Hi All
Looking for a late 90s / early 2000 European Thriller / Horror involving an Internet Predator.
What I remember is;
This aired on SBS in the early 2000s (SBS is an Australian free to air channel that airs Foreign Films.), and I remember it being fairly new looking at the time of watching.
I believe this was made in the late 90s / perhaps 2000 to 2001. No later than that.
Lead actress was punk / gothic, with piercings or tattoos. I believe the plot was about her friend or relative going missing after chatting with someone online.
The lead actress is forced to strip in front of a webcam by the villain (no, this is not why I want to track this film down :P ).
At some point, the lead is locked in a bathroom but escapes, left gasping for air.
I know this will probably be impossible to find, but I just thought I'd try.
Any help is greatly appreciated! I know this may be hard, but I remember sensing this wasn't a low budget film - so hopefully it's a widely known European film that somebody can help me out with :)
Knee-jerk guess would be THE CARD PLAYER (04) by Dario Argento. It has a lot of what you're recalling in it. But... it's 2004.
Thanks for the suggestion!!! I have checked out the trailer for The Card Player; the film I'm on a quest to finding has a similar vibe / aura to The Card Player, but certainly isn't it. I'm positive the film I'm after was made before 2002, as I watched it in my old home that I moved out of in 2002. Really trying to remember any other details, but the only new thing I can remember is the film may have been French.
Really appreciate the feedback though!
Quote from: 180bysummer on August 27, 2014, 09:27:25 PM
Thanks for the suggestion!!! I have checked out the trailer for The Card Player; the film I'm on a quest to finding has a similar vibe / aura to The Card Player, but certainly isn't it. I'm positive the film I'm after was made before 2002, as I watched it in my old home that I moved out of in 2002. Really trying to remember any other details, but the only new thing I can remember is the film may have been French.
Really appreciate the feedback though!
Edit - It could also have been Italian...In fact, most likely Italian but possibly French.
Strangeland, maybe. It's been so long since I saw it I don't know if it matches anything except being about an internet predator.
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0124102/plotsummary?ref_=tt_ov_pl (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0124102/plotsummary?ref_=tt_ov_pl)
Sounds like STRANGELAND to me too.
Thanks for the suggestion; Strangeland is sadly not the film either. I found Strangeland via google in my quest to find this mysterious film, and while similar in premise; it's not the film I'm looking for. The film I'm looking for was definitely not in English.
I can fill in the blanks more so;
* the lead actress (brunette, punk) decides to try and find her sibling / roommate / friend without the cops. I believe she was pleading with the cops to try harder but to no avail.
* Quite convinced the year it was released was 2000, as I seem to recall seeing the title in a tv guide. It had a short title, and I believe it started with "The".
* when the punk lead actress is chatting with the villain and is asked to strip, she immediately says "no way" or something along those lines (in her language). I remember this because the subtitles were quite long throughout this film, but when she says no it was a very brief set of subtitles. She eventually does agree to strip.
* I seem to recall the villain being an older man, and the villain was definitely more grounded/realistic than Strangeland.
I am continuing to Google as I try and remember every vivid detail. Thanks for the replies thus far!
10 year bump because I found it haha!
Somebody on Facebook was selling a collection of TV Guides from 2000 to 2002, which just so happened to line up with my memory as to when I first watched this. After looking through around 70 magazines - BINGO!
The film is called Verführt - Eine gefährliche Affäre (translation - Fatal Online Affair) - 1999. Plot is exactly how I remembered. Sadly I am having trouble with finding English subtitles. Found the video on the youtube, which has auto generated English Subs. Not perfect, but this scratches that 10 year itch!
Glad you found it and thanks for letting us know!