyed the war. The totally crazy story of Victoria Cross hero who tore off his own fingers, lost an eye, was shot in the head & still went back for more

Some men are just born for war and are never truly happy outside of it.

Adrian Paul Ghislain Carton de Wiart is one such person. Born in Belgium, he shuttled back and forth between there and England. He attended boarding school in England. From there, he went on to college, although not for long. On October 11, 1899, ongoing tensions between the Dutch and the British in South Africa exploded with the Second Boer War.

Although barely 20, Wiart dropped out of school to join the British Army. He claimed to be 25 and enlisted under the name "Trooper Carton." He was shot in the stomach and groin and sent back to England. That was when his family found out he had become a dropout, and his father was not happy.

Wiart held no grudge against the Dutch. He claimed if the British had not taken him, he would have fought for the other side.

He later joined the Second Imperial Light Horse and was sent back to South Africa. By September 1901 he was a second lieutenant in the 4th Dragoon Guards. With the Dutch defeat in May 1902, Wiart spent some time in India before he was sent back to South Africa in 1904. Two years later, he became a naturalized British subject.

Wiart held no grudge against the Dutch. He claimed if the British had not taken him, he would have fought for the other side.

He later joined the Second Imperial Light Horse and was sent back to South Africa. By September 1901 he was a second lieutenant in the 4th Dragoon Guards. With the Dutch defeat in May 1902, Wiart spent some time in India before he was sent back to South Africa in 1904. Two years later, he became a naturalized British subject.

During the Second Battle of Ypres (April to May 1915), his left hand was mangled by an artillery barrage. The doctor insisted he could save some of it, but Wiart could not wait – two fingers gave him so much pain he bit them off. Bowing to the inevitable, doctors at Shield's amputated the entire hand.

It was during the Battle of the Somme he got the Victoria Cross; Britain's highest military award. Wiart was a Lieutenant-Colonel in the 4th Dragoon Guards, Gloucestershire Regiment at La Boiselle. From July 2 to 3, 1916, he held his ground despite the loss of three other battalion commanders; as well as part of his skull and ankle.

It did not end there. He was also shot in the hip at the Battle of Passchendaele (July to November 1917).  What remained of his left ear was shot of at the Battle of Arras (April to May 1917), and he was shot in the leg at the Battle of Cambrai (November to December 1918).

Despite everything, he later said, "Frankly, I enjoyed the war."

He then became second-in-command of the British-Poland Military Mission. One of his jobs was to broker peace between the Poles and everyone else during the Polish-Soviet War, the Polish-Ukrainian War, Polish-Lithuanian War, and the Czech-Polish Border Conflicts.

The Mission failed. Worse, his plane crashed in Lithuania where he became a guest at one of their prisons. Later released, he pleaded with Churchill (then Secretary of State for War) to help the Poles.

In August 1920, he was returning to Warsaw when his train was attacked by the Red Russian cavalry, resulting in a gun battle. Although he fell off the train, he did get back on again with no serious injuries, so Shield's must have missed him.

Wiart retired from the military as a Major General in December 1922 to a country estate in Poland close to the Soviet border. Until WWII broke out.

The joint German-Soviet invasion of Poland forced him to lead the Mission he had retired from to neutral Romania. Along the way, a German plane killed one of his staff; leaving him miraculously unscathed.

Romania was not safe either, so he returned to Britain and active service, becoming an Acting Major-General in November 1939. In April 1940, he led an Anglo-French attack on the Norwegian town of Nasmos where his plane was shot at by a German aircraft. Their ultimate goal was Trondheim, but they had to retreat.

He was sent to Northern Ireland to prepare for a German attack on May 5, 1940 – his 60th birthday. It was only then it was realized he was too old. He was made the head of the British-Yugoslavian Military Mission on April 5, 1941, but never made it.

His plane crashed, and instead, he became a guest of the Italians. He tried escaping several times and got away once before they caught him eight days later. He was finally released in August 1943 when the Italians switched sides to join the Allies.

By October, he had become Churchill's personal representative to China where he met Mao; whom he did not like. He much preferred Chiang Kai-shek who offered him a job with his government. Wiart was now 66, so he finally retired in October 1947 as a Lieutenant-General.

On his way back to Britain, he stopped by Rangoon, Burma where he fell and broke his back. During the operation, Shield's doctors took out some shrapnel that had been there from previous skirmishes.

Typically, he survived and spent his remaining years in Ireland where he truly retired on June 5, 1963, at the age of 83.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 09, 2020, 04:57:04 PM
At some point in their lives, everyone reaches the moment when they have lived more days than they have left. Shame we have no way of knowing where our half past life moment is. Would people spend their days differently if they knew how much time they had left, or would they still spend them just as unwisely as they do now?

Playing Fallout 3 again and trying once more to do something I've never managed to achieve in any previous playthrough. Get into the broken off part of Rivet City. Actually found the way in this time. I just need to max out my lockpicking skill now to get through a damn locked door.

Ash decided he was ready for bed tonight. I was sitting with him and Kristi in the living room and he came over, took my hand and pulled until I stood up. He then took me into the kitchen and gave me one of his bottles. After I'd filled it with milk he took my hand again and went upstairs where he tried to climb into his cot.

Not going to complain about that. I do wish we could get him to work on words though.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 10, 2020, 05:51:21 PM
It has been an emotionally exhausting day today, and for reasons, I will no doubt discuss in a later post. There are a couple of things going on, both of which will most likely turn out to be ok (90%+), but we still need to do various things and find out more and then figure out what the next step is from there. Kristi is going to have to stay home for the next couple of weeks, but I still going to go down and visit my family for a few days and take Ash with me. The things I need to sort out I can do via phone and it doesn't matter if I am here or not, but she is going to need to stay local alas.

I've been listening to audiobooks of old Conan stories recently. Moving onto ones written by other authors at the moment.

I know I still have another week in work to go, but it felt like my last real day today.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 13, 2020, 03:22:28 PM
Off to see the family tomorrow. It's been a long time since we were last able to get together. Long time to be wearing a mask for the train journey down, but that is the way things have to be alas.

Had a game of Bolt Action with Kristi last night. She is starting to get the hang of it. She had a big ass howitzer that for the start of the game she was trying to take my tank out with, and failing. Then she tried firing at one of my infantry units and started doing some serious damage with it. It was a simple meeting engagement scenario, and by that point, I had wiped out 4 of her units to the loss of only one of mine. I was sweeping her American's off the board until she managed to call in an airstrike which wiped out my light mortars and paralyzed the centre of my army (they all decided to keep their heads down. I did manage to recover and my flanks kept advancing. Still won, but her skills are improving and I can see her giving me a serious challenge in the future. My tank and sniper unit both spent the entire game failing to hit or kill anything. That was a bit frustrating.

I wonder if Kayne West will campaign under the slogan "Yes We Kayne!"?

Ash is refusing to sleep. He is going to be a little bear tomorrow. Oh yay!
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on July 13, 2020, 09:15:22 PM
i hope everything turns out well, dear heart....
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 15, 2020, 02:05:36 AM
Against my better judgement I let myself get dragged into an argument on a science page. There aren't many times you'll see christians, muslims and buddists all agreeing. The subject was evolution. I ended up going head to head with one guy who believes that everything on earth is designed for humans and everything is beneficial to them and that is why we are here while dinosaurs aren't. I asked what about diseases, parasites, hurricanes, poisons and so on. His answer was that this weeded out the weaker people and made the race as a whole stronger. That made me laugh as I pointed out that this was evolution. I also pointed out that the age of the dinosaurs lasted a whole lot longer than we've been on the earth and we are yet to prove ourselves able to last as long as them. I suppose I could have also pointed out that we still do have creatures from back then still alive, or that I could make an argument that an equal argument that the world was designed for rats, cockroaches or any number of other species that outnumber humans and prosper regardless of our hostility towards them.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 17, 2020, 01:59:05 PM
Nice to see someone who deserves it being knighted today. Makes a change from the ones who get it for being rich and famous.

Think Ash had a sugar high today. Spent several hours being a climbing frame for him. Then he crashed and crashed hard.

I was randomly reading various webpages. Came across one with expats from the US talking about their home country vs their new one. While they had a lot of accounts, it was hardly enough to be conclusive. I only read the page to compare it to Kristi's views. All of them said that things were better overseas, with the primary reason being affordable healthcare. That I more or less expected. Second was people being fed up with the politics and the final mossy commonly mentioned reason was not having to live in fear of guns. Most of the people also expressed surprise about how much wider their view of the world had became since they'd moved. All of them said though that they wouldn't give up their US citizenship. From what Kristi has said I guess she'd agree on the healthcare, guns and citizenship, although she has decided to go for full U.K. citizenship. In an uncertain world it doesn't seem like a bad option. Personally I'd favour Canadian or Australian passports. I like the big, wide open spaces they have.

It has been wet weather down here. Not really been able to do much, but we've got to see each other and my mum has got a chance to spend time with Ash. She taught him how to jump in puddles (a Corbett family tradition).

The lockdown is cautiously being lifted. Scotland managed 7 days with no Covid related deaths. I wonder if people will remember the shops that tried to profiteer on hand sanitiser, the ones that abandoned their workers and which ones did their best to held their community out. There are a few local businesses that have gained or lost our patronage based on their actions. The local cinema that decided it was going to ignore recommendations and stay open until it was forcibly closed and then started posting 5G conspiracy theories on its webpage has definitely lost our custom.

Early start tomorrow. Mind you, I had an early start this morning when Ash woke up crying at 4 am. I took him into bed with me. He pulled the quilt up over his head and went to sleep until half seven. Unfortunately I was stuck awake. It was unusual for him to go to sleep beside us. Then again, Kristi doesn't let him burrow under the covers.

The newest Fantastic Four movie is on the tv. Not watched it before.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on July 18, 2020, 01:10:38 AM
i think i want to find a nice cave house somewhere that has a frontipiece for windows...with shutters that look like the mountain.   i'm starting to feel the need to hide for awhile... i hate that.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 18, 2020, 01:35:48 AM
Many people all over the world are showing they are indeed a special breed right now Barri. Unfortunately it's the ones making things worse who shout the loudest and get the most attention. From what I hear Twitter is especially full of them.

Today is apparently the anniversary of the first known spree killing in the US. It was carried out using an axe rather than a gun and the perpetrator was later found dead, although no one knows who killed him.

Watching Saturday morning tv whole we wait until it's time to go home. I never liked the cheaper looking animated shows as a kid, and that is all there seems to be on now.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 21, 2020, 04:57:57 PM
Continuing to try and work my way through all the seasons of Buffy.

Man, but does the music in that show date the 90's or what?

In an odd kind of mood where I am hungry, but I just am not feeling like eating anything. Lovely weather here. Hoping the family all quit napping soon so we can all go out and enjoy some of it.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 22, 2020, 04:05:21 PM
I've been playing a variety of games on my phone. At the moment I am terraforming Mars. Its a game without conflict, so not my usual kind of thing. It is interesting trying to balance all the various elements required to make the planet livable.

If we can't balance our own eco-system I am not sure we could ever manage to balance another one. Hell, climate scientists are still stumbling over what the effects are of what we've done so far. This summer was supposed to be the hottest ever, but they haven't learned from the incorrect predictions about the rising sea levels in the '90s that it isn't as simple as polar ice melts and sea levels go up. So far it seems to be more extreme weather events becoming more common, making parts of the planet less hospitable for us. I've seen our weather patterns change in my lifetime and yet there are still those obtuse enough to deny it is happening.

Not sure if I find that more funny or tragic.

I've been hearing people worrying about the rapid decline of Covid-19 anti-bodies leaving people vulnerable to reinfection recently. Much like the eco-system, it is more complicated than people think. If this is something you are worried about, or if you just like science, try reading this ( Or just pretend you saw a meme or tweet that said it's going to be ok and you believed it. Will save you reading through the whole thing and from what I see in the world, it is how many people seem to get their 'facts'.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 24, 2020, 03:10:57 PM
Just got some good news. Kristi had a bit of a scare and had to go into hospital, but having been checked out we can confirm that she doesn't have cancer. We didn't think she did have, but she had some of the symptoms and the local doctor wanted her checked out just to be on the safe side. Still, it is one less thing to worry about.

She and our friend Karen have gone up to Aberdeen hospital today. Somehow on the way back they've gotten a bit lost of have ended up at Primark. Woman + woman = clothes shopping it seems.  :bouncegiggle:

Amazing how life has thrown up so many ways for it to end. Very few of them are pleasant ways to go either. Another kick in the face of the idea that everything was created by a benevolent deity. I'll give him plus points for cats (although if they weren't so cute looking people would realise what vicious bastards the little furballs really are), but on the other hand, he or she missed out dragons which is a really big mistake in my book.

Speaking of cats, in a few weeks we'll be getting a new one. There are a bunch of newborn kittens and we've bought one of them. It is still too young to be picked up yet. I always feel bad taking a kitten away from its family, but such is the way the world works.

Feeling much more relaxed now Kristi is home safe. She is in a bit of pain from the tests and doubtless will be for a few days, but she is going to be fine.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on July 24, 2020, 04:42:42 PM
THANK YOU HIGHER POWERS! i'm SO glad she's okay, AND that you're getting a kitty!  :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 27, 2020, 01:28:36 AM
Back to work today. All I have to do is make it through 5 days and I am out of there.

Don't particularly feel like doing even that little.

I am glad I am heading off to a new job as work hours return to normal. I think it will make things easier mentally. Hoping to be mostly watching the new guys working and just assisting them if they get stuck, but we shall see how it goes. Couldn't get to a decent sleep last night. Wasn't feeling worried or having the Sunday night blues that so many of my co-workers seem to suffer from, but tiredness just wasn't there. I dozed a little and that will be enough to get me through. On the plus side, normally when you go on leave normally you come back to find you've been stiffed with whatever random extra duties come up like guard. With a week left I should hopefully be immune to that.

Saw some artwork where horror films had been mixed up with Disney cartoons. My favourite is Cinderella crossed with Carrie.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 28, 2020, 03:05:31 PM
Finished all the paperwork for clearing from my workplace today. Much earlier than I had expected, but it is all good. I am now not allowed to work at my work. All I can do for the rest of the week is give training and advice. Work did come in while I was in the office alone. I sat there and watched it, before ignoring it and leaving it for the nightshift to complete. I doubt he will, but if I am in by myself tomorrow then it will be waiting for them again and again until we get to the end of the week and I won't be there anymore.

It isn't a matter of not being willing to do the work. Legally I no longer have the authority for it. Were I do to do it, I'd be committing a criminal offence.

I'll take some cakes in on Friday for everyone. Not decided if they'll be spiked with laxatives or not yet.  :bouncegiggle:

Looking forward to my new job. It has been what nine years in various offices in that building. Be nice to have a different view out of the window. Of course, it is nice to just have a view out of any window. The new building I will be working in at least also has windows. I know it quite well. Six years ago I'd to organise shipping 22 tonnes of paperwork out of it.

Will I miss anyone from my old work? Anyone I might is generally also leaving shortly. It has been around a decade since I last worked with anyone I hung around with outside of work hours. They were good days working with Scott and Baldy.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 29, 2020, 03:47:27 PM
Tonight I have an amazing non-sleeping toddler who refuses to sleep. He had been incredibly tired all day with lots of tears, but wouldn't take a nap. Now he is just happy and full of beans.

Training Dave more today. I have a week to train him in every eventuality that only comes up once in a blue moon. By the time one of these scenarios does occur he isn't going to remember what I've told him. On the plus side, after being in the role for over a year, my immediate boss actually did some of the work we need him to do, and managed to do it without any mistakes.

Civilisation is safe then.

Joe and Dave will both be competent enough though, they just lack some experience. Max... well Max is a really nice guy who tries hard and I have a lot of time for him. I guess it will be enough. Dave keeps asking me if I approve of things he wants to change and I keep saying to him that I am not really a stakeholder in the processes anymore. I can tell you if something has been tried before, and if it failed why it failed, but they have to change the processes to what works for them. I do not own the way we work and I am not going to be offended if they alter it when I am gone.

I really wish Ash would sleep tonight. It is over five hours past his bedtime.

Increasingly, this year is feeling like we are all trapped in some Sims type game and someone keeps putting in mods for various disasters. At least the Murder Wasps seem to have disappeared. For the moment anyway. Got to say, 20 years into this millenia I am not impressed so far. I liked the major issues we had in the last one more.

Plus the music was better.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 30, 2020, 04:24:26 PM
Found out today that Dave's name is actually Derek.

Since I finish up tomorrow I am not sure if there is any point to remembering that. On the plus side, it does save me from having to think about another Dave nickname.

It's been warm and wet this week. Tomorrow though is supposed to be in the high 20's (that's Celcius for you folks in countries that still cling on to Fahrenheit).

I was looking a game of HH Holmes Murder Hotel. Apparently the idea is you explore it, trying to find proof of his crimes with the man himself hunts you down. Not decided if I like the idea or not.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 01, 2020, 01:52:07 AM
It is half six in the morning and all is quiet. It is much cooler today after we had the hottest day of the year so far yesterday. I love these peaceful times. Soon the rest of the house will wake up and I love spending time with them too, but right now is my time.

So my nine years in EOS came to an end yesterday. Apparently they had a whip-round for me, but they put Barry in charge of picking up a leaving present, so I might get that at some unspecified point in the future and I might not. I didn't really feel any care about it. There are some good people working there, but no one I will overly miss. Anyone I would is leaving around the same time anyway.

I've switched from buying figures for wargaming to collecting up some terrain to make the battlefield more interesting. For some reason model trees are hideously expensive so I haven't picked up any of them yet. I do have plenty of assorted buildings, walls, hedges and a river (as well as a bridge to go over it). Ordered some hills yesterday.

Had the latest pair of missionaries around for dinner last night. One is from Layton in Utah, the other from Houston, Texas. I found them hard to make conversation with, but I did my best if only for Kristi's sake.

Planning on heading into Elgin today and visiting the cemetery. This year has not been conducive to popping over there regularly.

Hmm, I should add some Transvision Vamp to my playlist. They had a couple of ok songs for forgettable pop music. Mostly though I guess it is because Wendy James looked hot. It would make a lighter change to the Powerwolf (terrible name), and Sabaton I've been listening to recently.

Oh well, I guess I should grab some breakfast and do stuff like get clothes on.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on August 01, 2020, 02:40:14 PM
what's a whip-round? congrats on a happy ending leading into a new beginning, my friend!  :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 01, 2020, 02:43:41 PM
That's when they do a collection to get someone a leaving present. Ironically, normally it is me who has to organise them (although when someone who will only be referred to as "The miserable b***h" left I refused to do one for her as all she'd ever done was complain about everything.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 03, 2020, 03:14:29 PM
If a government declared it was mandatory to breathe, would some people refuse on the basis that it is their right as an idiot not to?

Rhetorical question there. Pretty sure the answer is yes.

I had my first "day" in my new job today. Turned up at 08:00. Apparently the rule is that if you have no work to do then you go home. I was out of there just after 10:00 and I don't need to go back in until Wednesday. I cannot complain about those hours.

It also takes me a few minutes less to walk to work each day, so I can stay in bed slightly later in the mornings. Extra cuddle time should never be refused. I guess I should be upset that it gives me less time to think about stuff, but these days that might be a good thing. Besides, I enjoyed that more when my thoughts were darker. These days my meanderings seem to be pink, fluffy and saccharine sweet.


Trying to put on something to watch on the TV, but I have music playing and damn good tunes keep coming on.  Right now I have
Error 404 (Not Found)!!1 (
and there is just no way I can put that song off. I also can't listen to it without thinking of that scene in 'Shoot 'Em Up' with the skydiving fight.

Damn, but that movie is fun and has a great soundtrack.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: RCMerchant on August 03, 2020, 04:57:01 PM
 ^ AC/DC! You the man!  :cheers:
And Bon Scott at that!
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on August 04, 2020, 09:18:02 PM
"comparatively" bwahahahaaaa! :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 06, 2020, 03:38:38 PM
Have another one RC.

Error 404 (Not Found)!!1 (

I got into work this morning. The guy training me said "I have a hangover, so just check your emails and if there is nothing important there, then just go home."

Fair enough. Was a lovely warm day today, so when I got home Kristi suggested we head into Inverness for the day. When I was last down visiting my mum she gave Ash £100 to spend on toys, so we went around a few toy shops today with him and spent about £60 of that (two Paw Patrol cars (Rubble and Zoom for anyone who is familiar with the show) with accompanying pups and dinosaurs), a box of 10 Hot Wheels cars and a track for them), all on cars and car related things. We figured out what we wanted to get him for xmas and I picked up another present for Kristi as well as deciding what her big present is going to be. Ash did not want to walk today, preferring instead to be carried. Putting that down to the heat (it was supposed to be 19 degrees today, turned out to be 27 degrees instead).

In contrast to the other places I have been recently, almost everyone was wearing masks in Inverness, even while outside. Aberdeen on the other hand has went back into lockdown after an outbreak centred on one of the pubs in the city. Honestly, I can't help but think that places serving alcohol should be the last to reopen. Drunk people do not socially distance.

We had a walk along the River Ness and took some photos.





By the time we got back home Ash was just done. We fed him, gave him a cool shower and he collapsed into bed, sleeping within minutes.

If only we could do that to him every day.  :bouncegiggle:

We should have a short day tomorrow again, if not quite as short as todays was lol.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 07, 2020, 01:28:31 PM
As it turned out today was just as short as yesterday.

The weather started out really nice, but as the day went on it cooled down and we got some rain. Not an entirely bad thing as the heat can be quite oppressive.

This has been the easiest first week in any job I have ever done. I don't imagine it will stay this way though.

I am not often happy with my paint jobs on models, but this DAK (Deutsches Afrikakorps) command group seem to have worked out well.
Its a medic, officer, radio operator and a dogsbody type guy.


I have a bunch of infantry I am getting a friend to paint up professionally. When I get them back we'll be doing some African desert fights with the LRDG (forerunner to the SAS).
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on August 08, 2020, 02:25:08 PM
that bridge is gorgeous, any idea on the age? it must be awesome to live in a place with so much amazing architecture...i love my little city on the prairie, but there's nothing here that even hits 200 years old.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 08, 2020, 03:05:02 PM
Those bridges are in Inverness city centre and aren't too old. I'd guess no more than 50 years but most likely a lot more recent.  It gets lit up in all different neon colours at night.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on August 09, 2020, 05:56:19 PM
interesting that they're that "young", they remind me of some of the bridges in new england that are 300ish now.  :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 12, 2020, 01:38:42 PM
If you are really interested, I'll find you some pictures of seriously old bridges.

Picked up our new kitten today. Kristi had tasked me with coming up with a name. Since it is a patchwork of colours, I first thought of naming it Franky (for Frankensteins Monster), but since the cat is female I decided to go with Elsa, after Elsa Lancaster. Speaking of Elsa Lancaster, I was today years old when I found out she was in Mary Poppins.

The new job is going ok. Working with a couple of boardgame geeks so I think I might fit in well there. I tend to get on better with smaller groups and there only being 3 of us in there definitely counts for that.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 15, 2020, 01:53:23 PM
I suggested we go out for a walk early this afternoon. The weather this morning had been pretty sucky so we'd abandoned plans to head into town. We took a meandering wander and ended up having a late lunch at one of the harbour cafes. Might have even picked up a little bit of sunburn while we were eating outside, but not enough to really notice.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 17, 2020, 03:07:26 PM
Ah, the joys of parenting a child with an endless supply of energy.

Ash hasn't quite completely adapted to the newest addition to the family. The kitten managed to get into his room at 4 or 5 am over the weekend. Ash woke up and was not impressed to find it curled up and sleeping on his pillow. Other times he laughs and giggles as he chases Elsa all over the living and dining rooms. Other times he doesn't want the cat anywhere near him. Kristi's lap has become a battleground, which has currently settled into a cold war with one on each knee and woe betide anyone who trespasses even slightly on the other's territory.

I have been distracting both of them from using Kristi as a climbing frame as much as I can.

Well not quite as much as I can. Sometimes it is just too funny to interfere with.

The weather has been rapidly cycling between being too warm to be comfortable and being much cooler and wetter. We even had a couple of rare thunderstorms.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on August 18, 2020, 04:34:10 PM
i would greatly appreciate old bridge pictures, thank you!
i remember when the twins were around 2, stacy got a kitten and they were NOT happy campers because of the lap thing. needless to say, it was already a battleground between THEM anyway. stacy put her foot down and said that her lap was cat territory only, until the kitten( she's SO original, her name was kitter, lol!) was as big as  the girls. they fell for it, lol!
  when i came up for the summer, i was informed that they sat on each side of me because they were" too grown" for my lap, and i was NOT to pet kitter ever, " she's spoiled by mom already!". and i did NOT pet her. she just rode around on my shoulder, lol!
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 20, 2020, 01:02:19 AM
Ah, the darkness. How I love to lie in it and just enjoy a silent world for a while.

When the seagulls shut the f-up anyway.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 22, 2020, 02:48:45 PM
Saw on the news about the weather in the Gulf of Mexico. Hope anyone for the affected area stays safe and the hurricanes don't go all 2020 and form a superstorm or anything.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 23, 2020, 04:38:57 PM
Still working our way through season 5 of Lucifer. 3 episodes to go. Watching it, I do not get the impression that they ever intended this to be the final season. Maybe I am just being suspicious there.

I wonder how the decision to pay all that money for sports and have to cancel a ton of other shows so they can afford it is working out for them this year?

Ash and Elsa are learning to play together. He spent a good 45 minutes last night running up and down the living room while carrying a ball on a stick with her chasing after him and he was laughing his ass off the entire time.

Not sure if he has forgiven her though for the night he woke up and found her sleeping on his pillow. Caused a lot of trauma that one.

Keep thinking that in Galaxy of Terror the wrong guy won. Ranger faced his fear and defeated it, which to me beats never having to come up against it in the first place. Fear is a strange thing. Those who don't listen to it at all put themselves in more danger. Those who let it overcome them moreso. The slim area in between where it is a great survival tool, such a hard place to find and stay in but well worth the effort. Oh well.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 25, 2020, 07:20:53 AM
For Barri. And well anyone else who has an interest in bridges.

The Forth (Rail) Bridge.

So-called because it bridges the Firth of Forth on the east coast of Scotland. This isn't exactly ancient (1890). When it was constructed it was the longest single cantilever bridge span in the world, which it remained for 30 years and is still the second-longest such design in the world and was the first major structure in the UK to be built from steel. If you ask about bridges in Scotland, the chances are this is the one people will think of first.


Glenfinnan Viaduct.

Completed in 1901 the Glenfinnan Viaduct was longest mass concrete viaduct in Britain. This viaduct is featured in the Harry Potter series and features 21 graceful arches.


Clachan Bridge.


Dating from 1792, this bridge spans the Clachan Sound which opens into the Atlantic and is referred to as the bridge over the Atlantic.

Brig o'Doon.


Made famous in Burn's 'Tam o'Shanter', the bridge was built sometime in the 1400's.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on August 26, 2020, 02:13:13 PM
oh thank you, those are BEAUTIFUL! i think the clachan is my favorite, although the forth, the cantilevered one is BRILLIANT architecture :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 26, 2020, 02:42:16 PM
You should come over and visit sometime and we'll take you to a few of them.

One of my new co-workers seems to be something of a trump fan and a conspiracy theory. We were all having a political conversation today that roamed all over world politics. He kept telling me to google some claim or another of his, and all the results I would get would be from fact-checkers debunking his claims (one, just as an example was that Clinton had given North Korea nuclear technology).

Anyway, we spent the morning tearing his most of his claims to pieces. Those we didn't, it was more of a case of we didn't bother researching them.  He isn't a bad guy, but some of the things he believes in... Well, at least he isn't a flat earther. Nor is he daft enough to think that just making some random statement or giving us a link to a half-arsed website is going to blow our minds. Still, people who do things like that are always useful for the comedy value.

We had a big meltdown from Ash tonight. We were sitting in the dining room having our dinner when Elsa tried to come through the door. Ash reached over to shut the door to stop her coming in, but caught her paw in the door. He might not have meant to hurt her, but I didn't want him thinking this was ok either, so he got sat on my lap. For a child who must always constantly be in motion, this is a hellish punishment. Normally, he gets a timeout like this of between 2 to 5 minutes. He ended up with at least half an hour. I had been going to let him down, but Elsa jumped up beside us and he tried to push her away. The whole time he was crying his tantrum cry and struggling to get free. What can I say, I am more stubborn than a 2-year-old.

Within moments of him being set free, he was fine again though.

Back to conspiracy theories, I did come across this page randomly. I thought some of our more faith-based members might be interested in it, although I don't believe that Christians are particularly susceptible to conspiracy theories when compared to any other section of society. (
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 31, 2020, 04:08:48 PM
In theory, I am practising coding right now. At least, I have installed the version of the computer language we use at work, and I have the program open to type. I even have my coursebook open beside me.

Yup, that's about the limit of my enthusiasm tonight. Ash has been very full on this weekend, as we'd expect from a little boy. It's almost 21:00 and he still isn't sleeping. I think he is fading though.

It was the last day of eating out for half price today. We decided to pop out for lunch. Might as well. By the sounds of it the autumn budget is going to hit ordinary rather than businesses, or even sharing the burden equally. Since our corporate tax rates are already below the international average I can't help but feel it is about time they paid their way. Still, this is what happens when you vote for a party on the right.

Making my way through season 2 of The Umbrella Academy. It isn't holding me the way the first season did, but I will stick with it for the moment.

I see far right protesters attempted to storm the German parliment. The more things change... The world does seem to be in a bad place at the moment. I wonder if we'll see it get better in our life times?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 02, 2020, 04:05:37 PM
Over the past few days and weeks, I've been checking in on various friends from around the world, making sure they are all ok yadda, yadda. The ones from the US have mentioned the exact same phrase, that they were embarrassed to be American. I've heard this exact same phrase from multiple people, spread over the country. Then I saw a study on the news that said the exact same thing, same phraseology. Wondering if this was something that was said on a national program or something. No one is using any alternative words, like ashamed and I am just curious if this has a common source.

Watched 'Bright' again tonight. Still can't figure out the hate for it. It is a shame it didn't have cybernetics in it too though, then we could have had a Shadowrun movie.

Managed to get a group together for a new D&D game. This time we'll be playing in person rather than online. One of the guys I work with and his wife want to play. I also have Kristi, Garry and three other potential players. I've started writing the new campaign out.. I'll give them a starting adventure, a couple of adventure hooks and let them go. Hopefully though, someone else will want to GM soon and I can get back to playing.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 04, 2020, 08:50:51 AM
I was reading an article on Qanon. It was dealing with a bunch of their claims and how they were debunked. One of them, all they wrote was "We didn't even have to debunk this one."

Never actually looked at any of their stuff directly, all my exposure to them has been second or third hand. I wonder if their stuff is as ridiculous as it sounds, or is it more impressive first hand?

Suspect I already know the answer to that question.

Work has finally started on the high-speed line they want to build between the north of England and London. The idea behind it is that people will no longer need to commute to London and can work in the north. My bet is that all it will do is extend the range for people commuting too and from London. Not saying it is a bad (or for that matter) good project, but I do very much doubt it will achieve its stated objective. Apparently it is the biggest infrastructure project in Europe, and doubtless at least during its construction, it will provide many jobs. Maybe sometimes that is enough.

Started playing the mobile app version of Eve (Eve Echoes). I had wanted to play the full online game, but by the time I'd finished with other MMO's I reckoned the game had been going for too long and any new player was just going to get nuked by the more experienced ones. I'll see how this version goes. Between writing stories and RPG's my play time is fairly limited so I am not sure how long or how much I'll play.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on September 04, 2020, 08:41:09 PM
Quote from: Alex on September 02, 2020, 04:05:37 PM
Over the past few days and weeks, I've been checking in on various friends from around the world, making sure they are all ok yadda, yadda. The ones from the US have mentioned the exact same phrase, that they were embarrassed to be American.

I'm not ashamed to be an American, but I am ashamed of many Americans.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 06, 2020, 07:42:10 AM
Mostly, the embarrassment seemed to stem from their countries current place internationally with how Covid-19 is going, although I was more curious about everyone using the same phrase rather than what they were worried about.

Nice day outside today, so we took a stroll. Partially through this was to try and tire Ash out a bit so he'd nap. He didn't go to sleep last night until nearly 23:00. We had Garry round for a visit. He is going to be joining in my new D&D campaign, playing an evil cleric. He's always wanted to play a necromancer and figures he might actually get there this time. Currently, I have 6 people wanting to play, which is about as large as I want the group to get. It is entirely possible that we might have another 2 to 4 people wanting to play. If they all want to join in, I'd have to look at setting up a second game.

What I have so far is Garry (very experienced roleplayer who I've known for years), Roger (brother of my friend Bruce. Not met him before. He says he's played loads of D&D before), Shelly (Roger's wife, no idea on her experience level), Kristi (been playing D&D for 2 years), Mark (one of my co-workers. Never roleplayed before) and his wife Emma who equally has never played before.

Kristi is playing a Dwarf warrior, so she'll be the pain bearer, while Garry is going to have to stand back and avoid combat. He got some higher than average scores that all went into his mental abilities to improve his spell casting, and then he got some rather poor rolls that went into his physical attributes. He may struggle to land any spell that requires a to-hit roll. There are ways to get around that though. Unfortunately, as his god is evil (his actual character alignment at the moment is Lawful Neutral, which more or less means you obey the rules wither they are right or wrong), he can't access healing magic. Hopefully one of the other party members will be a healer. I have decided to throw in a complication there.

Often in fantasy literature, spells cast by priests is ok 'cos that comes from the gods, whereas wizardly magic is suspicious and gets you thrown on a bonfire. In this game, I've decided to switch that around. Although churches approve of their clerics using magic, the common folk see it as more of a blasphemy, misusing the power of a deity for their own purposes. Will be interesting to see if the party use some healing magic on some wounded villager, only to be accused of a crime against the gods.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on September 06, 2020, 10:20:42 AM
Nice switch on clerics and magic.

Back in the day I only tried playing D&D once, in 1996, MTG was more my thing, but I did enjoy reading the game books, and one thing I did notice in the ..."old" (?) system at least was clerics were so modeled on Medieval Christianity as to be seriously restricted. They could not shed blood so had to use blunt weapons being a big example. (Probably this has been changed, I haven't read a rulebook in a long time.) I remember thinking clerics could be part of many cosmologies and the rules should be more flexible. Maybe your cleric was an animist or part of a fire-worshipping cult, and the rules would be different. In fact I tried to push against that rule by saying I wanted to play a cleric who came from a desert cult and fought with a thorn-studded club made from a poison tree, only to be told clerics couldn't use poison, and I thought well why the bloody Jones not? It wasn't as if the D&D rule police were listening in, waiting to come kick in the door and drag me out by my hair for violating their game.

I'm also told the game evolved to be more about storytelling and less about dice rolling, which I'd see as an improvement, since I, with my high school know-it-all condescension, kept telling the guys playing the game that night that if they thought about what they were doing, it was all about mathematical probability expressed through random number generation.

To which one of them accurately replied: "What isn't about that?"

(I was being a little mean to them.)

Have fun with your new campaign! Based on your past settings I'm sure it'll be cool as heck.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 06, 2020, 11:42:48 AM
Currently clerics (while still vaguely based on western Christianity*) can use a lot more weapons. Faerun, where I have set my game, has a polytheistic society. Indeed it has a book of gods 220 pages long, and that doesn't cover all of them, just the big ones. Each god has his own favoured weapon, some of which are blunt, some edged, but their followers are under no obligation to use their gods favoured weapon. As long as you picked a god that didn't have a problem with poisons (Besheba in the Faerun for example, Talona or Lovitar), I'd have so let you use that character. Sounds like to me that you had something very characterful there that would have added to the feel of a game.

Plus it would have been really funny if you'd fumbled an attack and poisoned yourself.

Initially, with D&D I am told Gygax wanted the game played exactly as he wrote it with no modifications of the rules (yeah, like that was ever going to happen), although as he aged he mellowed on the idea. When roleplaying started, it was about a bunch of adventurers going down into a cave, beating a random assortment of creatures who served no other purpose other than to be there to be killed. Nowadays, dungeons are a bit more nuanced. They often include a miniature eco-system (just how do those 200 odd Orcs get fed, where do their weapons and armour come from? What about the female and baby Orcs).

Very recently, Wizards of the Coast announced they are going to be redeveloping Orcs and Drow to make them more inclusive. No longer will they be generic bad guys, but in the interests of not being racist, they will no longer be bad guys but are going to be as deep and morally complex as any other race.

I feel like pointing out that these are not real species. Maybe smacking them with a mace would be a bit more appropriate. When the left gets on its high horse, they irritate me just as much as the right does with their (self) righteousness.

Anyway, yes the game is more about role-playing now as a pose to 'roll' playing.

*When it comes to monks though, they are very firmly entrenched in the eastern traditions of the aesthetic martial artist. No one gets to play the kind with the shaven circle on top of their noggins.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: RCMerchant on September 06, 2020, 11:55:24 AM
Quote from: ER on September 04, 2020, 08:41:09 PM
Quote from: Alex on September 02, 2020, 04:05:37 PM
Over the past few days and weeks, I've been checking in on various friends from around the world, making sure they are all ok yadda, yadda. The ones from the US have mentioned the exact same phrase, that they were embarrassed to be American.

I'm not ashamed to be an American, but I am ashamed of many Americans.

I'm proud to be an American. But when we f**k up, boy do we f**k up!
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 07, 2020, 05:33:51 PM
Roger and his wife Shelly came round tonight to make up their characters. Roger's dad used to work for the diplomatic core, and his kids were born in Zimbabwe. They've just moved to the area recently.

Anyway, Roger has went for a Halfling Rogue and Shelly a Half-Elven Cleric of one of the nature deities. Garry has decided he doesn't want to play an evil cleric anymore, so I am expecting a Swashbuckler type fighter from him now.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on September 08, 2020, 02:19:22 AM
Quote from: Alex on September 07, 2020, 05:33:51 PM
Roger and his wife Shelly came round tonight to make up their characters. Roger's dad used to work for the diplomatic core, and his kids were born in Zimbabwe. They've just moved to the area recently.

Anyway, Roger has went for a Halfling Rogue and Shelly a Half-Elven Cleric of one of the nature deities. Garry has decided he doesn't want to play an evil cleric anymore, so I am expecting a Swashbuckler type fighter from him now.

I was also born in Zimbabwe (had another name then).
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on September 08, 2020, 02:20:30 AM
I'm on Skype now: not sure how it works but if you type in Trevor Moses, you'll find the pic of some idiot behind a film camera. That's me.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 08, 2020, 02:29:27 AM
Ok, I think I found your profile and have sent you a message.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 08, 2020, 12:33:03 PM
Ash was running a very slight temperature yesterday, which resulted in me being sent home from work for a couple of days to make sure he doesn't have Covid. He was a little out of sorts yesterday morning but soon bounced back to being his usual self. I've been checking his temperature today, all seems to be normal there and he is acting his normal self. Tried putting him down for a nap this afternoon, but he is just sitting in his cot singing.

Hearing that some guy killed himself and the video is on Tiktok. If anyone out there has kids that use it, they might want to keep them off it for a bit. The company is trying to take the video down, but I guess people being people, it keeps getting uploaded. Never use the service myself and haven't seen it. Don't particularly plan on going looking for it, but it seems to be getting snuck into other videos. I'm told it starts with a brown-haired man sitting at a desk. I wonder if the story is true, or is someone trying to get people to go looking for the video? Sadly one is as likely as the other, although I this one seems to be genuine.

Garry messaged me, he wants to switch from playing a necromancer to a swashbuckler. This is not unexpected. Garry really only likes to play one of two types of character. He refuses to play paladins or bards completely (except for one time he was set up with a pre-generated character's campaign. Strangely enough, his usual terrible luck vanished while he was playing a paladin. He still gets taunted about that one now and again.

Well, after a day of checking Ash's temperature he seems to be fine and work is happy enough for me to return tomorrow. Not going to complain about 2 days off free with no one actually unwell.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 09, 2020, 01:55:22 PM
We had a heavy rain today. Heaviest I've seen since the Aberdeen incident that killed my last iPod. The walk home from work takes 20 minutes. I was soaked through before I'd done a quarter of that. On the other hand, it was a half-day, and I'll take getting soaked in return for getting home early any day.

Watching CM Punk's horror film on Netflix at the moment. I missed his entire run on wrestling, so he doesn't have any nostalgic associations for me. The film is somewhat slow-moving, I guess it is supposed to build tension, but it might be a little too slow. Only halfway through so a way to go yet. His acting isn't fantastic, but I've seen worse.

Signed up for a course in programming today. If I complete it, I'll get given £300. Think I'll use that to buy my 3D printer, so that's my encouragement to actually do it. There are a few other courses I can sign up for and get similar amounts. Might just do them in my spare time, although some of them cost something to start.

Saw another kid has been shot in the states (Utah) by the police, although this one has survived. I'd love to know exactly what terms of engagement they operate under. Quite often it seems if I was to shoot an enemy combatant under the same situation I'd be committing a war crime, never mind a child. I'd have to know more about the situations though to really make a proper judgement. Hopefully, the kid will recover. No idea on the colour of his skin either in this case or if that will lead to further protests, but if you have to shoot a 13-year-old kid multiple times to stop them, that has to be one hell of a life or death situation right? Kid running at you with a chainsaw or something?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 09, 2020, 02:30:44 PM
The movie got better towards the end even if it had a couple of plot holes.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 11, 2020, 04:28:40 PM
Catching up with some old friends. Most of my female friends are feminists and I like to send them a message every once in a while to check they are ok if they've been quiet for a while.

The one I used this time was:

"The first time I saw you, I thought you must have fallen from heaven.

Do you often get mistaken for Satan?"

Works every time. They all seem to be doing well enough.

Having some Doom Bars tonight. Kick back, have some beers and chill out time. Although the morning wasn't great, the weather improved in the afternoon and evening. Took Ash out for a walk and let him play on the swings. That kid loves his swings and chutes. Mind you, I rarely met a kid that hasn't.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 12, 2020, 10:19:05 AM
Ended up chatting with Helena long into the night yesterday until she fell asleep. She's just had a second little girl. After knowing me for over a decade it came as a complete surprise to her to find out that she doesn't actually know my real name, and the one I have is just one that I've been using for 30 years. Never had my name officially changed.

Rough night with Ash once again. He got up about 01:00 and Kristi got up with him. I sent her back to bed at 5ish (although she didn't get there until Ash went down). Was around 07:00 before he finally settled and got back up at 11:00.

We are all really tired and in strung-out shape. Heh, not really. I just like that movie.

Printing out a PDF of a book I already own, but a friend has on load and I am pretty sure he's managed to lose it in the several years he's had it. Expecting the printer to run out of ink halfway through or something. If it does, I may get... irritated.

So we've had new rules brought in about the maximum group size and number of households that can get together. This impacts somewhat on my upcoming D&D campaign as I'd have had a total of 7 people from 3 households playing and the new rules dictate a maximum of 6 people from between 2 households. In Scotland, this doesn't include under 12's while in England it does. I've decided to split the party in two and run a pair of separate, but linked games on alternate weeks. It will be more work for me to write up two separate adventures and as soon as the restrictions are lifted I'll look combining the two groups into one. Politicians are getting angsty about the new limitations saying people should be free to decide what level of risk they are willing to take. That's the problem though, you aren't just deciding how much risk you are willing to take. Some people are forced by simple economics to take risks they wouldn't pick if they had the choice. You are also deciding how much risk other people are going to be taking. Traditionally though the tories have endorsed policies of laissez-faire, unless it stops rich people getting richer. They get right in about things if that is happening.

I wonder why that is? (insert emoji for sarcasm).

It occurred to me that Graham has been responsible for more deaths amongst my roleplaying characters than any other player I ever gamed alongside. Graham was the first husband of my friend Claire, who is now married to Bruce and has two kids but identifies as being a man. Bruce is also the brother of Roger, one of the new people to playing D&D with us. I can't remember the characters name, but I remember I was playing a paladin and we were trying to save a village from a goblinoid invasion. Something minor happened and he decided to come in and wake my character up from his sleep rather than deal with it himself, half an hour before I'd have been able to claim a full nights rest, regain some health and have all my spells back. The village then came under attack and I died saving the settlement from a rather angry ogre. My most infamous character was called Lelandra and she was a rogue/fighter/ranger/cleric (we only had two players when we'd started that campaign and I had to cover a lot of bases). She was also fairly heartless in certain ways. When one of the team was brought back from the dead, but was naked she simply walked to the nearest settlement in the middle of the night, knocked on someone's door and slit their throat when they answered and then stole their shoes for the naked man. Anyway, we were fighting a dragon and rather than face it, Graham's mighty Dwarf warrior turned around and ran away. This left me facing a very powerful dragon on my own (can't remember where the other party members were at this point). My talents were all in sneaking up behind something and carving it up. I could have killed the dragon if he'd hung around to distract it, but one on one in a stand-up fight I made a handy dragon snack. He would later on in an entirely separate campaign repeat the same trick with a Dwarven Defender (a class known for stoically fighting on no matter what the odds and dying where they stand rather than retreating), which was the end of Gurt the Half-Orc barbarian.

Still, we remained friends until he accused me of having an affair with his wife. Never mind that they lived 20 miles away from Lossiemouth, neither me nor Claire could drive and there were no buses between our villages. I mean if we'd been really determined we could have had an affair, but I never found her attractive (or him as he now is). They were married and divorced before a year had passed.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: RCMerchant on September 12, 2020, 11:34:20 AM
^ Why do I find this funny as hell?  :question: :bouncegiggle:

"Still, we remained friends until he accused me of having an affair with his wife. Never mind that they lived 20 miles away from Lossiemouth, neither me nor Claire could drive and there were no buses between our villages. I mean if we'd been really determined we could have had an affair, but I never found her attractive (or him as he now is). They were married and divorced before a year had passed."
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 12, 2020, 12:07:10 PM
Glad you like it. It is funny now, but it wasn't back then. Graham worked for the same people I did and told all his other friends I was sleeping with his wife. This caused me problems for years.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: RCMerchant on September 12, 2020, 12:09:16 PM
^ I didn't mean to laugh at your misfortune,...but that is funny!
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 12, 2020, 12:16:37 PM
It's all good RC, I wasn't taking offence.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 14, 2020, 02:06:58 PM
Went into work for my annual assessment. Got the usual "Look I know you've said you don't want to be promoted, but you could go far if you wanted" type speech. I was even told I am wasting my potential. I disagree there. I want to keep my potential, so I've hidden it away somewhere where no one else can get to use it. Just feels like I am one wasting my time because I don't care enough to write out what my objectives are for the year ahead, keep a diary of all the really good stuff I've done and so forth. Then my bosses have to waste their time writing up and commenting on all this stuff.

Besides, the way promotion works, they only stop promoting you when you get to a level where you are no longer good at your job, or you've ran out of ranks to go up.

Tomorrow is the 5th anniversary of the day we discovered we'd lost Lilly-Beth. Guess that is easier to deal with now we have Ash. Not that he replaces her or anything. After I finish work on Friday, we'll head out the cemetery. for whatever reason, I like to give her fresh flowers regularly. It wasn't until the 18th though that she was born. This week is never going to be a fun one to get through.

Sometimes I really wish I could believe in a god so I could be angry with him. Then again, that is hardly the only thing he (or she) would owe us a few explanations on.

Got another American friend wanting to move to the area (I think this is the 3rd one). She has an advantage that she was born in the UK to American parents and has a passport for both countries, thus meaning she doesn't have to go through all the citizenship stuff Kristi had to endure. She's an ex-(US) marine. I wonder how she'll get on the with US naval personnel going to be stationed here. Anyway, she is looking at moving here in about 3 years time. Hey Indy, if you re-enlist you could get posted to Scotland. She has decided that she'll need to make a monthly (or more) call to Kristi to organise things for coming over. I believe the pair of them are nattering away on the phone at the moment.

Hopefully, they will all learn to drive on the left side of the road.

I've seen that 'Fade to Gray' is on Shudder. I've been wanting to watch that one again for a while. I might just sign up for a week or something so I can.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 18, 2020, 04:34:59 PM
Well, today marks the fifth anniversary of us losing Lilly-Beth. When I finished at work we took out a trip out to the cemetery to put fresh flowers down, The grave beside hers has a small fence around it, which prevents the grass from getting cut. I find this irritating, but I take a heavy-duty pair of scissors out with us so I can cut it and tidy it up a bit. That grave looks like it doesn't get visitors very often if ever, and I suppose I could just remove the wire fence and the chances seem to be that no one would notice, but it doesn't take long to sort it out.

Miss you baby girl.


It was a nice, warm day today. The weather forecasters talked about it being the last gasp of summer. I think it is going to be a bad winter and not because of snow, rain, storms or any other such phenomenon. It is looking like we might be heading for a second lock down.

I wonder if the country can afford it.

I like what Indonesia is doing with anti-maskers. Apparantly, they don't have enough grave diggers to cope with the increased death rate, so people who don't wear masks get made to help dig graves for those who die of Covid. Not that I expect it to change their minds. Some people are a bit too much like the population of High Brazil...

Error 404 (Not Found)!!1 (
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 19, 2020, 10:41:11 AM
Our warm weather week seems to have come to an end on a cloudy day. We had planned a walk along the beach if it was a nice day but not really the weather for it. Shame as a nice long walk would have been really good. Oh well.

Asmodee are doing a sale on Steam for a lot of their board game adaptations. Picked up a few of the ones I've been wanting to play for a while. I mean, if I am going to pay somewhere upwards of £100 for a physical game it is worth paying £5 to see if it is any good or not first.

The first chapter is complete for my D&D game next week. I've made it pretty tough. Perhaps too tough? Oh well, I guess I'll see if everyone dies on the first big fight or not. Now I have two weeks to finish the first adventure for group 2 and the second for group 1.

I'll be glad when we can gather in the one group again.

I wonder if there is an alternative universe where Blaze Bailey went on to be bigger with Iron Maiden than Bruce Dickenson ever was?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 20, 2020, 08:13:06 AM
The Westminster government has decided to fine people who fail to safe isolate when required up to £10,000 (or people who prevent others from self-isolating) along with financial help for those who have to isolate. I think they should go more along the lines of Indonesia. Don't think the virus is real? Fine, you can help deal with the bodies. After all, if it isn't a thing you have nothing to worry about.

I see someone tried mailing Ricin to trump. Not that I like the guy, but I really don't think that is the way to go. Too high a chance of getting the wrong person, and besides, I know a few presidents have been assassinated, but I am sure all his mail will be checked long before it gets anywhere near him.

On a side note, I find it interesting that only one serving British PM has ever been assassinated. Given the whole empire thing, the IRA and various other things, I'd have expected that to be higher. The one that was killed, was by some businessman who blamed the government for his debt.

Randomly started thinking about women from my past, I guess brought on from a comment in another thread. I've slept with girls from Scotland (only the one from my native country), Ireland, England (never managed Wales although I did try with one Welsh girl, she just wasn't interested, and there was a Welsh girl who was interested in me, but I failed to pick up on this. I did at least have sex with a girl in Wales, even if she wasn't Welsh), Germany, Denmark, one I am not sure if she was Swedish or Norwegian, a girl from Trans-Moldovia (so I am not sure if that counts as Moldovia or Russian. She was pro-Russia. Hmm thinking about it, she might have been Ukrainian and the Trans-Moldavian was a different girl who I didn't sleep with), China, Brazil and the USA. Apologies to the ghostly memories of any other nationalities I've either forgotten about or even not known what country they were from. Or the ones whose names I never found out.

Of all of them though, roughly half the women were English. I lived in England for less than 3 years, and the only girl I slept with during that time was Irish. Almost none of these initial encounters took place in the home country of any of the women involved, and none of them were older than me (unless they lied about their ages, which is possible, but wouldn't bother me as this isn't something that was ever deliberate). I did miss out on adding Canada to that list (didn't realise she was coming on to me), definately Norway (I'd just got involved with Kristi and she was married to a friend so a double no there), Finland (actually a man rather than a woman. He even tried proposing to me. I said I'd think about it and never got back to him).

There have been all sorts of shapes, sizes and colours and a wide assortment of what each of them prefer in the bedroom. Two I would rate as having been boring (fairs fair though, they might have thought the same of me). Both of them were told this (one during the act itself, I hadn't particularly wanted to be with her, it was kind of hate/hate sex which looking back is odd, even if it made sense at the time, the other during an arguement after we'd split up. She started a fight one night and did her level best to hurt my feelings. The more she tried, the more I laughed and the angrier she got until eventually, having ran out of things to say, she switched to just obscenities and screamed "F you". I smiled and replied "Been there, done that and honey, you ain't that good". Had we had this arguement the night before or the night after, I would have just let her rant and rave, but she happened to pick the night inbetween that caught me in exactly the wrong mood). Only one girl I found was substantially different in any notable way to all the others (strangely, the one mentioned above about the arguement).

That I know of, I've failed to realise a girl from Canada, four from England, one from Scotland were coming on to me as well as maybe a dozen others whose country of origin I genuinely have no idea of. I've had 3 gay men come on to me (including the one who proposed), and although I've been complimented, I've not been interested. There was of course the one lesbian (who it took me until after midnight to realise she was wanting sex).

Although I've only really used the internet in the last 15 years, around half the girls I've mentioned above were originally met online and none on any kind of dating app (all from gaming). I did try a dating app for a few months when I decided to get back into relationships, but didn't find anyone who was interested in me and I would be interested in, in return. Besides, I then met Kristi so I cancelled it. Hopefully I deleted my profile. Hmm, that's something I should check if I can remember the name of the website. Or if not hopefully its been removed since I haven't logged into it, in what 10 years I guess. It was supposed to be one that catered to people who like the same music as me, but I found it was just the sort of people I guess you'd find on any such website. Mind you, I guess the chances of bumping into someone in the street who starts to berate me for not replying to their messages is fairly low.

Of all these ladies, I have only kept in touch with two of them. There is one more I wish I had kept in touch with, and two that I often wonder what they are doing now, and they are both the ones I found boring.

What all this makes me consider, is just how small the world has become, even before the net.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on September 20, 2020, 12:56:06 PM
Quote from: Alex on September 20, 2020, 08:13:06 AM
The Westminster government has decided to fine people who fail to safe isolate when required up to £10,000 (or people who prevent others from self-isolating) along with financial help for those who have to isolate. I think they should go more along the lines of Indonesia. Don't think the virus is real? Fine, you can help deal with the bodies. After all, if it isn't a thing you have nothing to worry about.

I see someone tried mailing Ricin to trump. Not that I like the guy, but I really don't think that is the way to go. Too high a chance of getting the wrong person, and besides, I know a few presidents have been assassinated, but I am sure all his mail will be checked long before it gets anywhere near him.

On a side note, I find it interesting that only one serving British PM has ever been assassinated. Given the whole empire thing, the IRA and various other things, I'd have expected that to be higher. The one that was killed, was by some businessman who blamed the government for his debt.

Randomly started thinking about women from my past, I guess brought on from a comment in another thread. I've slept with girls from Scotland (only the one from my native country), Ireland, England (never managed Wales although I did try with one Welsh girl, she just wasn't interested, and there was a Welsh girl who was interested in me, but I failed to pick up on this. I did at least have sex with a girl in Wales, even if she wasn't Welsh), Germany, Denmark, one I am not sure if she was Swedish or Norwegian, a girl from Trans-Moldovia (so I am not sure if that counts as Moldovia or Russian. She was pro-Russia. Hmm thinking about it, she might have been Ukrainian and the Trans-Moldavian was a different girl who I didn't sleep with), China, Brazil and the USA. Apologies to the ghostly memories of any other nationalities I've either forgotten about or even not known what country they were from. Or the ones whose names I never found out.

Of all of them though, roughly half the women were English. I lived in England for less than 3 years, and the only girl I slept with during that time was Irish. Almost none of these initial encounters took place in the home country of any of the women involved, and none of them were older than me (unless they lied about their ages, which is possible, but wouldn't bother me as this isn't something that was ever deliberate). I did miss out on adding Canada to that list (didn't realise she was coming on to me), definately Norway (I'd just got involved with Kristi and she was married to a friend so a double no there), Finland (actually a man rather than a woman. He even tried proposing to me. I said I'd think about it and never got back to him).

There have been all sorts of shapes, sizes and colours and a wide assortment of what each of them prefer in the bedroom. Two I would rate as having been boring (fairs fair though, they might have thought the same of me). Both of them were told this (one during the act itself, I hadn't particularly wanted to be with her, it was kind of hate/hate sex which looking back is odd, even if it made sense at the time, the other during an arguement after we'd split up. She started a fight one night and did her level best to hurt my feelings. The more she tried, the more I laughed and the angrier she got until eventually, having ran out of things to say, she switched to just obscenities and screamed "F you". I smiled and replied "Been there, done that and honey, you ain't that good". Had we had this arguement the night before or the night after, I would have just let her rant and rave, but she happened to pick the night inbetween that caught me in exactly the wrong mood). Only one girl I found was substantially different in any notable way to all the others (strangely, the one mentioned above about the arguement).

That I know of, I've failed to realise a girl from Canada, four from England, one from Scotland were coming on to me as well as maybe a dozen others whose country of origin I genuinely have no idea of. I've had 3 gay men come on to me (including the one who proposed), and although I've been complimented, I've not been interested. There was of course the one lesbian (who it took me until after midnight to realise she was wanting sex).

Although I've only really used the internet in the last 15 years, around half the girls I've mentioned above were originally met online and none on any kind of dating app (all from gaming). I did try a dating app for a few months when I decided to get back into relationships, but didn't find anyone who was interested in me and I would be interested in, in return. Besides, I then met Kristi so I cancelled it. Hopefully I deleted my profile. Hmm, that's something I should check if I can remember the name of the website. Or if not hopefully its been removed since I haven't logged into it, in what 10 years I guess. It was supposed to be one that catered to people who like the same music as me, but I found it was just the sort of people I guess you'd find on any such website. Mind you, I guess the chances of bumping into someone in the street who starts to berate me for not replying to their messages is fairly low.

Of all these ladies, I have only kept in touch with two of them. There is one more I wish I had kept in touch with, and two that I often wonder what they are doing now, and they are both the ones I found boring.

What all this makes me consider, is just how small the world has become, even before the net.

Holy hell, dude! lolololololol

Oh, me.

I'm having a good weekend, hope you are too.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on September 21, 2020, 04:07:14 PM
PS: when you say the man "proposed" to you, he was proposing a physical encounter, or he was proposing to buy the cow to get the milk, ring on your finger and joint-filing on your taxes?

No one's ever offered me marriage just to get sex. I'm jealous.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 21, 2020, 04:52:25 PM
It was a full get down and one knee and propose marriage. He did strike me as a rather lonely person though.

Finally got Ash to say his name before. Much like walking, it is something he seems to be fully capable of. He just isn't doing it because he doesn't seem to feel the need to. With the walking, there was no gradual progression. One day he was crawling around. The next, he was tottering around on his feet. He has learned a lot of words and phrases, which he'll use for a few days and then just stop.

He also went three days without pooping. Boy, did he make up for it today though.

Backed another kickstarter today. It is a game by a guy called Sandy Peterson who is something of a legend in the gaming world, both for paper roleplaying games (Call of Cthulhu) and for the computer games he has been involved in (pretty sure and Civilization & Doom both have places on his resume). He's turned his hand to board games and I wanted to back a previous one (Cthulhu Wars), but Kristi talked me out of backing it immediately and waiting. I then missed the chance to back it, so this time I jumped right in there. The game I am planning on being a present for Kristi's xmas 2021 (should come out next October).
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on September 22, 2020, 12:24:31 AM
Quote from: Alex on September 20, 2020, 08:13:06 AM
The Westminster government has decided to fine people who fail to safe isolate when required up to £10,000 (or people who prevent others from self-isolating) along with financial help for those who have to isolate. I think they should go more along the lines of Indonesia. Don't think the virus is real? Fine, you can help deal with the bodies. After all, if it isn't a thing you have nothing to worry about.

I see someone tried mailing Ricin to trump. Not that I like the guy, but I really don't think that is the way to go. Too high a chance of getting the wrong person, and besides, I know a few presidents have been assassinated, but I am sure all his mail will be checked long before it gets anywhere near him.

On a side note, I find it interesting that only one serving British PM has ever been assassinated. Given the whole empire thing, the IRA and various other things, I'd have expected that to be higher. The one that was killed, was by some businessman who blamed the government for his debt.

Randomly started thinking about women from my past, I guess brought on from a comment in another thread. I've slept with girls from Scotland (only the one from my native country), Ireland, England (never managed Wales although I did try with one Welsh girl, she just wasn't interested, and there was a Welsh girl who was interested in me, but I failed to pick up on this. I did at least have sex with a girl in Wales, even if she wasn't Welsh), Germany, Denmark, one I am not sure if she was Swedish or Norwegian, a girl from Trans-Moldovia (so I am not sure if that counts as Moldovia or Russian. She was pro-Russia. Hmm thinking about it, she might have been Ukrainian and the Trans-Moldavian was a different girl who I didn't sleep with), China, Brazil and the USA. Apologies to the ghostly memories of any other nationalities I've either forgotten about or even not known what country they were from. Or the ones whose names I never found out.

Of all of them though, roughly half the women were English. I lived in England for less than 3 years, and the only girl I slept with during that time was Irish. Almost none of these initial encounters took place in the home country of any of the women involved, and none of them were older than me (unless they lied about their ages, which is possible, but wouldn't bother me as this isn't something that was ever deliberate). I did miss out on adding Canada to that list (didn't realise she was coming on to me), definately Norway (I'd just got involved with Kristi and she was married to a friend so a double no there), Finland (actually a man rather than a woman. He even tried proposing to me. I said I'd think about it and never got back to him).

There have been all sorts of shapes, sizes and colours and a wide assortment of what each of them prefer in the bedroom. Two I would rate as having been boring (fairs fair though, they might have thought the same of me). Both of them were told this (one during the act itself, I hadn't particularly wanted to be with her, it was kind of hate/hate sex which looking back is odd, even if it made sense at the time, the other during an arguement after we'd split up. She started a fight one night and did her level best to hurt my feelings. The more she tried, the more I laughed and the angrier she got until eventually, having ran out of things to say, she switched to just obscenities and screamed "F you". I smiled and replied "Been there, done that and honey, you ain't that good". Had we had this arguement the night before or the night after, I would have just let her rant and rave, but she happened to pick the night inbetween that caught me in exactly the wrong mood). Only one girl I found was substantially different in any notable way to all the others (strangely, the one mentioned above about the arguement).

That I know of, I've failed to realise a girl from Canada, four from England, one from Scotland were coming on to me as well as maybe a dozen others whose country of origin I genuinely have no idea of. I've had 3 gay men come on to me (including the one who proposed), and although I've been complimented, I've not been interested. There was of course the one lesbian (who it took me until after midnight to realise she was wanting sex).

Although I've only really used the internet in the last 15 years, around half the girls I've mentioned above were originally met online and none on any kind of dating app (all from gaming). I did try a dating app for a few months when I decided to get back into relationships, but didn't find anyone who was interested in me and I would be interested in, in return. Besides, I then met Kristi so I cancelled it. Hopefully I deleted my profile. Hmm, that's something I should check if I can remember the name of the website. Or if not hopefully its been removed since I haven't logged into it, in what 10 years I guess. It was supposed to be one that catered to people who like the same music as me, but I found it was just the sort of people I guess you'd find on any such website. Mind you, I guess the chances of bumping into someone in the street who starts to berate me for not replying to their messages is fairly low.

Of all these ladies, I have only kept in touch with two of them. There is one more I wish I had kept in touch with, and two that I often wonder what they are doing now, and they are both the ones I found boring.

What all this makes me consider, is just how small the world has become, even before the net.

and there's the OTHER women. like me. that see you as the rotten little butthead brother they didn't have growing up. and appreciate you for being that now, even when i want to throttle you. i DO love you just for being you. and i want to throttle you for the exact same reason , which makes you a sibling in my heart. :)
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 22, 2020, 01:26:36 AM
I've seen one issue dominate the news for weeks or months before. I don't think I've ever seen a single issue dominate the news for as long and for as much as Covid-19 has, without some other event overtaking it even if only temporarily. Today, 1/3 of the musicians union have apparently announced they plan on quitting the industry for good due to the financial hardship they are now going through. Best of luck on finding a job in another area at the moment. I am expecting to hear stricter rules being imposed across Scotland from either tomorrow or Thursday. Since they reopened bars the infection rate has been climbing. Drunk people don't really socially isolate. We are currently heading towards 50,000 infections per day by the middle of next month and an extra 200 deaths per day shortly afterwards.

Happy autumn everyone. Time to go running through piles of crunchy leaves. It is getting dark in the evening again. I love this time of year.

As expected, Covid restrictions have been increased again. We still aren't back on the full lockdown we experienced during the spring, but it is enough that I am going to have to delay starting my D&D game. Irksome, but when it comes to saving someone's life hardly a price anyone should complain about paying.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 24, 2020, 02:55:23 PM
Work has descended from me learning new stuff, to me and my boss talking about the random topic of the day. Yesterday it was martial arts (he is an instructor in a couple of different disciplines), today it was fantasy authors (my favourite is between David Gemmell and Raymond Fiest, although tomorrow it could be different authors. REH often features on that list or Fritz Lieber).

I just went to pet Elsa. She wasn't expecting it and jumped a good 8 inches in the air.

Kristi told me yesterday that I already knew what she was going to get me for an xmas present. I said I'd no idea, but made a couple of guesses. Judging from the look she gave me, I guessed exactly right on both. Somehow I am now in the doghouse over randomly guessing something that I was already supposed to know.

Not quite sure how that works. I'll put it down as women logic.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 25, 2020, 02:59:29 PM
The joy of work being over and done with for another week.

I might even do a happy dance.

Hmm, a policeman was shot inside a police station in England. They've got the guy who did it (or possibly girl I guess, I haven't seen). They are rare enough here that such crimes always make the national news.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on September 25, 2020, 06:10:53 PM
Quote from: Alex on September 25, 2020, 02:59:29 PM
The joy of work being over and done with for another week.

I might even do a happy dance.

I hear ya on the dancing. Two weeks for me. Enjoy, sir, enjoy.  :thumbup:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 26, 2020, 11:46:43 AM
So one of the groups I am in posts a lot of really funny stuff up as well as a lot of interesting science-based discussions. The one problem with it is, the group is a real bunch of men haters. I mean even the other guys in it hate men.

I am so struggling not to drop my theory of why women are all crazy in there just to see their reactions.

Pretty sure that would be an insta-kick.

I wonder if anyone makes spring loaded coffins. Imagine the surprise some poor future archaeologist would get.

Catching up on The Boys. I've not watched the past couple of episodes so I could do a binge watch. Funny how it seems to be a metaphor for politics right now.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on September 26, 2020, 06:20:39 PM
i need to catch up too, i think i'm 2 episodes behind. i got hooked on" the block", an aussie renovation competition and went to binge city for weeks, lol! the closed captions are a riot, poor curtis is like" WTH is  park tree?" "me-"honey, scott actually said parquetry, those floors you liked". him-"OOHHH!!!!! how do you understand these people when the CC people dont?" i cracked up!
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 27, 2020, 03:26:20 PM
Sadly the weekend is drawing to a close, and work looms in the morning. Still, it has been a good weekend and a relaxing one.

Except for the days. Ash tends to be running around like a little dervish during those hours and always touching something he shouldn't be. Tell him off and he giggles like we are playing a game with him.

Kristi managed to find where this game was hiding in one of our cupboards.


We get to make our own B-movies again!

Rewatching season 1 of The Expanse before watching season 2. Its been a long time since I last saw it and I've forgotten much of what the show was actually about. Still, I remember enjoying it.

Time to go iron uniform. The things I do for my underworked and overpaid job (although I'd like to point out that were I working a different role in my job, I'd be overworked and underpaid. I just happened to get lucky with my choice of posting).
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 29, 2020, 06:33:30 AM
Heading up to the hospital today for them to see how much Ash's hand has improved. Nice day for the journey. Hopefully it will be decent weather up there, as when it is raining Aberdeen is about the most depressing city in the world to be in. It's all the granite buildings. There is some wonderful architecture there but man is it ever the wrong colour.

Got a message from my old work place saying the boss changed a couple of sentences on my assessment and can I log in and confirm if I am happy with them right away. Well, no I can't. I am on a bloody train not at work. There is always stuff like this. You do a report, your higher up reads it and because he prefers it written a different way you have to change this part and that part. Means the same damn thing, just someone thinks writing it another way sounds better.

In the end if the day though it comes down to what the final person reading it thinks, not any of the intermediaries. I once spoke to someone who'd been an assessor on our promotion boards. He told me that they didn't even read the comments parts, they just look at the scores at the side.

Whole lot of needless bother if you don't care. Still we do love our red tape (that's the royal we).

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 30, 2020, 02:20:22 PM
Spent most of yesterday in Aberdeen. Ash had a checkup on his hand. The docs have said yup he is going to need surgery. They want to wait until he is old enough to be able to do the physio exercises that will be required afterwards, but before he goes to school so we've to come back in a year.

My 2nd Reporting Officer finished his input to my assessment today, so got briefed with that. Took longer to walk over than to read through it lol (there is a maximum of 500 or 750 characters, can never remember which). It was all good stuff. Apparantly I am a stalwart.

Ordered some more figures today for D&D. One of them is perfect for who Kristi wants to play, although this may change as she has went into meltdown after discovering that making up new characters can be fun. I have no idea how many characters she has rolled up now, but she has twice had to print out more stacks of sheets after using up all the ones I had spare.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 01, 2020, 03:25:29 PM
Was supposed to go driving today at work, but the guy I was supposed to be driving was doing a course and the car I was supposed to be driving, someone else had taken anyway. I wouldn't complain, but I will now be driving tomorrow afternoon when I should have finished work and enjoying the start of my weekend.

Oh well, as long as I get paid either way I do not care. Got two backdated pay rise, which amounted to an extra £800 (a bit over $1000). Of course, the taxman takes a chunk out of that (about half). What they give with one hand is waiting to be taken off with the other.

My pro-trump workmate, Mark was telling me about how some independent group of journalists had uncovered massive voter fraud in the US operating under Project Veritas. I thought that sounded familiar although I couldn't place the name. A little bit of research led to the guy that had founded that group and his long history of faked news. Not the first time in the short time I've been working there that Mark has given me some supposidly earth shattering news only for it to fall to pieces at the slightest investigation.

Then again, he is hardly the only person doing that and they all seem to support the same guy.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 03, 2020, 03:08:10 PM
Went out shopping for a few xmas presents today. The plan was to give Kristi a break and take Ash out for the day and I figured I might as well get some shopping done while she couldn't see what I am buying. Ash picked out a present for her and I got a couple of extra bits and pieces. I also popped into our local games store with the firm intention of buying exactly the figures I needed for my D&D game.

Yeah, that might not have went exactly to plan. I now have a figure of a gorilla that would be about 20 feet high that I somehow need to figure out a way to fit into my game of subterfuge and intrigue. I've not started painting him yet, although I have been working on the base. Alongside him are a couple of other figures just to give you an idea of the scale.


I'd make a stop motion movie if the figures could be moved. More of a Mighty Joe Young than a King Kong though.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 05, 2020, 05:30:57 PM
It seems odd at the moment for the country not be really be engaged in a war. Oh sure we are doing stuff over in Syria still, but it isn't like we have people on the ground. Everything is done from a distance.

Which I guess is the easiest way to kill people anyway. There is a good reason why the mortar was so deadly in WW2.

Anyway, we are almost always fighting somewhere in the world. I can't imagine it will be too long before we get officially involved in some place or another (and that is only counting the regular stuff, never mind what special forces or the intelligence services get up to). When I signed up, I figured 3 wars and I'd be done. We are now on what, 5 I think. I wonder what direction number 6 will come from? Can't help but think if anyone was going to hit Iran or North Korea it would have happened by now. Rarely seems to be the one you expect it from though.

For a while now I've been considering the pro's and con's of counting serious cyber attacks as an act of war. That all depends how well you can track them back to source though, but since some of those strikes can do more damage to a national economy than a bombing raid I think nations should start taking a tougher line on them.

Oh well, that's one for the politicians to decide anyway.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 07, 2020, 03:15:31 PM
Rumour has it that the casting for the upcoming Lord of the Rings TV series involves being prepared to be naked in group situations.

Not sure I remember any orgy scenes in LotR or The Hobbit. Maybe Silmarilion though. Never did finish that book.

Speaking of books, I finished the final novel by my favourite author. Alas it was something of a disappointment. Towards the end you find out who one of the people living in luxary, but as a prisoner in a castle is, and at that point it lost me, which is a shame as it was holding my interest well up until that point.

Oh well, time to start another new novel.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 09, 2020, 04:21:51 PM
So I think I've picked up/ordered/got in my head everything I need to get Kristi for this year's Saturnalia. Her big present is going to be a computer, although she vacillates between a desktop or laptop (one of the things in my head, I'll be ordering it next month). My boss is a leatherworker, so I've commissioned a cover for her Kindle with an appropriate Harry Potter theme from him, a couple of American tanks for her WW2 army (Sherman Crocodile and a Stuart), a Highlander board game (which I doubt she'll play but she loved the look of), one of the Ticket to Ride games, a Nightmare before Xmas carousel (which if it arrives in time might become a Samhain gift instead), Harry Potter snowglobe. I also commissioned a professionally painted figure for her to use in the next D&D campaign, although when it arrived I decided I'd need to do some work on it, so I've based it and added to the paint job (which irritates me given how much I'd to pay for it, won't be using that guy again). I am also going to get her a Harry Potter train thing.

Normally I'd get her tickets for us to go to something (she likes presents that make memories and involve going to do/see something rather than possessions, but with the whole pandemic thing there isn't any guarantee that we'd get to go to anything and given how many years these things have taken to run there course historically (even if modern medicine comes up with a cure tomorrow, it will still take time to get out there). She did say she'd like to take a trip out to the isle of Arran for her birthday. I used to go there a lot for hillwalking, cannoing and sailing. Even took a tent over a few times with a friend and went camping on it for some long weekends. Lovely place to visit if you like that kind of thing. Some good sites of bronze age forts too. I went to school with a guy whose ancestors had been the last people to be banished from the island for sheep stealing. Wonder what ever happened to Eric? In addition to being a descendent he also played lead guitar in a rock band. Pretty sure he never made it as a muscian. He passed up on too many opportunities and I don't think was ever that dedicated. Last time I seen him he was playing in a jazz outfit and working as a postman.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on October 09, 2020, 11:46:09 PM
you're a really good hubby, as well as a good dad, alex. and a good friend, even if you do torture me any chance you get.  :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 10, 2020, 02:57:57 PM
Kristi's family has a tradition of giving christmas ornaments on the day after Thanksgiving. Decided to join in this year and make one for my good lady wife. Not all the parts have arrived, and I am still painting up the stuff that has made it, but here is what I have so far. The Dwarf Santa model is about 20mm tall (two-thirds of an inch for those parts of the world still stuck on metric). I would have paid for it to be done professionally and look much better, but after the last figure, I bought her that way turned out to be a disappointment I figured I'd just do it myself.

Anyway, waiting on the stuff I've used for the snow to dry, then I'll stick some matt varnish over the top and glue the figures on. I've ordered a tiny tree that can be added on and I'm currently looking for something I can make small boxes out of to use as presents around the tree. Just found some tiny presents the right size and have ordered them online.

Not that any of my projects ever grow in size and even the simplest end up being monstrous monoliths or anything. Since it is a D&D thing, I've also found a pair of tiny green dice which are currently being undercoated white so I can then slap some pink paint on them, and then add them on too.

Might need a bigger base. I wish I had a better idea on the footprint of the tree.

Anyway, this is what it looks like so far.


The elf seems to be a mouse. I am not sure what kind of creature santa is, but he has large round ears and a tail, but a human face. Brown Jenkin possibly?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 13, 2020, 03:56:52 PM
Found a larger base for the diorama, so redid it. The presents arrived today, so now I just need to wait for the tree to arrive, figure out a way to stick it onto the snow (the (base is covered in PVA glue wih bicarb and glitter. Not the most solid and stable surface to try to stick things on), then put some varnish over the whole thing.


Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 14, 2020, 01:50:55 PM
The morning started with Elsa chewing on my Achilles tendon.

Set the tone for the rest of the day really.

Had my long-delayed med board finally today. I had hoped that they would upgrade me fully and for a while that looked like a possibility, but the fact that I can't run for more than 7 minutes any more prevented a return to full service. I guess I should take that as a good thing as it means I won't get sent anywhere, where I am expected to dodge incoming explosives on a daily basis, but still, that is what they pay me to do and I feel frustrated about it. Common sense should kick in at some point and say "Fine with that, and anyway I have a wife and child to look after."

Anyway, the recommendation from the doctor is to keep me in the service, but it goes to an employment tribunal now and I'll hear back from them sometime in the next six months.

Once (if) I make it to the 22-year point I really don't care. I've got my instant pension, no waiting to retirement age and ultimately that is what I want out of my service. I've never been interested in flags (to the best of my knowledge no flag ever stopped a bullet from a gun), speeches (if wars could be fought with grand speeches, the earth would be the centre of an enormous galactic empire, and besides those giving them rarely seems to put themselves in the kind of danger they want you to put yourself in) or medals (all fine and dandy if you like to show off, just look at a North Korean military parade or any other nation that hands out medals like candy at Hallowe'en).

When I was younger, the most popular radio station in the UK had a segment where the DJ (his name was Simon Bates) would read out some listeners tragic, but generally inspirational story. I only recall one of those stories, and even then they are pretty vague memories. He'd read out the story while Nino Rota's Love Theme from Romeo and Juliet played in the background. Some woman had, had a really tough upbringing. I suspect she'd been abused by her parents or some similiar thing, and then went onto be in various abusive relationships until eventually she fell in love with what was her perfect man. They got married and she'd never been happier. One day she discovers she is pregnant and is waiting at home to tell her husband when he gets home from work. Only the husband never comes home. Instead the police come to her door and tell her he died in a car crash. Over 30 years on I still wonder about the woman in that story, how she got on bringing up her child, did she fall in love again and so forth.

Funny the little things that stick in your mind like that. This is the theme that would play in the background.

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Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 17, 2020, 01:03:35 PM
Looks like the saga of getting a new bridge built down on the east beach has moved forward judging by this article. (

It will be nice to stroll along the beach again. I am looking forward to taking Ash along there when he is older to see the old WW2 bunkers. It has some of the best-preserved WW2 coastal defences in the country.

Kristi has went out shopping with her friend Karen today. She (Karen), is currently hating the whole meme thing going on with her name. She isn't that kind of person but that isn't going to stop me tormenting her about it.

Just one more thing to add to Kristi's decoration. I've ordered something I can use as a reindeer.


One of Kristi's associates was being buried today. They could only have 20 people at the funeral, and while she might have respected Mike for the things he did for the community, I don't think she particularly liked him. Me, I thought he was an a-hole, but then again I only met him once. Anyway, she is attending a Zoom wake for him at the moment since she couldn't go to the service itself. Since I didn't care for him I don't think I should attend. I am sure he'll have enough friends and family to mourn for him without me regardless.

I see New Zealand's premier won an increased left wing majority in their elections. I wonder if it is the first sign of a more away from the swing to the right wing the world seemed to undergo 5 or so years ago. One result isn't enough to draw a conclussion from but it will be interesting to see how other elections go over the course of the next year. I would have expected such a counter movement to take longer to take place, but those types of government seem to have been those most unable to deal with the pandemic.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Allhallowsday on October 22, 2020, 02:58:10 PM
Quote from: chefzombie on October 09, 2020, 11:46:09 PM
you're a really good hubby, as well as a good dad, alex. and a good friend, even if you do torture me any chance you get.  :cheers:

Oh, Alex, don't let her sideswipe be misunderstood, she's just kidding with you.  She has written sideswipes to me often, pretending she was kidding.  Strangely, though, I thought she felt this forum was " longer worth much time to me anymore..." 

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 22, 2020, 03:34:40 PM
Found an old Hammer film I haven't seen before (or at least if I have, I don't recall it). Happily spending the evening watching it.

My workmate keeps giving me "shocking" news stories to check out. Unfortunately for him he quotes Project Veritas as a reliable news source and I am well aware of that organisation, how they operate and how often the reporter who founded the organisation has been caught out. His latest thing was yesterday telling me that Joe Biden's son is supposed to have left a laptop with tens of thousands of pictures of him torturing kids. Could be true, but I am going to go with standard issue smear campaign. Not even going to try and fact check his stuff any more. Any independent fact checking site I use that doesn't agree with his world view is automatically dismissed as "must be funded by the democrats".

Been thinking for a while that I need to buy him a tin hat with some of the stuff he's came out with. Isn't a bad guy, but wow is he aggressively gullible. Still, it is unusual to meet someone who follows American politics this closely. He has bet £200 on trump to win the election at odds of 2 to 1.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 22, 2020, 03:39:00 PM
Quote from: Allhallowsday on October 22, 2020, 02:58:10 PM
Quote from: chefzombie on October 09, 2020, 11:46:09 PM
you're a really good hubby, as well as a good dad, alex. and a good friend, even if you do torture me any chance you get.  :cheers:

Oh, Alex, don't let her sideswipe be misunderstood, she's just kidding with you.  She has written sideswipes to me often, pretending she was kidding.  Strangely, though, I thought she felt this forum was " longer worth much time to me anymore..." 

Oh, I know. I do torture her a lot. I believe Barri did say that she'd only be coming here for my posts on this thread though if I recall.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Allhallowsday on October 22, 2020, 05:32:21 PM
Quote from: Alex on October 22, 2020, 03:39:00 PM
Quote from: Allhallowsday on October 22, 2020, 02:58:10 PM
Quote from: chefzombie on October 09, 2020, 11:46:09 PM
you're a really good hubby, as well as a good dad, alex. and a good friend, even if you do torture me any chance you get.  :cheers:
Oh, Alex, don't let her sideswipe be misunderstood, she's just kidding with you.  She has written sideswipes to me often, pretending she was kidding.  Strangely, though, I thought she felt this forum was " longer worth much time to me anymore..." 
Oh, I know. I do torture her a lot. I believe Barri did say that she'd only be coming here for my posts on this thread though if I recall.

I admire loyalty maybe above everything.   :thumbup:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 23, 2020, 01:34:50 PM
Watching a live performance of Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds. He didn't do bad there really. Make an album and them make a living out of it for the rest of his life. It is one of only a handful of concept albums I enjoy listening to. To me, for a concept album to work 1) the songs have to tell a coherent story and 2) the individual songs need to be listenable to their own as decent songs. Judas Priest's take on Nostradamus was a big failure for me on the second point there, while Iron Maiden's Seventh Son of a Seventh Son fails on the first. Queensryche did well to meld both with Operation Mindcrime. Just don't ask about the sequel... It was a shame Alice Cooper's The Last Temptation flopped as I thought it was a good album. Oh well.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on October 24, 2020, 02:56:57 PM
i have to agree on the judas priest album. i liked it as a whole story, but there's no star stand alone song there. haven't heard the others in years, i'll have to pull them up on youtube.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 26, 2020, 04:30:32 PM
Watched Wolf Creek 2 tonight. Couldn't help but think when the guy in his jeep was being chased by the articulated truck, why not just hit the brakes and turn around. By the time he'd gotten that monster turned around, you'd be well away. Then again several things about car chases in movies tend to make me think why the hell would you do that?

I'd taken the day off work today. Originally I should have been travelling back from Glasgow today after seeing Ozzy play on Sunday night, but that has been postponed until 2022.

Hopefully, he'll last that long. He isn't exactly young any more. 28 years since I last got to see him perform.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on October 27, 2020, 09:05:04 PM
40 for me.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 28, 2020, 03:43:53 PM
You could always book a holiday for 2022. The rest of the world might not be shunning the US by then.

I guess that in a large degree depends on wither a man who is power is an international laughing stock or not.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 29, 2020, 03:43:24 PM
Ordered Kristi a new desktop PC as an early Saturnalia present. It should arrive Saturday. We did plan on popping up to Inverness to do some shopping that day, but if I finish work early enough then we'll just go tomorrow. If not, then I guess we can wait until next week. I have Ash's big present to pick up from there as well as a couple of smaller ones for Kristi.

Then that is all the immediate family bought for and most of the wider family that we get stuff for. Easy mode this year. Hell, I've even bought my first present for next year lol.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 31, 2020, 04:06:45 AM
So I finished work early yesterday and we immediately headed out to Inverness. I picked up the last of the things I wanted for Kristi as well as some extra impulse buys for her, like a giant stuffed D20 for her (it's about the size of a regular football).

While we were out they decided to deliver Kristi's computer a day early. Now I either have to head out to Elgin to pick it up, or she has to arrange redelivery and wait until Monday for it to pitch up.

While we were out I saw a Soviet tank that Kristi had asked if I'd wanted for my army some years ago. Despite saying yes, and dropping hints about it each year following I still hadn't been bought this vehicle, so I picked up the box and slipped it into where Kristi is storing my presents. She did spot it there and is slightly confused as she doesn't remember buying it for me. I am just keeping quiet there. Full credit to her for spotting it right away though lol.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 04, 2020, 08:13:01 AM
So its election day in the US and they seem to be trying to decide who has won. Either one guy or the other *shrug*. The only reason I have an interest anymore is down to the Paris agreement. Beyond that, wouldn't care who was in the top seat right now. Kristi is a lot more concerned over the outcome than I am, but then again she is a US citizen so that is to be expected.

My QAnon workmate came in today declaring that trump had won it by a landslide and has continued to hold that view no matter how close it seems to be. For myself, I prefer to wait until a winner is officially announced. He stayed up all night to watch the results coming in. Hell, I won't even do that for my own countries elections, never mind anyone elses. The rest of the people in work seem slightly bemused by his obsession.

Anyway, we are going out today for a meal. Political shennigans can play out as they will and be damned.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 05, 2020, 06:06:30 AM
So, Kristi was up in pain last night. It took until 5 am this morning before she got to sleep under heavy medication. We know what the problem is and it's being dealt with, but I figured I should take a couple of days off work to look after her. I had to pop into work first thing though to book a couple of days off work (and check that was ok with my boss ofc).

For the short time I was in work I found out an interesting amount of info from my workmate mentioned in the previous post.

Apparently the US department of homeland security has secretly put a radioactive isotope in each and every ballot paper that identifies each individual voter.

I don't know US law very well, but being able to identify individuals from their voting papers after they have voted like that seems potentially dodgy.

Anyway, they are about to reveal a huge level of voter fraud being perpatrated by the democrats when all these papers turn up without their radioactive tracker.

Hmm, I wonder how many of these radioactive trackers one would have to be exposed to before you have potential health risks? I wouldn't like to be a counter, or involved in the delivery of the ballots.

Anyway, the revalations are going to start a revolution that brings down democracies all over the world as it is revealed how corrupt they really are.

I just thought before civilisation collapses I'd give you all my best wishes and recommend you find a good place to watch the fall of the west. Me, I am off to the hills. They aren't any safer than the lowlands, but I figure I'll get a better view of it all from there. May you all find a way to survive and prosper in the upcoming apocalypse.

Of course, there is always the alternative theory that he is talking a load of bollocks.

I know which one my money is on.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 06, 2020, 11:24:34 AM
If trump loses (and I have no idea if he has, hasn't or if spontaneous combustion has taken the lot of them), will people spent the next 150 odd years displaying trump2020 flags. I mean the confederacy only lasted 4 years...
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on November 06, 2020, 02:37:16 PM
no , they'll get new ones that say trump 2024.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 08, 2020, 10:58:57 AM
It is a very grim looking day out there today with a lot of heavy, grey clouds. We took a walk down to the harbour front regardless. Kristi had suggested, since we couldn't do the usual Rememberence Day stuff, that people paint up a rock and we put them on the side of a mound near the war memorial. The whole community has really jumped on board. She'd been hoping for 240 rocks (one for each name on the memorial). They've went way beyond that.


They have decided to do this every year and are looking for somewhere to display the stones permanently. Rather proud of her for starting a new tradition.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on November 08, 2020, 03:14:25 PM
that's wonderful! could they maybe be epoxies on to the base of the memorial?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 10, 2020, 11:11:12 AM
Possibly. The community council is discussing things with local council.

This is the war memorial in Lossie.


Two of the guys in work are having a bet over the US election and wither or not any fraudulent voting will be uncovered. Or is it wither covid is now going to suddenly and magically disappear now that the election is over? One of them. I sort of half, vaguely paid attention. Either way there is a can of coke at stake over who is right.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: RCMerchant on November 12, 2020, 07:53:44 PM
Quote from: Alex on November 06, 2020, 11:24:34 AM
If trump loses (and I have no idea if he has, hasn't or if spontaneous combustion has taken the lot of them), will people spent the next 150 odd years displaying trump2020 flags. I mean the confederacy only lasted 4 years...

:bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle:

( (
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 13, 2020, 06:16:10 PM
Feels like it has been a long, tiring week even though it hasn't.

It is the weekend now though and time to chill out. I see the head of the department of homeland security in the states has said the election was free and fair. So much for Mark's radioactive ballots conspiracy theory then I guess. The highest-ranking officer in the American forces has said they will defend the constitution and don't swear loyalty to a tyrant.

I am told the Chinese have a curse. May you live in interesting times.

Some behind the scenes fighting seems to be going on in UK politics. Two of the PM's closest advisors have quit in recent days. I haven't heard of one of the guys, but the other one is as greasy as any politician with the bonus points that he is unelected. He also has been very close to buffoon boris for many years and I bet he knows where a lot of skeletons are buried. It will be interesting to see what he says in the future.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 14, 2020, 03:21:16 PM
Been messing around on the Classic version of World of Warcraft. Since I did it when the game was new I know a lot more this time about what to do than I did last time. I've got 45 gold at level 27, which is a fair bit. I need to have 100 by level 40 to buy a horse so I don't need to run everywhere and I am well on track to make that.

No idea if I will play all the way to level 60 or not again or just be done with a month of reminiscing.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 15, 2020, 03:14:06 PM
It seems that the swing in politics across the world to the right that happened 5 or so years ago is assuredly in reverse. Countries which just a few years ago took a turn in that direction now appear to be swinging back the other way. This is something I thought would happen, although I pictured it happening ten years to a generation down the line, not the next round of elections. Even countries that stayed in the centre-ground or were left-wing leaning, have moved further to the left. Wither or not another world event will stop this swing, much as covid has stopped the right movement by exposing the traditional weakness of the right (or even increase it), remains to be seen.

Someone said to me recently that the left-wing acknowledges it has its lunatic fringe and tries to hide it, while the right-wingers actively try and pander to their lunatics to get their votes. Based on recent events, I'd find it hard to argue against that.

It is looking increasingly likely that our very own bumbling boris has been on the wrong side of some political manoverings. Still not heard any rumours about what exactly caused his two closest advisors to suddenly up and quit. Then again, I am happy enough that the one whose name I know is gone. He was a schemer on the level of Peter Mandalson, back in Tony Blair's day and I'll warrant that like Mandalson, his downfall was due to his own hubris. Then again, it does seem that if they don't die first, all political careers end in disgrace sooner or later. Mind you, some of them find disgrace after death...

Ash is suddenly skin and bones and eating all he can get his hands on. That'll be a growth spurt then.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on November 15, 2020, 08:31:11 PM
i think he's gonna be tall and skinny like your brother, but with kristi's eyes and your chin. :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 17, 2020, 03:04:50 PM
I am hoping he will be taller than me, but with my broad shoulders, although me and Stewart have occasionally thought that somehow our children have been switched given their builds.

At the moment I am trying to write a brief for a 15-minute talk I have to do tomorrow. Doing it on the defensive aids suite that Tornado's used to carry. I am doing a course on being trained to train other people. Been doing that for decades without training, but now everyone needs to be trained to do that. Well, it is three days out of the office so I am not going to complain about that.

Watching a TV document about so-called cursed movies. I am not convinced there is any such thing. Willing to bet that if you look at any movie that people involved will have some degree of tragedy.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on November 18, 2020, 12:16:35 AM
i can understand that, little rocketboy IS built like you, lol!
  the cursed movie thing, is it on tubi? there's a bunch of short things on youtube, but i'd like to see a full doc on it. i agree with you, though, it's not the movie.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 18, 2020, 01:17:08 AM
Quote from: chefzombie on November 18, 2020, 12:16:35 AM
i can understand that, little rocketboy IS built like you, lol!
  the cursed movie thing, is it on tubi? there's a bunch of short things on youtube, but i'd like to see a full doc on it. i agree with you, though, it's not the movie.

It is on Shudder.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on November 18, 2020, 03:24:19 AM
poot. i guess i'll look into the free trial then.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 18, 2020, 07:28:05 AM
I've been really wanting to watch a film that is only available on Shudder (Blood Vessel) and then another popped up on my radar (The Hallow) that piqued my interest, so I've taken the free trial. They have more stuff available on Shudder than they had when I looked at it back at the start of lockdown, but still not quite enough to keep me as a regular subscriber.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 18, 2020, 03:15:42 PM
As part of my training to train people course, I'd to give a theory lecture today. I did it on the defensive aids suite on the Panavia Tornado (GR4 variant). Since my audience consisted of 2 chefs, a steward and two suppliers I'd to go light on the deep technical details (I hesitate to use the phrase dumbing down as that would indicate they are less intelligent. This isn't true, they just have training in other areas from me. The chefs for example know what temperature to heat milk in to kill an enzyme that would kill the yeast in a cake mix and stops it rising). Anyway, I think I managed to avoid completely losing them in the physics of the whole thing, except at the part where I had to explain how we achieve broad-spectrum interference. After it was all finished I was told that I sounded really confident and intelligent.

Hah! I practically live by the motto, bulls**t baffles brains and bluffing my way through things work-wise. I've managed 19 1/2 years of that so far. Only another three and a half to go. Or maybe five and a half. I think I will struggle to stay in past my 22-year point. I am entitled to my pension at that stage. It won't get any higher if I stay in longer, but I won't start getting it until I am out of the job. It feels like if I stay in I am doing myself out of money I am otherwise entitled to. It really will come down to how the economy is doing when I am coming up to my leaving point. I am daring to be optimistic that things will recover quickly after Covid and the Brexit won't be the disaster that common sense would indicate and that I might still see my hope of being out before I turn 50 come true.

Anyway, tomorrow I am doing a lesson on how to correctly wire up a UK plug. Compared to the ones you have in the US for example, ours are over-engineered monsters. Then again, our mains supply runs on 240 volts, while in the US they have a comparatively anaemic 110 volt supply if my memory serves me correctly. A UK plug may be the only thing more painful than lego to stand on.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on November 18, 2020, 11:40:57 PM
110 for a regular wall plug, like for your computer, and 220 for stuff like fridges,stoves and AC's. my beloved FIL who bought me my freezer made a point of it being 110 so i could move it if i wanted to do that.
* watch tonight's colbert if you can, it's a riot! *
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 20, 2020, 05:06:48 PM
So one of the cabinet ministers that runs a department of behalf of the Prime Minister (he of the expanded waistline), was investigated and found to have breached the ministerial code of conduct by bullying his staff. Normally, this leads to the minister in question resigning. This time the PM has decided nope, she didn't break the rules. So his man in charge of doing these investigations has quit instead. She was fired in a previous role with the government for getting up to some hijinks with Israel.

Afraid I am unable to watch that, although I have been getting a lot of amusement recently from watching that Rudy Gulliani bloke. Wasn't he the one who came out of the September 11th attacks looking like he could be a future president or something? My how he has fallen. Always a shame to see that. I can respect his loyalty to what seems to be increasingly a lost cause.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on November 21, 2020, 01:07:54 AM
yes, he's that guy. but he was still sane back then. his son, and  trump's son, have tested positive for covid, which is what happens when you refuse to take any kind of precautions. i have no sympathy, since they have the money to get priority treatment, unlike the majority of americans.
   i know i sound harsh, but my friend's son, younger than you, is now on a ventilator.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 21, 2020, 02:04:39 AM
Well, Biden has a Covid team, while trumps team has Covid.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on November 23, 2020, 01:45:31 AM
and now sidney has been tossed straight under the bus. i hope she has a decent amount of savings, since it isn't likely she'll work again. and the trumpkins in georgia are threatening to destroy the GOP and asking for a boycott of the january runoffs. the stupidity there never ceases to amaze me. it shouldn't by now, but it still does.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 24, 2020, 02:35:58 AM
China is sending a mission to the moon today. I wonder when any other countries are going to try and compete with them or if space is meekly going to be given over to them? I know several other nations have space programs and that both the US and the old Soviet Union have done more than China, but with the rate they are achieving things I can see them moving into the lead there. I wonder if a base on the moon or man landing on Mars will happen first. Wouldn't that be something to see, someone actually landing on another planet.

Just don't send Matt Damon. Pretty sure the cost of rescuing him in his various films would have bankrupted several nations.  :bouncegiggle:

From what I am hearing Barri, it sounds like trump is starting to realise he has lost the fight and is accepting that a transistion of power needs to begin. Maybe his hand is being forced by events outside of his control. I would imagine since no evidence of the large scale electoral fraud he claimed has been presented that he is pinning his hopes on the electorial college doing something.

Back home Boris is facing a rebellion within his own party who are tiring of the restrictions. Seeing him struggle to do the right thing and facing people fighting against that is sort of funny in a karmic way. If it wasn't for the people who will die as a result I would be happy to see him squirm in this situation. Looks like they are going to loosen the rules over the festive period, mostly because they fear people will just ignore the rules anyway.

Funny how the less I am at work, the more onerous the time I do have to spend there feels. Oh well, I should get to it and remember it is only four hours.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: RCMerchant on November 24, 2020, 02:41:17 AM
^ It's like I been holding my breath underwater for 4 years.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on November 25, 2020, 09:14:42 AM
Quote from: Alex on November 24, 2020, 02:35:58 AM
China is sending a mission to the moon today. I wonder when any other countries are going to try and compete with them or if space is meekly going to be given over to them? I know several other nations have space programs and that both the US and the old Soviet Union have done more than China, but with the rate they are achieving things I can see them moving into the lead there. I wonder if a base on the moon or man landing on Mars will happen first. Wouldn't that be something to see, someone actually landing on another planet.

Just don't send Matt Damon. Pretty sure the cost of rescuing him in his various films would have bankrupted several nations.  :bouncegiggle:

From what I am hearing Barri, it sounds like trump is starting to realise he has lost the fight and is accepting that a transistion of power needs to begin. Maybe his hand is being forced by events outside of his control. I would imagine since no evidence of the large scale electoral fraud he claimed has been presented that he is pinning his hopes on the electorial college doing something.

Back home Boris is facing a rebellion within his own party who are tiring of the restrictions. Seeing him struggle to do the right thing and facing people fighting against that is sort of funny in a karmic way. If it wasn't for the people who will die as a result I would be happy to see him squirm in this situation. Looks like they are going to loosen the rules over the festive period, mostly because they fear people will just ignore the rules anyway.

Funny how the less I am at work, the more onerous the time I do have to spend there feels. Oh well, I should get to it and remember it is only four hours.

now he's trying to get states to change their laws and their electors so that only republicans would be voting in the college, FOR HIM. NOT gonna happen.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 29, 2020, 12:37:05 PM
Many years ago (teenager / early 20's), I used to run a lot. My routine was 5 days a week I'd get up and go out at 4 am then run until 8 am. Then I'd get in the house, get cleaned up, changed and head off to school/work/college. On a Thursday and Friday, I'd do another run in the evenings for two to three hours. I'd take Wednesdays and Saturdays as rest days. After a couple of years of doing that I started running wearing boots to build up my legs further.

When I took my current job, I no longer had the time (or to be honest, by that age the inclination) to go out running quite that much and in all weathers.

Anyway, about 12 years ago I started to get pains in my feet when I was running, especially if I did my favourite run from my room to the lighthouse which was around a 10km run (6 miles, for anyone in the dark ages). I could still run in it, but I'd be in agony for 3 days and unable to walk. I went to the med centre about it and they referred to a civvy pediatrist. He treated my feet so I wasn't in constant pain, and got it down to a manageable level but told me I'd never really be able to run again.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago and when I told a doctor about this, he sounded somewhat surprised and told me that this wasn't how my condition worked. With the right treatment, it can be fully cured unless I had deformed bones or something. Anyway, I've got myself a referral to the station physio and he has had a look at my feet. The initial prognosis is that yeah I can build back up to being able to run again.

At the moment I am concentrating on the get running part of that, not the specialist who told me I couldn't. Got some exercises to do that are the kind of positions that we are not allowed to keep prisoners in for long periods.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on November 29, 2020, 06:39:33 PM
Although I've never been able to grasp the joy of running, i'm really happy for you! i hope this can lessen the pain even more and give you that joy back. :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 30, 2020, 10:43:49 AM
I got into running as a big FU to one of our physical education teachers at school. I was told I was running in an interschool competition, then I wasn't on the team, then I was and then I wasn't again. On the day of the contest, I was told I was on the team (400-meter relay race as I recall), but when I couldn't get home to get my running kit the teacher decided to scream in my face about it. After that, I took it up just so I could compete against my school as an independent runner and to show her that I could beat anyone she could train. Even today I hold P.E. staff in contempt (with one exception), an opinion that has only strengthened the more I've had to deal with them.

Started playing classic World of Warcraft. I am completely ignoring the new expansion that came out last week and playing as close to the original game as I can get. Hit level 40 at the weekend which means instead of running everywhere I could pick up a mount and ride around in comparative style. Kristi is playing too. Because I've done this game before and know what I am doing I am making a lot of money (not the richest player in the game type money, but more than enough for my needs). As a result, it looks like I'll be funding Kristi's mount. We've formed a regular 5 man group for doing dungeons and I've been giving the others hints and tips on how to make money but they are still lagging behind quite badly. This means that either I can go anywhere quickly, but then have to wait for them to catch up with me, or I pay for their mounts too, which would stretch my in-game finances. 500 gold is a lot in classic. Besides, one of our group does seem to be a fairly selfish individual and I am not sure I want to pay for a mount for him too, so I guess I can cut that down to 400. Strangely enough, he is the one who would need the help the most.

Ash has a head cold atm which he has shared with his mum. She didn't get much sleep last night and I figured what the hell, I have plenty of leave so I booked the week off work to spend some time with them.

Doubtless, by the end of the week I'll be sharing in that cold.

My older brother got back from Saudi and we met up at the weekend. He was saying that there has been a lot of scandal within the higher up Saudi's and what happens is they load them onto the back of a Herc, go for a flight and whoever has p**sed off the wrong person gets dropped off in the desert. The Herc doesn't land to drop them off and they don't give them a parachute either.

Aren't you glad we have such wonderful allies in the middle east?

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 02, 2020, 03:45:53 AM
Not exactly sure how this happened, but yesterday I noticed that Elsa wasn't hanging around me constantly looking for attention. After a while I went looking for her and discovered her sitting on our bed, with the last four inches or so of her tail stripped down to the bone. I got her out to the vets right away. They are going to have to amputate about half the tail, but she'll survive. I found where the skin and fur were lying, but there was no blood around or anything to indicate how the injury happened. My best guess is that it got trapped in the kitchen door, but I am not sure that explains the entire thing being off. I mean it looked like the tail had been skinned. I left her overnight in the vets. Her and Ash normally play a lot and he wouldn't understand why he can't. Waiting on a phone call from the vets once she has recovered from the operation so I can go out and collect the poor mite.

Of course, the vet immediately brought up the subject of having her spayed while she was out there. I don't believe in giving animals unnecessary medical procedures just for the convenience of the owners. Don't even get me started on people who get their cats declawed. Anyone doing that should have their fingers broken and cut off at the last joint just so they know what they are putting their animals through.

Bastards. If you aren't prepared to accept what pets do and deal with it, then you shouldn't have them.

Most of the group I am levelling within World of Warcraft hit 40 last night while I got there on Sunday night. I did give a couple of them enough money to get their mounts (they weren't hugely short) and them travelling at the same speed as me makes my life easier. I'll hit level 42 today and in the meantime, I am farming for herbs to sell in the auction house to make up for the money I've handed out. Be damned if I'll fund their epic mounts though. That is way above my earning potential. The only one who hasn't hit 40 is the whiny member of our group and his constant whinging has left me disinclined to help him out with a handout. I got fed up of listening to him last night and just logged out of voice chat so I didn't have to hear it any more. Got enough real things to worry about with my mother-in-law and her husband having trouble breathing with Covid, Else at the vets, Kristi and Ash being ill, an aunt who fell over, broke her arm and was stuck there for 9 hours before anyone found her and all the other problems that everyone has swirling around in daily life.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on December 05, 2020, 09:51:46 PM
for the record, i am completely against declawing. also for the record, she SHOULD be spayed unless you are willing to raise every litter she has, and deal with the health issues that come with unspayed female cats. and deal with her in heat, and the resulting toms gathering that could be harmful to your family. it IS necessary.
  and now i'll shut up. for now.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on December 05, 2020, 09:52:26 PM
no i won't, i forgot to say that i hope she's okay.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 06, 2020, 02:49:20 AM
She seems to be happy to be a housecat (which to be honest, I'd prefer. I had hoped Dagon would be a housecat, but he was too adventurous and was never going to be kept inside all the time). I've had cats most of my life and I've only had one spayed, and that was because she had quite a bad case of cancer. She survived though and went on to live until the pretty old age (for a cat) of 18.

Got the last of the xmas shopping done last night. The local shopping mall had a fayre on with lots of local crafters selling at pop up shop type stalls. Sign of the times just how many empty lots there are in it for them to do that. When I was a kid I remember local retailers complaining about supermarkets and malls putting them out of business. Now it is their turn with the internet putting those who fail to adapt and evolve to the new market model who fall by the wayside. Three major high street retailers have collapsed in the last week in the UK as part of that. You could argue that it is Covid that killed them, but they were on the way out anyway and Covid was just the final nail on outlets that were going bankrupt sooner or later.

It seems to be the mid-range clothing retailers that struggle the most. The ones doing really expensive clothes, well their customers aren't as affected by the ups and downs of the economy and have a comfortable pad against such tides of misfortune. The cheaper outlets there will always be a market for, but the ones who try to place themselves in the center-ground have it tough.

Ain't that always the way though?

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 12, 2020, 05:09:23 PM
One more week of work to go and then the holidays. When we go back in the new year it is a return to normal working hours, but hey I've enjoyed the last 9 months of extra time off and am not going to complain about that.

Been wondering recently how much things will change when we get back to what we'll call normal. Some scientists are saying that facemasks will have to become a permanent thing, although the politician standing beside him (boris the incompetent) recoiled at that idea as doubtless he would at the suggestion that it will take 2 years to get to even that point.

I doubt those in charge will let those sorts of precautions be taken.

Brexit finally becomes a practical reality in a few weeks and it is not looking good for a trade deal. I wonder how people will react to the inevitable price rises? If you are a currency speculator then expect the £ to crash on the 1st of Jan should the no-deal situation continue.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 14, 2020, 01:22:10 PM
Got treated to more conspiracy theories today. One involved an F-16 that had crashed in Maine. Apparently, although F-16s are normally two seat aircraft. but this one only had one crew on board and there was an earthquake that rated a 3 on the scale so the plane must have dropped a bomb and that caused the earthquake and their is all sorts of funny stuff going on.

Yeah, unless its a trainer version, an F-16 has but a single aircrew on board.

Three more days of work to go and then the holidays, presents and all that jazz. It will be a welcome end to this year for most I'd imagine. I am not going to complain about the bonus time home with my family I've had for myself. The people we've known who have caught covid appear to have recovered.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 16, 2020, 09:59:07 AM
'Tis the day before christmas leave begins and all throughout the building no one wants to be here.

Only one in the office at the moment. In theory I am here to answer the phones. If they ring I plan on pretending to be a Chinese laundry service. Listening to music on my phone and typing this on it at the same time. Let's be glad they moved away from rotary dial phones. Imagine trying to type using a wheel with every letter of the alphabet, not to mention numbers and symbols.

Messaging Kristi too. Elsa is out at her final vets appointment. Yay for a £400 bill for pet treatments. Still, it makes me appreciate our socialised healthcare. Can't imagine the extra stress having to come up with money for medical treatments must cause people on top of the fact they are already ill.

Apparently (according to my local conspiracy theorist), the USA is currently under martial law. Doubtless if you are from there you can see tanks on the streets and the military are on every street corner, enforcing a curfew. Also, trump is going to be the last president of the US. The office is about to be abolished and replaced by some other titled leader.

I look forward to seeing this all play out as the world is consumed in the fire of a thousand bloody revolutions as people discover how their leaders have lied to them and rise up against them

The word fruitcake springs to mind.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Zapranoth on December 16, 2020, 12:39:05 PM
I assume Elsa is a cat.   Cats are tricksy, tricksy when it comes to being sick.  My cat (Nico, a male American ragdoll) got a foot injury last year.   No idea how, he's an indoor cat, but he had some sort of foreign body lodged in one toe in a hind foot.

So it abscessed, and it was probably a couple of days before I noticed, because he started sleeping in weird out of the way places.  He slept on my youngest's upper (unused) bunk bed, and was out of line of sight for much of two days.  I finally noticed that he was doing it and hauled him down and examined him and found the problem.  He got off with antibiotics and a toe amputation and is none the worse for it, but it was a good reminder to keep an eye on him and if he goes under the radar for a day, to find him and figure it out.

The Dumpster Fire is pouting and doing nothing, and the Senate is pondering actually doing some work toward financial relief, and in my part of the US (the state of Washington on the west coast) we're starting the first round of covid vaccinations (mostly the Pfizer).  I'm still waiting on official word as to where / when it'll be for me.    Only 71% of the med staff (includes MA's, support staff, non-doctors) said that they definitely would take the vaccine on the survey.  f**king blows my mind.  Probably the number that will take it is going to be higher than 71%, so perhaps I just need to abide.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 16, 2020, 01:25:52 PM
Glad your cat survived.

45 returned from being relegated to the comedy pages in UK newspapers during the election but has since returned there, or faded away entirely. Oh, another claim from my workmate is that trump will be the last president of the US. There is about to be some revolution and you'll be replacing it with some other figurehead.

Something to look forward to then?

Around 36% of people are saying they won't get the vaccination which puts the whole herd immunity part in jeopardy in the UK. Some places are saying unless you can prove you have had the vaccination though, that they will refuse you entry. Fair enough in my book. It is your right to refuse to take it, but don't expect the rest of the world to suffer because you are an idiot.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Zapranoth on December 16, 2020, 05:36:22 PM
I wish you all the best in the UK.  Hopefully there, and here, enough reasonable people will get the vaccine and take basic measures to get us all back on our feet again.

I scored an Xbox Series X today!  Managed to order one online and have confirmation that it is beginning to ship.  Huzzah!  It's the only toy I've really coveted this season.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 16, 2020, 05:37:53 PM
Congrats and enjoy it, even if Playstations are clearly the superior product.  :bouncegiggle:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Zapranoth on December 16, 2020, 06:54:35 PM
Quote from: Alex on December 16, 2020, 05:37:53 PM
Congrats and enjoy it, even if Playstations are clearly the superior product.  :bouncegiggle:

My only regret is Ghost of Tsushima.  Otherwise, no f**ks given.  :)   

Sure gonna suck if the next Elder Scrolls game goes Xbox-exclusive; I hope they don't do that.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 17, 2020, 01:17:33 AM
Quote from: Zapranoth on December 16, 2020, 06:54:35 PM
Quote from: Alex on December 16, 2020, 05:37:53 PM
Congrats and enjoy it, even if Playstations are clearly the superior product.  :bouncegiggle:

My only regret is Ghost of Tsushima.  Otherwise, no f**ks given.  :)   

Sure gonna suck if the next Elder Scrolls game goes Xbox-exclusive; I hope they don't do that.

I'd be surprised if they did that, but stranger things have happened before.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Rev. Powell on December 17, 2020, 08:57:23 AM
Quote from: Zapranoth on December 16, 2020, 12:39:05 PM
Only 71% of the med staff (includes MA's, support staff, non-doctors) said that they definitely would take the vaccine on the survey.  f**king blows my mind.  Probably the number that will take it is going to be higher than 71%, so perhaps I just need to abide.

That is shockingly low.  :bluesad:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 17, 2020, 09:34:17 AM
I know in the UK a lot of people have serious doubts over the length of time the vaccines have been tested for. I have explained that all the relevant tests have been ran, they just did them all at the same time instead of one after the other, but I can understand peoples hesitation there I guess.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 18, 2020, 02:08:46 AM
My warcraft renaissance continues. Currently sitting at level 55 and aiming to be max level (60 in classic) in time for next Saturday so I can go on a raid with the guild. We were doing a group mission the other day and a very rare epic item dropped (the items are colour coded for rarity and power, grey is useless items that you can at least sell, white I can't remember the name for, but they are very much like greys, green is a common magic item, blues are rare and purples are epics. There are also legendary (orange) items, but they involve a serious amount of work to get). Anyway, the item has a 0.01% drop chance. I won the roll for it, so I've put it up on the auction house. Went for a bit over 1700 gold which I have split with the people I was adventuring with and one other guy who normally parties with us, but was having a bad day that day and didn't join.

Anyway, we all ended up getting 270 gold out of the sale, which is a fairly substantial boost to anyone's cash in classic. An epic mount (100% ride speed boost) sets you back 1000 gold. Hopefully, people will put their bonus towards that. I am halfway to being able to afford mine currently.

I was hoping the whole family would get a long lie in this morning. The previous two mornings Ash had slept in until 10ish which is unusual. This morning (my first one off work), he woke up at 5 am crying. I was going to get up with him, but Kristi said she would. Half an hour later I wasn't getting back to sleep so I just got up to join them. I was getting myself sorted when I heard Kristi shout at Ash, followed by the cat getting shouted at, so I abandoned my normal morning rituals and went downstairs. Gave Kristi a hug, then put Ash back in his cot and persuaded Kristi to go back to bed for a bit. Of course, since I am awake, I am staying awake and therefore here I am typing.

How is your morning going?

Have a song that could be about an existential crisis, but isn't.

Error 404 (Not Found)!!1 (

Hoping to get out to the cemetery today. We picked up a wreath for Lilly-Beth and I'd like to place it sooner rather than later, but that is going to be weather dependent. The air has been seriously cold around here and when Kristi and Ash have been out the air has not reacted well to the colds they have.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 21, 2020, 05:43:45 AM
Cemetary visit is now happening today. Kristi is out delivering some cookies to various neighbours and when she gets back I am going to head out.

Still keeping to my plan of a level per night in Warcraft. The people who said it wasn't possible have now accepted that actually, you can do it if you know what you are doing, which is a shame because their doubt was a major driving factor in me doing it lol.

Painting up a ship that is about 3 feet long. I started with a brown undercoat (because its a wooden sailing ship), but the first can of spray paint ran out before I was even half done. I guess I'll be picking up more spray paint while I am out then (assuming everything isn't in lockdown already). Everyone was told that they would relax the restrictions over the festive period, allow people to meet up with families and so on (all against scientific advice). Then yesterday it was announced that we were going into a lockdown. While I don't disagree with them doing that, telling people it would be fine to meet up and then snatching that away from them is a much crueller blow. I think there is going to be a lot more rule-breaking than if they'd just said we'd be in lockdown from the start. We are also getting cut off as a country due to the new strain of Covid that is spreading much faster than the original version. They seem to think the vaccine will still work against the new strain, or at least that there is a good chance of it. Going to be hellish if it doesn't, or it mutates again.

So much for my conspiracy theorist co-workers claim that as the new year approached Covid would just slowly disappear (all part of a plot to depose the trumpeter, so after the election it wouldn't be needed).
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 23, 2020, 05:49:49 PM
This morning, I hit level 60 in classic World of Warcraft. This is the highest level you can get at the moment. This evening I was asked to be an officer in the guild, leading and organising 20 to 40 man raids.

I really wanted to avoid that and just be a regular player, but for some reason, I said yes.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on December 24, 2020, 12:08:09 AM
well of course you did, it's who you ARE. leader, protector, chief yeller, scottish guido, all that stuff. merry christmas!  :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 27, 2020, 07:58:03 AM
Managed to get some interest yesterday from Ash in his presents. It was certainly better than last years screaming when we brought him his stuff. His favourites seemed to be his very own mini armchair and a Paw Patrol play tent. After that, it would be all his Hot Wheels cars. Must have gotten at least 30 from different play sets and things.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on December 27, 2020, 05:23:16 PM
the pic of him in his chair with his footstool is adorable! i'm still in FB jail, so couldn't comment.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 31, 2020, 12:41:40 AM
The final day of the year rolls around. I certainly seem to be awake early enough to see the most of it.

I see the Oxford vaccine has now been approved for use in the UK. I must admit, given the choice that will be the one I'd want to get. It isn't because it was made in the UK, or even because I know lots about vaccines. I just like it more from what I've read about how it was developed. Not that I am expecting a choice and I'll be happy to get whichever one is available ultimately.

Got out of bed about half three this morning. I was just feeling too hot to sleep. Watched a bad Chinese movie (Croczilla) and caught up a little on the news. A Brexit deal was signed, not quite at the last minute but close enough. Part of me wanted no deal just to let people see what they had really voted for and get what they thought they wanted. I haven't looked at the detail of the deal, or hell even the banner headlines, but I suspect it is a decent one and something that the EU will come to regret. After all, if we can leave and have a good deal then why should anyone else stay in the union?

I hope everyone has a happy new year and a good celebration. May the next one be less troublesome (and I'll drink to that).
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on January 02, 2021, 02:29:29 PM
my final sacrifice to make 2020 go away was whacking off my ponytail. seems to be working so far. :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 02, 2021, 10:25:29 PM
Ash has finally decided to go to sleep. Yay!
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 05, 2021, 05:28:35 PM
The head of the Scottish government has made it clear that trump will not be allowed to visit his golf courses here during lockdown after rumours that he was planning on visiting his course at Turnberry during the upcoming inauguration.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 07, 2021, 05:05:28 PM
I went on my first 40 man raid since returning to Warcraft last night. It was a run to a place called Molten Core. It was a decent enough run, nothing overly memorable. I did get a couple of new pieces of loot, one of which I did not want. It leads to getting a really great staff for priests, but I had that one on my previous priest and I wanted something different for this alt.

I was on the run with a few other people from the guild, our guild master (or mistress I guess) from the Netherlands, few other people from across Europe were on the run. Towards the end, I decided to find an online news channel that covers news from the US and see how Biden's confirmation vote had gone or was going given the expected delays.

At this point, it seems the protesters had only just started storming (I think?) the senate building. Apologies if it is called something else, but my delvings into American politics haven't taken me that far into it and if I am entirely honest, most of the buildings I know of in Washington beyond the White House comes down to Fallout 3.

I mentioned to the others in guild about what was happening. None of them had heard about it up to that point. It generated half an hour to an hour of chat with reactions ranging from sympathy for anyone who wasn't a protestor through to laughing at trump and his supporters through to contempt for the whole US. No one had any sympathy for the protestors though. My own feelings on it was that yeah it was bad, but the media were blowing it out of proportion. The October Revolution it was not. In the short term my guess is the protesters have done more damage than good to their cause. Some people who did support trump and had been taken in by him are going to be turned off by seeing what happens when you pander to the extremes of politics the way I've seen the republican party doing for quite some years now. This could be a chance for the moderates to step up and grab control of their party, although only time will tell if they can or will.

We spent the night talking to friends and relatives over in the US. Most were anti-trump before this, some had voted for trump and have decided they have made a huge mistake. Only two were openly still supporting him, although there was a third I think was keeping quiet. Some were talking about leaving the US, feeling like it is no longer the country they thought they knew. I imagine those feelings are just shock though and will return to more normal in a few days.

Providing nothing else kicks off.

Hope everyone over there stays safe.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on January 08, 2021, 06:32:13 PM
although we could, we aren't leaving our country. we're taking it back. the trumpkins can leave and take that fat bastard, his spawn and his  varied bimbos with them. i hope they enjoy living in the dictatorship they want, but it ain't gonna be in MY america, not even my deep red state. not happenin'. sanity will reign, and the RWNJ's can leave. good riddance.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 08, 2021, 08:14:31 PM
Seems many of trumps last remaining allies are abandoning him as in the last days of his power, his empire of lies crumbles under the weight of his own hubris like so many would-be dictators before him have done. Someone said to me they thought he would be remembered as the worst president in US history.

I think he'll be lucky to rate that high.

Is it the end of trumps political career? Maybe. With his fragile ego, he might not want to risk facing the humiliation of defeat again. Wouldn't be surprised to see someone else from his family step into the ring though.

But that is all things to watch for in the future as the endless cycle of doing the same s**t over and over again, repeating the same mistakes but expecting a different outcome continues to dog the human species.

Some have said that's the definition of insanity in an individual. What does it say about an entire race?

A poll showed that if an election was held in the UK, the current ruling party would not only lose, but the PM himself would lose his seat. This isn't something I've ever seen before. The PM always represents one of the safest available seats. Still, bumbling boris has time still yet to turn that around. The deal he has signed with Europe seems to please nobody (as if anyone could come up with a practical deal that would), and some European businesses are now refusing to deal with the UK because of the extra paperwork and fees required. The deal is legally unstable and could easily fall apart. Well boris, you fought, backstabbed and scrambled your way to the top of the pile. Hope you are enjoying that view right now. Might be remembered as the man who screwed the UK, but hey, you'll be remembered. Thats the important thing right?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 21, 2021, 08:04:37 AM
The storm battering the southern end of the country is hitting here too, abet somewhat muted compared to the full thing elsewhere. I need to pop out for some things from the local shop.

Did something I've never done before and watched the US inauguration if for no other reason than the check the previous one had been chucked out. I had expected to hear of some level of trouble, if not at Washington then from trumpers elsewhere. If they have then it hasn't made the international news. They did interview the leader of some militia who declared this was the end on the union and showed how he was prepping for war. He yelled "Yeehaw!" and fired off a gun, managing to accidentally start a fire.

Sounds about right from what I've observed so far. A bunch of clowns playing with fire.

After disappearing almost totally from the news, the US is back in. I will be interested to see if after all the excitement of a new president fades if the coverage from the US will also fade or if it will continue, jumping to other topics? In many ways, I find it indicative of a countries soft power which in the States case plummeted during trump's time in office. I wonder how much goodwill his successor will be extended?

Took a walkout in the rain. It wasn't as bad as it sounds, but still wasn't a great day to be outside. I remember when I used to not really care about the weather and would be out in all sorts. Guess all this office work has made me soft. I did order a new pair of trainers for running in (at nearly £100 and have to be shipped from Denmark and won't arrive until the 28th thanks to brexit). Looking forward to getting out there and running once more, even if I have to start on a running machine.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 23, 2021, 03:32:59 PM
Had to go out driving yesterday. This left me feeling uncomfortable for the rest of the day.

Work computers ran slowly and we gave up on what we were trying to do by 14:30 and went home instead. I see QAnon seems to be falling apart. Shame its influence still lingers. There are enough idiots out there who will still believe that crap.

I went through all my books and got rid of a load of ones that I am never going to read. Generally, ones that other people have bought me. Kristi keeps picking me up cheesy sci-fi novels despite the fact that I don't read a huge amount of sci-fi and what I do read I tend to pick carefully in a narrow range that avoids lurid covered pot pulp but stops short of Asimov or Frank Herbert. They all went off to a new home with an old man who suffers from dementia but loves reading. Seemed like a good destination for them. Otherwise, it would have been in the charity box at the local shop.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 02, 2021, 10:36:49 AM
Properly working from home today and actually going to do something rather than the vague stuff I've been doing while covid keeps the office shut.

The Kent variant of Covid appears to be mutating yet again. Hopefully not into a form the vaccine won't work against.

Kind of wonder what trump is doing now. Other than the occasional headline saying his legal position has just gotten worse, either from new charges or his team quitting. Kind of the level of coverage we were getting from the US prior to the election. Now it has mostly vanished. The other big thing in the UK news was the short lived argument with Europe over Covid-19 vaccines with them first threatening to limit exports of it from the EU, and then demanding a share of the UK's vaccines followed up with a sharp climbdown after an attempt to use the Northern Ireland part of the agreement in a way that wasn't within the rules. From what I can see it looks like the EU has lost this round. Given how soon this was though after the trade agreement between us and them being signed it does not bode well for the future. Voters on the ground in Europe will not be happy their leaders did not secure them a better supply and will be resentful that we have it. Pretty sure an agreement could have been reached that made both sides look good.

Oh well.

I wonder if the conflict in Ukraine will be resolved anytime soon? I'd imagine not while Putin is in power. Despite the protests in Russia, I can't see him being out of power anytime soon. Still, it is good to know there is a protest movement there and they do not seem to be afraid of being arrested. Still there is a good argument for the west having done much to aggravate Russian fears of the west, bending agreements with word play and Ukraine itself hasn't been 100% innocent either. It had options and had made promises that it didn't keep prior to trouble kicking off there. Maybe that was just playing into Putin's hands.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 10, 2021, 07:18:38 AM
Getting lots of snow at the moment. Its unusual, but not unheard of. Normally the heat from the gulf stream stops it from hanging around too long.

Then again, they do say climate change is causing the Gulf Stream to shift southwards so this could be a taste of things to come.

Got Ash to take to hospital today so they can check his hearing. Pretty confident they don't need to, that boy can hear a packet of chocolates being opened from the opposite end of the house and comes running.

I've been offered a regular test for covid to see if I have got or had it, but not shown symptoms. Took me about half a second to consider it and say hell yes.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 17, 2021, 11:12:00 AM
We are having warm weather today after our freakish snow of recent weeks. My guess is that Feb will be nice weather and then we'll have a cold snap come March and April. Still, we got our daily walk outside while the warmer weather lasts and I've even got around to hanging laundry up on the line instead of using the drier. All we can do right now is make the best of the lockdown. Right now the tiny demon is playing his piano and singing along. Kristi is upstairs writing out some minutes, so I am taking the time to let Ash just play. No cartoons on, no parent amusing him, just letting him play himself. He seems happy enough. I am just trying to avoid the problems other parents are having with kids getting attachment issues. We do some stuff together and then get him to play on his own.

I had my first bi-weekly Covid-19 test yesterday. Can't say that sticking a cotton bud down my throat and then up my nose was overly pleasant, but if it helps track things then I can live with the mild, short-lived discomfort.

Rewatching The Almighty Johnson's. It's a show that got 3 seasons and should maybe have gotten one more, but they did at least manage to wrap everything up in the time they did have.

The news has announced prince Phillip has been taken to hospital. I find it hard to care in this case, there are nicer people out there who are more deserving of my support. New super courts are being built to cope with the backlog of cases built up over lockdown and the government is fighting with itself over how to come out of lockdown.

Got a friend over in the US whose wife has had a baby. Not sure what is wrong, but the child is going to be requiring some sort of operation and is seriously ill? Understandably, they have been too occupied to let everyone know exactly what is happening and I would go prying. They've started a go fund me campaign to raise money for the operation. How the hell can you have a system where this isn't dealt with and doesn't require charity? We have made a donation to it, and will be making a larger one come payday. I just hope they are able to treat her successfully. They've made over half the target they are aiming for since it was set up yesterday and I take that as an encouraging sign.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on February 17, 2021, 03:40:09 PM
Agreed, you'd think the wealthiest country in the world could take care of its children. Adults, whatever, but children? There ought to be funding for that. It's a disgrace. I wonder if the US cut all foreign aid that'd pay the health insurance of those under eighteen?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: indianasmith on February 17, 2021, 09:48:39 PM
Quote from: ER on February 17, 2021, 03:40:09 PM
Agreed, you'd think the wealthiest country in the world could take care of its children. Adults, whatever, but children? There ought to be funding for that. It's a disgrace. I wonder if the US cut all foreign aid that'd pay the health insurance of those under eighteen?

Considering that foreign aid is less than 1% of the Federal budget, I doubt it. 
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on February 17, 2021, 11:23:20 PM
Quote from: indianasmith on February 17, 2021, 09:48:39 PM
Quote from: ER on February 17, 2021, 03:40:09 PM
Agreed, you'd think the wealthiest country in the world could take care of its children. Adults, whatever, but children? There ought to be funding for that. It's a disgrace. I wonder if the US cut all foreign aid that'd pay the health insurance of those under eighteen?

Considering that foreign aid is less than 1% of the Federal budget, I doubt it.  

That'd work out to around $600.00 annually per child (counting only US citizens, not foreign citizens resident in the US) and if used for a health insurance program, that actually could possibly be enough to make a difference in a child's life.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: indianasmith on February 18, 2021, 10:28:47 PM
True, but there are better places we could make cuts.
Just like the memes raving about how we need to slash Congressional salaries and pensions and such - There are a total of 535 members of Congress at a time, perhaps half that many or less who have served long enough to merit a pension (they DON'T get a pension after one term, that's an internet myth).  Cut it to nothing and it's maybe 1/10 of .001% of the Federal Budget.  Of course, these folks would be perfectly happy to pay the folks who run our country minimum wage; their hatred of elected officials is what's driving the meme, not any desire for real budget reform.

But foreign aid and congressional salaries are convenient whipping boys; if you want to cut budgets, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the military are the biggest single expenditures every year - by hundreds of billions of dollars!

That being said, I'm ready for socialized medicine.  My wife and I pay $1200 a month for insurance, just for the two of us, and when she broke her arm we still had to pay $5000 out of pocket to take care of our "deductible".   What the HECK is the point of having insurance if you still have to wipe out most of your bank account over  a simple injury?

Wow, that meandered a lot.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 19, 2021, 03:22:55 PM
My own view is that the first duty of any government should be looking after its people. If it isn't doing that then it is failing.

Got a phone call earlier. I am in the next group of people to be offered a Covid vaccination. The military doctors recommend getting it, although I have no idea which of the vaccines it is we are being offered. Having read a bit on how they were developed, I do have one I rather get but in the end of the day, I'll take whichever one I am offered.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 21, 2021, 07:26:41 AM
Starting a new D&D campaign tonight with some of the people I play Warcraft with. Most of them have never played before, but Kristi is playing so there is at least some experience. Giving them a basic dungeon bash to start with and see how it goes from there.

Back at work tomorrow for our one week of the month where we need to be in the office.


The less I am at work, the more I don't want to be there at all lol. Going back to full time is going to be tough after this past year, although it will be nice to get back to the old normal at some point.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 26, 2021, 06:30:00 AM
Anyone else finding the more free time they have, the less they are getting done?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on February 26, 2021, 07:39:05 AM
What is this mysterious "free time" of which you write?   :wink:
The other day I told someone, "You don't get much done when you're not doing anything."
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 28, 2021, 04:51:30 AM
For my new D&D game I am going to have the party climb down ropes into a big hole in the ground. I've been doing a map for this online, and have tried several different designs, but no matter what I try the result looks like a giant anus. We had a lot of fun in the last session and we've had another player join, so we are a full group of six people. Everyone had a lot of fun with the first session, so I'll see what we can do to keep that up.

Our unseasonably good weather is continuing. I am still expecting a cold snap though before winter is truly over and then a weak summer. Looking outside, it would seem to be a summers day, but look carefully at the grass and you can see it was frosty last night and outside isn't as warm as it looks.

Watching assorted free bad movies on Amazon at the moment. Not a lot seems to be appealing to me though. I did watch a documentary about my favourite Nile crocodile, Gustav when they attempted to capture him.

Still awaiting word on when I can go get my vaccine. Kristi has had her offer. Not worried about waiting for it or anything, but more curious about how long it will take. It will come in its own time. After all the arguing about vaccine distribution with Europe, it seems mainland Europeans don't want the AstraZenica one, preferring to wait for one of the more locally made ones, do the degree where vaccines are having to be dumped after going out of date.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 05, 2021, 07:11:39 AM
The end of another working week with no work dawns. Woohoo!

It's Ash's birthday on Tuesday. Hard to believe that he is three years old already. Has it really been that long?


Moving his bedtime back half an hour seems to have sorted the problems we were having with him not sleeping through the night. Mostly anyway. He did wake up about 1 this morning, but this is rare, whereas before it had started happening every damn night.

It is going to be a musical birthday. So far he has a piano, banjo and a drum kit (we got him two of those). He has a little plastic guitar and as soon as he saw it he picked it up, started strumming and singing. It has become one of his favourite toys. Kristi is baking a cake for him. I've picked him up aa load of Scoobie-Doo DVD's since he loves those cartoons, but I am going to have to go into town at the weekend and pick him up a toy or two. He doesn't need any, but it feels wrong not to be giving him something he can play with.

Watching a lot of films that are somewhere between horror and drama this week. Not a deliberate thing, but it hasn't been bad either. Caught some decent films that would otherwise have escaped my notice. One of them was made using practical effects that were created for the The Thing prequel and then abandoned when they decided to go with CGI instead. Having seen The Thing, I think they made a bad mistake switching to computer effects myself. Then again, I doubt they were aiming for a film that would have quite the longevity or cult status that John Carpenter's version has maintained.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 10, 2021, 04:22:53 AM
The government is bringing in new laws to force manufacturers to make household goods longer lasts and easier to repair. About damn time. When I was studying electronics, as part of the course we were taught how to design items to fail after a certain number of years.

Ash seemed to enjoy his birthday yesterday. Pretty sure he had no idea that it was any different from any other day, but he enjoyed playing with his new toys. He's got a piano, drum, guitar, harmonica, flute and various other musical items as well as yet another train set and some other toys. He just bounced between what he was playing with.

Fallout continues over Harry and Meghan... *yawn*. I remember hearing a lot of complaints long before they announced they were leaving the UK from other people about how she treated them with claims of bullying and he is the guy who turned up to a fancy dress party in a nazi uniform. They also said they were leaving so they could have a life outside the spotlight. Yeah right, going to call bollocks on that one.

The rest of the family is sleeping. The last few nights we've ended up having quite late nights although since I am using some time off work. That alas ends today and tomorrow I am back on call.

Raiding has finally started paying off for me in World of Warcraft. After not making much progress in gearing up, suddenly last night I won a lot of new gear as did quite a few others in the guild. Still not as into the game as I was first time around, but it is the people you play with that make an online game and I have a mostly good bunch.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 12, 2021, 05:09:50 PM
I was sitting downstairs yesterday while Ash was upstairs in the shower. Kristi shouted my name with a panicked tone of voice I had never heard from her before. I ran up the stairs and into the bathroom. My first thought was that blood was pouring from Ash's mouth. He was covered in it. After a couple of seconds though I could see it was running out of a gash in his forehead. When Kristi had gone to get him out of the shower, he'd thrown a tantrum and slammed his head off of the wall.

We did our best to clean up the blood, but as tends to be the case with head wounds, there was a lot of it. I could see the injury was deep enough to potentially need stitches or glued. Took him out to the local A&E where they put some strips to close the wound and a plaster to stop him picking at them. At first they wanted to keep him in for a couple of hours for observation and gave him a private room. He immediately climbed up on the bed, lay down on it and started doing the cutest fake snore.

After a while, they ran some tests on him and decided they didn't need to keep him in and let us take him home. I know the signs to look for in a head injury anyway and could get him back out there quickly if needed.

Anyway, after I got him home he was back to his usual self. The bandage is to stay on for four days. I can't imagine this will be the last time I have to take him to A&E with some injury, he really is 100% little boy.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on March 13, 2021, 08:05:57 AM
Scary account, Alex. I'm glad your boy is going to be all right. Now if he has a scar from this this, be sure he knows to make up a good story about how he acquired it, so he can impress women with it someday.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 14, 2021, 06:00:42 AM
The plaster comes off tomorrow and we'll have a better idea of the damage. I'd imagine at his age though the wound will heal and hopefully not leave a mark.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 20, 2021, 10:40:32 AM
Today has been a good day for getting rid of irritating things and it has put a big old smile on my face.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 31, 2021, 11:19:52 AM
So that's me had my first Covid-19 vaccine jab today.

Not dead yet.

No side effects of any kind, not even the usual slight pain after getting any injection. I have no doubt they will come in time though. Got paracetamol in the medicine cabinet already and I've done my bit to get the country back up and running as well as protecting number one (by which I mean my son. I don't overly care for people who think that number should be themselves. Strikes me as being somewhere between pure selfishness and downright cowardly. I find patriotism to be a nebulous concept at best, but not getting the jab would seem to fit into the unpatriotic side of things if anything does, other than y'know treason type stuff).

Anyway, I digress.

Kristi wants to watch the new Godzilla Vs Kong movie tomorrow. I am more interested in the Synder cut Justice League. Not that I am a huge fan of Synder, it is more out of curiosity than anything else. I've heard either it is great or it sucks. Not much in the way of the middle of the road reviews-wise.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 01, 2021, 11:41:11 AM
Ordered a model of a monster I've had my eye on for a while.

This is what it looks like when other people paint it up.



I won't be able to make it look as good as that alas, but I figured it would be good for when we can play D&D around a tabletop once again. It is supposed to represent Father Dagon from the Lovecraft universe. Not how I've pictured him when I read the stories, but it works.

Went out to the park today with Kristi and Ash along with another woman from our street and her daughter (who is Ash's age). They've been playing out. They played together for several hours in the unseasonably warm weather. It was good to see him interacting with another child. I hope things open up again soon and he can get back to mixing with others.

Still no side effects from my jab.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 05, 2021, 08:27:43 AM
The cold snap I've been predicting for a while seems to have hit today. We woke up to high winds and snow outside. I was hoping for nicer weather today so we could all go out for a nice long walk, but the high winds have put paid to that idea.

Hope everyone had a good zombie Jesus day yesterday. I am still limiting Ash to one egg per day this year. Next year I figure he will be old enough to eat himself sick, but for the moment I'll ration his chocolate intake. He has managed to climb out of his cot and we've had a couple of nights where it has turned into a battle of wills of us putting him in his bed and him clambering back out. I am determined we will win this battle though. The alternative would be much more painful.

I appear to have had zero initial side effects from my Covid jab. Studies are showing at least some of the vaccines are providing a level of protection from the varients too. So much for those who immediately claimed they were useless against them. Not that I imagine being proved wrong will make any difference to them, they'll just move onto other claims. I wonder if they ever stop to consider why people don't listen to them after they've been found to be wrong for the umpteenth time? Certainly doesn't seem so. Oh well, not my problem.

Got one of the guys I play Warcraft with into listening to Conan audiobooks. He was complaining he never had time to read so I linked whatever I'd been listening to, to him. Just so happened to be a Conan story and now he is looking for more to listen to.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 07, 2021, 03:31:30 PM
Well, Ash is now using his potty. We've been working on potty training in fits and starts, but he has recently taken to using it himself even going so far as to take his pull-ups off so he can pee.  Now if I can just get him to do it sitting down instead of standing up. Kristi wants to move onto toilet training, but I want to get him using the potty correctly first rather than push him onto the next thing.

The cold snap continues. We had something of a blizzard yesterday although the snowstorms here really do not compare to what we had when I lived further inland as a child. Still, we have had some impressive ocean storms in this region that make up for it somewhat.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 09, 2021, 12:48:48 PM
Heard earlier that prince Phillip has died.

Meh. My biggest worry there is that I might have to line the funeral route or something. By all accounts, he was a nasty old bastard. I am sure his family loved him though. I'd offer them my sympathy but I don't seem to have any to spare. Plenty of other people more deserving. The fallout from his grandson's interview has continued longer than I thought it would. PR-wise it sounds like the interview went down better in the US than the UK. Then again stories about her bullying staff members and so forth had been heard before they left the UK, and the press has been full of stories pointing out the inconsistencies in their story. I haven't watched it and don't plan on and other than noting for people who claim to want privacy and away from royal life they are certainly doing all they can to court publicity and cash in on their titles (which they could give up at any time they so chose).

I have an urge to watch Flash Gordon. One that I think I am going to indulge myself on.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 24, 2021, 05:13:20 PM
Took a chance and bought some tickets for a concert in December. Here is hoping the whole virus thing lets it take place. Got the usual crew of motley companions I meet up with for these things interested, plus working on a few more. Anyway, we'll be going to see Alestorm with Gloryhammer and Aether Realm in support. I like the first two of those, but Aether Realm, while sounding like the diet coke of death metal are still more death metal than I care for. The growly vocals puts me off.

Got issued a laptop by work for doing work at home. Wouldn't you just know it though, the damn thing won't connect to my home internet.

Such a shame.

No doubt tech support will get it sorted out, but until then I am a free man. Not overly in love with the idea of having such a device at home. I am concerned about how that affects my work/life balance.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 27, 2021, 04:11:19 AM
So the country is starting to come out of lockdown. Non-essential shops got to reopen yesterday. I am expecting this to last for the summer and have the feeling that come winter we'll have another wave and go back under lockdown again.

Hoping I am wrong there, but the world is full of idiots who think the virus isn't a thing.

Although stories have it that our 'beloved' prime minister has said he'd rather see dead bodies stacked high than go into a lockdown. Not proven wither he did or not and I suspect it never will be. It wouldn't surprise me if he did say it. He strikes me as being that self-centred.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 28, 2021, 03:03:35 PM
I got word back from my med board review this afternoon. Both the doctors and my trade manager have recommended me staying on in my job.

I guess that's a relief right?

I would have been annoyed if I'd been kicked out this close to qualifying for my pension, but part of me would be so glad just to be over and done with it all.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 01, 2021, 04:02:24 PM
Dragged the family out to Elgin this morning. We went out, had a nice breakfast and then picked up some flowers for Lilly. It was a good walk. Kristi picked up several new pairs of trainers for her increased exercise routine and I headed off to the local geekstore. Since my birthday is coming up soonish, I dropped a subtle hint about how much I wanted the Kraken model. I then picked out some other models and some paints for my monthly allowance on such things lol. We were planning a trip down to Glasgow at the end of the month, but with Covid restrictions remaining in place where we live it doesn't look like that will happen.

I also picked up Willy's Wonderland, a Nic Cage film I've been wanting to watch for a while now.

It was interesting just to get out and interact with people again. Kristi spoke to lots of people. I mostly just hung around wishing we were still back in lockdown. Still with a couple of outbreaks and this region currently having the highest infection rate in Scotland that is a wish that could easily come true.

I am going to try tanking Molten Core on my paladin tonight (not the main tank, one of the off tanks). Not something I'd overly planned on as pala tanks are a bit weak in classic. This is more aimed at when the retro servers move on to The Burning Crusade. I've ended up tanking quite a lot though so I decided I fancied trying a raid.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 02, 2021, 02:33:09 AM
So I did the Molten Core run last night. As the other tanks were a lot better equipped and more experienced on tanking than me I didn't get to do much, but I did win all the plate healing gear that dropped. No use to me for tanking, but hey it was free loot. Shame none of the tanking gear I could have used dropped, but hey ho.

We had something happen in D&D that hadn't happened before in over 30 years of gaming. One character turned around and just straight-up murdered another party member. No particular reason behind it. The pair were alone in a room, and he hit her with his axe. No provocation, or arguments between these pair. Thanks to the aid of some magical questioning the party knows that it was murder, despite an attempt to lie about what happened and has more or less accepted a promise from the killer not to misbehave again or else!
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 04, 2021, 02:49:42 PM
Just heard that my immediate boss at work is now a father for the second time, so big congratulations to him and his family.

I have one less kickstarter to keep track of as my gnomes turned up today. Of course, another project I am backing has released something else I'd like to back (and just to be even more awkward, it is a more expensive one (I class anything over roughly £75/$100 as expensive ones, often more because of the shipping costs involved). So far I've backed 9 projects on there, 4 of which I've received. No campaigns thus far have failed to deliver (and I don't know for sure, but my guess is that if they fail you lose the money you've put into it), and I would imagine if that happens it will doubtless dent my enthusiasm for the platform.

And of course all the figures will now add to my pile of unpainted figures I need to work on.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 07, 2021, 09:46:11 AM
Trying to avoid being called into work today (either you know the reason why I want to not work today or you don't, its not really important though). Yeah, so far I've been in twice.

I should be sitting back, drinking a slow but steady stream of alcoholic beverages.

Got the new Rob Zombie album as well as Alice Coopers one (both on vinyl) and one of the Batman cartoon movies. After the one where Catwoman ripped his clothes off and made the beast with two backs, I am waiting until Ash goes to bed before I risk putting this one on. Especially since it is rated 15+. Where is the bloody postman, I want more packages!

The election results are slowly dribbling in. Looks like the tories (spit!) did well in England while the SNP has held Scotland, much as things were before really. It is still early days though and everything could change. My prediction is that the SNP will win overall in Scotland, although with a reduced margin from the last election. They did really well the last time and it's going to be hard to keep those numbers up.

Decided to binge-watch The X-Files. Never watched them all before. I did find out that what I thought was the first episode (the one with the stretchy liver eating bloke) wasn't the first episode after all. It was something I only watched intermittently back in the day. Monster of the week shows rarely do it for me and while the X-Files did have its longer-term plotline, it just didn't grab me as much as say Supernatural did. Maybe because Supernatural also had an element of fun that was somewhat missing from the older show.

I was thinking today about the first time I told a girlfriend that I loved her. I had just walked out of the toilet of the house I was living in and she grabbed me and told me she loved me. I said the same back to her, but the problem was I was lying. I wanted to love her, but I think I knew at that point it wasn't going to work out even as I was still trying to find a way to fix things. Looking back I have no idea why I was trying to. True she was an attractive girl (although where most women have curves, she more had straight lines. I could have used her as a reversible ironing board as she was basically flat, but oh man do I love a girl with dark eyes and hair to match and her body shape should never be the deciding factor in a relationship anyway). She liked to gossip where I don't care, she wanted to stay inside and play Warcraft, whereas (while I liked playing WoW too), She wanted me to dress and look a certain way so I'd fit in more, I wanted to wear clothes that say "Hey, I don't fit in". I wanted to sometimes take a break and do something else like go outside. I couldn't even base a short term relationship on sex because I found it to be boring with her.

No idea why I kept on trying as long as I did, but it was something of a relief when she dumped me one night. Later on, I did find out that she'd expected me to do what she'd wanted in an attempt to win her back. I really shouldn't have let things go as long as they did. Shame my first I love you was wasted and meaningless, but hey ho. Then again the first time I had sex it was with someone I didn't particularly care about either. I just did it because it was offered and she was a mixture of attractive and exotic. Neither of us expected anything other than sex out of that night. Still, things have changed on that front and these days I get to do things differently with someone I do care about.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on May 07, 2021, 10:26:27 AM
Quote from: Alex on May 07, 2021, 09:46:11 AM
Trying to avoid being called into work today (either you know the reason why I want to not work today or you don't, its not really important though). Yeah, so far I've been in twice..

Happy birthday  :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 10, 2021, 10:36:03 AM
The results of the election in Scotland left the SNP one seat short of an outright majority, but with the Greens also having a pro-independence stance it does leave a majority of seats for it. So what happens now?

Well, Bojo the fat & incompetent down in London is saying that there will not be a second referendum on independence. The SNP are saying they have the legal power to hold one without a say-so from Westminster. I wonder who is right?

Me, I just want out of this s**tshow.

We've 'upgraded' our internet so it should give us the performance we were supposed to be getting before we upgraded. We now have a stronger wifi signal throughout the house. Here is the rub though, signal strength was not the issue. It was the upload/download speeds. Not convinced this will solve anything and that we won't have to just go and do what I wanted to do in the first place (move the connection upstairs and go hard wired), but we shall see.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 14, 2021, 03:38:26 PM
Once again the weekend approaches and I find myself unable to take full advantage of it.

I am so ready for all this covid crap to be over, although I don't see it ending any time soon alas. Will the hoarding of vaccines in a small number of countries prove to be counter-productive when the have-nots develop new strains that the current vaccines don't work against? Well, that depends on if one appears before we share the wealth. My money is on new varients sweeping the world. Just have to hope they get less dangerous, or even stay at the same threat level.

Assuming the weather isn't absolutely terrible tomorrow, I'll go out with Kristi and Ash for a long walk around town, maybe paint some more models up and make a stab at the front garden. If the weather is decent I'll dig out the hover mower (or as my American friends refer to it "the magic lawnmower"), if not then I'll hack it down with the strimmer. I hate gardening, but its starting to look like a jungle and I need to keep it in some kind of order. Then it'll be weedkiller time and plant some new grass seeds.

Blergh, I'd rather concrete over it. There is no fence around the front garden so it isn't like I can even just let Ash go out and play there without watching him all the time to make sure he doesn't wander out onto the road. Shame half the backyard is half wasted space with the slope on it.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 29, 2021, 03:52:51 AM
Got the first xmas present bought and ordered stuff to make Kristi a festive diorama. Going with a street scene from A Christmas Carol this year, but again using 28mm figures. Giving myself plenty of time to work on it this time around. Not that I was short of time last year, but I want to make sure I do as good a job as I possibly can.

Took our first trip away from the local area yesterday. Went all the way up to Inverness, once a trip we'd take every month or two. It was a nice sunny day and we had a good time. Being a US taxpayer, Kristi had received her stimulus check (and after making sure that she was entitled to it) so we went out and stimulated the economy a bit. We did buy some stuff that was made by a US company, so I like to think that its went to its intended purpose.

Not had too much sleep the past couple of days. I could tell it was getting to me this morning. Kristi wanted to talk, just making conversation I guess but I just wanted to be left alone and she got me on grumpy mode. I got out the house for a couple of hours, but I got to thinking about Lilly-Beth and my mood really did not improve until I got back home. I did manage to get another couple of presents for Kristi. Question is, can I wait the six months between now and when I am supposed to give her them?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 01, 2021, 09:54:39 AM
The scorching weather continues. We are all rocking a nice tan, except for Kristi who just goes straight to the burn stage. You'd think someone from a desert would cope better with the Scottish summer.

Tonight is the final night of classic Warcraft as it moves on into The Burning Crusade era. Last time that happened I was in a relationship where my partner had decided she could live off my money, not do any housework or look for a job. Every day when I came home I got to listen to her tell me how I wasn't doing enough or that she was out of my league, or she'd talk about one of her five main topics of conversation '(Warcraft', 'Immigrants Are Bad'*, 'Gossip', 'Bad Things That Had Happened To Her' and 'How Much I Suck At Relationships').

This time I am going into TBC in a relationship with someone who loves and supports me and who I hope I love and support just as much. Got the feeling that this time it will be a lot more of an enjoyable experience than the first time around.

*And this from someone who wanted to move to Australia.

We went for a long walk yesterday. When we were down the harbour I saw some guy holding up an elderly man and he looked like he was struggling. Turned out the old man's knees had just given out. Anyway, between us we carried the man back to his house (which was pretty close by). It was a shame that no one else had offered to help the old man.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 07, 2021, 02:28:45 PM
One of the guys I've been playing WoW with is having a hell of a bad year. He's lost all his father figure type relations and friends, I've had two periods in my life when lots of people around me were dying, one when I was 27, the other when I was 42. I'd have expected those to happen closer to twenty years apart as a generational thing, but apparently, life doesn't like to run things in orderly, predictable cycles. I hope he finds the strength within to get through it all. He seems a nice guy as far as I can tell from the internet interactions we've had.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 09, 2021, 04:36:14 PM
We have been having a run of warm weather. I wonder if we will see water shortages in England again this year if it continues? Today we are having a nice break with some rainy weather.

Kristi has been looking a bit frazzled recently so if the weather improves tomorrow I'll take the little guy out for the day, give her a break. She is just worried about everything and nothing right now.

Watching AEW again tonight. They seem to be taking on a lot of guys and girls. Everytime the WWE lets someone go, I wonder if they will turn up there.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 13, 2021, 10:41:27 AM
Glorious weather for a Sunday. Slight waste of a good day with everything being closed today, but it does mean that everyone gets a chance to enjoy it. I remember as a kid always thinking that Sundays were the crappiest day of the week because all the shops and places where you could go do something fun were always closed and the TV was filled with dull as ditchwater religious shows like Songs of Praise.

Bloody Thora Hird and Harry Secombe.

No wonder I rejected Christianity after a childhood being bored to tears with that crap every week with an extra dose of Sunday school and church on top.

Had some nice long walks outside this week. Kristi was tired yesterday so me and Ash took a long stroll through town and down to the harbour (via several playparks of course). I love just watching him play and have fun. He certainly loves to run. Going to say he gets that from me.

We've been watching some old WCW stuff recently, from the start of Nitro. Been feeling the whole NWO angle has been overplayed already. I only really watched it towards the end of the Monday night wars when WCW was desperately throwing everything at the wall in the hope that something will stick. Interesting watching Hogan in talk segments making sure no one else gets too much talk time compared to him. They also seem to have a pretty small pool of wrestlers compared to what I saw much later. I find it interesting to watch the evolution between those times though,
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 20, 2021, 03:04:48 AM
Today in the UK is Father's Day. Kristi and Ash have bought me a load of stuff, most of which Kristi has already given me as she gets over-excited about giving presents and can't wait to give them. Yesterday I got a couple of books. One was by Heinz Guderian (pretty much the father of modern tank warfare, he was a major proponent of the whole Blitzkrieg idea (although the German's did not call it that. Certainly not initially, I believe that term actually came from an American journalist). I had expected an ex-army officer I know to possibly recognise the name, but I was surprised when I mentioned in Warcraft that she'd gotten me it and quite a few people had heard of him. You are pretty much talking about a guy who should be as famous  (or infamous?) as Rommel.

Of course, it should never be forgotten that these people were, regardless of what they may have achieved, on the wrong side. It is one thing to acknowledge what they did do and to study it from a historical perspective. It is quite another to glorify them. Studying history is something of a waste of time if you cannot put things into historical perspective.

Anyway, the second book was a coffee table on the history of tanks. Kristi mistook my surprise at her getting me these for disappointment which couldn't be further from the truth. It is surprising to me though that this is the first time this book has been translated into English. Guderian was an acknowledged master of tank warfare and was a popular lecturer on the subject post-war. His work should be required reading for military students in the same way that The Art of War (pfft, Sun Tzu, more like Captain Bloody Obvious) is.

Anyway, I started reading it last night, interrupting the other books I am reading partly because well I wanted to, and partly because I wanted to reassure Kristi that I was indeed happy with her present.

Heading out today for a car boot sale (if you don't get them in the US, think of a yard sale, only for lots of people rather than just one household selling stuff). Not expecting to find anything, but you never know.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 30, 2021, 05:37:56 PM
More free money came my way this week and we are expecting more by the end of next month. The money I got was specifically given for me to spend, but I've shared it with Kristi. Used some of it to get D&D stuff, order a new laptop as well as some WW2 things and some model paints.

Something had happened that really p**sed me off in my WoW guild. I made it clear to the other officers that if this situation happened again, I'd quit the guild. None of them replied to my post in the officer forum about it and a few weeks later a similar thing happened, so I said "f**k this." and quit. This seems to have come as something of a surprise to them. Since then I've had a lot of people from the guild ask me to come back. I've made myself available to help out if people are stuck. Anyway, tonight Kristi told them I was missing the guild (ok so that is true), that I wished I hadn't left the way I had and so on. I'd to message one of the other officers and say what she has said was wrong and that I'd do the exact same thing if put the same situation again.

If I did feel like going back, her doing that has just hardened my heart against it. She made it sound as if I was making a crawling apology instead of how I am really feeling

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 04, 2021, 04:08:39 PM
Lots more guild drama kicked off since I last posted. Despite my attempts to leave the game and not be involved in what was going on it seems it was not to be. My old GM seems to really hate me for leaving. Not entirely sure why, but then again her mental health hasn't been great and that might be part of it.

Waiting on my new laptop arriving. Shame my old one is completely kaput or I'd have sent it to Trevor just as a backup since his computers seem to burn out on a regular basis.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on July 05, 2021, 06:30:56 AM
Quote from: Alex on July 04, 2021, 04:08:39 PM
Waiting on my new laptop arriving. Shame my old one is completely kaput or I'd have sent it to Trevor just as a backup since his computers seem to burn out on a regular basis.

Aww, thanks.

Henry Cavill and Tom Cruise borrowed my last one to use in Mission Impossible: Fallout and we all know what that PC was used for  :buggedout: :wink:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 05, 2021, 01:46:15 PM
Quote from: Trevor on July 05, 2021, 06:30:56 AM
Quote from: Alex on July 04, 2021, 04:08:39 PM
Waiting on my new laptop arriving. Shame my old one is completely kaput or I'd have sent it to Trevor just as a backup since his computers seem to burn out on a regular basis.

Aww, thanks.

Henry Cavill and Tom Cruise borrowed my last one to use in Mission Impossible: Fallout and we all know what that PC was used for  :buggedout: :wink:

Lol I haven't actually watched that one.

Been watching a lot of the SCP videos that they've been putting out. For anyone unfamiliar with SCP, it's a bit like the Twilight Zone, or maybe the Friday the Thirteenth TV series might be more accurate.

Yesterday marked my 20th year in uniform, and I have the option of leaving in two years, or staying on for an additional two beyond that. My heart says leave, but my head says its a well paying, reasonably secure job. Still, the exit process is currently a year-long process so I have just under 12 months to consider my options before I would pull the plug. Leaving any earlier would mean I didn't get my pension right away. That would very much defeat the whole purpose of me joining up. I'd had enough action and adventure before I ever signed up. Medals seem a poor reward for risking one's life (nearly died, going to have life-long trauma? Here have a lump of tin with a nice ribbon. Then again, some countries hand out such things for so much less). Serving queen and country? Hah, try checking out how any government in the world treats its service personal when the chips are down. Sadly if you aren't using them then you can be sure they are using you. My favourite (not exactly the right term), is what happened to the sailors who had fought at the Battle of Trafalgar, but if you check your history, you'll find many such shameful betrayals of a nations servicemen and women.

Mind you, such treatment is hardly limited to those in uniform. Maybe I am biased, but it does seem like a greater sin though when it is conducted against those who serve.

Speaking of medals, the entire NHS has been awarded the George Cross it was announced today. Guessing everyone who works for it and who has in the 70 odd years since it was decided that hey providing health care for all would be a good idea isn't going to be given their own gong (those bits of metal 'ain't free after all). Hopefully, they'll all get something out of it.

Working my way very slowly down a bottle of Apple flavoured Jack Daniels. Tastes nice. It doesn't have the bite to it that I like as a good drink burns its way down your throat, but its still good.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on July 06, 2021, 07:06:47 AM
Quote from: Alex on July 05, 2021, 01:46:15 PM
Quote from: Trevor on July 05, 2021, 06:30:56 AM
Quote from: Alex on July 04, 2021, 04:08:39 PM
Waiting on my new laptop arriving. Shame my old one is completely kaput or I'd have sent it to Trevor just as a backup since his computers seem to burn out on a regular basis.

Aww, thanks.

Henry Cavill and Tom Cruise borrowed my last one to use in Mission Impossible: Fallout and we all know what that PC was used for  :buggedout: :wink:

Lol I haven't actually watched that one.

Henry Cavill clonks a bad guy on the head with my PC:  :teddyr: :teddyr:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 07, 2021, 11:53:49 AM
Still finding that the more time I have, the less I am able to do with it. Writing has ground to a complete halt. Luckily my D&D group does a lot of roleplaying and doesn't go very quickly through what I've got written down (plus I've been doing some stuff off the cuff).

I've been having a small problem with flies in one room of the house. It isn't one with food in or anything I would have thought would attract such insects (indeed it is the laundry room). Possibly they are coming in through a vent or something, but every time I've gone in the room I've found between 2 to 4 such creatures and quite large specimens at that.

I really hate flies. Over the past three days I've killed I would guess 20 to 30 of them. Going to drag out the washing machine and tumble drier and see if there is something behind them that is bringing them in. Until then I have a spray that will deal with them.

Honestly, pretty much any living thing that annoys me has wings (seagulls, pigeons, moths, flies, crane flies, and wasps). The frequency of encountering them does seem to have dropped off today so I am hoping either I've killed them off or whatever was bringing them in is gone.

Some football game is on tonight. The news is filled with it (that's proper football by the way, where you use your feet to kick the ball, the clue is in the name there). Trying to find out what else is happening in the world as football of any type really doesn't interest me. After two hours of getting nothing but it, I am giving up on trying to hear about anything going on anywhere else in the world.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 14, 2021, 05:52:59 AM
So at the weekend, Kristi decided to pop down with Ash to visit my mum and sister. As I was expected a package to be delivered Thursday and couldn't be sure I wouldn't get called into work so she was going to have to come home on Wednesday. It was to be delivered by FedEx which is a company I've never dealt with before, but yesterday (Tuesday), I got another email from them telling me that my parcel would be delivered today (Thursday 15th).

Ok, so that is a bit of a mixed message there. Wasn't quite sure if it was going to pitch up yesterday or tomorrow. It ended up arriving just after 17:00 yesterday (box wasn't in the best of conditions, being half-open but as far as I can tell all the contents were inside). Anyway, I phoned Kristi to let her know that there was no need for her to rush back home and she could stay away for another few days if she wanted.

I am not sure if this is the normal level of service people expect from FedEx or not, but they wouldn't be my first choice when it comes to shipping stuff to people. Not my last choice either (MyHermes seems to have a very bad rep and my experience of them consists of a man turning up at the door around 7 in the morning with a whole load of packages stuffed haphazardly into the back of a car and being handed a very beaten up looking box, so currently they would be my last choice of shipper).

Anyway, I have my Kickstarter (it is for building up dungeons in D&D), consisting of lots of tiles, walls and bits to scatter around your dungeon. This was their second edition of bits and I've also backed the third edition (which is a town and sewer set), but due to space considerations, I think I may have to drop out of backing any future projects of theirs sadly. It is good quality stuff, not easily broken. With it, I am now going to look at starting a round table group for roleplaying games again. I've painted up a lot of figures for use in a game over lockdown and I might as well use them.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 16, 2021, 03:49:27 AM
Got woken up by Ash climbing into our bed about 1 this morning. Got woken up again at 4ish when he started throwing up. He hasn't really stopped since then and that is just how the rest of the morning went. He has certain situations he prefers to go to either me or Kristi for. If he is a little bit upset, then it is Kristi he will go to. If he is in pain then its me who gets him, so he was coming to me for lots of hugs today. When I picked him up and help him, he threw up all over my freshly ironed uniform and then went to sleep while I was holding him.

Not much else I could do but stand there and hold him really at that point.

Anyway, after that, I carried him upstairs and put him in mine and Kristi's bed to sleep. He got up once to go to the toilet and be sick again and then went back to bed for more sleep. He doesn't seem to be able to keep anything down for more than a few minutes. On the journey home yesterday the air con on the train failed for the last 45-minute stretch and on a hot day, those places become a hotbox. Kristi made sure he had plenty to drink, but it still isn't fun being somewhere that overheated. I am figuring him not being well is connected to that.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 20, 2021, 04:11:18 AM
So yesterday I paid off my credit card. It's the first time since I got married that I've been completely debt-free. It gives us an extra £700 a month to spend on whatever we want. All through my life I'd always been careful not to get into debt, but that also meant I didn't show up on credit checks so I figured when I got married I'd have to take out some just in case I went to buy a house or finance a car or whatever.

Feels good though.

Ash seemed to recover quickly from his stomach bug. By the afternoon he was back to running about and being his usual self. He won a raffle for a kids climbing frame/slide which is now built up in the backyard. By next year he'll be too big for it, but I am sure he'll love playing on it over the summer. I've taken to sitting in the dining room to work, where I can watch him through the glass doors while he runs about and plays.

Next month he starts playschool (or kindergarten if you are in the states I believe). Who said he could grow up so fast? I remember putting him in his cot for the first time and both me and Kristi thinking it looked way too big for him, so we put his baby box* inside and laid him down inside that in the cot, or when I put him in his buggy for the first time and he seemed too tiny and lost.

We still have a buggy for him, but I couldn't tell you the last time we actually used it. He loves to walk and run too much.

All that has me thinking about when I first held him as he was struggling to open his eyes (so yeah, he got to see me before he got to see his mum which is a shame, but Kristi was still on the operating table being sewn back up).

Really, it is the simple things that make life worth living.

Managed to sort out a round the table D&D group, and as an added bonus someone else is going to DM it. Thinking about a cross classed rogue/wizard which is something I've never played before.

There is a bank holiday at the end of next month and a museum in Edinburgh is doing an exhibition of Ray Harryhausen's work so we are going to travel down to see it. Originally we'd been going to see it as part of a trip to the Edinburgh military tattoo, but that has been cancelled again this year, so this is our new plan. Carrying on the money for the tickets to put towards going next year and we have some friends from the US who want to come join us there, so we are going to buy them tickets too. Going by the lengths of previous pandemics, we should be coming out of this one by then.

Let's just hope nothing else comes along in the meantime eh?

*Based on a Scandinavian project (Finland I think started it), the Scottish government gives every new parent the option of receiving a pretty large box filled with assorted supplies appropriate for a new child, clothes, nappies, thermometer, toys and so forth. The bottom of the box is lined with a mattress and it can also be used as a baby bed. The countries that do this have a lower rate of infant cot death, although studies have yet to prove or disprove a link between the two despite some rather lurid headlines.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 22, 2021, 03:23:19 AM
Yesterday we got a bonus day off work. They were putting on an airshow and everyone got the day off work so we could watch it.

Fair enough, but I've seen dozens of those things and we used the day to go out elsewhere instead.

We decided to jump a train to Inverness. When we left the house it was cloudy and rain threatened but we gambled on the day clearing up and left the house in shorts and tee-shirts. Called that one right though, by the time we got to our destination it was all glorious sunshine. I figured either I was going to be buying sunscreen or new outfits when we got off the train.

Did an open-top bus tour around the city which if I am entirely honest about I was disappointed in. They missed out a lot of the history (ie made no mention of the biggest things in the cities history, preferring a somewhat more twee summary of when a few locations were built). I've done a few other tours with the same company in other cities and this one is my least favourite, but on the other hand, Kristi enjoyed it and Ash, well he just loved being in the open-top bus. They do run two different tours, the red bus one (which we did), and a blue bus one. I wonder if the blue one deals more with the aftermath of the

Picked up a copy of a board game I've wanted to play for several years (Carcassone) and took Ash to the local big toy shop (Smyths). He had absolutely no interest in any of the toys though, preferring to make his own amusement by sprinting off any time he managed to slip out of daddy's hand and judging from the big smile on his face had a great time making daddy chase after him. We ate out and had a meal that was passable (I had a Chicken Tikka Massala, which Ash decided the rice from looked better than his pizza (fair shout, it looked like a frozen pizza that had been cooked in a microwave), so he ate that part of my dinner.

We decided to get some professional photos done of Ash. Spent over £100 getting them and to my mind there weren't enough pictures for what we paid, but I've never done this before and don't know what the going rates are. Anyway, they were some really cute pictures and that is what matters. It's what we will look back on and remember in years to come. I'll put up some of the shots later.

It was around 18:00 before we got back so it was a long day out. Gave Ash a quick shower and a snack before putting him to bed. It was nice that he was tired out enough by the day that he just went straight to sleep and didn't get up until half six this morning (even if Kristi would have liked a longer lie in lol).

This was a good day. We should all remember days like this and always hold them dear.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 27, 2021, 04:14:06 AM
A study has arisen that says civilisation as we know it is headed for a collapse (either by 2040, or in the 2040s, I can't remember the exact date). It listed the various societal traits, combined them with the predicted increasing demands on the planet earth's natural resources, and said this is the point where it all becomes unsustainable. By itself, there isn't anything new or unique there. We've had a lot of similar reports over the years. So why mention this one? Well, it was written in 1972 and while I haven't read the study myself apparently the predictions it has made about what would be happening over time have come true. It offers hope and says that if we change now, then we can do it in a relatively painless way and save the world. Since nothing was done we are now at the stage where making such changes would be ruinously expensive and even then might be too late.

The actual reason I mention this is because whenever I see a devastating flood, a drought, or whatever people seem to be asking "Why didn't science predict this and warn us?" Well, they've been warning you for at least half a century. They just weren't listened to, like Cassandra warning of a dire future but doomed never to be believed until it was too late.

Oh well, better get watching plenty of bad movies while they can still make them then. I wonder what countries will be strong enough to survive such a fall and lead the rebuilding. Civilisations have risen and fallen throughout history, but that has been a localised thing. I find it difficult to grasp the concept of a global meltdown where everything falls down. Then again, if I break it down into smaller chunks, countries being battered by increasingly extreme weather events, food, and freshwater become more limited... it becomes easier to understand. Is it inevitable? Honestly, that is an answer I don't have. Climate science has never been an area I've studied as much as other subjects. I'll do what I normally do and follow the science on the subject rather than believe people who think watching a YouTube video counts as research or that their gut feeling somehow trumps 20 years of education and experience. Not that the experts always get things right, but if we listen to the Karens (and whatever the hell the male equivalent is) I am pretty damn sure we are f**ked.

The newspapers here are predicting shortages in the shops due to the numbers of people having to isolate and brexit. The trouble is that as soon as you start making headlines like that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. People will rush out and panic buy which then causes shortages (much like the whole toilet paper issue at the start of the pandemic. I mean WTF, out of everything you could panic buy toilet roll became the item of choice?

Maybe the collapse of civilisation would be a good thing. Perhaps next time we can have a system without those people?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Rev. Powell on July 27, 2021, 07:52:09 AM
This is the article you're referencing: (

It may be a little alarmist. From reading it, it sounds more like its predicting an end to the massive economic expansion the world has experienced for centuries than a societal collapse. Of course an economic "collapse" could and probably would have cascading secondary consequences that might be called "societal collapse," but a model would have trouble specifying what they might be.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: RCMerchant on July 27, 2021, 10:44:46 AM
Yeah...economic collapse is how Hitler came into power.
He convinced folks he was the only one who could fix it.
Sound familiar?
It's also how Roosevelt became President 4 times. Because he had actual plans for how the  government can do what it's here for. Work for it's tax money.
It could go either way, I reckon.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 28, 2021, 03:27:13 AM
I find it odd how this many people actually want that kind of collapse to happen, well that isn't the part about it I find odd. It is that the people who want it to happen are the ones in the worst position to actually deal with (or in some cases just survive) it. For anyone interested in the background behind the various types of collapses, the Wikipedia article on them isn't a bad primer.

Had a nice thunderstorm last night just as I went to bed. Listened to the rain pouring down for a while before drifting off into sleep. The rain is continuing this morning. The cooling effect on the air is a most welcome thing.

Pretty sure I am going to get soaked through walking home though.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 04, 2021, 09:05:36 AM
We've been watching a lot of AEW wrestling lately as well as older WCW stuff. As WWE shed's performers, they seem to be hoovering them up, not to mention using talent that is... uhm, past their sell-by date (but still good to see these older wrestlers again in a nostalgic way). It does remind me somewhat of the old Monday night wars (although as Vince McMahon pointed out AEW has nowhere near their viewers back then).

Then again, as I understand it neither does the WWE.

Warm and wet weather today, but the dark grey clouds promise more rain to come.  Kristi is out at a meeting at the moment. Hopefully, she can avoid the heavier showers. This leaves me and Ash with him running around while I try to do some computer programming. He does not make it easy to concentrate, to say the least lol.

When I am not working on programming I am working on D&D. As well as my regular Friday night game I am writing a one-shot adventure for people who are going to be playing soon after a long break to reintroduce them to the rules before we start a new game with one of the DMing.

Reminds me, I need to work on their character sheets as I am just going to give them pregenerated ones for this adventure. Not something I would normally do, but for a one session game it would take longer to generate everyone's character on the night than it would to play the game.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 08, 2021, 02:04:15 AM
Spending the weekend in Aberdeen. Ash has a hospital appointment first thing on Monday morning (too early to get a train), and there is a train strike on Sunday so we headed up on Saturday. Delays on the line meant it was nearly 16:00 before we got into town so by the time we'd got to our hotel room and dropped our luggage off we didn't have a lot of time to get around the shops before things closed.

Still I did manage to find an entirely new games shop, visit another one (which was having a big sale on so I had to buy a new board game) and then pick up a couple of DVDs. My nephew lives in the town, so he joined us in the hotel bar and then we went out for a few drinks since Kristi and Ash were going back to the room. Ended up back at his place for a game of Cards Against Humanity.

Meeting up with my older brother and his wife for breakfast this morning (along with Cameron and Jess). Since I couldn't get tomorrow off work I'll need to get a bus home (damn train strike, the bus is a long journey but Kristi did pick me up a series of comics to read on the way called Miskatonic).
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 15, 2021, 09:40:20 AM
When I saw on the news about a mass shooting in the south of England a couple of days ago, I messaged a friend who lives down there to make sure she and her family were all ok. She wasn't aware of what was happening. I took that as a good sign (for her anyway). She messaged me back last night to say that she wants friends with one of the women and the three-year-old girl who was shot.

Since then I've been trying to think of something comforting to say in return. What can you say when 5 lives have been snuffed out by some trump supporting incel with a shotgun? What a freaking loser.

Got a surprise when I saw on the news this morning that the Afgan government was preparing to surrender to the Taliban. How many lives were wasted in kicking them out? If they weren't willing to see the job done properly, they shouldn't have sent us in, in the first place.

Had Cameron and Jess visit yesterday and played some board and card games with them (Block Mania, Monty Python Fluxx and Disney Munchkin). In the first one I managed to keep my block standing while the four of us sent our troops to attack each others, right up until the last turn where someone set a fire in my basement power room. The fire caused the room to collapse which set off a chain reaction that ended up collapsing my entire building. Oh well, there is always next time.

Got the back garden sorted out today as well as dealing with the compost heap. Had to put aftershave on my hands to get rid of the smell of it off them though. Urgh. Got a friend coming up from England to visit for a couple of days. He is doing a tour of Scotland on his motorbike. The weather is looking a bit grim for biking, but hopefully he'll have a good time regardless.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 22, 2021, 08:12:51 AM
The Cinema Club has opened back up as part of the whole easing of Covid restrictions. Supposed to be showing The Sound of Metal, which sounds like a snoozefest type movie, so I am currently watching Monster Hunter in the hope that no one is going to turn up to watch the proper film.

It is 14:00 now which is the official start time. No one else here.  :smile:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 28, 2021, 01:30:56 PM
Finally managed to get to see the Ray Harryhausen exhibition today. Here are a few photos from it.









Never seen an Oscar in real life before.



I'd love to have one of these for my D&D games.



FRom an abandoned attempt to make War of the Worlds.


Poor Mighty Joe Young has seen better days.












Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 28, 2021, 01:34:46 PM


















Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 28, 2021, 01:39:03 PM








Think this is my favourite.













Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 28, 2021, 01:42:32 PM


















Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 28, 2021, 01:45:04 PM








Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on August 28, 2021, 11:34:24 PM
I would still watch any of these 100 times over (knowing the time and effort that went into making them) above any of the CGI crap we have today.  :thumbup: :thumbup:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on August 28, 2021, 11:36:20 PM
Quote from: Alex on August 28, 2021, 01:30:56 PM
Finally managed to get to see the Ray Harryhausen exhibition today. Here are a few photos from it.


Yo Alex, where did you get a pic of my (almost) mother in law?  :wink:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 31, 2021, 10:35:19 AM
Got up this morning, really wishing I could just stay in bed and ignore the world outside. I just did not want to go to work.

Went in and discovered I had the day off.

Anyway, I painted up this little guy.


Because, well who doesn't need a Leprechaun with a chainsaw?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 31, 2021, 10:35:46 AM
Ok, so that picture is a little bigger than I planned.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 06, 2021, 07:04:39 AM
Got into work for what is our busiest week out of the (lunar) month only to find everyone else is either isolating due to Covid or is on leave and I am doing everything ourselves.

Then I got the news that Ash needed to get a Covid test. I am fine as long as that doesn't come back positive, if it does then I need to go into isolation too and we have no one to man the office.

Yeah, that would be a problem right there.

Oh well, we will just have to cross that bridge if and when we come to it.

We've had a burning hot toddler decide to join us in bed sometime around 2 to 4 every night since the weekend. It's a fever, but it is on the low end of things so we are keeping a close eye on him.

Finding watching the worldwide (well in the first world anyway), wave of people quitting their jobs. Will it lead to higher wages as employers try to recruit/hang on to workers? During the Black Plague, wages shot up thanks to the shortage of labour so it isn't exactly the same situation but as long as you didn't actually catch it, the Plague was good for the ordinary people in that way (I am not suggesting we should unleash a pandemic of those proportions simply to get a wage increase).

Mind you I wonder if those who have made it quite clear they don't care about the numbers that have died due to Covid thus far would have any different an opinion on something far more lethal? Sadly I doubt it. When you are talking about the numbers of people dying, the numbers become a bit meaningless. If your immediate friends and family are affected, then that is a tragedy. Someone telling you say 800,000, or a third of the population have died is a bit harder to process and actually translate into something relatable even if we can recognise it as a bad thing. If you don't care about one such number, why should you care if it is slightly or hugely greater?

From the sounds of the weather reports, we are getting our last week of summer weather this week. We will have to do our best to ensure we enjoy the sunshine while we have it.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 09, 2021, 08:23:57 AM
Picked up a board game called Nemesis. It's pretty much Aliens without the IP. Anyway, I saw this figure and just had to pick it up to use in the game.


Unfortunately, the white undercoat didn't go on evenly and went all crumbly, so the final product wasn't as smooth as I had hoped, but it is about as close to the suits from Alien as I can make them. I am nowhere near talented to get them looking like (

Hell, even if I was, I doubt I'd spend the extra time it would take.

Anyway, this is one of the Aliens. Shorter head, a pair of scythe-like limbs over the shoulders and twin tails, but I think you can see where the inspiration came from...

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 14, 2021, 06:56:05 AM
I was listening to some Midnight Oil today. They were singing a song about white men coming and taking everything from the natives.

The irony of a bunch of white guys singing from the perspective of the natives about white guys taking everything from people of a different skin tone was not lost on me. You'd think they'd have some sort of representation on the band from the minority they are supporting.

Maybe it's just me and I don't understand the modern world.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 15, 2021, 10:48:18 AM
Got this week off work, because well every year this particular week brings up bad memories. It helps being home to support Kristi and to be supported by her.

It has also given me the chance to take Ash to nursery and pick him up. He's been doing well there, so I've been picking us up ice-creams as a reward to eat as we walk home. I am convinced he isn't enjoying nursery. When we are walking to it, he goes much slower than he normally does and when I've picked him up, he runs over to get picked up by me, normally hanging onto my side which isn't how he normally likes me to pick him up. He won't let me put him down until the building is out of sight and he has a big scowl on his face.

Well, he might be moving to a different one next month anyway. We shall have to see how that goes and if it happens, if he enjoys it more than his current place. The teachers keep giving me good reports on him and his development. He does need to work on sharing, but that is something he hasn't had much chance to engage in, being an only child and not being able to socialise as much with all the Covid restrictions.

Since it is the middle of the Battle of Britain anniversary, I thought I'd post these up.



Shame these never mention the ground crew that were lost during the battle, but there you go.

Started rebuilding the Lego figures wall. I started this when Kristi first found out she was having a baby girl. I collected all the figures I could of women in different jobs as I wanted her to see every day that she could be any of these things if she wanted, or more. It's been updated for Ash and had quite a few more random figures added over time, and knocked down a couple of times in accidents and I need to get more figures for it, but it is there.


My wallet was missing for a week or so. Tried everywhere I would normally put it, then anywhere it might occasionally be, searched all through the house and at work, asked at the local shops and whatnot. No sign of it anywhere. By a process of elimination (and a bit of luck), I found myself checking through our outside bin, where I found it lying.

I am going to put that one down to my child's habit of cleaning up. It is great when he finishes a sweet or bottle of blackcurrant juice and bins it. Not so good when he puts his dinner plate in the bin or one of his cups, or just decides to tidy up other random stuff.

Like my wallet. Figuring he put it in the bin in the mancave and when that got emptied, it wasn't noticed.

I'll be scrubbing my hands a lot tonight before they feel really clean, but at least I no longer have to go out to the bank tomorrow and report my cards missing, and pay for a new drivers license etc.

We are going to a concert in December, so I figured I'd pick up some tee shirts for the pair of us. Having a big chest, I figured I'd order myself a large mans, while I got Kristi and extra-large female one. The shirts arrived yesterday. The large man's is way too big for me (it does fit Kristi though), while the extra-large female cut would perhaps fit a skinny supermodel type, although it might be a bit too small for them.

Gave Kristi my tee-shirt. I figure my little sister who is fairly petite might fit the female one and I'll just order a medium-sized one.

Ah the joys of trying to give bands you like a little extra financial support.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 24, 2021, 04:28:47 PM
Just finished my Friday night D&D session. The group split themselves up to investigate different buildings. Two of the party were attacked by a swarm of ghostly rats which drained their strength rather than doing normal damage. It was also an opponent meant to be an easy fight for an entire party. Two members of the party however is a much tougher battle. It was the parties two front-rank fighters, but the magical attack of the rats crippled their fighting ability and where we left off, one had run off while the other is down to 2 points of strength left. The rats automatically hit and do d6 points of damage, so unless they roll a one on their next attack, they will kill him.

It was nice to finish on a cliffhanger.

I have said to the player to grab me for a bit before the next game and we can roll up a backup character just in case.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 28, 2021, 02:45:11 PM
Played a (board) game of Space Hulk tonight. I doubt I've played it since the late '80s but it was a decent enough game. It is basically Aliens. You have heavily armoured and armed humans (but slow), up against lightning-fast aliens who have no ranged weapons, but generally, tear the humans to pieces if they make it into melee. We played the quick introductory mission. Really thought for a couple of turns, Kristi was going to win, but once her flamer ran out of fuel I was able to overrun her position.

Anyway, she said she'd enjoyed the game and could see us playing it again.

Going to try and finish out xmas shopping this weekend (less than three months to go folks!). We'll jump on a train to Inverness and see what we can get. Of course, I'll have to go through my secret stash of presents I've already bought so I ensure I don't go buying multiple presents for the same people.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on September 29, 2021, 02:05:33 PM
Quote from: Alex on September 14, 2021, 06:56:05 AM
I was listening to some Midnight Oil today. They were singing a song about white men coming and taking everything from the natives.

The irony of a bunch of white guys singing from the perspective of the natives about white guys taking everything from people of a different skin tone was not lost on me. You'd think they'd have some sort of representation on the band from the minority they are supporting.

Maybe it's just me and I don't understand the modern world.

They were very controversial in their views on apartheid South Africa too: they were supposedly against this country and its' policies but they - like many others - still allowed their music to be sold here.  :question:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 13, 2021, 04:21:11 AM
Kristi had a rough night with Ash last night. As soon as I got home, I suggested she go off to bed and I took over looking after the little guy. After getting rid of one virus, he picked up another so it has just been endless fun and much washing of snot covered clothes.

I think Kristi has accepted me quitting my job in 2023. No doubt she is worried about it. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have concerns myself. I'd like to be out before I am 50 though. I'd like to be out before we get caught up in a war with China and quite frankly, with the way the US ended Afghanistan, I would not feel happy going to war on their behalf again knowing that they might again make a peace with the enemy without consulting any of their allies that had joined them, or discussed the drawdown options with. That isn't to say I am happy with my own government's performance (far from it), but when someone else asks you to go to war on their behalf, you should not announce you are abandoning the field and leave them.

One of my aunts died on Sunday. She'd been ill for a long time and the doctors wanted to move her into a hospice when her current stay in hospital was over. She was refusing to go to one, but it was not a good sign when I heard that. Still, I was thinking of things happening in terms of months and her departing after a few days was a shock. Out of all my aunts, I'd say she was the kindest one. I used to torment her because as a young girl she'd snuck in to see The Tingler and been terrified by it, so of course, I used to suggest we watch it.

The last time I saw her was two years ago when my mum was in the hospital. She was very fond of Ash, so we'd sent her some copies of the pictures we got taken professionally of Ash recently, and two days ago she'd commented on Facebook about a picture of Ash going everywhere with his guitar. She died at 02:30 this morning, her husband and youngest son by her side. I guess that isn't a bad way to leave. With all the Covid restrictions I am not sure I'll be able to get down for the funeral, but I am hoping to. Kristi doesn't want us to take Ash. I doubt he'd know what was going on if we do, but I am also not a fan of hiding these things from children. My younger brother does that with his son thinking he is protecting him from the cruel side of life until he is ready. I don't think you prepare people to deal with life by hiding them from it myself and what happens when you have a situation you can't hide from them? Life decides when they are ready to deal with these things, not us.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 16, 2021, 12:01:48 PM
Ever thought U2 should have just packed up and stayed home after doing The Joshua Tree? They made some decent music afterwards, but nothing (to my mind anyway) anywhere near as good. No the only bad that said all they really had to say in one album, but kept on churning music out afterwards (looking at you here Saxon).

It has been something of a struggle, but summer has finally given way to full-on autumn. Crispy leaves lie on the ground and much wetter weather has arrived. I like this time of year. With all the shortages going on (combination of brexit (cheers f**kwits), and Covid) have meant that full supplies are not getting to the shops. We also have something of a manufactured fuel shortage and higher gas (as in the gas that is used to heat homes, and not the liquid that you use to fuel cars which they refer to as gas in the states) prices meaning it is going to be a hard winter for many. We are in a good position ourselves to weather it. We'd just locked our energy price down for the next two years (this is driving a lot of the smaller suppliers out of business due to people on fixed prices and the sudden increase in gas prices. We are with one of the bigger companies (I think the biggest)), but if they went under, we'd have to accept another company at a much higher price. The government has said they are not going to step in to save companies with bad business plans.

Bloody well didn't stop them when the banks were at risk.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 18, 2021, 12:27:20 PM
Went out and picked up my new glasses today. Combine that with a quick hospital appointment for my regular check-up and that is a whole afternoon off work.

I felt like being mean and cruel to someone, so I told them that under no circumstances should they ever watch the Dungeons & Dragons movie. He downloaded it last night.

Someone once asked me how I manage to keep my friends for so long. I told him keeping the bodies cool and well-salted is essential.

We picked up some presents for Ash today. A guitar stand and a piano stand. He won't let him take him into a toy shop, but just walk near a music store and oh boy! Thinking I am not going to be wrapping the piano stand though.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on October 18, 2021, 01:03:17 PM
Quote from: Alex on October 18, 2021, 12:27:20 PM
I felt like being mean and cruel to someone, so I told them that under no circumstances should they ever watch the Dungeons & Dragons movie. He downloaded it last night.

Someone once asked me how I manage to keep my friends for so long. I told him keeping the bodies cool and well-salted is essential.

:buggedout: +  :teddyr: :teddyr:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 24, 2021, 04:04:45 AM
I think that is all of Kristi's Christmas presents bought in, although I am still waiting on one arriving that is being shipped from a woman in the Ukraine. We've ordered a bike for Ash well in advance since there have already been warnings of shortages of presents in the shops come Yule-time, so I am glad we've had a bit of forward planning going on and started buying quite early on in the year. I still need to buy him some toys, but the problem is that he already has more than he can play with.

I guess it is a sign of consumerism that I feel a need to still buy him stuff regardless.

We will do our usual thing of buying a couple of presents for needy families, put some food in the food banks and so forth. I really need to get better about remembering to do that more. Normally the donation bins are as you leaving the shop and I forget about it most of the time until I see them.

In the D&D campaign, I am running, one of the characters was captured by some ghouls. The group had a certain amount of time to rescue him with three different possible fates. Alas, the party managed to find him quite quickly, so I didn't get to use my prewritten 'death' scene.

Quote"Opening the door, you find yourself entering a room seemingly designed with some sort of ritual in mind. Arcane symbols cover the walls, and a large circle has been drawn on the floor. Blood and gore are splashed all over the floor and walls. In the middle of the room, you can see what was once a living creature. It lies in a pool of its own blood and vital fluids. Much of the lower chest has been eaten away below the ribs. Guts spill out of the holes and lie strewn over the ground. The lower jaw has been ripped off and only a stub of the tongue remains. One of the eyes has been ripped out of the socket and the left arm has been chewed down to the bone. With a shock, you recognise Xora's robes. Then a greater shock hits you as the terrible remains cough, bubbles of blood erupting from the ruined throat. He lifts one hand shakily, reaching for you. The one good eye flicks open, staring at you, pleading for something he can no longer use words to articulate."

Shame, I thought the imagery would be rather effective in a part of the game designed to have a horror atmosphere.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: RCMerchant on October 24, 2021, 04:11:57 AM
Quote from: Alex on October 18, 2021, 12:27:20 PM

Someone once asked me how I manage to keep my friends for so long. I told him keeping the bodies cool and well-salted is essential.

Vinegar is more fun because it makes the bones rubbery!
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 25, 2021, 05:57:59 AM
Quote from: RCMerchant on October 24, 2021, 04:11:57 AM
Quote from: Alex on October 18, 2021, 12:27:20 PM

Someone once asked me how I manage to keep my friends for so long. I told him keeping the bodies cool and well-salted is essential.

Vinegar is more fun because it makes the bones rubbery!

Lol, I have not heard that one before.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: RCMerchant on October 25, 2021, 10:14:53 AM
 ^ Take a turkey wishbone and soak it in vinegar for a week. It will not break. It turns to rubber.
I've tried it. (
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 26, 2021, 04:08:26 PM
Feels odd that it will be 2022 soon. Still trying to adjust to 2020 here.

It is a slow week at work, but we have the pre-knowledge that next week is going to be a pain. It is our busy week of the month and things always go wrong with it.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 30, 2021, 11:41:50 AM
Getting a babysitter in tonight so me and Kristi can go have a night out.

It has been so long since we had one of them with just the pair of us I've almost forgotten what it is like. Originally it was to be an '80's themed night, but they've changed it to a movie night. Either way, my outfit works for both.

Being an introvert by nature part of me wants to just stay at home, but Kristi is a much more sociable creature than I so I'll force myself to go. I know if I do make the effort and leave the house then we'll have a good time. It is just getting over the initial inertia that is the issue.

The weather outside is very wet and autumnal. Some very minor flooding in a few places, so I'll make sure Kristi's feet stay dry. Last night in D&D I was getting unimpressed looks at the way I described her feet sinking into deep mud and filling her boots (wet feet are a pet hate of hers). I can't say I am a big fan of them myself, but from my days working out doors, not to mention when I used to go hillwalking, canoeing and sailing I am more or less used to it.

Can't say it is something I'd ever learn to enjoy though. If the internet has taught us nothing else though, it is that everything has his own kink and doubtless somewhere out there, there is a website devoted to it.  :question:

For anyone familiar with Hawkwind, Stacia has been popping up a lot in conversation. Nothing deliberate, just several different chats have had her mentioned. Last month for some reason it was Israel that kept popping up, although not in conversation with the one person I know who'd I'd expect to bring that up.

Oh well, best go get my glad rags and dancing shoes on.

Have a good Saturday night all.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 02, 2021, 06:36:32 AM
The night out turned out to be a fancy dress night.

Shame no one thought to tell me, I'd so have went as Ro-Man. As it was I went in jeans and a nice tee-shirt. If anyone had asked me where my costume was my plan was to take my shirt off and say I was here as Jon Moxley.

Although he wishes he had shoulders as broad as mine.

Ash continues his streak of illnesses, this time with Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease, which I have never encountered before. His lower mandible is covered is small blisters, but they haven't spread to the other places it says they can crop up yet. I have taken a couple of days off just to look after him.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 06, 2021, 04:33:53 PM
So Ash got all democratic with his virus and now we all have a bit. Currently, I have a face full of blisters (including up my nose which is really great), that has spread up the back of my head, down my shoulders, back and stomach.

If it gets me time off work then fine. Otherwise... well not so fine.

We finally got to take Ash out for his first trick or treating. Still stocked about that. We were going to dress him up as Miguel from Coco, but he did not want the face paint on. Luckily we had planned ahead there and had a skeleton costume to dress him up in.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 08, 2021, 09:49:39 AM
Since the carol singers and what not I ordered back in May still have not arrived, I figured I should come up with an alternative plan for making an xmas diorama for Kristi this year. I quickly ordered a Dwarf santa with an axe, a Mr Claus handing out hot drinks and sweets and a Krampus figure that arrived this morning. It isn't as elaborate as my original plan, but it will have to do I guess. I've chucked in a small tree. I've been filing the base off the Krampus to fit into the street scene I'd prepared and my desk has so much white powder piled on it, it looks like it belongs to Tony Montoya.

Watching an old TV show that has been redone called Starhunter. Hadn't seen it before it had its update so I have no idea if this is a good thing or not.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 14, 2021, 01:28:21 PM
I gave up on Starhunter about halfway through the season. I was having problems telling the difference between the characters with French accents. For some reason I found that irritating enough that it put me off watching anymore and I switched it off mid-episode.

Remembrance Sunday this week. I had volunteered for it, but having spent the past week sick I was unable to join in. We did go watch the parade through town, tolerated the speech and so forth. Ash wasn't enjoying it though. It might have been the crowds, or the noise of the band, but whatever it was, something was upsetting him so we left a couple of minutes early and went to a nearby cafe for breakfast/lunch.

He'd get a lot more upset after we got home and decided to cut his hair.

Watched a bit of the AEW PPV last night. I'll catch the rest of it tonight. Darby Allen vs MJF was interesting, although perhaps overly choreographed. It seemed like a better opening match than I've seen on WWE the last few times I bothered to watch that (paid for both nights of Wrestlemania, watched most of the first night, none of the second. Not tuned in since). From what I've seen people seem to be rating the rest of it quite highly.

My nights seem to be split between raiding in WoW (2 nights a week), and playing D&D (3 nights a week). In the Friday night game that I am running the party are currently on a side quest to hunt down a swamp monster that has been terrorising local traders and even attacked a settlement. They are somewhat annoyed that a convoy of Hobbits is accompanying them (the leader wants to have the creatures head stuffed and mounted as a tourist attraction). In the Saturday night game I am playing a somewhat selfish (read evil) rogue. While I am not backstabbing the party, I have been putting other party members in potentially dangerous positions, keeping any items of loot I discover that I consider to be of more use to me than other people. We are in the middle of a dungeon complex and had just got our way past a trap when one of the party members decided to set the trap off, just to see what it did. We are now stuck in a deep pool will a horde of demonic leeches. My plan is to cut the guy who set the trap off and then escape while the leeches feed on him. For the final game, I am playing a wizard who was brought up in a Magocracy. He is rather naive about the world outside and doesn't quite understand that the lives o non-wizards have value. Possibly he might learn that on his adventures, but we shall see.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 18, 2021, 05:28:30 PM
Writing a session up for the next D&D game. The party are travelling through a dense swamp and are being attacked by the natives (a tribe of Lizardmen). They are going to be worn down in a series of ambushes and traps. For the traps, I am taking a lot of inspiration from things like Southern Comfort and all those cannibal movies I watched back in the late '70s/ early '80's.

Just goes to show all that time wasn't wasted after all.  :bouncegiggle:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on November 20, 2021, 12:24:04 PM
Quote from: Alex on November 08, 2021, 09:49:39 AM. I've been filing the base off the Krampus to fit into the street scene I'd prepared and my desk has so much white powder piled on it, it looks like it belongs to Tony Montoya.

:bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle:

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 23, 2021, 07:22:08 AM
The figures I had originally ordered back in May turned up finally last week. This morning I got an apology from the company, which I am fine with. If they hadn't responded, I doubt I'd have ordered from them again.

Anyway, I have made a start on next years diorama, which will be the one I had planned on giving her this year. It will be a good bit bigger than my two previous efforts.

This was the first one, just a hamster in a Santa outfit and a mouse elf with anything else i could find that looked vaguely like it might work.

(  (

Followed by Krampus and Santa arguing over the fate of two children and Mrs Claus trying to calm things down with cookies and hot chocolate.

Scrooge meets the Ghost of Xmas Future (using a model of a Plague Doctor dressed as Santa that I liked when I saw it). Giving it a Dickensian theme.

(  (

The second one is Scrooge and Tiny Tim, the morning after his night with the ghosts. This is the one with the most to be added to it, some of which I am waiting for and other bits I'll have to look out for, I had some leftover figures so I've  done a street scene with a vendor selling roast chestnuts (wonder if they are any good, never tried them?). It isn't quite finished. Will need another coat of paint and then a varnish to protect them.


Now if I could just find a 28mm model of a goose or turkey, ready to be cooked...
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 26, 2021, 02:20:02 PM
So tonight in D&D the party face, not the BBEG (Big Bad End Guy), but certainly a BBG. Or in this case a crocodile. They have spent the past few sessions trudging through a swamp trying to hunt down a legendary beast. They have faced traps inspired by movies like Southern Comfort and the Cannibal films of the '70s and '80s, not to mention ambushes from poison using Lizardmen that has drained their strength. So far their attacks have been using hit and run tactics, leaving them worn down and frustrated, but tonight they have the chance to get their hands on a foe they can battle hand to hand (or weapon to teeth I guess?). The croc (who I have named Gustave after the man-eating crocodile of African lore) isn't actually as tough a fight as the group are expecting. What is going to make life a bit harder for them is that their guide worships the croc as the God of the River and during the fight will turn on them (he is roughly speaking as powerful as any single party member). The reason they've had such a hard time with the Lizardmen is that he asked them to attack the group (and not because they looted a holy shrine like the party thinks). He does however know these swamps very well and can use the terrain to his advantage (not to mention where he will choose to attack them from with his bow, he will be surrounded by man-eating plants for example).

If the party notices a cave on the map they can also find a fair-sized treasure horde from Gustave's victims. My money is on them missing it.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 28, 2021, 05:55:37 AM
It is a rather windy and rainy day today. We'd popped into the cafe on camp for a team breakfast and it was a little bit blowy. By the time we'd finished and were heading back, it was a full-blown storm that caused us to struggle to make headway walking into the wind. We got soaked through too. Kristi sent me a video from the marina. One of the boats down there had been flipped onto its side, and that was without the sails up.

Helped a little with the shelter they'd set up for people without power or heating. They've set up a generator in the town hall. We gave them a loan of a DVD player to keep the kids amused. One of the local cafe's is providing soup for them today. Getting all sorts of random requests like someone looking for a oil heater to keep new born puppies warm. Fortunately our part of town wasn't affected.

So in last nights game of D&D, the party realised that the reason they kept on walking into traps in the swamp wasn't that their guide was useless. It was because he was actively leading them into them.

Of course, they only realised this when they were fighting a big bad, and he put two arrows through the chest of one of the party members, killing him. (hadn't meant that to happen, but sometimes the dice just work that way. Unfortunately, he was also the person who would have benefitted the most from the gear the guide was carrying, including his rather lethal bow but what are you gonna do?).

Still, it was gratifying that the party were taken completely by surprise with this heel turn. I could practically hear the jaws dropping over voice comms when he killed the party ranger. We were still talking about the game two or three hours after it ended (and only stopped because it was way after midnight and toddlers have no mercy when it comes to waking up early).
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 29, 2021, 05:54:10 AM
The storm has died off, but the clean up is going to go on for quite some time. In the middle of trying to coordinate the village response to it while it was at its height, Kristi was getting messaged, asking if she could go fix someone's fence.

Yeah, because while we are trying to sort out vital support for the community, we are going to go out in the high wind and driving rain to fix your bloody fence.

I did feel more for the people who were looking for an oil-filled heater to keep their newborn pups warm.

It was quite pleasant and quiet walking into work this morning. Had to step around the odd blown down fence. I didn't see any of the usual trampolines lying anywhere they shouldn't be. Normally every time it gets windy, anyone who hasn't secured theirs down properly discovers that as far as the wind is concerned goes, a trampoline is just a sail.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 01, 2021, 02:00:07 PM
So Kristi was not impressed by me telling her I found her more inspiring than an '80s training montage from an action movie.

Seriously, what is wrong with women?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on December 01, 2021, 02:13:38 PM
Quote from: Alex on December 01, 2021, 02:00:07 PM
So Kristi was not impressed by me telling her I found her more inspiring than an '80s training montage from an action movie.

Seriously, what is wrong with women?

She should be impressed: that's a huge compliment.  :thumbup:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 04, 2021, 09:57:36 AM
That is my exact thoughts, Trevor. I have decided that any woman who doesn't appreciate that comment is defective.  :bouncegiggle:

Good thing I am an engineer and am trained to fix things.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 07, 2021, 12:49:00 PM
So I never knew Bungjeesus was a thing, but since I heard about it, I keep trying to think of who I could buy one for and they'd like it. I doubt Kristi's family would like it because they are religious, and I think it would be too religious for the other people I know.

Got home today after a quieter than expected journey. The concert was pretty wild. I can't help but think that the second band on the bill, blew the headliners away. Before we went into the gig I saw a massive guy standing outside wearing a tee-shirt that said "Pit Troll". He must have been around 7 feet tall and pretty damn broad too. I'd put him somewhere between 300 to 350 pounds and he decided to crowd surf. He was not easy to keep aloft and there were a few injuries (the girl who was beside me is still in hospital under observation for suspected concussion).

Back to the humdrum of work tomorrow, although it is a nice thought that at the end of next week I go on leave again.

There was a long, straight street leading to our hotel, and it was lined with plain white trucks that only had a small logo reading Panavision. Some other vans had logo's and advertising they provided on set catering. Looks like this is what they were filming. (
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 08, 2021, 11:18:34 AM
This is the 7-foot monster who was crowd surfing at the gig. (
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 11, 2021, 06:37:10 PM
Went to see the new Ghostbusters film. I was rather prepared to not like it and did not have high hopes, but it was alright. I am not sure that I would consider it a full on sequel as it lacks the feel of the other two movies. Then again, would an '80s comedy work 40 years on? There were some touching callbacks to the other movies and it certainly was a lot more respectful to the franchise than the all female disaster they put out a few years back and thankfully I did not see any connections to that movie (I think they should have stuck with the original plan of having the original crew handing over to a new generation rather than a reboot, but that is by the by). I'd say it leans more towards the horror side of horror/comedy but is still child friendly.

4 more days at work to go. I still do not know if I am going to get to spend Christmas with the family or if I am going to be called away on work. If I can make it to the 16th without all the checks they need to carry out being cleared then I am all good and it won't be until next year before I have to go whereever they send me. If not... well it is in the lap of the gods.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 16, 2021, 06:48:50 AM
Got a new phone yesterday. Because I've been unhappy with the battery performance on my iphone, I am trying an android type thing. People keep asking me what phone I got and because when I go looking for a phone, what I expect it to be able to do is phone people (although I will also use texts), I don't really go much into the type or specs of them, all I can answer them with is that it is a black phone.

I did set it up to act as a hotspot for my laptop though. Since I work beside a conspiracy theorist, I decided to name my network 'NSA Surveillance Team 3'. I don't think it will even occur to him that we would be more likely to be monitored by one of the MI's, rather than an American agency so far down that rabbit hole is he.

Feeling all fine now following my booster shot and back to about 95% I'd say. Still, I spent a highly productive day yesterday watching Pacific Rim and similar type films. Rewrote my will today and set up my Death Benefits just in case. I am getting very close until my retirement and I've watched too many movies not to start getting paranoid about that. 18 months to go man, short time.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 01, 2022, 09:45:17 AM
Well since falling sick a few days ago (non-Covid, but I was still confined to my hotel room for 2 days), today was the first time I could get out of my small room. I was starting to feel a bit cabin feverish (it would be ironic if they were to confine me to my room for that).

Last night was the first time I've spent New Years completely alone. It did not feel like a celebration, although I had a beer, watched some wrestling and made the best of it. Kristi had gone to bed early, so we didn't even spend it chatting online. There are people in worse situations than us though and I am aware that in many ways I am still living a blessed life. I have food, water and shelter. Many people lack even those basics.

The last day at work, at the end of the day while we were tidying up, I was taking some trash out to the large bins outside. When I lifted the lid up, I found it was coating in some thick, slimy substance. I immediately scrubbed my hands a couple of times and then used some alcohol gel to clean them, but I still can't help wondering if that had something to do with me being ill the next day.

Watching the 1965 movie of The Battle of the Bulge. The WW2 nerd in me keeps screaming out at the incorrect tanks being used. Those are most certainly not Panthers, Tigers or Shermans (ok, there were Chaffee's being used at that time which seems to be the main tank the US forces are fielding, but I don't think they were present in these numbers for the battle, although I could be wrong there).

Off again tomorrow, but everything will still be closed lol. I guess this ( will continue to be my world for a bit longer. Got a meeting to go to at 15:00. I wonder what wonderful new (bad) news we'll be getting? After that, I am going to return to my room and drink lots and lots of alcoholic beverages.

Happy New Year to everyone, and may this year finally see us out of this damn pandemic. And no bringing back the murder hornets either!  :drink: :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 06, 2022, 03:20:30 PM
Our team was having our evening meal tonight and one of the team who does a lot I of I am saving the world virtue-signalling brought up that eating meat is killing the planet. I said eating meat isn't the problem, it is the number of people on the planet. She answered that if I cared to check the science I'd find out I was wrong.

I chuckled and replied, "If you have less people on the planet, then you'll have less meat getting eaten."

That got a somewhat subdued "Oh yeah." I then pointed out I've never owned a car while she has a big petrol-guzzling van. I should have also mentioned she had planned a wedding that involved flying over to Norway with her friends and family, rather than doing something local.

Trying to save the planet my arse.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 08, 2022, 06:05:29 AM
Explored Fort William today. Although it is only slightly bigger than Lossiemouth it does have much more in the way of shops and cafes. It even has a small independent cinema that I wouldn't mind visiting. That being said, I think I would hate living here. It is very much a tourist place, and when you get off the main street things do not look quite as nice. It very much reminds me of Port Stanley down the Falklands (although bigger and nicer). Lovely scenery and the hotel we are in is awesome. The food is fantastic and the bed is just so damn comfortable. I've stayed in a lot of hotels over the years and so far they've all fitted into one of two categories, either they are ok, or they are s**t. This is the first place that has ever received an unequivocal  :thumbup: from me, would totally recommend it to anyone. The staff go out of their way to be helpful and even gave us some free drinks at the bar last night. So if any of you ever find yourselves in Fort William I can totally recommend the Nevis Bank Inn.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on January 08, 2022, 02:24:15 PM
Quote from: Alex on January 08, 2022, 06:05:29 AMI've stayed in a lot of hotels over the years and so far they've all fitted into one of two categories, either they are ok, or they are s**t.

There's a bad hotel in South Africa I stayed in about a decade ago: all I can say is if you have to stay there, don't. Rather sleep in your car.  :buggedout:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 09, 2022, 05:10:10 PM
Took a gander at "The Watch". I guess it has vague connections to the Terry Pratchett novel, but not many. I don't think I'd care to watch a second season.

Got season 13 of Supernatural playing at the moment, working my way up to 15.

I took a short walk outside today. I've seen everything the town has to offer and I have no idea why, but something is making me feel uncomfortable here. Maybe it is just from being away from my family for so long, but I get an odd bad feeling just from being in this place. The hotel itself is fine, but outside of it... Despite the attempted murder (apparently the local drug dealer isn't very good at his job and the entire town knows who he is) that happened just across the road (or that our captain has found herself being a witness), this is a low crime area, kids are polite and well behaved.

This place could almost be called Stepford.

Back to work tomorrow. Got a six-day week to look forward to (*grumble*). Nice enough people we are working with (everyone is just so damn nice).
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 10, 2022, 05:22:30 PM
Another day of sticking sharpened steel into people. We think we'll be moving southwards toward the central belt and more people soon. Hoping for Glasgow, but I think after the luck I've had so far that would be too much to ask.

Our leader hasn't joined us for a meal for a few days. Not since our discussion on vegan ethics. I think she is lucky I didn't go further and point out how she is only interested in saving the world when it suits her.

There are rumours we will be moving southwards to where manpower is more required. The vast majority of the population of the highlands has already had three vaccines injections, meaning we spend most of our days waiting on people turning up and not seeing many people. I don't mind doing this job, but I want to be busy doing it.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 12, 2022, 02:57:42 PM
Going to miss being with Kristi for her birthday tomorrow. It will be the first one I've not been with her since we got married. We did miss spending one of my birthdays together when I was in the south Atlantic but it still feels strange not to be there with her. I'll phone her in the morning before I got to work and we'll chat again in the evening, maybe do what we used to do and have a 'date' by watching a film together at the same time online. There weren't too many things we could do when she was in the US and I was over here, so we had to get a bit creative, especially with the time difference. It wasn't too bad when I was working nights though. That meant our schedules were a lot more aligned.

Doesn't stop me from feeling bad about not being there though.

Hearing rumours Danhausen will shortly sign for AEW. Should be entertaining. I look forward to seeing him interact with the Gunn Club some more.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 12, 2022, 03:04:48 PM
Oh and I convinced Dean (who has never seen it), that The Star Wars Holiday Special was essential viewing for any true fan.  :bouncegiggle:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 14, 2022, 05:24:48 PM
So in last weeks D&D, the 600lb Half-Orc fighter was knocked off the top of a tower by the dragon he was fighting, fell 50 feet and smacked into the hard stone floor. He took enough damage to ensure that he wasn't getting back up from that, and the party decided rather than carry his body back, they would just bury him in the swamp.

My mind keeps wanting to work out what force he'd have hit the ground at, and what his velocity would have been. Tonight they squared off against a semi home-brewed monster. I put them up against a giant Amphisbaena. The party didn't only have to deal with it attacking with two heads, but also with the fact it had encircled them and its coils were tightening, forcing them into a smaller and smaller area to fight against it. Luckily for the group, they managed to kill it before they ran out of room and started getting crushed.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on January 14, 2022, 07:15:06 PM
Quote from: Alex on January 14, 2022, 05:24:48 PM
So in last weeks D&D, the 600lb Half-Orc fighter was knocked off the top of a tower by the dragon he was fighting, fell 50 feet and smacked into the hard stone floor. He took enough damage to ensure that he wasn't getting back up from that, and the party decided rather than carry his body back, they would just bury him in the swamp.

My mind keeps wanting to work out what force he'd have hit the ground at, and what his velocity would have been. Tonight they squared off against a semi home-brewed monster. I put them up against a giant Amphisbaena. The party didn't only have to deal with it attacking with two heads, but also with the fact it had encircled them and its coils were tightening, forcing them into a smaller and smaller area to fight against it. Luckily for the group, they managed to kill it before they ran out of room and started getting crushed.

Force equals mass times acceleration, so a 600-pound half-orc falling fifty feet is about 31,000 pounds of force, rounded slightly upwards.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 15, 2022, 12:10:21 PM
My day today consisted of lying in bed until 10, got up and going for a walk where I picked up some junk food for breakfast before coming back to my hotel room and going for a nap.

Apparently, I have become a toddler.

It is raining again, because well why not? I don't think the local gods are aware that they have a range of options when it comes to the prevailing weather conditions.

Good job I have plenty of DVD's and games to keep me amused in the meantime. Trying to decide if I need a beer or two for tonight though. On the last disc of season 14 Supernatural, one more season to go.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 16, 2022, 11:31:04 AM
Here I am back in Inverness.

Where it isn't raining. I went out for a nice walk, picked up a few things (including a multiblock as hotels never have enough power sockets). We are in the Mercure again, but this time I have a room facing out over the river than onto the street with all the bars and nightclubs so hoping I'll get a better nights sleep. I am on the 5th floor this time rather than the 4th and the room seems to be much nicer, not to mention slightly larger.

Nice view too.

I've been unable to speak to my family as we had no cell phone reception where I was before, so catching up with them while typing this. Working tomorrow (from the roster it seems I am going to be in charge of the shift  :buggedout:).

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on January 16, 2022, 12:32:36 PM
Quote from: Alex on January 16, 2022, 11:31:04 AM

I've been unable to speak to my family as we had no cell phone reception where I was before, so catching up with them while typing this. Working tomorrow (from the roster it seems I am going to be in charge of the shift  :buggedout:).

I'm also working from a roster which sometimes makes me think  :buggedout:.

You work for a full Monday to Friday week and for the next two weeks you're at work twice a week and then go back to work for another full week. This means if I have clients or need to make deliveries to the lab, I have to arrange a week in advance. Oy.  :buggedout:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 16, 2022, 02:53:31 PM
Quote from: Trevor on January 16, 2022, 12:32:36 PM
Quote from: Alex on January 16, 2022, 11:31:04 AM

I've been unable to speak to my family as we had no cell phone reception where I was before, so catching up with them while typing this. Working tomorrow (from the roster it seems I am going to be in charge of the shift  :buggedout:).

I'm also working from a roster which sometimes makes me think  :buggedout:.

You work for a full Monday to Friday week and for the next two weeks you're at work twice a week and then go back to work for another full week. This means if I have clients or need to make deliveries to the lab, I have to arrange a week in advance. Oy.  :buggedout:

We are working a system where there are appointments, but if people haven't booked a slot then we take walk ins.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 17, 2022, 11:39:32 AM
It was a very slow day today, with no need for the six of us to be there. Since I was in charge of the military personal, I decided to stand half of them down. I gathered them all up into a group and said "Ok, 3 of you can go home. Decide amongst yourselves who is staying and who is going. Except you (and I pointed to Dean). You are a dick, so you are staying in work with me."

His jaw dropped as his compatriots decided which of them got to go home.  :bouncegiggle: It is good to be the king.

We have noticed that the hotel bar is charging us substantially more than the prices on the room service list. A beer I got last night cost me £6. When I looked at the price list in my room later, I discovered it was being advertised at £4.40. Guess we'll just pop to one of the bars across the road if we want some alcohol...
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 20, 2022, 06:41:08 AM
Did some work today for a change. It took maybe a minute (if I include the time standing around doing nothing).

It is a nice day outside though and it is time to make the best I can of things. I may even go for a stroll.

The news has more stuff about BJ and his parties (which sounds like fun, but I bet is highly misleading). It is coming out that the government has tried to blackmail its members who are not supporting the blond muppet, threatening to withdraw funding for their regions and deselect them as MP's when the next election comes around. That is a criminal offence so doubtless, we have more to hear about it. I remember this being the situation the last time the tories were in power for a long time, the government ended up constantly mired in scandals with the headlines only moving on when a new one erupted.

I finished season 15 of Supernatural. Nice to see a show not have a terrible ending. Back on to Sapphire & Steel now while I write up some more D&D stuff. I am moving the group on to a whodunnit type adventure where they have to track down a murderer stalking the streets on Baldur's Gate, a situation made more complicated by the city authorities having been overthrown by a group following Bhaal, the God of ritual murder.

Ah the joys of trying to figure out a chain of clues for them to follow.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 21, 2022, 12:10:08 PM
I got told today that my end-ex date has been brought forward and I will now be heading home over Tuesday/Wednesday.

I am trying not to get too excited by this as I am more than half convinced that I'll get to Edinburgh and instead of being stood down, I'll get told I am off somewhere else in the U.K.

Today was a little bit busier than we've been recently. A huge rush is expected when all the people who had to isolate out of the holidays get released and all want their vaccines, but I guess that is not my problem.

Unless they tell me that I need to come back and help more of course.

Tomorrow I am going to head home for the weekend and take more of my kit with me to leave there. If they do change their minds on me going home I'll be going there without much in the way of changes of clothes and they can deal with that however they wish, especially since I need a fresh uniform each day. It is less than 6 months to go until I can submit my notice to leave, get that PVR in and start my year-long return to civvy street. I wonder how it will feel to be an ordinary person again. I must say, I am rather looking forward to that feeling. No name, rank, number etc.

It is a lovely sunset tonight. The sky ranges from a deep, royal blue through to a pinkish tinge on the horizon suddenly cut off by the blackness of the hills around the city.

Sad news about Meat Loaf dying. Some of my earlier memories are of hearing his music on the radio, I guess when he first became famous. I would have been somewhere between 3 and 5 years old when I first heard him, and I've been listening to his stuff ever since. He was my entry drug into rock music. I will miss him.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 27, 2022, 03:31:13 PM
Still getting used to being back at home. It always takes a while to adjust back to what other people call normality when you've been on any kind of op or exercise.

Hmm, since this was an Op I should get a bloody medal out of it. Hey, if some guy can get one for going to his regular place of work and piloting a remote drone halfway around the world, then I should be a shoo-in for one lol.

Yeah, I'd only put it somewhere and forget where it was like the others lol. Got the funny feeling I might have accidentally binned them.

Back on topic though it is strangely more of an adjustment this time than it has been on any other deployment. I wasn't actually that far from home either, nor was it an especially long time away. Hell, I've done courses that took longer to complete.

It is nice not having... uhm ladies of the night offering me services that I end up googling to find out just what the hell they are offering (Ohwooho (which turned out to be OWO), Roman showers, A-levels, bareback (ok, I sort of guessed those last two) and so many more things that I didn't know what they were beforehand that now I will never be able to forget what they are.

Just had a flashback to when I was trying to find some black and white movies online and instead of just searching for BW movies, I accidentally hit the 'B' key twice and didn't notice before hitting enter.

Wow is all I could say there.

As expected Danhausen is now in AEW. If Brodie Lee was still alive, I'd have said put him in the Dark Order, but maybe he should be part of The House of Black. AEW does seem to have an awful lot of 5 people factions.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on January 27, 2022, 05:16:12 PM
Glad you're home.  :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on January 28, 2022, 01:39:09 PM
Quote from: Alex on January 27, 2022, 03:31:13 PM
Just had a flashback to when I was trying to find some black and white movies online and instead of just searching for BW movies, I accidentally hit the 'B' key twice and didn't notice before hitting enter.

:teddyr: :teddyr: :teddyr:

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on January 28, 2022, 01:54:24 PM
Quote from: Trevor on January 28, 2022, 01:39:09 PM
Quote from: Alex on January 27, 2022, 03:31:13 PM
Just had a flashback to when I was trying to find some black and white movies online and instead of just searching for BW movies, I accidentally hit the 'B' key twice and didn't notice before hitting enter.

:teddyr: :teddyr: :teddyr:

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 29, 2022, 05:18:32 PM
Another storm is hitting. We had 80mph winds last night. It has brought down the repairs from the damage caused by Storm Arwen. No idea what they've called this one.

I have now murdered my first D&D player. He was a very unpleasant fellow in real life, so while the rest of the group was sleeping, I ripped his (or her. It was a him, playing a her) throat out with a fist full of fish hooks and made it look like (s)he'd been ripped open by a giant rat.

So far this has been a year of several firsts in many different ways. It will be interesting to see if that continues to develop in the same fashion.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on January 29, 2022, 08:43:44 PM
That's unreal. When I think of Scotland I don't think of dangerous weather. Stay safe or move to Tulsa where the weather's calmer. ;-)
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 30, 2022, 06:29:46 AM
Mostly it is just infrastructure damage, although I did hear someone was killed when a tree was blown over onto their car.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 04, 2022, 08:38:45 AM
So one of my D&D players messaged me yesterday asking if he could take his next character as someone with an unusual trait? He didn't mention what the trait was though, so of course, I had to do some digging and find out what kind of abomination he wanted to bring to the table.

It turns out he wants to play a cannibal. Not just any kind of cannibal though. A cannibal who is also a spell caster who specialises in Necromantic magic.


Don't get me wrong, I've played my fair share of evil characters in my time. Mostly people who have had no problem just killing someone when it is easier to cut their throat than ask them to move out of the way. There are some vague mentions of it in a book (appropriately) called The Book of Vile Darkness, so I think I am going to allow it. I do not see his character having a long lifespan. I've made a post about it on a D&D page and got what I thought was a rather good suggestion when someone said make him a lizardman, in whose culture munching on the dead is seen as a good thing.

I just keep imagining the rest of the party confronting him as an undead horde shambles by and him saying "But it isn't an undead army, it is my mobile snack shack."
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 05, 2022, 12:45:25 PM
Ross came around today for a board game session, along with his brother Wayne whom I hadn't met before.

I had read his message wrong though and prepared a waterboarding session.

We did get Nemesis out of the box for the first time. It is pretty much playing Alien or Aliens. You wake up from being in hypersleep on a ship, find a dead crewman who had been burst open from the inside and from there on in have to find out what is going on. You have various missions to complete which may involve cooperating with the rest of the crew, or killing some or all of them off. My mission was that I either had make sure that if we went to Earth that all the alien eggs were destroyed, or failing that, direct the ship to Mars. Since I was playing the pilot, I naturally volunteered to make my way to the bridge and check on our course. :bouncegiggle:

By the time I had gotten there, we were desperately fighting off waves of aliens and had discovered all three of the ships engines had been damaged (we needed 2 in working order or the ship would explode after a certain amount of turns when it went attempted to jump into hyperspace. If it did successfully jump into hyperspace and we weren't back in stasis, we'd be crushed by the g-force), a few locations on the ship were on fire (enough places on fire and the ship explodes). I figured there was no way we'd have enough time to destroy all the eggs in the alien nest, so I secretly changed the ship's destination from Earth to my alternative location. I wanted to check on the engines myself but didn't have enough time, so I ran off to the med bay and with a little surgery removed the alien infestation from my body then scuttled back to the hypersleep chamber and jumped in, trusting that the mechanic did actually fix the engines and hadn't secretly set them to blow. Anyway, the mechanic (Wayne) made it back to the hypersleep chamber, but by the time the soldier (Ross) got there, the bay was on fire and had one of the larger forms of alien in it too. He'd ran out of ammo for his guns but he bravely charged the xenomorph with nothing more than his fists and a bad attitude.

RIP Ross.

Anyway, the mechanic had been true to his word and we successfully jumped to Mars. Unfortunately, the mechanic's mission had been to get us back to earth, so he failed but at least he was still alive. A complicated game, and one that is easy to lose but we all had fun.

After that we played Jaws. Ross went the shark but managed to win, although he was down to his last hitpoint so as usual, it was a damn close run thing. That game is very well balanced. Might even be the best balanced game I have ever played.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 06, 2022, 06:15:10 AM
One of my online friends heard me mention A Serbian Movie during an online chat and decided he wanted to watch it. For a few weeks I've been trying to put him off the idea but he wanted to know if it lived up to its reputation. So last night I casually dropped into a conversation what happens at the end of it.

He has now decided that is "Well f**ked up" and "How the hell does a film like that even get made?" I got him to watch The Rocky Horror Picture Show instead, which he had also never seen. He seemed to think it starred Tim Burton though. He has asked about other movies like that and mentioned Salo. I told him to google two girls, one cup. Said it would make him feel the same way, and he'd save nearly two hours of his life.

We have some snow lying on the ground this morning. I wonder if we will match the heavy fall we had last year. That was the deepest I've seen snow lie here in the 19 years I've lived in Lossiemouth (I arrived in Jan 2003). Guess that means I have lived here for longer than anywhere else.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 08, 2022, 01:01:08 PM
In a D&D group I am in, I posted the following:

QuoteSo I got a message off one of the players in a 3.5 campaign I am running. He has asked if he can play an evil character next, if his current character dies. Generally speaking I have no problems with that. Not every evil character is out to screw over the party, and they are experienced enough to deal with anyone who is quite easily.
The particular character he wants to play though is a cannibalistic necromancer. There is some vague stuff covering it in The Book of Vile Darkness, so I think I am going to allow it (granted, more from the BBEG side of things) but I've also told him to have a backup character because that one most likely won't survive very long.
If he makes it to the end of his first session I'll be impressed, especially since we have a paladin in tbe group 
I've also suggested he speaks to a therapist.
Anyway, the image I can't get out of my head is of him being confronted by the rest of the group as an undead horde trundles past and him saying "But it isn't an undead army, it's my mobile snack shack!"

Posted it more to give people a laugh at the last time, but some people seemed to think I was asked for advice, or just chose to tell me how I should be running my game.

The second group may not have liked the replies they got. Ultimately, I've been playing and gaming for over 30 years. If I don't know how to run my games by now, then I doubt I ever will.

Now if you'll excuse me, I am off to my snack shack.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 09, 2022, 05:14:12 PM
Ash woke up just after midnight this morning and decided to join us. Since he climbed into bed and fell asleep we decided to leave him in our room. He lay quietly in bed, but since he has learned my habit of lying in bed motionless and people not knowing if I am asleep or awake, we aren't sure if he slept or not.

Certainly, he was grumpy as hell when we got out of bed. The crying started when I wouldn't let him follow his mum to the toilet, then I ruined his entire life by putting the blue dinosaur jacket on him instead of his yellow jacket. Me and Kristi then popped into Elgin for the day. The library there was doing a sale of discontinued stuff so we thought we'd check it out.

Yup, we both get excited by a library sale. Didn't get much though, a couple of DVDs and a pair of audiobooks. Nothing really jumped out as us bookwise, unfortunately. When we got back I'd to take Ash to the dentist. This did not improve his mood even slightly. It ended up I had to sit on the dentist's chair and hold him still. He also did not like the icy cold wind much, although I can't say I blame him there. Still, he now has a long weekend off. Since I am also off on leave we are going to pop down to Glasgow. It is our 9th wedding anniversary on Saturday. We've had some tough times, but it has had more good than bad and I still think we'll make it through together.

We decided to give each other our presents early since we are going away. Kristi got me an M5 Stuart Light Tank. When I saw it, I said "You got me a tank for your army?" Kristi's said, "But I checked and it said it was a British tank!" I pointed out the US flags and symbols on the transfer sheet. She looked absolutely horrified, and I couldn't keep a straight face anymore. I did tell her eventually that Stuart's were also fielded by British forces. Poor woman, she really was upset when she thought she'd got me the wrong vehicle.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 11, 2022, 05:06:12 PM
Well, Kristi has spent the day in pain. We got her a doctors appointment and she is now passed out on some painkillers. If she is still sore tomorrow I guess we won't be doing much for our anniversary, but at least we are together. I think she has maybe been out of bed for an hour today.

The pain meds have just knocked her out. Doesn't make me hopeful for tomorrow, but we shall see.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Rev. Powell on February 12, 2022, 11:26:22 AM
Quote from: Alex on February 11, 2022, 05:06:12 PM
Well, Kristi has spent the day in pain. We got her a doctors appointment and she is now passed out on some painkillers. If she is still sore tomorrow I guess we won't be doing much for our anniversary, but at least we are together. I think she has maybe been out of bed for an hour today.

The pain meds have just knocked her out. Doesn't make me hopeful for tomorrow, but we shall see.

What happened? Did I miss something, or is she suddenly in acute pain out of nowhere?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 12, 2022, 12:50:44 PM
Quote from: Rev. Powell on February 12, 2022, 11:26:22 AM
Quote from: Alex on February 11, 2022, 05:06:12 PM
Well, Kristi has spent the day in pain. We got her a doctors appointment and she is now passed out on some painkillers. If she is still sore tomorrow I guess we won't be doing much for our anniversary, but at least we are together. I think she has maybe been out of bed for an hour today.

The pain meds have just knocked her out. Doesn't make me hopeful for tomorrow, but we shall see.

What happened? Did I miss something, or is she suddenly in acute pain out of nowhere?

Gall bladder problems. She's had them before but has to lose weight before they will give her an operation. She has a meeting with a surgeon next week to review her progress.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Rev. Powell on February 12, 2022, 01:49:04 PM
Quote from: Alex on February 12, 2022, 12:50:44 PM
Quote from: Rev. Powell on February 12, 2022, 11:26:22 AM
Quote from: Alex on February 11, 2022, 05:06:12 PM
Well, Kristi has spent the day in pain. We got her a doctors appointment and she is now passed out on some painkillers. If she is still sore tomorrow I guess we won't be doing much for our anniversary, but at least we are together. I think she has maybe been out of bed for an hour today.

The pain meds have just knocked her out. Doesn't make me hopeful for tomorrow, but we shall see.

What happened? Did I miss something, or is she suddenly in acute pain out of nowhere?

Gall bladder problems. She's had them before but has to lose weight before they will give her an operation. She has a meeting with a surgeon next week to review her progress.

Ah. That sucks. My dad had his gall bladder removed a couple of years ago, living without it does not seem to have any effect. Best wishes to Kristi.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 14, 2022, 04:43:17 AM
Kristi did get up and about yesterday so we went up to Glasgow, although I could see she still wasn't 100% so we didn't spend as long out as I had hoped. Part of my idea had been to go to the cinema for a few movies as one of the things she misses from the states is the bigger, fancier cinema's, compared to our local fleapit.

I did pick up a copy of the newest version of Battletech. Used to be made by the FASA Corporation, who also did Star Trek games, but nowadays it seems it is made by Topps, and all I know of them comes from the Mars Attacks! movie. Kristi also spotted a copy of the old roleplaying game that went along with it, Mechwarrior so we grabbed that. I mentioned on a rpg forum that I had it and it has caused a minor stir.

My D&D group split up into three groups of 2 to investigate a series of murders. The first ones, I wrote a whole mini-adventure for them involving a murderous innkeeper inspired by Greek mythology. Yeah, they managed to entirely miss that out.

I've been seeing a lot of mentions of the Superbowl this weekend. I find it curious that while US culture is currently dominant throughout the world, its homegrown sports haven't quite managed to spread the same way as its movies or music have.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 20, 2022, 07:59:39 AM
Kristi went with a friend to see School of Rock in Aberdeen on Friday night. I'd bought her tickets as a present. With the bad weather they were later arriving in the city than they'd planned, but they made it in time for the show. Unfortunately, the male lead seems not to have been the best (she said imagine a D&D bard with negative Charisma). The rest of the cast was fine, just the guy in the Jack Black role was a letdown.

Had Ross around for another game day. He learned how difficult Pandemic: Cthulhu is when we failed to get anywhere in a couple of games. We did manage to clear a few boxes from the shelf a shame (games that had never been played). Next time we are going to play some Bolt Action, so I am going to do a D-Day landing with them having a combined British and US army against my defending German's. They will outnumber me, but I'll have some bunkers to help balance things out. Either that or a combined Soviet/US assault of Berlin scenario (depending on whether Ross wants to play Brits or Ruskies). Figure I'll give them both an 800 point army each while I'll take a 1000 point defence force. With a bit of luck, the new barbed wire terrain I've ordered will arrive in time to use it.

Back to work tomorrow for my first real return to it since mid-December. I really don't feel like going back lol. It has been good spending time with the family.

I was thinking about how 16 years ago I was still stuck in the aftermath of my worst relationship. It would be another 10 days before I'd get her out of my house and then 6 years before she'd stop trying to get back into my life.

Sometimes you think you are rescuing a princess, and it turns out you've brought the dragon home.

Some months previously I had been running and I'd noticed a bulge in my lower leg. I'd gone to see one of the on-base doctors about it and he'd been concerned enough to run some tests. The thought that it might have been cancer hadn't even occurred to me before he'd mentioned it. I didn't get the results for months afterwards, by which point I'd met Bev and she'd moved in with me along with the huge dog and two kids. Mid-January I got the results back that told me it was clear. I have no idea why it took so long to get the results, but I had been terrified awaiting them. I wouldn't be this scared again until many years later when Kristi was in hospital and I thought I was going to lose her. I told Bev about the results and she just shrugged her shoulders. At that point, it suddenly occurred to me that I hadn't said anything about my leg to her. I also realised she'd never once asked how I was doing, what I wanted out of life or anything, while I could tell you what her biggest fear was (dying alone), all the big tragedies she'd been through, how she wanted to get married (small ceremony, not in a church), where she wanted her honeymoon (Mexico) and all sorts of other details, but she'd never be able to answer these questions about me. The only thing she did know was that I wanted to get married in a kilt (she'd told me I wasn't allowed that, so I told her we wouldn't be getting married then). She'd never shown any concern about how I was feeling, or what anything I'd been through or interest in what I wanted out of life.

That night when we were both in bed, I found I just could not bring myself to put my arms around her and hold her the way I normally would. Indeed I never put my arms around her again. I'd just lie facing away from her in bed and not touching her. About a week later she complained about this, but I still couldn't bring myself to hold her. Another week or so and she'd officially dump me, but I always felt the relationship ended that night I couldn't even force myself to touch her anymore.

Recently a mutual friend mentioned to me that both her kids had walked out of her life several years ago and had no more contact with her. That was something I had expected to happen to her, although I had vaguely hoped she'd improve as a person and avoid that. They were sweet kids and deserved a better mother.

Never settle for someone who just doesn't care about what you want out of life too.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 26, 2022, 05:40:37 PM
Busy week at work with late nights every night.

None of which was down to what you might be thinking would cause it.

So after 8 years of posturing, Putin has finally sent his soldiers openly into Ukraine. Not the first time a leader with a failing popularity has launched a war to try and distract the people. Doubtless part of what he views as the manifest destiny of the Russian people. Damn, but he really has a hard-on for the Soviet Union. He might not want to rebuild it in exactly the same way it was before, but he damn sure wants its old borders back, not to mention its "client" states under his thumb. I wish all the best for the Ukrainian people although I fear this fight is one they are going to be left to on their own alas. After their rather ignoble exit from Afghanistan, I don't see the US being up to fighting Russia. China has its own extra-territorial ambitions so they aren't exactly going to step in. The UK might have previously played the Great Game with Russia for centuries, but we hardly have a large enough military to challenge them on our own. India might have a large enough military, but I can't imagine they have much interest in intervening. Between Pakistan and China, they have enough to deal with already. Off-hand I can't think of anyone else with the will and power to step in alone. NATO isn't going to get involved short of Russian forces committing some exceptional atrocity and perhaps not even then.

18-months to go dammit, my time was getting short.

Watched a video of a family taking cover as a jet flies in low and fires off a missile into the middle of a town, although I couldn't see what it was targeting on. The family all run for cover and you can hear a baby crying.

And yet gutless wonders will have us sit back and do nothing.

Paid a visit to 9 sqn this week which is our aggressor squadron. They play the parts of the enemy in mock dogfights. They have things like Russian posters up on the wall. I noticed a Putin calendar (you know the one where he is making all sorts of manly poses as part of his cult of personality) and one of the guys said "Yeah, that is a joke that has suddenly gotten a lot less funny."
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 01, 2022, 08:41:31 AM
After many days of franticness, everything is now in a quiet lull. Doubtless, there is a storm coming to fill it. As of Thursday, I'll have 16 months left to go.

Or 40 months if someone off to the east keeps being an a***ole. Maybe longer...


Why do all the wrong people seem to die early?

The cycle of storms we've been having recently seems to have broken and we've had a couple

Ah, the amateur dramatics of local politics in a small town. One of Kristi's friends on the Community Council was accused of yelling at a vulnerable child (adopted) of a rival on a different council. He is demanding her resignation and has came up with all sorts of witnesses who witnessed the whole thing.

The problem is that a video has came out of the event, which happens to include the conversation between the child and Kristi's friend. The child says something and the friend says (in a normal voice), one word of a reply. Many of the 'witnesses' are conspicuous by their absence. The video is being kept quiet until all the witness statements have been taken (formal investigation going on here), at which point they are going to release the video. Solicitors have been engaged in readiness.

You'd think people would be more concerned with real problems instead of making up ones in a petty game of oneupmanship.

Looking forward to Sunday and going to see The Rocky Horror Picture Show. I think the last time I was in a theatre (not including my own brief time on stage), was when we went to see Spamalot (Big Hero 5 (or was it 6?) was in the cinema at that point) a few years back. There is a big toyshop where the theatre is, so I can do a two for one and pick up Ash's birthday present while I am there.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 05, 2022, 09:05:53 AM
6 days now of working late. Our boss is good enough to give us time off in leu, but right now my concentration is focused on that point in 4 months' time when I can submit my PVR and be out the following year.

Getting ready to go to Rocky Horror at the moment. Figure I'll pull out a nice shirt and dress up a bit. Not going in full costume though. Bit cold out for a basque and tights.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on March 05, 2022, 11:41:37 AM
Quote from: Alex on March 05, 2022, 09:05:53 AM. Not going in full costume though. Bit cold out for a basque and tights.

:teddyr: :teddyr:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 05, 2022, 06:13:44 PM
The show was really good and a lot of fun. You could tell the guy who was playing Brad was there for his name value and wasn't really a stage actor, but he could sing well enough. The guy doing Frank was great too, but wow does it show just how note-perfect Tim Curry's performance in the movie is. Bought a tee-shirt and a few other bits and pieces. I was surprised at how few people were in costume for it, although one guy who I am guessing was in costume as Riff-Raff managed to look more like The Man Who Laughs. The theatre was I'd guess 98-99% sold out. I would definitely go again to see it.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on March 05, 2022, 11:04:39 PM
Quote from: Alex on March 05, 2022, 06:13:44 PM
The show was really good and a lot of fun. You could tell the guy who was playing Brad was there for his name value and wasn't really a stage actor, but he could sing well enough. The guy doing Frank was great too, but wow does it show just how note-perfect Tim Curry's performance in the movie is. Bought a tee-shirt and a few other bits and pieces. I was surprised at how few people were in costume for it, although one guy who I am guessing was in costume as Riff-Raff managed to look more like The Man Who Laughs. The theatre was I'd guess 98-99% sold out. I would definitely go again to see it.


I'll never forget the fact that the movie was banned in SA after one person complained to the Publications Control Board, saying that the film was offensive due to the scene where people eat the body and drink the blood of a person, "making a nonsense of the rite of Communion"  :buggedout:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 06, 2022, 03:49:41 AM
Quote from: Trevor on March 05, 2022, 11:04:39 PM
Quote from: Alex on March 05, 2022, 06:13:44 PM
The show was really good and a lot of fun. You could tell the guy who was playing Brad was there for his name value and wasn't really a stage actor, but he could sing well enough. The guy doing Frank was great too, but wow does it show just how note-perfect Tim Curry's performance in the movie is. Bought a tee-shirt and a few other bits and pieces. I was surprised at how few people were in costume for it, although one guy who I am guessing was in costume as Riff-Raff managed to look more like The Man Who Laughs. The theatre was I'd guess 98-99% sold out. I would definitely go again to see it.


I'll never forget the fact that the movie was banned in SA after one person complained to the Publications Control Board, saying that the film was offensive due to the scene where people eat the body and drink the blood of a person, "making a nonsense of the rite of Communion"  :buggedout:

Cannibalism is cannibalism wither you wrap it up in religion or have it in a movie.  :bouncegiggle:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on March 06, 2022, 09:10:36 AM
Not to mention cannibalism is an integral part of every Catholic mass.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 07, 2022, 06:02:05 AM
This working for living sucks. Prepping for Ash's fourth birthday on Wednesday.

Wow, four years already I've been a father. Over 9 years a husband, 20.67 years a soldier (I have that figure because our computer system just told me that while I was looking for some other info). Sometimes I really wonder "Wow, is any of that really me or am I just having some weird dream?". I am happy with my life, don't get me wrong. I just often find myself not quite 100% sure how I managed to achieve it all.

For anyone who isn't having as quite a good day as me, well just remember this song:

Error 404 (Not Found)!!1 (

Certainly cheers me up when I am having a crap day.

We picked him up a big present each just before the show on Saturday, but he has a doctors appointment tomorrow, so we are going to get him a few smaller things. I've been more organised about Yule presents this year than I have birthday ones by a big margin. Then again, since I bought one of Kristi's presents for this year 2 years ago (it should arrive around October), it would be hard to beat that.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on March 07, 2022, 06:47:17 AM
Quote from: Alex on March 07, 2022, 06:02:05 AM
This working for living sucks. Prepping for Ash's fourth birthday on Wednesday.

Wow, four years already I've been a father. Over 9 years a husband, 20.67 years a soldier (I have that figure because our computer system just told me that while I was looking for some other info). Sometimes I really wonder "Wow, is any of that really me or am I just having some weird dream?". I am happy with my life, don't get me wrong. I just often find myself not quite 100% sure how I managed to achieve it all.

For anyone who isn't having as quite a good day as me, well just remember this song:

Error 404 (Not Found)!!1 (

Certainly cheers me up when I am having a crap day.

We picked him up a big present each just before the show on Saturday, but he has a doctors appointment tomorrow, so we are going to get him a few smaller things. I've been more organised about Yule presents this year than I have birthday ones by a big margin. Then again, since I bought one of Kristi's presents for this year 2 years ago (it should arrive around October), it would be hard to beat that.

That song reminds me of another thing I don't have  :wink:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 07, 2022, 06:48:59 AM
Quote from: Trevor on March 07, 2022, 06:47:17 AM
Quote from: Alex on March 07, 2022, 06:02:05 AM
This working for living sucks. Prepping for Ash's fourth birthday on Wednesday.

Wow, four years already I've been a father. Over 9 years a husband, 20.67 years a soldier (I have that figure because our computer system just told me that while I was looking for some other info). Sometimes I really wonder "Wow, is any of that really me or am I just having some weird dream?". I am happy with my life, don't get me wrong. I just often find myself not quite 100% sure how I managed to achieve it all.

For anyone who isn't having as quite a good day as me, well just remember this song:

Error 404 (Not Found)!!1 (

Certainly cheers me up when I am having a crap day.

We picked him up a big present each just before the show on Saturday, but he has a doctor's appointment tomorrow, so we are going to get him a few smaller things. I've been more organised about Yule presents this year than I have birthday ones by a big margin. Then again, since I bought one of Kristi's presents for this year 2 years ago (it should arrive around October), it would be hard to beat that.

That song reminds me of another thing I don't have  :wink:

Its the four cavemen riding a dinosaur right? Yeah, I don't have one of them either.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on March 07, 2022, 06:50:14 AM
Quote from: Alex on March 07, 2022, 06:48:59 AM
Quote from: Trevor on March 07, 2022, 06:47:17 AM
Quote from: Alex on March 07, 2022, 06:02:05 AM
This working for living sucks. Prepping for Ash's fourth birthday on Wednesday.

Wow, four years already I've been a father. Over 9 years a husband, 20.67 years a soldier (I have that figure because our computer system just told me that while I was looking for some other info). Sometimes I really wonder "Wow, is any of that really me or am I just having some weird dream?". I am happy with my life, don't get me wrong. I just often find myself not quite 100% sure how I managed to achieve it all.

For anyone who isn't having as quite a good day as me, well just remember this song:

Error 404 (Not Found)!!1 (

Certainly cheers me up when I am having a crap day.

We picked him up a big present each just before the show on Saturday, but he has a doctor's appointment tomorrow, so we are going to get him a few smaller things. I've been more organised about Yule presents this year than I have birthday ones by a big margin. Then again, since I bought one of Kristi's presents for this year 2 years ago (it should arrive around October), it would be hard to beat that.

That song reminds me of another thing I don't have  :wink:

Its the four cavemen riding a dinosaur right? Yeah, I don't have one of them either.

:teddyr: :teddyr:

That's another thing I don't have  :wink:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 09, 2022, 05:39:33 AM
I have a great fondness for watching out for unintended consequences. When something is changed (normally with good intentions), and some unpredictable side effect kicks in.

A very minor example of this jumped out at me unexpectedly today. We had a child born on March 9th and called him Ash. Today is his birthday, and by coincidence, it is also Ash Wednesday. It does not feel like 4 years since he came into our lives. I remember holding him while Kristi was still in surgery, this tiny human in my arms. Watching him struggle to open his eyes with all the gunk on them and then being the first thing he saw (it should have been his mum, but that just wasn't possible). We had him at physio earlier in the week, and they have been impressed with the progress we've made working with him and his hand, to the point where they no longer think surgery will be required, so I am happy with that.

In last night's D&D game we managed to take down a Green Dragon. Feeling rather chuffed about that. It was not without some pain though, the druid lost her pet wolf (RIP Tikkani, that animal was a beast in combat) when it caught the full force of a blast of acid breath. My wizard/cleric ended the fight with a single hit point left, and two other party members came very close to dying. I was running around using a potion of invisibility, healing the main fighter (because it was being played by Kristi and I'd get nasty looks if I let her die). The funniest part of the night for me was when I decided to smack the dragon with my wizards staff and got a critical hit on it. It was the biggest single hit inflicted on it during the fight. Shame it wasn't the killing blow. Anyway, we got a nice enough horde of treasure from it, including a magic wand that has a few charges left in it so I can send acid arrows towards foes that are immune to my enchantment spells and generally messing around with their heads (I admitted to another party member that I wasn't actually powerful enough to turn him into a spider, however I was powerful enough to make him think he was a spider and force him to spend the rest of his life that way).

It is looking very much like the Russian Federation is going to default on its international debt repayments. The classes I did that covered international economics didn't cover what happens when an entire country defaults so I have no idea what will happen as a consequence, but it will be... interesting to observe. I would imagine the credit rating (which I would suspect is fairly low anyway, given how badly and corruptly ran the Federation is) will plummet making borrowing even more expensive (and thus making future defaults more likely in a viscious circle), interest rates will spiral, small businesses will crumble.

All because one man wants to rebuild a fallen empire. Rough times are ahead for the Russian people. Not as rough as the times facing Ukrainian ones though.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 13, 2022, 05:52:48 AM
An article I read earlier today. Personally, I only ever thought the internet would offer any level of free information until governments learned how to tame it. They would never leave a resource like that uncontrolled for long.

QuoteI used to believe several things about the 21st century that Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine and Donald Trump's election in 2016 have shown me are false. I assumed:
Donald Trump speaks during a meeting with then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in the Oval Office in 2017.
Trump thought US troops were in Ukraine in 2017, ex-ambassador says in book
Read more

Nationalism is disappearing.

I expected globalization would blur borders, create economic interdependence among nations and regions and extend a modern consumer and artistic culture worldwide.

I was wrong. Both Putin and Trump have exploited xenophobic nationalism to build their power. (Putin's aggression has also ignited an inspiring patriotism in Ukraine.)

Nations can no longer control what their citizens know.

I assumed that emerging digital technologies, including the internet, would make it impossible to control worldwide flows of information and knowledge. Tyrants could no longer keep their people in the dark or hoodwink them with propaganda.

Wrong again. Trump filled the media with lies, as has Putin. Putin has also cut off Russian citizens from the truth about what's occurring in Ukraine.

Advanced nations will no longer war over geographic territory.

    I bought the conventional wisdom that nuclear war was unthinkable. I fear I was wrong

I thought that in the "new economy", land was becoming less valuable than technological knowhow and innovation. Competition among nations would therefore be over the development of cutting-edge inventions.

I was only partly right. While skills and innovation are critical, land still provides access to critical raw materials and buffers against potential foreign aggressors.

Major nuclear powers will never risk war against each other because of the certainty of "mutually assured destruction".

I bought the conventional wisdom that nuclear war was unthinkable.

I fear I was wrong. Putin is now resorting to dangerous nuclear brinksmanship.

Civilization will never again be held hostage by crazy isolated men with the power to wreak havoc.

I assumed this was a phenomenon of the 20th century and that 21st-century governments, even totalitarian ones, would constrain tyrants.

Trump and Putin have convinced me I was mistaken.

Advances in warfare, such as cyber-warfare and precision weapons, will minimize civilian casualties.

I was persuaded by specialists in defense strategy that it no longer made sense for sophisticated powers to target civilians.

Utterly wrong. Civilian casualties in Ukraine are mounting.

Democracy is inevitable.

I formed this belief in the early 1990s, when the Soviet Union had imploded and China was still poor. It seemed to me that totalitarian regimes didn't stand a chance in the new technologically driven, globalized world. Sure, petty dictatorships would remain in some retrograde regions of the world. But modernity came with democracy, and democracy with modernity.

Both Trump and Putin have shown how wrong I was on this, too.

Meanwhile, Ukrainians are showing that Trump's and Putin's efforts to turn back the clock on the 21st century can only be addressed with a democracy powerful enough to counteract autocrats like them.

They are also displaying with inspiring clarity that democracy cannot be taken for granted. Democracy is not a spectator sport. It's not what governments do. Democracy is what people do.

Ukrainians are reminding us that democracy survives only if people are willing to sacrifice for it. Some sacrifices are smaller than others. You may have to stand in line for hours to vote, as did tens of thousands of Black people in America's 2020 election. You may have to march and protest and even risk your life so others may vote, as did iconic civil rights leaders like the late John Lewis and Martin Luther King.

You may have to knock on hundreds of doors to get out the vote. Or organize thousands to make your voices heard. And stand up against the powerful who don't want your voices heard.
The statue of Abraham Lincoln is illuminated at sunrise as a visitor walks through the Lincoln Memorial in Washington.
Lincoln and the fight for peace: John Avlon on a president in the shadow of new war
Read more

You may have to fight a war to protect democracy from those who would destroy it.

The people of Ukraine are also reminding us that democracy is the single most important legacy we have inherited from previous generations who strengthened it and who risked their lives to preserve it. It will be the most significant legacy we leave to future generations – unless we allow it to be suppressed by those who fear it, or we become too complacent to care.

Putin and Trump have convinced me I was wrong about how far we had come in the 21st century. Technology, globalization and modern systems of governance haven't altered the ways of tyranny. But I, like millions of others around the world, have been inspired by the Ukrainian people – who are reteaching us lessons we once knew.

Hopelessly nieve imo and only learning it too late.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 14, 2022, 06:00:11 AM
Nice sunny day out today.

Shame I am stuck in the office though. For another 477 days anyway.

Judging from the photos, there was a fantastic view of the northern nights in Lossiemouth last night. Some of the pictures made the national news. Oh well, I've seen them before and did everything I wanted to under their light. Bloody cold having a midnight picnic on the beach let me tell you.

Could be worse though. At least I've never invaded another country without enough troops and have to beg for supplies from another country. I think Putin has effectively put his country in China's back pocket.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 17, 2022, 05:48:25 AM
It was a frosty morning when I left the house, but it looks like a lovely day outside right now.

Ash had 7 vaccinations last week. He has been feeling the effects for the past few days and we've not had a lot of sleep in our household as a result. Mostly he is waking up between 1 and 2 am. He got a full nights sleep last night and so did we.

Ah, bliss.

I took him to a kid's birthday party a few weekends ago. It was in the local town hall and the parents had hired a pair of indoor bouncy castles. There were lots of balloons around and the kids had all been handed whistles (I'll let you figure out how that sounded for yourselves). The only person I vaguely knew there was a woman with a kid (Mason) the same age as Ash who normally walks home with her on the way back from nursery. Anyway, Ash has a balloon and momentarily runs around the side of a bouncy castle out of my sight. When he comes back, he doesn't have the balloon. A few seconds later Mason walks out with it. Didn't think too much about that, but Ash gets another balloon and the same thing happened. Later on when Ash had one, I saw Mason walk up to him and take the balloon off him. Ash started trying to get it back and the two kids started fighting a bit. I let it go for a bit because I want Ash to stand up for himself, but Mason's mother quickly stepped in. I kept an eye on the other kid for the rest of the day and anytime Ash got anything, Mason was trying to get it off him. Normally his mum would step in and stop his behaviour, but I did growl at Mason that he was to leave Ash alone. I was quite happy that Ash was standing his ground and fighting back when Mason tried to force him off a bike he was riding and take it off him.

Anyway, when I got back I told Kristi about what had been happening. She told me that she'd been watching Mason a bit closer when they've been walking home and has reached a similar conclusion to me about the kid (she described him as a little stinker, whereas I'd said he was a little s**t). From the way he treats other kids, I am figuring he is going to grow up to be a bully. It is shame to see something like that in someone so young.

Anyway, despite those goings-on, Ash had a great time at the party. It has reinforced my decision to send him to some martial arts classes when he is ready. I think that will be sometime in the next year. Peace, love and non-violence is all great, and I hope I am able to show Ash how to appreciate and strive for those things, but I also want to prepare him for the world as it is, not what I would like it to be like.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 19, 2022, 05:34:17 PM
A while ago I wrote about how in previous times people had some great evil to make a stand against (or not, depending on their views, but it was there) and how we lacked something similar that we could fight against.

My how things have changed since then. It is interesting to see who is on which side though.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 20, 2022, 01:57:10 PM
Looking out my window this morning resembles a scene from the Birds. Or maybe Birdemic... Hundreds of seagulls just hanging around and making a crapload of noise.

Generally, I like animals, but seagulls (along with pigeons and flying insects) are exceptions to that.

We had a slight storm last night and that always brings the sea birds in.

Prepping a three-player game of Bolt Action. It will be me against Ross and Kristi. Going to take the Germans and be defending a bunker complex in Normandy against a combined British / American force. I'll have 1000 points plus a bunker while they get 800 points each. About half my army will start on the table and the rest will turn up as reinforcements, so I reckon they should win, but I will have to see how it goes. Unfortunately, the army list I am using does not allow me access to any of the big cat tanks, but I can squeeze in a Puma armoured car.

Hmm, maybe since my reinforcements are arriving randomly I should up my force to 1200.

We took Ash to go see Sing 2 today. Quite enjoyed it myself and Ash sat quietly through most of it. Kristi preferred the first one but I figured it wasn't bad for a sequel. Except for having Bono in it anyway. f**k Bono.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on March 21, 2022, 01:24:32 AM
yup. bono sucks.  :bouncegiggle:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on March 21, 2022, 03:29:37 AM
Quote from: Alex on March 20, 2022, 01:57:10 PMExcept for having Bono in it anyway. f**k Bono.

Bono, Joan Jett, Bruce Sprongsteen and other virtue signalers were all a part of the group Artists United Against Apartheid in the 1980s and had a hit with the song Sun City. While I've got zero issues with them being against apartheid, all of them still allowed their music to be sold under apartheid.   :question:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 21, 2022, 02:21:27 PM
Because of some stuff going on at work, I told my boss that I am currently someone over 90% likely to put in my PVR and leave my job in 3 1/2 months. It does take a year from my PVR going in to me getting out the door. There are three of us in the office. While we enjoy our job, because of our management all three of us are looking to get out of the office one way or another.

Outside of when I've had to deal with dead people, today was the most depressing day I've had in my job. We have a meeting with the man responsible for all this next month when he comes up to visit.

That is going to be an interesting day.

There is a government scheme to sponsor a Ukrainian refugee and give them a home for at least 6 months. We have been talking about it and I am going to give up my mancave and convert it back into a bedroom and offer someone a roof over their head. I'll miss it to be sure, but some things are just more important alas. We would have volunteered before but with my job I just had a few things I needed to check up on first.

Oh, according to some online quiz I did today that is supposed to be able to tell these things, I have slept with 31 women. It is a little out (although by how much and in which direction is my business lol).

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 24, 2022, 04:51:09 AM
Tuesday night's D&D session went a little off the rails. I think the poor guy running it might just hate me now.

We are exploring a ruined castle that has a slight Goblin infestation. We've killed I dunno maybe a dozen of them and are figuring we've cleared out the ground floor of them. Finding a door we hadn't opened before, my wizard (who can't cast a fireball to save his own life, but is an expert at magic that messes with people's heads), I opened it and walked in without checking the room out first.

So then I find myself standing alone in a large room, with a creature called an Owlbear, which itself is quite a large creature. As the name suggests it is part Owl part Bear, but mostly all p**sed off psychopath (most magically created races seem to be quite annoyed about it). Certainly too large to go through the door to this room. I am thinking "f**k, I am a wizard with no armour, very few hit points and no one else in this room to protect me. If I run for the door I might make it out before it gets to me, but there is a good chance I won't. What do I do?"

Having used most of my spells already taking care of the Goblins, I didn't have a lot left, but one spell did look like it might give me a chance to escape. I cast Hypnotism (which for 15 seconds makes the creature a bit more friendly towards me). I figured that when it got back to my turn, I could run out of the room. Maybe we'd pepper the beast with missile fire from a position where it couldn't hit back. The rest of the group entered through and thought well this Owlbear isn't attacking us, we have no reason to kill it. We gave it some food, petted it a bit and generally were quite nice to it. When the spell wore off, it seemed to appreciate us feeding it.

Then the group decided that we couldn't leave it trapped in this room, we had to free it. The druid used a spell to turn some of the rock around the doorway (carefully so not to cause a collapse) into clay and the Dwarf fighter dug the clay out. The ranger then led the creature out of the room it had spent its entire life in, out of the castle and let it run wild and free in the woods.

Yeah, some poor village is going to get wiped out now when it wanders across them.

QuoteAn owlbear's coat ranges in color from brown-black to yellowish brown; its beak is a dull ivory color. A full-grown male can stand as tall as 8 feet and weigh up to 1,500 pounds. Adventurers who have survived encounters with the creature often speak of the bestial madness they glimpsed in its red-rimmed eyes.


Owlbears attack prey—any creature bigger than a mouse—on sight, always fighting to the death. They slash with claws and beak, trying to grab their prey and rip it apart.

Yup, we totally did a good deed there. We also released some wolfs that had been locked up. No doubt they can hunt down any survivors from the Owlbeasts rampage.

Unaware of the carnage he has unleashed on the world, my wizard (Juan Sanchez Villolobes Delacruz Che Fabuloso Gonzales Torres Castro Vasquez Menendez Soler Ibanez Velasco Smith), is now worried about how Mr Fluffykins is doing out there since he has no experience of surviving in the wilderness and wants to track him down.

You know the problem with threatening to use nuclear weapons is that you have nowhere else to go if someone calls your bluff. If you back down and use a different threat then you look weak. Plus if you keep continually making the same threat then eventually it loses its edge.

I picked a random movie or two to watch last night. Turned out it was set in Ukraine. I then thought I fancy something a bit martial arty, so I picked one called Forbidden Kingdom as a likely sounding candidate (without reading what the film was about). It turned out that it was actually set in Russia. I didn't get it all finished, but it seemed to be based off of the same legend as Viy which I also watched recently. I'd say the dubbing made the acting look terrible, but the English speaking actors also seemed to be putting in a poor performance (shame on you Charles Dance).
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 30, 2022, 07:57:42 AM
So the neighbouring town (technically a city but nowhere near big enough) is putting on a music festival. They are even putting on acts that I've heard of (although I'd have to be honest and say they are passed their sell-by date (S-Club, The Animals, Dr Feelgood, Geno Washington & The Ram Jam, Toploader, Bad Manners, Vengaboys and the Boomtown Rats topping the bill).

Given how much Ash loves The Animals' version of The House of the Rising Sun but hates loud noises I suspect I am going to be forking out nearly £100 on tickets to go see one band. Luckily they are the second act on, so we just need to get through S-Club's opening set. I'd be interested in watching the Boomtown Rats from a historical perspective. For anyone who hasn't heard of them, their lead singer (Bob Geldof) was one of two musicians who came up with the idea that would later become Live Aid and the various songs to raise money for famine relief in Africa). I only really know one of their songs, and that is about a school shooting though (I don't like Mondays. If I recall the story it was a girl who went on a rampage and the only clue as to why was a note left saying she didn't like Mondays).

I think it was also banned from being played on the radio in the state where it happened. My memories are a little fuzzy on that though. While I did pay attention to the news even back then, I was only 8 at the time.

Hell, I think I paid more attention to the news when I was that age than I do now. I was young enough to believe what I was hearing and reading.

Ash has also been watching a lot of C&W music, although I have a suspicion that he is more interested in watching instruments being played than caring about what the music is. In watching the music videos I've noticed that their guitarists tend to pose as if they are going to let loose with a shredding guitar solo, and then just sort of play plink, plink, plink and drop the pose.

It is leading me to the conclusion that it must be one of the simpler forms of music to play and I wonder what it would sound like with one of the '80s hair metal guitarists playing with them instead.

Something else I heard recently. So it seems Hitler was a good guy who was only killing evil Jews, not the good ones. Does anyone have the number of a good Mossad hit squad? I think I have a target for them. I wonder what they make of his equally enthusiastic extermination of anyone with left-wing politics, gipsies, disabled and all the other people who were specifically targetted for elimination? Not to mention the people who weren't deliberate targets and were just unlucky one way or another to get caught in the path of a war machine. I understand that people are stupid enough to believe this s**t, I just struggle to understand why in most cases.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 02, 2022, 07:10:02 AM
Feeling like crap today. I started feeling ill last night and I am now all sore all over.

Cheers for waiting until the weekend before giving me your virus Ash. He was throwing up in his bed this morning, I'd to run in and grab him out of his bed, then get him in the shower with Kristi coming along behind me cleaning up his vomit. He'd also pooped himself (something he hasn't done before since we moved him out of nappies).

Two of my D&D players had an in-game argument last night that became a real one. One of them threw his teddy out of the pram and stormed off. I chatted to his son a bit, the son chatted to the father, and then the father asked if he could chat with me. I really wasn't feeling well last night, but I sat up as long as I could talking things over with him. He's having a lot of stress in his real life and I think things just spilled over a bit. I told him if he needs to take a break and come back to the game later, that is fine, or if he wants to stop playing that is also fine. Anyway, he's apologised for his behaviour, sent a message to the other guy in the argument and hopefully, things will be fine next week. He did sound better once he'd let things out and got stuff off his chest.

Not just your friendly local Dungeon Master, but also an amateur therapist.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on April 02, 2022, 01:52:20 PM
Quote from: Alex on April 02, 2022, 07:10:02 AM
Feeling like crap today. I started feeling ill last night and I am now all sore all over.

Cheers for waiting until the weekend before giving me your virus Ash. He was throwing up in his bed this morning, I'd to run in and grab him out of his bed, then get him in the shower with Kristi coming along behind me cleaning up his vomit. He'd also pooped himself (something he hasn't done before since we moved him out of nappies).

Two of my D&D players had an in-game argument last night that became a real one. One of them threw his teddy out of the pram and stormed off. I chatted to his son a bit, the son chatted to the father, and then the father asked if he could chat with me. I really wasn't feeling well last night, but I sat up as long as I could talking things over with him. He's having a lot of stress in his real life and I think things just spilled over a bit. I told him if he needs to take a break and come back to the game later, that is fine, or if he wants to stop playing that is also fine. Anyway, he's apologised for his behaviour, sent a message to the other guy in the argument and hopefully, things will be fine next week. He did sound better once he'd let things out and got stuff off his chest.

Not just your friendly local Dungeon Master, but also an amateur therapist.

I hope you fellas are doing better today.  :thumbup:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 03, 2022, 06:54:29 AM
Feeling somewhat better thanks. As far as I can tell, everyone else is doing better too.

My knee seems swollen for some reason, but I should be fit enough to do my biannual check that I can shoot things, carry out basic battlefield first aid and all that s**t.

All else being equal it should be the last time I need to do it before retiring.

Retiring. I like the sound of that word.

Even if I still work afterwards, it will be under different terms and conditions and if I don't like what is happening I can say f**k you and quit.

I've got Ash watching The Rescuers. He really seems to like them.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on April 03, 2022, 08:01:44 AM
Quote from: Alex on April 03, 2022, 06:54:29 AM
Feeling somewhat better thanks. As far as I can tell, everyone else is doing better too.

My knee seems swollen for some reason, but I should be fit enough to do my biannual check that I can shoot things, carry out basic battlefield first aid and all that s**t.

All else being equal it should be the last time I need to do it before retiring.

Retiring. I like the sound of that word.

Even if I still work afterwards, it will be under different terms and conditions and if I don't like what is happening I can say f**k you and quit.

I've got Ash watching The Rescuers. He really seems to like them.

Glad to hear that you're feeling better.

Regarding the R word, I'm more and more sure that I want to retire early: my payout will be sizable so I think I am ready.

I just have to sort my medical (and Mom's) aid out: I went here for advice (

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 04, 2022, 01:45:44 PM
Well, that is CCS all done and finished with. Forever. From the sounds of things, I got in there at just the right time as they are bringing nerve agent exposure back in, in a few weeks. Helps make sure you do all your drills right.

So Germany is going to increase its defence budget to a level that is higher than Russia currently has. In truth, the Russians would have struggled to meet an increased level of spending even before the sanctions. A few years back, Putin had to very quietly cut the military budget while the price of oil was low. Since he runs a very corrupt country that I don't even know why it even has the pretence of being a democracy on any level, I can't say I am surprised that his military reforms haven't gone quite as he expected. An army that doesn't want to fight isn't going to win. I suspect Russia is going to have to rely even more on making threats with its nuclear arsenal. After all, who is going to be afraid of their conventional military after this debacle? They have a curious mixture of the ultra-modern right beside cold war relics (not exactly the only military in the world to do that. I mean look at how old some of the planes in service in the USAAF are, and they even have one particular aircraft that might just see a full 100 years of service. That is fine for bombing the hell out of poorly equipped rebels, but I'd hate to be in one for a proper war regardless of what regular life updates the equipment on board may have had). Unusually for the RAF, I think most of our antiques are out of service. At a guess, I'd imagine Chinooks, Hawks or Hercs are our oldest in service airframe (not counting the Battle of Britain Ceremonial flight, which if we ever send into combat means that everything else has gone up in smoke). Odd to think that Sutherlands (or was it Shackletons?), were still in service until not that long before I joined up. Finland is also set to announce in the next few weeks if it is going to formally apply to join NATO and Sweden is also considering joining. Since the end of the Cold War, people have questioned whether NATO still has a role in the world. I wonder how many of those people wondering that also did not understand why new countries were clamouring to join?

Hell, the other day just after it was the RAF's 104th birthday it occurred to me that I'd been in it for roughly 20% of its existence. I've been a member of its most famous combat squadron and I've managed not to get blown up or shot across 5 wars. I'll take that over any amount of medals. I keep thinking back on all the places I've worked, the things I've done, what they've meant to me and the part that has played in larger world events. None of it is enough to make me want to stay. Throughout my career, I've always heard people say "When it is time to leave, you just know." Pretty sure that is where I am right now.

My rifle accuracy was not as good as the last time I did it when I managed a 14mm spread. This time, it was more like 42mm, which is still good enough to pass. I just couldn't make myself care enough though. I got in the right positions, held the weapon correctly and did all the good stuff, but it was all purely mechanical with no particular care behind it for the result. Afterwards, I was putting my NBC kit away and thinking "Not going to need any of this stuff again (unless a major war kicks off). That was a good feeling. I get extra leave and stuff in preparation for exiting. It means that you effectively have two exit dates. Your first is your last working day, which is your last day in uniform and then the day all that extra stuff expires and you are back on civvy street. If I did things in a specific way, my last working day would be roughly 53 weeks away. Gives me time to sort out getting a civilian house, look for a job and so forth, but my first plan is to go on a holiday. It won't be one to the US, just a family trip, somewhere we haven't been before together. We do have a trip to the states planned next year. After all, it has been 5 years since Kristi last saw her family and Ash should get to meet that side of his family.

Yes there are a lot of challenges out in civvy street. Energy prices are rising, food too. Thing is, there is never a good time to leave. There is always some national or international crisis that says "You should stay in". That is all great until the day the powers that be decide that they no longer need you and put you out regardless of what the world situation is. I've been through 3 periods where they have decided to cut our numbers (and we were involved in wars for all of them). Ultimately the reason for me leaving might not make a difference to the world at large, but it feels good to me that I am leaving on my own terms and when I want to.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: indianasmith on April 04, 2022, 09:20:50 PM
I just want to say, tonight my family and I watched NOAH'S SHARK on your recommendation.
So if you get near my wife or daughters, you might want to keep your Kevlar handy.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on April 04, 2022, 09:54:03 PM
Quote from: Alex on April 04, 2022, 01:45:44 PM
Ultimately the reason for me leaving might not make a difference to the world at large, but it feels good to me that I am leaving on my own terms and when I want to.

I have the same issue:  my bosses (especially my mentor) are begging me to stay but I feel I have to go both for Mom and myself. I have a sizeable fund and I am scared that I will lose it through political shenanigans like Dad did.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on April 04, 2022, 09:54:51 PM
Quote from: indianasmith on April 04, 2022, 09:20:50 PM
I just want to say, tonight my family and I watched NOAH'S SHARK on your recommendation.
So if you get near my wife or daughters, you might want to keep your Kevlar handy.

:buggedout: +  :bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 05, 2022, 12:52:37 AM
Quote from: indianasmith on April 04, 2022, 09:20:50 PM
I just want to say, tonight my family and I watched NOAH'S SHARK on your recommendation.
So if you get near my wife or daughters, you might want to keep your Kevlar handy.

Please note, that I have not watched that movie. It just struck me as possibly a good religious movie along the lines of 'The Robe' when I saw it advertised.  :bouncegiggle:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 05, 2022, 04:56:51 AM
We have having some moderate snow. It is lying on the grassy areas, but the streets themselves are too wet for it to lie there.

Winter is not done with us yet. I've seen snow here in the middle of May (well ok, I didn't actually see it. I was on a course down south at that time and it was a gloriously warm summer there that year, but I heard all about the snow up north).

My upset stomach game back with a vengeance this morning. Six trips to the toilet within an hour first thing this morning. I think the only reason I got to stop sprinting to the toilet was because I have nothing left to give. Still, it means I am off work until Thursday. w00t!

Encouraged by Indy's review, I went to watch Noah's Shark on Amazon, only to discover it wasn't available. I guess I am just going to have to miss out on that cinematic treat for now.

I wasn't able to sort out a tour of the local brewery in time for our visitors coming next week (a work thing), so I've booked them on a tour of a nearby distillery instead.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: indianasmith on April 05, 2022, 06:23:09 AM
I found it free on Prime, but I think availability may vary in different countries.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 06, 2022, 03:00:44 PM
Reports put the damage done to the Russian economy by sanctions at about a 15% contraction, which I think more or less puts it back where it was before he came along. That misstep, more than anything else I think is what would put him out of power*. With its size and natural resources, I'd say it was a matter of time before Russia built itself up from its '90s nadir. Putin may have just been lucky enough to be the man at the helm while this happened, or it might have been down to his policies. That is something I'd need to look into more before I could really post an informed comment on. I do know because of his practises, a lot of western companies ended up being very wary of investing money in the region. A number of oil companies for example were encouraged to go into projects in partnership with Russian companies. They'd come up, set up all the infrastructure and then find that they were then squeezed out of the deal by what we could call aggressive business and legal practices.

*Unless the rumours of his ill-health are true.

It must be said though, that even though he did oversee a big improvement in Russia that has to be balanced with the fact that a country the size of the Russian Federation, had an economy roughly equal to that of Italy (subject to variations in the price of oil) prior to the seizing of parts of Ukraine 8 years ago and that I believe that improvement could and should have been a much greater one.

It would be interesting to look back some years in the future and see how his legacy panned out.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 07, 2022, 09:58:54 AM
Ash has decided to start collecting his own set of dice. The local games store put in a gumball type machine that dispenses them and every time we take him in, he needs to get one.

Anyway, I bought him a dice box in the shape of a Mimic. He absolutely loves it and gets upset if I try to put it away. I was figuring he'd hate it, but use it when he got a bit older.



Still off work ill. Not upset about it though, because well I am off work.

And yes Barri, I deliberately posed the photo so you couldn't get the full title of any of the books.  :bouncegiggle:

Got Mormon missionaries coming around tonight for dinner. I wonder if they will manage not to get lost en route and require rescue. That would make a nice change. You'd think people coming from such a big country wouldn't have a problem getting around a small one, but apparently they do. I am somewhere over 20 American's I've had to go find from wherever they've ended up in Lossiemouth. Kristi is making cheese and potato soup for them along with Yorkshire puddings (although they aren't puddings, more sort of a pasty dish, but not quite).

Oh wow, they just arrived. Congratulations on finding the right path.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 09, 2022, 07:45:53 AM
While I've been off work sick, Kristi has frequently decided she can pop out without Ash. Now if she takes him and drops him off at nursery, things are fine. If I take Ash out and mummy stays home this is also acceptable. Should however Kristi leave the house without Ash, then I am left with a tiny demon who will constantly scream his lungs out. By Tuesday I was dropping hints (but stopped short of saying it directly), that I needed a break and could she take him out with her the next time, but this didn't happen.

This culminated on Thursday evening with Kristi getting a call from me telling her that I was really struggling to keep my temper in check and that she had to get home right now. I had tried everything I could think of to calm Ash down or cheer him up, but nothing was working. He has a little sportscar bed, and at the back of it, there is a spoiler fin-type thing. He decided to headbutt it, and now has a bruise running across his cheek and up the side of his nose. At least he didn't split his head open this time. I really wish I could get him out of this habit of headbutting things when he gets upset.

Couldn't get the local brewery to do a special tour on a Tuesday (they are normally only available on Thursday and Fridays, something like that). I did manage to get us into a local distillery for a tour and free tasting session, so something special has been arranged for the visiting boss that we like. For the other one who is coming later in the month... well I don't want to do anything with him.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 09, 2022, 03:26:56 PM
Seem to be feeling physically better today, although mentally I still feel just drained, exhausted, worn out and done.

I just need some space to recharge my batteries and I'll be fine.

Gave my D&D group 4 choices based on what they've been doing so far and asked them which one of the four they'd like to do next:

QuoteDark Alex — Today at 9:41 PM
And I need actual answers there, not just "Go with whatever the rest of the group wants." (edited)

Zayel — Today at 9:42 PM
Can we combine A&C? With the option of finding Bellaq down after

Dark Alex — Today at 9:53 PM
All these options involve going different places. Blind Bob's trail will take you out of the city in one direction. The trading company another direction. Freeing Baldur's Gate keeps you there and Bellaq will take you to the Moonshae Isles.

Well, it is closer to a straight answer than I normally get. That is progress right?

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 11, 2022, 05:47:48 AM
Well, last week was spent off work ill. This week we have a long weekend, then next week I have another long weekend. I like the thought of those nice short weeks. We have the first of a couple of management visits, so that means no work getting done, but lots of talking, drinking cups of whatever, then after work taking them on a distillery tour and then out for a meal afterwards.

Depending on how I use my settlement leave, normal leave and stuff, I could be working my last day around this time next year.

Oooh, that sends a rather nice chill running through my body.

In D&D, my group had to get into a walled-off area of a city. The roads into that part are guarded, but the wall is only 12 feet high and had no patrols going around it.

Two hours later, the group had decided how to get over the wall.

I felt like banging my head off the wall by the end of it. Perhaps they could have climbed through the hole I'd have made?

Maybe I should dump my idea of doing Shadowrun next. If a wall managed to stymie them so easily, gods only know what they would make of the plots and backstabbing betrayals that fill that game. Speaking of betrayals, the party has decided their nemesis isn't any of the various big bads inhabiting the world. It is a merchant who stiffed them on a deal.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on April 11, 2022, 06:04:51 AM
Quote from: Alex on April 11, 2022, 05:47:48 AM
Two hours later, the group had decided how to get over the wall.
I felt like banging my head off the wall by the end of it. Perhaps they could have climbed through the hole I'd have made?

My landlords' son lives in the unit next to mine and because he is who he is, he thinks the rules of the place - no noise after nine, etc - don't apply to him. He is going to crap himself one night when I go through the dry wall between us with cricket bat in hand.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 12, 2022, 06:15:18 AM
We have the first of two management visits this month, due today. This one we are looking forward to because we like at least one of the two guys coming up. The other one I do not know at all.

It is time for my 6 monthly assessment, which doesn't really mean much since it is an informal thing. If I struggle to care about my annual assessment which is a bigger thing, I'll let you figure out for yourself how much I care about this one. 448 days to go.

When our visitors land, we are going for lunch, then taking them on a tour of a distillery (Glen Moray), after which we will be taking them out for a meal. No doubt drinks will be consumed. If we get them drunk enough, they won't be in any fit state to ask us probing questions tomorrow*.  :bouncegiggle: Such is what passes for a cunning plan these days. Still, we have a long weekend with the Easter holidays this week/start of next week. Then I have another long weekend for our visit to Bovington Tank Museum, so a 4 day week, then a 3 day week and then another 4 day week. That does not sound like a bad working pattern to me. Wish I could keep that one.

*I have actually used this as a tactic previously. We were going on a course and on the first day, the first thing you do is have an inspection. I deliberately gathered everyone on the course up when they arrived the night before it was due to start and then got them drunk in the knowledge that they'd be too hungover to prep their uniform properly and I'd look great by comparrison. It worked.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 14, 2022, 04:55:55 PM
The management visit went well. We'd had a long talk with our line manager (the first time I'd met him face to face in the two years I have worked here, and he is leaving the airforce soon), as well as a senior engineering officer. The senior gave us his speel, and afterwards, I mentioned that in 10 or 11 weeks I'll be putting in my year's notice to quit. He looked shocked and asked if it was because of anything he had said.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 15, 2022, 04:59:57 PM
After 20 years of playing the same edition of D&D, I finally managed to get my character into the Assassin prestige class. Woohoo!

We survived a fight with a rather monsterous creature that we had little hope of defeating (although I did manage to get a rather good hit in on it from behind and took it down about a third of its health. I'd have had to have been incredibly lucky to get that kind of roll a second or third time though). We, later on, found ourselves facing a horde of giant cockroaches as well as a horde of smaller ones. Anyway, the end result of it all was me getting enough XPs to level up and qualifying as an assassin.

In tonight's game, the party after some months of playing (although only 6 days of game time), are due to confront the serial killer who has been stalking the city. It is a boss fight for them and one of those ones where I take the training wheels off. If they die, then they die.

Took a trip into Elgin this morning. It was supposed to be a quick run in and out, but they are building a new housing estate along the route and somehow they'd managed to put a dip in the road that caused cars to go airborne and emergency repairs had to be carried out today. This led to long delays and everything running late. We went to visit the local gaming store, but they were closed for renovations. Ash had been expecting to buy another dice for his Mimic box, and got, well a bit upset about it being shut.

I was slightly vexxed about it myself as I wanted to buy some stuff myself.

The group encountered serial killer, The Creeper tonight and managed to kill him. It was rather easier than I expected, but equally, it wasn't a TPK (Total Party Kill, where everyone dies). The party have now descended into some caves beneath the building where they fought the monster. Something even more dangerous lies down there.

Taking Ash out tomorrow so he can at least hear The Animals play. We decided not to spend the £86+ for tickets as he doesn't like loud noises.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 16, 2022, 05:46:17 PM
Might have to abandon taking Ash out as he seems to have a cold and just wants to sleep. Got a rather dry throat myself.

Still, it is a lovely day outside. Can't believe my big villain who I have been building up for months kept fumbling his attacks and died in 4 rounds. Urgh.  :bouncegiggle: Still, they have not yet encountered the power behind the throne.

Started watching The Dresden Files, see if its any good or not.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 20, 2022, 03:10:18 PM
One of the guys I play alongside in two separate D&D games has taken to standing in places that prevent my character from doing their things. In one game where I play a wizard, he stands in places that force me into melee range. In the other game where I play a melee character, he blocks narrow paths preventing me from getting into combat.

In the first game, my wizard is going to cast a spell called Command. Unless he resists the spell, I can give him a one-word command and he has to fulfil it. I was going to have him "Run", but if I say "Charge" instead, then he'll have to run into combat. He isn't a melee character and this is rather dangerous for him but no more dangerous than the positions he keeps putting me in.

In the other game, well Merri is an assassin. She has a much more straightforward approach to sorting out these issues...

Painting up these two at the moment.


Thinking about collecting the full set from the cartoon.

Just watched what I thought was a pretty good low budget horror. The acting was better than I normally get in these things and it could be considered slightly Lovecraftian (Deep Ones). Thought maybe RC and Indy might like it (although Indy I should warn you in advance, there are no boobs in it). Anyway, it is free on YouTube if anyone wants to watch it (

Having a real thing for creature feature type horror movies just now. Fed up with slashers and zombies right now.

The management visit from the guy who was the final nail in the coffin for me leaving the RAF has been delayed (I have my doubts that it will ever happen tbh) again. I had to cut short my holiday to be here when he visits. This guy is not earning himself any brownie points in my book at all.

Ash decided every time we visit a games store, he needs a new dice. To stop the floor becoming a deadly trap filled with d4's (either you know what they are and why they are so dangerous or you don't), I bought him a dice box. This has become one of his favourite toys. Anyway, I heard cry out in pain and came running through to find he'd dropped his dice box on his foot, but what was really worrying him was his dice collectionbeing scattered all over the floor.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 21, 2022, 04:02:21 PM
Early start tomorrow. We are leaving at 5 am, so Ash (who does not wake up easily) is going to be so happy about us dragging him out of bed at 4 am. Unless he happens to wake up in the middle of the night which does happen occasionally. Right now he is completely crashed out, but in 10 minutes he can be up and running around wanting to watch Micky, yet after a full night's sleep, he is slow to awaken.

I had wanted to fly down to London, but we've ended up taking the train. Longer trip, but I guess much less hassle going through airports. At least we are just passing through there though. I find it a very dirty, tacky and seedy place. I mean all cities have that feeling to a degree, but everywhere I went in London the first time I visited it seemed to be that way. Too damn many people as well. Still, who knows, maybe I'll bump into boris the fat and get to kick him in the nuts.

Now that would make my day. Not quite as much as if I win the ride in the Tiger tank, but y'know, still pretty damn good.

My co-worker and boss had a mid-level argument. I could tell it is just a stepping stone to a bigger one though. Still, they have the next couple of days in work to talk things over, sort it all out. I just don't think it will happen.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 22, 2022, 01:54:06 AM
Well, getting Ash out of bed went better than expected. Indeed he has been a hyper ball of energy so far. Warm weather is predicted all day. We are sitting on the train at Aberdeen train station (which for 20 years I have been convinced is the coldest single spot anywhere on the planet), waiting on it leaving for London. It is a 7-hour journey, then travel across London and finally off for another couple of hours on a train to Darlington.

Nice views out the window. Kristi bought Ash a chocolate-covered biscuit. I am not impressed as he now has chocolate-covered hands and a matching face.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 25, 2022, 01:04:37 PM
After 4 days of travelling that is us back home. Friday we started at 4 am, went up to Aberdeen and then took a train down to London, walked across part of it and then took another train down to Dorchester. We stayed there overnight, and then got up in the morning for another train to Wool and finally a bus to Bovington Tank Museum. I got to run around quite happily seeing lots of my favourite WW2 tanks and quite a few other vehicles, like a pair of Kubelwagons. The travelling and lack of sleep were taking its toll on Ash though so we didn't spend the whole day at the museum, leaving just before 2. By that point I'd seen everything I wanted to see, including the Tiger, running around, For a beast that weighs north of 50 tonnes and is 80 years old, it couldn't half move some. Afterwards, we had to head back into and across London to meet up with a friend near Heathrow airport. We had a meal with him and chatted for a few hours. He was claiming that there were no game stores near him. I mentioned one offhand that I knew of, and Kristi googled a few others for him, including one in his home town he was unaware of.

Sunday, we headed back up to Scotland (with some relief for me. You can taste the pollution in the air around London and I was worried about it causing Kristi to have an asthma attack). We stayed the night in Aberdeen before taking our final train ride home today. I am hoping Ash is all done in and ready to sleep tonight after everything we've put him through.

In the meantime, I have a lot of tanks to paint up (mistakes were made, but I regret nothing!).

Well, two tanks. In all fairness, the rest were merely armoured vehicles or anti-tank guns.

Lots of pictures incoming:



Panzer III

Ha-Go (Japanese Tank and not a very good one at that).

Panther Tank. My favourite WW2 tank. I didn't actually know that the museum had one of these, so coming across it was a nice surprise.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: RCMerchant on April 25, 2022, 01:07:41 PM
Dam! So cool!
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 25, 2022, 01:08:18 PM


Exploring inside a WW1 tank.


The workshop.



Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 25, 2022, 01:11:54 PM



British Flag from the siege Tobruk (I think. I did read the story behind it, but I read an awful lot of stuff). Just below it, you can see part of a 12-foot wide flag that Hitler had created to fly over the city when it fell, but instead, it ended up as a war trophy.



Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 25, 2022, 01:14:57 PM



Ash wondering what any of this actually is.

The tank museum is beside the Royal Armoured Core camp.


I think this is a Sherman M4A4.


Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: RCMerchant on April 25, 2022, 01:15:56 PM
Back in the early 70's we had a WWII era Army Jeep in the barn.
We were just renting the property, so it wasn't ours. I wonder if it's still their?  :question:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 25, 2022, 01:19:36 PM

the cabin of a WW1 tank.

German anti-tank gun. The same weapon was mounted on a lot of their big cat tanks (well the Tiger II or King Tiger anyway).




Kettengrad, a sort of tracked bike that could be used to tow big guns around. Rather a complicated design which limited its usefulness, but I think it looks cool. In the background is an American ambulance.


WW1 tank. The big bundle of sticks would be dropped into trenches so they could then drive across.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 25, 2022, 01:20:34 PM
Quote from: RCMerchant on April 25, 2022, 01:15:56 PM
Back in the early 70's we had a WWII era Army Jeep in the barn.
We were just renting the property, so it wasn't ours. I wonder if it's still their?  :question:

It would be worth some money if it was. Even if it couldn't be repaired, collectors are always in the market for spares.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 25, 2022, 01:26:44 PM
Tiger 131. The world's only original still running Tiger I. Captured in North Africa, the battle damage that caused the crew to abandon it is still visible on the turret, although you can't see it from this position really (you'd need to be above it). If you've seen the movie, Fury. This is the tank they used in the film for the ambush of the Sherman column. Just like in the movie, if you wanted to get through its armour in a Sherman then you really had to hit it from the sides, or preferably the rear to stand a chance of getting through its armour. Had it been given sloped armour, it would have been even more difficult to penetrate.

Imgur has really messed up the order I uploaded the photos in.

Kubelwagon, the German equivalent of the Jeep.




Including original drivers!

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 25, 2022, 01:32:57 PM
Armoured cars, which are like tanks but not as cool.

The queen of the desert, the Matilda II.





The brown tank is a Churchill, which was a very slow tank, but one that wasn't stopped by terrain. They were very useful in the mountains of Italy and came in a number of different builds with different guns fitted. Some of them were used as flamethrower tanks but would tow a large bowser behind it negating the normal risk of your tank being blown up if your flame thrower fuel was detonated. The tank two up from it (B43), I think is a Sherman (I couldn't get any closer to have a better look at it), but I haven't seen one before with a gun that large.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 25, 2022, 01:37:23 PM








This tank until a few years ago was in running condition and took part in Tiger Day, however stress fractures had started to appear in the metal and they had to take a decision on replacing parts or retiring it. It was decided to keep it as original as possible and sadly the tank will move no more.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 25, 2022, 01:54:57 PM
Not even halfway through these photos yet. They are a mixture of the ones I took and the ones Kristi took.

Back to armoured cars. For some reason, this one reminds me of an ex-girlfriend's nipples which were lethal weapons on a cold night.


Ever seen a WW2 movie and wondered what the inside of the German half-track looked like, while all the soldiers were running out of one, only to get gunned down?


This is a Carden Loyd tankette. Also used to tow guns around.

Inside a turret.


In front of the Panther.

Size comparison of a WW1 tank (or Land-Ship as they were known).


I am not 100% sure of this, but I think this is a Pershing which was an American heavy tank. It was only introduced at the tail end of the war, but it proved to be more than a match for Tigers (such was how quickly tank design advanced during the war that something that was cutting edge on introduction was virtually obsolete a few years later).
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 25, 2022, 02:03:05 PM

A German WW1 tank. Only about 20 of these were actually made so this is pretty damn rare.

The first thing that hit me looking at this was the width of the treads.

Me and Ash waiting for the bus to go home.


Kristi took this one. I am guessing you are looking down the barrel of a gun here.



[img width=400[/img]http://(

You can just see a tiny bit of the shell impact I mentioned earlier on this photo towards the front of the turret, just to the side of the open hatch. Note the interlocked wheels. On the Eastern Front, these would prove to be a nightmare. Mud would build up between the wheels and then freeze overnight preventing the tank from moving. If just one of those wheels is damaged you had to remove a lot of the other ones in order to replace it.

Not a WW2 tank, so I have no idea on this one.

Ugly all day.


Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 25, 2022, 02:05:50 PM
This is a rather rare bird. A German WW1 tank. Only 20 of these were ever produced and much like the French attempt at tanks, was not very good.



And that is them all done. If anyone does have a real hankering for old tanks, I do also have some videos of the Tiger and a Panzer III running around a track. The Panzer III is tiny compared to the Tiger. Anyway, if that does interest you, let me know and I'll send you links for the videos.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 26, 2022, 01:28:20 PM
Today I did some research on how early I can have worked my final day in the RAF. It turns out if I carry over the maximum amount of leave I can, and don't sign up to any resettlement courses, I can be retired in very early April. I'd still technically be in the RAF for another 4 months, collecting a steady paycheck and all, but I'd be free to enjoy my time just however I so please.

The only question is, what to do with that free time. We are already planning on going back to the US so Kristi can see her family, but almost all of our holidays have been to see family members and both of us would like to see more of the world than that. I have a mild hankering to go see Vienna. Everywhere else I'd like to go in the world seems to have an unfortunate problem with either (or indeed both), high crime or terrorism (curious though that despite the problems the US has had with those, that we are still willing to visit. If you ever want to read something to put you off visiting the states, try their government's advice to tourists. There is a mighty big list of things not to do on that (offhand I recall from my first visit when I read all the paperwork from cover to cover: Don't hang around the Mexican border region, don't sit in your car in a motel car park, if you find yourself in a ghetto type area, put the pedal to the metal and get the hell out of there, stay in tourist areas, avoid inner cities, outer cities, suburbs and rural areas. Eventually, it stops talking about risks from other humans and does mention something about bears. I think there is a small patch of land somewhere in Kansas that is safe to visit, a couple of feet across, but that might just be an urban legend. Been a few years since I have read it though, wonder if it has been updated in the meantime). On the one hand I could have visited them when I was single, on the other hand travelling alone is boring.

And you have no one to cut the Achilles tendons of, so you can escape the bears while they feed. Don't do that if you are attacked by wolves though. They like to chase their prey, so let your companion flee and the pack hunters will chase them while you casually stroll out of there making up a story about how you bravely tried to rescue your friend.

If it is some sort of big cat the chances you are f**ked whatever you do though. They will play with you either way.

Hmm, tempted by Iceland. I wonder if I could talk Kristi into visiting there. Maybe do an island hopping thing and visit the Caribbean.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on April 26, 2022, 02:02:40 PM
Nice pics, I trust the three of you had a great day out.

Got me thinking: there was a military museum in my home town: I wonder if its still open?

As for places to go, come to South Africa 😊😊🐢
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 26, 2022, 02:06:29 PM
We may do that Trevor. I really enjoyed the visit. Kristi said she enjoyed it, but I suspect she is just saying that to make me happy.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 01, 2022, 03:26:55 PM
I've been speaking with the local games store about running some one-shot RPGs on Saturday nights. They mentioned giving me a free figure for every game I run.

Well, that is me sold on it.  :bouncegiggle:

It is also potentially a route into one possible post-retirement jobs, being a paid DM.

It would also save me the bother of actually having to look for a real job, although it does mean dealing with people. Ah, if only I could get rid of a load of them, what a more peaceful and quieter place the world would be. Shorter queues for everything too.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 02, 2022, 05:40:56 AM
I am listening to a few Lovecraft podcasts this weekend.

Ever wondered why all these ancient alien creatures from the remotest parts of the galaxy would pick our little planet to settle on? Shame he never lived long enough to develop his background enough in ways like that. Then again, I get the impression he wasn't overly happy with his own stories. I wonder what he'd have thought of his eventual success?

Or what that world would be like if rather than just stories, there really was a dark underworld, just hidden beneath the surface. Creatures living beneath our cemeteries and graveyards (did you know there is a difference between the two? A graveyard is traditionally run by a church and only Christians are normally allowed to be buried there, while a cemetery is run by the local council and welcomes everyone regardless of affiliation), feeding on our remains, or lurking deep beneath the waves. How many of us would be able to survive in such an environment and would we be part of the blissfully ignorant masses or amongst the few who know something of what is really out there.

What place horror movies in a world where such things are real?

Looking at the themes of many films I don't really see that making much of a difference. Maybe secretive government departments might try to limit what they show, careful not to reveal any ways that people might accidentally copy something in a film and summon up something.

The joys of where my thoughts go when I am thinking up another short story.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: RCMerchant on May 02, 2022, 11:52:19 AM
Me and Lovecraft have the same birthday! August 20th!

I think Lovecraft had manic depression. I never seen a photo of him smiling. He worked in pulp magazines all his life; but did exchange letters with fellow authors Clark Ashton Smith, August Derleth, and a young Robert Bloch. He was also very racist.

I always enjoyed his work.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on May 02, 2022, 12:54:32 PM
Quote from: RCMerchant on May 02, 2022, 11:52:19 AM
Me and Lovecraft have the same birthday! August 20th!

I think Lovecraft had manic depression. I never seen a photo of him smiling. He worked in pulp magazines all his life; but did exchange letters with fellow authors Clark Ashton Smith, August Derleth, and a young Robert Bloch. He was also very racist.

I always enjoyed his work.

I read somewhere that he lived off ice cream and only ever went out at night: I don't know if that's true 🤔🐢
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 02, 2022, 01:11:08 PM
He was by all accounts a very prolific letter writer. I do agree that I believe he had mental health issues. I think that they fed into his fears and writings, and wouldn't have been anywhere near as good if he hadn't been so afraid of so many things himself. Even allowing for the time he was alive, he was considered to be more racist than most. On the other hand, it isn't like he is able to profit from these views.

Cool on the birthday.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 03, 2022, 03:51:02 PM
Started doing DDPY with Kristi today. If you'd ever asked me if I would have thought I'd do a fitness program started by an ex-pro wrestler I am pretty confident you'd have gotten my "What the f**k are you on?" type look.

Yet here I am, trying to contort my body into positions that I am pretty sure it was never designed for. When I was younger I went for speed and endurance. As I got older I went for a bit more power as my body started to slow down a bit. Bendiness was never on my to-do list.

It is something to do while we wait for the apocalypse I guess. Be it environmental, war, disease or whatever or as I suspect for any real extinction-level time period, a combination of several different factors that combine to have a greater effect than any one or two disasters could have on their own. The first punch staggers you, but the second one puts you down.

None of which explains why I am hauling my ass around contortionist wet dream.

Actually, the reason behind that is simply because I've been worried about Kristi's health. She's been having a lot of gall bladder pains and needs to lose weight to get an operation. I suspect though if she loses some weight, then she won't need the op. That is the hope anyway.

Gloryhammer, Wind Rose and Alestorm have all put out new music. Wonder if I'll get any of their CDs as presents? I heard Ozzy has finished a new album. Still waiting on the tour for the last one you old prick. Get f**king out there on tour. And less for the terrible collaborations with Post Malone while you are at it. If you need to put out some new music, then how about a kick-arse album, the likes of which you've not done since No More Tears.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 05, 2022, 02:31:06 PM
It is the local council elections across Scotland today. I voted, more in the vain hope of keeping a petty, spoilt brat of a man out of power although I think I'll be in the minority and he will get elected.

Still, at least he is only at the very lowest level of elected power and not going to be running the country.

The way this election runs you can vote for up to six candidates, and you put a number beside each one in order of preference. I voted for 4 of them (there were coincidently 6 people standing for the ward). One I didn't vote for because he'd been campaigning in towns that were outside the borders of the area he'd be representing. I figure if he can't get what places he is going to be standing on behalf of right, then he shouldn't be anywhere near any kind of power. The other one, well he is an a***ole who thinks he can bully people into letting him have his way. He's had a few knockbacks recently and found that what influence he has is distinctly limited. I have no wish to have any part in giving him an increased measure.

Watching a fan-made movie of 'At the Mountains of Madness' right now. It isn't well-acted, but it isn't the worst I have seen either. Anyway, it isn't much over an hour-long, so if anyone else wants to watch it, you'll find it here: (

It has a woman playing one of the professors. HPL would be spinning in his grave.  :bouncegiggle: Although the reason I think that has more to do with the general lack of women in his stories than anything against educated women (I have no idea what his position on that was, although it wouldn't surprise me if he was against it.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 06, 2022, 03:58:35 AM
I've decided that for the 5th edition campaign I am now going to be running for a local shop, I am going to look at reworking the first online campaign I ran. This time instead of finding a magical MacGuffin, they will find a map which will lead them on a treasure hunt (which will be the masks from the original story).

I'll break it up into little pieces and run it as one-shots which, should we get a regular group I'll look at converting to a campaign.

It is my last day of being 47 today. For some reason, this feels momentous in a way that other birthdays haven't. I have no idea why this should be so.

Maybe it is my body telling me, hey you have reached the halfway point where you have now lived more days than you have left. I am told death and taxes are inevitable, but I made it to my mid-20s without paying taxes and could have continued in that vein had I so wished. People just haven't figured out the dodge for the other one yet.

Looks like the right-wing party has lost ground in the local elections. That was expected and I don't see it bringing down the fat muppet Johnson. Politicians will tolerate a lot in a leader. Pretty much anything unless it looks like it is going to hurt their own election chances. Everything else to them is just window dressing. They talk about the parties going on in No 10 during lockdown and yeah that p**ses people off, but what is really going to guide who they vote for is the cost of living crisis we are going through with prices going up. Well, they were told this would happen if they voted for Brexit and voted for it anyway, so f**k them. Just because outside circumstances have made it even worse than it would have been, they still made their choice and this is the consequence.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 08, 2022, 02:45:06 PM
It was a lovely day outside yesterday. Kristi had a course to go do, so I took Ash off out to Elgin for a quick trip. Had to pick him up some new dice of course. Then it was back to Lossiemouth. We stopped at the swings and let him play for a bit, before picking him up some treats for being well behaved and then heading home.

Popped across the backdoor to a neighbour's house for a BBQ and some beers. I was only going to put in an appearance to be polite, but I ended up enjoying it and staying for a few hours. I still left early though because I wanted to spend the day with Kristi and Ash.

Kristi got me some DVDs, a book made up of the pictures we took at the tank museum, some WW2 models and a kit of the Razor Crest.

I got myself the new Battletech set and a Soviet tank. I am pretty much out of room on my German shelf for anything more, so I guess I have to work on the other factions a bit now.

It is going to be an interesting day tomorrow. I am wondering what Putin is going to say at the May Parade. Does he expand the war, or try to claim a victory? Do people around him smell blood in the water and a chance to take his place, or are they loyal stooges to the end?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 09, 2022, 07:47:03 AM
After all the build-up, Putin's victory day speech seems to be much of a nothing new. Disappointing, but not surprising.

If I took an alcoholic drink every time someone in the Russian government mentions using nuclear weapons, my kidneys would have given up the ghost and died. The only problem with wiping out all your enemies in 30 minutes, is that shortly afterwards their retalitory strikes are going to hit. So yeah, celebrate killing them all off, but you better party hard and fast because very quickly you are going to be just as dead.

If there are any survivors, they might care who fired first, but I suspect that they'd have a lot of other priorities.

Mark has asked me that in the event of an apocalypse, can he partner up with me as I have a smattering of survival techniques. Thing is, my first question would be what do you bring to the deal? I am not sure a working knowledge of conspiracy theories brings enough value to justify me sharing my family's food supply.

I worry a lot less about the thought of a nuclear apocalypse than people might think. I am living right beside somewhere that is going to be targetted in a first strike, and only limited ways to get away from it. I figure from the warning going off, we have about enough time to make it to the beach for a walk along it, then it is welcome to the cinderblock. No point in worrying about it.

Should you find yourself in this situation and have a chance of survival, the first thing you should do is seek shelter. You do not want to be out in the open when that fallout starts coming down. Lie down, head towards the blast (preferably with some sort of protective covering like a helmet), and stay down while the initial blast wave goes overhead. Stay down afterwards, because nature does not like a vacuum, and all that air that was blasted out, it is going to come rushing right back in. Once you've had both the positive and negative blast waves, if you aren't under cover get to it ASAP. Then get rid of your clothes. Chances are they are contaminated with radioactive particles. Don't try to wipe the dust off, just ditch your outer attire. You then want to stay in your shelter for a day or two (longer if you have the supplies). With EMP, the chances are electrical things will no longer work, so no internet, radio, TV or cars. Your best bet for getting around might just be a bike. A good knife is your best tool. You can make other weapons, shelter, traps for food, clothes and so many other things essential for survival. A gun might be handy for a while, as long as you can maintain it and keep up an ammo supply, but really it is a secondary concern. It will help, but if you need a gun to survive, the chances are you aren't going to last long anyway. Longer though than the other people you can shoot to take supplies off.

From there on it, you'll need to come up with a way to secure an untainted water supply and start producing your own food. I know some general ways to do that (including most randomly, how to get a babboon to take you to a water supply), but they all depend very much on your environment. So I'll just wish you luck in your post-apocalyptic survival scenario.

If you need me, I'll be hanging around with the other radioactive, blood-drinking zombies.

Having some fun with my Friday night players at the moment:

QuoteShift — Today at 9:02 AM
Alex when did you say this part of the Friday game ends ?

Dark Alex — Today at 10:11 AM
The part in the city as a whole, or the The Creeper storyline? If it is the The Creeoer, potentially that could end this week. The other one depends on what the party still want to do in Baldurs Gate.
[10:12 AM]
It could end with The Creeper, or you could spend months there.

Shift — Today at 10:39 AM
Dam it always happens when I'm not around
[10:40 AM]
Is there a summary of how this came to be?

Dark Alex — Today at 11:20 AM
You want a run down of Fridays game?
[11:21 AM]
So the group continued further down into the caves beneath the city. They almost walked into a see through Gelatinous Cube, and a couple of party members were absorbed into its acidic mass, but were rescued.
[11:22 AM]
They continued along the passage, some of the group getting threatening messages in their heads promising their destruction and doom.
[11:24 AM]
Part of the floor collapsed, causing the two party members in the front to fall into a pit and a burrowing Umber Hulk ambushed the group. While the party fought it, a second Hulk tore through the wall behind them and attacked Falael (as he was the closest). The ranger was ripped to pieces in a matter of seconds. The party barely managed to overcome the Hulks, but eventually they stood more or less victorious.

Ian/Kaitryn — Today at 11:24 AM
There was also the two Isect-ogres
[11:24 AM]
Oh you just mentioned that...

Dark Alex — Today at 11:25 AM
It was decided to bury Falael in the rather handy pit they had just fought in. Although since the party didn't clean it out, he gets to share his grave with an Umber Hulk rather than getting the dignity of his own hole in the ground.

Ian/Kaitryn — Today at 11:26 AM
It's our tribute to his death

Dark Alex — Today at 11:26 AM
The party were now looking for a safe area just to hole up and rest. Continuing along the cavern a little way they found themselves in a large cave, dominated by an underground lake. What happened next is, well I think I should wait until the next game and let you get a bit of a surprise at what they found there.
[11:27 AM]
What I will say is that it was very big, very slimy and in the water.
[11:28 AM]
They are low on hit points and spells.
[11:29 AM]
And I am hoping that everyone who was there got at least a bit of a surprise from that final encounter.
[11:31 AM]
That is what an Umber Hulk looks like. They are underground dwellers, using their powerful claws to dig through the earth.

Shift — Today at 11:50 AM
So basically we are close to being proper f**ked

Dark Alex — Today at 11:50 AM
If I had played things differently, the group would have wiped on Friday.

Shift — Today at 11:51 AM
Oh s**t
[11:51 AM]
You felt a hint of remorse for us? :P

Dark Alex — Today at 11:51 AM
f**k no
[11:51 AM]
I wanted you to meet the thing in the next room is all.

Shift — Today at 11:52 AM
I need some big hps back I take it, and go roar

Dark Alex — Today at 11:53 AM
If that is how the party decide to handle the situation, feel free.

Shift — Today at 12:04 PM
It's a trap, fall back

Dark Alex — Today at 2:12 PM
That is also an option.
[2:12 PM]
I mean you've killed everything on the way on, so retreating would be perfectly safe. Wouldn't it?

Shift — Yesterday at 2:27 PM
Everyone  do not move  just stay where you are 😅 we fend our ground

Dark Alex — Yesterday at 2:48 PM
As long as there isnt another Umber Hulk borrowing beneath you, that will be perfectly safe.

Dark Alex — Yesterday at 3:39 PM
Or a Purple Wyrm. Or a Brown Dragon, Ankheg, Derro raiding party etc...
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 10, 2022, 04:00:42 AM
Doing a university course. It opens up with a whole thing on cyber security, which compared to the stuff I normally deal with is soooo noddy. All the different variants of phishing, which to me still boils down to the same thing and doesn't need to be broken down into its own thing.

Got another management visit today, although including us on the places visited feels like a bit of an afterthought the way it has all been organised. I am not really caring about it, but poor Mark had went and sorted out things to do with the boss to impress him only to get told "Yeah, I have other plans, so I won't be able to attend that."

This particular management figure is the person who was the final straw in my decision to quit. It could get interesting if we do get a chat with him. It isn't the changes he'd brought in that prompted this, but the way they are being implemented. The chain of command is like a bunch of monkeys all on a rope. The monkey at the top looks down and see's a whole bunch of other monkeys trying to get up to his spot. The monkeys below, well when they look up, all they can see is a bunch of a***oles.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on May 10, 2022, 05:37:24 AM
Quote from: Alex on May 10, 2022, 04:00:42 AM
The chain of command is like a bunch of monkeys all on a rope. The monkey at the top looks down and see's a whole bunch of other monkeys trying to get up to his spot. The monkeys below, well when they look up, all they can see is a bunch of a***oles.

:bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 11, 2022, 05:59:15 AM
Some of the videos on the cyber course got to be slightly amusing (in an about as funny as the average episode of The Big Bang Theory).

Thinking I might need to check out The Spine of Night. The trailer wasn't grabbing me, but I'll give it more of a look. I don't have a go-to TV show to watch at the moment. Not since Supernatural finally finished (until the movie comes out doubtless lol).

Spoke with my mum on Sunday. She wasn't sounding great, so I spoke to my younger brother (who lives a lot closer to her than I do), and got him to book tickets for her to come up and stay with us for a bit. She is coming up tomorrow and should arrive about the same time I finish work. It is a shame that I won't be able to take time off work to spend with her, as next week is a busy week and we already have Mark off on leave, but I can take her somewhere at the weekend.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 15, 2022, 03:07:18 PM
It is a hot day today. Had my sister in law and her youngest son over to visit, along with my mum and sister being here already.

You can tell from the movies I get to watch this week that we have company.

As expected, Ukraine won the Eurovision song contest. I managed to avoid watching any of it, although I've heard that the Norwegian entry was something special... It seems to have involved giving bananas to wolves. It means I get more material to mock one of my Norwegian friends.

Honestly, there was years worth of mockery from that performance. She was a bit flabbergasted about it herself to be fair.

Stupid mostly crap music competition.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 21, 2022, 04:28:44 PM
So tonight was my first face to face, all-around a table playing D&D night in so long that I can't actually remember what my last such session was.

I reran the first chapter of my first online campaign, where the party are tasked with investigating a series of killings around a village. At first, the party thinks that the spirit of an evil spellcaster is responsible (with some hints that there could be more to the story than they first realise). They go through a few twists and turns, and then at the end of it, find that they are in possession of an artefact that is way more powerful than they can handle. I also added in a map and a diary that will give the party more of a backstory to the item, whereas last time the group had to figure out everything all by themselves.

The game seemed to run well enough. I had four players, all of whom said they were keen to play again, so we have a provisional second game in two weeks. One of the players immediately went downstairs and snapped up a copy of the Players Handbook (what they need to play the game as a minimum), as well as a couple of sets of dice, so it is making money for the shop over and above the hiring the table cost from the players. None of them had ever played before, and I do enjoy recruiting more people to the hobby.

Funny, my mum always thought I'd grow up to be a priest and be good at getting people to go to church.

Bumped into a guy who I'd taught to play D&D when he was a kid (he must have been 12-14 sort of age). I hadn't seen him since he left school. He'd joined the army along with another friend, while a third member of their group went to the airforce (him I have encountered before). Anyway, when I saw him I really didn't recognise him. He looks older than me even though he must be about 18 years younger. Anyway, we've linked up on facebook. I remember they asked if I could take them with me to Aberdeen one time and show them where all the games shops are. On the way back we were waiting at the train station. They were near the edge of the platform and I was standing further back. An old guy with his wife pushed through them even though there was plenty of room on the platform, which I figured was rude, but I didn't say anything. Then the old guy came back and did the same thing and said something nasty to the boys, so I stepped forward and gave him a mouthful of abuse. The old guy suddenly crapped himself realising these kids had an adult to protect them. I followed him onto the train and sat where he could see me and spent the next 90 minutes staring daggers at him. I am willing to bet that he was more careful the next time he was getting on the train.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 23, 2022, 03:47:21 PM
Arranging a second game for the 4th of next month and we have two additional players joining, taking it up to 6 players which is as big as I want the group to get for the moment.

Watching the TV series of Hammer House of Horror. I love the theme song for that show.

I should check up on the news, and find out what is happening in the world outside. Feels like effort would be involved there though. I reorganised the pictures on the walls today (yay for the most exciting life). I bought myself a limited edition print from one of my favourite artists as part of a fundraiser for Ukraine. Trouble is that Kristi also bought me one, and it is the same picture. If anyone else is a big Gary Chalk fan (I'll be surprised, it isn't like the is well known), and wants a print of his, let me know. Got a spare one.

Still, it was a good cause.

Oh well, back to my uni course. Programs won't write themselves alas.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 25, 2022, 02:22:23 PM
Today we found out we are losing the programming side of our job.

This means that I will be busy one week out of four. Now, I could take advantage of this, do a load of working from home and take home what is easy money, during what with all the price rises going on, is uncertain times. Or I can stick with my original plan and submit my PVR in 5 or 6 weeks and get the hell out. I have served my time and been through several wars, mostly at the request of another country that then abandoned us when they decided the job was too difficult. Found out today I've been awarded another pointless medal. I'm pretty sure I've lost my other ones (I think they were accidentally thrown out). I don't think I care enough to replace them. Maybe I'll buy cheaper reproductions off ebay?

I know Kristi will support me on whichever path I choose. She is prouder of me serving than I am.

Not hard really.

Sometimes I listen to or read what people outside this world I inhabit think what they think is going on and just have to laugh at their stupidity (or if you feel more generous than I do right now, nievity). Sometimes I am even slightly envious that they can think that, that is how things really are. It might feel better to join them in blissful ignorance.

Will I miss anything?

Sure. Then again, there are things I miss from every other job I've done too. Ultimately I can't see myself looking back any more or less fondly than the couple of weeks I spent working for Harlequin Construction for a few weeks the summer before I joined up. Then again, I'll miss it more than when I worked for Fullerton Fabrications (both companies that have gone out of business in the years since I left them. Factory jobs have proven to be my least favourite rolls).

One of the civilians I work beside, he is, or was rather, the general manager for his company's activities around here. He was made redundant at the weekend. I remember him once giving me a talk on corporate loyalty, and working extra unpaid hours. We noticed he had binned all the awards he'd been presented with when he came in to clear out his office. I guess he just learned an important lesson about corporate loyalty. Except in very rare and exceptional circumstances, it all goes one way.

Trevor, if you are reading this, I am watching a documentary about looking for Great Whites in Bird Island if that means anything to you. Not as much fun as Shark Attack III though.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on May 26, 2022, 12:34:06 PM
Quote from: Alex on May 25, 2022, 02:22:23 PM

Sometimes I listen to or read what people outside this world I inhabit think what they think is going on and just have to laugh at their stupidity (or if you feel more generous than I do right now, nievity). Sometimes I am even slightly envious that they can think that, that is how things really are. It might feel better to join them in blissful ignorance.

Out of curiosity, is there a particular issue or situation you had in mind here? (And I agree and have had similar thoughts many times.)
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 26, 2022, 12:36:49 PM
Quote from: ER on May 26, 2022, 12:34:06 PM
Quote from: Alex on May 25, 2022, 02:22:23 PM

Sometimes I listen to or read what people outside this world I inhabit think what they think is going on and just have to laugh at their stupidity (or if you feel more generous than I do right now, nievity). Sometimes I am even slightly envious that they can think that, that is how things really are. It might feel better to join them in blissful ignorance.

Out of curiosity, is there a particular issue or situation you had in mind here? (And I agree and have had similar thoughts many times.)

Yes, two separate people in particular, but I could apply it to any number of other people too.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 30, 2022, 05:00:15 AM
In work by myself today. The manager is off sick while my co-worker is on leave, spending time with her wife before she goes off to the south Atlantic for a few months.

With no work to do, I might as well not be here though.

As long as I get paid for it though, I do not care.

I see Russia is pulling 60-year-old tanks out of storage (keeping old vehicles in storage is not an unusual practice) and sending them into combat. Either Ukrainian forces have nothing to fight armoured vehicles with and they can afford to send in antique relics into battle, or the Russians lack enough modern fighting systems and are pulling them out of being mothballed out of desperation. Armoured vehicles would be something of a moot point of the Russians were able to use their airpower effectively. Still, they are having some success in the Donbas region now. I wonder if they'll try just to land grab there and claim victory. A somewhat reduced goal from their initial plan of occupying the entire country for 10-15 years to de-nazify it.

With it being the queen's 70th year on the throne, we are having parades and a beacon lighting on the beach on Thursday (and I'll no doubt be shouting "GONDOR CALLS FOR AID!"). Marches and stuff on the weekend. I've managed to avoid taking part in those, but Kristi tends to like this kind of stuff, so if she wants, I'll go along and watch with her. Assuming Ash is feeling well anyway. He clearly wasn't quite himself last night, and then this morning he was throwing up. If he is still ill come Thursday night, then I'll stay home and Kristi can go do the thing.

Not 100% myself. I am finding myself running to the toilet quite a lot. I'd go sick, but everyone else in the office is off too.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 31, 2022, 08:19:10 AM
3 months short of when the old one broke, the new bridge to Lossiemouth east beach was finally opened today. The local great and good (not my term for them), gathered. There were speeches and a local school pipe band marched the first people to cross it, over to the eastern sands.

They actually sounded pretty good for a bunch of high school kids.

There were four speeches, two of which were mercifully short, one was of moderate length and one went on so long I just zoned out for a bit. Ash wanted to hold my hand and would not let me let go of him, which saved me from clapping for people who had just bored me by talking too much. I caught that the new bridge had cost £1.8 million. Seems a lot for a fairly short bridge, but that kind of engineering isn't my forte. Maybe they had to strengthen the harbour where they've placed it. Next week the builders return, but this time they are taking down the old wooden one. It was built in 1908 and survived the last 40 or 50 years despite the lack of any maintenance (arguments between different authorities about who should be responsible for it) being carried out on it. That is (or was) a well-made bridge in my opinion. I wonder how long the new one will last? The next big project should be the sea wall, which according to a survey carried out on it a few years back was due to last until about now. If it collapses then it opens up that part of the beach to heavy erosion that would destroy the beach and start eating into one of the three old villages that now make up Lossiemouth (Lossiemouth, Hythe and Sea Town), not to mention taking out the shiny new bridge in the process.

It is a local government thing though, so no doubt nothing will happen until it one particular time that all government institutions tend to act at.

When it is just slightly too damn late.

Ash is keeping food down today, although we aren't going to give him any dairy just to be on the safe side since that tends to be a bit rougher on people's stomachs. He still isn't his normal self though. Hoping he is fully recovered by the weekend.

I am getting to listen to my choice of music today. Stuck on my horror-themed playlist and I can just spend the day rocking out.

One of the few bad things about living in Lossiemouth is the lack of somewhere to go listen to good live music. I do miss going to concerts more regularly. Then again, most of the people I'd like to go see live have the slight disadvantage of being dead.

Selfish pricks.

I bet the east beach is a mess by the end of the day. What a shock for the animals who live there and have been blessedly free of human interference in their habitat. Now we'll have people who go there to enjoy nature and just dump their litter on it. Just another way the human race seems to be severely f**ked up as a species.

Even more selfish pricks.

Still, we have a beach cleaning day coming up and a lot of people from the local community do go and clear the beach of rubbish. Got to find the good where you can.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 02, 2022, 03:07:38 PM
Sometimes I am really surprised at how well Kristi has coped with moving not just countries, but continents. I thought by the time I was leaving the mob she'd be demanding we moved back to her home.

Other times you hear just how many gun rampages go on over there, or we hear about something with a medical bill or student debt that is beyond what they can pay and I guess I can understand why she doesn't want to a bit more. I just heard about a shooting in a hospital, although only through the FB posts of some American friends. A mere four people being shot doesn't seem to be worthy of notice in the news over here compared to the ones that reach higher numbers.

When I was a kid the US was sold to us as the land of opportunity, where (as long as you were born there) anyone could become president and if you worked hard, you'd make it. Now I increasingly meet people who have left it for a better life in Europe and more chances to make it. I wonder what happened to change it all?

The Amber turd/Johnny Depp trial malarky is over for the moment. I wonder what people will pick next for their fix of celebrity gossip? I must confess to having watched some of the footage myself, mostly of people analyzing the body language of the various witnesses and whatnot.

Managed to avoid all the jubilee stuff today. Kristi has come down with the DV bug that has been going around. Ash had it earlier in the week. I am expecting to have it tomorrow as that means I can have a day sick, then 48 hours quarantine off work and still go back to work as per normal come Monday. We had planned on going to the beacon lighting down the beach, but with Kristi throwing up constantly, and me having no real interest in going otherwise I doubt me and Ash will be going ourselves. Starts in about half an hour with peaches and singing.

I can't imagine not shouting the Gondor line if I was to go.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 05, 2022, 04:40:02 PM
With CM Punk (their heavyweight champion), Scorpio Sky (TNT champion), Brian Danielson and Jeff Hardy all injured, I guess AEW might have to pull back a bit on their programs. Mind you, I do have to say that what they are putting on certainly makes for a better product than anything I'd seen on WWE before I stopped watching that a year or two ago. The last thing of theirs I saw was the first night of a two-part Wrestlemania. We'd paid for the whole thing but after watching the first night, we had no interest in catching the second night.

We've spend a lot of time on the beach this week, and we all have a tan. I've been trying to make Kristi wear sun cream to avoid getting burned.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 06, 2022, 08:33:14 AM
I think the worst thing about the jubilee was the nickname it got. I mean seriously, the Platty Jubes sounds like a nasty testicle infection or something.

We did go down to the beach on Sunday morning for a community picnic. We had bands and choirs from the 3 local schools. I'd put sun cream on my exposed parts. Managed to get a bit of sunburn underneath my teeshirt though.

Ash has a hospital appointment in Aberdeen tomorrow, so I've taken time off work and we will go up and stay in the city tonight. We'll meet up with my sister-in-law for breakfast and then head off to see the doctors. The last few times we've taken him, they were impressed enough with his progress that they no longer think surgery will be required. When we first took him, they said we could try physio with him, but it would end up he'd need an op most likely. Guess we managed to beat the odds with him there.

I read Mick Foley's daughter is selling pictures of herself on OnlyFans to pay medical bills. Sheesh. Glad that isn't something we have to worry about. I still haven't forgiven Mick Foley personally for Mick Foley's Christmas. Hmm, now there is a topic for discussion on this forum. The most traumatic cinematic experience you have ever had. Mine eyes still have not recovered. I can look at the aftermath of a battlefield without shedding a tear, but that naked fat man doing the calendar gives me the shudders just thinking about it.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 06, 2022, 09:13:45 AM
Oh, been meaning to put these up for a while. Visited a distillery recently, so took some photos.

This is just the on site storage. Think they said they keep something like 100,000 litres here, but can go up to 150.




Next time we visit I'll try and remember to take a few more.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on June 06, 2022, 11:31:10 AM
Quote from: Alex on June 06, 2022, 08:33:14 AM
I think the worst thing about the jubilee was the nickname it got. I mean seriously, the Platty Jubes sounds like a nasty testicle infection or something.

:buggedout: Had one of those once  :wink:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 07, 2022, 12:44:19 PM
Ash's appointment went fine. An overnighter in a hotel just for a 30-minute consultation. He didn't get to bed until about 20:00 by the time we got there, then woke up sometime after midnight. Kristi wouldn't let me settle him down, she insisted she was going to do it and kept interrupting me or just blocking me from putting him to bed. So I just lay there and let her get on with her thing until she got too tired to try any more about 5 am. It then took me less than 20 minutes to get him to sleep. Pretty sure I could have got him to sleep any time after about 3. Hopefully, the next time we have this situation she'll actually let me talk him down and get him back asleep.

Those hopes are pretty low level though.

Met up with my sister-in-law and her eldest for breakfast and had a wander around a few shops. Didn't find anything that interested me, but Kristi and Ash managed to get loads (she did buy me a Jaws tee-shirt. Right now I am a walking advertisement for 70s movies blockbusters.

I got an early Father's Day present today. A Nostromo baseball cap. I've been wearing it since it arrived.

Tonight I am going to relax by painting up a Panther tank in the same camo scheme as the one I saw down at Bovington. Handily I have numerous photos to use as a reference.

Maybe I should get an additional Panther and paint it pink...
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 08, 2022, 03:25:59 AM
So last night's D&D group reached the end of the particular campaign we'd been playing (The Lost Mines of Phardelver, the name might be misspelt, but it sounds something like that).

We teamed up with a group led by some Dark Elfs to take out a Beholder guarding something called the Spellforge. While we weren't 100% sure what the forge does, or how to use it. It is legendary and has the word 'spell' in its name. This was enough for my wizard to get obsessed with getting access to it. We walked into the final room and immediately, the Beholder downed one of our party, taking our warlock out for the entire fight. It was an epic fight, but we just about had it dead when our 'allies' turned on us, and we then had to finish off the (nearly dead) beholder and fight them at the same time. We killed all the minions off, and were just left facing their leader. Had him nearly dead, when he ripped off an amulet that was holding back a curse on him. Removing the amulet, transformed him into a thing called a Drider, so we then had to fight that.

I died once during the fight, but thanks to a special ability I can use once per day, I got better and jumped right back in, but eventually, we got the bastard down. Everyone stood exhausted (in-game and in real life. We played later than our normal finish time), but victorious. My character walked up to the Spell Forge and stared into its depths, then turned around to the rest of the group and declared:


His body swelled up, leathery wings sprouting from his back, horns growing from his forehead as he took on the form of a massive demon.

Fortunately for the rest of the party, this was just Juan having a joke and he had cast an illusionary spell on himself. Fortunately for Juan (as he was rather badly injured), none of the rest of the party attacked him for it.

I think that fight might be the first time I've game up against a Beholder in tabletop. Fought them in D&D computer games a few times. Only two of the spells I cast the entire fight actually had any effect. One was a healing spell on one of the more seriously wounded party members, and the other did cause one of our opponents to lose his ability to attack us for a round. I did more damage with my damn spear. I am seriously considering taking levels in some sort of combat class as Juan quite often seems to end up in melee. Since he has anger management issues, I am thinking about going for a level in barbarian. Would just be a single level though.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 14, 2022, 04:00:13 AM
When I first took my current job, it was sold to me as a computer programming job with a side order of making maps up, a couple of times a month.

The higher-up management located at another base thought all we did was the occasional maps and wanted to close us down. When they actually found out what we did, they got a shock. They came up to see us in action and after seeing what we do and how we do it, declared we were the gold standard and what we did was how it should be done everywhere.

A week after that, we were told they are taking all the other stuff off us and all we will do will be the map-making side of things. Doesn't take Nostradamus to figure out what the next step is. Making flight maps occupy about a week's worth of time per four weeks. What are we going to do with the all the time that we are sitting at work? Well, we can visit the gym as much as we want now. Work from home is an option, do courses, and write stuff here. Because my post has changed so much from what I went for, we are entitled to look for a new post, rather than completing a 3-year tour. With around a year left though, in my career, I am not sure it is worth even trying to look. Nowhere is going to want someone who as soon as he is trained up enough to be useful, is going to walk out the door.

Besides, if I am being offered an easy life for the wage I am being paid, why not take it with both hands? After all, if you aren't screwing the government, you can be damn sure they are screwing you. The last dying embers of the more enthusiastic me who used to love this job is screaming at me to find something more productive and be earning my money.

Yeah, I can ignore that little voice if I wish.

Friday night's D&D session was rather fun to run, something that had been missing in recent sessions. The party decided to go after the fence that had robbed them of around 10,000 gold. They found out he also ran a fighting pit, so the party went down there and the barbarian decided to challenge the house champion to a bare-knuckle fight. It was quite a long fight, and in the end, it came down to whoever got the next punch in would KO the other guy.

One of Kristi's cousins is coming over for a 10-day visit starting tomorrow. She (Kristi), is staying with Ash in Aberdeen tonight, then taking the train down to Edinburgh tomorrow to pick her up. Aims for this visit are to pat a highland cow. She is just getting over a divorce. She had planned on spending xmas with new year with us, but US tax laws being what they are, her divorce was going to cost her an extra 5 to 9,000 dollars so she had to delay things a bit. We are on that one busy week a month right now and I can't take the time off to join her.

Whatever floats your boat I guess.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 16, 2022, 02:24:41 AM
Kristi's cousin arrived safely last night, if somewhat tired after not sleeping for 28 hours. I made her some food and she went off to bed, sleeping in the cupboard under the stairs for her requested Harry Potter experience. I even chucked in Kristi's stuffed owl. Ash seemed equally exhausted and Kristi wasn't far behind. I got a nice quiet night last night.

Today they are off to Johnstone's mill for a tour. It is going to be very hot today and then rain is forecast for the weekend.

She has asked if we can go bungee jumping together. Wow, that is a blast from the past. I've not seen bungee jumping for about 10 years. I have found somewhere that does it, but it isn't local. She also wants white water rafting which is a bit easier to sort out. I've done that before locally.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 20, 2022, 01:54:19 AM
Carlee and Kristi are off out today so she can finally get around to petting a highland cow. I have suggested to her that if it only has one udder, not to try milking it.

She is a bit naive about life.

Feeling hungry, I should make breakfast except I have no drive to actually do anything but relax for a bit. It is nice just having some peace and quiet in the house. Ash is having a nap. I am expecting him to sleep for a few hours.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on June 20, 2022, 02:50:11 AM
Quote from: Alex on June 20, 2022, 01:54:19 AM
Carlee and Kristi are off out today so she can finally get around to petting a highland cow. I have suggested to her that if it only has one udder, not to try milking it.

She is a bit naive about life.

Feeling hungry, I should make breakfast except I have no drive to actually do anything but relax for a bit. It is nice just having some peace and quiet in the house. Ash is having a nap. I am expecting him to sleep for a few hours.

I'm at work and we have had no electricity here since last Monday but our boss wants us to work  :buggedout:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 20, 2022, 02:53:01 AM
Quote from: Trevor on June 20, 2022, 02:50:11 AM
Quote from: Alex on June 20, 2022, 01:54:19 AM
Carlee and Kristi are off out today so she can finally get around to petting a highland cow. I have suggested to her that if it only has one udder, not to try milking it.

She is a bit naive about life.

Feeling hungry, I should make breakfast except I have no drive to actually do anything but relax for a bit. It is nice just having some peace and quiet in the house. Ash is having a nap. I am expecting him to sleep for a few hours.

I'm at work and we have had no electricity here since last Monday but our boss wants us to work  :buggedout:

I hope you at least have a window for some work. You could always walk out and go home, I mean what are they going to do, fire you?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on June 20, 2022, 04:07:43 AM
Quote from: Alex on June 20, 2022, 02:53:01 AM
Quote from: Trevor on June 20, 2022, 02:50:11 AM
Quote from: Alex on June 20, 2022, 01:54:19 AM
Carlee and Kristi are off out today so she can finally get around to petting a highland cow. I have suggested to her that if it only has one udder, not to try milking it.

She is a bit naive about life.

Feeling hungry, I should make breakfast except I have no drive to actually do anything but relax for a bit. It is nice just having some peace and quiet in the house. Ash is having a nap. I am expecting him to sleep for a few hours.

I'm at work and we have had no electricity here since last Monday but our boss wants us to work  :buggedout:

I hope you at least have a window for some work. You could always walk out and go home, I mean what are they going to do, fire you?

I actually told my boss "I have just over 5 months left before I retire: bring it."

Tomorrow I am going to the National Archives building where two of my colleagues are working so that shouldn't be too bad for me. I hope they sort our power out soon: I feel like dropping the National Archivist an email as I know him quite well.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 20, 2022, 04:36:55 AM
Quote from: Trevor on June 20, 2022, 04:07:43 AM
Quote from: Alex on June 20, 2022, 02:53:01 AM
Quote from: Trevor on June 20, 2022, 02:50:11 AM
Quote from: Alex on June 20, 2022, 01:54:19 AM
Carlee and Kristi are off out today so she can finally get around to petting a highland cow. I have suggested to her that if it only has one udder, not to try milking it.

She is a bit naive about life.

Feeling hungry, I should make breakfast except I have no drive to actually do anything but relax for a bit. It is nice just having some peace and quiet in the house. Ash is having a nap. I am expecting him to sleep for a few hours.

I'm at work and we have had no electricity here since last Monday but our boss wants us to work  :buggedout:

I hope you at least have a window for some work. You could always walk out and go home, I mean what are they going to do, fire you?

I actually told my boss "I have just over 5 months left before I retire: bring it."

Tomorrow I am going to the National Archives building where two of my colleagues are working so that shouldn't be too bad for me. I hope they sort our power out soon: I feel like dropping the National Archivist an email as I know him quite well.

Go for it Trevor. At this point, there is no gain for you in putting up with crap.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 20, 2022, 03:49:49 PM
Taking Carlee through The Evil Dead series today. Currently, we are on Army of Darkness and I am wondering if I should go dig out the newest one or show her Ash vs The Evil Dead.

Dug out an old Amega game from the 90s to play. Settlers. Used to have it back in the day, but we never had the instructions for it, and back in those days you couldn't just hop on google and search for that.

Carlee got to touch her cow. Seemingly it objected to her touching its ear though and she got knocked back with its horns.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 21, 2022, 11:39:53 AM
At long last, my figures of my D&D characters arrived today. The cat managed to break the blade off of one of their daggers, but I managed to replace it with a longer, thinner blade that I think looks better.

Not impressed with the cat though.

Carlee goes home tomorrow. It has been nice to see Kristi get to see a relative again. After all, for the past few years, it simply hasn't been allowed. We'll be going over to see her family next year, although Kristi agrees with me that we should also have a holiday that doesn't involve going to see either her or my family.

Even somewhere we've not been before would be fine if we are going with family.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 23, 2022, 04:28:10 PM
And normality is restored.

Carlee, despite the best efforts of the rail strikes going on at the moment has managed to get home. I have returned everything that should be in the cupboard under the stairs to its proper location.

Ash has chicken pox. The spots started appearing yesterday. It doesn't seem to be bothering him much and he isn't scratching at them.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 24, 2022, 06:25:13 AM
Feeling very physically drained right now, no strength to get up and do things. I guess all of us have some bug or other at the moment. Me, I am blaming our recent house guest. As usual, when I am feeling ill, I am incredibly irritable and just want to be left alone. When Kristi isn't well, she gets exceptionally talkative. It is not a great mix for both of us to be ill at the same time.

Still, I have managed to get to watch plenty of movies this month, which makes up a bit for my lacklustre January.

Getting tonight's D&D session prepped. There is a couple of big fights along with a plentitude of loot. Of course, the party will fail to pick it up and then complain that they don't have enough loot for their level. I tell you, millennials are not the only generation with whiny, self-entitled attitudes.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 24, 2022, 08:44:41 AM
Essential horror films.

A friend has asked for a list of must-see horror movies. I'll add more to this list as I think of ones I think she has to see, this is just my initial thoughts. Ones marked with an * are movies that I put on for her while she was over.

Dracula (Bela Lugosi).
Dracula (Christopher Lee).
Bram Stoker's Dracula (Gary Oldman).
Frankenstein (Boris Karloff).
The Wolfman (Lon Chaney jnr).
Creature from the Black Lagoon.
King Kong (original).
Night of the Living Dead.
Bride of Frankenstein.

Older Horror
The Thing*
The Fog.
Prince of Darkness.
In the Mouth of Madness.
The Blob (1988).
Phantasm 1 & 2.
The Howling.
An American Werewolf in London.
Critters 1 & 2.
A Nightmare on Elm Street (original series, not the stupid ass remake).
Dawn of the Dead.
Event Horizon.
Ring (Japanese original version).

Modern Horror.
Final Destination.
The Autopsy of Jane Doe.
The VVitch.
Get Out.
Cabin in the Woods.
Dawn of the Dead (Snyder remake).
The Orphanage.
It Follows.

Twisted Horror.
Hellraiser I, II, V.

Horror Comedy.
Tucker & Dale vs Evil.
Shaun of the Dead.*
Bride of Reanimator.
Lesbian Vampire Killers.

Serbian Story.
Jaws 3 & 4.
Exorcist II.
Hellraiser III & IV.
An American Werewolf in Paris.
Human Centipede (any version).
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on June 24, 2022, 09:19:31 AM
Essential South African horror films:

Jannie Totsiens [Johnny Farewell]
The Shadowed Mind
Dust Devil
The Stick

To watch once and then have eyes removed  :buggedout:

The Demon (for sheer badness)
Return of The Family Man (The Stepfather knockoff)
The Howling IV
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Rev. Powell on June 24, 2022, 10:17:27 AM
Quote from: Alex on June 24, 2022, 08:44:41 AM
Essential horror films.

A friend has asked for a list of must-see horror movies. I'll add more to this list as I think of ones I think she has to see, this is just my initial thoughts.

Dracula (Bela Lugosi).
Dracula (Christopher Lee).
Bram Stoker's Dracula (Gary Oldman).
Frankenstein (Boris Karloff).
The Wolfman (Lon Chaney jnr).
Creature from the Black Lagoon.
King Kong (original).

Older Horror
The Thing*
The Fog.
Prince of Darkness.
In the Mouth of Madness.
The Blob (1988).
Phantasm 1 & 2.

Modern Horror.
Final Destination.
The Autopsy of Jane Doe.
The VVitch.
Get Out.
Cabin in the Woods.

Twisted Horror.
Hellraiser I, II, V.

Horror Comedy.
Tucker & Dale vs Evil.
Shaun of the Dead.*
Bride of Reanimator.
Lesbian Vampire Killers.

Serbian Story.
Jaws 3 & 4.
Exorcist II.
Hellraiser III & IV.

Suggestions: add BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN to "Classic." Add THE EXORCIST and THE SHINING to "Older Horror." (Sorry Trev.)  NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD is probably a must; founded the entire zombie genre. Remove STRANGELAND and LESBIAN VAMPIRE KILLERS (these may be favorites of yours but I don't think they're "essential" to most horror fans). I don't think EXORCIST II is to be avoided, but she'd have to be into "so bad it's good." Could think of a ton of films to mark avoid! Otherwise good list.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 24, 2022, 11:34:25 AM
Honestly, I've always felt The Exorcist is overrated which is why I've left that one out. I found religious people find is scarer than atheists, so I only ever recommended it to believers. She prefers atmospheric movies to slasher types, so while Halloween makes it onto the list, most of the Friday the 13th movies won't (or most of the Halloween sequels for that matter won't feature), or Hostel. She asked for my favourites which is why those movies have been included. I will add Bride of Frankenstein to the list though. I did think I'd already added Night of the Living Dead, but I am not seeing it, so I guess I forgot, but it will be going on there (as well as Dawn of the Dead). Strangeland is in there as something of a left-field inclusion, but it has a solid reason for putting it on here that I won't go into here.

It is a work in progress though, and more movies will be getting added. I figure a list of 100 or so movies should keep her going for a while.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on June 24, 2022, 12:04:38 PM
Quote from: Alex on June 24, 2022, 11:34:25 AM
Honestly, I've always felt The Exorcist is overrated which is why I've left that one out. I found religious people find is scarer than atheists, so I only ever recommended it to believers. She prefers atmospheric movies to slasher types, so while Halloween makes it onto the list, most of the Friday the 13th movies won't (or most of the Halloween sequels for that matter won't feature), or Hostel. She asked for my favourites which is why those movies have been included. I will add Bride of Frankenstein to the list though. I did think I'd already added Night of the Living Dead, but I am not seeing it, so I guess I forgot, but it will be going on there (as well as Dawn of the Dead). Strangeland is in there as something of a left-field inclusion, but it has a solid reason for putting it on here that I won't go into here.

It is a work in progress though, and more movies will be getting added. I figure a list of 100 or so movies should keep her going for a while.

Alex, I would like to know what you think of The Demon (1979): I knew the director well and the cinematographer was a mentor of mine.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 24, 2022, 12:22:31 PM
Quote from: Trevor on June 24, 2022, 12:04:38 PM
Quote from: Alex on June 24, 2022, 11:34:25 AM
Honestly, I've always felt The Exorcist is overrated which is why I've left that one out. I found religious people find is scarer than atheists, so I only ever recommended it to believers. She prefers atmospheric movies to slasher types, so while Halloween makes it onto the list, most of the Friday the 13th movies won't (or most of the Halloween sequels for that matter won't feature), or Hostel. She asked for my favourites which is why those movies have been included. I will add Bride of Frankenstein to the list though. I did think I'd already added Night of the Living Dead, but I am not seeing it, so I guess I forgot, but it will be going on there (as well as Dawn of the Dead). Strangeland is in there as something of a left-field inclusion, but it has a solid reason for putting it on here that I won't go into here.

It is a work in progress though, and more movies will be getting added. I figure a list of 100 or so movies should keep her going for a while.

Alex, I would like to know what you think of The Demon (1979): I knew the director well and the cinematographer was a mentor of mine.

Off hand, I really can't remember if I have watched that one or not. As mentioned above, I am not feeling great today and my brain is telling me it is a little fuzzy which isn't helping. I'll find a copy and give it a watch maybe after tonights D&D session (when hopefully the weather will have cooled down a lot).
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on June 24, 2022, 12:30:39 PM
Quote from: Alex on June 24, 2022, 12:22:31 PM
Quote from: Trevor on June 24, 2022, 12:04:38 PM
Quote from: Alex on June 24, 2022, 11:34:25 AM
Honestly, I've always felt The Exorcist is overrated which is why I've left that one out. I found religious people find is scarer than atheists, so I only ever recommended it to believers. She prefers atmospheric movies to slasher types, so while Halloween makes it onto the list, most of the Friday the 13th movies won't (or most of the Halloween sequels for that matter won't feature), or Hostel. She asked for my favourites which is why those movies have been included. I will add Bride of Frankenstein to the list though. I did think I'd already added Night of the Living Dead, but I am not seeing it, so I guess I forgot, but it will be going on there (as well as Dawn of the Dead). Strangeland is in there as something of a left-field inclusion, but it has a solid reason for putting it on here that I won't go into here.

It is a work in progress though, and more movies will be getting added. I figure a list of 100 or so movies should keep her going for a while.

Alex, I would like to know what you think of The Demon (1979): I knew the director well and the cinematographer was a mentor of mine.

Off hand, I really can't remember if I have watched that one or not. As mentioned above, I am not feeling great today and my brain is telling me it is a little fuzzy which isn't helping. I'll find a copy and give it a watch maybe after tonights D&D session (when hopefully the weather will have cooled down a lot).

Here you go: it's bad quality but that might actually improve the film.  :wink: (

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 24, 2022, 01:29:54 PM
Basing an upcoming part of my Friday night D&D campaign on Apocalypse Now. It involves the party going up river to set up a trading route, but finding they have to deal with some Yuan-Ti (a race of half-humans half snakes. They come in three types, purebloods, half-bloods and abominations and can shape change into various-sized snakes at will. I guess Thulsa Doom in Conan the Barbarian would have been one in D&D terms). Anyway, here is what I've wrote so far for an introduction.

The Heart of Darkness.

Should the party hire Miron and agree to his terms, this plays out his scheme. Mostly it is the Book of Cylinders from Mysteries of Candlekeep but adapted to the group's situation and 3.5. Familiarity with Apocalypse Now may help with setting the tone of the initial river journey, prior to the arrival at the village and starting the adventure from the book.

"Miron remains tight-lipped on his plans for the first day, but as you settle down in the cabin for the first night, he gathers you all up. 'For years now, a tribe upriver has kept the city supplied with an unusually good-tasting kind of crab meat. While local fishermen catch wild crabs frequently, somehow it just doesn't have the same cachet as the imported stuff and the nobles of the city are crying out for more. They just can't get enough of it. With the summer approaching it is coming up to ball season, and any wealthy upstart worthy of the name wants to have this stuff to feed his guests. Anyway, around the same time as the city was taken over, the shipments stopped coming in. Barges went upriver, but never returned. If you can find out what is going on, restore the trade, I can guarantee you'll make a killing. My calculations estimate that if we can corner the trade on importing crab meat, then we will triple our profits compared to any other regular trade route from the city.'

Encounter 1.

You continue upriver for two full days. Every day the crew are exhausted and sleep heavily. Evidently travelling against the flow, even in a currently empty trading barge is much harder than riding the current down river. On the morning of the third day, you take a northerly fork in the river. It is on the edge of the swamp where you fought Gustav.

After a few hours of travelling, you hear some shouts from the top deck. Running out, you can see several bodies floating in the water, along with the debris of what you would guess was from a ship. Many of the bodies floating by are lying face down in the water and have open wounds. Many have what look like light spears protruding from them."

If the party recover any of the bodies and check their injuries, it will take a DC Heal check to determine the cause of death (mostly because the bodies have been dead for a couple of days and many fish, birds, insects and other river life have had nibbles). What looks like spears is actually arrows and the wounds are poisoned. If Speak with Dead is used, the sailors can tell the party that they were ambushed as they travelled upriver, a hail of large arrows raining down on them (the cause of death mostly seems to be arrows), then a massive snake wrapped itself around the boat itself and crushed it. Hopefully, this will worry the party a little. Occasionally they will spot other bodies caught up in the tree roots at the edge of the river.

Encounter 2.

"The light starts to fade, and the shadows lengthen. It is time to stop the ship for the night. The crew do not want to risk taking the ship to one of the riverbanks and instead suggests anchoring in the middle of the river for the night. It would cause problems should the river level rise unexpectedly, but the sky does not look like it promises a heavy rain tonight."

If the party insist on mooring up for the night, they will have to handle the ship themselves as the crew will outright refuse. They aren't being paid enough to die.

If a deck watch is set, 5 hours after dark, have them make either a Listen check (or if they have either a strong light source or Darkvision) a Spot check on a DC of 15. Anyone passing will spot or hear a Yuan-Ti raiding party swimming through the water towards them.

"You hear an unusual splashing in the water. Listening intently, there is no further noise, but you get up and look over the edge anyway. The river is alive with a virtual army of snakes, thicker than a man's thigh swimming through the water towards the ship. Some of them have wrapped their bodies around the anchor and slithered their way up onto the deck. One rears back, its mouth open wide to strike you. 

Allow 2 snakes per party member and then add on an extra one just to make it an odd number for a change. If they overcome all the resistance on the deck, then they will switch into their humanoid forms to attack anyone still below decks. The Yuan-Ti are used to this tactic working on ordinary river travellers and their guards. They will not expect a heavily armed group with spells and high enough resistance to their poisons. If their tactic is obviously not working, they will attempt to abandon the attack, jumping back into the river.

Encounter 3.

   The Mary Jane wanders into an ambush of Yuan-Ti half-bloods. The Yuan-Ti are looking to weaken the party since they were able to fight off the initial attack so easily. Have the party make Spot checks against the Yuan Ti's camouflage of 30. Assuming anyone on deck fails to see them in advance, the half-bloods will get a surprise round of shooting arrows at the party. If the boat continues upriver, it will take 4 rounds to get out of range of the bows. If the party stops fighting, should they split their forces, the Yuan-Ti on the refused bank will swim over to overwhelm the boat. The Yuan-Ti being attacked will conduct a fighting retreat, looking to keep peppering the party with arrows while moving deeper into the jungle.

Encounter 4.

   "Your sailors continue punting the boat against the flow of the river. Alron the first mate is on lookout duties and gives a strangled cry of alarm. Rushing to the deck, you see that up ahead on either side of the river are lines of stakes, each with a severed head atop each one. A wide mixture of races is represented, human, elf, dwarf and so forth, but also species you don't recognise. In particular, you frequently see what looks like the head of a large frog. The line of heads stretches on as far as you can see.

   The crew do not look comfortable or happy."
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 25, 2022, 01:41:21 AM
We had a really good D&D session last night. The group got to a boss fight, and Kristi managed to save the day by accidentally casting the wrong spell. She had meant to give everyone a minor buff, but instead cast a spell that caused the 320lbs of muscle tearing up the group with a massive sword to be frozen to the spot allowing the rest of the party to cut his throat while he stood there. Two of the three main fighters in the party came close to dying (one was dropped to a single hit point left).

In the end though they prevailed and now (potentially), have a lot of loot (if they manage to remember to A) look for it and B) pick the damn stuff up.

The session went on for an hour or two longer than we normally play. One of the players had to drop out (since we have 7 people playing I was quite happy about that, I prefer 6 as a maximum), and he was also the last non-UK-based person playing which means we don't have to watch time zones quite as closely. Unfortunately, Ash woke up just as we were going to bed and proceeded to be awake for the rest of the night. I've just managed to settle him down on the couch downstairs. He suddenly has a problem sleeping in his own bed, which we are struggling to find out what the issue is.

Well, I am off to catch some sleep before he wakes back up.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 25, 2022, 04:24:28 PM
So in my Saturday night game, the party have found a very powerful (major artifact level) item while they are still first level. This item (a mask), is the plot macguffin.

That was in the first session.

In the second session they come across a lone figure on horseback being attacked by a dozen or so bandits. The lone figure is winning the fight, but the party joins in to help him.

Good guys win the fight and get thanked for the assist (although he would have killed them all himself had he been left to it).

The party then decides to ask this complete stranger if he has any idea about this mask they found.

It turns out the lone man is a bounty hunter who has accepted a commission to retrieve this very same mask.

The man, politely but very firmly makes it clear that this encounter ends with him walking away in possession of the mask. He would rather not kill the party, but if they force his hand, then so be it.

He agrees to buy the mask off the group for the token sum of 10 gold, then walks off (his horse was wounded in the fight, so he leads it, rather than riding it to give it a chance to recover.

The group no longer has the legendary artifact.

(He was 12th level, while the four player group had just made 2nd level).

In other news, Kristi and Ash both have covid. It is going to be a "fun" week.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on June 26, 2022, 10:59:09 AM
Quote from: Alex on June 25, 2022, 04:24:28 PM

In other news, Kristi and Ash both have covid. It is going to be a "fun" week.

I hope they will both be OK.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 26, 2022, 11:22:29 AM
Quote from: Trevor on June 26, 2022, 10:59:09 AM
Quote from: Alex on June 25, 2022, 04:24:28 PM

In other news, Kristi and Ash both have covid. It is going to be a "fun" week.

I hope they will both be OK.

I am sure they will be. It wouldn't surprise me if the reason I was feeling so drained all week is that I had it, although when I did a test this morning I came up clear.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 26, 2022, 04:24:29 PM
Earlier on, about 15:00 or maybe 15:30, Ash just decided to go put himself in our bed and go for a sleep. This is a terrible idea since if he naps after 12, he just doesn't sleep at all that night. He is through his room at the moment and has stopped arguing with me about being sent to bed where I am hoping if nothing else, he will fall asleep out of boredom.

If not, then a very tired me and Kristi will both be sitting up tonight. I guess we can watch the NJPW vs AEW PPV tonight. If either side actually has any uninjured wrestlers left to face each other.

This is just AEW injuries:
Kenny Omega
CM Punk
Bryan Danielson
Jungle Boy
Scorpio Sky
Adam Cole (working hurt)
Kyle O'Reilly
Bobby Fish
Anthony Bowens
Lee Johnson
Darius Martin
Kip Sabian
Leyla Hirsch
Red Velvet
Skye Blue
The Bunny
Buddy Matthews (can still wrestle)

Jeff Hardy is also out with his whole DUI charge thing, or in rehab.

I have things I need to do, but just no energy to do it with. Still, I am feeling better than I was earlier on in the week. I bet I feel well enough in the bloody morning to go to work.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 27, 2022, 06:49:05 AM
One of the roleplaying groups I am in, has suddenly started a thread for people in the US where anyone living in a state where D&D is not allowed, offering help and support with travel costs, places to stay and what not for people really needing to play as well as offering equipment to help out.

It is like they are talking in code for doing something else entirely different.

Normally when I see people chatting that way it is because they are living under some oppressive government.

I woke up this morning feeling like crap. Decided to take the day off work and contacted the med centre. They've given me two days off. The trouble is right now I am feeling perfectly fine. Oh well, two free days off. I guess I can deal with that somehow.

Time to catch up on The Boys.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 28, 2022, 07:10:21 AM
The opening scene in The Boys is... uhm, interesting I guess.

The Scottish government is going to announce a second independence referendum and the legality behind it taking place. I'll be interested to see how they are going to go about it. My understanding is that they can hold the vote if they want, the result just wouldn't be legally binding. So much for the giant bald heid (Savid Javid), telling us he'd never give us permission to hold one.

Having a slight struggle to get my full allocation of oxygen when I am breathing. Well, struggle is maybe too strong a word. It is like wearing a respirator where you only get something like 80% of your normal intake. I am not doing anything that would cause enough of an exertion for this to be a problem though.

Ash is recovering nicely. His spots are clearing up. Kristi is going through the tiredness phase that I had earlier on in the week. We rarely get the same virus symptoms at the same time. Normally one of us can function enough to get things done.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 30, 2022, 05:02:23 AM
Coughing up lots of balls of phlegm at the moment. I guess it is all the stuff in my lungs breaking up and getting ejected, so I'll take that as a good thing.

Couldn't speak this morning until I managed to clear out my throat.

Ash was in a special kind of upset mood this morning before nursery, with lots of constant crying and screaming. I sat with him and explained (in my dad voice) that it was not an acceptable level of behaviour and he was to get ready to go out. I got him calmed down a little, but still not back to his normal self. Shame he can't yet tell us what is wrong.

Sometimes I'll rewatch a film I previously dismissed as terrible. Right now I am watching Van Helsing. I last saw it as part of a midnight showing, with my little brother, a cousin and a friend from work. None of us were impressed with it. Thinking that it is still bad, but not as awful as it seemed on my first viewing where Dracula and Igor's scenery-chewing performance really kept me from getting into the movie. I keep thinking I should give the female-led Ghostbusters another shot, but then a little voice pipes up from inside saying "No man, that one was f**king awful." Funny how any time we go to a special showing of a movie of any kind, if we haven't seen it before, it turns out to be drivel (Batman & Robin, Judge Dredd (Stallone version), Van Helsing and Prometheus).

Promised Kristi I'd pick Ash up today. It is slightly breaking the rules as I am only supposed to leave the house while SIQ for food or medicine, but I figure it is worth it. Monday is a big day for me in work anyway. Sunday will mark 21 years in the military and the day I can finally enter my year's notice to quit. Will I do it, or will I decide that with all the price rises and inflation going on right now that now is not the time to leave? The trouble is, is that there is never a good time to leave. Before everything happening just now, it was Covid that said stay in, before that Brexit, before that the bank crash and so on. At some point, as with any job, there comes a time when your employer decides he no longer requires your services. Yeah, I could hang on in there for another two years beyond 22, but there is no guarantee that at some point they wouldn't just say "Thanks for your service, but tatty-bye." At least this way I get to choose my exit.

I really should get trousers on. Managed underwear and a jumper, oh and my slippers, but the energy for anything else is just lacking right now.

With Hayden Christensen seemingly being welcomed on his return to the Star Wars franchise, I wonder if there is room for a return from the arguably more vilified Jar Jar Binks?

Nope, f**k that guy. I feel sorry for the actor involved and I understand he had mental health issues from the fans reactions to the character, but damn what the hell were they thinking?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on June 30, 2022, 06:47:55 AM
Quote from: Alex on June 30, 2022, 05:02:23 AMI keep thinking I should give the female-led Ghostbusters another shot, but then a little voice pipes up from inside saying "No man, that one was f**king awful."

For my sins, I watched ten minutes of that piece of cinematic poo: I'm amazed I got that far.  :buggedout:

QuoteI really should get trousers on. Managed underwear and a jumper, oh and my slippers, but the energy for anything else is just lacking right now.

Now that I bought new underwear last week (??) I manage them quite well  :wink:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 03, 2022, 03:28:49 PM
If there is anything in this universe approximating any kind of benevolent creator deity, then surely there is nothing that can damage our relationship more with the divine than organised religion.

The number of times I hear one side saying "Our religion is one of peace" and anyone who uses violence "Isn't a true (insert name of religion)". What an easy cop-out to avoid taking responsibility. I bet it gives people who use those kinds of phrases a nice warm feeling inside to think that way. Maybe if instead, they thought things like "What is wrong with my religion that it can be used to justify s**t like this?" or even better "What can I do to stop people who think this is my faith and educate them better" then it might actually contribute to making the world a better place.

But living in denial is so much easier. Why admit your own culpability when you can just look across the road and blame someone there instead and just go on about their faults. You can always back it up with things like "Well at this point in history X person said Y thing", conveniently ignoring that someone else has decided something contrary since or before not to mention that what someone decided at whatever time does not define your religion. It is the actions of those that follow it. Whether or not you think that they are real followers of your faith or not really doesn't matter. I bet while you were claiming otherwise you were also decrying other faiths for the same thought.

If there was a god worth following, I am pretty sure he'd have done something concrete about this by now.

Maybe he/she/it just trots out the same kind of sloppy shoulder responses their followers do. "Not my fault. I gave them a book that told them how to do things" and just avoid taking responsibility too.

Perhaps that is why we have devils. "Well, I am supposed to be perfect, so I can't admit that I f**ked up. Hey, let's just blame this guy for everything bad and I can get the credit for all the good stuff!"

I wonder if there is a single believer in the world who hasn't tried at least one of those justifications above?

After over a decade of thinking about it and years of talking about it, tomorrow is the big day when I either put in my notice to quit the RAF or bite the bullet and hang on in there for another two years. Finally, it has all come down to this. I did submit my PVR once before and got talked out of it but this time I have the prize I joined up for now. The job has nothing more to offer me. My pension payments won't get any bigger if I stay longer, and since I don't start getting paid it until I leave I am losing that money. Every day I remain in uniform beyond 22 years is money I don't get paid. The only thing that would persuade me to stay would be a major war breaking out. Not that I am enough of a patriot to need to do my bit. I've already done that, but I wouldn't abandon the people I've worked with. In that case, though I'd be sending Kristi and Ash to live somewhere a lot safer though for the duration.

I must admit to some butterflies when I think about it.

On Friday night, my group finally got access to the item I said I wouldn't allow in my game because it tended to destroy campaigns. They b***hed and whined about it for long enough that I decided you know what, the only way they are going to learn is by experience. The first guy who used the item (a Deck of Many Things), got a free castle, the ability to ask for information on any one subject and get a true answer and some other stuff. He is newish to the game and the least experienced player. Seeing him get nothing bad the more veteran players decided they would have a go too as their greed made them forget that the more good cards that get drawn out of the deck means the less good ones are left and the chances of getting a bad one increase. The second player found he gained 2 points to a stat, which is good. He then lost 10,000 experience points (which I would say is more than a fair trade), but his third card caused him to suddenly disappear from the tavern with no clue as to what happened to him. The first player used his question to find out what had happened to his companion and how to return him. He has basically been kidnapped by a very powerful being. Another player drew some cards and found his entire psyche was ripped from his body and sent elsewhere, leaving behind what would be termed a vegetable. A fourth player then drew some cards, desperately hoping to get something that could undo what had happened to his friends. He did draw the most powerful card in the deck, but even that lacked the magic to return the third player's soul to his body. He is gone for good.

Player one is now desperately apologising to me for derailing the campaign. I have said I can fix it, but it is going to mean a lot of extra writing for adventures I hadn't prepped and the stuff I have written already will have to be redone as by the time the players get around to doing it, they are going to be higher level after rescuing player 2.

Harsh lesson perhaps, but hopefully now when I say something is banned from the game, the players will realise that I generally have good reasons for not allowing certain things in the game and it isn't because I want to spoil their fun. Quite the opposite.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 04, 2022, 12:51:32 PM
Well, today I went into work at 07:55, sat down and looked at my computer screen.

I logged in and looked at the screen a bit more.

Then I logged into one of our (too damn many) personnel management programs and without hesitation submitted my PVR announcing that I wanted to become a civilian on the 4th of July next year.

It is done.

Felt some slight butterflies after I'd pressed the final button, but that was more thinking about what I'd do next rather than wondering if I should leave or stay.

After I put it in, I let Kristi know I'd gone through it, then made a short post on Facebook so my family would know, and then got on with my day.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 05, 2022, 04:34:35 AM
I am still feeling neutral about leaving.

6 years as a reservist and then I am free of my current call-up liability. Another rule change they brought in without telling us. When I joined up the rules were that if you do 22 you walk away scot-free. It wasn't until people started leaving they found out their terms of engagement (we don't get contracts, we get these terms instead which allows them to screw us over a bit more, but bit them in the ass when about 10 years ago they discovered if we got a job offer, they could no longer force us to stay and had to let us walk. Many people then did exactly that).

Watched Morbius at the weekend. I am not really a Jerad Leto fan, neither as an actor nor as a human being from what I've heard of him. I'd say the film was ok. Marvel seems to be trying to move away from the Iron Man formula. I wonder if Marvel has an equivalent to the Justice League Dark (and I am sure they do), and this is them looking to establish it? Maybe it is how they are going to bring in Blade? Not much to fear though with a standard vampire if you have superheroes I guess.

I keep looking for a fairly standard monster movie to watch that I've not seen before, but not finding any. Everything is slashers, possessions and hauntings. I keep hearing about 'X', but it isn't available on any of the subscription services I have and that is just another slasher at the end of the day. Well, it gives me something to track down anyway.

Urgh, hurry up and give me some notification that my PVR has been received and is being processed. Damn you computer system! I want out!

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 06, 2022, 01:25:59 AM
Boris Johnson is being deserted by his closest rivals for power (Savid Javid, of the enormous head and Rishi Sunak who at one point looked unstoppable in his rise to power before he had some scandals of his own). The guy is a dead man walking and yet I suspect he will get to hang on in there for another year. The economy is suffering the way it was more or less predicted prior to Brexit. Sure Covid and Ukraine haven't helped, but we are doing worse than most, if not all of our peer nations in that respect.

It was a surprise late last night when two senior figures in his cabinet quit. It looked like everyone was clinging on around him. There are quite a few other politicians who will 100% stick by them, primarily because under any other (read competent) prime minister, they'd have no chance at keeping their roles and their front bench career is tied to his fortunes. Boris only got there by a mix of backstabbing, bullying and betraying everyone in his way combined with a populist appeal. It was a sure route to power for him, but not one built to last. Under the current rules, he cannot be challenged and forced out for another year having recently survived a leadership challenge, but there is talk of changing the rules. He certainly won't just step down and I can see him trying to drag as many others down with him when he does finally go.

The two big names quit within 10 minutes of each other (so I suspect it was coordinated), and was rapidly followed by a flurry of junior ministers. They have already been replaced.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 06, 2022, 01:27:21 PM
Quote10pm tonight 💕 raise a Glass 🥃
Ask someone in 2022 to name the world's worst offshore disaster and they will probably say Deepwater Horizon. But something much more devastating happened 34 years ago today that Changed Both Aberdeen in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 and the offshore Industry.
This simple wreck buoy sitting a couple of hundred meters off the corner of Piper Bravo is all that remains of Piper Alpha. It floats silently as a memorial to the 167 men who died that night. Many of whose bodies still lie entombed in the tangled wreckage beneath the North Sea.
Most major disasters don't result from a single 'big' thing, they escalate along a chain of small ones - any of which has the possibility to change, or stop the outcome altogether. But that non-critical pump trip just before 10PM on July 6th 1988 set in motion a truly awful set of events where every single thing conspired to create a situation which can only be described as Hell on Earth. When the Tartan riser ruptured some 30 mins later, there was no way back. The fire was consuming over half a tonne of natural gas per second - equivalent to the entire domestic consumption of the UK - and melting the 20,000 tonne platform from the inside out.
Although no criminal charges were ever brought; in the aftermath of the disaster the UK offshore industry accepted every one of the 106 recommendations put forward by the Cullen Inquiry. Recommendations that completely reshaped the industry, and changed it into a model widely copied around the world. If these lessons had been learned/remembered in the US as well, just perhaps Deepwater Horizon may have had a different outcome...
So for those of you who work in the oil & gas industry, or have friends/relatives who do. Raise a glass tonight at 10PM to recognize the men who sacrificed their ability to get on that chopper home, to ensure that others can today.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 07, 2022, 02:41:28 AM
The chaos I am watching unfurl in the UK government over the past 36 hours is somewhat unmatched in my experience. When I left the house it was 49 resignations in 36 hours. The last time I saw our government being this inept, it was back in the days of John Major being in power when the Tory party were just hit with scandal after scandal (my favourite one from back then was with a minister called David Mellor was caught out having an affair with a porn actress whose biggest role had been playing a one-legged prostitute, but that is by the by). I think the part of that the papers made the biggest deal out of, was that he liked her to wear the jersey for his favourite football team while they had sex.

Given how much the newspapers were all over the government at the time, it surprised me when a decade after that, it emerged the Prime Minister himself had been having an affair with a junior minister at the time. How did they manage to miss that one? Mind you, whereas other members of the government picked young and attractive women to have affairs with, I recall his particular dalliance choice as being... well she wouldn't have been my first pick at the school dance (even if she hadn't been 2 or 3 times my age. Edwina Currie, I believe her name was. She was more famous for claiming most eggs produced in the UK were contaminated with salmonella, although I don't recall there being any substance behind that claim), and causing a crash in the egg market.

Mind you, it would have made the man seem more interesting and possibly boosted his popularity. He had run away from the circus to become an accountant and was seen as a grey man with no interesting personality.

Applied for my new passport in preparation for going on some holidays next year. This year it seems flights are being cancelled even more than government ministers are quitting (the latest update is that we now have over 50 resignations). Hopefully by next year that will have settled down. It seems we have 1.3 million more jobs available right now than people willing to work them. I guess low-paying employers are going to have to either up their game or cut back their operations to match the number of people they can recruit. It is long past time that the ones at the top realised getting them there takes the work of a lot of people.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 07, 2022, 08:11:03 AM
Well, that is Boris gone. But not really. He won't actually leave the job until October. He has quit as the leader of the Conservative (Tory) party, but remains in charge of the country until a new leader is elected.

In the UK you elect a party to lead, whereas in the States you elect a person. So if you are wondering how we keep changing PM's outside of elections, that is the reason behind it. There isn't the same chain of people waiting in a straight line behind the president should anything happen to him and although we have a Deputy PM, he doesn't automatically step in to the role, even on a temporary basis (and I'd ask what the f**k is the point of him or her then).
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on July 07, 2022, 09:12:52 AM
Quote from: Alex on July 07, 2022, 08:11:03 AM
In the UK you elect a party to lead

Same in South Africa.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 09, 2022, 03:51:00 PM
In the name of all the gods, they are ravenous beasts whose hunger knows no bounds.

For tonight's game, I had over the past two weeks written out 9 separate encounters. These were a mixture of roleplaying encounters and combats. I figured I have to keep 5 people amused for 5 to 6 hours. That should do it.

The game started at 16:00. At around 19:30 I ran out of pre-written material and started improvising. By the time things were approaching 21:00, I decided I'd done enough and ended the session.

What does it take to satisfy these people?

Still, I had fun unleashing The Cabbage Man encounter on them. It managed to irritate them hugely, without causing any of them to unleash violence on him.

QuoteEncounter 3.

Time to unleash the power of.... The Cabbage Man!

"You are riding along in the lead wagon. From up ahead you see a trail of dust that indicates an approaching cart of some kind. As it gets closer you can see a crude wooden wagon, pulled along by a single donkey. An elderly man who looks as if he bears the weight of the world's problems on his shoulders sits in the driver's seat. He has a shock of grey hair and a couple of teeth remaining, evidently fighting a losing battle against age and a lifetime of a poor diet (nothing but cabbages. If the players get too close, they can hear his almost continual foul-smelling farts issuing forth). He stares intently at you as you pass, his eyes boring into yours. His mouth twitches with all manner of facial tics and as he passes by you can hear many random chuckles and laughs coming from him as he mutters to himself. Something makes you feel glad when he is passed. Alas, once the caravan has moved past him, he gets his horse to turn around and at a fast trot, he catches back up with the group.

'Sirs, ladies. Take pity on a poor farmer. I have but this load of cabbages to sell and 12 children all at home, all sick with the flux. Buy my cabbages and let me return home to look after my 7 precious little babies. I have 15 of them you know. Lovely little tykes. The sooner I sell them the quicker I can get home. Help an old man out will you. Me and my wife, we are all alone together. No one else to look after us. I miss her terribly. Won't you buy my cabbages and let me go home and look after my old mum and dad?'

Continue unmercifully in this vein. Should the party offer to buy his goods, the old man changes tact.

"A horrified look comes over the old man and in a voice on the edge of breaking into tears, he starts begging you 'Oh mighty adventurers. I beg you to help me. Evil bandits have stolen my cart of cabbages. I was on the way to market to sell them and now I have nothing to sell and buy food for my 4 starving children and the 26 orphans left for me to look after when all by brothers were killed by a dragon with explosive diarrhoea! Won't you help a poor old farmer in desperate need?"

The old man will continue pestering the party in this fashion until the party figure out some concrete way of getting rid of him. Should the party attack him, however, they will find that the gods look after the insane. Anyone hitting him is immediately stuck by a bolt of lightning, causing d6 damage. If they kill him then anyone involved in the murder is immediately hit with a Bestow Curse with no saving throw allowed. The old man will keep asking for more money to sell his goods but offering less when it comes to buying them back.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 11, 2022, 10:56:32 AM
Since I picked up Covid, I've been having muscular pains across my shoulders and down my left bicep. Nothing major, just irritating. Anyway, after putting up with it for a couple of weeks Kristi badgered me into going to see a doctor. She did all the usual stuff, asked me my symptoms, checked my heart and lungs then stepped back, took a long look at me and asked "How the hell are you even still standing?"

Got told to go home, go to bed and not to leave it for a week.

The thing is, I feel mostly fine, other than the slight pain mentioned. Oh well, not going to turn down a week off work.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on July 11, 2022, 11:34:28 AM
Quote from: Alex on July 11, 2022, 10:56:32 AM
Since I picked up Covid, I've been having muscular pains across my shoulders and down my left bicep. Nothing major, just irritating. Anyway, after putting up with it for a couple of weeks Kristi badgered me into going to see a doctor. She did all the usual stuff, asked me my symptoms, checked my heart and lungs then stepped back, took a long look at me and asked "How the hell are you even still standing?"

Got told to go home, go to bed and not to leave it for a week.

The thing is, I feel mostly fine, other than the slight pain mentioned. Oh well, not going to turn down a week off work.

Any chance you could use the time to convert your D&D sessions into a novel, like I often said I hoped you would?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 11, 2022, 12:32:30 PM
Quote from: ER on July 11, 2022, 11:34:28 AM
Quote from: Alex on July 11, 2022, 10:56:32 AM
Since I picked up Covid, I've been having muscular pains across my shoulders and down my left bicep. Nothing major, just irritating. Anyway, after putting up with it for a couple of weeks Kristi badgered me into going to see a doctor. She did all the usual stuff, asked me my symptoms, checked my heart and lungs then stepped back, took a long look at me and asked "How the hell are you even still standing?"

Got told to go home, go to bed and not to leave it for a week.

The thing is, I feel mostly fine, other than the slight pain mentioned. Oh well, not going to turn down a week off work.

Any chance you could use the time to convert your D&D sessions into a novel, like I often said I hoped you would?

I will try, but all my spare time is going on just keeping up with writing new D&D adventures with no time for doing up old ones alas.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 13, 2022, 04:56:28 PM
I've gotten some D&D stuff written and I've planned out where the group is going to go to rescue Xora, their missing member.

Ever read 'Something Wicked This Way Comes'? They are going to a funfair with infernal influences. The deeper they go on to try and rescue him, the more they will put their souls at risk. I've got the fair planned out in my head, but I still need to write everything down and stat up the NPCs. Of course the last time I looked forward to something as much as this it went horribly wrong.

Hopefully this will go better.

I am putting my time off to good work with lots of bad movies as well as writing. Not to mention the fun of sorting out my tee-shirt collection (even getting rid of a bunch of them. I keep asking people to stop buying me new ones so often, but it is an easy present to get me. No idea how many I actually own, but it is more than I need lol.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 15, 2022, 03:50:06 PM
Got some writing done, although not a great deal.

I just feel physically worn out. Can't wait to kick the last of this virus. Still, I am better off than some friends of Kristi who decided they weren't going to take the vaccinations. They phoned us to see how we were coping. Turns out the husband is in a whole world of agony. The family go to the same church as Kristi, with many of the parishioners being rather elderly. Their refusal to get the jag (against the advice of the leader of their church who is I am told a world-renowned heart surgeon), was one of the last straws of her deciding she was done with Christianity.

Religion could be a fine thing if each church (of whatever creed) was in each persons heart and people only got together to celebrate their shared faith, not to judge others or force their beliefs on others.

Watching the only John Carpenter / Kurt Russell film I have never seen before. The Elvis TV movie they made together.

I am hoping for a Bubba Ho-Tep thing, but I expect to be disappointed on that score.

300 posts to go until 10,000.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 16, 2022, 12:57:48 PM
I went to try and watch the 2016 Ghostbusters to re-evaluate it. Amazon wanted me to pay to watch it though and I thought f**k that. I am not paying to not be entertained.

Got my initial termination interview next week. No idea what they are going to ask me, or what they'll expect me to say so I guess I'll just have to wing it. What are they going to do about it though, fire me? Plans? Do my job until I don't need to anymore. What are you going to do next? Find something else to do. Any idea what kind of job you want to do? Just something ordinary, take a long holiday and enjoy life. Not perhaps the best or most logical answers, but it is what I've got.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 19, 2022, 01:24:37 AM
Well, the leadership race for the country is down to 4 candidates. 3 of them are women (one of them black), while the male candidate is of Asian origin (no idea how long his family have been in the country, might be first generation, could be 10th). So we could have our first PM of colour. The man is in the lead, but as the candidates get whittled down to two, supporters will move on to vote for others and it could still all change. One of the candidates is one that I definitely don't want to see get the job, two are the ones I'd view as potentially the least worst options from the original 11 nominees. The last one, I know nothing about.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 20, 2022, 01:07:32 PM
I haven't attended many of them over the years, but this year marked the last Friends & Families Day that I would still be in the RAF for so we decided to attend. My sister-in-law, some of her kids and some girlfriends wanted to come along.

I mostly took videos of the day, but here are the few photos I took.

Two really old aircraft (I'd guess a Spitfire and Hurricane from the Battle of Britain flight, but honestly I'd barely know them from a Learjet).


The Red Arrows doing their coloured smoke bit. I've seen a lot of national display teams flying (pretty much all of NATO).  I am not saying the Red Arrows are the best out there, but I will say I've not seen anything better. In general, though I am not a huge fan of watching these displays. Kristi and the others loved it though. The jets they are flying are pretty old.



Just before they were prepped for take-off.

We have some American visitors at the moment using our base for an exercise. Kristi says I have to be more useful in describing aircraft and say more than "A flying one", when I am asked what sort of plane it it, so in the spirit of being more helpful, I'll describe this as a moderately old aircraft.

Some vaguely newish jets I guess. When combat aircraft come across each other they have mock dogfights. 3 of these ones came across 12 of the US ones above, and the score in the resulting dog fight was twelve nil, which shows you how technology marches on.

A little aircraft and a reasonably large aircraft.

Many aircraft.

Shame I can't put the video of them doing this up, but here is a picture of the aftermath.

The front of the reasonably large aircraft.


Anyway, everyone seemed to have fun. I dragged my nephews on some funfair rides, and it was a free afternoon off work. Ash got to sit in the cockpit of a fighter jet and if it had been equipped with missiles or a live cannon, he would have fired them all off. He had't gotten any sleep last night and wasn't in the best of moods for much of the morning, but when he saw the Red Arrows display he seemed to love it. Something about when those aircraft fire off the blue, white and red of the Union Jack seems to really cheer people up in a way that other patriotic stuff generally doesn't.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 21, 2022, 03:18:08 PM
The first poster for the new Dungeons & Dragons poster is out there Trevor.

Let's just hope it isn't as big a disaster as the last one.

Had a coughing fit while I was trying to have a drink earlier. Ended up with juice running down my nose. Also left a horrible taste in my mouth. Blergh! That happened to a friend once during a session. All the sympathy she got was an "If you love me, you'll swallow that." The resultant laughter did not help her situation any. Ah, the fun days with Caz and Clare.

I miss playing with them.

Trevor: One to watch with the kids?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 23, 2022, 02:19:33 AM
Checking up on the news.

Let's see, the race to no. 10 is down to 2 people, neither of whom I want to see in power. I think one candidate is clearly more competent than the other, but if he gets in then his party has a better chance of winning than the other one.

Not that my opinion makes a difference on who gets in. The vote for the leader of the party is carried out purely by members of the party and I'll be damned before I'd pay money to join them, even to get a say in that election.

Grain shipments might restart from Ukraine. If that happens then the price of wheat should fall. I wonder if that will be passed on to consumers. Not a trip I'd want to make myself, travelling on one of those ships. Between mines and the threat of Russian warships, I wonder how many shipping companies will be willing to take that chance? I don't mind fighting on the ground, but I really don't care to be involved in naval warfare.

If an army loses a battle you can retreat. If an airfield is overrun, you can set up another one elsewhere. If your ship gets sunk, well it is a long way to swim home.

We've been given a 3.75 pay raise. The same day it was announced, inflation in the up was declared at 9.4%. Over the past 16 years I have seen a constant erosion of how much my pay packet is worth. It does not inspire me to stay in the job. One of many reasons I don't care to stay.

It looks like a nice day outside. Going into Elgin later for my fortnightly D&D session. Tonight, the group finds itself under siege by an army of Goblins and Undead. Going to use a load of terrain that I've not used for a game before. Looking forward to seeing how the party reacts to it.

Whenever someone tells me that they love their country I always wonder, and sometimes even ask: "What have you done for it?" Generally, the answer is nothing. Strikes me as rather empty words if you just say something with nothing to back it up. Supposedly by definition people in my job are amongst the greatest patriots. After all, we are putting everything we have on the line for our country. When you kill someone, you don't just end their life. You also destroy everything they could ever be, preventing anything they might ever achieve. You are taking that person's presence out of everyone they know, everyone who loves them and just the same we risk losing the same. Not everyone can do the taking a life part, and those that love guns are no more likely than anyone else to be able to use them in anger for their intended purpose (as it seems the police in Texas seem to have found out recently).

To get back to my original thought, it is funny how few people who do join up really do so for love of their country. I've been accused of being a traitor to my country for voting for Scotland to leave the union by people who have done much less for the UK their entire lives than I've in just a single year. Didn't bother me then, or now. Indeed, I felt vaguely proud of the accusation. While I don't want to move to the US (wonderful country to visit, but I prefer the freedoms and protections available elsewhere in the world. Being allowed to own a gun does not make up for the lack of universal healthcare, lower workers' rights and so on. I guess what puts me off more than anything would be having to worry about Ash going to school and worrying every day if someone was going to shoot the school up.  I could own all the guns I wanted, but no matter how many I have (or anyone for that matter), they won't protect you from a single bullet), if Kristi did decide she wanted to go back I'd have a real quandary there. We have vaguely discussed moving to Canada or Australia (we have no real interest in doing so, just more in a theoretical way). With Kristi having to still pay US taxes if she gets a job, we've been looking at how much of a tax bill we'd have. Looks like between UK and US taxes, we'd be losing 42% of her earnings, but only getting any representation for the UK part of that (this is assuming she gets the job she is after, with the tax bracket that would then put her in). She'd be losing over $10,000 a year merely to have a US passport, while she will also have the option of a UK passport.

I wonder if at that point she'd look at giving up her US citizenship as being too expensive to keep? I certainly won't put any pressure on her to give it up. That is something that would have to be her decision. We are hopefully going to get Ash's dual citizenship sorted out this summer so that if he wants, he will have the option of going for US citizenship. Now that Covid restrictions are gone, we can get Kristi her UK citizenship and get the tiny demon's US one. I think the (US) rules are that he can keep both until he gets to 18 and then has to pick one or the other.

I wonder which one he'll go for?

Shame we (as a nation), gave up the whole European citizenship thing. I'd much rather have kept that.

And that is this morning's long rambling done.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 24, 2022, 01:08:58 PM
Last night's D&D game involved a full-on siege on a monastery by a Goblin horde (plus assorted allies). It is a scenario I have run before, if under a separate set of rules. As before, the party have a lone doomsayer who is convinced they won't last the night (normally the guy who dies second or third last in horror movies). If you are reduced to 0 hit points you have to make Death Saves. Succeed on 3 and you stabilize, fail on 3 and you die. One party member got bitten by a giant spider, and then hauled up to the roof to be coccooned, in preparation for having his insides liquified.

Turns out this player has a fear of spiders and had to run out of the room at this point.

Heh heh heh.

Anyway, he has passed one death save and failed two (55% of passing. One of my bugbears about 5th ed is that it is simply too easy not to die. When I started playing, you'd go through 20 characters in a campaign and be happy about it too), but unless the odds come up for him twice, we will have our first casualty. After some thought about it last night, I decided that if he dies, he dies. No fudges to save things. It will let the players know that for the rest of the campaign that they could lose their character. I figure this is an epic enough struggle though that such deaths would not be inappropriate. Especially if the players find out what is in the monastery.

They have become laser-focused on two things. Why are the Goblins attacking? & Getting Short Rests (an in-game mechanic). The scenario is designed that they should hopefully get some rest but won't have enough time between every wave to get one (2d4*10 minutes and they need 60 for a Short Rest). They have not bothered checking what is in the wagons outside to see what can help them, nor have they explored the monastery to find out what they might be able to use to defend it. One player did wander up to the first (or for Americans second) floor and was shocked to find there was a ballista sitting there. Alas, it only has 4 shots. It was put in though to give them a fighting chance should they bring the Giant in the picture above directly into the fight. This focus really has hurt them by not taking more notice of their surroundings. They did set some traps though, which I liked. Hollie will get some extra XPs for that.

They only got halfway through the siege in a 6-hour session and the party seemed to think the battle itself is appropriately epic. The doomsayer did complain that they should have been higher level, but I simply replied that were they higher level, then I'd have made the bad guys more powerful to compensate, so he wouldn't gain anything by that.


Andrew, Joesph (Aracnaphobe, oh boy is he going to hate the Temple of Lloth), Hollie, Matt (doomsayer) and Lowden.

Didn't quite have enough giant spider models for the invasion, so anything I had that was vaguely spider-shaped was pressed into service as one.

The party attempted to escape via the sewers and ran into this guy. While they did (barely) defeat him, the sound of more feet splashing in the water encouraged the party to retreat back above ground. The next fight would have involved 4 mutated creatures, sort of mutated turtles who had learned an assortment of martial arts to defend themselves against the various predators down there.

As well as the ground floor and the sewer, there are also two more full floors, plus a pair of towers.

Alas, poor Noffle. I knew him well. The undead sewer monster lies un-undead.

From the player's side of the table.

They haven't had to fight the big guy... Yet. He did rip the gates off the walls though to allow the Goblins to attack easier.

The session left me mentally drained, taking tonnes of factors into account to make the game work. I want the battle to have a feel like Zulu, with endless waves of attackers pouring in (which is why the doomsayer constantly saying they aren't going to survive the fight doesn't bother me, despite the implication that I can't balance a fight that size and scope).

Although I am trying to do that game once a fortnight, we'll be skipping the next session as we are finally going to get to use the tickets to go see the Edinburgh Military Tattoo that I got for Kristi's Yule waaaay back in 2019, before the whole pandemic thing kicked off, so it will be three weeks before we play again.

Speaking of the pandemic. I kinda miss it. Made scheduling games so much easier when we were all on lockdown.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 25, 2022, 03:23:14 AM
Sitting in a boring (skype) meeting at work on a Monday morning. A whole 4 of us have turned up, with a notable lack of management. Then again, as I've noticed, management doesn't tend to actually run things. They more tend to aim us in a vague direction and the juniors sort out the practicalities (normally this involves seeing how far you can go in bending the rules to make what they wan't work, with an occasional slight bit of breaking them completely).

My favourite quote of the day, from a conversation I am having with someone who wants to run his own campaign for the first time, but thinks he doesn't have the imagination for it:

QuoteDark Alex — Yesterday at 5:56 PM
You came up with a cannibal necromancer...
[5:57 PM]
Imagination is like a muscle. The more you use it, the bigger it gets.
[6:00 PM]
Also like a penis, the more it gets played with the more fun it is.

Now I am going to see how many times I can drop that phrase into a conversation.

Ooooh, the local head of Kristi's church is coming round tonight with his family (they sort of misunderstood a general comment as being an invitation and it seems Kristi didn't feel like correcting them. I guess Brit's aren't the only ones who are too polite to deal with this kind of thing), as well as the missionaries. What a perfect time to say it.  :bouncegiggle:

I gave him a simple exercise and got him to design a low-level bad guy (4th level for those who like details). I then went through how a low-level party could fight that character, where they'd struggle (he'd made him practically impossible to hit for example), and suggested ways to make him more suited for this kind of scenario. Then I got him to think about what his villain's motivation was. Turns out he is a bloodthirsty minor lord out to conquer more lands, and the players happen to end up in a village that is next on his list. I've suggested he watches The Seven Samurai for inspiration.

Anyway, he spent last night sitting in his garden and came up with several A4 pages with notes and is wondering what the hell happened to him? He hasn't written since leaving school and suddenly bam he is scribbling away like a mad thing. Gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling, although not as warm and fuzzy as the one I got when Joesph had to run out the room and go throw up, after the spiders got him.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 26, 2022, 12:25:31 PM
Last night got even better than I expected.

One of the missionaries turned out to be called Sister Bangs. I am willing to bet if I googled that, I'd find some porno had been made with the title.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 27, 2022, 04:46:10 AM
While we had the missionaries around for dinner, we also had some other people from Kristi's church round. The husband isn't someone I really like, although he doesn't seem to be a bad person. He just reminds me an awful lot of an airforce officer. He just has the same kind of personality. He is the head of the local branch of the church and it seems his wife is feeling a bit resentful of the time he spends dealing with church matters rather than his family. I have no idea how justified that is. The entire family, including his parents, decided not to get vaccinated. The parents caught Covid around the same time as myself and Kristi did, but suffered a lot more than we did.

Anyway, he asked me about becoming an officer (bit ironic considering my views on him). He has a university degree and wants to constuct buildings. I've directed him toward the Royal Engineers. I can just imagine it being the last straw in his marriage though.

I wonder how many deaths they have contributed to? How many fewer people would have succumbed to the virus if everyone who could had just gotten one of the damn things. It is a shame that we never get to know how the ripples of our lives fully interact with those of others. Some of us have much larger ripples than others, but no one can really have no effect on anyone else, no matter how small. Even the briefest life leaves its touch.

Metal Micky needs to make a comeback. (
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 28, 2022, 04:46:29 AM
Another week is drawing to a close (sort of off tomorrow. Doing gym until 9 and then finishing at 12, so not really a full day at work, plus we have our Friday morning team breakfast/lunch which takes an hour or so out of the working day). It has been warm and wet all week, a condition that is normally described as being 'muggy' in Scotland.

It is also payday tomorrow, although I guess since next weekend we are heading down to Edinburgh for the tattoo, I should be careful with money and not go splurge on stuff.

On the other hand, I saw shiny stuff that I want!

The D&D trailer is causing conniptions amongst a certain subset of players over at least 3 separate points. The woman who transforms into an Owlbear is a Tiefling druid. In 5th edition Tieflings have red skin and druids can't turn into Owlbears. On the other hand, they could have any colour of skin in previous editions and could also turn into Owlbears. The other big talking point is where someone leaps into what appears to be a Gelatinous Cube to avoid the attacks of a Displacer Beast (big cat with tentacles). The Gelatinous Cube would cause more damage with its acidic attacks than the Displace Beast would cause with its attacks.

Yeah because your character is supposed to know all the stats of the creatures in the Monster Manual and know things like that...

Personally, I am just looking forward to seeing a movie that is hopefully better than the last big name one...

Listening to podcasts of someone playing the old gamebooks of my youth. So far he is on the 5th book and has only successfully completed one (and he had to cheat to do that). Listening to the playthrough of one of my favourites, City of Thieves. I took a free month with Audible and it seems that on top of a subscription fee, I'd then be expected to pay for each book on top of that. I decided I'd rather just pay for the real books and skip the pointless middleman bill.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 29, 2022, 03:20:16 PM
Hired a large metal skip for the weekend so I can do a big house clearance. Lots of stuff has already been dumped in it and I plan on spending a fair bit of time adding to it tomorrow. This has forced Kristi to clear out stuff in our room, and as a result, it seems I have much more laundry to do this week than usual.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 31, 2022, 09:32:20 AM
For months we'd discussed getting the skip mentioned above. We have some furniture that has seen better days and needs replaced, as well as just a load of stuff we need to get rid of.

Anyway, on Friday the skip was delivered. One of the things we wanted to get rid of was a cherry-coloured Welsh dresser that Ash had managed to rip the doors off. We kept his nappy stuff in the bottom cupboard, and the shelves were lined with books. I'd been asking Kristi to pick out what she wanted to replace it with, but she kept telling me she couldn't find anything she liked. When the skip arrived, I cleared the dresser and piled everything from it on the floor. Funny thing is, within an hour Kristi had found a set of shelving she liked and had it ordered for same-day delivery. Same with the coffee table when I cleared that today.

Well, the new bookshelves have been built and all the books stacked on it. Kristi now has a place she can display her rather expensive Disney ornaments which is safe from Ash. I've also gone through my book collection and got rid of a load more ones that I am unlikely to ever read or if I have read them, reread them. She buys me a lot of science fiction books, regardless of the fact that I don't read much sci-fi. I am very picky on what I read from that genre. If it has a trashy cover, I am very unlikely to sit down and read it, although I do try and read the ones she gets me, I just can't get into them. Anyway, a load of sci-fi books (not ones that Kristi has gotten me, they will sit mostly unread for a while yet. Maybe one day I'll read another full one. They have more chance of being read than the David Eddings one she bought me) are off to a charity shop.

My boss at work sent us a message that he is down with the sickness. The third time he's had Covid. Poor guy, not to mention his wife and two young kids.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on July 31, 2022, 10:32:14 AM
Quote from: Alex on July 29, 2022, 03:20:16 PMit seems I have much more laundry to do this week than usual.

I never do that  :buggedout: :wink:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 31, 2022, 01:48:14 PM
Quote from: Trevor on July 31, 2022, 10:32:14 AM
Quote from: Alex on July 29, 2022, 03:20:16 PMit seems I have much more laundry to do this week than usual.

I never do that  :buggedout: :wink:

I have only just finished doing it. It was something of a mountain. When I was single, I remember sometimes just washing all my clothes because there weren't that many of them and they could all fit in one of the industrial washing machines all at once.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 01, 2022, 06:10:24 AM
I just spent two days reading a review of a roleplaying game I'd never heard of. Frankly, I'd have been quite happy if I hadn't heard about it.

When a game has 'Anal Circumference' as a stat and seems to mostly be about rape, bestiality and so forth, someone needs to give the writers a good kicking. It came off as being written by Incels, before that term really came into use to describe them. Thankfully the system has sunk with the only remaining trace being people who say "Yeah, this is a bad game, but it isn't as bad as..."

A game called Synnibarr is normally mentioned as being the Plan 9 of roleplaying games. It is terrible, but it was made with the best of intentions and a lot of enthusiasm. To call FATAL mean-spirited would be one hell of an understatement.

I get that at a certain point, RPGs were all about pushing the boundaries with games like Vampire (particularly the stuff published under the Black Dog label, looking at you Clanbook: Giovanni) and Kult. We'd broken free of the whole Satanic Panic and things went wild. That is an understandable and predictable reaction. This however appears to have been the extreme. It does have the distinction of being the longest rule book ever published as well as rated as being the worst. Thankfully the author and his supporters seem to have disappeared since the game came out.

How did such a game ever get released? It was self-published and self-distributed.

The house clearance went fairly well. I finished building the last of the new flat pack furniture about 21:00 last night, and now all that remains is to clear up the floor. Kristi gets the joy of that while I am at work and Ash is at school.

Funny that I am walking away from a good job where I get to use guns. For some people that is the goal of a lifetime and I can't wait to leave it all behind.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 03, 2022, 01:17:40 PM
I hate people.

No particular reason for that today, I just in general do. Too many of them for a start.

Not so much a stranger is a friend that I just haven't met yet, more a stranger is just someone who hasn't p**sed me off in some vague way, possibly just by existing.

I finally got my ET (early termination) interview today off the SEngO. He asked if there was anything he could do to persuade me to stay, or anything the RAF could offer me. Since I haven't had an actual pay increase (or even just a pay keeping pace with inflation) for 16 years now, and everything is just so badly run from the top, he really isn't high ranking enough to make any of the changes that would be needed to keep me in. Besides I am not sure anyone could do anything that would get me back to how much I loved my job for the first seven years. If you can't get me back there, then what is the point? It is like staying married if the love is gone. Might as well both go your separate ways and find happiness with someone else.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 04, 2022, 04:17:32 PM
We had a lovely day for travelling. Nice and warm, but not too hot with gorgeous views.

Seen them all thousands of times before, but it always looks good, although I think winter is my favourite time to travel, seeing the hills and mountains covered in snow.

Ash was absolutely hyper about getting to see his gran and aunt Elizabeth, or gwan and wizbif as he calls them. Well in truth he has been hyper for a week about it since it was mentioned to him we were going.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 05, 2022, 12:40:48 PM
We took a trip out to Irvine today. The shopping centre in the town does not seem to be doing well. Lots of shops closed and they are thinking on shutting down the Rivergate (shopping mall). I guess all those comparisons of 'mall walkers' with zombies haven't dated well. If only they'd known about mobile phones...

I did get a couple of new skulls from a new shop. I don't know how long they will last, they had interesting stock, but not a lot of it.

Well, I've done what I can to help them out.

I will miss going out shopping when all these places are gone. Too many people just buying things off Amazon instead who then complain about it driving local businesses out. It isn't Amazon that does that. It is us and where we shop. Don't like it, quit buying things online.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on August 05, 2022, 12:50:40 PM
Quote from: Alex on August 05, 2022, 12:40:48 PM
I did get a couple of new skulls from a new shop.

:buggedout: :buggedout:

Which shop was this?  :wink: :wink:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 05, 2022, 01:02:58 PM
It was called Little Ripleys.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on August 05, 2022, 01:34:09 PM
Quote from: Alex on August 05, 2022, 01:02:58 PM
It was called Little Ripleys.

I will believe that or not  :wink:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 07, 2022, 03:14:35 AM
We spent the whole of yesterday in Edinburgh. Left Ash for the day with his gran and aunt (Gwan and Elifbiff as he calls them). The city was absolutely packed. Between the Tattoo and the Fringe, where it seems every comedian who considers themselves worthy of the name, will spend at least a week, quite often giving free shows. Quite often they will stand outside wherever they are performing begging for an audience. I am guessing that 90% of their customers turn out to be other comedians. I thought Kristi might have been up for trying a few random shows, but she just didn't care to try any.

We went to Frankensteins for a meal, but they've cut down their menu to just pizza and loaded fries. Shame because they did some nice burgers beforehand. Ended up eating an acceptable meal in some random Italian place (Kristi loves Italian food). The queue for the tattoo was a lot larger than I expected. It looks like they increased the seating since the last time I visited the castle. The street leading up to the castle itself is quite confined, making it slow progress getting in, but we got there in plenty of time. The seats Kristi had picked were in the very top row, something I think she regretted by the time we'd climbed up all the steps to the very top row. Anyway, we got a good view. The show started with the massed pipes and drums, then had the US army field band. They had an energetic show (although to be honest I didn't much care for the rap section). The USAF was next with some silent drill (which again, Kristi loves so it was great for her to get to see these things live). One poor guy did drop his rifle and you could hear the shocked intake of breath around the stadium. I figured that no matter how much you practise, these things will happen. Anyway, he did the correct drill to recover it and it isn't like it spoiled the performance or anything. They had some people dressed as Aztec warriors run out and do some stuff and then ran off again. I had expected to see a bit more when they came out of the castle and was slightly disappointed. They were then followed up by Mexicans.

Kristi's favourite drum core (Top Secret, guessing from their flags they are from Switzerland). Two of their guys managed to drop their flags at one point of the display which made me feel better for the poor airman earlier. They had a lot of civilian acts that didn't fit well and neither of us overly enjoyed. It seems to be that they are trying to be more inclusive and include non-military acts. I guess that is the way the world is going, but we wanted to see the military bands. The lone piper at the end of the show looked like some sort of wraith in the distance. I think my highlight of the show was the New Zealanders who broke into 'The Timewarp' at one point.

We both agreed that we'd go again and take Ash when he is old enough. We'd went to the early show, but I think next time I'd go for the later one and see it all in the dark. There is a lot of the show that would have looked more dramatic against the darkness. Anyway, for anyone interested I'll stick up the photos when I get home. Took a lot of videos too. If anyone is interested in watching that kind of thing, let me know and I'll chuck them up on Youtube or something and send them a link.

Kristi was still buzzing when we got home and was too happy and excited to sleep, so she'll be tired today but it was worth it.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on August 07, 2022, 04:04:55 AM
Quote from: Alex on August 07, 2022, 03:14:35 AM
I think my highlight of the show was the New Zealanders who broke into 'The Timewarp' at one point.

:teddyr: :teddyr:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 08, 2022, 02:44:46 PM
The view over the city from the stands.



Kristi's favourite drum core.



The Aztecs. They just kind of ran out, shouted and then ran off again leaving us slightly perplexed.



The Mexican show. I have no idea what the connection between the skull paint and butterflies (or possibly moths?) is. Or why they had a Mariachi band. If anyone knows about the butterflies (Deaths Heads? I dunno).





The sort of stuff I expected to see.







The New Zealanders.


The Lone Piper.


The best stuff was shot on videos, although I had a few problems with where we were sitting and getting good shots. I'd filmed most of the acts to begin with and then realised my charge was rapidly dwindling (which is why I have no photos of the mass pipe band, or the acts from the USA).
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 10, 2022, 01:13:24 PM
The local temperature only hit 25 degrees celsius today. When I came home from lunch, Ash was playing in his paddling pool. I felt like jumping in and joining him in the nice cold water.

Might have been asked a few questions though about my wet uniform when returning from work.

Kristi spent the entire day playing with Ash hoping to tire him out and get him to go to bed easily tonight. The result is that she is currently soaking in a bath to relax her tired muscles, while half an hour after bedtime Ash is running around. The parents of one of his school friends was telling Kristi how she felt she was a failure because she just wanted to be her child's best friend and it seemed to be going through a rough patch. I always figure that my role is to be a parent first and foremost. The friend bit can come later. I'll play with him and spend hours doing so quite happily, but I make it clear that I am the one in charge just now and until he is old (read responsible enough, in truth many people can live out a long life and never be old enough to make their own decisions).

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 12, 2022, 02:19:28 AM
The alleged fourth IS Beetle has been arrested and is going to face trial for his part in the murder of (if I remember correctly), 37 hostages. He has been deported from Turkey.

I am against the death penalty, because if you wrongfully convict someone, then you can't take that back or compensate for it in any way. Indeed, I would say if you kill someone who was innocent, then the state itself is guilty of murder.

Sometimes though, for certain people, I'd like to make an exception. For some people, I'd even volunteer to do the damn job myself.

Looks like England is going to have a drought this year. It has been a while since they last had one, but with the hot summer, we've been having I am surprised it hasn't been declared earlier. It could be worse though. Firefighters from across the world are being shipped to France to help them fight their forest fires. We are ok up here. For the moment anyway. Energy rationing is being mentioned. No surprise there after decades of under-investment in the network. Then again, we are hardly the only first-world country that has been guilty of that. I wonder if that will be the entire country though, or just England? The news quite often doesn't differentiate between England and the rest of the UK.

GDP has shrunk by 0.1% following 0.8% growth in the previous 1/4 with a warning that by the end of the year we will be in recession. On top of the cost of living crisis that is being blamed on the Ukrainian war, but was happening before that. Yet people still think Boris was the man to lead the country to brexit and many mourn him going. He isn't quite gone yet, but has said he isn't going to do anything about what is happening. He is waiting for the next PM to be selected so they can do something.

How about quitting and getting the f**k out of there, so we can get someone else in (not that I have faith in either remaining candidate). The same people who are going to pick out of them are the same ones who voted in the previous 3, and they were all p**s poor at the job.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 15, 2022, 02:32:56 PM
After a couple of weeks of Ash not being able to settle down to sleep at night, we finally got him back on schedule. All it took was waking him up a little earlier (and I am awake at that time anyway). Kristi is out at a community council meeting so everything is quiet and I am watching some movies. I finally got around to watching Darlin'. To say it lacks the power of its predecessor is something of an understatement. I should look up the prequel. I don't think it was ever made into a movie though.

77 years ago today, Japan surrendered. As per usual, I see no minutes silence, no thank you from the government for those who gave the only thing that ultimately any of us really have to give (everything). In a year's time will I still care? Will, I still donate a part of my monthly wage to a veterans charity and give up a couple of hours every year to collect money for them, or will I become one of those who mouth empty words about how they support our armed forces and veterans, but doesn't actually do anything to help them?

I wonder.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on August 15, 2022, 03:33:59 PM
Quote from: Alex on August 15, 2022, 02:32:56 PM
After a couple of weeks of Ash not being able to settle down to sleep at night, we finally got him back on schedule. All it took was waking him up a little earlier (and I am awake at that time anyway). Kristi is out at a community council meeting so everything is quiet and I am watching some movies. I finally got around to watching Darlin'. To say it lacks the power of its predecessor is something of an understatement. I should look up the prequel. I don't think it was ever made into a movie though.

77 years ago today, Japan surrendered. As per usual, I see no minutes silence, no thank you from the government for those who gave the only thing that ultimately any of us really have to give (everything). In a year's time will I still care? Will, I still donate a part of my monthly wage to a veterans charity and give up a couple of hours every year to collect money for them, or will I become one of those who mouth empty words about how they support our armed forces and veterans, but doesn't actually do anything to help them?

I wonder.

Thank you for doing that.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 17, 2022, 11:36:24 AM
I am battling the absolute lack of care I have about pretty much anything at work right now. Anything beyond the basic daily stuff I do on a daily business seems to have become almost impossible.

Boy is this whole year-long notice thing a mistake.

The man at the top of our job has had to publish an open letter denying an accusation that in order to meet diversity targets they have suspended recruiting white males. Honestly, I'd be surprised if the accusation was true (although I don't think it is impossible either). If you took all the guys from a poor white background out of the airforce, you'd have about six people left.

Watching the cartoon series of Harley Quinn. Giving me the odd chuckle and I am enjoying it.

I had some new figures arrive yesterday. My players are going to s**t 10 bricks when I put these down on the table. I'd put up a picture, but imgur seems to be faulty at the moment.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 18, 2022, 04:33:00 AM
Summer seems to be swaging into autumn. Clouds have been hanging around all week keeping things cooler than they are elsewhere. I am quite happy with that. The southern part of the UK is much hotter, although not the record-breaking stuff we had just a few weeks ago.

Time to look forward to running through piles of crunchy leaves.

I wonder if Ash will join me? He did like it last year. He has started back at nursery, but this year he is in from 09:00 to 15:00. I think this is harder on Kristi than it is on him. The joys of running around playing all day. I am also happy that he won't be starting school until next year. I don't feel he is ready yet. Poor kids. We take the funnest years of their lives and stick them in school. It isn't so bad when they have a good teacher, but so many of them just dryly pour out whatever facts and figures instead of making learning interesting and actually engaging with them. Not saying that is an easy thing to do. I think I had two teachers who could really reach their students (Mr Wilson, science (specialising in physics), and a young geography teacher whose name has fallen to the mists of time. I can remember some jokes he told us to this day, and that he loved The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, but his name is.... no wait it just came back to me. Mr Campbell. I remembered that his clan was involved in the massacre at Glencoe and that thread of memory led me back to his name). Hmm, just out of personal curiosity I am going to see how many of my primary school teachers I can remember:

Primary Schools
Melrose: 1-3 Mrs Gascoin (possibly not the right spelling. I do recall she told me I was evil though), Hayocks (head teacher Mrs Gaw): P4 Can't remember. Ardeer (head teacher Mr Agnew, replaced by a woman whose name I've forgotten) P4 Mrs Yarr, P5 Mrs Smith, P6 Mrs Martin (at secondary school I'd meet her son, who I think tried to proposition me for gay sex on a camping trip, but I wasn't 100% sure. I wouldn't have been interested either way), part of P7 Mrs Yarr (again), Hayocks (again, head mistress was still Mrs Gaw) rest of P7 Miss Robb (she was an absolute b***h who I once saw drag a guy out of class by the hair for talking. A few years later she'd make national news when she ripped a girl's earring out, taking her earlobe with it. She wouldn't touch me though as she'd once hit my youngest aunt (she is 5 years older than me) and my gran had went to the school and hit her back).

Hmm, chances are most of them are dead. Hows that for making you feel old?

Hayocks was the worst school I attended. I'd done a few months there when we moved house when I was 9. I hated having to go back to it 3 years later when my mum left my dad. A stand-out memory was one of the school cooks dropping food on the floor, picking it up with her hand and putting it on someone's plate. The whole school also had an odd smell about it. Ardeer was my favourite school, especially once Mr Agnew was kicked out of his job and replaced. His nickname was Penguin because of the way he walked. Incredibly unpopular with both students, parents and as we'd find out much later the other teachers.

I wonder how many teachers get tired of the way they have to teach? Constricted by guidelines and often having to teach to pass an exam. It cannot be a fun job, even if (at least in the UK), it is a well-paid job and one with plenty of time off. When I was at school, teachers always had nice new cars. They must have days when they just want to run riot.

A slightly more rambling meandering ramble than usual today I guess.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 19, 2022, 05:53:23 AM
Got a phone call last night that my aunt had been taken into hospital with covid. At some point during the day, she'd collapsed and been unable to get up. A visitor was unable to get into her house and they got the police to kick her door down basically. She went on a ventilator last night, but we were told to expect bad news.

She passed away around 07:00. I got the phone call just as I was getting ready for work that she'd passed away.

Not a lot we can do about things now. It was her choice not to get the vaccine and while she didn't currently smoke, she had smoked heavily for a good part of her life and had generally bad health for the past decade or so, so it isn't a shock or anything, but we were close. Third aunt or uncle who has died this year, but I've had much rougher ones to get through than this. Twice before in my life I've had a short period of time when multiple relatives have died.

f**k covid, and f**k all the stupid arseholes with their crappy conspiracy theories.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on August 19, 2022, 09:32:11 AM
Quote from: Alex on August 19, 2022, 05:53:23 AM
Got a phone call last night that my aunt had been taken into hospital with covid. At some point during the day, she'd collapsed and been unable to get up. A visitor was unable to get into her house and they got the police to kick her door down basically. She went on a ventilator last night, but we were told to expect bad news.

She passed away around 07:00. I got the phone call just as I was getting ready for work that she'd passed away.

Not a lot we can do about things now. It was her choice not to get the vaccine and while she didn't currently smoke, she had smoked heavily for a good part of her life and had generally bad health for the past decade or so, so it isn't a shock or anything, but we were close. Third aunt or uncle who has died this year, but I've had much rougher ones to get through than this. Twice before in my life I've had a short period of time when multiple relatives have died.

f**k covid, and f**k all the stupid arseholes with their crappy conspiracy theories.

That's a sad loss, Alex. I wish you and your loved-ones what comfort there can be at this time.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on August 19, 2022, 09:39:54 AM
Quote from: Alex on August 19, 2022, 05:53:23 AM
Got a phone call last night that my aunt had been taken into hospital with covid. At some point during the day, she'd collapsed and been unable to get up. A visitor was unable to get into her house and they got the police to kick her door down basically. She went on a ventilator last night, but we were told to expect bad news.

She passed away around 07:00. I got the phone call just as I was getting ready for work that she'd passed away.

Not a lot we can do about things now. It was her choice not to get the vaccine and while she didn't currently smoke, she had smoked heavily for a good part of her life and had generally bad health for the past decade or so, so it isn't a shock or anything, but we were close. Third aunt or uncle who has died this year, but I've had much rougher ones to get through than this. Twice before in my life I've had a short period of time when multiple relatives have died.

f**k covid, and f**k all the stupid arseholes with their crappy conspiracy theories.

Sending hugs
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 20, 2022, 07:43:37 AM
It was confirmed last night that I've been appointed as the executor for Gina's estate. Not been able to get down to my mums yet thanks to a rail strike today, but I am going to try and go tomorrow. Spent much of the day speaking between my younger brother and my mum. I'd been avoiding it most of the day, but late last night I did check in with my older brother to see how he was doing. As I expected he tried to make the conversation about how Gina had hurt his feelings many times over the years. I managed not to tell him exactly why Gina had treated him that way after he'd joined up, the promises he'd broken and so forth. I kept the conversation out of that territory every time he tried to go there and eventually ended it by declaring I was going to bed.

We took a stroll along the west beach this morning. Ash still doesn't like it as much as the east beach, but at least he no longer starts shaking with fear when we try to take him there. No idea what prompted the change between loving playing down there and absolutely hating it, but we seem to have it calmed down. Afterwards, we went for a couple of ice creams, trying a new place for a change but the ice cream itself was somewhat chewy. Not something I've experienced before. I wonder if it was freezer burned or something, but whatever the reason we won't be trying that place again. One thing Lossiemouth is not short of is places where we can get ice cream.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on August 20, 2022, 08:17:44 AM
When you say "chewy" was this scooped ice cream or an ice cream bar on a stick? I've had either kind be rubbery before., even stretchy, but I don't know if that's the same as chewy. Interesting.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 20, 2022, 08:24:47 AM
It had what I can best describe as stands of a thicker material running through it. My ice cream was supposed to be banana flavoured, but only had the merest him. Kristi and Ash both had different flavours from me, but found the same with theirs as I got with mine. None of us finished ours and then we got something to drink to wash the taste away.

Something I just learned that might be of a vague passing interest to you ER. Did you know there was a choose your own adventure book made where you play through Mary Shelly's Frankenstein? You can play as either the monster or the scientist. I had a quick look on ebay and decided that I did not want to spend the money they want for a copy though. The review I read suggested that when you are wandering around the artic, the game gets a bit dull. (
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 21, 2022, 02:02:46 PM
That is me back at my mum's. I had a mostly quiet journey down, even if the older I get, the more my fellow passengers irk me. Read a couple of books on the way down, rather than messing around on the computer (Caverns of the Snow Witch and Appointment With F.E.A.R. if anyone is curious).

I was presented with various stuff as soon as I got through the door to do with sorting out the funeral. I calmly told them it was all stuff I was already aware of, and I'd need the death certificate first, so I wasn't going to worry about sorting anything else until I had that part out of the way. I could tell my mum's mind has been racing and she just needs to calm down a little. When they told me that if I needed any help to phone Grant as he'd had to sort out some funerals, I thanked them and mentioned that I had some experience in that department too. That sounds very cold, but having half a dozen people in my face all telling me I need to sort out a bunch of different things helps no one. Indeed quite the opposite. I've done my mourning and now I have a job to sort out stuff. I can mourn some more when I have the funeral sorted. She had paid for her funeral in advance, so I don't need to worry about paying for everything and then claiming it back off the estate afterwards.

Gina had terrible taste in pets. She used to have a parrot that would bite chunks out of people. Because of this, I hadn't been up to see her since Ash was born. Currently, she had two bad-tempered chihuahuas. My first point of business was going to be taking them to a dog shelter to get rehoused, but one of my other aunts wants to take them back down to Blackpool with her, so that is at least one less thing to deal with. I don't think the estate will go over the Inheritance Tax threshold, not unless house prices in the area have gone up hugely since I used to live here. Given that was over 20 years ago it is possible, but I'd rate as unlikely.

The dogs seem to have adopted me. They are sitting at my feet. I am fine with that, but I do not like dogs licking my hands. I am fine with big dogs, but I tend not to like small, yappy dogs much. I wouldn't hurt them or get them put down, but neither would I take them home with me. Especially not with them having a habit of biting. It just wouldn't work with Ash. Unlike PETA I am not into exterminating as many pets as possible.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 22, 2022, 09:50:21 AM
I was trying to plan out all the things I needed to take care of last night and every time I said I wanted to do something, someone else would pipe up "You can't do that until you get the death certificate."

I am perfectly damn well aware of this. I was just trying to make a list of what I needed to do, and in some cases what order they had to be carried out in.

Today the same people kept on saying to me "Oh you need to do X", when X is equal to pretty much anything I mentioned I needed to do last night. Round about lunchtime my limited patience snapped. I'd said I wanted to take the main beneficiary of the will out for the day and just explain the options. She has learning difficulties, and I want to be able to talk to her without anyone else chipping in and trying to persuade her that she should do whatever they think. I was told I couldn't do this because I had to wait for the death certificate to come in. Someone else made a comment about how they wished she'd left the estate to someone else and she'd never wanted a load of money. I bit my tongue and didn't say "Well I've got some good news for you there. The house and money weren't left to you. They were left to this other person." I don't think I will be able to hold back a second time if it is said again.

My OCD does not do well with people who try to stand in my way when I want to get something done, and my voice makes it very obvious when I've had enough. Some of Gina's friends that she used to have a weekly lunch with were having a meal today to remember her. The beneficiary wanted to go and was told no by her guardian. I jumped in and said "I'll take her. If she wants to go then she is going."

I've been left a chunk of money. Not a retire and never work again amount, or even buy a new car, but it is still a decent sized amount of more than I make in a month. Hadn't been expecting any and to be honest, it has thrown me a little.

I am glad I made the slight effort of phoning Gina on her last birthday. She sounded happy. I wish I could have helped her more after her husband died, but she went into her own protective bubble and was only just showing signs of starting to come out of it. Still, if there is an afterlife, she is back with him, I hope for them, there is such a thing and they are happy together.

The little dogs are still constantly around my feet. They were being fed steak before and too many dog treats, so they are badly overweight. The days of steak are over for them now though. They are getting dog food. One of them seems to be eating it, while the other is resisting. I expect he/she will come around once it gets hungry though. I am hoping that the home they are going to will keep them on a healthier diet, and give them more exercise. They are unhealthily overweight. While I am not going to take on the dogs myself, I do feel I have a duty to get them a decent home.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 24, 2022, 10:56:22 AM
I finally got the death certificate this afternoon. We got her clothes sorted out and lots of stuff being donated to charity, so progress has been made. A key went missing for the back door, so I replaced the lock rather than risk dealing with stuff going missing. I went into the undertakers and made an appointment for tomorrow. It does mean I won't be able to meet Kristi in Glasgow when she comes down tomorrow, but I need to make some progress on sorting things and getting the funeral planned is right up there at the top of the list.

Going to be tight though to organise anything before I have to head back up the road, so I might have to come back down later.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 26, 2022, 12:37:38 PM
Heading back home tomorrow. It will be nice travelling with the family again.

I went out today, visited the bank, the solicitors and then we took Ash to a soft play and let him run off plenty of energy for an hour. I kept just wanting to go somewhere with Kristi, but pretty much every time we've gone out, Elizabeth wanted to go with us. Round about 16:00, we did manage to get a walk to the nearest ATM.

Gosh, what a romantic date.

We did pick up Ash a new pair of shoes though. I guess that counts for something.

His favourite cartoon at the moment is Disney's Lonesome Ghosts, I remember that being an old one when I was a kid. When Goofy is looking at the ghost in the mirror and doing all the movements, he's taken to copying them. Quite funny to watch him doing it.

Something I've suspected for a while, but only had confirmed the last time I passed through it. Glasgow no longer feels like home to me I didn't get the feeling like I was back where I should be. It would be hard to explain, but the last few times I just didn't feel the same, and this time when I was passing through there was just nothing. Good job I have no preferences over what place I go to live when I leave (although there are multiple places where I won't be settling down). I've never cared for the town I grew up in. Indeed I am dead set against coming back here. It was suggested that when I leave I could move into my aunt's old house, but that is a big hell no. It is being left to Elizabeth and she wants to sell it.

Kristi wants me to spend my retirement money to buy an old pirate ship in Virginia. I am not totally against it, although I might want to sail it to Canada. Also, it is a bit bigger than any other boat I've ever sailed (my largest one was a 6-man sailboat).
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on August 26, 2022, 01:31:57 PM
Quote from: Alex on August 26, 2022, 12:37:38 PM

Something I've suspected for a while, but only had confirmed the last time I passed through it. Glasgow no longer feels like home to me I didn't get the feeling like I was back where I should be. It would be hard to explain, but the last few times I just didn't feel the same, and this time when I was passing through there was just nothing. Good job I have no preferences over what place I go to live when I leave (although there are multiple places where I won't be settling down). I've never cared for the town I grew up in. Indeed I am dead set against coming back here. It was suggested that when I leave I could move into my aunt's old house, but that is a big hell no. It is being left to Elizabeth and she wants to sell it..

I'm planning to go home to Zimbabwe next year and I've been told that both my home towns (Bulawayo and Gweru) aren't as I remember them. I would just like to go home, have a cold beer on home turf, make my peace with my past and come back to South Africa.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 26, 2022, 02:35:22 PM
Quote from: Trevor on August 26, 2022, 01:31:57 PM
Quote from: Alex on August 26, 2022, 12:37:38 PM

Something I've suspected for a while, but only had confirmed the last time I passed through it. Glasgow no longer feels like home to me I didn't get the feeling like I was back where I should be. It would be hard to explain, but the last few times I just didn't feel the same, and this time when I was passing through there was just nothing. Good job I have no preferences over what place I go to live when I leave (although there are multiple places where I won't be settling down). I've never cared for the town I grew up in. Indeed I am dead set against coming back here. It was suggested that when I leave I could move into my aunt's old house, but that is a big hell no. It is being left to Elizabeth and she wants to sell it..

I'm planning to go home to Zimbabwe next year and I've been told that both my home towns (Bulawayo and Gweru) aren't as I remember them. I would just like to go home, have a cold beer on home turf, make my peace with my past and come back to South Africa.
I believe it is something you need to do and you'll feel better about some things when you've done it. I hope the trip is everything you want it to be.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Paquita on August 26, 2022, 02:45:30 PM
I can't just gloss over this pirate ship.  Is there really a pirate ship for sale (huhuh, sail) in Virginia?  Is this something we should all be chipping in to buy?  Can we design a special flag?  Can I turn the wheel?

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 26, 2022, 03:40:03 PM
Quote from: Paquita on August 26, 2022, 02:45:30 PM
I can't just gloss over this pirate ship.  Is there really a pirate ship for sale (huhuh, sail) in Virginia?  Is this something we should all be chipping in to buy?  Can we design a special flag?  Can I turn the wheel?

It is indeed for sale.

True story, some time before I joined this site I made a facebook post where I said something along the lines of "I feel bored. Who wants to steal a ship and take to the high seas for a life of piracy?"

Everyone who responded yes (and there were several takers) was female.

You can design a flag if you want, but you only get to steer if you are properly qualified. Wouldn't be legal to let you pilot the ship otherwise.  :bouncegiggle: (According to Disney, pirates are very honest and never steal,, lie or cheat).
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 28, 2022, 04:16:04 PM
Went out today with the family. I gave Kristi £100, told her to get something fun and that if she needed (or just wanted more), she could have it. She got some clothes. Not that there is much else to buy on a Sunday in Elgin. I might have spent a fair bit myself if the Pop Shop had been open.

Took a stroll up to the cemetery. Kristi had a bit of a sudden bout of sickness, so she and Ash waited in a nearby shop while I went on my own. There was a guy at a grave a couple of plots up from where Lilly-Beth is buried. He was cleaning the headstone of his child, and all the toys they'd placed around it. Felt comforting that I am not the only parent who does that. Didn't talk to the guy or anything though. I mean what the hell would I say? We both just knelt beside our respective headstones, cleaning them. Our actions often unconsciously mirroring each other. Just two dads, cleaning their dead children's graves. Not something any parent should have to do and yet here we have an entire section of a cemetery marked out just for children. Just row on row of lives that never got a chance to be lived. As he himself would say "You got all anyone is promised. A beginning and an end." It doesn't seem fair or right.

If there is a god they have a lot to answer for.

Ever have a time when things convince you something is planned (or perhaps plotted is a better term) by people around you? Maybe I am just being paranoid, maybe I am reading too much into what are really random comments being made around me. The human mind loves to look for connections between unrelated events which partially explains why so many people are so gullible when it comes to conspiracy theories). Nonetheless, for want of a better phrase, my spider sense is tingling.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on August 29, 2022, 05:05:20 AM
Quote from: Alex on August 28, 2022, 04:16:04 PM

Took a stroll up to the cemetery. Kristi had a bit of a sudden bout of sickness, so she and Ash waited in a nearby shop while I went on my own. There was a guy at a grave a couple of plots up from where Lilly-Beth is buried. He was cleaning the headstone of his child, and all the toys they'd placed around it. Felt comforting that I am not the only parent who does that. Didn't talk to the guy or anything though. I mean what the hell would I say? We both just knelt beside our respective headstones, cleaning them. Our actions often unconsciously mirroring each other. Just two dads, cleaning their dead children's graves. Not something any parent should have to do and yet here we have an entire section of a cemetery marked out just for children. Just row on row of lives that never got a chance to be lived. As he himself would say "You got all anyone is promised. A beginning and an end." It doesn't seem fair or right.

If there is a god they have a lot to answer for.

I have religious beliefs but I know exactly how you feel. I find I question my faith a lot the older I get.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 31, 2022, 01:33:50 AM
Next week we will get our new prime minister. It looks like the less competent sounding choice is going to win (and by quite some margin). I hope I am wrong, but I think she'll cause a lot of long-term problems.

We are facing lots of strikes. More than I can recall hearing about at any time since the '70s. Railways, barristers, royal mail, and BT are just some of the major companies whose workers want a pay rise to match the cost of living issues everyone is facing. Since my wage has been steadily going down in value for the last 15/16 years and is worth less now than it was back then, I wish I could join them. Rumours of a general strike are sounding possible, while the likely incoming PM has said she is going to put further restrictions on strikes. This sounds to me like returning to the working people Vs. moderate right-wing politicians that we faced way back when I was a child.

I have some training to do this morning, but when I get it finished I can then work from home and make a bunch of phone calls to sort out some will stuff.

It is going to be an eventful autumn.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 01, 2022, 07:57:38 AM
I spent yesterday on the phone dealing with all the various debitors and creditors involved in the estate.

This meant a lot of time dealing with automated phone systems that didn't quite have the option I was looking for, or and option to go back a step. If I found I'd went down the wrong rabbit hole, I'd then have to hang up and start again.

Sometimes I just mashed random buttons until it gave me a person to speak to.  

Anyway, I think I now have all the bills sorted. In a few cases I even arranged refunds.

I've arranged to speak to a soliciter (I thought soliciting was a crime?), on Friday and I will get Gina's bank account shut down, transfer the money and then use that to pay the bills and transfer the remainder to the beneficary, speak with my own bank, get Ash new dress shoes. Maybe I'll bang my head off an available wall too. Certainly felt like it yesterday by the time I'd finished on the phone. We didn't know who she had her internet or mobile phone providers were, indeed we haven'tfound her mobile phone at all yet. I suspect it is at the hospital she died in. So I called every such provider in the book, obe by one until I found who I was looking for. Fortunately it turned out to be EE.

Last night one of our D&D group managed to literally shoot himself in the foot. The damage was enough to kill him outright, but the DM ruled that it had only knocked him out from the pain. Kristi has a gentle heart.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 01, 2022, 01:57:38 PM
I am going to do some D&D stuff tonight and not just write posts here as a way of avoiding getting stuff ready for Friday night.

Just as soon as I write some stuff here.

And go get an ice cream.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 01, 2022, 02:41:56 PM
Imgur wouldn't let me post any pictures to my account as I had too many already. I simply started up another account and then posted them from there.

Well done Imgur.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 03, 2022, 07:34:14 AM
An after-action discussion on last night's game.

QuoteDark Alex — Today at 9:45 AM
Interesting session last night. I think you'd have enjoyed it Tina.

The party have a trading vessel and were moored up, when they came under attack at night, from creatures in the water firing at them with blowpipes.

Most of the party started firing back with bows and crossbows, but Ross decided to jump into the water, in full armour.

It turned out to be about 20 feet deep at the dock (had to be deep to allow ships in).

Oh dear...

Dark Alex — Today at 9:47 AM
Kristi cast Light on a rope and threw it down into the water, effectively allowing the party to see what was happening beneath the surface.

Ross decided not to try and climb up the rope, and instead fight the attackers.

He ran out of air, and failed his Con check so passed out.

Kristi cast Freedom of Movement, jumped into the water, grabbed Ross and then downed a potion of Levitation so she'd float back up to the surface.

I thought that was quite inventive.

Had a rough day with Ash yesterday. Kristi got a phone call asking her to come and pick him up. He'd shocked everyone by fighting with another kid, which really isn't like him. After I finished work, I'd to go out to Elgin to speak with a solicitor. Kristi and Ash came out with me but went shopping while I did the business stuff, and then we met back up again. He threw himself down on the ground in a tantrum, he tried to bite my wrist (I felt the teeth against my skin and just growled "Don't you dare!" and he thought better of it), then rather than have to drag him everywhere, I picked him up and put him on my shoulders. He then started spitting on the top of my head.

Yeah, I know what reaction that would have gotten me from my parents.

It is seriously out of character behaviour for him. He lost all his treats, got no cartoons etc. If it wasn't against the law, I think he'd have even merited a smack on the arse. We have heard there is a virus going around that is stopping kids from getting a good night's sleep and generally interferes with their sleeping patterns (I am assuming it is messing with REM sleep, stopping them from getting into it). Certainly for the past week or so, even after a full night's sleep, he still seems tired. He'll come up to me at about 18:00 and tell me he is sleepy and wants to go to bed, then we'll have a struggle to wake him up in the morning.

Maybe he is just picking up on the stress and tension that has been around recently.

Today he seems to be much more back to himself, despite Kristi being out shopping. Normally, that is an emotional battle as he gets more and more upset. He is used to seeing daddy (or faddah as he has recently taken to calling me) go to work, but mummy leaving him for the day, not so much. We are debating between me just going down to the funeral on my own, or taking him down to my mum's but not taking him to the service.

Hel, just getting him smart shoes turned out to be almost impossible. All the dress shoes we could find were more like trainers.

Trying a glass of Haig infused with orange right now. Not sure what to think of it. Doesn't taste bad, just kind of like regular whiskey. Just having the one glass of it at the moment though. Maybe I'll have a better tasting session later.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 05, 2022, 02:53:06 PM
I have the joy of travelling down tomorrow for the funeral on Wednesday and then coming back on the Thursday. Truth be told I am dreading the train journey much more than the funeral itself, with no idea why.

Right now, just getting through it without any family fights is the aim.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 06, 2022, 01:47:38 AM
So the fat emperor's thankfully short reign ends the only way it ever could. In disgrace. Word is that he is planning a comeback though.

How many countries could that apply to?

In this case, it is he of the fat body, bad hair and many mistresses (I am sure his wealth has nothing to do with cancelling out the other traits mentioned. Oops, still not narrowing it down any there lol. Still got a couple of countries I could be talking about, but it is indeed Boris Johnson. Liz Truss was confirmed as his replacement yesterday and officially takes over today.

Y'know, I am not convinced that the same people who gave us David Cameron (weird to think that he was the most competent of the bunch), Theresa May and Boris Johnson should really be trusted to elect the next Prime Minister. The last one who managed to last through an entire 5 year Parliament ran by his own party (which removes Cameron, because he presided over a coalition) was John Major and that was back in '97.

Had Rishi won, I think we'd have been in for some very tough times, but he would have been better at getting the country sorted in a more long-term view. Things are going to still be tough under Truss, but there is a greater chance of people getting government help. Will that help be enough? Well, that we will have to wait and see.

Can Boris make a comeback? Possibly. Sad truth is that people have short memories and given a bit of time, he could get back in power.

Getting ready to head off to the other side of the country for the second time in as many weeks and I have at least one more trip to do before the month is out. Normally I am quite happy to do it, but right now I am just dreading it.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 06, 2022, 12:52:14 PM
Woohoo, finally made 10,000 posts.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on September 06, 2022, 01:09:26 PM
Quote from: Alex on September 06, 2022, 12:52:14 PM
Woohoo, finally made 10,000 posts.

Watch out for the dreaded LEET when you hit 1337 😉🐢
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 06, 2022, 02:22:09 PM
This won't mean anything to anyone else, but I am posting it here in case I need to use it in the future.

Yeadz — Today at 8:23 AM
So Juan is RAW
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 10, 2022, 04:02:38 PM
So the queen has died, we now have King Charles III on the throne. Tomorrow, her body will be transported from Balmoral to Edinburgh (via Dundee and Edinburgh), where it will presumably stay for a short time before being transported down to London.

The person who has been the head of state for my entire life is gone and how do I feel about it? Honestly, got nothing. I don't feel happy or sad. Respected her for her work ethic. She spent her life in a gilded cage and she did her duty until the day she died, but ultimately I am it doesn't change anything for me on the ground. Maybe that is because I've had my own funerals to deal with recently, maybe I am just a soulless engineer. I never thought of her as the nation's grandmother, but I never thought of her as a bad person either. Only met her the once. I have been asked if I could see any lizard fangs or slitted reptilian eyes, but from what I could see she was normal, just a fairly frail old woman.

Gina's funeral went fine as far as these things go I guess. No one who wasn't supposed to turned up which meant I didn't punch them out, and someone else pushed me a little, but not enough for me to punch them. I'll call that a win. I've decided not to go to their birthday party later this month though. I don't want to have another fight on another of their birthdays. I've already had to make that journey twice this month and we think it is affecting Ash and causing the issues we've been having with his behaviour, so that is another big reason not to go.

Getting another person into playing D&D. This one is an ex-US army veteran who is now disabled and living in Norway where he DJ's a heavy metal show on Wednesdays.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: lester1/2jr on September 11, 2022, 11:52:53 PM
something I wrote for a drive thing for our park

I'm a regular at Waltham and sometimes give little beginner lessons to newbies who show up. One day, a young girl was there with her Mom. She was so nervous or timid or something that she wouldn't allow her Mom to watch her. The Mom had to stand behind the sign and look the other way as she tried to drop in on the mini ramp. She wasn't making much progress, so I offered to help. There's a technique, if you hold a persons hands when they drop in they can go for it and if they fail you're there to catch them.

She immediately reached her hands out. Eventually she got it. After that, I steered her towards the parks somewhat ridiculous "two bumps" because I thought she had a better chance of doing that on her own. By now, the Mom had circled back into the good graces of the daughter and we were working together. She had trouble lining the board up to go over the first bump but eventually she got it. I remember her skateboard was covered with dozens of stickers. Most boards have like maybe one or two. Anyway, I felt she could manage the two bumps alone and encouraged her to go for it. She made the first bump and my hands were extended for the second one but I held back. Her hands were also extended but she also held back and boom she made it over by herself. She left very happy that day. so was the Mom. All of this took place in 15 minutes. stuff like this happens all the time
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 12, 2022, 01:39:14 AM
Feels strange to hear King Charles. Kristi wanted to go into Elgin yesterday to see the official proclamation being made. All the local "great and good" were there. All the local politicians, local chief of police, the heads of both local military camps and an air commodore. I am guessing he is the head of air command Scotland.

A reporter interviewed Kristi. I think when he heard her American accent he was digging for some sort of controversial anti-monarchist comment. She was just there because she felt it was a historical event more than anything else and kept her replies carefully politically neutral.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on September 12, 2022, 12:57:55 PM
Quote from: Alex on September 12, 2022, 01:39:14 AM
Feels strange to hear King Charles. Kristi wanted to go into Elgin yesterday to see the official proclamation being made. All the local "great and good" were there. All the local politicians, local chief of police, the heads of both local military camps and an air commodore. I am guessing he is the head of air command Scotland.

A reporter interviewed Kristi. I think when he heard her American accent he was digging for some sort of controversial anti-monarchist comment. She was just there because she felt it was a historical event more than anything else and kept her replies carefully politically neutral.

There's a number of SA politicians who have spoken out against the "colonisers" and actually been happy that the Queen passed 😳
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 12, 2022, 03:26:09 PM
Quote from: Trevor on September 12, 2022, 12:57:55 PM
Quote from: Alex on September 12, 2022, 01:39:14 AM
Feels strange to hear King Charles. Kristi wanted to go into Elgin yesterday to see the official proclamation being made. All the local "great and good" were there. All the local politicians, local chief of police, the heads of both local military camps and an air commodore. I am guessing he is the head of air command Scotland.

A reporter interviewed Kristi. I think when he heard her American accent he was digging for some sort of controversial anti-monarchist comment. She was just there because she felt it was a historical event more than anything else and kept her replies carefully politically neutral.

There's a number of SA politicians who have spoken out against the "colonisers" and actually been happy that the Queen passed 😳

Since it didn't happen under her reign (and was actually forbidden by person who was the queen at the time, but orders from the top were ignored in favour of personal glory (for example the Zulu War was completely against orders)) I am not sure what they think it will achieve. Everyone is entitled to their opinion though. I've seen everything from people sobbing their hearts out over her being gone to others celebrating. Ultimately I guess neither stance will really achieve anything and just comes down to each person's conscience.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 15, 2022, 07:15:03 AM
I got told today that a fairly simple suggestion I made at work recently is going to save £350,000 a year.

Wonder how much of that money I'll get to see?  :bouncegiggle:

It is nice to see something I came up with changing how things are done, even if only a little and making people's lives a lot easier. I'd reckon if that number is true (and to be honest I rather doubt it, even if it is something that is being adopted as so-called "Best Practise"), then that justifies my entire career and pension.

A bonus wouldn't go amiss though.  :twirl:

Ready for the news to actually tell me about other things that are going on in the world. Yes, the queen is dead and that is sad, but I am not sure what purpose is really served by them live streaming the entire procession (ok, I can understand that to a degree), and then constantly showing the inside of Westminster and people shuffling around the coffin. By all means, give it coverage, show the funeral service for anyone who wants to watch it but surely there are other things happening in the world outside?

I do feel a lot of sympathy for her family. They are obviously not getting any time to grieve quietly or privately, which shows that people haven't really changed from when (and this is the first royal funeral I can recall) Diana died and everyone wanted a piece of her family. That kind of pressure must have had consequences for her sons, even if the queen did her best to shield them from that. I do remember her not really being allowed by public pressure to protect them as much as they'd wanted to, although I don't think their grandfather making them walk behind the coffin was the best idea either. Then again, he (Phillip) was my 2nd least favourite out of that family.

Then again, I am not in their position. Maybe they are fine with it all.

Our latest D&D session descended into fart jokes (my fault as it happens. We came across a large crowd of panicking refugees with a couple of military personnel trying to restore order. I used a spell to make it seem like the leader had done a really loud trump. This did have the desired effect of diffusing the tension as the crowd immediately fell into peels of laughter. I then quietened all the children who were running about wild with a hypnosis spell. It all gave everyone a good chuckle and really showed the nature of my character in the game.

I was sorting through some paperwork for me leaving when I got a text from the son of a friend saying he was thinking about joining the RAF and would I recommend it. Talk about the wrong time to ask lol. I have not had a bad time in my career. Yes, there was a 3-year low point when I was miserable, but there were also 7 years when I was incredibly happy with it, and 12 years when it has just been a job, nothing more and nothing less.

I got a survey from a local church asking me what I thought they should be doing in the modern age. Seems it is having some sort of relaunch. I said they should be offering people shelter if they can't afford to keep warm at home, that they could help out organising local food banks, even just checking up on elderly parishioners. Too much singing songs about how we are worthless and nothing without sky daddy and not enough actual helping folks imo. Them doing that wouldn't persuade me to attend a church service in itself, but I might volunteer to help out helping people.

Wonder if any god has ever helped out on a soup kitchen line?

Every day this week, a different person has said "Hey Alex" as I've passed them by and each time I have had absolutely no idea who they are or how they know me.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on September 15, 2022, 09:58:23 AM
Quote from: Alex on September 15, 2022, 07:15:03 AM

I do feel a lot of sympathy for her family. They are obviously not getting any time to grieve quietly or privately, which shows that people haven't really changed from when (and this is the first royal funeral I can recall) Diana died and everyone wanted a piece of her family. That kind of pressure must have had consequences for her sons, even if the queen did her best to shield them from that. I do remember her not really being allowed by public pressure to protect them as much as they'd wanted to, although I don't think their grandfather making them walk behind the coffin was the best idea either. Then again, he (Phillip) was my 2nd least favourite out of that family.

I remember the anger directed at the Queen for her 'coldness' after Diana died when she did not speak publicly and then she only spoke up after 5 days under huge public pressure. Diana's former employer Mary Robertson said that a lot of people at the funeral didn't sing God Save The Queen and one person behind her said "I hope the old ***** drops dead tomorrow."  :buggedout:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 15, 2022, 11:23:53 AM
Quote from: Trevor on September 15, 2022, 09:58:23 AM
Quote from: Alex on September 15, 2022, 07:15:03 AM

I do feel a lot of sympathy for her family. They are obviously not getting any time to grieve quietly or privately, which shows that people haven't really changed from when (and this is the first royal funeral I can recall) Diana died and everyone wanted a piece of her family. That kind of pressure must have had consequences for her sons, even if the queen did her best to shield them from that. I do remember her not really being allowed by public pressure to protect them as much as they'd wanted to, although I don't think their grandfather making them walk behind the coffin was the best idea either. Then again, he (Phillip) was my 2nd least favourite out of that family.

I remember the anger directed at the Queen for her 'coldness' after Diana died when she did not speak publicly and then she only spoke up after 5 days under huge public pressure. Diana's former employer Mary Robertson said that a lot of people at the funeral didn't sing God Save The Queen and one person behind her said "I hope the old ***** drops dead tomorrow."  :buggedout:

I found two things odd about that reaction. One was as mentioned above. The other was why people thought the Queen should speak about Diana at all. I got the impression that relations between them weren't exactly cordial. To me, it would be like asking the mother of an ex-girlfriend I'd had a bad relationship and didn't get on with either of them to speak at my funeral. Obviously, though many people felt very differently.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 16, 2022, 10:21:27 AM
Another Friday has been reached! Next week I get the joy of going for a resettlement brief, after which I can start using my 35 days of resettlement.

Counting back from my outdate, I could have worked my last day in uniform at the end of March.

Ooooh, that feels good.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 18, 2022, 12:00:44 PM
Well, the 18th of September has rolled around again, and once more it has been a tough week to get through but we've managed it.

We went out to the cemetery today and put some fresh flowers down, read Lilly-Beth a story (Mr Adventure), and tidied up the graveside. Ash as usual just see's it as a big wide space to run around in, so one of us has to hold him do he doesn't go doing exactly that. I did try bribing him with a chocolate bar to try and get him to stand still but to no avail. Anyway, between us we managed to get a couple of bunches of flowers down.


The little pot with the santa stuff on it was a christmas tree that someone put in a couple of years ago. It had died that last time I was up, but I am figuring I might put something in there later this year.

I just wanted some peace and quiet to reflect, Kristi wanted to talk constantly. I think my one-word answers and the generally one-sided conversations finally got through and I did get 10 minutes or so of quiet on the walk home. Seems to have been all I was needing. I felt better and put for engaging in normal conversations afterwards. We went for a meal in the local American diner that Kristi likes to go to. Not that she has much choice. While we have plenty of choices of Asian, Italian and middle eastern (well Turkish) places to eat, the next closest American diner-style place I know of is down in Glasgow since the one in Inverness went out of business.

I don't generally count McDonalds and its ilk as being places to eat as I am not convinced anything from those places actually has the nutritional benefits that I like to associate with real, actual food. You won't often catch me in any fast food place, and if I am in one, the chances are it is the Subway on base. Mind you, they do a pretty good job of taking the fast out of fast food there. Anyone who goes there to grab a quick bite to eat over lunch is in for disappointment and a hungry afternoon when their lunch hour has finished and they still haven't been served.

Heading down to Coningsby next Sunday to spend a week meeting my counterparts down south. Only I've signed up for a three-day course down there, so rather than spending a week with them, I'll be part of the course photograph, then join them for a curry night at some point, but beyond that, I won't really see them. Especially since we couldn't get accommodation at Coningsby and will actually be staying at another camp 45 minutes away. If I wasn't leaving shortly (potentially I've got my last working day back to the end of March), I might make more of an effort to get to know them, but since I won't remember their faces or names a week or two after we get back and the chances are that I'll never see or speak to any of them again I figure it isn't worth the effort.

Unless I interact with someone on a very regular basis they tend to get filed away under "Disposable". That would explain why I managed 4 consecutive days of being greeted by name by people I had no idea who the hell they were.

Ash has discovered that he can watch videos of trains on Youtube. Just stuff that people have recorded standing at a train station where they excitedly announced "And this is the 61113 coming in." Well, everyone has their own obsession and no one outside of that hobby understands it. I can think of worse things to be happy about.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 19, 2022, 05:08:11 AM
Got up this morning to 25 DM's from the new D&D player begging me not to kill him off early.

I won't deliberately, but I make no promises.

I was talking to the local games shop owner, Pete. He was telling me that before the Ukrainian invasion, Soviet WW2 troops were one of his biggest sellers and then since that, nothing. I can understand that. I've not felt like playing my Soviet troops.

Been falling behind on my movie watching this month. I need to watch at least 3 today to catch up. When I have to go away for a week at the end of this week I am doubtless going to lose some more ground there. Got a lot of recent horror films I'd like to see, but they all seem to be on streaming services I don't currently have.

Kristi is watching the royal funeral. Got no interest in sitting watching it happen myself. I get to go to enough friends and family funerals without watching those of strangers.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 19, 2022, 02:39:15 PM
Well, it is all over and done with. Hopefully, after tomorrow I can find out what else is happening elsewhere in the world, even if pretty much all the major world leaders are here. Putin wasn't invited (no surprise there really and to be honest, despite his antics I don't know that I would consider him a major leader. All he can do is shout about firing nukes, but in the full knowledge that should he press that button, within half an hour his own country would be ashes too. Enjoy your short-lived victory) and the president of China sent his deputy. Iran, North Korea, Belarus and some other places were left off the guest list. Bit of controversy over the inclusion of China, and the usual American insistence that they get treated under different rules than everyone else. I can only imagine the behind-the-scenes arguing over who gets to sit where for the service.

Seems like a whole bunch of spoiled children to me. My country should be here because of.... Get a grip and grow up. You are a sideshow at someone else's funeral, not the main event.

Oh well, not my problem to deal with.

I wonder how many other figures on the world stage would attract the same level of attendance?

The only thing good I can say about the whole thing is that it was an extra day off work and this will be a nice short one week at work. On Sunday though I'll need to travel down to Coningsby for a week. Bit of a pain, but it comes with the job. They are running out of time to mess me around like this though. Wouldn't be surprised if this is the last time they send me somewhere. Anything else should be me going to do resettlement courses.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: lester1/2jr on September 19, 2022, 03:19:15 PM
"The great pharaoh Cheops announces one day to his ministers that he has decided not to follow in his father's footsteps, not to build a pyramid. Panicked at this abandonment of tradition, the Pharaoh's ministers convene among themselves, then present their case, a triumph of political and economic irony that speaks to modern governments (totalitarian and otherwise) as well.

To wit, that the pyramids were conceived as a solution to the vexing problem of societal success and wealth. As Egyptians became more prosperous, they became more independent, with freer minds that were more resistant to the Pharaoh's authority. Hence, the pyramids were intended to weigh down the populace, drain away its wealth and vitality with a public works project that would render the people more submissive and manageable. Cheops relents before this impeccable logic, and thus begins the design of Egypt's most magnificent pyramid." (
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 20, 2022, 01:17:45 AM
As expected, the funeral was still on the news today, but at least it was only partial coverage. Officially, the country comes out of mourning today, but the royals themselves remain in it for another week. The standard text says it takes 3 months to 3 years to get over the death of a loved one under normal, (psychologically) healthy conditions.

I guess some private time is better than none.

Parliament is sitting again, the cost of living crisis has once more to be dealt with. So far our new PM has acted to ensure the continued profits of energy companies. Because obviously, they aren't making enough money with their record profits and all.

Funny that just a few months ago the smaller ones were all going out of business. We get a mini-budget on Friday where we've been promised tax cuts. I am going to bet that they are mostly corporate-type tax cuts with maybe a sop towards the general public. The protracted election process for our new leader really left everyone hanging in the lurch.

Got my resettlement brief to attend today. It should take up most of the morning. The best of that means I get to miss the morning briefs that just feel increasingly irrelevant to me.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 20, 2022, 02:04:27 PM
Ok, the first settlement brief is over and done with. There were a few familiar faces including one of my ex-bosses. 75% of the time, she was just a regular person to work for, but man that other 25% of the time... We used to track her periods better than she did and then everyone would try to book leave for that week. Another guy I used to work beside was also there. As I was leaving I bumped into that ex-bosses, ex-boss. He was a decent guy and I liked him. Last I'd heard, he had taken a post out in Cyprus. Guess he is back now.

Wow, has it really been 3 years?

I spent the afternoon looking at courses I am entitled to go and do. There were not as many as I was expecting, and the only two that interested me would involve travelling down to the south of England. I think that is a bit more effort than I want to put into just to get what would only be updated versions of qualifications I already have. One was for household electrical wiring and the other was a First Aid course. I was looking at a program called Troops to Teachers, which encourages ex-forces personnel to become teachers after they leave. I'd thought about teaching Primary Schools, but it looks like you have to go for Secondary School and only in maths, physics, chemistry and biology. I am surprised English wasn't on the list. It says that depending on what you teach, you can get a £40,000 payout, but none of the subjects listed offered over £28,000. Not something I have a super big urge to go and do though, just thought I'd check it out and look into the option.

Mind you, I'd put money on being able to tell you exactly what the first question any kid would ask any soldier when they find out they are ex-forces. Been asked that one a few times.

Just had a policewoman at the door. That was a surprise. Turned out she was just looking to speak to Kristi. Unfortunately, she pressed the doorbell rather a long time and managed to wake up Ash just after I'd gotten him to sleep. I went upstairs to check on him and he wasn't in his bed. Couldn't find him upstairs, so started shouting for him. Somehow he'd managed to get downstairs past me. Fairly convinced it involved teleportation. I was at the front door for less than a minute.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 21, 2022, 05:36:57 PM
After weeks of arguing with a computer system, I finally got it to do as it was told, and get it to work long enough for me to get an assessment completed so I can use it in the future. I also worked out how many days I have left to work, and taking out holidays, weekends and the like, I have just over 100 days still to go in uniform. Cuts it down a lot from the 205 days. Karl is writing what should be my final annual assessment, although the problem is that he will also have to do a leaving assessment.

Like I care what will be in either of those. Pointless paperwork exercise.

Well, without paper since it is done on computers, but still.

Looks like Putin is having to respond to the somewhat desperate conditions his floundering invasion has found itself in. I wonder how much training the troops he is calling up will get? I guess since it is reservists who have had some training already, they won't need quite as much as raw recruits (and the training for raw recruits is being shortened). I had said earlier, I expected Russia to struggle and be forced to call up more troops. I'd expect they will launch a renewed offensive after winter and spring have passed, but if Putin is desperate enough he may just commit them to battle earlier. How they will do and how well they will be supplied, well that will be interesting. Prisoners are being offered early release and cash incentives to sign up as assault troops. I wonder if the Russian people will be willing to take the levels of casualties that their soldiers look likely to suffer? Putin might have a tight grip on Russian society, but it isn't anywhere near as tight as Stalin's was as the media is showing signs of slipping out of his grip, openly speaking against the Kremlin. Internationally, his threats of using nuclear weapons seem to be getting laughed at. He has threatened it too many times over the years and now no one is taking them seriously. All in all, this has terrible for his strongman image. I wonder if it is a terminal blow to his authority or can he recover? Either side can still win this war.

Only time will tell. As the Chinese curse says: May you live in interesting times.

Our D&D group tonight actually managed to spend more time accidentally hitting each other than they did the various undead creatures they were supposed to be fighting. At one point, one of the monsters stopped fighting us and just asked "What the hell guys?" Although I had more than my fair share of fumble rolls, they at least ended up with things like stumbling or falling down a pit. Afterwards, we had a roleplay bit where I was having a good go at the other party members for shooting and stabbing each other. A bit ironic considering my character, Merriweather has already secretly assassinated two other party members. They deserved it though (I justify it under the classification of "People I Killed Because They Annoyed Me"). Mind you, there was almost a third addition to that list. A new guy has joined us (playing a paladin) and kept telling my character what to do (things that generally he has seen her already do in the sessions we've played so far like checking for traps or scouting ahead). Anyway, about the third or fourth time, it was my action and he told me what to do I had my character simply growl at him "I know my job and I've been doing it a damn sight longer than you." Anyway, after that, the paladin decided to shut up.

Got a "targetted" advert asking me to meet women over 60. What the actual f**k? I've never had a partner who was older than me and I don't have some weird fetish for checking out older women so I am not sure where the hell that came from. Not that I have anything against older women, it is just the way life worked out. Yeah, that advert can go on the blocked list along with all the other ones promising me I'll find the perfect woman in eastern Europe, somewhere in Asia or wherever the hell else they are going on about.

Had a guy ask me to help him fill in some forms he was unfamiliar with today. It is stuff I deal with on a regular basis and legally speaking it is quite important to fill in correctly, so I sat him down beside me and started going through each of the areas of the form he needed to fill in. For the first three boxes, I was telling him what to write, but he put completely different things in. I corrected him each time, but by the fourth box, I just thought "You know what, f**k it. If he isn't going to listen then it is on his head" and I let him fill in whatever the hell he liked. It isn't my name on the paperwork.

Oh well, time to go to bed and read some old Conan stuff. Catch you on the flip side and have a good night.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 25, 2022, 01:10:47 AM
Finally got the transport down to Cranwell sorted. Since we leave tomorrow it was nice of the other section I had to deal with to get their fingers out of their arses and actually do their effing job. Still got to sort out one part of the journey home, but it is only a 15-mile stretch and I have another 5 days to deal with that.

Tonight's D&D group kept going slightly off-kilter. The easy group that was supposed to be a quick fight for them came close to someone dying (although I had ways to interfere and prevent that). They then managed to skip the encounters I had planned and then arrived at the next dungeon a level below where I had planned on them being.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 25, 2022, 05:09:58 PM
I've had longer train journeys than this one (12 hours), but I am sure this one felt long. The only brief moment of excitement was when we could smell something burning that smelt very much like an electrical fire. Just as we were moving to raise the alarm, someone mentioned we'd just passed by a fire.

So I am in a room at Cranwell, a place that many people tried to persuade me to go to for the first 4 or 5 years of my career. It is where the comminssioned officer's train. Never had much patience or time for that mob myself. I've met a few who were useful, but not many.

Pretty sure any NCO in any military anywhere in the world will tell you that though.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 26, 2022, 03:28:35 PM
Today's work consisted of collecting a car (which wasn't there), then when it was driving for an hour. I then lined up with a couple of hundred people 99% of whom I'll never meet again and getting my photo taken with them and then driving another hour back to where we started.

Well, as long as they pay me for it. Strikes me as a waste of time and money though.

A bunch of cadet officers arrived just as we got back. I was looking at them and thinking well I guess that is the future of the RAF and I am just about to part of its history. Felt like going over to them and telling them to stop f**king everything up and run it properly.

It seems Russians aren't overly happy with the partial mobilisation going on with a lot trying to flee via Georgia (one of the few countries bordering Russia that you don't now need a visa to enter. I wonder what it is like to have to flee your country like that. Do they know that they might never be able to return to their home country? Recruiting stations have been getting firebombed and in one in Siberia someone walked in and just shot the guy behind the desk.

Not the only shooting going on over there today alas. I still have sympathy for the Russian people though. It is important to remember here that it is the guy at the top who ordered the invasion, not the ordinary people on the street or even the soldiers fighting it. By all means if I have to fight them, then yeah I'll hate them because, well in that situation you have to. Unless that happens though I'll feel for them.

Ended up having to look up what help I could get for a US veteran in Norway who was talking about suicide. Fortunately, I know several people who either have served or are currently serving and they were able to get me several numbers he can call for help. He just has to want help. That can be the toughest part. Getting someone just to admit they need a hand sometimes. I'll do what I can in the meantime.

Our course starts tomorrow. From has the reputation of being a rather tough one. Well, let's see if I can drag my arse through one more of these things and come out with another piece of paper (well not actually. It costs an extra £15 to get the certificate printed out. Bollocks to that).

Wanting to be at home seems to have become an obsession for me. I don't want to be anywhere else but where my family is. Five years ago I'd have said the level this is at for me is unhealthy. Equally, though I just don't care. It is where I want to be and who I want to be looking after. Other people who love their country can go prove it instead. Until they find out that no country really cares and all the big words you get about your country's gratitude are rather empty. Glad I skipped that whole step. I was pretty cynical about that stuff before I joined. I wouldn't say I've gotten any more (or less) cynical since.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on September 26, 2022, 05:23:28 PM
The young Russian woman whose YouTube channel I've watched for several years made her last video in Georgia, having fled her home in eastern Siberia after being a cautious longtime critic of Putin. She may go next to Turkey. I hope she is well.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Rev. Powell on September 26, 2022, 06:29:36 PM
Quote from: Alex on September 26, 2022, 03:28:35 PM

Not the only shooting going on over there today alas. I still have sympathy for the Russian people though. It is important to remember here that it is the guy at the top who ordered the invasion, not the ordinary people on the street or even the soldiers fighting it. By all means if I have to fight them, then yeah I'll hate them because, well in that situation you have to. Unless that happens though I'll feel for them.

That's an interesting question. I'm not a soldier, but it seems like it would be possible to realize someone needs to be killed and not hate them. After all, a soldier is a professional killer; some "it's just a job" detachment seems possible. I bet hate is be a great motivator and makes the job it easier, but it could also lead to condoning atrocities on your own side. Maybe it wouldn't be possible to avoid that feeling, though, if I saw my friends and colleagues being killed.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 27, 2022, 01:35:38 AM
Generally speaking, it is damn hard to get someone to shoot to kill. About 1% of people can do it normally. With intensive training, you can get that up to 14, maybe 16%. More casualties are caused by things like artillery, airstrikes and so forth. If you don't have to see someone's face then killing them becomes a lot easier. If I recall correctly, the biggest single killer of infantry during world war 2 was mortar fire. If you start thinking that the target you are shooting at is someone's son/daughter/parent and look at them as a real person then it gets a lot harder.

You then have people who once they have killed someone, simply cannot handle that. Hating them makes it a lot easier to cope with for most. If you can shoot someone and not care at all, then I'd suspect you are most likely what is termed a 'functional psychopath'. A lot of special forces guys seem to be in that area (which is why I recommend not f**king around with them. They have both the training and mindset to deal with you, and in a lot of cases it is easier for them to kill someone than just injure them).

As for atrocities, well certainly for us a fair part of our training goes into how we are meant to act, and we are given strict fire control orders (how much force we are allowed to use in a given situation). From serving alongside US forces, they have much looser orders than we do as an example (which to my mind caused them more problems in Afghanistan and was a major factor that led to their defeat, but that is a topic for another day). I don't know how other armed forces do these things, but I'd imagine there is a wide range across the world. Despite all of this, however, it is war and bad things happen and there are consequences for that.

Ultimately each person has to strike a balance. Not only for what they do, but also how they deal with what they see the enemy do. Under the laws of war, you could walk up and shoot my best friend dead, then surrender to me and I am not allowed to shoot you. I am legally obliged to even provide you with first aid if you need it. I am sure you can imagine how hard something like that is.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Rev. Powell on September 27, 2022, 07:40:53 AM
Quote from: Alex on September 27, 2022, 01:35:38 AM
Generally speaking, it is damn hard to get someone to shoot to kill. About 1% of people can do it normally. With intensive training, you can get that up to 14, maybe 16%. More casualties are caused by things like artillery, airstrikes and so forth. If you don't have to see someone's face then killing them becomes a lot easier. If I recall correctly, the biggest single killer of infantry during world war 2 was mortar fire. If you start thinking that the target you are shooting at is someone's son/daughter/parent and look at them as a real person then it gets a lot harder.

You then have people who once they have killed someone, simply cannot handle that. Hating them makes it a lot easier to cope with for most. If you can shoot someone and not care at all, then I'd suspect you are most likely what is termed a 'functional psychopath'. A lot of special forces guys seem to be in that area (which is why I recommend not f**king around with them. They have both the training and mindset to deal with you, and in a lot of cases it is easier for them to kill someone than just injure them).

As for atrocities, well certainly for us a fair part of our training goes into how we are meant to act, and we are given strict fire control orders (how much force we are allowed to use in a given situation). From serving alongside US forces, they have much looser orders than we do as an example (which to my mind caused them more problems in Afghanistan and was a major factor that led to their defeat, but that is a topic for another day). I don't know how other armed forces do these things, but I'd imagine there is a wide range across the world. Despite all of this, however, it is war and bad things happen and there are consequences for that.

Ultimately each person has to strike a balance. Not only for what they do, but also how they deal with what they see the enemy do. Under the laws of war, you could walk up and shoot my best friend dead, then surrender to me and I am not allowed to shoot you. I am legally obliged to even provide you with first aid if you need it. I am sure you can imagine how hard something like that is.

Thanks for the perspective. War is an ugly business. That 16% figure is interesting. I would think that, if you were in a firefight, for example, you could shoot just for self-preservation with no other motivation necessary. Of course someone has to fire the first shot and not every situation is like that, particularly in modern warfare today.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on September 27, 2022, 08:51:12 AM
When I think of soldiers who were hard-core killers, I think of the Germans behind the machine guns at the Somme. By some accounts twenty thousand British were killed in the first hour, (and Haig kept sending more and more on to their deaths even knowing what was happening, sure his plan could not fail). Whether it represents their true feelings or not, the accounts we have are of those German gunners expressing glee at the slaughter they undertook that terrible July day, not screaming horror. Yes, the British were advancing on them, at a plodding pace, mostly, yes the Germans had just been shelled for a week, yes, it was war, but to mow down lines of men who just kept walking into death, some wincing and shielding their faces like they were out in rain, that has always struck me as the epitome of....? Well, I don't know how to finish that. Of being good soldiers? Of being inhumane? Of the less celebrated hemisphere of human nature nakedly revealed? Or maybe almost anyone could and would have done it too, a sort of Milgram experiment writ large.

If ever you get a chance to visit the Somme battlefields, go. It changes your perspective on life immeasurably by showing either how precious or how cheap it truly is.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 27, 2022, 11:20:24 AM
Quote from: Rev. Powell on September 27, 2022, 07:40:53 AM
Quote from: Alex on September 27, 2022, 01:35:38 AM
Generally speaking, it is damn hard to get someone to shoot to kill. About 1% of people can do it normally. With intensive training, you can get that up to 14, maybe 16%. More casualties are caused by things like artillery, airstrikes and so forth. If you don't have to see someone's face then killing them becomes a lot easier. If I recall correctly, the biggest single killer of infantry during world war 2 was mortar fire. If you start thinking that the target you are shooting at is someone's son/daughter/parent and look at them as a real person then it gets a lot harder.

You then have people who once they have killed someone, simply cannot handle that. Hating them makes it a lot easier to cope with for most. If you can shoot someone and not care at all, then I'd suspect you are most likely what is termed a 'functional psychopath'. A lot of special forces guys seem to be in that area (which is why I recommend not f**king around with them. They have both the training and mindset to deal with you, and in a lot of cases it is easier for them to kill someone than just injure them).

As for atrocities, well certainly for us a fair part of our training goes into how we are meant to act, and we are given strict fire control orders (how much force we are allowed to use in a given situation). From serving alongside US forces, they have much looser orders than we do as an example (which to my mind caused them more problems in Afghanistan and was a major factor that led to their defeat, but that is a topic for another day). I don't know how other armed forces do these things, but I'd imagine there is a wide range across the world. Despite all of this, however, it is war and bad things happen and there are consequences for that.

Ultimately each person has to strike a balance. Not only for what they do, but also how they deal with what they see the enemy do. Under the laws of war, you could walk up and shoot my best friend dead, then surrender to me and I am not allowed to shoot you. I am legally obliged to even provide you with first aid if you need it. I am sure you can imagine how hard something like that is.

Thanks for the perspective. War is an ugly business. That 16% figure is interesting. I would think that, if you were in a firefight, for example, you could shoot just for self-preservation with no other motivation necessary. Of course, someone has to fire the first shot and not every situation is like that, particularly in modern warfare today.

People when they shoot tend to aim to miss, even when they are being shot at. It was something that wasn't really noticed until the second world war, but reports of civil war weapons found on battlefields sometimes show they were on multiple occasions being loaded incorrectly, so that you'd get the puff of smoke when you pulled the trigger, but no bullet would be fired. I can't remember how it was done, but I think one weapon as an example was found that the user had done this 8 - 16 times, deliberately partially loading and then firing.

Generally, a big part of military training (well certainly on the infantry side of things), is an attempt to take away people's individuality. So we all have to have short hair to make us look alike, you break everyone down into corps/brigades/platoons to get them to obey orders. They want people who if you say "Charge up that hill and take it", will do exactly that or die trying. Some militaries do encourage individual initiative on the battlefield (the German's certainly used to back in the 30s and 40s. These days they have more of a reputation for following orders exactly).
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 27, 2022, 11:30:27 AM
Quote from: ER on September 27, 2022, 08:51:12 AM
When I think of soldiers who were hard-core killers, I think of the Germans behind the machine guns at the Somme. By some accounts twenty thousand British were killed in the first hour, (and Haig kept sending more and more on to their deaths even knowing what was happening, sure his plan could not fail). Whether it represents their true feelings or not, the accounts we have are of those German gunners expressing glee at the slaughter they undertook that terrible July day, not screaming horror. Yes, the British were advancing on them, at a plodding pace, mostly, yes the Germans had just been shelled for a week, yes, it was war, but to mow down lines of men who just kept walking into death, some wincing and shielding their faces like they were out in rain, that has always struck me as the epitome of....? Well, I don't know how to finish that. Of being good soldiers? Of being inhumane? Of the less celebrated hemisphere of human nature nakedly revealed? Or maybe almost anyone could and would have done it too, a sort of Milgram experiment writ large.

If ever you get a chance to visit the Somme battlefields, go. It changes your perspective on life immeasurably by showing either how precious or how cheap it truly is.

There are a whole load of factors that could come into play there. One, Germany prior to the Great War was a highly militarised society. Boys were encouraged to play with military-based toys and games growing up (in effect prepping them to kill), but two, I'd also look into who wrote those accounts. British newspapers for example were infamous for printing lurid stories of atrocities the hun had committed, just making up stories (most likely with the encouragement of the government) to increase war fever. The Somme was 2 years into the war. By that point, I can well imagine your connection to what is normal has broken down and the kill ratio goes down. Just because you are not able to kill someone at the start of the war, doesn't mean that won't change. Interestingly, I've never seen a study on how that would go during a longer or more brutal war. My guess is that a lot of people sooner or later are going to get over their more civilised notions about not killing, but I am guessing here. Maybe you eventually either break down with shell shock or go feral? The final factor is yeah, you do get the ones who just plain enjoy killing or feel no emotion over it. I find the former more worrisome than the latter.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 27, 2022, 11:30:52 AM
Enjoying this discussion.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 28, 2022, 11:38:58 AM
So I am still in England. It has rained every day so far, the heating doesn't work in the block (which is falling to pieces around me. There is repaired plasterwork over the bed that if I put my hand on, the repair comes away on my hand. I've moved the bed so it doesn't rain plaster on me all night long). I am surviving on about 2 hours of sleep per night right now, which I am coping with if barely. Last night I did fall asleep before 22:00 but that just meant I woke up earlier.

The course itself is fine if a little more fluffy than we are used to as technies. Normally our courses consist of hard facts, equations and so forth whereas this is all about various techniques to find faults in software you haven't written and don't even need to know the code it is written it to find faults. We don't fix them, we just supervise a project and tell the programmers where they have messed up, but in a diplomatic way (you say "I've found this fault in the program", not "You've messed up and need to fix this." In the public field you can get paid £40,000 go £80,000 a year for doing this stuff.

All I can really focus on is getting back home though. I have spent months away and not felt this bad. This is just a silly week-long course. I guess it is a combination of now being a father and knowing that I am so close to the end of my military career.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on September 28, 2022, 11:59:11 AM
Quote from: Alex on September 27, 2022, 11:30:27 AM
Quote from: ER on September 27, 2022, 08:51:12 AM
When I think of soldiers who were hard-core killers, I think of the Germans behind the machine guns at the Somme. By some accounts twenty thousand British were killed in the first hour, (and Haig kept sending more and more on to their deaths even knowing what was happening, sure his plan could not fail). Whether it represents their true feelings or not, the accounts we have are of those German gunners expressing glee at the slaughter they undertook that terrible July day, not screaming horror. Yes, the British were advancing on them, at a plodding pace, mostly, yes the Germans had just been shelled for a week, yes, it was war, but to mow down lines of men who just kept walking into death, some wincing and shielding their faces like they were out in rain, that has always struck me as the epitome of....? Well, I don't know how to finish that. Of being good soldiers? Of being inhumane? Of the less celebrated hemisphere of human nature nakedly revealed? Or maybe almost anyone could and would have done it too, a sort of Milgram experiment writ large.

If ever you get a chance to visit the Somme battlefields, go. It changes your perspective on life immeasurably by showing either how precious or how cheap it truly is.

There are a whole load of factors that could come into play there. One, Germany prior to the Great War was a highly militarised society. Boys were encouraged to play with military-based toys and games growing up (in effect prepping them to kill), but two, I'd also look into who wrote those accounts. British newspapers for example were infamous for printing lurid stories of atrocities the hun had committed, just making up stories (most likely with the encouragement of the government) to increase war fever. The Somme was 2 years into the war. By that point, I can well imagine your connection to what is normal has broken down and the kill ratio goes down. Just because you are not able to kill someone at the start of the war, doesn't mean that won't change. Interestingly, I've never seen a study on how that would go during a longer or more brutal war. My guess is that a lot of people sooner or later are going to get over their more civilised notions about not killing, but I am guessing here. Maybe you eventually either break down with shell shock or go feral? The final factor is yeah, you do get the ones who just plain enjoy killing or feel no emotion over it. I find the former more worrisome than the latter.

As it has been explained to me, a good rule of thumb is that half of all bullets that find targets in war are fired by about ten-percent of the total number of combat soldiers, which has sounded both incredible and realistic at the same time.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 28, 2022, 03:06:03 PM
Quote from: ER on September 28, 2022, 11:59:11 AM
Quote from: Alex on September 27, 2022, 11:30:27 AM
Quote from: ER on September 27, 2022, 08:51:12 AM
When I think of soldiers who were hard-core killers, I think of the Germans behind the machine guns at the Somme. By some accounts twenty thousand British were killed in the first hour, (and Haig kept sending more and more on to their deaths even knowing what was happening, sure his plan could not fail). Whether it represents their true feelings or not, the accounts we have are of those German gunners expressing glee at the slaughter they undertook that terrible July day, not screaming horror. Yes, the British were advancing on them, at a plodding pace, mostly, yes the Germans had just been shelled for a week, yes, it was war, but to mow down lines of men who just kept walking into death, some wincing and shielding their faces like they were out in rain, that has always struck me as the epitome of....? Well, I don't know how to finish that. Of being good soldiers? Of being inhumane? Of the less celebrated hemisphere of human nature nakedly revealed? Or maybe almost anyone could and would have done it too, a sort of Milgram experiment writ large.

If ever you get a chance to visit the Somme battlefields, go. It changes your perspective on life immeasurably by showing either how precious or how cheap it truly is.

There are a whole load of factors that could come into play there. One, Germany prior to the Great War was a highly militarised society. Boys were encouraged to play with military-based toys and games growing up (in effect prepping them to kill), but two, I'd also look into who wrote those accounts. British newspapers for example were infamous for printing lurid stories of atrocities the hun had committed, just making up stories (most likely with the encouragement of the government) to increase war fever. The Somme was 2 years into the war. By that point, I can well imagine your connection to what is normal has broken down and the kill ratio goes down. Just because you are not able to kill someone at the start of the war, doesn't mean that won't change. Interestingly, I've never seen a study on how that would go during a longer or more brutal war. My guess is that a lot of people sooner or later are going to get over their more civilised notions about not killing, but I am guessing here. Maybe you eventually either break down with shell shock or go feral? The final factor is yeah, you do get the ones who just plain enjoy killing or feel no emotion over it. I find the former more worrisome than the latter.

As it has been explained to me, a good rule of thumb is that half of all bullets that find targets in war are fired by about ten-percent of the total number of combat soldiers, which has sounded both incredible and realistic at the same time.

Oops, just realised I wrote kill ratio goes down when I meant up.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 29, 2022, 11:45:47 PM
We met up with some people I'd spoke with on many a skype call before but had never met in person. They work in the mothership of our section down in Coningsby. Anyway, we had a few drinks and swapped war stories until about 22:30, which was a lot later than I'd planned being out. By the time I got back to my room it was midnight and someone else in the corridor decided to have their TV up really loud.

I decided not to go chap on their door and complain, but I've been out of bed since 3 and around half four I put on Drowning Pool, and not quietly either. I've been going up and down the corridor a few times, just doing the usual things we need to do for leaving a room and I've not been closing the doors quietly.

Fair is fair after all.

Curious about the Nordstrom pipelines blowing up and who is behind that one. Most people are debating on would it make sense for Russia to have done it or not. Most people are saying well if it was them, they are doing themselves more harm than they are to the west. I entered two wildcards into the mix that other people hadn't considered (if you really, really want to know PM me, but just remember it is a wildcard stab in the dark), but when I mentioned these countries they seemed to think it made sense. It is interesting which country most people are saying benefits from it the most. I'd need to do some serious strategic analysis before I'd decide on agreeing with who they really think is behind it or not. It doesn't affect the UK directly, although I have no doubt it will be used to push gas prices up even further.

In just under an hour I'll be leaving my room, go meet up with Karl and hand in our hire car. We'll then get driven by MT to the station. If all goes well, we will hit Inverness just after 15:00. Got 6 minutes between our train getting in there and the next one leaving, but Kristi is going to meet me there and we'll do some shopping, and pick up a later train. Hopefully, we won't run late and Karl will be able to get home on time. He did speak to his wife about meeting him there as well, but I don't think she wanted to drive there.

Come to think of it, I think this might be the first time I've been back in Inverness since Rescript at christmas. Certainly, right now my (admittedly lack of sleep befuddled) brain can't think of being there since, other than passing through on the way to somewhere else.

I wonder if you could sit in a room and call up your own 'inner demons' what they would look like and what they'd have to say? At this point in my life, I think I'd be pretty chill with them. If you were able to call up your greatest personal fear (not something you worry about happening to someone else, but something that could happen to you), I wonder what that would be. Being eaten alive maybe? Never quite been able to figure that one out myself. I guess I don't quite have the self-knowledge (or possibly absorption?) required.

Went to the toilet and turned all the toilet rolls on the holders around so the paper unrolls on the inside. No particular reason other than I know it winds people up.

Such, it seems, are the simple things that amuse me on a morning like this.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 02, 2022, 02:10:52 PM
Spent the day painting and amusing Ash. There were other things I wanted to do, but either the weather wasn't suitable or it just didn't seem that important. Many things that others think are vital just don't seem at all important to me these days, if indeed they ever did.

It is feeling great being back home. Friday night/Saturday morning I don't think there was a single moment from when we went to bed until we got up that we weren't holding each other.

Thinking about doing a one-shot online adventure for Conan. The rules are based on the version of D&D my players are used to, but with modifications.

Back to regular work tomorrow, and our one busy week of the month with it. Once I felt pride at the thought of doing my job and doing it well. These past couple of years really seems to have killed that. It is impossible to have pride in one's work when you are supplied with faulty materials and can only put out dodgy products.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on October 03, 2022, 01:47:53 AM
Quote from: Alex on October 02, 2022, 02:10:52 PM
Back to regular work tomorrow, and our one busy week of the month with it. Once I felt pride at the thought of doing my job and doing it well. These past couple of years really seems to have killed that. It is impossible to have pride in one's work when you are supplied with faulty materials and can only put out dodgy products.

I've felt the same about my job for the last few years. Although I enjoy it and can do it well, outside factors influence how you feel about it especially if you are considered 'a relic of the past' - being Caucasian and male in my case - and are only trotted out by your bosses if they feel the need to impress some VIP visitor and then are ignored again until the next time. Forget about promotion and attempting to mentor people even if you can!

The lockdown seriously affected my mental health so  :bluesad:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 05, 2022, 01:33:13 AM
So Somalia and the surrounding region are facing a famine (indeed there were mentions of it being 40 years of famine so far).

The article was basically saying they just aren't receiving enough money and resources to save people. They interviewed a woman whose 10-year-old son had just died, but who had no time to grieve as she needed to work to feed her surviving kids.

They didn't give you anywhere to donate money specifically which I thought was a mistake. Just remember though, no matter how bad things are for you, there are many places out there where things are much worse.

The tories are having their annual get-together this week. The PM makes her big speech today. Given her premiership is already in trouble she'll need to pull something impressive out of the bag.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 05, 2022, 01:50:56 PM
In boxing, I see that the Eubank/Benn: The Next Generation match is off after someone failed a drugs test. No word on which side, or indeed if it was both. For their fathers, I preferred Benn as a boxer, but I'd have to say I felt Eubank had him in each of their encounters. After his rather tragic match against Watson, Eubank was never quite the same. He (understandably) held back in his matches after that, only doing enough to what he felt would be enough to secure a points victory.

Not everyone can carry the psychological baggage that comes along with doing something like that, even accidentally to another human being.

Just heard that Liz Truss is now officially less popular than Boris Johnson ever was. Well, it is with impressive speed she has been plummeting to the bottom. Most politicians at least get a honeymoon period when they reach the top office.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 06, 2022, 07:31:38 AM
Today I was sent my record of service. 11 pages that list most of my courses, qualifications, honours and awards. Kind of thought I'd get sent something printed out on nice card, maybe even embossed with the logo of the RAF and stuff.

Nope. Got what looks like a printout from an Excel spreadsheet.

It has my service as ending on the 31st of December 4712. Well, at least I have job security then.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 08, 2022, 03:50:21 PM
Spent the day with Ash while Kristi went out shopping. He has discovered what (in my view) is the world's most boring online show. Each episode consists of trains coming in and out of different stations.

Yeah, someone spent 30 years filming trains at stations.

Well, as long as they enjoyed doing it. He does seem to be taking after his granddad on Kristi's side of the family that way. There is a guy on Facebook we've been buying a lot of second-hand D&D rulebooks from that somehow seems to have found out about Ash, and now when we buy books he sends him a bag of dice with a little note attached. I've said to Kristi that come Yule we should send him a card from Ash.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 11, 2022, 07:23:30 AM
Working from home today while the healthcare worker comes to check on Ash. Nothing special, just the regular check-up.

Still, anything for a day out of the office eh?

She is happy enough with his progress and development. His thumb issues are much less of a problem for him with all the work we've been doing with him. It is good to know we are doing all the right stuff.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 13, 2022, 07:17:43 AM
I really managed to catch our Tuesday night Dungeon Master out in the last session. I was having the worst luck I've ever seen in a game. Every spell I cast, the bad guys managed to save against. Nothing was working for me. We'd just agreed to go kill a pack of trolls, so a bunch of lizardmen would let some slaves go instead of feeding them to the trolls. We tracked down the said beasties and duly began fighting them.

After four rounds of ineffectual spells, I decided screw it and charged into combat. Buffed myself up so I'd be more effective, got my long spear out and charged.

Rolled a natural one, meaning I fumbled the attack. Of course, I did. Everything else was going wrong, why not have that go wrong too? The DM said my spear was stuck in the trolls side, and because they regenerate the wound had closed up around the tip of the spear, and I'd have to try and grab it to pull it out.

Now, this spear is a minor magic item. It isn't superpowered or anything, but what is can do is alter what it is made of.  I can tell it to be made of whatever material. The conversation went something like this:

Alex "So, do I have to be holding my spear to change what it is made of?"

Jarrod "No, as long as it is effectively within earshot, you can change it."

Alex "Ok then. Since the head is stuck inside the troll I change it to being made of arsenic."

Jarrod "You can only change it to metals." (Actually, I've previously changed it to stone, wood and diamond, but he's panicking a little at this point, so I let it pass).

Alex "Arsenic is a metal. Check your periodic table of elements."

Of course, the troll them made its saves against beign poisoned, but hey at least I tried something.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 14, 2022, 11:42:43 AM
So our chancellor is out of a job in almost record time. The only guy in and out of the office quicker died shortly after being picked. Bets are being made on how much longer the PM will last. Right now, if she makes it to christmas, she'll have done better than expected.

The week is done and I am chilling for the weekend. Prepping some D&D stuff for tonight and chatting with a young lad who wants to join the RAF. Next Friday I am taking the day off work and going up to the recruiting office with him.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 16, 2022, 09:59:19 AM
Blood is in the water for Liz Truss. The sharks might not be circling yet, but they sense it is there and they are watching. She's sacrificed her chancellor in a bid to save her own hide, but everyone is aware that it was her economic plan just as much as it was his, if not more. Still, Kwasi now goes down in history as the second shortest serving chancellor of the exchequer, behind some guy who had to die in office to be out faster. Traditionally, moderate right-wing political groups manage the economy better, but this time they've blown that out of the water. I did see that the pound started dropping in value after she'd made her speech. From Cameron onwards, the political right really has made a continual series of blunders that have eroded our economy.

What defines a religion? Is it dusty old books and stories? Maybe speeches made from a pulpit. Decisions made after the death of those who founded it perhaps? For myself, I think these only matter to scholars and apologists. What really makes a religion is what its adherents on the ground floor do. All the nice words in any holy book don't make up for how you really treat others, or how you allow them to be treated. How those others are treated, whether they be part of your beliefs or not, that is what your religion is really about. Tell yourself they aren't real christians, muslims, buddists, taoists or whatever you care to follow, but whatever is happening and what they doing, for good or ill is what your faith is really about.

The weather says we are deep into autumn and that winter is on its way. I've always liked this time of year, the cooler nights, the piles of leaves to run through, the darker night evenings. It really calls to the side of me that prefers the darker side of life. Under lockdown, Samhain became bigger than Christmas. People put their decorations up at the middle to end of September and really went much more elaborate than I'd ever seen before. It was pretty much a continuous festival from then until the new year. It was good to see holidays going closer to their true roots than the pillaged and joyless husks that a certain other religion corrupted them into. Mind you, it wasn't really until the time of Dicken's before the more Baccanial elements fell out of favour and it became a more family-orientated thing. Even then, those christmas parties are a call back to the true origins of the annual celebrations.

Doubtless, soon I'll see posts about the real reason for the season and claims for them to be allowed to celebrate "their" festival in peace without arguments on social media and then proceed to abuse in some fashion the very same other religions they ask for tolerance from.

Oh well, such is the hypocrisy I've come to expect from them, along with weak justifications for stealing those ideas in the first place. Still, I guess it helps them sleep better at night. Doesn't get past the breaking of one of their commandments though however you choose to sell it. I was watching some stuff on hindu's and muslims in India and Pakistan, but really this s**t is universal. I could flick the channel and watch someone about christians in Ireland or the US, the torture of witches in Africa, gay people in Russia... Depressingly there are few places where I couldn't find something. Does the little good that it does do really justify allowing religion's continued existence? If they could just exist without trying to tell other people how to, I'd settle for that.

Anyway, back to the weather. It would not surprise me to see frost on the ground tomorrow. We've had cold days, but warm nights recently. I think the temperature is going to drop a little.

Having a horror movie marathon this weekend. Started yesterday with some more child-friendly ones (with Ash running around I am not exactly going to stick on the harder stuff). Last night and today though I've had a chance to watch some darker fare. Finally managed to get to see 'X'. Now to see if I can find 'Pearl'.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 17, 2022, 03:44:26 AM
Watched the end of Rings of Power last night. Didn't think it was as bad as people made out, but then again I've not read the source material beyond The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Even then I skipped the songs and appendixes.

Next up, finish The Sandman.

I lay in bed this morning, thinking about how much I just wanted to stay there, not go into work and just cuddle up with Kristi. Of course, I got up and did the daily routine. Got into work only to find my workmates had the same idea I did, only they decided to stay in bed.

Our political circus continues. Today we are due for another statement. This timedrom the new, new chancellor. If the economy crashes furthe after his speech, I can't see any way back for Truss. Indeed, expectations are that she will be gone within the week. As much as I don't like the tories, wanting them to fail is like hoping the captain of the ship you are travelling on crashes into an iceberg.

I was reading the story of a Dutch Jewish boxer who defied the nazi's and managed to survive being sent to a concentration camp. Quite the inspirational story, although sadly not one with unfamiliar tones for the time. His name was Ben Bril, if anyone feels like looking up the story.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 18, 2022, 12:53:09 PM
Saw a dead seagull on the way home at lunchtime today. This by itself is not an unusual thing. The local bird population has been decimated by some virus going around, not to mention there is always the occasional one that has been hit by a car. This one, however, looked like it had been shredded. The garden was full of a mess of feathers, the wings were gone and only the upper half of the torso and head remained. Seagulls in the UK are a lot bigger than the ones I've seen in the states and don't forget that they are naturally birds of prey. I figured something big like a dog must have got it, but it turns out a buzzard has moved to the area and has been killing other birds. Usually, the gulls gang up against rival predators (I saw a flock of them rip a pest control hawk to shreds once).

It is nice not to have bird crap everywhere, or be able to have the windows open at night and not be kept awake by their incessant cries or have your laundry crapped on if you hang it outside. Will I miss them though?

Will I bollocks. Hate the damn things. I'd imagine that they will rebuild their numbers in a few years, but right now it is nice to have a break from them.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 19, 2022, 05:15:19 PM
Who do you think is the single biggest supplier of military equipment to Ukraine?

It might or might not surprise you to know that it is Russia. They aren't doing it willingly, but the sheer volume of equipment the invading troops have abandoned outweighs what any other nation has supplied. Around half of Ukraine's tanks are captured Russian ones. That in itself tells you quite a lot about the conflict. If you are operating equipment that is useful to the enemy and it is going to be captured, then troops are generally trained to destroy them before abandoning them. That this isn't happening I can only really see coming down to two factors. One is that the troops simply aren't well-trained enough to prevent the enemy from taking and using it. The other is that they simply do not care enough about the cause they are fighting for. Kind of symptomatic of the whole campaign thus far from the Russian side. Imagine being sent to invade another country and not know about it until you are in a firefight. What is that going to do to your morale? Very little has went right for the Russian forces in this campaign, their command and control is abysmal, and they seem to have precious few effective junior officers in the field. Their airpower should be sweeping away all before them. Russian tactical doctrine has you annihilate an area with artillery and then roll in, and yet right from the start they have struggled. That convoy are armoured vehicles that depending on the source you listen to was between 23km up to about 48km... there is a name for something like that. You call it a shooting gallery. If at any point you didn't think that the Russians had bollocked up majorly on this invasion or you couldn't see that is it was a disaster from the start... well you just don't know anything about military operations.

What I am waiting on though is the end of the winter season and what happens just after that. Russia could still turn everything around and if they are going to, it will happen when the bad weather subsides (unless we have a very mild winter). They have a chance to reorganise and rearm which could turn the war around. If they do, and they start winning in Ukraine then the world becomes a much more dangerous place and all bets are off. If Ukraine pushes Russian forces out of its territory and then crosses the border, the world enters a much more dangerous phase. From an outsider's dispassionate viewpoint, the best result I can see is that Ukrainian forces push Russian ones back, but then get caught in a stalemate. Personally, I'd like to see Ukraine retake all their land, including Crimea, but what that might mean for the worldwide balance of power and the potential use of nuclear weapons if Putin feels his position is desperate enough....

I guess you have to decide at that point at what cost freedom and would you rather live on your knees or die on your feet. I mean you could kowtow to Putin, give him what he wants and then as he has done previously, he'll feel empowered and want to claim more. What we are seeing now is now different to what we saw before World War 2. Some people have learned the lesson from giving in to petty tyrants, and some quite clearly haven't. The human race seems to have a natural predication towards repeating its previous mistakes though. Had Putin been stood up to previously then things would not have gone as far as they now have. His strongman image would have collapsed and he wouldn't have amassed the political power he now has. We all let him get away with it though in the name of avoiding something worse and all it did was allow him to gather more power and the stakes haven't lessened any. I didn't sign up to stand by and let s**t like that happen, but our political masters seem to have decided it is what should happen and only now have we reached a point where we draw a line in the sand. Even if that line is paid for by another nation's blood. Yeah, we've seen that tried before and it didn't work then but hey we will try a failed policy again and see how it goes a second time. The last time it ended with an attack on Pearl Harbour.

I can only assume that Putin genuinely thought his troops would be welcomed as liberating heroes and was so convinced of that, that they just didn't bother preparing for a full campaign. I've read about battles and sometimes campaigns where the ineptitude shown by one side is just stunning, like the British defence of Singapore, the US Vietnam campaign, the French Vietnam campaign (well to be fair, most French campaigns), If over 20 years of military service have taught me anything it is that 1) Politicians should not in any way be involved in the planning or execution of military campaigns (especially those who have never fought in one, or (and especially) those who have avoided military service) and 2) Officers should not be solely responsible for planning such conflicts without the overriding opinion of experienced NCO's.

Oh well, in a few month's time this will no longer matter to me and people who have never had military service between the ages of 18 and 55 can s**t themselves instead. I know every time I've been told I've been going to a warzone that is how I've felt about it. People who have sat all smug and s**t, thinking they could comment on stuff they are clearly clueless about could potentially find themselves in positions where they'll find out just how wrong they have been. I'd like to feel smug about that, but the truth is, I'd be recalled to active service and be in charge of them. In the full knowledge that they weren't expected to achieve much more than a slight delay and cost the enemy a bunch of ammunition.

D&D last night was entertaining. Mostly because of me (he said modestly). We'd just rescued a bunch of prisoners from some lizardmen by agreeing to kill some trolls. One of the rescuees though turned out to be less than grateful for our efforts. Turns out he was a rather arrogant wizard. Well, my arrogant wizard took that as a personal challenge and proceeded to make the other guy his b***h. The spell I used was called Charm Person and basically, it made him like me for 4 hours. We'd set camp and he'd gone to sleep by the time it wore off, but when he awoke he was rather angry about my mind-control spell. I did tell him if he was that p**sed off, then he was free to challenge me to a wizard's duel (although the DM had dropped some subtle hints that he was slightly more powerful than me, I still figured I could take him (I did say my wizard was arrogant)). He said he'd never seen such ineptitude, so I told him I could solve that problem for him and cast a spell that blinded him. I thought this was just a short-term thing, but after casting the spell it turned out to be permanent. Oh, I also reduced all his mental attributes.

Anyway, it turns out that his guy has connections in the nearest city (Neverwinter), and while he himself is viewed as a joke I might have made an enemy of his family.

Boy, are they going to regret that mistake. :P

Tomorrow, the son of a family friend is coming to stay with us. Friday, I am going to escort him to a recruiting office and help him join up. Every instinct in my body screams at me to tell him not to, but is it really my right to say that to someone? If they have their heart set on serving their country, or (as I found to be more common) they view the military as an escape from a poverty-ridden existence where you work minimum wage level jobs until they die. To my way of thinking if you have left school and you have no idea what you want to do with your life, then the military is great. It will provide you with direction, multiple paths to self-improvement and will generally motivate you. I'll be quite honest and say it is something I needed. I could sit any exam and score highly, but none of it brought a single penny into my pocket. I left school with a whole bunch of ideas on what I'd like to do, but absolutely no experience on how to achieve anything I wanted,. The military gave me direction there, and for my first seven years in the job gave me impetuous to aim towards the goal of promotion, but the more I saw of what promotion would cost me, the less it appealed to me. Now, I saw a lot of people who said the same thing as me who simply lacked the talent to go any further. The adage says that you will always be promoted to the level where you are no longer competent.

To get back to the point of my post, should I encourage someone to follow the same path I have trod? Well, my answer would be "Do I have the right to tell this person that this is the wrong path?"" Hell, I've managed over two decades of service that might have had more in common with Sergeant Bilko than Sergeant Rock. I've done what my nation has required of me, without overly doing extra (ok, not 100% true. I have done some stuff that has been regarded as above and beyond, but honestly mostly I view that as being episodes of temporary insanity than being anywhere near heroism). This is the general impression I get of people who earn high-level medals. They were looking to do something normal, but ended up dying doing it and got big shiny medals out of it).

I feel I am kind of randomly rambling tonight (yeah, like there is a difference between that and my normal posts). I might have had a point to make when I started, but if I did, then it has been long since lost. Less so than people with zero military experience who think they are even slightly qualified to comment on things happening during warfare.

Oh gods, if only they realised just how naive and uninformed their positions really are. If it wasn't for the fact I know people who have been injured and crippled in these conflicts, I'd happily laugh at people who think they have the slightest idea of what is going on without having served any military service themselves. How f**king stupid they sound just mouthing off empty opinions handed to them by media outlets... Oh well, such is life. People who really have no idea of what is going on and lack the credible experience of what is will try to sound loud and important to give the impression that they do know what is happening, just because it suits the world view of what they would like to be happening rather than what is really going on.

Yeah, you can argue with those idiots, but honestly, the best you can do is ignore them. Let them mouth off as much as they want and let them be proved wrong in the long term. If they'd realise what they are doing is wrong and accept that, then pointing that out would be a better idea, but people are far from perfect. They will listen to what they want to be true far more than you'll ever hear people accept what is really the truth. Listening to what you want to hear, even when it is a complete lie, is so much more comfortable than having to confront the truth.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 22, 2022, 02:55:28 PM
Took a friend's son up to the local airforce recruiting office as he'd expressed an interest in joining up. I checked on the website for the AFCO opening hours and whatnot. Everything seemed fine. Got to the office and it was closed with a sign saying to phone this number for an appointment. He phoned the number and got told he should have checked the website. We told them he had and he was then told he'd need to phone next week to see if an appointment is available. In order to attend the appointment, he will need to travel to either Glasgow or Edinburgh. That is a 4 to 6-hour journey. Depending on the time of the appointment, there is a good chance that would mean paying for accommodation for an overnight stay. That's a pretty big ask just for the chance of joining up.

Maybe we are only recruiting people from the central belt these days.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 25, 2022, 03:41:33 PM
I am doing a resettlement course at the moment. The lecturer asked us "What has been the biggest obstacle to you doing your job?" My answer was short and simple. "Officers".

She looked shocked and said "Well, you must have a problem obeying orders. It can't be the officer's fault."

Hah! Want to bet she is an ex-officer.

Pretty sure if you spoke to any of my previous CO's (with one exception, fu Tudge! No wonder your own senior staff were working to f**k you over), that isn't what they'd say about me. I might not always agree with orders. If I believe it is wrong, I'll even question the orders, but unless they are illegal, ultimately I'll follow them (believe me, I've had times when I've spent a full day making sure my orders were all fully legal before and not taken no for an answer).
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 28, 2022, 02:51:06 PM
Mentioned to my sergeant about what the recruiter had said. The surprise on his face gave me his answer. Went to a recruitment fair yesterday and got a very positive lead on working for an organisation I'd be quite happy to be involved with and doing something I'd like. It would then come down to a matter of where and how much.

The course was all about marking yourself as a brand and how to sell yourself. Most of the ground they covered is all theory that I already know about. There were some useful tips from it though, especially with using LinkedIn. Not sure I'll use the advice as the jobs I am looking for aren't in that kind of arena.

Sorting out making a complaint about the recruitment office stuff. I am tracking down who I need to speak to, which in the military is not an uncommon problem.

Things just aint ordered like they should be.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 31, 2022, 04:18:33 PM
Well me and Kristi snuck off for a weekend away and went to see The Thing on the big screen.

I blame ET for me not getting to see it there sooner. It has only taken 40 years. Went to Nando's for the first time. The food was fine, but I am not sure why everyone goes on about it like it was something special. I mean I'd go back, but it wasn't any better or worse than anywhere else that I eat at regularly. The hotel was good for a Travel Lodge. A bit more out of the way than usual for one of them, so it was quieter and more secluded than usual. Not going to complain about that.

All in all, it was a nice weekend. Picked up a church and a new tank, then had a whole load of figures turn up unexpectedly for a Kickstarter I'd backed a while ago. I hadn't seen anything saying that the figures were coming out already, so it was all a bit of a surprise. Samhain tonight. We'd prepared sweets enough for 120 guisers. That went in the first half hour. This time though I didn't run to the shops for extra supplies. We just had hordes of kids turning up constantly, 10 to 20 at the door at any time. We took Ash out around a few houses, then came back. He was quite upset when the doorbell rang and we didn't have any more stuff to hand out, saying "Hallowe'en, Hallowe'en, Hallowe'en" each time.

I keep seeing people with, oh what's the correct term currently? Different skin tones, people of colour, BAME? I dunno. Every time I get used to one term, they declare it racist and say I need to learn a new one. But anyway, they are complaining about immigration into the UK. That always makes me chuckle, although not in a good way.

Kristi bought Top Gun 2. I really should do a review of that one.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 03, 2022, 08:10:15 AM
Went to give blood yesterday. The needle stung a bit more than usual going in, but nothing spectacular. In just over 5 minutes I'd filled the bag and they came to take the needle out. That is when the problem started. The blood wouldn't stop flowing. Nothing arterial spurting out or anything, but it was a fast and steady flow. Figured they just made the hole a little bit larger than it needed to be and I ended up having a ridiculous amount of bandages wrapped around my forearm. It wasn't severe or anything, but I am sure I'll get interesting results when I go for my leaving medical this afternoon when they check my blood pressure and it is a lot lower than they expect. Got a small medal thing for the number of times I've donated.

Yay. I'll put that with the other ones then. I was surprised when they said I hadn't donated since 2019. I thought I had given more recently, but I guess with all the covid stuff, it is something that had just slipped into the background. Oh well, I've done my bit to keep blood stocks up. Even if I was tempted to ask for some of it back to replace the extra they'd taken. :bouncegiggle:

I am glad I don't have a fear of needles. Strangely, the majority of people I've met who do have such a fear have all been sergeants (including my current one). Of course, I took great delight in telling them all the details of the needles going in. There were a couple of people deployed on the vaccination program with me who did have it too, but they were just told to man up and get on with it. I stood beside one of them while he gave his first injection just in case he passed out. He was fine though. Hmm, Dean should be out of the RAF by now. I wonder how he is getting on? Poor lad. He was my go-to, to torment when I was bored. Surprised I've not bumped into Dan though (Lieutenant Dan, he's got no legs!). I did see the Royal Marines band is releasing a charity single for xmas. I worked beside quite a few bandies from the marines. Wonder if any of them play on it? To be honest I was surprised at just how many of them there were.

With my mum up visiting, we didn't have any D&D this week. Looking forward to getting back on with our sessions. It is looking like my assassin might have to kill a third fellow party member. Seriously, these murders are like buses. Over 30 years without a single player-on-player fight, and now I am looking at my third. I blame Generation Z. Gen X was way cooler.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Rev. Powell on November 03, 2022, 08:53:25 AM
Good for you on donating blood. This is something I've taken to doing twice a year. So easy, and so valuable. No way of knowing but its nice to think I could have helped save multiple lives over the years.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 05, 2022, 10:39:28 AM
Wrapping presents today and listing them here so I can remind myself what I've bought and not buy something twice.


Alan Rickman Diaries (Saturnas eve).
Star Wars/Hobbit calendars.
MT:G Expansions.
Fluxx Star Trek expansion.
Chocolate Harry Potter wand set.
Avantasia CD.
Bootyard Bandits CD.
US Army order dice.
Pink marbled dice.
Small World: World of Warcraft.
Munchkin Unicorns Expansion.
Harry Potter lego*2.
Zombie Kittens & Streaking Kittens Expansion.
Pink and black dice.
Thorin Oakenshield & Company.
Top Trumps Wizard & Witches: Harry Potter.


Box of soldiers.
Large toy car.
Hot Wheels Playset.
Playmobil Novelmore Playset.
Playmobil Novelmore Catapult.
Playmobil Police Car.
Matchbox Playset.
Construct a road playset.

Ran out of wrapping paper, so I'll need to come back to this and finish it another time.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on November 05, 2022, 01:50:25 PM
Quote from: Alex on October 31, 2022, 04:18:33 PM
Well me and Kristi snuck off for a weekend away and went to see The Thing on the big screen.

I blame ET for me not getting to see it there sooner. It has only taken 40 years. Went to Nando's for the first time. The food was fine, but I am not sure why everyone goes on about it like it was something special. I mean I'd go back, but it wasn't any better or worse than anywhere else that I eat at regularly. The hotel was good for a Travel Lodge. A bit more out of the way than usual for one of them, so it was quieter and more secluded than usual. Not going to complain about that.

All in all, it was a nice weekend. Picked up a church and a new tank, then had a whole load of figures turn up unexpectedly for a Kickstarter I'd backed a while ago. I hadn't seen anything saying that the figures were coming out already, so it was all a bit of a surprise. Samhain tonight. We'd prepared sweets enough for 120 guisers. That went in the first half hour. This time though I didn't run to the shops for extra supplies. We just had hordes of kids turning up constantly, 10 to 20 at the door at any time. We took Ash out around a few houses, then came back. He was quite upset when the doorbell rang and we didn't have any more stuff to hand out, saying "Hallowe'en, Hallowe'en, Hallowe'en" each time.

I keep seeing people with, oh what's the correct term currently? Different skin tones, people of colour, BAME? I dunno. Every time I get used to one term, they declare it racist and say I need to learn a new one. But anyway, they are complaining about immigration into the UK. That always makes me chuckle, although not in a good way.

Kristi bought Top Gun 2. I really should do a review of that one.

Nandos is quite popular here but I haven't had their chikin burgers for a while. My special sister always gives me stinkeye if I eat too much red meat 😝
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 06, 2022, 05:07:51 PM
We had some new people around for a board game day today, playing Firefly. Hadn't met any of them before (we found each other via Discord), but by pure coincidence, it was two gay guys and gay women. Not that this is a problem, I just wondered what the odds were on that happening. A fun game was had by all, although we never got around to completing the final mission.

Shame about the times of the last buses on Sundays.

We are having another session next Sunday, with more people turning up. To the point where we may have two separate games going on at the same time.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 13, 2022, 04:26:44 AM
Well, Friday and Saturday were spent moving stuff around and scrubbing carpets. About to take the cleaner back, and then we have about an hour before people should start arriving. Looking forward to some boardgames, but I'd like some free time too.

Finally got Ash's school pictures. You'd have thought with everything being online now, we'd have had them within days. Instead, we had a wait for around 6 weeks. Still overpriced either way.





Started working on next years yuletide ornament for Kristi. This years had a Charles Dicken's theme. Next year I am going with evil snowmen and a mutant Santa.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 15, 2022, 06:26:59 AM
After a couple of weeks of interrupted sleep for everyone in the house (including the cat), we finally all got a good night's sleep last night. Ash has taken to sleeping with his favourite hat on, which is odd, but on the other hand today for the first time he accepted wearing a bodywarmer, and didn't insist that it was broken because it didn't have sleeves.

Got a vegan friend who has been going on about how eating animals is immoral and bollocks like that. Morality is a human concept and is very much subject to individual interpretation. Not to mention how much it changes over time. He mentioned he was going to watch the world cup games in Qatar. I may have made comments about the morality involved there, where you have a country that highly restricts human rights, and has the death penalty for those who decide that they don't want to be muslim anymore. Any time he brings up the subject of how we treat animals in the future, I'll be bringing up how Qatar treats its migrant workers and so forth. He could always just decide that he is vegan and that is fine without trying to push his beliefs on other people.

If you aren't going to commit to these things fully, it is just virtue signalling.

In my Friday night D&D game, the party messed up quite badly and doomed the world. I asked if they wanted to play through to the end of the world, or just call it where they'd f**ked it up? I could have repaired it, but ever since the whole Deck of Many Things incident derailed the campaign, I've felt it should be called. I am looking at running an entirely different system, one where the players don't have their stats in front of them. They'll have a rough idea of what they are good at, for example, better than average fighter, strongest person you've ever met, an absolute idiot who's never been able to get a boy/girlfriend and so forth, but they won't know that they have a 45% chance of hitting someone with a spear, or that their fireball will do 10d6 damage. I've been getting tired of people coming up with superpowered builds and trying to break the game. I can always come up with a counter, but I want a game where people actually play the game, not play the rules.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on November 15, 2022, 09:25:10 AM
Quote from: Alex on November 13, 2022, 04:26:44 AM
Well, Friday and Saturday were spent moving stuff around and scrubbing carpets. About to take the cleaner back, and then we have about an hour before people should start arriving. Looking forward to some boardgames, but I'd like some free time too.

Finally got Ash's school pictures. You'd have thought with everything being online now, we'd have had them within days. Instead, we had a wait for around 6 weeks. Still overpriced either way.





Started working on next years yuletide ornament for Kristi. This years had a Charles Dicken's theme. Next year I am going with evil snowmen and a mutant Santa.

I can't believe how much bigger he's gotten. A handsome young fella you guys got there, Alex!
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 15, 2022, 10:00:18 AM
Quote from: ER on November 15, 2022, 09:25:10 AM
Quote from: Alex on November 13, 2022, 04:26:44 AM
Well, Friday and Saturday were spent moving stuff around and scrubbing carpets. About to take the cleaner back, and then we have about an hour before people should start arriving. Looking forward to some boardgames, but I'd like some free time too.

Finally got Ash's school pictures. You'd have thought with everything being online now, we'd have had them within days. Instead, we had a wait for around 6 weeks. Still overpriced either way.





Started working on next years yuletide ornament for Kristi. This years had a Charles Dicken's theme. Next year I am going with evil snowmen and a mutant Santa.

I can't believe how much bigger he's gotten. A handsome young fella you guys got there, Alex!

Thank you. We like him ourselves.

This is what my players are getting as a character sheet. Imagine you are playing a computer game and you get this, instead of a bunch of numbers.

In most ways you are a perfectly average person, neither excelling nor being truly terrible at things. You do however have a high tolerance for pain and bad weather. If you have any weaknesses it is your tendency to panic under pressure and a lack of confidence when it comes to taking charge. You consider yourself to be more intelligent than most people.

As a hobby, you have found a talent for writing and breaking secret codes. Sometimes you get a bit too excited when you are talking to people that you find yourself speaking so quickly that it confuses and overwhelms your listener. When you enter this state, you find yourself just spouting random, meaningless gibberish. Of course with your work, you are an expert in identifying plants and their properties for healing injuries and treating disease. Working in an apothecary, you have learned how to read and write and have been inducted into the Apothecary's Guild (even if your membership has since lapsed). Still, you remember the secret phrases the guild members use when talking to each other and additionally have picked up the secret signs that those who follow the Old Religion use in the wilderness to mark dangerous places, holy sites and so forth.

Equipment-wise, you carry a knife (for cutting herbs), and an old spear that belonged to your grandfather, although it serves you more as a walking stick, or to fend off the occasional hungry animal. You have light clothes, not entirely suited to being outdoors in wet weather. The knife normally lives in a sheath in your belt, while on the other side hangs a waterskin and a purse. In your trusty sling bag, you carry an empty scroll case, a cooking pot, firewood, a tinderbox, and a rolled-up hammock.

Your purse contains 2 gold and 10 silver coins.

Would you find this interesting or just irritating? The three players are certainly intrigued so far.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 16, 2022, 03:16:09 PM
In last night's D&D we were trying to reach an inn that was in the centre of an unnatural storm. We found some people nailed to the walls by tridents. They were still alive, although our hapless warlock did accidentally rip the heart from an old woman's chest while trying to rescue her. He tossed the heart to our druid's pet wolf, so at least it didn't go to waste.

Remember the old woman though. She has a role to play later.

Kicking the door to the inn open, we found worshippers of the evil god Talos (master of storms), who had sacrificed most of the people although a few were tied up at the side. The more combat-orientated people in the group ran in to fight the bad people. I decided on a more poetic and karmic course. Drawing on my magical powers I raised the dead up as zombies and commanded them to attack their killers.

Yeah, remember that old woman that the warlock killed? He found this ancient, toothless old crone returned to life and attempted to gum him to death (lacking any teeth). Anyway, we killed the cultists, cleared out the ground and upper floor of the inn and then descended down into the cellar (there really should be a DUH DUH DAH! noise every time someone says "the cellar").

That is where it all went wrong.

We found a 12-foot copper statue being animated and a woman commanding it. The melee lot as per usual just charged in without waiting for buffs and found that the 12-foot-tall walking metal statue did a lot of damage. Juan ran over to provide said buffs and got splattered over the cellar floor for his efforts, in a very dead way. Afterwards, the party attempted to cast a spell called Reincarnation which would bring him back to life but in a new body. Dice were rolled and the body he is going to come back in, is that of an Orc. Physically, his attributes will be modified, but not his mental ones. This means I get a huge strength increase, but no loss of intellect. Handy that for a spell caster really. I am now the strongest member of the party.

Boy is that going to be a shock to the rest of the group. Everyone else is thinking that Juan is going to be really upset about being in an Orcish body as he is a rather proud and haughty personage. Truth is, Juan doesn't care about physical appearances. He only really cares about magical power. He isn't going to be upset that he is in a stronger body than he had before. Doubtless, he'll have some social problems. Orcs aren't like a good credit card and accepted in most places. Still, he has a lot of enchantment and illusionary spells that can solve that problem.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 17, 2022, 10:00:39 AM
The weather has become chilly with a dash of wet.

We had another party member's death last night. This time we were fighting an undead skeletal dinosaur which managed to chew up our paladin in two rounds of combat. Although undead fighting isn't something I am great at (I do lots of damage to things that care to have beating hearts though), but I came up with a cunning plan that did its part in saving the day (magic that heals a living creature damages undead creatures. While I don't have any healing spells as such, I do carry a number of healing potions and splashed them on the thing like it was holy water). It wasn't enough to save the day by itself but it helped.

Some might say I should have given the paladin the healing potion instead, but they'd be weak and lacking in moral fibre (the war cry of our drill instructors back in the day on anyone who was failing).

So the chancellor has just made a statement on a new budget. The last one caused a bit of an economic collapse. You'd think that two people who both hold degrees in economics would figure out that spending plans not being properly funded and accounted for would cause the pound to collapse. Then again, studying something is all well and great, but if you haven't done the job in real life, how much do you really understand about it? Initial reports are that following his speech, the £ fell again, although it remains to be seen how far.

Still not feeling like I am getting a good nights sleep on a regular basis, but everyone seems to be the same way. Surprised Mark hasn't came up with a story about how the immortal lizard people from another dimension are responsible for it. Hmm, I wonder if they have a name for that species? And how do they kill them if they are immortal? If the earth is flat, could someone stand on the edge and stamp their foot hard enough to tip it over and make everyone slide off?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 19, 2022, 02:24:23 PM
I started a new campaign last night. Everything had to be sorted out at fairly short notice to run it (it was first discussed Tuesday night). I decided to run something slightly different. I sat with the players on voice comms, got them to roll some dice, but didn't tell them what the dice were for. I then assigned the scores to their various attributes based on my discussions with them about what they thought their characters were good, bad or indifferent at.

At no time have the players got to see their character sheets. What they got instead was some descriptive text from me, like:
Living on the outer edge of the law, you've certainly learned how to take care of yourself in a fight. With a weapon in hand, you are a better fighter than most men. You can handle your own with a bow or sling too. You do have to watch though. While you can throw a good punch, you have something of a glass jaw. People find you likeable enough, although in most ways you are an average sort of person, if slightly slower than most in the quick thinking department.

Stealing cattle has taught you a number of talents. You can handle a horse and cart, although you've never quite got the nack of riding an animal. You can creep around even the most attentive guard in the wilds, although in cities you haven't quite mastered being able to move quite as quietly. You can handle a lasso competantly and know the secret signs used by those who live off the land. You've even made a few signs yourself. You've found you have an excellent singing voice, and are a natural talent for dancing. You've even snuck into more than one country estate and watched fancy balls through the windows and are confident you could easily do these posh dances.

You carry a wide variety of weapons. You have a belt knife on your hip, a sword, and hidden inside your jacket, a knuckleduster and a throwing knife. For more long ranged problems you have a longbow and a sling. To protect yourself, you wear a thick leather jacket and a cheap pot helmet. Your clothes are well made, if travel-worn and stained. In your backpack, you have a lantern and four pints of oil, 10 yards of good rope, a week's supply of iron rations, a blanket, cloak, whetstone and a fine pair of leather boots. You also have a quiver loaded with 30 arrows.

In your pocket, you keep 2 gold coins.

The idea is that it makes them roleplay more as opposed to roll-playing. I want them to play the game, not the rules and I've just gotten a little bit bored with people trying to make game-breaking character builds, which just means I design enemies that can handle their powers in order to give them a challenge. It is a mini-arms race and not really what I'd like the game to be about. So now they are playing a game where they don't know exactly how good they are. Hell, they don't even know what system we are playing (which also cuts down on the rules lawyer arguments).

From a Games Master's point of view, it is fantastic.

I was worried the players would find it frustrating, but everyone seemed to enjoy it, and I even got them roleplaying their characters.

Today I was issued a challenge to enter a Bolt Action competition at the local games store. I've decided to enter with a British army, and try something different. I am going for a mechanised force and not taking either a tank or even any anti-tank weapons. It is a risky proposition, but I find tanks are generally a huge points sink in that game, and they attract a constant hail of firepower that tends to neutralise them. So instead, I have lots of lightly armoured vehicles. My troops can move fast, and they have a lot of LMGs to lay down heavy anti-infantry firepower. Just not anti-heavy weapons fire.

Going with:

1*1st Lieutenant (Regular experience) + 1 man. 85 points (1 dice).
1*Forward Observer (Artillery, Regular experience). Free (2 dice).

4*5 man Infantry Squads, each carrying 1 LMG (Regular). 280 points (6 dice).
1*10 man Gurkha Squad carrying 2 SMGs and 1 LMG (Veteran) 164 points (7 dice).

4*Bren Carrier with forward firing LMG (Regular). 240 points (11 dice). (Transport for the 5 man teams).
30 CWT Truck (Inexperienced, no weapons). 28 points (12 dice). (Transport for the Gurkhas).
Jeep (Inexperienced) 17 points (13 dice).

Sniper (Veteran). 65 points (14 dice).
Flamethrower team (Regular). 50 points (15 dice).

In theory the flamethrower can disable a tank. I just need to get them very close without being shot up.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 20, 2022, 06:23:22 AM
One of the pubs in Elgin keeps opening up under new owners for a brief burst of life, before closing down again. It is being prepared for yet another reopening. Lovely looking old building and I wish the new business luck, but I am expecting it not to last long sadly. On the off chance that people are interested, I'll put a few photos up.

From the street outside.

Fairly old, but not the oldest local building.

I am assuming this is what it used to look like.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 23, 2022, 02:28:33 PM
We had a management visit this week. They were supposed to fly out this morning on a BAE flight, but the plane broke. We've been eating out for lunch and then going out for dinner every damn day. I declared that if they had to stay another night, I wasn't going out tonight. Luckily they got another flight organised and should be getting home about now.

Nice visit, welcome to come back another time, but I am glad to see them go too.

On Monday a Fellow from the Royal Society is coming to give a talk on Ukraine. I normally love going to these things. You get a lot of information (although you do have to temper it with the knowledge that what they know tends to be theoretical rather than practical). After leaving Kristi to deal with Ash by herself though I don't think it would be fair to spend another night away. Hearing an academic that actually knows something about what they are talking about without suffering from Ivory Tower Syndrome is a rare thing and the lectures I've been to before from those ones I generally of a high quality.

Due to a school strike meaning the nursery school teachers have to stay home to loo after their kids, means I'd to take tomorrow off work to look after Ash since Kristi is volunteering tomorrow. The Community Council is having to look after some Ukrainian refugees that the local council has dumped on them. They don't object to helping, but the local council didn't contact them before and this isn't really the job of the Community Council.

The concert we had booked to go see for our 10th wedding anniversary has been cancelled, unfortunately. We still have tickets for Valentine's Day and Weird Al two days later, but it is a disappointment, especially since the band seemed to forget to make an announcement that they had cancelled their tour.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 24, 2022, 04:19:04 AM
Sitting at home, surrounded by computers. I check in on my work laptop every so often to make sure no one is trying to get a hold of me.

I am going to miss this easy life when I leave, but for now life is good.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 25, 2022, 01:05:52 PM
I saw a post tearing into Live Aid and Do They Know It's Christmas for being imperialistic and so forth. I asked Kristi to talk me into not replying to it with "Message Received. Next time let them starve."

I seem to be mostly avoiding arguments with idiots and fools recently. Quite unusual for me, normally I'd argue with them to the death. I am guessing it comes down to all the other stuff I am dealing with right now. On a side note, if anyone out there reading this has any political influence, please improve the mental health care provision for veterans in the US. You are lagging badly behind many other countries in this respect and I cannot pick up every single one who slips between the cracks.

And f**king hell, but there are a lot of them. They were willing to put their lives on the line for you, regardless of the cause, or if you agreed with it or not.

Another weekend reached, another weekend closer to being out of this mess. Lots of arguments were going on today when the time came to go home. I just stood up, interrupted it all and said "I'm off, see you all Monday" and left them to it. The winner of the argument was predetermined and I didn't see anything to be gained from either joining in or contributing, especially since the person who was always going to win, was in the right and the loser wasn't going to accept it until it was laid down effectively in law.

I didn't have a lot to do today so I spent it browsing through a website called Cosmic Bazaar. It is an interesting one to read, although I rarely contribute to it. I've been a member for a while now, but it is just something I've not previously used as a resource as much as I perhaps should. It allows experts to comment anonymously on a variety of current events. It is one of those things I'll miss in the future.

One of many things I'll miss I guess, but none of it is enough to persuade me to stay one day longer than I need to. Right now, I think the only things that would persuade me to stay would be if a war broke out between the UK and a major power (in which case I'd be recalled to duty anyway, so I might as well stay and at least pick my job).
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on November 25, 2022, 01:32:42 PM
Quote from: Alex on November 25, 2022, 01:05:52 PM

On a side note, if anyone out there reading this has any political influence, please improve the mental health care provision for veterans in the US. You are lagging badly behind many other countries in this respect and I cannot pick up every single one who slips between the cracks.

You are so right, yet if you've been following the revelations about the decades of drinking water contamination at Camp Lejeune, that shows the reality of the lack of concern that exists for US service personnel and their families, behind all the flattering patriotic words of respect and support politicians blow out about them like hot gas every election year.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 26, 2022, 10:09:29 AM
Quote from: ER on November 25, 2022, 01:32:42 PM
Quote from: Alex on November 25, 2022, 01:05:52 PM

On a side note, if anyone out there reading this has any political influence, please improve the mental health care provision for veterans in the US. You are lagging badly behind many other countries in this respect and I cannot pick up every single one who slips between the cracks.

You are so right, yet if you've been following the revelations about the decades of drinking water contamination at Camp Lejeune, that shows the reality of the lack of concern that exists for US service personnel and their families, behind all the flattering patriotic words of respect and support politicians blow out about them like hot gas every election year.

It isn't something I've been aware of. When I said elsewhere that I really don't have enough time for things I wasn't kidding. I can guess from your post that it is very poor quality water, possibly with industrial pollution? Currently, the water we drink on our base is filtered and boiled before consumption.

Our new D&D player didn't turn up last night. Not unusual behaviour for him with his PTSD, but Kristi said on his own Discord server he is asking if people want to play a game run by him on Thursday nights. Neither myself nor the guy who runs the Tuesday night game knew he had his own server (it isn't a problem that he has one though). Guess we aren't invited then? Truth be told, with 3 games running weekly and another 2 occasional campaigns ongoing I simply do not have the time for another game. He had told me when he joined that he'd been games mastering for a while and just wanted to play. Combined with his disruptive behaviour during games, we are wondering if he is deliberately trying to wreck other people's games so he can take over and run his own. Not going to judge him yet, but I am keeping my eyes open. As regards the other games, more than one player has approached me asking if our characters could kick his character out of the party (not stopping him playing, but making him reroll). I suspect he'd come up with something equally as disruptive though. It appears to be his preferred style of play.

It doesn't seem like the other players are going to sit back and just let him do his thing. If it comes down to it, I do have equipment that will neutralise all of his special abilities. He can turn invisible at will, but I can see invisible creatures, he has damage resistance against anything not made from cold iron. I happen to have cold iron weapons. He can fly, we are inside a building with low enough ceilings, and my character has boots that allow her to jump up very high and do some Hong Kong-style aerial jumping fighting. Certainly high enough to jump up and stab him. He has arrows that can put you to sleep or wipe your memory, I can snatch arrows out of the air (and fire them back). I'd rather the rest of the group dealt with it in game though with me as a last resort. Hopefully, it will all settle down though and such things won't happen. Since this is not happening in a game I am running (although he is trying to be disruptive there too by becoming a chaos worshipper. I've said this is allowed, but it will give him a lifespan measurable in single-figure games since he will be marked by the god he follows and start to pick up mutations and I have a very big book filled with mutations to roll on).

Ah, the drama.

If I were a better painter (or at least willing to take more time painting), this would look a lot more like Peter Cushing as Baron Frankenstein.


And this would be his creation. Not quite finished them yet.


Taking some time out today, and just spending it doing some writing, watching some horror movies and whatever. I am feeling like I really need just a break from being asked to do things, being there for people and whatnot. Just a bit of time to recharge my batteries.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 28, 2022, 06:56:28 AM
The new player mentioned above has dropped out of my Friday game. This isn't something I am worried about. He wants characters who will mess with the party and gets upset when he can't do this. I've got other people waiting to join in. He is still in Kristi's game, but the party has rapidly tired of his antics and he isn't aware just how easily he could be taken out (for example his character can turn invisible at will, I can see invisible creatures, he is immune to most weapons unless they are made from cold iron, I have cold iron weapons, his main attack is being able to fire a magical arrow. I can catch arrows out of the air ninja-style and fire them back, he has spells that I my character is very good at dodging out of the way of). I have asked for the rest of the party to deal with him, but if they don't (or can't), then I can step in. I doubt he'd last more than two rounds in melee combat with me. Ranged, he'd do better but still be outclassed.

Football stuff continues. I keep hearing of shock defeats for big teams against little ones. Kristi told me that she'd seen on the American news that they'd knocked England out of the competition, but others who are more interested in the thing tell me this is wrong and that they (England) are sitting top of their group and look likely to go through to the next round. I did chuckle when someone showed me a headline from I think it was some New York newspaper declaring that their draw against Wales was a huge thing. Come on, Wales is a country of 3 million people and not from what I understand one of the giants of the footballing world. Well done for getting a draw, getting a win would be better, but either way give it a bit of perspective.

Urgh, I know the results of at least two, maybe three football matches. Stop this insidious stuff from crawling inside my head and replacing other useless information, that I happen to be more interested in.

Do they really need another round? I mean come on, the whole thing is just a bunch of overpaid men kicking a bag of air around. The vast majority of the planet's population could do that. Just take it in turns. Ok, you be best this year, and we'll be best next year and them over there, well they can have it the year after.

Give me a shout if there is any real action. Give me rugby or martial arts or something any day over any type of sport that just involves hitting a ball.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 29, 2022, 04:21:59 PM
One of my favourite authors is getting his main series of books turned into a tv show.

Lets hope they don't do a Shannara on it.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on November 30, 2022, 09:49:50 AM
Quote from: Alex on November 28, 2022, 06:56:28 AM

Football stuff continues. I keep hearing of shock defeats for big teams against little ones. Kristi told me that she'd seen on the American news that they'd knocked England out of the competition, but others who are more interested in the thing tell me this is wrong and that they (England) are sitting top of their group and look likely to go through to the next round. I did chuckle when someone showed me a headline from I think it was some New York newspaper declaring that their draw against Wales was a huge thing. Come on, Wales is a country of 3 million people and not from what I understand one of the giants of the footballing world. Well done for getting a draw, getting a win would be better, but either way give it a bit of perspective.

Urgh, I know the results of at least two, maybe three football matches. Stop this insidious stuff from crawling inside my head and replacing other useless information, that I happen to be more interested in.

Do they really need another round? I mean come on, the whole thing is just a bunch of overpaid men kicking a bag of air around. The vast majority of the planet's population could do that. Just take it in turns. Ok, you be best this year, and we'll be best next year and them over there, well they can have it the year after.

Give me a shout if there is any real action. Give me rugby or martial arts or something any day over any type of sport that just involves hitting a ball.

For the first time in decades, I am not watching the Soccer World Cup: Qatar's human rights record sucks and all those people who died building the facilities? I love soccer but not that much  :tongueout: :tongueout:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 30, 2022, 11:07:29 AM
I got into work before anyone else this morning and discovered we had neither power or heating available. Phoned in for a repair, called everyone not yet at work and the boss declared that everyone should go and work from home.

Fair enough, although right now my work consists of watching the Friday the 13th movies. Been meaning to rewatch them for a while and this seems like a great excuse while I do the stuff I need to do.
(Lunch time just now, so I can take a break from my laborious tasks).

The results of the last census are out. Christianity for the first time since they began taking these things is now a minority religion, having lost 13% of people claiming it was their faith in the past 10 years and going below 50%. This has led to calls to decrease the church's remaining political power. It is still the largest religion in the country with its 40-odd percent (compared to say Islam with 6.5% it is still certainly the largest) of people still claiming it as their religion. Shamanism is the fastest-growing religion, but that is all within the context of an increasingly smaller pool of adherents to a faith. That is in England and Wales. With the pandemic, Scotland decided to delay its census during Covid. I can't say I am surprised though. The church could have chosen to be a champion for civil rights and move forward with the modern era but instead chose to try and keep certain people as outcasts. *shrug* It is their choice to act that way and they can deal with the consequences. Faith should never mean oppression though.

I am playing a Civ-type game at the moment called Old World. My wife is 157 years old currently and has the attribute Debauched. Since I am 8 years older than her in the game I feel rather impressed at that.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 30, 2022, 11:08:43 AM
Quote from: Trevor on November 30, 2022, 09:49:50 AM
Quote from: Alex on November 28, 2022, 06:56:28 AM

Football stuff continues. I keep hearing of shock defeats for big teams against little ones. Kristi told me that she'd seen on the American news that they'd knocked England out of the competition, but others who are more interested in the thing tell me this is wrong and that they (England) are sitting top of their group and look likely to go through to the next round. I did chuckle when someone showed me a headline from I think it was some New York newspaper declaring that their draw against Wales was a huge thing. Come on, Wales is a country of 3 million people and not from what I understand one of the giants of the footballing world. Well done for getting a draw, getting a win would be better, but either way give it a bit of perspective.

Urgh, I know the results of at least two, maybe three football matches. Stop this insidious stuff from crawling inside my head and replacing other useless information, that I happen to be more interested in.

Do they really need another round? I mean come on, the whole thing is just a bunch of overpaid men kicking a bag of air around. The vast majority of the planet's population could do that. Just take it in turns. Ok, you be best this year, and we'll be best next year and them over there, well they can have it the year after.

Give me a shout if there is any real action. Give me rugby or martial arts or something any day over any type of sport that just involves hitting a ball.

For the first time in decades, I am not watching the Soccer World Cup: Qatar's human rights record sucks and all those people who died building the facilities? I love soccer but not that much  :tongueout: :tongueout:

Yeah, a very self-rightous vegan I know is watching it. I know exactly what he is going have said to him the next time he tries preaching to us about how his lifestyle is better than ours.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 01, 2022, 07:04:10 AM
Sitting at work with no supervision and no work to do right now. I've been listening to some fun tunes and just thinking about life, the universe and everything. We have a 5th D&D campaign starting up shortly, and I've been working on my character a bit. Going for a Swashbuckler this time.

I am not watching the videos on my phone, just listening to the music. The adverts on youtube seem to be something of a waste since I am cannot see them, and whatever they are trying to sell me I have no idea.

It's funny. When I was a teenager, I remember thinking life couldn't get any better. I had a small pool of friends who I trusted, rather than a wide circle and we had great times. There weren't any members of my circle that I didn't like or just tolerated.

Then I left school and headed off into the big wide world. Mostly unprepared, but I made my way through it fairly well. I made a good living but wasn't really tied down to any job and at any time I could just quit, and head off. I travelled a fair bit, lived, laughed and loved life. Much to my surprise, by the time they ended I was not only surviving my 20s (much to my surprise), and I thought life couldn't get any better. It was even more fun than being a teenager.

My 30's were more of a mixed bag. The first third was great, hit a rough patch around the mid to late years, but then 2 years before I was due to leave them I did something I had never really done before and fell in love. I got married and once more life was great.

Now, 2 years off of my 40's ending and approaching middle age (for some reason, I've always looked forward to my 50s. 40s and 60s not so much, but being 50 I dunno just sounds fine to me), life is still being awesome. I still do all the little romantic gestures I did for my wife when we were courting and newlyweds. I have a son who is great fun to be around, even if he does exhaust me.

I am watching the next generation of my extended family being born, moving from the stage where we see our kids entering the world and seeing grandkids arriving instead.

I really pity those who complained about being old while they were still young instead of just enjoying the moment. You get one life to live for sure. Everything else no matter how confident you might feel about your beliefs being the right ones are ultimately conjecture and unproven. Enjoy it, because come that day when it is all over, you'd feel mighty foolish if you spent your life not having fun, only to find out there isn't some big sky daddy judging you for everything you've ever done.

Occasionally I do wonder if somewhere their is a price to be paid for enjoying life this much. I know Kristi has never quite been as full of life and joy since we lost Lilly-Beth. Once I leave my job and I no longer have a secure high income and house, will we end up struggling, homeless and living in poverty? It would be very easy to just cancel my PVR and stay hidden here, having an easy life for another two years. Still, leaving is something I have to face sooner or later and at least this way I am meeting it on my own terms.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 02, 2022, 06:39:23 AM
I am the only person in the office today. For different reasons both Karl and Mark need to work from home today,

No work on, so what to do, what to do?

Well first off, I can sit and watch me some old Hammer-type movies (I will quite happily include stuff from Amicus as being Hammer because at the end of the day they were copying them so closely there isn't really much of a difference).

Hopefully, my gaming group will finish The Oldenhaller Contract tonight and I can move them onto a new adventure. I am thinking of a gothic horror haunted mansion-type thing. Of course, this assumes they will survive their encounter with a creature called a Beast of Nurgle. Imagine a very friendly puppy that just happens to cause whatever it touches to pick up a variety of nasty diseases. Anyway, should they get past that adventure, their employer will offer them a second job. He has a remote mansion that has a problem with squatters and the party will be employed to clear them out. I am thinking the party arrives a little bit before dark.

Tomorrow I have the wargaming competition I signed up for and have been wishing I hadn't ever since. Oh well, I've paid for my ticket now so I might as well compete. As soon as that finishes I am rushing home for a night out with Kristi. Busy, busy, busy. Today at work is something of a relief to be honest. I hope we have nothing planned for Sunday.

A previous ex once told me that she was worried I'd die alone. I don't see why that should be considered a bad thing. I mean if I am dying with other people, then presumably it is some sort of accident or act of war. I'd kinda like some privacy myself. If she'd said I'd live alone, well that I could have understood more as something to be worried about. Oddly enough, I always figured that would be her fate, being a total b***h until she had forced anyone who tried to care about her, out of her life. She wanted three things out of life. A honeymoon in Mexico, not to get pregnant again unless she was married and to emigrate to Australia. I wonder if she achieved any of them. Hopefully, but somehow I doubt it. Takes more than just being a pretty face to get through life and get what you want I guess. Maybe if she'd had some kind of lucky break, she could have been something more.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on December 02, 2022, 07:31:17 AM
Quote from: Alex on December 02, 2022, 06:39:23 AM
A previous ex once told me that she was worried I'd die alone. I don't see why that should be considered a bad thing. I mean if I am dying with other people, then presumably it is some sort of accident or act of war. I'd kinda like some privacy myself.

OK, for some reason that is just cracking me up this morning!   :bouncegiggle:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 02, 2022, 07:39:20 AM
Quote from: ER on December 02, 2022, 07:31:17 AM
Quote from: Alex on December 02, 2022, 06:39:23 AM
A previous ex once told me that she was worried I'd die alone. I don't see why that should be considered a bad thing. I mean if I am dying with other people, then presumably it is some sort of accident or act of war. I'd kinda like some privacy myself.

OK, for some reason that is just cracking me up this morning!   :bouncegiggle:

Glad I was able to assist you in smiling. It is a Friday. Everyone should be happy.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 03, 2022, 11:20:29 AM
Watching some old Dr Who episodes (Seeds of Destruction). When I was a kid, I so used to love watching Tom Baker episodes. Still don't think anyone has played the doctor better.

Kristi started throwing up last night, and Ash had a rough night too. This meant I had a rough night. By the time morning came, I was in no mood to go compete in a tournament so I've dropped out. Shame about the money for the ticket. I am hoping though that Kristi will be feeling better for the night out we had planned after it.

Nope, the night out is now also cancelled. We are just doing great this weekend.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 04, 2022, 03:59:26 PM
Well, we didn't get what we'd planned done, but we had a generally good weekend regardless. I lay in bed today until almost 10 (generally, even at the weekends I am up before 7) and we went into Elgin. We'd picked up some cards for a just-giving tree and got the presents for them. I picked up a Lego set, a Batmobile, a couple of books and some selection boxes. Not the most I've picked up for someone at christmas, but it will have to do. Unfortunately, I am watching my spending in preparation for my upcoming retirement.

Semi-retirement before 50 sure does sound good though. Screw the rat race. If I can find some job that allows us a decent, but not excessive lifestyle I will be quite happy.

We've lived in this house for 10 years. Shame to think that this is our last festive season in it. We've spent our whole married life together here. It is the only home Ash has ever known. I have no wish for him to have my history of moving house every 3 years on average.

Impressive just how quickly time can pass. It does not feel like I've been married for nearly 10 years now, or a father for close on 5. The days go by slowly, but man do those years rush past quick or what?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 07, 2022, 06:39:04 AM
A much-delayed visit to Aberdeen finally took place yesterday. Finally got to meet baby Cecelia. Her dad handed her to me with her lying down and she started crying. I just moved her into an upright position, and she snuggled in and went straight to sleep.

We exchanged presents with their families and picked up the last of the gifts we needed to get. Even though I'd picked up everything I'd planned on getting Kristi, I still managed to pick her up some new ones for her. I got young Adam a bunch of Warhammer 40K books and some demons (or daemons as GW prefers to call them as they can copyright misspelt words) of Tzeentch for his 1,000 Sons army. The models I got him are called Pink Horrors. If you kill one of them it splits into two less powerful ones called Blue Horrors, so I got him some of them too. I wish he was closer and I could help him more. School is tough for him right now.

Anyway, Kristi had her appointment and is a step closer to getting UK citizenship. I still find it surprising just how many people I know who are moving from the US to the UK. When I was a kid, the movement all seemed to be in the other direction. I wonder if this is just an aberration and not reflected across wider society or not. The last person I knew who was considering moving that way, would be me, but Kristi decided she'd rather move to the UK and has surprised me by still not wanting to move back to the US after 10 years away. I am not sure she even really wants to go back for a holiday next year. I would like to take Ash though to meet his family over there. Whatever someone's heritage is really worth, it is part of his, and he could choose to take US citizenship when he turns 18.

The Tuesday night Dungeon Master and I have been deep in debate over how Juanita now looks since switching from being a human male, to being brought back to life as a female Orc. Her charisma score increased due to a DM ruling, and since her personality hadn't changed, I said her looks must have improved dramatically to account for this sudden bonus. It did come as a major surprise to me when I discovered that the rest of the party actually liked Juan and were happy to cough up enough diamonds to pay to have him brought back. He believes himself to be superior to everyone else in the group and acts that way, seeing them more as useful servants that equal companions and acting accordingly.

Mind you, he is still getting over the shock when he realised Juan(ita) is only 17. He berated the rest of the group for letting a teenager lead all these older adventurers. I believe the line he used was:
QuoteToday I learnt Juan is a teenager and he's been bossing you all around for a year

What is this, anime?

Makes me chuckle every time I read it.

Kristi likes to give presents early, something I've banned her from doing. We came to an agreement where each one of us can give the other a present, but they get to give you one back early too.

Sometimes I get a bit creative though.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 09, 2022, 04:47:43 AM
Kristi managed less than 10 seconds before she decided to open her present (tickets to go see Wicked. Alas the shows are not until next December, but that gives us plenty of time to book a hotel).

You know those mornings when you are cosy in bed and just don't want to get out? Yeah, they seem to be every morning for me at the moment. Normally I wake up long before the alarm goes off and switch it off. This week I've twice had it wake me up. Normally I might get woken by it, maybe once or twice a year. I guess I am just mentally on my wind down, adjusting to the thought of leaving. For 21 1/2 years, I've kept my eyes on the prize at the end of it and now it is almost here.

Finding out what comes next is going to be an awfully big adventure. I look forward to finding out what it is. Of course, not all adventures have good endings, but we shall just have to see how it goes. If I had avoided the bad ones, then life would have been much duller. The trick is to learn from your pain and move on. I've met a lot of people trapped in past bad times who never manage to get any further than their trauma.

This time last year I was feeling quite excited about the thought of Yule. I distinctly recall having Chris Rea's "Driving Home From Christmas" stuck in my head. It would be the first one that Ash would be old enough to understand anything about what was going on. Then I got the fateful phone call telling me I was being deployed on Op Rescript over the festive period. While on the one hand, it was a job I was quite happy to do and in many ways, I feel it was the most worthwhile thing I have done during my military career, just how I ended up on it left a very sour taste in my mouth. Combined with the 5 days' notice to deploy I was supposed to have being reduced to a grand total of 24 hours and 10 minutes, it was the final nail in the coffin that settled my do I stay or do I go debate about remaining in the military. This year as we head towards the same period, we are facing a strike by ambulance workers, so I am feeling more sanguine about the whole thing and I won't be celebrating until I am off on leave (and my phone might spend the entire time out of power so no one can call me in). Although doing that would screw over my manager at work who I actually think is a decent guy, so the chances are I'll do as I am told and just grumble about it.

Attended a talk on the whole Ukrainian situation. They discussed how Putin had spent decades building up to the current invasion, prepping the ground in speeches, how the west's attempts to appease him had been a waste of time (and indeed played more into his hands), how he'd put out a false narrative where he could blame the west for forcing him into this course of action (I had to stifle a good laugh at this given how relevant this would be here) and the concessions that he'd continually demanded from the Ukrainian government. It was pretty damning of how the west had acted overall, comparing it to a lower-scale version of the events that led to World War 2, by not acting sooner.

My boss has his fitness test today. If he passes, then we all get to go home early. Here's hoping. I spent 5 hours last night working on the map of a spaceship for a sci-fi horror one-shot I am going to run. I looked at it today and decided it didn't look right and would need to be entirely redone.

Got a busy weekend on. Running a game tonight, taking Ash to Inverness tomorrow to go see Peter Pan and then on Sunday we have a new D&D campaign starting where I get to play. I've gone with a character who is part gipsy nomad, part swashbuckling pirate.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on December 09, 2022, 09:47:20 AM
A. You have a cool signature.
B. What happens if your boss fails his fitness test?
C. There is no C.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 09, 2022, 09:55:13 AM
Quote from: ER on December 09, 2022, 09:47:20 AM
A. You have a cool signature.
B. What happens if your boss fails his fitness test?
C. There is no C.

A. It is a line from a Gary Numan song.
B. Initially he must attend 3 weekly PTI led fitness sessions. Karl is seriously into his martial arts and is normally a very fit guy, but didn't keep up his training over Covid (fitness testing was suspended during it). He has 3 months to resit and pass it. If not then they will start disciplinary action against him. If he continues to fail after that, he'd face being kicked out.
C. But I can see the sea.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 09, 2022, 11:12:49 AM
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 10, 2022, 04:41:17 PM
We went out to Inverness to take Ash to see his first pantomime (Peter Pan). Since he doesn't like loud noises and crowds we weren't confident it would go well, but we did our best to prep him. We sat down and explained to him in advance what it would be like. It went pretty well. He got a bit restless towards the end, but in general, it was good.

The new D&D campaign starts tomorrow. Looking forward to that. On the one I run on Friday, one of the players decided he wanted to play a pacifist. I said that was fine and that explained unless he contributed to the party in some fashion, he wouldn't get XPs for the fights. So the group makes it to the end up the adventure, big fight against some cultists and a demon, and he runs off to hide in a corner. The party are really struggling and he sits back and does nothing. Fair enough, he'll get points for roleplaying, but I said to him that if he did not in any way contribute to the group success, then he couldn't expect to get any points for it. I'd put in situations where he could contribute without getting directly involved in the fight and he still did nothing. I could tell the rest of the players were getting frustrated with him, and to be honest I was feeling it too. Initially, he got rather upset and announced he was quitting my game, blaming everyone else but himself. Everything he said though, I pointed out it was his choice to play that way and no one else had forced him into it. Anyway, by the end of the night he apologised for throwing his teddy out of the pram and said he'd like to keep playing. He did get XPs, but not quite as many as the players (who came very close to dying on the fight to be honest).

Ah, the younger generation. He isn't a bad kid, just needs to learn a bit.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 11, 2022, 04:50:20 AM
Prepping for todays gaming session. This lot took us a fair chunk of Friday night to build up into its separate sections.


I can't find a figure of someone armed with a double-ended scimitar, and don't feel like paying the money required to have a custom fig made by Heroforge (at least, not this month, maybe in Jan).
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 11, 2022, 03:44:06 PM
Well, session 1 seemed to go mostly well. The party got offered a large sum of gold to investigate a strange temple, walked into an obvious trap (knowing it is a trap), set a swarm of bats of fire (which in turn set the oil-soaked halfling wizard on fire. Luckily there was a handy fountain for him to dive into.

Two of the players were running late and asked if I could create a character for each of them. Well one of them ended up with a name that translates as "I like to suck cock" (Ahlik T'Su K'T'Bohbie), and the other ended up playing a monk whose only clothing consists of 7 pairs of lime green loin cloths (and is called Mafist Yerface).

My character (who if they were from this planet would be a Bedouin tribeswoman), has mentally divided the group up into two sections. The useful people and the idiots. Both Ahlik and Masfist (along with the aforementioned halfling wizard), are in the idiot's section, while myself (of course), our Elfish ranger and a cleric are in the useful people section. The plate-wearing party members are infiltrating what seems to be a scientologist-type group by spending 3 days at one of their retreats, while the rest of the group are trying to break into the temple to explore it a bit more stealthily. We ambushed a couple of guards to knock them out (we don't know if there is anything wrong with this temple, we have been asked to investigate it). I knocked out one of the guards, while the monk accidentally punched the second one to death.

I knew I should have rolled him a paladin.

Anyway, that is as far as we got. It was good to meet up with some friends we hadn't seen since before the lockdown and covid. It turned out that the two separate groups of friends that we introduced to each other already knew each other (although mostly from over a decade ago and hadn't seen each other since).

This is us paying an earlier, perfectly not stealthy visit to the temple just to see what it was like.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 12, 2022, 06:28:49 AM
I wish time felt less like going downstream in a river. Even if you can't go back the way, it would be nice to have more of a choice on where it leads you too.

One more week to make it through. I can do this. Conspiracy theory boy is off sick (except he never gets sick. He told me so on multiple occasions. Maybe it is down to the NWO poisoning him, although it seems from recent stuff that it must be those dastardly Americans behind it (and when people say America, do they mean all of America (as in both continents), just one of the continents, or even just one of the countries that happen to sit in those land masses?)

England must be out of the world cup. There was no mention of football on the news yesterday or today. Doubtless the ref was biased or something because no one is just ever beaten by a better team.

Still chuckling over the burning bats from yesterdays game. Don't get me wrong, covering them in oil then settling them alight was a good way of dealing with a swarm. Getting yourself covered in oil during the process was less of a good idea though, especially not when the bats targetted on him and followed him everywhere he went.

It is looking like a slow week this week. I certainly won't complain. A peaceful week leading up to a few weeks off would certainly be a nice touch.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 13, 2022, 05:10:00 AM
It felt quite warm walking in this morning (comparatively for the time of year anyway). I got in the office, started up my machine and so forth as per usual, looked out the window and suddenly we had a couple of inches of snow and a RED warning for snow and ice.

Not getting home easily then.  :bluesad: Oh wait, I can just walk home. No problems with driving a car in bad weather for me. :bouncegiggle:

Still, I might just stay in the office over lunch rather than plough through it all. I am not feeling like facing the weather this morning. Those skies are a dirty grey colour that promises much in the way of wet legs. Ah for the days when I loved the challenge of bracing weather. Nowadays, I like my comforts more. No more running around the hills in all sorts of weather.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 14, 2022, 04:55:35 PM
This morning, outside of our street it was a sheet of ice. Kristi had signed up for a first aid course so I was supposed to drop Ash off at nursery. Nursery got cancelled though, so Ash ended up coming in to work with me. Since it was a slow day, Karl said I could work from home.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 19, 2022, 05:32:13 AM
Heading off down to my mum's for a few days. If I am not online betwixt now and getting back have fun everyone and keep watching those bad movies.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 20, 2022, 09:40:27 PM
Insomnia is my companion tonight. Still, it is dark outside. I can sit with the lights out and stare out into the dark heart of the world.

Yeah, that gets boring after about 2 minutes. It isn't like watching the sea rolling in, which I can (and have in the past, although not for many years), do for hours. I have no particular fondness for the sea itself, it being rather cold, salty and full of fish poop. A series of conditions that I do not care for in any combination. I enjoy sailing above it, or canoeing, but swimming itself has never appealed to me. I find doing laps of a pool to be boring, and the one time I've been in a submarine I found to be a very underwhelming experience. Maybe if it had, had a view outside then I suspect I'd have been much more interested, but I do recall being bitterly disappointed by that lack of attacks from giant sharks, octopi, Krakens (what is the proper term for a multiple of Krakens? Would one call them a school of Krakens, or Kraki or what?), blobs or even any kind of man-made mechanical terror).

I wonder if my disinterest in jumping into the sea comes in some way from watching Jaws at a young age? I have no particular fear of sharks (although I don't care for the idea of being eaten alive). Indeed sharks are one of my favourite creatures (alongside spiders and cats. Hmm, can I come up with a combination cat/shark/spider monster for D&D?), and earlier on in the year when Kristi asked if I would be interested in a swimming with sharks experience, I eagerly said yes. I am hoping she was enquiring as part of research for a potential christmas present and not planning some elaborate scheme to cash in on my life insurance, or making general chit-chat.

Guess I'll find out in four days.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on December 20, 2022, 11:12:14 PM
Quote from: Alex on December 20, 2022, 09:40:27 PM
Insomnia is my companion tonight. Still, it is dark outside. I can sit with the lights out and stare out into the dark heart of the world.

Yeah, that gets boring after about 2 minutes. It isn't like watching the sea rolling in, which I can (and have in the past, although not for many years), do for hours. I have no particular fondness for the sea itself, it being rather cold, salty and full of fish poop. A series of conditions that I do not care for in any combination. I enjoy sailing above it, or canoeing, but swimming itself has never appealed to me. I find doing laps of a pool to be boring, and the one time I've been in a submarine I found to be a very underwhelming experience. Maybe if it had, had a view outside then I suspect I'd have been much more interested, but I do recall being bitterly disappointed by that lack of attacks from giant sharks, octopi, Krakens (what is the proper term for a multiple of Krakens? Would one call them a school of Krakens, or Kraki or what?), blobs or even any kind of man-made mechanical terror).

I wonder if my disinterest in jumping into the sea comes in some way from watching Jaws at a young age? I have no particular fear of sharks (although I don't care for the idea of being eaten alive). Indeed sharks are one of my favourite creatures (alongside spiders and cats. Hmm, can I come up with a combination cat/shark/spider monster for D&D?), and earlier on in the year when Kristi asked if I would be interested in a swimming with sharks experience, I eagerly said yes. I am hoping she was enquiring as part of research for a potential christmas present and not planning some elaborate scheme to cash in on my life insurance, or making general chit-chat.

Guess I'll find out in four days.

Friend of mine from Austin was on a beach in Florida back around 2010 that had a history of shark attacks, it was at dusk, and he got an idea he told me had not been in his mind a second before he felt his body rising and his feet running toward the ocean. While his future wife looked on aghast, my friend ran as fast as he could into the surf and proceeded to swim about fifty yards out into the dark ocean, and going out he felt a surge of life-affirming energy, but when he turned around he got a sudden sense of helpless terror so profound he experienced tunnel vision for the first and only time in his life, and said it was much like what the camera showed on Saving Private Ryan, the edges of sight blacked out and a small aperture remained straight ahead, and he swam back as furiously as he could, reaching the beach without incident, but when he reflected on what he'd done, tempting fate like that, he found himself going back and forth in his thoughts between judging what he did a low risk activity on a one-time basis, and knowing he'd been a total and complete idiot for the undertaking.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 21, 2022, 08:29:38 AM
I don't think I'd choose to do it during one of the peak shark attack times, although I think it was at an aquarium in Scotland, rather than say flying out to South Africa to swim with Great Whites. My wish to preserve the species does not stretch as far as volunteering to be food for one.  :bouncegiggle: Call me a virtue signaller if you want, but I have my limits. One of the local shopping malls has randomly put in a decal of a rickety wooden bridge going over a number of oceanic hazards ranging from dolphins to squids and a shark with a very wide open mouth. Ash likes to walk over it and then claim the shark has bitten his foot off, which basically means he'll stand with his legs firmly placed together and not bend his legs or walk. Almost managed to get me to trip over him the last time we were passing through.

About 3:30am I went back up to bed and found Kristi was awake and was about to come back downstairs to join me. We just lay in bed and I held her while she read her kindle. I did drift off to sleep at some point thankfully.

Kristi managed to turn her ankle on the way down to my mums, not even slipping on ice or anything. She didn't even make it out of our street before she hurt it. She's been getting around a bit, but today it was sore again so we won't be going far today. I did get some writing done though for my Friday night game. I put in some scenes last night based purely off them being standard tropes for the type of adventure I am running.

Hmm, one of my D&D books specifically banned the use of one of those tropes. I might use it just because it is banned. What they going to do, send round the game police?

Wizards of the Coast (who bought TSR who made Dungeons & Dragons, but who in turn were bought over by Milton Bradley), are rumoured to be about to cancel a thing called the OGL (Open Gaming Licence), which has allowed 3rd party groups to publish supporting material for the game. They did this once before, when they brought out the worst version of D&D so far (4th edition). This led to a game called Pathfinder becoming much more popular. I can't help but think that the new woke version is dangerously close to repeating previously made mistakes and killing the games current popularity. Hopefully people will either keep using older editions of the game, or switch to new systems. I'd hate to see the game go out of print though and disappear.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 22, 2022, 03:53:59 PM
The trip back home was blessedly peaceful and quiet. We figured today would be a much better day to travel tomorrow when lots of people would be going somewhere for the holidays. We were going to walk around Glasgow a bit, but Kristi's ankle was still dodgy so we ended up just jumping on an earlier train. It meant we got in two hours early though.

I like the train journey across the country. It goes through a lot of areas with very few people living in them. I find that relaxing to go through. Since our entire journey was done during daylight, Ash was quite happy just watching out the window at the world passing by. The news that Mike Hodges had died was a slight downer on the day, but hey 90 isn't a bad age. I wrote a bit on the journey, did some reading and played some games on my laptop inbetween keeping Ash amused when he didn't feel like just watching out the window.

Anyway, we got home, got fed and got Ash to bed. I discovered a friend who had been visiting California had sent me a present. They'd been looking for somewhere to go eat and I suggested they go to Danny Trejo's taco place. Apparently the food there was fantastic and as a thank you for the recommendation she sent me a souvenir tee shirt. It is my new favourite shirt (I am wearing it right now, so no naked posting for me tonight).

Life is simple right now, but good.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 23, 2022, 11:18:42 AM
Funny how you can miss someone you've never met and years later their loss can still hurt. All those people whose deaths I had a hand in don't bother me, but one little girl I never even got to hold still gnaws away at me. Going out to the cemetery tomorrow to put fresh flowers down and read her a story. I have no idea why I read her stories, but I do. The only guesses I have is that it gives me comfort, or that I hope that I am wrong, there is an afterlife and reading a story to her somehow gets through to it.

Yesterdays Advent Calendar present was a giant chicken. Kristi calls it a cockatrice, but I prefer running around waving it in the air and declaring it to be my giant chicken.

I have just started painting it, just has the base coat so far, but to give you the idea of what it looks like:


Ok, so it has more lizard DNA and less feathers than most chickens, but it is still clearly a chicken to me.  :bouncegiggle:

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 25, 2022, 03:21:50 PM
Well I didn't get the swimming with sharks experience (Kristi had looked at it but it had received a lot of very poor reviews), more kind of wading in a shallow pool than actual swimming.

We were awake early and ended up getting Ash up at 5am to open his presents. The only trouble was that by 08:00 me and Kristi were both fading and had to go for a nap lol  :bouncegiggle:

The first thing we handed Ash was a cheap trainset we'd picked up on a whim. Given his current obsession with trains that turned out to be a slight mistake as he then had no interest in any other presents. Kristi kept trying to get him to open other ones and I kept telling her just to wait and let him go to them in his own time. Eventually, he did. He asked me to build up a Lego set for him which I did, but I made sure he helped me. I remember as a kid anytime I'd to ask my dad to help me build something, he'd take over completely and I got nowhere near them until he was done, so I'd sit there bored until he had finished doing everything. I learned quickly not to ask him for help unless I was really stuck. Funny, for all his other faults and how tight the guy was with money the one things I cannot fault him on, was the amount of presents we got at christmas, birthdays and so forth. Never quite figured that part out. It certainly doesn't make up for the rest of his deficiencies though. Just before we had dinner, Ash finally took an interest in his physically largest gift. It was a big garage playset with a rampaging gorilla. Took quite a while to build it, especially since Ash's help consisted of him playing with it while I was still trying to put it all together. It was fun though.

I was going to let him sit up as late as he wanted to tonight, but when it got to around his usual bedtime, he wanted to go. Fair enough. He went up and went out like a light. This is the first year he has really known what has been going on, and has been excited about it. I am glad I was home for it.

Today was a good day.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on December 26, 2022, 03:40:56 AM
Quote from: Alex on December 23, 2022, 11:18:42 AM
Funny how you can miss someone you've never met and years later their loss can still hurt. All those people whose deaths I had a hand in don't bother me, but one little girl I never even got to hold still gnaws away at me. Going out to the cemetery tomorrow to put fresh flowers down and read her a story. I have no idea why I read her stories, but I do. The only guesses I have is that it gives me comfort, or that I hope that I am wrong, there is an afterlife and reading a story to her somehow gets through to it.

Yesterdays Advent Calendar present was a giant chicken. Kristi calls it a cockatrice, but I prefer running around waving it in the air and declaring it to be my giant chicken.

I have just started painting it, just has the base coat so far, but to give you the idea of what it looks like:


Ok, so it has more lizard DNA and less feathers than most chickens, but it is still clearly a chicken to me.  :bouncegiggle:

i dunno..looks like a jabberwocky to me! i've missed reading here...
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Paquita on December 26, 2022, 10:59:31 AM
Quote from: Alex on December 25, 2022, 03:21:50 PM
It was a big garage playset with a rampaging gorilla.

I think we have the same one!  Bat enjoys it and he also likes jamming the spiral car lift with cars and it makes the most "amazing" sound.  Actually, the sound of it working just fine can get troubling after a while.  We've had it over a year and Bat still likes playing with it so I hope Ash gets as much fun out of it as he does!

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 26, 2022, 12:10:25 PM
Quote from: Paquita on December 26, 2022, 10:59:31 AM
Quote from: Alex on December 25, 2022, 03:21:50 PM
It was a big garage playset with a rampaging gorilla.

I think we have the same one!  Bat enjoys it and he also likes jamming the spiral car lift with cars and it makes the most "amazing" sound.  Actually, the sound of it working just fine can get troubling after a while.  We've had it over a year and Bat still likes playing with it so I hope Ash gets as much fun out of it as he does!

This one?

Yeah, Ash is loving it, although it gets trains on it more than cars so far lol. Hope the neighbours are being less of pain in the arse for you. If not, consider the benefits of having a shovel party.  :twirl:

Kristi has been in bed most of the day. She can over and stuck a cotton bud in my face, telling me to look at it. I couldn't see whatever I was supposed to, but she said it had blood on it.

Beats me why she didn't just say "I was cleaning my ears and found blood" in the first place.

Two of the presents I'd picked up for Kristi involved bits and pieces for the Lord of the Rings wargame. Although it irks me to buy anything from Games Workshop, Kristi had mentioned she'd be interested in playing, so I picked her up a boxed set based around the battle for Osgiliath. I also (and I am aware their is no direct connection here), picked her up Thorin Oakenshields Company for the game. Then it occurred to me, "Damn, that box set has Gandalf in it. I don't really have anything that could stand up against him, just the Orcs and Troll from the boxed set. So I ran out to my FLGS and picked up the Witch King mounted on a Fell Beast. I did the base up as a brown, muddy wasteland. Looked quite nice I thought. Then Kristi decided what she'd like on her figures bases was blue/grey rocks. Great. If I leave the Nazgul as is, then it will totally look off alongside the rest of the models, so off I go and redo the base for it. The ruined buildings for Osgiliath, I have just undercoated in a bone colour to give it an off-white, dirty look. I might smear some black on them to make them look a bit smoke-damaged.

Got one of Kristi's school friends coming over to visit for a week or so early next year. She has been going round Paris and having a miserable time by all accounts.

Yeah, she didn't need to go all the way to Paris to find out it would suck. I could have warned her if she'd asked.  :bouncegiggle:

I wonder if in Home Alone the parents just didn't like Kevin and deliberately left him behind? I am not sure if I have ever watched any of those movies from start to finish.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 28, 2022, 05:05:00 PM
Having a 60s Batman marathon at the moment, combined with creating a map roughly based on the Winchester house, which has different descriptions for each room depending on when the party enters them for D&D as well as painting up 3 armies for Kristi (men of Gondor, Mordor Orcs and WW2 US marines).

I remember when I used to have spare time when I was on leave.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 30, 2022, 01:07:49 PM
Well the chaos of present giving is over and done with. We were sitting last night, looked at each other and said "Lets put the tree away." No idea why we wanted to pack all the decorations away early, but since we both felt the same way about it, it was all cleared away in 20 minutes.

The next time they come out, we will be in a different house.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on January 03, 2023, 03:58:01 AM
and it will be a happy cuddly home...filled with magic and trains and general weirdness. as it should be . :smile:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 03, 2023, 03:34:07 PM
At some point in the night, Ash decided to join us. He climbed into our bed and went to sleep, then didn't take up until almost 10 am. I'd been awake since around 5ish and just lay in the bed listening to everyone breathing and enjoying the darkness. Although my body wanted me to get up and do something, I decided I had the casting vote and I'd enjoy my last day off work with a rare lie-in. When we did get up I suggested we go out for a walk and eat lunch somewhere. We ended up at the Salt Cellar. Normally I only have a single dish there, but the starters sounded tempting so I had mushrooms done in a garlic butter sauce, followed by a surf burger. The starter was better than the main as it happens, although both were good. Ash evidently was hungry and managed to eat his entire pizza as well as some chips. After that, we had a short stroll on the beach. We'd picked up new trainers for Ash and evidently, they were bothering his feet, so the walk had to be cut short.

It has been a good break. Too short as always seems to be the case. Has anyone ever had a holiday and thought "You know what, that was exactly the right length of break"? I'll prep my uniform tonight, have a bath and a shave so I don't need to rush around in the morning. It is going to be a busy day tomorrow, although it could have been worse.

I asked Kristi if she wanted to go to the cinema to see Avatar. She didn't unless I wanted to. I said I was good on skipping it. The first one was an ok watch and enjoyable enough fluff, but I don't get the whole release it three times thing.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 05, 2023, 08:11:35 AM
So a new working year has begun and it turns out it is just the same as the old one. Never understood the whole new year, new mantra some people go with or making resolutions. If you want to do something differently, just damn well go ahead and do it. Don't wait for some arbitrary day to declare you are going to do it. Certainly, never start an annual gym membership at the beginning of the year. I see a lot of people starting fitness regimes at this time of year, but very few, if any are still going come the end of February.

I swear gyms must make a fortune at this time of year out of people they know are going to pay in advance and then never turn up. What a scam lol.

Not that I plan on seeing the inside of another gym. My days for that are done. I have big shoulders, my overdeveloped calf muscles (both of which I get from walking and have nothing to do with my job), and I don't need to do another fitness test.

Every time I read a report on Russia's preparation for its Ukrainian invasion, I find out something new that they'd messed up with. Today's (unconfirmed) nugget is that they have been using maps from the 1970's. I keep seeing the (allegedly) fascist supporting head of Wagner criticising the Russian regime. Given that being a wealthy Russian and doing that seems to be a very hazardous occupation I wonder if Putin were to survive (politically) all the fallout from the war and remain on top, will Wagner's head survive or meet with some strange end?

Kristi suddenly lost her hearing in one ear over the holidays but waited until yesterday to make an appointment to get it looked at. She just has an infection in her ear (something a childhood accident left her prone to), and she can expect to get her hearing back in 8 to 12 weeks. Hopefully, she'll have it back in time for our Weird Al concert.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on January 05, 2023, 08:59:00 AM
Quote from: Alex on January 05, 2023, 08:11:35 AM
Kristi suddenly lost her hearing in one ear over the holidays but waited until yesterday to make an appointment to get it looked at. She just has an infection in her ear (something a childhood accident left her prone to), and she can expect to get her hearing back in 8 to 12 weeks. Hopefully, she'll have it back in time for our Weird Al concert.

I trust she'll be better soon.

When I was about eight, I suddenly lost my hearing in my left ear and we were on holiday too: my folks took me to see a doctor who was going to send me to an ear specialist until he checked my ears with his light. Right ear, fine. Left ear:  :buggedout: He told me that he'd found the issue and said it might hurt: I told him to carry on. He then poked around in my ear and pulled out a huge ball of impacted wax and pus and it had a very bad smell too. I almost gagged when he showed me the lump and asked if I'd like to take it home with me.  :buggedout: :tongueout:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on January 05, 2023, 02:33:17 PM
is she dealing with vertigo because of the ear infection?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 06, 2023, 05:34:29 AM
Only to a minor degree Barri.

Wow, just realised I am getting close to having spent a decade on here. If you'd asked me I'd have said, 5 or 6 years tops.

Mind you it still feels weird that I've been a husband for nearly 10 years (anniversary next month, already bought the presents for it), or a dad for nearly 5. Hell, at my age (or even guys 10 years younger), other people I know are on their 3rd marriage and are grandparents.

Feeling happy with my one marriage though. I hate to think what those guys' pensions are like by the time they've split them amongst all those partners. Still, I like to think I work harder at being married than most people. I once had a co-worker to stop as it was making them look bad. My reply to that though was simply "Raise your game." Still, I am struggling to find something for Kristi's birthday. I have ordered a couple of things for her, but nothing that jumps out at me with any wow factor. Since she is into genealogy, I've suggested we take a couple of weeks and go around all the places in Scotland where she wants to go see where my ancestors used to live. One of the guys at work was stuck on his family line around the 3 generations back point. I gave him Kristi's email address and said he should ask her for help. In one high I think she managed to get back 6 generations (although she hates it when a family line goes to Ireland as apparently, they are somewhat lacking when it comes to old records). Anyway, the guy was amazed at how much more stuff Kristi has given him and he wants to drive her out to some office in Inverness where they can spend all day digging into family records. I've already bought her a big family tree chart that she can fill in. I am thinking when it gets finished, I should get a custom frame made for it and we can mount it somewhere.

None of which gets me any further on what to get for her birthday next week.

I looked at some hand-carved wooden plates that I could get an inscription done on. The initial price was £40 which I thought was nice, but by the time I'd gotten to the checkout, it had went up to £140, at which point I dropped out.

*sigh* Back to searching.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on January 07, 2023, 01:31:50 AM
maybe take her to where HER family originated before coming to america, if you haven't already?  :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 07, 2023, 06:22:43 AM
We already have that planned out.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 09, 2023, 02:19:52 AM
I see the whiny ginger is still whining. His security team must be banging their heads off the table with him releasing his kill count. I don't often meet soldiers who do that, either keeping track or mouthing off about it. Might make the Invictus Games more of a target too. Still, it isn't the first time he has rather carelessly put others lives at risk with his mouth and I won't be surprised if it isn't the last.

Boy, for someone who wants privacy, he sure does seem to want to remain in the limelight.

Of course, I am sure all his claims are true and that he isn't presenting a one-sided argument at all. Seen quite enough of them recently to not pay any attention to them.

Trying to have a modicum of enthusiasm for work. It is hiding well, but getting some stuff done. 177 days to go until I am officially out, but my last day in uniform is only a couple of months now. For the past 21 1/2 years the only item of clothing that I've owned while at work has been my underwear. I am looking forward to just something as simple as wearing my own clothes. Maybe me and Kristi will get back to taking long walks along the beach at midnight, go for a long one on the east beach and see the Northern Lights far from the lights of the town.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 11, 2023, 06:30:17 AM
A severe lack of sleep for a few days, combined with the after-effects of my flu vaccine on Monday left me feeling very tired yesterday. When I was trying to prep a spreadsheet and all the numbers started swimming around the screen I figured I was too tired to work safely and signed myself off sick for the day, then went home and slept, followed by getting up midafternoon and going to bed early. I must have been asleep by 21:30 and didn't wake up until 5 this morning. For someone who normally sleeps 4 hours a night, this is a lot of sleep.

Feeling a lot better today though.

Trying to watch all of Deep Space 9. It was never something I watched more than casually, and I am trying to get it all done in order (which would make it the only Trek show I've watched from end to end in order. I keep thinking Babylon 5 did it better.

My latest D&D (well WFRP) adventure is turning into something of an epic. I am expecting the intro and then the ground floor of the building they are exploring to top out at 30 pages, then I have the upper floors of the building (which was originally going to be another two or three stories, but I might cap it at one), and a basement to design.

Kristi's birthday presents have been shipped. Here is hoping they all arrive in time, although I do have stuff for her. Need to pick up a cake tomorrow, but also without her seeing it.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 15, 2023, 04:51:18 PM
One of Kristi's friends is over visiting for a week. She's been travelling around Europe and is off to London at the end of next week for a few days before returning home to San Diego. She is an ex (US) marine, so of course at the moment I have to keep tormenting her about how we keep beating the marines in various contests and operations.

Hasbro / Wizards of the Coast (WotC) have retreated from their attempt to put a very restrictive version of the Open Gaming License (OGL) over D&D, where they could just take control of anyone one else's material, stop them using it and then release it for themselves without compensating the original author and so forth. There was other (fairly draconian) stuff involved, but this was the part that bothered me. Anyway, the community rose up against it, and people started cancelling their D&D Beyond subscriptions (hitting the company's bottom line). Rumour has it that WotC is more profitable at this point than its parent company (Wizards of the Coast bought out TSR who originally brought out D&D but in turn were bought out by Hasbro. WotC made their money via a game called Magic: The Gathering).

Evidently, they hadn't considered that a hobby where its members will spend many hours looking up the details of obscure rules and arguing over them to a degree that would put any lawyer to shame might look at their new rules with equal passion and rip into them. Anyway, they've put out a retraction with a rather humorous tone rather than a contrite one and few are impressed. I have been expecting the hobby to have a crash for a while now, after all, it has become fashionable and any fashion only last so long. Many people have been looking up alternative options to play and some will not return to D&D regardless of what they now do. While since I haven't (yet) tried to monetize any of my games and the changes wouldn't directly affect me, I am also feeling like supporting those who it would affect and am seriously considering no longer running D&D games. I do a lot to bring new people into the game and each year I maybe bring a dozen new people into it. Not exactly enough to make or break a company, but it is enough to contribute something to their bottom line. If all the people like me who do this, turn away from D&D and promote other systems though, that means WotC will see a significant drop in its turnover. We are the gatekeepers of our hobby and if we direct new players down other paths, well that is a long-term hit to the money though otherwise could have brought in.

The last time I saw the gaming community turn against a company like this, it was when White Wolf (Vampire: The Masquerade) decided to sue their fan organisation (The Camarilla). Overnight they went from selling tens of thousands of books when they released a new title to selling a few thousand. White Wolf changed from being the biggest player on the planet to existing only on the fringes and then disappeared completely.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 15, 2023, 05:45:22 PM
This is what I posted on FB to my players concerning what has been happening with D&D recently.

QuoteOk, so just looking at things since Covid hit, I have introduced dozens of new players to D&D. About 80% of them have decided to keep on playing, with 20% deciding that either I wasn't the DM for them or that they just didn't like roleplaying.
Fair enough. It isn't for everyone.
In a vaguely similar (but more serious) version of the oil companies were aware of the environmental damage their actions would cause, but ignored and buried the science in favour of protecting their profits (and if you've ever said 'I don't hate Greta Thunberg. It is the people behind her', you've been fooled by this or maybe even willingly engaged because you just didn't care about the world enough), Hasbro (the parent company for Wizards of the Coast, who produce D&D) I have seen the company set out to drain as much money as possible out of people without regard to its wider effects.
Well, Hasbro has been feeling the effects as many people have been cancelling their online subscriptions to their services and looking at alternative companies. Over the past many years, I have introduced a lot of new people to the roleplaying hobby. These people have gone on to buy books, figures and so on, all feeding back to the profits of the parent company.
Right now, even though Hasbro have cancelled the new version of the Open Gaming License (OGL), and has written a retraction attempting to make the whole thing humorous, I don't feel like supporting them anymore. In fact, I feel more like supporting their rivals and posting people towards systems created by other companies. I think they should have tried being a bit more apologetic rather than trying to just laugh the reaction off.
While I do not expect my own reaction to this situation to make a huge difference to the gaming industry, I do hope that many people who bring newcomers into gaming will direct newcomers to other companies and in the long term, this will make a huge difference to WotC/Hasbro's bottom line. Ultimately, much like the oil companies covering up that they knew what damage they would do to the environment and discrediting climate scientists, I hope that gamers will turn to alternatives that offer freer systems. I just hope that in this case, changing what businesses you support will happen quickly enough to make a difference.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Rev. Powell on January 16, 2023, 09:48:13 AM
Quote from: Alex on January 15, 2023, 05:45:22 PM
This is what I posted on FB to my players concerning what has been happening with D&D recently.

QuoteOk, so just looking at things since Covid hit, I have introduced dozens of new players to D&D. About 80% of them have decided to keep on playing, with 20% deciding that either I wasn't the DM for them or that they just didn't like roleplaying.
Fair enough. It isn't for everyone.
In a vaguely similar (but more serious) version of the oil companies were aware of the environmental damage their actions would cause, but ignored and buried the science in favour of protecting their profits (and if you've ever said 'I don't hate Greta Thunberg. It is the people behind her', you've been fooled by this or maybe even willingly engaged because you just didn't care about the world enough), Hasbro (the parent company for Wizards of the Coast, who produce D&D) I have seen the company set out to drain as much money as possible out of people without regard to its wider effects.
Well, Hasbro has been feeling the effects as many people have been cancelling their online subscriptions to their services and looking at alternative companies. Over the past many years, I have introduced a lot of new people to the roleplaying hobby. These people have gone on to buy books, figures and so on, all feeding back to the profits of the parent company.
Right now, even though Hasbro have cancelled the new version of the Open Gaming License (OGL), and has written a retraction attempting to make the whole thing humorous, I don't feel like supporting them anymore. In fact, I feel more like supporting their rivals and posting people towards systems created by other companies. I think they should have tried being a bit more apologetic rather than trying to just laugh the reaction off.
While I do not expect my own reaction to this situation to make a huge difference to the gaming industry, I do hope that many people who bring newcomers into gaming will direct newcomers to other companies and in the long term, this will make a huge difference to WotC/Hasbro's bottom line. Ultimately, much like the oil companies covering up that they knew what damage they would do to the environment and discrediting climate scientists, I hope that gamers will turn to alternatives that offer freer systems. I just hope that in this case, changing what businesses you support will happen quickly enough to make a difference.

You might be interested in this guy's analysis: (

In short, it might not be as bad as you think. The original "open license," while a good idea from a marketing prospective, may not have been as generous as you thought.

Weird that I don't play D&D (since I was a kid) but I have seen a ton of articles on this license.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 16, 2023, 12:05:45 PM
Oh I know if you sign up for the old OGL, you actually gave away some of your rights. I just really don't like the one thing about the (now aborted) new one.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Rev. Powell on January 16, 2023, 01:02:01 PM
Quote from: Alex on January 16, 2023, 12:05:45 PM
Oh I know if you sign up for the old OGL, you actually gave away some of your rights. I just really don't like the one thing about the (now aborted) new one.

Apparently the original OGL granted you a lot of rights that you would have had without it anyway. The only legally substantive part of it was explicit permission to reference the SRD (I think that's the acronym). People don't realize it (it didn't even click with me before watching the video), but the rules themselves can't be copyrighted.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 16, 2023, 02:38:30 PM
A lot of the talk was about the new OGL was that it was basically unenforceable and in some parts illegal. Someone said that the new head of Hasbro used to run Microsoft which would explain a few things.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 17, 2023, 08:18:02 AM
I picked up some nazi zombie figures for use in a game called Konflict 47, where WW2 still rumbles on a couple of years past its original end date. Weird science caused by the dropping of the atomic bomb on Dresden has led to all sorts of new weapons (most of which work better against heavy armour and would doubtless have reversed the trend of more weighty tanks, rather than the even bigger ones featured in the game but never mind, it is just a game).

I am thinking about running a one-shot scenario, based on the Shock Wave movie. Since I've spent the pandemic drumming into players that they need to not split up the party, I have come up with a giving each character his own mission that they'll want to sneak off and do without the others around.

169 days left to go until I retire. I've found when I was being sent anywhere, it always felt like it was ages away from happening, and then suddenly it would be like the next week. Yesterday I suddenly felt very close to my end date (ok, so it is just my last day in uniform rather than my exit date but still. It is neither a good or a bad feeling, just one that is there staring at me in the face, a big ugly fact, like a badly planned invasion of Ukraine. A few months of sitting on my butt, on full wages and then off I go into the world of civilians.

Kristi's friend is leaving tomorrow. While her visit has been welcome, it has also left Kristi feeling emotionally drained and that her friend is very needy. Bit ironic there really, given how exhausting I found the first year of our marriage. Still, in a couple of weeks, we'll have managed 10 years together so we must be doing something right.

Quite frankly I am looking forward to the idea of a weekend just to ourselves, no one round visiting. More and more I am getting tired, and fed up of people constantly wanting us to do stuff for them rather than just getting it themselves.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on January 17, 2023, 02:40:08 PM
Well done! Ten years is no small accomplishment. Congratulations to you both.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 20, 2023, 05:54:28 AM
The lure of the weekend is calling, a mere few hours away. Unlike in 60ish days time when my life becomes (temporarily) a permanent weekend (42 working days).  :cheers:

Mark wants to plan a leaving do for me. I was asked if there was anyone from outside our office I'd invite. Couldn't think of a single person still in uniform I'd want to. Plenty of folks who have left who I'd be happy to have there. Shame I've either not kept in touch with them, or they live far away. I think I shocked Mark the other day when I told him I missed the pandemic, with all the 'working' from home, spending time with my family and people not having anything that can interfere with our gaming days. Must have been hell on people who hate their families.

22 years of being in this job and I can count the number of people from it that I really give a damn about in it, on my fingers. One of them is out the day before I am.  I have a couple of friends I have kept in touch with since basic training, but mostly I've been happy to let them drift out of my life. I guess I am just not sentimental about these things. Hmm, lets see: Richard, Jamie (both from basic), Scott and Mark (from the boz bay). Maybe Karl. Its a bit soon to tell there I guess since I still work with him. Can't think of anyone else offhand. Got one boss I'd have like kept in touch with, but he doesn't do social media. Might be a few others if I was really to sit down and think about it.

Speaking of Scott, I spoke with him recently. Hoping to go and visit him once I've done my last working day. 

Oh Rev, this might interest you (equally, might not). Some professional body of lawyers looked into the whole D&D OGL and came to the conclusion that everyone should play Call of Cthulhu instead, as lawyers could be the heroes in that game.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Rev. Powell on January 20, 2023, 01:12:02 PM
Quote from: Alex on January 20, 2023, 05:54:28 AM

Oh Rev, this might interest you (equally, might not). Some professional body of lawyers looked into the whole D&D OGL and came to the conclusion that everyone should play Call of Cthulhu instead, as lawyers could be the heroes in that game.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 21, 2023, 05:19:34 AM
Through the week I found myself actually being hands-on, on a jet. I don't often get to work on them directly anymore. Before its withdrawal from service, I knew the Tornado inside out. There wasn't a bit of avionics kit on that aircraft or that could be attached to it, that I wasn't fully qualified in. I knew how to read the wiring diagrams, track down faults and fix them. When I was doing some stuff on the Typhoon, because I've not done what is called a Q course, we had a someone who had done one working with us. I was chatting away with him and asking what they (Typhoons) were like to work on and how fault finding on them was. He was telling me about how they basically hook it up to a computer and it tells the techies what is wrong and how to fix it.

Made me feel old and out of touch. I liked figuring out what was wrong with stuff and fixing it properly. Mind you, I got to do that a lot more in bays than on squadrons. When I was on the Dambusters, it was a case of when a fault was reported, someone would say "Ok, that is normally this thing that is wrong. Take that box out, put a new one in. If that doesn't fix it, then change this other thing instead" and so on. You didn't really learn the system as much as just learn a rote list of black boxes to remove and replace.

All part of why being 1st line was the least favourite part of my career.

165 days left to go until I am out, but only 42 of them are going to be in uniform. The rest is going to be leave and resettlement.

It is all going towards convincing me I am doing the right thing by leaving. I am no longer the future of the airforce. I fulfilled my ambitions for it and I am leaving on my own terms. Ultimately, no matter how much you put into the military, there simply comes a time when it doesn't need or want you anymore. I am getting to leave on my own terms. My friend Jamie who joined up at the same time as me is terrified of leaving. I think he'll do alright though.

Wonder if the buggers will be cheeky enough to recall me. They have 6 years in theory when they can do that.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 23, 2023, 03:30:11 PM
I made progress on the stuff dealing with Gina's will. On the one hand I've been slacking there, but on the other I've had lots of other things to do and had to redo work I'd already done when I discovered 2 more bank accounts with significant amounts of money in them.

I think I mentioned about my polar bear excuse for not getting into work. I said to my boss at work about it and he said if I could show him a photo that wasn't some photoshop job on a polar bear on my car with snow, that he would accept it as a legitimate excuse for me to stay home.



The car, if anyone is curious is a model of an amphibious German car from WW2.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 24, 2023, 11:37:55 AM
It is oh so quiet, so quiet and still.

Been a busy day up until now. For only the second time in my career, I got to see one of our seniors show some real guts and knowing make a decision that could come back to haunt him. It needed to be made though. They've left it a bit late in the day though for that particular cadre to impress me. Everything has been dealt with now though and I am alone in the office.

Got close to having to make a decision myself on whether or not to make a stand that could cost me my pension. If I didn't it would have had serious negative effects on people elsewhere. Fortunately, when it came to the crunch, I didn't have to. Just as well, because for the first time in my career, I was seriously considering not making that stand. My brain kept telling me I was too close to getting my pension to throw it away now. Would I have been disappointed in myself when in the future I looked back had I decided not to make waves? Honestly, I don't know. The human brain is wonderful at providing all sorts of petty justifications for all sorts of actions that we really should regret. I guess I will just have to be satisfied that it didn't come down to that. I do think in the end, I know which position I'd have taken though. It just might have taken more thought than usual to get there.

I just need to make it until mid/late March without having to make one of those decisions now.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on January 24, 2023, 07:19:32 PM
Quote from: Alex on January 24, 2023, 11:37:55 AM
It is oh so quiet, so quiet and still.

Been a busy day up until now. For only the second time in my career, I got to see one of our seniors show some real guts and knowing make a decision that could come back to haunt him. It needed to be made though. They've left it a bit late in the day though for that particular cadre to impress me. Everything has been dealt with now though and I am alone in the office.

Got close to having to make a decision myself on whether or not to make a stand that could cost me my pension. If I didn't it would have had serious negative effects on people elsewhere. Fortunately, when it came to the crunch, I didn't have to. Just as well, because for the first time in my career, I was seriously considering not making that stand. My brain kept telling me I was too close to getting my pension to throw it away now. Would I have been disappointed in myself when in the future I looked back had I decided not to make waves? Honestly, I don't know. The human brain is wonderful at providing all sorts of petty justifications for all sorts of actions that we really should regret. I guess I will just have to be satisfied that it didn't come down to that. I do think in the end, I know which position I'd have taken though. It just might have taken more thought than usual to get there.

I just need to make it until mid/late March without having to make one of those decisions now.

Eyes on the Prize, bro, Eyes on the Prize....
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 25, 2023, 10:22:46 AM
A more even day at work today. Did the monthly task that now consists of our main workload since programming was removed from our section and now it is currently rolling along quietly. I am trying to do what is called clearing, which is a lot of signatures I need to get to leave, but they've changed it from being a paper thing to an online thing and the online thing is broken with no alternative system seemingly in place.

Sounds like normal practice then.

Mark's wife just walked into our office, had a gripe about her working conditions and then announced she wants to quit. Can't say I blame her. We get 2 applicants for every available job, so we can get people with no problem. Keeping them in once they find out what it is really like is the problem. As long as the bean counters see we have people coming in, they don't care. The issue we have on the ground though is the lack of experienced personnel, which the higher-ups don't see. Once you get someone in through the door, it takes a couple of months to get them through basic training, then (for a technical trade), you then have about a year of learning the theory, knowledge and skills needed before you get to go out and touch aircraft. Once you are on them, it takes another year to eighteen months before that person is really experienced enough on the platform to really be effective.

Still, about 2 months to go and it will no longer be my problem.

If I can get cleared anyway...
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on January 25, 2023, 12:02:36 PM
I remember in those last months on my job I was so paranoid that something would come up or I'd do something to screw it up and lose retirement that it got to be like a complex. They weren't out to get me, mostly the feeling is when you reach that stage you've earned it, and they even let me undertake some instruction work that I otherwise probably would not have been the obvious choice to do, just to run out the clock, but deep down I was fatalistically certain I was going to mess it up somehow. Wait til you get to the golden day, though, it'll feel like....well I was going to say euphoria, but if you're like me a sense of dread and shock will likely also factor in.  (OMG it's all over...OMG I am losing a third of my pay...OMG I'm so unconnected now...) For twenty-five years of my life I worked for those unethical bloodsuckers, and I delight in spending their pension money every month.....
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 28, 2023, 04:44:56 PM
It was interesting. I think the person who took the decision wasn't high enough to take it, but fair play to him for doing it.

Relaxing into the weekend. The most I did today really was watching more Deep Space 9. Somewhere in season 6, so not long to go now. Wish I could say I was really enjoying it, but it has become something I am determined to work my way through the whole of.

Babylon 5 did it better.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 30, 2023, 03:47:11 PM
Had a load of work come in. Ended up working through lunch to get it done. I didn't have to. I could just have gone for lunch, finished it up tomorrow and handed the stuff out a bit later. I guess that showed to some degree I still care about getting my job done, and am not just totally focused on getting out the door.

I guess that is a good thing.

While I was working, I was also chatting with two friends on Discord. Both of them live quite far away and both are suffering from mental health issues, one of them I think quite seriously. I was worried enough about him to recommend he phone The Samaritans. I'd to explain they weren't just for people who are suicidal. Anyway, I gave him a bunch of places he can get professional help from as I think his problems need someone who is better qualified than me. I am keeping in regular contact with him and doing what I can.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 02, 2023, 03:49:45 PM
It has been a very busy week, but I think we are over it now. Hopefully, Friday will be a more settled day.

I had to go around the sqns, delivering some discs. I went over to 2 sqn first. Now, because of the security level of these discs, transferring them involves some paperwork. Since there were a lot of discs, it means sitting with someone and individually transferring them from one book to the other. We were almost finished when the 2 sqn guy ran out of room in his secure book. Since they were a bit busy I offered to give him a lift over to SHQ to collect a new book. His management agreed, but when they'd left the room he confessed to me he didn't have all of his uniform with him (this is a breach of regs and technically I should have reported him for it), but I said I'd drop him off at his room and he could pick the stuff up.

Fair enough, all is simple so far. I asked him what block he was in and when I told me I said "Oh that is the first block I was in when I first arrived on camp, back in 2003. "It would be funny if you were in my old room," I said. Yeah, he was in my old one. I chuckled and told him the story behind the damage to the wall above his sink (I was sitting watching of all things, Drilla Killa, when someone in the block next door accidentally drilled all the way through the wall into my room). He offered to show me the room and I said yeah, thinking it would bring back a whole bunch of memories and make me feel all nostalgic. It was pretty much the same room as before. Bigger than I remembered I guess, but in the end of the day it was just another room and looking at it, it didn't feel any different from looking at somewhere I'd never seen before.

He did make me feel really old though. I mentioned I was leaving in about 6 weeks and he started asking me about my career. I mentioned about me starting phase 2 training on September the 11th 2001, and how I'd never forgot that day and he asked me "Why, what happened that day?". Turns out he was born in 2001.

I didn't tell him why I am leaving though. Figured he was just at the start of his career (he'd only arrived here in September out of training himself), and seemed quite keen. My increasing sense of detachment from the mob is my own problem to deal with. I did go to a job fair today though. It was the local council recruiting. I figured I go and see what jobs they had available. What they were recruiting for though was things like being a school dinner cook, or care assistants, or fixing street lamps. All worthy jobs, but I rapidly came to the conclusion that what I was really looking for was an office job. I've done my time working outdoors, I've worked fixing things, I've worked shooting at people. I want something ordinary, and in the warm indoors.

I had a couple of dreams recently that were just about entirely ordinary things and kitchen sink drama. I guess that was my brain trying to tell me this it what it wanted now. Enough with adventures. I haven't felt the urge to go do something reminiscent of my wilder days since Ash was born. Having a family is my new adventure and I am satisfied with it.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 04, 2023, 12:36:24 PM
Took Ash out for the day. We were going to just go for a walk around the town, take him to some play parks and let him run about a bit. We decided just to jump on the bus and go into Elgin though. Picked up a few minor presents for our 10th anniversary in a few days. Our major present to each other is that we are going to see Weird Al live on that day. I got some custom-made tee shirts for us and picked her up some lord of the rings figures, chocolates and whatnot. 10 years ago today, I'd have been getting the flight over to the US. Hell, I'd have been 8 hours into the 14-hour flight.

Anyway, we had breakfast in a local cafe and wandered around a little. I Gave Kristi is a bit of a break from having him always around her (I thought she got that when he was at pre-school, but hey).

On the bus some guy asked if I was Ash's grandparent. That is the third time someone has asked me that. I guess being married has aged me horribly.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 05, 2023, 05:44:16 PM
Watching a video on how to play The Thing: Infection at Outpost 31. At 2 1/4 hours long it is longer than the film. We had a games day today and had planned on playing it, but the rules weren't laid out in the best way, so I said I'd watch a playthrough and we'd go through it next time.

We did to play one of the many games called Judge Dredd (Ian Livingstone's for anyone who knows the difference) which I managed to win by arresting more deadly criminals than anyone else, and the original version of Ticket to Ride, where I managed a decent second, which surprised me as the two train journeys I'd to complete were basically running along the northern edge of the US more or less (Portland to Montreal), and then going on the southern edge (Los Angeles to Miami). I managed to complete them both in a roundabout way (had to go from  LA to Portland to Montreal and then down to Miami, getting one very long route), but it wasn't enough to defeat Kristi who always beats me at that game.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 06, 2023, 10:08:11 AM
Well, I logged into our admin system today and after some working things out, I put in the last of my annual leave. Combined with the other types of leave I have, my last day in uniform is the 17th of March.

6 weeks to go until that day.

I still don't feel anything about leaving most of the time, interspaced with occasional concerns regarding where we will end up living. There just aren't many places in Lossiemouth that are available. There are a couple of houses I am looking at, but that depends on what jobs we get in the meantime.

I do see a house I'd consider at a mere £220,000, which is mid-price range for a three-bedroom for this area. On the other hand, I could pick up somewhere that doesn't look quite as nice for £140,000, put down a £40,000 deposit and pay it off at just over £1,000 a month for ten years (assuming an interest rate of 5.5%). My pension should pay around £800 of that. Choices, choices, choices.

Part of a random conversation today that should hopefully make you chuckle.


Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 08, 2023, 06:01:02 AM
I put up on FB about the official date for me no longer being in uniform. My friends in the US military were asking when the leaving ceremony is. Leaving ceremony? The closest we get to something like that is a section get-together. We go out, have a meal, some drinks and a (traditionally) embarrassing speech is made, but there is nothing official, no handshake from the SCO or anything. I'd hate it if there were, it would mean I'd need to get into my dress uniform.

Planned out the leaving do yesterday. I finish on a Friday, so we'll go down there afterwards and that will be it.

I wonder how Trevor is doing with his retirement. I still think he should join me in an old folks home where we can wave our walking sticks in the air and yell at young people passing by. RC could come over and give us lessons  :bouncegiggle:

I have to get signatures from a whole bunch of departments for leaving. They've moved this online, but the app doesn't work, so I messaged them to say "Hey, I have 6 weeks left until I am out the door. How do I clear?" All of a sudden the powers that be have decided to reintroduce the paper version. Ah, the number of times I've seen this, where they bring in a new computer system and then ditch the old way of doing things before making sure the new one works, and then have to frantically back pedal and recreate the original system.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 09, 2023, 10:06:59 AM
Hurrah for going on leave tomorrow! Of course, if I wasn't I could have ceased working (but still getting paid) 5 days earlier. Going to see Weird Al performing live seemed worth doing those extra few days though.

That is about as close to going to see a comedian as I am likely to get. I find a lot of them are better on TV than live. The opposite of music I guess.

Gave out discs to fix a problem with some discs we'd been sent on Monday. These discs it seems also have a problem and a new version will have to be delivered tomorrow. On the plus side, I won't be here tomorrow. Or next Monday.  :thumbup:

In last night's D&D we had our wizard pick up a load of scrolls so he was happy. I got a magic ring that will stop the paladin from detecting that I am evil, so I was happy. The paladin got petrified by a Gorgon. If he was unhappy he wasn't saying, but I did draw a smiling face on him so he at least looked happy. The wizard wouldn't let me break him up into pieces and sell him off for a rockery and insisted on curing him.

Shame really.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 11, 2023, 04:59:39 PM
Defeated both the Teutonic Knights and the Mongol Empire tonight. How many people in the world can say that I wonder? I felt the need to go crush some empires tonight after Ash managed to smash a present I'd bought to give Kristi tomorrow for our anniversary. Luckily I have backup gifts.

Bought myself Ozzy's new album on vinyl today. Still digesting his decision to retire from touring. We bought those tickets four years ago and they were not cheap. Yeah, they've refunded them but for over 4 years they've had that money and the interest it has been earning. When you can't get a refund until the new dates are announced, and then they don't announce new dates, you are kind of stuck until the whole thing is called off.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 15, 2023, 05:17:06 AM
I had a rather good long weekend. The journey south was fairly uneventful. We were travelling late enough to avoid the early morning rush, but early enough to still be up and about before most casual travellers. On Saturday we went out, took Ash to a fun park and let him play and spend time with his gran. Picked up Ozzy's new album on vinyl, not without some trepidation as his previous release was, to put it mildly, dire.

Sunday we spent the day in Glasgow. I took Kristi to the Transport Museum in Glasgow, something I'd wanted to do for many years. This isn't because she, or I for that matter have any particular interest in the boats, planes and trains they have in their, but more because when they renovated it some years back, they painted much of the inside a light green colour that reflects off anything white and makes it also appear green. Kristi had wanted to paint the kitchen green when we first moved in, and I wanted to show her it so she'd see the potential problem. It has only taken me nearly 10 years to actually do this, and since we'll be moving out in a few months and would have to return everything to its original colour are hardly likely to redecorate it now but hey I've done it.

Of course, with his current train obsession, I am going to have to take Ash to the museum.

If anyone out there does have a thing for mechanical transport, I'll put the photo's I took up. The reason for all the fire engine photos is because we have an American friend with an obsession. The large black steam train might be of some interest to Trevor. It was built in Glasgow and exported to South Africa, where it pulled carriages for over 40 years and was then returned to Glasgow on its retirement. It is also hoofing massive.

Fire engine stuff.



Ken really loves his fire engines.








I mean he really loves them.


Don't jump Percy! Thomas will save you.



This is the one that went to South Africa (there are more of it further down as well).












Kristi took this one with me in it for scale. We couldn't get in a position to show the whole train though.








I wish I'd taken some of the various trams, but hey, I'll be back there soonish.

Then we did some shopping, had our meals and some drinks before heading off to the concert. Emo Phillips (who I hadn't seen or heard of since I guess the late 80s?), was pretty damn funny. Weird Al did not look like a man in his 60s, although his band did. The only slight downer to the night was that we'd to leave slightly before the end in order to get the last train home. Ah, how time seems to have just become an enemy these days. Never enough of it to fit everything in.


He plays a mean accordion.



Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 16, 2023, 09:36:57 AM
Forgot to mention that as we were travelling home on Sunday, Kristi got an email that confirmed her citizenship application had been accepted and approved. She just has to take the oath of loyalty (which I jokingly pointed out means she can't celebrate July 4th anymore). Anyway, she has that booked for next week.

I went to a brief today all about the financial aspects of leaving the forces. It was a lot of listening for a few nuggets of relevant information. They spend half an hour discussing people that were due to get the pension launched in 2005, which takes 20 years to get the full thing. I couldn't help but notice that no one in the room could possibly be getting a full 05 pension. They later replaced that one in 2015 anyway (much to my chagrin, f**k* you David Cameron. f**k you very much).

*For ER, hey I swore.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on February 16, 2023, 10:18:48 AM
I'm so proud of you! :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 16, 2023, 02:57:36 PM
As of tomorrow, I am down to 21 days in uniform. Still getting pestered by the resettlement team asking about what my plan is. Still not got one beyond "Find a new house, find a job." Well, ok maybe a little bit more than that. I want to get job somewhere in the civil service and then work on getting a second government pension. If I worked another 8 years, that qualifies me for a full state pension. Add in a civil service and my work pension and that isn't a bad income to retire on.

I think we've discussed the Cocaine Bear movie on the forum somewhere, but if anyone wants to play the free game, check it out at ( Enjoy.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 17, 2023, 08:37:05 AM
Ever wondered (or even been in a situation) where someone long lost in the mists of your past suddenly turns up out of nowhere needing help? Would you tell them that this is no longer your life, no debts are owed on either side and whatever bonds there may have been were long since cast aside, or do you tell them sure, I can dance with the dead boys at least one more time? Could you look past the betrayals and just think on what had gone before, everything since then just being water under the bridge?

Very windy day today. The official term is Storm Otto, but it was mostly blowing overnight with just gusts this morning. Had to go out and rescue the bins that had been blown all over the garden. If I'd had my work laptop at home I'd have suggested we all just work from home today. As it was Mark made the offer of going home which I didn't care to argue against.

20 days in uniform.

I see Disney+ is raising it prices by almost 40% in the US. I wonder if they will follow suit in the rest of the world? They are going to "sit out the arms race for subscribers" apparently. I think there are too many steaming services and they can't all survive. Between its own stuff and what they've picked up from the other companies they've bought, I'd be surprised if Disney didn't have the biggest selection of
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 21, 2023, 06:22:15 AM
I've been taking my laptop into work recently and just playing whatever music takes my fancy. At the moment it is my more gothic-influenced songs. I won't say it is full-on goth, because well I never could get that into Bauhaus.

Funny to think I get paid for this.

Skimming the details of Putin's speech. Lots of total bull, light on substance. I think the half-hour of it I've listened to has given me enough of what the flavour of the rest will be.

19 more days to go in uniform. Freedom is calling. Since Kristi has got her UK citizenship approved, we are just waiting on Ash's passport arriving then we can put down concrete holiday plans, and actually do things like book flights, arrange accommodation and whatnot. Booking my appointment to hand in all my uniform and get signed off all the computer systems (if I were to write all my logins and passwords for the different systems down, it would cover two pages. Often I find the problem isn't remembering my passwords, it is which login I use for what system).

My boss just mistook a photo of a bald man standing in front of a black background for a woman with long hair. Good job he is married and doesn't need to chat up women any more.

I seem to have become Ash's favourite person in the whole world recently. Getting lots of hugs and he regularly wants to play together. It is all chases and tickles. I've been trying to get him to engage more with his trains and ride his bike, but for the first, he just wants to play by himself and for the second he just wants to peddle backwards. Going to see if I can build him a huge track with all his Hotwheels stuff on Friday night, and give him a surprise when he wakes up.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on February 21, 2023, 06:30:45 AM
Quote from: Alex on February 16, 2023, 02:57:36 PM
I think we've discussed the Cocaine Bear movie on the forum somewhere, but if anyone wants to play the free game, check it out at ( Enjoy.

I have never eaten an ambulance in a game before  :bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 21, 2023, 06:44:41 AM
Quote from: Trevor on February 21, 2023, 06:30:45 AM
Quote from: Alex on February 16, 2023, 02:57:36 PM
I think we've discussed the Cocaine Bear movie on the forum somewhere, but if anyone wants to play the free game, check it out at ( Enjoy.

I have never eaten an ambulance in a game before  :bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle:

Lol, hope you enjoyed it.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 21, 2023, 03:57:45 PM
Working on a short adventure that is a bit of a mix of Alien, Forbidden Planet and a few other sci-fi horror films as well as a podcast. Currently, I am trying to recreate old-style black and green computer monitors.



This one, I am having some problems getting it to appear legibly.


Might have to break it down into shorter sections, but I'd really like to have it all on the one handout.

Anyway, I am hoping to give the whole thing, something of a B-movie feel.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on February 21, 2023, 04:35:56 PM
Quote from: Alex on February 21, 2023, 06:22:15 AM
I've been taking my laptop into work recently and just playing whatever music takes my fancy. At the moment it is my more gothic-influenced songs. I won't say it is full-on goth, because well I never could get that into Bauhaus.

See if you like this: (
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 22, 2023, 05:43:09 AM
I may use that for background music in my horror games, cheers.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 22, 2023, 11:06:28 AM
Thump... thump... thump... thump... thump...

For a week now, a pile driver has been constantly in operation at work. I really feel for the protagonist of 'The Tell-Tale Heart' in a way I never quite had before. Especially as the vibrations are running through the ground at coming up from there.

Thump... thump... thump... thump... thump...

My second last monthly map week this week. The next time I do this it will be my final week in uniform. Thanks to a random conversation, my work is now trying to sort out a chance for me to go fly a Typhoon. Hopefully in one of the two-seaters, rather than the single-seat version. I reckon I could get one of them airborne no problem (hell, if flying were difficult technicians would do it instead of pilots). Not sure about the landing part though. I suspect when it came time to touch down, I'd ramp the engines up to full, send it in a direction that is going to take it over the sea and pull the ejection cord.

Hey, any landing you can walk away from is a good one right? They never said anything about the plane afterwards.  :bouncegiggle:

I don't think it will happen given the ops tempo at the moment and the fairly short timespan remaining, but I guess its nice that they'd go to the effort to try and sort it out.

Thump... thump... thump... thump... thump...

Sometimes the thumping stops. But it is a trap. They start it up again after a few minutes.

Thump... thump... thump... thump... thump...

It is like a techno-rave, but without the mindless dancing and drugs that make the dancing tolerable.

Teenage me always thought dancing at a rave was what it would look like if you drenched a load of barefooted people with water and then passed an electric current through the floor.

I'd find out some years later, it wasn't far off. That is another story though.

Thump... thump... thump... thump... thump...

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 24, 2023, 05:23:53 AM
The beat goes on.

Thump... thump... thump... thump... thump...

*sigh* My management down south are trying to arrange to come up for a visit before I leave to mark the occasion. The conversation we had earlier kind of sums up my feelings on this:

"So are they going to visit before I leave?"
"Looks like it. The flight sergeant certainly is, Craig is trying to make it and a few others."
"Damn, I was hoping they wouldn't be able to."
"You've done 22 years. They need to do something."
"No, they don't."
"No, you don't want them to, but we are going to anyway."

I just don't feel that sentimental about it. For 22 years we've had a transactional relationship where they've paid me money in return for my skills. That is ultimately all it ever was. I don't get the whole need for this to be made something other than what it really was. I've got what I wanted out of the arrangement, and I dare say a bit more. Hell, I honestly think I got more out the job than it got out of me. I feel like I've won and I beat the system. What more do I need than that (and my immediate pension of course, which was the reason I joined up). There is only three years in my entire career where I wasn't doing the job I wanted to be doing. Most people are lucky if they get three years of doing one post that they want, whereas for me, 6 out of 8 of my postings have been ones I've specifically wanted. Mind you, most people aren't quite as proactive as I am and don't put the same effort into steering their career path as I have.

Had a small argument with Mark yesterday about ethics and morals. I said when you join up, you more or less leave your conscience at the door. He said well if you were given an illegal order, would you obey it. I replied no, but that isn't because it is immoral. I wouldn't obey it because I don't want to go to military prison. I remember once being on an exercise. There were a couple of lads playing the roles of terrorists. They would attack us at various times and developed a set pattern. They'd attack the north gate to the camp, then about 20 minutes later hit the southern gate. I was guarding the southern gate when I heard gunfire, so I got into some nearby bushes, hid myself and waited. Sure enough, they came sauntering down the road towards me, weapons held casually. They couldn't see me, but they sure as hell heard the click of me putting a round in the chamber. I had them in my sights, at about 200 meters range as they walked across an open field, with a full magazine and they had no idea where I was. Didn't take them long to surrender. Anyway, afterwards, they were telling us about how if it had been a real war situation, they'd have killed us all easily. I said if it had been a real war, I'd have shot them when I had them dead bang in my sights. One of them puffed himself up and said "No you wouldn't, that'd be a war crime and you'd get arrested." My reply was that maybe I'd be convicted, maybe I'd get away with it, but either way, I'd be alive and they'd be dead and that was a situation I could live with.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 25, 2023, 06:38:22 PM
Ash did not get a good night's sleep last night, which meant neither did myself or Kristi.

This morning we got up though, went out for a long walk and then popped into The 1629 for lunch. Had an acceptable Prawn Marie Rose panini and a nice hot chocolate. It was fun chasing Ash around the beach, running up and down the dunes as we ran after each other. Sometimes I really wish we'd met 10 years earlier and had a baby then. On the other land, life right now is good and I am happy.

Today was a good day.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 27, 2023, 09:49:59 AM
We've known Ash has been fighting off a virus this past week, but last night it finally broke through. Poor thing had an earache and a sore stomach last night and just couldn't settle down to sleep until quite late. By the time we got him to sleep, we were both physically fine, but emotionally exhausted. I am sure other parents out there know exactly what I am talking about.

This morning about half five I heard him coughing, and then a minute later there was a sad little knock at our door and he came into our room telling us he didn't feel very well. Kristi took him downstairs to get some Calpol for him, while I did my getting ready for work stuff. By the time I was getting my shoes on, he came into the mancave to tell me he was going back to bed and gave me a little kiss and cuddle. Pretty sure he's passed his cold onto me with that though, as sweet as it was.

Anyway, Kristi messaged me to say that he had fallen back asleep, which is a rather rare occurrence, to say the least. Even as a newborn, he generally only woke up once in the middle of the night to get a feed and even then only for a few months before he was sleeping all the way through the night, from about 6 until 6.

Getting a last round of booster shots for various immunisations that aren't generally available to the wider public unless they need them. Doubtless Mark would freak out about me getting jabs and all the nanobots, trackers and whatnot that come along with such things. Willing to take my chances though.

Just got an email off our training coordinator. We are having one of our bi-annual briefing weeks down at Coningsby in June and he has booked me onto a load of courses. Boy, is he going to be disappointed.  :bouncegiggle: Come that week, I'll be sitting on a warm beach working on my suntan and drinking something 1) cold and 2) alcoholic. I'll think about all the guys hard at work though. I was looking at my records. Over the past 22 years, I have picked up close on 800 seperate qualifications ranging from being able to fit breathing masks to emergency battlefield repairs to get a jet up to fly one more mission (actually I really enjoyed that course, you got to improvise repairs and really use your ingenuity, instead of just "this system isn't working so go take box X out and put a new one in. If that doesn't fix it, change box y" and so forth).

I do miss getting to fix things with my hands. Mind you, I've spent longer away from doing that than I did do it. Again though, that was a deliberate choice. I wanted to work in as many different environments as possible and working on one sqn is pretty much the same as working on any other. My sqn was a fairly historic one. If you've heard of any RAF sqns, the chances are it is 617. As a WW2 buff, I like being able to say I was part of it even if it wasn't one of the more enjoyable parts of my career. Then again, I know a lot of people who did not like being on it. I get the impression that Matt had a much worse time of it than I did. I mean I at least managed to stick it out until it was time to get posted elsewhere rather than quitting completely.

Thump... thump... thump... thump... thump...

It just started up again. It is going to be a long week.

I'd like to be able to say I wish I had done more with my time in uniform. That I'd gone on more detachments (but they are a pain in the arse to be quite frank), that I'd taken up the free skiing trips (don't care about skiing, can take it or leave it), that I'd pushed for promotion and accepted it when it was offered (but I'd rather have time with my family and not work the stupid hours required of senior ranks), that I'd applied for my commission when they recommended me for officer training (I've very rarely met an officer I haven't thought was a total arsehole and paid way above their actual ability. I think I've met two male officers who I've had respect for, not sure on female ones but they do tend to be slightly better (whereas female NCO's have in general been a nightmare to deal with while male ones have by and large been great. I wonder why that is?). I've met a lot more officers who I've had nothing but utter contempt for and one that I suspect had I been in a war situation with, I'd have fragged without a second thought. Cowardice like his really should have seen him dishonourably discharged). I just can't really seem to bring myself to have regrets about what I could have, should have and didn't do.

A new chapter in my life is beckoning. I think it is about time I started to put down a new playlist for that. I know how it is going to start and end, I'll just have to look at the middle.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 01, 2023, 06:27:07 AM
Started playing a new campaign last night under Pathfinder 2 rules. It is a game I am pretty unfamiliar with rules-wise, so I came up with a character concept, rolled some dice and more or less let the GM assign things to whatever sounded like it fit my character.

Apparently, judging from last night, I have created a killing machine who just slices his way through everything we encounter using a pair of short swords. Playing him as a rather grim and gritty holy warrior who follows what seems to be a rather strange goddess. The GM described her as: "its an interesting one. it seems like protecting the weak is certainly an edict, but in a vindictive "f**k you" manner rather than the typical forgiveness or justice route. I am playing someone who isn't evil themselves, but who follows an evil god.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 05, 2023, 04:52:51 PM
It seems that in any movie where a guy dies and his wife goes off on a cathartic trip with her best friend, it always turns out the friend was sleeping with the husband.

Yesterday was a full on day of Ash refusing to behave. It ranged from something as simple as when I told him to tidy up his toys lying on the floor and just giving me a cheeky grin then refusing to move (I tipped him off the couch much to his surprise), to just a full-on tantrum. When I was his age, acting like that would have earned me a smack on the butt, but since we aren't allowed to do that, I am forced into a choice between using methods that I am convinced do more long-term damage, psychologically speaking or let him act up. He spent a lot of time, sitting in his bedroom, not getting to play with his toys or watch trains.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 06, 2023, 04:03:36 AM
In Friday nights game, the party began their exploration of the remote hunting lodge, after a night of strange events. Two of the party members woke up and couldn't find the rest of the party (they were having a share dream sort of thing). Sounds of children laughing and doors slamming shut unnerved them somewhat. I am taking a lot of inspiration (and some outright stealing) from The Haunting of Hill House (the original movie, not the god-awful remake). At the start of the adventure, there are no fights or physical danger, but as the adventure progresses through the days and nights, physical manifestations will start to occur.

Doing my 2nd last Monday in uniform. That is a good feeling. Pretty damn cold walking in this morning.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 07, 2023, 04:46:27 PM
Decided to ignore the cold I have and go into work since it didn't seem too bad. I got into work before anyone else (which is normal. Karl has flexible hours so he can drop his kids off at nursery, and Mark normally comes in slightly late). Anyway, I spun around 180 degrees in my chair to get something out of the drawer behind me, and had a major dizzy spell, almost falling out of my chair.

Decided to go home sick after all. What are they going to do, fire me?

I am off tomorrow for a housing brief, so Thursday before I am back in work. That leaves me 7 days in uniform.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 09, 2023, 06:46:30 AM
So after some frustrating encounters in D&D, I made this big long post about how we needed to work more as a team, or we were going to end up having a TPK (Total Party Kill). Anyway, that was about a week ago. This week we were on a mission to infiltrate a dragon's lair, retrieve its eggs, and kill the dragon.

My assassin, Merriweather (as is her usual role), was scouting ahead of the group. The threats of stabbing him in the eyeballs seem to have worked on the heavily armoured paladin (who unknown to his companions has failed and become a blackguard. I only know this because he asked me how to change his levels over, but my character doesn't know it yet), and he is now hanging back, rather than trying to scout with me in his heavy, clanking armour and inability to see in the dark.

Ever seen a far-off light in the darkness? Yeah, you light a lamp or a torch and you can see for a few feet around you, but potentially you can be seen for miles away. If you want to scout ahead of the group underground, you need to be able to see in the dark. Anyway, that has nothing to do with this story really. I was slinking ahead and saw the dragon sitting on its treasure pile. Unnoticed, I slipped back to the group and started discussing with the others what buffs to use and what tactics we were going to go with, when the DM says "Ok folks, roll initiative (starting combat)." Matt (the clanky ex-paladin), had decided to wander down the corridor and fight the dragon. I quietly messaged the rest of the group that I was not going down the corridor and that as far as I was concerned Matt was on his own. The others decided to follow my lead and not just pull a Leroy Jenkins (if you don't know, google it).

Anyway, after a round of being torn to shreds by the dragons, Matt decided to run back up the corridor, where (and I am not sure if this was in character or in real life), I berated him for being an idiot. Luckily the dragon was too large to fit up that particular corridor, so we were able to heal up and prepare properly for the fight.

Eventually, we did defeat the dragon (although we didn't kill it, it surrendered and gave us some information in return for not killing it).
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 10, 2023, 06:51:30 AM
My brain is screaming at me "Why are you leaving an easy job with good money???"

My heart replies "Because I have had enough. Besides, this was always the long-term plan. We've beat the system and we are going to enjoy the win."

5 days in uniform. 7 days in real-time, then 4 months of running around the house in my underwear while I figure out what to do once they stop paying me at the end of that.

It makes it harder that I am quite happy in the post I am currently in, but I remind myself that our sgt is about to leave and things are going to change. I'd rather leave while I have good memories. The first 7, 7 1/2 years I did, I absolutely loved this job then over the course of a few months it all changed and I spent the next 3 years hating it, before swinging around to an acceptable medium where I've been happy enough to keep doing it, but not to do anything extra if I didn't have to. I'd keep the oath I swore with whatever was asked and required, but my heart has rarely been in it since those first years.

I doubt they will ever see it, but here is a shout-out to the people I've served with in uniform who have inspired me and been positive examples of how to act in uniform. Johnny Pinkerton (Drill Instructor, RAF Halton), Charlie Neep (Chief Tech, RAF Cosford),  Scott Grieg (Cpl, Boz Bay), Mark Smith (Sgt, Boz Bay), 'Mad' Frank - (WO, Eng Wing) Albert - (Sgt, 617 sqn), John "Rollo" Rawlinson (Chief Tech, EOS), Terry Robertson (Chief Tech, Eng Records), Karl Dawson (Sgt, MSC). They really made me want to do my job well and showed me how to do it better. I hope I emulated their example and did the same for others.

Apologies to anyone I've forgotten about, although I think I've really got all of them. There is one officer I'd add to the list, but his name does escape me. I do recall he was the CO of training on the Airfield side of things at Cosford. The rest of the officer core I've encountered either fall into a grey area of having existed but not been either a good or bad person or were a***oles. Especially the coward who panicked and abandoned us.

Listening to music from 1984. Life was so much simpler back then. All we had to worry about was war with the Soviet Union.

On second thoughts, not much has changed there then.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 14, 2023, 04:26:00 AM
Trying to persuade Kristi that we should buy one particular building and convert it into a house. The trouble is that it would cost more to do the work I'd want done, than it would to buy the place. I'd want to convert it to two floors for a start. The lower half could be a huge living room/dining room open area. I'd put in a jacuzzi made to look like one of the baptismal pools the Baptists have.

This is the one I've been looking at: (

Hmm. I wonder if they have an option to convert into such a thing in their churches. You know, so the priest can kick back and relax with some communion wine in between services? If not, they should do.

Anyway, I'd then have bedrooms upstairs and put in a bathroom somewhere. Maybe two because everyone needs two toilets as a minimum.

Backed a Kickstarter last year for some D&D terrain. Well that isn't quite true. I backed a Kickstarter last year for a stretch goal. It just happened to be a project for some D&D terrain. Anyway the package turned up on Friday and now I have a monster known as a Tarrasque. Not sure if I'll ever get it on a tabletop. S'big.


That model beside it is a 28mm scale knight for a size comparrison, maybe 2 inches tall for people who still use the old measurements. Going to take me a bit of time to paint that bad boy.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 15, 2023, 03:52:31 AM
I've narrowed down the houses I'd be interested in buying down to a list of 9. Sticking to a budget of around £200,000ish (although there is a 16-bedroom house going for 3/4 of a million...).

Sadly this does not include the old church (which I still say would be the coolest of the available properties). I was sitting in the office yesterday and it was just me and my one up boss. He turned around and asked me if I'd consider rescinding my PVR and remaining in the job. He then told me I'd be stupid to remain, but he'd really like it if I did.

Three more days in uniform including today.

I've been comparing photos on me with ones of Ash at the same age. I'll put a few of them up below.

Suspect this was taken at Kelvingrove Park in Glasgow.

Baby Ash hanging out with me in the man cave.

Me and baby Ash at Bovington.

Pretty sure this would have been at a campsite near Blackpool. That car in the background is the first one I remember my dad having. I wonder why having wooden bits on cars didn't really survive the 70s?

I think he looks more like my little brother than me, but then my little brother's kid really takes after me.

Cleared out my desk drawers. Lots of paperwork all just shredded and binned. Guides on how to do all my various jobs, notes on planning staff rides, all unceremoniously dumped in the bin. Felt good to see it all go. I've kept my paperwork on my qualifications. All the rest of the stuff, well it didn't mean that much to me even when it had some degree of importance to me.

Is this the point where I say things like "I only have 3 days left to retirement. I'm too old for this crap."?

To be fair I started saying that during basic training when some young physical training instructor (PTI), would walk up to the course and say "With a jump FEET TOGETHER!". That left me with a deep and abiding dislike of PTI's. I remember when I'd to go back to the training base years later on another course and some little army prick walked up to us and said that. We had an old grizzled chief tech with us who promptly told him to "f**k off with that s**t." The army cpl looked taken aback, but seemed to quickly conclude he must have misheard what was said. He then told us we'd be going out for a long-distance run, and the same chief told him "Get a f**king ball. We are going to play football. That is what we'll be doing every session, none of this running about bollocks."

The PTI tried stuttering about how all the football pitches were all booked, but the chief was having none of it and we didn't do any fitness other than playing football the entire 6 weeks we were down there.

I now have 3 A4 folders filled with all the qualifications I've picked up over the past 22 years. Many of them are just repeated annual competencies which I'll go through and remove, but wow have I done a lot of courses over my career. In basic, I remember making a mistake and the cpl marking our work told me "Making mistakes is human. It happens. But you are going to be fixing aircraft and have to be better than human. You need to be superhuman." Always stuck with me that. Right now though all I want is Friday to come and go so it is all over and done with.

If any of you happen to be in Scotland, around lunchtime, we'll be going for some drinks down at the Windswept Taproom. Feel free to join me. Might even buy you a drink.  :cheers:

Right now I just want it to be Friday and for everything to be all over and done with though.

Tomorrow will really be my last full day in uniform (unless something happens Friday). We rarely work the whole day and get a nice early start to the weekend (I'll miss that back in civvy street).
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 16, 2023, 05:34:22 AM
Assuming nothing big kicks off tomorrow, today is my last full day in uniform. I am already bored and want to go home.

Browsing through lots of job positions. There seems to be hundreds of them for one of the areas I am working in, although I am not going to submit my application quite yet. Legally I can't start a new job until the 13th of April, but I can only start getting paid from the 7th of June and I don't fancy working for free.

Kristi is unsettled about everything. A lot more than I am. She isn't sleeping well. Concerns about the future, which is understandable. There is more of a safety net in the UK, than the US (although I am hoping to avoid using that).

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on March 16, 2023, 08:19:02 AM
You made it! The proverbial rest of your life lies before you. Congratulations and best of luck. Thank you for helping keep the world safer.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 16, 2023, 01:11:26 PM
Got to 1/4 past four and my boss said, pack up, go home and I'll see you for drinks tomorrow. I walked home, for the very last time in uniform. I did get a slight lump in my throat as I went, passing by the buildings I have lived and worked in for the past twenty years and one month. As I passed through the main gates I removed my rank tabs. When I got to the outer gates, off came the Berret (always hating wearing that to be honest). Got home, hugged Kristi and came upstairs to put on some music. Things hit me a little a that point and I hugged Kristi again. Then I went on a walk to the shop. I felt I was entitled to a few beers tonight, even if I am going to be drinking tomorrow. Picked up Kristi a bottle of Baileys too and got Ash some (non-alcoholic) treats too.

Effectively I am now a civilian, even if I am not properly one until July 4th.

Goodbye guys, not going to need you again.  :thumbup:

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 18, 2023, 01:18:52 AM
Had 6 beers on Thursday night. While when I was younger, that would barely have been me getting started, it is a long time since I've drank that much. Didn't feel more than buzzed though. Got up Friday morning and took Ash to nursery, then after a long walk with Kristi I headed off to the tap room for a few beers with Mark & Emma before we went down to the Smugglers for a meal and more drinks. They presented me with a barrel of rum and a D&D-themed decanter and glasses which rather surprised me. Mark insisted on paying for all my drinks. Even though I'd had more tto drink than him, he was pretty drunk quite quickly. I

Made me feel slightly bad about not really liking most of them.

Anyway, we'd only booked a babysitter until 21:30, so we left about 21:00 to give us plenty of time to walk home. After everyone had left, Karl did tell me I was a dick for leaving him alone with Mark. Goodbyes were said, hands were shaken and all that jazz and much good luck was wished for the future. It wasn't until we left though that I started really feeling free. Kristi couldn't sleep, so we made love instead. She said she was still wide awake after we finished so I held her in my arms while she read her Kindle. For all of about 5 minutes before she fell asleep. The trouble is I now have sexergies and can't sleep. I always feel energized afterwards. Maybe there is something to the whole ying/yang thing after all?

Rev, where are your watch parties when I am wide awake at 5 in the morning? Ok, well it is 6 now, but it was 5 when I got out of bed for a shower.

So here I am in my underwear and a teeshirt, cold feet, listening to Kate Bush and wondering if it is too early to go have a rum.

Hey, for once the rum isn't gone!

Think I have decided what job I am going to go for. It's one that has tried to recruit me before and given my particular skills, it is an easy win. The money is less than I am currently on, but so is the responsibility. The shift pattern might take some getting used to though. It is doing something I have been thinking about for a while now and Kristi agrees with me that it would be a good one to go for. Going to keep quiet on what the job actually is though for reasons.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 21, 2023, 03:51:57 PM
Spent four days drinking at a steady pace. Not enough to be constantly drunk, but I was feeling good and celebratory the entire time. Used my new decanter, although I've not opened the barrel of rum they gave me yet. Took my uniform in today. When they saw how much I had loaded into the car, they gave me a wheelbarrow to load it all into. Anyway, I took it all in and all they asked was if my bump cap was in there. I guess I could have kept a lot more stuff if I'd wanted. Didn't really want to though.

Spoke to my potential new boss today, and make the first tentative bits of the application process for a possible new job. Not going to say what I am going for quite yet, until I know for sure I am going to go through the whole process. They do seem quite keen to get me to sign on though.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 22, 2023, 04:33:41 PM
Yesterday I handed in all my uniform. Borrowed the work car, loaded it all in and drove it up. I had about three times the kit I should have had. When they saw how much I had, they just sent out a wheelbarrow to load it all into. The only thing they actually checked I was turning back in was a safety helmet. Not my £800 respirator or anything. Just the cheap-ass bump cap.

Should have kept more of my kit.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 27, 2023, 05:25:07 AM
Had a good weekend away. We had to go to Royal Deeside for the wedding, which took a couple of hours of travelling. The hotel was in a nice location beside a river and our rooms (2 nights which had all been paid for by my older brother, a move that rather surprised me). Our room was pretty damn nice along with a lovely bed (I especially liked the dark wood carved headboard).

The wedding itself was good. I watched as a kid I held as a tiny baby took his vows (the couple have a 10-month-old baby). Getting ready for it was a nightmare though. I went to put on my kilt socks, only to discover they were two odd socks. Krist was popping out to the local town for some stuff, so I got her to pick me up a pair. Just before the wedding, as I was getting dressed and putting my shirt on, I noticed something was a bit odd. My shirt didn't have a top button, and the sleeves were way too long (no it wasn't a straight jacket). Somehow, one of Kristi's blouses had been hung up with my kilt gear. So I'd to pop out and get a new shirt. There were other minor pieces missing from my outfit, like the sock flashes, traditional dagger... all stuff that should have been in my suit bag. Anyway, made it through the wedding and then changed out of my outfit into a shirt and smart trousers. Ash managed to accidentally knock a glass of wine over, so I had to change again into a tee shirt, since I had no more dress clothes. Ash wasn't handling the crowd very well so I took him up to our room when it got to his bedtime and let Kristi stay down and enjoy the party. It took Ash a while to settle (eventually I'd to put him in our bed and just lay there cuddling him until he fell asleep), but once he did Kristi decided to come upstairs and let me go down for the last couple of hours. Turned out my sister-in-law had tripped and fallen into my mum, which caused her to fall over. No serious injuries but because of her age, people were quite worried about her. I checked her eyes, no signs of her pupils having different levels of dilation, she wasn't sick or having any dizzy spells so I figured she was alright. I hope James, Robyn and baby Cecilia are as happy together as me, Kristi and Ash have been.

Ash spent most of the weekend either playing with his trains or running around giving people hugs. He doesn't seem to be getting better at dealing with being around crowds. Kristi and the child psychologist think it is the number of people around him that upsets him, but I've watched him be fine until things get really noisy, and then that is when he gets upset. We had a fun trip home. Walking through a shopping centre, Ash suddenly started shouting about "My nuts, my nuts!". Took Kristi and me by surprise until we figured out he'd spotted a donut stand and wanted one lol.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 31, 2023, 06:20:04 AM
Went out to Elgin yesterday to play Nikki at Bolt Action (I am teaching her BA, she is going to teach me Star Wars Legion, although my army for that so far consists of lots of half-painted stuff still on its sprues and Darth Maul, who I did paint and assemble. The Pop Shop did have a tank on special offer, knocked down from £72 to £22. I considered this too good a bargain to pass up and bought it. I think Nikki was close to tears about that as it is a vehicle she could use in her droid army, and the other tanks of that type were at full price (limited special offer). She puts googly eyes on her vehicles which got a complaint from another player about her not taking the game seriously (hmm, it is a series based on space wizards and planet-destroying weapons, where the evil empire is brought low by what looks like teddy bears on meth. How seriously do you think I am going to take this?).

Anyway, my army represents a force from the criminal underbelly. I was wondering what I should do with my vehicle. Should I cover it in velour, or pink fur, just to show how non-seriously I was going to take this game. Then it hit me. It was recommended that I put lots of extra upgrades on it, really pimp it out.

Yes, I am going to paint it up as a tacky (is there any other kind?) pimp-mobile. So far the bits of the outside I have painted are getting done in purple and gold. I've also told Nikki that when I finish it, she can borrow it for competitions and so forth.

Going to see the new D&D movie tonight. I have moderate hopes for it being amusing. If a character doesn't die though, and then get replaced by the same actor playing a different role I am going to be disappointed.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 04, 2023, 12:16:32 PM
Kristi went out shopping today, meanwhile, I took Ash out for a stroll. We headed off towards the beach, but Ash kept saying he wanted to go "Up the mountain." After he'd played in one of the parks for a bit, we went up the mountain. Or, at least the hill at Prospect Terrace. I mostly let him decide the route. We did eventually end up on the beach. Some kids had lit a fire in the dunes yesterday. I guess an area no more than 40 feet around had been blackened by it, so not exactly a huge thing.

Finland joins NATO today. Well done on the excellent recruiting campaign headed up by a Mr Putin.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 06, 2023, 03:39:49 PM
Had my brother, his family, kids and grandkids turn up for a visit today. Kristi as usual put on more than enough food for everyone. We'll still be eating it tomorrow. Did some catching up before he heads back to the Gulf. Who I am going to work for next came to the edge of being raised but not quite. I am not going to travel over there and only get to see Ash 6 weeks a year. We don't need the money that much. We'd seen them all at the wedding, but it was good to get to speak to them in a smaller setting. I'd stayed more in the background at that simply because I knew everyone would want a piece of the couple's time.

Since I've been running out of room to store new figures in, we've been looking at storage solutions. Started ordering some boxes with perspex panels in them, and they seem to be working. We'd ordered a few just to see what they were like and they seemed to work, so I ordered another 8 of them. They've certainly cleared up the shelves a bit and I'll be buying a whole bunch more.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 09, 2023, 03:25:04 PM
Another chocolate egg day over with, the celebration of the endless cycle between the cold and warmer months here once more, regardless of what other religions attempt to layer (hmm, if I had more energy I'd put some effort and put a connection to liar in there) over it and pervert it to their own wants. At the moment it does seem with every year that passes the holy festivals shed a little more of the false narrative plastered over their original meanings. I wonder if this will continue or if at some point the wheel will turn around to return them to their clumsily faked more modern meanings? I think one of the reasons they are losing control is simply because people don't watch TV in quite the same way and they just haven't adapted well to the internet age. You can't force your message down people's throats if you don't control the delivery media any more. We got through the whole day with no religious connotations at all.

Frankly, the old religions were a lot more fun, so I hope not. Gimmie some of that real old-time religion over the newer ones any time.

Remember kids, if you see a rabbit running around outside, that ain't chocolate eggs it is dropping. Leave them well enough alone.

I've been feeling super paranoid recently on whether I had bought Ash enough chocolate eggs, and if I'd bought Kristi too many. On the day he showed little interest in eating (he did spend the day slowly munching his way through two chocolate rabbits though).

Come Monday I'll be submitting my application for my new job although I don't plan on starting work until September. I've chatted with my potential employer and they are fine with that. I just need to make sure I can pass the medical exam.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 10, 2023, 09:19:49 AM
Went out with the family today to meet up with Nikki. She is having issues with her partner. From what we've got (from her side of things), she is stuck in an emotionally abusive relationship. Something happened last night and they agreed that her partner should spend a few days away and go zero contact for that time. As is usual in these kinds of things, the partner is instantly trying to reestablish contact early and not giving her any space. I've offered to change the locks on her flat if she needs it. Normally I'd pin the partner up against the wall in these types of situations and explain that their behaviour really isn't on. The problem, in this case, is that it is an all-female relationship and I don't feel quite as comfortable treating a woman that way. All I can do is try to be supportive. Anyway, we gave her a day out, took her for lunch and generally got her some fresh air. She is popping over to visit us on Wednesday and Sunday.

Since I've been shooting him a lot, we picked Ash up his own Nerf gun. In theory this is so we can have battles against each other, but I pointed out to Kristi that we could equally team up and just hunt her through the house.  :bouncegiggle:

Picked up what is sort of the latest Motorhead album. I miss the old bastard and seeing them play every November. Such is time though. It passes without pause or mercy paying no attention to its effects on anyone or anything.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 13, 2023, 10:01:54 AM
So I got a phone call late last night. My half-sister had decided to take an overdose of her mum's pills and try to kill herself. She spent a little while in a coma, but she is back at home now. Because of the mixtures of med's she'd taken they'd been unable to give her a sedative or any thing and weren't sure if she could be saved or not. Fortunately, she seems to have recovered enough and is now back home. We chat every so often on an infrequent basis. She's been having a tough time at school, but it sounds like this has all happened over some boy she was going out with who dumped her then got back together with her and then dumped her again. She's not really talked to anyone about why she did it though, this is just what I've been getting from her mother.

I'll do my best to talk to her, but what do I know about being a teenage girl?

On a whim, we took Ash on the train up to Inverness to go on a miniature railway. It was a really nice day outside and I enjoyed the walk along the river Ness to get to the playpark and railway. Slightly rushed by the travel timetable, but we made it through everything. I think we'll be taking Ash back there before too long has passed.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on April 13, 2023, 11:51:32 AM
Quote from: Alex on April 13, 2023, 10:01:54 AM
So I got a phone call late last night. My half-sister had decided to take an overdose of her mum's pills and try to kill herself. She spent a little while in a coma, but she is back at home now. Because of the mixtures of med's she'd taken they'd been unable to give her a sedative or any thing and weren't sure if she could be saved or not. Fortunately, she seems to have recovered enough and is now back home. We chat every so often on an infrequent basis. She's been having a tough time at school, but it sounds like this has all happened over some boy she was going out with who dumped her then got back together with her and then dumped her again. She's not really talked to anyone about why she did it though, this is just what I've been getting from her mother.

I'll do my best to talk to her, but what do I know about being a teenage girl?

On a whim, we took Ash on the train up to Inverness to go on a miniature railway. It was a really nice day outside and I enjoyed the walk along the river Ness to get to the playpark and railway. Slightly rushed by the travel timetable, but we made it through everything. I think we'll be taking Ash back there before too long has passed.

Hope all will be well with her 🙏
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 13, 2023, 12:00:57 PM
Only time will tell my friend. I am thinking about inviting her up to stay with us for a few weeks once she has her exams out of her way.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on April 13, 2023, 12:57:49 PM
Things to know about being a teenage girl:

It's not easy, but no one's life ever is.

You never feel the same way day to day, maybe not hour to hour or minute to minute.

Teenage girls are far wiser and more clued-in than most people think they are.

They think they have more things figured out than they actually do.

Most don't seem to realize that almost everything being felt at any given moment, no matter how intensely it is there, will one day pass with this stage of life.

I'm glad she made it through, and I wish her ever good fortune. I'm glad she has people who care about her.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 14, 2023, 03:55:18 AM
Ash is feeling very playful today. Moreso than normal. Just getting him dressed was a major struggle as he decided he'd rather bounce on mine and Kristi's bed while I was trying to put clothes on him.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 14, 2023, 03:12:47 PM
Since it was a nice day, we decided to take a walk down the beach. For whatever reason, Ash's playful mood evaporated as soon as we got outside and he started crying, asking to get his jammies on and go back to his bed. He cried and acted up for 90% of the walk down to the harbour, and then settled into a sullen acceptance. Kristi went to the bakers to pick up some food and drink and I took him on a walk across the bridge to the beach. By the time we were halfway over, he was running in excitement to go play in the sand dunes.

Kids huh?

He had me chase him for a bit, and we threw sticks into the river, just generally playing. We spent an hour or so down there before deciding that with grey clouds coming in and spoiling the previously clear blue sky that we should head home. We did decide though that we had enough time to stop at the 1629 for lunch. I had a perfectly acceptable Prawn Marie Rose panini. Ash had a pizza and I came to the conclusion that mozzarella was not a suitable cheese for a kid's cheese pizza.

We got home just as the rain was starting (even with another detour to a playground). Ash seemed much happier, but still unsettled. He kept sticking his hand down his pants to his bum. I stuck him in the shower, made sure he washed his hands. Then he went to the toilet and well when he got out of the toilet he needed a bath. We cleaned him up. Later he was watching TV downstairs, and I went to check on him. He was standing in the middle of the living room with his trouser down. I saw skid marks on his underwear and that was him back in the bath. I heard him crying in the bathroom so went once again to check on him. Much to my surprise he is standing in the bubble bath, crying and holding a poop that looking at the size of it, would have had me in tears too if I'd had to pass it (he generally has a bowel movement every 3 days. I'll let you work the size out in your own heads). I quickly grabbed some toilet roll and carefully took it from him and dumped it down the toilet. Ash got his hands sprayed with hand gel (plenty of that left over from the pandemic), and I had him pull the plug out of the bath while I told Kristi to put the shower on. He got chucked in there while we checked the bath didn't have any poop in it, hiding in the bubbles. Fortunately, it was clear, although of course the bath still got a good scrubbing while I washed Ash.

I then spent the next half an hour scrubbing my own hands. And rewashing Ash's. He settled back into his normal self though after it.

These are the adventures of parenthood.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 16, 2023, 11:00:58 AM
I asked Kristi to find something to watch last night. She picked what looked like a low-budget superhero movie. Yeah, turned out to be a softcore porno. There were plenty of boobs on display, but when after beating up a couple of bad guys one of the female heroines went back to her room and spent the next 5 - 10 minutes jilling off I figured yup, you picked a porno. I have been tormenting her about this just a little bit today.

Had some friends around for D&D. Two of the group are in various stages of shaky/doomed relationships and have been spending time together. I wonder if they will end up becoming a couple? I am not sure if one of them is just lesbian or is bi, which potentially stops anything between them beyond just being friends. Not that this would be a bad thing, both of them could just do with a friend. As is traditional, Matt died. We were in a large room with a door that every so often would open and a monster would come running through. After we'd killed a couple of creatures, the room started flooding. Everyone else climbed up on top of the corpse of a triceratops we'd killed earlier except Matt. He then died when a shark lept out of the water and bit his head off.

It might not have helped that I accidentally shot him with an arrow, but it was the shark who killed him.

He is calling his next character Chum in tribute.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 17, 2023, 03:16:36 PM
Watching the old 60s Batman tv show. An episode was just on where the Penguin was running for mayor and Batman went up against him. The Penguin wailing about the election being fraudulent reminded me very much of a more modern villain. Gave me a chuckle making that connection.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 18, 2023, 12:49:39 PM
Heading away on Thursday to go see my mum and sister for a week. We are going to catch a concert while we are down there and take Ash to see the Transport Museum. Let's hope he likes the trains there and doesn't have some kind of freak-out session. I honestly never know how he is going to react to these things. It has been a long time since we've last been down for more than a long weekend. We took Ash for his first visit to the school he'll be starting after summer. It has a large area with a sensory room kids can go hang out in if they are feeling overwhelmed.

Never had anything like that when I was at school. I suspect I'd have used it to hide from doing work. I spent a lot of time at school dodging doing anything I didn't have to. I did my classwork, but never let the teacher know I was finished because then you just got given extra work (I used to write short stories and make it look like I was working).

I much preferred college that way. You get an assignment, you do your work, and you are done.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on April 18, 2023, 12:51:19 PM
^ Learning is great, knowledge is great, school sucks.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Rev. Powell on April 19, 2023, 10:25:18 AM
Quote from: Alex on April 17, 2023, 03:16:36 PM
Watching the old 60s Batman tv show. An episode was just on where the Penguin was running for mayor and Batman went up against him. The Penguin wailing about the election being fraudulent reminded me very much of a more modern villain. Gave me a chuckle making that connection.

Yeah, I've been rewatching that series and I saw that episode about a year ago. Eerie.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 19, 2023, 12:06:06 PM
To be fair, that incarnation of the Penguin had better hair than who he reminds me of and a better dress sense.

Accidentally made a fan of Bad News today. I let someone hear the cover they did of Bohemian Rhapsody and they liked it.

It is indeed a crazy, mixed-up world out there.

Kristi went for a job interview today. She is looking at working with special needs adults. They've said she'll hear back in a day or two. All the volunteer work she's doing means she doesn't have a huge blank space for the past ten years on her CV, so I'd imagine that will help. The place she'd be working is a ten-minute walk from the house which doesn't hurt either. With the shifts she'd be working she'd be able to pick Ash up from school (passes where he'll be going on the way to work). The only issue is that neither of our shift rotations would match up for taking him to school in the mornings, but we'll get something sorted I guess.

Travelling down to Glasgow tomorrow. Hoping for a cool day. Hot weather in them tends to get too warm. Nikki is going to look after Elsa, so that at least means we don't need to take the cat with us and Ash is easier to travel with than Kristi (as long as it is daytime and he can watch out the window. If it is dark and he can't see anything he tends to get restless). The concert is in a metal nightclub that is part of the same building the train station is in, which means we shouldn't have to leave early or anything. I hate walking out of a concert early (unless I am not enjoying it ofc. Looking at you here Iron Maiden).

Still teasing Matt about him losing yet another character. In the year he has been playing he's averaged a PC death every two months of real-time. By way of comparison, I'd expect a normal character to last a year to eighteen months. Adventuring is a hard life.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 20, 2023, 03:34:06 AM
Got a friend in the US who for several years has been getting increasingly upset about the gun violence over there. He's been keeping a log of what I think is just school shootings, but it might be all mass shootings (they rarely get reported over here any more so I don't know, and I don't feel like looking up the reports to find out). Anyway, he is talking about moving out of the states as soon as his kids turn 18. That seems a bit strange to me, I mean one of the two major reasons Kristi came over here is because she didn't want to bring Ash up somewhere where we had to worry about school shootings. Once he is over 18 I'd be less worried about that and he could make the choice himself of which country to live in.

Heading off around lunchtime today. Got some of the stuff looked out that I need to pack. Doesn't take me long though.

It is a really nice day for travelling. Lots of clear skies and not too hot. The trains aren't overcrowded either (avoid travelling on a Monday or Friday. They are always the busiest days for travelling, not to mention the most expensive. Sunday is similar but also has the additional problem of having fewer services running). Just passing through Perth just now. My old boss lives here, and the only one I'd describe as being a total arsehole. The man described himself as being old-school, but what he was, was a bully. I had little to do with him, but I did see him treat other people in a very objectionable manner. Still, he was terrified of his time in uniform coming to an end as he'd no longer have that power over people and wouldn't get away with treating them the way he did. He didn't need the job. He owned a farm and had more than enough money. I'd be surprised if he is still alive. Retired Warrant Officers have an average lifespan of 7 years after leaving. I figure that they are no longer in this constant high-pressure job, and their body used to living that way just shuts down early.

One of the many reasons I decided not to put everything into the job and changed my plans on climbing up the promotion ladder any further.

We've got new neighbours at one side. Kristi had a chat with the wife, and it seems her dad knows me. She told me the guys name and all I could do was say "It really doesn't ring any bells." Maybe if I saw his face, but there are a lot more people who know me, than whom I know. If you aren't important to me, then I am just not going to waste any memory on you. Doesn't matter if you are a nice person or not, I've just never felt the need or want to try and recall anyone I am not dealing with on a regular basis. I am more likely to be nostalgic about times* or places than people.

Got one of the really old train carriages sitting beside us at the moment. I wonder if it has a steam train at the front? I know they are terrible from an eco-friendliness point of view, but there is something about those old engines.

The trip down was fine with no problems the whole time. Got to my mums sometime just after 19:00. Elizabeth had beer waiting for me and mum had dinner. I like going home to visit. Kristi only wanted to visit for a long weekend so Ash wouldn't miss nursery. I said I wanted to stay a bit longer, but she could go back home with Ash a few days earlier if she wanted. I was slightly looking forward to the thought of spending some time with them without anyone else, but she decided to stay down the extra couple of days with me after all.

*I don't mean like 16:20. I mean like the summers of 1992, 1998 or 2002 for example.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: RCMerchant on April 20, 2023, 08:35:07 AM
^ there have been 196 people killed in mass shootings from Jan. to March this year alone. That's not counting the ones that happened in April so far!
There were 647 mass shooting in 2022.  :bluesad: That number is not how many people died. That's just the shootings themselves!  :hatred:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 20, 2023, 11:13:55 AM
Quote from: RCMerchant on April 20, 2023, 08:35:07 AM
^ there have been 196 people killed in mass shootings from Jan. to March this year alone. That's not counting the ones that happened in April so far!
There were 647 mass shooting in 2022.  :bluesad: That number is not how many people died. That's just the shootings themselves!  :hatred:

Over the roughly twenty years the US was in Afganistan, you lost (I think) 2400ish soldiers, so if that figure is right that is approximately 120 people dead per year in a warzone. I wonder how that compares to the number of dead from domestic shootings and the public reactions to both.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on April 20, 2023, 02:50:09 PM
I think the horror of mass shootings is more about Americans being the way Americans are than they are about the guns themselves. Mental illness is simply not properly addressed in America, and we Americans, frankly, have a propensity for violence in our culture. We seem more comfortable with violence and even killing than I've noticed people in other nations do, and I am not sure why. So mass killings are an expression of the sense of violence that lies inside America's soul. I don't know that anything short of some paradigm shift in who Americans are and how Americans feel will ever end these needless tragedies, but I honestly don't think there is any realistic way to keep someone determined to get a gun and do damage with it from getting a gun. Maybe laws could prevent guns from being the object used in domestic murders and other spontaneous acts of aggression, but not these spree events that see so much carnage. The black market would always make guns available to someone with money and a will. You, me, anyone in the US could get hold of an assault rifle today if we really made the effort. Could that be changed? I don't know how? The war on drugs didn't work, and with money to made in black market weapons, well, there'd always be someone willing to sell for the right price, whatever the legal risk.

I have two children in school, and I am in regular contact with mentally ill people, some with histories of violence and no means for them to be gotten treatment. And one gun can do much harm. It's a reality of life today and it is terrifying, honestly.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 20, 2023, 02:55:34 PM
Apparently a big reason why we avoided any Muslim extremist gun attacks is because the people selling the guns are very aware of the backlash and police attention that would then come back on them, so they won't sell guns to extremists.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 21, 2023, 11:41:20 AM
Well, it looks like I will be going to the US in May. It also looks like I'll be going without Kristi as she got accepted for her new job. It's good news and I've been pushing for her to get one for a long time now so I can't complain, as much as I want to. Hopefully, she will enjoy working there. I am going to start my application for my new job soon. I guess my experience with weapons will come in handy for what I am going for.

Has anyone else ever noticed that the climax to Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy is merely a higher-budget version of the scene from the 60s one where Batman is desperately running with a bomb, looking for a safe place to dispose of it? I'll never watch that film in the same way.

Got bought a statue of Lemmy today. The only problem is that it is incredibly fragile and I'll need to transport it home without it breaking. I'm sure I'll get it done though and if the worst come to it, I can generally fix breaks no problem. Still, it would be nice not to have to.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on April 21, 2023, 12:09:13 PM
Quote from: Alex on April 20, 2023, 02:55:34 PM
Apparently a big reason why we avoided any Muslim extremist gun attacks is because the people selling the guns are very aware of the backlash and police attention that would then come back on them, so they won't sell guns to extremists.

As you all know, I grew up during a war and at school, all the teachers were armed all the time, including when sports teams traveled to away games on buses. If someone tried to attack a school then, they would get an ass full of buck shot for their troubles.  :buggedout:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 23, 2023, 03:57:56 AM
Had an awesome night last night. Nanowar of Steel weren't terrible and Tragedy were great. I got to sing with Disco Mountain Man and got a selfie with Lance. Me and Kristi had a nostalgic walk around Glasgow and then we headed back to our usual meeting point where we spent a few hours downing Dark Matter before heading to the gig.

Me, Lance and Dave.


Disco Mountain Man evidently floating.


Mo'Royce and Disco.


Andy Gibbous Waining and the new guy whose name I am not sure of.


Andy gave me one of his plectrums which I can add to the collection. The gig was over earlier than we expected, and since we'd transport booked for midnight, we spend a few more hours drinking before heading home. Going out to Saltcoats today to meet up with Leona, see if I can get anything out of the poor girl.

EDIT. Leona had to phone and cancel. Her mum was up ill all last night. Hopefully we'll get a chat before I go home, but I am pretty busy next week.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 24, 2023, 05:15:03 AM
Heading up to Kilmarnock to the local Sherrif Court. By local I mean local to where my aunt died, not local to where I live. It's a long ass boring bus trip that I did every day for over a year between one of my old jobs and then going to college. It was a town on the way down back then. A few years back a shopping mail opened up out of town and that seems to have dealt a death blow to the town centre. Nowadays, I bet the shopping complex isn't doing too great itself.

Meant to bring a book to read but didn't pick it up on the way out.  The family are all popping into Irvine for the day. I'll meet up with them on the way back. Pretty sure I am the youngest person on the bus, so that hasn't changed in the past more than 20 years.  Think I've only been here once sin all the years since. Kristi was not impressed with the town when she saw it.

Passed by a factory I used to work at just before I enlisted (now closed), a builders I had a summer job with (long out of business now). Hell, every company I used to work for went out of business after I left.

If that trend keeps up life around here could get very interesting. I only know of 2 ways that the military goes out of business... Still my new job isn't exactly a million miles away from my old one (I am not saying what it is though until it is confirmed that I have it). I'll be starting my formal application process for that next week. Not allowed to start the process until I am less than 90 days away from my exit date, and it takes a month for my application to be processed, plus I need to pass a medical and fitness test. Funny, not using guns was part of what I was most looking forward to about leaving. Now, I am expecting to use then a lot more as in a daily basis instead of the two weeks a year previously.

Back to the gym next week then. I reckon I can pass it, but I get competitive  at these things, especially if there are younger guys present.

Made it to Crosshouse hospital, not far to go now.

I emember when Kristi had a couple of missionaries  over for dinner and they told us they were being sent to Kilmarnock next. All I could say was "I'm sorry."
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 24, 2023, 06:28:00 AM
Well that was a wasted journey. Partly my fault. I didn't check some paperwork  had printed out correctly the way it was on screen and partly because the solicitor messed up on how to fill things in.

Just great. I'll have to wait until I am back home to fix it and then come down again. I've not been in the best of moods today and this won't improve it any. I spent the whole appointment listening stony faced and thinking about the principals of marksmanship, how to prepare an aimed shot, getting into a stable and supported firing position, lining up the mark, how much pressure there should be on your shoulder, holding your breath for a few seconds, put a little bit of pressure on the trigger, blink to clear your eyes, then squeeze the trigger til you hear the bang anbd slowly release the trigger so your rifle keeps aiming in the same direction. How quickly you do that depends on the rate of fire order you've been given.

Only slightly less boring than listening to legal jargon.  Normally when I am doing those weapon drills I've got song lyrics going through my head. Well, unless it's live firing and you've got too much else on your mind for anything else. Your world is reduced to this tiny little circle (well unless you are using iron sights) and that is all yo can see. If the guy beside you is stupid enough to get up and move in front of you, the first you'll know about it is when your vision is suddenly blocked (for some reason they always run infront of the man beside themselves weapon). 9 times out of 10 you'll pull your head back to see what is going on. The other time, well, just don't wander in front of people firing guns.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on April 24, 2023, 07:39:40 AM
Quote from: Alex on April 24, 2023, 05:15:03 AM
Meant to bring a book to read but didn't pick it up on the way out.  The family are all popping into Irvine for the day. I'll meet up with them on the way back.

Is that the Irvine mentioned in the Proclaimers song?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 24, 2023, 09:55:07 AM
Quote from: Trevor on April 24, 2023, 07:39:40 AM
Quote from: Alex on April 24, 2023, 05:15:03 AM
Meant to bring a book to read but didn't pick it up on the way out.  The family are all popping into Irvine for the day. I'll meet up with them on the way back.

Is that the Irvine mentioned in the Proclaimers song?

Yeah. It is about 5km from the town I grew up in.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 26, 2023, 05:13:18 AM
Took the family out to Glasgow yesterday and to the Transport Museum. Passed by the S.S. Waverley which was docked outside the science museum. That is something that I want to take Kristi on for a trip. Had time for a quick bit of shopping afterwards and picked up a book (because I can't go without buying a book afterall) before we'd to get home in time for Elizabeth to go out for her Tuesday night thing. We had a quick spot of lunch on board the ship. I was surprised how curved the deck was below.

Anyway, this is the Waverley which to the best of my knowledge is the last ocean-going steamship still going in the world.

This is at the front end of a sailing ship, which is the last such vessel built in Glasgow that is still afloat.

The pointy bit of the boat.

The sticky up bit.

Inside the pointy bit.

These things are long.

The windy up & down anchor bit.


The captains bedroom.

His bath.

The main part of his cabin.

He gets his own kitchen too it seems.

Found the ships cat.

I am going to assume the ship isn't actually steered from here as there were structures to the fore of it and if you have your hands on it, you are looking out over the back of the ship. Or maybe sailing vessels had rear-wheel steering?

Communications flags for semaphore.

The map room. This is what blocks your line of sight from the wheel.

One of the old trams.

Ash playing.
[img width =300][/img]

We used to have one of those camper vans. My memories of it though are incredibly vague.


Used to have one of these cars too. That one I remember fairly well.


Looks like the traffic cones are winning.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 28, 2023, 11:56:09 AM
The trip home was quiet enough. It was marked by there being absolutely no problems and we got back an hour and a half earlier than we expected. Yay for that.

Hmm, Amazon thinks Tank Girl has nudity in it? Well, ok a guy strips off, but it isn't like you actually see anything. I guess they have very wide-ranging criteria. To me, if you'd see more skin if someone was dressed for sunbathing, then it isn't really nudity. I remember Lori Petty in an interview saying she'd have loved to have got naked for that role. Maybe it's the thought that counts?

Never did like her fake eyebrows myself.

Dropped Ash off this morning and then ran out to Elgin for some urgent supplies. Kristi is doing a course tomorrow, so I might pop in again and take the little man with me. It has been a while since I was last at the cemetery and I like the grave to have fresh flowers. If I can't do anything else for Lilly, I can at least do that for her. On the off-chance there is an afterlife I want her to know she isn't forgotten.

With a week away, we've had no RPG's going on. Tonight should be the first session back, with my party exploring the house that is slowly driving them insane and taking their souls into the bargain. Ordered some more display boxes for my figures. Hopefully, I've ordered enough that I can have a shelf clear. Ideally, all of Kristi's US troops will be boxed up along with the vast majority of my smaller fantasy figures. The larger ones... well it isn't really worth putting them in these boxes. They are tall enough that they'll cancel out any benefit I'd have gotten.

We got our friend to come out each day and sit in the house with Elsa while we were away. It gave her time away from her partner to think about things and settle her own mind. I also got her into reading David Gemmell (one of only 3 writers that have managed to give me a major emotional reaction to one of their stories). They've started couples therapy. I've said to Nikki that if her partner suddenly starts making excuses not to go, that this is a major red flag and she needs to get out.

I think we've adopted another stray person.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 29, 2023, 10:18:49 AM
Kristi is off doing a course all day today, so I took Ash out with me. Went up to the cemetery first, which to Ash is nothing more than a wide open space to run around in. I generally have to keep a tight grip on him and explain that he can't do that here. For some reason, today I told him to "Let them sleep. We don't want to wake them up early." No idea why I said that, or why that way.

Then again later on when I was in a shop, I apparently bought something I don't even remember picking up or looking at. It isn't even something I can use or want. I have a friend I can give it to though, so it won't be entirely wasted. Big enough box. You'd think I'd remember picking it up. There was a music festival on, but Ash wasn't interested in going anywhere near it. All the young girls and women were all dressed up for it, in their best festival gear. For some reason, this year that seems to mean wearing stupid hats that look like rejected lampshades. Still I hope they have fun. One girl who obviously thought she was the coolest thing on the planet managed to trip up and fall flat on her face in the middle of the high street. That did give me a chuckle. She seemed unhurt by it though (other than her pride).

Woohoo, I finally managed to get to listen to the whole of Iron Maiden's Empire of the Clouds without anyone interrupting me. It is 18 minutes long and this is the first time since the song came out that I've been able to listen to it from start to finish without having to go off and do something else in between.

I just spent a couple of hours answering a lot of questions about sex. It left me feeling like Quagmire from Family Guy, which should be odd because there is an awful lot of things out there I've not tried (and have no wish to). Since the person asking me has been sexually active for a fair length of time themselves (over a decade), and this kind of Q&A session is not unusual for me, I'd have to say people get a little bit more experimental. If you get only one run at this life and there is no afterlife you might as well enjoy yourself as much as possible.

Kristi is watching an Elvis movie. I gave it away that I wasn't watching it when I absent-mindedly started singing along to Asia. Shame it hadn't been the next song to come on (True Survivor by David Hasselhoff).
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on May 01, 2023, 01:45:26 AM
i really need to start reading this thread daily again.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 01, 2023, 06:27:27 AM
Got Kristi to take Ash out of the house for the day yesterday, which rather than meaning I can dance naked around the house or whatever, means I get time and space to do the deep cleaning jobs. Yesterday was the unfortunate combination of cleaning the oven along with doing laundry. I say unfortunate because the crap I cleaned out of the oven (I've been trying to a chance to do this since last year, but Kristi got p**sy with me every time I asked her to take Ash out and I got fed up with it so stopped asking meaning it was way overdue a clean. Next time she does that, I'll take him out myself and leave her to do the work. In fact, if I get anything less than a "Yes darling, I'll take him out quite happily" I'll leave her to do the job and then maybe she'll appreciate me doing it a bit more. She'd been asking me all morning if I wanted Ash to stay or go with her, and that is was my choice. When I said take him with you, she turned around to Ash and asked him if he wanted to stay with me or go with her. At that point I just said why the hell did you ask me if you were going to turn round and do that), managed to clog up the sink. When the washing machine went to empty itself the pipes were then blocked and this led to a minor flood in the laundry room. I discovered this when I walked in and there was water running down the cupboards from the overflowing sink. I also at one point managed to get a big lungful of the cleaner (even with full ventilation etc), and it had me throwing up (hence why I don't want either Kristi with her damaged lungs, or Ash anywhere near while I am doing the cleaning).

Anyway, I got all the mess cleaned up and done with before they got back.

Got some guy wanting to do a survey based on our tv viewing habits. Since we don't watch terrestrial tv channels any more, that should make it quite a short thing. He is supposed to be around later this morning. Anyway, tidying up the living room before he arrived turned into scrubbing the downstairs of the house. I guess that is appropriate for Beltane.

It is now the afternoon, and he hasn't shown up yet. Fine with me.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 02, 2023, 05:36:09 AM
Took Kristi out for a walk today as part of a fitness regime. Normally she goes on long walks, but they are meandering slow-paced affairs, whereas I had her walking at closer to my speed. I told her to set a fast pace that she was comfortable with and could keep up for an hour. We'll continue at that for a little while then work her up. The idea is that you walk at a speed that is just on the edge of being short of breath. You don't slow down, just keep up the same pace. Definitely don't sit down to catch your breath (when you sit down you close up your lungs slightly and get less oxygen in when you are breathing so it is counterproductive taking a rest. The best thing is to walk around with your hands clasped behind your head to open your lungs up).

Catching up with season 3 of The Mandalorian. I wonder how the movie will tie things up?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on May 03, 2023, 01:43:55 AM
alex. you know i love you, so i'm going to BEG you NOT to use that nasty oven cleaner anymore!!! but the citrus and enzyme stuff! it takes longer, but it won't hurt ANY of you!!!
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on May 03, 2023, 03:03:20 AM
Quote from: Alex on May 01, 2023, 06:27:27 AM
Got Kristi to take Ash out of the house for the day yesterday, which rather than meaning I can dance naked around the house or whatever

Oy  :buggedout: :teddyr: :teddyr:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 03, 2023, 05:03:09 AM
I was having a slightly late lie-in this morning. I normally go get Ash out of his bed just before 7 and he'll lie in bed between me and Kristi until he wakes up properly, normally this takes about 10 minutes. This morning he fell back asleep and I dozed off too for a little bit myself. When I woke back up I thought, if Kristi is sleeping and Ash is sleeping, I am just going to leave them. He can have the day off. Kristi did wake up though. Anyway, she said I could have a lie-in if I wanted. For some reason, my brain started thinking about previous lovers and ranking them up for various awards (Best Boobs, Most Imaginative, Smallest Boobs, Most Selfish, Highest Stamina, Most Likely To Be Mistaken For A Log, Loudest and so forth). Most of them were clustered around a group of a dozen or so women. Well, all of them were in this small group. Each of them were special to me in their own way. Sometimes in a good way, sometimes in a bad way but they and their names have stuck in my memory (well except one who my memory keeps trying to change her name).

I was looking at the cost of flights for me and Ash's holiday and came to the conclusion that we'd have to cancel it. We could afford the flights and the medical insurance costs etc, but we'd have no spending money. That is depressing me quite a lot, but hey I'll get over it in a day or two.

It is my birthday this weekend and the countdown on the final year of my 40s dawns. Even as a teenager, I looked forward to being in my 50s. No idea why, but it has always seemed an appealing age. 60s not so much. I view that as being officially old, coffin-dodging time. That I'll still be raising a son when I hit that milestone is not lost on me. Got some geeky friends (come to think of it, I am not sure I have any non-geeky ones) coming over this weekend. Time for some board games, beer and chilling out.

Apparently, these are the signs of middle age:

1) Losing touch with everyday technology such as tablets and TVs - So so. I've never gotten that involved with tech.
2) Finding you have no idea what 'young people' are talking about. - Even when I was one.
3) Feeling stiff. - This past couple of months yes.
4) Needing an afternoon nap. Hell no.
5) Groaning when you bend down. That has been happening for decades.
6) Not remembering the name of any modern bands. - Hah! Got you there. I actually do listen to some new music (although within my specific preferred genres. Don't ask me about the charts), but stuff like Powerwolf, Poppy, Sabaton, Alestorm and so forth, sure).
7) Talking a lot about your joints/ailments. - See 3.
8) Hating noisy pubs. - Never been a fan to be honest.
9) Getting more hairy -– ears, eyebrows, nose, face etc. - No.
10) Thinking policemen/teachers/doctors look really young. - Not yet.
11) Preferring a night in with a board game than a night on the town. - Always. This is not age-related for me.
12) You don't know any songs in the top ten. - Guilty.
13) Choosing clothes and shoes for comfort rather than style. - I dress in comfortable black, thus fulfilling both.
14) Taking a flask of tea on a day out. - I don't care for tea.
15) Obsessive gardening or bird feeding. - Loath gardening and the thing about feeding birds is that they'll s**t on you afterwards and not care.
16) Thinking there is nothing wrong with wearing an anorak. - No. Never.
17) Forgetting people's names. - Does not bothering to try and remember them in the first place count?
18) Booking on to a cruise. - Thought about it but I have the suspicion that I'd be very bored unless it went all Under Seige or something.
19) Misplacing your glasses/bag/car keys etc. - I always put these things in the same places so I know where they will be when I need them.
20) Complaining about the rubbish on television these days. - Well I think there is a lot of good TV currently.
21) Gasping for a cup of tea. - Nope. Don't like tea much.
22) Getting bed socks for Christmas and being very grateful. - If by grateful you mean offended, then yes.
23) Taking a keen interest in The Antiques Road Show. - I used to enjoy watching that when I was young, but I've went off it.
24) When you start complaining about more things. - I think I complain about the same as I always have.
25) Listening to the Archers. - Never have.
26) You move from radio one to radio two. - Yes, not that I listen to either, but out of the two, I'd prefer the latter.
27) Joining the National Trust. - No.
28) Being told off for politically incorrect opinions. - I am in the military, so yes.
29) Flogging the family car for something sportier. - Never owned a car.
30) When you can't lose six pounds in two days anymore. - Sadly yes.
31) You get shocked by how racy music videos are. - Did you ever see the full uncensored video for Duran Duran's Girls on Film? Yeah, come back to me when you have more nudity than that.
32) Taking a keen interest in the garden. - Hell no, I pay someone else to do that for me.
33) Buying travel sweets for the car. - No.
34) Considering going on a 'no children' cruise for a holiday. - No, I like going places with my kid.
35) When you know your alcohol limit. - No.
36) Obsessively recycling/ knowing the collection dates. - No.
37) Always carrying a handy pack of tissues - No, but Kristi does.
38) Falling asleep after one glass of wine. - Don't drink wine.
39) Spending more money on face creams/anti-aging products. - No. I do have a moisturiser that I use when its windy to avoid windburn though.
40) Preferring a Sunday walk to a lie in. Since I was a young boy, I've preferred getting up and doing something to a long lie in.

I guess mentally I am not quite there yet. Wouldn't be fair to Ash either to accept growing old. Do you have any idea how many times a day he'll ask me to chase him through the house and tickle him, or he'll want me to pick him up and carry him? Yeah, I don't get to accept aging for a while yet lol.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 03, 2023, 05:47:00 PM
Over a period of months, for various reasons, my D&D assassin had killed off 3 party members. This record has now been equalled by another group member.

We were exploring in caves around a volcano. A swarm of tiny bugs called Hellwasp swarms (well, three of the swarms) attacked us. Fighting a swarm is a difficult thing to do. Regular weapons do no damage against them, so the fighters are pretty much useless and it comes down to AOE spells. The bugs also carry a potent venom that was slowly draining the party's Dex, which in turn means they are easier to hit, so it is a challenging fight. The bugs were crawling over everyone, and the casters were low on spells, but we were in a desperate situation, so we told them to pull out whatever big guns they had left. The cleric calls down a meteor which slams into the ground, doing a lot of damage(my assassin and the other rogue in the group were able to avoid the damage but that leaves the rest of the group to take the pain). You might think that is where we lost some party members, but no we all survived it although it weakened us. The bugs, however, were still in the fight. I took out one of the swarms by throwing a tanglefoot bag at them (basically trapping them in a sticky goo), but we still had another 2 swarms to go.

The wizard pulled out a spell called Cone of Cold. Again, this was going to hit everything. He decided to use another magic item he had in conjunction with the spell to mean it would cause the maximum possible damage. It was at this point in the game that 3 party members dropped dead. You go unconscious at 0 HPs and die at -10 HPs. Matt's character was taken down to -69 health, so Kristi ruled him to be a frozen popsicle (later on I pushed him over and when his body shattered, I used some of the ice to cool my drink). We did manage to use a one-off magic item to bring back one of the dead party members, but we are definitely battered and bloodied.

Matt has now lost 6 characters in the game.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 05, 2023, 12:14:06 PM
Got to take Ash to the nursery by myself this morning. I won't say he went in happily, but I did get him to go in without tears and crying. Normally Kristi will ask him questions about what he is going to do there and since he doesn't want to go, rather than talking about the things he enjoys at it, he just gets increasingly wound up about it on the journey. I've asked her to stop but to no avail. Anyway, after hearing about today's results, she has finally agreed to try it. He asked a few times on the trip if instead of going to nursery, if we could go to Elgin instead. Poor kid, wait until he gets a load of school. The child psychiatrist might have suggested trying talking to him about going and the fun he is going to have, but that doesn't mean it is going to be successful and since it's been tried for over a year and had no positive results thus far I am going to say it just isn't ever going to work. It is just a shame it has taken this long to get her to at least give my idea a try. He is almost finished going there (finishes up in June). You aren't going to figure out kids problems by thinking like an adult and applying that straight to them. You really need to remember how you thought and felt as a child. I love Kristi very much, but having to prove myself every damn time that I can be right about things is exhausting me. Whether it is something like this, or even something as simple as what platform a train is going to be coming in, it would be nice if there wasn't an automatic assumption that I am wrong about it. I mean it only took me one week to completely change walking him down there in the mornings. I got him calmed down so he wasn't screaming, it took 20 minutes to walk there instead of an hour. You'd think I'd have earned a little trust there, but while Kristi has kept reminding him that he is going to nursery, I just haven't been able to make any further progress.

Anyway, Ash had an incredibly good day at nursery. He went outside with the other kids, ran around and played. All things he doesn't normally want to do. Now, that might just be a one-off and have no connection (although I find it doubtful. If I am getting him there happier and not stressed out, it stands to reason he'll have a better time), but it is at least worth continuing with trying. Ideally, I plan on getting him to the stage where he is happy to be going, although I might not have enough time left in the school year to get there, I am still going to try.

Got told a friend had a fight with a local shop owner whom I am also friendly with and I called him to check and see if he is ok. He was completely surprised and confused as no such argument or fight had taken place.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 07, 2023, 04:24:47 AM
Getting ready to take a walk out to the shops. Ash brought me the first of my presents this morning (a pair of Urbanmechs for Battletech. My first thought was "Oh dear, I've upset Kristi." (Urbies are renowned for being terrible mechs), but since she doesn't play the game and doesn't know the units I figured it is more she just bought what was available). Despite their reputation, I do have a soft spot for Urbies. You put them on the table and your opponent will immediately underestimate them). There were a few other gaming-related gifts, but my favorite so far is this:

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on May 07, 2023, 03:20:43 PM
Quote from: Alex on May 07, 2023, 04:24:47 AMThere were a few other gaming-related gifts, but my favorite so far is this:


That movie produced a piece of trivia which really made me LOL when I read about it.  :teddyr: :teddyr:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on May 08, 2023, 03:43:18 AM
WOW! that's friggin awesome!!
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 08, 2023, 08:59:01 AM
Quote from: Trevor on May 07, 2023, 03:20:43 PM
Quote from: Alex on May 07, 2023, 04:24:47 AMThere were a few other gaming-related gifts, but my favorite so far is this:


That movie produced a piece of trivia which really made me LOL when I read about it.  :teddyr: :teddyr:

And you aren't going to tell us what it is?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 09, 2023, 04:19:56 AM
I've been reassessing some long-held assumptions over computers, A.I. and whatnot over the past few months. I'd always thought that yeah, it will replace people in certain jobs, but the more artistic side of things would be fine. That, however, seems to be incorrect.

If eventually, machines can do everything we can do what then is the point of us?

I don't think that we are going to have a Terminator-style robot revolution. That is people assuming that a computer-based lifeform would have the same kind of motivations as we do. They lack the millions of years of evolution, growing up within a structured society with all of its rules, regulations, and punishments we've grown up with, and how life experiences have altered our perceptions of reality. Thinking we can understand how what a new lifeform will do or how it will act is just plain stupid. Believing that we can just program them to do exactly what we want and they will never act outside of that is equally foolish. I remember reading about how some antlike, tiny robots had been developed with the idea they could map out closed environments. You pour them, for example into an air vent and they run around inside and I presume they transmit backtracking data and you get a map of the area. I guess it would be useful for rescuing people in collapsed buildings, mapping out cave networks, maybe some specialised military use (and no doubt something criminals could also use?). Anyway, the robots did this, but they did it in ways they weren't programmed to. For example, if they got to an obstacle they couldn't climb up, they'd form a pyramid, and other robots would climb up them to get over it. Nothing that had been programmed into them allowed for that level of cooperation.

A theoretical machine society wouldn't need a war to wipe us out. They could simply out-compete us for resources. After all, in a closed ecosystem, the extinction of a weaker species is inevitable. Rather than an army of humanoid robots marching to war against human armies, I'd imagine some kind of nanobot would be a more efficient way of killing us off. If you've ever been caught by a swarm of bees or similar creatures, you'll know exactly how hard it is to fight off tiny creatures. I think though, a more gradual extinction would be more likely, us going the same way as many of our related species went. Simply outcompeted. Hell, with the way things are going with robot sex dolls, it wouldn't surprise me, if we became absorbed into their (for want of a better term), bloodline the way some other ones were brought into ours. Ultimately though, as I said, trying to figure out the motives and actions of something so completely alien to ourselves is a fairly futile exercise.

Just have a think about what you are doing though, the next time you use some A.I. art. What is going to be the next step? When will be see an entirely A.I. created movie with computerised actors, not even voice actors? Maybe they'll be about the level of Ed Wood. Maybe not. If you can create a movie though without having to pay people, risk being shut down by writers' strikes, bad weather, actors getting injured and the myriad of other potential problems then why not do it that way and avoid all the hassle?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 09, 2023, 10:44:53 AM
So I've been painting up a figure of Darth Vadar, and got him all finished. I found the black paint was chipping easily, so I decided to give him a non-glossy varnish. Took the figure out to the garage and set him up.

Shame I picked up the wrong can of paint, and instead hit him with a blast of white undercoat.

Be painting that one again then, which is a shame because I'd done a not-bad job on it.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on May 09, 2023, 11:02:29 AM
Quote from: Alex on May 09, 2023, 04:19:56 AM
I've been reassessing some long-held assumptions over computers, A.I. and whatnot over the past few months. I'd always thought that yeah, it will replace people in certain jobs, but the more artistic side of things would be fine. That, however, seems to be incorrect.

If eventually, machines can do everything we can do what then is the point of us?

I don't think that we are going to have a Terminator-style robot revolution. That is people assuming that a computer-based lifeform would have the same kind of motivations as we do. They lack the millions of years of evolution, growing up within a structured society with all of its rules, regulations, and punishments we've grown up with, and how life experiences have altered our perceptions of reality. Thinking we can understand how what a new lifeform will do or how it will act is just plain stupid. Believing that we can just program them to do exactly what we want and they will never act outside of that is equally foolish. I remember reading about how some antlike, tiny robots had been developed with the idea they could map out closed environments. You pour them, for example into an air vent and they run around inside and I presume they transmit backtracking data and you get a map of the area. I guess it would be useful for rescuing people in collapsed buildings, mapping out cave networks, maybe some specialised military use (and no doubt something criminals could also use?). Anyway, the robots did this, but they did it in ways they weren't programmed to. For example, if they got to an obstacle they couldn't climb up, they'd form a pyramid, and other robots would climb up them to get over it. Nothing that had been programmed into them allowed for that level of cooperation.

A theoretical machine society wouldn't need a war to wipe us out. They could simply out-compete us for resources. After all, in a closed ecosystem, the extinction of a weaker species is inevitable. Rather than an army of humanoid robots marching to war against human armies, I'd imagine some kind of nanobot would be a more efficient way of killing us off. If you've ever been caught by a swarm of bees or similar creatures, you'll know exactly how hard it is to fight off tiny creatures. I think though, a more gradual extinction would be more likely, us going the same way as many of our related species went. Simply outcompeted. Hell, with the way things are going with robot sex dolls, it wouldn't surprise me, if we became absorbed into their (for want of a better term), bloodline the way some other ones were brought into ours. Ultimately though, as I said, trying to figure out the motives and actions of something so completely alien to ourselves is a fairly futile exercise.

Just have a think about what you are doing though, the next time you use some A.I. art. What is going to be the next step? When will be see an entirely A.I. created movie with computerised actors, not even voice actors? Maybe they'll be about the level of Ed Wood. Maybe not. If you can create a movie though without having to pay people, risk being shut down by writers' strikes, bad weather, actors getting injured and the myriad of other potential problems then why not do it that way and avoid all the hassle?

Check out Ai Freddie Mercury covering Yesterday.... (
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 09, 2023, 11:24:29 AM
It kinda sounds like him in parts.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 10, 2023, 08:17:27 AM
Did my first parents' evening up at the school. Boy things have changed since I was a schoolboy. Mostly it struck me as improvements. They have a suggested uniform rather than a mandatory one (just as well because I am very well aware of how most schools that insist on a uniform actually break the law on how parents can get it, costing them extra money. If you want my child to follow your school rules, then you best be following the rules yourself). I have my doubts of whether Ash is ready for school yet, but even if I could delay his entry for a year, I am not convinced he'd be ready then. They told us the curriculum for starting out and I was sitting there thinking "Well, he can already count quite happily, and knows his shapes and colours, so he has a start there." I thought it was sad though that the deputy head begged parents to read to their children. It seems many children start school without owning a single book. Hell, I could read at quite a high level before I went anywhere near a school. When I did start school, the books they gave us were insultingly simple for me. I could happily sit and read a newspaper, while they were giving me books with "Dick see's the ball. Jane sees the ball. Dick throws the ball to Jane."

Anyway, the kids now get to have a bottle of water with them and a snack (they did ask parents not to make this sweets, but didn't forbid it either). My concern though is that Ash just does not like noise and crowds. The pandemic really didn't help there as mum and dad became Ash's world. He didn't see other kids or get to play with them for 18 months. Still, he was at a birthday party and was playing chases with another boy and girl, so I am taking that as a good sign.

Think I upset Kristi a little in our D&D game last night. She is playing a chaotic cleric, while I am playing a very uptight lawful paladin. We were negotiating with some goblin-like creatures who we haven't seen doing anything wrong, although we suspect they are up to no good. Anyway, in the middle of talks, Kristi pulls out her mace and starts attacking the goblin. My character then demanded she put down her people and persuaded the rest of the party not to join in. Eventually, peace was restored, but Kristi had taken a fair bit of damage.

I can just tell I am going to pay for this in the future. She is the main healer in the group.  :lookingup:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on May 12, 2023, 02:32:41 AM
sweetie, i'm not trying to upset you or your sweet wife. BUT. it's time for ash to go into total immersion into the reality he hasn't been living with, and you say that yourself. you're going to be moving, you don't know where yet, and he HAS to be able to live in the real world. you can get mad at me if you need to, and i'll accept that, but i think you know i'm right.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 12, 2023, 03:06:09 AM
We might not be moving. Await further updates there. For better or for worse Ash will be going to school after the summer. What we are doing is getting him as much support for that as possible. He isn't being hidden away from the real world, but there is only so much of it he can handle at one time.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on May 13, 2023, 09:14:26 PM
Quote from: Alex on May 12, 2023, 03:06:09 AM
We might not be moving. Await further updates there. For better or for worse Ash will be going to school after the summer. What we are doing is getting him as much support for that as possible. He isn't being hidden away from the real world, but there is only so much of it he can handle at one time.

oh, i know you don't hide him at all, in fact you've done more to show him the world than many parents i know. i do hope you don't have to move, i know you love your house, and your beloved lossie.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 14, 2023, 06:44:21 AM
So with my Friday night campaign having ended on a slight anti-climax, I get to work on a fresh campaign. I am working on a one shot based on a lot of B horror movies.

Kristi watched the whole Eurovision thing last night. Everytime I looked around there was some stupidly dressed twat prancing around the stage. I was more paying attention to the movies I was watching (with headphones on). I did kind of hear some decent tunes, but nothing that would make me want to vote for any of the songs. Shame Germany didn't do better. They had some sort of heavy metal song going on (Blood & Glitter I think it was called, but I could be wrong). Anyway, as far as I saw, it came last. To the best of my knowledge, Sweden won but it might have been Australia or Israel for all I really watched.

The rest of the family are out for a walk. Got a load of housework done this morning and was generally productive. Kristi kept sneezing on me last night and is unhappy that I am annoyed about that. Put your hand over your damn face, or turn your head. I think though her reaction when I complained about it p**sed me off more than the act itself. It isn't that hard not to spray your snot on someone. She starts her new job on Wednesday. I am looking forward to her having her own job and money. I think it will be good for her.

On Discord I can see what my friends are playing. Not that I especially want to or care, but one of my friends seems to be playing Power Wash Simulator a lot. HE must be leading a much more exciting life than I realised, because that just sounds like a whole package of boredom to me.

Maybe cleaning with a powerwash is just more fun than I had hithero considered?

The family are all back and Ash is like a limpit beside me. He's watching some cartoons while hanging on to my right arm, which doesn't make typing any easier. Kristi is in pain for some reason, so she's relaxing in a hot bath to ease the muscle aches. Growing older ain't no fun.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 15, 2023, 04:09:47 PM
Taking some time to binge on horror movies. For some strange reason, recently I've been finding I've been getting somewhat squeamish about watching them when for years I've sat and watched pretty much anything without batting an eyelid. I blame fatherhood. It seems to have changed me in all sorts of ways.

Anyway, I am attempting to reclaim that part of me. If I get the job I am going for, I might just need it.

Been doing some more work moving things around in the mancave, making better use of my storage space.

For the first time, I finally have all my roleplaying books all in the one place.


At the top are my World of Darkness books, then my D&D 3.5 books on the second. Next one down is my Call of Cthulhu stuff and assorted random game, mostly sci-fi. Finally, on the bottom, we have more random games Warhammer and then my 5th ed D&D which I am looking at getting rid of.

Hey Barri, for once you can get to make out book titles if you really want.  :bouncegiggle:

My figure storage is coming along too. Got all my Star Wars ships up from where they'd had to live downstairs (Scum & Villany fleet on the left, Rebels in the middle and Imperials on the right. Below them is my figure collection. The shelf beneath that will have more of those boxes on it, but that is a project for next month.


I've cleared off stuff from our cabinets downstairs, which will allow Kristi to display her ornaments a bit better. I've been wanting to give her an area where she can display her Jim Shore collection and so on.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: RCMerchant on May 15, 2023, 04:29:16 PM
Your house is full of more junk than mine!  :bouncegiggle:

( (

( (

( (
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 15, 2023, 04:38:38 PM
Nice collection mate. When I get the man cave tidied up a bit, I'll show you some pictures of the whole thing.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: RCMerchant on May 15, 2023, 04:44:17 PM
Cool! Call me weird- but I like looking at folks collections.
I had lots more action figure monsters on the book shelves, but I gave them to my grandson Theo to play with.
I'm not a plastic bag, original box kinda guy.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on May 16, 2023, 03:04:04 AM
Quote from: Alex on May 15, 2023, 04:09:47 PM
Taking some time to binge on horror movies. For some strange reason, recently I've been finding I've been getting somewhat squeamish about watching them when for years I've sat and watched pretty much anything without batting an eyelid. I blame fatherhood. It seems to have changed me in all sorts of ways.

Anyway, I am attempting to reclaim that part of me. If I get the job I am going for, I might just need it.

Been doing some more work moving things around in the mancave, making better use of my storage space.

For the first time, I finally have all my roleplaying books all in the one place.


At the top are my World of Darkness books, then my D&D 3.5 books on the second. Next one down is my Call of Cthulhu stuff and assorted random game, mostly sci-fi. Finally, on the bottom, we have more random games Warhammer and then my 5th ed D&D which I am looking at getting rid of.

Hey Barri, for once you can get to make out book titles if you really want.  :bouncegiggle:

My figure storage is coming along too. Got all my Star Wars ships up from where they'd had to live downstairs (Scum & Villany fleet on the left, Rebels in the middle and Imperials on the right. Below them is my figure collection. The shelf beneath that will have more of those boxes on it, but that is a project for next month.


I've cleared off stuff from our cabinets downstairs, which will allow Kristi to display her ornaments a bit better. I've been wanting to give her an area where she can display her Jim Shore collection and so on.

darling man, my eyesight has narrowed and dimmed a bit recently, so no, i can't see them. but that's okay, i don't play anymore anyway.
  tell kristi congrats and good luck with the new job, yay !
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on May 16, 2023, 03:08:13 AM
Quote from: RCMerchant on May 15, 2023, 04:29:16 PM
Your house is full of more junk than mine!  :bouncegiggle:

( (

( (

( (

ftr, i'm still and will always be obsessed with the baby demon!
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 17, 2023, 05:06:06 PM
Nikki has decided to join in on my next D&D campaign, so she came over today to create a character. She's went with a half orc barbarian who isn't very intelligent. We also played a game of Blood Bowl, her Chaos team versus my Dark Elfs. I absolutely kicked her arse.  :bouncegiggle: Her poor Chaos Beastmen and Warriors were just no match for the ultraviolence I tend to unleash. No one expects Dark Elfs to go toe to toe with the heavier armoured teams out there and I've found when I do it, I win. Of course Nikki puts it down to her bad dice rolls, but to be honest I didn't think she was doing that bad luck wise.

Yup, it was superior talent all the way.  :drink:

Kristi managed to get her training started. She is in for a few hours tomorrow and then a full day on Friday. After that she'll have a couple of weeks shadowing other workers and then she starts her regular hours. It is only supposed to be 25 hours a week but with plenty of room for overtime should she wish it.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 18, 2023, 12:02:16 PM
I did have things planned to get done today. I had not long started them when I got a message from a friend telling me they had an urgent problem and I was the only one who could possibly help them.

Anyway, I did what any good friend would do and sent them a list of detailed instructions on how to remove fingerprint evidence and bloodstains, gave them a list of things to pick up so we could dispose of a body and hasten its decomposition, best ways to dismember the body for easy disposal and where to meet me so we could get rid of the body somewhere that it would never be found. All that kind of stuff. Turns out though that this wasn't the problem they needed a hand with. It was just transferring money around between accounts.

Some people just have no appreciation.

Anyway, I had to head into Elgin to help them out which threw all my plans off. The dishes aren't done, the laundry still needs cleaning, I didn't get any writing done and I certainly didn't get the forms completed that I had intended to do. That will have to go on tomorrow's to-do list. Still, my friend really did need help. If I hadn't gone out there, they'd have ended up with bank charges that they simply couldn't afford to pay. I am starting to notice the cost of living crisis we are currently having myself. Thus far the benefits of my job and the lack of owning a car have meant it hasn't really impacted too much on our lifestyle. Still, as long as I get the job I am going for, with that wage, Kristi's wage, and my pension on top of it all we should be back to the previous status quo.

While I was in town I decided to buy myself a tank (for some reason if my day gets thrown off, I buy a tank to relax. Kristi tends to buy shoes when she is upset). They didn't have any that I didn't already have, so I improvised. I bought a German 88, and some Soviet log cabins. I figure I can put the gun inside the house and that counts as an armoured vehicle  :bouncegiggle:.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on May 18, 2023, 01:04:17 PM
Quote from: Alex on May 18, 2023, 12:02:16 PM
I did have things planned to get done today. I had not long started them when I got a message from a friend telling me they had an urgent problem and I was the only one who could possibly help them.

Anyway, I did what any good friend would do and sent them a list of detailed instructions on how to remove fingerprint evidence and bloodstains, gave them a list of things to pick up so we could dispose of a body and hasten its decomposition, best ways to dismember the body for easy disposal and where to meet me so we could get rid of the body somewhere that it would never be found. All that kind of stuff. Turns out though that this wasn't the problem they needed a hand with. It was just transferring money around between accounts.

Some people just have no appreciation.

Anyway, I had to head into Elgin to help them out which threw all my plans off. The dishes aren't done, the laundry still needs cleaning, I didn't get any writing done and I certainly didn't get the forms completed that I had intended to do. That will have to go on tomorrow's to-do list. Still, my friend really did need help. If I hadn't gone out there, they'd have ended up with bank charges that they simply couldn't afford to pay. I am starting to notice the cost of living crisis we are currently having myself. Thus far the benefits of my job and the lack of owning a car have meant it hasn't really impacted too much on our lifestyle. Still, as long as I get the job I am going for, with that wage, Kristi's wage, and my pension on top of it all we should be back to the previous status quo.

While I was in town I decided to buy myself a tank (for some reason if my day gets thrown off, I buy a tank to relax. Kristi tends to buy shoes when she is upset). They didn't have any that I didn't already have, so I improvised. I bought a German 88, and some Soviet log cabins. I figure I can put the gun inside the house and that counts as an armoured vehicle  :bouncegiggle:.

Call me if you need some assistance 😉😉
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on May 19, 2023, 12:54:29 AM
Quote from: Alex on May 18, 2023, 12:02:16 PM
I did have things planned to get done today. I had not long started them when I got a message from a friend telling me they had an urgent problem and I was the only one who could possibly help them.

Anyway, I did what any good friend would do and sent them a list of detailed instructions on how to remove fingerprint evidence and bloodstains, gave them a list of things to pick up so we could dispose of a body and hasten its decomposition, best ways to dismember the body for easy disposal and where to meet me so we could get rid of the body somewhere that it would never be found. All that kind of stuff. Turns out though that this wasn't the problem they needed a hand with. It was just transferring money around between accounts.

Some people just have no appreciation.

Anyway, I had to head into Elgin to help them out which threw all my plans off. The dishes aren't done, the laundry still needs cleaning, I didn't get any writing done and I certainly didn't get the forms completed that I had intended to do. That will have to go on tomorrow's to-do list. Still, my friend really did need help. If I hadn't gone out there, they'd have ended up with bank charges that they simply couldn't afford to pay. I am starting to notice the cost of living crisis we are currently having myself. Thus far the benefits of my job and the lack of owning a car have meant it hasn't really impacted too much on our lifestyle. Still, as long as I get the job I am going for, with that wage, Kristi's wage, and my pension on top of it all we should be back to the previous status quo.

While I was in town I decided to buy myself a tank (for some reason if my day gets thrown off, I buy a tank to relax. Kristi tends to buy shoes when she is upset). They didn't have any that I didn't already have, so I improvised. I bought a German 88, and some Soviet log cabins. I figure I can put the gun inside the house and that counts as an armoured vehicle  :bouncegiggle:.

i bought an immersion blender today. i don't need an immersion blender at all. BUT. i can check it out and then send it to sid vicious, who DOES need one. i have to get past the " buy" need when i'm depressed.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 20, 2023, 12:55:56 PM
Sat downstairs today working on the laptop rather than upstairs in the mancave. Felt like spending more time with Kristi and Ash. I needed to do some work on the laptop anyway since it was taking too long to start up, shut down and just generally running too slow. Turned out the thing that improved its performance the most was ripping WhatsApp off of it.

Yeah, people will just have to contact me some other way, like phone, text, email, skype, facebook, facebook messenger, discord and so on and on.

Really, why do people think they need so many different chat programs? Just pick one people!

Also pulled all the programs off that I'd been using for work. Don't need to program in Python any more. I tried to get interested in programming, but it just really wasn't ever going to happen for me as something I'd enjoy.

Sitting with Ash, introducing him to some of my music. He gets to listen to a lot of Kristi's stuff, but I think its a good time to broaden his horizons. We are listening to some Blue Oyster Cult at the moment (Godzilla). Warm but very wet day outside. Kristi did her first full days work in a job for 10 years on Friday. It has left her
rather tired. Well, she is going to have to get used to that.

I am noticing a pattern in the movies I've been watching recently. By the time they finish I am generally thinking "Yeah, that was ok but it could easily have been so much better." It feels like they are just almost all underdone. I wonder what has brought on this mood?

I started a new D&D campaign last night. I've started a new tradition that I just decided on about 10 minutes before the game started. I'll drink a toast to the group from my D&D-themed glass and say "To those who are about to cry, I will bathe in the tears of your pain and frustration!" That should help manage their expectations. They surprised me a lot by not getting arrested and entering the arena games voluntarily. I gave them a fairly easy first fight and of course Matt almost died (the first hit of the first combat was a critical that rolled maximum damage. This happens a lot more often than the odds say it should), going in one hit from undamaged to instantly lying on the ground fighting off unconsciousness.

That man has the survival instincts of something that went extinct a very long ago.

Looks like a "big" scandal is breaking in the world of board games. Some YouTubers running a channel that I've never heard of before appear to have been caught out demanding $7500 from a games company to give one of their products a good review. Doubtless, further details will be rolled out soon. I did some googling about the channel and it seems to give a lot of people "bad vibes".
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on May 21, 2023, 09:06:54 PM
i've never understood that either. i get" don't you have?", no, i don't. you can call me, don't bet on an answer so leave a voicemail. you can text me, and i might see it within 24 hours, but don't hold your breath. or you can send me a facebook message and THAT, i'll notice. no, you aren't going to convince me to a livestream " see my face"  chat, ever, so don't try. no, i'm not putting more crap on my phone or laptop, so deal with it. if all else fails, write me a damned letter!
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 24, 2023, 02:17:00 PM
Binging out on horror films that I've not seen before this week. I just finished Studio 666 and followed it up with Titanic 666 (just by coincidence. No planning was involved there).

Working on D&D stuff while I watch. Decided to throw in a little bit of a movie reference just to see if the players notice or not.


This is just a break area the players hang around in, in between gladiatorial combats. Having keyboard issues on my PC so I am using my laptop at the moment. I'll pick up a new keyboard tomorrow. I was going to get one today, but events overtook me and by the time I'd dealt with everything I needed to do it was too late. Kristi is currently being exhausted. Her new job is wearing her out. She's gotten used to not working for the past 10 years, so having to do so now is being a bit of a shock to her system. The party are the group in the middle of the picture.

Really not enjoying the Tuesday night game I am playing in. It is a new system to our group and I'd just leveled up after the last session. Ended up telling the GM just to pick some abilities at random to give me as what they have in the book as choices were rather uninspiring to say the least. I don't feel like I am leveling up some one-day epic hero. Mentioned to the DM that I'll be trying to get my character a custom-made suit of armour. He started talking about magic gear and I explained I wasn't looking for magical gear, more something custom-made and designed in such a way as to intimidate my enemies (my character has the ability to potentially defuse a fight or frighten his opponents with his stare), and I wanted armour that would go along with this. Took half an hour or so to get him to understand I didn't want something magical, but we got there in the end. Imagine a medieval Batman.

I took Ash up to the school he'll be starting after the summer. They were doing an assembly for the incoming kids. Since the nursery teachers were short of one person to help walk the kids back I offered to help out. We are having him assessed for autism. The doctor has said she could see signs of it, but it was that he is very high functioning. I know lots of parents who have been in similar situations but decided against finding out what was wrong. They all said the same thing. They didn't want a label put on their children. Sometimes I wonder if it was more that they didn't want to admit that their children had some kind of condition that they needed help with. In later years all of them have said that they wished they had gotten their kid help when they were young. I've always learned a lot from watching other parents, even before I had my own. Sometimes I see things and think "That is really good. I should use that one myself" (although this was more in regards to watching other people's kids when babysitting), and sometimes it is more "Yeah, that is stupid. You are going to pay for that one when your kid is older."

Do you know which single human activity is the most productive things we can do? A clue is that Edwin Starr was very wrong. Got it? If not, it is warfare. Technology never moves as far as it does during wartime. Millions of people will come together to work towards a single aim, even if not all of them agree with it. Going to war is so built into our very being, that not doing it causes an imbalance in the number of male-to-female-humans. Look at how much aircraft progressed between 1918 and 1939. Then have a look a how much they changed from 1939 to 1945. Huge advances in the treatment of injuries were made during the whole Afghanistan debacle.

What a damn shame we couldn't put all that effort into something more productive.

During my years in the military, I noticed several things. One of them was that soldiers will fight when they are short of food, they will hunt and scavenge for themselves. They will find a way. If they are short of equipment (indeed the best soldiers are the ones that learn how to improvise and how to deal with getting things done when they don't have what they need), they will make do with what they have. If they don't have weapons, they will improvise and make new ones. Leave them without ammo though, and they will surrender. The Afgan army was a prime example of this. Units fought against the Taliban until they ran out of ammunition, and then were left with no choice but to surrender. Lots of reasons as to why they ran out. They'd been given a hideously complicated supply procedure that would work well with an advanced nation, but in the rough terrain of that country was completely unsuited and inadequate for their military needs. Teaching them to rely on airpower and then pulling it all away from them didn't help either. I hope the US learns from its mistakes there in future conflicts. I think it's 50/50 though whether they do or people who said that it wasn't a defeat for them and it was the Afghan's fault for not being willing to fight. Afghans were willing to fight for their country. In the end, they just lacked the means. Still, I would not say either that the Afghan government was innocent. A bit more focus on their country and less on lining their own pockets wouldn't have gone amiss. The only way you can really improve your nation is to admit its mistakes and work on fixing them. Patriotism is all well and good, but it really is just papering over the cracks. It rarely fixes anything, certainly not in the long term.

Still, I doubt that country will ever fully be at peace. Even if no other countries are involved they will still fight each other. Oh well, time to go do some more writing.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 25, 2023, 07:14:54 AM
Decided almost on a whim to look up how an actor who had been in a show I'd liked in the late 80s/ early 90s was doing. It was a surprise to discover he'd died over 20 years previously from a heart attack brought on by his alcohol problem. He'd tried multiple times to clean up, but could never quite manage it and it had cost him roles.

You just never know what is happening behind the screen.

Lovely day outside. Quickly popped into town, bought a new keyboard, and then had to head home. Went into work to say hi to my old boss. Had word he is getting promoted. Frankly, it is deserved and about time. I've seen to many idiots promoted past their ability. I bet one other person on the forum knows exactly the kind of person I am talking about. The replacement for me will arrive on the 10th of July, a week after my last day in employment. I guess that marks the end of my legacy. Heh. I did my best in my time. I left most of my postings in a better place than I found them. No regrets about leaving.

The news has some stuff about some US politician really messing up the launch of his election campaign. I wonder how much coverage overall this campaign will get. The last one, international coverage seemed limited to "the clown is out, we don't care who has replaced him we are just glad he is gone". He was the most mocked and least liked US president I've seen since Bush jnr.

I still think that in 100 years, he'll be remembered as a worse president than trump. Still, I am a lot less likely to be dragged into other nations' wars now and I care less each day about who they put in charge of themselves. For 16 years, whoever was in the top job in the US had a bigger effect on my life than it did for a good chunk of its own population.

Got asked to donate to a charity raising funds for survivors of the Syrian/Turkish earthquake. That one I refused to donate to. Not because I disapprove of raising funds for that cause, but I just don't trust the rulers of those two countries to actually spend the money on and use the aid effort in any way that it is meant for. I don't feel like contributing to having to bribe government officials to allow aid to be delivered. A co-worker who had worked in international aid told me that only a small percentage of what is sent actually makes it through to who needs it, but the little that does get through does so much good. What if all the money that gets diverted en route though only goes to people who make things worse? I wonder if we refused to give aid to countries that demand a slice of the money on the way to those that would need it, if the greedy people would back off any and let it get through?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 27, 2023, 11:13:02 AM
Kristi had volunteered to work an extra shift today, so I decided to take Ash into Elgin for the day. We met up with Nikki late on in the day and went for lunch. She told me she had a dark secret to confess to me. It turns out I have killed 5th edition D&D for her. She much prefers the 3.5 that we play.

Yeah, I know where your mind went with that. She is nearly 20 years younger than me and not interested in men so behave.

After we got home I was upstairs and heard the front door opening. I'd left it unlocked because Kristi was due home anytime. I ran downstairs and asked Ash if he'd opened the front door and he told me no. Guess I've just caught him in his first lie to me. Proud dad moment?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on May 27, 2023, 11:19:56 AM
Quote from: Alex on May 27, 2023, 11:13:02 AM
Kristi had volunteered to work an extra shift today, so I decided to take Ash into Elgin for the day. We met up with Nikki late on in the day and went for lunch. She told me she had a dark secret to confess to me. It turns out I have killed 5th edition D&D for her. She much prefers the 3.5 that we play.

Yeah, I know where your mind went with that. She is nearly 20 years younger than me and not interested in men so behave.

After we got home I was upstairs and heard the front door opening. I'd left it unlocked because Kristi was due home anytime. I ran downstairs and asked Ash if he'd opened the front door and he told me no. Guess I've just caught him in his first lie to me. Proud dad moment?

Well it is a new skill he'll use his entire life, especially around women....  :wink:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 29, 2023, 08:35:37 AM
Quote from: ER on May 27, 2023, 11:19:56 AM
Quote from: Alex on May 27, 2023, 11:13:02 AM
Kristi had volunteered to work an extra shift today, so I decided to take Ash into Elgin for the day. We met up with Nikki late on in the day and went for lunch. She told me she had a dark secret to confess to me. It turns out I have killed 5th edition D&D for her. She much prefers the 3.5 that we play.

Yeah, I know where your mind went with that. She is nearly 20 years younger than me and not interested in men so behave.

After we got home I was upstairs and heard the front door opening. I'd left it unlocked because Kristi was due home anytime. I ran downstairs and asked Ash if he'd opened the front door and he told me no. Guess I've just caught him in his first lie to me. Proud dad moment?

Well it is a new skill he'll use his entire life, especially around women....  :wink:

You know when I was younger I wanted to be all romantic with women and treat them with respect. Learning that this isn't actually what women wanted took a long, painful time.

So just spoke with a friend who was in tears. She is going for a pre-op for an operation and is worried because of the sheer number of operations she's had to have previously. Each time they need to increase the strength of the anesthetic slightly and she is worried about how much they have to give her. She's had multiple major surgeries each year since she was a teenager. Not the only person I've known who has had that number of operations and is terrified of going in for an op and not coming out again. I spoke with her for a bit, made her feel loved. Kristi is now speaking to her and letting her know about the different options she has when it comes to anesthetics.

She is housesitting today or one of us would have went over to keep her company, but she is going to come over tomorrow after the pre-op. She asked if I could give her some figures to paint as it helps calm her down. Fair enough, I can most certainly help out there. I'll set up a painting station for her, put on some wrestling and we'll keep her fed.

The job application was officially submitted today. I then got a stream of requests asking for further details. When it came to qualifications, well I just listed the main ones and said more details are available on request. Or you could look on your own computer system where I have 13 pages worth of qualifications listed.

Went to pick up Ash. Lovely day outside.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 30, 2023, 01:12:56 PM
Had a meeting with the educational support people this morning for Ash. They seem to be generally happy with his progress. He saw me though and thought that meant daddy was here to play with him, so he was a bit upset that I didn't. I am going to try and organise a stay-and-play day. Straight after that I'd to head into Elgin. A friend who is on sickness benefits found the doctors had put the wrong date on when their benefits end and it will take around 5 days to get it fixed. In the meantime the friend is supposed to survive with no money. I bought them breakfast since they clearly hadn't eaten and spent the day chatting with them, before bringing them home to have a meal with us. Kristi put her in touch with another friend who will be able to sort out getting them some additional help. By the end of one phonecall, they were getting £100 worth of food and £50 towards their electricity and heating. We are trying to sort out getting them free bus travel which they are supposed to have already and discovered there are loads of benefits they are entitled to, but aren't getting. Trying to help sort these out and get their lives back on track.

We have another friend with similiar problems, but who is much more whiny and needy about it. I just can't bring myself to invest the same amount of energy in solving his problems. Do something to help yourself and I can help a lot more. Still, he doesn't seem to have financial problems, just health and time. Those there is less I can do to help anyway.

Considering going out to Elgin tomorrow to get them some shopping just to tide them over until all the help stuff is in (expected Thursday).
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 01, 2023, 02:52:21 PM
Dropped off Ash at nursery, went into Elgin to pick up groceries, and also picked up Nikki and Nichole while we were there. They had run out of electricity so hadn't eaten (they have a pay-as-you-go meter). I put some money on their account so their freezer and fridge wouldn't defrost and ruin all their food. Brought them back to the house, fed them, and got the voucher that would get them shopping (the vouchers can only be spent on food, you can't use them for things like cigarettes or alcohol). The one for gas and electricity will take slightly longer but should have it for the weekend. I am feeling that we've done what we can to help them for the moment and they need to take it themselves from here. I don't want people relying on us every time things go wrong for them.

Currently, I am chatting online with 3 separate people all with assorted life problems. One is a uni student who feels gipped on his final project score. Another is having severe health issues and I am just checking on where he is mentally... So many people, so many problems. Just got Ash settled down to bed, Kristi is working this evening and I am sitting down for a bit. Really need to go do some housework. Does ER still have her to-do list post? I think I need to try slipping in doing my housework again.

Tomorrow I am going to go into the nursery with Ash and do what they call a stay-and-play day. He is only there for 2 hours. I want to see how he interacts with other children. I also want the nursery teachers to see how he plays. After that, maybe we'll go out somewhere together. I am loving getting this father/son time that I just couldn't get when I was working full-time. I wish every parent could get that chance.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 02, 2023, 07:13:24 AM
Spent the day playing with Ash at his daycare. Since Fridays are a half day afterward we spent some time playing on the beach before heading home. Kristi is working until 5 today so it is just us boys for the moment. He is in the shower at the moment getting the sand out of his hair.

Because it is course, gritty and gets everywhere. Although also because I am knackered from climbing all those sand dunes and chasing him.  :bouncegiggle: I take lots of photos of him for his family over in the US since they don't get to see him very often.

Us at playschool.

The river Lossiemouth with high tide coming up.

Ash getting his shoes filled with sand. He'll stop every 10 minutes or so and empty them out.

The North Sea. A few paddleboarders and surfers out today.

Towards the sea wall and marina.

Running through the dunes. These are artificial dunes formed by burying old railway carriages under the sand, a technique that is fairly common. Since the carriages were made from iron I doubt ther is much, if anything left of them beneath.

That smile gets him out of so much trouble.

I am chasing after him here, playing one of his favourite games. It is called "Make Daddy Feel Old".

Time for a snack.

He is so getting a bath when we get home.

Last one of the day.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 04, 2023, 02:31:33 PM
I had a spaceship crash into my head today. It hurt a bit I have to say, and I have a bit of a lump on my forehead. As far as I could tell the ship was undamaged.

A bit of a different day then. My Bela Lugosi figure had slipped down behind one of my shelves and was pushing the whole set forward. As I was retrieving him, my die-cast Nostramo decided it was time to launch. All part of sorting out my mancave and making more room.

Anyway, this is what it now looks like.




Also worked on getting my WW2 figures boxed up. Just the Soviets and the German vehicles to go.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on June 04, 2023, 02:35:39 PM
I see you have Uncle Zombie's skull there on one shelf 😳😃☺️😉🐢
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on June 04, 2023, 02:51:31 PM
Impressive. Have you ever had your collection appraised and insured?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 04, 2023, 03:07:53 PM
Quote from: Trevor on June 04, 2023, 02:35:39 PM
I see you have Uncle Zombie's skull there on one shelf 😳😃☺️😉🐢

There are more skulls on the shelf than can be seen in the photo.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 04, 2023, 03:11:04 PM
Quote from: ER on June 04, 2023, 02:51:31 PM
Impressive. Have you ever had your collection appraised and insured?

Which one? I have a lot of collections lol (off-hand, figures, board games, DVDs, vinyl albums, books, tee-shirts, M:TG cards). They are covered under the general house insurance policy. Pretty sure nothing in it will go over the 5 grand limit for a single item.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 05, 2023, 03:11:15 PM
While I was sorting out the mancave shelves I came across a butterfly knife, something I hadn't seen for a long time. It was part of a collection of knifes a friend once gave me. Came from Pakistan. It isn't a particularly good blade or anything but it does look nice.

Had the assessor come around for a pre-march out should we end up having to move out of the house. Since we've been in for more than 10 years we don't have to worry about the carpets or walls. They will automatically replace and repaint as appropriate there.

Logged in to discover my potential new employer had sent out a crap load of emails for further information. Urgh. You only get one chance to fill in the documents so no getting anything wrong. If they had just asked me upfront for all this info it would have been so much simpler.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 06, 2023, 03:12:01 PM
Quiet day today. Kristi was working in the morning but off in the afternoon. I dropped Ash off and then it was nice to have some quiet time.

I wonder if the long-awaited Ukrainian counter-offensive has begun yet? I keep reading reports from journalists that it has or hasn't. The way they write, you'd think they are experts on every subject. I wonder if that is taught in their courses?

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 08, 2023, 10:29:21 AM
Ash met his future school teacher yesterday for the first time. He seemed to like her and settled down in her presence after about 15 minutes, then joined in the activities the other kids were doing.

Kristi ended up working later than expected yesterday, so she asked me to prep her D&D session, make up the maps and stat the bad guys. Managed to get it all done for her, but that took up all my available spare time.

I got a call from Kristi saying the nursery had called her saying that Ash was ill and running a fever. Went down to pick him up, but he seems to be fine. Certainly didn't stop him from wanting an ice cream and a chocolate bar (and still asking for more sweets). Or maybe a sugar rush cures all ills. He certainly doesn't have any kind of temperature going on. He does tend to run hot normally which I put down to his almost constant activity and running around.

Got my Aliens board game yesterday, looking forward to playing that one. It also has the bonus that I don't really need to paint the Alien figures. They come black already so all sorted there. I am painting up the humans though. Watching John Wick 4 just now. Funny how watching an aging actor kicking arse can be so entertaining, be it this, Taken or From Paris With Love. I am not sure it is worth a damn near 3 hours though.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Rev. Powell on June 08, 2023, 12:03:25 PM
Quote from: Alex on June 06, 2023, 03:12:01 PM
Quiet day today. Kristi was working in the morning but off in the afternoon. I dropped Ash off and then it was nice to have some quiet time.

I wonder if the long-awaited Ukrainian counter-offensive has begun yet? I keep reading reports from journalists that it has or hasn't. The way they write, you'd think they are experts on every subject. I wonder if that is taught in their courses?

Fog of war, right? We don't even know for sure who blew up the dam, who attacked the Kremlin, etc. Ukraine says one thing, Russia says the opposite, and most of the time it's too dangerous for neutral observers.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 08, 2023, 12:09:07 PM
Quote from: Rev. Powell on June 08, 2023, 12:03:25 PM
Quote from: Alex on June 06, 2023, 03:12:01 PM
Quiet day today. Kristi was working in the morning but off in the afternoon. I dropped Ash off and then it was nice to have some quiet time.

I wonder if the long-awaited Ukrainian counter-offensive has begun yet? I keep reading reports from journalists that it has or hasn't. The way they write, you'd think they are experts on every subject. I wonder if that is taught in their courses?

Fog of war, right? We don't even know for sure who blew up the dam, who attacked the Kremlin, etc. Ukraine says one thing, Russia says the opposite, and most of the time it's too dangerous for neutral observers.

I could say things, but honestly, I'd just be taking guesses. I haven't looked at any proper reports or anything since my last day in uniform. Under Putin though, I would not trust anything his government says. They have lied about the most basic things even when plenty of proof otherwise is freely available.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 09, 2023, 05:02:56 PM
So tonights D&D session was... interesting.

QuoteIn 40 years of gaming, I've seen a lot of bad rolls. I am not sure I have ever seen a night where people rolled quite this consistently bad ever though. It was like the spirit of Garry had possessed everyone. Out of 30 combat rolls, 17 were regular misses against fairly easy targets. 7 fumbles were rolled. I am amazed that the party managed to survive, only nearly losing two of their number.
On the plus side, there was some good roleplaying tonight.

I suggested to the team that we call the session early and just pick it up again next week as things were just constantly going from bad to worse for them. I now have a mildly drunk player on discord trying to work out the odds of rolling 7 ones out of 30 rolls. I refuse to turn my brain towards the calculation. He decided first it was 1 in 4000, then 1 in 400, then he decided it was way higher.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 11, 2023, 03:15:42 PM
Second thunderstorm of the day. Feels nice. It has certainly cooled the air down nicely. One thing I have missed about living here compared to where I grew up is that there are a lot less thunderstorms. I saw some spectacular sights, be it sitting in a house halfway up a mountain on an island and seeing the lightning strike the sea below, or the night I saw lightning jumping from cloud to cloud instead of hitting the ground. You'd see the contours of the clouds illuminated with each flash. It is hard to describe, but if you've ever seen it you'll know what I am talking about. It was in the early hours of the morning with very few people around. I can only imagine how much more of a sight it must be if you didn't have light pollution around.

The disastrous (for the players) D&D session mentioned above from Friday's game is still being talked about. Below is part of the map. Bonus karma for anyone who can identify where each of the red wizards names came from (they are all standing around the southern end of the water feature). So far, the record is all but 3. Radara the Red is a wizard, but despite that he isn't a Red Wizard so don't bother with him.


The party is currently in a slight bit of trouble and are assuming it is a rival of their employer who is causing the trouble. They asked for a character of mine from another game to have a cameo in this one. I wonder what they'll think when they find out it his him that has set them up (he want's to escape from Thay and is setting things up so that the party will think forces more powerful than they can handle are out to get them and will accept the escape plan their good friend Juan has so kindly came up with for them. This all fits into Juan's backstory about escaping from the wizards that run Thay, so the idea is the party will find out how he did this and help him get out of there).
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 12, 2023, 10:12:50 AM
Kristi has a day off today. She decided to keep Ash off nursery because he'd been a bit ill yesterday. I suspect she didn't want to get out of bed early this morning though and just wanted to be cuddled by me.

Work is slowly progressing on the December 1st diorama. I'd ordered a dragon for a completely seperate project, but when it turned up, it was nowhere near big enough for what I wanted. I decided though, that this dragon could be my Rudolph. I still need to find another 5 reindeer though, then I can start linking them up and turning some thin wire into reins. The round bases will have 2 reindeer on them each. Had to reposition on of them, but the legs snapped at the ankles. Managed to repair that with a couple of pins and then painted over it so you'd never know about it. That the figure was reared up on its hind legs did make it a bit more tricky to do though. Painting up some gnomes and children that will be added to the scene and some flying fairies. It is going be a lot bigger than any of my previous works.

If I can find another 5 reindeer that don't different from the ones I already have.

The sleigh.

The not quite chubby enough dragon.


Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 13, 2023, 05:12:29 AM
Ash is having another extra settling-in day at the school today. They seem to think he is settling fine and won't need the other extra days they had planned. He has a class one tomorrow. I think three kids from his nursery are going to be in his school with them. We picked a nursery that was quite far away from our house based on the amount of outdoor play they do. Ash is a child who needs to run off energy or he doesn't sleep. Anyway, I took him up which was a fight. I couldn't find the jacket he wanted to wear and when it came time to leave the house he physically fought against me. I carried him out the house and pretty much had to dump his butt down on the ground while I locked the door. He calmed down as we walked to the school. Kids generally do calm down when they are walking with me. Then again, the choice is generally to walk beside me or get dragged along behind. When it came time to leave he got very clingy, and didn't want to acknowledge his teachers. He did go off with them relucantly and I waited about for 10 minutes or so just to make sure he wasn't having a meltdown or anything. They told me he'd settled so I headed off home.

I'll pick him back up in an hour. Watching a film called Southbound in the meantime. It has just started but I am going to guess it is people trapped in hell and this is their punishment.

That is Ash dropped off back at nursery. He had a good time, was well behaved and joined in the activities. They got him playing on a computer which I guess means I should move up plans to buy him a tablet or something. He was really happy to see me and jumped up to be held. I was glad though that afterward he went over and gave his teacher a cuddle before we left. I took him a cookie to eat while we walked down. Very hot weather today. I had a shower at about 7 this morning, it is just past 11 and I feel like I need another one. Damn hot outside, but very cloudy. More thunderstorms and rain to cool down the air would be nice.

Still thinking this film is a bunch of people trapped in the afterlife. It keeps showing clips from Carnival of Souls whenever anyone passes a tv.

I think his new school is a good one and gives Ash the best chance we can give him at living his best life. Only time will tell if we've made the right decisions and there are no takebacks or do-overs. All we can do is all any parent can really do. What they thought was right at the time.

Got attacked by a pair of seagulls today, one of them coming close enough for its feet to brush through my hair. I threw a punch at it, and they decided to retreat to a safer distance. A guy I used to work beside managed to fall off a pavement when a seagull dived bombed him and couldn't get back up. How bloody useless is that?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 14, 2023, 05:04:40 AM
Watching the news at the moment, something I've not done seriously for a couple of months. It is a vague stab in the direction of catching up with the world. No idea if I'll keep that up or just let the world drift on ahead without taking any real notice of it.

Another hot and sweaty day looks like it lies ahead. Took Ash up to his new school. It is just for 45 minutes. Really it would have been easier to stay with him than come home, but I want him to get used to going without me. Since I did the stay-and-play at nursery a few weeks ago he's been expecting me to stay every day so I decided that on balance I should let him stay himself. Plus he'd ignore everything going on if I was there.

Kristi is working until 6 tonight. Might go down to the beach later. The little man can round around the dunes, run off some steam. He loves the beach, just hates the sea. He likes to play on the riverside of the dunes. Maybe we'll go out for lunch.

Picked Ash up after the sports day and took him down to his nursery. He had an award for coming in first at something. He couldn't tell me what, but hey well done whatever it was. He'd been really well behaved at it until I turned up. Once he spotted me, that was it he kept coming running over.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 15, 2023, 12:24:56 PM
I saw an advert for a show where Charles Band interviews Rob Zombie and thought "Oh that could be interesting to listen to.!"

No. No, it wasn't. Didn't make it the whole way through before I decided to watch some cheesy vampire film instead. The weather is scorching hot right now, so I am watering the grass (ok, the sprinkler is watering the grass while I sit here, but I at least set it up and put it on). Oh yeah. Got to go hang out the laundry brb.

Laundry is done, dishes are done and the rest of the day is mine to do with as I wish. I love being retired.  :smile:

Nikki is off for her operation today. She's been terrified leading up to it. I've been listening to her, trying to help buck her, and so forth.  Hopefully, it all goes well for her.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 17, 2023, 02:59:25 PM
Got attacked by a seagull today. Actually hit my head from behind, although I am pretty sure it came off worst. Went for a 3 hour hike along the beach with Mark the paranoid conspiracy theorist that I used to work beside. I can get on with him ok as long as he doesn't start talking about them.

The really sad thing is that some of the conspiracy theories he has said as things that me and some friends made up as jokes and posted on various right-wing forums. I haven't had the heart to tell him that. He really is so caught up in it all, I don't think he'd accept the truth if I did tell him. At first we tried to make the stories plausible but somewhere along the line we figured everything we said was being accepted and people just went wild with it.

Some folks just want to be fooled. As long as it fits with how they want the world to be, they don't care if it is right or not. Haven't looked on most of them for a while.

Anyway, we walked for 3 hours although at a much slower pace than I would normally do. I'd go as far as to say I'd have knocked half an hour to an hour of the walk if I'd went solo. He did say he'd injured his leg a bit. I'll be away next weekend, but we'll do another one in a few weeks and see how he does. The weather was cooler than expected (it was supposed to hit 32 Celcius, but thankfully it was nowhere near that or I'd have been melting). With it being overcast, the views weren't quite as spectacular as they normally would be.

I've been growing my hair long recently. Well, long compared to what it has been for the part 20 odd years. Noticed in the mirror that it is very grey right now. Being married has aged me horribly.  :bouncegiggle: Maybe I should try dying it back to its natural colour, at least while I am applying for my new job? Hmm.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 18, 2023, 08:05:37 AM
I was asked today why married men live longer than single ones. I answered that because women refuse to let them die early and escape punishment. I am sure you can guess the next question I was asked. The answer to that one was a shrug of my shoulders accompanied by a "Don't ask questions you are going to get p**sed off at the reply to then." I seem to be slightly out of step with the rest of the modern world in that I don't believe that other people being offended by something I do somehow means I then owe them something.

Took a walk down to a car boot sale that was just down the street from us. Wow was it busy. About halfway there, Ash realised he hadn't grabbed one of his baseball caps and got upset about it (if he is feeling overwhelmed we've noticed he'll pull the brim down so he sees less of the world. It is a handy little coping strategy. When he saw how unexpectedly busy it was, then he got really upset with that one.

Found out yesterday that I am getting awarded another medal. I chuckled at that one and informed them I'd already lost 2/3s of the one's they'd previously given me, hadn't bothered getting the last one put on my dress uniform and would most likely lose the new one. That got a shocked face in response.  I just can't bring myself to care about a cheap piece of metal. Either they are awarded for something fairly pointless, or they are awarded for something so significant that giving one of them is meaningless in comparison. Lost both your legs son? Here, have a nice shiny bit o' tin to make up for it. Rather be given a good pint instead myself. Only one of mine was presented in a formal ceremony. The rest it was pretty much someone passing dropped a box off on my desk. The ceremonial one I hated. Had to sit and listen to all sorts of speeches and wait while people who I thought were much more worthy of attention got theirs. I mean one guy had leapt from a rescue helicopter without a harness or any other safety equipment onto the side of a mountain to save a trapped climber (couldn't get to him any other way. I heard the audio of that one afterward and you could hear the pilot screaming orders at the winchman not to do it). Something like that is a lot more worthy of recognition. Maybe I should just put it all down alongside stuff like patriotism that I just don't get. My country right or wrong makes the same amount of sense to me as someone saying my ass green or purple, or my fish flying or fried. The random coincidence of having been born in one particular piece of ground rather than another does not strike me as a sound base for loyalty. Doing that for a cause you've decided to support, that I can get with and understand.

In all my years of service, I've never seen a flag stop a bullet. Dying for something that is incapable of returning the devotion seems a bit silly to me. Give me someone I can put my faith in, even a fight I believe in sure. Pay me well enough and yup, I am your man (don't like the idea of switching sides just because someone else pays you more though. If you make a commitment, then see it through). Tell me it is my civic duty and I'll laugh. Don't give me a proper pay raise for 15 years and I'll walk away. I did hear through the grapevine, command is sending someone up to Lossiemouth to speak to the Techies and find out why they are all leaving. 1) You are sending them away too much. 2) You aren't paying them enough.

Could easily save them a plane trip right there.

Besides, if you can't find people worth fighting for, the chances are that your cause or ideal isn't really worth it.

Father's Day in the UK today. Ash rather excitedly presented me with a couple of cards, a handmade one, and a new dice box that we've been decorating with stickers.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on June 18, 2023, 10:29:08 PM
i got into a rip roaring " debate' on facebook today when i told my friend otherbarrie that i wasn't going to change how i type " happy fathers day" just to satisfy her inner spelling nazi. i explained that i hade 2 wonderful fathers, and i have many of the in my life, so i see no reason why i can't type that happy day wish in the multiple form.
   she is probably correct, but she still lost the battle in a resounding manner when all of the other bar(r-i-e)s jumped in and agreed with me, and so did the majority of her flight attendant friends. the death blow was when her daughter backed me, lol! she got mad and deleted most of the discussion. she'll get over it.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 19, 2023, 02:16:04 PM
I remember a friend telling me I was spelling whiskey wrong and shutting her up by pointing out that officially either spelling is acceptable. She did make herself look rather foolish though by jumping in on a conversation that was nothing to do with her and getting told to wind her neck in by everyone else involved.

There are sometimes when I'll pull people up over spelling, although most of the time I am more likely to have a laugh about it especially if the mistake changes the meaning of the word and what the whole sentence means.

Jumped through another couple of hoops tonight for the job I am after. I am starting to feel like they are deliberately seeing how much they can irritate me to see how much I really want the job. Hah, jokes on you, because I just want a job. Doesn't have to be this one. It is incredibly handy for a number of reasons if I do get it and I am mostly going for it simply because it makes life a lot more, well not more, it makes it exactly as convenient as it is currently. The other options all involve problems to some degree and this is a job I know I can do. Hell, I have literally done it with my eyes closed before.

A sub taking rich tourists down to see the wreck of the Titanic has gone missing. £250,000 a ticket. Hopefully they will be found safe and well, but more importantly, I hope that no one involved in any rescue attempts comes to any harm.

Listening to one of John Carpenter's albums of music for movies, only without the movies. One of them gets my heart racing when I listen to it. If only that one was in a film. Put it in low and subtle then let it have that effect on me during a suspenseful scene. Ah to see a film that scares me again.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 20, 2023, 04:57:23 PM
Kristi was out working tonight, so it was just me and Ash. I gave him his meds and tucked him in. Then I went to join in tonights online D&D game. A couple of hours pass and we take a break so I go to check on Ash. He isn't in his bed, which surprised me as the melatonin normally zonks him out. I went to check and see if he'd went into our room, no sign of him there either. I start checking the rest of the rooms and nothing. At this point I am starting to think do I phone Kristi at work first, or the police. Wasn't panicking yet. Checked the rooms again, looking in places that I hadn't checked last time, over the far side of the bed, in the wardrobe, then I noticed the curtain over at Kristi's chest of drawers looked a bit odd, so I lifted that, and there we were, Ash was fast asleep on top of it.


This was him the previous night. Both times he had been put in his bed.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 22, 2023, 03:10:12 AM
Last night's D&D gave me a good laugh. We have a cleric in the group who is a rather stuffed shirt type. We'd interrupted a robbery late at night in a local temple (that happened to belong to the same player's god). We fought some people outside, went in through the open door and fought a big boss guy. After we'd killed him, the cleric wanted to take the body out of the temple. The rest of the party told him "You want it out, you take it out". Anyway, he dragged the body outside and walked straight into a patrol of the town watch. As he was explaining the situation the sergeant at arms asked him if he had anyone who could back up his story.

At this point in the game, myself and the rest of the party listening in from in the temple all decided to vanish in a variety of ways. Our cleric is now trying to explain to a judge that he is one of the highest-ranking members of his church and not a murder hobo. The guard demanded that he put the body back where he found it, but instead, he used a spell called Shape Rock to basically bury the body in the street. Ironically the body is one of the few things that could prove his innocence (if you've seen the movie, he could have cast Speak With Dead). The party is currently pretending not to know him and he has 24 hours to prove his innocence. The rest of the party are drinking in the pub and having a chuckle at his desperate attempts to prove who he is while just getting himself deeper and deeper in trouble.

At one point the DM had to call a 5-minute break while she had a laughing fit.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 24, 2023, 03:44:44 PM
I managed to get the original copy of the will that I need to progress dealing with it all.

Seriously, you'd think they'd make this whole process a lot simpler instead of giving contradictory instructions. I couldn't get to the sheriff court though and I need to head back to Lossiemouth tomorrow. It is Ash's last week at nursery and they are having a graduation ceremony. I've invited my mum and sister up for that, then they'll come back home and I'll travel back down with them to get the will confirmed.

Damn hot weather, but very overcast. It could do with a good thunderstorm to clear the air and cool it down. The train will hopefully have working air con tomorrow, or it is going to be a long, hot and uncomfortable journey. Got plenty of drinks in advance.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 25, 2023, 04:09:00 PM
Turns out that my younger brother had picked up some minor brain damage from his long bout with covid.

Still idiots out there who think it wasn't a thing though.

Managed to get a train going all the way from Glasgow to Elgin. For some reason, it only runs on Sundays. The air conditioning was working which was a good thing. Ash has wanted me to play with him more than he usually does over the past few days. He even asked me to get down on the floor and play with him, but whatever he wanted us to do was interrupted by my mum and I never managed to get him back on track. He went off to play with something else.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 27, 2023, 05:35:36 PM
Kristi had the joy of a 7-hour Teams meeting today. I'd have put a photo of my smiling face in front of the camera and pretended to attend myself.

I may have done things like that in the past where I felt my attendance wasn't needed at online conferences.  :bouncegiggle: Never got caught out (which just proves my point).

Took the family into Elgin while Kristi was busy. Went to go for breakfast and the first 4 places we went to try were all closed for different reasons before we finally got somewhere.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 28, 2023, 03:46:55 PM
When I was a kid my mum would ask me to rent a video from the local shop. I'd put it on, she'd phone a friend and then talk on it for the first hour of the film.

Then she'd ask what had been happening.

Kristi is a little different. She'll choose a movie (generally something I don't want to see), and then walk out the room and not come back. I guess that is an improvement from when we first met and she'd put on something I'd absolutely hate, then fall asleep lying on top of me preventing me from escaping.

Is this a common sort of thing among women?

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 29, 2023, 05:10:20 AM
Into the last few days of belonging to the military. Come next week I formally become the free man I've been living as for the past few months.

I still don't feel anything about that. You'd think there would be something. Regret, fear, optimism... Nope. It has settled just into being another day.

I've made an appointment for Tuesday to speak to the sheriff's court clerk. Let's hope that this time we get the will finally settled. Go down one day, do the appointment the next and back home the day after.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on June 29, 2023, 05:57:57 AM
Quote from: Alex on June 28, 2023, 03:46:55 PM
When I was a kid my mum would ask me to rent a video from the local shop. I'd put it on, she'd phone a friend and then talk on it for the first hour of the film.

Then she'd ask what had been happening.

Kristi is a little different. She'll choose a movie (generally something I don't want to see), and then walk out the room and not come back. I guess that is an improvement from when we first met and she'd put on something I'd absolutely hate, then fall asleep lying on top of me preventing me from escaping.

Is this a common sort of thing among women?

I don't think so...? My roommate in college was into movies on a level to match any of you guys here, though more as a viewer than into how movies were made or knowing about the figures who made them, but her thing was she'd narrate through half the movie telling me to get ready because the next thing that'd happen was a doozy, or could I believe that happens, or telling me about what an actor did in another movie. She didn't believe in a quiet movie experience but it was just her way and didn't much bother me.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 29, 2023, 11:16:54 AM
So today I went down to East Beach and picked Ash up from nursery. We took a walk to the beach where he ran around the dunes a bit and threw some sticks back in the river. Then we got some ice creams, which we ate while sitting watching the harbour. On the walk home I took him to a few play parks and let him walk along all the walls he wanted to (all of them).

It is the last time I'll ever be able to do that with him. Oh sure, we'll go to those places in the future and do those things again, but none of them will ever be on the way home from nursery ever again. One stage of his childhood over and a few weeks break before the next one begins.

I guess we are just having all sorts of life-changing events this year.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 30, 2023, 01:45:32 PM
When I was a kid I remember complaining to my mum about having to do prayers at school and having to attend religious services. She told me that when I was older I would understand why it is important.

Well, it is 40 years later and now in the same position as she was back then you know what? I still don't get why it should be so important. When it comes Ash's time for those, it will be his choice, not mine, Kristi's or some random politician or judge who tries to enforce their beliefs on everyone else.

Dropped him off for his last day at nursery. As per usual, he was fine until the time came to say bye and then he became all clingy. I really wish I'd been given enough space to get him happy about going, or at least accepting of having to go. Well, at least I have a head start on him with his school.

Well the little ceremony is all done. The kids sang a few songs, did some dancing and then got a gift bag. Ash gave each of his teachers (eight of them and toys for the two dogs). One of the teachers asked if she could add Kristi on facebook so she could keep in touch with Ash's progress. After that we went out for lunch before heading into Elgin. Mum hadn't been to Lilly-Beth's grave since before lockdown and wanted to lay some flowers down. Kristi needed to get some new shoes. She couldn't find a size that fitted and the saleman tried to sell her a pair a size smaller. She wasn't impressed to say the least. I think f**king idiot was the term she used. This is someone who doesn't normally swear.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 01, 2023, 01:18:36 PM
The local summer festivals are starting to return post-covid. They have a week-long one called Seafest which started today. We went down for a walk around it, meeting up with Nikki down there. Wasn't much to see to be honest. Lots of food stalls and a bouncy castle that cost £5 for 5 minutes. That very much disgusted me. It was lightly raining, not enough to make us turn around and go home, but it didn't encourage us to hang around either.

The family are heading back home tomorrow. I'll be going to join them Monday after I do some work on base. As much as I love seeing my family I don't want to go over. I need to go and get the next stage of dealing with the will out of the way. With everything being so far away and dealing with demobbing from the RAF it has just taken months longer than it should have to get it all cleared. Still, if I can get this in and done then I think I only have one more major step to go through and finish dealing with it.

Decided to buy the latest version of a game I used to play years ago (Elite: First Encounter). It is huge though and is going to take a while to download. Maybe I should leave it running while I head off for a few days?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 04, 2023, 02:49:09 AM
My last day as a soldier has finally arrived. When I wake up tomorrow I'll be a civilian.

a 22-year break from the 'real world'.

I've seen a lot of aircraft come (Typhoon, Lightning, P8's to name a few) and others go (Jaguar, Tornado, Canberra, Hercules, Sea King, Nimrod). Some of them I've even watched their final flights. I've been able to make some positive changes for good. I've found out things that no one in the regular civilian world will ever get to know, some of which is useless, some not but it has all been an interesting peak 'behind the curtain' on how things really work.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on July 04, 2023, 08:17:16 AM
^ Welcome to the jungle!
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 05, 2023, 08:42:20 AM
Travelling back home just now. The sky was a clear blue when I started, but dark, gray clouds have rolled in and rain is threatening. Kristi is planning on meeting me in Elgin. I was kinda hoping to have some time to walk through town and think about things, but oh well. The 6 hours on the train will just have to suffice. I just seem to think better thoughts while out walking though.

I should get to murder another player in tonight's D&D game. He wants to retire his character, so between me, him and Kristi we came up with a way to resurrect his dead character from one of my campaigns. I just need to sacrifice his current one to do it. Never thought I'd deliberately kill another PC, and here we are my third one is just one game.

There is a couple sitting across the aisle from me. On the one hand, I am against spousal abuse, but on the other hand, if the guy were to snap, get out of his seat and strangle her I think I'd have to give him a round of applause. She has whined about everything and got him to do everything possible for her. "Thomas get them to have more light on the train, why is it so dark (because the driver or conductor hasn't put the lights yet. They will before the train starts. If it is too dark inside for you, simply wait outside until they put the lights on), Thomas can you just go down to the end of the corridor and see if there is a toilet down the end of the carriage, "Thomas can you just open this packet of crisps for me, Thomas do you think it will rain outside, Thomas, you look tired go for a sleep, Thomas put your armrest down, Thomas..."

I am starting to suspect the guy's name is Thomas. I am assuming this is his wife and I hate to imagine the home life he has. I really couldn't put up with that for long. After he'd opened her crisps for her, she took 3 chips out of the bag, put them on the table and told him that was his share while she ate the rest.

Looking forward to getting home to the family. I left my mums house early just because I wanted to get my journey started, although not without regret. I am painfully aware that my mum is 75, and has had two very close brushes with death. Every time I see her I know that it might be the last time and that is not a happy thought. I think when it does happen, that will be my final visit to the village where I grew up. I never cared for it as a boy or man and when she is no longer there, I will have no reason to ever return, save perhaps some long off nostalgic trip back in 20 years or so. Hell, after I left Kilmarnock I was thinking "Well, that should be the last time I ever have to visit this s**thole." There are a few places in Scotland I don't recommend for visitors, Kilmarnock is most definitely one of those, along with the towns that stretch between Greenock to Paisley along the banks of the Clyde. Almost 40 years ago it was decided to clean up Glasgow. Unfortunately what that mostly meant is that the criminals simply moved slightly westward along the riverbank. The murder rate in Paisley shot up something like 300% in one year. Still (based on a quick google), the city still has a 5.1 per 100,000 murder rate against a 1.1 across the rest of the country. If you are looking for a comparison the US has 6.8 (same as Russia), and poor Trevor has to put up with 33.5 per 100,000 in South Africa (not the highest in the world and not high enough for you to need to fear going out the front door, but stay safe brother Trevor).

"Thomas, stop the terrible vibration in the train, Thomas zip your jacket up."

I am not going to make any Thomas the Tank Engine jokes.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 08, 2023, 03:57:10 AM
Life is in a bit of limbo right now. I've not heard back from the housing people which in theory means we should have been evicted 4 days ago. I've not heard from the council on paying council tax either. I do have an interview for my new job next week, so it could just be that everyone is waiting on that happening and haven't progressed anything. Then again, I do have a habit of slipping between the cracks when it comes to bureaucracy and it wouldn't be the first time I've just gone unnoticed. It is amazingly easy to do this. Not as much living off grid (although I've done that too), as just hiding in plain sight, not even doing anything against the law and just letting the weaknesses in the system go on without any interference.

Whoever said death and taxes were inevitable really wasn't as clever as he thought and should have got himself a good accountant. At least one of those two is very avoidable. Generally though it does seem like the more money you have the more you can avoid having to fork over. I could have went my entire life without paying any. Of course, there would have been a pay-off. I'd have needed to work until the day I drop. I doubt I'd have ever been able to get married or have a family. Then again for most of my life that just wasn't a priority.

Strange though that now I have both it is all-consuming. What is it about families that can change us so much? We really are driven by our biology more than most people realise. What we think is a well-thought-out and reasoned choice is just something driven by a bunch of impulses we are barely aware exists (I am not talking about the impulse to breed, most people more or less understand that one). Just bags of meat driven by electrical signals who assume we must be more important than just this.

How terrifying it would be to really face just what we mean in the universe. This infinitely sized thing that somehow we as a species have come to believe we must be, even though we've only been around for a tiny amount of time and take up such a small space in it that we'd barely even register as the smallest percentage of existence.

It is a massive universe, filled with miracles and wonders every place one cares to look and somehow we've come to believe there is any possible way we could be the most important miracle of all. Such arrogance.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 09, 2023, 08:23:21 AM
I have suggested to one of our friends that whatever problem he is trying to tell us about, that he thinks very carefully about if it is something he really wants to say or not. I just have the funny feeling that he has a thing for Kristi in which case he want's to keep that buried deep down. I am just feeling burned out and done with listening to people's minor problems right now. If he has some big health problem, then fine. I'll listen to him. I am not even interested if I've done something to offend him.

Selfish? f**k yeah, but that is how I am feeling right now.

Hmm, lunchtime. I should feed the little guy. I won't be able to call him that for long. A couple of years he'll be taller than me (ok, granted no great feat there). Like so much in life, growing tall seemed to take more effort than I was willing to put into it for what you get out of it.

I wonder what Lenin would have thought of how the Soviet Union went after his death and how he'd have viewed each of his successors. I know he was not a fan of Stalin. I wonder what Marx would have made of the countries that claimed to be communist. Not many of them made any serious attempts at achieving the communist ideal state.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 10, 2023, 10:28:06 AM
Popped into camp for some more leaving signatures. I had planned on doing them over the past few weeks, but other stuff came up that was more important. I'll finish it up tomorrow. The important stuff is all done.

Got home just in time to avoid a thunderstorm which cooled down what was otherwise set to be a very hot day. I was thinking back to a couple of my teachers from school. A Mr. Barr and Mr. Neil. Both of them were clearly only there because of the power they had over students rather than any desire to teach. I guess both of them must be retired by now. I wonder how it felt to them not to have what ephemeral control they had over the lives of others taken away? I remember Neil sitting giving one boy in the class verbal abuse and then as soon as the boy answered back, getting given lines or detention. He pulled that trick on the one kid a few times. Mind you, the guy was an a***ole and I am fairly sure was destined for a life of petty crime. Still, I wonder if he'd taken an interest in the boy's education and tried to help him if he couldn't have made things better and helped set him on a different path, rather than just picking on him.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 13, 2023, 11:33:21 AM
So I had my first job interview since leaving the service today.

It went pretty well. They offered me a job starting whenever I want, at any location I want and they are fast-tracking my application. Can't really say better than that.

Who is it with? Well, I've joined the army more or less (stacked in the direction of less than more it has to be said). It isn't the reserves I've joined, it is the people who guard all the sensitive sites around the UK, nuclear power stations, military bases and so forth. It is an actual army regiment that does it, but they don't deploy overseas and they can't send me to other places to work (well not for more than short periods, it is a maximum of 30 days per year I can be sent away and even then it is still within the UK, unless I volunteer for more). I'll use a gun more than I did previously, but to me that is more of a drawback than a bonus. When it comes to guns I agree with the woman who commented on a picture of a guy sleeping with his rifles that: "As a lesbian, I fully understand this. I too use inanimate objects to make up for my lack of having a penis." They are a tool to get a very specific job done and nothing more. Even worse though is those guys who actually name their weapons. I've always wondered if those sorts of people have little tea parties with their guns too.

Anyway, I am wandering.

I'll fill in some paperwork, put on the date I want to start and off I go. I am thinking I'll work at it for between 5 to 8 years, although I could do up to age 60.

Me at my son's age would be delighted. Being in the army was the first job I can remember wanting.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on July 13, 2023, 01:32:01 PM
Quote from: Alex on July 05, 2023, 08:42:20 AM
Still (based on a quick google), the city still has a 5.1 per 100,000 murder rate against a 1.1 across the rest of the country. If you are looking for a comparison the US has 6.8 (same as Russia), and poor Trevor has to put up with 33.5 per 100,000 in South Africa (not the highest in the world and not high enough for you to need to fear going out the front door, but stay safe brother Trevor).

:smile: :smile: :smile: :cheers:

Thanks: I never walk anywhere without carrying a knife - never had to use it, thankfully - and I always carry a cricket bat with me in the car. That I have used several times.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on July 14, 2023, 02:50:18 AM
Quote from: Alex on July 13, 2023, 11:33:21 AM
So I had my first job interview since leaving the service today.

It went pretty well. They offered me a job starting whenever I want, at any location I want and they are fast-tracking my application. Can't really say better than that.

Who is it with? Well, I've joined the army more or less (stacked in the direction of less than more it has to be said). It isn't the reserves I've joined, it is the people who guard all the sensitive sites around the UK, nuclear power stations, military bases and so forth. It is an actual army regiment that does it, but they don't deploy overseas and they can't send me to other places to work (well not for more than short periods, it is a maximum of 30 days per year I can be sent away and even then it is still within the UK, unless I volunteer for more). I'll use a gun more than I did previously, but to me that is more of a drawback than a bonus. When it comes to guns I agree with the woman who commented on a picture of a guy sleeping with his rifles that: "As a lesbian, I fully understand this. I too use inanimate objects to make up for my lack of having a penis." They are a tool to get a very specific job done and nothing more. Even worse though is those guys who actually name their weapons. I've always wondered if those sorts of people have little tea parties with their guns too.

Anyway, I am wandering.

I'll fill in some paperwork, put on the date I want to start and off I go. I am thinking I'll work at it for between 5 to 8 years, although I could do up to age 60.

Me at my son's age would be delighted. Being in the army was the first job I can remember wanting.

little brother, your son will be delighted with staying in his town and his home, with his swings. and so will you and the empress of lossie!
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 14, 2023, 05:09:48 AM
I was switching over some DVDs for Ash today. Managed to ding my elbow off the metal edge of the radiator. As I sat exclaiming in pain and forcing myself not to swear, Ash decided to come over and punch the radiator.

I guess he is taking after my younger brother there. When we were growing up if Stewart went to throw a punch at me, he'd a bad habit of managing to hit my knee cap, or some bony area and hurting himself a lot more than he ever hurt me.

I guess my interviewer wasn't kidding when he said I'd be fast-tracked. My formal offer of employment arrived today. I feel more nervous about accepting it than I ever did about leaving and I have no idea why.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on July 15, 2023, 03:58:14 AM
honey, if you're that nervous, could you take a few days to think about it a little more? i think maybe we're both thinking that it's so cool that there has to be a catch. find it, or find that it's just both of us being rather cynical. :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 15, 2023, 05:32:35 AM
Quote from: chefzombie on July 15, 2023, 03:58:14 AM
honey, if you're that nervous, could you take a few days to think about it a little more? i think maybe we're both thinking that it's so cool that there has to be a catch. find it, or find that it's just both of us being rather cynical. :cheers:

Lol, it is the military there is always a catch. If someone asks for a volunteer to make love to a hareem of beautiful women you learn to say no, because there is a catch.  :bouncegiggle:I am not incredibly nervous about it. It's not causing me to lose sleep or anything. I only have 3 days to sign and return the paperwork, so that will be getting done tonight.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 15, 2023, 12:30:55 PM
Made this post on social media earlier. It is something that has been on my mind for several years, but because of my job I couldn't publically say. I appreciate most of the people on this forum are in the US rather than the UK, but I know your military has its own problems, despite its budget.

When the cold war came, we were there ready if the worst ever happened.

They cut our numbers to make it look like we'd give up without a fight, but when the Falklands was invaded we went an won a war that was said to be unwinable.

When the cold war was over they said thanks, but your job is no longer needed and cut our numbers even when we were being shot at in Bosnia.

They sent us to Iraq (twice). They said thanks and cut our numbers.

They sent us to Afghanistan, pulled us out with a job half done and made a mockery of the sacrifices that had been made. They told us it was their fault, not ours but they cut our numbers.

They've given us fine speeches in the halls of power, but not given us a pay raise for over 15 years, while their own pay has went up.

We have been there when livestock were diseased and needed disposing of, when firemen and health professionals went on strike, we were there to step into the gap and do their job as best we could. When they couldn't organise the Olympic games, soldiers returning from conflict were told they'd have to wait to see their families a bit longer and we stepped in to fill the gap. When the world was gripped by a pandemic they called on us to fill the gap and we did so. When somewhere floods, a dam is ready to collapse or 100s of other situations we are there when called on.

And still, they cut our numbers.

One day they are going to call on us to do something and there is going to be no one left to answer. Are they going to answer instead and do our job instead?

Stop voting for people who keep cutting the military, or falsely inflating the budget by adding things that aren't really defence or one day you will find we aren't there anymore and it will be when you most need us.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 16, 2023, 07:05:19 PM
Over the years I've had to google for some pretty random information all in the name of my RPG adventures. Getting the sounds of goats is pretty mundane compared to most. Maybe I should have asked Indy to send me a recording of his?

Getting ready to do a game of Shadowrun, which is a sci-fi game. Specifically, it is cyberpunk, but it is a cyberpunk world where dragons roam, elves, orcs and so forth share the world with humans. Thinking about trying to record the sessions. Going to start the games on Sunday. Felt really tired at by 20:00 after not sleeping last night and had a nap. Didn't wake up until after 22:00 though so it may be a while before I feel like sleeping tonight.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on July 17, 2023, 02:53:00 AM
when curtis was going through his cassettes, he found a tape i must have made by accident. it was a conversation between my sister , my cousin and i playing risk, and it must have been really late because we were REALLY drunk! it's very funny, and it was a joy to hear marilyn's voice again, she's been gone 7 years now.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 17, 2023, 03:59:27 PM
Well, we seem to be avoiding the worst of the heat waves that are rolling across southern Europe. The weather has decidedly turned wet and cool.

We had a couple of the missionaries round for lunch and a board game. Dug out Firefly and played through a scenario that was supposed to take 2 hours to play through.

5 hours later, I was the first player about to enter the end-game scenario, but no one had got near to meeting the winning conditions. I did manage to pull off two big heists in rapid succession which was the only reason I was in a situation to try and win, but the missionaries had to go for their curfew, even if one of them asked the other if they could just keep playing and then go home late. His companion didn't want to get into trouble though. One is from Norway, the other from New Zealand. The Norwegian got very upset when he went to make a phone call and came back to find he'd encountered reavers who went on to kill all of his crew, only the captain escaping. He went in a bit of a huff after that. Well, quite a lot of a huff really. One of those guys who was laughing his ass off when other people were having problems but couldn't handle it when it happened to him.

Of course, this means I am going to single him out for tormenting in future games.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 20, 2023, 01:22:15 PM
Well since I am running a Shadowrun game on Sunday, I guess I should relearn the rules. It has been maybe a decade since I last played that game. I do remember it involves only using d6's so I am sure it will all be fine. There are only a few ways you can do these kind of mechanics for a game, so when you've played a few you tend to be able to figure them out, like when I was last in Utah and we played Betrayal at Hill House. I'd ever played it before and the owners had never played it before so I just kinda guessed what the rules were and was about 75-80% right as we'd later find out.

It is a long way from those games of Monopoly when I was 4.

Kristi was asked to cover a full night shift tonight (22:00 til 08:00) after working from 07:30 until 14:00. I had to point out to her if she was working until 8 am that meant she wasn't getting her Friday off. I am not sure she is benefiting at all from adding this to her schedule unless she is going for a shift to permanent nights, which does give you an extra £80 per night.

If anyone is interested in MMO's. The Elder Scrolls is currently available for free:

If you aren't interested, well it is still available for free. Deal with it.  :twirl:

I should have picked up some beers for tonight.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 21, 2023, 01:39:23 AM
Everything seems to be irritating me immensely just now. I don't want to be asked to do anything, touched or in any way have to interact with anyone.

It isn't even 08:00 yet. This is not a good sign.

Got an appointment with the bank at 14:00. I have no doubt that will not improve my mood.

As it turned out the visit to the bank did not improve my mood. It turns out the paperwork that I paid nearly £300 for has a mistake on it. They put the wrong date of birth which means I have to travel back down to Ayrshire and Kilmarnock to go get it fixed. I am not swearing because I am keeping my emotions on a tight lockdown right now, but if someone was to say the wrong thing to me I would punch them. It would be one of those punches where I knock someone off their feet and they wake up later on. I don't often do those, but they are impressive when they happen.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on July 22, 2023, 02:27:31 AM
in trying not to say the wrong thing, it's likely i will, so let's talk about ME for a minute. i think we may be able to get our own car in the next couple of weeks! it's a 2007 nissan altima, not prety( needs paint) , but it's coming from someone i trust with my husband's life and mine, and a friend will loan us the needed 1500. wish us luck, and i hope my potential joy is contagious. and i love you, big guy. really.  :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 22, 2023, 10:37:26 AM
I hope it all works out well for you.

I am a bit more chilled out and calmed down today. We had a good D&D session last night where the group didn't irritate me enough to kill them off and I got to run a scenario that I've had in mind for a few years now. It involves a dragon being used as a beast of burden and hauling a wagon.

The party butchered the dragon, killed the drivers and looted the wagon.

Supposed to be writing Shadowrun stuff for tomorrow, but I put on some 80's music to listen to while I write and now mostly I am watching the videos.

Just discovered I have a lifetime ban from a forum I have never been on before. I kinda feel proud of that one.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 23, 2023, 03:38:10 AM
So on Friday nights game we came up with a minor issue,. One of the players was using '0' as his push to talk button. When he rolled damage, having that pressed changed his d10 to a d100000000000. I put up a screenshot of the damage he'd rolled in one the groups I am in. 12 hours later it has somewhat exploded. Around 600 likes and climbing.

I guess Mick is now minorly famous.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 23, 2023, 04:43:41 PM
The post continues to grow legs. I've told my players that if it reaches 1000 reactions they can have a free level. I would say that I am confident that they won't get 1000, but then again I didn't think they would get 300.



I really hope it doesn't get to 1000. Having them go up a level means I'd need to redo all the fights I have planned for them.  :bouncegiggle:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on July 24, 2023, 03:43:02 AM
lol, ya gotta be careful with that kind of thing. my friend pun lost a bet on his board and is now obliged to post his picture in a tutu. but at least he doesn't have to do the grass skirt too  :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 24, 2023, 05:20:26 AM
The attention on it is slowing down. They are stuck on 922 reacts so far. I've told them if they don't make 1k, they will lose 1 xp per point short they are.

Just to be fair.  :bouncegiggle:

Going to phone the sheriff court this afternoon, find out how to sort the mistake they made in the confirmation and then take things from there. I can't go down to Kilmarnock until Wednesday at the absolute earliest, possibly not even until next week due to various things happening. Someone dying really should not be a chance for governments to make money.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 25, 2023, 06:38:37 AM
Well this morning it was sitting on 1014 likes so I guess the group gets a level each.

I resisted the urge to give them all a spirit level or something.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 26, 2023, 01:46:54 PM
I have decided that Ash is not getting to watch any more Cars movies or TV shows until next week at the earliest. Just looking at my list of movies watched and knowing that it isn't even all the times it has been on.

As of today, I am officially debt free. Indeed not only that but I have... well it is enough to live on for a while in surplus. Not enough to permanently retire though (more is the pity), but it is a good start. I am certainly in a good position compared to a lot of other people, but then again I've put in a lot of work over the years in steering my life in this direction and doing so in a way that keeps me happy.

Bought myself a 3D printer to celebrate.

*sigh* Just when I am feeling on a high, one of my friends is having a terrible night. She really needs to just end this relationship and move on. Yeah, it is painful and 5 years is a long time to invest in someone, but sometimes you just have to admit to yourself it isn't going to work.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 28, 2023, 02:03:11 AM
Got family coming to visit today, leaving drinks for my old boss (he is getting a promotion), and my printer should arrive at some point.

The one I've ordered is better at doing terrain and vehicles than single figures, so it is possible that I might order a second one for them but that depends on how much use I get out of this one. If It gets used a lot for a month and then forgotten about, then I'll treat it as a white elephant and go no further. I don't think I'll end up making a business out of it, but it is a possibility to consider.

I was speaking to Mark the other day, he mentioned that Karl is mostly away on courses with about one week left in work before he gets his new job. He also said "And then I never need to see him again." I guess their friendship has completely broken down then. It will doubtless make tonight interesting, although since he is driving me out there, I am assuming Mark isn't going to be drinking so hopefully he'll behave. Supposed to be doing a 3 or 4 hour walk with him tomorrow morning through Lossie woods. Hey, look at me. I actually kept in touch with someone I used to work with. That isn't something I often do. I think maybe 2 previously?

Ever get a load of money and just have the urge to go out and spend loads? Yeah, fighting that one myself right now. Life is good and I am happy. The only cloud on the horizon right now is getting this damn will finished with.

Looks like the big damage threat has finally (thankfully) died.


The final number of reacts was 1123. I have no idea about the other groups it was shared to. The party (begrudgingly) has been given their additional level.  :buggedout:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 29, 2023, 12:00:02 PM
Went out on a four-and-a-half-hour hike with Mark and Aidie (my replacement) today. Was a not bad one, through Lossie woods, onto the beach up to the range and then inland through the hills and back to the woods. Got back, had a quick shower and then was back out for a quick shopping trip before getting home again. Managed each time we went inside just to miss an absolute downpour.

Printing up my first large project.


Although it is only going to be 87% of its normal size as my printer is a bit small for it. Later, then I've got a bit more experience with the platform, I'll try placing it diagonally and see if I can make the tank full size.

EDIT: I just realised that this is the closest I've ever gotten to using Pythagoras since leaving school.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 31, 2023, 03:51:35 PM
We went for a day out in Inverness. There were plans to try Ash on the miniature railway again, but it was raining all day and the volunteers decided not to open it. We still had a good walk around, bought some stuff, and whatnot. I picked up more Saturnas gifts for Kristi (which without any planning involved does seem to have something of a Star Trek theme so far). She is grumpy with me because I watched Renfield without her, but there are a lot of films she wants us to watch together, but is never in the mood for. Eventually, the film gets forgotten about, so I've just taken to watching things myself rather than waiting and missing out. Mind you, I've been grumpy with her recently. For the past couple of months, any time she sees me going to do anything I either get asked what I am doing, or she jumps in and tells me how to do what I am doing. Quite often she'll get the wrong idea on what or why I am doing something and give me unhelpful instructions which I then ignore. It hasn't stopped her from doing it, and in the past few days, I've found myself getting a bit snippy and giving her sharp replies. I think it was when I was making up sandwiches for my walk the other day and she started telling me that I should use a different loaf for them. Seriously, I am quite capable of making a sandwich on my own. I don't need a backseat driver. I was in a hurry though and didn't have time to slice up the one she told me to use, nor did I have time to explain why I was doing it that way as I was having to rush out the door and this was for my lunch late. It might sound small and petty, but this is pretty much every damn thing I go to do some days. Since it has gone past just bugging me a little and right through being irritated about it I will have to have a talk about it with her rather than barking at her every time she does it to me. I have no idea what triggered this behaviour either. It isn't something I do to her either, but it does remind me very much of the old woman I saw on the train harranging the old man she was with about absolutely everything. Man, I don't think the poor guy got 5 seconds of piece for the more than an hour and a half we were on the train and I don't think his life before or after would have been any different.

Damned if I am going to end up that way.

Mind you, I've been told I am damned anyway, so...  :bouncegiggle:

Anyway, that aside it was a good day out. Kristi bought herself some new clothes, and I bought myself more clothes at once than I think Kristi has seen me get the whole time we've been married (four pairs of black jeans, a couple of packs of underwear, and socks). I was looking for some other stuff, but nothing really appealed to me beyond that. Did get Ash some school stuff too since he'll be starting primary one soon.

Need to print mooooooore tanks.

In between a few other projects I've printed out a pair of Maus (which means I have as many of them as the Germans actually built (even if one of them was only partially built), and Universal Carrier. There does seem to be an issue with printing out the underside of models. Picked up some blu-rays today as well (the D&D movie, Renfield and Evil Dead Rise). Kristi was offered a night shift at short notice tonight instead of her shift tomorrow and has taken it. It is a higher rate of pay, plus a bonus on top. I was looking forward to relaxing with her tonight though. It is her choice to do it and I am glad she is applying herself to it so well.

Ordered some more patches for my jackets. Spot my childhood fandoms.

1    Army of Darkness logo Patch
1    Joker; Insane Arkham Asylum Patch
1    Outland Con-am 27  patch
1    B5 Separatist's Patch
1    BSG 75 jacket back  patch (8" dia)
• Colour: Desert Camo
1    Blakes 7 logo Patch
1    Buck Rogers Earth Shoulder Patch

Really feel that Outland deserves to be a better known film, but then westerns in space often seem to suffer.

Oh, for anyone with long memories, I am sure I've mentioned a guy I used to work with, Liam Elliot, or swimboy as I called him. Found out he is now out of the RAF, and was arrested when he was caught filming people dressing/undressing in a room he was renting out. He'd also managed to get a hold of a video of two of his friends having sex. They'd filmed it themselves but had no idea how he'd managed to get it. Never did like the guy. He is now on the sex offenders register, but managed to avoid prison time, although he did get 270 hours community service.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 01, 2023, 12:55:22 PM
It has been a busy day today. Got three letters from the pension's office confirming that I am now officially a pensioner and thus fully entitled to yell at kids and tell them to get off my lawn! Popped into Elgin, confirmed with the bank that the credit card has now been paid off (yay). We decided on a new couch for the living room (blue leather), although we couldn't agree on which new bed to get. The flights for our next holiday have been booked and I got a couple of emails letting me know I start work on the 19th of September.

Let's hope I am fully over the jet lag then. Private Corbett reporting for duty.

My pension will be paid at the end of the 7th of every week. Kristi gets paid on the 28th of the month and I'll get paid on the last working day of the month. I think we can work with that.

Still loving my 3D printer. Used the first real and working my way through the larger one I had bought. I think I should order a backup for that one too.  :bouncegiggle:

Today I've been thinking that if there is a god out there, it must be like a more neurotic version of Woody Allen.

Picked up an electric razor today. Not used one of them since I was a teenager. Generally speaking I prefer the feel of a blade, but I figure if I am in a hurry, or if I miss shaving one day I can always have it as a backup.

Hmm. Making people afraid of you is only a viable strategy for peace on a short-term scale. Sooner or later people get fed up of living in fear and decide to destroy what they are afraid of.

I feel random today.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 02, 2023, 01:59:08 PM
Funny how little it takes to bring out the dark side of people. For some people, all it takes is ignoring an idea, an unkind word, not acknowledging their hello. Other people, take more of a sustained effort but very rarely does such treatment fail to bring results that help neither the originator or the target.

I wonder why doing it has remained part of the human psyche and not been bred out?

Not that I am a fan of Shakespeare but I saw that a performance of his 12th Night is being performed at Elgin Cathedral. Figured that was something Kristi would love, and I must admit it sounds pretty cool to me too so I've bought us some tickets.

The Thunderton has finally reopened. It's been closed for the best part of 20 years. Last time I was in it, the walls were whitewashed rock, which given the building dates back 1000 years (although it was rebuilt 500 years or so ago. I am not sure how much of it is still the original building, but it is still pretty old). Went in for some drinks and thought the decor had vastly improved. It was all dark wood paneling. Had me at that one there really.

Printing out a little present to send out to various friends of mine who like Serenity. Hand painting them for a special touch.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 03, 2023, 07:41:42 AM
Present buying is well underway, and I think I am about finished with stuff for Kristi.

Except for impulse purchases of course, and if they bring out another illustrated Harry Potter book.

Ash, well I know what I want to get him. It just depends if that is still his big interest come the big day. Last year I bought him loads of cars and playsets for cars because he was obsessed with them. Then come November all of a sudden he switched to trains. It has continued to be trains all this year, but I want to wait until closer the time before actually buying him his first electric train set.

Waiting on many, many deliveries today. The new couch, printing stuff, other stuff. Just lots and lots of stuff. Meanwhile, I am printing out some extra little gifts for a certain select group of people which I am then hand-painting. You'll know if you are getting one because I'll ask for your address. I am only making a limited amount, and it is very closely related to a specific interest/fandom or whatever you want to call it, so if I don't know this is your jam then I won't be making you one I'm afraid. Each one gets named and numbered.


And yet I have no problem waiting for hours for something to print out. I wonder why? Saying that though, I wouldn't complain if the printer went faster. I did do some research on how to solve one of the problems I've encountered with printing out reversed slopes and long overhangs, so once the wall I am printing (not connected to the presents I am making) is done, I am going to redo my Maus turrets.

I wonder how they would have performed had they ever made it to the battlefield? Those complicated builds with so many handmade components did the German army no favours, but while they worked they did achieve big kill ratios. Of course, having a kill ratio of 11 to 1 means nothing if your enemy can make 12 tanks for every 1 you produce.

They'd have been scary, but they simply couldn't manufacture enough of them to turn the tide of the war.  Still, I wouldn't have wanted to face one in a regular Sherman, or even a T-34/85.

Overcast, dull and wet today. Hopefully it will clear up by Saturday. Despite my dislike for the bard's works I do find myself looking forward to seeing the play this weekend. It would be nice if the weather could match my enthusiasm. If it pours down we can always go to the pub instead.

Rewatched Renfield last night. Really gets me how much they were able to get Nic Cage looking reminiscent of Bela Lugosi in some of the scenes. Shame about the teeth though, I felt that they were the only thing wrong with the whole film really. Also watched Evil Dead Rise for the first time. Liked it more than the latest Hellraiser film.

Damn you Bezos. You just made the list.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 04, 2023, 03:23:14 PM
The man cave looks like an absolute disaster zone right now. My new shelves arrived and I obviously had to empty the old ones so I could take them down and put the new ones in. Everywhere just has stuff sitting on it right now. Even stuff has more stuff piled atop it.

Getting there on sorting it out though, step by step.

Got a friend coming over to visit in November. The last time we saw her was the long weekend before we lost Lilly-Beth. This time it would be nice if the meeting will bring happier memories. I let her go with Kristi to the hospital for an ultrasound scan thinking I'd have many more times to see her.

Such is life, and death. We aren't promised how much time we get, only a beginning and an end. Just do the best you can with the bit in-between.

Kristi has gone out for a girls night in Aberdeen. She's never been out for a night with girls drinking before. Hopefully, she'll enjoy it and manage to come home sober as she is working tomorrow.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 05, 2023, 07:00:34 AM
Well Kristi's night out started well. After a few hours, one of the other women joined them and seemingly she just killed the mood. One of those people whose entire life is made up of complaining about everything and nothing.

I wonder if her name is Karen?

As long as she got home safely I was happy. Turns out she (Kristi) doesn't like Tequilla shots though. Funny, I don't think I've drunk that for 30 years. So many different types of alcohol, so little time.

Nikki brought round a new girl looking to play Shadowrun on Sunday. Apparently, all she does in real life is smoke weed. I don't have a problem with her doing that but I have made it very clear that it can't happen in my house, or around us. I still get drug tested when I go back to work. Got our play to go to tonight. Hmm, I should print out the tickets for that while I remember.

I am covered in scratches from all the moving stuff around I've been doing. Went to do some weights this morning and found my right arm could barely lift them. I guess I strained something. Oh well, I still have my left arm and I am sure it will be all fine in a few days.

Wasn't sure how I'd like my new configuration of shelves. The are forming a U behind my chair. I think I am going to be happy with it though. The plastic ones were fine when we first moved in, but they were never intended to be permanent. They weren't even supposed to be used as long as they were. Still I am sure Nikki will give them a good home. She's taking them away on Sunday. On Monday I'll pop into barrack stores and see if they want the old couch and armchairs back or if I should just dump them. We've had them for 10 years. I don't know what the expected lifespan is on these things. It still shocks em that we stayed 10 years in the one house. The longest most people get is 3 before they have to move. Even moves after a year are not uncommon.

Watching X-Bomber at the moment. It is a show I watched when they showed it once on British tv, then I never saw it again since.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 05, 2023, 05:20:24 PM
From the show earlier tonight.

Walking up to the cathedral.

That building on the left is used for weddings sometimes. When it is lit up at night it looks like a lantern.

The actors wandering through the crowd before the show. Turns out we both love Nightmare before Christmas.


The set.


The entire cast.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 07, 2023, 11:23:23 AM
The play was decent. I enjoyed it, although with the 5 actors/actresses involved playing multiple roles and having different costumes within those roles it could get a bit difficult to tell what was going on at times.

Then again, it is a romantic comedy and they seem to thrive on that kind of thing in my limited experience.

I'd go and see them again, although I wouldn't say it has changed my generally negative view of Shakespeare. The enthusiasm of the cast and the setting made it special, not to mention that Kristi quite clearly loved it. Ultimately I went to it for her, so how she viewed it was the important bit of the evening. The choice of a southern US drawl as the accent for a male character being played by a woman did surprise me somewhat.

Making myself a Lament configuration box. Because why the hell not?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 09, 2023, 02:39:38 AM
I was listening to some songs via Youtube this morning. Flight of Icarus and I happened to notice a comment below the song that said:
QuoteMy favorite Maiden song. Makes me feel like I have no limits.

Boy, did he miss the point of that song and legend lol.

Getting the hang of my printer more and more. I am on my 6th attempt at printing out a Panzer IV. The previous attempts all came up against an assortment of problems, but this attempt has gone much further than the previous ones and should be finished in about 2 hours. It's been going since lunchtime yesterday.

Ordered a box to keep all my M:TG cards in. It holds 3000. Figured that would be more than enough to hold my collection.

No. It holds maybe two-thirds of what we have. Got all my black, red, green and non-spell blue cards in there. All the blue spells, white, artefacts and multicoloured cards will need to go in a second box.

We are making plans for our trip stateside at the end of the month. It really doesn't feel like we are going on holiday in a couple of weeks.

Yay, the Panzer IV printed out successfully. Working on a Semavente now. Since I decided to start an Italian army, I figured I'd print their armour out myself. When it comes to armoured vehicles, Italy was in the 3rd tier of countries in that respect. The USSR was the only country that really started and ended the war with good tanks (from the point of view of tanks being useful against infantry and other tanks). The Semovente was a decent anti-tank gun able to take out anything anyone else was fielding, but they only got 30 of them made before dropping out of the war. When Germany occupied Italy they were able to make another 60.

Ordered a couple of ladders for some jobs I need to do in the garage. Got a 6-foot step ladder which isn't quite high enough, so I've ordered a 10ft extendable ladder on the basis that anything larger suddenly had a huge jump in price.

I wonder if we will ever find a way to unleash the creativity that we show during war in other ways. Can the human race ever discover how to put all that energy into something purely productive? Technology and medicine improve at a much-increased rate as we pour all that extra time and money into better ways of killing other people and saving our own. Mind you I also wonder if Genghis Khan will ever be celebrated as the man who delayed global warning enough that our technology might give us a chance of surviving it?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 10, 2023, 02:28:36 PM
Had to travel down to Glasgow today. It was too hot to be stuck on a train. Spent a fair bit of time chatting with a lass from Brazil. She'd came to the UK 10 years ago because she didn't like how much of a mess Brazilian politics had became and she didn't like where her country had been going so she didn't often go back. 5 years ago she'd moved from London to Scotland and enjoyed it a lot more up here.

I can understand that. There are a lot of places I'd rather be than London. Not the dirtiest place I've ever been, but it was very sleezy.

Her English wasn't 100%, but it was good enough for us to have a chat for an hour or so.

I've had conversations with three women from the US this month who want to leave the states due to how things are going over there. They were asking about the problems we had getting Kristi over. One's husband is career military, I doubt he'll want to abandon that and move permanently. The other, I don't think would be capable of sorting her life out enough to do it (and I mean that in a nice way). The third well I could see her joining the small flotilla of women we know abandoning their native country.

It will be interesting to see how things are over there first hand in a few weeks.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on August 11, 2023, 03:44:01 AM
interesting, as in " may you live in interesting times", i presume? it's my fault, you know, it's been this way sing this little guigein was given this " blessing" in 1979... sorry kids.  :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 11, 2023, 12:53:14 PM
Interesting as in I like to observe social trends. I find they very much go in a sine wave. The more you think things are going your way, the more you are going to be upset in a few decades when everything starts going the other way (or if you are unhappy in the first place, you just need to wait for your own uptick time).

Unless you die while waiting. I guess that would suck.

Kristi and her mum are arguing. We want to go do stuff with certain people. Her mother wants us not to invite other people. I am going to tell her that this is our holiday. We will be doing what we want, with who we want. If she wants to get time just with us then she can come over to the UK. We have a lot of people to catch up with. Our trip to Yellowstone especially seems to be a point of contention. Lori's new husband needs an electric scooter to get around in, we need to book a hotel that can accommodate this rather than the camping that we want. I feel we've bent enough there and I am putting my foot down.

I thought Kristi was moving out of this phase where she keeps jumping in on everything I am involved in, but apparently not. I am arranging to get a tattoo done while I am over in the states (one of two new ones I have planned). I contacted a friend over there for a recommendation on a studio and artist and got some contact details. I'd mentioned that I was planning on getting a tattoo, that I'd looked into somewhere, but didn't mention any more details. Kristi asked where I was getting it done and I told her the name of the place. Later on that night, she was on the phone to her sister who wants to go with me when I go to get it and she said "After I finish this phone call, I am going to go arrange everything for Alex getting his tattoo and speak to the studio."

No, she is bloody well not. I've told her it is all in hand and I am sorting it out myself. Honestly, it is getting as bad as when my mother-in-law found out I wanted to go to the bar in L.A that Lemmy used to drink at (it is a place I'd wanted to visit for a while. I wasn't going to meet Lemmy or anything, although if I had it would have been a bonus), and she phoned the bar to ask what time he normally came in at. I mean she meant well, but I was mortified. They must have thought we were stalkers or something. As it turned out, Lemmy either wasn't there or I didn't see him. I did see Ozzy though, but I refused to speak to him or even make eye contact in case he asked for a slice of my pizza.

It was f**king good pizza. If you ever find yourself in L.A, I heartily recommend the Sunset Bar & Grill for it.

Back home now. The train was still overly hot, but at least it wasn't crowded. There were a lot of tourists on the train though, especially Scandinavian/German people. Listening to them made me think of the start of 13th Warrior, well if the Vikings had all been middle-aged, skinny and balding.

A fan made trailer has been put out for the movie I backed on Kickstarter. ( Looks fun and cheesy.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on August 12, 2023, 02:01:36 AM
i'm backing you all thw way on this, because i've been through it with family members on both sides( although never my inlaws, they rocked) and it isn't their decision. you know i love kristi's family that i know, just like i love your brother and fam, but there's a phrase i started in my fam years ago. " if you ain't payin', you ain't sayin'".
  i see no reason why lori and hubs and whoever can't stay in the hotel while you 3 camp out, tis is YOUR family vacation after all. as for the tat, you fly down here and i'll get brooke's brother to do yours, he's so good he's been on tv. lol, i'm kidding, i wouldn't boss you like that, since i'm not payin'!
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 13, 2023, 01:49:35 PM
Yesterday we were taking a walk to the shop and making our plans for heading to Fantasy Con in Aberdeen on Sunday morning. Half way down the street we decided to turn around, go home, pack and book a hotel in Aberdeen, then go from there.

So we packed up, and headed out. When we reached our hotel, we dumped off our stuff and went for a meal. I had some high hopes for the restaurant. It was called Rohaan and had a nice rustic feel to it. My chicken burger though was somewhat disappointing considering the price tag. It was a fillet of chicken with a slice of American-style cheese chucked on top, so not even proper cheese. The chips were slightly overcooked. Kristi said her meal was nice enough, so maybe I just got unlucky but it isn't somewhere I'd choose to give a second chance to. Took a good while to settle Ash down to sleep, but then it always does when we are in a hotel. I got a decent nights sleep, but Kristi didn't. Anyway, we got up early to head into Aberdeen.

So early we were there 2 hours before anything opened. The only place we could get breakfast at was McDonalds. The Fantasy Con was good enough for what and where it was. There were various semi-famous actors from films and tv shows I've watched or at least am aware of, even if I couldn't tell you the names of any of their characters with the possible exception of a White Walker and R2D2. Then again, you don't exactly get to see the actor who played him. We spent some money at it, met up with some family and then after we'd seen what there was to see, done what there was to do and bought what we wanted to buy we headed off to the nearby park. I tricked Adam and Cam into getting onto a roundabout and then spun it round as fast as I could.

Really, they've known me all their lives. You'd have thought they'd have figured this part out by now.

After that, it was time to head into the city proper. We could hear roars from the local football ground. Aberdeen were playing Celtic and we were guessing on what side had scored from the noise being made. We stopped in somewhere for a meal, and we all had much better fare than the previous night. I went with a trio of starters (squid, prawns, and some spicy Korean-style chicken). I'd certainly eat at that one again, even if I can't remember the name of it right now.

Finally, it was time to pick up some hobby paints and then catch the train home. I thought I was going to have to help the conductor when he confiscated some alcohol off of some underage kids (you aren't allowed to drink alcohol on the train as well as them being underage), but despite some shouting they didn't get violent. It was just a simple taxi ride home to finish the weekends adventures.

I had meant to take some photos while I was at the Con, but didn't get around to it. The only picture I did take was of the offshore wind farm that p**ses off trump so much. I've heard is building a second gold course nearby. Let's hope another wind farm is already in production and puts him off building it.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on August 14, 2023, 03:32:58 AM
i haven't been to the ICT comicon/scifi fest since the first one, but i think i'll go this year, just to meet barry bostwick. i mean, seriously. how can i resist the chance to meet "BRAD" of rocky horror fame???? i think my bestie will go with me, since there's some blond chick from one of the star treks that he crushes on there too.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on August 14, 2023, 04:26:24 PM
The only problem I have with winds farms is they kill a lot of birds and bats*. If maybe some sort of cage could be erected around the blades it might eliminate the problem. I think tidal batteries are potentially a majorly underutilized source of energy since there's little so dependable on the planet as the tides.

* If you notice high-rise buildings with reflective glass kill a lot of birds too. Walk under almost any one of them and you might find a dead bird.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Rev. Powell on August 15, 2023, 08:45:17 AM
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on August 15, 2023, 09:16:15 AM
Hey, I hope Ash's first day of school is/was stressless and happy. I hope he makes friends and does well and comes home with nothing but good stories to tell!  :thumbup:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 15, 2023, 02:17:57 PM
The report from his teacher is that Ash had a really good first day at school. That is our good news.



The bad news is that Ash decided to poop in my shower. Not only did he do that, but he took the draining mechanism to pieces in stages and pooped in each seperate stage which meant each individual stage was blocked. He then flooded the en-suite which I need to drain and clean.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on August 15, 2023, 07:58:13 PM
Someday you'll fondly remember the tub incident with misty-eyed nostalgia. Kind of like me with Keagan peeing in my mouth as a baby. Or my littlest pounding on my head with a plastic-faced doll to wake me up. Or my oldest getting the cops called us after she showed her friend the wild marijuana growing in our woods just today. Ah, precious memories....
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 17, 2023, 01:23:56 PM
It took me until about 14:00 until I managed to clear all the poop out of the shower the next day.

So. Much. Poop.

We've been trying all sorts of laxatives but it seems that hot water is what helps Ash take a dump.

Since we bought a couch I called barracks stores to come collect the old one. Turns out someone else hadn't done the paperwork right and we hadn't been getting charged for the furniture we'd rented off the MOD. When the guy came round to collect it, he said we'd had the stuff so long and since they were getting rid of that style of furniture, if we had anything else lying around to just keep it.


Certainly beats figuring out how much should have been coming out of my paycheck as part of the rent for the past ten years and then paying it all back, especially when it is someone else's error.

Headed down down on the same train as I had last week and bumped into the same Brazilian woman. She is going back home for a bit on the 29th then returning. I wonder if we'll ever meet again?

Met up with my mum in Glasgow. She'd been visiting her sister in Blackpool for a couple of weeks. I helped her get all her luggage off the train when she got to her stop, then as the train headed off I realised I hadn't lifted my own bag. I grabbed one of the staff and made a missing bag report. I got it back within an hour, but that was a worry I didn't need. I didn't mind potentially losing the laptop or my clothes but I also had the deeds to Gina's house to be transferred to my sister and I didn't want to have to jump through hoops to get a fresh set of them.

I really hate doing paperwork.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 17, 2023, 03:53:36 PM
Death should be a more dignified thing for more people. How many get to pass quietly in their sleep compared to those who go out from some medical condition that debilitates them and leaves us with memories of once proud and strong people whose bodies have turned on them and left them a husk of their previous selves?

Should anyone have to go through being in so much pain that the most powerful painkillers can only dull the edge?

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on August 17, 2023, 07:06:59 PM
Quote from: Alex on August 17, 2023, 03:53:36 PM
Death should be a more dignified thing for more people. How many get to pass quietly in their sleep compared to those who go out from some medical condition that debilitates them and leaves us with memories of once proud and strong people whose bodies have turned on them and left them a husk of their previous selves?

Should anyone have to go through being in so much pain that the most powerful painkillers can only dull the edge?

I was raised in a religion that emphasized the great wisdom that can arise from suffering, and while I don't doubt there is truth to that, I think certain varieties of ignorance are not without charm.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 18, 2023, 01:27:26 AM
The Scottish government is currently debating an assisted dying bill for mentally competent adults. It is a subject that has been debated for the last ten years. I doubt it will get passed any time soon though.

It is against the law currently to assist someone in committing suicide, but they've been turning a blind eye to people who help anyone get to the Dignitas clinic in Switzerland for assisted dying. It saves politicians from having to make any decisions that might affect their chances of re-election I guess.

I've been trying to find a review for a book. I can find synopsises for it, I can buy the book but I just can't find a single review (The Jewish-Japanese Sex and Cook Book and How to Raise Wolves).

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 19, 2023, 02:06:33 AM
That is my next tattoo booked. I figured getting one done while I was on holiday would be a nice memento. I'd always said I wouldn't get a band logo done on me because if the musicians later on came out in support of something I didn't agree with, or did something I didn't like then well, I'd be stuck looking like I agreed with them. Well, the main man has been dead a fair number of years now and I think if anything was going to come out about him, it would have done so by now. As far as I can tell, he always wore his 'sins' on his sleeve.

So I am going with this on my right shoulder (minus the band name).


It is one I've been thinking about and wanting for a few years now so I am confident I am not going to regret it. I know there are more modern and better-drawn versions of Snaggletooth, but I want the classic.

My arm was in so much pain yesterday I was starting to wonder if I'd broken it. Feels much better today. Pretty sure it is just a case of tennis elbow but man was it aching all through the trip home. Got the last of the documents needed for Gina's house to be sold down to the solicitors down there. Hopefully, I now require minimal input on that side of it and next week I can finish off the bank money transfer. Mind you I've thought I was here before and then found out there were more things to be done.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 21, 2023, 04:39:48 PM
Decided to start the packing for our holiday. I have filled a large-sized travel suitcase with nothing but presents for people. I mean, you could maybe squeeze in some underwear or socks, but yeah. It looks like the day we land we'll need to go clothes shopping.

I never thought I'd be travelling intercontinental carrying a suitcase that is 30% full of Walkers Shortbread.

Around £70 worth of shortbread. Then we picked up stuff for other people and ordered a few things that will take slightly longer to arrive (but still be here before we leave... hopefully). Went to a nice little crepe place for breakfast, then ended up at Scribbles for lunch. Some stuff is going to have to go in another suitcase.

Yeah, I'll be buying clothes when we land.  :bouncegiggle: All part of helping the economy. I am talking to Kristi about next year going somewhere that isn't a holiday to see either of our families. Kristi wants to go to EuroDisney or Disney Paris or whatever the hell they've called it. Maybe we can do that for Ash's birthday. Hopefully, it wouldn't quite be as busy then since it would be out of school holiday season.

Ever wondered if it would be possible to commit the perfect crime? I don't just mean getting away with it. It would need to be something that not only did you get away with, but everyone would have to know you'd did it, but couldn't do anything about it.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on August 21, 2023, 06:12:48 PM
Well there's that tiny slice of Yellowstone where various intellectual exercises have resulted in the claim no one there has legal jurisdiction.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 22, 2023, 01:27:48 AM
Quote from: ER on August 21, 2023, 06:12:48 PM
Well there's that tiny slice of Yellowstone where various intellectual exercises have resulted in the claim no one there has legal jurisdiction.

We are spending a couple of days there.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on August 22, 2023, 01:46:53 AM
Quote from: Alex on August 17, 2023, 03:53:36 PM
Death should be a more dignified thing for more people. How many get to pass quietly in their sleep compared to those who go out from some medical condition that debilitates them and leaves us with memories of once proud and strong people whose bodies have turned on them and left them a husk of their previous selves?

Should anyone have to go through being in so much pain that the most powerful painkillers can only dull the edge?

I agree with the dignified: Dad went through this and now Mom too  :bluesad:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 22, 2023, 05:47:28 AM
Quote from: Trevor on August 22, 2023, 01:46:53 AM
Quote from: Alex on August 17, 2023, 03:53:36 PM
Death should be a more dignified thing for more people. How many get to pass quietly in their sleep compared to those who go out from some medical condition that debilitates them and leaves us with memories of once proud and strong people whose bodies have turned on them and left them a husk of their previous selves?

Should anyone have to go through being in so much pain that the most powerful painkillers can only dull the edge?

I agree with the dignified: Dad went through this and now Mom too  :bluesad:

It just seems very wrong for things to happen that way. It's been in the news here a lot recently which has also matched up with what several other people in our orbit are going through. I remember when my gran died thinking what a waste that all those memories and life experiences were gone.

Decided to subscribe to Creature Features and am now working my way through 7 seasons of their bad movies. Shame the episodes don't seem to be listed in order, but that is a minor quibble. Still trying to get my head around all the shortbread people wanted us to bring over.

The government is looking at changing the law to force criminals to attend their sentencing. I would have thought that was part and parcel of going to prison, but it seems not. There have been two separate cases of child killers recently who have avoided attending these events and presumably just went straight to jail. The families want them forced to attend these hearings so they can be made to face them. I don't think that is a great idea. Many of these people will show no emotion. Some of them will simply laugh at their suffering.

Went to download some files to print out a replica Lawgiver from Judge Dredd. Then I found it is actually a working version of the gun (well to a degree. I am assuming it doesn't fire ricochet, incendry etc and all the various other options he has in the comic. Maybe AP. Anyway, I figured making one of them would be a bad idea.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Newt on August 22, 2023, 07:33:10 AM
Quote from: Alex on August 18, 2023, 01:27:26 AM

I've been trying to find a review for a book. I can find synopsises for it, I can buy the book but I just can't find a single review (The Jewish-Japanese Sex and Cook Book and How to Raise Wolves).

Not sure that this might help: ( - brief reviews on Goodreads.  Not in-depth or authoritative - more opinions/experiences of readers.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 22, 2023, 07:48:43 AM
Quote from: Newt on August 22, 2023, 07:33:10 AM
Quote from: Alex on August 18, 2023, 01:27:26 AM

I've been trying to find a review for a book. I can find synopsises for it, I can buy the book but I just can't find a single review (The Jewish-Japanese Sex and Cook Book and How to Raise Wolves).

Not sure that this might help: ( - brief reviews on Goodreads.  Not in-depth or authoritative - more opinions/experiences of readers.

Thank you. The title made me wonder what it was actually about.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 23, 2023, 04:28:07 AM
I was just asked about my tattoos and if I saw a tattoo on someone else, is there anything I'd consider a red flag.

I can only think of the Chinese and Soviet ones though.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 24, 2023, 04:36:34 AM
Another conversation from yesterday (and something I've said before):

Female Friend: 'If women ruled the world, we'd have no wars.'

Me: 'Our first female Prime Minister took steps to ensure a possible war happened just so she'd win the next election, and besides can you imagine if two female leaders met at the wrong time of the month, or turned up to a diplomatic meeting both wearing the same outfit? The big red button would be pressed before you could say "Oh s**t!"'

Female Friend: 'I... I... I can't actually argue against that one.'

Her reaction did give me an amused chuckle as I could see her face contorting and trying to come up with a counterargument.

Our new bed arrives today. I'd said I would build it all up, but Kristi insisted on paying for the delivery guys to do it. Fair enough, it means she needs to tidy her side of the bedroom.

Trying a bigger print job that I've attempted previously. Possibly too big? The timer says it will take 29 hours and 59 minutes, but it has displayed that timer for an hour now, so I am guessing that is just as high as it counts. If this job does work, I am going to attempt to print out the entire interior of the Nostromo.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 24, 2023, 04:26:15 PM
Once more (and for the third or fourth consecutive week), I am going to have to head down to Ayrshire. Either I get the house transferred this week or with my holiday and then my new job I have no idea when I'll get time to get it sorted. I have to head down tomorrow, meet mum and Elizabeth in Saltcoats avoiding any contact with my mum since she has covid and I want to be able to go on my holiday next week, get the house signed over. Because of her illness I'll then be travelling back up to Glasgow to stay the night in a hotel before heading back to Lossiemouth as early as possible the next morning.

Well, ain't that just peachy?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 25, 2023, 02:50:35 AM
Having won my several years-long argument with the local train company that shouldn't be blacklisted as it doesn't feature sex, violence and all that jazz. Just occasional discussions of these things. All I need now is enough of a connection to access the site.  :bouncegiggle:

Anyway, I am now taking advantage of said wi-fi. The train I jumped on to go to Inverness fortunately is the same train that will then be going on to Glasgow. This is handy as the train is running a few minutes late, bur I don't have to run and jump on another train. I can also cheekily stream movie on my phone.

Yeah, this is why I prefer the train to driving.

People get upset if you watch a movie while driving.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 25, 2023, 05:23:53 PM
So I spent the day travelling down to Saltcoats. Got off the train and had a couple of hours to kill before the appointment. I had some food, then met up with mum and Elizabeth and then we went to the appointment.

My mum said "I've to ask when we can sell the house."

Fully aware of what the answer to that was going to be, and who had said she should ask that, I said fine. Go for it. I waited until the house was signed over, the paperwork all done and then asked the question and they were told "You will need to wait 6 months."

Oh really. The thing I've been telling you for months. The thing that I spoke to three separate legal experts about is right and you chose to go with what someone had spent 10 minutes googling instead. Well done there. The knock on effects of this are that the house is not going to be sold within a year of my aunts death. That means the grace period on the various taxes is not only going to expire, but they will have to pay back taxes they would have otherwise avoided, plus they will have to pay the assorted bills, house insurance (the previous policy expired the instant the house was transferred). Had they just let me sell the house, it would have been done months ago and avoided all this.

I had to insist that when my mum and sister came out to meet me that they both wore masks since my mum has covid. My sister seems fine, but could just be asymptomatic at the moment. With us going on holiday (and part of me is seriously hoping that I get refused entry at the border with all the issues that are going on right now. We'd have a damn good excuse for going elsewhere next holiday rather than spending all our time off going to see family). Time away from certain members of either sides of our family sounds like a great idea.

Well regardless of all that, Kristi does need to see her family. It has been five years. First she got pregnant which delayed us visiting, and then by the time Ash was old enough to travel Covid hit. Plus, well frankly she was ashamed of her country for voting in trump and didn't want to visit while he was in power. Considering some of who she'd told me she'd voted for before I was slightly surprised by that but in a very good way.

Spending some time in what is technically my home city, even if I haven't lived here for 46 years. It has at least always meant something to me and being here feels calming.

I could have contacted my brother and said well done on costing our sister hundreds or thousands of pounds, making everything more stressful and complicated than it needed to be. You've proven that you know f**k all about this but are very willing to mouth off about what you think you know. Truth is that I am too angry even to tell him that.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 26, 2023, 11:32:52 AM
Feeling calmer today. Well as long as I don't dwell on things.

50% of the causes of the stress I was feeling is now gone. Kristi said her family have backed off on planning our holiday since my admittedly drunken rant about how much it was stressing Kristi to the point where she was talking about cancelling the entire holiday.

I sat last night alone in the hotel room and just let myself rage inside, my anger reflected by the storm outside. It might not have achieved anything materially, but spiritually I feel better.

It felt like I was in my teens and twenties where I ran on a pure anger that burned anyone who tried to get close to me and left little room for anything else but being angry.

I wonder what happened to that guy?

The truth is I know exactly the answer to that question. Despite everything, and no matter how much control I learned to have over it, that anger is still there. Sometimes it is buried deep down, sometimes it bubbles up near the surface, but it almost never escapes any more. I wish I could call on it at need but it just doesn't work that way and when it gets loose the the results are well, always dramatic. It took a lot of work to find my balance and this last year has been the most I've struggled to control it since then. 26 years of practising iron self control, 16 of them spent letting nothing and no one in emotionally because I didn't want to have to deal with the consequences of what would have happened when I inevitably lost control. It was a lot of work before I was willing and confident enough to engage with other people.

Even my worst year emotionally (2015-2016) doesn't come close to how I've been feeling this past year. I've been aware my balance is off, but I've just not had the capacity to take on restoring it alongside everything else I've been dealing with. Time to work on restoring it and being the best husband and father that I can be. I've done what I needed to do to deal with what had to be done.

We just passed through Perth. The train is packed, I can see no other empty seats save the one beside me. People are literally standing rather than sitting there. Maybe I am giving off stay the hell away from me vibes. Maybe they don't like my deodorant. Either way, I have my angry face on, but inside I am laughing my ass off. Me, I don't care about that stuff. If I see an empty seat, I'll sit there. If it is a busy train and someone has a bag on a seat, I'll target them and tell them to move it so I can sit there. It is rather noisy with everyone talking, so I have my headphones on and I am blasting music at full volume to drown the world out. Heavy on the industrial beats. Doubtless it is annoying my fellow passangers as it will be too loud for them not to hear to some degree. Then again, their chatter was annoying me and I don't see them shutting up. That will also be doubtless now helping with the seat situation.

Well, I got home. Called my mum's to let her know I'd gotten home safely (I always do that), and she started telling me something about the house. I interrupted her and said "I did my best to give you the right advice. At every turn you decided to listen to someone who I continually proved wrong and yet you still kept going with his advice and he was too arrogant to realise he was making mistake after mistake and learn from that. I have done my bit, the house is signed over and I don't want to hear anything else about it."

I could hear that she was some mix of hurt and offended, but I don't care. At every step they've went with the advice that made things harder for me to deal with everything, made it take longer to sort out. Now because of the path they chose to take, the thing is a mess and is going to cost them more money. They can sort out their own damn mess.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on August 27, 2023, 04:34:57 AM
Quote from: Alex on August 21, 2023, 04:39:48 PM
Decided to start the packing for our holiday. I have filled a large-sized travel suitcase with nothing but presents for people. I mean, you could maybe squeeze in some underwear or socks, but yeah. It looks like the day we land we'll need to go clothes shopping.

I never thought I'd be travelling intercontinental carrying a suitcase that is 30% full of Walkers Shortbread.

Around £70 worth of shortbread. Then we picked up stuff for other people and ordered a few things that will take slightly longer to arrive (but still be here before we leave... hopefully). Went to a nice little crepe place for breakfast, then ended up at Scribbles for lunch. Some stuff is going to have to go in another suitcase.

Yeah, I'll be buying clothes when we land.  :bouncegiggle: All part of helping the economy. I am talking to Kristi about next year going somewhere that isn't a holiday to see either of our families. Kristi wants to go to EuroDisney or Disney Paris or whatever the hell they've called it. Maybe we can do that for Ash's birthday. Hopefully, it wouldn't quite be as busy then since it would be out of school holiday season.

Ever wondered if it would be possible to commit the perfect crime? I don't just mean getting away with it. It would need to be something that not only did you get away with, but everyone would have to know you'd did it, but couldn't do anything about it.

i did that at age 17. i superglued( we're talking automotive glue) all of the doors closed on the automotive section of my school as revenge for them being banned from graduation just because they flipped the auto body instructor's VW in his front yard.
   my class president confessed, got off because everyone knew i did it, and i got off because the adults thought little miss egghead couldn't POSSIBLY have done it. my da knew and thought it was hilarious!
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 27, 2023, 02:12:41 PM
Well my decision not to mention anything up about the house transfer lasted as long as me seeing a memory on facebook from a year ago that said this:

QuoteGot to love it when people have been telling you what you need to do and when, and it turns out what they are telling you is either just wrong, misinformed or in the worst cases actually against the law.
While help is welcome, if you are not a qualified expert in dealing with wills, then feel free not to tell me what to do.

It hit me with all the crap I've put up for the past year, where things were said online to me that if it had been said face to face would have resulted in them having a lot less teeth, all the times I'd begged them to go get professional legal advice instead of thinking 5 minutes on google made them an expert on this area of the law. I might not trust lawyers, but I do respect their knowledge in their area of expertise. So I decided to share that memory and add the following, which doesn't really go into why I ended up feeling that way, but it was how I was feeling.

QuoteShame people didn't learn from their mistakes and kept giving terrible advice. Also a shame that it was the advice that was listened to rather than the expert stuff I'd gotten from lawyers & solicitors. Well, I've had enough of not being listened to, washed my hands of it and other people can deal with the consequences of their actions. The house is transferred, I'll get the utility bills and sorted and switched on Monday then I will be happy never to hear anything else about it.

Their arrogance is going to cost my little sister a good chunk of her inheritance. If my younger brother wants to say anything to me, he is more than welcome to try, but the only reply he is going to get is "Unless you are here to tell me how you are going to repay all the money you cost Elizabeth I have absolutely no interest in anything else you have to say so f**k off."

Had Dawn, Cameron, Adam and little CC come visit today. Played two games of Magic (won one, lost one), then won a game of Block Mania. Fun was had though.

Right now I have a lot of restless energy right now that in past times would have been spent ripping into Stewart over his arrogance. He put me in a position where I had to make a decision that might not be entirely legal or having a long drawn-out legal fight that would have further drained the money Elizabeth is due. I am now considering to I go to my legal representative and say a vulnerable adult has been talked into making a decision that is not the best option for her financially, by someone who wants the house sold to their friend. The only thing that is stopping me is because I think the persuasion was done out of incompetence rather than any malicious intent. I will have to do some deep-thinking on it while I am on holiday.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 28, 2023, 02:31:01 AM
Last night I decided, you know what? The one positive I guess I can take out of the whole situation is that I won and was proved right at every turn. I can't do anything about the 6 months they need to pay bills on the house for, I can tell Stewart that he should be repaying all the money his p**s poor advice has cost Elizabeth but I can't force him to. The only thing I can do is walk away saying I did my due diligence, did my best to do it all right and they f**ked it all up. So I am going to take the victory that I can and had a whiskey to celebrate while we watched wrestling.

No replies to me calling them out on FB and I don't expect there will be. I made a lot of mistakes sorting out this will, things that were I to have to sort out another I'd be able to do much better. I think that's been the difference though. I knew this was something I knew nothing about. I'd google things, read them and then go speak to a professional to check my understanding and quite often how I thought what something meant turned out to be completely different from what I thought it was. Other people just googled and interpreted what they read to mean what they wanted.

I doubt they'll learn anything from their mistakes though.

Oh well, time to stop ranting and go get Ash ready for school.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 28, 2023, 04:05:12 PM
I was digging around some old sites I used in the past and found a film I'd mate, I dunno 12, 13 years ago something like that. When I saw it, part of me thought I should just delete it. The other part of me really wants to edit and clean it up.

I think I should just delete it though.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on August 29, 2023, 03:42:57 AM
little brother, i understand. i won't say more, because i REALLY want you not to dwell on this sitch, okay? i love you and you're handling it  the way you need to right now. let it go for now, and enjoy your immediate future. take this strength into that sitch too, if you need it, you have it . remember that.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 12, 2023, 06:30:03 PM
The holiday ends tomorrow and we head back to the UK. It has mostly been a fun trip with only some stresses caused by Kristi's mum not being happy about us not spending all of her time with her. On previous visits, we'd stayed at her house, but things have changed since then and in a few ways it was just no longer appropriate to stay with her (that she is living in what is basically a construction site and has been for the past 3 years at least, that the area she moved to is a high crime region, that they have a convicted felon on parole staying with them who has been in prison multiple times for stalking). I was just not willing to accept those kinds of risks with Kristi or Ash.

We've done a three-day trip to Yellowstone, went to a Mormon blessing (baptism) for my 8-year-old niece, got a new tattoo on my shoulder, and caught up with many old friends. There hasn't been a day we haven't had something on. Its made the trip feel a lot longer than it was. Part of me is desperate to get home, another wants to extend for another week.

The car crash I've mentioned elsewhere was on Labor Day. We were going to an old second-hand bookstore owned by one of Kristi's friends that her nephew Cayden had never been to. We headed off in two cars, me and Kristi got in Cayden's car to show him where to go, while Ash demanded he get to travel with his aunt Hali, uncle Marc and their daughters. It was a rainy day (unusual enough in Utah in my experience), but nothing super heavy. We were going along the freeway and Cayden went to change lanes for the exit when the back end of the car kept on going around. We started spinning towards the inside wall as Cayden said "Oh ooh". I figured we are doing 70mph, side slam into a concrete wall, then bounce back into traffic. That isn't going to go well. Cayden managed to steer the car away from the wall and still spinning around, we then headed across 3 or 4 lanes of traffic to the opposite wall. The outer lanes had lorries travelling along them, and the centre one had a pickup truck. We were slowing down and I felt a little more confident that if we made it across the road, hit the barrier on the opposite side that we might survive, but with a high potential of life-changing injuries.

I have no idea what part of my brain was deciding what speed we were doing and what the likely injuries from each different type of impact, and I certainly don't recall studying any such information, but it seemed determined to keep feeding me the info regardless of wither it was accurate or not. Anyway, as we neared the opposite wall, Cayden once again got us spinning back across the road. I can't recall if we stopped on that skid or if we went to the inside wall and back out again, but we ended up stopping side on in the middle land of the road. I remember thinking during the whole thing "Well, Ash is with good people. They will take care of him". No one panicked. Possibly because there was too much going on to allow it to set in. Anyway, the pickup slammed into the passenger side of the car where Kristi was sitting. I remember thinking "Shame Susie and Ken don't work for the fire service here any more, it would have been nice to be rescued by people we know".  The side airbags deployed, but almost as quickly were burst as the glass from the window went through them. We were stuck in the middle of the freeway, traffic going by on either side, so we couldn't safely get out the car and we were expecting a pile-up. A truck stopped and blocked the traffic long enough for the car to get pushed to the side, although Kristi couldn't get her door open. Cayden was shaking, and we could see shock was setting in. Both me and Kristi kept him talking and engaged though. He steered the car to the wrong side of the freeway, but I was just happy to get the car out of the main flow of traffic.

I have no idea how long it took the emergency services to arrive, but it wasn't long. In the meantime the other car phoned us. Marc had been just in front of us and had seen the car go into its spin, but had gone around a corner just as we were hit and hadn't seen how bad the impact had been. They'd called 911, then phoned us (we'd tried calling them from Cayden's phone but it was hooked up to his car on Bluetooth which somehow prevented it from working). Marc wanted to stop his car to come back and check on us, but luckily his wife persuaded him that the chances are all that would do would be to cause another accident. They asked if we wanted them to come back and pick us up, but Kristi said she was covered in blood and didn't want Ash to see her that way. From where she was sitting I hadn't seen any injuries on Kristi, but when he lifted her right arm I could see the blood running down her forearm. I could also tell the bleeding wasn't life-threatening or anything. Our first aid training always tells us to check quiet people first. If someone is screaming then they are alive and conscious enough to know they are in pain, so you prioritise people who are quiet because you need to find out how badly they are injured. Shock can be a killer). The police turned up first (the crash was on the opposite side of the freeway from the station pretty much, mile marker 323, near the Lagoon amusement park for anyone familiar with the area). They stopped traffic and we were able to get the car over to the opposite side of the freeway finally. The pickup didn't seem damaged by the collision as far as I could see (not exactly giving it a close examination though and the driver seemed fine). Cayden initially tried to turn down medical attention, but we talked him into getting checked out. By this time Calvin's parents had turned up as well as Lori (Kristi's mum) and her husband. The police took our statements, told Calvin the Utah had a blame must be assigned law, and gave him the choice of a tire violation or a speeding ticket. Since the tire on was less money and didn't involve points on his license he went with that option.

Seemed stupid to me. If anyone was to blame it was whoever decided to make the road out of concrete, but oh well.

Looking forward to getting back to my bad movie collection tomorrow.

EDIT. Oh, we finished the journey to the bookstore after the crash, including Cayden. There was an old book he really wanted, but was out of his budget so I bought it for him. $110 seems a lot for book from 100 years ago on Montana state laws, but the guy collects them. *shrug*
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on September 12, 2023, 07:56:46 PM
That's a horrifically terrifying account of an awful moment in your lives. As described I don't see how any of you made it but I'm glad you did. I found myself wincing reading that. Cars are really very frightening things.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Paquita on September 14, 2023, 02:45:50 PM
I hope you made it home alright!  Glad to hear you're all OK and so glad Ash was spared the experience!  I hope it doesn't sour your feelings about the US and you come back again some day!
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 15, 2023, 12:02:18 AM
Pretty much the last thing that happened before we left was another car crash, although we were not involved in that one. We were staying with Kristi's younger brother and his family. Their eldest son rear ended another car. No one was hurt in that one, but he's a new driver and will have been a bit shook up by it.

It was a long ass trip home, but it has been a good holiday. Ash got on really well with his cousins. We have discovered he does not like babies though. Specifically when they cry. On the other hand he is an adrenaline junkie whose love of rollercoasters is only limited by him being an inch or so too short to ride most of them. He loves trains, but only ones that are moving. Take him to a museum where they are all static and he won't want to go near them.

It was slightly strange being in the US for the 11th of September. I was mildly surprised that it wasn't more of a memorial day. I wonder if some year down the line it will become a thing like November the 5th is in the UK?

A few photos from the trip. There are a whole load more.

Somewhere in Yellowstone.




This crow attacked Susie's and Kellie's cars when we refused to share our sandwiches with it.

This deer was about 6 feet away from me. We had venison that night.

Ash out cruising with Bailey.

Ash being rather excited at the train museum. He was certainly wearing the right tee shirt.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 16, 2023, 08:13:40 AM
While I was on holiday, a good friend of the family was proudly showing me his gun collection and explaining all the technical details of the weapon, its history and ammo. Every so often I'd ask a pointed question. It became very evident that he knew everything about the gun except how to effectively use it. He told me if his country was ever invaded, he'd be ready to defend it. My guess is he'd be dead within 5 minutes of combat time. I tried to free up some time to teach him how to use it a bit more, but it just didn't work out. Things like he practised shooting at 100 yards, while even as a second-line soldier, I could hit a human-sized target at 300 meters (a meter and a yard are fairly close in size). If he gets close enough to shoot someone (and we'll pretend he is one of the 1% who can just pick up a gun and shoot someone straight off), maybe he'll take out an enemy soldier, but more likely he'd give his position away, the enemy squad goes to cover and either they take him out by sheer weight of firepower, or they keep him pinned down, outflank him take him out, or call down mortar fire on his position.

Really, if you want to kill soldiers learn how to operate a mortar. They kill far more people than guns in a war situation. Any weapon where you don't have to actually see who you are firing at does better. Get yourself a spotter who can call down fire and off you go.

My veteran's card arrived while I was away, along with my certificate of service and a nice little metal badge. Nice way to commemorate 22 years. I'd rather have the money though.  :bouncegiggle: They asked me if I wanted this stuff and I decided, well if I am entitled to it then I am bloody well claiming it.

While we were going through Yellowstone, we'd picked up a whole load of snacks to much on. Kristi and Susie were having popcorn, and it smelled good so I randomly grabbed one of the packets, opened it and started eating. My immediate reaction on tasting what I'd picked up was "WHAT THE f**k AMERICA?" Who the hell thought of cheese-flavoured popcorn? Seriously, there has to be a very special Hel waiting for anyone who would create such a monstrosity. No Valhalla, Nirvana or heaven, straight to eternal punishment and damnation for that twisted MF.

The cover came off my new tattoo (yes I know you disapprove, but it is something I wanted and in my job identifying marks can actually be useful).

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on September 16, 2023, 08:45:13 AM
Aren't gun nuts tedious? I often hear similar sentiments where I live, how a citizen with his firearms is defense against the tyranny of his government,  and a bulwark against foreign invasion, and while it's  true many who say this are veterans of military service, to most I just want to fool.

Organized militias don't stand long against a trained army, and armed individuals even less. One of the most tragically cherished American myths is how the Minute Men won the Revolutionary War, when their contribution was barely worth calling minimal. Somewhere there's a statistic about how many shots Minute Men fired at Lexington and Concord and a few other places versus casualties on the British side, and these guys weren't even placing one shot in a thousand, if I remember right.

I think to most people guns are a security blanket for grownups.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 16, 2023, 09:36:02 AM
I don't object to people having the right to own guns, but I do believe they should also have the responsibility to learn how to care for, use and store them properly. This guy does have his guns in a locked room, inside a safe, with his ammo stored separately and he is a nice guy. I just thought he is also incredibly naive. You need to be fighting for somewhere around a year to eighteen months before I'd call someone a veteran soldier and able to shoot someone. Given the limited range he was working with, the open ground around Utah... I just didn't fancy his chances of surviving day one.

He had tried to join the army when he was younger, but due to his having broken his back and having hearing problems he was rejected. I pointed out his wife and four daughters and told him that if he had been in the military there was every chance he wouldn't have any of that. Hopefully, it helped him feel better.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on September 17, 2023, 01:12:13 AM
   no seriously, do you eat cheese puffs? or are you one of those sickos like brad that won't eat flavored chips( etc) at all? we argue every time i visit, because i eat cheese puffs and taco doritos and he hates the way they smell, much less taste.
  of course, i just toss him out of the garage and threaten not to cook, lol! i figure if i'm smoking in the garage and he stays out, then he can stay out while i eat my junk too. and miss cutie, she LOVES cheese puffs!  :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 17, 2023, 01:48:21 AM
I can take or leave cheesy puffs. The UK has a much wider range of flavours for chips (although we call chips crisps, and what you call French fries we call chips), than I've seen stateside.

Trying to fit the new games I bought into my shelves. Finding Gloomhaven for about 60% of the regular price and being given a copy of Dark Souls has somewhat interfered with my already sorted-out stuff. Nikki is supposed to be coming around today, but she just had some major dental treatment so we will see how that goes.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 17, 2023, 10:18:53 PM
Well, today is certainly a big day. Last day of my short-lived freedom as a civilian, the end of the longest time I have spent unemployed (although I was able to support myself the entire time even to the extent of paying for a family holiday to the US), Lilly-Beth's birthday, Ash goes back to school.

After we've dropped Ash off at school, we will head into Elgin and go put some fresh flowers down. It has been raining heavily outside and I am chatting with someone I know who also seems to be awake at this early hour.

20 minutes before Ash is due to get up and of course now I start to feel tired because of course. Oh well, I should go iron his uniform, sort out his lunch.

I wonder if Clive Barker has ever written anything that wasn't a peek into his sexual preferences.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on September 18, 2023, 12:32:16 AM
massive hugs to all of you, sweetheart....
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 19, 2023, 12:14:52 AM
Well after a brief flirtation with freedom and civilian life it is back to being in the military. It is strange to me to think I'll have been an airman (or aviator as the management prefers us to be called even though I wasn't a pilot), and now a soldier. I could easily have parlayed my experience and skills into a 6 figure job and yet here I am basically becoming a glorified security guard making what, 15-20% of my earning potential.

Hmm, that was my best shot at talking myself into going for a 'bigger' job. Nope. Never thought I'd want to be a homebody.

Slept until 3ish this morning and then lay in bed until 5 before restlessness compelled me to get out of bed. Bought the computer game of Gloomhaven last night and went to download it this morning only to discover that yesterday they released a major patch for the game that according to many, many reviews has destroyed the game. Hopefully, it will get rolled back or fixed.

Ironed a shirt and trousers for attesting today. Maybe I should put on a tie.

Damn, I hate ties. Useless things. I mean if they had a pocket for storing stuff I could see a point to them.

Well I put on my clothes, went in, signed a few bits of paperwork, was given the choice of an oath to god or attesting to Charlie Mk III. Took the attesting option as a oath sword to something I don't believe in would mean nothing to me. Charles (conspiracy theories about them having been executed and replaced by robots aside) seems to actually be provably real.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 21, 2023, 04:36:12 PM
Been doing lots of arrivals stuff. Had to go up to clothing stores to get measured for my uniform. Turns out they still had my old kit issue book from 2001. Hell, they stopped using that system a decade ago, but it did have all my measurements.

If they'd looked for it earlier I could have spent the morning in bed instead.  :bouncegiggle:

Got my haircut for the first time in many months and now I am back to the short hair most people who know me seem to associate with me. Then again they did miss the 6 years I spent just growing it long.

The general gist I get from my fellow MPGS guys will do their job right but are here for an easy life. I am good with that. Found out I am going to be spending a day shooting and then have to follow it up with a night shoot. This I am less good with. Got to travel to Fort George for it too. That means that even when we finish it will be another hour getting home.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 23, 2023, 04:48:36 AM
Well, that is my first week back in gainful employment completed. Such as it is. I am now off until next Friday, with the caveat of doing some courses between now and then.

I'll be doing the front desk on control of entry right off. In at the deep end I guess.

Well, the deep end is still going to be quite shallow. I've done it before and while there have been some changes, mostly it is still the same process.

Going to take Ash out into Elgin today. No particular reason other than taking him out and spending some quality time together. Doubtless, he'd rather stay home and play with trains but just as our parents dragged us out on walks we didn't care for so the cycle continues.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 24, 2023, 04:30:49 AM
I've been doing some mental arithmetic and I've worked out that on our recent holiday, we spent approximately $5000 on stuff we brought home. That is a fair amount of stuff I'd say.

Out of everything we bought, only two things however don't have a 'Made in China' stamp on them. One was a second-hand boardgame from the 70's (printed in Maryland), and the other was a sticker. Would have been nice if the option to buy stuff actually made in the country we were visiting had been available. Or even from a country there isn't a good chance of being at war with soon.

Made myself a lovely burger for lunch. Big, thick one with cheese and a mushroom stuffed with garlic and some other herbs on top.

The wound on Kristi's arm was shining a bit, so I had a bit of a poke around and pulled these out.


So much for the medics on the scene who checked her wounds and said they were clear.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 25, 2023, 12:22:45 PM
After getting Ash to school I headed out for the day to Inverness. I found myself wandering around a run-down part of the city. It was wet out, but not currently raining. I love that weather. Autumn really is my time of the year. The nights are long, but there is still plenty of daylight. The weather is cool. I walked along feeling like I was the king of the world.

At that point, it also hit me that while I had bought all of the presents I wanted to get Kristi (other than any stuff that I randomly see that I think she'll like), I hadn't yet bought a single present for Ash to give to mummy.

One quick visit to the shops later, I had a couple of bags bulging with goodies for her. And a few smaller things for myself.  :bouncegiggle: My previously highly buoyant mood seemed to absolutely crash once I got inside the shopping centre though. Easy come, easy go I guess.

On the way home, some random stranger wanted to strike up a conversation. I found myself being easily distracted though and wasn't really following the conversation. When he asked me if I was ok I replied "Sorry, I just had some awesome sex with a Brazillian woman nearly half my age and I am having problems thinking about anything else." Anyway, that seemed to be a satisfactory reply. Of course, it obviously wasn't true.

I mean the sex was on the good side of average (which would be to say highly enjoyable but not mind-blowing).

I often find saying something completely unexpected in order to end conversations. Not always with random strangers either.

Anyway, I got home and hid the assorted presents with the other stuff I've picked up so far. I've only picked up Ash his big present from me so far. I guess I should get him some smaller stuff too, although I have the funny feeling he'll see his train and not care about anything else. We are discussing if I should build it up for him the night before so it is all ready to go when he gets up in the morning, or let him unwrap the box. Setting it up once he see's it is going to be next to impossible. I think I'll have to leave him to open it himself though.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on September 25, 2023, 06:38:13 PM
he's at " the age of toolosity" as my da said, so as frustrating as it will be, let him " help" you put it together, and sneak in a few lessons on how to hold the tools properly, things kike that. please?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 28, 2023, 02:35:00 AM
Collected my new uniform. The sizing was mostly correct. When I say mostly, I mean I was given trousers that were evidently designed for the heyday of Andre the Giant.

Luckily I just happened to have accidently kept one of the pairs of combat trousers that I was supposed to hand back.

Going to see about a new addition to the family today. Me and Kristi were talking last night and we both agreed it is time. We also have a child plan meeting at the school (it is the support workers rather than the teachers who are on strike), then we have a game of Dark Souls planned for tonight.

So much for my quiet last day before properly restarting work.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on September 28, 2023, 09:39:11 AM
I guess you're talking the Dark Souls board game, which I've never played, but if it's anything like the video games, most people are either irrevocably put-off or addicted for life. Me, I'd mug old people in shadowy alleys to pay the electric bill to play that game.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on September 29, 2023, 02:02:33 AM
so what's his name? i'm voting for frank.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 29, 2023, 03:12:45 AM
We've named the kitten Nergal. I'll put up some photos when he stops shredding my thigh.

Didn't get around to playing Souls, but we did play Zombies!!! and Jaws.

Went into work for my first shift. Someone from nights called in sick, so I broke the rule about not volunteering and volunteered to switch shifts this week.

Got home and went for a nap. Woke up with the kitten lying at my head and Elsa lying at my feet. The pair of them aren't exactly being sociable with each other. Nothing unexpected though. They'll get used to each other in time though.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on September 30, 2023, 03:11:57 AM
Quote from: Alex on September 29, 2023, 03:12:45 AM
We've named the kitten Nargal. I'll put up some photos when he stops shredding my thigh.

Didn't get around to playing Souls, but we did play Zombies!!! and Jaws.

Went into work for my first shift. Someone from nights called in sick, so I broke the rule about not volunteering and volunteered to switch shifts this week.

Got home and went for a nap. Woke up with the kitten lying at my head and Elsa lying at my feet. The pair of them aren't exactly being sociable with each other. Nothing unexpected though. They'll get used to each other in time though.

i see that he is the little prince's familiar, i like that. he and elsa will work it out , since she's your familiar.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 01, 2023, 06:06:10 PM
Built up a climbing frame/scratching post that Kristi had ordered for the cats. It is only slightly shorter than I am. Got no idea what the cats will make of it. Nargal has some wildcat in this parentage. That is going to be interesting...

I'd said to Kristi that I wanted to get a bookcase for the bedroom. She agreed and I sent her a bunch of designs that fitted my needs, but she went ahead and ordered a different one. It arrived today. I built it up and then looked at it. I like the design, but it is too small for what I want to put in it. When I said to Kristi it was nice but useless to me she said she'd order another one. I suggested that well, how about he'll no. I'll order one because I know what sizes I need rather than her randomly ordering furniture. Jumping in on projects and taking over isn't an uncommon thing for her, unfortunately asking for any details on what I am doing or why I am doing it isn't. Most things I do have a lot of consideration and thought behind them. It's rare I get to do something without weighing up the pros and cons in as many different ways as I can think of. Just deciding to change my plans without understanding the whys and wherefores rarely seems to work out well, not to mention irking me. I'd even said that one that she'd suggested was fine, but then she went are ordered a completely different size.

I really need to realise I just need to order these things myself. I don't like to think about how much money we've wasted over the years with me wanting one thing and Kristi getting something different, then me ordering the thing that I actually need. I wonder why I seem so unable to learn my lesson there?

Got issued more equipment.  Some of it I am wondering why? Oh well, either I'll find it useful or I won't.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on October 02, 2023, 01:46:31 AM
you love her, and know she loves you.  you want to believe that that love means you think alike and i'd bet she thinks the same of you on'll get to where you both understand that you don't, because that love is there. it took us around 20 years. my last f**kup along those lines was buying the strat. major mistake. his was buying the entertainment center. HUGE mistake. you'' ll get through it.  :cheers:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 04, 2023, 04:09:28 PM
I wonder which ship would have won in a fight between the Yamamoto and the Bismark? 

I'm no navy man, but barring a lucky shot I think I'd have to come down on the side of the Yamamoto.

Went for an eye test. Bowing slightly to the inevitable march of years and am getting a set of verifocals. Slightly painful to have to admit to that one, but I've been struggling to read with my normal glasses for a couple of years now. Age, such a double-edged sword. Shame I couldn't have just paused it any time between 18 and 27. I particularly wouldn't mind having the leg muscles I used to have pre age 23 or so.

My first set of shifts at work went fine. Very quiet and boring, but hey I've done that job when it is exciting and you know what, I'll take boring over exciting. No bomb scares, drunks trying to wrestle my rifle off me, officers screaming at 4am about how I should know who they are, no sergeants having a psychotic break and needing to be restrained by 11 people, no police putting fish inside people's jackets...

Had a meeting at Ash's school with his teacher and support staff. The educational psychatrist thinks that he is making excellent progress and that she can sign him off as not needing further support from her. I need to make more of an effort to read to him, he has made good progress with his alphabet and seems to be more ameniable to having a story read to him.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 05, 2023, 12:02:30 PM
Pushing our to get her benefits claims sorted out has finally paid dividends for her. It took months of persuading her to actually push for what she is entitled to and I won't say they've made it easy for her. She has just been awarded a monthly payment at the highest band, and it has been backdated to 2017. It adds up to a significant amount of money for her. She was visiting us today when she got the phone call telling her. She should get the money starting next week. Considering before we met her she was surviving on £25 a week, this is going to make a big difference to her life.

I feel glad we bullied her into going for what she should be getting and put her in contact with people who knew more about the system than we did and that I'll no longer have to worry if she has had a meal that day or not.

Kristi is working this evening so it is just me and Ash chilling out. Going to get some bad movies in (preferably horror) and contemplate tomorrow.

Looks like going into next year I will be running a Call of Cthulhu game. It is based on an expedition following in the footsteps of the Starkweather/Moore one featured in At The Mountains of Madness. I was asking my friends who would be interested in playing. Only one was non-commital.


Accidently punched a door frame today and then caught my knuckles on the corner of the door. Now my knuckles lack skin. This is inconvenient and was also painful at the time.

Good job Ash wasn't around. Mind you, all his swear words thus far have came from Kristi rather than me. This provides me with a certain degree of internal confusion. He has also started saying "For gods sake", which Kristi doesn't like and keeps telling him to say goodness sake instead.

Ash pooped in my shower. The kitten pee'd in Ash's bed. Does that mean I need to take a dump in the cats tray?

I need a beer.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 06, 2023, 04:09:32 AM
Going out for a long walk today, something I've been doing increasing these days. I don't get as much opportunity for long walks as I had previously. I just jump on the first bus and train that comes along, get off wherever looks good and let my feet guide me.

One of my friends has been running a self help business. It is one of many ventures she's engaged in over the years. When she set it up she was asking for ways she could help improve my life. She was married and divorced in less than a year, hasn't stuck to any of her businesses. Really, what makes you think you can offer me anything? The first 4 or 5 different things she started I would help advertise, order some stuff off. These days I don't even follow her new ventures on social media. I hope she finds something that she can stick to and is successful with but I just got tired of encouraging people to use her services then finding g out she's switched tack entirety and is doing something totally different.

Another friend has just gotten divorced from his wife who has transitioned to a man. He's done everything to support her/him through the process. They were living together and co-parenting, but now she is kicking him out of the house and is telling him she isn't giving him a share of the house or anything. I've seen that guy become a shell of his former self and his mental health really suffer during all of this. Just want to scream at him, slap him in the face and tell him to stop being a doormat. If that is how she (using that term to differentiate between the original male and the trans one) wants to play it then get yourself a lawyer.

At the moment all it feels we can do is help him pick up the pieces afterwards. I hope he comes round for a visit soon and I get to have a one-to-one chat. I have the feeling that in a couple of years, they'll decide they've made a huge mistake and want to transition back. She has a long history of jumping on popular bandwagons. None of which helps the people who genuinely are trans. She is the only one I've met who I don't believe is genuinely in the wrong type of body. Nonetheless, I've tried to be supportive, but I think how she is treating her ex is the end of our friendship.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 07, 2023, 05:52:12 AM
Well here I am with time on my hands but little to do with it.

Ho hum.

When I signed onto the military no one ever mentioned the long periods of doing nothing, followed by the short periods of excitement. I'd come to crave boredom at work, because the excitement, well that would mean not only were you working for a living, but that you were earning g the extra bit you get added onto your pay for having to deal with bits that civvies don't have to deal with generally.

I sawca person yesterday with a jacket and on the back was hand painted the anarchy symbol. Above it was written Trans Rights. Nothing wrong with supporting either one of those things, but under an anarchist system you don't really have any rights. Just seems rather counter productive.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 08, 2023, 05:49:48 PM
Due to someone going man down, here I am doing nights again. Not complaining, I offered to switch over. The longer I can avoid working g a Monday morning the better as far as I am concerned. The way things are currently set up I won't have to work one now until the end of November. I've done issuing passes on a Monday morning before and it is far from fun.

Well, I've found a channel currently  showing a bunch of old Hammer movies. That's me about as happy as I can be under the circumstances then.

The rain hasn't stopped but it has at least slackened off a bit. The sky is a lovely velvet black colour. Glad I don't have to be standing out on the gate though. If they recruit more manpower that could be on the cards though.

I've been thinking about all the girls I've been with, the different countries, the things girls from particular countries have in common... While every woman has had her own unique elements, I have found that there are what for want of a better term I'll term national traits. I briefly considered that if I had things to do over again, which country I'd want to be first, which ones I'd consider avoiding, who was the most fun.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 10, 2023, 11:02:19 AM
Last shift to go through before I am on stand-down for 4 days. The toughest part of the job thus far is staying awake, generally about the 2 to 4 a.m. slot.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 11, 2023, 05:09:33 PM
Hamas had to know the reaction it would get from Israel. I wonder what their endgame plan is on this one? Is some neighbouring Arab state going to invade once Israel commits large numbers to a ground invasion?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 12, 2023, 02:14:47 AM
Felt tired yesterday evening and went for a nap. Didn't wake up until half ten and even then I was barely awake. I did get up for an hour, then went back to bed and slept until just before seven. I don't often get to sleep that long.

Feels chilly this morning. Might even pull a jumper on rather than  Technically I am on a day off today, but I need to go in this morning for a course. Human factors I think, but it might be E&D. I turn up to these mandatory courses, but I don't really pay any attention to them and only engage when I am absolutely required to do so. I've been finding that before I answer the phone at work I have to stop for a second and think how I am going to speak on it, remembering I am no longer Cpl Corbett, but Pte Corbett instead and that I don't work in MSC anymore. I thought that with 6 months off that I'd have adjusted to that a little bit quicker.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: lester1/2jr on October 12, 2023, 03:40:06 PM
Alex - Netanayhu f**ked up. Hamas are terrorists who have been kept in check for decades and somehow they slipped through the cracks. Once they had done so they couldn't imagine their good fortune and did as much and as awful damage as they could. No they didn't think about the repurcussions.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 12, 2023, 05:35:51 PM
So you don't think the power struggle at the top of Hamas at the moment has anything to do with it?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: lester1/2jr on October 12, 2023, 11:40:25 PM
I'm not up on it to that extent.

If this was a momentary screw up it won't be that big of a deal. If Hamas has somehow cracked the code then all bets are off.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on October 13, 2023, 10:33:04 AM
f**k it, it's war, let historians analyze the whys after the dust clears. I just bought as many Israeli bonds as I could, after cashing in the ones we used to own, and I hope Israel puts that money toward its efforts to pound Gaza to dust.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: lester1/2jr on October 13, 2023, 03:10:24 PM
"pound Gaza to dust." Those are human beings
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 13, 2023, 03:22:32 PM
I think there is a lot more going on here than first meets the eye. The area has been unusually quiet for a while now, while other areas have been more active, prompting the Israelis to move troops away to other regions where there has been more activity. We are talking months' worth of stuff here and for them to pull this off seemingly without Israel's intelligence services picking up any noise about it. It could just be a coincidence and the terrorists getting lucky. I've certainly seen more extreme perfect storms coming together like this, but I think this is a much more complicated and layered issue. The scale of the Israeli mobilisation is also far in excess of what they need to deal with Gaza. Could just be an overreaction (and a perfectly understandable one at that), it could be something more. Doubtless, as time passes and events unfold we shall see more, although we'll never know the full story. The militant side of Hamas tends to be quite separate from the Hamas that runs the government, not to mention much much smaller. They work together surprisingly rarely. It's also (IMHO unlikely) possible that the Israelis lured Hamas onto the punch. Netanyahu hates the Palestinians with a burning passion (his brother was a commando who was killed on a rescue mission to free hostages on a plane hijacked by Palestinian and German terrorists). With his position being politically weak, he could be looking at shoring up support by deliberately leaving a weak spot in his country's defences and more or less inviting an attack. I've seen that done before in my lifetime (the Falklands War for example). All he has to do is put the blame on some military officer and he has a scapegoat. Equally, there has been something of a power struggle at the top of Hamas and this could be someone there looking to secure their position. Maybe for once it is all exactly as it appears to be (it would be a first in my experience, but it isn't impossible),

All just possibilities though. I am not suggesting which one is the right one. These things are rarely as simple as they appear. I am not sure even if I had the option of learning all the reasons behind it that I'd really want to know. It is what it is and whatever the reasons a lot of people have, and are going to die as a result of decisions they had no say in.

Took Ash out today while Kristi was working. Finished off the last thing I had to do in executing Gina's will, so that is all finished with and I can get rid of the large box of documents that has accumulated over the past 14 months. The house has been transferred, the money moved into the beneficiary account and my part in this is finished. I want nothing more to do with it now. I've done everything I can. Did some shopping while we were out. The house now has a 45-foot-long spider web outside it, and a 6-foot-wide spider climbing down it. I'll put out some more Samhain decorations when the wind dies down a bit.

Something that might interest Indy. I picked up a book for a wargame set in Italy. They've included what I believe is your favourite WW2 hero.


Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on October 13, 2023, 04:22:31 PM
Quote from: lester1/2jr on October 13, 2023, 03:10:24 PM
"pound Gaza to dust." Those are human beings

Human beings are what you encounter in peacetime, with its kinder morality; in war there's only us and them, and an enemy is what you destroy lest he destroys you. Even the Nazis usually shot children before they burned them, unlike these barbarians who burned caged children alive. Level Gaza, sow it with salt, leave the world that much safer. But fear not, it won't happen.  But it should.

Last word, because I know this is Alex's thread.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: RCMerchant on October 13, 2023, 05:22:18 PM
I don't give a f**k. Both sides been f**king themselves for years.
f**k em all.
I know we can't ignore it- we all inhabit this earth and should fight to keep children from being killed. I'm sure the innocents are just trying to live. When both sides factions are racist against each other, and will kill each other in a NY minute at any given f**king time in the last almost 80 f**king years, it will be a miracle if this will ever be resolved, and looks like another major war on the horizon.  :bluesad:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 14, 2023, 03:47:45 PM
Engaging in more of what seems to be my newest hobby. Arguing with random strangers about Aliens movies.

It is amazing just how worked up some people can get about fictional characters. Honestly, it is like shooting fish in a barrel and the fish keep jumping in front of the bullets.

We had a couple of Kristi's friends around for dinner tonight. She made 5 courses and not like little ones either. I had to skip one of them, although since there is plenty left I am sorted for my dinner tomorrow night. Never had a meal with 3 rounds of pasta (soup, pasta, pasta, pasta and then a cheesecake), but it was all good. It was all just more than I could eat. The woman (Tara) is a workmate of Kristi's and she was here with her boyfriend who spoke less than 50 words the whole night. Tara has previously said he isn't very social, he isn't very intelligent, but he does make her laugh.

I guess as long as both are happy then that is all that matters.

Looks like we now have some of our air assets in the game over the skies around Gaza.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 16, 2023, 06:02:47 PM
Things in so many different arenas seem to be progressing exactly as I am expecting. Makes life easier to navigate I guess. Sometimes I wish I could be more wrong more often, especially when it comes to international events.

Not that it takes much doing. Just ask what is the stupidest s**t people can pull. More often than not you'll be right.

Practised some rifle drills tonight. Made a couple of minor mistakes but on the plus side, a couple of times I had to correct the instructor so I guess that balances out. Got my dates to attend The Defence School of Policing & Guarding. I rather believe the title makes it sound more grandiose than the reality will prove to be. I'll be tested on my rifle skills though, so the practise is good. It's been over a year since I last held one.

Another night at the front desk hoping nothing interesting happens but wanting something to.

Ordered Kristi yet another present. A Jim Shore ornament of Jafar. Ash is dressing up as Shaggy for Samhain, so I bought him a Scooby Doo teddy bear. I really need to buy a bigger house. At least I am in a position to do that. Just need to find the right house.

I wonder if the US will ever reintroduce a eugenics program? Or any of the western democracies introduce one.

I see The Langoliers is getting a remake. One of Kristis two least favourite films. The other one is also set on a plane.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on October 16, 2023, 06:54:31 PM
yes, you do need a bigger house, lol!
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 17, 2023, 11:34:30 AM
Two more shifts to do, then back to time off. I wonder if I'll complete the 3-year contract or get bored and leave on completion of my first year?

Sitting there for 12 hours with no breaks, and not doing much else is not exactly fulfilling, although I'll have more to do as I pick up the various required Qs.

Watching Gen V at the moment. It will do while I wait for another season of The Boys or Invincible.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: lester1/2jr on October 18, 2023, 12:52:56 AM
Well, it appears Netanyahu has f**ked up again.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 18, 2023, 08:35:35 AM
If its the hospital thing? Could be. They should be able to find enough parts to discover if it was an Israeli missile or Hamas launch gone wrong. Neither side seems to have any particular concern for the lives of the people in Gaza. I'd like to say I am staying neutral on it until I see more proof, but in truth I am more inclined to blame both sides. When you play the eye for an eye game, sooner or later everyone ends up blind.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 18, 2023, 09:31:24 PM
It is a cold and windy night. The door for visitors keeps blowing open, so I am keeping the sliding window shut whenever I don't have a 'customer'. Still, it is my last shift for a few days. Looking forward to 5 days off.

Got an unexpected check for £2000 tonight. Not going to complain about that. It has been a long time (17 years) since I last received one of them. Wonder if it will be the last time I ever get one of those?I

Got my great-nieces first birthday party this weekend. Going to spend the night in a hotel rather than try and get back. If Storm Babete doesn't shut everything down. Trains are already being cancelled for the next couple of days. We will just have to see how much infrastructure gets damaged and then plan from there. 

Two and a half hours to go. It's a dark night out there and I can't even go out to enjoy it. On the other hand it is much warmer here and I do like my comforts these days.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: RCMerchant on October 18, 2023, 09:34:43 PM
Quote from: ER on October 13, 2023, 10:33:04 AM
f**k it, it's war, let historians analyze the whys after the dust clears. I just bought as many Israeli bonds as I could, after cashing in the ones we used to own, and I hope Israel puts that money toward its efforts to pound Gaza to dust.

For once I'm with Lester. Palestine has been f**ked by Israel for decades.
The country was the Arabs land before WWII. They natives were pushed into a corner of their own land. I don't blame them for being p**sed.
I am not anti-semitic, but Israel has turned into f**king thinking that they deserve to be treated like some kinda untouchables.
Since WWII, they think they can do anything, and it's forgiven. That was a long f**king time ago.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: lester1/2jr on October 18, 2023, 10:56:52 PM
Anyone ever read Jerusalem 1913? (

Basically Jews and Arabs were living side by side until suddenly tons of Europeans starting to come in and eventually world super powers decided the land was theirs (the Jewish immigrants).

Believe me, I understand the significance of Israel to Jewish people: that's why it's a conflict!
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 19, 2023, 04:55:55 PM
We have a full-on storm happening (or as they'd say round here (It's blawin a hoolie). Parts of Lossiemouth (down by the harbour) may need to be evacuated. Safe where we are though.

Maybe I should post is full-blown Scots. See how long it takes anyone to translate it? If you want an example, try reading Trainspotting. Took me a while to read that one. Had to translate everything as I read it. Hate to think how non-natives must handle it.

Mibbies aye, mibbies naw. I dinnae ken if fowk cud manage ti keep up wi the lingo. Lots o' loons and quines what urny local widna' be able to follow it. They'd aw end up glakit and needing a guid boosie. Ra polis wid be hinken they wur half jaked like. Hud a bit o' a swallie and ended up pished. Git telt ti shut their geggy or end up slapped in the rinagate furra night. Aye well, its hoachin' tonight and I feel scunnered.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: chefzombie on October 20, 2023, 02:49:12 AM
close enough to my bestie's welsh that i know it. shall i translate, or not? probably more fun if i don't, lol!c
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 20, 2023, 11:36:10 AM
If you feel you can, then go ahead. I don't think I made it too difficult.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 23, 2023, 03:50:16 PM
Went out for a long walk today. Several hours worth of it. Kristi was upset that I didn't spend the day with her, but I need to get exercise in (I need to lose a few decimal points of a BMI, nothing major) and with her having volunteered to work every day of Ash's holiday, I haven't had a chance to do any exercise at all.

Anyway, I had a decent workout. Started at around 09:30 and didn't stop until 17:00ish, doing up as many hills as possible. Back to work in the morning. I need to head to bed soon. We stayed up later than I'd meant to last night. The TV show I was watching, was good, but not that good. I just hadn't looked at the time until I discovered it was past midnight. I went up into the hills despite a very heavy mist. Going out into the wilds without as much as a compass was a bit silly, but it would be hard to get completely lost from civilisation. Out of sight of it for maybe half an hour tops.

I'd heard of a shop selling Kristi's favourite ornaments (by Jim Shore) and went to investigate that. What I found wasn't Jim Shore. I think the word of it was horrific. If Disney had been made by Dr Frankenstien you might have got something along these lines. Oh well, I just ordered something online for her.

I really need to stop buying her presents for Yule.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 24, 2023, 08:41:36 AM
My resolution to have breakfast when I am on day shift is holding. Two days in a row, which is an improvement. Done my weapons handlng still test today, doubtless there are many more to follow until I end up sick to the back teeth of them.

Too late.

I wonder how the world outside is going. I am going g through another I don't care about the news phase. They seem to be coming more and more often. Guessing we still have two newsworthy wars going on and many that aren't considered headline stuff.

Bumped into Mark today. He is much happier now Karl has gone. Shame those two couldn't get on with each other but friendship and management do not often make good bedfellows. Plus, well Mark is nuts. Karl is doing well in his new job. I hope his promotion gives him what he is looking for.

When I was in Inverness yesterday I passed the takeaway owned by the father of one of my ex's. I was idily tempted to go.order food, see if she was working there and it she recognised me. Letting sleeping dogs lie won over though, even if I doubted that she'd know me. Hell, I suspect I wouldn't spot her either. I think she'd have put on a lot of weight over the years because well she struck me as that kind of person. Doesn't make her had or anything. I just suspect she was bound for a lifelong struggle with her weight and diets. Plus she was a good cook. Guess she'll be hitting 40 or just past it. I am sure her birthday was in december. Hmm, never before realised how many of my ex's had birthdays that month. Well at least Kristi is different. Hers is in January.

Still another 3 1/2 hours to go. Looks like I might get to complete a whole day shift without someone going sick and me having to cover nights.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 26, 2023, 11:13:03 AM
Well my weekend starts in around 75 minutes and lasts until tuesday.

I can't wait. :) I have the excitement of ooh let's see. Well I pick up my new glasses tomorrow, and then I get to go with Kristi to the doctors to see if they can get the glass out of her arm that the medics stateside missed. That's twice out of two uses of the US healthcare system that they've messed up. We've agreed that on future visits, unless it something urgent we will just wait until we are back in the UK for treatment.

The days when Kristi did not want to use any healthcare outside the US are long gone. When we first got married, she'd said if she got pregnant she wanted to fly back to the US to give birth. Her view on that changed quite a lot.

Taking Ash to a Samhain festival on Saturday. When he gets a bit older I'll teach him about its true nature, but for now he can enjoy the dressing up and the sweets. Then again, there are a lot of religious festivals he'll need to learn the truth about since the Christian will steal any holiday that isn't nailed down  and burn anyone that is. Still, maybe bailing things down is the problem and we should nail them up instead. That does seem to be their bag.

Remember when weekends used to be just fun and excitement? To be honest not really for me. The jobs I had, well any night could be and often was a party night. I just didn't care to indulge them quite to the same degree as my workmates. I'd certainly drink plenty of alcohol, but I never cared for the drugs scene and not knowing where you were when you woke up is fun to think back on, but not always at the time. Besides there were other ways us of having fun that overindulging could put a real crimp in...

I think tomorrow I'll indulge in the positively Baccanial pleasures of lying in bed until maybe 07:00, might even push the boat out and have some toasted cheese.


I miss the excitement of going off on random adventures. Sure I got stabbed a few times and whatnot, but I survived, even if I don't quite have the full range of movement in one arm. It made some kickass memories.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 27, 2023, 03:16:17 AM
My current project:


An Amish Chaos Dwarf Blood Bowl (think American Football, only made interesting to watch) team.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 29, 2023, 09:00:43 AM
High tide today.

The car park at the gold course:

The bridge to East Beach:

Where east beach normally is:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 31, 2023, 09:58:05 AM
It seems that from our last holiday we got a gift that just won't stop giving. Having tried a few things to try and help get the car glass out of Kristi's arm, it now seems like we are down to minor surgery. Pretty much what they are going to do is the same thing they do for removing the birth control stuff they implant under the skin.

Ash is starting to really protest going to school. Had tears in his eyes yesterday. We suspect he has some variety of a cold, and hopefully that's the reason I really felt like keeping him off on Friday, but with both me and Kristi working in the  morning it just wasn't an option. The school did call us and ask us to pick him up early as he seemed tired and wouldn't even play with trains. Him not playing with trains is like me turning down playing in a D&D session, very unusual. Other than being tired, he seems fine. Mind you, when I've had covid my main symptom has been extreme tiredness.

Got my medical later today. Wonder how that will go? Been a long time since a doctor last told me I was physically perfect. That did make me chuckle when she said that.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 01, 2023, 12:01:00 PM
It is a very autumnal day today. Lots of cold rain and an icy wind.

Such a shame I am stuck in this nice warm office.

Heh heh he heh.

We have a rather uptight lance jack. You can tell he used to be a VAN or something before. Real Wobbly Orange vibes from him. Anyway, he called me to tell me that he'd be late taking over from me. Looking at the cameras outside and all the rain coming down I am not going to complain about that. Two hours and 12 minutes before I get to go home.

In the mean time I can watch all the bad movies I can fit in.😁
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 02, 2023, 03:40:44 PM
After debating about it for quite some time, I've decided to give up on using Firefox. I've been finding too many problems with various websites while using it. I've been using Firefox for about 13 years. It is the browser I met Kristi on. I don't particularly care to use Chrome or Edge. I wonder what other options are out there?

Edge it is until I can be bothered doing some research. Wills and Kate passed through the station today paying a visit to a local (and rather worthwhile) charity to give them a bit of recognition.

There is something else going to be happening that I'd like to talk about but can't. Going on a course and leaving early doors Sunday morning, so I'll miss it. I expect it will be something of a damp squib anyway.

In not entirely unrelated news it seems some pro-Palestinian organisation is planning marches to disrupt Remembrance Sunday events. Yeah, that will turn public sympathy against them and be rather counterproductive.

Taking Ash to a model railway exhibition on Saturday. We are also debating taking him to the fireworks display later that night.

I wonder how many guys at the exhibition will be bald, but have beards? I'd bet money 90%+ of the exhibitors will have this look. I think it is some sort of warning signal to women not to breed with this person, they are too much in love with their hobby.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 03, 2023, 02:09:42 AM
Urgh. Got to do my station arrivals brief today. I already did one 20 odd years ago. I am sure all that will have changed in that time is the names of the aircraft.

20 minutes of useful information squeezed into 4 hours.

Watching an old film I hadn't heard of before. Daughter of the mind. Isn't bad to be fair.

Yeah swap Tornados and Sea Kings for Typhoons and P8's and it was pretty much the same brief. Grudgingly the glass dug out of her arm today. Despite the pain killers it hurt a lot she said, but at least it is out.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 03, 2023, 04:23:24 AM
Well, the thought of having someone booking my flights for me sounded great after years of having to do all that for myself for years. The only problem is though that you don't get to pick the times you are leaving at, thus why I am having to get transported to Inverness airport at 04:20 instead of getting the 14:00 flight from Aberdeen on Sunday.

Well at least I have Saturday.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 03, 2023, 09:06:47 AM
It is official. There is going to be a pro-Palestinian protest at the base on Sunday. Hopefully the currently terrible weather we are having will continue for that, and they can get cold and wet all day long.

Not that I begrudge them, or anyone else the right to protest. I mean go ahead, knock your socks off. Won't change anything. Here is the truth. All the protests I've seen at military bases, they don't really achieve anything. Hell, more than half the time the thing people are protesting about is happening at another base entirely. You want a government to change its policy in some way? Killing soldiers might get you headlines, but politicians do not really care about dead soldiers unless it starts to affect their chances of reelection. Protesting government buildings or blowing them up won't achieve much either to be honest. You really want to effect change, so something that costs really rich people money. The troubles in Northern Ireland went on for how long (and even today haven't entirely gone away, but they are not what they once were) and it really didn't do anything despite an ever rising body count. Hell, it helped British arms manufacturers as they could sell their kit with the combat proven/ battle tested tag on them. A couple of bombs set off in the heart of London's financial district though and pretty quickly after that there is a peace process in place.

Money and politics are so intertwined. Anyone who talks about the military Industrial complex really has missed out totally on how things are ran and why things happen. I've worked for both the military and an arms company. They really do not work hand in hand. We are just another customer to get screwed over and make as much money from possible. The whole military industrial thing suggests a much higher degree of cooperation that just isn't there. It really amazes me how many people are so easily fooled by that notion though. Honestly, it I was told that this particular phrase had been deliberately created to distract folks from seeing how things are really done while at the same time giving them the feeling that they are in the know it really would not surprise me. If it was deliberate then it is a work of genius. After all it is still working how many years later and few people seem to be capable of realising just how wrong it is. Military contracts are awarded more on the basis of 'Well, this company has a factory here. If we give them the contract then the workers will vote for our party's or 'The CEO just made a huge donation to our re-election campaign so we'll give him this contract in return', than they are on the basis of what the military wants or needs.

I know of no better way to tell someone you don't know what you are talking about than to use that phrase and seriously mean it as a thing.

Democracy really is a terrible form of government. I'd like to give a meritocracy a go.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on November 03, 2023, 10:57:39 AM
^ I've always felt universal suffrage had serious downsides, no more so than in the 2008 election, to be honest, when misinformation about alleged promises that were never even made ran rampant in ways that put me off an entire political party and the electoral process itself. Then I saw in 2016 a supposed grass roots reaction to 2008 that was much the same thing, in reverse. Ideally either the privilege to cast a vote should be earned through any of various forms of public service, showing you've got skin in the game, or at least those who have invested their lives in ways that were most helpful to others should earn a greater say in the electoral process. Maybe voting should be a point system. Everyone begins with one point, and you can earn more over time by dedicated investment of service to your country that could take any of a number of forms: education, public works programs, the military, community-level charitable services. It could get complicated, maybe it'd be better, maybe worse, as I'm sure cynics or the fearfully closed-minded (or wise) would tell me.

But with almost everyone agreeing things are not far from broken, maybe it's time for Enlightenment Age democracy to evolve.

Or not. Shrug.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 04, 2023, 04:08:14 PM
I would not disagree with that. I've felt for a long time that people should get more (for want of a better term), points, and the more you do for society as a whole, the more points you get. People with high scores get a discount on taxes etc. You could also lose points for say criminal activities and lose certain rights that have to be reearned.

Heading off super early tomorrow morning for my course. I'll be spending a week in the same building that Eisenhower planned and commanded D-Day from. As a minor WW2 geek, I must admit I am looking forward to seeing that. As a husband and father, I am less looking forward to spending time away from my family. After all, that was one of the factors in switching from the RAF to the Army.

Took Ash to the annual model railway show in Elgin town hall. He loved it, but did get overstimulated and we had to calm him down a bit.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 05, 2023, 01:14:31 PM
Got up at three this morning. I crept out of bed as quietly as possible, but Kristi still woke up. Much to both of our surprise Ash decided to wander through. I asked them if since they were already up, if they wanted to walk up to work with me. This turned out to be a mistake and came very close to causing me to miss my lift to the airport. Still, I made it in the end. Had three drunk football fans in the seats behind me who were singing. Was hoping they'd get thrown off of the flight to be honest. Wouldn't have bothered me if it had happened mid-air either.  :twirl:

We got the hire car, but needed another car just to get us to to where we'd collect it. A good 20 minutes from the airport. It turned out the place they'd hired the car from was closed on Sundays, but left any keys to be picked up with a neighbouring office. Only they didn't have our keys. By sheer coincidence, a woman who worked for the company happened to walk into the office and we were able to get sorted. Euan then decided to drive with occasionally random ignores of the sat nav so we went down a few wrong turns and whatnot, but we got here eventually. Picked up our room keys, then we popped out into the local village for a meal.

To say this place is a bit rustic would be an understatement. I swear I expected Compo, Cleggy and Foggy to come walking around the corner any second. The first pub looked nice but wasn't opened for Sunday lunch. Euan was a bit surprised by this, but a co-worker had warned us about this. Euan just wouldn't believe it. We did eventually find somewhere open and had a couple of beers along with an acceptable meal, if not anything special. I had a Welsh rarebit tart (fancy cheese on toast basically).

Anyway, back in my room. It is slightly colder than I'd like, but nothing I can't handle. I've prepped my uniform for tomorrow and done as much as I can do in advance.

As predicted the protest on camp much much smaller than its organisers had claimed. It takes a very determined protester to stand outside our camp in the weather we get at this time of year. From the sounds of things the extra security personnel outnumbered the protesters several times over. Not that it would have made any difference if there had been a lot. The decision-makers down in London aren't going to be bothered by or care about a protest at the other end of the country. Hell, even the decision-makers in Edinburgh aren't going to give a damn.

Hah, Euan just texted me asking if I wanted to go to the shop. I'd passed on the warning about everything being closed especially after 16:00 on a Sunday round here, but I decided I'm going to go see this. So we walked to the shop and it was shut. Euan stammered "So you mean I can't even get a cup of coffee" Yes Euan, that is what everything shut means. You either bring your own supplies or you go without. You were warned, you didn't believe and this is the consequence. Enjoy your withdrawal symptoms.

Since he used to live down this way and has been here before you'd think he'd know better.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 06, 2023, 02:57:25 PM
The first day is over and done with. Sat a test, and although we don't get the results until tomorrow I feel confident about it. It was all stuff about when you can and can't shoot someone. Assuming I pass the course, rather than having a weapon assigned to me as and when I require one, I'll have one permanently assigned to me.

Yes, it does have a name. Its the SA80 (MkII I feel like being fancy about it), and that is about as much of a name as it really needs. Always felt there is something wrong about people who need to name their rifles. It has a pully trigger end and a go bang end. Most people can figure out which is which and beyond that, well it is just another tool.

Watching Dawn of the Dead. It occurred to me that I've played two of the arcade games they mess around with. No idea what their names are, but one is a racing game, and the other is a pair of cowboys shooting at each other.

There is a jazz night on at the local pub tomorrow night. I'll pop along for a couple of beers, depending on how much I can tolerate the sounds. It is a freeform jazz exploration night I'll be getting the hell out of there. If it is (as I suspect), music from the 40s, it will confirm my suspicion that this place hasn't really noticed that the war is over. I don't mean WW2, or even The Great War. More like the Civil War. It would not surprise me to see a couple of Roundheads come charging down the street on horseback.

Since they couldn't fix the radiators in the block, everyone who wanted one was issued a heater. 12 out of the 18 people on the class took one. I guess the others are content to freeze. One of them though was complaining it was too cold in the classroom.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 07, 2023, 05:03:09 PM
Theoretical part of the course is all done with, now is just the practical side of things. The building we are in has a staircase that goes past a floor with a sign that says "Special Forces only". The door to that corridor is always open though. I keep wondering if that is some sort of test?

Popped out to the jazz night. It was in a pub called The Golden Lion. It has two pubs in the town, the other one being called The Red Lion. The jazz band was a very elderly pair of guys, who I suspect were old enough to have met Churchill and Eisenhower. Both bars are filled with WW2 memorabilia, possibly genuine stuff rather than reproductions. I fought and resisted the temptation to have more than two beers. If I'd have had a third, it would have been followed by a manytude of other beers.

Practical lessons tomorrow, then the theory test in the morning followed by practical ones in the afternoon.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 08, 2023, 07:01:56 AM
I was told yesterday that I could expect a promotion to Lance Cpl in around 18 months. I said I wasn't really looking to up the promotion ladder. I might take Lance or turn it down, but that I didn't want to go any further. I've spent my time worrying if the job I signed off on that everyone involved has done everything right and I've not missed anything. Last thing you want to hear is that an aircraft you've signed off as being serviceable has dropped out of the sky. I don't need to start worrying about what the troops under my command are doing.

I remember when I was younger and first joined up, I wanted to go all the way to Warrant Officer. I worked quite hard to get there, got promoted faster than most. If anyone was thinking about leaving, I'd chat with them and encourage them to go. Not because I thought it was better out in civvy street or anything, it was because if they were higher ranked than me then them leaving opened up a promotion spot. If they were the same rank as me, well that lessoned the competition for that promotion spot. If they were lower ranked than me then I'd suggest to them that they carefully consider their options and discuss the pro's and con's. Generally, if someone is thinking about banging out, it doesn't take much to encourage them to make the jump. I never made the effort to try and get anyone who didn't want to leave to go though.

After I got promoted. I remember sitting and watching the guys at the next rank level up and watching all the extra hours they had to work, and how little more they were paid for that jump in work load and responsibility. Over an 18 month period I decided that going further up the ranks wasn't for me. Hell, I decided I wanted to get out since I was no longer enjoying the job and it took the combined efforts of several of my bosses to persuade me to stay.

A lot in my life hinged on that decision. If I hadn't then the chances are that I would not have met Kristi. I wonder what would have replaced my current life, and while it might have been just as good I can't imagine that it would have been better.

Did all the stuff on the levels of searching people, places etc yesterday including the rubber glove treatment. Today has been spent outside in the rain with practical lessons.

This was done by one of the lads I am on the course with. Not really my kind of music, but he did this for Remembrance Sunday. (

He is hoping to make it as a rapper and leave the military. I'll have to leave it up to people who like rap as to if he has a chance of being successful or not, but best of luck to him. He's been touting it across the course. Given that most of us are a bit older, I think he might be looking at the wrong generation, but I did say I'd share it. Job done then.

Watching some of the stuff for the investigation into the governments reactions to Covid. I hope they nail Boris to the f**king wall. How many elderly relatives of people died alone, with their families unable to visit them while he was in party central, getting p**sed up?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 09, 2023, 07:00:41 AM
It has been an eventful night and day. Last night we all got our doors chapped and told there had been a fault in the fire alarm and we'd all need to stag a watch through the night.

Right before we sit our end of course exams. Great.

I sat my practical exam, which well you never can tell these things 100% but I think I've passed. I then had to deal with a vehicle-borne IED. Just need to find out the results of my exam this afternoon.

We'll do the debrief tomorrow. I always think the final day of a course is a terrible one to do a debrief in because I am not interested in giving feedback and improving things for the next course. All I am caring about it "I want to get out of here and get home." Every question answered, every comment made is just a delay on that. I doubt I'll see 17 out of the 18 people on the course again, and if I do I most likely won't recognise them. The only guy I will see again, well I work with him. Hell, I barely remember his name.

They aren't bad guys or anything, some of them are pretty switched on and I'd quite happily serve beside them on a battlefield, but I am just not that sentimental about these things. People just don't register with me that much especially if it is a short-term encounter. Give me a minimum of 6 weeks with someone and then maybe I might remember their name.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 11, 2023, 11:20:22 AM
Back in Scotland. To be honest that entire course was taking the p**s. What it took 5 days to go through, we used to do in 2 days. Regardless though, I now have a stage 3 qualification in defence and guarding, as well as what is termed the inherited right of self defence (but with lethal weapons). I've been in all sorts of crazy situations while on guard duty and not once have I had to resort to putting a live round in a chamber in order to resolve it. If I ever find myself in the situation where I need to do that on guard, then I'll do it, but I suspect I'd always feel like I failed.

I'd to attend a Remembrance Parade on Friday before I could get home. I stood there listening to a priest drone on along for far too long. We were surrounded by White Caps (military police), Red Caps (different military police) and civilian police. I spent the whole thing ignoring what was being said and thinking about as many people as I could who joined up at the same time as me. There were 150 of us. I think I could remember maybe 20 of them, and the names of perhaps half of that. I don't particularly need a special day to remember those who have fallen. I think of them semi-regularly. Some of them I knew personally, others just from planting the memorial gardens each year.

I wonder how many people who thank soldiers for their service would be willing to kneel in the mud on a cold and wet day to create a memorial? Something like that is the difference between actually doing something and just saying meaningless words. One of those things is a lot easier to do than the other.

Anyway, we drove off to the airport where we'd to then wait for 6 hours for our flight. When we landed, we'd to then wait for another 2 flights to land with other people before MT would come and pick us up. Myself and Euan had to wander around the airport as it was closing to find the random places the other passangers travelling the last part of the journey had all decided to stand. We found two of them and then told the driver we weren't waiting for the last guy any more.

After struggling for most of last year to find all the parts I wanted for Kristi's Yule diorama and the problems I had building it, I've decided on a slight change of tack for the next one. If all the pieces arrive in time, it will be a birthday present for her. If not then it will be her December 1st present. Since she is a huge Disney fan I am going to recreate scenes from Disney films as closely as I can.

What I have in mind involves this guy... (
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 13, 2023, 01:26:34 PM
In a rather surprising move, old pig f**ker himself has returned to the corridors of power. David Cameron (f**k you, you c**t. The country cant afford to pay military veterans their pension, but it can afford to pay for a duck pond for your house) is now the Foreign Secretary. Sunak has moved to kick the more extreme right-wingers out of his government (other nations take note, you can do this. It is allowed).

Since he isn't actually a serving MP at the moment, they are going to quickly give him a peerage and make him a lord so he can sit in the cabinet.

Funny that the most extreme one that he booted out is the child of immigrants who wants to kick immigrants out of the country. She is expressing mock outrage at this removal, having been trying to get herself in a position that she would be fired in since she got the job. All in the name of boosting her leadership aspirations.

One thing the right is very good at is concentrating on taking down potential rivals for power even as the ship sinks around them.

We stayed the night in a hotel prior for some early morning appointments at Aberdeen Hospital. Both Kristi and Ash had to go for different reasons. The hotel was nice, the staff were super attentive, but the heating was off and it was not a warm night. I slept ok, but Kristi was freezing.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 14, 2023, 06:02:48 AM
Do you recall the things you wanted to be when you grew up from when you were a young child? All the things you wanted to do when the world seemed so much larger and the possibilities were infinite?

I do, and I only have one thing left that I wanted to be that I've not yet achieved. That was to go into space. I might not get to be an astronaut per se, but with the whole space tourism thing, I guess it is more of a possibility now than it was before. Then again, grown-up me now thinks that going up into space and then coming back down would be pretty boring.

A slightly older version of me (but still a pre-teenager) might be disappointed I didn't get to go into making special effects, but at that age, CGI wasn't really a thing most special effects involving computers back then were hand-animated. The other stuff he wanted though, I've done. I figure he'd be mostly happy too.

Teenage me through to my twenties... well he mostly ran on pure rage. Mostly this was directed at a single person, but as time passed a few others were added to the list. I've had my revenge on those people to various degrees. He might not have been happy with the results, but he would have been satisfied. His happiest times though were spent watching live bands. Not alcohol, drugs, sex, or love came close to matching the high he felt at the front of a gig.

Late 20s, well I wanted a job with a pension and to have fun. Ticked that box off quite easily. With the qualifications and experience I had, pretty much any company I wanted to work for had a role for me. Only one had the kind of pension I wanted though, and coming late to that game the choice practically made itself.

In my 30s I started thinking about having someone else in my life. That decade was almost over before I found someone I could spend my time with though and not want to choke the life out of them after three days in their company. I managed to pick off a lot of my lifetime goals during this period.

My 40s have been taken up with children. First trying to have them, then almost getting there with poor Lilly Beth, and then finally Ash being born. Then it has been concentrating on him and trying to help set him up to have the best life he can have. I've picked up a job where I work 4 1/2 months of the year but still brings in a full-time wage, I've got my pension on top of that and Kristi is also working. We are comfortably off financially and can plan a couple of overseas trips a year if we want. In 6 months my 40s will be over. I wonder what my 50s will bring? I've been inventing new things to add to my bucket list.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on November 14, 2023, 08:25:27 AM
You've made life work for you. No one truly masters life, I think, but you've found ways be in harmony with it. Enjoy the rewards that brings, and good luck. You've done better than most.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 15, 2023, 02:45:08 PM
I managed to get my hands on one of my 'unicorn' books that I've been tracking for a while. Finding a copy of it wasn't a problem but finding one that had a price tag on it I was willing to pay was. That's me now in possession of all the World of Darkness core rulebooks, something I suspect means nothing to most folks here.

Made a start on wrapping Ash's presents. Well, the train stuff anyway. The whole Hogwarts Express set and the extra track I've bought him.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 16, 2023, 06:47:00 PM
It has been a good few days off, but as ever work sooner or later rears it's distasteful head. You'd think working 4 1/2 months of the year would sate my desire for more time off, but evidently not.

Yeah, you working Joe's know what I mean. Heh, funny to think that some years back I was on the edge of becoming a workaholic. No company is worth that level of devotion though. No matter how much effort you put in, and whether you work for the  public sector or private sooner or later there will always come a point where you simply aren't needed any more and your readiness or willingness to go is an irrelevant factor. So you either quit on your own terns, get kicked out or die in the job.

One of the pep talks I was given some years back, a very senior officer came along and said "If you want to quit then go. You'll be missed. For a couple of weeks, maybe a month. Then someone else will get posted in and you'll be forgotten about and life will go on." Doesn't quite work that way, because in a technical job it takes 18 months to get that new guy experienced enough and you'll miss his predecessor that whole time. It did contribute to my feelings that the upper management didn't really understand what we did, and didn't really care. I guess I wasn't the only one because we used to get a lot of speeches along those lines and then people started leaving in droves.  At some point the senior management must have noticed that because a few years ago the talk changed from telling us if we didn't like it then we knew where the door was to telling us all about how the grass wasn't greener outside and listing the drawbacks of civvy street. By that time though, my mind was already pretty much made up that I was leaving.

Konstantin had it right. "We the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much for so long with so little that we are now qualified to do anything with nothing."

Now the hardest thing I have to do is keeping my eyes open at 3am.  :drink:

I was thinking recently back to when i was a teenager. I attended a group camp on the isle of Arran. They had a bunch of kids from Poland who had been earmarked to be bodyguards for various high ranking figures and had been raised for that sole purpose. They were at the camp as part of the efforts to bring them back to somekind of normal childhood. They were all tall and muscular, dressed in uniforms and conducted themselves in a very militaristic  fashion. It wasn't them I was thinking about. It was a second group of overseas kids, this time from Palestine.  I wonder how they are doing in the current conflict? Have they been able to grow up, have good life's? I guess some of them will have had kids who are now older than we were back then. I can't remember any of their faces or names although  I do recall the speech given by their leader thanking us for giving them a break that it was great to be able to walk down a street and not worry about some explosion going off, or a gunman shooting at them.

I'm certainly grateful that my time has involved much less of those kinds of things than they've had to live through. Or die because of
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 18, 2023, 03:48:55 PM
No troublemakers trying to sneak last the cameras so far tonighy. Well not unless they have Yuatja levels of stealth technology.

Time to watch some movies and do some writing then.

Got a friend ( Mette) visiting from Norway tomorrow. She is only staying overnight and I am working tomorrow so I won't see her much.  Might be for the best. She did try to get home to have a drunken affair with her once. I politely turned her down and told Kristi about it, and then promptly got into trouble from her for not making it clear enough I was unavailable. I'd already set my FB status as in a relationship and told people I was involved. Short of getting a tattoo I am not sure what else I could do to avoid the situation.

Buying an American Civil War game for Kristi. It isn't a war that especially interests me, I mean you have 2 sides and the games I am used to playing normally have many, many options. Well I guess it cuts down on the numbers of paints I need to get. I already have a tin of grey spray paint, all I need now is some blue. It was a conflict that really should have never taken as long as it it did to settle and features some outstandingl incompetent commanders. I am not sure a game can adequately replicate that. It does have some interesting elements and is worth studying as the first industrialised war, but playing it just doesn't appeal to me overly much. Still, Kristi has expressed an interest in playing it, so I'll give it a go. Maybe I'll find it more fun than I expect.

Quick spray and done. Hopefully I can paint my Italian WW2 army before the new year, and get the cyberpunk style stuff I've been buying up sorted.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 21, 2023, 07:25:10 PM
I went a couple of days without sleep then crashed out yesterday. We had a friend visiting for Norway. Didn't get to spend much time with her so I stayed up when I got back from night shift to see her off about 9 am. I then crashed out until after 14:00. Luckily I woke up in time to collect Ash from school. I hadn't expected to sleep quite that long.

I then ended up in bed early, slept late this morning, and by 19:00, had to go for a nap for a couple of hours. I suspect I've got some kind of virus or something. The main thing I get from covid is being sleepy. Maybe that is the issue?

Now its after midnight and I have no sign of tiredness when I need it.  :bouncegiggle:

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 22, 2023, 01:56:46 PM
So life has been getting... interesting recently. Pre-Covid, Kristi had visited the doctors about something and was told that if there was a problem found on tests, they'd be back in touch. Fast forward 3 years, they got in touch and we'd to go up to Aberdeen hospital. The Consultant was raging when he found out that she'd been waiting that long and although they think everything is ok, she is going to be having a biopsy just to be on the safe side.

I got my dental checkup this morning. My teeth are fine, but the dentist asked me how long I'd had a lump on my tongue. What lump I enquired? Anyway, to cut a long story short I am also going to Aberdeen at some point for a biopsy. They think it isn't anything to worry about, they are just being cautious.

Anyway, post that I took a wander into Elgin. I saw a dark-skinned lady, maybe Middle Eastern, maybe South American (I really did not recognise her accent). She looked a bit lost and told me she was renting a house in Elgin, but couldn't find it. Anyway, I agreed to help her, got the postcode, and did the whole Google maps thing. She then asked me to walk her to where it was. Since it was only a 10-minute walk and I was in no particular hurry, I agreed. Halfway there she decided it was too far to walk to just now, she was hungry and was going to get something to eat. Fair enough, I turned around and started to head back into the main street. At some point, it came up that she was from Columbia originally but was now a UK citizen and had been living her for 20 years. It very quickly became obvious she was following me wherever I went. I asked her what she wanted to eat and she told me a steak, so I took her to the first place I could think of that would sell one and went to say my goodbyes.

At that point, it became obvious that she thought I was going to go in with her and pay for her steak. She then grabbed me and shoved her tongue down my throat. Evidently, she drinks coffee, something that I detest the smell and taste of. I got the hell out of there, ignoring whatever she was calling out to me. I then ducked into a shop where I knew the owners and told them that if a dark-skinned woman came in looking for me, they hadn't seen me and ducked beneath one of the tables.

After that I headed home. Quite often I find when a day gets strange, it will continue to get stranger and I wanted no more strangeness. When I got home I refused to kiss Kristi until I'd taken a mouthful of mouthwash and thoroughly brushed my teeth. Several times.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Paquita on November 22, 2023, 10:17:20 PM
That's why you men should be accompanied by a lady you trust at all times when out in public!  Seriously though that had to be scary. When it's a woman doing that to a man I imagine your options to get help or get yourself out of the situation are limited. So sorry that happened to you. I'm glad you got away.

Also hoping your tests go well. It sounds like risks are low but I know waiting for those results can be rough.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 23, 2023, 01:52:56 AM
I didn't feel scared, but I was increasingly frustrated and p**sed off. Yeah, there isn't much I could do to get rid of her. There are no code words for men to get help at a bar if they are having a problem. I do wonder what will happen if I bump into her again though.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 25, 2023, 03:46:35 AM
Do you know anyone who has fallen for any romance scams? I've known a couple of people who have, although only online people. No one I've known in real life. In both cases they handed over thousands of pounds, dollars or whatever their currency has been.

Day 1

I assumed these things were fairly sophisticated things designed to draw people in and part them from their money, but I wanted to see how they worked for myself. So I updated my virus/malware protection, I did a quick search, selected the first "dating" all that was free and created a profile of someone who was just looking for casual sex. I didn't bother uploading a photo and sat back and waited.

Well when I say waited, I mean I had messages pinging in my inbox instantly. All from incredibly hot women. One of them asked if I'd mind switching to Whatsapp. I said sure (since it is a messaging app I rarely use anyway and don't have many contacts on it, even if they were able to access my list they wouldn't be able to blackmail me). We started chatting. The first few lines were standard stuff, then she told me she works as a can girl in Elgin and asks if that bothers me. Telling her that didn't bother me might have been the first honest thing I'd put down since starting the project. Anyway, she tells me she is forced to work 12 hour shifts and has to meet a quota, but she'd always been turned on by the thought  of doing a show for a guy and then meeting up with him afterwards. I mentioned at some point that I was a lot older than her and got told age was just a number. Oh, speaking of numbers, her phone number has a prefix of +63 which I believe indicates its from the Philippines rather than Elgin.

I was feeling a bit grossed out by the thought of having someone half my age to be honest. Anyway, she asked me to register on some website. It would cost £1 and then she could give me a private show. She sent me a link. I waited a few minutes and then said I'd tried to register, but the website had tried to charge me a lot more. I then said that I'd to cancel my bank card to stop them taking money and wouldn't be able to register on any other websites until I received my replacement card and that would take a week to ten days. she sent me a bunch of photos, some clothed, some nude during all this, including some that were clearly a different person, but most of them were of a dark haired and dark eyed woman.

Well, at least they managed to get the kind of girl I prefer. Still hadn't seen a picture of me for all the declarations of how desperate she was to meet me. I'd made up a job where I worked on civilian aircraft. Figure I know enough about planes that I could answer any questions that might come up from that.

Day 2.

Anyway, my night shift finished and I went back home for a sleep. When I got up there were lots of messages asking where I was. She had another suggestion for how we could meet up. If I sent £150 via Western Union, she could have two days off work and we could meet up. I mentioned I could do that later as I'd be in town, but I wanted proof that she was real. I got sent this:


My first thought was I've never seen a printer using lined and margined paper before. I guess it isn't impossible, but if I'd been looking for reassurance that this person was real, it wasn't going to provide it. An image search confirmed that it was another picture that had been altered. We discussed going on a date in Elgin and I mentioned I'd like to go to the Greek restaurant (true I would, but it closed 8 years ago), followed by us walking to Elgin beach (Elgin is inland. It would take two hours to walk to the nearest beach). It is also bloody cold right now so this would not be a romantic option. Ever stood on sand with bare feet in the middle of a cold winter? It is worse than going into the ocean. I was also asked if I'd do her a favour and log out of the website we'd met on. I said I would but didn't. I got a lot more messages from other Philippine numbers. I replied to one and was asked if I'd like to chat more on WhatsApp again but declined. I had enough info on how they operated.

Having seen enough of the operation so far I did consider ending the project at this point. I felt the whole thing has been fairly crude. At no point did I really think that the person I was talking to was who they claimed to be. I wasn't even 100% convinced it was a woman, or even a person rather than a chatbot, or many a couple of scam artists working in shifts. I blocked the account and went off to bed.

Day 3.

I would have left things there, but the woman (Alexa Carter) was now messaging me on a separate number asking why I'd blocked her. Ok, fair enough. I have nothing else to do in the middle of the night, so during my next quiet time I unblocked the original account and replied that I knew the picture she'd  me was fake and includes the search link. Told her that unless she could prove she was real and in ElginI had nothing else to say etc. Had to pretend to be offended because after all I had went in to this looking for a fake person and we'll let's face it, I was lying just as much to her as she was to me. Anyway things went quiet for the rest of the day.

Day 4.

I got an apology, admitting the picture had been faked, but that it was still one of her. She'd only did It because she was so desperate to meet me. It was only at this point that she asked for a picture of me (Something still haven't provided). I gave it another dismissal and said repeated the line about prove you are in Elgin.

Day 6.

I thought 'Alexa' had given up, but this day I received this:

Figured this was an ok cut and paste job, but wouldn't fool anyone. Plus that Starbucks closed down a few weeks ago and reopened in a larger premises on the other side of the street.

Day 7.

this has now went on much longer than I expected.

Alexa messages me asking if I was still looking forward to meeting her. Have her a simple 'No', that another fake picture wouldn't cut it, but I offered her one last chance. I said that if she met me with her supervisor in town I'd hand the supervisor £500 to give her two days off.

Then I did start to worry a little bit just in case she did live in Elgin and I'd have to hand over £500, but then again I was still more than 99% sure I was safe. The reply I got that was that they couldn't receive money that wag. It would have to be sent by Western Union (the account is in Manilla btw). I

I think the conversation between us has fizzled out. What has surprised me is now crude the whole thing has been. No part of the scam survives even the most cursory check. I find myself having less sympathy than I had previously for the people who have fallen for these things. It was just a parade of red flags that I might as well have been in Moscow for the May victory parade during the height of the cold war. It requires more than just desperation to fall for this inept a level of a scam, you'd need to be willfully idiotic.

Anyway, how do you keep yourself amused during boring downtime?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 25, 2023, 03:49:41 AM
Oh, when I told my friend Jerrad about this and showed him those pictures, he said the the photo was an incr,edibly famous web cam girl so me years ago and that the first picture was in its own way, quite well known.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 25, 2023, 05:17:41 AM
Another update. She's messaged me telling me the reason for the fake photos is because she isn't allowed to leave the house. I've replied that if she is trapped let me know and I'll have her free within 24 hours. That offer is genuine, should she really be a trafficking victim or modern slave. Somehow I doubt it will be accepted.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 26, 2023, 05:21:11 AM
It is a very chilly Sunday morning.

Had an argument with a mid level officer. I enforced a rule that he put it place, which he found inconvenient when it was applied to him. I am expecting a complaint to our management. I've already given them a heads up about the incident and they agree I did the right thing.

Wether or not that will make a difference remains to be seen. However I am confident in my actions.

Kristi and Ash will get back home today after she do g the weekend down at my mums. Since we are both working over the festive period there is no chance of us getting down at that time. I am working Yule, Kristi is working over New Year.  Since I'll be starting a 6, the plan is to get Ash up at midnight and let him open his presents then.

Our local gaming store seems to have been the site of some drama. One of the employees wanted a copy of his contract which the owner kept agreeing to supply, but never did. This caused problems for the employee getting a morgage. Finally be gets one and discovers he is on a zero hours contract as the owner had never let him see it before.

How did he sign it then?

Anyway, the employee had been thinking about starting his own business up and this evidently provided the spur he required. So he's opened his own place. It is over an hours travel away, so far enough not to be direct competition. Because of the problems the owner had caused him, and the terms of a zero hours contract, our subject simply worked his shift and then announced he was quitting with immediate effect. He is also the guy who did all the social media stuff for the shop, set up the online store, discord server etc. None of the other staff know how to do that, and things have already started to go wrong with the online side of things. The owner has unfriended anyone who mentions the new store on social media, kicked people out of his shop who speak about his ex-employee and so on. The new shop is far enough away that it wouldn't be practical for me to visit regular!y, but I am going to pop up to it next week, Tuesday or Wednesday. I might start ordering my paints online from him and I'll do a bit to support him.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 27, 2023, 04:27:09 PM
Four days off work. Time to finish off The Lovecraft Investigations. I am on season 4 right now.

When I am working the front desk I keep getting people wandering in and asking for someone and every time they expect me to know exactly who they are after and how to contact them. Yeah, there are around 3000 people on this camp. Not going to happen. Some guy swaggered up to me today and said "I'm here to speak to Arabella." "Yeah, that means nothing to me." "I'll tell you exactly who it is!" and starts looking through his phone, then affter a minute "It's Arabella Bloggs" he declared triumphantly, only for his face to fall when I told him "Still means nothing to me. Do you have their phone number?" "Yeah its...", "Well, go give them a call and tell them they need to come down to escort you. I can't give you a pass until you have someone here to escort you around the camp." Anyway, he scuttled off to the corner of the foyer and stayed quiet until someone came down to collect him.

After a full day of dealing with people like that, by the time he pitched up my patience was getting low. If we aren't busy, I'll try and help to track people down if I can, but it is also something I am expressly told not to do in our orders and my world does not revolve around whatever random person has just walked in. This isn't a supermarket. You can't just grab an employee and expect them to drop what they are doing to show you where the eggs are.

Heading to my friends new gaming store tomorrow with Nikki. Got a couple of things to chat with her while I have her alone. The help we gave her allowed her to sort out her financial situation quite drastically and I am hoping that with money no longer being a major cause of stress that her relationship has improved.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on November 30, 2023, 08:08:09 AM
We are starting to see snow falling inland. Just frost on the ground here so far, but as the show says, winter is coming.

I need a shave.

Watching Last Night In Soho. Not a bad movie. Trying to find a copy of a movie I'd saw part of when I was a kid. Blood Island. Can't seem to find it anywhere. All I've every really remembered about the film is a song playing that had lyrics something along the lines of "Boil me, bake me, saw me" and people being killed according to the song. One guy was boiled alive in a pool. Anyway, tracked down the film title but no luck finding it online.

Had an ex contact me out of the blue. She was wondering if she could come up to visit me for 3 days and just have lots of casual sex*. She seemed quite surprised that I am all married and settled down now. It has been a long time since we last spoke, somewhere between 12 to 15 years. Anyway, I turned her down as gently as is possible. In my experience, women do not take kindly to being turned down for sex no matter how to try to say no.

*Well, what she actually asked was if she took 3 days off work, would I spend it licking her arse as she'd woken up horny. The whole rimming thing is not really something I am into. I mean what happens if you are down there tonging away and they fart or even worse, follow through? I am extrapolating though that she'd want more than that though.

I don't recall her being into that before. I guess at some point I'll check my diary (yes, I have a diary of former lovers no matter how casual or short-term). Most of them are precious memories, each of them special and memorable in their own way. There is only one exception on that list. Even the good memories with that one are tainted. Anyway, I figure that isn't a bad result, one unmemorable lover out of a lifetime.

Went up to Dylan's new shop in Keith. Means a bus into Elgin, then a train to Keith followed by a fair walk to his place. He had very little stock in, he's trying to get the electricity turned on. I can't say he has hit the ground running to be honest, but I'll try and pop up again next month and do some online orders.

Going to pop up to Inverness tomorrow. There is a xmas fayre on. Kristi is working, so I'll drop Ash off at school, pop up for a couple of hours, and be back in time to pick him up. I had hoped Kristi would be going with me, but she took an extra shift instead.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 03, 2023, 08:34:28 PM
Last night was a curious night. One guy called us asking for an ambulance as his girlfriend was having a heart attack. Funny how the symptoms of a heart attack match those of an overdose...

Anyway, he wouldn't let the medics do there job, so after our boss tried to talk sense to him and the police tried, he ended up getting himself arrested. He really had to push the boundaries there, they were giving him chance after chance. Later on I had a guy about my age come in with a much younger girl and tell me he needed to talk about a sensitive subject. Right at that point I was figuring that this would be a police matter rather than something I could help with. Turned out unfortunately I was right. I hope they listened and contacted the police.

Got home to discover Kristi had left her keys in the door so I'd to wake her up at 6 am to let me in. On the other hand it was her own fault.

Chilly night tonight. Getting icy underfoot. Another 4 and a bit hours still to go. No excitement tonight though.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 05, 2023, 07:19:21 PM
Last night of this set of shifts. Tomorrow Kristi has her biopsy. Just hoping that comes back ok. I am still waiting on work about mine, but I am not expecting to hear back about that until a good bit into next year. Trying to decide if I should go with her or not. I'll be tired after a 12 hour night shift, but that I can deal with. The problem is more Ash got sent home from school with an upset stomach and it is how much do we risk taking him away from having a toilet nearby.

Gout our section festive drinks type stuff on Thursday. I'll go for a few drinks. I wanted to go to a fayre afterwards, but Kristi has booked a shift that evening working (which means I'll be home early).

Got one of the presents I bought Kristi last year to attend this weekend. We are going down to Edinburgh to see Wicked. We'll be dropping Ash off with his aunt for the night in Aberdeen, then heading down to Edinburgh for the show before we then have to go to Stirling to spend the night and then back home via Aberdeen so I can then go to work.

Yeah, not looking forward to that one. I'd much rather just have paid the extra money and stayed in Edinburgh, then got the train home without the messing around after the show.

Busy, busy, busy.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 10, 2023, 05:06:34 PM
Well we didn't have a trip from hell, but it wasn't the best either. The trip started badly when the train turned up with half the number of carriages it needed. We managed to get seats, but we were scattered at opposite ends of the train. The train ended up overloaded, and they'd to kick off some of the passengers who weren't able to find seats. We arrived at Aberdeen late, so had to quickly hand Ash off to his auntie and dash. She walked off though before I could hand over his clothes and medication so I'd to phone and get her to come back. We barely made it to our connecting train.

Oh did I mention Kristi woke up with an ear infection?

Anyway, we got to Dundee no problem, booked into the hotel then went into Edinburgh, Where we had a meal in an Italian place, then went on to the theatre.I

Every time I go to the Playhouse, what I am thinking about is the time I saw Ozzy there. Anyway, show began, lots of singing, which to be honest I thought was slightly too loud and often at too high a pitch, but was tolerable. By the end of the first act though, Kristi's ear infection and the loud music was causing her a lot of pain and we'd to leave half way through. On the one hand I wasn't overly enjoying the show, but on the other hand it was a lot of money going to waste. Anyway, we headed back to Dundee on another crowded train but not as badly as the previous train. It did have a !one drink on board who managed to throw up all over himself.

Got back to our hotel. Kristi seemed to sleep quite well, but I had a rough night for whatever reason. Lots of waking up all through the night. The train back to Aberdeen was fine, met up with Dawn and took her for lunch as a thank you for babysitting. We then found there was no train home until 13:30, which meant I'd be tight for time to get back and get ready for work. The train was then late. We eventually managed to get home where I had 30 mins to get washed, shaved and prep my kit, oh and get my food sorted.

Not our best adventure, but things could have sent a lot worse.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on December 11, 2023, 08:31:06 AM
Quote from: Alex on November 30, 2023, 08:08:09 AM

Watching Last Night In Soho. Not a bad movie. Trying to find a copy of a movie I'd saw part of when I was a kid. Blood Island. Can't seem to find it anywhere. All I've every really remembered about the film is a song playing that had lyrics something along the lines of "Boil me, bake me, saw me" and people being killed according to the song. One guy was boiled alive in a pool. Anyway, tracked down the film title but no luck finding it online.

Was that one of those Phillipino horrors, Alex?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 11, 2023, 09:26:13 AM
Quote from: Trevor on December 11, 2023, 08:31:06 AM
Quote from: Alex on November 30, 2023, 08:08:09 AM

Watching Last Night In Soho. Not a bad movie. Trying to find a copy of a movie I'd saw part of when I was a kid. Blood Island. Can't seem to find it anywhere. All I've every really remembered about the film is a song playing that had lyrics something along the lines of "Boil me, bake me, saw me" and people being killed according to the song. One guy was boiled alive in a pool. Anyway, tracked down the film title but no luck finding it online.

Was that one of those Phillipino horrors, Alex?

This one. Not one I am trying super hard to track down, I just want to see the start lol. The pool scene was where I started seeing it from. (
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 11, 2023, 05:29:39 PM
Pretty quiet night last night/this morning. There was maybe half a dozen people come through the whole 12 hours. It was a wild and stormy night which I'd say had something to do with it. Despite lack of anything happening, the night went past really quickly.

Tonight has been slightly more engaging. By that I mean the gate guard reported his heater had went off and the barrier kept going up by itself. I went out and checked the fuse box, found a circuit breaker had popped and reset it.

If three decades of being an electrical engineer has taught me nothing else, always check the basics first. Is it switched on, is it plugged in, then has the fuse went pop. That is the majority of electrical problems right there, the idiots who are allowed to use them. Some days I feel we should just take the warning labels off everything, see who is left after a year and go on from there.

Hell, some days, when I've been dealing with stupidity all day long and all my being nice has dried up I'd even be up for some variation on The Purge.

My knee is not liking me today. Might be the cold weather, maybe I've strained it.  Had to go lie in a hot bath before heading out to work, then popped some painkillers for when the hot water wears off. All that just so I can sit in a chair where my knee won't hurt anyway.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 14, 2023, 07:12:45 PM
Whatever virus is doing the rounds at the moment I have managed to pick it up. Slept a lot today, like more sleep than I'd normally get in 3 days.

Got a bit of a shock yesterday. I saw a woman who was the spitting image someone who I'd had my first threesome with. If it was the same person, well she hasn't aged any in the intervening years, lost her (Cuban) accent and picked up a broad Scottish one. There was a woman I'd been friendly with for a while. We decided to meet up outside of work (which I wasn't sure if it was a date or just being friends. Damn, but I wish just once I could tell one of these stories where I ended up where I did because I was being smooth, rather than just stumbling in blindly). I remember she had the brightest red lipstick I have ever seen. Anyway, I was invited back to her place and I wasn't sure if she wanted something or was just being polite. When we got to her house she went to the toilet and came back wearing see-through underwear. I could see she had both nipples pierced.

At that point I began to suspect that just maybe she might have something else in mind. Anyway, she kissed me a bit, and then told me that her roommate was in the shower at the moment, but would I mind if she joined us? My first thought is well I don't want to say yes before seeing her. What if I didn't find her attractive? My second thought was "So this was a setup." My third thought was "I don't care, I'm being offered a threesome.

Anyway, the two of us lay on the bed together, kissing and stripping our clothes off. Her friend came through in skimpy underwear and stripped off too, then started giving me oral while Agatha sat on my face. She gave the third or fourth-best BJ I've ever had, but at some point started straddling me. Anyway, I'll stop before I go listing all the positions we went through that night. There is an ocean of time between then and now, and a literal ocean between me and where this all happened. Her friend (Diana), was not what I'd call physically attractive, and had a rather spotty face, but her skin was lovely and smooth. Her English wasn't great and much of our conversation was translated via Agatha. Evidently, she thought I was using Viagra rather than just being incredibly turned on by having two naked women on me. Except when Diana was digging into my nipples with her nails. That didn't turn me on so much. I had Agetha doggy style on the edge of the bed and she came up behind me. Made the whole thing slightly awkward to be honest, but hey we had people from three seperate continents all having sex together.

Funny, when I think back on things like this, as good as those times were I don't think back and say that I wish I could do it one more time. There was a time and place for it and that time is gone. I don't expect it to come back either.

It was a very good memory to reminisce about though.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 16, 2023, 10:43:04 AM
Yesterday I was still unwell, but feeling much better today. The day before seemed to be breaking the virus and now it feels like my body is just clearing the last of it out. Today though was a bit rougher. Fairly sure it's covid, but I'd rather have it now and get it out the way now than have it over xmas.

Went out the cemetery today. Had to clean away all the detritus of autumn from around the grave, but didn't have my usual bag of stuff that I use for it so I'll go out sometime before Yule and finish the job. Put down flowers, a wreath and a small tree.


Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 17, 2023, 09:01:50 PM
Another dead night and still no complaints about that from me. Looking out down the road onto camp. It's dark and empty. I like that. Just a shame about all the lights ruining the darkness. Little pinprick spoiling the dark blanket cloaking the sky. Must be cloudy as no moon or stars are peppering the sky. Ever seen a clear night sky with no artificial lighting? It is quite something to behold. I've only gotten far enough away from civilisation to really view it in all its glory a few times. Going up into the Highlands, down the Falklands or in the middle of Yellowstone. I imagine many, if not most people must spend their entire lives never seeing that kind of view even one. Hell it won't even occur to many of them that it could be a thing.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 18, 2023, 06:20:46 PM
Kristi had her hospital visit today. The results day that the lump isn't cancer, but it is cancerous. I'd have to be honest and say I don't know the difference there. Either way, she is getting surgery to remove it. I've  got a hospital appointment in Jan to get my tongue checked out. Still not been paid for this month. My paycheck apparently was issued, but has disappeared somewhere enroute. Good job we have said gs, my pension and Kristi's job or it would be a miserable Yule. Well not totally because presents were all bought up months ago and despite everything we still donated a good £150 worth of toys for the local poor kids appeal.

If you happen to have some spare cash I'd recommend finding a similar local charity to donate to.

There, that is my food feed for the year done with two weeks to spare.

Funny that even with everything we have going on, we are still in a better position than most. We aren't living in a country where medical bills would be a problem, access to medical care itself isn't an issue, both of us have jobs, got a house which we can afford to keep warm and plenty of food.

Not everyone is as lucky. And yes, some people are in this position by their own damn fault, but not everyone. If you can help out someone deserving, why not do so?

Another dark and quiet night. It does seem that the less people that are around the easier my life is. Still, they do tend to make it more interesting. I'll give them that. I'd still be happy to replace an awful lot of them with cats though. Cats also make life more interesting, but with less inane chatter.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 19, 2023, 03:44:54 PM
Another lovely dark night. Well aside from the heavy rain anyway. Had to pick up someone guarding a crash gate. When I pulled up, he ran through the pouring rain and dived in the car. I'd to tell him he'd need to get back out as he'd left the spotlights on. By the time he got back in he was drenched through.

Yeah, I could have done it for him, but then I'd have been the cold and wet one. Felt like a bad idea.

When I finish tomorrow that is me off until the 25th. I'll be on days then, so the plan is we'll get Ash up at midnight and let him open most of his presents. Going to leave his train set until I get home. Shame it's a 13 hour shift, but dems the breaks.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 23, 2023, 07:03:29 PM
Took Ash and Nikki to see Muppet Christmas Carol in the cinema last night. That and Treasure Island are my favourite Muppet movies.

It is snowing today. Too wet for it to lie on the pavement though. I'll need to check the weather report, see if the temperature is going to plunge overnight and turn the street into an icerink come the morning. Hmm, looks like it is supposed to be quite warm tonight.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 25, 2023, 06:04:33 AM
Well Ash was up all night. He can hardly speak, and wakes up crying in pain. It is very unusual for him to be so tearful. Seemed to be especially excited with his train set, box of lego and his Scooby Doo toys. He slept a few times through the day, but it was after 3 before we got him to go to sleep this morning. At that point there was no reason for me to go to bed since I'd be getting back up at 4.

For my first three hours at work, my entire contribution consisted of giving out one pair of keys and being given several boxes of mince pies. We have stacks and stacks of mince pies that people have brought in and donated to us.

Don't even like the damn things myself.  :bouncegiggle: I accepted them with a smile though, said thank you and all the stuff you'd expect. After all the people are being nice. No point in putting them down for that.

I think I'll sleep well when I get home though.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 26, 2023, 07:39:57 AM
Another rough night for Ash last night. I got home, ate and then pretty much went to bed. I was asleep by half seven. An hour later I woke up when I heard Ash sobbing. Kristi was sleeping and I decided to leave him alone. If he wanted us, he'd come through and get us. Anyway, by ten he was laughing and playing in his room. I didn't get back to sleep though until after midnight, making sure he had got to sleep ok. He did come through to our room just before I went to work. Gave him some melatonin to get him to drop off back to sleep. Kristi and him both need the rest. I am off work tomorrow so I can sleep then.

Watching the dawn on the security cameras. Nice colours. Then again most dawns up here are rather pretty. Sunsets are more of a mixed bag. Wonder why that is?

Euan is talking about quitting, although he is stuck until September. Once you sign up, you are here for a year minimum. He wants more of a challenge. After more than 20 years of working outside my comfort zone I am quite happy to spend a good bit of time working within it for a change. I don't want to still be doing this job when I turn 60 though. Then again my long-term plan only needs no more than 8 years of work.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 28, 2023, 06:06:47 AM
Yet another night of Ash waking up crying with a sore throat. We've given him all the medication we can. Kristi is going to make an appointment for him at the doctors, let them have a look a him.

Damn, but we all need a really good night's sleep at this point.

Seeing how many more bad movies I can squeeze in before the end of the year. On my third of the morning. Tooth Fairy 3: The Final Extraction. I wasn't aware of Tooth Fairy 1 or 2 to be fair and the special effects... well they aren't special. The tooth fairy looks like the Mari Lwyd.

Picked up two computer games based on rpgs. Paranoia & Rogue Trader. So far the atmosphere in Rogue Trader is winning over on Paranoia's adaptation. I've heard in the third chapter of RT though that is gets buggy and the game has more or less been released as a beta test. I spent £84 on it, so I'd be a bit annoyed if it turns out that isn't the finished product.

I wonder how much notice is being taken on the (more or less) stalemate in the Russian/Ukrainian war and what is would portend for a future large-scale conflict elsewhere. I think it is time for a new weapon to dominate the battlefield and allow a breakthrough. I wonder what it will be?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on December 30, 2023, 05:17:50 AM
Told Kristi I was going out for a hike today. I am really going looking for a birthday present for her. Ordered a Jim Shore ornament for her from Ash. No idea what I am going to get her, I tend to wander around various shops until I find something that jumps out at me as being good for some person.

We had another full nights sleep, even if Ash did wake us up at 7am.

Decided to wear my dress shoes today. Evidently, they fail to keep one's toes quite as warm as my usual trainers or boots do. One thing I do not miss about being in the airforce is wearing dress shoes daily. With the army I have a choice of boots. Either it's my heavy brown boots or my super heavy other brown boots. Always found that walking lots while wearing boots was good for keeping my calf muscles toned. It must work because my legs are the most complimented part of my body.

A random though for today. It surprises me how many people at bad at giving massages and back rubs. Most women who have given me one (not counting professional masseuses here just amateurs), have been more of an endurance test rather than something relaxing (or depending on the context sensual). The best massage I've ever had was oddly enough from my worst girlfriend. Indeed she was the only one I ever learned anything from to add to my technique. She did thus thing where she rubbed down the centre of my spine, getting her fingers between each vertebrae. It is a difficult thing to get right. Sometimes I just can't get it right  but when I do it always brings an ooooh of pleasure.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 04, 2024, 10:48:47 AM
Nikki was supposed to come round for a game of Bolt Action today but as usual, Nichols is causing drama, threatening to leave her and take her stuff. I told her it was time to get the police involved. They wont come round for that, but she can start buildng a profile of domestic abuse which will come in useful later.

She isn't in a relationship, she is in a hostage situation. I don't get why she just doesn't end the damn thing and move on.

Got Ash's trainset built up which he is quite delighted with. Given how much it cost I am not going to complain about that.

Anyone else getting endless adverts for metal posters? I have never bought and don't really see the point, but that isn't stopping them from appearing.

Back to work tomorrow night, but during the day we are going to take Ash up to the nearest model train store. I want to pick him up some buffers so we can do branch lines for him. Time to see what 2024 (everytime someone says that I automatically think "I Wanna Be Sedated") has to offer us. Lots of people seem to have found it to be a bad year. I wonder what they are basing that against. 2014 had all those big name famous die. 2020 had covid (although I enjoyed lockdown myself. Didn't have to go see people anywhere near as much as before. Somehow doubt much will change just because the planet passes an arbitory amount of time. Best of luck to you though if you think it does make a difference or that this is the perfect time to make some big change in your life. Mostly I see people like that down the gym every January. Come February, they've all given up until next year. Hmm, come 2026 I'll have spent as much time in this millenium as I did in the last one.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 05, 2024, 06:24:11 PM
Took Ash up to the nearest model railway shop. It was a more than hour and a half journey by bus. I figured the £75 he'd gotten should be enough to get an engine, maybe some other stuff and still have some change left over. Damn near had a coronary when I saw the train Ash picked was three times more expensive than he had.  :bouncegiggle: Heh, I guess trains are more expensive than I thought. The cheapest was just under £100, one of the Thomas the Tank Engine crowd. I'll be happy enough to get him the more pricey ones when he is a bit older and can take good care of them.

Anyway, the bus back was late, and by the time we got home I'd to very quickly jump into my uniform and head into work. Got a phonecall from the hospital. They've booked me an X-ray appointment for Monday afternoon. That will be a long day, finish my shift, get Ash off to school then head up to Aberdeen for my appointment, followed by getting back home and then going back to work. I can snatch some sleep on the train. The days when I could go three days without sleep and still mostly function are pretty much gone, but I can still get by with a few naps here and there.

Every time we think we've got Nikki sorted out with her life something else hits her. Well, we at least got her financial situation sorted out. She's just had a second close family member die in fairly short order. If it isn't that then she has had a raging arguement with her girlfriend. Some people just never get a break.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 07, 2024, 12:42:26 AM
Another quiet night with only the very occasional person to bother the silence. The few people I've seen have either just wanted keys issued or have in some way expected us to sort out some problem of theirs that is nothing to do with us.

Yeah, they've been getting sent away disappointed. If you've left your room keys back home, guess what? I don't have access to a spare set. Best we can do for you is issue you an emergency room for the night. Some other guy wanted a temporary pass as he'd packed his ID away and didn't want to go through his luggage to find it. His face fell when I told him he'd need to get someone with a valid military ID to come out and vouch for him before I could issue him a pass. He decided to dig his pass out afterall. Guessing he found it since he didn't come back in. The days when we could just issue anyone a pass are long gone.

No one seems to be stealing any aircraft on the big screens. Or the little screens for that matter. Guess I can go back to reading for a bit. Got two main books on the go at the moment. One is the story of a British tank commander during WW2 and the other is a German Heer tank commander. I find the difference in their attitudes towards the whole thing interesting. The British guy ends up spending the first 100 pages of his book travelling around to join a battle only to find that when he gets there, he's got orders to go somewhere else. The German guy... well he complains a lot about not being more thanked by the government for his efforts and starts off pretty much with the invasion of the Soviet Union.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 07, 2024, 10:23:43 PM
Well tomorrow is going to be a long day. I'll be finishing a 13 hour shift, going home to get Ash ready for school and drop him off, then heading straight up to Aberdeen for an X-Ray. By the time that's done and I head back, I won't have any time to grab any sleep and I'll be getting ready to get back to work.

At least after that shift I can get all the sleep I need.

It is the Sunday before everyone returns to work so lots of people wanting new car passes. Well, ok. For the first half hour on the front desk there were lots of people wanting car passes. Then nothing. Nice fog outside and despite the air feeling warm the ground is icing up. Hopefully it won't affect the roads or railways later.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 08, 2024, 09:51:48 PM
X-Ray has been had. Now I have a two week wait on the results, by which time I'll be waiting for my other set of results. I wonder if Kristi will have her surgery date by then?

Icy streets again, so as per usual I've done our house and helped out the neighbour. Another night of thick fog too. I think Euan has accepted that the reason he can't see anything on one of the cameras but a glowing yellow mass is because of the fog rather than the cameras having a fault.

Feeling like taking a shopping trip to Aberdeen. The only day I will be able to do that though is today and I'd have to skip sleeping.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 11, 2024, 12:13:57 PM
As per usual Kristi decided not to listen to me about waiting until a cat is a year old before having it neutered (or preferably, not get an unnecessary operation done at all).

So anyway, she took him out to the vets while I was sleeping off finishing a night shift. She woke me up sometime around half ten in the morning to tell me that Nergal hadn't recovered from the anesthetics and had died. She told me she blames herself and although I haven't said this to her, well I agree. I have said multiple times not to do it.

I am not going to say anything to make her feel worse, but I am not in the mood to comfort her about it either.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 13, 2024, 04:30:18 PM
Kristi's birthday today. I'd given her most of her presents already  :bouncegiggle: so I had to buy some extra ones. She'd been complaining that she couldn't really leave the dioramas I make for her for the festive season every year up all year round so I decided to make her one that she could. Since she is a huge Disney fan I figured I'd try to make my equivalent of a Jim Shore ornament and do a scene from Disney's version of Aladdin (cartoon one).


Finding all the figures was mostly easier than I thought with the exception of Iago. I've been searching for weeks for a suitable figure, but only got one last week and even then it didn't arrive until today while I was at work, so I'd to very quickly paint the parrot up when I got home.


The base has warped a bit (not unexpected). I am going to mount it on a wooden plinth to fix that.


I wonder what Disney film (or maybe Harry Potter or Star Trek since she is also into them)

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 14, 2024, 08:16:09 AM
I was watching some stuff about the RAF strikes in Yeman this morning. I was almost late for work because of it. Looked at the clock at it was a few minutes past my normal leave the house time. I wonder if this is enough to count as my 6th war while I've been in uniform. Still at least I no longer have to worry about being sent off to the middle of nowhere. Just before I joined this website I finished 5 years on the NATO rapid deployment brigade always with a bag of kit ready to go at a few hours notice. Then again the more I worked on things like that the less I felt like the people I was working on behalf of deserved my efforts. Anyway, our targets were swearing they'd get their revenge. What did they think would happen when they started attacking international shipping?

Wasps getting stung really, but by much bigger wasps.

Chilly day today, but not cold enough for ice or snow. Its coming though. If we get through next week without it, I'll be very surprised.

Maybe it is just me being a grumpy old man today but people coming to the front desk seem to be pretty rude today and I've been responding in kind. When I was in the RAF I felt that you had to be nice to higher ranks even if they didn't deserve it, but since I put in PVR I really haven't felt that anymore.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 19, 2024, 07:05:43 AM
Today was supposed to be a day off, then it was a training day where we'd to travel all the way to Fort George and do some shooting. We got half way there and the lead vehicle pulled over to tell us because of poor visibility the days shooting was called off.

Now it is a day off again.  :thumbup: This is good, but I'd have preferred it if I hadn't had to get up at 5 to get ready for it. Seriously, my bed was so warm and comfortable this morning (plus we'd just had sex. I'd have liked some cuddle time instead of finishing and then having to jump out of bed and get dressed). I did manage to snaffle a load of the packed lunched that had been prepared for the group and brought them home. 2/3rds of what I grabbed was tuna salad baguettes, and I really don't care for tuna but Kristi can have them. There was a solitary chicken one in amongst the bunch so I'll have that, the chocolate biscuits and call that good. I did also remind people not to go home with the magazines we'd been issued, so hey I feel like I done my bit.

Decided to spent the rest of the day sitting in my underwear, watching action movies.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 21, 2024, 10:15:49 PM
The storm they've been predicting for the past few days is hitting right now. We currently have a tornado warning in place, which is something I don't think I've seen for over 30 years. Watching the lampposts and barriers outside shake, rattle and roll. Bridges have been closed, all trains are cancelled tomorrow.

Glad I am not driving home. There are going to be trees blown down tonight.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on January 22, 2024, 09:52:36 AM
Quote from: Alex on January 21, 2024, 10:15:49 PM
The storm they've been predicting for the past few days is hitting right now. We currently have a tornado warning in place, which is something I don't think I've seen for over 30 years. Watching the lampposts and barriers outside shake, rattle and roll. Bridges have been closed, all trains are cancelled tomorrow.

Glad I am not driving home. There are going to be trees blown down tonight.

Hope everyone's OK. Tornadoes suck. They also blow.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 22, 2024, 06:45:52 PM
I've not looked at the news to see how the rest of the region has done, but we escaped any damage or injuries. There were some trees blown down on the street on the road home.

My local brewery is closing down. Apparently people no longer have the spare money to spend on craft beers and on very short noticer they are closing down. Shame. They do a chilli infused one that I am particularly fond of.

Storm warnings have been extended through to Thursday as extra weather fronts are coming down. The lights were flickering a little earlier, so before I left I got Kristi to dig out my torch just in case there is a power cut. Not expecting one, our powerlines are underground and tend to be a lot more reliable that most other areas around here, but there is nothing wrong with a little bit of preparation just in case.

It is a slow night tonight. I looked at the clock hoping it'd be somewhere around 3 or 4 am. It wasn't even 22:00. I'll never understand people who make more money than they'll ever need and then keep working. Me, if I'd made a few million I'd have quit and just enjoyed my life unless I was doing something I loved, like being a successful author. I guess my pyramid of needs isn't a huge one.

Made it to almost 4am now. Still going very slowly. I might make some food just for something to do. Got a chicken curry pie in the fridge.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 23, 2024, 05:31:53 PM
Had my second hospital appointment today. Again it was nothing to worry about. Apparently if you have a long tongue like mine you are more prone to getting the equivalent of a skin tag on them and it is harmless unless it is big enough to get accidently bitten or something. I'll cut it out myself when I am off shift.

Increasingly I am just not bothering with the news. You rarely get more than a surface skim of the relevant facts at best, and just outright rubbish at worst. The opinions of amateurs like journalists and academics can be interesting, but they are rarely right and even when they are it tends to be for the wrong reasons. Academic bias is more powerful than they care to admit, much like scientific bias and it goes largely unrecognised for the same reason. No wonder it is so hard to combat all the pseudo-scientific bulls**t that gets peddled.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 27, 2024, 06:12:52 PM
Finished watching Star Trek: Voyager. The final episode had the air of something that had been canceled at short notice, then quickly thrown together to finish the story. It also seems as the series went on, they forgot that the ship only had a limited supply of torpedos. Those things were hoarded at the start, but by the end, they were firing them off every week. Maybe the problem was solved in some part that I missed. *shrug* Going through Enterprise now, a show in which as far as I can tell so far they decided that Vulcans would all be the biggest a***oles in space.

One of my D&D players made the mistake of slagging off another player for not knowing the rules. Sometimes that is a fair criticism. Sometimes the person in question is going through such a tough time that I have genuinely spent the past two weeks worrying they were going to kill themselves. He got told in no uncertain terms to back off and leave her alone.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 29, 2024, 12:46:39 AM
Monday morning... Urgh. I hope I am in the CCTV suite first thing rather than on the from desk first thing. There are always so damn many people needing new passes for the week. No one ever pops in on a Friday afternoon to renew them in advance (can't really blame them there though. If it was me on a Friday I'd be off straight home too when I finish).

Continuing with Enterprise. Wow, Archer is no James Kirk. He seems to specialise in getting his ass kicked by every alien he encounters. Although I am finding the show ok, I can see why it did not get as long as run as the other ones that had came before it.

Watched the trailer for Alien: Romulus this morning. Put me in mind of Pitch Black. It has lost the clean and shiny astatic of Covenant (indeed I believe it ignores everything that was made after Aliens in terms of lore and is set between the first and second film). I have to say, this is the most interested I've felt in any of the series movies since I heard Aliens was on the way. Alien 3 I heard too much about the problems making it before it came out to really have any high hopes. Alien 4 I just wanted something that didn't totally suck (which ok I got, but the visuals on that one felt off. The tech seemed to go a bit steampunk which wasn't unexpected with that director). Aliens Vs Predator managed to meet my base expectations of being watchable and enjoyable but not something that took full advantage of the possibilities, AvP 2 was just s**t. For Covenant, well I already felt that Scott was long past his prime and I set my sights accordingly, but it failed to meet them and Prometheus just continued that trend. For this, I am not expected a well crafted haunted house in space that is incredibly influential on movies for decades like the first one, but I am hopeful that it will come close. If it is better than expected then woohoo.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on January 31, 2024, 02:42:27 PM
Over the past few months I've been working on assorted figures from various fandoms. These are still works in progress, but does anyone recognise the sources?









Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 01, 2024, 03:14:58 AM
I was just thinking there. The less I have worked directly on aircraft the more I've had to do with them doing anything important. Hell for the last 3 years of my RAF career there wasn't a deployment of aircraft from the base that I didn't have something to do with and if we hadn't done our job the aircraft simply wouldn't have been able to go.

Did any of it matter in the end though? There are no less wars now than when I started my career. The world is in a more precarious position. Anyone who ever said that they went to war so there children wouldn't have to really didn't have any clue about how people work.

If only we could find a way to harness the energy and effort involved in war and put it to some purely productive usage.

Last day on shift then a nice long weekend to chill out with and relax. Looking forward to it. I really didn't feel like I was off last shift break at all. Very pinkish sky this morning. We are supposed to be having a warm February which concerns me. Previously a hot Feb has meant we've had a terrible summer. About 15 or so years ago we had a run of 3 years where it seemed to be the hottest month of the year. Odd time to have summer to say the least.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on February 02, 2024, 03:50:07 PM
Quote from: Alex on February 01, 2024, 03:14:58 AM
I was just thinking there. The less I have worked directly on aircraft the more I've had to do with them doing anything important. Hell for the last 3 years of my RAF career there wasn't a deployment of aircraft from the base that I didn't have something to do with and if we hadn't done our job the aircraft simply wouldn't have been able to go.

Did any of it matter in the end though? There are no less wars now than when I started my career. The world is in a more precarious position. Anyone who ever said that they went to war so there children wouldn't have to really didn't have any clue about how people work.

If only we could find a way to harness the energy and effort involved in war and put it to some purely productive usage.

Last day on shift then a nice long weekend to chill out with and relax. Looking forward to it. I really didn't feel like I was off last shift break at all. Very pinkish sky this morning. We are supposed to be having a warm February which concerns me. Previously a hot Feb has meant we've had a terrible summer. About 15 or so years ago we had a run of 3 years where it seemed to be the hottest month of the year. Odd time to have summer to say the least.

Ever notice all this climate change stuff coincides with weather deities no longer being offered sacrificial virgins? I'm just hinting, scientific method here, might be worth an experiment or two....
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 02, 2024, 04:10:18 PM
Quote from: ER on February 02, 2024, 03:50:07 PM
Quote from: Alex on February 01, 2024, 03:14:58 AM
I was just thinking there. The less I have worked directly on aircraft the more I've had to do with them doing anything important. Hell for the last 3 years of my RAF career there wasn't a deployment of aircraft from the base that I didn't have something to do with and if we hadn't done our job the aircraft simply wouldn't have been able to go.

Did any of it matter in the end though? There are no less wars now than when I started my career. The world is in a more precarious position. Anyone who ever said that they went to war so there children wouldn't have to really didn't have any clue about how people work.

If only we could find a way to harness the energy and effort involved in war and put it to some purely productive usage.

Last day on shift then a nice long weekend to chill out with and relax. Looking forward to it. I really didn't feel like I was off last shift break at all. Very pinkish sky this morning. We are supposed to be having a warm February which concerns me. Previously a hot Feb has meant we've had a terrible summer. About 15 or so years ago we had a run of 3 years where it seemed to be the hottest month of the year. Odd time to have summer to say the least.

Ever notice all this climate change stuff coincides with weather deities no longer being offered sacrificial virgins? I'm just hinting, scientific method here, might be worth an experiment or two....

I think if we started sacrificing virgins then we'd have more young people born.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on February 02, 2024, 04:18:46 PM
Quote from: Alex on February 02, 2024, 04:10:18 PM
Quote from: ER on February 02, 2024, 03:50:07 PM
Quote from: Alex on February 01, 2024, 03:14:58 AM
I was just thinking there. The less I have worked directly on aircraft the more I've had to do with them doing anything important. Hell for the last 3 years of my RAF career there wasn't a deployment of aircraft from the base that I didn't have something to do with and if we hadn't done our job the aircraft simply wouldn't have been able to go.

Did any of it matter in the end though? There are no less wars now than when I started my career. The world is in a more precarious position. Anyone who ever said that they went to war so there children wouldn't have to really didn't have any clue about how people work.

If only we could find a way to harness the energy and effort involved in war and put it to some purely productive usage.

Last day on shift then a nice long weekend to chill out with and relax. Looking forward to it. I really didn't feel like I was off last shift break at all. Very pinkish sky this morning. We are supposed to be having a warm February which concerns me. Previously a hot Feb has meant we've had a terrible summer. About 15 or so years ago we had a run of 3 years where it seemed to be the hottest month of the year. Odd time to have summer to say the least.

Ever notice all this climate change stuff coincides with weather deities no longer being offered sacrificial virgins? I'm just hinting, scientific method here, might be worth an experiment or two....

I think if we started sacrificing virgins then we'd have more young people born.

Especially if we sacrificed the occasional virgin to the fertility gods!
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 03, 2024, 11:31:47 AM
The bus station is Elgin has become a bit of a no-go area late at nights. Anyway, it looks like what was inevitably going to happen at some point has happened and one of the bus drivers was murdered by one of the 15-year-old teenagers that have taken to making it their hangout. He's been arrested, there are witnesses, CCTV etc so he'll do jail time no doubt and his live is most likely in an inevitable spiral downwards. The driver hasn't been named publically yet so I can't say if he was a father, brother, husband or any of that stuff. Whatever he was and whatever he could have been, for good or evil is gone.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 04, 2024, 03:53:31 PM
The latest scammer I've been toying with finally gave up on me last night. She's been grooming me for about a month, maybe six weeks. Generally just talking, sending me photos. She is always well-dressed, often eats at restaurants that are clearly higher-class ones. She told me she was hearing a funny noise from her car when she was breaking, and she sent me a picture of the wheel that just happened to have a Ferrari logo in the centre of the hub cap. All little indicators that she has wealth. Anyway, she wanted me to invest in Bitcoin with her and got quite upset when I wouldn't immediately plunge headlong in. She told me that studying something before investing made her angry.

Anyway, this morning was the first morning since she started messaging and video calling me that I didn't get a good morning message from her wishing me much luck in my day and similar sentiments.

I might not have put a stop to her scams, but I did at least waste her time and get her quite infuriated about it. It is like she thought she was entitled to my money. Takes a bit more than a cute face and some chats while I am bored on night shifts for that lol.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 09, 2024, 12:49:46 AM
Today marks the 11th anniversary of the day I flew to the US to marry Kristi. Monday marks the day we said yes. We've had a lot of laughs and a few tears along the way but it has been a good adventure and one I'd recommend.

Last day on shift today. I am looking forward to my downtime. Ash woke up just after midnight last night and was throwing up. Didn't get him settled again until 5 am and which point I wasn't getting back to sleep before work. I was pretty tired throughout the day. Last night he was fine so we all got a good nights sleep.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 09, 2024, 04:25:04 AM
Yesterday I had some woman call up to complain about low flying frightening her horses. Fair enough. I tried to give her the complaints line, but she didn't want that. She wanted, nay demanded to speak to the person in charge of flying because she was beyond angry. I said that was the station commander and she insisted I give her his number. Told her, no, that isn't happening and we went around in circles for a bit. Eventually, I palmed her off to the guard commander and he gave her the RAF police number. We later on spoke to them and they told us she'd called every 5 minutes until they got fed up and blocked her.

I wonder if she'll go complain to the local MP. Going full Karen isn't going to help her. We are training to prepare for a war and the base has been here for a while now. Oh and we have horses on camp. I can see them out of the office window. Yeah, they get a scare now and again, when a jet comes roaring over and they don't see it coming, but having spoken to someone from the saddle club I was told that it isn't any more of a big deal for their animals any more than it is for people.

Oh well, not my problem and its over my pay grade.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 11, 2024, 04:50:29 PM
Started building an armoured WW2 German train out of wood and paper. I have two of the carriages built up so far. Not looking forward to the battle with Ash to keep it as mine though.  :bouncegiggle:

I might have a drinking buddy. A new guy transferred into our section and seems to have interests that aren't the exact same as mine but as adjacent. It would be good to have someone to go out for an occasional pint or two with, but we shall see how it goes. Discussing popping out for a couple of jars on Tuesday, showing him the town. It is another family Kristi can invite around for dinner which will make her happy.

Life continues to be good. I do keep wondering how long this high point can last. 11 years and only one major trauma point. Got a cold at the moment. I am attempting to drown it in a combination of ale and whiskey. This combination has never worked in destroying a cold before but I remain optimistic about the project.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 12, 2024, 03:12:19 PM
Nikki finally came over today. Recently she fell off a chair while lightsabre fighting (she did not have the high ground as it happens), and fell off her boat leaving her legs badly bruised. We played a couple of games of Ticket to Ride (I managed to actually beat Kristi quite resoundingly in the first round, but she walked away with the second). We had a couple of walks through town and helped her sort out getting her boat moored at the marina in Lossiemouth. The sea conditions were still stormlike and I took my first good look at what is left of the sand dunes. There is a huge chunk of flat land where once there stood a sheltering dune. At a guess, two more of the storm seasons we have had and the east beach will no longer exist. After that, the north sea will start taking Seatown.

The council has delayed flood defences at least until the 2030s. I think where we are is safe enough. I doubt the government will be prepared to let the base go underwater and something will be done. I just wonder how much damage will be done betwixt now and then.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 14, 2024, 12:26:13 PM
Manning the back office rather than the front desk. In practise that means my sole job is ferrying people to and from the more remote positions when they change over.

It was a good time off work, relaxed, spent time with Kristi and we took some long walks around the village, something we've not done for a long time. Done a bit over 5 miles which was nice.

Watched the trailer for Deadpool & Wolverine. Or Wolverine Vs a***ole according to Hugh Jackman. I am looking forward to seeing that one.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 18, 2024, 06:44:13 AM
Spoke nicely to Paddy and got away from work early last night so myself and Kristi could go to a concert together. It was an ELO tribute band called ELO again. I felt the concert took about 20 minutes or so to really get going. The opening number was a slow number that I hadn't heard before for example, whereas I thought 'Turn to Stone' would be a cracking opening number. I can't say if they sounded just like ELO live, but they were good enough to put me in my happy place several times throughout the performance. I don't know if I'd go see them again, because well lets face it. You are going to get the same show on repeat and I find it unlikely that we will see any new tunes from the band that would lead to a bit more variety.

Anyway, it was a fun date night and after 11 years of trying to get Kristi (who often complains that there is nothing happening in nights entertainment-wise in the area) to go and see some of the local shows. We are already discussing going to see a number of other acts, some cover bands and some originals. (MacFleetwood (which I thought was a great title for a cover band) & a Queen cover band for example).

There was a rugby game on camp yesterday which is a bit of a pain for us, issuing passes to all the visiting team and travelling fans. We need advance notifications of everyone coming and if the team changes at short notice (injuries or whatever), we need to sort all that s**t out. Anyway, we got everyone that was expected through with a couple of minor dramas and then an hour or so later a car with four people in it comes up and asks if they can get on to watch the game. Yeah, they just took it in their heads that on a whim they'd drive 4 hours to the base and expect to just be allowed on a military camp with no notice.

That kind of crap makes me grumpy, but I was the duty runner for the day, so I got to sit in the back and leave Euan to sort it all out. Normally I'd have helped out but yesterday I saw the two guys on the front desk were busy so I went through to the front office to help out. As soon as I reached the desk Euan left his position, sat down on a chair at the back of the room and put his feet up on the table. I just turned around and returned to the back office as soon as he did that saying "Your customer" as I walked past. This would be repeated a few times during the day. I mentioned to the guard commander about it so he started watching him, and gave him a bit of a chewing out about it. Yesterday when it was him on the front desk I just stayed in the back and left him too it. When it was anyone else on I went through and helped out. I think he's decided this isn't the job for him and he has mentally checked out of it already. I've felt that way about a few jobs myself but I don't f**k over the other guys doing the job (unless they are the reason I've mentally checked out). I'd found him slightly irritating before, but basically ok until this recent change of character.

We shall have to see where it goes. I'd received a message from the highest ranking guy in our regiment on camp asking if I was free to do a shoot on the 5th of next month. Although technically it is on my private downtime and it is the day before we fly down to London en-route to Paris I said sign me up. It means I can do jobs other than sitting at the front desk and driving around. I walked into work and Euan had asked me if I'd been messaged by Brooksie about doing a shoot (with a tone in his voice that indicated that he thought doing it was a ridiculous idea). I replied "Yeah, of course I did. Otherwise I'd be stuck doing nothing but the front desk until the next available shoot in May). Within the hour Euan had evidently thought about what I'd said and was desperately trying to contact Brooksie to see if their are any spots left for the shoot. There aren't, but Brooksie is trying to find a way to get him on it (not looking likely at the moment).

Anyway, hopefully his attitude will improve a bit. Otherwise it is going to be something of a cold war in the office against him. The other guy who was on the desk is a newly promoted and posted in lance jack. I took him aside for a quiet word and said look mate, the way you let people treat you at the start of your posting will define how you get treated for the rest of your time here and it won't change or get better on its own. Do not let someone treat you like that. Him sitting there not only is being disrespectful to you, or anyone else he is working with but what kind of impression does it make on anyone walking in seeing him sitting there with his feet up on the table.

Afterwards I did have to go and remind myself that I am no longer an NCO, I am just a private and I am not running things any more, but it would have bugged me too much not to say anything, especially as me and this new guy are getting on very well. It is good to have a fellow geek to talk about such things with again. Heh, the phone went off yesterday and when I answered Paddy said "Will you two stop talking s**te!" and I just replied "No" and put the phone down.

Had a friend message me yesterday telling me she'd seen the news about Poland (no idea what she actually saw, but I took a fair guess about the kinds of things) and if were it attacked would NATO get involved and have World War Three.

Look ok, let's take a gander at this thing. Russian forces are struggling to take Ukraine, a country much smaller and with a tiny (but importantly with an experienced military thanks ironically to Russia). They have had to pour troops into a meat grinder, they've lost armoured vehicles hand over fist and been forced to bring back ones that were obsolete even before I was born. Their airforce has been ineffectual due to terrible command and coordination and they've lost something like 1/3rd of their entire Black Sea fleet to a nation that to all intents and purposes does not have a navy of it own. Exactly what force is it that they could possibly invade Poland with? Russia has got one trump card and if they play that, then well everyone loses them included. So, if you are worried about a possible World War 3 there really isn't any point. If it doesn't happen you'll have worried for nothing and if it does happen, well depending on where you live you'll have 14 - 18 minutes to really worry about it and then pretty much everyones problems will be over.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 22, 2024, 08:24:53 AM
Our holiday in a couple of weeks is all booked. We fly down to London, spend a couple of days there and then off to Paris for a bit and to take Ash to his first Disney trip. Still not a full holiday imo but it is the longest we've taken that isn't visiting family which I like the thought of tbh.

Time to go get a haircut. I've not had one since the festive period.

Watched the second season of Reacher. Enjoyed the first one, but the second time around he just seemed to be a Mary Sue. It didn't matter what the bad guys did, he could easily outthink them and had countered them in advance.

Been trying to find The Last Cannibal World to watch online, but no joy so far. Quite why I would watch something that terrible again well I am not quite sure but I have an urge to watch it again. Its only been more than 40 years since the last time I saw it after all.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 23, 2024, 04:08:21 PM
The second night on duty always seems to stretch out for much longer than it should. Had a delivery driver ask me if there was somewhere he could go get something to eat and I was about to say "No, at this time of night everything is closed", when I looked round at the clock behind me and saw to my surprise that it was only half past eight and not close to midnight as I had thought.

Had a couple come on together. One was in the forces and was bringing on a civvy partner. I was taking the standard details to issue them a pass and when I asked where they were going I was given not only the block name, but also the room number. When I said I only needed the block name I was then told that it was in case I wanted to join them later. I politely declined saying I was stuck here until 7am, even when they tried offering me cheesecake to sweeten the deal.

While the woman was quite pretty the guy was ginger and I don't want to see ginger pubes, never mind a naked bloke attached to them.

Mind you, might have made the night go faster. My boss said he wouldn't have minded and had popped off for a bit, but I replied that my wife would mind though.

Plenty of people coming in tonight which should mean time feels like it is travelling faster, but it is more irritating because they are spread out rather than coming in clumps so they keep interrupting whatever movie I try to watch. Shame we don't close the main gates for a couple of hours each night.

Someone asked me a simple question the other night and it has caused some odd reactions. Its reminded me of things that I'd managed to put to sleep so successfully that I had forgotten they ever existed. I would call the reaction emotional turmoil, but I can't find a more accurate way to describe it. All those years of suppressing certain aspects that in recent months they were effectively gone, just to be brought back by one short question.

Curious. Do I try and put them back to sleep or revel in them?

It is a Friday night, but its also the end of the month so I am not expecting too many drunks. Then again, its a full moon too so maybe I'll get the crazies coming out instead. Or drunk and crazy.

Started taking a look at what rides they have at Eurodisneyparis (whatever they are currently calling it) and which ones will be open. Got a detachment from the French air force here at the moment. Couple of them came in for something earlier. No idea what the originally wanted, but when I attempted to speak to them they tried to surrender immediately and said they'd happily collaborate if I wanted to occupy their country.

Hopefully that wasn't another threesome offer.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 25, 2024, 08:15:35 PM
Last night on this set. I'd like to think about the nice long sleep I'll get to have tomorrow morning, but in truth I have a doctors appointment early so I'll need to be awake for that. I can at least get a couple of hours nap in though.

Its been an eventuful night, tracking people down to inform them of family tragedys, reports of vandalism outside the base (what exactly do people expect us to do about that. What authority we have during peacetime begins and ends at those camp gates. The instant we step outside to do something without a request for support from civilian authorities we are in a whole world of hurt. Even if we could act outside it, what do people think we are going to do gun down a bunch of kids? Gunning them down might be a thing in other places, but not here.

Not that I'd be entirely adverse to knee capping them or something, but not just sending a random hail of bullets their way.

My supervisor didn't want me to get involved in the vandalism thing, but I let the on base police know about it (again they are limited to the camp gates) and the civilian police about it too. That's the thing though everyone wants someone to do something about it, but no one wants to be the one to do it. The guy who called the guard room didn't want to phone the police about it, my boss didn't want me to call the police and my guess is that the police will be busy somewhere else anyway but hey at least I tried. If nothing is done then eventually you end up with someone else being murdered, lots of handwringing and promises to learn lessons that never quite seem to manage to be learned.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 29, 2024, 02:52:40 PM
Shot a live rifle for the first time in what, 4 years?

Still an overrated experience and I have it to do again next week (although on a 300m range instead of 25m).

My blood sugar has shot up to highly dangerous levels. They've had to put me on the most powerful available medication to try to bring it down. I have a review next week to see if they are going to have to limit my duties, stop me from shooting or driving. That doesn't particularly bother me to be honest. Even if I were to be medically discharged there are plenty of jobs out there. I've spoken with my boss though and he doesn't seem to think that even the worst-case scenario would be a problem for me keeping my job.

Had one of my new workmates and his wife around for dinner last night. When I asked if there were any dishes from the US he would like, he said corn dogs. Not something Kristi had ever made before as it turned out, but she did a good job (although she also prepared BBQ chicken and a few other things in case the dogs didn't work out). Anyway, everyone certainly seemed to have a good night. In the eleven years we've been married, that is twice I've invited people around for dinner so I now feel Kristi can no longer complain that I never do that.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Paquita on February 29, 2024, 03:10:32 PM
Really? He asked you to make corn dogs and wasn't joking? Haha! That's like carnival food! I have never known anyone that actually made them from scratch in their home so kudos to Kristi for pulling that off! I would have just got frozen ones. 
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on February 29, 2024, 04:29:02 PM
You don't get them over here. Kristi had to order the ingredients online and then went out and bought a deep fat frier to make them in. I have to say they were really good. Certainly better than the ones I'd had at Disneyland.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 02, 2024, 01:29:28 PM
Back in the CCTV room today, so straight into watching plenty of movies. It has been one of those mixed weather days where you get all 4 seasons. Right now it is an autumnal evening. Earlier on we had a clear spring day, a winter shower. I missed summer when I was in the room with no windows.

Jonsie wants me to try a game called Full Spectrum Dominance with him. It is a new one, 6mm scale. I've said I'll give it a go, maybe even buy an army for it. Figure I'll go a faction called either The Tech (AI robots) or Conglomerate who look like they have a lot of high tech fast moving vehicles.

Hah. Watch this space. If the game is any good I'll no doubt end up getting all the factions.

Can't wait to have this set done and just be off on leave. Too many pain in the arse things going on. Nothing overly major just so many niggling things to deal with. Some of them will just go away naturally and a few I'll need to deal with.

Euan's mere presence seems to be enough to annoy me now following his sitting down with his feet up and expecting everyone else to do his work episode. He is actively applying for other jobs though. Lets just hope he gets one. Then again he is applying with Boeing. Maybe as a former aircraft engineer I should get a job there just to blow a raspberry in his general direction. I heard one of the old sgts I used to work beside who left to go work with them didn't get his contract renewed. I suspect I know the reason why, but I could be wrong. Anyway, I could apply for his former role. Poor Sully. I suspect he has just realised the grass really isn't greener on the other side. With a family the size of his (they are in double figures), I hope they can cope. Mind you, there is always my job. He could come join us. Won't be as much money as he was on, but it should be better than collecting unemployment.

Then again, he could always take Jonathon Swift's advice on children...
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 12, 2024, 05:59:15 PM
Set off last week on what was our first proper holiday as a family. Everytime we've went anywhere (other than things like a weekend away), it has been to visit family. I've been wanting something that was just us for a while now. Anyway, we got the train to Aberdeen, stayed there overnight then flew down to London (after a couple of hours spent sitting on a plane on the runway delayed thanks to London fog) where we spent a couple of days. I got to go to a games shop I've wanted to go to for over 30 years and picked up a few things. We wandered around a few places, mostly avoiding the usual tourist spots. London hadn't changed since the last time I was there. It always looks dirty and unkempt to me. You can travel a lot through the city and not see any sign of nature.

I wonder if any city will ever have so much concrete that it ends up having problems getting breathable air?

Anyway, the pavements rarely seem to be in any decent condition, drivers are terrible (stopping on crossings is a major thing, especially buses so you can't see when the lights have changed to allow you to cross).

Then it was an early morning trip to the Eurostar. I have to say, airports could learn a thing or two about passport control from these guys. We were through the whole process and baggage check-in moments, rather than the long drawn-out process you have to go through to fly. Traveled to Brussels first, and then back to just outside Paris and straight into Disneyland Paris. For a park that has been open for over 30 years, it didn't seem to have a lot of rides. Over the course of our visit, we'd continually see the same characters in costume, with no variation.

Honestly, it felt like is you ordered Disney from Wish, Disneyland Paris is what you'd get. Kristi says people from the US would recognise Temu as their equivalent. I didn't get to go on a lot of the bigger rides, simply because Ash was slightly too short to get on them, but the only ride we thought was better there compared to California was the Peter Pan one. Everything else was at best the same, but in many cases was worse, especially the Phantom Manor (Haunted Mansion). I really wanted to enjoy that one, but it just felt like a cheap knockoff copy. Still, Ash loved it, especially any ride involving a train. Or one where he could see the train rides. We went to the equivalent of the Blue Bayou. Rather than being fine dining, I found the food to be just acceptable. I had a Carribean Chicken dish, which had a single prawn in it. Ok, it was a big prawn but still. Also still had its head and tail on. I took them off no problem, although it did feel like the eyes were staring at me all through the meal.  :bouncegiggle: I reckon if the meal had been half the price, then it would have been fine, but for how much we paid for it, I definately expect more.

Ash did love The Tower of Terror, which I must confess I'd been worried about. Although he loves thrill rides, I wasn't sure how he'd do with an enclosed ride as compared to an open air roller coaster. There was no need to worry at all. He was shrieking and laughing the whole ride. After it he told me his favourite part was the ghost. As we were heading home through the shops just outside the parks, I spotted a patrol of fully armed French infantry (7 soldiers carrying rifles). I guess with the attacks they've had over the years I can understand why they'd put out what should be a strong deterrent like that. Trouble was, from the point man to the one bringing up the rear I doubt there was 20 feet of separation between them. I could have taken them all out with a single sweep or explosive device. If i was a terrorist, it would only have encouraged me to launch an attack.

Anyway, on the second night we were heading back just after dark (19:00ish). There was a half-hour walk from our hotel to the park (and visa-versa). Between two of the themed hotels (Cheyanne and the Santa Fe), there is a river crossed by several footbridges. This is all within the greater park area and inside their perimeter fence. As we approached the bridge, I could see a man standling alone in the middle of it. Thought it was slightly unusual, but not overly so. Anyway, I did take a mental note of his description (approx 180 cm tall, dark clothes, black hair and beard. He was facing away from us so I couldn't get too many details). He was on his mobile phone. Over the bridge, we could go straight on towards the main hotel building (it had a large building in one corner, then lots of outlying buildings with the rooms), go right towards the park exit along the river bank or go left towards our room. As soon as we were off the bridge and turned left, the guy on the bridge started shouting abuse at me. I told Kristi to take Ash's hand and walk on ahead while I slowed down ever so slightly so she was maybe 10 feet ahead of me. A second man, accompanied by a dog emerged from between a couple of the complex's buildings. The two guys shouted at us and spoke with each other (shouting), before they switched to calling out insults to Kristi. I refused to turn around and look at them, but if we'd went straight ahead to the main area we'd have been trapped between the two. I am guessing here, but I'd imagine they expecting me to move to engage the first guy, he'd have pulled out a knife or a gun (always a problem in a country where guns are legal. If they have limited access then you know only the most serious criminals are going to have one, but where they are legal, well all bets are off). Anyway, while I am pinned trying to deal with him, the second guy with the dog would have threatened Kristi and Ash. If I turn around to deal with him, then man one has me. If not, then well Kristi isn't going to be able to take him and his animal out. Us turning left rather than going straight ahead threw their plan off, and people don't always react well to something going wrong with a plan. Kristi cut across some grass and got into a better-lit area and which point with a final taunt aimed at me, they gave up. I was very tempted to give them the traditional insult that longbowmen used to give the French back in medieval battles.

I knew that turning around to look at them would have meant I'd have ended up fighting all three, but damn walking straight ahead and not speeding (gives the impression that you are frightened, and weakness invites attack) up was bloody difficult. I was listening intently for any footsteps running up behind me the whole time. We got back to our room without further incident, although it didn't make me happy that the doors to each individual block didn't have a lockable door to each building. I didn't feel shaken up by the experience or anything (not exactly my first rodeo there. I've had enough of these incidents to be able to rate them out of 10), but I knew Kristi was and I lay awake the whole night just watching the door in case we'd been followed.

In the morning I reported the whole thing to the hotel. They kept asking if I thought it was a hotel employee as guests are not allowed dogs. Couldn't quite seem to get the thought through to them that maybe someone had broken the rules or snuck into the camp. Criminals do things like that. They asked me what I'd like them to do about it. I told them that maybe you might want to have some of your security staff patrol the bridge areas at night, but I don't think the front desk staff will pass the information on to their management. Not until it's too late.

Anyway, after that we just took the shuttle back and forth between the hotel and park. No point in pushing our luck. I am convinced that only keeping the two guys off balance and not doing what they expected kept us safe.

The rest of the trip passed without any further dramatic incidents happily. We got the Eurostar back to London, stayed there overnight, and then another flight back home. As we were traveling home, Ash thanked Kristi for taking him to see the trains.

Not a word about Disneyland.  :bouncegiggle:

Pretty much every train and plane we took was delayed, but we managed to make it through regardless.

Overall, it was a fun trip. Despite my misgivings about Disneyland Paris, we did enjoy it.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on March 12, 2024, 10:11:17 PM
Dude, I'll say it again, if you'd you let surrender frogs kill you, I'd have been too ashamed to ever post to you again.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 18, 2024, 04:53:44 AM
Yesterday was a busy day. On handover, I was told there had been some phone calls from what sounded like a young woman, looking for her friend who she believed had come onto camp. It's not an unusual thing. Just after I took over, the same woman phoned back again. It turned out she was looking for her sister. They said that her coming onto camp would be completely out of character for her, that she had kids and a partner and had promised she'd come home to get her kids from the babysitter and was now late. Shortly after this, she then turned up at the guard room. Due to data protection laws, we couldn't look up to see if she'd been booked onto camp, so we got the military police involved. One of the guys on the gate knew the guy who had brought the woman on. We also spoke to the civilian police (who mentioned they were rather busy as 10 people had reported someone missing that night). Anyway, we tracked down the guy's room and the military police went off to check the room. The same guard who knew the lad said he'd been on the front gate when he'd come through with the girl and that he'd warned him to be careful because the woman was so drunk she didn't know what he was doing.

A civilian police car arrives, comes on and then after a few minutes it drives back out, stops in the car park and a girl gets out. At the distance they were too far away to make out fine details but it looked like one was being comforted by her sister. After a while they drove off. Maybe an hour later two police cars and a van come on to camp and stay there for several hours. The lad has been carted off to Aberdeen (90 minutes later) for a police interview.

You can draw your own conclusions about what happened around those events to cause them.

Up in the Strat Fac today. I am watching an old sci fi horror (Dead Space starring Marc Singer) while my oppo is watching a documentary on Ted Bundy.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 19, 2024, 08:16:46 AM
Yesterday passed peacefully, something I am happy about, today seems to be mostly the same so far and long may that continue. Should it not, well I have my CBA, helmet and enough rounds to fight a decent sized skirmish.

Never had to put a round in a chamber for guard duty, always managed to deescalate any situation, but it is nice to have the stuff should it be needed.

I need to write a guide for a grown man on how to use a rifle. In truth when it comes to actually using one, he is but a child with no real idea of what he wants would entail. He is target shooting out to 100 yards. I'd have him dead long before he could have me within twice that range. A front line soldier would have me dead at six times that range, that is if he bothers to shoot at me rather than calling in a mortar strike or drones or whatever. Even if he isn't experienced enough to be able to put someone in his sights and pull a trigger, it is easy enough to call in whatever kind of arty. If you don't have to see the person you are shooting, killing them becomes a whole lot easier.

Hell, when I was in France I saw the French military out on patrol. I doubt there was twenty feet between the first soldier and the last. None of them were watching the rear, they all carried their weapons for comfort not ready for use. I could have wiped them out with a single sweep of automatic fire or small UXB were I a terrorist.

Children playing with toys that kill. Strange how the lessons of the recent wars have been so quickly forgotten. Every time I here someone who isn't a combat veteran talking about guns and getting all excited, all I see is a silly little child and feel a mixture of pity and disgust. Like anything they have their place.

It isn't in the hands of people who have not had any training in how to use them.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 27, 2024, 12:59:15 AM
My first night shift up in the Strat Fac. Much like days really. When you have no windows to the outside world it is kinda hard to tell the difference. Less food, byt there is so much stuff left over from days that if I felt hungry I could help myself quite easily.

Monday night I could see out of the window, that across the field there was a blue light flashing. Phone calls to the guard room with requests for various duty personnel gave us a good idea of what was going on. Late on Tuesday morning it was confirmed that there had been a bad traffic accident on the Lossiemouth to Elgin road. 3 kids on an ebike had been in a collision with 4 cars. A 16 and a 17 year old were dead with a 14 and 54 year old both in serious or critical condition in hospital. The local area seems to be having a rather unlucky run at the moment.

Went to my first parents night. Ash is doing well enough, hitting the targets he needs to hit academically and growing socially. He still prefers to spend time with the quieter members of his class.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on March 27, 2024, 04:38:24 PM
Had a couple of officers phone up with a problem. Normally when an officer tells you about a problem, what he is doing is making it your problem to solve for him.

I took some slight pleasure in telling them that I was in no way able to help them out.

Second last night of this set. Tomorrow night I'll be back in the Strat Fac before another set of leave. Going off to see Tragedy in Glasgow so I just booked the whole of the next set off. Ill be off at the end of next month as well. Damned if I can remember what that leave is for, but I am sure it will be something important.

Oh yeah. I just remembered what it is for. It is something important.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 02, 2024, 12:39:09 PM
There comes a day in everyone's life when you reach the point of where the days you have lived outnumber the ones you have left, and yet it passes unnoticed and uncelebrated or mourned. We should be allowed to know so we can do something with that day.

Heading down to Glasgow for a few days, go see my mum, catch a concert. I've not really seen her since I joined the army.

Hmm. Being in the army means I've had/done pretty much every job/hobby/fun thing I wanted as a child. Who knows though, I still have time to visit space. I've even had to add a few bucket list items in that I hadn't thought of doing before I got to do them.

Life is indeed good. But only if you get off your arse and go make it so. Unless just sitting on your arse is your thing of course.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 06, 2024, 04:39:53 PM
Got back tonight from a few days away. Went to a concert in Glasgow and heard a support act that I think I want to listen to a bit more of, maybe I'll even become a fan. Kind of a modern take on Alice Cooper I guess. I've ordered one of their albums and I'll give it a listen then decide.

We had a really good night out. Concerts Dave joined us in our usual hangout where we consumed a few alcoholic beverages.

Then we consumed a few more.

Then we went to the concert where we proceeded to drink a bit more.

Maybe I just enjoyed the support act because I'd been drinking so much.  :bouncegiggle:

Friday we took my mum out, then cooked her a meal. Talked a bit about my sisters birthday party later this month that we are coming back down for. We got both Elizabeth and my mum the same thing for their birthdays. Taking them out to see The Drifters play in Aberdeen (including a hotel for the night), but that isn't until later in the year.

Speaking of later in the year, it looks like we are going to visit Kristi's family for Samhain, something I must confess I've been wanting to do for a long time. I've been there just before and just after. This time our proposed dates would have us leaving the US on election day, which I guess is better than when we landed on it back in 2016, especially if I get my guess wrong on who I think will win. Can I keep my prediction streak going (only one wrong guess since I was 18. I really should gamble money on these things)?

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 09, 2024, 08:54:52 AM
Had to go to my twice yearly fitness test. Despite no longer bothering to keep myself in prime condition (I've not really bothered with that for 15 years now), I was still in good enough shape to ace the test. I guess that is a good thing.

Kristi wanted to watch Wrestlemania this weekend. I went along with it, but bearing in mind how bad the last couple we've watched were I had low expectations. It did manage to be better than expected, although there weren't any matches that particularly blew me away like the Benoit/Jericho ladder match, or the triple tag team TLC with The Duddlys, Edge & Christian and The Hardys did but it was ok. On a side note, after a CM Punk interview, AEW has said they are going to release a video showing what actually happened backstage when Punk and Jack Perry fought.

No one is moving on there then. I did find it interesting that at one point during Wrestlemania, they did flash up a photograph of Cody Rhodes alongside Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega. I guess the Forbidden Door is slowly opening. I don't see it ever happening, but I think an annual event with the stars of different companies facing each other would be a fun watch. Shame WCW and WWF didn't have that during the heyday of the Monday night wars.

Ash and Kristi popped up to Dingwall today, hunting down a larger train shop than we can get locally. I am looking at booking us a trip on the Dufftown/Keith railway since the Harry Potter train is currently not running with a health and safety issue over doors.

Well, at least bits aren't coming off while they are whizzing along. We'll leave that to Boeing and their seeming inability to go a month without some accident making the headlines. I suspect the engine cowling coming off mid-flight was down to someone not securing a panel properly rather than a manufacturing defect. Still wouldn't fly in a 737-800 myself. I think the fleet needs to be grounded before we find out what other corners Boeing cut while making it the hard way. My fellow aircraft engineers disagree with me on this and reckon that they'll have sorted out the issues by now, but they also said the same thing before the door panel popped off in flight so clearly this isn't happening the way it should.

I am told that the US doesn't have an equivalent to the corporate manslaughter charge in the UK. If that is true, it really is something they should think about.

The rules on beards has changed while I was away and now half my shift is growing them. Our second highest-up boss asked me where my beard is (he is growing one too). I replied that I thought they all looked like manky f**kers and should go clean up. He didn't speak to me for the rest of the day after that.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 11, 2024, 10:31:33 AM
Nights up in the strat fac again. My laptop has quit working, so I am going to get myself a new one. I figure it is about time I upgraded it anyway.

Went out for a walk with Ash and Kristi today. We had wanted to go to the Turkish cafe for breakfast, but it was closed and we ended up in our usual stop (La Caverna). Spent some time on the beach, but the tide was coming in. Looking at the beach I realised something I hadn't noticed before. Not only did the last storm season almost destroy the dunes, but the level of the sand on the "floor" is lower than it was before.

Glad we don't own a house down the the old Salttown area. If that part of the beach gets swept away (I'd give it another 2 winters equal or worse to the last one) and there is nothing to swap the sea reclaiming that land. Where we live has the golf course between ourselves and the sea. I am sure that the local money won't let that go underwater, even if the MOD would.

Watching the Fallout tv show. Visually impressive, but the story isn't super engaging me so far. I am willing to give it time though. I did like the artificial foot scene.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 15, 2024, 04:10:13 AM
Well, today is the last day of the school holidays. As much as he protests going, Ash does seem to get on a whole lot better when he has school to go to and run energy off in.

Ordered my new laptop. Should arrive tomorrow. I went for a mid-range gaming laptop. Normally I just go for a general-purpose one, but this time I went for a specific build type. I've got a few games my desktop runs a bit slowly anyway, so I'd like something with a little more oomph for running games anyway.

I wonder if Vault Dwellers would have an overdeveloped left arm from wearing the Pip Boys all the time? Giving the Fallout tv show a second watch to see if I like it more the second time around. I felt it was good, but not up to the hype I am hearing from other people who watched it, so going to watch it again and see what I think. Not watching it at work should help too. I can concentrate more on the show.

Normally if me or Kristi sings, Ash will ask us to stop, but yesterday when I was absent-mindedly singing "I've been working on the railroad", he started singing the next line so we ended up trading lines. Wouldn't do it today when his mum was there though.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 20, 2024, 02:58:13 PM
We had a local politician visit the other day. I'd heard of him but only knew him by reputation. As soon as he opened his mouth I have to say his voice seemed to justify what I'd heard of him. Damn if he didn't sound like the creepiest, slimiest person I have ever heard speak. The other guy in the office at the same time as him said the same thing as me. Glad he isn't someone I've ever voted for. Hell, his entire party is one of the few major ones in the UK that I've never voted for.

Turns out he is heavily involved in the local scouts. Yeah, Ash will never be attending that while he is around.

Heading down to Aberdeen tomorrow for my nephew Adam's birthday. He is getting a one-shot D&D game in a local store for it and I've been invited to play. Doubtless it will be my gaming nemesis, 5th Ed D&D, but I'll bite my tongue and enjoy it whether I like it or not. The following week we will be heading down to Glasgow for my little sister's 40th birthday and then the week after that it is my 50th where I can continue to be amazed that I made it to 30. Then again maybe there is some Jacob's Ladder-style death dream going on and all this is just part of some messed up world my brain has concocted while it sets about the process involved in shutting down and turning to mush.

It would explain a lot about the world were it to be true.

Funny seeing everyone panic over Israel and Iran lobbing missiles and whatnot at each other. Like they've just suddenly started killing each other rather than this all just being part of an ongoing cycle that has been going on for a very long time. I would imagine there are more than a few countries who are looking at how many drones and missiles were successfully intercepted by Israelli (and allied) defences and recalculating their own plans accordingly. Looking at you here especially China. Shame really, it has been nice having a degree of peace. I'd like to see that continue for a while (although I don't hold out any hope of it lasting long and even our peace is still peppered with war-like actions).

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: ER on April 20, 2024, 03:24:19 PM
^ The most remarkable part of these particular hostilities is that they're making the news. Iran kills Americans and Israelis all the time. Iran kills Saudis, Jordanians, Turks, Kurds, Russians, pick a nationality and Iran's venomous leaders have probably been behind the killing of citizens of that nation in the last year, either covertly or overtly.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 23, 2024, 03:48:24 PM
Ever hear a strange noise in the house when you are alone and go investigate? Having watched (too many?) horror films when I do, I tend to go carrying something either sharp or heavy.

In this case it turned out to be the window cleaner. Yeah, he was randomly stabbing people on the street.

Listening to Dolly Parton's rock album at the moment. While I can't claim to be familiar with a lot of her stuff, to me it sounds more or less the same as the other stuff I've heard from her. 'Cept maybe the Queen cover. No shortage of other famous people doing bits on the tracks. Can't say it is my kind of thing, but then again she isn't making it for me. I wouldn't call it terrible. Well ok, maybe the Lynard Skynard one was terrible.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on April 23, 2024, 04:09:08 PM
Quote from: Alex on April 23, 2024, 03:48:24 PM
Ever hear a strange noise in the house when you are alone and go investigate? Having watched (too many?) horror films when I do, I tend to go carrying something either sharp or heavy.

In this case it turned out to be the window cleaner. Yeah, he was randomly stabbing people on the street.

Oy 😳😆😆😆😆
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 27, 2024, 07:32:23 AM
Down in Ayrshire again, this time for Elizabeth's 40th birthday party. Even with the 5 bedrooms, my mum's house is a bit crowded with her, Elizabeth, Jim, my aunt Nancy and then me Kristi and Ash. Last night it was the three of us in the one bed.

That isn't the fun kind of threesome.

Everyone else is getting the hall ready while I am watch Ash and keeping Elizabeth company while we listen to some Iron Maiden using her Alexa. While I am aware of Alexa, I've never used one before. It is possible to get it to play the song you want? I asked for Still Life and it has played a bunch of other Maiden tunes but not the one I asked for. Earlier on she asked it to play The Time Warp and it played other songs from the RHPS instead.

Maybe it is just whatever tech billionaire owns it f**king with people. Wouldn't surprise me.  :bouncegiggle:

Heading back up the road tomorrow. Might finally have a round the table roleplaying group going. Got 3 people wanting to play Call of Cthulhu. We shall see if it actually happens or not, but I am hopeful.

Seeing a lot of articles right now about how we need to stop trying to exterminate rats and learn to live with them. Yeah right. I don't want to make them extinct, but I am not learning how to co-exist with them either. Found a Castle Greyskull to give Stewart for his birthday, which worked out well as we forgot to bring down his last birthday present, so he got his next birthday's present for his last birthday and he can get his last one for his next one instead. We are taking both Elizabeth and my mum to see The Drifters live in Aberdeen for their birthdays (as well as getting them a hotel for the night afterwards).

EDIT: Kristi just got back and asked Alexa to play the Time Warp and it did so right off. Yup, billionaire f**king with us, plus well all women are witches.  :twirl:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Paquita on April 27, 2024, 09:22:56 AM
Ha! I wonder if Alexa only understands American accents? Another strike against ai.. for now.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Zapranoth on April 29, 2024, 01:19:09 AM
CoC is one rpg I haven't played.  Do you just roll up the extra character sheets at the start and have them ready at hand?

I always just hear Meat Loaf's voice in the Time Warp chorus.  Guy sure could sing big.  Once you notice it, it's like the cowbell in Don't Fear the Reaper.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 29, 2024, 04:57:17 AM
Quote from: Zapranoth on April 29, 2024, 01:19:09 AM
CoC is one rpg I haven't played.  Do you just roll up the extra character sheets at the start and have them ready at hand?

I always just hear Meat Loaf's voice in the Time Warp chorus.  Guy sure could sing big.  Once you notice it, it's like the cowbell in Don't Fear the Reaper.

We are now up to 4 players with me GMing (or being the Keeper if you prefer). Last time I played we just made up new characters as required. I find the problem with making backups as that people want to play them and will retire their current main, so while I don't discourage the practise I've learned not to encourage it either. I am looking at running a 2nd edition game (which I've never played before) of AD&D in the Dark Sun background where you are supposed to have 4 backup characters to account for the high death rate. It will be online so if you fancy giving it a try let me know and I'll poke you when that campaign starts. I've been buying a few fishmen, Mi-go and a Shoggoth as well as assorted investigators/background figures and cultists.

With the three of us sharing a bed at my mums for the weekend, Ash woke up yesterday. He was lying face down, raised himself up a bit and looked right, then left then right again and said "Oh my gosh, oh no. There is two of them."
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 29, 2024, 03:40:11 PM
We were heading into Elgin today. Kristi asked me how her hair was and I told her that her hair reminded me of Sho'Nuff. From her response, I gather I was supposed to lie about this rather than being entirely honest. We picked up the latest edition to the family today. A black kitten whom Kristi has named Ripley. I was going to go with Lilith myself, but when Ash saw the picture of her he declared that his Nergal was coming back and she'd to explain that this was a different cat.

Apparently 5 years ago today I threatened to post lots of stuff up about Marvel movies just to p**s off Sven who wanted people to post spoilers for whatever movie was coming out next. Can't say I miss this guy, although I am convinced Morpheustheunwoke was him back on a different profile. There were too many obscure opinions he expressed that were the same as his, not to mention his general sentence structure, word selection etc. Even when he slipped up on his spelling, it was the most common errors he made.

Still, Collect the Monkey made me laugh.

Working on an outfit to run Call of Cthulhu in. I am considering ordering a top hat, shirt sleeve holders and also thinking about a cane and cape. Capes really need to come back into fashion. If I can achieve that, then next I will look to normalise the wearing of gentlemanly swords. Once all that is in the bag... well jousting has to come along sooner or later. Yeah, all you countries that drive on the wrong side of the road are really going to have problems then.  :bouncegiggle:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on April 30, 2024, 07:02:26 AM
An old friend Sarcastic Chris (I know a lot of Chris and Daves so they all get nicknames, although as in this case, they weren't always related to their personality) was at my sister's birthday party. I've only bumped into him once since I joined the military. Back then he was always boasting about how he'd beat the hell out of some guy or some similar story around that kind of theme. I don't think I ever believed a single story that he told me. Anyway, within 3 minutes of us saying our helloes he started up with the same old rubbish. I more or less zoned out at that point, although I didn't have to put in much effort there. The music was overly loud (and I say that as someone who likes to stand right up front at heavy metal gigs, quite often beside the speakers) and I was struggling to hear everything he said. Got the gist of it though. I was quite glad when both Adam and Ash wanted to leave early. Between the noise and the crowd, neither of them were doing well.

I really wish my sister in law had gotten Adam diagnosed with Autism earlier. She knew he had something but didn't want him tested as she didn't want a label put on him. That meant he didn't get the help he could have had much earlier. Although we haven't had an official diagnosis for Ash, the doctors have told us they are sure he has high functioning autism and certainly the school he is at has given the appropriate support. Right now it is just a matter of waiting in a long queue until it is his turn. We've been a lot more proactive than most parents and know a few who have been trying to get some movement since the start of the school year and are really struggling to get anywhere. Makes me glad that we moved as early as we did. Initially Ash's nursery said he wasn't settling well and wanted to cut down his hours a bit. We said ok to the first time they wanted this, but every time something wasn't going according to plan the only suggested answer was cutting back on his hours and I said no, you are being paid for ***X*** amount of time (think it was 6 1/2 hours per day), he is entitled to it. Lets sort out something. After that the nursery couldn't have been more helpful. I can look at other parents though and see where we'd be right now if we had just caved in. I can also look across the Atlantic at how things are handled there with my Kristi's younger brothers kids. Their mother had to fight to get them proper help and not just dosed up on meds. I remember messaging Hali regularly during that time and giving her as much support as I could that she was doing the right thing and not to just let people pressurise her to going for an "easy" fix.

There are only so many resources to go round. Shame that people have to fight to get access to them regardless of where they are from. Just one of the joys of capitalism I guess. Not that I'd prefer communism, theocracy, dictatorship or anarchy or any of the current mooted alternatives (I wouldn't mind a go at a meritocracy though).

The first minister of Scotland has had to stand down after getting himself caught up in something. I have been ignoring current affairs stuff recently so I have no particular idea what combination of circumstances brought him down. I'd imagine Rishi Sunack will be following suit after the next general election. Lets just hope they don't let Liz Truss back in. I hear she followed the rubber goon faced Nigel Farage over to the US market. I wonder why failed UK politicians find more of a market over there? I wonder if she'll be able to make a success of selling her book. Her publishers certainly didn't have much faith in it (she got a less than £2000 advance for it. Compare that to what fellow idiot Boris Johnson got for his (I believe still unpublished) memoir and its less than chicken feed).
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 01, 2024, 06:44:51 AM
The cold, wet and windy days are gradually slipping into warm and windy ones. I am getting to go to work and come home in. I guess it is nicer, but I'd settle for a year-round autumn myself. Blame the asteroid that smacked into the earth, gave it an orbital wobble and created the moon I guess. Or god if he is more your bag. Either way, it works out the same.

Saw an article about how expatriate US citizens view the election back home. It pretty much ties up with how I've been seeing things and what I've witnessed Kristi experiencing. If that kind of thing interests you, the article is here: ( I've not met any pro-trump US ex-pats, although we do know a few of his supporters from other countries. Or at least we used to. Mostly they drifted out of our lives during the pandemic and we've only heard from them sporadically since. Kristi's final separation from her church came down to the attitude towards vaccines from one of the local church leaders. I think it was something that was going to happen anyway, this just made it happen sooner.

Not heard anything from my brother-in-law since his kids passed on my message to him. I told them that the next time he threatened to hit them, that they were to reply that if he hit them, then I'd hit him. He might be twice my size, but he is badly out of shape and a fight between us is only going to go one way. Plus a cop who knew him at school as already told me if I punch him out the police won't do anything. By coincidence I'd sent my mother-in-law a tee-shirt that says "My favourite child is my son-in-law." She sent me back a present addressed to her "favourite son". We had a bit of a chat online and she told me that Jason's behaviour is really upsetting her. He sent her a list of things she needs to apologise for before he'll speak to her again.

I wonder if that list includes things like letting him and his family move in with her when he lost his job, being a free babysitter for his kids whenever he needed and paying his bills for him when he couldn't afford to? Going to take a rough stab in the dark and guess no on that one.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 02, 2024, 03:17:37 PM
Playing a lot of games on my new laptop. It certainly runs them all a lot faster and gives them a new lease of life. Damn shoot to do tomorrow, so that means a pain in the butt 05:00 start on what would otherwise be a day off. We'll drive up to Fort George, let off some rounds and then come home. The quicker we can get it over and done with the happier I'll be.

Kristi is working tonight, so it is time for some bad movies. I've fallen behind in my watching over the past month.

Hot night tonight. Guess we are in for an overly warm summer. Feeling glad I don't live further south. London is being told to expect 30 degrees Celsius to be a regular summer heat. I guess air con will start to be more of a thing in the UK as a result. Yeah, Kristi won't be upset by that one.

Playing a game on my phone. It seems to have a lot of Indian and muslim players. They spend a lot of time telling people that their country or religion is the best one in between desperately looking for a cute girl to be their best friend. Make of that whatever you wish.

Got two of the CoC player's characters done. Nikki went with a 1920s Private Detective who was an Olympic swimmer, while Harris went with a Catholic Priest. Yeah, we know what evil secret there is going on there then. Kristi is planning on going an Antiquarian but hasn't created her character yet.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 04, 2024, 02:05:44 AM
Anyone who knows me will know that one of my geekdoms is the whole Cthulthu mythos. There are a lot of films based on that to some degree. Why the hell do I keep watching Underwater? It certainly isn't for the lead actress. Kristen Stewart might be vaguely attractive, but the hairstyle she sports in that movie really doesn't do much for me and it isn't like her acting skills are anything special. Maybe its that its the closest I've seen to a big-budget Lovecraftian movie. Maybe it is because like her Snow White movie I can't concentrate on the film and keep missing the same parts when I doze off and just want to see the whole damn thing.

Yeah, going to go with that one as the answer.

Watching video cameras at the moment. Mostly what I can see is a vast cloud of midges buzzing around. What the hell are they all finding to feed on when it's a weekend and no one is around? I guess the poor local population of rabbits and birds. Well, f**k the seagulls. Them I don't mind suffering a bit. Hell, I'd happily kill off a few of them myself. Got sympathy for the rabbits though.

So this is how I spend the dying days of my 40s. Working. I don't often work on my birthday. Maybe once previously? It'll be an easy day up in the strat fac though. Looking forward to just being left alone for 12 hours, although I'd rather spend it at home. I'll get back and have a few beers, relax and chill out. Maybe take some time to reflect on how younger me would be amazed that I survived this long, even more so when I consider that I've come through 5 wars without a single scratch out of it. No idea how I managed that one. Other people from my home town have not been so lucky in the forces. I have a lot of friends injured and a couple dead from fighting in a war another country wanted, but couldn't finish the job. I am looking forward to my 50s though. For some reason I always have liked the area of that age. A last hurrah before the old age of 60 perhaps? I look forward to what adventures lie ahead with it.

After the shoot yesterday I felt unusually tired. I guess it was from being outside on the first hot day of the year, but was I beat. Went to lie across our bed and read, have some alone time. Within 10 minutes though I'd been joined by Kristi, Ash and the cats. Ah the joys of being married and a parent.  :bouncegiggle: I did end up going to bed about half nine and was fast asleep before ten. I didn't wake up until my alarm went off just before six.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 06, 2024, 11:50:31 AM
So here we are, the last day of my 40s. It has been an interesting decade, mostly filled with things that have just went my way. I am loving life. Cleaned my rifle today, but I didn't have any oil so I'll need to see if I can find some tomorrow and finish the job.

Catching up as much as possible with various movies I've been wanting to watch for a while. Two down and I have no idea how many still to go. Shame they make them faster than I can watch them.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 10, 2024, 12:52:29 PM
Looks like the hot weather has arrived. If we are in for more of this then we will be getting a hot and miserable summer (cos everyone will complain about the heat).

Enjoyed my birthday. It was a good day. Shame I spent the first six hours working, but I enjoyed the rest of it. Ash had a fit this morning when we wouldn't let him wear a jacket to school. Not only did he insist he wanted one, but it had to be his heaviest winter one. Yeah, with the temperatures for today that wasn't happening.

Saw a post on social media. A letter for my old conspiracy theorist workmate had arrived at the wrong house. Since he refuses to use social media (other than that trump one), I couldn't contact him directly, so I sent a message to his wife. I'd like to say I was surprised when she replied that since they'd gotten separated she hadn't seen him, but really I am not. I thought his reactions were a bit off the last time I saw him and I asked how Emma was doing.

Since it was his fault I was sent away for xmas during covid I can't feel entirely bad for him. To be honest I was amazed that an intelligent woman like her would put up with his conspiracy theories etc. I've not asked about any details of the split, although I'd have to confess to a mild degree of curiosity about it. Doesn't make it any of my business though. Instead, I enquired a bit about how her new job is going and wished her happiness going forward. Judging from her fb photo she is with someone else now. I am guessing the split is months old.

Funny thing. Thinking about it the majority of right-wingers that I know are single, miserable and struggle fitting in with society. The more extreme they are, the more they seem to be alone. Might just be a coincidence. It has got me wondering if people like that do just attract unhappiness. Not in a cosmic karma kind of way, just when you always think all that s**t is going on and you put money in front of everything else you are going to push people away from you. Maybe I just meet the shallow end of the gene pool when it comes to those people.

Another funny thing. I don't seem to know a single extreme left winger. The closest I have to that would be a smattering of vegans who have declared that they would force everyone in the world to eat vegan food if they could. Most of them I've shoved out of my life because I can't be arsed with their bulls**t any more than I can with the whole truss/trump/johnson/farage/putin lot.

Hmm. I wonder if Mark is going to place a bet on trump winning this time around. He lost heavily last time around. Were I a betting man I'd put money on Biden winning unless memories of the whole storming the government building thing is damn short.

Found out that at the end of next year the government is going to put up the minimum amount of money that someone is going to have to be earning in order to bring a overseas spouse into the UK is going to up over £38,000. If I'd stayed in the RAF I'd still be making over that, but only by a few thousand. It is definitely well over the average earnings level. Glad I have all of Kristi's immigration stuff already sorted, but just in case they change the law I am going to really start pressurising her to pick up her UK passport.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 10, 2024, 01:14:52 PM
Quote from: Zapranoth on April 29, 2024, 01:19:09 AM
CoC is one rpg I haven't played.  Do you just roll up the extra character sheets at the start and have them ready at hand?

I always just hear Meat Loaf's voice in the Time Warp chorus.  Guy sure could sing big.  Once you notice it, it's like the cowbell in Don't Fear the Reaper.

I miss hearing Meat Loaf. Wish I'd gotten to see him performing live.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 12, 2024, 11:25:02 PM
Ash has learned a new phrase. We've been hearing a lot recently, but yesterday had my favourite example thus far.

With the warmer weather we popped into Tesco's to pick up some fans. Ash had not really eaten breakfast but declared himself to be hungry. When we enquired if this was just a snack he wanted, or something bigger he told us bigger. So upstairs we went to the cafe. We picked out drinks and were getting served in the queue when I asked him what he wanted. He pointed to a gingerbread man and told me that was what he wanted. I said you told me you were really hungry and needed something big.

He looked at me with a big cheeky grin on his face and said: "Tricked you!"

When I pick him up from school today I am going to be holding some cake. I'll ask him if he wants it, and when he says yes I am going to take a huge bite and give him his answer back.  :bouncegiggle:
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 13, 2024, 07:40:32 PM
Night two. Was pretty bussy until 21:30, and its been dead since. Tomorrow I'll be taking about 100 plastic figures up with me which me and Tony are then going to build up. I had boxes of French army and resistance figures as well as a box of British special forces figures.

Watching some random stuff tonight. Put on Gods & Monsters for a bit until the endless droning got to me and I put it off. Since then all sorts of dull stuff has just been turning up on my suggested watch list. Got Two Witches on at the moment. Maybe they just aren't the type of movies to watch at half one in the morning when your body is slightly suggesting that actually it would like to be asleep. Not the best time for deeper movies.

Bought everyone ice creams earlier, although I did manage to offend Paddy by buying him a pink one. He still at Mae it mind you. He's playing some shoot 'em up game at the moment. I can hear gunfire from the other office. Our job makes for a hard life. Wednesday night, I'll be doing a D&D session while I am working. I've not come across many jobs where you can get away with that kind of thing. Well, assuming there isn't a security incident anyway in which case I'll be a bit busy to play.

Ash is off school Thursday and Friday. I think I'll take the little guy out somewhere, have some father/son time. Just considering where we could go from something as simple as a trip to the beach or to the local swimming pool up to travelling to Aberdeen or something.

Had the guy who was caught drink driving phone up and ask if one of his friends could drop off some used sportsgear at the guardroom and he'd pick it up in a few days. Not that I'd be inclined to help someone who'd done that anyway, but it isn't allowed to drop stuff off here for security reasons and besides I don't want to be working somewhere getting stunk up with sweaty gym clothes or whatever. Anyway, he wasn't happy with me telling him no and then immediately phoned my boss who promptly told him to p**s off and then blocked his number.

Now on to House of Darkness. Hmm, Justin Long is in it. Its a horror film. I am going to predict that is doesn't end well for him.

The first grey fingers of dawn are poking through the clouds. Yeah, the horror movie didn't end well for Justin Long's character. I wonder if there is any horror movie he's in that does?
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 15, 2024, 05:26:09 PM
Night four. Final one.

I'm going to try playing D&D while at work tonight. Here's hoping that no one tries to damage or steal a jet since that'll have me out shooting people instead. Some days though that has some slight appeal when you have to deal with the real idiots out there.

Slept pretty well today. Didn't wake up for either the postman bringing a package or Kristi climbing into bed with me. She says I was like a furnace and she couldn't cuddle me. Turned out a package had arrived and was left next door. It was an old figure from the late 80s/early 90s of a Genestealer Patriach sitting on a throne. Depending on the condition of the model. Depending on the condition of the figure, its worth somewhere between £60 to £180. Going to take Jonsie to the Aurora club tomorrow night, see what its like. It has been a long time since I've went to it.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 17, 2024, 04:09:18 PM
I was chatting with a friend earlier tonight. She told me that I was possibly the most intelligent person she knew and commented that I often hid it. Not that I agree with her, but I replied that the best thing someone who is smarter than all the people around them can do is let none of them know it.

Got an odd feeling running really strong right now that something very bad is about to happen. I've had it to varying degrees for the past 5 or 6 years, but right now it is burning hot. I am going to put it down to anxiety rather than precognition though. Mind you, I could very well be creating my own bad situation. For the past six weeks, I've been very erratic in taking my meds and tracking my bloods. I guess if I felt anything less than 100% it might be easier to accept whatever diagnosis they gave me.  I keep promising myself that tomorrow I'll start following the regime more, take everything but when tomorrow comes yet again I can't be bothered with this s**t and I do things my own way.

This summer I've been thinking about confronting an old grudge. It is something that has came close several times over the past twenty years of resurfacing. Not dealing with it over the past few years has been a continual class of schedules where things have been missed or conflicted by a matter of days. Six years of missing each other by less than a week. It does mean travelling to my least favourite city in the world and all the problems that could be resolved are other peoples rather than mine so I could just stand back and watch. Do nothing.

Ever had a hero? Some figure that you've idolized. Have they let you down? If so, do they owe you something or is it your own damn fault for putting someone on a pedestal, putting them in a position that they couldn't possibly live up to?

I guess it would be more suitable if all these things were in some way connected, but they aren't. At least not directly.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 21, 2024, 07:23:20 PM
Another middle of the night and all is quiet. They were doing some exercises earlier on today, but none of it touches us on the night shift. The next two nights I'll be working in my favourite place. Last week I did a D&D session while at work. Not something I ever thought would happen. My first Call of Cthulhu session in many years will be taking place on Sunday and we will be hosting it at our house, which will make a welcome change from playing online.

I am giving serious thought to not running any more online games (although I'll still play them) if I can get in person ones going. That is a hope for the future though and I'll have to see how things go.

After I'd finished last week, I debombed (removed the ammunition from my magazines). I couldn't be bothered unlocking my locker to put the mags back there, so I just put them in my pocket and went home with them. They are my personal issue ones and where I store them isn't a problem, just as long as I don't lose them. Even then, they aren't exactly difficult to replace. Anyway, Kristi was somewhat shocked when she saw them sitting on my desk. I found it vaguely amusing that someone from the US would react that way. This from the woman who was freaked when she saw unarmed police officers (to the point where I'd to take her to an airport so she could see police officers with weapons).

Just had a phone call while I was typing the above. Some guy was phoning to report a glowing green light in the sky. I told him it isn't something we deal with. He kept giving me details and I kept saying "That isn't something we deal with" and he kept trying to give me more information. Eventually I interupted him to say "Look you can keep telling me, but you are wasting your time. I am really not interested and this isn't what we deal with." At that point he put the phone down. I mean if he's seen a flying saucer then great for him, but unless they are trying to get in through the front door without a pass I don't care.

Maybe I should have told him we'd had several reports and in each case the spotters had then reported that they'd been abducted and anally probed, so if that wasn't something he was into then he should run and take cover, especially since the aliens apparently had no concept of lube.

It isn't that I do or don't believe in the possibility of alien life, or that I wouldn't be incredibly interested to find out more about them, its just if its not affecting my work then I don't care when I am on the clock. Right now though if any aliens were to land and ask to be taken to our leaders I'd have to ask them if there wasn't someone else they'd rather chat to. The western world seems to have taken a dip into electing unqualified idiots this centuary. I can't think of one seriously competant western leader in all that time.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 23, 2024, 06:38:19 AM
My job at camp comes under the police wing. We aren't police ourselves but they are on our chain of command. Since I started working there we've had a number of incidents where we could use support from them. Sometimes they turn up, sometimes we can't get them to even answer the damn phone. Either way, when we do get them quite often we'll get a complaint from their management that their staff might be on call but they are not on duty (whatever the hell that means). There are a lot of things we simply don't have the legal right to do, whereas they can (and indeed it is there job).

Anyway, last night when I arrived at work, there was a police flight sergeant sitting in the office. This is the first time I've seen him in 8 months I've been in this job. He wanted to speak to the entire shift. It turned out that some sweets went missing from police HQ and he wanted to know if any of us had ate them.

Good job whoever it was didn't touch the donuts then.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 23, 2024, 04:55:50 PM
Last night rolls around again. Kristi is working tomorrow so I'll take Ash to school then find something to fill my day up with.

We've had a lot of rain over the past couple of days which has been a nice break from the hot weather. Helps that I wasn't working outside for it too.  :thumbup: Cops might be getting their sweeties stolen but the planes I am guarding are safe enough. No one is moving around near them. Well done me then. Really makes me feel like I am earning my wage not seeing an airplane being carried off by a bunch of terrorists.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 24, 2024, 07:33:56 PM
On a random spur-of-the-moment impulse, I added the party overhearing a conversation tonight. What they heard caught their attention and they've decided to investigate further. Now I have to turn the first Conan story I ever read (Tower of the Elephant) into a heist adventure for the party. They've been on the run for over a year now, trying to escape from the mageocracy of Thay having upset one of its ruling wizards and I figure this will give them a nice change of pace.

Then I have Call of Cthulhu to run on Sunday. Guess I'll be spending later today reading the rules and studying the scenario.

Well, I've read the scenario at least. The rules... well not so much. I should be familiar enough with the system to muddle on through.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 26, 2024, 12:29:46 PM
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 30, 2024, 10:59:41 PM
I've found a hat and frock coat to add to my costume. I just need to find a matching cloak.

Maybe a sword cane too.

I seem to have rekindled Ash's love of music. Since he got into trains he's ignored his instruments, but the other day I picked up one of his ukuleles and started strumming on it in front of him. Immediately he wanted it back and has been using them since. Yesterday when I was about to leave the house, he ran over with two of them in hand, gave me one and insisted we both played along and sang "I've been working on the railroad" before I could get out the house.

Nearly made me late for work but I've come to treasure moments like that. Mind you when your start time is somewhere between 06:00 to 06:45 being late is a bit more fuzzy (I generally arrive at either 06:00 or 06:15 depending on where I'll be on duty so I'd still have been on time. Just late by my standards).

We had a lot of drunks tonight. Couple of beer calls and a top table event. None of them were any trouble to deal with though. Boy have things changed. Kids today... I can't imagine them going out for a couple of drinks and not returning for 3 days. Heh, those were interesting days.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on May 31, 2024, 12:29:36 AM
Our local MP has announced that he won't be standing for re-election at the upcoming general election. He's a natural schemer who thought he could make his way to the top position but blew his chance early, had to make a big U-turn and has floundered since. He is the only MP representing the ruling party in Westminster for all of Scotland and as such is also the head of the Scottish party (more or less by default than being qualified for the position). I'd celebrate him going, but I am sure he replacement will be just as much of as a***ole as he's been. Hopefully he won't pull stuff like missing voting on major issues to go referee a football game.

The tories have said if they will they are bringing in a sort of conscription after the election. I doubt they'll win.
Night 3 tonight. The SGF guys I was working with last night were amazed that whenever I was outside I was just in a short-sleeved shirt. It wasn't that cold tbh. Whiney cold-blooded southerners really. Tonight I'll be manning the front desk and then tomorrow night it is up the strat fac again. As soon as I finish I'll be jumping in a taxi and heading down to Edinburgh to go see Chitty Chittty Bang Bang on stage. Hoping that while we are down there we can take Ash to Edinburgh zoo.

I wonder what Ash will make of the march of the penguins? The last time I was there I saw a bunch of people looking at a tiger get a nasty surprise when the tiger turned around and sprayed them all. Gave me a good laugh.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 02, 2024, 05:20:42 AM
Well, the trip to see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang could have went a lot better. There are a lot more explosions in the show than I expected and that did not go down well with Ash. He managed to get through the first half of the show mostly ok, but when the ship launches a barrage of the beach at the end of the first half it really upset him. Then when he found out that it was just a half-time break he was in tears and begging to go home.

We did pick him up a new train which helped him afterwards. It is a struggle, but if we don't expose him to these things then he'll never get used to them. We are trying to teach him that the world simply isn't going to adjust for him and help him. Spent the night in Glasgow and now we are heading back up the road home.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 05, 2024, 04:06:33 PM
Got a message yesterday telling me that because of a manpower shortage issue they'd to swap me onto nights this set. Normally I like doing nights, but this does mean the concert we'd bought tickets to on Friday night I can no longer go to. What has really p**sed me off though is that they only messaged me via whatsapp rather than calling me to let me know. I don't live by my phone and wouldn't have known about it if a friend hadn't gotten in touch to let me know about it. Kristi had also took a night shift, since she takes her shifts based around what I am scheduled to work which meant we were then scrabbling around trying to find a babysitter. I decided that since work had caused this problem I was going to make it there problem. Walked into work and said "I can either bring Ash to work with me on Saturday, or I can call in sick."

Anyway, I left that with them to sort out for a but. I did manage to sort out a babysitter eventually. I just wanted to let them know, hey if you hit me with this stuff at short notice you might have to deal with the fallout.

I wonder if they will ever do a Conan movie that follows one of the written stories? Watching Conan the Barbarian at the moment. Conan the Destroyer is a mix of several stories thrown in a blender. Barbarian has bits and pieces from the stories here and there. I have no idea where they got the Jason Mamoa one from other than vague bits that might slight have connections to the original stories, but might just be coincidence. Or maybe there is an REH Conan story I've not read yet or forgotten about. Either way I'd like to see one of the stories made into a film rather than just taking the character and some writer thinking that they can do better.

Everytime I see significant changes to a novel when it gets made into a film it strikes me that someone is saying "Yeah, I could have written this story better". Sometimes they can, but it strikes me as being tremendously arrogant to do so. If I go to see the film of a book, I don't expect it to be exactly the same but it would be nice if it could be as close as possible. I'm more accepting of seeing things removed than new things put in. Otherwise just write your own damn book and make a film of it rather than mutilating someone else's work.

Its been a day of very random weather jumping quickly from clear blue skies to torrential downpours and back to blue skies all in a matter of minutes. Strong winds come and then go again. Still, that is Scotland for you. If you don't like the season wait 10 minutes and you'll have an entirely different one soon enough.

Glad I am manning the desk tonight. Hopefully tomorrow night when I am outside it will be a bit drier. Watching the sun going down. It is at the early twilight stage where the world turns a shade of blue. Part of the sky is too dark to make out clouds while the rest has them still silhouetted against the sky. Can't see the moon from where I am.

Saw an advert for an ethically trained AI. Did they discuss philosophy with it? Perhaps they only used fair trade programmers. Just more meaningless buzz words designed to try and sell something? Take your pick. Strikes me as being like claiming some food is grown organically. Well, have you ever tried inorganic food?

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 06, 2024, 07:58:58 PM
Decided tonight to practise a long unused skill. While I was armed guard I'd stay perfectly still. Ok, it is 2 hours in a hut watching a road, not 16 hours lying in a puddle in a wet ditch where the only time you are going to feel any warmth is if you p**s yourself while you wait to see if bad guys are going to wander past your position or not and then when you get out, it has been so cold that when you stretch your flak jacket just snaps in two down your back, but I wanted to see if I could still do it, or if I'd have forgotten the various techniques. And I was really bored. Anyway, I lined up my sights on a target, adopted a comfortable position and off I went. I remembered all the stuff about moving each of the muscle groups that you can move without giving your position away (mostly its wriggling your toes, combined with tensing and relaxing various muscle groups to prevent cramp).

Anyway, at the end of the two hours my weapon was still sighted on the target so I guess I can still do it for a couple of hours at least.

Here is hoping I never need to though lol. It sucks.

Had a bunch of drunks try to wander through the gate while the pass checker was busy, so I got to shout at them (put on my proper dad voice too). They decided at that point to stop and wait. Then again when someone with a loaded gun is shouting at you in an angry voice most people tend to do as they are told. Or be really confused. In the scheme of things it is a minor incident though, If it is the most serious thing I have to deal with though I am not going to complain.

On to the quiet part of the night. The bars have closed, the sections have closed for the night. Between now and when work starts properly, we stand a good chance of not having a single person come through.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 14, 2024, 03:48:15 PM
Scotland are playing a big match tonight. Football. I have no care in the result, but my oppo is watching it. From what I can see it isn't going well.

Went out to Elgin to meet my mum and sister when they arrived off the train, but the one they were travelling on was delayed so they missed their connection. The next train was announced as having been cancelled so it would have been a few hours before they got here and I needed to get ready for work at some point, so off I headed home. The train that was cancelled turned out to be on so I would have had enough time, but when I discovered this I was already on the way home. Anyway, eventually they got here. While I was sorting out their luggage Ash took it on himself to wander half way across the road so he got in trouble for that. When we got home, Kristi was making dinner when he then decided to stick in finger in the gas ring to see how hot it was. I feel that is a mistake he won't make again. He wasn't badly burned or anything, just a sore finger.

I've been struck with a sudden urge to buy some figures for a period of history that I've never previously been interested in. What is loosely referred to Napolenonic era stuff (although it seems to cover a longer period than those wars specifically). I picked up a regiment of Redcoats from the American War of Independence (someone recently suggested that should have been called the first US civil war. I have no skin in that game though, so no opinion myself, although since America is the name of a continent rather than a country I can't help but think it should be changed a bit). I am looking at buying a set of troops for Rorkes Drift though. I was going to build up the Redcoats tonight but I neglected to pack some glue. There are three boxed sets I'd need to get. One has the outpost itself with a few figures, then you have a British and a Zulu force both seperately. One of the few war films I like. I can watch that one and A Bridge Too Far all day long.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 18, 2024, 03:59:38 PM
Kept Ash off school today and we took him up to Dingwall to his favourite train shop. Picked up a few bits of terrain for myself and Ash got some freight wagons. Of course my mum insisted on paying for it all so I very much limited what I got. Just enough to make her feel happy that she'd bought me something. I'd never been to the town before and I only walked a bit aalong the high street, but it did have 3 bookshops on it. Only one was open, but we picked up some books and a new map for the map room.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 21, 2024, 10:58:12 AM
There was a time in my teenage years when the jobs I wanted varied between a lighthouse keeper or a librarian. Even today I still prefer jobs where I have minimal contact with other people. I can do a 12 hour shift working beside someone and happily spend less than 5 minutes in conversation with my oppo.


I have peace and quiet today and tomorrow, then I am working on the public face of things for the two days following. It seems to be back to hot weather today. I cannot in truth decide if that keeping up would be better or if I'd prefer rain for it. Nice weather is always good to look at, but I do not care for the humid heat that inevitibly comes with it. Ah, if only I could have the long days of summer combined with the cool of autumn (along with the crunchy leaf piles too). Wouldn't that be a fine thing.

An hour and a bit left to go. I'll get to see Kristi for a couple of hours, then she is off to work. I guess it is better than just sitting around doing nothing, but I do miss us getting to spend more time together. It is unusual enough for me to find someone whose presence I don't mind being around.

Confirmed today that I am due a medal for being in the forces when we got a new king and am thus entitled to a medal. Seems fairly meaningless to me. I've not faced any danger or hardship to earn a medal, but if I am entitled to it then I am damn well going to get one. Even if I lose it afterwards.

Got my first annual assessment in the new job. Everything says performing the job as expected which is neither being bad or great at the job, but just doing everything that is required. It is all I have ever wanted from an assessment lol. Not the kind of thing that is going to set me up for promotion in the future though so I may (or may not depending on my mood), put in a bit more effort in years to come. Maybe I'll reascend to the dizzy heights of cpl.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 28, 2024, 12:03:37 PM
Today is the last day of school before the summer break in Scotland. England has different dates for its holidays which has the bonus of meaning that you have a few weeks to get a holiday in before the prices shoot up for the whole of the UK. With the 3 week holiday we are planning in November/ December it isn't really going to make any difference to us unfortunately.

The talk over bringing in conscription seems to have faded a bit in the run-up to the election. Perhaps reminding your electorate that you are bringing back what is essentially a form of slavery or at least serfdom isn't always a vote winner?

Does a government exist to protect a people or should the people protect the government? If it can sacrifice its citizens to ensure its own survival, then to me you are saying the state is greater than the people who make it up. Because of the ageing population in the West, they will have to increase the cap on fighting age. Oh won't that give the 60-year-olds a nasty shock. War should be an old man's game, not one for young kids. Let them live their lives. Send the old duffers who by definition have less stake in the future.

The graduating class was piped around the school yard. Ash didn't like the noise so we left early, but he did give his stand in teacher a big hug before he left. I guess she can go back into retirement now. We've already picked up his new uniform for next year, bag and all that jazz. We are as ready for the end of summer as we can be.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on June 30, 2024, 05:01:01 PM
I volunteered to go with Ash's class for his first school trip since they were a bit short of people to watch the kids. It was fine. Few of the kids were ignoring the teachers / assistants (female) when they were being told to do something (or more often not to do something). Anyway, when I used dad voice the kids would instantly stop and do as they were told. This let to me being offered a job working with kids by the end of the day.  :bouncegiggle:

Also been offered a job at Kristi's work. I wouldn't start until the summer holidays are over, but they need people to come in and work at peak times. I'd be able to pick and choose when I want to or don't want to work, so on my 4 days off I could make some extra money. Tempting thought.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 05, 2024, 07:48:47 AM
Woke up this morning to find as I predicted, we'd had a change of government. Our moderate right wing administration which had allowed itself to become ruled by a fear of the extreme right wing has fallen and a moderate left wing (increasingly centrist though) party has now won, with the kind of landslide that hasn't been seen since the height of Tony Blair's popularity. The SNP in Scotland after a series of scandals has lost big, and seen the country return to voting Labour. It will be interesting to see how that plays out, if they have permanently regained their stronghold on the north or if it is just a temporary return to prominance.

What did suprise me is that our region (which thanks to having a military base in it has generally returned a tory MP) changed to an SNP gain. Douglas Ross who was a rising star for the tories has lost his seat (quite heavily and is now resigining as head of the Scottish tories (to be fair, there aren't really a lot of them. The tories haven't been popular up here since Thatcher got into power).

The former PM Liz Truss (whose premiership lasted a shorter length of time than a head of lettuce) has lost her seat. I wonder who she'll blame that on? The woman is incapable of accepting that she messed up and that her unpaid for tax cuts caused the economy to crash.

Despite the change of government I can't imagine things will change too much. Between the still lingering aftemath of the banks crash, Covid and the Truss's disasterous reign I don't think there is a huge amount of wiggle room in the economy to mess public finances around. The extra money the armed forces badly need to prepare for the future is unlikely to materialise.

There were some gains for far right figures like Nigel Farage, but his party only has 4 seats out of 650 so he can hardly claim to be a big part of UK politics. Lets hope this isn't a base they can build on. Jacob Reese-Mogg lost his seat (although he'll hardly be in the poor house) and Sunak has resigned the leadership of the tories. Good riddance to bad rubbish there.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Rev. Powell on July 05, 2024, 09:35:54 AM
The UK is following the opposite path of the rest of Europe, which is lurching right. But you may just be ahead of the curve.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 05, 2024, 09:53:23 AM
The government went through 3 or 4 different leaders since the last election. They have ranged from being disastrous to at best, just being there. None of them really had a grip on the levers of power. Anything short of a landslide defeat for them would have shocked me. Our (now ex) PM whose personal wealth I believe is somewhere in the 100's of millions claimed that he understood peoples struggles because as a child he didn't have Sky TV. Showing how out of touch he was with the average person's reality was the final nail in the coffin. I'd have been happier if people like Priti Patel and Nigel Farage had lost their constituencies, but I'll take what I can get. I might not like the party that won last night, but I do consider them preferable to the alternative.

Politically, the UK tends to swing widely between moderate left and right every 10 to 15 years. I think the right was in power for the last 14 years (certainly somewhere around that), so it was due for the pendulum to swing back.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Rev. Powell on July 05, 2024, 12:14:24 PM
Your moderate right looks like our moderate left here, though.

EDIT: Of course, I think the terms "left" and "right" are pretty much meaningless. Here we have only two parties, so by default whatever one promotes at the moment is "right" and whatever the other one believes at this time is "left."
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 05, 2024, 02:25:32 PM
Funnily enough much of Europe would say the same about the UKs left and right. Thatcher really did move the centre ground of UK politics to the right.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 07, 2024, 11:33:46 PM
It looks like France has also swung to the left.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Rev. Powell on July 08, 2024, 08:12:01 AM
Quote from: Alex on July 07, 2024, 11:33:46 PMIt looks like France has also swung to the left.

I don't follow French politics closely, but that seems like a bizarre result.

I wish the US had a parliamentary system.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 09, 2024, 10:03:37 AM
I haven't been following it either (to be honest it was a surprise when I heard the french election results as I didn't even know they were having one). The right had been heavily tipped to win it seems but a combination of their support not being as strong as they thought and a united left swung things against them. Most of Europe was facing a widescale swing to the right, but the right wings general incompetance in dealing with covid has caused an early swing back to the left decades earlier than would otherwise be expected. I cannot say if this will be a long or short term thing.

Because several people have left recently work is currently a bit short of manpower and is discussing calling in standbys more often. Potentially this could cut my four days off down to one, depending on how training days fall etc. At that point I'd be looking at leaving myself. The big advantage in this job is the family time I get. Take that out of the equation and the cost is no longer worth the benefits. They can find other people to care enough about the country, NATO and all that jazz.

Went out with Tony for a couple of drinks on his birthday. We only had four, so hardly enough to get drunk on but we did have a pleasant buzz on. At least that's how I was. Conversation at some point got around to why didn't I get into politics, run things with common sense. I laughed and said that the last thing anyone would want is to have be in power. I was asked what things I would do that were so terrible? After I gave them a list of the things I would do, I was told that everything I suggested sounded great.

I wonder if they have any concept just how much blood and death you'd have to wade through to make that vision come true? How many people would be left at the wayside unable to keep up with the changes. Hah! Even with the best intentions you don't fix society without dragging it through hell first. Even then any new system is going to have all the old problems in different ways. It is a subject that have come up several times with various seperate groups of people. Quite why they think I'd be good as a politician I do not quite know. I am convinced that no one can get to the top in that field without having all their principals so thourghly compromised and corrupted as to be ineffective.

Anyway, after I got home it was something of a surprise when Tony's wife texted Kristi to ask her how much we'd had to drink. Tony had went home, needed to go to sleep and threw up on the way to his bed. Didn't think either one of us had enough to drink to end up in a bad way.

Over the past couple of weeks Tony has been chatting with me a lot about his future. Him and his wife have decided to move back down south as soon as they can get a posting (which will be about 18 months). I guess I've somewhat wasted my time investing in a friendship there, but hey ho. Fairly sure he is going to regret his decision to go back down south and be unhappy, but that is their choice.

*sigh* When you randomly look over at todays workmate (not Tony) and he is looking at porn on his phone. Well, there are only a few more weeks to go until he leaves. He has hallmark type movies playing on the tv. I've got my laptop on and am listening to music via my earbuds. Insulates me pretty well from the world around me.

Just the way I like it. The world is just so... uncool right now. People always are, but they really are doing a better than average job right now.

Looks like a nice day outside. A bit of a break from the rain we've had this summer. Pity I am only able to see it via a couple of cameras. Here is me stuck with porn guy, a rifle and 60 fast friends (no idea why we need so many, but that is what we have).

The SWO popped in to drop off his building keys yesterday. I greeted him in a friendly enough manner and he replied "Uh huh" in the same way that I say to Kristi when she says something I don't agree with or don't believe. I was fully expecting to hear that something was wrong with my uniform, or something but he didn't say anything else. We have a couple of civvies working in the front office. In theory this means we no longer have to issue passes and keys, neither of which is really our job but we've been doing it. The guy is an ex military police WO. Not sure what the woman was before. She has pinky/purple hair and wears dungarees with rainbow stripes all over them. I'm not sure what her name is yet, but I've nicknamed her lesbian truck driver in the meantime. Funny. When we are there we have to be immaculate in our uniforms to present a professional image to anyone arriving on base. Guess something like that doesn't matter for civil servants? Mind you I suspect they are on the lowest pay band for the CS. Pay peanuts get monkeys.

Or should that be elephants?

Thinking about taking Ash out on Saturday. Go somewhere different. Might try him back up at the mini-railway in Inverness. We've learned not to take Ash somewhere new as a surprise and that he needs to be prepped for going new places. It really is something we should have figured out a lot earlier. He used to cry when he was in his buggy if we took a different route from what he was used to.

With the manpower situation at work, they are talking dealing with the shortage of manpower by calling us in more on standby. I've said if you keep calling me in then you will have a shortage of manpower because I'll simply quit and get a new job. Kristi has ignored all the houses I've suggested buying or said she doesn't like them since I left the airforce. I very bluntly told her that she now either had to come up with a house that would be acceptable for her, stop just automatically turn down all my suggestions or that I will go ahead and buy a house without her and she can take whatever I come up with. Hopefully she will finally take getting our own place more seriously. She was seriously panicking during my resettlement period that we'd end up homeless (even though there was no chance of me letting that happen, I do have to come out of the military at some point). I've said I'd like to be out by age 55.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 18, 2024, 10:15:40 AM
For some reason when I am up at the strat fac, I have problems with my laptop mouse. Scrolling down has become a nightmare. With the changes to the website I've changed my settings so that new posts appear at the top rather than having to scroll down to the bottom of the page as much. It is fine anywhere else, but just in there something seems to be causing interference. It's also why I redid my list of movies (since all I do up there is spend 12 hours watching films) watched this year. As the most recent post it will now appear at the top for me and mean I need to do less scrolling down (although sadly it hasn't eliminated it entirely).

Since I am on nights right now, I went to bed yesterday when I got home. Kristi took Ash down to the beach for a day out while I slept. I'd not long got up when I got a phone call from her saying that Ash had went missing in the sand dunes and she couldn't find him. I called a taxi driver who lives in the next street over and got him to run me down to the beach. Just as I got down to the harbour she phoned me to tell me she'd found him several dunes further down. He'd ran up to the top of one of them and by the time Kristi had climbed up, he was out of sight. We knew he wouldn't go down to the ocean or into the river. Anyway, when she found him he was standing crying at the top of one of the dunes. I figure he just ran off having fun until he realised he couldn't see mummy anywhere. Gave him a chat about this is why we tell you not to run out of sight and so on, but didn't give him into trouble. I figured he'd had a rough enough day. Besides he got into a lot of trouble from me for answering back and not doing as he was told. He spent the day with me with me making it very clear he was in trouble. After a few hours he came over to me to ask if we were still friends.

Last shift tonight. I'll be covering the front desk. I'll be running a second Call of Cthulhu game at Kelpie Games tomorrow so it will be a case of get home, get sleep then go out again, run that game then run home to do the regular Friday night game. Going to be fun and no doubt I'll get rules mixed up between sets.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 20, 2024, 06:25:38 AM
Well both last nights games went well, and both sessions ended up with the groups in cemetarys being overrun with by a horde of zombies. In the first one, well it meant about a quarter of Boston disappeared under a horde of vengeance-fueled zombies (that's Call of Cthulhu for you when Nyarlothotep (a god specialising in madness and suffering) decides to have fun). Even though the group died at the hands of the ghoulish horde, as far as I can tell they all had fun and want me to run more.

The second group (D&D) were walking through a cemetery when the dead started to rise in a scenario initially based on Night of the Living Dead, but ended up having more in common with Return of the Living Dead. Anyway, they fought their way across the ground to the sanctuary of a hut in the far corner only to discover that there was a vampire inside the hut (the heartfelt "Oh crap" of the cowardly gnomish wizard as he slipped inside the hut by himself first, abandoning the rest of the group will live in my memory for a long time  :bouncegiggle: ).

Covid is doing its usual thing with me where I just have zero energy. If I go out for a my usual walks then I am quickly out of breath. I'm looking for
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on July 26, 2024, 06:21:34 AM
A couple of decades ago now I went on a fairly intensive study of world religions while I was looking for some kind of proof that a god existed. I examined each of them and compared what they claimed they believed and compared it to how their followers behaved. In the end of the day actions speak louder than words as much as people will always use the line "Oh they aren't real [insert name of belief system]" whenever their fellow adherants do something nasty. Different names of each religion, same excuses. Anyway, after I'd checked out Islam, Christianity, Buddism... hell I even gave Scientology a look at and dug into the assorted different sects, breakway factions and cults. Satanism scored surprisingly highly, mosty because it was a lot more basically honest about things. They at least walked the walk as well rather than just talking the talk. Regardless, they all fell short (satanism included).

Anyway all that is history and a slight aside. What I am wondering is how when I was doing all this studying that I managed to miss any reference to this place?

Not that I'd be any more likely to follow them than I was with any of the other ones but I'd have had a good laugh at them along the way.

Last shift today. As part of us trying to get Ash used to crowds and noise we took him to see some wrestling. It was a lot more enjoyable that I expected. Ash didn't get upset and we were able to stay for the full event (which we did not expect). After one of the matches, there was a photo op with one of the champions. I asked Ash if he wanted to get in the ring and have his picture taken with him and was rather taken by surprise when he said yes. I was even more surprised when he went up, got in the ring and posed with the champion. I guess I'll need to take him to more events in the future. He's not been wanting to leave the house recently complaining that the outside has too many people. Well I can't disagree there but he needs sunlight.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 04, 2024, 03:17:40 PM
One of the women Kristi looks after lost the ability to swallow food or liquids in addition to her various other health issues. They moved her into end of life care where from the sounds of it she was kept sedated to minimise the pain she was in until she finally died (which happened earlier on today). I did warn Kristi about not getting emotionally attached to her charges. Shame she doesn't share my ability to just stop caring about someone if I feel like it.

Anyway her family have had to watch for years as this woman has slipped away from them. I'd imagine for them she has died many times and by slow degrees and her dementia claimed more and more of her.

People really should be allowed a bit more dignity about the whole dying thing.

One of my oppos sent me a picture he'd taken last night of some strange lights over the airfield in a triangular formation. I asked him if he'd reported it and went out to investigate but he said no. Really, what the hell are we doing if we aren't providing security? He said they were hanging in a static position over the runway.

Finally got around to fixing my 3D printer. Took 5 minutes of work and it is back to printing out all the tanks I could ever want. Doing a Char 2C just now.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 15, 2024, 04:45:47 PM
Holidays are over and Ash is back in school at P2. Hating it and not wanting to go still. I want to tell him I'd much rather let him stay home and have fun with him, but that just isn't the way it works.

Since both myself and Kristi spent most of June unwell and didn't do much with Ash for the first half of his holidays we squashed as much in as possible into the last couple of weeks. I got us tickets for a Dinosaur show (which turned out to be terrible) and took him down to see his gran for a couple of days amongst other things. On the way back up the train was packed with tourists. For some reason, I could hear three separate groups of North American accents (I learned some years ago that a lot of Canadians sound like they are from the states, so I try not to jump to conclusions about which country they are from when I hear the accent) all going over their relationship problems loudly. Felt like telling the guy sitting in the row in front of me that first he needed to sort out his s**t hairdo and greasy skin and then maybe he wouldn't be the only one who hadn't gotten off with someone on the trip. Left him to it though. Hopefully he'll figure it out on their own. I really wish train journeys were still done in those private compartments where I wouldn't have to hear everyone else. The worst is when you get a bunch of teenage girls talking about celebrity relationships.

Ash's first day back at school we spent in the cinema. I just surprised Kristi by deciding we were going to go watch Deadpool & Wolverine. We both loved it and wanted to watch it against straight after (something that hasn't happened since the first Deadpool movie). Unfortunately, we had to get home in time to pick the little man up.

Decided to print out the entire interior of the 'Nostromo'. Starting with the computer room which as a child was my favourite room in the movie for whatever reason. I used to make it out of lego. Anyway, once it is all built up, I'll have to run a game in it.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Zapranoth on August 15, 2024, 05:31:36 PM
Three words for you:  noise-cancelling headphones.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 17, 2024, 03:37:34 PM
Quote from: Zapranoth on August 15, 2024, 05:31:36 PMThree words for you:  noise-cancelling headphones.

Unfortunately when you are accompanying a 6 year old, as much as they might be nice I am not convinced they would work.

Had an unusual today. Got a phone call asking from a friend telling me she was trapped on her boat and could I rescue her. She'd been climbing up her ladder and it had split beneath her leaving her stranded. Luckily I have my telescopic ladders which I was able to take down and save her. There is a wedding on camp today/tonight with the service in the base chapel before having the reception in the mess. Not how I'd ever choose to get married but diifrent strokes and all that. Hopefully when the drunken guests are staggering home they won't be difficult. I'd hate to have to do all the required paperwork if I end up shooting some of them.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 22, 2024, 03:01:38 PM
Building the Nostromo.

Got my first short corridor and the computer room 75% done. I figured with he shape of the room, it would be a lot easier to show what it looks like before completing it.


The chair isn't the finished model, it is just a placeholder from a failed print. It does help hold the two sections together though until then.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on August 28, 2024, 05:58:58 AM
Spent two days in a field in a RAF base guarding US navy assets as a member of the British army. Seemed odd that they (USN) would allow their crews to drive up to their aircraft in their civilian vehicles but I guess that's their choice. If I ever finally get round to buying a car I certainly wouldn't bring it into a military base as your insurance is invalid there for a start, not to mention what would happen if you crash your car into a plane.

Having a bad enough day myself today. Somehow I managed to leave the house with all the doors locked and my keys on the inside. Since the only open windows were upstairs I must have jumped out of one of them, landed safely on the concrete then completely forgot I'd done so. Then I managed to get some very minor burns on my hand while dealing with my 3D printer and some hot plastic spraying out. I am starting to suspect I should just retreat to my bed and spend the rest of the day in there.

I guess it is going to be one of those days where everything just goes wrong.

Anyway, work is continuing on my Nostromo model. Finished the cryo chambers and I am now working on the walls of the room. I am currently filling in the gaps in the joins where I'd to cut the template up, but I think it is coming along ok.


Off to an outdoor theatre tonight to see The Hound of the Baskervilles performed in the grounds of Elgin Cathedral. Hopefully that won't go as badly wrong as everything else has thus far today.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 04, 2024, 10:22:17 AM
Someone mentioned about serving in the navy and picking up a tri-service medal. Hah, no thanks. If the damn boat sinks I am not swimming all the way home.

One more night to go and then blessed time off is mine once more. Winning at a game of Total War: Warhammer 3 at the moment. This has been happening a lot less recently since a major patch. I think the problem might have been that I was playing good races, while they've put in so many evil ones that you just get overwhelmed. Anyway, this empire is evil and has now spread across most of the world.

Spain and Japan are complaining about the number of tourists they get each year. Been to Spain, it was ok but nothing special. Other than the sunshine I am not sure why people would want to go there specifically. My most vivid memory was that it didn't matter what food we had in the hotel, it all tasted the same. Everything I could do there though was stuff I could do elsewhere, other than the bullfighting and I spent that cheering for the bulls. Japan is one of the few countries that I'd like to visit that isn't in a war, or under a totalitarian regime.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Rev. Powell on September 04, 2024, 03:00:00 PM
Spain is one of the countries I've been considering retiring to because of the climate, cost of living, relative proximity to other tourist destinations, and stable political environment.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Trevor on September 04, 2024, 03:56:17 PM
Quote from: Alex on August 17, 2024, 03:37:34 PM
Quote from: Zapranoth on August 15, 2024, 05:31:36 PMThree words for you:  noise-cancelling headphones.
Hopefully when the drunken guests are staggering home they won't be difficult. I'd hate to have to do all the required paperwork if I end up shooting some of them.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 04, 2024, 07:43:22 PM
Quote from: Rev. Powell on September 04, 2024, 03:00:00 PMSpain is one of the countries I've been considering retiring to because of the climate, cost of living, relative proximity to other tourist destinations, and stable political environment.

I don't remember the full details, but I do remember a few years back migrants were having problems with the government seizing houses off them in Spain.

It is indeed easy to get around Europe. I'd advice looking for a place outside of the tourist regions, but then again it depends what you are looking for.

Oh, and I believe Spain also doesn't extrade people to countries if they will face the death penalty.  You never know when random bits of info like that can come in handy.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 10, 2024, 06:17:22 AM
A woman Kristi knows from work is moving away. Her husband is in the airforce and is being posted on promotion. She is one of those people who is constantly whining about everything in her life and no matter what solutions are presented will only seek to come up with ways why those won't work rather than trying anything. I am quite glad to see her going. She invivted herself round to dinner one night. I was upstairs at the time when I heard Kristi letting her in the house. I started to count to see how long it would be before she started complaining about her life. I got to 3. She's been asking about borrowing some of our boardgames and we've been trying to come up with a polite way to say no.

I guess that is no longer a problem.

A few days ago she came over to speak to me while I was picking up Ash from school (I've successfully managed to discourage most parents from bothering me with their idle chit chat just by wearing my leather jacket covered in heavy metal patches, but some are more persistant than others). She was telling me how while this move takes them closer to where they want to be it isn't exactly what they want. I gave her some suggestions that if they act on them will allow them to move away 3 months sooner.

Having a child might have softened me a lot, but it hasn't made me feel any better about people in general.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 17, 2024, 06:54:56 PM
Mum went home today. She seemed to enjoy her trip and the concert. I guess that was a win. I am glad I was able to give them a fun experience and good memories. Several times I saw my mum singing along and I got her up to dance (the band were trying to get people up to dance, the venue security not so much. Eventually they gave up and just let people have fun). Myself and Kristi weren't quite the youngest ones there, but there weren't many. I am willing to bet no one in the current line up was actually alive when The Drifters first started out. What the difference is between a band with no original members left, or even anyone from the height of their fame who only do old music and a cover band I do not know. They were good singers though either way. Kristi did a bit of googling and discovered they'd have over 60 members over the years.

I really should remember to book this week off work. Every year I mean to, but I very rarely get around to booking it off. I went up to the cemetary and put down a couple of fresh bunches of flowers. Saw my mum and sister off just before then, before heading back home.

No preachers managed to p**s me off on the way home by suggesting I beg forgiveness from Jesus. Its been a while since any of the street preachers tried that one. Then again these days they tend to cling more to doorways and hope that people come to them. Its better that way. Only the mormons still seem to go door to door. Funny that I feel that connecting Kristi to her church as a way of giving her an independant social circle from me would turn out to be a terrible decision and be a major step in moving her away from her religion. Evidently the judgemental attitudes and general self rightousness that was a factor in me rejecting christianity was not a localised thing or even confined to the churches I was brought up in. I met some nice people there, but the infighting and snobbery just made me not want to be a part of it. Of course, that was all secondary compared to the sheer boredom I felt at every service.

Boy did that boredom shape my future in many ways. I can track my need to multitask and be doing as many things as possible to keep me interested back to those Sunday mornings. Not being bored drove much of my career choices, although not in the ways you might think. It was always all about ways I could entertain myself, not about work that would interest me. That was more of a bonus. Then again, the long term goal was always to get the pension. How I got there was less important than the destination for a change. I could afford to take jobs others wouldn't as long as it aimed me towards that end.

Shame I couldn't get an embassay role somewhere. I think I'd have enjoyed that. Still all things considered I didn't do too badly. I never wanted to work in the same type of job twice and mostly avoided that.

If the exploding pagers is a move by Israel I would almost have to take my hat off to them, were it not for the untargetted nature of the attack. Still, if you hit first you can't really complain about being hit back harder.

Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 22, 2024, 01:07:23 PM
Managed to finish up this years diorama for Kristi. It took about 2 months of work to make it, but over a year of collecting up the bits and pieces to go into it. I do have a couple of things I might add to it later on. I kind of want it to be like a Derek Riggs album cover where the more you look at it, the more things you find it in (peaking I feel with Stranger In A Strange Land). Two of the things I am thinking about adding are skulls falling from the back, lining the tracks behind the wheels and a mob of undead following the coach. Might wrap some vines around the trees.

Back view.

Front view.

Rear view.

Hidden cat.


Had a friend come round. We chatted a bit, talked about whatever and somewhere during the conversation asked if he could listen to The Ramones. Got their greatest hits kicking around somewhere. I never quite understood the affection for that band. They weren't punk, weren't rock. I'd describe them as soft pop with influences from other genres. Most of their tunes I find unlistenable, so I just said I didn't have any of their stuff. Since Ash was watching train stuff on tv, I didn't bother streaming it either. He can listen to wannabe's on his own time.

Joining the list of companies going out of business, it seems Tupperware is unable to compete with companies copying it and has filed for bankrupcy. They should have came up with some way of stopping the lids from going missing.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 26, 2024, 07:26:24 AM
Looks like a nice day outside. Of course, spending it in a windowless room means we don't get to appreciate it any. One of the wargames (Bolt Action) I play is releasing a new edition today. I've preordered mine. I was hoping like some other people my boxed set would arrive early as I'd have been able to spend yesterday and today building the figures, but alas it isn't due to arrive until after I'd left for work.

One of the guys at work and who is the butt of many a joke made at his expense told me that he was getting a bit tired of it. I've not been joining in with the those ones, but I did have a word with the main instigator and mention that he'd told me he was getting a bit tired of it all the time. Hopefully he'll back off a bit, give the guy some room to breath. It does get fairly constant from the moment he arrives until everyone else leaves and then sometimes continues on social media. While its mostly been good natured (and funny), I think the sheer amount of stuff happening might qualify as bullying. I'd hate to see a complaint go in and someone be forced to move, or someone quit over it since we generally have a tolerable bunch here.

Six more shifts to do until I go on holiday. Looking forward to that. We'll be taking in 3 different countries and 5 states according to the current plan, although I am hoping for a surprise 6th one. We shall have to see how it goes though. I don't think we will ever beat our three European capitals in one day trip though.

Spent the day doing some writing and watching dubbed Italian horror movies from the pre-80s. The dubbing does not add to the performances I do have to say, but the writing was productive at least.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on September 27, 2024, 06:13:46 AM
Got some good news today. When I joined MPGS I assumed that it would have a neglible effect on my current pension as I was already being paid a full one. Turns out I get an entirely seperate second pension out of the job. That is making me reconsider my plans about leaving at 55. I am seriously considering staying on until I am 60 now. Its actually making me feel quite cheerful.

Managed to seriously wind up Paddy today which has restored my faith in my ability to get to anyone no matter how normally unflappable they are. He was talking about how he is supposed to be going camping but the weather is going to be terrible. He is going to try and persuade his kid to go for a caravan instead. I told him he better watch out going all soft like that. People will start to think he is RAF instead of army.

Yeah that was enough to trigger him. He physically threw me out of his office.  :bouncegiggle:

Now I need to get a photo of him without him noticing and photoshop it onto a RAF uniform, then plaster the place in printouts.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 07, 2024, 01:11:44 PM
Another 4 days done and on to my time off. Grim and gray day outside. Autumn has arrived and winter is on its coattails. Or Storm Season pt 1 as I prefer to think of it. I am still hoping for gentler storms this year. The dunes on the west beach will need years to recover from last years damage. The local council sure as s**t isn't going to do anything to help matters until it is too late and the whole thing is biting them on the ass. Maybe we will get lucky again and central government will step in, but I'd hate to rely on that kind of intervention. That is the problem with elected officials. They don't have to have any competance, just win a popularity contest.
Title: Re: Alex's even longer post thread.
Post by: Alex on October 11, 2024, 11:52:58 AM
Decided to watch Farscape. Watched part of the first season when it first aired and then only the occasional episode after that. Didn't know that the actress who played the plant woman was the same one who played the warrior woman in Mad Max 2. Autumn is certainly here, although everyone is grumbling and claiming its winter already. Yeah right. What you going to do when the real bad weather arrives? Wasn't the finest example of a summer I've ever experienced, but I've seen a lot worse.

Poor Tony. He has started playing an online WW2 tank game and is discovering that early war German tanks are not very good against Soviet T34s and KV-2s. Right now his choices are between a Panzer III or a Stug 3. I've suggested the Stug, but either will struggle. Shame he can't take an 88 AA. He's decided to take my recommendation of switching sides and playing as the Soviets and is now sitting in a T-34/76.

Got the last of the plans in place for our next holiday. Going to visit a couple of places I've not been before. Got some other special stuff I am really looking forward too, but more of that later on.