Originally Cola-Cola's main ingredient was cocaine leading to the name "coco-cola".
Creme brulee is TRULY God's food.
That's a fact :teddyr:
Ted Moore BSC was the first South African to win an Academy Award, not Charlize Theron. :smile:
Lady Gaga sucks. And her new song too.
President Andrew Johnson made pets of the White House mice.
Jell-o is made from gelatin, an animal product rendered from the hides and bones of animals.
Quote from: Nightowl on February 11, 2011, 01:59:01 PM
Jell-o is made from gelatin, an animal product rendered from the hides and bones of animals.
Pigs are included, which is why Jell-O is considered non-kosher.
Cats and dogs sweat through the pads of their feet.
Quote from: Flick James on February 11, 2011, 02:41:54 PM
Quote from: Nightowl on February 11, 2011, 01:59:01 PM
Jell-o is made from gelatin, an animal product rendered from the hides and bones of animals.
Pigs are included, which is why Jell-O is considered non-kosher.
Chinese gelatin is usually made from Duck Feet
Horses can't vomit.
Sharks do not have bones. Their skeletons are made of cartilage.
The actor who played Uncle Phil in the "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" is the same man who voiced Shredder in the original series of "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles".
That is literally my favourite fact.
Stairway To Heaven by Led Zeppelin is known to be plagiarized from the instrumental song Taurus by Spirit.
Red Velvet Cake / Cupcakes contain bug juice.
I'm not wearing any underwear; film at 11 :smile:
There's a place on Mars where the women smoke cigars.
Russell Hoban, author of "Pilgermann" and "Riddley Walker", also wrote the "Frances the Badger" series and "Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas" for children.
Cats, Camels, and Giraffes are the only quadupeds who walk with the 'side step'; i.e. they move both legs on the same side of the body when they walk. All others move opposite legs (front left with rear right) together when walking.
Quote from: Raffine on February 12, 2011, 02:07:11 PM
Cats, Camels, and Giraffes are the only quadupeds who walk with the 'side step'; i.e. they move both legs on the same side of the body when they walk. All others move opposite legs (front left with rear right) together when walking.
Some dogs and horses do it too, Raffine! It's called "pacing"
Quote from: Raffine on February 12, 2011, 02:07:11 PM
Cats, Camels, and Giraffes are the only quadupeds who walk with the 'side step'; i.e. they move both legs on the same side of the body when they walk. All others move opposite legs (front left with rear right) together when walking.
At slow speeds, most quadrupeds do it since they're better balanced that way (three legs on the ground as opposed to two. Now go to a museum that features posed skeletons, stuffed specimens or sculptures of quadruped animals walking. Odds are, they got the gait wrong.)
http://www.livescience.com/5304-museum-animal-displays-dont-walk-walk.html (http://www.livescience.com/5304-museum-animal-displays-dont-walk-walk.html)
Did you know that the letter "S" comes right after "R"?
It blows your mind, doesn't it?
I really don't know what I'm doing.
The moon gets 3.8 centimeters farther away from the earth each year.
Quote from: The Gravekeeper on February 12, 2011, 03:30:39 PM
Quote from: Raffine on February 12, 2011, 02:07:11 PM
Cats, Camels, and Giraffes are the only quadupeds who walk with the 'side step'; i.e. they move both legs on the same side of the body when they walk. All others move opposite legs (front left with rear right) together when walking.
At slow speeds, most quadrupeds do it since they're better balanced that way (three legs on the ground as opposed to two. Now go to a museum that features posed skeletons, stuffed specimens or sculptures of quadruped animals walking. Odds are, they got the gait wrong.)
http://www.livescience.com/5304-museum-animal-displays-dont-walk-walk.html (http://www.livescience.com/5304-museum-animal-displays-dont-walk-walk.html)
He's talking about the legs moving in
pairs, producing a two-beat gait with the four legs. The walk is a four-beat gait as each leg moves on its own as you noted. In the trot each diagonal pair (LF and RH, RF and LH) moves, lands and pushes off together. In the pace - such as camels do - the lateral pair (the two legs on the same side: LF and LH, RF and RH) move in time. Pacing is a much less common gait.
From Wiki:
QuoteThe Pace is a lateral two-beat gait. In the pace, the two legs on the same side of the horse move forward together, unlike the trot, where the two legs diagonally opposite from each other move forward together. In both the pace and the trot, two feet are always off the ground. The trot is much more common, but some horses, particularly in breeds bred for harness racing, naturally prefer to pace.
...With one exception, a fast pace is uncomfortable for riding and very difficult to sit, because the rider is moved rapidly from side to side. The motion feels somewhat as if the rider is on a camel, another animal that naturally paces.
From an article about gaits in the German Shepherd: http://www.shawlein.com/The_Standard/08_Overview_of_Gait/Overview_of_Gait.html
All dogs pace at one time or another. It's a gait that offers more speed than the walk without the energy consumption of the trot, which is probably why it is seen as a lazy gait. It appears clumsy because the body shifts from side to side, in exactly the same fashion as the camel, nature's best pacer. In fact, what is happening is quite interesting. Normally, a leg, front or rear, must be hauled forward by muscular work, and then thrust forward with more muscular work. But at the pace, the slight shift of the body to one side allows the legs of the opposite side to be swung forward by pendulum action, with very little muscular exertion. The camel uses this gait because of the incredibly harsh nature of its environment and the shortage of resources. It cannot afford to expend a drop more energy than is required. Generally, it is movement without any period of suspension. This would require extra speed and exertion, which the pace is not intended to provide. The Standardbred pacing horse specializes in a highly artificial, high speed, suspended pace because of breeding, training and special harnesses. For the horse, this gait prevents hoof interference and injury, allowing a huge overreach which is more difficult to achieve at the trot.
Sorry to run on - quadrupedal gaits and their analysis and variations are something I deal with in detail on a daily basis. (Sigh) You hit one of my 'buttons'!
Did you know that Mills Darden, of North Carolina, was 7 feet tall and weighed in at 1000 pounds? He could lift a live calf under each arm and walk across the feed lot with them!
Quote from: indianasmith on February 12, 2011, 08:09:11 PM
Did you know that Mills Darden, of North Carolina, was 7 feet tall and weighed in at 1000 pounds? He could lift a live calf under each arm and walk across the feed lot with them!
Whoa, Indy!
North Carolina, huh? And I thought you guys were always going on about how they always grew em' bigger and better in Texas... :wink: :cheers:
We actually had a whole family of giants from here in Hunt County that toured with P.T. Barnum back in the late 1800's/ They were four brothers, last name Shields, who all stood over seven feet tall! They were billed as the "Texas Giants."
What made Mills Darden so unique was not just his height but his enormous size. Seven feet tall and a thousand pounds - he weighed twice as much as Shaq!
If you find a discarded panda tooth, you have the power to summon Godzilla.
In the disney film The Rescuers a topless woman can be seen in the background. Since 1999 Disney has fixed it.
Quote from: Trevor on February 11, 2011, 04:52:00 AM
Ted Moore BSC was the first South African to win an Academy Award, not Charlize Theron. :smile:
Bronze Swimming Certificate?
Javier Bardem is one seriously hot and sexy hunk of man meat. :tongueout:
Alex Sink, the Democratic nominee for Governor of Florida in 2010, is the great granddaughter of original Siamese twin Chang Bunker.
EDIT: I have no idea what quadrupedal gait Chang and Eng used.
Armadilloes always give birth to identical quadruplets.
Quote from: indianasmith on February 13, 2011, 08:54:31 AM
Armadilloes always give birth to identical quadruplets.
Thd 9-banded armidillo is the only animal besides humans that gets leprocy. (sp?)
When armadillos started showing up in Alabama they were jokingly called 'Possum on the Half Shell'.
Quote from: ghouck on February 13, 2011, 09:31:47 AM
Quote from: indianasmith on February 13, 2011, 08:54:31 AM
Armadilloes always give birth to identical quadruplets.
TQuote from: ghouck on February 13, 2011, 09:31:47 AM
hd 9-banded armidillo is the only animal besides humans that gets leprocy. (sp?)
I know..I heard that awhile back and I was a bit suprised. It's amazing that certain of animals get the things they get, such as reptiles and birds with salmonella.
Then again, as they are genetically similar, such seems natural with both creatures.
Leprosy and armadillos, huh? Well that really bites..
Lynyrd Skynyrd's song "That Smell" was written by Ronnie Van Zant. The song was written as a sign of his disappoint of lead guitarist Gary Rossington's lifestyle of his alcohol and drug use. Three days later after the album was released the band died in a plane crash. Gary Rossington survived. The album showing the band standing over a fire was recalled.
Getting older sucks. If I'm not 100% on top of my diet every day my knees start hurting :buggedout:
When did I turn into an old lady?????? :bluesad: :buggedout:
Quote from: Killer Bees on February 17, 2011, 05:20:51 AM
When did I turn into an old lady?????? :bluesad: :buggedout:
Hopefully on the 12th of never. :teddyr: :wink:
Quote from: theedinburghbteam on February 11, 2011, 06:03:18 PM
The actor who played Uncle Phil in the "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" is the same man who voiced Shredder in the original series of "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles".
That is literally my favourite fact.
I have to give you karma for that: I never knew that at all. :teddyr:
Four out of five dentists surveyed recommend sugarless gum for their patients who chew gum.
Led Zeppelin's In Through the Out Door album when in contact with water the inner sleeve will change color
Quote from: Trevor on February 17, 2011, 06:05:21 AM
Quote from: Killer Bees on February 17, 2011, 05:20:51 AM
When did I turn into an old lady?????? :bluesad: :buggedout:
Hopefully on the 12th of never. :teddyr: :wink:
Thanks Trevor. I just came over all warm and fuzzy inside :twirl:
In spite of what the haters might say, Starbucks coffee beans make an excellent cup of coffee, especially when you make it at home yourself. :thumbup:
Quote from: Killer Bees on February 18, 2011, 04:26:14 AM
In spite of what the haters might say, Starbucks coffee beans make an excellent cup of coffee, especially when you make it at home yourself. :thumbup:
We don't have Starbucks here but we do have Wild Bean coffee: you buy this at any BP garage / gas station and it. is. heaven. in. a cup. :teddyr: :drink:
Originally, The Flintstones was made for adults not kids & was sponsored by Winston cigarettes, Flintstones even did a commercial for Winston cigarettes. It wasn't to the third season to The Flintstones added a theme song & made the show family friendly.
Quote from: Trevor on February 18, 2011, 09:11:22 AM
Quote from: Killer Bees on February 18, 2011, 04:26:14 AM
In spite of what the haters might say, Starbucks coffee beans make an excellent cup of coffee, especially when you make it at home yourself. :thumbup:
We don't have Starbucks here but we do have Wild Bean coffee: you buy this at any BP garage / gas station and it. is. heaven. in. a cup. :teddyr: :drink:
Trevor, we have Wild Bean here too at the BPs, but it's not as good as Starbucks. Maybe you guys get your beans sourced from somewhere else. :question:
That doesn't stop me from getting a cup whenever I'm on the road. A mediocre cup of coffee is better than no cup of coffee :thumbup:
But they do have wicked donuts :teddyr:
Even though it was made in 1958 Ed Woods' NIGHT OF THE GHOULS wasn't released until 1982. It had been sitting in a film post-production house for all those years because of an unpaid lab bill. Woods' widow Kathy told producer Wade Williams about it so he paid the bill and got control of the film.
Stephen King Will allow aspiring film-makers to purchase the film rights to any of his short stories (and only short-stories, not novels) for a dollar. The resulting films are sent directly to him and, if he enjoys them, placed on a shelf marked "Dollar-Babies."
Quote from: Nightowl on February 20, 2011, 12:18:46 AM
Stephen King Will allow aspiring film-makers to purchase the film rights to any of his short stories (and only short-stories, not novels) for a dollar. The resulting films are sent directly to him and, if he enjoys them, placed on a shelf marked "Dollar-Babies."
Really? I think I need to spread the word around here; lots of aspiring filmmakers who could benefit from having the burden of coming up with the plot removed from their shoulders.
The first school shooting in the United States happened in Bethel Alaska.
The expression "15 minutes of fame" was coined by Andy Warhol.
As I write this, I am not wearing pants. It's a fact.
Armadillos always give birth to identical quadruplets.
Quote from: indianasmith on April 30, 2011, 11:42:45 PM
Armadillos always give birth to identical quadruplets.
The Ford Pinto SHOULD have been one of the safest cars on the road. It was meant to feature three highly advanced safety features that were cut out of production due to cost. Those features were anti-lock brakes, Airbags, and bladderized fuel tanks. Instead its potential for disaster is almost cliche.
Reminds me of a recurring bit the Frantics did on their TV show in the 80s - Mr. Interesting.
"Here's an interesting fact. If you were to take every woman in the world and line them up, naked, I'd be right over."
Here's a real one I touched on in another thread recently. Superman creator Joe Shuster was the cousin of Frank Shuster, of the comedy duo Wayne and Shuster. Wayne and Shuster appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show 67 times.
It is almost impossible for an opossum to get rabies. Their normal body temperature is way too low.
So if you see a opossum, give it a hug.
Ice cream cake is the Breakfast of champions for children. :smile:
Possums are the only marsupial native to North America.
The Spanish have a wider range of foods flavoured with almonds than any other country in the world.
The opossum is part of the Earth's oldest surviving mammal family.
Opossums lived during the Age of the Dinosaurs... fossil remains have been found from 70 million years ago.
It is speculated Albertosaurus, commonly refered to as the 'Hillbilly Dinosaur', regularly feasted on possum.
Fact. There are 3 types of Jet Jaguar. :thumbup:
Jet Jaguar from Godzilla vs. Megalon (1973) a Medical Jet Jaguar from 90's television series Godzilla Island and a Fire Fighter Jet Jaguar, both work for G-Guard on the Island.
Some fish individuals are both males and females, either simultaneously or sequentially. There is no genetic or physical reason why hermaphroditism should not be present. About 21 families of fish are hermaphrodites.
Grover Cleveland was one of three U.S. Presidents to get married while in office. He was a 47 year old bachelor at the time . . . his bride, Frances, was 22 - the youngest First Lady in American History!
The 3rd Infantry Regiment of the French Foreign Legion is stationed in the town of Kourou, French Guiana. Ironically, its base is in the Forget neighbourhood.
Portugal is the largest producer of cork in the world.
Until he was nine years old, the woman Eric Clapton thought was his sister was actually his mother.
Blackie Lawless of W.A.S.P. fame once auditioned for the part of the T-1000 in Terminator 2.
Quote from: diamondwaspvenom on June 28, 2011, 03:07:55 PM
Blackie Lawless of W.A.S.P. fame once auditioned for the part of the T-1000 in Terminator 2.
:thumbup: Yeah, but at 6'5 he was deemed too tall. Plus, when you meet him in person (still in stage gear) and he's got 3-4 inch heels on, he's about 7ft tall!
botulinum (aka botox) is the most toxic substance known to man. 1 kilogram would be enough to kill over 8 million people
The current CEO of the South African National Blood Service was once rejected as a blood donor because she is black.
Culled from the "Who Is This Person?" thread:
Irene "Granny Clampett" Ryan had a recording contract with Motown Records.
Animal Fun Fact:
Mantis shrimp aka "Thumb Splitters" can crack aquarium glass with one punch.
Honey is the only food that never goes off
Dinocampus coccinellae is a braconid wasp parasite . It has been described as turning its ladybird host into a temporary "zombie" guarding the wasp cocoon. About 25% of ladybirds recover after the cocoon they are guarding matures.
Dogs can't look up.
Some new winconsin quarters contain an error that can leave you rich.
The nine blue and white stripes of the Greek flag stand for the nine syllables of the slogan of the war of independence from Turkey, Eleutheria i Thanatos ('Freedom or Death').
In 1987 The Royal Canadian Mint introduced the Canadian one-dollar coin, commonly known as the Loonie.
Quote from: Nightowl on June 29, 2011, 05:39:34 PM
Some new winconsin quarters contain an error that can leave you rich.
the sad thing is that I may have accidently spent the valueable quarter :(
Fact. I didn't enjoy the 1st 2 Transformers movies. :thumbdown:
The phrase "Jumping the shark" comes from a episode of happy days where fonzie jumps over a shark while wearing a motorcycle jacket and swiming trunks.
Quote from: Nightowl on July 03, 2011, 12:37:01 PM
The phrase "Jumping the shark" comes from a episode of happy days where fonzie jumps over a shark while wearing a motorcycle jacket and swiming trunks.
He jumps another shark in Arrested Development.
In 1999, the total number of people killed by guns in the USA was 28,874. In Britain, the figure was 207.
Surely a few of those plugged in the U.S. were British . . . just trying to keep your total up! LOL
Quote from: Circus Circus on July 04, 2011, 01:27:04 PM
In 1999, the total number of people killed by guns in the USA was 28,874. In Britain, the figure was 207.
Welcome to the jungle...
Nah, I joke. That's sad really. We can only hope our numbers drop. Hats off to Britain! :thumbup:
Quote from: Circus Circus on July 04, 2011, 01:27:04 PM
In 1999, the total number of people killed by guns in the USA was 28,874. In Britain, the figure was 207.
To be fair though, USA has several times as many people, AND Dick Cheney was on a political hiatus in '99. He probably constitutes a large part of the difference.
Quote from: ghouck on July 04, 2011, 02:47:41 PM
Quote from: Circus Circus on July 04, 2011, 01:27:04 PM
In 1999, the total number of people killed by guns in the USA was 28,874. In Britain, the figure was 207.
To be fair though, USA has several times as many people, AND Dick Cheney was on a political hiatus in '99. He probably constitutes a large part of the difference.
Just for the record, I wasn't posting this to highlight anything or make claim that Britain is safer/better. North America is gargantuan in comparison, so there's obviously going to be a higher rate of gun fatalities. Just a fact I happened to read today. :smile:
Quote from: Circus Circus on July 04, 2011, 02:52:13 PM
Quote from: ghouck on July 04, 2011, 02:47:41 PM
Quote from: Circus Circus on July 04, 2011, 01:27:04 PM
In 1999, the total number of people killed by guns in the USA was 28,874. In Britain, the figure was 207.
To be fair though, USA has several times as many people, AND Dick Cheney was on a political hiatus in '99. He probably constitutes a large part of the difference.
Just for the record, I wasn't posting this to highlight anything or make claim that Britain is safer/better. North America is gargantuan in comparison, so there's obviously going to be a higher rate of gun fatalities. Just a fact I happened to read today. :smile:
I thought you were pointing out how much better aim we have than you guys. :teddyr:
Well, I personally can shoot a hummingbird off a high wire 40 feet away . . . with a BB gun!!
Or, at least, I did that once!
Quote from: ghouck on July 04, 2011, 02:47:41 PM
Quote from: Circus Circus on July 04, 2011, 01:27:04 PM
In 1999, the total number of people killed by guns in the USA was 28,874. In Britain, the figure was 207.
To be fair though, USA has several times as many people, AND Dick Cheney was on a political hiatus in '99. He probably constitutes a large part of the difference.
Quote from: ghouck on July 04, 2011, 02:56:12 PM
Quote from: Circus Circus on July 04, 2011, 02:52:13 PM
Quote from: ghouck on July 04, 2011, 02:47:41 PM
Quote from: Circus Circus on July 04, 2011, 01:27:04 PM
In 1999, the total number of people killed by guns in the USA was 28,874. In Britain, the figure was 207.
To be fair though, USA has several times as many people, AND Dick Cheney was on a political hiatus in '99. He probably constitutes a large part of the difference.
Just for the record, I wasn't posting this to highlight anything or make claim that Britain is safer/better. North America is gargantuan in comparison, so there's obviously going to be a higher rate of gun fatalities. Just a fact I happened to read today. :smile:
I thought you were pointing out how much better aim we have than you guys. :teddyr:
Yeah, that's what I meant to say :wink:
The Signers of The Declaration of Independence Did So On August 2nd, 1776 Not July 4th
Quote from: indianasmith on July 04, 2011, 03:00:49 PM
Well, I personally can shoot a hummingbird off a high wire 40 feet away . . . with a BB gun!!
Or, at least, I did that once!
That's not very nice.
When you grill FROZEN hot dogs at 390 F for 35 minutes in the oven they will increase in size, split open, and have a crispy crust.
Won't get the same results when grilling thawed hot dogs :smile:
Quote from: ghouck on July 04, 2011, 05:39:36 PM
Quote from: indianasmith on July 04, 2011, 03:00:49 PM
Well, I personally can shoot a hummingbird off a high wire 40 feet away . . . with a BB gun!!
Or, at least, I did that once!
That's not very nice.
I was young and stupid and it was on a dare . . . I would not do it today.
Still, it was a heck of a shot!
More gun fun.... :wink:
Guns were introduced into Japan by the Portuguese in 1543, but banned by the government 100 years later. The only weapon a samurai was allowed to carry was a sword, and no one else was allowed a weapon of any kind.
The actor who played Scotty on Star Trek was shot six times on D-day.
The word aa is the first in the Dictionary of Official Scrabble Words. It is a kind of lava emitted by Hawaiian volcanoes.
Quote from: Nightowl on July 05, 2011, 07:38:31 PM
The actor who played Scotty on Star Trek was shot six times on D-day.
He also lost the middle finger of his right hand. Even they went through pains to hide it this fact can sometimes be spotted on
Star Trek.
Quote from: Circus Circus on July 04, 2011, 02:52:13 PM
Quote from: ghouck on July 04, 2011, 02:47:41 PM
Quote from: Circus Circus on July 04, 2011, 01:27:04 PM
In 1999, the total number of people killed by guns in the USA was 28,874. In Britain, the figure was 207.
To be fair though, USA has several times as many people, AND Dick Cheney was on a political hiatus in '99. He probably constitutes a large part of the difference.
Just for the record, I wasn't posting this to highlight anything or make claim that Britain is safer/better. North America is gargantuan in comparison, so there's obviously going to be a higher rate of gun fatalities. Just a fact I happened to read today. :smile:
I live in a house full of math geeks: if you do the math, relative to the population of each country in 1999 it turns out that you are something on the order of
thirty times more likely to be shot and killed in the US than in the UK. That is a much higher rate and has nothing to do with the larger population (unless that makes the Americans testier?)
Surrounded by math geeks. I cannot help it.
Our chief of police just told the general public not to be concerned about the recent spate of shootings since it was only thugs shooting thugs.
If you are not a thug you have nothing to worry about! :thumbup:
The Theil–Sen estimator can accurately fit a line to a set of sample points even when up to 29% of the points have been arbitrarily corrupted. :buggedout:
Quote from: Nightowl on July 05, 2011, 07:38:31 PM
The actor who played Scotty on Star Trek was shot six times on D-day.
What does that mean? :question:
What that means is this: James Doohan ("Scotty") served in World War II and was one of the young soldiers who stormed onto the beaches at Normandy, France on June 6, 1944. He stopped six German bullets and lived to tell the tale. In short, James Doohan was a real, honest to gosh war hero - not the phony kind from movies and video games!!!!
Sorry to sound testy, but as a history teacher, I threw up in my mouth a little when I read that question.
Quote from: indianasmith on July 08, 2011, 03:29:17 PM
What that means is this: James Doohan ("Scotty") served in World War II and was one of the young soldiers who stormed onto the beaches at Normandy, France on June 6, 1944. He stopped six German bullets and lived to tell the tale. In short, James Doohan was a real, honest to gosh war hero - not the phony kind from movies and video games!!!!
Sorry to sound testy, but as a history teacher, I threw up in my mouth a little when I read that question.
Thanks for that info, Indiana. Yeah, sorry I'm not that brite or as smart as you apparently. I mean, I know what D day is I just didn't understand that fact, smartass... I never knew Scotty was a war hero. That's cool! :smile:
I hope you didn't swallow any of that vomit?
Quote from: indianasmith on July 08, 2011, 03:29:17 PM
What that means is this: James Doohan ("Scotty") served in World War II and was one of the young soldiers who stormed onto the beaches at Normandy, France on June 6, 1944. He stopped six German bullets and lived to tell the tale. In short, James Doohan was a real, honest to gosh war hero - not the phony kind from movies and video games!!!!
Sorry to sound testy, but as a history teacher, I threw up in my mouth a little when I read that question.
D-Day is when Doohan lost his finger, too.
The word 'abbeys' appears only once in the whole of Shakespeare. There are 8,597 other words that Shakespeare uses only once.
Fact No. 1: Love is the ultimate lie
Fact No. 2: Life is the ultimate practical joke
Fact No. 3: Leroy Jethro Gibbs is cooler and tougher than Arnie and Chuck combined
Fact No. 4: Baileys is the drink of choice for the heartbroken the world over
If you put 367 people in a room, the odds that at least 2 of them will share a birthday are 100%
But with just 57 people in a room, the odds are still over 99% that 2 of them will share a birthday
The term Soft Drinks comes from any drink that doesnt contain alcohol.
If you catch four young goats in 100+ degree heat in the middle of the afternoon, and carry each of them to the buyer's truck 100 yards from the barn you caught them in, you will sweat approximately 1 1/2 quarts in the process! :buggedout:
Ducks have 3 eyelids.
Aberdeen has the largest and busiest civilian heliport in the world, though the world record for helicopter flights during a single day occurred at Silverstone heliport during the 1999 Grand Prix.
Catfish is high in Vitamin D.
Snakes cannot blink.
It is against the law to sing off-key in North Carolina.
Tootsie Rolls were named after creator Leo Hirshfield's five year old daughter whose nickname was "Tootsie" (her real name was Clara Hirshfield).
Abkhazian, spoken in the Caucasus, is said to be the world's hardest language to learn, with 70 sounds but only two vowels. Each verb has several million forms.
Quote from: Raffine on July 08, 2011, 05:40:45 PM
Quote from: indianasmith on July 08, 2011, 03:29:17 PM
What that means is this: James Doohan ("Scotty") served in World War II and was one of the young soldiers who stormed onto the beaches at Normandy, France on June 6, 1944. He stopped six German bullets and lived to tell the tale. In short, James Doohan was a real, honest to gosh war hero - not the phony kind from movies and video games!!!!
Sorry to sound testy, but as a history teacher, I threw up in my mouth a little when I read that question.
D-Day is when Doohan lost his finger, too.
But, it apparently pays to smoke. One of the bullets, or so I heard, would have gone straight through his heart, killing him, except it was stopped by a silver cigarette case, which he just happend to be carrying in his breast pocket. Whether this is true or not, he was a great actor, and one I miss deeply.
Lemonade from fast food restaurants contains 0 to 3% real juice.
People should not eat polar bear and/or certain types of seal liver because it has a lethal concentration of vitamen A.
Tadpoles of the horned frog Ceratophrys ornata let out an audible scream when they come under attack.
A man is accused of murder was acquitted of all charges when he is seen at a dodges game on an Curb Your Enthusiasm episode.
How's that for an alibi?
Quote from: El Toro Loco on July 15, 2011, 11:07:01 PM
Lemonade from fast food restaurants contains 0 to 3% real juice.
My mother went to lunch with a friend. Her friend asked for water with lemon and also asked for extra lemons. Then she said, "this is how I get free lemonade." The waitress heard her and put lemonade on the bill. JUSTICE!
99% of the Internet traffic flowing between countries travels through underwater cables
no one goes to Hooters for wings, although their food is damn good
Abortion was illegal in the UK for 164 years, between 1803 and 1967.
Nicolas Cage was originally offered the part of Aragorn in Lord of the Rings. Cage stated in an interview that he turned down the offer due to the around three year time commitment.
Without nostrils, your nose would just be a bump on your face!
Fossils show that the painted turtle existed 15 million years ago.
I'm not wearing any panties
Leslie Nielson's tombstone reads "Let 'er rip".
Abulia is the inability to make decisions.
The word accismus means 'the pretence of turning down something desperately wanted'.
If you are in America or Canada and want to make a canversation much more Interesting, use British words as in Peckish, Rubbish and/or Albeit. :teddyr:
Evel Knievel suffered 433 broken bones during his career.
Burt Reynolds was promised a free Trans-Am if the movie[Smokey And The Bandit] became a hit. It did and the 1977 T-Top Trans-Am became one of the hottest selling cars of the year. When the movie became a hit, Reynolds expected the executive to come through with his promise. But the Trans-Am never came. After a few months, Reynolds, who was afraid of looking like one of those pretentious stars looking for freebies, finally called Pontiac. As it turned out, the exec who made the promise had retired and the new exec refused to honor the deal.
The acnestis is any part of the back that's impossible to scratch.
WD-40 got its name from the fact that it was the 40th try at creating a water displacement substance.
Horses do not have clavicles ('collar bones').
Acorns can be tested to find which ones will grow into oak trees. When put into water, the good ones will sink.
The red-tailed black shark, a very popular freshwater aquarium fish, is extinct in the wild.
It has been estimated that the total number of nematode(round worm) species might be approximately 1,000,000.
bob spelled backwards is bob
In astronomy, the word Trojan refers to a minor planet or natural satellite (moon) that shares an orbit with a larger planet or moon, but does not collide with it because it orbits around one of the two Lagrangian points of stability (Trojan points), L4 and L5, which lie approximately 60° ahead of and behind the larger body
There is a limit to what one can wear to Wal Mart
An acosmist is one who denies the existence of the universe.
Before becoming one of the world's most famous TV chefs, Julia Child was a top secret research assistant for the Office of Strategic Services, the predecessor of the CIA.
Quote from: Circus Circus on July 29, 2011, 01:08:18 PM
An acosmist is one who denies the existence of the universe.
I am about to explode and we're talkin' nuclear proportions.
:bouncegiggle: You ARE an Evil Clown.
You make me laugh. I feel the same way often. That's life in the 21st century.
Who luvs ya baby? :question:
Quote from: Raffine on July 28, 2011, 12:42:59 PM
The red-tailed black shark, a very popular freshwater aquarium fish, is extinct in the wild.
For some reason those are sold as "Rainbow Sharks", I never understood why though.
The word acrobatics is Greek for 'walking on tiptoe'.
According to Top Gear (U.K.), Communism has never made a good car, from the Soviet Union to East Germany.
The sea cucumber Synaptula lamperti feeds on detritus from the elephant ear sponge.
Sea Cucumber
Elephant Ear Sponge
An Adamite is someone who, for religious reasons, goes around in public with no clothes on.
It is illegal in American Samoa to beg with the aid of a public address system.
A cat with motion sickness can throw up five times its own body weight!!!
Oh . . . and putting cats in the dryer will give them motion sickness! :buggedout:
The Seawise Giant was the longest ship ever made. If you put the Empire state Building on its side to compare it to the ship, the ship is longer than the building. :buggedout:
(http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/df/Building_and_ship_comparison2.svg/600px-Building_and_ship_comparison2.svg.png) The Pentagon, 431 m
RMS Queen Mary 2, 345 m
USS Enterprise (CVN-65), 342 m
Hindenburg, 245 m
Yamato, 263 m
Empire State Building, 443 m
Knock Nevis, ex Seawise Giant, 458 m
The black sea cucumber releases special chemicals into the water to warn potential predators that it may taste bad.
I don't think I'd need special chemicals to tell me that.
Eddie Izzard was born in Aden, now known as Yemen.
Quote from: Circus Circus on August 03, 2011, 11:49:46 AM
An Adamite is someone who, for religious reasons, goes around in public with no clothes on.
I don't do it for religious reasons, but people often point at me and say, "Oh, God! Oh, Jesus!"
The word 'adolescent' comes from one of two Latin verbs spelt adoleo. One means 'to make bigger' and the other means 'to emit a smell'.
Wild sea cucumbers are caught by divers in Alaska and these wild Alaskan sea cucumbers have higher nutritional value and are larger than farmed Chinese sea cucumbers.
The McLaren MP4-12C is the only new best handling super car not developed for the Nurburing, instead it was developed at the Top Gear Test Track.
Advertisements for wristwatches always show the time as ten past ten.
Jack Daniels is made in Lynchberg,TN which happens to be a dry county.
Man.. I keep thinking that says "Fart of the day". Where's the thread for that? I had some doozies lately..
Aerodontia is the branch of dentistry dealing with problems caused by flying.
In order to cheat a speeding camera, you must be doing 170 mph because the camera won't catch it. thank you Top Gear (U.K.)
Water that has previously been boiled and cooled boils faster than water of the same temperature that's never been boiled.
The coastline of Africa is shorter than the coastline of Greenland.
A baby humpback whale gains about 100 pounds a day.
In 1950, less than 10% of Africa had been mapped.
Quote from: Circus Circus on August 15, 2011, 04:01:34 PM
The coastline of Africa is shorter than the coastline of Greenland.
And the coastline of Greenland may be longer than we think. Now that the icecap that covers Greenland is melting, some people think that Greenland is actually several islands. We were just unaware of this fact, because Greenland was covered by the ice cap.
Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly BACKWARDS!
Quote from: Silverlady on August 18, 2011, 06:51:40 PM
Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly BACKWARDS!
Thats pretty interesting.
Dolph Lundgren(Ivan Drago-Rocky IV)has an IQ of around 160; he speaks 7 languages (French, Swedish, German, English, Spanish, some Japanese and some Italian) and was a graduate in chemical engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.He also holds a 3rd degree black belt in Kyokushin karate
in the world of a practical super cars, the Koenigsegg is the best alternative because it can, by mistake, can fit golf clubs in the bonnet.
Sea cucumbers have no true brain. A ring of neural tissue surrounds the oral cavity, and sends nerves to the tentacles and the pharynx. The animal is, however, quite capable of functioning and moving about if the nerve ring is surgically removed.
South Africa has nine official languages and three official capitals.
A Fact Of Life:
After Monday and Tuesday even the calendar says
W T F ..........................
I have been In love for 22 months :bluesad:
Quote from: Circus Circus on August 26, 2011, 04:44:25 PM
I have been In love for 22 months :bluesad:
Then why haven't you kissed me yet?
Quote from: ghouck on August 26, 2011, 09:10:17 PM
Quote from: Circus Circus on August 26, 2011, 04:44:25 PM
I have been In love for 22 months :bluesad:
Then why haven't you kissed me yet?
Because you need to shave Mr.!
Quote from: Circus Circus on August 27, 2011, 02:22:48 AM
Quote from: ghouck on August 26, 2011, 09:10:17 PM
Quote from: Circus Circus on August 26, 2011, 04:44:25 PM
I have been In love for 22 months :bluesad:
Then why haven't you kissed me yet?
Because you need to shave Mr.!
I did, and now my legs are super-smooth. I didn't think THAT would effect you kissing me, I guess I didn't realize you were going to kiss me THERE. . .
Rats are one of the animals you're least likely to get sick from.
Under US law, Alcoholics Anonymous has the status of a religion.
Lenticular clouds happenwhen the clouds are positioned perpendicular to the wind direction, where they get spun into something like this:
Quote from: Circus Circus on August 28, 2011, 06:32:54 AM
Under US law, Alcoholics Anonymous has the status of a religion.
I don't believe that's quite accurate. A Supreme Court ruling that said that requiring prisoners to attend AA meetings violated the separation of church and state, but they also made it fairly clear that they did not see AA as a religion---just that the meetings involved "religious activity."
Quote from: Rev. Powell on August 28, 2011, 10:00:08 AM
Quote from: Circus Circus on August 28, 2011, 06:32:54 AM
Under US law, Alcoholics Anonymous has the status of a religion.
I don't believe that's quite accurate. A Supreme Court ruling that said that requiring prisoners to attend AA meetings violated the separation of church and state, but they also made it fairly clear that they did not see AA as a religion---just that the meetings involved "religious activity."
It was ruled that it contained enough religious components to make coerced attendance at AA meetings a violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the constitution. We're going back 3-4 years with that though.
I've pulled some of these facts out of my ass to see if anyone was actually paying attention. Most have been true, some debatable and one or two totally false. Funny how people will read something and believe it to be factually solid without any thought. Trust nothing until you have questioned everything.
Quote from: Circus Circus on August 28, 2011, 10:09:08 AM
Quote from: Rev. Powell on August 28, 2011, 10:00:08 AM
Quote from: Circus Circus on August 28, 2011, 06:32:54 AM
Under US law, Alcoholics Anonymous has the status of a religion.
I don't believe that's quite accurate. A Supreme Court ruling that said that requiring prisoners to attend AA meetings violated the separation of church and state, but they also made it fairly clear that they did not see AA as a religion---just that the meetings involved "religious activity."
It was ruled that it contained enough religious components to make coerced attendance at AA meetings a violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the constitution. We're going back 3-4 years with that though.
I've pulled some of these facts out of my ass to see if anyone was actually paying attention. Most have been true, some debatable and one or two totally false. Funny how people will read something and believe it to be factually solid without any thought. Trust nothing until you have questioned everything.
In the law there are no facts---just interpretations. :wink:
Quote from: Rev. Powell on August 28, 2011, 10:12:55 AM
In the law there are no facts---just interpretations. :wink:
Of course! :teddyr:
In 1994, 35,000 Americans insured themselves against being kidnapped and eaten by aliens.
There's this guy in South Africa who wakes up every weekday morning at 05h00 Monday to Friday to watch The O'Reilly Factor. Dunno if he needs help: this guy, I mean, not Bill O' Reilly. :wink:
Thirty-three people were killed in wood-chipper accidents between 1992 and 2005 in the US, according to a 2005 report by the Journal of the American Medical Association.
On January 15, 1919, 21 people were killed and 150 injured when a huge storage tank of molasses burst and flooded the streets of North Boston. Residents claim that on hot summer days the area still smells of molasses.
8% of the population of California claim to have been abducted by aliens.
Quote from: Circus Circus on August 31, 2011, 01:27:07 PM
8% of the population of California claim to have been abducted by aliens.
I'm calling BS. . .
On Feb. 25, 1942, a large, dark object over the Los Angeles coastline was mistaken for a Japanese attack and drew a barrage of anti-aircraft fire. Memos to President Roosevelt confirmed the existence of unidentified aerial objects.
(I have no idea if this is actually true.)
The London Beer Flood occurred on 17 October 1814 in London, England. A huge vat containing over 135,000 gallons of beer ruptured, causing other vats in the same building to succumb in a domino effect. As a result more than 323,000 gallons of beer burst out and gushed into the streets. Eight people drowned.
According to surveys, 75% of women prefer using mens' razor blades to womens.
Quote from: Rev. Powell on August 15, 2011, 09:30:24 AM
Water that has previously been boiled and cooled boils faster than water of the same temperature that's never been boiled.
Is that cause all the sediment has been boiled out of the it the first time?
Alligators have no lips.
Jail time- Charles Manson requested to stay in jail in 1967, long before the murder spree occurred. The legal system could not keep him in prison legally. Officials released Manson.
Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions.
Quote from: Circus Circus on September 03, 2011, 07:55:34 PM
Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions.
I can name a few politicians that have that fear.
You are more likely to be killed by a doctor than by a stroke, diabetes, a car wreck, a natural disaster, anything except a heart attack or cancer, in fact.
According to The Journal of the American Medical Association, issue 7-26-00, errors associated with physician intervention are the third leading cause of death in the United States.
80% of all the almonds in the world are grown in California.
Quote from: BTM on August 31, 2011, 05:25:44 PM
Quote from: Rev. Powell on August 15, 2011, 09:30:24 AM
Water that has previously been boiled and cooled boils faster than water of the same temperature that's never been boiled.
Is that cause all the sediment has been boiled out of the it the first time?
You're on the right track. It's not sediment, but dissolved oxygen that boils out.
My dad was on in Dallas when Flight 191 happened. He was on the plane that landed before 191 was suppose to land. :buggedout: and now he hates Dallas
Sea cucumbers have inspired thousands of haiku in Japan, where they are called namako (海鼠), written with characters that can be translated "sea mice" (an example of gikun
The word ambulance comes from the French for 'walking'.
In Fed Ex, There's an arrow between the E & X
The Great Horned Owl and Barred Owl are a skunk's only predator in the wild. Yet, cars kill more skunks than either.
Quote from: Circus Circus on September 07, 2011, 01:12:31 PM
The word ambulance comes from the French for 'walking'.
^ How freaky is that!? The day after I posted that,
I was in one! :lookingup:
In 1996, 2,599 Americans were taken to hospital with injuries caused by room deodorizers and air fresheners.
Child Bride was the only movie that MST3K REJECTED!
In Amharic, the national language of Ethiopia, 'aye' means 'no'.
The sea anemone Adamsia palliata growing on the exterior of a gastropod shell inhabited by the hermit crab Pagurus prideaux is capable of enlarging the shell to better accommodate the crab inside.
From the Zubaz website...
The largest pair of Zubaz ever made were worn by the Miami Heat Mascot nicknamed "Burnie." The tallest pair of Zubaz ever made were sewn for a guy named George Bell who was over 7' 4" tall. The smallest pair of Zubaz ever made were produced for the Jesse Ventura Action Figure doll and had an inseam of 5 inches.
Amsterdam is built on about 90 islands, connected by about 1,000 bridges.
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 has earned 2 Platinum awards by Electronic Gaming Monthly
There is no word in ancient Greek for 'religion' and there were no sacred texts of any kind.
Quote from: Circus Circus on September 17, 2011, 04:03:50 AM
There is no word in ancient Greek for 'religion' and there were no sacred texts of any kind.
Smart people. Religion is booze fotr the masses. Makes em feel good..but its all a dream.
Heres a fact. If your dad beats the f**k out of you-if yer stepma hates you. You WILL turn into-
A.A serial killer
B. A Geek
Imma geek. :)
Fact of the day- I'm a cheap guy. :twirl:
The ancient Greek philosopher Empedocles believed he had been a shrub in a previous life and killed himself by jumping into a volcano.
http://www.cracked.com/article_18795_6-habits-you-didnt-know-were-keeping-you-alive_p2.html?wa_user1=5&wa_user2=Science&wa_user3=article&wa_user4=recommended (http://www.cracked.com/article_18795_6-habits-you-didnt-know-were-keeping-you-alive_p2.html?wa_user1=5&wa_user2=Science&wa_user3=article&wa_user4=recommended)
just read #1, I ain't gonna write it on here.
The ancient Phoenicians lived in what is now Lebanon. They invented glassblowing, clotted cream and the alphabet.
2+2=4 :bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle: :thumbdown:
schools between California to Michigan won't have 'F' as a letter grade, it will be replaced by the letter 'H'
The ancient Romans invented concrete and the bikini.
The Crab Nebula (catalogue designations M1, NGC 1952, Taurus A) is a supernova remnant and pulsar wind nebula in the constellation of Taurus.
Ultimate Nick Fury is based on Samuel L. Jackson.
Thomas Anderson (1819-74) was the first person to discover what turnips are made of.
Quote from: Circus Circus on September 21, 2011, 06:49:04 AM
Thomas Anderson (1819-74) was the first person to discover what turnips are made of.
I thought they were made of turnips..? :question:
Quote from: Raffine on September 21, 2011, 06:59:08 AM
Quote from: Circus Circus on September 21, 2011, 06:49:04 AM
Thomas Anderson (1819-74) was the first person to discover what turnips are made of.
I thought they were made of turnips..? :question:
LOL. I've had turnips. They're made of something bad. :thumbdown:
Gnarls Barkley's Crazy is on The Rolling Stones Magazine's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time, ranked at number 100.
In 1929, the first offense for alcohol was five years of prison and/or a 10,000 fine.
A Mantis Shrimp (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mantis_shrimp) has a punch so powerful it can crack a clam shell, split a person's thumb, or shatter an aquarium.
The groundbreaking architect Frank Lloyd Wright built 484 buildings. He lived to be 92 and practised for 72 years.
The very first Apple logo was actually of Sir Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree, with an apple falling on his head
The FedEx logo contains and "arrow." Most people don't notice it until somebody tells them it's there. Can you spot it?
Sea cucumbers extract oxygen from water in a pair of 'respiratory trees' that branch off the cloaca just inside the anus, so that they 'breathe' by drawing water in through the anus and then expelling it.
Sea Cucumbers are one of the only animals to practice evisceration as a self-defense method. This means if one feels threatened by hungry fishies the kooky cuke basically throws its guts up at the fish. Luckily, their guts grow back eventually.
Quote from: Hammock Rider on October 14, 2011, 11:25:00 AM
Sea cucumbers extract oxygen from water in a pair of 'respiratory trees' that branch off the cloaca just inside the anus, so that they 'breathe' by drawing water in through the anus and then expelling it.
So, what you're saying is that the sea cucumber is constantly getting a salt-water colonic?
Scrabble was invented by an unemployed architect called Alfred Butts.
In 1975,Elizabeth Montgomery starred in The Legend of Lizzie Borden where she played the role of Lizzie Borden. It was later discovered that Montgomery was related to Lizzie Borden.
The tango was invented in Argentina. It was originally devised as a dance between two men.
It is cheaper to insure an Aston Martin DB9 than a Mercedes-Benz SL65 AMG.
Artichokes are a kind of thistle.
Quote from: Flick James on October 13, 2011, 02:59:45 PM
The FedEx logo contains and "arrow." Most people don't notice it until somebody tells them it's there. Can you spot it?
Beat you to it!! :tongueout:
Quote from: El Toro Loco on September 07, 2011, 08:03:55 PM
In Fed Ex, There's an arrow between the E & X
Iron Maiden's album Number of the Beast was panned by social conservatives, especially in the United States, where the band were accused of being Satanists. Steve Harris states that "it was mad. They completely got the wrong end of the stick. The obviously hadn't read the lyrics. They just wanted to believe all that rubbish about us being Satanists."
Quote from: Flick James on October 14, 2011, 03:55:06 PM
Quote from: Hammock Rider on October 14, 2011, 11:25:00 AM
Sea cucumbers extract oxygen from water in a pair of 'respiratory trees' that branch off the cloaca just inside the anus, so that they 'breathe' by drawing water in through the anus and then expelling it.
So, what you're saying is that the sea cucumber is constantly getting a salt-water colonic?
The Antarctic is a continent entirely surrounded by oceans; the Arctic is an ocean almost entirely surrounded by continents.
The Russian word "grozny" is mistranslated as "terrible" in the name Ivan the Terrible. A better translation is "awesome" or "dread", denoting majesty.
But then: "Ivan the Awesome" just does not have the same punch to it.
They lyre bird can imitate just about every sound the bird hears.
Fred Astaire's real name was Frederick Austerlitz.
Trevor actually has some clean underpants.
Quote from: Trevor on October 22, 2011, 12:50:35 PM
Trevor actually has some clean underpants.
Yea, but not the Trevor that posts on this board. That just can't happen.
The footprints of the 12 astronauts who walked on the moon are still there. There is no weather on the moon.
Robert Altman was paid $75,000 for directing the film MASH. His son, Mike Alton who wrote the song "Suicide Is Painless" was later paid 2 billion in song royalties.
In molecular biology, "junk" DNA is a collective label for the portions of the DNA sequence of a chromosome or a genome for which no function has yet been identified. About 98.5% of the human genome has been designated as "junk".
here's a true horror story for ya!
On the evening of February 19th, 1994, Gloria Ramirez was admitted to a California emergency room, suffering from an advanced form of cancer. When a nurse drew Gloria's blood she detected a foul odor, so foul in fact that hospital staff started gagging and even collapsing around her. Eventually as many as 23 people were affected. The ER was evacuated and a decontamination unit brought in. The case was quickly written off as mass hysteria, but considering that the worst affected victim spent two weeks in intensive care suffering from hepatitis, pancreatitis and avascular necrosis (a condition which literally causes your bones to die). As for Gloria, she died just 40 minutes after arriving at the hospital. Her autopsy was performed by men in full hazmat moon suits and, despite one of the most extensive forensic investigations in history, it's still not known what exactly turned this woman's blood into toxic sludge.
Quote from: ghouck on October 22, 2011, 04:23:59 PM
Quote from: Trevor on October 22, 2011, 12:50:35 PM
Trevor actually has some clean underpants.
Yea, but not the Trevor that posts on this board. That just can't happen.
:bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle:
Rachael Ray was a cheerleader in high school.
Yeah, I know; not exactly shocking news is it? :teddyr:
The smallest known cell in nature has the same mass as eight billion hydrogen atoms.
Violet Jessop was a stewardess for the RMS Olympic, RMS Titanic, and the HMHS Britannic. while on the first ship, she was on it during the collision with the Hawke. She also survived the sinkings of both the Titanic and Britannic.
JM Barrie, the author of Peter Pan, was under 5ft tall and didn't shave till he was 24.
Mary Harron, director of American Psycho, is the daughter of Don Harron and Virginia Leith (AKA Charlie Farqhuarson and Jan in the Pan).
Only 20% of US soldiers serving in WWII saw combat. Less than 50% ever fired a gun. (Source, The Best War Ever, Dr. Michael CC Adams)
Quote from: ER on November 04, 2011, 05:02:43 PM
Only 20% of US soldiers serving in WWII saw combat. Less than 50% ever fired a gun. (Source, The Best War Ever, Dr. Michael CC Adams)
I would assume because of the word "soldiers" that this refers to the Army. I have to think that if it included the Marines in the Pacific that percentage would go up. Just a hunch.
IMDB lists 780 movies tagged "vampire" and 722 tagged "zombie." (Only 232 were tagged "werewolf.")
In 2011, 42 movies were tagged "vampire" and 67 were tagged "zombie."
Of upcoming movies (scheduled for 2012 or later), 12 were tagged "vampire" and 30 were tagged "zombie."
Tomatoes were originally yellow: hence the Italian name pomodoro ('golden apple'). Red tomatoes came later, discovered in Mexico by two Jesuit priests who brought their seeds back to Europe.
Quiet Riot's Cum on Feel the Noize is their most famous song, and it is truly an amazing accomplishment, because the band tried their best to make sure it was the worst song they'd ever recorded.
Quote from: El Toro Loco on November 26, 2011, 01:10:25 AM
Quiet Riot's Cum on Feel the Noize is their most famous song, and it is truly an amazing accomplishment, because the band tried their best to make sure it was the worst song they'd ever recorded.
They were forced by the management at Pasha records to cover it, doing a half-assed take that somehow turned out to be awesome. Slade hate Quiet Riot because they had more success with the track and because people always assume it's a QR original. Unfortunately for QR, their singer Kevin Dubrow (R.I.P) had a big, big mouth and halted their meteroic rise to superstardom with some ill-advised comments. Add to this the fact that they followed up "Metal Health" with practically, a carbon copy in "Condition Critical" complete with "Mama We're All Crazy Now" (another Slade song).
In Denmark, hedgehogs are protected by law. It is illegal to capture or hurt them, but it is accepted to house underweight hedgehogs found out during winter. Garden owners are encouraged to attract hedgehogs with a bit of dry cat food, to utilize their pest control abilities
William Shatner has done many strange films, but the strangest has to be INCUBUS, a 1965 fantasy flick where the dialogue is done in the artificial language Esperanto.
Adam West got the role of Batman primarily due to his playing a James Bond parody in a Nestlé Quik ad.
Two years after the Batman series ended, he was offered the actual role of James Bond for the movie Diamonds Are Forever but he turned it down because he thought James Bond should always be played by somebody British.
There is something called "Gay Days" at Disney theme parks, but....
Disney steadfastly refuses to acknowledge that Gay Days is a thing (despite tens of thousands of participants), but that doesn't stop them from being the target of mass protest, veiled threats and sometimes even implied violence by the religious right (for... failing to stop it, we guess?).
The American Family Association sends "undercover photographers" to every Gay Days celebration, attempting to photograph "sexual misconduct," (which is totally not just a convenient excuse for some fundamentalist to volunteer for the cameraman position at a gay orgy, you know, "for the cause.") The Christian Action Network has a long-standing 10 year boycott of all Disney products in response to Gay Days, even going so far as to protest in Washington D.C. Their official petition states that they are "shocked and outraged" that Disney has transformed this traditionally macho and totally Christian establishment where men dance about in tights and anthropomorphic animals practice magic into an anti-family values terror-pit, like unto "Sodom and Gomorrah."*
From Cracked.com-
http://www.cracked.com/article_18511_6-true-stories-about-disneyland-they-dont-want-you-to-know_p2.html?wa_user1=5&wa_user2=Weird+World&wa_user3=article&wa_user4=recommended (http://www.cracked.com/article_18511_6-true-stories-about-disneyland-they-dont-want-you-to-know_p2.html?wa_user1=5&wa_user2=Weird+World&wa_user3=article&wa_user4=recommended)
Nick Cage's was christened Nicolas Copploa, but changed it so that he would say he isn't related to FFC, which he isn't
Horned Lizards AKA Horned Toads can squirt blood from their eyes.
That's the most awesome fact ever!
Juan Baptista dos Santos was known as the man with three legs. He also had two working genitals. At the same time, there was a lady named Blanche Dumas who had three legs and two working genitalia. This is by far one of the most weirdest love stories I ever read.
Indian cricketer Ibrahim Khaleel recently set a record for the number of wicket-keeper dismissals in a first-class match, taking 14 of his team's 20 wickets.
Quote from: Chainsaw midget on November 29, 2011, 02:20:12 AM
Adam West got the role of Batman primarily due to his playing a James Bond parody in a Nestlé Quik ad.
Two years after the Batman series ended, he was offered the actual role of James Bond for the movie Diamonds Are Forever but he turned it down because he thought James Bond should always be played by somebody British.
On a TV special on the TV show "Batman," they showed that Nextle Quik ad, and Adam West was really good in it. Thus, one can see why he was then offered the title role in "Batman" the TV series.
As for James Bond should always be played by somebody British, there goes American actor Ed Nelson, who was the first actor to assay the role on film, in 1954, on an episode of the TV series "Climax," or some eight years before Sean Connery played the part on the big screen. The villain opposite Ed Nelson was Peter Lorre in the part of Le Chiffre.
Quote from: Hammock Rider on December 07, 2011, 09:34:31 AM
Indian cricketer Ibrahim Khaleel recently set a record for the number of wicket-keeper dismissals in a first-class match, taking 14 of his team's 20 wickets.
:cheers: We could use him in our national cricket team for sure. :teddyr:
One of pro wrestler Wahoo McDaniel's baseball coaches was George H. W. Bush.
looners are people who have a balloon fetish.
Quote from: El Toro Loco on December 17, 2011, 03:29:00 PM
looners are people who have a balloon fetish.
Woolies have a fetish for wool clothing.
I'd imagine this is one of the itchier fetishes.
It was discovered on a space mission that a frog can throw up. The frog throws up its stomach first, so that the stomach dangles from its mouth. Then, the frog uses its forearms to scrape out the stomach contents, then re-swallows the stomach.
Ever since Toy Story made it's debut, Pixar has used the Pizza Planet Truck in most of every Pixar film since then.
Sea spiders, also called Pantopoda or pycnogonids will often insert their proboscis, a long appendage used for digestion and sucking food into its gut, into a sea anemone and suck out nourishment. The sea anemone, large in comparison to its predator, almost always survives this ordeal.
One in every four Americans has appeared on television.
The Norwegian butter crisis began in late 2011 with an acute shortage of butter (Norwegian: smør) and inflation of its prices across markets in Norway. Due to the acute shortage, prices have soared and stores' stocks of butter have run out within minutes of fresh deliveries arriving. According to the Danish tabloid B.T., Norway has been gripped by a "smør-panik" as a result of the lack of butter
There is a fine line between having a good time and being a wanton slut.
CINDY SHEEHAN is still suckin' air....
Painting a self-portrait in her child's blood must agree with her.
Neil Armstrong was first to walk on the moon because of the layout of the lunar module. NASA's established practice on the Gemini missions was for the junior crewman to perform the extravehicular activities. On Apollo 11, it was expected early on that Buzz Aldrin would exit first, followed by Armstrong, the commander. However, the hatch of the LM opened inward, toward the lunar module pilot (Aldrin). With the LM interior as cramped as it was, it just made more sense for the commander to exit first.
NASA believes human conception may be impossible in a zero gravity environment. (Can't you just hear the pick-up lines that could generate someday on deep space voyages....)
Newton's second law is not valid for variable-mass systems, such as rockets.
Buzz Aldrin was the first human being to perform a religious ceremony on another celestial body, taking communion shortly after landing on the moon. As he did the cup and biscuit, he invited people on Earth to give thanks in their own way. A Presbyterian church in Houston (where Buzz attended at the time) has the cup, and celebrates a special communion every year on the Sunday closest to July 20.
On a lighter note, Buzz was also the first human being to pee on another celestial body. Not directly on it, of course, but while standing on it. Take that, Neil Armstrong. :teddyr:
Although the orbit of the Moon seems stable it's actually drifting away from earth at a rate of about 4 centimeters a year. In about 50 billion years from now, the Moon will stop moving away from us. It will settle into a stable orbit, taking about 47 days to go around the Earth (it takes 27.3 days today). At that point, the Earth and the Moon will be tidally locked to each other. It will look like the Moon is always in the same spot in the sky.
Of course, the Sun is expected to consume the Earth in about 5 billion years, so this event may not happen.
Scorpions, for some reason, flouresce under black light....
In the painting The Ambassadors, there is a skull between the two ambassadors.
The tallest tree ever was an Australian Eucalyptus, in 1872 it was measured 435 feet tall.
Quote from: alandhopewell on January 04, 2012, 03:14:10 PM
Scorpions, for some reason, flouresce under black light....
I wonder if that means that they can see in the UV spectrum?
Quote from: Hammock Rider on January 05, 2012, 09:53:05 AM
Quote from: alandhopewell on January 04, 2012, 03:14:10 PM
Scorpions, for some reason, flouresce under black light....
I wonder if that means that they can see in the UV spectrum?
Evidently not....
Quote from: Hammock Rider on January 04, 2012, 12:10:31 PM
Newton's second law is not valid for variable-mass systems, such as rockets.
Sorry, but this is not true at all. It only seems true for the simplified statement of the Law given in Introductory texts:
F = ma
However, the more general and more correct expression for this law is
F = dp/dt,
which is that the force is equal to the first time derivative of momentum.
In the special case of constant mass and since p = m v,
F = m dv/dt,
or, mass times the first time derivative of velocity...or acceleration. Thus, in the special case of constant mass, F = m a.
So, F = ma is only a special case of the Law that is used for beginners, but it's not the actual general Law.
Back to regular programming....
On the subject of things that glow under ultraviolet light, tonic water has a pleasant bluish glow, thanks to the quinine it contains. I learned this many years ago when vodka and tonic was my drink of choice. Ordered one in a club with a lot of black lights, and got a surprise. Actually two surprises, if you include a naked woman (yes, it was that kind of club), coming over and asking about my drink.
In Virginia, there is a state law making it illegal to place a house on the market without disclosing that it is haunted.
Vesna Vulovic survived a 33,000 ft drop when the plane she was on blew up from a terrorist attack.
Quote from: El Toro Loco on January 09, 2012, 05:15:03 PM
Vesna Vulovic survived a 33,000 ft drop when the plane she was on blew up from a terrorist attack.
I'll bet her underwear didn't....
In 1814 Louis Comte was the first conjuror to publicly pull a rabbit from a top hat.
Quote from: ulthar on January 05, 2012, 03:18:04 PM
Quote from: Hammock Rider on January 04, 2012, 12:10:31 PM
Newton's second law is not valid for variable-mass systems, such as rockets.
Sorry, but this is not true at all. It only seems true for the simplified statement of the Law given in Introductory texts:
F = ma
However, the more general and more correct expression for this law is
F = dp/dt,
which is that the force is equal to the first time derivative of momentum.
In the special case of constant mass and since p = m v,
F = m dv/dt,
or, mass times the first time derivative of velocity...or acceleration. Thus, in the special case of constant mass, F = m a.
So, F = ma is only a special case of the Law that is used for beginners, but it's not the actual general Law.
Back to regular programming....
Sorry Ulthar, everything I know about Physics I learned from Wikipedia ( And Real Genius)
Molybdenum is a silvery metal that has the sixth-highest melting point of any element.
Quote from: alandhopewell on December 29, 2011, 03:11:49 PM
One in every four Americans has appeared on television.
I have a few times, and NO, none of them were episodes of COPS or America's Most Wanted.
One time it WAS Lockup: Raw though.
Quote from: claws on January 03, 2012, 12:01:27 PM
There is a fine line between having a good time and being a wanton slut.
True, but that line is easily ignored.
Quote from: Hammock Rider on January 04, 2012, 12:10:31 PM
Newton's second law is not valid for variable-mass systems, such as rockets.
Yes it is, you just have to use the exact mass at the exact time you want to calculate the acceleration. Kind of like a 'snapshot' of it's physical properties.
Marie and Pierre Curie's original notebooks are still sufficiently radioactive that they are stored in a shielded container and people who wish to examine them must sign waivers.
Quote from: Hammock Rider on January 16, 2012, 12:56:22 PM
Sorry Ulthar, everything I know about Physics I learned from Wikipedia ( And Real Genius)
Of those two sources, REAL GENIUS is BY FAR the better source of information.
Wikipedia is feces.
Quote from: ulthar on January 17, 2012, 09:44:05 AM
Quote from: Hammock Rider on January 16, 2012, 12:56:22 PM
Sorry Ulthar, everything I know about Physics I learned from Wikipedia ( And Real Genius)
Of those two sources, REAL GENIUS is BY FAR the better source of information.
Wikipedia is feces.
Citation needed. :teddyr:
The holothurian, or sea cucumber, can eject its own internal organs, to distract predators; it regrows them in time.
The emergency hotline "911" was designed in 1967 for rotary telephones.
The 9 was because 0 was the operator, & 1 was for non-local calls, thus the next to last number on the dial.
The two 1s were to help rotary phone users dial as fast as possible.
The face of the original Captain Marvel, as drawn by artist C.C. Beck, was based on the actor Fred Mac Murray.
I am not a rational kid at all :wink:
The word "gullible" is not in the dictionary.
Quote from: BTM on February 02, 2012, 04:49:32 PM
The word "gullible" is not in the dictionary.
I'm going to go check that right now! :tongueout:
Boris Karloff worked on a local farm for about six months back in 1910 or so.
Apollo astronauts had no facilities for going "number two." When one had to poop, he would get completely undressed, climb behind the couches for what privacy he could get, and go into a plastic bag, making sure that everything was caught and sealed inside. Bear in mind that there was no gravity, and the material would not necessarily fall into the bag as one would expect. This reportedly caused situations ranging from minor inconvenience to something resembling the "Baby Ruth" scene in Caddyshack. Further adding to the atmosphere in the command module was the flatulence caused by dissolved hydrogen in the water produced by the fuel cells.
Ummmmm . . . OK!
The youngest First Lady in American history was Frances Folsom Cleveland, who married President Grover Cleveland during his first term of office. She was 22, he was 47. When he lost the Electoral College in 1888, she told the White House Staff to look after the place, because they would be back in residence 4 years later. And they were, when Cleveland won a second term in 1892 - the only American President to serve non-consecutive terms.
Quote from: AndyC on February 02, 2012, 09:14:00 PM
Apollo astronauts had no facilities for going "number two." When one had to poop, he would get completely undressed, climb behind the couches for what privacy he could get, and go into a plastic bag, making sure that everything was caught and sealed inside. Bear in mind that there was no gravity, and the material would not necessarily fall into the bag as one would expect. This reportedly caused situations ranging from minor inconvenience to something resembling the "Baby Ruth" scene in Caddyshack. Further adding to the atmosphere in the command module was the flatulence caused by dissolved hydrogen in the water produced by the fuel cells.
:buggedout: :buggedout:
I'm so glad I gave up my dreams of being an astronaut! :wink: :teddyr:
Presidential Trivia Quiz!
Who is the earliest serving president who still has living grandchildren?
Calvin Coolidge, perhaps? Maybe even back to Woodrow Wilson?
ANSWER! (http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/former-president-john-tyler-1790-1862-grandchildren-still-191230189.html)
Quote from: Trevor on February 03, 2012, 08:00:06 AM
Quote from: AndyC on February 02, 2012, 09:14:00 PM
Apollo astronauts had no facilities for going "number two." When one had to poop, he would get completely undressed, climb behind the couches for what privacy he could get, and go into a plastic bag, making sure that everything was caught and sealed inside. Bear in mind that there was no gravity, and the material would not necessarily fall into the bag as one would expect. This reportedly caused situations ranging from minor inconvenience to something resembling the "Baby Ruth" scene in Caddyshack. Further adding to the atmosphere in the command module was the flatulence caused by dissolved hydrogen in the water produced by the fuel cells.
:buggedout: :buggedout:
I'm so glad I gave up my dreams of being an astronaut! :wink: :teddyr:
Oh, they have toilets now, but it wasn't so easy in the old days. I wonder if there would be as many hoax nuts around these days if NASA had been up front about all the corners they cut and the risks they took to meet Kennedy's deadline and beat the dirty commies. It was much more quick and dirty and seat-of-the-pants than they ever let on. The Soviets, ironically enough, went to the extra trouble of putting a toilet on the original Soyuz, and were generally more cautious about testing things before putting people at risk. While the Americans decided, on short notice, to do a circumlunar flight and put people on the second Saturn V ever flown, the Soviets had planned to first send an unmanned Soyuz around the moon, and then possibly an animal, before sending a cosmonaut. That was one of the reasons they finally lost the space race. That and their technical genius died suddenly, and their counterpart to the Saturn V had a habit of blowing up. This was most likely due to it having a very complicated first stage, using 30 small engines because the Russians hadn't yet been able to develop big ones.
As to who actually won in the long term, consider that the Russians continued to improve on the same technology while NASA is now buying rides from them and paying billions to reinvent what they had with Apollo.
Actor Andy Garcia was born with a malformed conjoined twin attached to his shoulder.
The word "Arkansas" is a French pronunciation ("Arcansas") of a Quapaw (a related "Kaw" tribe) word, akakaze, meaning "land of downriver people" or the Sioux word akakaze meaning "people of the south wind".
My wife is the bestest woman I've ever slapped on the butt.
Frenchwoman Jeanne Calment had the longest confirmed human life span in history, dying in 1997 at the age of 122 years and 164 days.
Today is Kurt Cobain's birthday, he would have been 45 today :bluesad:
Wikipedia's article on "Two and a Half Men" is over twice as long as their article on Plato's "Symposium" (9,298 words to 3,954 words).
The Dodge brothers started out making parts for Fords
Quote from: joejoe on March 14, 2012, 05:31:26 AM
The Dodge brothers started out making parts for Fords
There's a lot of weirdness in the auto industry. Lee Iacocca Helped engineer the Ford Mustang, John DeLorean Helped design the GTO for Pontiac.
The famous , romantic road-trip American highway, Route 66, was once a camel trail.
Sea urchins are sensitive to touch, light, and chemicals. Although they do not have eyes or eye spots, recent research suggests that their entire body might function as one compound eye.
The WonderTwins suck giant gorilla boogers.
This one's for Indy. Today in 1848, Niagara Falls ceased to flow for 30 hours because of an ice jam; the only time in recorded history that both falls were completely stopped. Visitors were able to walk out on the ice and recover artifacts from the riverbed.
There are currently eleven posts (counting this one) pertaining to sea cucumbers in this thread.
A remarkable feature of sea cucumbers is the catch collagen that forms their body wall. This can be loosened and tightened at will, and if the animal wants to squeeze through a small gap, it can essentially liquefy its body and pour into the space. To keep itself safe in these crevices and cracks, the sea cucumber will hook up all its collagen fibres to make its body firm again.
Sea Cucumbers breathe by drawing water in through the anus and then expelling it.
Sea Cucumbers are a popular topic for "Fact of the Day."
Quote from: Hammock Rider on March 30, 2012, 11:20:20 AM
Sea Cucumbers look like very ambitiously designed yet poorly made sex toys.
We climbed down out of the trees about 3.4 million years ago.
Quote from: Jack on April 02, 2012, 09:06:54 AM
We climbed down out of the trees about 3.4 million years ago.
You must be very old. :teddyr:
Most cornflakes come from america
Quote from: Jack on April 02, 2012, 09:06:54 AM
We climbed down out of the trees about 3.4 million years ago.
My ancestors sinned in the Garden of Eden, and were banished.
Quote from: zombie #1 on April 02, 2012, 12:18:08 PM
Most cornflakes come from america
Flakes" come from all over. :teddyr:
According to a Kellog's fan site: Kellogg's Corn Flakes was the only cereal to be eaten aboard Apollo 11, the first lunar landing.
Quote from: alandhopewell on April 02, 2012, 01:09:21 PM
Quote from: Jack on April 02, 2012, 09:06:54 AM
We climbed down out of the trees about 3.4 million years ago.
My ancestors sinned in the Garden of Eden, and were banished.
Not everything is bigger in Texas- They can't through a wild party like New Orleans does; Mardi Gras :tongueout:
You must be too young to remember a Dallas Cowboys Super Bowl parade . . . . :teddyr:
Canada was founded as walrus farm by Sheryll Crow in 1995.
Quote from: indianasmith on April 27, 2012, 08:31:11 PM
You must be too young to remember a Dallas Cowboys Super Bowl parade . . . . :teddyr:
...and you must've tried to forget the Saint's Post Super Bowl parade. :tongueout:
Bl****bs were illegal in Canada until 1969.
Quote from: El Misfit on November 25, 2012, 09:16:15 PM
Bl****bs were illegal in Canada until 1969.
They were technically illegal in many US states until 2003's
Lawrence v. Texas decision.
Quote from: Rev. Powell on November 26, 2012, 01:12:54 AM
Quote from: El Misfit on November 25, 2012, 09:16:15 PM
Bl****bs were illegal in Canada until 1969.
They were technically illegal in many US states until 2003's Lawrence v. Texas decision.
What on earth are bl****bs? [Light dawns] Oh, I see. :lookingup:
Quote from: El Misfit on November 25, 2012, 09:16:15 PM
Bl****bs were illegal in Canada until 1969.
And that is why Pierre Trudeau (who introduced the reforms as justice minister) was our most beloved prime minister. :teddyr:
I had to look up Lawrence vs. Texas before I could figure out what a Bl****b was.
Quote from: Jack on November 26, 2012, 09:37:03 AM
I had to look up Lawrence vs. Texas before I could figure out what a Bl****b was.
Where did you find the reference which may answer this question? :question:
When they started talking about sodomy I finally figured out what it was that started with a bl and ended with a b :smile:
Quote from: Jack on November 26, 2012, 01:04:17 PM
When they started talking about sodomy I finally figured out what it was that started with a bl and ended with a b :smile:
I still have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. :lookingup:
In 1975, Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, a Manson girl, was found guilty of trying to assassinate President Ford.
Quote from: LilCerberus on November 26, 2012, 01:29:53 PM
Quote from: Jack on November 26, 2012, 01:04:17 PM
When they started talking about sodomy I finally figured out what it was that started with a bl and ended with a b :smile:
I still have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. :lookingup:
It starts with "blow" and is usually rendered as two words. Got it yet?
Until 2003 oral sex between heterosexuals was still illegal in 4 states, between homosexuals in 14 states.
Lawrence held that all state sodomy laws were unconstitutional.
Ah, now I get it. I haven't heard it called a bl****b since 1985!
Quote from: Rev. Powell on November 26, 2012, 06:24:46 PM
Quote from: LilCerberus on November 26, 2012, 01:29:53 PM
Quote from: Jack on November 26, 2012, 01:04:17 PM
When they started talking about sodomy I finally figured out what it was that started with a bl and ended with a b :smile:
I still have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. :lookingup:
It starts with "blow" and is usually rendered as two words. Got it yet?
Until 2003 oral sex between heterosexuals was still illegal in 4 states, between homosexuals in 14 states. Lawrence held that all state sodomy laws were unconstitutional.
Thank you What The f**k Facts! :smile:
11 people are injured every year from trying to ma******te with a vacuum.
Eminem won an Academy Award.. And slept through the ceremony while at home watching cartoons with his daughter.
One of Jenna ("Dharma & Greg") Elfman's first acting jobs was in Anthrax's music video for the song "Black Lodge."
When the American Civil War started, Confederate Robert E. Lee owned no slaves. Union general U.S. Grant did.
The Constitution of the Confederate States of America actually banned the slave trade.
Quote from: Chainsaw midget on November 27, 2012, 05:14:43 PM
The Constitution of the Confederate States of America actually banned the slave trade.
A bit misleading - it only banned the importation of slaves from overseas. "Sec. 9. (I) The importation of negroes of the African race from any foreign country other than the slaveholding States or Territories of the United States of America, is hereby forbidden..." Importing slaves from Georgia to Alabama was perfectly fine.
'Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia' is the fear of long words.
Someone was being a troll when he/she made up that word.
Quote from: Trevor on February 11, 2011, 04:52:00 AM
Ted Moore BSC was the first South African to win an Academy Award, not Charlize Theron. :smile:
Bronze Swimming Certificate?
The oldest reliably dated stone spearpoints found in North America are called Clovis points, and they are over 12,000 years old. They were frequently used to kill mammoths.
I have found four of them in 35 years of collecting!
Quote from: ghouck on November 29, 2012, 08:41:58 PM
Quote from: Trevor on February 11, 2011, 04:52:00 AM
Ted Moore BSC was the first South African to win an Academy Award, not Charlize Theron. :smile:
Bronze Swimming Certificate?
:bouncegiggle: :teddyr: :teddyr:
British Society of Cinematographers.
The reproductive organ of the male gorilla is about one inch in length. Its counterpart in the blue whale is about six feet. The proper name of that appendage among all cetaceans is a "dork".
Hmm, I guess I wasn't totally asleep in science class after all...
The sarsen stones at Stonehenge were brought 160 miles from Wales to Wiltshire. It would have been a shorter distance but the men in charge of the project got lost on the way and refused to stop and ask for directions.
All polar bears are left handed ... or left pawed anyway.
Crocodiles can't stick out their tongues.
A strawberry is not an actual berry, but a banana is.
Mother Goose was a real person.....
As a British immigrant to the United States, her earlier works were intended as bawdy political protest songs. (Particularly, The Cat & The Fiddle.)
(I forget her real name)
She got the name "Mother Goose" when she married an American widower named Goose, who already had ten children of his own, and by whom, she would have ten more children, thus inspiring The Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe.
Quote from: LilCerberus on December 07, 2012, 03:41:19 PM
Mother Goose was a real person.....
As a British immigrant to the United States, her earlier works were intended as bawdy political protest songs. (Particularly, The Cat & The Fiddle.)
(I forget her real name)
She got the name "Mother Goose" when she married an American widower named Goose, who already had ten children of his own, and by whom, she would have ten more children, thus inspiring The Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe.
Her real name was Elizabeth Foster or Mary, with no known last name. Historians are also divided as to when she lived and died. Elizabeth Foster lived from 1665 to 1758, while Mary lived from 1648 to 1690. And her husband, Mr. Isaac Goose, was also known as Vergoose and Vertigoose. So, we could have had a Mother Vergoose and/or a Mother Vertigoose.
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on December 13, 2011, 07:41:05 PM
Quote from: Chainsaw midget on November 29, 2011, 02:20:12 AM
Adam West got the role of Batman primarily due to his playing a James Bond parody in a Nestlé Quik ad.
Two years after the Batman series ended, he was offered the actual role of James Bond for the movie Diamonds Are Forever but he turned it down because he thought James Bond should always be played by somebody British.
On a TV special on the TV show "Batman," they showed that Nextle Quik ad, and Adam West was really good in it. Thus, one can see why he was then offered the title role in "Batman" the TV series.
As for James Bond should always be played by somebody British, there goes American actor Ed Nelson, who was the first actor to assay the role on film, in 1954, on an episode of the TV series "Climax," or some eight years before Sean Connery played the part on the big screen. The villain opposite Ed Nelson was Peter Lorre in the part of Le Chiffre.
Technically, he played
Jimmy Bond, an
American secret agent. (This was before the novels became popular, so the writers could take some liberties.)
Quote from: claws on February 12, 2011, 02:21:57 AM
Red Velvet Cake / Cupcakes contain bug juice.
And Mayonnaise.
there is a book called The Pop up Book of Phobias
Daniel Boone is not really buried in the tomb of Daniel Boone in Frankfort, Kentucky.
Half of all high school graduates finished in the bottom half of their class.
When threatened, some sea cucumbers discharge sticky threads to ensnare their enemies. Others can mutilate their own bodies as a defense mechanism. They violently contract their muscles and jettison some of their internal organs out of their anus. The missing body parts are quickly regenerated.
Quote from: Hammock Rider on January 11, 2013, 01:53:46 PM
When threatened, some sea cucumbers discharge sticky threads to ensnare their enemies. Others can mutilate their own bodies as a defense mechanism. They violently contract their muscles and jettison some of their internal organs out of their anus. The missing body parts are quickly regenerated.
The French eat these things....
beche de' mer it's called.
Quote from: alandhopewell on January 11, 2013, 03:23:25 PM
Quote from: Hammock Rider on January 11, 2013, 01:53:46 PM
When threatened, some sea cucumbers discharge sticky threads to ensnare their enemies. Others can mutilate their own bodies as a defense mechanism. They violently contract their muscles and jettison some of their internal organs out of their anus. The missing body parts are quickly regenerated.
The French eat these things....beche de' mer it's called.
More like
Russia and Japan are still technically at war because both countries still haven't signed a peace treaty to end World War II.
Quote from: El Misfit on January 11, 2013, 04:16:26 PM
Russia and Japan are still technically at war because both countries still haven't signed a peace treaty to end World War II.
Which I believe ties into the ongoing battle over the ownership of the Kuril Islands, since the Russians used the defeat of Japan as an oppurtunity to chase the remaining Japanese soldiers from the islands and claim it as their own. If my memory is working well, I believe that the Russo-Japanese war at the turn of the 20th century also involved a dispute over the Kuril Islands.
The Civil War began and ended on the property of Virginia native Wilmer McClain.
Sgt. Joe Friday would love this thread, because he the kind of guy who likes, "just the facts of the day, maam' " :bouncegiggle:
Here's one for Indy, Tracy, and Alan- Texas is the only state in the US that allows its residents to vote from space.
Disabling your friend's Games feed on facebook won't actually disable your friend's Games feed on facebook.
The official State Stone of Texas is petrified palm wood.
Here's a classic one- Louisiana was the last state to raise the drinking age from 18 to 21. :tongueout:
In the year 2000, Pope John Paul II was named an "Honorary Harlem Globetrotter"!
Quote from: Chainsaw midget on January 20, 2013, 12:43:58 PM
In the year 2000, Pope John Paul II was named an "Honorary Harlem Globetrotter"!
there's a fact...
In 2013, the Big 10 Conference has 12 teams, and the Big 12 Conference has 10 teams.
Quote from: Hammock Rider on January 11, 2013, 01:53:46 PM
When threatened, some sea cucumbers discharge sticky threads to ensnare their enemies. Others can mutilate their own bodies as a defense mechanism. They violently contract their muscles and jettison some of their internal organs out of their anus. The missing body parts are quickly regenerated.
Talk about the phrase, "blow it out your ass"....
A cat with stomach issues can regurgitate its own body weight . . . usually in a dark room, just inside the door, to insure quick discovery and clean up.
Female red tabby cats are extremely rare.
So are male Calico cats.
The Weekly World News has a Facts Checker.... And, they actually do check!
The answer to the age-old question is finally in: scientists say the egg definitely came first, only after the chicken. :wink:
It has been proven in most scientific studies that toast actually does land jelly side down a majority of the time, due to the added weight of the jelly on one side.
And we all know cats will land on their feet if dropped from a height of more than two feet.
So if we strapped toast, jelly side up, on the cat's back and dropped him from the top of a ladder . . . would he hover?
Dogs like their privates because - they can. :teddyr:
You mean you don't like yours? :buggedout:
Quote from: indianasmith on January 21, 2013, 10:51:19 PM
You mean you don't like yours? :buggedout:
Note to self: Do not type while wearing your 'long distance' glasses.
lick their privates because - they can.
The Pretoria bus "service" officially sucks. :thumbdown:
Quote from: indianasmith on January 20, 2013, 09:49:27 PM
A cat with stomach issues can regurgitate its own body weight . . . usually in a dark room, just inside the door, to insure quick discovery and clean up.
No denying that one, Indy. I've made many such discoveries, and continue to do so to this day... :buggedout:
Yesterday was my last day of......
WINTER BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Spat game" apparently means "flirted with a girl" in the lingo of the young people.
"Harlequin ichthyosis is a severe genetic disorder that mainly affects the skin. Infants with this condition are born with very hard, thick skin covering most of their bodies. The skin forms large, diamond-shaped plates that are separated by deep cracks (fissures). These skin abnormalities affect the shape of the eyelids, nose, mouth, and ears, and limit movement of the arms and legs. Restricted movement of the chest can lead to breathing difficulties and respiratory failure.
The skin normally forms a protective barrier between the body and its surrounding environment. The skin abnormalities associated with harlequin ichthyosis disrupt this barrier, making it more difficult for affected infants to control water loss, regulate their body temperature, and fight infections. Infants with harlequin ichthyosis often experience an excessive loss of fluids (dehydration) and develop life-threatening infections in the first few weeks of life. It used to be very rare for affected infants to survive the newborn period. However, with intensive medical support and improved treatment, people with this disorder now have a better chance of living into childhood and adolescence."
http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition/harlequin-ichthyosis (http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition/harlequin-ichthyosis)
The Harlequin Fetus disease disturbs me the most out of all of the things that disturbs me.
Quote from: El Misfit on January 25, 2013, 04:15:19 PM
"Harlequin ichthyosis is a severe genetic disorder that mainly affects the skin. Infants with this condition are born with very hard, thick skin covering most of their bodies. The skin forms large, diamond-shaped plates that are separated by deep cracks (fissures). These skin abnormalities affect the shape of the eyelids, nose, mouth, and ears, and limit movement of the arms and legs. Restricted movement of the chest can lead to breathing difficulties and respiratory failure.
The skin normally forms a protective barrier between the body and its surrounding environment. The skin abnormalities associated with harlequin ichthyosis disrupt this barrier, making it more difficult for affected infants to control water loss, regulate their body temperature, and fight infections. Infants with harlequin ichthyosis often experience an excessive loss of fluids (dehydration) and develop life-threatening infections in the first few weeks of life. It used to be very rare for affected infants to survive the newborn period. However, with intensive medical support and improved treatment, people with this disorder now have a better chance of living into childhood and adolescence."
http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition/harlequin-ichthyosis (http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition/harlequin-ichthyosis)
The Harlequin Fetus disease disturbs me the most out of all of the things that disturbs me.
I am NOT posting an image of a victim of this rare disease. It's f**ked up man, really f**ked up.
The first testicular guard, the 'cup', was used in hockey in 1874.
The first helmet was used in 1974.
It only took 100 years for men to realize that their brain is important...too.
Quote from: Newt on January 27, 2013, 08:46:44 AM
The first testicular guard, the 'cup', was used in hockey in 1874.
The first helmet was used in 1974.
It only took 100 years for men to realize that their brain is important...too.
To be fair, those are
hockey players you're talking about :tongueout:
Quote from: Jack on January 27, 2013, 09:07:36 AM
Quote from: Newt on January 27, 2013, 08:46:44 AM
The first testicular guard, the 'cup', was used in hockey in 1874.
The first helmet was used in 1974.
It only took 100 years for men to realize that their brain is important...too.
To be fair, those are hockey players you're talking about :tongueout:
:bouncegiggle: Chicken-or-the-egg: Do they play hockey because they are that way or are they that way because they play hockey? Besides...doesn't
everyone play hockey? :buggedout: ( <- that's culture shock being manifested there)
When John Sutter discovered gold at his mill site near Sacramento, CA in 1847, the U.S. Army officer who first viewed the samples and tested them for purity was none other than William T. Sherman.
In France it is punishable by up to ten years in prison for a winemaker to deliberately misrepresent the alcohol content of a bottle of wine. They take this so seriously that a government official must visit each vineyard and certify the amount of alcohol in wine to within hundreds of a percentage point. The officials who do the certification must go through one of the most rigorous bonding processes in French law, more rigorous than that of a judge, doctor, or police officer. To attempt to bribe one or these officials is punishable by jail time roughly on the same level as that given to housebreakers.
Artificial raspberry flavor is made from the anal glands of beavers.
I really hate China now, for giving the biggest middle finger to a treaty between China and Korea that states if the Koreans seek Asylum, then they should be allowed into the Asylum.
Quote from: El Misfit on January 25, 2013, 10:12:37 PM
Quote from: El Misfit on January 25, 2013, 04:15:19 PM
"Harlequin ichthyosis is a severe genetic disorder that mainly affects the skin. Infants with this condition are born with very hard, thick skin covering most of their bodies. The skin forms large, diamond-shaped plates that are separated by deep cracks (fissures). These skin abnormalities affect the shape of the eyelids, nose, mouth, and ears, and limit movement of the arms and legs. Restricted movement of the chest can lead to breathing difficulties and respiratory failure.
The skin normally forms a protective barrier between the body and its surrounding environment. The skin abnormalities associated with harlequin ichthyosis disrupt this barrier, making it more difficult for affected infants to control water loss, regulate their body temperature, and fight infections. Infants with harlequin ichthyosis often experience an excessive loss of fluids (dehydration) and develop life-threatening infections in the first few weeks of life. It used to be very rare for affected infants to survive the newborn period. However, with intensive medical support and improved treatment, people with this disorder now have a better chance of living into childhood and adolescence."
http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition/harlequin-ichthyosis (http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition/harlequin-ichthyosis)
The Harlequin Fetus disease disturbs me the most out of all of the things that disturbs me.
I am NOT posting an image of a victim of this rare disease. It's f**ked up man, really f**ked up.
I was introduced to it through Malady of the Month, used to read Morbid Fact du Jour quite a bit. Avoid reading about anencephaly, it is also rather unfortunate.
The color red in most lipsticks comes from crushing up insects known as cochineals.
Quote from: ER on February 21, 2013, 05:44:32 PM
The color red in most lipsticks comes from crushing up insects known as cochineals.
Same thing with Red 40 in food and drinks.
Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakpikimaunahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu is the world's longest place-name.
Quote from: El Misfit on February 22, 2013, 09:26:47 AM
Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakpikimaunahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu is the world's longest place-name.
It was until they founded East Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakpikimaunahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu.
The Gaelic word for the concept of deja vu is lang'ee.
"Shotgun" marriages. With us since the 16th century.
While there is not historical proof of such, it seems like that William Shakespeare was involved in one, since he married at the relatively young age of 18. Then, like now, most 18-year-olds were not considered old enough to support a wife and family at that age.
That is odd enough, but even odder is that his wife, Anne Hathaway, was believed to be his senior by 8 or 9 years, when they were married in 1582. Now, that would raise eyebrows, if not get the law after the woman, and then, while that age difference would not be that great if the bride was 18 and the groom was 26 or 27, but to have a teenage groom marry a woman that much older . . . ?
But, what is oddest is that their daugher, Susanna, was born only 6 months after the wedding. Either the girl was born 3 months prematurely, which is doubtful, for she would not have survived, being born that early, or Will and Anne were going hot and heavy at least 3 months before their marriage.
Which makes me wonder, if Shakespeare did not identify to some extent with Romeo from Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet," as Romeo is believed to have married Juliet, when he was still in his teens.
Fact: There is hardly a human sexual activity that is not mimiced by other animals.
Teenage esxploration
Some sexually immature male dolphins will form sexual partnerships until such time they become sexually mature. Whereupon, they'll start chasing girl dolphins.
Sometimes when a female dolphin rejects one of her eggs, it'll be taken away from her and sometimes given to two male flamingos who live together. Who'll then hatch the egg and raise the chick just as if it was their own chick.
Situational homosexuality
Sometimes when there is a shortage of male seagulls, two female seagulls we'll take up living together. With one acting as the male in the partnership, and one acting as the female in the partnership.
Sexual pleasure
About 75% of the sex acts performed by bonobos in the wild are not for procreation, but for the simple reason that they enjoy having sex with each other.
Male chimps in the wild have been noted raping other male chimps that were smaller and weaker.
Japanese macaques
Female Japanese macaques have been seen in the wild sexually pleasuring each other.
While alot of same sex is due to the shortage of one opposite sex or the other, some ostriches are apparently born gay. Even when there is a surplus of female ostriches, they'll only court other male ostriches.
Sometimes an older buck will take an younger buck under its wing. Whereupon, the younger submissive buck will allow himself to be mounted by the older dominant buck.
Apparently, most bonobos are bisexual in nature.
"Tales of the Weird: Unbelievable True Stories" from the "National Geographic" website and other sources.
Next time: "Yo, Mama. There were some tough mamas back in the days of yore."
The Gaelic word for the concept of deja vu is lang'ee.
Jonathan Winters' first movie role was as the voice for Sir Quiggley Broken Bottom - an animated pig.
The Alamo fell 177 years ago today.
Not long after after finishing Star Trek, William Shatner was so broke he spent some time living in a van. (Unclear if said van was "down by the river...")
When filled to capacity on game days, Memorial Stadium in Lincoln, Nebraska becomes the third largest 'city' in the state.
People photocopying their butts are the cause of 23% of all photocopier errors worldwide.
"Hang on Sloopy" is the official rock song of Ohio.
85% of men who die of heartattacks during intercourse, are found to have been cheating on their wives.
The Olympic traditions of carrying the torch & the doves was started by the Nazis.
The German WW2 rifle, the SturmGewehr 44, was the first ever assault weapon in the world. It was the inspiration for the AK-47 and had 3 selective rates of fire, and was originally slated to come into service in 1942.
Quote from: LilCerberus on March 10, 2013, 09:07:43 PM
The Olympic traditions of carrying the torch & the doves was started by the Nazis.
Deutsch Einfallsreichtum, mein Freund :cheers:
Fact: the Harley Davidson biker chick is not necessarily a present day phenomena.
Not when Iron Age women liked to wear wide leather belts studded with brass studs, especially when throwing back a cold brewski in the Iron Age equivalent of the biker bar.
And when driving the newest conveyance. The Harley Davidson chariot. 3hp.
Next time: He was so fat, that when he sat around the cave, he sat around the cave.
Albert Einstein and his first wife, Meric, had a child together a year before they married. Einstein refused to look at this baby, a daughter named Liserl, and he stipulated that a condition of him marrying Meric was that the baby immediately be given away. The man could be a cold-hearted pashkudenyak when he wanted to be.
Saint Patrick was English.
Fact: the Neolithic Natufians, one of the first people to stop wandering and settle down, to maintain the community peace and honor their dead, use to hold communal feasts in the caves, where their dead were buried.
Here they dined on that Neolithic delicacy, wild auroch or wild ox.
They also ate what ever could be brought to the feast, including . . .
acorns -- almonds -- fish -- legumes -- mountain gazelle -- turtle -- venison -- wild boar -- wild ibex -- and duck.
Sounds like today's potluck suppers.
And how many Natufians attended these feasts. The most wild auroch eaten at one of these feasts was found to be 671 pounds. Knowing how much meat one normal person can eat, you are looking at--probably--between 200 and 300 people.
Next time: Is that a watermelon in your pants, or are you just glad to see me?
The near-universal love of sweets possessed by humans is believed to be connected to the fact that the first milk mammals receive in life (the very first meal) has a high concentration of sugar in it which gives an infant a huge carbo boost. Therefore from the first moment on it is imprinted onto the brains of mammals that sweet is good.
Fact: the largest male genitalia in the animal kingdom, in relation to body weight, belongs to the tuberous bushcricket, where it makes up 14% of the animal's weight, or in a 200 pound man, that'd be 28 pounds, or the size of a good size watermelon.
Here are some more facts about the male genitalia from the animal kingdom.
Industrial pollution is causing the male genitalia of the polar bear to shrink in size.
The genitalia of the male bat is in direct relation to its brain size. The larger the brain, the smaller the genitalia. The smaller the brain, the larger the genitalia.
There is a type of male waterbug that creatres a type of music by rubbing its genitalia against its stomach. Sounds like some of the men I know.
Next time: They just couldn't cut the mustard.
The first person ever shown on a toilet in movie history was ... Orson Welles.
The guitarist for the British rock group Yes has three spleens.
It was discovered following a motorcycle accident, surgeons found he had four, but had to remove one.
Fact: You probably know about the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World, but did you know about the 7 New Wonders of the World, that were chosen in 2005?
Not that I'm interested. Not in an unknown selection process that winnowed the 200 nominees to 21 finaiists. Not in the ballot stuffing that picked the 7 winners from the 21 finalists. What interests me is who failed to make the final cut. And here are some of them.
the giant statues of Easter Island -- Moscow's Kremlin -- Sydney Opera House -- England's Stonehenge -- Greece's Acropolis -- Paris' Eiffel Tower.
Next time: What's in a name?
and maybe two film casts from two upcoming films that are casting outside the box.
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on April 01, 2013, 02:37:29 PM
Fact: You probably know about the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World, but did you know about the 7 New Wonders of the World, that were chosen in 2005?
Not that I'm interested. Not in an unknown selection process that winnowed the 200 nominees to 21 finaiists. Not in the ballot stuffing that picked the 7 winners from the 21 finalists. What interests me is who failed to make the final cut. And here are some of them.
the giant statues of Easter Island -- Moscow's Kremlin -- Sydney Opera House -- England's Stonehenge -- Greece's Acropolis -- Paris' Eiffel Tower.
I think Table Mountain should be on that list. :smile:
In Saudi Arabia men are allowed to hold hands in public but women are not, nor may a man and a woman, even if they are married.
Fact: the dusky shark is also known as . . .
the bay shark -- the black whaler -- the bronze whaler -- the brown dusky shark -- the brown shark -- the common whaler -- the dusky ground shark -- the shovelnose -- and just "Shark! Shark!"
As for the two cast lists . . .
Cast lists for films don't interest me that much like they once did, but there were a couple of recent cast lists that caught my eye.
First, the voice cast for "Planes," which is Pixar's aerial version of "Cars," and is one of the most eclectic casts I have seen in some time, as it includes . . .
Val Kilmer -- Dane Cook -- Julia Louis Dreyfus -- Brad Garrett -- John Cleese -- Teri Hatcher -- Priyonka Chopra -- Anthony Edwards -- Stacy Keach -- Cedric the Entertainer -- Sinbad -- Carlos Jaime Alazzraqui -- and Brent Musburger, who voices a character called Brent Mustangburger.
Always good to see and/or hear John Cleese, and Stacy Keach is one of those 1st look/2nd look choices. At 1st look it is "No, that'll never work," but on 2nd look it is "Yeah, that might work afterall." Nice thinking out of the box, Pixar.
And it does look like Pixar is going for something that does not only have national appeal, but international appeal.
The only one that seems to be missing is John Ratzenberger.
The 2nd cast, not as eclectic, but it does have a couple of interesting actors in it.
Marvel's 'Captain America : the Winter War" w/ Scarlet Johanssen, Samuel L. Jackson, Chris Evans, Robert Redford, and UCF Champion Georges St. Pierre, who plays one of the villains in the film.
Robert Redford. Not that "Captain America" needs it, but Redford adds some class to any film in which he appears. For while Redford was out of acting, but now he seems to be doing one film a year, and it looks like "Captain America" is his film for next year. I am so old I can remember when Redford was still doing episodic TV. That's over 50 years ago and still counting.
Marvel's out-of-the-box choice is UCF Champion Georges St. Pierre. Nice going, Marvel. Hope it works out.
Next time: "My pappy was a minion, and I'm his son of a gun" and "'Marvel Films,' it's just a license to print money."
About 90% of all BBQ joints in America isn't real BBQ, it's cooked meat with sauce from the jar smothered.
Quote from: El Misfit on April 09, 2013, 07:16:11 AM
About 90% of all BBQ joints in America isn't real BBQ, it's cooked meat with sauce from the jar smothered.
You Carolinians are all the same... :hatred:
Quote from: El Misfit on April 09, 2013, 07:16:11 AM
cooked meat with sauce from the jar smothered.
Sounds like BBQ to me.
Quote from: LilCerberus on April 09, 2013, 10:37:04 AM
Quote from: El Misfit on April 09, 2013, 07:16:11 AM
About 90% of all BBQ joints in America isn't real BBQ, it's cooked meat with sauce from the jar smothered.
You Carolinians are all the same... :hatred:
I'm from New Orleans.
Quote from: Bushma on April 09, 2013, 11:28:29 AM
Quote from: El Misfit on April 09, 2013, 07:16:11 AM
cooked meat with sauce from the jar smothered.
Sounds like BBQ to me.
REAL BBQ is actually slow roasted with sugar and spices caramelized into the meat.
Quote from: El Misfit on April 09, 2013, 12:09:29 PM
Quote from: LilCerberus on April 09, 2013, 10:37:04 AM
Quote from: El Misfit on April 09, 2013, 07:16:11 AM
About 90% of all BBQ joints in America isn't real BBQ, it's cooked meat with sauce from the jar smothered.
You Carolinians are all the same... :hatred:
I'm from New Orleans.
Quote from: Bushma on April 09, 2013, 11:28:29 AM
Quote from: El Misfit on April 09, 2013, 07:16:11 AM
cooked meat with sauce from the jar smothered.
Sounds like BBQ to me.
REAL BBQ is actually slow roasted with sugar and spices caramelized into the meat.
No Misfit - you're thinking of "barbecue." "BBQ" is meat smothered in sauce from a jar. (Wish I could find Joe Bob Briggs' column about the difference between barbecue and BBQ online, but I can't. I believe BBQ has to be served on a sloppy Joe bun and only two choices of sides are allowed---potato salad or pinto beans. And I think it has to be served by a lady wearing a hairnet to be genuine BBQ).
Quote from: Rev. Powell on April 09, 2013, 04:34:55 PM
Quote from: El Misfit on April 09, 2013, 12:09:29 PM
Quote from: LilCerberus on April 09, 2013, 10:37:04 AM
Quote from: El Misfit on April 09, 2013, 07:16:11 AM
About 90% of all BBQ joints in America isn't real BBQ, it's cooked meat with sauce from the jar smothered.
You Carolinians are all the same... :hatred:
I'm from New Orleans.
Quote from: Bushma on April 09, 2013, 11:28:29 AM
Quote from: El Misfit on April 09, 2013, 07:16:11 AM
cooked meat with sauce from the jar smothered.
Sounds like BBQ to me.
REAL BBQ is actually slow roasted with sugar and spices caramelized into the meat.
No Misfit - you're thinking of "barbecue." "BBQ" is meat smothered in sauce from a jar. (Wish I could find Joe Bob Briggs' column about the difference between barbecue and BBQ online, but I can't. I believe BBQ has to be served on a sloppy Joe bun and only two choices of sides are allowed---potato salad or pinto beans. And I think it has to be served by a lady wearing a hairnet to be genuine BBQ).
In the Carolinas,
"real" barbecue is pulled pork fried in vinegar.
They have a pretty fierce attitude about it around here. What Misfit is describing, the Carolinians would call "ketchup" or Texas Style, even though it's neither.
Being from Texas, I get a little insulted when I'm served Kansas Style or Hawaiian Style barbecue, & they call it Texas Style because it's not Carolina Style.....
Class warfare & racism suck.
The only literary influence Tolkien would admit to (Northern mythology aside) is H. Rider Haggard's She.
Quote from: LilCerberus on April 09, 2013, 04:48:18 PM
Quote from: Rev. Powell on April 09, 2013, 04:34:55 PM
Quote from: El Misfit on April 09, 2013, 12:09:29 PM
Quote from: LilCerberus on April 09, 2013, 10:37:04 AM
Quote from: El Misfit on April 09, 2013, 07:16:11 AM
About 90% of all BBQ joints in America isn't real BBQ, it's cooked meat with sauce from the jar smothered.
You Carolinians are all the same... :hatred:
I'm from New Orleans.
Quote from: Bushma on April 09, 2013, 11:28:29 AM
Quote from: El Misfit on April 09, 2013, 07:16:11 AM
cooked meat with sauce from the jar smothered.
Sounds like BBQ to me.
REAL BBQ is actually slow roasted with sugar and spices caramelized into the meat.
No Misfit - you're thinking of "barbecue." "BBQ" is meat smothered in sauce from a jar. (Wish I could find Joe Bob Briggs' column about the difference between barbecue and BBQ online, but I can't. I believe BBQ has to be served on a sloppy Joe bun and only two choices of sides are allowed---potato salad or pinto beans. And I think it has to be served by a lady wearing a hairnet to be genuine BBQ).
In the Carolinas, "real" barbecue is pulled pork fried in vinegar.
They have a pretty fierce attitude about it around here. What Misfit is describing, the Carolinians would call "ketchup" or Texas Style, even though it's neither.
Being from Texas, I get a little insulted when I'm served Kansas Style or Hawaiian Style barbecue, & they call it Texas Style because it's not Carolina Style.....
Class warfare & racism suck.
Pulled pork and vinegar? sounds disgusting to be honest (really, pickled pulled pork?) Barbeque wars is something I'm not to knowledgeable about. However, I do see Cerb's Point- Everytime I see an advert for "Cajun Spiced chicken" All I can think of is that it is really an outsiders take on New Orleans style food.
Quote from: Rev. Powell on April 09, 2013, 04:34:55 PM
Quote from: El Misfit on April 09, 2013, 12:09:29 PM
Quote from: LilCerberus on April 09, 2013, 10:37:04 AM
Quote from: El Misfit on April 09, 2013, 07:16:11 AM
About 90% of all BBQ joints in America isn't real BBQ, it's cooked meat with sauce from the jar smothered.
You Carolinians are all the same... :hatred:
I'm from New Orleans.
Quote from: Bushma on April 09, 2013, 11:28:29 AM
Quote from: El Misfit on April 09, 2013, 07:16:11 AM
cooked meat with sauce from the jar smothered.
Sounds like BBQ to me.
REAL BBQ is actually slow roasted with sugar and spices caramelized into the meat.
No Misfit - you're thinking of "barbecue." "BBQ" is meat smothered in sauce from a jar. (Wish I could find Joe Bob Briggs' column about the difference between barbecue and BBQ online, but I can't. I believe BBQ has to be served on a sloppy Joe bun and only two choices of sides are allowed---potato salad or pinto beans. And I think it has to be served by a lady wearing a hairnet to be genuine BBQ).
Just to clarify, I was right? It doesn't happen very often so I want to double check.
Fact: Minion. Definition of.
Servant -- follower -- comrade -- companion -- favorite (sexual) -- type of cannon.
The last leads us to today's story. For when the water well at Jamestown, Virginia, went bad, it was bad news for them and good news for us, because it then became the Jamestown garbage dump. Which now gives us some insight into how the settlers at Jamestown lived, as we have found . . .
turtle shells -- oyster shells -- Native American pots -- trade beads -- mirror glass -- tobacco pipes -- medicinal jars -- military items, including parts from a mnion -- and a broken roof slate, which has writing on it.
Roof slates were often used for writing materials, instead of paper, because they could be erased and reused. And on this slate there was found North American floral and fauna; words, letters, and numbers; and drawings of people, including one man, who apparently lost his right hand.
They also found . . .
Chinese wine cups -- Venetian glassware -- German clay jugs -- Dutch wall tiles
which shows that international trade was not a recent phenomena.
As for my other remark about Marvel last time . . .
"Iron Man 3" will be out May 3, in the U.S., and it'll be playing in many theaters, as part of a movie marathon. "Iron Man," "Iron Man 2," "The Avengers," and then "Iron Man 3." With special ticket prices, and looking at previous movie marathons, the ticket prices will probably range between $20 and $40 per ticket. Still, that's not bad for 4 films, and some theaters are also throwing in a concession coupon at that price.
As for the start time . . .? I'm guessing 12:01 a.m. on May 3.
At least, with the world wide web, one can now purchase the tickets on-line, when they go on sale. No more camping out for days to be the first in line to get tickets. That's the good news.
The bad news . . . ? At one time, the U.S. would be one of the first countries to get a release of an American film. Now it is one of the last. The first country to get the film will be New Zealand, where it opens April 18. So, if one wants to be one of the first people in the world to see it, you'll need to fly to New Zealand.
Next time: "It took 77,000 Garamantes or one Texan . . ." and "Do we need another new music award? Probably not, but . . "
EA Games is the first company, in America, to win the Worst Company In America award two times in a row.
Quote from: Bushma on April 11, 2013, 12:07:20 PM
Quote from: Rev. Powell on April 09, 2013, 04:34:55 PM
Quote from: El Misfit on April 09, 2013, 12:09:29 PM
Quote from: LilCerberus on April 09, 2013, 10:37:04 AM
Quote from: El Misfit on April 09, 2013, 07:16:11 AM
About 90% of all BBQ joints in America isn't real BBQ, it's cooked meat with sauce from the jar smothered.
You Carolinians are all the same... :hatred:
I'm from New Orleans.
Quote from: Bushma on April 09, 2013, 11:28:29 AM
Quote from: El Misfit on April 09, 2013, 07:16:11 AM
cooked meat with sauce from the jar smothered.
Sounds like BBQ to me.
REAL BBQ is actually slow roasted with sugar and spices caramelized into the meat.
No Misfit - you're thinking of "barbecue." "BBQ" is meat smothered in sauce from a jar. (Wish I could find Joe Bob Briggs' column about the difference between barbecue and BBQ online, but I can't. I believe BBQ has to be served on a sloppy Joe bun and only two choices of sides are allowed---potato salad or pinto beans. And I think it has to be served by a lady wearing a hairnet to be genuine BBQ).
Just to clarify, I was right? It doesn't happen very often so I want to double check.
I've got no idea, I lost track. :teddyr:
Bottom line: "real" barbecue is barbecue done in the style of whatever state you come from.
A lot of boxes have these little locking tabs on the ends, so that when you pull some foil out, the whole roll doesn't fall out of the box.
An average of one-hundred tornadoes a year strike the state of Texas; more than anyplace else on earth.
Fact: The Garamantes, a people in the southwestern corner of modern Libya, ruled that part of Africa for almost 900 years. And they were able to do that, because of an extensive underground irrigation system, they were able to build.
But . . .
They were not only water engineers and farmers, they were also were known--well known to the ancient Greeks and Romans--weavers, metallurgists, and importers/exporters.
They imported . . .
metal ores -- olive oil -- olives -- slaves -- and wines.
And they exported . . .
barley -- figs -- grapes -- metal products -- pearl millet -- pulses -- slaves -- sorghum -- textiles -- and wheat.
Their rule came to an end in the 7th century A.D. for two main reasons. One external and one internal. The external reason was the collapse of the Roman empire along the Libyan coast disrupted the trade routes upon which they were dependent. The internal reason was that they just ran out of water eventually.
As for the other . . .
The Aussie, the Limey, and the Texan. Cody Simpson, Ellie Golding, and Austin Malone are scheduled to perform and/or hand out awards at the 1st RDMA. (RDMA stands for Radio Disney Music Awards.) And they are to be joined by Selena Gomez, Bridget Mendler, and Coco Jones. And if you don't know who any of these are, just ask your children, if you do have children. While public voting is over for this year, the show is to be held live at the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles, California, USA on April 27. And to be broadcast on Radio Disney, and for all I know, one or more of the networks owned by the Walt Disney Company.
Next time: "Take one cucumber" and an continuation.
Quote from: LilCerberus on April 09, 2013, 04:48:18 PM
In the Carolinas, "real" barbecue is pulled pork fried in vinegar.
They have a pretty fierce attitude about it around here.
Hmmm...I've lived in one or the other Carolina for nearly 40 years, and I cannot say I've ever had pulled pork fried in vinegar.
We did used to slow cook whole hogs (split in two down the middle) over oak coals over 24 hours and sell it as "barbecue" twice a year as a fund raiser. The pork was pulled and sold, not fried or any other 'treatment' after pulling.
Most eastern NC restaurants advertise slow cooking over hardwood, not frying.
I know that the vinegar based sauces are popular, but I've never heard of anyone frying the pork itself in vinegar.
According to the Public Policy Polling Foundation, 5% of Americans who believe Obama is the Antichrist nevertheless voted for him in the last election.
The soreness associated with exercise is largely caused by the dissipation of lactic acid from the muscles.
Ohio University sued the Ohio State University and won the rights to the word "Ohio". High-five to the underdog from Athens for taking down the biggest bully on the block.
Because nightmare material should be shared...
Quotereptile reflexes remain deadly after death. In fact, they can still bite and deliver a killing dose of venom up to an hour after being decapitated
There exists a plant named "horny goat weed". Consuming its leaves would work as an aphrodisiac for both men and women.
Quote from: El Misfit on April 22, 2013, 08:18:07 PM
There exists a plant named "horny goat weed".
That is a fact.
Quote from: El Misfit on April 22, 2013, 08:18:07 PM
Consuming its leaves would work as an aphrodisiac for both men and women.
That is an advertising claim.
Fact: Before mankind walked the earth, the following could be found.
(a) "Sea monsters" with teeth the size of cucumbers and a skull the size of a minicompact.
(b) Snakes longer than a city bus.
(c) Birds that used their wings like nunchucks and their heads like hatchets.
(d) And crocs that were vegetarians, since they ate nothing but plants.
Of course, they have since all died out.
As for the other . . .
We'll talk about the radio station, then about the listeners.
Like any good business, they saw a need and they fulfilled it. They saw a need for a radio network that catered to teens and pre-teens, and they have been remarkablely successful in filling that niche, since they began 17 years ago.
So, if one has a singer, a record, a band, or an album one wants to promote, one tries to place 'em on this network. Maybe because they broadcast not only in the U.S. and Canada, but also in Europe, Australia, and Asia. And they also have a Latin America division, which can be heard over much of the areaa south of Mexico. Before they moved to California, they actually got their start here in the area in which I live.
Next time: "The Great 8" and a conclusion.
Steve Irwin said parrots made him nervous. Not pythons, not cobras, not sharks or scorpions or a twenty-foot croc called Aggro....parrots.
I'm tired, and that's a fact!
Quote from: indianasmith on April 24, 2013, 11:41:44 PM
I'm tired, and that's a fact!
I'm receiving my DVD copy of
Searching For Sugarman today and that is a cold fact. :wink:
Quote from: Trevor on April 25, 2013, 02:45:02 AM
Quote from: indianasmith on April 24, 2013, 11:41:44 PM
I'm tired, and that's a fact!
I'm receiving my DVD copy of Searching For Sugarman today and that is a cold fact. :wink:
The temperature is 38 F outside my window right now, and
that is a cold fact.
Quote from: Rev. Powell on April 25, 2013, 08:26:39 AM
Quote from: Trevor on April 25, 2013, 02:45:02 AM
Quote from: indianasmith on April 24, 2013, 11:41:44 PM
I'm tired, and that's a fact!
I'm receiving my DVD copy of Searching For Sugarman today and that is a cold fact. :wink:
The temperature is 38 F outside my window right now, and that is a cold fact.
:buggedout: :buggedout:
Yikes: that is 3 degrees Celsius! :buggedout:
* Sends coffee and blankets to the Rev*
Bloody hell: I'm African, I don't know cold like that. :buggedout:
Today is ANZAC Day, a day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand, which memorializes all those who died in the service of those two countries.
To those everywhere who fell to defend those liberties enshrined in western civilization: thank you.
During the Cold War the Soviet Union, not Cuba, was geographically the closest Communist nation to the United States.
The bow and arrow did not seem to arrive in North America until about 500 AD. Among stone artifacts, true arrowheads are almost always under one inch in length. Anything larger was used on a spear, lance, or dart.
Quote from: ER on April 27, 2013, 11:59:43 PM
The bow and arrow did not seem to arrive in North America until about 500 AD. Among stone artifacts, true arrowheads are almost always under one inch in length. Anything larger was used on a spear, lance, or dart.
The size is purely a practical consideration: in order for an arrow to function
as an arrow, the point needs to be
under 4 grams (0.14 ounces).
Modern ATMs make almost no sounds by themselves. The clicks and whirrs of machinery that you hear are usually sound effects that are added to give the user confidence that it is working.
Just three months after his death, Charlie Chaplin's body was stolen on Christmas day in 1977, by two mechanics. They thought they could get money from his family in exchange for his body. However, the two grave robbers were captured and eleven weeks later and Chaplin's body was recovered. To stop this from happening again, Chaplin was buried under 6 feet of concrete the second time around.
Quote from: Chainsaw midget on April 28, 2013, 08:19:11 AM
Modern ATMs make almost no sounds by themselves. The clicks and whirrs of machinery that you hear are usually sound effects that are added to give the user confidence that it is working.
They do the same thing with the gear shift on motorcycles nowadays.
And the "Close Door" button on elevators doesn't do anything.
Daniel Boone was never lost in the woods, though he did confess that at times he got turned around in there for a few days.
In the 1980s a man with severe OCD shot himself in the head in an attempt to commit suicide. Instead of killing him, the bullet destroyed the part of his brain that was responsible for his OCD, and he went on to become a straight-A college student five years later.
Aerosmith's "Walk This Way" was inspired by Mel Brook's movie Young Frankenstein, specifically, the scenes where Igor (pronounced Eye-Gore) tells the doctor to ... "walk this way,".
Yesterday was the 68th anniversary of Adolf Hitler's death in the Reich Chancellery bunker in Berlin.
You know, you do have to say this for Hitler: at least he killed Hitler!
This is May Day, the traditional beginning of summer across much of Europe.
The 8 American companies that--this according to Michael Grunwald's book "The New New Deal"--that will lead us into a new and--hopefully--better future are . . .
apple -- cisco -- disney -- ebay -- facebook -- google -- intel -- twitter.
As for the other . . . ?
For anybody who has children, I'm not telling you what you don't already know, but . . .
1.) If I listen to their music, it helps me to understand how they think. Though, what does that say about our generation and our music, except, we had better music.
2.) I know better, but it is a reminder that children are not homogenuous, but are as heterogenuous as any other group out there.
3. Boys vs. girls
a.) I'd like to know the percentage of boys to girls that listen to the station. I bet it is more girls than boys, but with the number of boys who call in and/or win the on-air contests, I think the number of boys may be increasing.
b.) What do boys listen to, with the boy bands and boy singers, most of the music is seemingly geared toward girls, but while they are too cool to admit it, if you hold their little feet to the fire, they'll admit they'll listen to the same music as girls. And with the girl singers and now girl bands out there, boys can develop the same type of crush, that girls develop.
c.) No wonder women are beating our male butts. When girls call in, they'll be with some of their friends. Developing support groups at an early age. But, most boys, when they call in, will be by themselves.
d.) It is a reminder of something I hate. Until they reach puberty, alot of boys sound smiliar to girls, and with the increasing number of unisex names, I can't tell whether I'm listening to a boy or a girl. I hate that.
Next time: "It is all fun and board games till someone dies."
But for a typo on a Mississippi birth certificate, Oprah would, as intended, have borne the Biblical name Orpah.
Since 1995, May is celebrated as the National Masturbation Month.
A comparative study on men who watch porn and men who don't watch porn could not be completed because the researchers couldn't find any men who had never watched porn. :wink:
Fact: Some geographers rank India as a continent, not a subcontinent.
Fact: Some geographers rate Australia as an island instead of a continent.
Fact: Some geographers consider the land between the Arabian and Anatolian peninsulas to be Africa, not Asia.
Conjecture: At the end of the night geographers usually go home alone.
Quote from: ER on May 04, 2013, 10:48:59 PM
Fact: Some geographers rank India as a continent, not a subcontinent.
Fact: Some geographers rate Australia as an island instead of a continent.
Fact: Some geographers consider the land between the Arabian and Anatolian peninsulas to be Africa, not Asia.
Conjecture: At the end of the night geographers usually go home alone.
Gee... And I was confused enough by the whole Eur-Asia thing...
FACT: Dubai has four new cop cars: An Aston Martin One-77, Bentley Continental GT, Ferrari FF, Lamborghini Aventador, and a Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG, all very fast cars, ONLY FOR F**KING SHOW!!!!!!!!!! ಠ_ಠ
Here's the proof:
Lambo-https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/485452_521524521216141_1603398927_n.jpg (https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/485452_521524521216141_1603398927_n.jpg)
Aston Martin-https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/298227_521884507846809_1122630445_n.jpg (https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/298227_521884507846809_1122630445_n.jpg)
Mercedes-https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/944725_521980737837186_1245355162_n.png (https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/944725_521980737837186_1245355162_n.png)
Ferrari-http://www.drivearabia.com/news/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Ferrari-FF-Dubai-Police-3-450x337.jpg (http://www.drivearabia.com/news/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Ferrari-FF-Dubai-Police-3-450x337.jpg)
Bentley-http://images.thecarconnection.com/lrg/bentley-continental-gt-police-car--image-dubai-police_100426320_l.jpg (http://images.thecarconnection.com/lrg/bentley-continental-gt-police-car--image-dubai-police_100426320_l.jpg)
Pedra Furada, Brazil has a site that shows human occupation of the Americas dates to perhaps as early as 48,000 years before present. That fact leads to the question: if occupation so far south was in effect that early, what does that say about the possible dates of human presence in the far north?
The Richmond PD did something similar recently as a ploy to get out giving their officers raises.
Quote from: El Misfit on May 06, 2013, 07:33:59 AM
FACT: Dubai has four new cop cars: An Aston Martin One-77, Bentley Continental GT, Ferrari FF, Lamborghini Aventador, and a Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG, all very fast cars, ONLY FOR F**KING SHOW!!!!!!!!!! ಠ_ಠ
Here's the proof:
Lambo-https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/485452_521524521216141_1603398927_n.jpg (https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/485452_521524521216141_1603398927_n.jpg)
Aston Martin-https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/298227_521884507846809_1122630445_n.jpg (https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/298227_521884507846809_1122630445_n.jpg)
Mercedes-https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/944725_521980737837186_1245355162_n.png (https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/944725_521980737837186_1245355162_n.png)
Ferrari-http://www.drivearabia.com/news/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Ferrari-FF-Dubai-Police-3-450x337.jpg (http://www.drivearabia.com/news/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Ferrari-FF-Dubai-Police-3-450x337.jpg)
Bentley-http://images.thecarconnection.com/lrg/bentley-continental-gt-police-car--image-dubai-police_100426320_l.jpg (http://images.thecarconnection.com/lrg/bentley-continental-gt-police-car--image-dubai-police_100426320_l.jpg)
the axe -- the bomb -- the poison -- the poker -- the shillelagh -- the syringe
were just some of the weapons used in the original version of Clue, or, as it is called in the U.K., Cluedo. Where the game actually got its start.
They make the weapons used in the newest version of Clue look almost mundane.
My favorite is the poker. For when you get hit by a poker, you know you've been hit. Just two problems: it is unwieldy, because it is unbalanced, and it is heavy as heck. So, choke up on it with a 2-handed grip and swing it like you would with a baseball bat.
There is also a version of Clue that features the Disney characters and takes place in the Haunted Mansion. The game is much the same, except no one is killed, but--instead--one of the characters is scared by one of the six ghosts inhabiting one of the nine rooms in the mansion.
There are also Disney variants of the following . . .
Candyland -- Chutes and Ladders -- Connect 4 -- The Game of Life -- Operation -- Pictionary -- Rubik's Cube -- Sorry -- Trivial Pursuit -- and Monopoly.
The last comes in Pixar, theme parks, and villains edition.
But, of course, the granddaddy of all variant boardgames is Monopoly, which comes in multiple versions of . . .
Animals -- Automobiles -- Cities -- Companies -- Films -- Sports -- States -- TV Shows -- Universities -- and Foreign Cities and Countries.
Next time: Christmas comes early this year. The 12 Days of Christmas.
Only nine percent of the world's people own an automobile.
The original GI Joe was a World War 1 carrier pigeon.
Medieval western Europeans were roughly the same height as modern Europeans, circa 5'9" for men, 5'5" for women, with 6' men about as common in France and Britain a thousand years ago as nowadays. It was during the Industrial Age, when people crowded into cities and poor nutrition followed, that average height declined.
Medieval skeletons also show teeth far less impacted by decay than is typical of those peoples' 21st century descendants. A low-sugar diet is believed to be the cause.
Also bathing was really not uncommon throughout much of the Middle Ages, with there being more bathhouses in Chaucer's London than in Victoria's. Clean clothes were viewed as so necessary to life that one of the most common professions for women was laundress, with nearly everyone who could afford it making weekly use of laundress' services. One means for recruiting soldiers to your army was to hire the most skilled laundresses, and then advertising that fact among viable mercenaries. (And, no, these did not seem to be prostitutes since they were often widows quite on in years, and prostitution was otherwise openly practiced...) There was more soap per capita produced in Richard the Lionheart's England than in the time of Jane Austen.
A good mythbusting book on all this is If Walls Could Talk, by Lucy Worsley.
Christmas comes early this year.
On the 1st day of Christmas . . .
The Weird and the Wonderful
ella fitzgerald's
santa claus got stuck in my chimney
dora bryan's
all i want for christmas is a beatle
spinal tap's
christmas with the devil
bob and doug mckenzie's
the twelve days of christmas
stan freberg's
green chri$tma$
the chipmunks'
chipmunk song
spike jones and his city slickers'
all i want for christmas is my two front teeth
fountain of wayne's
i want an alien for christmas
stan freberg's
nuttin' for christmas
tom lehrer's
christmas carol
These are, and most of the upcoming ones, will be from Joey Green's "Weird and Wonderful Christmas."
Next time: the 2nd day of Christmas
Ich bin mit Deutsch Wurzeln amerikanischer ( I am German with American roots) and my grandmother used to tell me this little interesting fact about Anglo-Saxons:
The Sachsen is the knife that was carried by the Northwestern German tribes, including the Nederlanders and the Danish. This is where the name "Saxon" came from.
Now, when they settled along the banks of the Thames river, they stayed because the fishing was great, There, they were known as the Angel-Sachsen, "Angeln" being the German word for fishing. They also brought a great deal of English to Roman Brittania at the time that the Celtic language Brythonic was spoken, as well as Latin.
Looking on the relative similarity of some of the German and English words, it's got some credibility to it. Angel-Sachsen=Anglo-Saxon.
It is fun to play with language in interpretations of the origins of names. Many times the apparent logic, however satisfying and attractive in its tidiness, can be a bit misleading.
The Angles and the Saxons were Germanic tribes. To paraphrase wiki:
The Anglo-Saxons were the population in Britain partly descended from the Germanic tribes who migrated from continental Europe and settled the south and east of the island beginning in the early 5th century.
The Benedictine monk Bede, writing in the early 8th century, identified the English as the descendants of three Germanic tribes:
The Angles, who probably came from Angeln (in what is now modern Germany) The name England (Old English: Engla land or Ængla land) originates from this tribe.
The Saxons, from Lower Saxony (in modern Germany; German: Niedersachsen) and the Low Countries.
The Jutes, possibly from the Jutland peninsula (in modern Denmark; Danish: Jylland).
- The area for investigation being whether the tribes gave their names to the lands (and characterisitic practices and devices such as the 'sachsen' knife) or vice versa.
........... not forgetting a certain South African who was descended (he came down minus a parachute :buggedout: :wink:) from the legendary Underpantian Kingdom :wink:
Quote from: Newt on May 15, 2013, 08:13:08 AM
It is fun to play with language in interpretations of the origins of names. Many times the apparent logic, however satisfying and attractive in its tidiness, can be a bit misleading.
The Angles and the Saxons were Germanic tribes. To paraphrase wiki:
The Anglo-Saxons were the population in Britain partly descended from the Germanic tribes who migrated from continental Europe and settled the south and east of the island beginning in the early 5th century.
The Benedictine monk Bede, writing in the early 8th century, identified the English as the descendants of three Germanic tribes:
The Angles, who probably came from Angeln (in what is now modern Germany) The name England (Old English: Engla land or Ængla land) originates from this tribe.
The Saxons, from Lower Saxony (in modern Germany; German: Niedersachsen) and the Low Countries.
The Jutes, possibly from the Jutland peninsula (in modern Denmark; Danish: Jylland).
- The area for investigation being whether the tribes gave their names to the lands (and characterisitic practices and devices such as the 'sachsen' knife) or vice versa.
Interesting, and I am aware of the tribal names you threw out.
Despite this, it may be a good bet that there is some legitimacy to the phrase "Angel Sachsen" because the word "Angeln" is used to describe the act of fishing in German, and so may have been used to describe one particular tribe along the Thames instead of those who were in the area as a whole.
And, since the word "Angling" is an English description of the act of fishing, this slight difference
may actually be a corruption, or a similarity, much in the way, for example. one tribe would say "isn't" and the other would say "ain't" for purposes of communication among a particular group or groups with comaptible but slightly similar dialects.
Whatever the case may be,
Ich danke Ihnen fur Ihre Hilfe, mein Freundin. Liebe und Frieden! Umaril
More summarising of bits and pieces from here and there:
The Angles and the Saxons have been quite long-accepted as separate founding tribes of the British peoples. There are differences that distinguish and identify Angles, Saxons and Jutes. You will find that in any reference text to do with post-Roman Britain (C5th).
The term "Anglo-Saxon" is a relatively modern one and was not in use at the time: at no point did any of the tribes call themselves "Anglo-Saxons", they only identified themselves as Angle, Saxon or Jute. Only later under King Alfred (reigning 871-899) did they become unified as a people, and then they called themselves "The English", never the "Anglo Saxons"
The term "Angli Saxones" seems to have first been used in continental writing nearly a century before Alfred's time, by Paul the Deacon, historian of the Lombards, probably to distinguish the English Saxons from the continental Saxons (Ealdseaxe, literally, 'old Saxons').
The term "Anglo-Saxon" is found in documents produced in the time of Alfred the Great, who frequently used the titles rex Anglorum Saxonum and rex Angul-Saxonum (king of the English Saxons).
English is a Germanic language - by way of the Angles and the Saxons - so many English words have Germanic origins and sounds. Old English IS "Anglo-Saxon". The roots of the modern word "angling" lie in the Latin and Greek words for "bend" or "hook". The Angles took their name from their ancestral home in Jutland, Angul (modern Angeln), which has an area in the shape of a hook (Old English: angel, angul "fishhook", anga "hook"). There is your fishing connection: the tribe known as the "Angles" was named such long before they came to Britain and overrran the natives there.
Hummingbirds have such a high metabolism that they are continuously hours away from starving to death.
A healthy person can drink about three gallons -- or 48 cups -- of water each day.
On the 2nd day of Christmas . . .
Weird and Wonderful, Side B
Elmo and Patsy's
Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer
Singing Dogs'
Jingle Bells
Allan Sherman
The Twelve Gifts of Christmas
Gayla Peevey's
I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas
Wild Man Fischer's
I'm a Christmas Tree
Kip Addotta's
I Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus
Weird Al Yaknovic's
Christmas at Ground Zero
Somebodt Stole My Santa Suit
Santa Got a DWI
Christmas Eve Can Kill You
The last 3 by the Everly Brothers
Next time: the 3rd Day of Christmas
The song, "Jingle Bells" makes no mention of Christmas, nor any holiday.
For that reason, my holiday mixer includes Holiday by Madonna, Holiday by The Bee Gees, and Holiday by The Other Ones (Y'Know, for the politically correct crowd).
Dinner Bell by They Might Be Giants, 'cause, I dunno, it just puts me in the mood for visiting all those relatives who avoid me the rest of the year.
The Order Of Death by Public Image Limited, because the movie Hardware takes place on Christmas, & well, the lyrics "This is what you want-This is what you get" just sorta' sums it up every year.....
Ding Dong by Splork.... Local group. Look it up!
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on May 19, 2013, 03:57:22 PM
On the 2nd day of Christmas . . .
Weird and Wonderful, Side B
Elmo and Patsy's
Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer
Singing Dogs'
Jingle Bells
Allan Sherman
The Twelve Gifts of Christmas
Gayla Peevey's
I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas
Wild Man Fischer's
I'm a Christmas Tree
Kip Addotta's
I Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus
Weird Al Yaknovic's
Christmas at Ground Zero
Somebodt Stole My Santa Suit
Santa Got a DWI
Christmas Eve Can Kill You
The last 3 by the Everly Brothers
Next time: the 3rd Day of Christmas
(Fast) Food facts in Germany:
~ Taco Bell only tried once (mid-80s) but failed to branch out in Germany.
~ The most popular Mexican dish in Germany is chili con carne.
~ Original Frito-Lay Doritos are available at regular stores, but the bags are tiny compared to the U.S.
~ Domino's Pizza is planning to open 1000 restaurants in Germany in the next 10 years.
~ Wendy's failed to launch in Germany (mid-80s) because of complications regarding preparation of fresh beef (too time-consuming). Plus the salad bar didn't live up to German standards (whatever that means).
~ You'd be hard pressed finding cheddar cheese in German stores two years ago.
~ You still have to look up delicatessen/specialty/foreign food markets to find fresh cilantro in Germany.
~ The Kellog Company never introduced Pop-Tarts in Germany.
~ Original Nabisco Oreos in different flavors are available at German stores, sold in tiny boxes.
~ Until two years ago Ben & Jerry's was only available at gas stations or video rental stores (!). Only now a very limited flavors selection are making its way into regular grocery stores in Germany.
~ Cup cakes are usually called muffins in Germany, and real muffins still go by the name muffins.
~ Germans don't care about bacon. Though available in stores they are very thinly sliced, and hardly leave grease when frying them.
~ You'll only find breaded fried chicken (pieces) at KFC restaurants in Germany, non are available in frozen food sections.
~ Germans are crazy about American BBQ sauce.
~ Germans are crazy about Mountain Dew.
~ Germans are crazy about Skittles.
~ Marshmallow Fluff quietly made its way into German grocery stores last year, with instructions on how to make a Fluffernutter printed on the jar.
~ No onion rings or corn dogs at frozen food sections in Germany.
~ Grilled cheese sandwiches are unheard of in Germany. Though German foodie-magazines sometimes list grilled cheese recipes in combination with tomato soup as a dish for children.
~ Listed with worldwide markets, Reese's peanut butter cups never made it to regular stores in Germany, sometimes available as expensive imports at gas stations.
~ Soft drinks like Welch's grape soda, root beer, Dr. Pepper or Mountain Dew are only available as expensive imports at gas stations.
Quote from: Newt on May 15, 2013, 05:25:36 PM
More summarising of bits and pieces from here and there:
English is a Germanic language - by way of the Angles and the Saxons - so many English words have Germanic origins and sounds. Old English IS "Anglo-Saxon". The roots of the modern word "angling" lie in the Latin and Greek words for "bend" or "hook". The Angles took their name from their ancestral home in Jutland, Angul (modern Angeln), which has an area in the shape of a hook (Old English: angel, angul "fishhook", anga "hook"). There is your fishing connection: the tribe known as the "Angles" was named such long before they came to Britain and overran the natives there.
Right, as I have read before about the introduction of English to Britain, and yes, as one with German roots (and a grandmother and great-grandparents who spoke it, there is a very big connection between English and German words.
One example I can think of... Apple (English) Apfel (German). Oh yes and Schulhaus (schoolhouse). Nice to know we brought English to die Alte Welt.
In any case, the connections a bit clearer now, and it's a given that German peoples have a footprint in every yard in Europe (Welt Krieg Ein und Welt Krieg Zwei aside.)
Vielen Dank fur Ihre Hilfe mit meinen Geschicte (help with my history)
Mach's gut! :cheers:
Quote from: claws on May 20, 2013, 06:31:57 AM
Wendy's failed to launch in Germany (mid-80s) because of complications regarding preparation of fresh beef (too time-consuming)
That happened with Pizza Hut here too.
QuoteSoft drinks like root beer, Dr. Pepper or Mountain Dew are only available as expensive imports at gas stations.
We get those here too: they are hideously expensive. :buggedout:
Although with enough effort they can be physically killed, sea anemones are otherwise apparently more or less immortal. They can survive being cut in half, being decapitated, having vital organs excised, and they are immune to cancer and all mutations associated with old age. Scientists have observed their cells regenerating "Fountain of Youth" style to the point of their regrowing missing limbs and even the most vital sections of their nervous systems that would correspond in function to the mammalian brain. A marine biologist who once lectured a class I took said there is no reason to think that there aren't anemones alive today which are millions of years old.
Pope Leo XIII endorsed Vin Mariani, a "wine tonic" made with cocaine, and allowed his image to be used in ads.
Because Mars has less than 1% the air pressure found on Earth, hurricane force winds there would barely unfurl a flag.
Quote from: ER on May 22, 2013, 02:00:09 PM
Because Mars has less than 1% the air pressure found on Earth, hurricane force winds there would barely unfurl a flag.
Gee I wish the hurricanes here on Earth were like that...OUR hurricanes won't only unfurl a flag, they'll rip the thing right off the post!
Quote from: Umaril Has Returned on May 23, 2013, 08:31:54 PM
Quote from: ER on May 22, 2013, 02:00:09 PM
Because Mars has less than 1% the air pressure found on Earth, hurricane force winds there would barely unfurl a flag.
Gee I wish the hurricanes here on Earth were like that...OUR hurricanes won't only unfurl a flag, they'll rip the thing right off the post!
and not to mention billions of dollars.
Quote from: claws on May 20, 2013, 06:31:57 AM
~ Grilled cheese sandwiches are unheard of in Germany. Though German foodie-magazines sometimes list grilled cheese recipes in combination with tomato soup as a dish for children.
Hey grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup is a favorite of mine :bouncegiggle:
In South Africa in 1967, a twenty-two foot long earthworm was discovered.
The additive Red 40 is a bunch of small beetles crushed to give the red coloring
62.7% of all statistics are made up by the person who cites them.
Quote from: El Misfit on May 23, 2013, 11:12:00 PM
Quote from: Umaril Has Returned on May 23, 2013, 08:31:54 PM
Quote from: ER on May 22, 2013, 02:00:09 PM
Because Mars has less than 1% the air pressure found on Earth, hurricane force winds there would barely unfurl a flag.
Gee I wish the hurricanes here on Earth were like that...OUR hurricanes won't only unfurl a flag, they'll rip the thing right off the post!
and not to mention billions of dollars.
True, true, if only hurricanes were fiction and not fact :bluesad:
Quote from: ER on May 24, 2013, 09:39:58 AM
In South Africa in 1967, a twenty-two foot long earthworm was discovered.
... and the discovering team was never heard from again.
On the 3rd day of Christmas . . .
Holly Jolly?
Apparently, in England it is still illegal to . . .
(a.) drive your car to church on Chrstmas Day.
(b.) participate in any sport besides archery, leaping, and vaulting on Christmas Day.
(c.) eat mince pies and Christmas puddings on Christmas Day. Then, when do you eat 'em?
Next time: the 4th day of Christmas.
... people celebrate Christmas earlier and earlier every year.
Many parts of a hamster are edible.
Actor Jerry Van Dyke turned down the role of Gilligan (you know, the guy that has an island named after him) so he could play the lead role in My Mother The Car.
When a young goat has diarrhea, puppies will follow him around and keep his little butt licked clean. Dogs are disgusting! :buggedout:
A garbage can full of grass clippings + a week of rain + some idiot to dump it into another garbage can to get it all stirred up = a stink you shan't soon forget.
Quote from: ER on May 24, 2013, 09:39:58 AM
In South Africa in 1967, a twenty-two foot long earthworm was discovered.
:teddyr: :teddyr:
I can't be blamed for that. :wink:
Quote from: Trevor on May 27, 2013, 12:54:33 AM
Quote from: ER on May 24, 2013, 09:39:58 AM
In South Africa in 1967, a twenty-two foot long earthworm was discovered.
:teddyr: :teddyr:
I can't be blamed for that. :wink:
No, you're not to blame, but just imagine trying to put a worm that size on a fishing hook! Be a
hell of a time... :buggedout:
Quote from: indianasmith on May 25, 2013, 07:33:02 PM
Many parts of a hamster are edible.
No thanks, Indy..there's a reason they call it a ham and cheese sandwich, NOT
hamster and cheese....
According to an insurance study, about 150 Americans a year die from injuries suffered after falling out of bed. That correlates to you having about a 1 in 2,000,000 chance of dying that way over the next twelve months. Good luck!
Quote from: ER on May 28, 2013, 02:51:10 PM
According to an insurance study, about 150 Americans a year die from injuries suffered after falling out of bed. That correlates to you having about a 1 in 2,000,000 chance of dying that way over the next twelve months. Good luck!
Couple the fact that people die from falls out of bed, with the fact that politicians in some states still make laws depending what side of the bed they get out of every morning, and it's plain to see that a good night's rest is a very dangerous pursuit... :buggedout:
In 2007, Comcast accidently played porn on the Disney Channel. The schedule was suppose to play a cartoon called Handy Manny, but somehow, someone goofed up and played porn instead.
And yes, Manny must have been very Handy then.
Hog-nosed snakes feed exclusively on toads. When fire ants wiped out the local toad population in the early 1990's, hog-nosed snakes disappeared from NE Texas.
On the 4th day of Christmas . . .
"Bah! Humbug!"
The record number of "Bah! Humbugs" heard in a film is 10 in 1938's "A Christmas Carol" w/ Reginald Owens.
Other films in which you hear it.
"Scrooge." 1970. Albert Finney. 6 times.
"Scrooge." 1935. Sir Seymour Hicks. 5 times.
"A Christmas Carol." 1951. Alastair Sim. 5 times.
"Mickey's Christmas Carol." 1983. Scrooge McDuck. 5 times.
"Scrooged." 1988. Bill Murray. 2 times.
Next time: the 5th day of Christmas.
On the cover of Super Mario Brothers for the NES shows Mario dying because he has fallen into a lava pit. here's proof:
The original plan was for Cincinnati, Ohio to be situated in Kentucky in order to make use of the north-flowing Licking River as a gateway to the southern interior. In 1788, the year of Cincinnati's founding, southwestern Ohio was dead center of the Miami Slaughterhouse, the colorfully named homeland of one of the more fierce peoples in the Northwest Territory. Kentucky was a safer option, the ground was more level, and the economics made more sense, and yet the settlers abruptly took it upon themselves to toss their carefully made plans and set up shop on the Ohio side because they found its seven hills more picturesque, proving once more that a whim inspired by beauty is one of the engines of human civilization.
Dr. Suess's first book And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street was rejected by 27 different publishers (some sources say 29) for being too different, too silly, and not having a moral.
His books have now sold over 600 million copies.
Spencer Tracy's first film appearance was a non-speaking role as a robot in the science fiction fantasy R.U.R. (1922).
The first time a Navajo baby laughs, the family throws a party. The person who made the baby laugh provides the food.
America was actually the first country to spread the idea of having babies sleep in a different room than the parents. The Japanese sees this as barbaric.
Quote from: El Misfit on May 28, 2013, 10:49:01 PM
In 2007, Comcast accidently played porn on the Disney Channel. The schedule was suppose to play a cartoon called Handy Manny, but somehow, someone goofed up and played porn instead.
And yes, Manny must have been very Handy then.
Disney, huh? Reminds me of a little story I once heard:
Mickey Mouse wanted a divorce on the grounds of infidelity. When the cross examining lawyer began to grill him about his accusations of Minnie's mental instability, Mickey said, " I never said she was crazy, I said she was fu**ing Goofy"....
On the 5th Day of Christmas . . .
Inflation will always be with us.
The 12 gifts mentioned in "The 12 Days of Christmas" cost $12,623 in 1984.
In 2011, the price had almost doubled to $24,263.
The repetitions increased the price to $64,247.10 in 1984 and
$101,119.84 in 2011
The next time: the 6th day of Christmas
When Buddy Holly performed on Ed Sullivan in 1957, he did so with a white chicklet pushed into place of a missing tooth.
The first female character to star in her own comic book was Sheena Queen of the Jungle.
It takes about two weeks of work to put a suitable 35mm film print together for a screening. :buggedout:
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo is a grammatically correct sentence in American English.
The Titanic disaster could have been avoided had someone had been at their post when a warning from the Californian said that there was icebergs ahead.
I heard somewhere once, that it's a felony to make a cake in the shape of The White House.
Quote from: LilCerberus on June 23, 2013, 11:38:22 AM
I heard somewhere once, that it's a felony to make a cake in the shape of The White House.
That wouldn't suprise me...almost
everything else is a felony today...
Quote from: Umaril Has Returned on June 23, 2013, 12:37:18 PM
Quote from: LilCerberus on June 23, 2013, 11:38:22 AM
I heard somewhere once, that it's a felony to make a cake in the shape of The White House.
That wouldn't suprise me...almost everything else is a felony today...
I actually don't know that for a fact, It was just a recurring theme in this movie.
On the 6th day of Christmas . . .
It is you are what you eat.
A fruit cake with alcohol in it and placed in a well sealed tin will still be edible up to 25 years later.
Or, about as long as Trevor's underpants last, before he has to replace them.
But, frankly, I'd rather eat the fruitcake. Sorry, Trevor!
Next time: the 7th day of Christmas
There are no teenager characters in the movie Pet Sematary (1989).
Quote from: claws on July 01, 2013, 10:27:18 AM
There are no teenager characters in the movie Pet Sematary (1989).
And, the most famous of the adults who played in the movie was Herman Munster, the one and only Fred Gwynne playing Judd Crandall. Hats off to Frankenstein's cousin! :twirl:
On the 7th Day of Christmas . . .
the greatest exhibit on earth
0006 continents
0019 years
0051 countries
1000 nativity scenes
The Marian Library
University of Dayton
Dayton, Ohio, USA
Next time: the 8th day of Christmas
In order to allow wind and rain to complete the Mount Rushmore monument through erosion, sculptor GUTZON BORGLUM carved the figures a few inches higher than to the depth he wanted to perfect his design. BORGLUM estimated that erosion would complete the monument in about 300,000 years.
How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?
A Purdue University study concluded that it takes an average of 364 licks to get to the center using a "licking machine". (I don't know what a licking machine is; I don't want to know what a licking machine is.) When using human volunteers, it took an average of 252 licks.
A study by the university of Michigan concluded that it takes 411 licks.
A 1996 study by undergraduate students at Swarthmore College concluded that it takes an average of 144 licks.
Harvard Grad students created a rotating mechanical tongue and concluded it took 2255 licks (2256 licks if it's raspberry.)
A student study from Cambridge concluded that it takes 3,481 licks.
Mr. Owl has concluded that it takes 3.
The original G.I. Joe was a World War One carrier Pigeon.
For every 30 seconds of your life another half of minute has gone by.
Quote from: Green on July 08, 2013, 04:12:56 PM
For every 30 seconds of your life another half of minute has gone by.
For every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes.
Quote from: El Misfit on July 08, 2013, 05:14:42 PM
Quote from: Green on July 08, 2013, 04:12:56 PM
For every 30 seconds of your life another half of minute has gone by.
For every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes.
Your style, I like it.
If you ask a girl out while standing in front of a flower shop, she's much more likely to say yes than if you do it while standing in front of a shoe store. I read that in an issue of Men's Health while I was waiting for my doctor's appt. yesterday.
How about five facts, since I haven't posted in a while?
1. Though stereotyped as filthy barbarians, Viking spies, seeking to blend in with the native English, actually had to refrain from bathing lest they stand out by being too clean.
2. Despite it being a tradition to do so, kissing Oscar Wilde's tomb in Paris will now get you arrested for vandalism.
3. Sooner or later a baby will throw anything you give her off the tray of her high chair onto the floor, especially if the floor was just mopped. This is an unassailable truth.
4. Unless caught in an updraft, mosquitoes are rarely found more than two stories off the ground. Meaning people on high-rise balconies never need repellent.
5. Cable TV originates from a satellite, just as its so-called "satellite" competitors do.
Ars longa, vita brevis!
How amazing is this: Tardigrades can withstand temperatures from just above absolute zero to well above the boiling point of water, pressures about 6 times stronger than pressures found in the deepest ocean trenches, ionizing radiation at doses hundreds of times higher than would kill a person, and the vacuum of outer space. They can go without food or water for nearly 120 years, drying out to the point where they are 3% or less water, only to rehydrate, forage, and reproduce.
My body is ready for GTA V. :teddyr: :teddyr: :teddyr: :teddyr: :teddyr:
Kiefer Sutherland once retired from acting to work the rodeo circuit.
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on June 23, 2013, 01:20:47 PM
Or, about as long as Trevor's underpants last, before he has to replace them.
But, frankly, I'd rather eat the fruitcake. Sorry, Trevor!
:teddyr: :teddyr:
Ermmm: who said I replaced them? :question: :wink:
A tour guide at the Empire State Building told us that the building's owners spent two grand its first year on rat traps. Two grand in 1930s dollars? Just how blinking many rats lived in the place????
Wow...imagine what they spent on the house and senate.
On the first episode of Sesame Street, Cookie Monster tries to eat Kermit the Frog.
Quote from: Chainsaw midget on July 11, 2013, 04:03:51 AM
On the first episode of Sesame Street, Cookie Monster tries to eat Kermit the Frog.
Fact: On February 19, 1982 Ozzy Osbourne relieved himself against a wall at the Alamo.
Conjecture: On February 20, 1982, sales of tar and feathers soared all across the Lone Star State.
On the 8th day of Christmas
It's Unique
The only place to rent out living Christmas trees in the U.S. is in Portland, Oregon. In 2004, they rented out 419 trees at $55.00 each for a total of $23,045. Then when they were returned, they were sold at $10.00 each for a total of $4190. or a grand total of $27,235. I don't see how they can stay in business, but they've been in business since 1992.
Next time: the 9th day of Christmas
Quote from: Green on July 09, 2013, 01:17:27 PM
How amazing is this: Tardigrades can withstand temperatures from just above absolute zero to well above the boiling point of water, pressures about 6 times stronger than pressures found in the deepest ocean trenches, ionizing radiation at doses hundreds of times higher than would kill a person, and the vacuum of outer space. They can go without food or water for nearly 120 years, drying out to the point where they are 3% or less water, only to rehydrate, forage, and reproduce.
ah yeah but can they do this
Quote from: Green on July 09, 2013, 01:17:27 PM
How amazing is this: Tardigrades can withstand temperatures from just above absolute zero to well above the boiling point of water, pressures about 6 times stronger than pressures found in the deepest ocean trenches, ionizing radiation at doses hundreds of times higher than would kill a person, and the vacuum of outer space. They can go without food or water for nearly 120 years, drying out to the point where they are 3% or less water, only to rehydrate, forage, and reproduce.
Yeah? If they're so cool, why ain't they staring in a movie with giant flying sharks, HUH!?
As long as 51% or more of any denomination of US currency is intact, a bill is still legal tender and can even be traded in at a bank for a replacement. Which means in theory it used to cost Tupac nothing to light his blunts with those hundreds.
Quote from: zombie #1 on July 12, 2013, 04:39:43 PM
ah yeah but can they do this: finny pic
re fact:
Stephen King wrote The Running Man under another name.
In his song about the pharaoh, Steve Martin sings, "Don't want no fancy funeral, just one like ol' King Tut."
Compared to to other pharaohs, Tutankhamun's funeral wasn't.
On January 26, 1972 Serbian airline hostess Vesna Vulovic survived a 33,310 foot free-fall on a jet which exploded mid-air following a terrorist bombing. Though left in a coma for twenty-seven days and terribly injured, she eventually recovered and returned to work for the same airline.
Quote from: ER on July 17, 2013, 03:54:50 PM
On January 26, 1972 Serbian airline hostess Vesna Vulovic survived a 33,310 foot free-fall on a jet which exploded mid-air following a terrorist bombing. Though left in a coma for twenty-seven days and terribly injured, she eventually recovered and returned to work for the same airline.
Good grief, that's amazing if true. I guess psychics don't apply to some people, huh?
Read of a gunner from a burning RAF Lancaster who's chute burned, so he just decided to get it over with. Fell some 20.000 feet into a series of tree limbs and a deep snow drift. he lived, and the Germans didn't believe him till they found the remains of his plane.
The amount of gold produced and ejected during the merger of two neutron stars may be as large as 10 moon masses.
On the 9th day of Christmas . . .
Santa has his own . . .
Rovaniemi, Finland
Copenhagen, Denmark
Gaellivan, Sweden
Samnaun, Switzerland
Theme Park
Santa Claus, Indiana, USA
Midland, Michigan, USA
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Next time: the 10th day of Christmas
1990s infomercial diva Miss Cleo does the voice of Auntie Poulet in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.
In Metal Gear Solid, Solid Snake was supposedly designed as having the body of Jean Claude Van Damme and the face of Christopher Walken.
Quote from: Chainsaw midget on July 22, 2013, 10:41:18 AM
In Metal Gear Solid, Solid Snake was supposedly designed as having the body of Jean Claude Van Damme and the face of Christopher Walken.
Jean-Claude Walken...now there's an ideal!
In the late 1950s and early 1960s the CIA ran a secret program called "Operation Midnight Climax." Prostitutes lured men to CIA-run brothels where the johns were secretly dosed with LSD to observe the drug's effects.
Quote from: Rev. Powell on July 23, 2013, 08:19:26 PM
In the late 1950s and early 1960s the CIA ran a secret program called "Operation Midnight Climax." Prostitutes lured men to CIA-run brothels where the johns were secretly dosed with LSD to observe the drug's effects.
I heard it was called MKULTRA, and a up and coming police guy robbed a bar, hurt his career. Later, when he heard about this, he tried to file a lawsuit against the CIA, only to discover that all files about MKULTRA were destroyed. Poor guy.
Quote from: El Misfit on July 25, 2013, 11:00:01 AM
Quote from: Rev. Powell on July 23, 2013, 08:19:26 PM
In the late 1950s and early 1960s the CIA ran a secret program called "Operation Midnight Climax." Prostitutes lured men to CIA-run brothels where the johns were secretly dosed with LSD to observe the drug's effects.
I heard it was called MKULTRA, and a up and coming police guy robbed a bar, hurt his career. Later, when he heard about this, he tried to file a lawsuit against the CIA, only to discover that all files about MKULTRA were destroyed. Poor guy.
"Midnight Climax" was a sub-program of MKULTRA, probably the craziest one.
Today the great Charles Addams...
His favorite pastime was said to be wandering through graveyards and imagining what the people buried under his feet looked like.
He never assigned names or defined relationships among the Addams Family in his New Yorker cartoons, hence the confusion on some TV episodes as to whether Uncle Fester is Gomez' brother or his uncle.
Also, Charles Addams wanted to name Pugsley Addams Pubert Addams, but network censors said that might offend people, so the name lay dormant until the feature films of the 1990s.
Two of his closest friends were Alfred Hitchcock and Ray Bradbury, both of whom referenced Addams in their work. (Hitchcock in North By Northwest, and Bradbury in several short stories.)
Addams was a firm disbeliever in the supernatural but loved the macabre and said he enjoyed Halloween more than any other day of the year.
Finally, perhaps best of all, his ashes were buried in a pet cemetery.
On the 10th Day of Christmas . . .
. . . It pays to be Santa.
Someone working as Santa during the day at stores and malls, can earn up to $50.00 per hour. Then working nights as Santa at private parties, the same person can earn up to $200.00 per hour.
Which is why in 2005 "Forbes" magazine declared Santa the richest character in fiction with a net worth of $74,000,000,000. Other fictional billionaires include . . .
Daddy Warbucks
Richie Rich
Lex Luthor
and Scrooge McDuck.
Next time: the 11th day of Christmas.
Fewer people were executed in the Spanish Inquisition than for witchcraft in any other country.
The Inquisitors approached their task much more cautiously than witchfinders, so much so, that they never found any evidence of witchcraft, & ultimately declared that it didn't exist.
There are an average of 70,000 reported UFO sightings every year, worldwide.
That's an average of 192 per day.
apparently, it's legal to make moonshine in West Virgina, if the TV show is to be true. :s
Quote from: El Misfit on August 01, 2013, 09:08:10 PM
apparently, it's legal to make moonshine in West Virgina, if the TV show is to be true. :s
It's not, but local juries won't convict, so it doesn't really matter......... :lookingup:
Mauricio Ferro of Brazil went in to rob a drugstore, leaving his car running so he could make a quick getaway.
While he was inside, somebody stole his car.
While he was trying to figure out how his was going to make his getaway he was robbed and another thief stold the money bag he had just stolen.
When he went to report his stolen car, the person he had just robbed was there at that exact moment describing him to the police.
He was immediatly arrested.
On the 11th Day of Christmas
A Christmas Day Movie Marathon
(by year of release. From oldest to newest)
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964)
Black Christmas (1974)
Christmas Evil (1983)
Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984)
A Jetson Christmas Carol (1985)
Santa Claus (1985)
A Very Brady Christmas (1988)
Elves (1990)
How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)
Black Christmas (remake 2006)
It was a very good decade: the 1980's
Next time: the 12th Day of Christmas
Scotland's nation animal is the Unicorn.
On the 12th and last day of Christmas . . .
He giveth and He taketh away. Blessed be His name.
Born on Christmas Day
Sir Isaac Newton
Clara Barton
Humphrey Bogart
Anwar Sadat
Little Richard
Died on Chritmas Day or Christmas Eve
W. C. Fields
Charlie Chaplin
Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife
Jonbenet Ramsey
Johnny Ace
Next time: the most mouse infested place on this planet or any planet.
Twice the size of Manhattan Island.
63,000 employees, or the largest one-site employer in the U.S. There are larger employers, but their employees are scattered across multiple sites.
47,000,000 visitors, or, if it was opened 24/7, that be 3 guests across the threshold every 2 seconds. 42% come sans children.
One out of every 300 state residents work here, and they have a choice of 2,500,000 costumes. The largest working wardrobe in the U.S.
Hotel rooms 29,546, or, if you decided to stay in a different room each night, beginning this year, it'd take you to 2094 to stay in 'em all. This includes the 2 unofficial hotels and Shades of Green, which we'll get to later, but not the "7 official hotels in LBV."
Prices range, per night, from $84.00 for a simple room to $4320.00 for a multi-room suite.
Next time: Shades of Green
In real life, actor Paul Michael Glaser (Starsky) hated the red Ford Gran Torino used on the show. To paraphrase what he said in an interview once,
1. the car is heavy, slow, handles like crap
2. Undercover cops would not drive something that sticks out
3. I don't like Ford products
Ride to Hell: Retribution maybe the worst video game of all time.
I watched Law & Order SVU and I learned a new word Electroejaculation.
"You can't get there from here."
Shades of Green
a AFRC resort or (Armed Forces Recreation Center)
Rooms are only $93.00 per night, but more importantly, growing up in a military family, the beer there is cheap, and it is cold. But, it is only for . . .
active military and immediate family
retired military and immediate family
members of the Reserve and immediate family
members of the National Guard and immediate family
certain Department of Defense employees and their immediate family
and certain foreign military members based in the U.S. and their immediate family.
Other then that, it is like any other resort, as it has a . . .
health club
sports bar and lounge
swimming pools
tennis courts
kids' pool
and a gift shop
Next time: a couple of cheaper places to stay.
Quote from: El Misfit on August 23, 2013, 06:19:22 PM
Ride to Hell: Retribution maybe the worst video game of all time.
More so then ET for Atari 2600? :wink:
Quote from: VenomX73 on August 28, 2013, 05:03:02 PM
Quote from: El Misfit on August 23, 2013, 06:19:22 PM
Ride to Hell: Retribution maybe the worst video game of all time.
More so then ET for Atari 2600? :wink:
some people say it is, believe it or not.
Charles Manson, who grew up in my hometown, once vowed he could fly, and to demonstrate leaped off the balcony of a third-floor bar, only to land face-down on the concrete parking lot. Over the years others at the bar have tried to duplicate his demonstration, and in time the act has become known locally as "the Manson Maneuver."
There is a mineral called Cummingtonite, which was discovered in Cummington, Massachusetts.
An onion has twelve times as much DNA as a human being. Amoeba dubia, a single-celled organism, has approximately two-hundred times the DNA of a human.
Anthony Perkins was super gay before he married Berinthia Berenson. He later died of AIDs, and his wife was killed on American Airlines Flight 11 during the September 11 attacks in 2001.
Quote from: Green on September 05, 2013, 11:50:01 AM
Anthony Perkins was super gay before he married Berinthia Berenson.
So? That is old news and so what if he was gay? He didn't harm anyone by being gay. He was a good actor and adored his two sons. He was also a trailblazer for the LGBT community and he was in the first film I saw as a child.
QuoteHe later died of AIDs, and his wife was killed on American Airlines Flight 11 during the September 11 attacks in 2001.
Again, old news: his wife died on my birthday as it happens.
Quote from: Trevor on September 06, 2013, 07:28:35 AM
Quote from: Green on September 05, 2013, 11:50:01 AM
Anthony Perkins was super gay before he married Berinthia Berenson.
So? That is old news and so what if he was gay? He didn't harm anyone by being gay. He was a good actor and adored his two sons. He was also a trailblazer for the LGBT community and he was in the first film I saw as a child.
QuoteHe later died of AIDs, and his wife was killed on American Airlines Flight 11 during the September 11 attacks in 2001.
Again, old news: his wife died on my birthday as it happens.
First of all don't even come at like that again, I don't need to explain myself to you. But if it sets your mind at ease, I don't have a problem with homosexuals and I think he was good actor, too.
Now to your other point: I don't particular care if it's old news, as almost everything in this thread is 'old news'. It's MY random fact of the day, and if it somehow hurts your little feelings then idk what to tell you. I mean I could tell you to just deal with it, but that would make me seem like an a***ole and that's not really what my intent, is.
In Anglo-Saxon England, a method of execution reserved for treason, the murder of a parent, or blasphemy, was to take a take a large sack and place a condemned person in it, then drop a rooster, a cat, and an adder into the sack and sew it shut. The sack and its contents were then whipped thirty-three lashes and the entire sack was thrown into a river.
Not a good way to check out.
A man received the transplanted heart of a suicide victim, married the donor's widow, killed himself exactly the same way the donor did.
Quote from: ER on September 06, 2013, 11:00:04 AM
In Anglo-Saxon England, a method of execution reserved for treason, the murder of a parent, or blasphemy, was to take a take a large sack and place a condemned person in it, then drop a rooster, a cat, and an adder into the sack and sew it shut. The sack and its contents were then whipped thirty-three lashes and the entire sack was thrown into a river.
Not a good way to check out.
That was also the punishment for a patricide, or someone who killed their father, in Ancient Rome. Minus the whipping.
And as for my Fact of the Day, . . .
There are two places cheaper than Shades of Green on property. The Best Friends Resort, which charges $69.00 a night and for that price you get morning and night jogging, a flatscreen TV, your own playgroup, turndown service, a gift left on your pillow, but don't eat the chocolates, a webcam, bedtime storytime, and if you stay three nights or longer, they then give you a free bath. Of course, this is only for your pets.
And then there is the campground. If not the best campground in the U.S., then one of the best. Where you can camp in a tent for only $48.00 per night, or the cheapest on-site place to stay.
Next time: Where can I get a drink around here?
Cetaceans have a number of emotional centers in their brains that humans do not, strongly suggesting they are capable of a unique array of emotions which humans probably cannot experience or even comprehend.
The average citizen of Liechtenstein doesn't even lock their door because crime in the country is so low -- Their last murder was in 1997.
Tenor saxophonist Stan Getz ("The Girl from Impanema") was once arrested for attempting to hold up a drugstore. His call was traced when he telephoned to apologize to the pharmacist for the failed robbery.
75 places to drink.
Excluding the champagne, which can run you $ 290.00 for a regular-size bottle of Cuvee Dom Perignon Brut, the most expensive drink is a 2 oz. pour of Johnnie Walker Blue Scotch Whiskey which runs $37.00 for that 2 oz. pour.
It is still illegal.
But, they still make it.
They still sell it.
Toby and Sons Moonshine.
They'll mix you up a moonshine cocktail at one of the resorts.
But, wouldn't you all rather have a beer.
You wouldn't think it, but this place has become one of the most influential places in the U.S. at determining what the rest of the U.S. drinks. It also has more sommeliers in this one place, then anyother place in the U.S.
And you thought they didn't have a sense of humor.
Forty-thirst Street -- Frosty the Joe Man Coffee Shack -- Let's Go Slurpin' -- Mardi Grogs Bar -- Muddy Rivers Bar -- Sand Bar -- Team Spirits Bar . . .
. . . are some of the places you can get something to drink.
Next time: Where can I get a bite to eat?
A woman fell in love with, has a sexual relationship with, and plans to marry, an amusement park ride.
A variety of fish, most commonly pearl fish, have evolved a commensalistic symbiotic relationship with sea cucumbers in which the pearl fish will live in sea cucumber's cloaca using it for protection from predation, a source of food (the nutrients passing in and out of the anus from the water), and to develop into their adult stage of life.
Bonus fact of the day: In zoological anatomy, a cloaca /kloʊˈeɪkə/ is the posterior opening that serves as the only opening for the intestinal, reproductive, and urinary tracts of certain animal species. All amphibians, birds, reptiles, and monotremes possess this orifice, from which they excrete both urine and feces, unlike most placental mammals, which possess two or three separate orifices for evacuation.
1 GB is equal to approximately 500,000 pages of text.
Adolf Hitler's favorite movie was KING KONG.
Triumph the Insult Comic Dog says he thinks Jennifer Lopez is the best....the best to poop on!
187 places to eat. Serving the following cuisines . . .
african -- american -- american fusion -- asian -- asian fusion -- barbecue -- buffet -- cajun -- californian -- canadian -- chinese -- contemporary french -- creole -- cuban-- ecletic -- english -- german -- global -- hawaiian -- indian -- international -- irish -- italian -- japanese -- latin american -- mediterranean -- mexican --moroccan -- norwegian -- nouvelle french -- pacific northwestern -- pacific rim -- pan-asian -- pizza -- polynesian -- seafood -- southern -- southern italian -- steakhouse -- and sushi.
Of course, not all in the same place.
Plus, each year 1.6 million turkey legs and 500 tons of watermelon are served up each year. What?! No fried chicken.
If you wondered where all the candy went. Each year beginning in September, they hold a big Halloween party almost every night, and expected that 220 tons of candy will be given away before the party is over.
And if you thought they had no sense of humor.
auntie gravity's fast food -- avalunch -- beaches and cream -- dinosaur gertie's ice cream of extinction -- fresh-a-peel -- good's food to go aka good's to go -- i. c. expeditions -- lottawatta lodge -- lunching pad -- picabu cafeteria -- pizzafari -- restaurantosaurus -- starring rolls cafe -- and trilo-bites.
Next time: don't play with your food.
From Grand Theft Auto 3 and on, all of the console based game has a helicopter in the top left corner on the box art.
You can and/or could get the following in a special surprise shape.
butter pats -- cakes -- cheeses -- cookies -- cucumbers -- cupcakes -- fruits -- ice cream bars (very popular) -- mashed potatoes -- muffins -- pancakes -- pastas -- sandwiches -- sundaes -- tomatoes -- and waffles.
Next time: they know what is important.
within 24 hours of its release, Rockstar racked in $800 million from GTA V. Within three days from the release, GTA V raked in over $1 Billion dollars. Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 took 15 days to rake in over $1 billion dollars.
Honey is believed to be the only organic matter which does not decompose. Honey found in Pharaonic tombs from ancient Egypt was consumed in the twentieth century, and found to be identical in taste and physical consistency to honey that was produced by bees alive at that time. Honey also has powerful antiseptic properties, and when mixed with a paste of garlic and placed on a wound is as effective at fighting off infection as many modern drugs.
There are more stars in the universe than there are individual brain cells of every human being that ever existed.
Which is male, and which is female?
The faces above are actually the exact same face. The only difference is that picture on the left is rendered in higher contrast.
A Boeing 727 aircraft was stolen out of an airport in 2003. Neither the plane, nor the two men aboard were ever found.
Quote from: Rev. Powell on September 27, 2013, 05:55:31 PM
Which is male, and which is female?
The faces above are actually the exact same face. The only difference is that picture on the left is rendered in higher contrast.
Interesting, but to be honest if you hadn't implied one was male and one female I'd have assumed they were both female. One on right perhaps looks a tad more 'masculine'?
Then again in my hometown there was this woman who was a mother of 5 and who was bald and had a beard, no exaggeration
In the Soviet Union many official maps distributed among the people were deliberately printed with misinformation, with the logic being that if you didn't already know how to get someplace, you likely had no business going there.
Quote from: indianasmith on September 16, 2013, 10:40:58 PM
Adolf Hitler's favorite movie was KING KONG.
A fitting metaphor for him and his Third Reich: Big ugly ape climbs to the top before getting gunned down by the powers-that-be.
Fact: Sir Ian Holm, who played the elder Bilbo Baggins in
The Lord of the Rings (2001, 2003), also played the psychotic android Ash in
Alien (1979).
Quote from: zelmo73 on September 29, 2013, 12:33:38 PM
Quote from: indianasmith on September 16, 2013, 10:40:58 PM
Adolf Hitler's favorite movie was KING KONG.
A fitting metaphor for him and his Third Reich: Big ugly ape climbs to the top before getting gunned down by the powers-that-be.
Fact: Sir Ian Holm, who played the elder Bilbo Baggins in The Lord of the Rings (2001, 2003), also played the psychotic android Ash in Alien (1979).
Well, the post WW2 Communists turned to be real human beings, right? :lookingup:
Yes Umaril, they are called Democrats.
"Batman" is actually the real name of a city in Turkey.
We use 100% of our brains all the time.
"Never odd or even" spelled backwards is "Never odd or even"
In every propaganda film made by the Third Reich, soldiers are always shown marching from left to right or clockwise.
They have 196 places to shop.
And each year, they sell 2,707,120 t-shirts (give or take a shirt or two.) Enough to outfit everyone who lives in Chicago and then some.
And you thought they lacked a sense of humor.
Boutiki souvenirs
Creature Comforts (kids' store)
Hoypoloi (art gallery)
Hundred Acres Goods
Merchant of Venus
Rock Around the Shop (music store)
Next time: the 4 lands
The letters in the Christian hard rock band Stryper's name stand for "Salvation Through Redemption, Yielding Peace, Encouragement and Righteousness."
Standing at the equator slightly elevates blood pressure, because of the clockwise/counterclockwise strain of the planet's differing hemispheres.
Quote from: zelmo73 on September 29, 2013, 09:12:06 PM
Yes Umaril, they are called Democrats.
Oh is that what they're calling them these days? Where have I been? :bouncegiggle: :tongueout:
Quote from: Umaril Has Returned on October 01, 2013, 01:56:29 PM
Quote from: zelmo73 on September 29, 2013, 09:12:06 PM
Yes Umaril, they are called Democrats.
Oh is that what they're calling them these days? Where have I been? :bouncegiggle: :tongueout:
In a video game maybe? :tongueout:
The Ku Klux Klan was for The Volstead Act.
"Norman Apstein," the director of 1995's cult horror comedy "Ice Cream Man," is better known as the director of more than 100 porno films under his pseudonym, "Paul Norman."
"Ice Cream Man" remains his sole "mainstream" directing credit.
Quote from: El Misfit on October 01, 2013, 11:25:41 PM
Quote from: Umaril Has Returned on October 01, 2013, 01:56:29 PM
Quote from: zelmo73 on September 29, 2013, 09:12:06 PM
Yes Umaril, they are called Democrats.
Oh is that what they're calling them these days? Where have I been? :bouncegiggle: :tongueout:
In a video game maybe? :tongueout:
Ha ha, yeah, my own video game! :cheers:
I was watching a documentary about WW2 era German tech, and learned the the Horten 229 flying wing is actually the first stealth wing aircraft ever created. They aren't sure if the stealth was intended, or a by product of the material components of the plane. but it's a definite influence on the design (s) we have today.
That, and the STG 44 (Sturmgewehr 44) was the very first assault weapon, due to it;s selective fire feature, and it also was the father of the AK 47. Compare it's physical resemblance to the AK-47:
Of all hard liquors, vodka is least likely to cause a hangover.
Of the four lands . . .
One is known for its castle envy and for the horses having a better union than the humans, who work there.
The castle there is 225% taller than that other castle.
As for the horses . . .
They work shorter hours than the humans.
They can be petted by the guests. Try doing that with a human employee.
And while the human employees can get subsidized accomodations and meals, the room and board for the horses is free, and it is all they can eat.
And if it gets too hot for 'em out there, they can be hosed down. Try doing that with a human employee.
The 2nd land (110) acres is known for its TV marathons. Before one building was built, the building's designers watched all 156 episodes of Rod Serling's "Twilight Zone"--twice. How would you like a job that pays you to watch TV all day long.
The 3rd land (260 acres) is known for its red Georgia clay. One of the buildings was made out 106,000 bricks. 106,000 handmade bricks. 106,000 handmade bricks made out of red Georgia clay.
The 4th land (500 acres) is known for its pooping animals and its recycling efforts. The animals poop out 1600 tons of poop per year, some of which is recycled into fertilizer. Thus, a gross of Trevor's undies. STAT! And I do mean gross.
And the milk jugs are recycled into the park benches you see. 1350 jugs to 1 bench. So, drink your milk. They need to make another bench.
Next time: 2 waterparks and a sports complex.
What is called a "French kiss" in the English speaking world is known as an "English kiss" in France.
The first known transfusion of blood was performed as early as 1667, when Jean-Baptiste, transfused two pints of blood from a sheep to a young man
the 2001 AFC playoff game was won by the Patriots with an obscure rule, today the Patriots lose to the Jets due to another obscure rule.
Quote from: El Misfit on October 20, 2013, 04:18:46 PM
the 2001 AFC playoff game was won by the Patriots with an obscure rule, today the Patriots lose to the Jets due to another obscure rule.
A new one, at that. How is it "unsportsmanlike" to push your own teammate ahead of you? Apparently, it has the potential to hurt your teammate's feelings, because he wasn't moving fast enough. :lookingup:
Quote from: zelmo73 on October 20, 2013, 04:29:14 PM
Quote from: El Misfit on October 20, 2013, 04:18:46 PM
the 2001 AFC playoff game was won by the Patriots with an obscure rule, today the Patriots lose to the Jets due to another obscure rule.
A new one, at that. How is it "unsportsmanlike" to push your own teammate ahead of you? Apparently, it has the potential to hurt your teammate's feelings, because he wasn't moving fast enough. :lookingup:
I'm just happy the Diva lost. :wink:
Quote from: El Misfit on October 20, 2013, 04:31:39 PM
Quote from: zelmo73 on October 20, 2013, 04:29:14 PM
Quote from: El Misfit on October 20, 2013, 04:18:46 PM
the 2001 AFC playoff game was won by the Patriots with an obscure rule, today the Patriots lose to the Jets due to another obscure rule.
A new one, at that. How is it "unsportsmanlike" to push your own teammate ahead of you? Apparently, it has the potential to hurt your teammate's feelings, because he wasn't moving fast enough. :lookingup:
I'm just happy the Diva lost. :wink:
Yes, it was nice to see Marcia Brady lose for once. :teddyr:
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on October 14, 2013, 04:23:54 PM
Thus, a gross of Trevor's undies. STAT! And I do mean gross.
:bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle:
The lights in a news studio can get so hot that the anchors are often sitting in shorts under the desk, and it's an old trick for some to keep their feet soaking in a tub of cold water, to cool them off. Seriously.
Wi-Fi doesn't stand for anything, it's simply a made up trademark that's fun to say.
Quote from: El Misfit on October 23, 2013, 04:26:16 PM
Wi-Fi doesn't stand for anything, it's simply a made up trademark that's fun to say.
It stands for "Wireless Fidelity". You know, like "High Fidelity" from the old stereo and audiophile days.
Quote from: zelmo73 on October 23, 2013, 05:24:33 PM
Quote from: El Misfit on October 23, 2013, 04:26:16 PM
Wi-Fi doesn't stand for anything, it's simply a made up trademark that's fun to say.
It stands for "Wireless Fidelity". You know, like "High Fidelity" from the old stereo and audiophile days.
That's what the companies want to yo know, it's actually just made up, only until after the release did the phrase Wireless fidelity make sense.
Quote from: El Misfit on October 23, 2013, 05:35:54 PM
Quote from: zelmo73 on October 23, 2013, 05:24:33 PM
Quote from: El Misfit on October 23, 2013, 04:26:16 PM
Wi-Fi doesn't stand for anything, it's simply a made up trademark that's fun to say.
It stands for "Wireless Fidelity". You know, like "High Fidelity" from the old stereo and audiophile days.
That's what the companies want to yo know, it's actually just made up, only until after the release did the phrase Wireless fidelity make sense.
Here's a wonderful old article on the history of Wi-Fi: http://www.economist.com/node/2724397 (http://www.economist.com/node/2724397)
Two waterparks
One has the world's tallest fastest free-fall speed slide and the longest family whitewater raft ride in the U.S.
The other has the largest wave pool in the U.S.
And you thought they had no sense of humor
Ketchakiddee Creek (kids' playarea)
Teamboat Springs (family raft ride)
Tike's Peak (another kids' playarea)
Mount Gushmore
One sports complex
15 diamonds that can be used for baseball or softball
12 tennis courts
6 indoor basketball courts
6 sand volleyball cours
4 fields for football or that other football "soccer"
1 fieldhouse for indoor volleyball and wrestling
1 track-and-field complex
and a partridge in a pear tree
Next time: all sports all the time
QuoteVonlenska is the non-literal language that forms the unintelligible lyrics sung by the band on some songs,[49] in particular by Jónsi. It is also commonly known by the English translation of its name, Hopelandic. It takes its name from "Von", a song on Sigur Rós's debut album Von where it was first used. However, not all Sigur Rós songs are in Hopelandic; many are sung in Icelandic.
Vonlenska has no fixed syntax and differs from constructed languages that can be used for communication. It focuses entirely on the sounds of language; lacking grammar, meaning, and even distinct words. Instead, it consists of emotive non-lexical vocables and phonemes; in effect, Vonlenska uses the melodic and rhythmic elements of singing without the conceptual content of language. In this way, it is similar to the use of scat singing in vocal jazz. The band's website describes it as "a form of gibberish vocals that fits to the music";[50] it is similar in concept to the 'nonsense' language often used by Cocteau Twins singer Elizabeth Fraser in the 1980s and 1990s or by Icelandic singer Björk. Most of the syllable strings sung by Jónsi are repeated many times throughout each song, and in the case of ( ), throughout the whole album.
#Sigur Rós
For a friendly or not so friendly pick-up game or for the individual, the following are availabl.e
archery -- badminton -- ballooning -- basketball -- biking -- boating -- canoeing -- croquet -- fishing -- horseback riding -- jet skiing -- jogging -- motor boating -- parasailing -- pool -- running -- sailboating -- shuffleboard -- snorkeling -- stockcar racing -- surfing -- table tennis -- tetherball -- tubing -- volleyball -- wakeboarding -- and water skiing
+72 holes of mini golf
+67 pools, excluding kiddie pools, whirlpools, and water parks
+63 holes of golf
+27 tennis courts
Next time: almost everything else
I've been drinking and now I'm posting about it.
Over the whole Twilight series, there has been 24 minutes of just staring.
A California prison inmate smuggled 2 boxes of staples, a pencil sharpener, sharpener blades, and 3 jumbo binder rings in his rectum, earning him the nickname "O.D."—"Office Depot."
Season Two of "24" featured a terrorist plot that originated from a London mosque. A few months after the season ended, authorities raided the mosque and found that it was indeed a terrorist hub.
This is a place that has succeeded Niagara Falls as a place to get married, as 1500 to 2000 couples get married there every year. The least expensive wedding goes for $1991.00. The most expensive . . . ? I tried to find out, but there are too many components to it, but I have heard they have exceeded 6 figures or over $100,000.00. The average wedding . . . ? $28,000.00 and includes 100 guests.
With two firework shows every night and twice on the 4th of July, this place is the largest purchaser of fireworks in the U.S. One show lasts 12 minutes and has 680 fireworks going off or 1 each second. The 2nd show lasts 13 minutes and has 2800 fireworks going off or 4 each second. Which means there are a minimum of 1,270,000 fireworks going off each year. And these people know their fireworks. At their 1st entry into an international fireworks competition, and yes there are international firework competitions, they placed 3rd.
"Dear? Would you finish mowing the lawn, while I finish the laundry?"--"Yes, dear. I'll see you sometime next year."
120 tons of laundry is done. Not each month or even each week, but each day. And there is 450,000 miles of lawn mowing each year, or almost 18 times around the earth at the equator.
Next time: they do Alice's Restaurant one better.
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on November 06, 2013, 04:48:38 PM
This is a place that has succeeded Niagara Falls as a place to get married, as 1500 to 2000 couples get married there every year. The least expensive wedding goes for $1991.00. The most expensive . . . ? I tried to find out, but there are too many components to it, but I have heard they have exceeded 6 figures or over $100,000.00. The average wedding . . . ? $28,000.00 and includes 100 guests.
At my wedding, I'm requiring the guys to come in Gorilla suits with a Tux on top.
:tongueout: PT, For the Birther Conspiracy Crowd: :tongueout:
At the Time Barrack Obama was born, Kenya was not yet a country. It was part of the British Empire.
Meaning, if Obama had actually been born in Kenya, as the birthers claim, he'd be English...
Meaning, He's not just a socialist, but in fact, a bloody Tory spy seeking to return us to Colonial Rule under the Crown! :buggedout:
This can be debateable, but...
When someone obsesses over another person, to the point idoling them (I.e. saying there was no flaws) that person would be wrong, there's always a flaw in someone, be it a bad addiction or lover.
Quote from: LilCerberus on November 09, 2013, 10:38:13 PM
:tongueout: PT, For the Birther Conspiracy Crowd: :tongueout:
At the Time Barrack Obama was born, Kenya was not yet a country. It was part of the British Empire.
Meaning, if Obama had actually been born in Kenya, as the birthers claim, he'd be English...
Meaning, He's not just a socialist, but in fact, a bloody Tory spy seeking to return us to Colonial Rule under the Crown! :buggedout:
Either way, Obama is not a natural born citizen because he was born in Kenya. Which makes him not eligible to hold the office of President of the United States. Never mind his complete and utter incompetence in the White House.
Got health insurance, America? Not anymore! :teddyr:
Oh f**k off with it, you guys are so f**king butthurt about it. Maturity isn't one of your virtues if you keep complaining and complaining because you're sided.
Gary Oldman thought the script for Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula (1992) was awful, and he almost turned it down. He agreed to play the part of Dracula only because of this one line: "I have crossed oceans of time to find you." - Oldman admitted he was so touched reading that line it made him cry.
Quote from: El Misfit on November 10, 2013, 12:41:31 AM
Oh f**k off with it, you guys are so f**king butthurt about it. Maturity isn't one of your virtues if you keep complaining and complaining because you're sided.
You lost your health insurance too, didn't you? Don't get me wrong, I just like to watch Obama fail. :cheers:
The Smithsonian Institution has 137,000,000 artifacts and items in its collection.
Quote from: zelmo73 on November 10, 2013, 02:26:34 AM
Quote from: El Misfit on November 10, 2013, 12:41:31 AM
Oh f**k off with it, you guys are so f**king butthurt about it. Maturity isn't one of your virtues if you keep complaining and complaining because you're sided.
You lost your health insurance too, didn't you? Don't get me wrong, I just like to watch Obama fail. :cheers:
It's not that, It's just that without Obamacare, my sister would be dead.
How did you guys get logged in to the website to shop for your brand new insurance when it's not working for anyone else? I don't really have a dog in this hunt because I have VA coverage. I'm just curious as to how many people that the program is actually working for.
Wait, so you are trying to get insurance online? Is there like a problem with going to an insurance place, or is there isn't any there?
Quote from: El Misfit on November 10, 2013, 01:34:43 PM
Wait, so you are trying to get insurance online? Is there like a problem with going to an insurance place, or is there isn't any there?
The insurance places have to do it through the website too. That's what all the big fuss is about. Even if you do what Obama says to do and call the 1-800-f**k-YO number -- (I'm dead serious about that one too) http://dailycaller.com/2013/10/03/need-health-care-coverage-just-dial-1-800-f**kyo-to-reach-obamacares-national-hotline/ (http://dailycaller.com/2013/10/03/need-health-care-coverage-just-dial-1-800-f**kyo-to-reach-obamacares-national-hotline/) -- the health exchange assistant on the other end also has to do it through the inoperable healthcare.gov website: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/22/obamacare-phone_n_4144951.html (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/22/obamacare-phone_n_4144951.html)
So you're screwed either way.
These are the unfortunate Facts Of The Day, so we are still on the thread topic.
Off topic, since I'm more confused about why pen and paper isn't good anymore, but that number is false, even if it did say F**k Yo, that would be a number short, being only 10 characters when it should be 11.
I don't know why they didn't include the extra number in the headlines from a few weeks ago. Maybe for censorship reasons, who knows? I'm curious now as to how you managed to get ObamaCare when so many people in Louisiana still have not? Insurers are the ones that send your insurance information in to the providers. If you are, literally, one of the lucky few, then good on ya, mate! :cheers:
I'm just saying that there are so many millions of Americans out there that are not so lucky.
http://www.nola.com/politics/index.ssf/2013/10/obamacare_rollout_in_louisiana.html (http://www.nola.com/politics/index.ssf/2013/10/obamacare_rollout_in_louisiana.html)
Quote from: claws on November 10, 2013, 01:18:26 AM
Gary Oldman thought the script for Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula (1992) was awful, and he almost turned it down. He agreed to play the part of Dracula only because of this one line: "I have crossed oceans of time to find you." - Oldman admitted he was so touched reading that line it made him cry.
I think at the end of the film Oldman was not the only one crying. This is not a favorite among a lot of fans of Bram Stoker's "Dracula." I think a lot of them object to the liberties taken with the original story, especially the romance between Dracula and Mina. Though, it did gross enough at the box office, I believe, to make it one of the top 10 films in box office gross, so somebody besides myself must have liked it.
I have always liked it for a couple of reasons. (1) The running gun battle at the end between Dracula's pursuers and the Gypsies guarding Dracula's coffin. I think only the BBC version from 1977, which also had a shoot out at the end, had an ending as exciting.
And (2) I think Oldman's version is also the only version to feature the American Quincy P. Morris (here played by Bill Campbell) who is in the book but not in most of the screen versions. As I understand it, Stoker based the character on Buffalo Bill Cody. And whether it is true or not, I don't know, but I have also heard at the time that Stoker wrote "Dracula," Americans were not popular among British writers. There was only one other British writer, besides Stoker, who liked Americans. I have forgotten who it was, but it may have been British writer Rudyard Kipling, who actually lived in America for a while and gave it some thought to settle here permanently, before he gave up that idea.
Quote from: zelmo73 on November 10, 2013, 04:00:26 PM
I don't know why they didn't include the extra number in the headlines from a few weeks ago. Maybe for censorship reasons, who knows? I'm curious now as to how you managed to get ObamaCare when so many people in Louisiana still have not? Insurers are the ones that send your insurance information in to the providers. If you are, literally, one of the lucky few, then good on ya, mate! :cheers:
I'm just saying that there are so many millions of Americans out there that are not so lucky.
http://www.nola.com/politics/index.ssf/2013/10/obamacare_rollout_in_louisiana.html (http://www.nola.com/politics/index.ssf/2013/10/obamacare_rollout_in_louisiana.html)
Because I live in a city where it's mainly Democratic, not like up north in Ruston/ Shreveport where "Jesus is my only health person I need" is used. :cheers:
I always think of Japan as being such a technologically advanced country, but reading up on it a bit, I found out that throughout most of the country (except for the northern part) almost none of the houses, apartments or schools have insulation or central heating. And Japanese winters are fairly cold, with an average low of 2 C (35 F) in Tokyo in January. They basically only heat one room of the house, and then only barely, and sit around something called a kotatsu
which is a table with a small heater attached to the underside of the top, and a blanket around the edge. I guess families grow close by all huddling around this table during the winter months, eating their dinner and watching TV together in the evenings.
I can vouch for that. My wife and I lived in Japan for the first year and a half of our marriage, and for nearly a year we lived in a small off-base apartment in a suburb of Yokosuka called Kita-Kurihama. Our walls were paper thin and the only heat was from a kerosene heater we purchased; due to the danger of CO2 poisoning we could not leave it on overnight, so on those bitterly cold (to us Texans, anyway!) mornings, one person would climb out from under the blankets and turn the heat on, then jump back under and huddle for warmth until it dispelled the chill in the air.
^So you never thought of using gorilla suits? :teddyr:
Quote from: El Misfit on November 10, 2013, 07:19:46 PM
^So you never thought of using gorilla suits? :teddyr:
.......or some Toho Monster suits, being it was Japan Indy lived in :twirl:
Quote from: Umaril Has Returned on November 10, 2013, 09:49:44 PM
Quote from: El Misfit on November 10, 2013, 07:19:46 PM
^So you never thought of using gorilla suits? :teddyr:
.......or some Toho Monster suits, being it was Japan Indy lived in :twirl:
Now I'm picturing Indy in a footed PJ Godzilla costume.
No I sleep in a Star Trek Uniform (next generation version), complete with Vulcan ears.
And high heels, if romance is in the air!
Quote from: indianasmith on November 10, 2013, 10:41:42 PM
No I sleep in a Star Trek Uniform (next generation version), complete with Vulcan ears.
And high heels, if romance is in the air!
All you ever wanted to know about Indy but were afraid to ask....
Quote from: Bushma on November 10, 2013, 10:22:23 PM
Quote from: Umaril Has Returned on November 10, 2013, 09:49:44 PM
Quote from: El Misfit on November 10, 2013, 07:19:46 PM
^So you never thought of using gorilla suits? :teddyr:
.......or some Toho Monster suits, being it was Japan Indy lived in :twirl:
Now I'm picturing Indy in a footed PJ Godzilla costume.
Or crawling around on all fours in an Anguirus suit, with cute little monster paws and cute little rubber spikes on his back :bouncegiggle:
In Rio de Janeiro you can opt to pay a fine for most minor civil offenses directly to the police officer who stops you over the matter.
I offer no further comment.
Quote from: ER on November 13, 2013, 10:29:08 AM
In Rio de Janeiro you can opt to pay a fine for most minor civil offenses directly to the police officer who stops you over the matter.
That will surprise visitors to the 2014 World Cup no end. :teddyr:
Adolf Hitler's dog was named Blondi.
Quote from: indianasmith on November 14, 2013, 07:09:52 AM
Adolf Hitler's dog was named Blondi.
You've brought back a good school memory for me: our history teacher told us that fact and most of us laughed - when we had stopped, he said "The next person who laughs - straight to the headmaster to explain why."
Oh well, it was quite a nice walk to his office. :wink:
I believe It Happened One Night or something like that was Stalin's favorite movie, despite being American.
Quote from: Jack on November 10, 2013, 05:33:27 PM
I always think of Japan as being such a technologically advanced country, but reading up on it a bit, I found out that throughout most of the country (except for the northern part) almost none of the houses, apartments or schools have insulation or central heating. And Japanese winters are fairly cold, with an average low of 2 C (35 F) in Tokyo in January. They basically only heat one room of the house, and then only barely, and sit around something called a kotatsu
which is a table with a small heater attached to the underside of the top, and a blanket around the edge. I guess families grow close by all huddling around this table during the winter months, eating their dinner and watching TV together in the evenings.
From what I've read up on they also still rely heavily on fax machines, insisting on having actual paper copies of everything, and that the few banks that do have ATMS actually have them INSIDE the bank instead of outside, completley defeating the purpose of them. Supposedly this is so that if anything goes wrong with the ATM, the bank can fix it right away.
Clay cuneiform tablets from ancient Sumeria can still be read today, but most information stored on twenty-year-old floppy discs has degraded past effective use. Progress is not a straight road.
If they did The Golden Girls in 2013, they could cast these actresses who are now the same age when the original cast began the series in 1985:
Dorothy (Bea Arthur) and Rose (Betty White) 63 Years Old
~ Cybill Shepherd
~ Tess Harper
~ Morgan Fairchild
~ Nancy Allen
~ Amy Madigan
~ Victoria Principal
~ Barbi Benton
Sophia (Estelle Getty) 62 Years Old
~ Anjelica Huston
~ Cassandra Peterson
~ Kirstie Alley
~ Lynda Carter
~ Beverly D'Angelo
~ Cheryl Ladd
Blanche (Rue McClanahan) 51 Years Old
~ Demi Moore
~ Jodie Foster
~ Jennifer Jason Leigh
~ Gina Gershon
~ Melissa Sue Anderson
~ Kristy McNichol
Quote from: claws on November 14, 2013, 01:08:05 PM
If they did The Golden Girls in 2013, they could cast these actresses who are now the same age when the original cast began the series in 1985:
Dorothy (Bea Arthur) and Rose (Betty White) 63 Years Old
~ Cybill Shepherd
~ Tess Harper
~ Morgan Fairchild
~ Nancy Allen
~ Amy Madigan
~ Victoria Principal
~ Barbi Benton
Sophia (Estelle Getty) 62 Years Old
~ Anjelica Huston
~ Cassandra Peterson
~ Kirstie Alley
~ Lynda Carter
~ Beverly D'Angelo
~ Cheryl Ladd
Blanche (Rue McClanahan) 51 Years Old
~ Demi Moore
~ Jodie Foster
~ Jennifer Jason Leigh
~ Gina Gershon
~ Melissa Sue Anderson
~ Kristy McNichol
Oh, I'm sure that is another reboot/remake that is already in the works. :thumbdown:
And you can get everything you want, including Alice, if it is Alice in Wornderland.
Yuletide items
Watches -- wines -- wood items -- woven items
Teas -- totes -- toys
Salts -- serigraphs -- snacks -- souvenirs -- spices -- sports equipment -- statues -- straw items -- sugars -- sunglasses
Pet supplies -- photo albums -- picture frames -- pillows -- pins (very popular) -- plush animals -- pop culture novelities -- postcards -- posters -- pottery
Magnets -- masks -- musical items
Lithographs -- loungewear -- luggage -- lunch boxes
Key chains -- kitchenware
Headgear -- home decor items -- houseware
Figurines -- flags -- footware
Dinnerware -- dolls -- DVDs
Cameras -- candy -- CDs -- cels -- ceramics -- character items -- charms -- chopsticks -- clocks -- clothing for kids -- coffees -- collectibles -- cookies -- costumes
Bags -- baskets -- bath items -- blankets -- books
Accessories -- active wear -- animation art -- apparel for adults
No wonder this place has more contracts to more companies, both foreign and domestic, to supply it with all it needs, than any one place in the U.S.
Next time: maybe something similiar or maybe something different. I haven't decided.
Famous deaths on November 22, 1963 also included C.S. Lewis and Aldous Huxley.
Continuing from my previous post . . .
And with 55% more shopping opportunities . . .
Automobile accessories
Backpacks (or as the British sometimes call 'em knapsacks)
Calligraphy kits -- candles -- coats of arms -- combs -- computer hardware -- cookware -- cosmetics -- crystal items
Food stuffs
Handbags -- Hollywood memorabilia
iPad cases
Leather goods -- Lego bricks
Menorahs -- Mezuzahs
Ostrich eggs (empty, I hope)
Patches -- pencils -- pens -- perfumes -- pewter items -- pinatas -- playsets
Raingear -- rocks and minerals -- rugs
Seasonings -- sleepwear -- software -- Star Wars light sabers -- statutettes
Tea sets
Veils (bridal and otherwise) -- Vinylmation characters
Zen paraphernalia
"Honest!" I swear. If you cannot find it at this one place, then it most likely no longer exists.
Next time: as I said before, I might continue on in this vein, or I might go on to something else. It just depends.
Just got my American Motorcyclist magazine today.
The bike the t1000 runs up the stairs & out the window is a single cylinder Honda dressed up to look like a four cylinder Kawasaki KZ1000. the pipes were fake.
Quote from: LilCerberus on December 12, 2013, 05:19:22 PM
Just got my American Motorcyclist magazine today.
The bike the t1000 runs up the stairs & out the window is a single cylinder Honda dressed up to look like a four cylinder Kawasaki KZ1000. the pipes were fake.
Was it fake only for the part going up the stairs and out the window, or were all the parts showing that brand of bike faked as well?
Quote from: zelmo73 on December 12, 2013, 10:23:02 PM
Quote from: LilCerberus on December 12, 2013, 05:19:22 PM
Just got my American Motorcyclist magazine today.
The bike the t1000 runs up the stairs & out the window is a single cylinder Honda dressed up to look like a four cylinder Kawasaki KZ1000. the pipes were fake.
Was it fake only for the part going up the stairs and out the window, or were all the parts showing that brand of bike faked as well?
Just the stunt scenes. I've owned a couple of Kawasakis, and they are unusually top heavy bikes.
Quote from: LilCerberus on December 12, 2013, 10:35:13 PM
Quote from: zelmo73 on December 12, 2013, 10:23:02 PM
Quote from: LilCerberus on December 12, 2013, 05:19:22 PM
Just got my American Motorcyclist magazine today.
The bike the t1000 runs up the stairs & out the window is a single cylinder Honda dressed up to look like a four cylinder Kawasaki KZ1000. the pipes were fake.
Was it fake only for the part going up the stairs and out the window, or were all the parts showing that brand of bike faked as well?
Just the stunt scenes. I've owned a couple of Kawasakis, and they are unusually top heavy bikes.
I figured as much. That bike went up the stairs rather easily. Even a T-1000 would have had more difficulty going up the stairs in one of those.
Long before The Pretenders, & shortly before Devo....
Mark Mothersbaugh & Crissie Hynde come from the same town of Akron Ohio. Both went to Kent State University, were on campus during the Kent State Massacre, & both were in a band called Sat, Sun Mat.
imagine how that woulda' turned out. :smile:
General Custer was not actually a general during the famous Battle of the Little Bighorn. His general's rank was only a temporary wartime promotion.
By the time of the massacre, he was only a lieutenant colonel
The song Stars Fell on Alabama is based on an l]actual historical astronomical event.
For the first time in 112 years, it snowed in Cairo
Gee. I guess global warming isn't all that global...........
Quote from: El Misfit on December 13, 2013, 11:33:40 PM
For the first time in 112 years, it snowed in Cairo
Global cooling! All that pollution is blocking out the sun. Where have all you greenies been???
Or maybe weather just does what it does . . . . :lookingup:
No one knows where Mozart is buried.
Flaked bone tools dredged up from the Texas City Ship Channel dated to 20,000 BP.
In 1958 the Air Force lost a fully armed 2,600 lb Mark 15 nuclear bomb in the waters just off Tybee Island, GA (about 10 miles from me). It was never recovered.
We close for the festive break on Friday: I don't know what I am going to do for those two weeks.
Elvis Presley was a huge Monty Python fan.
Quote from: Raffine on December 15, 2013, 04:03:59 PM
In 1958 the Air Force lost a fully armed 2,600 lb Mark 15 nuclear bomb in the waters just off Tybee Island, GA (about 10 miles from me). It was never recovered.
The ocean water would absorb most of the blast. While much of the radiation would impact the Eastern seaboard, most of it would probably drift over into Europe. Then it would be mostly their problem. So no worries! :cheers:
We go from one of the happiest places on earth to probably one of the saddest, and while these statistics and statements were gathered in a survey in New York City, they are probably pertinent to most of the cities in the U.S.
45% of the teen street whores are boys. I think we forget how many are boys for reasons I'll get to later.
30% of the teen street whores have pimps. Thus, solely attacking the problem by attacking the pimp is not going to work.
15 the average age at which a boy or girl starts turning tricks on the street.
The 1st and last makes sense, but why are there so few clients that are racial minorities? Smaller % than their population at large.
"damaged" The survey found that is the best way to describe 'em. Emotionally "damaged." "Damaged" by drugs, but in some way damaged.
"straight" If not the majority, a large plurality of the male teen street whores are not gay nor even bisexual but straight.
"off the street" Most of the teen street whores are interested in getting off the street, or at least they express an interest on getting off the street.
Americans vs. Europeans
All of this is anecdotal evidence, from my readings, but . . . I do have a couple of wild and crazy ideas.
When American fiction writers of any kind write about teen street whores, most write about girls. Maybe because if they write about boys as teen street whores, which may be one of the reasons we don't think about teen boys as being street whores, their audiences will associate it with homosexuality, when often the two subjects are different things.
Europeans on the other hand, when they write about teen street whores, most write about boys. Maybe because boys make for better drama than girls. Also while I find both--using boys and girls--equally reprehensible, some European writers, not all European writers, but some European writers find using a boy for sexual purposes more reprehensible than using a girl for sexual purposes.
And one last thing that came out of this survey. We don't really know enough about the problem to deal effectively with the problem, and we need to learn more.
Next time: there are all kinds of bars.
Pale Male, the famed red-tailed hawk of Central Park, built his nest on Woody Allen's balcony across from the park, which, under Federal law, meant Allen was unable to make use of the balcony while the nest was there.
Showering naked is the best way to get clean. :tongueout:
Frying bacon naked is generally considered inadvisable, however.
There are all kinds of bars. There are gold bars, the Chicago Bars, and Smoky the Bar, but most of your bars are onboard your cruise ships. There are . . .
Drink Bars
champagne -- coffee -- cognac -- espresso -- juice -- martini -- sake -- tequila -- whiskey -- and wine.
Food Bars
antipasti -- burrito -- carvery -- frozen yogurt -- ice -- ice cream -- pasta -- pizza -- salad -- sashimi -- seafood -- snack -- sushi -- taco -- and tapas.
Location Bars
atrium -- casino -- indoor -- observation -- outdoor -- pool -- and swim-up.
and Miscellaneous Bars
cigar -- cyber -- golf -- jazz -- karaoke -- moving (it rotates in place) -- piano -- private -- public -- sports -- and wellness.
Next time: Rest and Recreation
Quote from: indianasmith on December 20, 2013, 10:54:56 PM
Frying bacon naked is generally considered inadvisable, however.
anything naked is generally considered inadvisable in my book.
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on December 26, 2013, 07:52:33 PM
There are all kinds of bars. There are gold bars, the Chicago Bars, and Smoky the Bar, but most of your bars are onboard your cruise ships. There are . . .
Drink Bars
champagne -- coffee -- cognac -- espresso -- juice -- martini -- sake -- tequila -- whiskey -- and wine.
Food Bars
antipasti -- burrito -- carvery -- frozen yogurt -- ice -- ice cream -- pasta -- pizza -- salad -- sashimi -- seafood -- snack -- sushi -- taco -- and tapas.
Location Bars
atrium -- casino -- indoor -- observation -- outdoor -- pool -- and swim-up.
and Miscellaneous Bars
cigar -- cyber -- golf -- jazz -- karaoke -- moving (it rotates in place) -- piano -- private -- public -- sports -- and wellness.
Next time: Rest and Recreation
And then there's the New Orleans Bars, which has the drunks wobbling wild on the streets with drinks in their hands. :teddyr:
Quote from: indianasmith on December 20, 2013, 10:54:56 PM
Frying bacon naked is generally considered inadvisable, however.
does wake you up early in the morning though, and it makes you forget about your hangover really quick! :cheers:
My nostrils have been voted the most sexy breathing apertures in the universe three years in a row!!!!*
*SOURCE: an unusually vivid dream after eating a peanut butter and mushroom pizza
Quote from: Raffine on December 26, 2013, 09:16:17 PM
Quote from: indianasmith on December 20, 2013, 10:54:56 PM
Frying bacon naked is generally considered inadvisable, however.
Frying anything naked is generally considered inadvisable in my book.
Yes, if you fry something, put some cloths on it first! As long as it's not polyester.
The last time a Republican was elected president of the united States without a Nixon or a Bush on the ticket was 1928.
'Sporange', a botany term meaning 'spore case', actually rhymes with 'orange'.
Marie Curie's notebooks are still radioactive.
I promised rest and relaxation, but I'll do that next time, as I need to get this out first.
"18 Things One Can Do to Grow One's Operation from a 2-Man Operation to an Operation That Is Worldwide."
01. Expand not contract.
02. But expand wisely.
03. Hire enough of the best.
04. The world is a changing place, so change with it.
05. But change carefully.
06. Promote! Promote! Promote!
07. Know how to use what you have.
08. If something does not work, then adapt! adapt! adapt! or get out.
09. Listen to your customers.
10. But use your own judgment.
11. Have and maintain a sense of humor.
12. Research! Research! Research!
13. Sucess comes not from what one has done yesterday, or last week, or last month, or even last year, but what was done a decade ago.
14. Spend money to make money.
15. But spend it wisely and carefully.
16. Make all welcome.
17. No one can live forever, so have a line of succession set up, ere you pass on.
18. And just get lucky.
Inspired by Marty Sklar's "Dream It! Do It!" Which we'll talk about more and later, when we review it.
Next time: rest and relaxation or recreation and relaxation
Quote from: Raffine on December 28, 2013, 07:45:49 PM
Marie Curie's notebooks are still radioactive.
That is the last time I eat from a Taco Trailer, made my farts radioactive. :bouncegiggle:
Quote from: El Misfit on January 07, 2014, 06:04:32 PM
Quote from: Raffine on December 28, 2013, 07:45:49 PM
Marie Curie's notebooks are still radioactive.
That is the last time I eat from a Taco Trailer, made my farts radioactive. :bouncegiggle:
Fact: Wikipedia defines "non sequitur" as "something said that, because of its apparent lack of meaning relative to what preceded it, seems absurd to the point of being humorous or confusing."
As promised, once you have eaten and drank your fill, you may want to do some recreation and relaxation. Just be aware that all these listed are onboard cruise ship activities.
Badminton -- baggo -- basketball -- blongo (I have no idea what this is) -- bocce ball -- bowling -- boxing -- British bowls
Darts -- dodgeball
Ice skating -- in-line skating
Mini golf
Paddle tennis -- Pool
Rappelling -- rock climbing -- roller skating
Scuba diving -- shuffleboard -- skydiving -- soccer -- squash -- surfing -- swimming
Table tennis -- tennis
Water polo
But, no more skeet shooting or obstacle courses.
Next time: Then and now.
Quote from: El Misfit on January 07, 2014, 06:04:32 PM
Quote from: Raffine on December 28, 2013, 07:45:49 PM
Marie Curie's notebooks are still radioactive.
That is the last time I eat from a Taco Trailer, made my farts radioactive. :bouncegiggle:
:buggedout:+ :teddyr: :teddyr: :teddyr:
Quote from: indianasmith on December 20, 2013, 10:54:56 PM
Frying bacon naked is generally considered inadvisable, however.
Yeah, bent over the stove naked while frying bacon and you're libel to burn your sausage on top of it...
Stanley Kubrick was so worried about being murdered by a deranged fan that he kept a file of known admirers he considered possible future suspects, to be handed over to the police in the event his fears proved correct.
The Munster's Mansion and the 'Desperate Housewives house' is the same...
and yes, I just found this out... I'm a little late lol :smile:
A team of six Clydesdales first pulled an Anheuser-Busch wagon (filled with beer from the company's St Louis brewery) in 1933 to celebrate the repeal of Prohibition.
Ulysses Grant was to be Lincoln's guest at Ford theater the night of Lincoln's assassination, but changed his plans at the last minute.
As of last year there were approximately 52,300 nuns serving in the United States, with an average age of sixty-one, down from a quarter-million in 1950, and about 175,000 in 1975. That means if I'd listened to the sisters who visited on career fair days in school trying to talk me into religious life, I could have had great odds at a promotion to the top with so little competition among the habit-wearing scene.
FRUIT LOOPS are all the same flavor.
Lizzie Borden and Elizabeth Montgomery (who played Borden in the terrific 1975 TV movie) were 6th cousins.
I feel like a zombie today. :bluesad:
Quote from: Raffine on January 27, 2014, 03:07:39 PM
Lizzie Borden and Elizabeth Montgomery (who played Borden in the terrific 1975 TV movie) were 6th cousins.
How do you even determine that in casual conversation? :bouncegiggle:
ER- I heard that on Stern show!
Quote from: Josso on January 27, 2014, 03:16:45 PM
Quote from: Raffine on January 27, 2014, 03:07:39 PM
Lizzie Borden and Elizabeth Montgomery (who played Borden in the terrific 1975 TV movie) were 6th cousins.
How do you even determine that in casual conversation? :bouncegiggle:
Depends on the company you keep! :teddyr:
By the way - my grandmother always said Machine Gun Kelly ws her second cousin.
This one:
NOT this one:
Gas is 5 cents a gallon in Venezuela http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/for-venezuela-the-magic-land-of-cheap-gas-a-big-hike/2014/01/19/cf52b096-7e1f-11e3-97d3-b9925ce2c57b_story.html (http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/for-venezuela-the-magic-land-of-cheap-gas-a-big-hike/2014/01/19/cf52b096-7e1f-11e3-97d3-b9925ce2c57b_story.html)
Contrary to popular opinion, DNA testing did NOT conclusively prove that Thomas Jefferson was the father of his slave Sally Hemings' children. What the tests did show was that someone in Jefferson's bloodline fathered ONE of her children. It could have been him - but it also could have been his brother or his nephew, who also lived at Monticello and had as much, if not more, contact with the slave population there as Jefferson did.
Wheaties can be picked up with a magnet. I'm thinking alien recipe.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MLS3dA72Tg#t=29 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MLS3dA72Tg#t=29)
One advantage to being an old git is that you remember how things were. From Marty Sklar's "Dream It! Do It!'"
1952 - Tuition at UCLA was $100.00, and that is not per term nor semester, but per year.
Now - Tuition at UCLA is $14,000.00 per year.
1954 - L.A. had 4 papers that were published every day.
Now - L.A. has 1 paper that is published every day. And the last I heard, the Koch Brothers were interested in purchasing it.
To show how fast California has grown.
1952 - Anaheim had a total population of 14,000.
Now - 353.643, and it is not the largest city in California, but only the 10th largest city, and it may not even be the largest city in Orange County. By some estimates Santa Ana is larger.
Next time: There are still places in America, where you can express yourself freely.
The first reports of the yeti called it The Metoh Snow Man.
However, due to a telegraph error somewhere between The Himalayas & London, the report announced it as The Metch Snow Man.
Not knowing what the word "metch" meant, an editor look it up in the dictionary, and found the word metch defined as "capable of being abominated".
And that's how The Metoh Kangmi became The Abominable Snow Man.
When I was a kid I thought he was the Abdominal Snowman!
I thought the Yeti was Bigfoot's cousin.
The Mapinguari, South America's version of big foot, is said to have one particularly odd physical characteristic: backwards feet.
As bizarre as this sounds the South American Kinkajou, a medium sized mammal related to raccoons, has the ability to turn its feet completely around and can reportedly run as fast backwards as it can forwards.
Some reports suggest the Mapingauri is actually a sort of giant sloth rather a humanoid primate.
Netflix CEO Hastings says in 2000 he offered to sell 49% of co to Blockbuster & take their name. They said no.
Dr. Seuss strongly supported America's internment of Japanese-American citizens during WWII.
On December 17, 1862 Ulysses S. Grant issued General Order Number 11, which expelled all Jews from the military district he oversaw via martial law. Grant claimed Jews were leaders of a black market which was undermining the economy in much of southwestern Kentucky, western Tennessee, and northern Mississippi. While there was evidence that Jewish merchants were indeed involved in black market activities, so were many Christian citizens, who were left unaffected by the law. The widespread outcry against this discriminatory edict was such that President Lincoln overturned the order shortly after learning of it. Grant's implementation of General Order 11 was a stain on the reputation of the otherwise honorable future President.
Rev- not a feather in Suess's cap imo. regardless of one's view of that conflict
Quote from: lester1/2jr on January 30, 2014, 02:45:01 PM
Rev- not a feather in Suess's cap imo. regardless of one's view of that conflict
No, not at all. He dedicated "Horton Hears a Who" to a Japanese friend and some people think that book was his apology for his views.
In his early years he used lots of ugly racial caricatures.
I think he grew up and changed his views.
Amanda Knox is really hot.
The cult classic sci fi film adaption of Harlan Ellison's A BOY AND HIS DOG (1975) was produced and written (uncredited) by Alvy Moore. Moore was best known as the bumbling county agent on Green Acres.
"Well, the story is all about a boy and his dog Blood. Uh, well, the boy doesn't actually have dog blood but a dog named Blood. Well maybe the boy has dog blood and a dog named Blood, too. The boy loves the dog Blood but I don't think he likes dog blood. I guess the dog Blood has dog blood but he does like people blood but he doesn't like dog blood, Well, I suppose he likes himself and the dog's name is Blood but.."
It is thought lightning strikes may have been a leading cause of death and injury among mammoths, since they were the tallest objects on the plains in their era, and weighing what they did they also held a great deal of water in their bodies, which would have drawn electricity even more.
On this day in 1968, this famous photo was taken....
There is one word in the English language that ryhmes with orange.
Definition: A single-celled or many-celled structure in which spores are produced, as in fungi, algae, mosses, and ferns. Also called spore case.
Alex Sink, the Democratic candidate for Florida governor in 2010 who was narrowly defeated by Rick Scott, is the great granddaughter of Siamese Twin Chang Bunker.
That's Chang on the right...
There are still places in America that allow you to express yourself freely.
The veteran who runs carrying the American flag.
The firefighters who run in full protective gear.
Juggle man who juggles as he runs.
Pizza man who carries a pizza as he runs. Well, at least, if he gets hungry along the 26.2 mile route, he'll have something to eat.
The ballerinas in their tutus. And the hula dancers in their grass skirts.
And that does not include all the runners in character costumes.
ariel -- belle -- cinderella -- cruella de ville -- donald duck -- the incredibles -- mickey -- minnie -- snow white -- tarzan -- tinkerbelle -- and vanelope.
The Walt Disney World Marathon, which is held every January.
Next time: "They're still playing our song."
Raffine - The book "Chang and Eng" is AWESOME
there's a BS law that said that cars cannot be imported from other countries if it's less than 25 years old. It's total BS.
A satisfying way to win a scholarly sort of bet is to challenge someone to show where the US Constitution guarantees separation of church and state. Nine times out of ten they'll leap to the First Amendment, but contrary to popular belief the Constitution says nothing on that subject in Amendment One or elsewhere.
The youngest rider employed by the Pony Express was eleven years old.
Quote from: ER on February 07, 2014, 04:07:56 PM
A satisfying way to win a scholarly sort of bet is to challenge someone to show where the US Constitution guarantees separation of church and state. Nine times out of ten they'll leap to the First Amendment, but contrary to popular belief the Constitution says nothing on that subject in Amendment One or elsewhere.
It is true that the phrase "separation of church and state" occurs nowhere in the Constitution - that was cribbed from a letter that Thomas Jefferson wrote over a decade AFTER the First Amendment was ratified. However, I do think the actual wording was intended to create a certain level of separation - albeit nothing as draconian as the ACLU would have us believe.
This is a picture of Andre the giant holding a standard sized beer can.
it has been estimated that Andre the Giant drank 7,000 calories worth of booze every day. The figure doesn't include food. Just booze.
When Andre was asked how much it took to get him drunk he said, "It usually takes two liters of vodka just to make me feel warm inside."
TWO LITERS of VODKA... and that's just warm and fuzy.
Andre once drank 119 twelve ounce bottles in a six hour period. That's a bottle of beer every three minutes non-stop, or to put it another way, he drank over 11 GALLONS of booze in one sitting.
That is just INSANE!!!
Quote from: lester1/2jr on February 04, 2014, 05:40:40 PM
Raffine - The book "Chang and Eng" is AWESOME
Yep - I've got a dog-eared copy somewhere.
Millie-Christine: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made (http://www.amazon.com/Millie-Christine-Fearfully-Wonderfully-Joanne-Martell/dp/B0044KMUAK) is a good companion book.
The Russian alphabet is very different from the English one - apparently...
A horse's teeth weigh more than its brain.
Quote from: Newt on February 08, 2014, 07:25:50 AM
A horse's teeth weigh more than its brain.
Calling any politician...oh, wait...horses TEETH!...
Because in 2004 Richard Hatch smuggled a book of matches in with him, all contestants on Survivor are now strip searched before setting foot on the island.
Quote from: indianasmith on February 07, 2014, 06:11:31 PM
Quote from: ER on February 07, 2014, 04:07:56 PM
A satisfying way to win a scholarly sort of bet is to challenge someone to show where the US Constitution guarantees separation of church and state. Nine times out of ten they'll leap to the First Amendment, but contrary to popular belief the Constitution says nothing on that subject in Amendment One or elsewhere.
It is true that the phrase "separation of church and state" occurs nowhere in the Constitution - that was cribbed from a letter that Thomas Jefferson wrote over a decade AFTER the First Amendment was ratified. However, I do think the actual wording was intended to create a certain level of separation - albeit nothing as draconian as the ACLU would have us believe.
I think "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" is the correct answer to the challenge to find where the Constitution guarantees the separation of Church and state. Of course it all depends on how you define the concept of separation, establishment, and so forth, and how you apply them in difficult borderline cases. The answers to these questions are not always obvious. I'm sure the ACLU is on the "correct" side in some cases and the "wrong" side in others.
Reasonable enough. I remember a few years back the Supreme Court was hearing a case about commencement prayers. A Christian historian prepared an amicus curiae brief on the case in which he cited over 400 instances of the men who authored the Constitution and the Bill of Rights offering up prayers at commencements - proof positive, in his view, that they did not view such activities as violating the Establishment Clause. Well, the pro-prayer advocates lost that particular case, and the historian got a nice letter back from Justice David Souter, congratulating him on a well-researched and prepared brief. Then Souter concluded with these words: "This proves something I have long suspected - either the Founding Fathers were complete hypocrites on the subject of church/state separation, or else they simply did not understand the Constitution."
I thought that one of the most arrogant statements I have ever read.
Quote from: indianasmith on February 09, 2014, 12:55:57 AM
Souter concluded with these words: "This proves something I have long suspected - either the Founding Fathers were complete hypocrites on the subject of church/state separation, or else they simply did not understand the Constitution."
I thought that one of the most arrogant statements I have ever read.
TO me that sounds more like a humorous observation---although Souter's not normally known for his sense of humor. The Founding Fathers signed onto the idea that "all men are created equal" while many of them kept slaves, so they were no strangers to hypocrisy. They were fallible men, not gods.
True enough. Yet they created the best system of government the world had seen up to that time.
We still govern ourselves by the document they created.
I'm more of a Bill of Rights guy
That surprises me not at all!!!!
Yer my favorite libertarian, Lester!!!
At its peak in the mid-eighties My Little Pony was more profitable than Barbie.
Quote from: Newt on February 10, 2014, 07:37:33 AM
At its peak in the mid-eighties My Little Pony was more profitable than Barbie.
Really? Well, nice to know I was doing my part for the Reagan-era economy!
Today the MY LITTLE PONY franchise seems to have acquired a large fanbase of twentysomething males. For some reason that creeps me out! :buggedout:
Quote from: indianasmith on February 11, 2014, 01:00:26 AM
Today the MY LITTLE PONY franchise seems to have acquired a large fanbase of twentysomething males. For some reason that creeps me out! :buggedout:
On a related note... (http://www.badmovies.org/forum/index.php/topic,142255.0.html)
Mr Ed drank a gallon of sweet tea per day.
"God helps those who help themselves" does not even come close to appearing in the Bible. http://www.gotquestions.org/God-help-themselves.html (http://www.gotquestions.org/God-help-themselves.html)
I love my Nekrogoblikon shirt.
Here's what it looks like-
According to an infallible declaration made by the great Counter Reformationist Pope Paul IV in the 16th century, should any Pope advocate heresy, he shall de facto be stripped of his office and the Church be considered devoid of a valid Pope until such time as a lawful successor to Saint Peter be elected. This condition of Papal absence is properly known in Latin as sedevacantism ("empty seat").
Many claim that if this doctrine of Paul IV's were to be strictly interpreted, then it could be said there has been no legitimate Pope since John XXIII's tradition-breaking liberal reforms of Vatican II in the early 1960s, many of which violated earlier points of Canon Law. To apply that doctrine, then each subsequent Pope who took office under the rules of Vatican II, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and today's Pope Francis, was or is himself an unlawful occupant of the office due to his upholding of heresy.
There are actually an unknown but substantial number of Roman Catholics worldwide who hold the view that there is no Pope, Mel Gibson being one of the more famous of that number.
"It's twistin' time. Let's twist again like we did last summer. Round and round. Up and down."
Old rockers never die. They just go on to perform at the Flower Power Concerts from March to May at EPCOT at Walt Disney World.
One of them being Chubby Checker, who I can remember hearing on the radio over 50 years ago. I wonder if he is still spry enough to do the Twist without throwing his back out.
Another performer will be Herman's Hermits, who I actually planned on going to see a number of years ago, but their concert was canceled because of the lack of ticket sales.
Other performers will include . . .
The Guess Who
Gary Lewis and the Playboys
The Orchestra (remnants of The Electric Light Orchestra)
The Lovin' Spoonful
Paul Revere and the Raiders
The Village People
The Grass Roots
and Alan Parsons
If any of you are down that way one weekend in March to May, you might stop in, as the concerts are apparently free, but admission to EPCOT is not.
Also being offered during that time are . . .
A butterfly house
Food and drink booths
A humming bird exhibit
Kids' activities
Talks by the stars of HGTV
and my favorite the toparies.
Next time: if you can't get it there, then get it here.
It took ten hours to put the Robocop suit on the first time.
It was considerably modified after that.
Also, Robocop was originally intended to move quick and smoothly like Spider-man. Even after modifications, this proved impossible, so they decided to go in the opposite direction and make him move even MORE slowly and stiffly.
The horse is the state animal of New Jersey.
A quarter of Americans don't know the Earth orbits the sun.
http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/02/15/newser-earth-circles-sun/5508413/ (http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/02/15/newser-earth-circles-sun/5508413/)
Quote from: Jack on February 23, 2014, 08:15:04 AM
A quarter of Americans don't know the Earth orbits the sun.
http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/02/15/newser-earth-circles-sun/5508413/ (http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/02/15/newser-earth-circles-sun/5508413/)
It does what now? :question:
Quote from: Raffine on February 23, 2014, 05:46:59 PM
Quote from: Jack on February 23, 2014, 08:15:04 AM
A quarter of Americans don't know the Earth orbits the sun.
http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/02/15/newser-earth-circles-sun/5508413/ (http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/02/15/newser-earth-circles-sun/5508413/)
It does what now? :question:
:bouncegiggle: :teddyr: :teddyr:
Two facts: Germans still listen to Techno music (think European 1990s style) and still worship Italian actor Bud Spencer, who was the king of beat-em-up comedy movies in the 1970s.
Your voice sounds deeper to you because you hear the sound vibration through bone instead of though air like everybody else does.
Quote from: claws on February 24, 2014, 01:42:38 PM
Two facts: Germans still listen to Techno music (think European 1990s style) and still worship Italian actor Bud Spencer, who was the king of beat-em-up comedy movies in the 1970s.
Three facts: I'm half German, I don't listen to techno music, but I do love me some Bud Spencer.
We talked already about Christmas shopping at Walt Disney World, so here's available or what was available at its counterpart on the West Coast. Disneyland
Art -- ashtrays (though tobacco products are no longer sold there) -- autographs books
Beach towels -- Beauty products -- Bellhop bells (Front!) -- Bells -- Buttons
Chandeliers -- Coasters
Glass miniatures -- Glow merchandise
Magic tricks
Paperweights -- prints
Sculptures -- ships' lanterns -- snowglobes -- stationery
Next time: Here a character! There a character! Everywehere a character!
A hyperchondriac is someone who is almost unshakably convinced his health is absolutely perfect, even when it isn't.
A hypochondriac is someone who is almost unshakably convinced his health is poor, even when it isn't.
The latter outnumber the former by about twenty to one.
The minor league baseball team in Montgomery, AL is dubbed The Mongomery Biscuits, and their official mascot is an anthropomorphistic biscuit.
The biscuit's name is 'Monte'.
When Lord Byron died in 1824 his publisher John Murray burned his diary, his letters, his half-completed memoirs, his unpublished poems, all his other personal papers, and a Turkish book of homoerotic ink sketches.
When Queen Victoria died in 1901 her personal letters filled 460 boxes. When the censors her son appointed, Viscount Esher and his son Lord Arthur Benson, were done combing through them, the contents of all but three of these boxes were burned.
When Elvis Presley died, it was reported that his friends immediately removed what was described as "several pillowcases full of films" from his bedroom.
In his will Pope John Paul II stated that though he left behind no property, he asked that all his papers be destroyed "unread."
When Whitney Houston died someone removed over half of her Twitter posts.
The tradition of cleaning-up for post-mortem posterity lives on.
Many popular freshwater aquarium fishes are endangered in their natural habitiat, mainly through human development and loss of habitat.
The very popular Red Tailed Black Shark from Thailand -although still very common in pet stores - is believed to now be extinct in the wild due to loss of habitat.
Quote from: Paquita on February 24, 2014, 10:24:30 PM
Quote from: claws on February 24, 2014, 01:42:38 PM
Two facts: Germans still listen to Techno music (think European 1990s style) and still worship Italian actor Bud Spencer, who was the king of beat-em-up comedy movies in the 1970s.
Three facts: I'm half German, I don't listen to techno music, but I do love me some Bud Spencer.
I'm not German but grew up in Germany. Techno music and Bud Spencer are (still) part of German (pop) culture, so is "Al Bundy" (Married.... with Children) and "King of Queens". It's amazing to me how something dated like this is still celebrated here. It's like, imagine Americans in 2014 still quoting the "Where's the beef?" Lady from 1984.
The messenger service known as The Pony Express existed for 18 months.
The Mongols had a similar network called the "Yam". It lasted throughout the period of Mongol rule and remained intact, though cut back, until the empire crumbled in the 15th century.
Bela Lugosi was an avid stamp collector.
When I was growing up, about the only non-generic product out there was Barbie and Ken. Nlow, with manufacturers getting wise to the fact that if you slap a character on a product, the people will come, you can get almost anything with a character on it. For example, no-prescription sunglasses . . .
For girls
Doc McStuffin
Hello Kitty
Minnie Mouse
Sofia the 1st
For boys
The Avengers
Jake and the Neverland Pirates
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Toy Story
And kids' magazines are the same. I grew up with "Jack and Jill," if anybody is old enough to remember that one, which was mostly generic. Now there is . . .
For girls
Strawberry Shortcake
For boys
Phineas and Ferb
Marvel Superheroes
Scooby Doo
Thomas [Tank Engine] and Friends
For both
Disney Junior
and though some say they are above such commericalization "Sesame Street"
Of course, what I have said is somewhat given to stereotype, as there is no reason that boys cannot be as interested in "Princesses" as girls are in "Marvel Superheroes."
Next time: If you have ever wanted to dress up as a Tree or a Raccoon and . . .
Quote from: Paquita on February 24, 2014, 10:24:30 PM
Quote from: claws on February 24, 2014, 01:42:38 PM
Two facts: Germans still listen to Techno music (think European 1990s style) and still worship Italian actor Bud Spencer, who was the king of beat-em-up comedy movies in the 1970s.
Three facts: I'm half German, I don't listen to techno music, but I do love me some Bud Spencer.
Sind Sie halb Deutsch, Frau Paquita? Das tut nicht, Alles klar :smile:
(You're half German? Doesn't matter, it's all good.)
Ich bin Deutsch, beide Seiten meiner Familie. (German on both sides of my family)
Funny, I've never even heard of Bud Spencer, I don't listen to techno,
and I don't drink. I guess I'm one of the ones that slipped thru the cracks of cultural practices. Guess I'm the odd one out....
Sushi gives me joygasms.
While I was in the woods last night I heard this crashing sound coming straight in my direction and long story short, came within about a yard of getting run into by a deer that swerved just at the last second. I figured I was unique but it turns out 2.9 million people are supposedly injured by deer each and every year. Can you imagine me taking that story to an emergency room, though? "I got hit by a deer." They'd think I was covering up domestic battery or something.
Quote from: ER on March 06, 2014, 04:34:31 PM
While I was in the woods last night I heard this crashing sound coming straight in my direction and long story short, came within about a yard of getting run into by a deer that swerved just at the last second. I figured I was unique but it turns out 2.9 million people are supposedly injured by deer each and every year. Can you imagine me taking that story to an emergency room, though? "I got hit by a deer." They'd think I was covering up domestic battery or something.
If one has ever seen the TV show "The Middle" on ABC, the same thing happened to Sue Heck (Eden Sher), when she was trying out for the school X-country team and got lost in the woods. She got ran over by a deer.
But, if you don't want to worry about being ran over by deer and want to dress up like a tree or a gun-toting raccoon,
and one will be in southern California the weekend of November 14-16, there's the Marvel Super Heroes Half Marathon
in Anaheim, California.
There is also . . .
a %K Family Fun Run
a Diaper Dash for under 1s
a 100m for 1-3s
a 200m for 4-6s
a 400m for 7-8s
a pasta party Friday night
and a health expo.
A handshake passes along more germs than a kiss.
In the 1100's carousels were training devices used by the Turkish and Arabian cavalries. The Spanish who first observed the manoeuvers named the practice "carosella", which means "little war".
(So now the junkyard that is my mind will forever be adding bagpipe-and-drum music whenever I see a merry-go-round. 'Cause that is what signifies 'martial' in there. :lookingup: )
Jonathan Lee Riches holds the Guiness World Record for most lawsuits filed.
Once he found out about his "honor" he sued Guinness Book of World Records.
Mining lobbyist George M. Willing presented the name "Idaho" to congress for a new territory around Pike's Peak, claiming it was a Shoshone Indian word meaning "Gem of the Mountains." But it was just a word he made up. By the time the deception was discovered, the name "Idaho" was already in common use.
In the 1970s a randy dolphin had his wicked way with Carl Sagan on a swim with dolphins outing on the West Coast.
Horseracing is one of the most dangerous sports in the world: jockeys have a 5% chance of getting seriously injured each time they ride, while in NASCAR racing drivers have about a 0.25% chance of getting into a serious accident.
Quote from: Newt on March 23, 2014, 07:44:13 AM
Horseracing is one of the most dangerous sports in the world: jockeys have a 5% chance of getting seriously injured each time they ride, while in NASCAR racing drivers have about a 0.25% chance of getting into a serious accident.
Interesting, Newt. One thing to consider though, no pun intended, but there's a lot of "horsepower" in both sports ( :wink:) and whether getting thrown from a horse or a race car, some serious injuries could (and have) resulted. With some of the crashes I've seen on TV and in real life, I'm amazed that some of these guys survived with as much as just a scratch..
No offense to Flangepart, but I ALWAYS misread his name as Flagenpants :bluesad:
With the upcoming "Star Wars : Episode VII" upcoming this year, there are two new books on the past "Star Wars" films now out. The 1st is a collection of screencaps from "Episodes IV, V, and VI," and the 2nd is a collection of screencaps from "Episodes I, II, and III." And both books raised a number of thoughts.
1st. Two mistakes I feel were made. I saw the original "Star Wars : Episode IV," and only the original, and the screencaps for that episode come not from that version, but from one of the later versions, as there are scenes from that episode that were never in the original. And they let George Lucas pick the screencaps for both books. Who then plays down the violence in "Episode IV," which is actually quite violent, relatively speaking.
2nd. Whatever "Star Wars" has done or not done, they did once thing right, and that was the casting. Looking at all the screencaps, everyone looks like they belong in the film. Not only the stars, but also the co-stars, the small speaking roles, and even the silent extras.
3rd. If casting is important, then story is also important, as I can follow the plot of both episodes IV and V. Of course, I have seen episodes IV and V, but even not having seen episodes VI and I, I can follow the plot just looking at the screencaps. It is with the screencaps for episodes II and III, that I have no idea what is going on.
4th. Not much text. Not even captions for the screencaps, but there is a prologue by director Guillermo del Toro, who seems to be quite fond of the series, and as there seems to be no director yet for episodes VIII and IX, it'd be interesting to let him direct one of the films, especially as it looks like he has nothing scheduled for after 2015.
5th. And there is quite a bit of violence directed against children or the younglings in episode III. I don't know whether the violence happened on-screen or off-screen, not having seen the episode, but looking at a couple of screencaps from that episode it looks like 6 or 7 children died. If 7, it is tied for 8th most violent film in the number of children killed, that I have seen. And even if it is only 6, it'd still be among the top 10 films, that I have seen, for the number of children killed in 1 film.
Next time: Something else.
It was said that Sonny Chiba's movie, "Streetfighter", was the very first martial arts film to get an X rating due to the violence in it. After seeing the movie totally uncensored on the El Rey network, I can't say that I'm suprised....
When Billboard magazine originally introduced the chart for country music, it was called hillbilly music. It didn't officially become country until years later.
A breakthrough in machine learning came by way of Google Brain, which consisted of 1,000 servers (16,000 CPU cores) simulating a model of the brain with a billion synapses (connections). Google Brain was trained using ten million 200x200 images unsupervised in three days. At the end, Google Brain revealed that there are two types of images that show up on the Internet quite frequently: faces and cats.
The first person to be Canonized by The Church was NOT El Blasto The Great.
Sandra Harmon, second wife of Larry Harmon (aka Bozo The Clown) wrote a book about Harmon's unfaithfulness and his sex addiction, and his pathological lies. The book is entitled "Sleeping With Bozo And Other Clowns". All you wanted to know about the man behind the red nose but were afraid to ask :bouncegiggle:
Did you take a sea cruise last year? 20,000,000 of your fellow Americans did, including myself. And if you are interested in taking a sea cruise this year or next year, here is a list of the score or more of the cruise lines that sail out of the U.S. ports, and the year they began operations.
1840 Cunard
1872 Holland America
1950 Costa
1964 ACCL
1965 Princess
1966 Norwegian
1969 Royal Caribbean
1972 Carnival
1986 Cruise West
1986 Windstar
1987 Seabourn
1989 Celebrity
1990 Crystal
1990 RSCC
1991 Star Clippers
1994 Silver Sea
1995 MSC
1998 Disney
And "Frozen" has become so popular, that beginning next year or 2015, Disney Cruise Lines will begin cruises of the Norwegian fjords or the land that inspired the look of "Frozen." With embarkation and disembarkation in Copenhagen, Denmark. No doubt Anna and Elsa will put in appearances, so you'll have two choices: wait 4 hours to meet them on board ship or wait 4 hours to meet them at Fantasyland in the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World.
2003 Oceania
2006 Azamara
Total = 867 years of service or an average of 43 years for each cruise line. More or less.
Next time: 29 and 25
Let's talk about heroin.
Heroin was created as a painkiller. It was in fact named for it's "heroic" ability to relieve pain. Originally it was sold over the counter as a cough remedy. The same company that produced it also made aspirin, which required a prescription.
Morphine and heroin were both used as a "cure" for alcoholism at one point. Heroin was also belived to be a cure for morphine addiction.
Bill Cosby has a lifetime contract with the Harlem Globetrotters. He gets paid a $1.05 a year. Magic Johnson, who has a similar contract only get a dollar.
Also, Henry Kissinger, Bob Hope, Whoopi Goldberg, Nelson Mandela, and Pope John Paul II are all honorary Harlem Globetrotters.
Sadly, I don't think they ever played an actual game.
Quote from: Chainsaw midget on April 06, 2014, 11:31:54 PM
Morphine and heroin were both used as a "cure" for alcoholism at one point. Heroin was also belived to be a cure for morphine addiction.
is a cure for morphine addiction, in the same way methadone is a cure for heroin addiction.
The Twilight Zone episode, "The Last Night of a Jockey" (1963) was written specifically for Mickey Rooney as a one-man performance. He played a jockey named Grady who has been banned from racing for life for doping horses, then gets a lesson in "careful what you wish for."
Quote from: Newt on April 07, 2014, 10:49:43 PM
The Twilight Zone episode, "The Last Night of a Jockey" (1963) was written specifically for Mickey Rooney as a one-man performance. He played a jockey named Grady who has been banned from racing for life for doping horses, then gets a lesson in "careful what you wish for."
I would assume that it was written for Rooney because of his relatively small frame as that's a major requirement for a horse racer? Just curious.
Fifteen years ago today, this office where I am now sitting was in a certified disaster area, after an F-4 tornado hit, killing four people, injuring fifty, and leveling two-hundred homes and businesses.
29 and 25
29 or the percentage of girls that are abused by their boyfriends.
25 or the percentage of boys that are abused by their girlfriends.
Almost the same percentage. Though, there are two differences between the two. The abuse of girls is mostly sexual abuse, while the abuse of boys is mostly physical abuse. And the abuse of girls is more likely to send them to the hospital, then the abuse of boys. Still . . .
Shortly, after this I saw a book on abusive relationships among teens, and it was all about girls being abused. Not one word about boys being abused, as if boys were never abused. I had another problem with the book, even forgetting that gay youth are also abused. All the information was about heterosexual girls. Nothing at all about girls who are in a lesbian relationship. Lesbians may or may not be more immune to abuse than their heterosexual sisters, but they are not entirely immune from being abused in a relationship.
Next time: Nice to see that some things never change, as the double standard continues to run rampant in some ways.
149 years ago, minus about an hour, John Wilkes Booth pulled the trigger on a single shot Derringer and murdered the President of the United States.
The Waffle Taco from Taco Bell isn't anything too special. It's edible, but nothing to get crazy about. Trust me, after trying ti twice, the second time around seemed to suck more.
Even the Mythbusters couldn't devise a way to clean me undies.
Fun Fact: Turtles can breathe through their butt.
...the more you know!
After washing your hair with shampoo, rub your hair with a towel and then apply conditioner. Let the conditioner settle for at least two minutes, and then rinse.
My hair tends to get a bit fuzzy without conditioner. It falls straight and is shiny when I do it the two-minutes way :thumbup:
Sssooo... For dopers, it's 4-20 day... Which coincides with Hitler's birthday...
I just finished a biography of Edward VII, in which the author speculates that Winston Churchill's mother Jennie slept with two hundred men, including possibly Oscar Wilde (all right, Oscar!) and almost certainly the Prince of Wales. To get even weirder, her second husband, who was twenty years her junior and the same age as her son Winston, was most likely actually fathered by the Prince of Wales in an affair with another woman at the same time he was involved with Jennie. This wedding disturbed the Prince so badly that he cut all ties with the former Lady Churchill.
Churchill's mom was a skank. A society skank, no doubt, but a skank nonetheless.
I understand Churchill's Mon invented the whiskey & vermouth, & the Brits called it the Manhattan 'cause she's from there...
Quote from: indianasmith on April 28, 2014, 10:38:04 PM
Churchill's mom was a skank. A society skank, no doubt, but a skank nonetheless.
And how many women did the rich men of the day sleep with? Nice double standard there.
Besides, she was American.
Not at all. I hold men who cannot keep their marriage vows in equal contempt.
Typically there are more tornadoes in the United States in May than any other month, but the tornadoes of April kill the most people.
Quote from: Newt on April 29, 2014, 07:27:40 AM
Quote from: indianasmith on April 28, 2014, 10:38:04 PM
Churchill's mom was a skank. A society skank, no doubt, but a skank nonetheless.
And how many women did the rich men of the day sleep with? Nice double standard there.
Besides, she was American.
Well, qs far as skanks and cheating, it seems that one Camilla Parker Bowles was the third wheel in the marriage of Princess Diana and Prince Charles. How many members of royalty slept with women too? Nice double standard there too.
How any man could have dared turn his back on such a lovely lady is beyond me, so Prince Charles gets a skank award too.
Also, they're both British (while we're naming nationalities here.)
So as we can see, skanks exist on both sides of the Big Pond.
Quote from: Umaril Has Returned on May 01, 2014, 06:13:53 PM
Quote from: Newt on April 29, 2014, 07:27:40 AM
Quote from: indianasmith on April 28, 2014, 10:38:04 PM
Churchill's mom was a skank. A society skank, no doubt, but a skank nonetheless.
And how many women did the rich men of the day sleep with? Nice double standard there.
Besides, she was American.
Well, qs far as skanks and cheating, it seems that one Camilla Parker Bowles was the third wheel in the marriage of Princess Diana and Prince Charles. How many members of royalty slept with women too? Nice double standard there too.
How any man could have dared turn his back on such a lovely lady is beyond me, so Prince Charles gets a skank award too.
Also, they're both British (while we're naming nationalities here.)
So as we can see, skanks exist on both sides of the Big Pond.
But British skanks are "proper" skanks, you see. :teddyr:
There was a recent article in a newspaper, probably "The New York Times," as to how many of our young sons have ready access to pornography. The number was well into the six figures. Well over 100,000 viewers.
Then the article went on and said, despite all the time and money studying the subject of pornography, there is still no definitive conclusion as to whether pornography is harmless or not, but even those who think that it is harmless for the most part, don't want their young sons looking at it, because of the way it objectifies women.
What the article did not state, that while we may think we are doing a good job of protecting our children from pornography, we are actually not. Not when we ignore over half our children. For there was not one word in the article about our daughters not looking at it. And like the new book on how to prevent our children from being involved in an abusive relationship, while they are in school, the article failed to even mention gay youths and young lesbians. Even though there are types of poronography that are specialized for gays and lesbians.
Next time: Why does anything good begin in an year that ends in zero?
Rick James was known for dissing Prince in interviews in the early 1980s. Whatever Prince did James claimed he could do better. When Prince had huge success with the Purple Rain movie and soundtrack in 1984, James' response was that his movie coming out in 1985 will be so much better. Rick James intended to produce, direct, star and write all the music for his movie debut.
However, declining record sales in 1984 and 1985 forced Rick James to abandon his film project.
The working title of Shaun of the Dead was Tea-Time of the Dead.
The original title of the Shaw Brothers "Five Deadly Venoms" was "Pick Your Poison".
Why does nearly everything good begin in an year ending in zero?
1910 Felix the Cat
1930 Betty Boop
1940 Bugs Bunny
1940 Tom and Jerry
1940 Woody Woodpecker
1950 Gerald McBoing-Boing
Off by 3 years. Popeye. 1933
Off by 2 years. Huckleberry Hound. 1958
And off by an year. Mr. Magoo and Rocky and Bullwinkle. 1949 and 1959 respectively.
And where are they now? For the most part gone and forgotten. Though, you can see Bugs Bunny and friends at Six Flgas.
As for Snow White, a teenager in 1937, a few more grey hairs, a few more wrinkles, but she is still going strong 77 years later.
Next time: Would you do this, if it meant your demise?
In Japan in the 1980s a popular product for children was (translated as) "Whacky Pee." Apparently when a child swallowed a Whacky Pee tablet, which looked like the little Easter egg dye pellets we see each spring, his urine would temporarily be turned to one of a rainbow of pre-selected colors, from orange to blue, green to purple. The original intent of the product was for medical use, but it soon took off when introduced in toy stores in 1984.
Since Europeans are not familiar with the flavor Cool Ranch, Frito-Lay made a name change when they launched Doritos Cool Ranch in Europe. In some parts of Europe they are known as Cool Original (UK), or Cool American (Germany).
Quote from: claws on June 01, 2014, 06:30:24 AM
Since Europeans are not familiar with the flavor Cool Ranch, Frito-Lay made a name change when they launched Doritos Cool Ranch in Europe. In some parts of Europe they are known as Cool Original (UK), or Cool American (Germany).
And, at one time, one of the Three Stooges held 51% stock in the company that makes this great snack, and they were thinking of calling them "
Curly Joe Doritos".... :twirl:
Quote from: ER on May 27, 2014, 07:57:03 PM
In Japan in the 1980s a popular product for children was (translated as) "Whacky Pee." Apparently when a child swallowed a Whacky Pee tablet, which looked like the little Easter egg dye pellets we see each spring, his urine would temporarily be turned to one of a rainbow of pre-selected colors, from orange to blue, green to purple. The original intent of the product was for medical use, but it soon took off when introduced in toy stores in 1984.
On St. Patrick's day, Yankee adults get the green effect with green beer.
J.K. Rowling says if Voldemort saw a boggart, it would take the shape of his dead body, since his own death was Voldemort's greatest fear.
In 1837, the Navy of the Republic of Texas claimed the Island of Cozumel for the Republic.
Every freedom we hold dear, each right we enjoy as citizens of democracies, can be traced back to the bravery and sacrifices made by the veterans of World War Two who fought to protect them, especially those men who stormed the beaches of Normandy this day seventy years ago. Across time, from whatever Allied nation they came from, I thank them one and all for everything their sacrifices bestowed upon us.
Would you do this, if it meant your demise?
I know some of us have already lost friends and family to violence. Other of us will die violently in the future, but the statistics are so good, at least here in the U.S., if I am correct, only about 3% of Americans will die a violent death from all causes.
It is harder to figure out how many people in the past died violently, but my best guesstimate is somewhere between 5% and 10%. Higher than now, but still not as high as . . .
Who Was Who in World Explorers
(Carl Waldset, editor)
A brief, if detailed, bio of 830 different explorers of the past from the time of the Ancient Phoenicians to the 20th century. It is detailed enough to give how each explorer died, if known.
83 (10%) never returned from their last exploration.
40 (05%) later died in battle
25 (03%) were later murdered
15 (02%) later disappeared and were never seen again
09 (01%) were later executed
09 (01%) were later mortally wounded
08 (01%) later committed suicide
14 (02%) later died violently from some other cause
That's 203 out of 830 or about 25%. When a figure gets to be that high, I have to think explorers must have had some secret death wish that set them off exploring.
People of the past lacked for many things, including some times a brain, but they never lacked for courage.
Next time: The Twenty
According to Luann Platter, the changing table at Whataburger is strong enough to hold one person, but not two.
Britney Spears and Kevin Federline were thinking of naming one of their kids after where he was conceived, but there wasn't enough room to put "Taco Bell, Men's Room Floor" on the birth certificate. :twirl:
Christopher Lee, famed British horror legend, was among thousands who traveled to Finland to fight against the Russians in the Winter War of 1939. I can only wonder how many of his comrades saw him later on TV and went "Hey, that guy was in combat with me back in 1939!". Very interesting fact.
Quote from: Umaril Has Returned on June 14, 2014, 04:47:23 PM
Christopher Lee, famed British horror legend, was among thousands who traveled to Finland to fight against the Russians in the Winter War of 1939. I can only wonder how many of his comrades saw him later on TV and went "Hey, that guy was in combat with me back in 1939!". Very interesting fact.
There's a nice story from the commentary of Lord of the Rings on that note.
From Peter Jackson's DVD commentary: "When I was shooting the stabbing shot with Christopher, as a director would, I was explaining to him what he should do... And he says, 'Peter, have you ever heard the sound a man makes when he's stabbed in the back?' And I said, 'Um, no.' And he says 'Well, I have, and I know what to do.'"
Another good one, one time he was pressed in an interview about his SAS past. Lee leaned forward and whispered: "Can you keep a secret?"
The interviewer cried out "Yes!" with excitement.
"So can I." replied a smiling Lee, sitting back in his chair.
Last year, 8,000,000 of your fellow Americans took a cruise. If anyone is interested in taking a cruise this year, or sometime in the future, here are the 20, and the year that they began operation, cruise lines that sail out of the U.S.
1840 Cunard
1872 Holland America
1950 Costa
1964 ACCL
1965 Princess
1966 Norwegian Cruise Line
1969 Royal Caribbean
1972 Carnival
1986 Cruise West
1986 Windstar
1987 Seabourn
1989 Celebrity
1990 Crystal
1990 RSSL
1991 Star Clippers
1994 Silver Sea
1995 MSC
1998 Disney
2003 Oceania
2006 Azamara
Total years experience 864
Average years experience 43
Next time: almost everyone's favorite topic . . . food
The 1965 Toho oddity Frankenstein Conquers The Worldwas the first full American and Japanese film collaboration ever. It was released in Japan on August 8, 1965, two days after the commemoration of Hiroshima.
Mickey Rooney has the longest career acting regularly in motion pictures. His first credit came at the age of 6 in the 1926 short "Not to Be Trusted," and he continued acting in movies until his death in 2014, a record 88 years.
Islam permits lying, cheating, stealing, killing, drinking alcohol and even praying to a god other than Allah, if it is done by one of the faithful in order to further the expansion of Islam. This dispensation is known as Al Taquia.
On the 15-day Trans-Canal Cruise on Disney Cruise Line or from Florida to California with stops in the Caribbean, Columbia, and Mexico, the line will make use of 13 different dinner menus and offer . . .
50 different appetizers
24 different soups
24 different salads
63 different entrees
60 different desserts*
57 different vegetarian dishes**
*And that does not include sugar-free desserts of which 2 or 3 are offered each day at dinner, but it does include 14 different Sundaes. One of which is offered each day at dinner. And for dinner on the 15th day, Baked Alaska is offered in lieu of a Sundae.
**A vegetarian dish can include a soup, a salad, or an entree.
That may seem like a long time, and it is for DCL, but not for other lines which offer a world cruse, which can last from 82 days to 162 days and averages 114 days. And with dinner menus being repeated only once or maybe twice, one is looking at 28 to 57 different menus.
As for its competitor, Carnival Cruise Line . . .
a typical week cruise on a typical ship will purchase and consume 475,250 shrimp, 108,140 pounds of chicken, and 51, 175 pounds of beef. And a typical passenger will gain 8 pounds during that week.
Carnival Cruise Line, in toto, on all its ships, uses so much beef, that there is a farm/ranch in Iowa, that does nothing but raise beef cattle for CCL.
Next time: It's DC vs. Marvel in 14 rounds of rock 'em, sock 'em action.
QuoteChristopher Lee, famed British horror legend, was among thousands who
traveled to Finland to fight against the Russians in the Winter War of
1939. I can only wonder how many of his comrades saw him later on
TV and went "Hey, that guy was in combat with me back in
1939!". Very interesting fact.
That is very interesting: I have Sir Christopher's autobiography LORD OF
MISRULE and he doesn't mention that at all. He was in Paris in 1939 and left before the Nazis invaded and he served in the RAF in Rhodesia, North Africa and Italy during WW2. :smile:
Quote from: Rev. Powell on June 17, 2014, 11:20:47 AM
Mickey Rooney has the longest career acting regularly in motion pictures. His first credit came at the age of 6 in the 1926 short "Not to Be Trusted," and he continued acting in movies until his death in 2014, a record 88 years.
WOW! :buggedout:
Neil deGrasse Tyson was offered a wrestling scholarship after high school. To earn money during graduate school he once considered performing as an exotic dancer at a club that featured men wearing lighter fluid soaked jock straps set ablaze gyrating their hips to "Great Balls of Fire." He is a wine collector almost as noted within that community as he is within the science community. He says he thinks about God as little as he possibly can, and once confronted a heckler by telling him, "I can go on talking for hours and have facts to support everything I say. Can you?" The heckler could not. deGrasse Tyson can bench press 300 pounds, took boxing lessons from George Foreman, and says his favorite sandwich is his own secret invention named "the Ty-wich." However he refuses to disclose what goes on a Ty-wich.
I think he's mostly a pretty cool guy.
Quote from: ER on June 18, 2014, 03:19:07 PM
Islam permits lying, cheating, stealing, killing, drinking alcohol and even praying to a god other than Allah, if it is done by one of the faithful in order to further the expansion of Islam. This dispensation is known as Al Taquia.
So this intentional activity appears to be for the purpose of having that one personthat exemplifies everything Islam is against so that the faithful can remind themselves not to be like this person? Sounds like "don't let this happen to you". Interesting...
Quote from: Umaril Has Returned on June 21, 2014, 07:30:35 AM
Quote from: ER on June 18, 2014, 03:19:07 PM
Islam permits lying, cheating, stealing, killing, drinking alcohol and even praying to a god other than Allah, if it is done by one of the faithful in order to further the expansion of Islam. This dispensation is known as Al Taquia.
So this intentional activity appears to be for the purpose of having that one personthat exemplifies everything Islam is against so that the faithful can remind themselves not to be like this person? Sounds like "don't let this happen to you". Interesting...
According to Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taqiyya#Examples), this dispensation was more intended for the protection of Muslims who were forcibly converted to Christianity, so that they could pretend to convert without being forced to face torture or exile.
Quote from: Umaril Has Returned on June 21, 2014, 07:30:35 AM
Quote from: ER on June 18, 2014, 03:19:07 PM
Islam permits lying, cheating, stealing, killing, drinking alcohol and even praying to a god other than Allah, if it is done by one of the faithful in order to further the expansion of Islam. This dispensation is known as Al Taquia.
So this intentional activity appears to be for the purpose of having that one personthat exemplifies everything Islam is against so that the faithful can remind themselves not to be like this person? Sounds like "don't let this happen to you". Interesting...
Taquia is most frequently invoked today by Islamist subversives who live among western populations while they await orders to carry out violence in the name of Allah. Most famously Khalid Sheikh Mohammed urged a mindset of
Taquia on the men who carried out the mass murders of September 11, 2001, after having spent several years living in American and German society passing themselves off as peaceful pro-western moderates even as they planned large-scale killings. Basically it is an "ends justify the means" sort of doctrine.
Three-hundred-seventeen Dodge Chargers were used in filming "The Dukes of Hazard" TV show.
On average, 3 cars were wrecked during the filming of each episode
Quote from: ER on June 21, 2014, 02:57:52 PM
Most famously Khalid Sheikh Mohammed urged a mindset of Taquia on the men who carried out the mass murders of September 11, 2001, after having spent several years living in American and German society passing themselves off as peaceful pro-western moderates even as they planned large-scale killings.
[Expletive deleted] bastards, hiding behind their faith :hatred:
Quote from: ER on June 21, 2014, 02:57:52 PM
Quote from: Umaril Has Returned on June 21, 2014, 07:30:35 AM
Quote from: ER on June 18, 2014, 03:19:07 PM
Islam permits lying, cheating, stealing, killing, drinking alcohol and even praying to a god other than Allah, if it is done by one of the faithful in order to further the expansion of Islam. This dispensation is known as Al Taquia.
So this intentional activity appears to be for the purpose of having that one personthat exemplifies everything Islam is against so that the faithful can remind themselves not to be like this person? Sounds like "don't let this happen to you". Interesting...
Taquia is most frequently invoked today by Islamist subversives who live among western populations while they await orders to carry out violence in the name of Allah. Most famously Khalid Sheikh Mohammed urged a mindset of Taquia on the men who carried out the mass murders of September 11, 2001, after having spent several years living in American and German society passing themselves off as peaceful pro-western moderates even as they planned large-scale killings. Basically it is an "ends justify the means" sort of doctrine.
Making the sense that it does now after more reading up on it, it also seems as if it's a way to keep in character too, being that they're violent individuals. They have to stay that way to avoid getting soft or developing human feelings towards the culture they live in.
Quote from: Trevor on June 25, 2014, 08:07:45 AM
Quote from: ER on June 21, 2014, 02:57:52 PM
Most famously Khalid Sheikh Mohammed urged a mindset of Taquia on the men who carried out the mass murders of September 11, 2001, after having spent several years living in American and German society passing themselves off as peaceful pro-western moderates even as they planned large-scale killings.
[Expletive deleted] bastards, hiding behind their faith :hatred:
Those dirty extremists...you try rubbing, scrubbing, bombing and shooting and
still you've got "Ring Around The Burqa"..... (a play on an old TV commercial for a famous laundry detergent.) :bouncegiggle:
Who makes the best films?
D.C. or Marvel?
That is too subjective, which I try to stay away from, so let me argue, who can best promote their product across multipromotional platforms? Which is also subjective, but more objective than the other question?
D.C. and Warner Bros. or Marvel and Walt Disney?
With the understanding that both Sony Universal NBC and 21st Century Fox have title to some of the Marvel characters, but are excluded from this list, which we'll treat as a 14-round boxing match of Warner Bros. vs. Walt Disney.
Round 1
domestic TV
And here and in the next round, we are not talking about producers and distributors, but channels and networks.
Warner Bros.: 50% of CW.
Walt Disney: ABC, ABC Family, the Disney Channel, Disney Junior for pre-schoolers, and Disney XD for tween boys + 80% of ESPN, 50% of A&E, and 32% of Hulu.
We'll give this one to Walt Disney.
Round 2
international TV
Warner Bros.: None
Walt Disney: channels and/or networks in almost 3 dozen specific foreign countries around the world, including South Africa (Ithere you go Trevor) + Asia, Latin America, and the Mid East (in both Arabic and English.)
We'll give this one to Walt Disney.
Round 3
Warner Bros.: None
Walt Disney: you want to see the sites in Norway that inspired "Frozen." They offer a tour. You want to see the sites in Scotland that inspired "Brave." They offer a tour. Thus, during the Avengers Super Heroes Half Marathon Weekend at Disneyland, they offer a special tour, that also includes many of the Disney sites in southern California (including the archives, the El Capitan Theater, Imagineering building, the Jim Henson Studios, the Walt Disney Studios, etc.)
We'll give this one to Walt Disney
Round 4
Theme parks
Warner Bros.: Has recently gained a theme park footprint in conjunction with 6 Flags Amusement Parks, where a section of the park has been given over to the Warner Bros. characters, including a Superman roller coaster.
Walt Disney: meet 'n' greets with the Marvel characters, including Captain America, Thor, etc.
We'll call this one a tie.
Round 5
Warner Bros.: None
Walt Disney: the Avengers Super Heroes Half Marathon Weekend at both Disneyland and Walt Disney World. The last one at Walt Disney World sold out in 2 weeks and attracted 50,000 runners and 50,000 more spectators.
We'll give this one to Walt Disney.
Round 6
Warner Bros.: None
Walt Disney: possible Broadway and ice shows, but nothing as of yet.
We'll call this one a tie.
Round 7
Warner Bros.: None
Walt Disney: Disney Cruise Line. Indeed an area in the children's section has been rethemed to reflect the Marvel characters.
We'll give this one to Walt Disney.
Next time: Rounds 8 to 14 and a finish.
Thirteen of the last seventeen winners of the National Spelling Bee have been Indian-Americans.
The galaxies we can observe contain 200-400 billion stars each. If we assume each star has 1 planet, and not more, and we average a galaxy to 300 billion stars we can deduce The Hubble Deep Field image contains 10,000 galaxies. At 2.5 arcminutes, that's roughly 1/2,000,000 of the visible universe in any direction.
So if we multiply 3,000,000,000 x 10,000 x 2,000,000 we get 6 sextillion or 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets in the visible universe.
Yet so far the winner of every Miss Universe pageant has been from Earth.
I'm beginning to think the contest is rigged.
Quote from: Trevor on June 18, 2014, 07:40:53 PM
QuoteChristopher Lee, famed British horror legend, was among thousands who
traveled to Finland to fight against the Russians in the Winter War of
1939. I can only wonder how many of his comrades saw him later on
TV and went "Hey, that guy was in combat with me back in
1939!". Very interesting fact.
That is very interesting: I have Sir Christopher's autobiography LORD OF
MISRULE and he doesn't mention that at all. He was in Paris in 1939 and left before the Nazis invaded and he served in the RAF in Rhodesia, North Africa and Italy during WW2. :smile:
The Wikipedia mentions that Lee was among thousands of volunteers who went to Finland to fight the Russians during the Winter War of 1939 shortly after the outbreak of der Zweiter Welkrieg, oder Weltkrieg Zwei. He may have been other places as well as most able-bodied British men were drafted for WW2. I have no doubt he was in other places.
For centuries Japanese men soaked in very hot tubs as a method of birth control. While the mechanics of why this was somewhat effective at preventing conception weren't understood, it was long noted that men who took very hot baths tended to father fewer children than those who bathed in more tepid water.
It was 100 years ago today that Serbian teen Gavilo Principe assassinated the Austro-Hungarian Empire's arch duke Franz Ferdinand, the act seen as the ultimate reason for the start of WW1. (auf Deutsch, erste Weltkrieg.)
Can you believe it, 100 years ago today..
Für alle Deutsch und Österreichisch-Ungarische soldaten von Weltkrieg ein:
Ruhe in Freiden, mein Gebrüder. Gott sei mit dir und ihr Familien. Sie sind echt Helden alle miteinander. Vergiss nicht diese fein Männer, schlafend jetzt mit unser liebe Gott in Himmel.
"Wir tragen seinen Geist, Kamerad. Den wir so lang Verloren"!
Quote from: Umaril Has Returned on June 28, 2014, 08:24:19 PM
It was 100 years ago today that Serbian teen Gavilo Principe assassinated the Austro-Hungarian Empire's arch duke Franz Ferdinand, the act seen as the ultimate reason for the start of WW1. (auf Deutsch, erste Weltkrieg.)
Can you believe it, 100 years ago today..
Für alle Deutsch und Österreichisch-Ungarische soldaten von Weltkrieg ein:
Ruhe in Freiden, mein Gebrüder. Gott sei mit dir und ihr Familien. Sie sind echt Helden alle miteinander. Vergiss nicht diese fein Männer, schlafend jetzt mit unser liebe Gott in Himmel.
"Wir tragen seinen Geist, Kamerad. Den wir so lang Verloren"!
Actually, yes. As it was one of the items that made both the local and national news, and it is one of those events that I have a hard time comprehending, because, of course, it was way before my time.
Unfortunately, slightly more than 25 years later, another world war broke out in Europe. But, if anything can be said about both wars, that while there have been a number of other wars in Europe since the end of World War II. There never has been a war of the severity of either world wars. Thus, maybe people, especially in Europe, have taken something away from both wars.
As a side note, the last surviving veteran of the war from either side died two years ago. Her name was Florence Green, and she died on February 4, 2012, at the age of 110. The last male veteran from either side died almost an year earlier. He was an American named Frank Buckle, who died almost an year earlier on February 27, 2011, also at the age of 110. We owe a a lot to both Ms. Green and Mr. Buckle and the other veterans of the war.
The war even had an influence on people who were not veterans, but civilians, at that time. One of them was Walt Disney. His older brother Roy was in the U.S. Navy, and Walt wanted to do his part. He was too young to enlist in any of the armed forces, so he lied about his age and joined the Ambulance Corp to be an ambulance driver. He got to Europe after the war ended, but his time spent in Europe continued to be a major influence for the rest of his life. Actually, he earned some of his first money as an artist while he was in France. Drawing designs on the backs of the leather jackets that the men wore.
No, let us never forget the sacrifices that the people who came ahead of us made.
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on June 29, 2014, 01:49:52 PM
Quote from: Umaril Has Returned on June 28, 2014, 08:24:19 PM
It was 100 years ago today that Serbian teen Gavilo Principe assassinated the Austro-Hungarian Empire's arch duke Franz Ferdinand, the act seen as the ultimate reason for the start of WW1. (auf Deutsch, erste Weltkrieg.)
Can you believe it, 100 years ago today..
Für alle Deutsch und Österreichisch-Ungarische soldaten von Weltkrieg ein:
Ruhe in Freiden, mein Gebrüder. Gott sei mit dir und ihr Familien. Sie sind echt Helden alle miteinander. Vergiss nicht diese fein Männer, schlafend jetzt mit unser liebe Gott in Himmel.
"Wir tragen seinen Geist, Kamerad. Den wir so lang Verloren"!
Actually, yes. As it was one of the items that made both the local and national news, and it is one of those events that I have a hard time comprehending, because, of course, it was way before my time.
Unfortunately, slightly more than 25 years later, another world war broke out in Europe. But, if anything can be said about both wars, that while there have been a number of other wars in Europe since the end of World War II. There never has been a war of the severity of either world wars. Thus, maybe people, especially in Europe, have taken something away from both wars.
As a side note, the last surviving veteran of the war from either side died two years ago. Her name was Florence Green, and she died on February 4, 2012, at the age of 110. The last male veteran from either side died almost an year earlier. He was an American named Frank Buckle, who died almost an year earlier on February 27, 2011, also at the age of 110. We owe a a lot to both Ms. Green and Mr. Buckle and the other veterans of the war.
The war even had an influence on people who were not veterans, but civilians, at that time. One of them was Walt Disney. His older brother Roy was in the U.S. Navy, and Walt wanted to do his part. He was too young to enlist in any of the armed forces, so he lied about his age and joined the Ambulance Corp to be an ambulance driver. He got to Europe after the war ended, but his time spent in Europe continued to be a major influence for the rest of his life. Actually, he earned some of his first money as an artist while he was in France. Drawing designs on the backs of the leather jackets that the men wore.
No, let us never forget the sacrifices that the people who came ahead of us made.
I will agree with everything you said concerning the sacrifices of others.
However, as a man of German heritage on both sides, I have to respect the sacrifices of my relatives who fought for Germany,
as well as my American-born relatives of German descent who fought for the U.S. One of my German-speaking American cousins, Harold Molter. was a prisoner of the Germans. He was later released when the Soviets swept from the east and freed the camp. He served America faithfully, as someof my other relatives faithfully served Germany.
It's been hard for me to maintain balance in a unique and somewhat interesting situation such as this. I don't wish it on anyone.
The PEACE SYMBOL was drawn as the letters N and D for NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT...
http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/44497000/gif/_44497910_cnd_logo_203.gif (http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/44497000/gif/_44497910_cnd_logo_203.gif)
After a time out for station identification, we are back with Round 8.
Round 8
Does anybody remember the Warner Bros. Store? But, first . . . ?! I just can't see the popularity of Harry Potter (give me Artemis Fowl any day) but it has been good for NBCUniversal, where they have sold a ton of Harry Potter junk (ah, merchandise) at their theme parks, and as a product of Warner Bros., Warner Bros. gets a cut of that, but only a cut.
So, does anybody remember the Warner Bros. Store? I do, but they were all closed about the time Harry Potter got big, and if they had remained open, Warner Bros. would have gotten a bigger cut of the junk (ah, merchandise.)
On the other hand . . .?!
Not only does the Walt Disney Co. have a chain of stores here in the U.S., but in 13 countries around the world, including South Africa (Here you go Trevor.) and an on-line store in 3 more countries. As, unlike Warner Bros., they know the films are only a come on to buy all the ancillary junk (ah, merchandise) out there.
This round goes to Walt Disney.
Round 9
Warner Bros.: None
Walt Disney Co.: Yes, in conjunction with and without their theme parks.
This round goes to Walt Disney.
Round 10
Warner Bros.: None
Walt Disney Co.: RadioDisney, and their live, call-in interviews with the stars of the Marvel Films, their red carpet events, and their ads for the Marvel Films. "Guardians of the Galaxy" is still almost a month away from release, but ads are already running on RadioDisney. More on RadioDisney later.
This round goes to Walt Disney.
Round 11
Both Warner Bros. and the Walt Disney Co. have a publishing arm, but Warner Bros. has the bigger thumbprint, so . . .
This round goes to Warner Bros.
Round 12
Both Warner Bros. and the Walt Disney Co. have a large presence, both officially and unofficially, on-line, so . . .
This round is scored as a tie.
Round 13
Both Warner Bros, and the Walt Disney Co. have a musical arm, but Warner Bros. has the larger fingerprint, so . . .
This round goes to Warner Bros.
Round 14
Both Warner Bros. and the Walt Disney Co. have game tie-ins to their characters, but Warner Bros. has the larger footprint. Indeed, it surprised me how large is the Warner Bros. footprint in games, so . . .
This round goes to Warner Bros.
Final total
3 rounds Warner Bros.
3 rounds a tie
8 rounds Walt Disney Co.
So, the Walt Disney Co. wins this fight as to who is best able to promote its product, and Marvel, so far, has done better in its ability to promote than D.C.
Finally, Warner Bros. is a great company. It has been a great company. And it will always be a great company, but it will never be as great as the Walt Disney Co., because it does not have the vision and imagination of a Walt Disney.
Next time: the 4th of July in poundage. City by city.
Abdul Kassam Ismael, Grand Vizier of Persia in the tenth century, carried his library with him wherever he went. Four hundred camels carried the 117,000 volumes.
4th of July in lbs. (tons) of fireworks.
50,000 (25) New York City
16,000 (08) Nashville
15,000 (7.5) St. Louis
07,000 (3.5) Seattle
03,500 (1.75) Addison, Texas
Not everything is bigger in Texas
02,000 (1) Chicago
Next time: Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge. Fashionista?
The original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Nintendo game was translated and released in Japan before any of the comics or cartoons where. It was given a new title that roughly translates to Legend of the Radical Ninja Turtles.
Also April O'Neil was made Splinter's daughter for no reason.
You can catch leprosy from eating undercooked armadillo.
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge
aka Princess Kate
I know she wanted to look good for the Aussies and Kiwis on her trip Down Under, but 22 outfits in 19 days?
High end: $3995.00
Low end: $520.00
Average end: $2257.50
$49,665.00 total
or $2613.95 per day
Her mother-in-law may be one of the wealthiest women in the world, but stretched out over a year, that is $954,091.75, and that does not include, as far as I know . . .
the shoes (a pair of which sometimes can cost more than the dress)
the purse
the hat
the underwear (She does wear underwear. Doesn't she? Maybe we can have our local expert on everything underwear, Trevor, look her up and check her out, the next time she is in South Africa.)
Next time: it's the music. He tells ya!
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on July 21, 2014, 04:18:27 PM
the underwear (She does wear underwear. Doesn't she? Maybe we can have our local expert on everything underwear, Trevor, look her up and check her out, the next time she is in South Africa.)
At one point I was so obsessed with Princess Diana that I even managed to find out - via a fashion mag - that she liked wearing Donna Karan Intimates Collection lingerie. :teddyr:
Quote from: Trevor on July 22, 2014, 01:32:47 AM
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on July 21, 2014, 04:18:27 PM
the underwear (She does wear underwear. Doesn't she? Maybe we can have our local expert on everything underwear, Trevor, look her up and check her out, the next time she is in South Africa.)
At one point I was so obsessed with Princess Diana that I even managed to find out - via a fashion mag - that she liked wearing Donna Karan Intimates Collection lingerie. :teddyr:
I think we all just found out things about Trevor that we really didn't want to know.
Quote from: Chainsaw midget on July 22, 2014, 12:18:48 PM
Quote from: Trevor on July 22, 2014, 01:32:47 AM
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on July 21, 2014, 04:18:27 PM
the underwear (She does wear underwear. Doesn't she? Maybe we can have our local expert on everything underwear, Trevor, look her up and check her out, the next time she is in South Africa.)
At one point I was so obsessed with Princess Diana that I even managed to find out - via a fashion mag - that she liked wearing Donna Karan Intimates Collection lingerie. :teddyr:
I think we all just found out things about Trevor that we really didn't want to know.
:teddyr: :teddyr:
Oh, there's much more, plenty more. :wink:
Beyond the realm of things we know lies the realm of things we DON'T know.
There are a number of music award shows on TV.
The MTV Video
The Billboard
The American
and the grandfather of all music awards The Grammy, . . .
but none of them are more popular with the 2-17 crowd, nor more watched then . . .
The Radio Disney, . . .
which were on in April and the most watched show, of all the shows on TV, that day by the 2-17 crowd. And for girls 2-14, it was the most watched show that month. Which brings up several thoughts.
I doubt that Radio Disney, since they have their target audience, will do anything to appeal to an older audience, but the other award shows, are they going to do anything to appeal to an younger audience?
I must also admit, that polling the TV watching habits of a 2-year-old, makes me uncomfortable.
And since the show was so popular among its target audience, we will probably get a 3rd show next year.
And furthermore . . .
I also follow what is popular among adults by reading "Rolling Stone," and while our music has never been our parents' music, and our music is not our kids' music, I don't think the gap has ever been wider, as the only singer who seems to bridge the gap between the groups is singer Taylor Swift.
I will also say that the money is not in the album, but in the tour. The album is often released only to get people to come to the show. And while today's music may not have a chronological appeal, it--apparently--has an international appeal. For the American band R5 has toured overseas, and British band The vamps and Canadian singer Shawn Mendes are touring with Texan (not from Austin, but from San Antonio) Austin Mahone. 5 young men not out of their teens and the 6th only 20. Darn! That is testosterone driven tour. The only thing throwing cold water on the tour, is that--to make the broadest appeal to audiences--the all-girl group Fifth Harmony is also on the same tour.
Next time: If a pretty girl is like a melody, then a good business partnership is like a good marriage.
When you're an extra in a movie, you're told not to make eye contact with the stars, even if it's between takes and they're not rolling.
Once the parcel post service was introduced, at least two children were sent by mail. With stamps attached to their clothing, the children rode with railway and city carriers to their destination. The Postmaster General quickly issued a regulation forbidding the sending of children in the mail after hearing of those examples
Murphy's Law was written by a woman.
She wrote her renowned manifesto in the 1930s after buying a "fixer upper" of a house, which turned out to be a money pit, that she ultimately sold at a loss.
It is really surprising how much a good business partnership has in common with a good marriage.
Similar, but Not the Same
More so in a business than a marriage, but you do not want the exact same, as while he or she will enhance your strengths, he or she will also enhance your weaknesses. So get someone similar to you, but not the same.
Respect your partner and get someone who respects you.
Your cannot prepare for every possibility, but do not go into a partnership totally blind neither.
The lube that makes everything move and groove. Refuse to compromise, and you get something like the U.S. Congress. Compromise, and you get something like Marvel/Disney. When they bought Marvel, Disney wanted Marvel to move from Seal Beach to Burbank. Marvel wanted to stay in Seal Beach. They compromised. Marvel agreed to move to Burbank, but at a later date than first proposed.
Not only inside the partnership, but also outside the partnership, as well.
Commit oneself every day to trying to make the partnership work.
Next time: the Figures
One trick news anchors have of keeping cool under the hot studio lights is to sit behind the desk with their feet stuck in a bucket of cold water.
In the movie "Sink the Bismark", Esmond Knight, the actor who plays the captain of HMS Prince of Wales actually served as the gunnery officer of the same battleship and was wounded badly during the fight with Bismark and Prince Eugen
My ass smells like s**t-no really! I aint changed my dam drawers in a week-I been so drunk-Im outta work-got nothing to do except tell folks my ass stinks.
"The Figures"
17 and under
girls: 1 out of every 4 or 25% will be sexually assaulted.
boys: 1 out of 8 or 12.5% will be sexually assaulted.
Or, 67% female and 33% male victims.
college students
18 to 22
women: 1 out of 5 or 20% will be sexually assaulted.
That is a decline of 20% from the previous figure.
men: 1 out of 16 or 6.25% to 6.7% will be sexually assaulted.
That is a decline of 50% from the previous figure.
Or, about 75% female and 25% male victims.
Now, what does all of this may mean?
1. Females are more vulnerable than males.
2. But, no one is totally invulnerable.
Not age
Nor sex
Nor sexual orientation.
But . . .?! Having said that . . .?!
And some studies of the subject have shown this, the older you get, the less vulnerable you get. Not totally invulnerable, but less vulnerable. As to why that may be so, I have no idea.
3. We have to stop thinking of this as a MALE problem or a FEMALE problem, but think of it as a PROBLEM. For even if colleges and universities get the co-ed sexual assault down to 0%, and that cannot come soon enough, they will still have, if there are an equal number of both men and women students, an sexual assault percentage of 3% to 4%, because they are dealing with only half of the problem.
4. Of course, not every male student on campus will sexually assault another student, male or female. Indeed, the percentage that do, is quite small. How small? Over 50% of the sexual assaults are committed by only 3% of the students.
Next time: "We called 'em yuppie puppies."
"And we called them Yuppie's Puppies."
If you can't find it at Harrods, then it does not exist.
I've been there a couple of times, when in London, as it is a tourist attraction in and of itself. Of course, that was before . . .
Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique
. . . opened inside the store. And where the most expensive package for your little princess (aged 3-12) is . . .
That price is not what gets me, as I believe, as long as no one breaks the law, they have the right to charge what they want, and I then have the right to decide whether I want to pay that much or not. No, what gets me is that there are parents out there who have that much money and are willing to spend that much money in one day on their little princess (aged 3-12.)
As for what you get for that . . . You get . . .
a ball gown -- a tiara -- shoes -- a sash -- a t-shirt -- a hairstyle -- hair accessories -- a face paint -- nail colour -- a filled beauty case -- a crystal slipper -- an empty travel case -- a photo album -- a photograph -- a commemorative certificate -- and a partridge in a pear tree. No, you get the complete doll collection, consisting of all 11 Disney princess dolls.
And your little knight (aged 3-12) is not forgotten. For him . . . you can get . . .
a t-shirt -- a sword -- a hairstyle -- a face paint -- a photograph -- and a commemorative certificate.
Much less, but at $82.00 a much less price, too.
And, of course, with "Frozen" being the big international hit it is, there are also "Frozen" packages. The most expensive being . . .
. . . for which you get . . .
3 dresses -- a tiara -- 2 pairs of shoes -- a sash -- a hairstyle -- hair accessories -- a face paint -- a filled beauty case -- an Olaf soft toy -- a doll set -- a photo album -- a photograph -- and a commemorative certificate.
And . . .
Next time: Shop there. And dine and eat there.
Most large, stand-alone, independent department stores have someplace you can eat within the store. It makes sense, as they do not want you to leave the store before they extract all the money they can from you. What makes Harrod's in London different is the number, almost 2 dozen, and variety of places to eat.
Restaurants: Asian fusion, elegant dining, ice cream parlor, Italian, jazz cafe, Middle Eastern, pizzeria, rotisserie, seafood, steakhouse, Swiss fusion, and tea room.
Bars: caviar, champagne, coffee, and oyster.
Cafe: Disney
The adult menu has crepes, homemade soups, pastas, quiches, salads, sandwiches, stuffed potatoes, and an afternoon tea. And prices from $12.30 to $25.42.
The kids' menu has kids' favorites in kids' sizes, but also pizza and a Mickey shaped toasty or toasted sandwich. And prices from $10.66 to $15.88.
There is also a dessert menu and a drinks menu, where you can order and be served their house wines and lagers.
I have eaten at Harrod's, though not at the Disney Cafe. The food wasn't that bad. Though, I don't remember how much I paid for it. Though, those prices aren't that bad, considering this is London.
For the last time I was in London, I paid about $80.00 for breakfast. Two things made the price bearable. (1) It was buffet. So it was all you could eat. And (2) It was included in the price of the room at the hotel, where I was staying.
Next time: I'll think of something.
Harrod's also has one hell of a strict dress code. I was with someone once and they wouldn't let her in because of what she had on. Still kid her about that sometimes...
Of the last 52 to 54 books I have read, reviews will come in dibs and dabs, almost half had one or more children in peril, as the victim. Of those, half of the victims were boys and half of the victims were girls. Thus, no decision as to whether boys or girls make the better victim.
The difference between boys and girls as victims is that 64% of boys who are victims wind up dead in the book, and 55% of the girls who are victims, wind up dead in the book.
The other difference is that girls are more likely to be victims of some sort of sexual abuse. Of the books just mentioned in the 1st paragraph, 7 featured girls solely as victims of sexual abuse, and not one featured boys solely as victims of some sort of sexual abuse. The only book that had boys as victims of sexual abuse, also had girls as victims of the same abuse.
Next time: rights and left on the table.
Rights and lefts on the table.
People have seen what Marvel/Disney has done with the rights to the Marvel characters that they have, and they look at what the other film studios have done with the rights to the Marvel characters that they have, and they wonder when Marvel/Disney will purchase those rights back.
It ain't going to happen. It's a sellers' market out there, and the cost to buy back the rights is not commiserate with the money that can be earned from those characters. Better to let the rights to the characters lapse and return to the original owners.
Besides the characters have never been effectively mined, even if they have existed for over 70 years, so there are a lot of characters, as proven by "Guardians of the Galaxy" that can be mined for future films. Whose rights to Marvel/Disney do own.
As for TV rights to these characters, not having had a TV for several years, I know less about what is out there on TV, then I do know what is in theaters. I do know that people are getting away from watching programming on TV and watching it on their computers. Which programming has to be filled. Which creates opportunities to use some of the Marvel characters.
There is also the rights to use the Marvel characters in theme park rides and attractions. Most of the rights being owned by NBC/Universal, which is why you won't see them, for the most part at your Disney theme parks till the rights revert back to Marvel/Disney.
Next time: Left on the table, and there is not much left.
Lefts on the table.
Last time we talked about film rights, TV rights, and rides and attractions at amusement parks rights, but that is just some of the rights available, as there is . . .
Gaming rights
Both the characters from Marvel and Guardians of the Galaxy are now available to be added to the basic Disney Infinity 2.0.
Merchandising rights
Actually, films are now just a means to bet people to buy the tie-ins associated with the films. For example, there are now Halloween costumes available for little boys that include . . .
The Avengers -- Captain America -- Guardians of the Galaxy -- Hulk -- Iron Man -- Spider-man -- Thor -- and Marvel in general.
Priced between $50.00 and $60.00 per costume, this and tie-ins in general will generate more money than the films themselves.
Publishing rights
Recently saw a book that was nothing less than a series of posters that feature the Marvel characters that could be detached from the book and posted on the walls of one's bedroom or wherever.
Recording rights
Audio books featuring the Marvel characters and the soundtracks from the films.
Staging rights
The Marvel Universe Live, featuring the Marvel characters, which is now touring the U.S. and seems likely, since the interest is there, to tour internationally. A show that allows little boys and big boys to get their inner geekdom on.
And to show that no one does it better than the Walt Disney Company, part of the children's area on board their cruise ships has been turned into a Marvel Training Academy, where after 2 days of training, if one is young enough, one can help Captain America take on the Red Skull with Captain America putting in a live appearance.
And that is just domestic rights. Not to say what ever foreign rights are available.
Next time: something new
"People Magazine" celebrates its 40th anniversary this month with a special 40th edition. One of the features is the 40 worst murderers, as picked by the editors of "People," with some restrictions. The murderer has to be an American, which eliminates September 11, and the murder has to have happened within the past 40 years, which eliminates everything before 1974, but . . .?! having said that . . .?!
5 were of a racial minority or 12.5%
6 were female or 15%
29 were white males or 72.5%
Only 2 were free and walking around or 5%.
The rest were deceased or in prison.
--murdered in prison 1 or 2.5%
--died in prison 4 or 10%
--executed 5 or 12.5%
--suicide 10 or 25%
in prison. will die in prison 18 or 45%.
There were several things that surprised me. Not how few women were on the list, that I expected, but with the largest percentage of the prison population being a racial minority, maybe over half, what a large percentage of those murderers were white males.
And with our growing reluctance to execute anyone, even for murder, how many were actually executed, including one of the few women ever executed for murder, were actually executed for their crimes.
I was also surprised at how many committed suicide after their deed. I think which goes to show how disturbed some of these murderers actually were.
Next time: go for the shopping. Not the flying.
I am working tomorrow and Sunday. No pay. Whoopee. :tongueout: :twirl:
Except for the smallest airports, all airports have a place to shop, as . . .
(a) . . . it serves as a revenue enhancer for the airport authority,
(b) . . . it gives passengers something to do, before their flight leaves,
(c) . . . and it allows passengers to pick up any last minute items they might have forgotten, such as souvenirs, etc.
And by some measures, one of the best places to shop is the Orlando International Airport in Orlando, Florida. Having been there, and maybe because it is such a mecca for tourists I'd have to agree. There you can find in the air terminal . . .
2 Disney stores
a Harley-Davidson store
a NASA store
a Sea World store
a Universal NBC store
Among all the other airports where I have been, both internationally and domestically, the only one that I think comes close is the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport in Atlanta, Georgia.
Next time: More Marvel
More Marvel
10 films
$7.1 billion collectively worldwide box office
Marvel's the Avengers
#1 opening $207.4 million
3rd biggest film of all time
Iron Man 3
#2 opening $174.4 million
6th biggest film of all time
Captain America: the Winter Soldier
Record April opening $95 million
$714 million worldwide
5th biggest film of 2014
Guardians of the Galaxy
Record August opening $94.3 million
$757 million worldwide
biggest film domestically of 2014
3rd biggest film internationally of 2014
It is simpler to have a hit like "Frozen" or "Maleficent" overseas, which are based on foreign sources. It is harder to have a hit overseas on a film that is based on American sources, such as the Marvel films, but that is what happened to "Guardians of the Galaxy," which set an October debut record in China and has taken in $90 million so far. I wonder how "I am Groot" sounds in Cantonese.
Thus, it looks like a bargain basement price, when the Walt Disney Company bought Marvel Entertainment in 2009 for $4.24 billion, since it has already made the purchase price back in only 5 years, but what is more . . .
every movie ticket sold
+ every advertising dollar for every TV show
+ every book bought
+ every toy purchased
- the expenses occurred for all this
= the gravy from now on.
Next time: a new topic to be decided later
If ever a stray cat comes and has kittens under your shed, and you need to find good homes for the babies, make your ad say:
Free To Good Home
3 Cute Kittens & 1 Ugly Kitten
Seriously, you'll sell that one ugly kitten way fast, four times over.
This is the last year for which I have statistics, but in 2008, 1494 children were murder victims. That averages out to about 4 a day.
As girls are more vulnerable to sexual assault than boys, boys are more vulnerable to physical assault than girls. Of the 1494 victims . . .
1035 were boys or 69%
and 459 were girls or 31%.
Next time: a billion $ doesn't go as far as it once did.
Wilmer McLean (May 3, 1814 - June 5, 1882) owned a farm on which the first Battle of Bull Run was fought, a cannon ball from the Union artillery damaged his kitchen fireplace. He moved himself and his family further south to the small town of Appomattox Court House and nearly four years later General Robert E. Lee surrendered to General Grant in the parlor of his home.
Between January 1, 2013, and November 15, 2014, the films released by the Walt Disney Company grossed over $8 billion, or about $135.17 every second. And that was before money made on Blu-ray/DVD sales and the sale of ancillary rights to TV. Or, to put it another way, between 1937 and 1967, or about the time that Walt Disney was CEO of the company, the films released by the company made $400 million. And that was when a $ was worth a $, so that's good money, but still today, the company is earning 10 times that amount each year, and that's for this year and last year, and it may earn that amount again next year. Here are some of the films and how they did.
Guardians of the Galaxy
#1 grossing film domestically so far this year.
$331 million domestic
$770 million international total
Captain America: Winter Soldier
#2 grossing film domestically so far this year
$260 million domestic
$714 million international total
$241 million domestic
$758 million international total
And here are some more films and their international totals for this year.
Transformers : Age of Extinction
$1.087 billion
X-men : Days of Future Past
$746 million
Amazing Spiderman
$709 million
Domestic box office
11 of the top 12 grossing films so far this year were either superhero or animated films. The only one that was not was "22 Jump Street," which came in 10th.
It'll be interesting to see how the latest film in the "Hunger Games" series does, as it total at the opening box office was $123 million and change.
Next time: one of the few places and times Americans of all stripes and spots can come together and have fun.
The 1st initial inaugural running of the Avenger's Super Heroes Half Marathon was held this month in Anaheim, California, USA.
Beginning at Disneyland and ending at Angels' Stadium, 18,000 runners and spectators from all 50 states and 12 foreign countries participated.
There was a half marathon
and a 5K for the adults
and shorter races for the kids
and even a diaper dash for the toddlers.
And the costumes . . .
Runners came as . . .
the Black Widow -- Captain America -- Donald Duck --- the Falcon -- Hulk -- Lady Thor -- Mickey Mouse -- Ms. Marvel -- She Hulk -- Spiderman -- and Thor.
And then there was . . .
Dr. Dribbler, who dribbled not 1, but 2 basketballs, 1 with each hand, from the start of the race to the end.
The man who ran in full hockey regalia - the ice skates.
The U.S. Marine who ran carrying the U.S. flag.
The woman who wore mouse ears.
But the oddest and strangest costume has to go to the man who ran as Thor's Hammer. Not Thor. Just the hammer.
Even the kids and toddlers ran and dashed in costume.
Captain America -- Hulk -- Iron Man -- Ms. Marvel -- and Thor.
One need not run to dress up. The Cosplay Club wore costumes and stood on the sidelines to cheer the runners on. Though, lord knows, what some of them came as.
And Black Widow, Captain America, Hawkeye, and Thor were there to have their pictures taken with the runners.
Of course, it was the kids who came out best.
1st. The medals. Every kid who finished got a medal.
2nd. They got to dress up in costume and have fun.
3rd. They got to have some exercise, which hopefully they will continue with when they get home.
4th. As parents were allowed to run with their kids, everyone got in something kids and parents could do together, which will hopefully continue when they get home.
5th. And a new generation of super hero fans were created.
Though, the last is more of a benefit for Marvel and its parent company The Walt Disney Company.
And there will be a 2nd Avengers' Super Heroes Half Marathon next year in 2015 on some weekend in November. So, if you want to dress up and run next year, you can. Just sign up early, as all the spots are often taken 6 months before the start of the race.
Popular Myths of History
George Washington had wooden teeth.
(His teeth were made of gold, ivory, lead, animal bone, and human teeth.)
The Red Baron was shot down by a fellow pilot, Roy Brown, of Canada.
(He was hit in the chest by a single bullet fired by an Australian ground gunner. He managed to land his tri-plane, and expired in a field behind enemy lines after smiling and uttering the ironic last word: "Kaput.")
On the subject of airplanes, it's said the Tuskegee Airmen never lost a bomber.
(Skilled though they may have been, according to USAF records, they lost twenty-five bombers in just five missions in 1944 alone.)
Guy Fawkes was a freedom fighting anarchist who stood up for the common man.
(Nothing could be farther from true. Fawkes was a Catholic supremacist who believed in absolute monarchy and the righteousness of the Spanish Inquisition. He plotted mass killings with a mind to establishing autocratic rule in England via the Catholic minority of the population, under whom Protestantism and Parliamentary democracy would soon be outlawed.)
Al Capone died of syphilis.
(He had syphilis but died of pneumonia.)
300 Spartans stood alone against the Persians at Thermopylae.
(There may have been as many as 8,000 other Greeks present in the battle.)
The British piled oppressive taxation on the American colonies.
(The colonists paid virtually zero taxes to England, and the tea tossed in Boston harbor was likely being sold at a loss.)
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.
(He invented a telephone, but not the first telephone. That honor may rest with Antonio Meucci who in 1871 applied for a patent for a device that was to all intents and purposes a telephone.)
The American Civil War ended with Lee's surrender at Appomattox.
(Fighting under Johnston continued in North Carolina throughout April 1865, with some guerilla actions occurring during Reconstruction and after. In his self-justifying moments Jesse James regarded himself as an unconquered Confederate soldier and his crimes as patriotic acts carried out in an ongoing time of war. In truth he was probably your garden variety sociopath.)
Witches were burned at the stake in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692.
(Convicted witches were hanged there, not burned.)
Birth rates soared nine months after the 1977 New York City blackout.
(People missed a great opportunity, because birth rates showed little change in those times versus surrounding months.)
Saxons invaded England after the fall of Rome.
(Saxons came in what was more like a centuries-long mass migration than an organized invasion.)
Medieval people were substantially shorter than modern people.
(Height has increased in the last century in most developed nations, but decreased significantly in industrial times, when crowded cities and poor nutrition took a toll. Medieval people were taller on average than urban dwellers at the apex of the industrial revolution, and in many parts of Europe, about the same height as their descendants are today.)
Dr. Guillotine, inventor of the device of like name, was executed by guillotine.
(He died of renal failure in 1814.)
Cleopatra was black.
(She was the product of generations of inbreeding by the royal family, who were of Macedonian---i.e. European---descent, having come to power in the chaos following the death of Alexander the Great, a Macedonian, who had conquered Egypt two and a half centuries earlier.)
And finally: Imbued with supernatural gifts, Rasputin survived being poisoned, shot, stabbed, clubbed, and finally drowned after being thrown into a frozen river, where he lived long enough to try to claw his way up from the ice, and expire while making the sign of the cross.
(No matter how Type-A the guy was, he couldn't have survived all that. More of a con-man faith healer and avocational serial rapist than a wizard, Rasputin was able to survive the poison intended for him because he explained to his host that he suffered from "an acidic stomach" which reacted badly to sugar, and did not partake of the cyanide-infused cake. His death came about largely after he was fatally shot multiple times by one "Prince" Felix Yusupov, husband of the Czar's half-niece. True Rasputin was beaten and stabbed as he lay dying, but by the time he was tossed into the Malya River off the Bolshoy Bridge, he was dead as a doornail and didn't supernaturally linger in the water. He was no more mystical than you or me, just a superior BS-er. End of story.)
Why . . .?!
The hardest question to answer, but the most intriguing (at least to me;)
therefore . . .
Why . . .?!
And this touches mainly the comic books and only lightly on the films and TV shows
Why. . .?!
When DC Comics (hereafter known as the DC Universe--near enough) got there first or in 1934.
Though the Marvel Universe is older than I thought. It's beginning being in 1939.
Why . . .?!
When the DC Universe still has the two best known inhabitants in Batman and Superman
Why. . .?!
When at one time the DC Universe once outsold the Marvel Universe in comic books
Why. . .?!
Has the Marvel Universe surpassed the DC Universe and is likely to maintain its lead in the future?
Here are some possible reasons.
Better management
I don't see any question that Marvel is, at the moment, a better managed company than DC.
Better managed parent company
There again, I don't see any question that at this time, the Walt Disney Company which is the parent company of Marvel better managed than Warner Brothers, which is the parent company of DC.
Less Bold
While the artwork in the Marvel comics can get a little bizarre, of what I seen, it is not as bizarre as some of the artwork in DC comics.
More Bold
I don't know whether this is true or not, but it has been said to be true, that while there are some GLBT characters, even some young characters, in DC Universe, there are more GLBT characters in the Marvel Universe, even among the younger characters.
Though, that does raise the issue, if we ever get to the Teen Titans, the Avengers' Academy, the Runaways, the Young Avengers, etc. are the TV and screenwriters going to deal with that issue or just ignore it completely.
Less Dark vs. More Dark
While the Marvel Universe can get dark, there again, from what I see, it is lighter and just more appealing (IMHO) than the DC Universe.
More Grounded in Reality
This is not the Gotham City of Batman. This is not the Metropolis of Superman. This is New York City of the Marvel Universe. With places often named. And when other earth locations are necessary, actual earth places are often used in the Marvel Universe.
More Consistent Storytelling
While the stories in the Marvel Universe are often all over the map, they tend, from what I have seen, to be more consistent than the stories in the DC Universe.
More Respect
There again I do not know whether this is true or not, but there again I have heard it said, that Marvel has more respect for its fans than DC.
Success Breeds Success
While there are people who have no interest in reading the comic books, either past, present, or future, you can hook some of them with a successful film or TV show, and make them want to find out all they can about something or someone in a TV show or film. And so far, the films and TV shows featuring the Marvel Universe have been more successful than the same from the DC Universe.
Better Use of Characters
While the TV show "The Flash" on CW is generating positive buzz for the upcoming film "The Flash," that buzz is somewhat negated by the fact that the actor appearing in the TV show as The Flash will not be the same actor appearing as The Flash in the film. On the other hand, "The Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." is being better used to generate a positive buzz about the upcoming film "The Inhumans.' With the rumored appearance of Vin Diesel as Black Bolt. Who just might make a cameo appearance in the TV show.
Next time: In the history of the Earth, there have been three mighty empires.
The Roman Empire
The British Empire
As to the 3rd, we'll take that up the next time.
Since the dawn of man, there have been 3 mighty empires.
1st The Roman empire
2nd The British empire
and 3rd . . . ?
The entertainment empire of the Walt Disney Company.
How did they get so mighty?
1. Appeal to the powerless.
This really came through in "Big Hero 6," but thinking about it, their product has always appealed to the powerless. Of whom there may be less powerful than the powerful, but there are more of them, and their money is just as good.
Not bad
For a company that began as 2 brothers making black and white, silent cartoons in their uncle's garage.
2. Breed success with success.
There was a man, just a man, highly regarded in his field by his peers, who worked for 15 years making cartoons for the Cartoon Network. And where is he now? He is doing the same for the Company. Why? Because he wants to be with someone who shows more success than Cartoon Network.
Not bad
For a company that began with a bankruptcy and now has a total worth of over $150 billion, and that in less than a hundred years.
3. Mine what others do not.
When gold was struck in the past, most people would go where the gold was stuck, but there were some who went not where anyone else went, but someplace else that was similar, but not the same, and sometimes they found gold, and sometimes they did not, but if they did find gold, it was all theirs, because no one else was there. That's the company, but they are mining people.
If you look at the executives of the company, not the ones that are the public face of the Company, but the ones that are toiling in the trenches. It is woman after woman after woman.
Racial minorities
Not only does their ABC have the most racially diverse programming of all the major networks, but the Company itself is one of the most racially diverse Companies of American Companies.
The Company is/was considered one of the best places for a non-heterosexual to work, and has recently scored a perfect score of 100, in that regard, from the HRC.
Not bad
That for a company in the 1930's that was a cartoon studio into real estate development and merchandise. Now some 80 years later, it is . . . and/or into . . .
Weddings and honeymoons -- vacation resorts -- a tour company -- theme parks -- a film and TV studio -- sporting events -- shows: touring, on-Broadway, off-Broadway, ice shows -- retail -- real estate development -- radio -- publishing -- music -- merchandise -- gaming -- cruise ships -- corporate education and training -- advertising -- and patents pending. Both foreign and domestic.
How mighty is it?
Mighty enough that all it needs to do is snap its fingers and its apps are compatible both with Apple's ios and Google's android.
Not bad
Next time: Something new or blue or used or . . .?
And then there were 6. There are 6 major film and TV studios left in the U.S. The 6 being . . .
NBC Universal
Paramount Viacom
Sony Columbia
Time Warner
Walt Disney
21st Century Fox
Next time: trivia from NBC Universal
I was going to do it in alphabetical order, but after that, I decided to do this one first.
01. Bruce, the shark, in "Finding Nemo," was named after the mechanical shark in "Jaws," which was named after Steven Spielberg's lawyer.
02. Cast members of this company (i.e. employees) when in a public area, where they can be seen by guests (i.e. customers) cannot sit down, but have to stand on their feet all day.
03. This animated star's 1st appearance in a full length feature film was in the non-Company "Hollywood Party" in 1934.
04. There are over 4000 trash cans at this theme park which have to be emptied each and every day.
05. To differentiate these three: H. is in red, D. is in blue, and L. is in green. And there are hints that the three are illegitimate sons of this animated character's sister.
06. Both the founder of this Company and Ray Kroc trained for WWI in Sound Beach, CT. No word as to whether they ever met while at Sound Beach.
07. He was once married to she. The voice of he, Wayne Anthony Allwine, married Russi Taylor, who voiced she in 1991. The marriage lasted to 2009, when Allwine died.
08. The founder of this company once played Peter Pan in a school play.
09. This animated character was the 1st animated character to get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
10. Between 1955 and 2012, 3 babies have been born inside this theme park. Contrary to rumors, that did not entitle them to a lifetime pass.
11. Next to the U.S. military, this company is the biggest buyer of explosives in the U.S.
12. Of them all, the only two who are NOT an only child, is the one who appears in "The Littlest Mermaid," and the one who appears in "Brave."
Walt Disney Company trivia.
Next time: a billion here. a billion there. And it soon adds up. What $5,000,000,000 may look like.
Eric Clapton and George Harrison contributed to an anti-South African film: :hatred:
What does . . . look like? It looks like this.
01/23 Strange Magic
02/20 McFarland USA
03/13 Cinderella
04/17 Monkey Kingdom
05/01 Avengers: Age of Ultron
05/22 Tomorrow land
06/09 Inside Out
07/17 Ant Man
10/19 The Jungle Book
10/16 Unnamed Spielberg
11/25 The Good Dinosaur
12/18 Star Wars: the Force Awakens
People who crunch the numbers, now think that there is a possibility that these films could earn $6 billion at the international box office. With "Avengers" and "Star Wars" each earning $2 billion.
If so, that should be some sort of record for Hollywood, as no movie studio's releases have earned more than $5 billion in an year at the international box office.
Next time: Another 1 of the Big 6
1. It began as the Famous Players Film Company.
2. Making it the 5th oldest film studio in the world.
3. It's first film was a French silent film "The Loves of Queen Elizabeth" in 1912.
4. The old logo was last seen in 2007 in "The Adventures of Tintin."
5. Till then it was the longest existing original film studio logo in Hollywood film history.
6. The new logo was first seen on "Mission : Impossible -- Ghost Protocol" in 2011.
7. At one time it was in the them park business. Some of its theme parks included Canada Wonderland, Great America, King's Dominion, King's Island, etc.
8. Some of the animated characters created included Baby Huey; Buzzy the Crow; Casper, the Friendly Ghost; Little Audrey, etc.
9. Its answer to MGMs Tom and Jerry were Herman and Katnip. And its answer to Warner's Bugs Bunny and Cecil Turtle was Moe Hare and Tommy Tortoise.
10. Since its founding it has distributed 1500 films.
11. Its best year was 2011, when its films earned between $4 billion and $5 billion at the international box office.
Paramount Viacom trivia
Next time: the films to be released by Paramount Viacom this year, if I can find the list.
I found the little list.
Of movies you might miss.
01/30 Project Almanac
02/06 The SpongeBob Movie
02/20 Hot Tub Time Machine
03/13 Paranormal Activity : Ghost Dimension
04/10 The Moon and the Sun
07/01 Terminator : Genisys
07/21 Mission : Impossible 5
10/30 Scouts vs. Zombies
11/03 Friday the 13th (2015)
12/25 Monster Trucks
Paramount Viacom in 2015
The last film. The one on Christmas Day is animated. Which is why it probably snagged that day.
Next time: We'll talk about Chris Pratt
I was going to state facts about Chris Pratt, whose career is an interesting point, at this time, but we'll put that off to next time, so, I can post these facts.
They love American films in Japan, the home of anime. And as an example, "Big Hero 6" just wrapped up being the top grossing film in Japan, where it was the top grossing film for 5 or 6 weeks in a row, and has earned $66 million to date at the box office. The filmmakers of "Big Hero 6" must have done something right.
Actually, American films so better overseas than they do here. "Big Hero 6," which has earned over $500 million to date at the box office. Of which, 43.6% was earned here in the U.S. and Canada, while 56.4% was earned overseas, and it has yet to open in China and France.
And this has been true for sometime. American films making more overseas than they do at home. The only question is when comes the tipping point. When does the domestic box office become secondary to the foreign box office?
I presume the purchase of movie tickets is limited, so a ticket purchased for an American film overseas means that a there are fewer movie tickets purchased for domestically made films. So, how did America come to give something to foreigners that their own filmmakers were unable to give them? That is a film which foreigners want to see. Which is just the opposite of how I feel personally. Preferring foreign films, whether in subtitles or dubbed into English, over American films.
Of course, American films have in some places been a godsend to the foreign film industry. For example: not only were most of the Bond films, which are basically American films, made in the U.K., but so was "Star wars : Episode VII," many of the Marvel films, as were "Maleficent," the upcoming "Cinderella," etc.
Next time: facts about Chris Pratt
If Apple were a country, it would have the 31st largest economy in the world, ahead of Denmark.
Fun Facts for President's Day -
George Washington's Indian name, bestowed on him during the French and Indian War, translated to: "Eater of Villages"
John Adams was married to his wife Abigail for 54 years and adored her to his dying day.
Thomas Jefferson dressed so shabbily in the White House that the British Ambassador was going to reprimand the President for having such a slovenly butler - until he realized the "Butler" was the President.
James Madison was the only U.S. President to lead troops in combat during wartime - he was also the shortest President at 5'4".
James Monroe once had to break up a sword fight between the British and French ambassadors at a state dinner in the White House.
John Quincy Adams liked to go skinny dipping in the Potomac; he also watched the Battle of Bunker Hill from his front porch when he was eight years old.
Andrew Jackson carried a pistol ball in his shoulder from a duel with Thomas Hart Benton for 20 years. When he finally had it removed, he invited Benton to dinner and gave the ball back to him!
Martin van Buren was nicknamed the "Old Fox."
William Henry Harrison was President for 28 days, but gave the longest inaugural address on record.
John Tyler fathered more children than any other President - fourteen kids by two wives! (Two of his grandchildren are still alive today!)
James K. Polk was the youngest President, up to that point, at 49, and added more territory to the Union than any other President.
Zachary Taylor was a crusty old general who had never voted in his life prior to being elected President.
Millard Fillmore was the only actual Whig politician to serve as President.
Franklin Pierce saw his ten year old son die in a train derailment on his way to Washington to be sworn in. He took to drinking to assuage his grief, and spent a good part of his presidency drunk.
James Buchanan was America's only bachelor President.
Abraham Lincoln was the only President to have an invention on file in the U.S. Patent Office.
Andrew Johnson never attended a day of school in his life. His wife taught him to read as an adult.
Ulysses Grant was actually named "Hiram," but the Army stenciled his name incorrectly on his luggage, so he just went with it.
Rutherford Hayes was an ordained minister who took time off the Presidency to occasionally preach revivals.
James Garfield was shot, but the bullet did not kill him - an infection from doctors probing the wound with unwashed hands was what carried him off.
Chester A. Arthur was a more honest man during his Presidency than at any previous point in his life - he was a notorious "spoilsman" but wound up signing Civil Service reform into law.
Grover Cleveland not only got married while in the White House, he married the youngest first lady in American history - his wife was 22 and he was 47 when they tied the knot!
Benjamin Harrison was the last Civil War General to serve as President. He looked like a garden gnome.
Grover Cleveland served the only non-consecutive Presidential terms in history.
William McKinley had a photographic memory for names and faces, an invaluable trait in a politician. He also kept a bowl of white carnations on his desk at all times, and wore them in his lapel - until he gave them as gifts to White House visitors. Nice guy.
Theodore Roosevelt is the only President to hold the Medal of Honor AND the Nobel Peace Prize.
Woodrow Wilson lost his wife in the second year of his Presidency, and married again the following year.
Warren G. Harding kept liquor in the Oval Office to toast his friends with DESPITE being an ardent supporter of Prohibition!
Calvin Coolidge slept more during his terms of office than any American President - 14 hours a day, on average.
Herbert Hoover directed food relief to Belgium during and after World War I, and there is a statue of him in Brussels. He is credited with saving hundreds of thousands from starvation and malnutrition.
Franklin Roosevelt spent 90% of his time in a wheelchair, and 90% of Americans were unaware of that fact at the time.
Harry S Truman was nearly assassinated by Puerto Rican radicals in 1947 - they killed a Washington Police officer and two of his Secret Service agents.
Dwight Eisenhower had two heart attacks while in office.
John F. Kennedy's famous robust health was a myth - he was hospitalized more than any other President, suffered from Addison's disease, and was addicted to painkillers.
Lyndon Johnson would dictate letters to his secretaries while he was seated on the toilet taking care of other business.
Richard Nixon would sometimes walk down to the White House fence and talk to the hippies gathered there to protest the Vietnam War.
Gerald Ford locked himself out of the White House in his bathrobe one time and sat on the steps for an hour until the Secret Service realized he was missing and let him back in.
Jimmy Carter was chased by a "killer rabbit" as President while vacationing in Georgia. He was also the only President to admit to seeing a UFO.
Ronald Reagan's eyesight was so poor he did not recognize his son Mike at the boy's own graduation!
George H.W. Bush was the youngest aviator to ever receive the Distinguished Flying Cross.
Bill Clinton was actually born William Jefferson Blythe.
George W. Bush personally met with the families of over 2500 soldiers who were killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. No photographs were allowed at these meetings.
Barack Obama has at least eight step-siblings from his father's "other women." Obama Senior was apparently a busy guy.
Quote from: indianasmith on February 16, 2015, 10:52:26 PM
Benjamin Harrison was the last Civil War General to serve as President. He looked like a garden gnome.
I googled a picture of him and I see what you mean. :teddyr:
QuoteRichard Nixon would sometimes walk down to the White House fence and talk to the hippies gathered there to protest the Vietnam War.
So that scene in
Nixon where Anthony Hopkins speaks to the radicals at the Lincoln Memorial isn't that far-fetched. :smile:
QuoteRonald Reagan's eyesight was so poor he did not recognize his son Mike at the boy's own graduation!
I heard once he told his son Michael that he wanted John Hinckley's family to buy him a new suit "as their son shot through this one". :teddyr: :teddyr:
Chris Pratt
6 years married this year
5 different ancestries
Mother was Norwegian,
while father was English, Swiss, German, French and Norwegian
4 nephews
3 trade marks
Says "Dude!" a lot
2 siblings
1 brother + 1 sister
Both older
1 son
Named Jack
Did his parents ever think about that Mother Goose rhyme, when they named him Jack?
Jack Pratt could eat no fat.
His wife could eat no lean.
And together they licked the platter clean.
And while he had an acting career before appearing in "Guardians of the Galaxy," his career has really taken off since then.
He stars in "Jurassic World," which will be out this year.
He has, at least, 2 more "Guardians of the Galaxy" films coming up
+ 1 or more appearances in the upcoming "Avengers" films.
They are thinking about reviving the Indiana Jones series with "Indiana Jones 5," where he'll star, with rumored, Harrison Ford. At least he looks like an young Indiana Jones.
But what excites me the most is the rumor that they'll remake "The Magnificent 7" with Denzel Washington and Chris Pratt, if no one else has been cast. So, far I like the cast. Denzel has the gravitas to pull off the Yul Brynner role, and Chris would be good in the Steve McQueen role, as the young up-and-comer. Now for the other 5. One of whom I expect to be a woman.
Next time: facts about films similar to "The Magnificent 7."
When you make a film about a disparate group, at least a half dozen, of individuals who volunteer to find something or lose something or protect something from something, then you have most likely made one of the most "democratic" (small d) films out there, as so little matters. Neither . . .
the well off and the poverty stricken
Sexual orientation
gays and straights
both men and women
Catholics, Hindus, Jews, Mormons, Muslims, pagans, Protestants, etc.
Africans, Afro-Americans, Asians, Latinos, Native Americans, whites, etc.
the healthy and the terminally ill, who see it as a chance to die with their dignity intact
upper, middle, lower
adults and children (both boys and girls)
As the film who has the youngest questers, it's probably between "Krull" and "Mad Max Beyond Thunder dome"
All come together to find something or to lose something or to protect something from something.
The only thing that seems to matter is the willingness to die for "The Cause," which the questers often do.
Next time: some 5 dozen films that I have seen that fit the definition in the 1st paragraph.
According to most legal contracts I've seen, a new day apparently doesn't begin at midnight, it begins at 12:01 AM. Don't ask me why...
Using the definition posted previously, there are approximately some 5 dozen films that I have seen, that fit that definition, and they cover all or almost all film genera.
And while most would think the 1st film that would fit that definition would be "The 7 Samurai" from 1954, there would actually a couple of films before that on the same subject. Both of them from a decade earlier, and both from 1943.
In which we have a varied group of allies, including a South African, protecting a dry water well from the Germans, in the desert, and
In which we have another varied group of allies, protecting the road to Manila from the Japanese, in the jungle.
And both films, before the era of Civil Rights, some 2 decades later, were some of the 1st to give major non-comedic roles to blacks. Rex Ingram in "Sahara" and Kenneth Spencer in "Baatan." The Spencer role was particularly noteworthy, for when most Afro-Americans were placed in labor battalions, and we have a black man fighting a common enemy, even if the enemy being the Japanese, still, to see a black man in that role, put a lot of people's noses out of joint.
So here are the 5 dozen--films, TV miniseries, TV movies- that I have seen. By film genera.
The Bushido Blade -- Flame Over India -- 7 Magnificent Gladiators -- Mad Max Beyond Thunder dome -- Season of the Witch -- Stunt 7 -- and The 13th Warrior
Flight of the Dragons -- Katy Meets the Alien -- Lord of the Rings -- Recess -- and Star Odyssey.
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World -- Rat Race -- and Scavenger Hunt.
Dead Presidents -- The Devil's 8 -- Gone in 60 Seconds (2000) -- and The Heist.
The 7 Samurai
Adventures of Sinbad -- The Beast master -- Dragon storm -- Lord of the Rings -- Hawk the Slayer -- Krull -- and Willow.
Christopher Columbus: the Discovery -- The 1st Olympics -- Glory -- Lion heart -- Operation Dumbo Drop -- and Shaka Zulu.
Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) -- It -- and The Mummy (1999)
Science Fiction
Armageddon -- Battle Beyond the Stars -- The Ewok Adventure -- The Lost World (1996) -- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's the Lost World -- and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's the Lost World (1998)
The Air Up There -- D2 -- Little Giants -- The Mighty Ducks -- Necessary Roughness -- and Wind.
Bataan -- and Sahara
and Western
Cannon for Cordoba -- The Deserter -- El Diablo -- The Gambler : the Adventure Continues -- The Guns of the 7 -- The Magnificent 7 -- The Magnificent 7 Ride -- Massacre at Fort Holman -- Only the Valiant -- and the Return of the 7.
Of course, these are only the ones that I have seen. Using the same definition, there are many that I have not seen.
Next time: I think we'll have some more major film studio trivia.
Can you name the major film and TV studio from these 10 trivia facts?
01. The 1st Biograph girl was Florence Lawrence in 1910.
02. The 1st non-all black film to star a black actress in a major role was "Imitation of Life" in 1934.
03. The actress was Louise Beavers. It also starred Claudette Colbert.
04. It was remade 25 years later in 1959.
05. With Juanita Moore in the Louise Beavers role and Lana Turner in the Claudette Colbert role.
06. The employees of this studio won a gold medal in basketball in the Summer Olympics of 1936.
07. The 1st 3-color Technicolor film was "Arabian Nights" in 1942.
08. Steven Spielberg's "Jaws" in 1975 was considered the 1st "blockbuster" film in Hollywood history.
09. The top grossing film (international gross) during the last decade for this studio was "Mamma Mia" in 2008.
10. The top grossing film (domestic gross) during the same decade for the studio was "Fast and Furious" a year later.
And the answer is . . .
NBC Universal
Next time: the films to be released by this studio during the rest of this year.
Dozens of common plants are toxic. Archaeologists have long suspected that our Palaeolithic ancestors used plant poisons to make their hunting weapons more lethal. Now Dr Valentina Borgia has teamed up with a forensic chemist to develop a technique for detecting residues of deadly substances on archaeological objects.
Borgia denies that her family name (Lucrezia Borgia is legendary as a devious poisoner) prompted her interest in poisons but she delights in the Latin quip 'nomen omen'. It translates roughly as 'significant name' and certainly the name Borgia has powerful historic resonances. Luckily for Borgia's colleagues, her objectives are honourable and entirely academic.
Text supplied by University of Cambridge under a Creative Commons License
http://www.pasthorizonspr.com/index.php/archives/03/2015/poisons-plants-and-palaeolithic-hunters (http://www.pasthorizonspr.com/index.php/archives/03/2015/poisons-plants-and-palaeolithic-hunters)
Here are the films to be released by Universal NBC for the rest of 2015.
04/03/15 Furious 7
04/17/15 Unfriended
05/08/15 5 Flights Up
05/15/15 Pitch Perfect 2
06/05/15 Insidious Chapter 3
06/12/l5 Jurassic World
06/26/l5 Ted 2
07/03/15 Minions
07/10/15 Self/less
07/17/15 Train wreck
08/14/15 Straight Outta Compton
08/21/15 Sinister 2
09/11/15 The Visit
09/18/15 Everest
10/02/15 London Has Fallen
10/09/15 Steve Job
10/16/15 Crimson Peak
10/23/15 Jem and the Holograms
11/27/15 The Danish Girl
12/04/15 Krampus
12/18/15 Sisters
Not all of these are from Universal NBC. About a third or 7 of the films are from Focus Features of which Universal NBC acts as the distributor.
Interesting to compare these releases to the films being released by the Walt Disney Company, which is releasing only 12 films this year or about 1 a month, while Universal NBC for the rest of the year is releasing 21 films or about 1 film every 2 to 3 weeks. Also "quantity" at Universal NBC vs. "quality" at Walt Disney Company?
And while the films released by the Walt Disney Company this year, have been criticized for the lack of originality, only 2 of the films are sequels or about 17%, while 7 of the films released by Universal NBC this year, from the titles, seem to be sequels, or about 33%. Thus, even less originality than from the Walt Disney Company.
Outside of the Walt Disney Company, Universal NBC has the biggest presence, among the major film studios, in the theme park business. Thus, it is interesting to wonder how many of these films will later show up as part of an Universal NBC theme park, including its Halloween Horror Nights, as many of this year's films are of the horror genera.
And as I have never been good at picking which films, beforehand, will be hits or flops, I'll leave that up to you all.
Next time: trivia from another major film studio.
Can you name the major film and TV studio from these 10 trivia items about the studio?
01. The highest grossing from this studio was in 2002 and grossed $403,706,375.00
02. It began as CBC Films in 1918.
03. That name comes from the 3 partners that founded the film: Cohn, Brandt, and Cohn.
04. It became part of this Japanese corporation on November 8, 1989.
05. Its logo, aka The Torch Lady, has undergone 6 variations since 1928, when it first appeared in front of one the studio's films.
06. Between 1928 and 1936, the logo was modeled on actress Evelyn Venable.
07. And between 1936 and 1976, it was based on a woman named Jane Chester Bartholomew.
08. The latest variation and the one used presently dates from 1993.
09. Between 1981 and 1993, it was also known as the Coke Bottle Torch Lady.
10. As the studio was then part of the Coca-Cola Company.
Answer: Sony Columbia
Next time: Normally, I'd list a films expected from this studio from now to the end of 2015, but--instead--we'll put that aside to the time after next, as next time I want to post a list of films expected to be released by Marvel from now to the end of this decade or 2020.
As reported by ibn Fadlan, Viking men wore eyeliner.
The Great Gatsby turned ninety this week.
Marvel's lineup of films to be released to the end of this decade.
Yes. I have plans to see it.
No. I have no plans to see it.
?. I have neither plans to see it nor not plans to see it.
05/6/16 Captain America : Civil War (No)
I just don't like the storyline.
11/04/16 Doctor Strange (Yes)
05/05/17 Guardians of the Galaxy 2 (Yes)
We can be thankful this did not tank at the box office. If it had tanked, there might be fewer films with some of the more minor characters in the Marvel Universe, as the thinking would be that there was no demand for such films.
11/02/17 Thor : Ragnarok (No)
Not having seen the 1st two, little interest in seeing this one, but I do wonder if the storyline will follow the storyline in the comic books, where Loki dies saving Valhalla, and then is reincarnated as an young boy. Loki the boy has always been more interesting to me, then Loki the man.
05/04/18 Avengers : Infinity War, part I (Yes)
Thanos will likely appear.
07/16/18 Black Panther (?)
11/02/18 Captain Marvel (Yes)
05/03/19 Avengers : Infinity War, part II (Yes)
A war so big, it required 2 films to make it.
07/12/19 Inhumans (?)
Next time: the film slate of Sony Columbia for the rest of this year.
Quote from: ER on April 14, 2015, 09:03:36 AM
The Great Gatsby turned ninety this week.
He's looking it. I heard he had been unwell.
These are the films to be released by Sony Columbia for the rest of 2015.
05/29/15 Aloha
07/24/15 Pixels
09/04/15 Kitchen Sink
09/25/15 Transylvania Hotel 2
10/16/15 Goosebumps
The only one that interest me. I was never a fan of the book series or the TV program, but I do remember them from my time when I was younger than I am now. Till I saw the storyline for the film, which puts me off of it. Still, one reason to see it, might be to see R. L. Stine, who has a cameo as himself, who else, in it.
11/06/15 Spectre
11/25/15 Rogen/Levitt X-Mas Movie
12/25/15 Concussion
Sony Columbia's big film of the year, as Christmas Day is a prime date for a film to be released.
Next time: trivia for another major film studio
"Greensleeves" and "What Child is This" are the same song. Maybe everybody else in the world knew this, but I jut figured it out recently.
Quote from: Jack on April 25, 2015, 01:22:52 PM
"Greensleeves" and "What Child is This" are the same song. Maybe everybody else in the world knew this, but I jut figured it out recently.
No, or I had forgotten they were the same song. Considering my age and mental capacity, it is probably the latter, but . . .?! That does remind me of another song. When Harry Belafonte sang it, it was known as "Day-O," but when the Tarriers covered the song, it was known as "The Banana Boat Song." One song. Two titles. Two singers, but . . .?! Either way, one of my favorites.
Now, I did say last time I wanted to do some more movie studio trivia, but . . .?! I wanted to get this out 1st, while the magazine was still on the racks.
Each year, "Time" magazine does an issue featuring "The 100 Most Influential People." This year, it is the 4/27-5/4 issue, and while their choice of people is interesting, what I find more interesting is who they get to sing the praises of each individual. For example: they got Bishop Desmond Tutu to sing the praises of Pope Francis. Thus . . .
Only in Hollywood would you have a Conservative Republican WASP sing the praises of a Liberal Democrat Jew, or, Rupert Murdoch sings the praises of Bob Iger.
The only thing stranger would be for a Conservative Roman Catholic male to sing the praises of a Liberal Jewish female. Oh, wait! That happened as Antonin Scalia sings the praises of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Which points out . . .
While there are differences between Hollywood and Washington, D.C., there are also similarities. One of them being, more so in Hollywood than Washington, D.C., but . . .?! One thing that trumps religion and politics is the business of doing business.
Also . . . be ware, when opponents make nice with each other. It makes one wonder what they are up to.
Is Fox going to join ESPN in a legal assault on Paramount Viacom's cable TV business?
While cable TV can change an agreement with a program provider, the change must be made in conjunction with the program provider. Which makes people who are familiar with legalities of media, wonder what Paramount Viacom is up to, as they, apparently, made the change unilaterally. The only thing people can think of the reason for doing this, is Paramount Viacom is willing to take a loss in court, as they don't have much of a case, to get a win with the FCC.
Thus . . .?! Those of you who still have cable TV might watch what is going on in the courts and Congress, as their decisions will affect you.
Or, it could be that we might see a mash up between the X-Men and the Avengers, as Fox has the rights to the X-Men and the Walt Disney Company, thru Marvel, has the rights to the Avengers.
Next time: more movie studio trivia
Can you recognize this major motion picture and TV studio from these 10 pieces of trivia?
01. Their motto is "Educate, Entertain, and Enlighten."
02. It was founded by 4 brothers: Harry, Albert, Sam, and Jack, who had 8 more siblings. Four of whom died during childhood.
03. The studio was incorporated in 1923, but the Brothers had been making films since the 1910s.
04. Rin Tin Tin was their 1st major star.
05. Their 1st cartoon star was a pig, who was soon supplanted by another cartoon star, who made his debut in 1940.
06. All of James Dean's films were made for this studio.
07. DC Comics is a division of this studio.
08. Best Picture Oscar Winners range from 1937's "The Life of Emile Zola" to 2006's "The Departed."
09. Their top grossing film--internationally-- was 2011's "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part II," which grossed a total of $1.3 billion at the box office.
10. Their top grossing film--domestically--was 2008's "The Dark Knight," which grossed $533 million at the domestic box office.
And the answer is . . .
Time Warner
Next time: films for the rest of 2015 to be released by Time Warner.
The Russian word "Mir", as in the Mir space station, means "village of cooperating equals".
Here are the films to be released by Time Warner for the rest of the year.
05/15/15 Mad Max : Fury Road
05/29/15 San Andreas Fault
06/03/15 Entourage
06/26/15 Bat Kid Begins
06/26/15 Max (2015)
07/01/15 Magic Mile XXL
07/10/15 The Gallows
07/24/15 Vacation
08/14/15 The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
08/28/15 We Are Your Friends
09/15/15 Black Mass
09/25/15 The Intern
10/09/15 Pan
11/13/15 The 33
11/25/15 Creed
11/25/15 Midnight Special
12/01/15 In the Heart of the Sea
12/25/15 Point Break (2015)
(IMHO) There are two paths to go. Go with NBC Universal and quantity of films, or go with the Walt Disney Company and quality of films. It looks like Time Warner is taking the NBC Universal path. Though, with what I know about the films being released by Time Warner, the quality is higher than that of NBC Universal, even if it looks like they will be releasing a lot of horror, and while my attitude may change, as release dates near, and I find out more about subject and cast, the only film on this list I want to see is "Mad Max : Fury Road," which I'll give a report on later, after I have seen if.
I was going to do some more film studio trivia, but . . .?! I think I'll wait on that, so I can do this.
Next time: It was here. Then it was gone. But . . .?! It'll be back. Not next year, but . . .?! The year after.
1977. Something called Star Wars : Episode IV : a New Hope was released to theaters, and the world has never been the same since. One of the next big events in the Star Wars Universe was some 22 years later, when the 1st official, more or less, Star Wars convention was held in Denver. It was followed thereafter every 2 to 3 years by another convention.
The 2nd in 2002 in Indianapolis
The 3rd in 2005 in Indianapolis
The 4th in 2007 in L.A.
The 5th in 2010 in Orlando
The 6th in 2012 in Orlando
The 7th in 2015 in Anaheim
and the 8th in 2017 in L.A.
Of course, one does not have to wait till 2017 for the next Star Wars convention. There will be one next year, and we'll say where and when, next time.
Another big event in the Star Wars Universe will now be Lucas' attempt to bring some coherence to the Star Wars backstory, which till now has been somewhat incoherent. This means new books, new graphic novels set in the Star Wars Universe, and maybe a new storyline for Star Tours--the Adventure Continues. Only its 3rd since 1987, when the attraction 1st came to the Disney theme parks.
Star Wars Celebration is held not only here in the U.S., but . . .?! Overseas as well, though on a more erratic and infrequent schedule. The 1st one was held in . . .
2007 in London, England.
That was followed by . . .
2008 in Chiba, Japan.
2013 in Essen, Germany,
and if one can't wait for the next one here in the U.S., which I believe is in L.A. in 2017, there is one in . . .
2016 in London, England from July 15 to July 17. I wouldn't fly all the way to London just to see this, but . . . if one has previous plans to be in London on those dates, it might be worth taking in. All 3-days or one of the 3 days. There is a discount, if one purchases a ticket for all 3-days as opposed to purchasing individual tickets for each of the 3-days. There is also a small discount, if one purchases tickets now on-line, to be picked up at the door, as opposed to purchasing the tickets the days of the event.
And while it is still too early to see the guests, who will be there, and the events planned for the Celebration, the guests, over 80, for the 2015 Celebration in Anaheim is posted on the world wide web, and I presume some ones similar will the at the London one in 2016. As for the events, a list of events for the 2015 Celebration in Anaheim is again posted on the world wide web, and some things similar will again be at the one in London in 2016.
And yes, you can expect to see cosplayers of all ages at the Celebration, even in London, England.
Next time: before there was the 1st Star Wars Celebration in 1999, there was this celebration of all-things Star Wars.
Carrying a tote bag full of fossilized bones down a river bed all afternoon give you sore shoulders.
Even before the 1st "official" Star Wars convention, there was another celebration of all-things Star Wars. The 1st one was in 1997, or 2 years before the 1st "official" convention. It was an on-and-off affair till 2003. when it became an annual event. Held every year on weekends in May and June at Walt Disney World's Disney's Hollywood Studios. Some of the events at this event, which is called Star Wars Weekend, include . . .
an interactive attraction Carbon Freeze Me Faces, where you can get your face computer scanned and reproduced in carbonite.
a live show Snig and Oopli's Hyperspace Hoopla
a fireworks show Symphony in the Stars
and a live 30-minute talk show Obi Wan and Beyond.
And a couple of chances to dine with the Star Wars characters. Either the Disney characters in their Star Wars costumes or Darth Vader and his Storm troopers. The last while you watch film clips from the Star Wars films.
But . . . the 3 biggest events are . . .
When does the sun rise over central Florida? For there are people start lining up, when it is still dark out in the morning, so they can be one of the 1st to shop for Star Wars merchandise at Darth's Mall.
The Star Wars Parade, which is lead off by . . .
Mickey as a Jedi Knight
Minnie as Princess Leia
Donald as a Storm trooper
Goofy as Darth Vader
and Chip 'n' Dale as Ewoks.
I thought Daisy was to appear as Aurra Sing, but . . .?! I didn't see her in this year's parade.
Then about 3 dozen young Padawans from the Jedi Training Academy, which we'll get to later.
Then about 2 dozen guests in and out of costume.
Then, what is your favorite Star Wars character? There are over 180 in the parade, and if they are not in the parade, then you might find them wandering the streets of the Studio, posing for photos and signing autographs. No Jar Jar Binks though.
I can see why the Empire lost, as I have seldom seen a more unfit group of men and women, then the ones you see in the parade. Not that the Rebels are much better. Remember Porky from a "New Hope?" There must be a whole planet of Porkies out there.
The Jedi Training Academy, where young Padawans, 4 to 12, get a chance to fight a light saber duel with Darth Vader or Darth Maul. A popular event, it is held every day, but . . .?! It really becomes popular during the Star Wars Weekends. So popular, they have to add extra sessions. The 1st beginning at 8:45 a.m., or 15 minutes before the official opening time of the theme park, and the last beginning at 7:30 p.m. Even with the 19 sessions, 12 Padawans per session, and a waiting list of 70, 2 hours after they begin signing Padawans up, they have to close down the sign up desk.
And a good time is had by all, and why not?
For the guest stars, who are brought in, and who get to ride in the parade . . .
Transportation. Comp
Room. Comp
Meals. Comp
Admission. Comp
And, normally, they get to bring a guest, who has almost everything comp as well. And all these guest stars have to do is . . .
Answer questions.
Meet the fans.
Sign autographs.
Take a photo with the fans.
Wave to guests during the parade.
Thus, it becomes almost like a free mini-vacation.
As for the guests, during the parade . . . They are lined up 5 to 6 deep along both sides of the parade route, which I believe is .75 of a mile long, and at a maximum of 2 feet of frontage for each guest, you are looking at between 20,000 and 22,000 people, having a good time watching their favorite stars and characters, along the parade route.
Next time: What is canon and not canon in the Star Wars Universe?
We've all heard of a chimps' tea party, but researchers studying the primates in West Africa have found they may actually prefer a glass of wine or two (or three, or four...).
A 17-year-long study in the Bossou region of Guinea, published in Royal Society Open Science, has recorded the chimpanzees using sponges made of crushed leaves to drink fermented palm sap. Indeed, some of them were even found to drink to the point of being visibly inebriated.
http://wired.uk/XSzmRX (http://wired.uk/XSzmRX)
Which makes a heckuva lot of sense since drunken men do strongly resemble troops of chimpanzees.
Nothing rhymes with orange.
Sweet Home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd was written as a protest of Southern Man and Alabama by Neil Young
Lucas has started putting his mark on the Star Wars Universe, even more so than in the past. Thus, as of today, this is what I understand is Canon.
These 6 films.
I. the phantom menace
ii. attack of the clones
iii. revenge of the sith
iv. a new hope
v. the empire strikes back
vi. return of the jedi
and the upcoming
vii. the force awakens
And I presume that when viii. and ix. are released to audiences, they also will be Canon.
These 2 TV series
after attack of the clones
the clone wars
after revenge of the sith
These 7 books
after attack of the clones
dark disciple
after revenge of the sith
lords of the sith
a new dawn, where sexual equality has come to the Star Wars Universe. There are female storm troopers.
after a new hope
heir of the jedi
battle front
after return of the jedi
As for all the other books, comic books, games, graphic novels, excluding the official tie-ins to the 1st 6 films, which I presume are Canon, who knows?
Now that Marvel Comics has apparently regained the rights to the Star War characters, I have heard, that we are due some new Star Wars comics, which leads me with a new hope, as (IMHO) some of the best stories were from the early Marvel Comics.
1. a story arc based on "The Magnificent 7."
2. a character named Dafi, as in Daffy Duck.
3. a character would disappear at the end of one story and reappear at the beginning of another story, which means the writers understood the concept of continuation.
But . . . ?! When Dark Horse Comics gained the comic rights to the Star Wars comics (IMHO) we got an extremely mixed bag of comics. Nothing wrong with the art work. The problem again (IMHO) was the storytelling, which ranged from great to good to mediocre and fair to readable to frankly--surprisingly--completely unreadable.
And we shall see what we shall see.
Next time: we'll finish up with the movie studio trivia.
Winston Churchill was very fond of swimming.
Swimsuits, not so much.
That's right; the man who led England through World War II and defied Hitler's armed might was a serial skinny dipper.
Once, when visiting the USA, FDR sent Churchill to Florida for a couple of days' R&R. Churchill went for his usual nude
swim and a shark came up to investigate. Terrified Secret Service agents urged him to come ashore, but he stayed in
the water and the shark retreated.
Quoth Churchill: "I think my bulk frightened it off!"
John Quincy Adams was a skinny dipper too. Used to swim nude in the Potomac while President.
Palaeoclimatology is the study of changes in climate taken on the scale of the entire history of Earth.
(Yes, you can study climate before weather records.)
Emily Dickinson's Black Powder Cake
3 1/4 cups white cake flour
4 1/2 teaspoons dry baking powder
1 1/2 teaspoons dry baking soda
1 1/2 teaspoons coarse salt
1 1/4 teaspoons freshly-ground cinnamon
1 1/4 teaspoons ground or crushed cloves
1 1/4 teaspoons crushed mace
1 1/2 teaspoons freshly-ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon cardamom
1/4 teaspoon ground fresh ginger
1 1/2 pounds unsalted butter, room temperature
3 cups white sugar
3 tablespoons dark brown sugar
1 dozen eggs, at room temperature
1 1/2 teaspoons "good" vanilla extract
3/4 cup molasses---room temperature in summer or warmed in winter
Pour batter into pan, one 14x18x3" deep sheet pan is best.
Bake 350 degrees F. for about 55 minutes, or until a toothpick stuck in the center comes out dry.
Top with a sugared brandy sauce, and adorn with chopped raisins or other dried fruit.
(Write poems about death while baking.)
Serve warm with sauce or cool with butter or jam.
We recently made a day trip to the Andy Warhol Museum, and I've been doing some reading on him. Some facts I've learned about his life have surprised me.
Andy Warhol was celibate, went to church almost every Sunday, and one passage in his diary seems to indicate he may even have been a virgin, though this is mostly discounted as him joking.
He was deeply superstitious, felt this world was a battlefield between the devil and God, and he left flasks of holy water, acquired by the gallon, lying open around his residence. His nephew was a priest, and Warhol called him weekly to have deep discussions about Christianity.
When on his birthday an avant-garde New York artist gave Warhol her painting, which depicted the Lord's Prayer (the "Our Father" Catholics would say) with certain words replaced with obscenities, Warhol was outraged and refused to accept the gift.
Warhol believed the woman who tried to murder him in 1968, Valerie Solanas, was demon possessed, and after she shot him, he prayed for her salvation, though spent the rest of his life terrified she was going to again come after him. (Which she did in 1971.)
At one point, convinced the building that housed his studio, the Factory, was haunted by the spirits of turn of the 20th century sweatshop workers, Warhol brought in a Catholic priest to perform a blessing. If this had not worked, he was prepared to petition for a full-scale exorcism.
He was obsessed with the cost of taxi fares and would record to the penny the expense of each ride he took cost.
Warhol changed his clothes three times daily, and took two showers a day. He rarely used intoxicants, but was fascinated by their affect on other people's personalities.
Ironically, a week before he died, Warhol encountered artist Robert Mapplethorpe, who was terminally ill with AIDS, and Warhol remarked to friends he'd give almost anything not to have to go to Mapplethorpe's impending funeral: an eventuality avoided by Warhol's own abrupt passing after a minor gall bladder operation.
Warhol was buried wearing sunglasses, with a package of red liquorice in his pocket. Since his coffin was solid copper, cemetery officials have three times arrested thieves who were apparently trying to dig up the coffin and sell it as scrap, since the price of copper has made it extremely valuable. Friends say Warhol would have found his coffin's allure quite funny.
Can you name the major film and TV studio from these 10 bits of trivia?
01. It was founded in 1915.
02. It was a combination of 2 companies: the distribution company Greater New York Film Rental and the production company Box.
03. Its founder would control the company till 1930 or for 15 years, before was ousted in an hostile takeover.
That would not be the only hostile takeover in Hollywood. The man who founded and controlled Universal would also be ousted in a hostile takeover occurring about the same time.
04. The company's well known logo would make its 1st appearance in 1933.
05. The nickname for the logo has almost always been "The Searchlights."
06. The present version of the logo dates from 2009.
07. And is in its 5th variation.
08. In 1935, there was another merger with another company, which gives this studio its present name.
09. Today it is a subsidiary of another company with a similar name.
10. Though, caused this time, not by a merger, but by a split of the News Corporation into 2 companies.
The answer: 20th Century Fox.
Next time: films to be released by 20th Century Fox for the rest of the year and their dates.
There are more female jousters in Canada, proportionately, than in any other country, world-wide. :thumbup:
Paleoscatology is the study of coprolites - ancient, preserved fecal matter.
Quote from: indianasmith on June 28, 2015, 10:04:42 PM
Paleoscatology is the study of coprolites - ancient, preserved fecal matter.
:buggedout: :buggedout:
Imagine archaeologists in two hundred years time inspecting the remnants of my undies: :tongueout: :tongueout: :wink: :wink:
Here are the films to be released by 20th Century Fox for the rest of this year. With the dates.
07/24 Paper Towns
08/07 Fantastic Four
08/21 Hit man : Agent 47
09/18 Maze Runner : the Scorch Trials
11/06 The Peanuts Movie
(Having seen the trailer for this one, all I can say is: "Charles Schulz. We miss you.")
10/02 The Martian
11/25 Victor Frankenstein
12/23 Alvin and the Chipmunks the Road Chip
12/25 Joy
12/25 The Revenant
20th Century Fox, or, to give the proper title for the entire company, 21st Century Fox, is the 2nd largest entertainment company in the U.S. Even if it made less money in 2014 than it did in 2013. Which is probably why Rupert Murdoch is turning over most of the day-to-day operations to his son and heir, and why the company slid from being the 85th largest company in the U.S. to 97th.
Not that the next 3 largest are doing much better. All of whom made less money in 2014 than they did in 2013.
Time Warner
from 102nd to 104th largest
from 182nd to 212th largest
from 210th to 222nd largest
Only the Walt Disney Company made more money in 2014 than it did in 2013 among the 5 largest entertainment companies in the U.S., which is probably why it grew from 61st to 57th largest company in the U.S.
One of the reasons might be that the Company is an enclosed entity or "All go in. None come out." For example . ., .
Disney Cruise Line (DCL)
"All go in."
and next year's "Star Wars"
"None come out."
Because the Company owns the rights to Marvel/Pixar/Star Wars.
In contrast to . . .
Carnival Cruise Line (CCL)
"Some come in."
Dr. Seuss characters
Which I believe the rights being owned by NBC Universal.
"Some come out."
Royal Caribbean Cruise Line (RCCL)
"Some come in"
The DreamWorks characters
"Some come out."
Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL)
"Some come in"
Nickelodeon characters
The rights being owned by Viacom, but . . .?!
Only to the end of this year, when the 2 companies part ways.
"Some come out."
Next time: Napoleon
During World War II, Lord Louis Mountbatten proposed the creation of giant aircraft carriers made entirely of ice to operate in the North Sea.
Well, not strictly entirely of ice: they were Pycrete, which is a mixture of sawdust and water that has some remarkable properties.
In 1957, when Hollywood gangster Johnny Stompanato, boy-toy of Lana Turner (and later stabbed to death by Turner's daughter) pulled a gun on Sean Connery, Connery coolly disarmed him and punched Stompanato out.
Quote from: ER on July 07, 2015, 08:55:17 AM
In 1957, when Hollywood gangster Johnny Stompanato, boy-toy of Lana Turner (and later stabbed to death by Turner's daughter) pulled a gun on Sean Connery, Connery coolly disarmed him and punched Stompanato out.
Any man who raises his hands to a woman to hurt her should be punched out. :cheers:
Boris Karloff played Captain Hook in a Broadway production of Peter Pan.
In the 24 hours at Waterloo . . .
high + low divided by 2 =
28,000 French casualties
17,200 Ally casualties
7,000 Prussian casualties
52,200 total casualties
or about 36.25 casualties every minute
64 French generals
26 casualties
or 40.625%
60 battles
won 48 80%
drew 5 8.33%
lost 7 11.66%
but . . .?! it is the last one that counts the most
In his life, he had only . . .
2 wives, but . . .?! he had
22 mistresses
15,000 books have been written about Lincoln, but . . .?!
300,000 books have been written about Napoleon
or 20 books about Napoleon for every book about Lincoln.
In his lifetime, he wrote
33,000 letters
or on the average almost 2 letters every day, since he was born.
Sometimes writing or dictating more than 1 letter at a time.
We consider him short, the "Napoleonic Complex," but . . .
he was actually tall for his time and place, as at
5'6" he was an 1" taller than the average Frenchman, who was only
5'5" tall.
At the heights of his empire Alexander the Great ruled over 40,000,000 people, but . . .?!
at the height of his empire Napoleon ruled over 70,000,000 people or 30,000,000 or 75% more.
25% of the legal systems in the world are based upon the Napoleonic Code, not including the state of Louisiana.
Next time: the future of Marvel and Star Wars
The events that opened Peter Straub's novel If You Could See Me Now, happened sixty years ago today.
Upcoming films from Marvel Films.
05/06/16 Captain America : Civil War
11/04/16 Doctor Strange
05/05/17 Guardians of the Galaxy 2
11/03/17 Thor : Ragnorak
05/04/18 Avengers : Infinity War, part 1
07/16/18 Black Panther
11/02/18 Captain Marvel
05/03/19 Avengers : Infinity War, part 2
07/12/19 Inhumans
The Captain Marvel is the Carol Danvers Captain Marvel. Oddly enough, or maybe not, DC/Warners also has a Captain Marvel film coming out the year after in 04/05/19. It'll be out under the better known title of "Shazam." And . . .
Every two years, D23, the fan club of the Walt Disney Company has a big to-do. This year its August 14-16 in Anaheim, California, and the rumor has it that the 1st peek of the upcoming "Captain America" will be shown. And rumor also has it, that Disney's Hollywood Studio at Walt Disney World will be undergoing a billion $ redo, with many of the rides and attractions based on the Marvel characters. At least those characters whose rights are not owned by NBC Universal. But . . .?! with NBC Universal's recent agreement with Nintendo to develop rides and attractions based on the Nintendo characters, they might kick back all the rights they have to the Marvel characters to Marvel and Disney.
Next time: upcoming films from Lucas Films.
Up until about 150 BC, Romans traditionally made oatmeal the basis of their diet. After they conquered Greece, they adopted the Greek custom of eating bread.
Quote from: ER on August 03, 2015, 03:04:24 PM
Up until about 150 BC, Romans traditionally made oatmeal the basis of their diet. After they conquered Greece, they adopted the Greek custom of eating bread.
Did they put raisins in it?
And from Lucas Films . . .
Star Wars : Episode VII
Star Wars Anthology : Rogue One
Star Wars : Episode VIII
with Benicio Del Toro (rumored)
Star Wars Anthology : Untitled Han Solo film
with the Kasdans writing
Kathleen Kennedy producing
and Phil Lord and Christopher Miller directing
If the names Lord and Miller mean nothing to someone, then think "The Lego Movie."
Star Wars : Episode IX
Star Wars Anthology
So far, only in the script stage. Though, one does wonder if this is to be the Boba Fett film that has long been rumored to be coming.
And, finally, from Marvel Comics what has long been rumored, a series of Star Wars comic books. So far, it looks to be a dozen titles, but . . .?! Unlike before, where everyone was lumped into the same comic, each character will get their own comic book or books. So far we have . . .
Darth Vader
Princess Leia
and for the 1st time Chewbacca gets his own comic book.
Sometimes the local library will buy comic books. If they buy any of these, I'll have a review for later.
Next time: the power to influence
George Lucas originally envisioned Indiana Jones having an affair with Marion when she eleven but they finally decided on her being fifteen.
http://www.polygon.com/2015/8/3/9089181/indiana-jones-abusive-creep (http://www.polygon.com/2015/8/3/9089181/indiana-jones-abusive-creep)
A baker's dozen of films that influenced human behavior, excluding fashions worn.
Billy Elliott
ballet lessons for boys
Dark Voyager
lighting 2 cigarettes at the same time
Lair of the White Worm
the scenes with the lady and the boy scout. From the time she picks him up from the side of the road till she drowns him in the tub. re-enacted by couples. snakes 'n' ladders game extra.
Last Year at Marenbad
the match game
The Princess Bride
the wedding ceremony. recreated by couples for their own wedding.
Saturday Night Fever
helped to inspire the disco craze
This Is Spinal Tap
Black Sabbath's 1974 Born Again Tour's Stonehenge stage set
Urban Cowboy
mechanical bull riding
Unfortunately, not all is fun and games
The Birth of a Nation
helped to revive the Klu Klux Klan
shark killing
Natural Born Killers
robbery and murder
The Program
laying down on the white line on the highway
Thelma and Louise
method of suicide
Next time: American trails
American Trails
The 11 longest trails in the American trail system. From longest to shortest.
4600 miles North Country
3100 miles Continental Divide
2700 miles Pacific Crest
2200 miles Appalachian
1400 miles Floridian or Florida
1200 miles Ice Age
1200 miles Pacific Northwest
0800 miles Arizonian or Arizona
0800 miles Potomac Heritage
0444 miles Natchez Trace
0215 miles New England
total = 18,659 miles
average = 1696.25 miles approximately
Next time: cosplay
A group called "The Barbie Liberation Organization" switched the voiceboxes of hundreds of GI Joes and Barbies and snuck them back into stores in 1993.
The Barbies would yell things like "Vengeance is mine," and "Eat Lead, Cobra!' while the Joes ended up saying "Want to go shopping? or "the Beach is the place for summer!""
It's a fact that this theory exists: Stanley Kubrick was a member of the Illuminati, which murdered him for exposing so much about it in Eyes Wide Shut.
A 10 year old named Laura Buxton from Staffordshire, England released a balloon with her name and address on it, asking whoever found it to write back to her. It was floated 400 miles and was by a different ten year old girl named Laura Buxton, who wrote back and included her phone number.
When the two girls met, they were both wearing pink sweaters and blue jeans.
They found out they were the exact same height, the same build, and had the same eye color.
They also found out they both had three year old black Labradors, a pet rabbit, and a guinea pig.
Both girls were also avid swimmers and had parents that married the same year.
Walter Brennan played a character named Groot in 1948's Red River.
The CIA.
Despite what Hollywood would have you believe, the CIA is actually one of the most non-aggressive of all government agencies, contributing far fewer deaths per annum than the FBI or even most large police forces. According to FOIA files, 99.70% of CIA operations between 1990--2000 were classified as "non-violent." In the age of drone strikes, the CIA has been relegated more and more to a surveillance role, employing fewer field agents today for the purpose of intelligence gathering than at any time in its history, with greater reliance placed on information provided from cooperative foreign agencies than has previously been the case.
In 1997, the CIA saw more of its assets killed in the field than it in turn killed in its own operations, indicating it can be riskier to work for the CIA than it is to work against it.
The CIA employs fewer individuals than the Las Vegas Police Department, and is actually in danger of being absorbed in all but name by the larger, better-funded, and currently more productive, NSA.
Inter-agency rivalries between the FBI, ATF, NSA, DEA, and CIA can be bitter and counterproductive. Officially discouraged, they are unofficially a longstanding pastime with attached traditions similar to those found in, say, college football. Each of these agencies has its own derogatory slang for members of differing agencies.
The CIA is forbidden from operations on US soil, except in one of thirty-three conditions.
One who retires from a career in CIA service is dubbed a "Langer."
If while on operation, a CIA agent should require assistance or pullout (known as "scamping") a pre-determined, particular color of a specific item of clothing is prominently worn, and a code word (such as "mistress") may be innocuously used in certain scheduled, monitored conversations. Generally these code words are used during telephone conversations, but common places of direct contact include well-traveled street corners, a restaurant or bar, or often a church.
All CIA employees receive agency IDs, and may cite their employment in the agency on any future resumes, conditional to restrictions regarding some specific operations.
Agents are paid on the first and fifteenth of every month, and may in certain cases claim something as mundane as a new hairbrush on expense accounts.
In the Old Testament, Yahweh (God) actually sues Israel for breach of contract (the Sinai covenant). It is the only instance of God initiating a lawsuit against humans in the Bible.
Just out of curiosity, what is the Scriptural reference for that?
I know God repeatedly reproached the Israelites for breaking their covenant with Him, but I don't recall him dragging them into court.
Loose lips have never sunk even one ship. It's just crazy to think human lips could sink a ship no matter how hard they hit it. Insane.
Think Angelina Jolie lips . . . :teddyr:
A few ABBA songs facts:
Honey, Honey (1974) spent 4 months in the top 5 in West Germany's singles music charts.
Hasta Mañana (1974) is still immensely popular to this day in South Africa.
SOS (1975) Pete Townshend has said "SOS" is one of the best pop songs ever written. John Lennon declared that it was one of his favorite pop songs.
Fernando (1976) still holds the record for the single spending the most weeks at number 1 (14 weeks) in Australia.
Dancing Queen (1976) ABBA's only #1 on the Billboard Hot 100.
Knowing Me, Knowing You (1977) Benny named "Knowing Me, Knowing You" as one of ABBA's best recordings.
The Name of the Game (1977) The opening riff on bass and synthesizer is inspired by Stevie Wonder's "I Wish."
Take a Chance on Me (1978) #3 on the Billboard Hot 100 but sold more copies than "Dancing Queen" (#1).
Summer Night City (1978) Bjorn called the recording "really lousy" and Agnetha has been quoted as saying she didn't like the song to start with.
Voulez-Vous (1979) was recorded in Miami with disco group Foxy playing instruments. It's the only ABBA song to be recorded outside of Sweden.
The Winner Takes It All (1980) is Agnetha's favorite ABBA song.
Comic Cons. Horror. Star Trek. Star Wars. Convos. Cosplayers.
D23, which recently wrapped up at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim (California) was no different.
--animation. attractions. live action.
--animation. live action.
Star Wars
--animation. live action.
Hard to get a grasp and a grip on how many attendees came in costume. My best guess would be 1 out of every 250 attendees. Which means several hundred. With a few surprises.
Women seemingly outnumbered the men 2 to 1. The women coming . . .
in singles
in pairs with their
--significant other
in groups of 4 or more
The men also coming . . .
in singles
in pairs with their significant other
--both male and female
but . . .?! unlike the women--not in groups
Most of the women coming as a female character, and most of the men coming as a male character, but . . .?! You did get cross dressers. Women coming as a male character, and men coming as a female character. You also have men and women changing roles. For example: the woman would come as Prince Philip, and the man would come as Maleficent.
A couple of more surprises.
While there were some characters from Marvel, and some kids in costume. I was surprised how few there were of both. Maybe they are saving up for the 2nd annual Avengers Super Heroes Half Marathon next year at Disneyland with kids' races. From a diaper dash for the under 1s to a 400 meter for the 7s to 8s. Then you'll see . . .
Little Thors
Little Ironmen
Little Hulks
Little Captain Americas, which is popular both with the boys and girls.
Whatever . . .?!
God bless 'em one and all. For the world would be a much less enjoyable place to live, if it was not for those who enjoyed dressing up in costume for a day, a weekend, a week.
And I do mean the world.
The next D23 is in Japan. So, it'll be interesting to see how many of the Japanese dress up in costume. And the next Star Wars is in London (England) next year, and from the last one that was held there, we know that the Brits like to dress up as their favorite Star Wars character.
Next time: the studios
And the rich just keep getting richer.
21st Century Fox
from 85th largest company in the U.S. to 97th
Time Warner
from 102nd largest company in the U.S. to 104th
from 182nd largest company in the U.S. to 212th
from 210th largest company in the U.S. to 222nd
All of these U.S. entertainment companies either made less money in 2014 then they did in 2013, or they lost money in 2014. Only the . . .
Walt Disney Company
among the largest entertainment companies in the U.S.
made more money in 2014 then they did in 2013.
moving from 61st largest company in the U.S. to 57th.
That is not to say that they will make more money in 2015 then they did in 2014, or more likely 2016 then they did in 2015, as it is hard for any American company, entertainment or ortherwise to put together 2 really good years back to back. Why they may make more money in 2015 then in 2014 is that, the people who crunch those box office numbers, predict that Star Wars : Episode VII - The Force Awakens will make $2.3 billion at the box office, when all is said and done. That was the 1st prediction. Now the prediction is up to $3 billion. Either figure will make it the 2nd highest grossing film at the box office. Behind only "Titanic."
Next time: the mightiest entertainment empire the world has ever seen.
FACT: BoyScoutKevin is the king of the Fact Of The Day topic.
Also a fact: Mr. Burns would trade everything he owns for a little more.
Quote from: ER on September 15, 2015, 03:22:31 PM
FACT: BoyScoutKevin is the king of the Fact Of The Day topic.
Also a fact: Mr. Burns would trade everything he owns for a little more.
I don't know what Mr. Burns would say, but . . . ?! I just want to say thank-your for the comment. I'd also like to thank everyone, unlike some sites, for allowing me to have my say, and I hope to continue to bring everyone facts that, at least, I think are interesting and informative.
The mightiest entertainment empire the earth has ever seen.
They have a beauty boutique for boys and girls and a café at Harrods
. . . in London (England)
If you cannot find it at Harrods, then it does not exist.
Their books are published
. . . worldwide with a creative center in Milan (Italy)
Actually, they are the largest publisher of children's books in the world.
Their comic books and comic strips are widely published and widely read
. . . in Europe.
Their concerts, ice shows, and stage productions can be seen and heard
. . . in London (England)
They host expos
. . . in Germany
London (England)
Their food products . . .
cat food
dog food
ham slices in the shape of a certain cartoon character
liver pate
can be bought
. . . in Europe
Their hotels are
. . . in China
Their merchandise can be bought on-line and/or in their retail stores
. . .in Australia
Hong Kong
the U.K.
Their motion pictures are seen
. . . worldwide
Their radio programs can be heard
. . .in Canada,
excluding Quebec
They have a research facility
. . .in Switzerland
81 research projects and counting
Their ships cruise the . . .
North Atlantic
. . . and the waters of . . .
Central America
Northern Europe
South America
. . . and next year . . .
Their sporting events, when held
. . .in California
. . . attract athletes from o'er 30 foreign countries
. . .and next year, there'll be a sporting event near . . .
Paris (France)
Their TV programs are seen
. . .worldwide
Their tour company offers tours
. . .of Africa
Central America
North America
South America
. . .and the Danube River in Europe.
Their theme parks are
. . . China
Hong Kong
Not bad for a company that began less than a century ago in an one-car garage in L.A.
The Walt Disney Company
Next time: put on the old grey bonnet. with the blue ribbon on it.
"Put on your old grey bonnet. With the blue ribbon on it."
Dapper Days.
dapper=retro finery. I can't explain it, but . . .?! You'll know it, when you see it.
Held twice a year. Once in the spring, when it is a daytime event, and once in the fall, when it is a nighttime event.
At theme parks in Anaheim (California), Orlando (Florida) and near Paris (France.)
If you want to put on your finest retro finery and strut your stuff, along with 10,000 like minded folks . . .
--men, women
--gay, straight
--of 6 to a dozen or more
. . . or, the attendance figures of the 2013 at the Anaheim event, the dates for the next spring event are . . .
Paris (France) April 16, 2016
Orlando (Florida) April 16, 2016
Anaheim (California) April 30, 2016 to May 1, 2016
If the one at Anaheim is anything like past events, there'll also be a . . .
a retro slide show
a Friday night dance
a classic car show
and an expo
And it's nice to see photos of the kids dressed up. They're stylin'.
Next time: how old Hamlet?
How old Hamlet?
Shakespearian scholars have pegged Hamlet's age at anything from 16 to 30. Thus, here are 8 actors, who have played the role on stage: the actor, their age, when they played the role, and the year that they played the role.
Branagh 28 (1988)
Burbage 32 (1600)
Burton 38 (1964)
Cumberbatch 39 (2015)
Fiennes 32 (1995)
Law 36 (2009)
Olivier 30 (1937)
Whishaw 23 (2004)
Average age: 32
If one things about it, Hamlet's actions are not the actions of a fully mature individual, but . . .?! He is still more mature than Romeo, or, in other words, the age of the actor playing Hamlet is probably not as important as the age of the actor playing Romeo, who is too often (IMHO) played by an actor who is too old for the role.
Next time: Star Wars figures, and he is not talking about the kind you get out of the cereal box, though, he'll talk about those as well.
The same staff that did the amazing(ly bad) three-episode Japanese show, "Assault! Armor Jack!" also did the Japanese show that was so bad, that they could only sell one DVD set of it, and it can be seen on YouTube, by the Japanese name. It is called "Sailor Fight!".
Lorain, Ohio is the birthplace of Alan D Hopewell.
Adjusted for inflation.
1977 Episode 4
Star Wars : a New Hope
1980 Episode 5
Star Wars : the Empire Strikes Back
1983 Episode 6
Star Wars : the Return of the Jedi
1999 Episode 1
Star Wars : Phantom Menace
2002 Episode 2
Star Wars : Attack of the Clones
2005 Episode 3
Revenge of the Sith
2015 Episode 7
Star Wars : the Force Awakens
Expected box office $2,000,000,000 to $2,500,000,000
Thus, either the 1st or 2nd highest grossing film in the series to date
5 things to note.
1st. One talks about the 10 year lag between Episode 3 and Episode 7, but . . .?! There was a 16 year lag between Episode 6 and Episode 1.
2nd. While nearly all say that they hated Episode 1, it did better at the box office then Episode 6 and even Episode 5, which nearly all say that they loved. Pent up demand?
3rd. The series has lasted for 5 decades or from the 1970s to the 2010s. Only the James Bond series, which is ongoing, has lasted longer, as it began in the 1960s.
4th. The series may continue up to and into the 2020s. With . . .
Episode 8 in 2017
Episode 9 in 2019
Episode 10 in 2021?
And standalone films from the Star Wars Universe expected in . . .
5th. The speed at which the Episode films have been released has picked up. It use to be 1 every 3 years. Now it is 1 every 2 years. And . . .
Next time: more Star War figures. The ones you use to find in the cereal boxes of old.
More Star Wars figures, but . . .?! First . . .
$700 million. That is how much "The Simpsons" generates annually in merchandise sales, and with Fox getting its standard 7.5%, that's an annual payday for Fox of $52.5 million, which is a nice payday. No wonder the series continues on Fox TV, but . . .?!
That pales in comparison with the figured merchandise sales for the most recent episode of Star Wars, "Star Wars : Episode VII : the Force Awakens" is suppose to generate, which is $5 billion internationally. I thought that figure was . . .?! But . . .?! Then there were these 2 stories from the U.K.
Grandparents bought their grandson the Kylo Ren hoodie (They call them a hoodie. We call them a jacket) with the pull-down mask, and now the boy is so taken with it, he wears it outdoors. He wears it indoors. He wears it in bad weather. He wears it in good weather. He wears it to school. He wears it at home. And he probably wears it to bed. Probably the only time he takes it off is when he is in the shower or tub. $12.16.
Parents bought their son the Kylo Ren costume, and the Kylo Ren light saber, because it looked cool, and because the mask that came with the costume was not enough, they bought him the voice altering mask, and so, they had to buy his little sister something, so they bought her the Captain Phasma costume. Now the 2 spend all their time in costume, he "threatening" her with the light saber and waving it about, and chasing each other around the backyard of their home. $62.43
And while nothing is assured, multiply those 2 stories X times across the U.K. and across Europe and even into Australia and India, where the merchandise is also being pushed, and $5 billion looks doable, which is 2 to 2.5 times what the box office gross is suppose to be.
And the Walt Disney Company gets not 7.5% of that, but 10%. Which makes sense for both parties, as you come to me with something I can sell $100 of, and I'll give you the standard 7.5%, but . . .?! if you come to me with something I can sell $200 of, without an increase in costs, but . . .?! want 10% of what I sell, then I give you the 10%, and we are both better off. You get $20.00 instead of $7.50, and I get $180.00 instead of $92.50.
That's only 10%. Who gets the other 90%? Well, there's the manufacturer, the retailer (the Disney Store, etc.), who ever is allowing their image to be used for the merchandise, the advertising company, the advertising medium (ABC, ABC Family, which is now Free Form, the Disney Channel, etc.) One reason the Company is doing so well at the moment, is that it is a "closed loop." Some of the money comes in and never goes out. It just goes round and round making more money.
One of the products being generated is over 20 book titles of various reading levels and for various interests. One of them being "The Ultimate Star Wars" by British publisher Dorling Kindersley, or the best book to date I have seen about the Star Wars series of films and TV shows.
Dorling Kindersley from the surnames of the 2 founding partners. Their books are heavy on the graphics and most often found in the children's section of the library, but . . .?! if one is looking for an introduction to a film or TV series, I have found nothing better.
Sometime: "it's always been like that. only more so--now" and "it's an one-way street, people," but . . .?! 1st "the rich are getting richer" and "the rest of the slate, or, where will you be 5 years from now?"
"And the rich get richer!"
$1.433 billion domestic box office
$2.575 billion international box office
$4.008 billion total box office, or . . .
35.75% domestic box office
64.25% international box office
100.0% total box office
We think the people in Hollywood are stupid. They do make mistakes, but . . .?! They are not stupid. Thus, what are they going to do, when they see that the success of an American film relies more and more on how it does overseas and less and less on the home market. They are going to start making films that appeal to the overseas market.
Last year, The Company also made o'er $4 billion at the box office, but . . .?! That was not to the 1st week of December. This year, they made the o'er $4 billion by the 1st week of October. That is from January 1 to October 1, inclusive, almost $165.67 every second.
The strength of that o'er $4 billion box office relying principally on 4 films:
Avengers : Age of Ultron
Inside Out
One wonders how NBC Universal is doing, as they have the top grossing film at the box office in Jurassic World, at this moment. And we will talk about that, but . . .?! later, as . . .
Next time: "the rest of the slate, or, where will you be 5 years from now?"
Since Florida holds a special place here:
25 Sun-Soaked Facts About Florida
http://www.mentalfloss.com/article/70934/25-sun-soaked-facts-about-florida (http://www.mentalfloss.com/article/70934/25-sun-soaked-facts-about-florida)
Ah, Florida. The land of palm trees, sunshine, and ... a carnivorous pink cloud? Read on to learn more about the home of Disney World and the world's worst superhero.
3. The 3500-year-old cypress tree named "Senator" was the pride of Longwood, Florida (and the fifth oldest tree in the world). Then in 2012, a meth addict climbed inside the trunk and lit up. Senator was reduced to ashes. "I can't believe I burned down a tree older than Jesus,"she later said.
4. People really, really, really love Walt Disney World—so much so that some of them never want to leave. It's not legal to scatter human ashes in the park, but that doesn't stop people from doing it on the sly. The Haunted Mansion is an especially popular choice. But that effort probably isn't worth it: staff members who find suspicious piles of dust call code "HEPA cleanup," after the special vacuum the custodians use to suck up what's left of Grandma.
6. Miami banks were losing business in the mid-'90s because rollerbladers didn't feel like taking off their skates to go inside. To accommodate banking on the go, one Citibank installed a custom-built rollerblade ATM, complete with a flashy pink ramp. "Hey, that's a great thing for skaters,'' one waiter on wheels told the Orlando Sentinel. ''I'll be using that baby all the time.''
7. A 1998 Florida law requires all state-funded daycare centers and preschools to play classical music for the children. "I want all the kids in the state of Florida to be the best and brightest," state senator Bill Turner said. The so-called Mozart effect has since been debunked, but the law holds.
8. Florida's nasty mosquitoes have inspired some creative pest-control efforts. In 1929, the owner of a Florida Keys fishing lodge spent $10,000 of his own money to build a 30-foot wooden tower in the hopes of attracting bats. Equipped with "all the conveniences any little bat heart could possibly desire" and smeared with pheromone-rich bat poop, the tower would have been a big hit—if any bats ever showed up.
10. The very first meeting of the Homestead, Florida, Crime Watch group was interrupted when a 75-pound bale of cocaine fell out of the sky and into the meeting. The fugitives flying overhead had dropped another parcel of cocaine nearby—onto a church.
11. In 1982, the Florida Keys seceded from the United States and declared themselves the Conch Republic, in order to protest the placement of a Border Patrol-run road block in Florida City. Key West Mayor-turned-Prime Minister Dennis Wardlow declared war against the United States. The campaign was short-lived; within two minutes, Wardlow had surrendered and requested $1 million in foreign aid.
12. Florida has its own Bigfoot: the eight-foot tall, hairy, smelly monster known as the Skunk Ape. Sightings were so frequent in the '70s that legislators feared it was just a matter of time before the Skunk Ape was caught or killed. They tried to make it a misdemeanor to "take, possess, harm or molest anthropoid or humanoid animals."
13. The South Florida Museum houses the world's largest collection of fossilized poop.
15. Travelers in the 1950s and '60s reported being chased through the woods near Daytona by a strange pink cloud. Citizens told of a carnivorous cloud that would absorb people whole and spit out their bones.
16. Sarasota, Florida, is home to what may be the only Amish beach resort in the world.
17. In 2013, a Florida woman named Linda Ducharme renewed her vows to a Ferris wheel named Bruce. After a short ceremony, the bride fed the groom a slice of pizza.
21. Participants in the annual Interstate Mullet Toss throw dead fish over the state line from Florida into Alabama.
In 1983 an Italian immigrant named Vigliotti was arrested on bigamy charges. It turned out he had 105 wives in 14 countries. He would marry them, talk them into moving in with him, pack all their stuff in a moving van and tell them he'd be back to get them . . . then drive off and sell their worldly goods at flea markets.
The rest of the slate, or, where will you be 5 years from today?
From Marvel
Black Panther (2/16/18)
(and look for a new comic book series from Marvel)
Ant-man and the Wasp (7/6/18)
(a sequel to Ant-man)
Captain Marvel (3/8/19)
(the Carol Danvers version)
From Pixar
Cars 3
Coco (11/22/17)
(I still am not sure what this one is about, but . . .?! They must be expecting big things from it, as that is a prime date to release a film)
Toy Story 4 (6/15/18)
(rumor has it that it is a Woody and Jesse prequel, but . . .?! Buzz is in it. So, who knows?)
Incredibles 2 (6/21/19)
and 2 more in 2020.
From Walt Disney Animation Studios
Gigantic (3/19/18)
a retelling of Jack and the Beanstalk
and 1 from Disney Toon Studios in (4/19)
(which is the studio within the studio, as they normally do the straight to DVD and TV animation)
and 1 more in (11/20)
from Walt Disney Live Action
The Jungle Book (4/16)
(a remake combining live action and animation)
Alice Thru the Looking Glass (5/16)
(a sequel to Alice in Wonderland)
Pete's Dragon (8/16)
(another remake)
Rumor has it that they want to do 15 live action films based on their animated films. Including those 3 and excluding Mary Poppins, Too, that is a dozen more films.
4 in 2017
1 in 2018
and 2 in 2019
Which would include . . .
Beauty and the Beast
Maleficent 2
Prince Charming
(we have heard her side of the story. Now, it's his turn.)
Some more further along than others.
As for Mary Poppins, Too
A sequel that takes place 20 years after the original. Hopefully, the '20's and not the '30's, where the Depression was as bad as in the U.S., if not worst. Jane and Michael Banks are now grown up and have children of their own.
Riley's First Date
(an animated short featuring the characters from Inside Out, and if Riley's date looks familiar, he is based on Harry Styles of 1 Dimension.
(and look for a new or 2nd new series of comic books from Marvel featuring the Star War characters. The 1st in this series takes place between Episodes IV and V.)
Next time: the 10 most popular Star War toys for Christmas and then a little myth busting.
So, all can beat the rush. Here are the top 10 Star Wars toys for 2015, excluding Star Wars : Battlefront.
Yoda doll
(or, what my brother-in-law says, when I tease him about his collection of G.I. Joe dolls. "It's not a doll. It's an action figure.")
Risk : Star Wars edition.
(also Star Wars editions of Monopoly and Battleship. I can hear it now. "You sank my Millennium Falcon!")
Nerf Storm trooper Blaster
Lego's Millennium Falcon
Kylo Ren Light saber with cross-guard
Kylo Ren doll with motion detector
Jedi Master Light saber kit
(Furby + Chewbacca)
BB8 Sphero toy
With prices ranging from $30.00 to $149.06, they and the other Star Wars toys are expected to bring in $1 billion in 2015 and 2016, and that is domestically. They are expected to bring in another $4 billion internationally. And with Disney/Lucas getting 10% of the total sales, that's $100 to $500 million for Disney/Lucas.
A couple more surprises.
While the new characters will never match the appeal of the original characters, they have caught the appeal of today's audiences, especially Kylo Ren, who is becoming the 2nd greatest villain in the Star Wars Universe, next to Darth Vader.
And here, where I live, it must be pent up demand. It is not even December, and already the parking lots are full, and lines to check out are out the door.
Next time: a little myth busting, and then, she is an 150 years old this year, but she does not look a day older than 149.
I said I'd give all some myth busting, but . . .?! As that is in the past, I want to put that off and get this out, as this is the future.
Within the next decade
2016 - 2026
We'll see what may be one of the greatest decades e'er from Hollywood.
For . . .
From Disney/Lucas
shooting now - in London
Rogue 1
Episode VIII
a Boba Fett film
an young Han Solo film
From Disney/Marvel
17 films
+ 5 TV shows
The TV shows are what interest me, because we know about "Iron Fist," we know about "Luke Cage," but . . .?! what are the other 3 shows to be?
From Warner
a Godzilla-King Kong mash-up
a Tarzan film. (Where's his loincloth?)
From Warner/DC
12 films
From Paramount Viacom
at least 1 Transformers film
From Universal NBC
a monster mash-up featuring . . .
Dracula + the Monster + the Mummy + the Wolf Man
(Why don't they just re-release "Monster Squad?")
Will all be successful? - No
How long will this last? - No one really knows.
Original? - No
But . . .?! There have been 4 great changes in films.
1st. From silent to sound.
2nd. From black-'n'-white to color.
3rd. Change in viewing format from theater to TV to other media formats.
4th. What people want to see. More and more people do not want to see individual films, they want to see films in a series. And if film studios do not change, as well, they'll go under.
And where will we all be 10 years from now?
This may or may not have anything to do with the above, but . . .?!
Steven Spielberg in conjunction with the Walt Disney Studio is adapting Roald Dahl's "BFG" for the big screen, for release in 2016, and while the Walt Disney Company has distributed Steven Spielberg's previous films, this is the 1st time that Spielberg has made a film for the Company.
Next time: she is 150 years old this year, but . . .?! she does not look a day past 149.
If you could remove the spaces between its molecules, Earth could be reduced to the size of a baseball.
Quote from: ER on December 11, 2015, 03:38:10 PM
If you could remove the spaces between its molecules, Earth could be reduced to the size of a baseball.
Get the team from "Fantastic Voyage" on this right away. Isn't this how they were able to shrink everything to miniature size in the 1966 film?
She's 150 years old this year, but . . .?! She doesn't look a day past 149.
Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" was published 150 years ago this year in 1865. And that's not all, since the 1880's, except for the 1890's, there has been at least one adaptation of his book every decade, and the number seems to be increasing.
1880s 1 -- 1890s 0 -- 1900s 1 -- 1910s 2 -- 1920s 1 -- 1930s 6 -- 1940s 2 -- 1950s 3 -- 1960s 9 -- 1970s 6 -- 1980s 11 -- 1990s 11 -- 2000s 25 -- 2010-2015 (to date) 15 -- total 93.
The 1st film adaptation was in 1903. The 1st American stage adaptation was in 1932. 49% of the adaptations have been film. 40% of the adaptations have been TV with anime or animation making up 54% and live action 46% of that. And 11% of the adaptations have been stage.
The next stage adaptation was this year or 2015 and was a musical in London (England.) The next film adaptation is next year or 2016 and is based on the book's sequel "Alice Through the Looking Glass."
I am surprised there have been so many adaptations of something that is so difficult to adapt, which may be why the most successful adaptation was Tim Burton's film in 2010 of which the 2016 film is a sequel to it.
Cost of the 2010 film $200,000,000. Opening weekend $116,101,023. Gross U.S. receipts $334,185,206. Gross receipts (U.S. + international) $1,025,467,110. U.S. 32.5% International 67.5%. Which is why we are having a sequel next year or 2016, and why international box office is so important for the success of an American film.
As for the book . . .?! I suggest reading it. It is short. I read it and its sequel 1st as a child, then after seeing the 2010 film, I re-read it, and while a lot of books claim to be unique, Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" is one of the few books that I have read that is truly unique. There was nothing like it ere, and there has been little like it after.
Next time: a little myth busting.
A little myth busting.
After 14 seasons on TV, "Myth busters" has come to a close. During that time it investigated 1015 myths.
548 busted (false) 53.79%
251 confirmed (true) 24.73%
216 plausible (maybe) 21.28
total 100%
There are 2 things that surprised me about those figures.
1st. Not that so many were proved to be false, but . . .?! So many were proved to be true or plausible. Almost 50%
2nd. How many people still held on to myths that were proved to be "false." And I wondered why till I saw the busted myth that driving and talking on the phone is as safe as driving and not talking on the phone, and the controversy that resulted, and the people that disagreed with that conclusion. Because many of these people are the same ones that you see driving and talking on the phone at the same time. But . . .?! One does not need the Myth Busters to bust that myth. Just look at the traffic studies on accidents, or, at least, some of the studies, which now show that talking on the phone and driving now causes more accidents than drinking and driving. If there is any good out of those studies, it is that everyone's efforts to prevent drinking and driving is having some effect in reducing it.
Next time: dapper days : the French edition
and in a separate thread: Q : what's upcoming in 2016 and the decade thereafter
Dapper Days : the French edition
Dapper Days is an unofficial day in which hundreds of men, women, and children get dressed up in their finest retro fashions and meet at a Disney theme park in California or Florida. Though, the one in California has now expanded to 2 days and last year included a classic car show.
As for retro fashions, that is men's, women's, and children's fashions from the 1st half of the last or 20th century, or approximately from the 00's to the 60's.
There is also an European version which is held at the Disney theme park near Paris. Though there are differences between the American and European versions, the fashions are much the same, except . . .
1st You'll see people come in military uniform. That is Allied, not Axis, military uniforms.
2nd You'll see more children in costume.
3rd You'll see more groups of men in costume.
Next time: why I have joined the 3%.
While I did say that I'd talk about the 3%, I'm going to put that aside for now, and talk about . . .
Star Wars Celebration Europe
London, England
July 15, 2016 - July 17, 2016
Without knowing who is going to be there. Without knowing what events will be scheduled, if one is going to be in London that day, it is almost worthwhile to purchase a ticket for some of the following reasons.
1st. Pent up demand. Only the 3rd celebration to be held in Europe, and only the 2nd in London, and the last was in Germany 3 years ago.
2nd. If you think Americans are Star Wars mad, then you ain't seen nuthin' yet.
3rd. An European perspective on an American phenomena.
4th. While the variety available is more than you can shake a light saber at, at the American celebrations, with this one drawing fans from all over Europe, the
variety will be even greater.
5th. 1st look at upcoming Star Wars for the year and the thereafter.
Without knowing what and who will be there, we do know some things.
There will be cosplayers there, as there is a costume contest in 6 categories with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes on the 1st day. The categories being . . .
Jedi and Rebels -- Empire and Sith -- Princesses -- Armed Troops -- Droids -- and Aliens, Creatures, and Outer Rim.
With those 18 winners no doubt going for Best in Show with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes.
And while this is only open to 12s and up, there will be a daily costume parade for children in the Family Area. Thus, there will be children there. Actually, maybe because there were fewer children's tickets offered, these tickets sold out faster than the tickets for adults.
And while there are older fans that begrudge anything that smacks of catering to the younger fans . . .
Darn! I miss Roy Rogers. The 1st or 2nd film I ever saw in the theater was a Roy Rogers' oater. And one can't believe his popularity in my hey day, but . . .?! Because they couldn't or wouldn't, as the older fans died off, bring in the younger fans, he exists only in the memory of those who remember him. And that is why it is needed to bring in the younger fans, as the older original fans of Star Wars die off.
The question is now where will the 2017 Star Wars Celebration be held. It has been suggested in . . .
Asia. It has been held previously in Japan.
Europe again. Maybe Germany.
or Orlando
I'd put my money on the last, as to tie in with the opening of Star Wars Land at Disney's Hollywood Studio at Walt Disney World in 2017. The only problem is that when it was held in 2015 in the Anaheim Convention Center, it was only a hop, skip, and a jump from Disneyland. Yet the Orange County [Florida] Convention Center, where it was held last time, being in downtown Orlando, is not that near Walt Disney World. Of course, they could hold it at Walt Disney World, where they do have convention and meeting space. The question being whether they have enough.
Next time: a baker's dozen of quotes from SW7 : TFA. Good for every occasion
Falling is mostly harmless. It's landing you have to be careful of.
Lord, knows that I've underestimated any number of films in my film watching, and films do get underestimated. Though, normally, they are critical and/or box office failures. Seldom are they critical successes and even more successful at the box office. Yet, I think to a certain extent, that's what happened to "Star Wars : Episode 7 - The Force Awakens," especially when it comes to the writing, and, as proof here are a baker's dozen of quotes, good for any occasion, from the film.
01. Chewie, we're home.
Han Solo (Harrison Ford)
02. Tell that to the Kanjiklub.
Bala-Tik (Brian Vernall)
03. Droid, please.
Finn (John Boyega)
04. We're gonna do this.
Poe Dameron (Oscar Issac)
05. I assume you need something desperately.
Maz Kanata (Lupita Nyongo)
06. Where's my boyfriend. I love that Wookie.
Maz Kanata
And in this day and age, it can be said by a man or a woman.
07. I think I can handle myself.
Rey (Daisy Ridley)
08. I know how to run without you holding my hand.
09. We're not done yet.
Kylo Ren (Adam Driver)
10. You need a teacher.
Kylo Ren
11. I will finish what you started.
Kylo Ren
12. "Why are you doing this? -- Because it is the right thing to do. -- You need A pilot. -- I need a pilot."
Poe Dameron and Finn
13. '" Okay, stay calm . . . stay calm." -- I am calm!" -- "I was talking to myself."
Finn and Poe Dameron
The last is the only one that originated with me. The others are from the official Star Wars website, but . . .?! So many good lines for so many characters.
And a couple of Star Wars related facts.
1st. "The Force is with the TSA." While passing airport security, your lightsaber, at last word, but . . .?! always check the TSA website before flying, is acceptable in your checked or carry on luggage.
2nd. It looks like Ewan McGregor will be back. Either in Episode VIII or in one of the stand-alone films.
Next time: a dozen more quotes from SW7 : TFA and good for every occasion.
The bite of the Brazilian wandering spider can be deadly to humans, but it can also cause priapism in men---spontaneous erections lasting 4 hours or longer.
The United States technically did not come into existence until 1789. (1776, the colonies declared independence from Great Britain; 1783, independence was recognized at the end of the War of Revolution; 1789 the United States Constitution was ratified, and the current nation began.)
Fact Two: It is a slow, slow day today.
A dozen more quotes from SW7 : TFA. And good for every occasion.
I have a bad feeling about this.
Han Solo (Harrison Ford)
"Growls"--"Oh, really. You're cold."
Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew) and Han Solo.
Women always figure out the truth.
Han Solo.
"You changed your hair."--"Same jacket."
Han Solo and General Leia (Carrie Fisher)
Replace jacket with any other item of clothing, and the quote works just as well.
"I've already fixed it."--"Well, can you unfix it?"
Rey (Daisy Ridley) and Finn (John Boyega)
I didn't think there was that much green in the whole galaxy.
Especially useful when counting out money.
"We came to rescue you. It was his idea." (Rey hugs Finn.) "Escape now, hug later."
Han Solo
Talking about Captain Phasma
"What should we do with her?"--Is there a garbage chute . . . a trash compactor?" Finn and Han Solo.
Hope is not lost today. It is found.
General Leia.
This will begin to make things right.
Ler San Tekka (Max von Sydow)
There's been awakening. Have you felt it?
Supreme Leader Snoke (Andy Serkis)
Today is the end of the Republic.
General Hux (Domhall Gleeson)
"Republic" can be replaced by another word, and the quote would still be good for any occasion.
Next time: as I said, why I have joined the 3%.
Why I have joined the 3%, more or less, who do not have TV in their home.
1st "The Cost." I have better things to do with my money.
2nd. "The Wrong." Something will go wrong, and I have reached the point in my life, that I have tried to reduce as much as possible, what can go "wrong" in my life.
3rd. I have "thrown in the towel." As to the why of that . . .?!
My landline is with AT&T. Thus, I got an advisement from them, that they could also provide me with cable TV.
Now, from them, I can get the basic package, excluding the network channels, which includes 84 channels.
The next package is those 84 + 86 more or 170 channels.
Then the next package is those 170 + 32 more + 15 Encore + 22 Showtime + 18 Starz + 4 TMC or 261 channels.
Then the next package is those 261 + 2 more + 24 Cinemax + 28 HBO or 315 channels.
Then there is the sports package, which is extra. The basic is 12 channels, and the premium is those 12 + 48 more or 375 channels.
Then there is . . . (channels)
Epix (8) -- adult or Playboy in both English and/or Spanish (2) -- Spanish language (60) -- International (25) -- Music (75) or 545 channels.
And you know what . . .
I had a simpler time trying to find something to watch, when the maximum number of channels could be counted on 2 hands, then now, if I had 545 channels. And that is why I have "thrown in the towel."
Next time: something about the man who inspired "M," both the German and American versions, and the German "Tenderness of Wolves."
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on February 25, 2016, 05:52:10 PM
Why I have joined the 3%, more or less, who do not have TV in their home.
1st "The Cost." I have better things to do with my money.
2nd. "The Wrong." Something will go wrong, and I have reached the point in my life, that I have tried to reduce as much as possible, what can go "wrong" in my life.
3rd. I have "thrown in the towel." As to the why of that . . .?!
My landline is with AT&T. Thus, I got an advisement from them, that they could also provide me with cable TV.
Now, from them, I can get the basic package, excluding the network channels, which includes 84 channels.
The next package is those 84 + 86 more or 170 channels.
Then the next package is those 170 + 32 more + 15 Encore + 22 Showtime + 18 Starz + 4 TMC or 261 channels.
Then the next package is those 261 + 2 more + 24 Cinemax + 28 HBO or 315 channels.
Then there is the sports package, which is extra. The basic is 12 channels, and the premium is those 12 + 48 more or 375 channels.
Then there is . . . (channels)
Epix (8) -- adult or Playboy in both English and/or Spanish (2) -- Spanish language (60) -- International (25) -- Music (75) or 545 channels.
And you know what . . .
I had a simpler time trying to find something to watch, when the maximum number of channels could be counted on 2 hands, then now, if I had 545 channels. And that is why I have "thrown in the towel."
Next time: something about the man who inspired "M," both the German and American versions, and the German "Tenderness of Wolves."
We only had one TV in the house when I was growing up, and I didn't have cable until I was in college, and in a way I may have missed out on some of the shows that were cultural sign posts in my youth, but you know, I bet I read a thousand books growing up, and I don't think I would have if we'd had anything like 545 channels. So good for you, BoyScoutKevin!
For forty-two days a year two of my children are the same age, yet they're not twins.
The German serial killer who inspired "M," both the German and American versions, and the German "Tenderness of Wolves." Fritz Haarmann, who has 27 victims, all young men or boys, inscribed to him. He may have killed many more than that, but . . .?! That is the only victims they could connect to him. Mostly through the distinctive clothing, which he kept, worn by this victims.
His oldest victim was 22, and his youngest victim was 10, as for the rest . . .
13 - 2 victims
14 - 1 victim
15 - 1 victim
16 - 7 victims
17 - 9 victims
18 - 1 victim
19 - 3 victims
20 - 1 victim
Average age of his victims: 16 and a half.
Next time: I have some good news, and I have some bad news.
It's claimed blind people don't see the color black, they see literally nothing. The sense of sight is simply absent.
I have some good news, and I have some bad news.
The good news is, if you flew out of a hub airport in the U.S. last year or 2015, less than one 1 hundredth of one percent of your fellow 708 million passengers tried, either deliberately or accidentally, tried to sneak a gun past airport security.
The bad news is that last year set a record at 2653 incidents, or the greatest number of incidents since statistics have been kept. With these 5 airports having the most incidents in number and percentage of total incidents.
Dallas Fort Worth 153 (5.77%)
Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson 144 (5.43%)
Houston George Bush 100 (3.77%)
Denver 90 (3.39%)
Phoenix Sky Harbor 73 (2.75%)
Total 560 (21.11%)
Next time: maybe Hitchcock knew something.
King Kong's average height is about 50 ft while Godzilla's is around 300 ft, meaning in King Kong vs. Godzilla, Godzilla would just stomp on Kong and that'd be it. But then again, that'd be alienating the King Kong fans and having Kong win would alienate the Godzilla fans, and killing them both would alienate both. So... there's probably going to be a special twist.
Quote from: ER on March 04, 2016, 10:58:58 AM
It's claimed blind people don't see the color black, they see literally nothing. The sense of sight is simply absent.
Hummm....I'll as The Barbara about that. She lost her sight by about 13, so she knows colors.
Maybe Hitchcock knew something.
Between 2000 and 2015, there were almost 1800 incidents of birds in flight striking an aircraft: aircraft in flight, aircraft landing, aircraft taking off or almost 1 incident every 3 days. Broken down by species of bird . . .
725 geese
392 vultures
157 herons
115 owls
114 ospreys
094 eagles
056 cormorants
054 cranes
036 pelicans
034 gulls
total 1777.
And mankind . . .
Man 0
While there have been some close calls, including a plane that landed in the Hudson River, not one human has lost their life in any of these incidents. Of course, aviation experts know it is only a matter of time, so they are working on ways to keep the birds away from the planes and vice-a-versa.
Next time: the 11 most common passwords. Is yours among them?
Only about one person in a million can kiss his or her own elbow.
A remarkable feature of the sea cucumber is the "catch" collagen that forms their body wall.This can be loosened and tightened at will, and if the animal wants to squeeze through a small gap, it can essentially liquefy its body and pour into the space. To keep itself safe in these crevices and cracks, the sea cucumber will hook up all its collagen fibers to make its body firm again
Here are the 11 most common passwords.
Is yours among them?
Next time: what does $725 million buy you?
What does $725 million buy you?
520,527 acres, 30,000 of which are in crops, or 207,000 hectares or 800 square miles or 2072 square kilometers spread across 6 counties in north Texas.
+6800 head of cattle
+1000 oil wells
+500 quarter horses
+personal hunting rights (in season) to . . .
water fowl
wild hogs
+a seat at the table in both Washington, D.C. and Austin. Though, it does not buy you control of the table. Though, I wonder whether it buys you control of any of the 6 counties, where it is located.
+moving up from 9th biggest private landowner in the U.S. to the 5th biggest with an ownership of 2000 square miles of land or 1.38 million acres. And remember. There are 4 people who own more land yet. Of course, not all the land is in Texas, some of it is also in . . .
and even in British Columbia (Canada)
Do you think he overpaid?
Of course, this is the same man who wants to build a new football stadium in L.A. (California) for $1.78 billion. So, who knows.
When 50 years ago swamp land in central Florida could be had for $200 an acre. Now that land is not available at any price. And the land around the land is probably a hundred to a thousand times that, if you could find any to buy.
Next time: Some comments about race.
A newspaper here in Iowa once reported that....
Some comments on race
Obama's approval rating from . . .
blacks 85%
whites 36%
"U.S. Today" recently graded the 6 major and 8 minor film studios in Hollywood as to the diversity (i.e. people of color in major roles, women directors) for their films upcoming in 2016. Your grades may differ.
Paramount F
Warner D
20th Century Fox C-
Disney C
Universal C+
Sony Columbia B
Open Road D-
A24 C
Focus C
Lionsgate C
Fox Searchlight C+
Sony Pictures Classic
Weinstein B
"Upscale Magazine" the magazine for upscale blacks picked the 10 (8 cities, 2 countries) best places for their readers to live in 2015.
Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania)
Athens (Georgia)
Austin (Texas)
Fort Lauderdale (Florida)
Puerto Rico
Tallahassee (Florida)
Colorado Springs (Colorado)
Tampa (Florida)
Raleigh (North Carolina)
Next time: things that go bump . . . and crawl . . . and fly . . . and swim in the night
Things that go bump . . . and crawl . . . and fly . . . and swim in the night.
While the werewolf is the most common were animal in both Europe and North America, there are others and others in other parts of the world.
--the hyena
--the leopard
--the lion
--the cat
--the cobra
--the fox
--the tiger
Central and South America
--the jaguar
--the bear
--the boar
--the seal
North America
--the coyote
--the eagle
--the walrus
South Pacific
--the shark
It was a scary world out there in the past, and nothing was scarier than something that combined the fangs and talons of an animal with the intelligence of man. No wonder, while there was not proof that any of these existed, that people were still scared that there were.
And these are were animals or humans who could change into an animal. There was also something called an animal were or animals who could change into a human. Such as a were cat, who was mostly a cat, but . . . who could change into a human.
Next time: a pirate's punishment
A Pirate's Punishment
Between May 1, 1701, and July 31, 1727, 13 pirate captains and 263 lesser pirates were hanged (or almost 1 a month) in England and/or in the English colonies in Africa, the Caribbean, and North America.
Of course, not all were hanged.
When "the dreaded Captain Roberts" was killed in 1722, most of his pirate crew, or 264 pirates were captured.
77 were black or 29%
187 were white or 71%.
All or 100% of the blacks, whether free men of color or escaped slaves, were sold into slavery.
Of the whites . . .
77 or 41.2%, proving that they were unwillingly pressed into the pirate crew, were acquitted and released.
52 or 27.8% were hanged.
20 or 10.7% were sentenced to 7 years in the gold mines of West Africa, which was a living death sentence.
17 or 9.1% were sentenced to various prison terms in England.
2 or 1.1% were given probation.
and 19 or 10.2% died ere they could be brought to trial.
Next time: how to make a film that grosses over $100 million at the domestic box office.
In Gaelic pog ma thone (pogue muh hone) is how you tell someone to kiss your backside.
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on April 11, 2016, 06:46:58 PM
Things that go bump . . . and crawl . . . and fly . . . and swim in the night.
While the werewolf is the most common were animal in both Europe and North America, there are others and others in other parts of the world.
--the hyena
--the leopard
--the lion
--TREVOR :wink: :wink:
How to make a film that grosses over $100 million at the domestic box office.
1st. Budget the film at $200 million. The bigger the budget, the more money the film will make (within reason.)
2nd. Release it during the summer. $15 million.
3rd. Follow in other's footsteps.
a. A sequel will earn $35 million more than a non-sequel. Total $50 million.
b. A franchise film will earn $58 million more than a non-franchise film. Total $108 million.
4th. Play to your audience. Ignore the critics. Between 1996 and 2006 an increase of 1% in the aggregate critics score on Rotten Tomatoes was worth $400,000. Now it's worth less than $100,000.
5th. Go for the cash. Not the Award. Now that your film has made over $100 million at the domestic box office, it has less than a 1% chance of winning the Oscar for Best Picture at the Academy Awards.
From the British news magazine "The Economist."
Next time: can you get me to Sesame Street?
The octopus can change colors to match its surroundings, although the creature itself is color blind.
! No longer available (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yE0QqxwyL_8#)
Can you show me the way to Sesame Street or . . .
Villa Sesame in Brazil
1 Rue Sesame in France
Sesamstrasse in Germany
Rechev Sum Sum in Israel
Plaza Sesamo in Mexico
Batibut in the Philippines
Next time: the wedding of the decade. The 1550's that is.
Physical media vs Digital in Germany:
While revenues from sales and rentals dropped 2% Blu-ray sales still continues to rise (2014: 405m Euro, 2015: 418m Euro)
DVD sales are starting to shrink (2014: 899m Euro, 2015: 829m Euro)
Even though digital/streaming pulled in 101m Euro in 2015, physical media remains dominant in Germany with a 92% market share (2014: 95%)
Looks like physical media is in for the long haul in Germany.
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on May 09, 2016, 05:54:36 PM
Can you show me the way to Sesame Street or . . .
Villa Sesame in Brazil
1 Rue Sesame in France
Sesamstrasse in Germany
Rechev Sum Sum in Israel
Plaza Sesamo in Mexico
Batibut in the Philippines
Takalani Sesame in South Africa. :smile:
The non-royal wedding of the decade: the 1550's that is.
Four of the most powerful and well-to-do families in the country (the Dudleys, the Greys, the Hastings, the Herberts) invite you to a marriage, in London (England,) between their sons and daughters, with no expense spared, for two days of wining, dining, and entertainment.
Couple 1
Groom: 17
Bride: 16
Couple 2
Groom: 15
Bride 12 and a half
Couple 3
Groom: 17 and a half
Bride: 10
Average groom: 16 and a half
Average bride: 13
Average total: 14 and a half
Not so strange the age difference between bride and groom for Couple 3. Often brides would marry a groom a decade older and grooms would marry a bride half or even a third his age. What was strange was why the marriages were unconsummated. And it is not because for political reasons, as one novelist has written, it is because of the bride's ages, which were considered too young to consummate the marriage for Couples 2 and 3, but . . .?! for Couple 1, both of whom were considered old enough (15 historically and maybe 14) to consummate . . .?! Even if the groom came down with a bad case of food poisoning that wedding night . . .?! The delay is a surprise. For a wedding is only a wedding till it is consummated, and then it becomes wedlock.
Wedding Gifts (Possibly)
the appropriate animals for those who liked hunting and hawking (i.e.) hounds and hawks
books for those so inclined
for the boys . . .
gilded armor
for the girls . . .
dresses sewn with tiny diamonds and seed pearls
Flemish tapestries
gold plate
horses with tack and ponies for the little ones
silver plate
tennis rackets and balls for those who play
Turkish carpets
Venetian glassware
works of art, including portraits of the brides and grooms
Wedding Entertainment
"There's dancin' to-nite!"
dancing, of course. Led by the bridal couples
Not including the grooms, and not because according to one novelist, they were too drunk to mount their horses, but . . .?! Historically, people have died while jousting, and the grooms were too valuable to risk.
Not 1, but . . .?! 2. An all-men troupe and an all-women troupe. And these were not G-rated masques, which is probably why the all-children's masque troupe, and there was one, was not there.
Future Happiness
We don't know the living arrangements made for Couple 3, but . . .?!
Couple 1 and Couple 2 both went to live with the grooms' parents, as couples were not considered old enough to live on their own, till 1 and possibly both, were over 20. Thus, splitting up the brides who were sisters. As for later . . .
Couple 1
In an year, both the bride and the groom were dead. Both executed by beheading for treason. In a case in which 300 years later, Charles Dickens (yes, that Charles Dickens) called one of the worst cases of child abuse he had seen in the past 300 years.
Couple 2
In an year, both were divorced. Not that they wanted to divorce, but . . .?! Forced into divorce for political reasons by the groom's father. We can presume the groom later married, as did the bride, who found no greater happiness with her 2nd husband, for failing to get the queen's permission to marry, the couple was separated and both imprisoned in the Tower of London. The imprisonment seemed to have no effect on him, as he lived to the ripe old age of 82, but . . .?! the imprisonment broke her both physically and mentally. Dying a short time after release from the Tower of consumption or anorexia and/or both.
Next time: miscellaneous
According to his driver's license, as shown in an early season of The Simpsons, Homer Simpson would be turning sixty years old this week.
According to research conducted by Purdue University, it takes 364 licks to reach the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop. Shrug, I guess that's better use of tax dollars than building a new battleship.
In 1986, the 1st year that income taxes could be filed electronically in the U.S., 25,000 tax returns were filed that way.
30 years later, or in 2016, 128,000,000 tax returns are expected to be filed electronically.
Electronically filed tax returns are 20 times more accurate, than paper returns, and the filer receives his or hers refund in half the time.
The French "Beauty and the Beast" is more than 2500 years old. The original tale dating back to 500 B.C.
The German "Rumpelstiltskin" is even older. The original tale dating back to 4000 B.C.
The 1st known female pharaoh was Hatshepsut, the widow of Thutmose II, who took over as pharaoh, when he died.
Next time: the ghosts who walk . . . and laugh . . . and scream . . . and weep . . .in the Tower of London.
1. Auschwitz has....a gift shop. :buggedout:
2. My friend Edie mildly disapproves of that. She just got back from a five-day trip over with her temple and she was like, "I cannot f**king believe this f**king s**t! My f**king people f**king died there in droves and they've got a f**king gift shop on the way out of f**king Auschwitz, selling f**king Anne Frank books, who was never even there, and they sell tattoo kits for your f**king arm, and f**king key chains, and f**king videos and f**king t-shirts that f**king say NEVER AGAIN. I am f**king enraged by this f**king f**ked-up bulls**t. Who the f**k thought it'd be a good idea to put a motherf**king gift shop in a f**king concentration camp museum where f**king thousands of my people f**king died, and my kids have to walk past some fat Polish goy shopkeeper whose grandfather probably helped run the place trying to hawk f**king snowglobes and prepackaged egg salad sandwiches to them when they just got done looking at ovens and gas showers and piles of shoes and mounds of hair the f**king Nazis stole off innocent people????!!!!!?"
I suggested maybe it's expensive for Poland to keep the place open and the gift shop helps, so she yelled a slur about my mother and hung up on me.
Thank you, Hitler, for a very disturbing morning. You are the gift to mankind that keeps on giving.
Anyway, it is shocking that Auschwitz apparently has a gift shop, but I think it's halfway put her into therapy.
So that's what she went off about!
Yeah, I kind of have to agree with her, albeit less profanely. I was disappointed to find that Masada has a food court. Seriously . . . not just a gift shop but a FOOD COURT. (At least it's mostly run by Jews, but still . . .)
Quote from: ER on May 26, 2016, 08:37:26 AM
1. Auschwitz has....a gift shop. :buggedout:
2. My friend Edie mildly disapproves of that. She just got back from a five-day trip over with her temple and she was like, "I cannot f**king believe this f**king s**t! My f**king people f**king died there in droves and they've got a f**king gift shop on the way out of f**king Auschwitz, selling f**king Anne Frank books, who was never even there, and they sell tattoo kits for your f**king arm, and f**king key chains, and f**king videos and f**king t-shirts that f**king say NEVER AGAIN.
Well, I guess it could be worse, they could be selling Easy Bake Ovens with little marshmallow shaped people for the kids to play with.
In all seriousness though, I remember thinking something similar when I went to the Titanic Museum in Branson. They had a lot stuff for sale, and, among other things, was this rectangular snow globe type thing filled half with blue water (actually, I think it's colored baby oil) and regular water with a plastic Titanic ship and plastic iceberg. And even though i bought it (I have this thing for the snow globes with "unsinkable" stuff floating it), I couldn't help but think what people who actually survived the Titanic would think about that. I mean, would they make a snow globe of the World Trade Center with "snow" to represent debris, a couple of plastic airplanes and maybe even a few miniature people to represent the unfortunate jumpers?
the town I live in has 3 Dunkin Donuts' and one ATM
Ghosts who walk . . . and laugh . . . and scream . . . and weep . . . in the Tower of London.
1. King Henry VII
who can be seen in the chapel in which he was murdered.
2. "The Princes in the Tower"
the teenage Edward V
and his younger brother
3. Richard, Duke of York
whose laughter reverberates thru the Tower.
4. Queen Ann Boleyn
who wanders headless thru the Tower.
5. Margaret de la Pole, Countess of Salisbury
where 1 would do. It took 3 . . . blows of the headsman's axe, and whose screams still can be heard.
6. King Henry VIII's suit of armor
and, apparently, the only malevolent one there.
7. "The Nine Days Queen of England"
the teenage Lady Jane Grey,
who, in 1957, was seen walking the battlements, where she walked 400 years earlier, ere her execution,
and her teenage husband
8. Lord Guildford Dudley
who can be heard weeping, because of their deaths.
9. Lady Arabella Stuart
who starved herself to death and another weeper.
10. And a polar bear that once inhabited the Tower's menagerie.
Next time: Squirrel! Where?
Squirrel! Where?
A group of squirrels is a scurry.
There are more than 200 species of squirrels worldwide, but . . .?!
There are only 5 species of squirrels in the U.S.
In 1987 95 New Yorkers were bitten by a squirrel, or about 8 a month.
In that same year 1587 New Yorkers were bitten by other New Yorkers, or about 132 a month.
No word as to how many squirrels were bitten by New Yorkers, but . . .?! in 1987 New Yorkers were 1650 times more dangerous than squirrels to other New Yorkers.
Next time: The Duties of a Page, or, What Your Job Entails When You Are a Boy Between 7 and 18.
To perform in the street.
i just learned that yesterday.
Normally, I'd postpone this to later, but . . .?! as the election is today, I thought I get this out, ere we knew the final results.
or should the U.K. leave the European Union (EU,) where it is a member in good standing?
David Cameron
Hillary Clinton
Warren Buffett
Bill Gates
Jamie Dimon
Benedict Cumberbatch
Eric Idle
President Obama
George Osborne
Boris Johnson
Rupert Murdoch
Donald Trump
Paul Ryan
Michael Caine
John Cleese
As a hint as to which way the vote will go, Ladbrokes the big British betting concern, where you can get odds on almost anything, says the odds favor those that want to remain in the EU.
And the younger generation, and this is universal across most of the countries in the EU, are the ones that want to remain in the EU, while it is the older generation that in a vote, would vote to have their country leave the EU.
And we'll see what we'll see!
The first Harry Potter book, The Philosopher's Stone, came out* nineteen years ago today. I had just gotten out of high school and was having a stressful summer, the Millennial generation were toddlers, Seinfeld was still on the air, Princess Diana was alive, Barack Obama was hardly a household name, and only 35% of US households had internet access. How time flies....
*Yes, it announced it was gay.
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on May 19, 2016, 07:53:03 PM
The French "Beauty and the Beast" is more than 2500 years old. The original tale dating back to 500 B.C.
The German "Rumpelstiltskin" is even older. The original tale dating back to 4000 B.C.
I somehow doubt that, at least the second one. That was the time before (or right at) the establishment of Cuneiform script and hyrophlyphs...
Quote from: frank on June 28, 2016, 08:04:11 AM
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on May 19, 2016, 07:53:03 PM
The French "Beauty and the Beast" is more than 2500 years old. The original tale dating back to 500 B.C.
The German "Rumpelstiltskin" is even older. The original tale dating back to 4000 B.C.
I somehow doubt that, at least the second one. That was the time before (or right at) the establishment of Cuneiform script and hyrophlyphs...
According to this article (http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-35358487) both stories could be 4,000 years old, which would date them back to 2000 B.C. The article suggests a folk tale called "The Smith And The Devil" could date back 6,000 years, though there's some skepticism about that.
I don't doubt a lot of our classic tales are truly ancient, Cinderella's glass slippers once being woven-grass sandals, etc., and I once read a good article in an anthropology journal that theorized many of the gestures we use in daily life, from waving and nodding and shrugging and motioning onward, to more complex non-verbal expressions like the so-so movement of the hand, probably date back unchanged over tens or hundreds of thousands of years to our species' earliest times. Though interestingly enough, in parts of eastern Europe a person says yes by shaking the head and no by nodding, so there would have been regional variations, I'm sure.
The Duties of a Page, or, What Your Job Entails, When You Are a Boy Between 7 and 18.
Pick up your palette upon which you have been sleeping and put it away.
Awake my lord and/or lady, if they are not already awake, but . . .?! Do not look past the bed curtains, as you don't know who might also be in bed with him or her.
If my lord shaves, bring him the hot water he needs to shave, or your job may entail shaving him yourself.
Help my lord and/or lady dress.
Make the bed.
Day in the Country
Accompany my lord and/or lady if they go for a ride.
First, if she needs it, help my lady mount. Either by kneeling and offering one's cupped hands or kneeling on all fours and using the back as a mounting block.
When they want to dismount, dismounting from your own horse first, and holding their horse.
Day in the City
Accompany my lord and/or lady as they walk about the city, and making oneself useful.
Carving the meat.
Serving the dinner.
Pouring the wine.
If there is entertainment after dinner, then help to entertain my lord and/or lady.
Night in the City
A lady would not go out at night in the city, but . . .?! a lord might. Then walk in front, instead of behind, as in the day, and carry a torch or link to light the way.
Warm the bed.
Help my lord and/or lady undress.
If it's bath night, lug up the hot and cold water to fill the tub as needed, and then help bathe my lord and/or lady.
Clean and put away the clothes and footwear worn that day.
Get out the clothes and footwear to be worn tomorrow.
Put out your palette upon which you will be sleeping in front of the bedroom door, so that you will be available, if my lord and/or lady need anything in the middle of the night.
Wear my lord and/or lady's livery, so all know who and you are.
Carry my lord and/or lady's messages to and forth.
Run my lord and/or lady's errands.
And etc.
Next time: it looks to be one-sided, but . . .?! It was not, and we'll get to that next time. Till then enjoy!
Before it became illegal, Cary Grant took LSD about 100 times, on the advice and under the supervision of his psychotherapist.
Food facts from Germany, part 2
Corned beef never got fully established in Germany. It is only available canned or pre-packed in the cold cuts section, both oozing with gelatin.
Cheddar cheese is still struggling to find an audience in Germany. Only two kind of flavors can be found at stores: "mild" and "spicy" with the "spicy" not referring to "hot". Both taste bland regardless. Delis sometimes have the good cheddar, but they cost a fortune.
Sliced bacon is available but no thick cut. They are so thinly sliced you can see through them when holding up. Plus you got to add grease when frying because they hardly contain fat.
Becoming popular: baked beans, queso dip.
"Ranch" flavored chips are called "American" because Germans do not understand the meaning of Ranch.
Albatrosses can fly while asleep.
Also, if you see an albatross while sailing, don't shoot it, otherwise you may be damned to sail the oceans for all eternity.
By the time she entered high school, the Pulitzer Prize winning poet Edna St. Vincent Millay had more than one-hundred published works, two books, and had been nominated for sixteen major awards. Can you imagine how eroded the self-confidence of her poor English composition instructors must have been in taking on the task of trying to pretend they had anything to teach this girl?
German Food facts, part 3
There are about 600 different types of breads in Germany, making it the second largest market in Europe in bread products after the UK.
Except for hot dog buns, Germany does not have soft bread of any kind like it is common in the US.
Even toast in Germany is chewy. My guess is German bakeries just simply refuse to use bleached flour and too much sugar that is needed for softer bread.
The Duties of a Page, or, What Your Job Entails When You Are a Boy Between 7 and 18.
As I said previously, the benefits are not all one-sided, as there are benefits for YOU and YOUR Family.
YOU. You'll probably get along better with your lord or lady, then you do with your own parents. At least, you'll be spending more time with them. That is not entirely the fault of your parents, as they were discouraged from spending time with you, as you might become spoiled. It is only recently that they have discovered spending time with each other is--for the most part--beneficial for both you and your parents.
YOUR FAMILY. There will be one less mouth to feed and clothe and shelter.
YOU. You will be taught, and there will be a lot to learn.
YOUR FAMILY. This is a lot of pressure on you, but . . .?! If you make a favorable impression, if you do a credible job, then you will be able to advance your family's position in the scheme of things.
YOU. You will be trained how to take your place in the adult world, when you become an adult..
YOUR FAMILY. Look around at the girls there, and there will be girls there, employed in various positions. Does one of them catch your eye? If she is acceptable to your family, and you are acceptable to her family, then you may be able to choose your 1st wife. At least, you might have more choice than the girl, who mostly has to and when marry who her parents tell her to marry.
YOU. You will be able to perform life long friendships with the other boys there.
And there is always the bragging rights.
I am so soft spoken and gentile. No crudity wanted in speech and/or manner.
I am so smart. You had to be smart to learn everything that there was to learn.
I am so important, or your family was so important, or you would not be there in that position.
And I am so good looking, even pretty.
Mary Mary
Quite contrary
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells
And cockle shells
And pretty maids all in a row.
That was written for Mary, Queen of the Scots, who obviously had no problem being outshone by her maids. On the other hand, Queen Elizabeth I did, so she had them dressed in unfashionable fashions, so they were not prettier than her. On the other hand, one wanted the best looking boys one could find in one's entourage. One's so good looking, even beautiful, that when they passed, people turned around to look at them and you.
Next time: what Shakespeare hath wrought?
What Shakespeare hath wrought.
Here are some of the words that Shakespeare introduced into the English language.
assassination -- auspicious
bare faced -- buzzer
cold blooded (and yes, hot blooded, as well)
epileptic -- excellent -- eyeball
fashionable -- frugal
gossip -- grovel
lily livered -- lonely
management -- moonbeam
summit -- swagger
well read
Now, try to get along without any of these words. And since we are talking about Shakespeare, . . .
"My Lady Jane" by the 3 Janes
Finally, got to read another chapter in it. And while there is suppose to be o'er 50 quotes from Shakespeare in it, that is not where its strength lies (IMHO.)
Nor in its literary and film references, which now also include . . .
Ever After
Ocean 12
Shall We Dance
Star Wars
and that Monty Python, it's from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail."
A Christmas Carol
Le Morte d'Arthur
and the works of Mark Twain
Nor in its humor which is imbued thru out the book.
No, it's strength lies in its realistic relationships. Not only between our 3 young heroes, but . . .?! also between . . .
husband and wife
parent and child
and older and younger siblings
And in its understanding of the male psyche. True, the young male psyche, but . . .?! from my male point of view, the writers have a better understanding of this than most female writers.
And in . . . we get . . .
2018 a reworking of Jane Eyre
2020 a reworking of Calamity Jane.
Neither of which I am sure about. Not only because I have less interest in these, then their 1st collaboration, but . . .?! also they seem to have struck lightning with their 1st, and I am not sure if lightning can strike twice.
And we will see what we will see.
Next time: they ain't foolin' 'round, or sometimes their bite is worst than their bark.
They ain't foolin' 'round, or, sometimes their bite is worse than their bark.
Between 1388 and 1780, 122 people were executed at the Tower of London or its vicinity on Tower Hill.
beheaded 93 (76%)
hanged 12 (10%)
hanged, drawn, and quartered 11 (9%)
firing squad 3 (2%)
burned at the stake 2 (2%)
and 1 man who was gutted, castrated, and then thrown on to a bonfire, while still alive. Even then it is said he managed to crawl out of the fire, and he had to be picked up and tossed back on. They made some tough s.o.b.s in those days.
Then the executions stopped till 1914 and started up again and continued till 1941, when 11 people were shot for being spies for the enemy. When they ceased altogether at the Tower of London and its vicinity.
It is not that the executions of Tower prisoners stopped, during this time, or between 1780 and 1914, it is just that the prisoners were taken out to Tyburn Hill to be executed.
Of all the prisoners executed, most of them were male. Only 8 or about 7% were female. Their ages of all the people executed ranged between 67 and 16 or 17. The oldest being Margaret Pole, 8th Countess of Salisbury, who had one of the messiest deaths, as it took 3 blows of the axe to chop off her head. Not only because of the clumsiness of the executioner, there was that, but . . .?! no matter what it was said at her trial, when it came time for her execution, she refused to admit she was a traitor and thus refused to lay her head on the chopping block. Thus, the executioner had to chase her around the block, now we know where that saying came from, swinging his axe.
At first, we thought the youngest person executed was Lady Jane Grey. Now there is some thought that she was in fact older, as her birthdate has been pushed back to an earlier date, while her husband, who we first thought, as typical, was older than his wife, was in fact younger. His birthdate being pulled forward to a later date. Thus, making her older than him. She may have been 17, while he may have been only 16, when both were executed by beheading. Which would make him and not her the youngest person ever executed in the Tower of London or its vicinity. The only other candidate for youngest person executed was Queen Catherine Howard, who was only 19, when she was executed.
That is executed, not killed within the Tower of London. The youngest person believed killed there was Richard, Duke of York, the younger brother of King Edward V, who also disappeared from sight within the Tower of London at the same time. There is not proof, when they died, or who killed them, but . . .?! some years after their disappearance, the bodies of 2 young boys of approximately the same age were found in the Tower, in an area, where they reportedly were buried. This was enough for the king at that time of the discovery to have the bodies disinterred from where they were and reinterred in sacred ground.
Next time: what if we kept the same number of Senators and Representatives at 435, but . . .?! went to a Parliamentary system of government like the U.K.
Small list of banned movies:
The Simpsons Movie (2007) ... banned in: Burma. reason: Banned over the "juxtaposition of the colors yellow and red", which is seen as support for rebel groups.
Schindler's List (1993) ... banned in: Indonesia. reason: Banned for being sympathetic to the Jewish cause.
The Cell 2 (2009) ... banned in: Samoa. reason: Banned due to violent content.
Zack and Miri Make A Porno (2008) ... banned in: Thailand + Trinidad. reason: Banned because the censors worried that teenagers would mimic the plot and make their own porn movies.
Sex and the City 2 (2010) ... banned in: Vietnam. reason: Banned because of a conflict of "cultural values".
The Greatest Story Overtold (1971) ... banned in: United States. reason: Banned in 1974 (as The Divine Mr. J) for misleading marketing exploiting the fame of one of its co-stars, Bette Midler. It was blocked from opening on re-release in 1980. The film was briefly distributed on home video (1984) under a new title (The Thorn) before Bette Midler threatened legal action.
Quote from: claws on August 15, 2016, 07:37:26 AM
Small list of banned movies:
The Simpsons Movie (2007) ... banned in: Burma. reason: Banned over the "juxtaposition of the colors yellow and red", which is seen as support for rebel groups.
Schindler's List (1993) ... banned in: Indonesia. reason: Banned for being sympathetic to the Jewish cause.
The Cell 2 (2009) ... banned in: Samoa. reason: Banned due to violent content.
Zack and Miri Make A Porno (2008) ... banned in: Thailand + Trinidad. reason: Banned because the censors worried that teenagers would mimic the plot and make their own porn movies.
Sex and the City 2 (2010) ... banned in: Vietnam. reason: Banned because of a conflict of "cultural values".
The Greatest Story Overtold (1971) ... banned in: United States. reason: Banned in 1974 (as The Divine Mr. J) for misleading marketing exploiting the fame of one of its co-stars, Bette Midler. It was blocked from opening on re-release in 1980. The film was briefly distributed on home video (1984) under a new title (The Thorn) before Bette Midler threatened legal action.
And I thought South Africa had censor issues: Yikes.
Yesterday was the coolest day in North Texas since June 11, with a high of only 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
Today is even cooler!! :thumbup:
What if we kept the same number of members now in Congress, but went from our form of government to a parliamentary system like they have in the U.K.
Well . . .?! We'd most likely go from 2 major parties to 5 major parties. From the most liberal of these parties to the most conservative.
Social Democrats
Leader: Bernie Sanders
Members: 113
big government
socially liberal
Leader: Hillary Clinton
Members: 124
socially liberal
People's Populist Party
Leader: Donald Trump
Members: 112
socially liberal
Leader: John Kasich
Members: 37
socially conservative
Christian Conservatives
Leader: Ted Cruz
Members: 49
socially conservative
And we'd go from a president to a prime minister elected by the parliament members. As no one has the numbers to be elected on their own, it'd have to be a coalition government. Even then Kasich and Cruz, don't have enough support to be elected, and I can't see any of the members outside of his party voting for Trump. Thus, the 2 most likely scenarios would be . . .
Scenario 1
Hillary + Bernie = Clinton
Scenario 2
Bernie + Donald = Sanders
As for the country, I think one would see . . .
more liberal social policies
more protectionist trade policies
Most of this is taken from an article in "The Economist." Still a Brit magazine, but . . .?! one of which over half the readership is now American, and one I'd rate highly, if one wants to keep up with what is going on in the world.
Next time: if I can find my notes, a compare and contrast.
DOLPH LUNDGREN has a Masters Degree in Chemical Engineering.
Quote from: Trevor on August 15, 2016, 08:06:53 AM
Quote from: claws on August 15, 2016, 07:37:26 AM
Small list of banned movies:
The Simpsons Movie (2007) ... banned in: Burma. reason: Banned over the "juxtaposition of the colors yellow and red", which is seen as support for rebel groups.
Schindler's List (1993) ... banned in: Indonesia. reason: Banned for being sympathetic to the Jewish cause.
The Cell 2 (2009) ... banned in: Samoa. reason: Banned due to violent content.
Zack and Miri Make A Porno (2008) ... banned in: Thailand + Trinidad. reason: Banned because the censors worried that teenagers would mimic the plot and make their own porn movies.
Sex and the City 2 (2010) ... banned in: Vietnam. reason: Banned because of a conflict of "cultural values".
The Greatest Story Overtold (1971) ... banned in: United States. reason: Banned in 1974 (as The Divine Mr. J) for misleading marketing exploiting the fame of one of its co-stars, Bette Midler. It was blocked from opening on re-release in 1980. The film was briefly distributed on home video (1984) under a new title (The Thorn) before Bette Midler threatened legal action.
And I thought South Africa had censor issues: Yikes.
IIRC, South Africa banned this song, claiming it was about drugs....
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXO7-aAzUO4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXO7-aAzUO4)
Both Kate Emerson's "By Royal Decree" and Elizabeth Fremantle's "Sisters of Treason" include genealogical tables with the year of birth and date of death for each person listed. Thus . . . from those one can extrapolate how long each person lived.
Elizabeth Fremantle
age at death: from 17 to 91
average age at death: 52.5
died violently: 19%
age at death: from 16 to 78
average age at death: 57.5
died violently: 15%
Kate Emerson
age at death: from 17 to 90
average age at death: 54
died violently: 6%
age at death: 16 to 70
average age at death: 44.5
died violently: 33%
While there are similarities in the people listed, the differences here are due to the different people listed on each table. Though?! . . . from the figures given, one can see that 450 years or so, after these people lived, the life expectancy for a person has been increased by 2 or 3 decades, here in the U.S. And while this has been increased, the chance of violent death has been decreased, till something less than 3% here in the U.S.
As what would happen if you were born at this time. You'd have a slightly better than 50/50 chance of seeing your 2nd decade, and that just includes live births. If you include still births as well, your chance of seeing your 2nd decade would probably be less than 50/50.
And while we think of mothers being gutted by the death of their child, fathers, at this time, could be just as gutted, if not more so.
Next time: something else, if unknown at this time.
Excluding the Titanic, excluding the Lusitania, here are almost 2 dozen of some of the greatest disasters at sea in the past 150 years, or from January 1, 1865 to December 31, 2015 (in reverse chronological order.)
Al-Salam Boccaccio 98
Red Sea
Atlantic Ocean
Baltic Sea
Caribbean Sea
Dona Paz
Philippine Seas
Herald of Free Enterprise
English Channel
Toya Maru
Sea of Japan
Chinese troopship
South China Seas
Grand camp
Texas City, Texas
Wilhelm Gustloff
South Baltic Sea
South Baltic Sea
General Von Steuben
South Baltic Sea
Toyama Maru
Jungo Maru
Neptunia and Oceania
Chicago River
Empress of Ireland
Saint Lawrence River
General Slocum
East River
Princess Alice
Thames River
Mississippi River
North Atlantic
The best known disaster at sea was only the 14th greatest disaster at sea.
Next time: more numbers, causes, and a personal story
Corn is a fruit, not a vegetable. It is now thought to have been among the first crops cultivated, likely at or near the end of the last ice age.
Corn was initially a grass that grew only knee-high, and the edible portion was the size of a fingernail. As such corn represents one of the oldest and most successful examples of humans selectively engineering a food source away from nature.
It is a crop of the Western hemisphere, not brought into Europe until the early 1500s, and when ancient historians spoke of "corn" they were likely referring to wheat. When European visitors saw extensive Meso-American maize fields, they had no word for them, and simply called them "corn" their term for all grain. Thus in a strange reversal, to speak of corn is no longer to indicate wheat or other grains, it is strictly in reference to maize.
Also, the Nebraska Cornhuskers were known as the Nebraska Bugeaters for the early portion of their athletic tenure, a fact that if quoted may or may not get you in a fight in Lincoln or Omaha, depending on the amount of ambient beer consumption.
Comedian George Carlin recorded an comedy special entitled "I Kinda Like It When a Lotta People Die" on September 10th, 2001. It was shelved the next day, for reasons which should be obvious.
Dammit, got these places on the Internet that want me to verify my account by sending a text message. Does anyone ever think that for whatever reason some of us do NOT have text msging on our phone? Why not just have me verify my email like 90 percent of the rest of the account out there?
Causes of disasters at sea, and there is often more than 1 cause.
winds -- waves --wars
running aground
navigational errors
human error
fog -- flooding -- fires
collisions -- capsizing
and breaking the maritime rules.
Numbers total (excluding the Titanic)
per ship = 2845
per year = 417.22
per month = 34.77
per week = 8
or more than 1 person per day every day for 150 years.
Personal story
Now, when I travel between London (England) and Paris (France), I take the train thru the Chunnel, but . . .?! The 1st time I traveled between the 2 cities, the Chunnel hadn't been built yet, so I took a French ferry across the English Channel. And years after that I still remember the strict order in which people would be put in the lifeboats in case of a disaster at sea.
1st Children below a certain age
2nd The elderly o'er a certain age
3rd Women
4th Married men
5th All others, if there was room.
As at that time, I did not meet the 1st 4 categories, I knew if there was a disaster at sea, I was not going to get into a lifeboat.
Next time: Empathy! The breakfast of champions
Elmer, the bull on the Elmer's glue bottle, is the husband of Elsie, Borden milk spokes-cow. Maybe everyone else knew this but it's news to me!
In the early stages of his madness, in the late 1780's, King George III of England occasionally imagined that he was George Washington.
Death has never quite gotten its sense of pride back after being taunted by John Donne.
Quote from: ER on September 26, 2016, 08:14:21 AM
Death has never quite gotten its sense of pride back after being taunted by John Donne.
Death Be Not Proud.
What can he say? He majored in English Lit in college.
You're back, so he's back.
The fact of the day is that he feels more empathy for some characters than others. These can be characters from books, films, TV shows, and since the 1st one almost 50 years ago, and you never forget your 1st, I have made a not of them and categorized them under 10 categories. Thus . . . the categories, a couple of samples, and my favorite historical character who has been fictionalized over the years, most recently in a couple of books, which we'll go into farther in Reading Anything.
Sex. All male. I have never found a female character for whom I had any empathy.
Race. Not much better, except once, all white or who could past for white.
Adult or teen (Age.) I empathy more with adults, but . . .?! I have never forgot my teen years, and age is important especially with a teen.
Hero or villain or both. I actually empathy more with the villain overall, then the hero.
Nationality. While Americans make up the plurality, I have no problem with other nationalities, empathy with almost a dozen different ones.
Class. Self-explanatory.
Injured or deceased (Method.) The greatest test of a fictional character's character is how they die.
Criminal or victim or both. A lot of criminals are also victims of a crime.
Sexual orientation. That is how I see them. That may not be as the writer sees them.
Past, present, or future. I actually empathy with characters from the past, more then I do from the present.
And a comment.
William James in Karou Mari's "Emma." Probably one of the best representations of the relationships between master or mistress and servant(s) you'll find. And from a Japanese magna writer/illustrator, and if you are looking to watch something, it was an anime on Japanese TV for 2 seasons.
Adult or teen: adult. Hero or villain or both: hero. Nationality: English. Class: upper middle. Injured or deceased: injured. Criminal or victim or both: victim. Sexual orientation: heterosexual. Past, present, or future: past. "He tried, but he couldn't do it."
Lt. Den Siva from Jo Duffy's No Zeltrons in Star Wars 95 to Jo Duffy's All Together Now in Star Wars 107. I hated to see the series end, as I saw it not only with Luke, Leia, and Han, but also 2 aliens, a man and a woman in a love/hate relationship, especially now that she is carrying his child(ren): twin boys; 2 ex-Imperial space jockeys, 1 a woman; 2 half-brother aliens, 1 a half-breed, and a Mandalorian medic on a secret mission that looks increasingly suicidal.
Adult or teen: adult. Her or villain or both: both. From villain to hero.Nationality: Alien. Class: upper middle. Injured or deceased: injured. Criminal or victim or both: both. Sexual orientation: heterosexual. Past, present, or future: future. "He was good with a knife."
Lord Guildford Dudley in Susan Higginbotham's "Her Highness, the Traitor" and Lord Gifford Dudley or G in The 3 Janes' "My Lady Jane." We'll go into more detail with a compare 'n' contrast at Reading Anything. And if you are looking to see something, then the film option for "My Lady Jane" has been picked up by a film production company.
Hero or villain: hero. Nationality: English. Class: upper. Criminal or victim or both: both. Sexual orientation: heterosexual. Past, present, or future: past.
Next time: some of my favorite fictional teen characters with whom I feel the greatest empathy.
Quote from: ER on September 26, 2016, 08:14:21 AM
Death has never quite gotten its sense of pride back after being taunted by John Donne.
I don't know, if I were Death I'd be all like, "John Donne? I
wasted that b***h! He was Donne gone after I got through with his sonnet-writing pansy ass!"
1. When I was sixteen the director of this program I was in at school told me that one of his professors in the '80s tried to sue the makers of Trivial Pursuit for a wrong answer printed on a Trivial Pursuit card.
2. That same director was pretty cool to me and gave me a key to his office and said go in there at lunchtime and unwind when I wanted to, because it was empty for an hour then. So I'd go in sometimes, turn off the lights and sit in the almost dark and think about how much I hated my school.
3. He later told me no student had ever let him down worse than I did. He actually had to go to a meeting about what went wrong with me vis a vis his program since I refused to accept entrance at a university that would have brought him honor and glory.
4. I married him in Vegas in front of an Elvis impersonator, but we had it annulled the next morning.
5. One of these facts is not true.
6. Number four might be a good guess.
Which brings me to my fact of the day: I am really bored at my work right now!
Quote6. Number four might be a good guess.
Nah. That one's too obvious. I'm going to guess that number 5 is the one that's not true.
That reminds me of something though. I once had a book of puzzles and brain twisters. One of them was a poorly spelled paragraph with bad punctuation and multiple other errors asking you to find whatever-number-it-was errors in the paragraph. if you went to the back of the book and checked the answers, one of the "errors" was that the number of errors it asked you to find was higher than the actual number of errors in the paragraph. I always thought that was cheating, but incredibly clever at the same time.
Since the dark ages, black animals, especially cats, were considered bad luck because of the idea they were witches' familiars. Even today black cats (and black dogs for that matter), are a lot less likely to be adopted from shelters. Which is really sad.
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
The above is a complete sentence.
The fact is that it has been over 4 decades, since I was last a teenager, but . . .?! I still remember my teen years, so I have not lost my empathy for the young men of this world, both fictional and factual. 1st some of the latest fictional characters for whom I feel some empathy.
Danny Latimer (Oskar McNamara) Broad church. TV program.
Where one does not know their postman and almost everyone is stupid. Not because they are written as being stupid, but . . .?!
The boy - the victim. Because the writer has no understanding or seems to have no understanding of how boys relate to each other nor how boys relate to the adults around them.
The man - the villain. Because the writer has no understanding or seems to have no understanding of what these people say and/or do nor the excuses they use to excuse their behavior. And the man's actions are just illogically stupid.
The townspeople. As what they say and do is so illogically stupid.
Of course, all of this is (IMHO) What is not (IMHO) is the stupidity of the police, which can be quantified with over 30 stupid things they say and/or do. Which we'll have to post at some later date.
Though, the show can be used as a standard, maybe a low standard, but . . .?! a standard by which other writings of similar nature can be compared and contrasted.
And, if you want to see something, then . . . there is this, which I don't recommend because of the bad writing, but . . .?! there is the American remake "Grace point," which I have not seen, and the French remake "Mala terra," which I have also not seen, but . . .?! am interested in finding and seeing.
pre-Teen. (11) Neither. English. Middle class. Deceased (Strangled) Criminal - victim. Homosexual. "He deserved better . . . a better writer."
Prince Edvin. Justin Semper. Allies and Assassins.
This is where I disagree with the writer, who has set it in medieval times, but . . .?! which I think works better set in the 19th century.
And if one is looking for something to watch, . . . then the story is being shopped around Hollywood in the hope that someone will pick it up and make a film out of it, which I'd like to see.
And there is also the sequel to this, which I have not read, the author's A Conspiracy of Princes, which takes up where this one leaves off.
Teen. (14) Hero. Unknown. Upper class. Injured. Homosexual. "The cigarette smoking, monocle wearing prince of Archenfield."
To be continued . . . with other fictional characters for whom I feel some empathy.
Continuing . . .
The fact is that sometimes men and women do not see eye to eye.
Christopher (Chris) Harper IV. The Secret Place. Tana French.
"By a woman. For a woman. About a woman." If I can, as a male, not get the female perspective, as a male I can say that sometimes female writers, critics, audiences do not get the male perspective as in the above, and fall back to using stereotypical characters. Though . . . the authoress is not the only female writer to use stereotypical male characters, as do some male writers.
Which is why it's good to see something like the 3 Janes' My Lady Jane. Each of the 3 Janes taking one of the main characters.
16 year-old King Edward VI
16 year-old Lady Jane Grey
and 19-year old Lord Gifford Dudley or G.
Not only do the 2 Janes taking the male characters nail their characters, but . . .?! they create 2 characters who are not the same at the end as they are at the beginning, and the evolution of the 2 characters is just right.
Teen. (16) Neither. Irish. Upper middle class. Deceased. (Bludgeoned) Victim. Bisexual. "He ain't sexually aggressive anymore!"
To be continued . . .
Honey is the only food that will NOT spoil.
(Despite what they say, Twinkies will.)
Continuing . . .
The fact is . . .
She may have a point.
Arthur W. Waybourne. Blue gate Fields. Anne Perry.
I think she has greater sympathy for lower class children, who are sexually abused, then upper class children, who are sexually abused. Though . . . upper class children are just as vulnerable to sexual abuse as lower class children. I do know, because she has said it, at least in the past, that the sexual abuse of boys is far worst than the sexual abuse of girls. Which is why she may have written so many fictional books on the subject. Frankly (IMHO) they are the same. One is no worst than the other. Still . . .?! She may have a point. Those fictional novels that delve into the sexual abuse of children, the girl is far more likely to be the victim, then the boy. The boy being victim is probably less than even the real world, where statistics show us that girls are far more likely to be victims of sexual abuse than boys. Which is why "Broad church" was disappointing. As the victim was 11, we could have had an honest and true look at hebephilia with the rare male victim. We got the male victim, but . . .?! whatever the look at it, it was neither true nor honest. And if you want to see something, rather then read something, then the 1st novel in this series "The Cater Street Hangman" was made into a TV movie. Though . . . unfortunately no more of the novels in this series have been put onto film.
Teen (16) Neither. English. Lower upper class. Deceased. (Drowned) Criminal and victim. Homosexual. The past. "The human MacGuffin."
Next time: one more fictional character, then a factual character.
Continuing . . .
The fact is . . .
that Marvel's Thanos is the 4th or 5th most popular villain in the comic book universe.
My take on the subject . . .
Like a lot of characters liked by others, I find him boring and uninteresting.
That is not to say that in Marvel's Phase IV or sometime after 2020, I wouldn't like to see a Thanos film or 2 based upon the following.
Not for Thanos, but . . .?! for his young peers. For what would it be like to be young and live in a true Utopia.
And while the story can play out any number of ways, this is the way that I'd like to see it play out.
Sogarth. Thanos Rising. Aaron and Bianchi.
Mad Thanos becomes even madder, when he and several friends are trapped in a cave-in in the forbidden cave. And here he kills Argos, his best friend, the most popular boy among his peers, and his little girlfriend Cythera, the prettiest girl among his peers, when he find them snogging and cheating on him, and 4-Eyes, the smartest boy among his peers, who witnessed the murders. Thus leaving Thanos the only survivor, when they are found. The adults blame 4-Eyes for the other deaths, but . . . his peers know who is really responsible, and thus, Thanos, who was accepted is now an outcast and a pariah. Thus rejected by his peers, who once accepted him, he seeks the acceptance and approval of his father by besting his father in dissection class.
Our college is their high school. And he gets an idea to dissect a great cave ape for class.
pre-high. And he gets a middling grade in class.
Then he gets an idea to dissect a couple of his young Titanian peers for class.
Frosh. And he gets the highest grade in class.
Then he dissects another pair of his peers.
Soph. And he gets the 3rd highest grade ever in class. Bested only by his science professor and his father.
Then he dissects another pair of his peers.
Jr. And he gets the 2nd highest grade ever in class. Bested only by his father's grade in the class.
And then he dissects the final pair of his peers.
Sr. And he gets the highest grade ever in class. Besting even his father in the class.
And does he get acceptance and approval from his father? No!
He then kills his science father and his mother, who he has found been cheating on his father, ever since he was born, and maybe his father is not really his father.
He is discovered in this by the 2 figures he cannot kill: his father and his brother Eros, who greet him not with acceptance and approval, but . . .?! with disapproval. Thus, Thanos flees Titan for space, where he continues with his life in another film.
From him we know he killed 17 people on his planet. These make 13 of the 17, and with the 2 died on his exploration of the surface of Titan, and the 2 who died on his exploration of Jupiter, which were accidents, but . . .?! he now claims as his killings, one has 17.
Teen. (15) Villain. Titan. Upper middle class. Deceased. (Dissected) Victim. Heterosexual. "And he was good to the last drop . . . the last drop of his blood."
Next time: the one factual character still alive, who I feel empathy for.
In 1859, San Francisco native (and South African immigrant) Joshua Abraham Norton declared himself Emperor of the United States. One of his first acts was to abolish Congress. He printed his own money, which was accepted by local merchants. Another famous decree, which has not yet been rescinded, was to make calling San Francisco "Frisco" a criminal offense: "Whoever after due and proper warning shall be heard to utter the abominable word 'Frisco,' which has no linguistic or other warrant, shall be deemed guilty of a High Misdemeanor, and shall pay into the Imperial Treasury as penalty the sum of twenty-five dollars."
A fascinating character! When Emperor Norton I died, over 20,000 people attended his funeral, and his eulogy was printed on the front page of the San Francisco newspapers.
MadTV Comedienne Stephnie Weir gained notoriety for her offbeat impersonations of Anna Nicole Smith. Weir and Smith shared the same Birthday date, November 28, 1967. Both born in Texas.
"It's a fact....the Queen of England does not know her ABC's..."
Anyone ID this "fact" and just aboat impress me mightily?
Quote from: ER on October 18, 2016, 09:00:09 PM
"It's a fact....the Queen of England does not know her ABC's..."
Anyone ID this "fact" and just aboat impress me mightily?
http://youtu.be/Dbcp__YIU40 (http://youtu.be/Dbcp__YIU40)
You are frequently awesome, Rev!
It's a fact, in 2005 while experiencing a lot of on-the-job down time I made a twenty-five page list of stuff that I thought sucked. (Obviously not all of it was first-hand experience, just imaginative empathy.)
Part 1 of 130 is sampled below:
....oversleeping; clothes come out of dryer with "musty" smell; your roommate uses your hairbrush; rabid-looking stray dog s**ts on your lawn; getting a toothache; bad hair weeks; boyfriend reminisces a bit too fondly about former girlfriend's 'killer rack'; buying rotten bananas; broken hot water heater; biting your tongue while eating tasteless three-bean casserole at a church supper; dumb-as-a-brick spouse never gets your witty jokes; getting burned by a sparkler on the Fourth of July; slicing open your leg while shaving in the shower when you're in a hurry and have to wear a dress that day; cop car pulls behind you, lights flashing; breakfast cereals cost too f**king much; migraine headache sufferer won't shut up about seeing 'lights'; sitting through class while having to fart; the expression "I can relate to that"; whacking yourself in the nuts with a yoyo while trying to impress cute girl; awesome new video game won't run on your crappy old computer; bra strap shows in senior picture; your marshmallow falls in campfire; getting 'sexiled' by your roommate; the way too much coffee makes your pee smell; excellent college football game not shown in your region; flat beer; trying to shop for a week's groceries on twenty bucks; Saturday morning cartoons pre-empted by f**ked-up political debate; the shrill noise of a dentist's drill; someone eats the white stuff out of every Oreo in the box and leaves the cookies licked on and staring you in the face; fat math teacher's rank breath when he leans over you to b***h you out for missing a problem; pervy neighbor gropes you in the stairwell; sunburns that don't peel; running out of hot water in the middle of your shower; underwear riding up; stuck on elevator with freak who wants to talk about Jesus; hangnail getting caught on sweater; cleaning puke put of back seat after your turn as designated driver; paper cut; finding out 'too late' toilet paper roll is empty; sister didn't return your rented DVDs on time like she swore she would; those little orange and black peanut butter candies given out by cheap people on Halloween; can't get off the phone with overly-talkative grandmother; sitting one table in from smoking area at restaurant; registered letters from the IRS; registered letters from the local health department; the Prom Queen you were jealous of ten years ago actually still looks pretty at your class reunion; gay servers named David; ads for laxatives during dinnertime; getting hit in the eye by a rubber band; undercooked fish sticks; both your daughters get engaged the same month and expect you to pay for their weddings; boyfriend collects action figures at age twenty; forgetting where you left your dentures; crowded rush-hour bus-rides on hot days; the emissions check on your car; standing in line at the grocery store; letting your bikini area grow out so it can be waxed again; getting invited to some obscure cousin's wedding just because she's trying to up her gift tally; ice cream headaches; dead possum hit in front of your driveway; depo provera shots; dumbass who won't let you stop playing some ignorant board game; zipping your nipple up in your windbreaker; falling face-first into wet cement; being too poor to go on the class field trip; white subtitles against white backgrounds; bargain lip balms; racist minority student talking s**t in anthropology class and bleeding heart professor won't tell him to shut up; 'technical' virgins who brag they're saving themselves.....
(I had a lot of time on my hands.)
Entire list available on demand.
Quote from: indianasmith on October 15, 2016, 10:28:06 PM
A fascinating character! When Emperor Norton I died, over 20,000 people attended his funeral, and his eulogy was printed on the front page of the San Francisco newspapers.
Then there's this guy....
The fact is . . .
but . . .?! 1st . . .
A son. A daughter. Missing. An year. 2 years. 3 years. 4 years. What I'd like to see in any film version of "Thanos Rising," which is not in the graphic novel, is the discovery of his victim's bodies, which are probably buried with the great cave ape in the same area, and that can be done by a sudden flashflood, a sandstorm, etc. Just to provide the parents of these missing kids with some relief, as to what happened to their kids.
The fact is . . .
There are too many sexual assaults, both here in the U.S. and around the world. Though . . .?! Most do not rise to the level of an international incident. Though . . .?! There was one that did almost 10 years ago, which may be why I feel some empathy for its victim.
His parents were separated, and while his mother and his older brother remained in Europe, while his older brother was in school, he lived with his father in a Mideast country, where his father managed a hotel, and all was good. Till after one day at the beach and an evening at the arcade at the mall, he was looking for a ride to take him home to eat dinner with his father. And that is when he ran into a boy he knew, a 17-year-old classmate from school, who offered him a ride home, and he accepted, thinking nothing wrong, nor did he think nothing wrong when 2 more people, an 18-year-old and a 35-year-old showed up at the car, as they were cousins of his classmate.
He only knew something was wrong, when they did not turn off at the exit, that would take him home, but . . .?! instead continuing out to the desert, where they stopped on a desert road. That is when he tried to use his cellphone to reach the local police, and that is when they took away his cellphone, beat him, and at knifepoint, stripped him naked, and when he was stark naked, they each took a turn sodomizing him. And when they had finished, they threatened him with the knife and a pool cue and told him, if he went to the police, since they knew where he lived, they'd kill him, kill his parents, and burn down the house.
It is said that a rape victim is raped twice. Once by their rapist and once by the legal system. I don't know how true that is, but . . .?! That is what happened this time. When his father, despite the threats took him to the police, after a perfunctory medical exam, since it was obvious he had recently he had sex, and there is only the crime of "forcible homosexuality" in this country, he must have been a homosexual, and he was going to be arrested and charged as being a homosexual, as homosexuality was illegal in his country. To prevent that he fled back to Europe to his mother and older brother.
Never get between mama she bear and her cub. She'll eat you alive. I'd like to see his story made into a film, as what follows is a great story and would make a great film. When she found out what had happened to her son, having made friends with many of the French politicians, including at that time the President of France, from her days in French TV, she used her political connections to have the French government bring pressure on the other government, and she started an on-line petition calling for a complete boycott of his country, which I signed, till they did right be her son. Thus with private pressure and public pressure, pressure from above and pressure from below, this lone woman wrestled the other government to its knees and got it to rescind the charges against her son and arrest his 3 attackers.
The youngest attacker was tried in juvenile court, but . . .?! the other 2, after a lengthy trial of 3 days, were sentence to 15 years in prison. Still she was not satisfied, as he wanted the oldest attacker tried for attempted murder, as he was HIV positive, and she protested vociferously in court at this injustice, and had to be removed from court. And the other government knew the oldest attacker was HIV positive, but . . .?! they did not notify the boy nor his family of this, even though there is apparently something that can be done to help prevent becoming HIV positive, but . . .?! it must be done quickly, and when the boy and his family learned this, it was too late to do something. So there was the fear that he'd become HIV positive. Fortunately, this did not happen.
Alexandre Robert. Teen. (15 at the time of the incident) Hero. French-Swiss. Upper middle class. Injured. Victim. Unknown. Present.
A perfect example of "Wrong person. Wrong place. Wrong time." Thus . . .?! my wish for all of you is "Right person. Right place. Right time."
Okay. That is enough about me.
Next time: The 67.
Your post was interesting, but why do you kept writing ...?! in about every other sentence? I counted it as bout six times, twice in a three line paragraph.
Just curious.
The group Blur's song "Song 2" was actually meant as a "joke" piece, a spoof of alt-grunge scene that was popular at the time. That's why they even gave it such a generic sounding name. If you listen to the rest of their album, you'll find their music is radically different. Crazily enough though, "Song 2" ended up being their only real hit.
Quote from: AoTFan on October 25, 2016, 12:18:27 AM
Your post was interesting, but why do you kept writing ...?! in about every other sentence? I counted it as bout six times, twice in a three line paragraph.
Just curious.
Beats me, but . . ?! I'll cut back on it after this last one.
Fact of the Day . . .
The 67
or the number of Marvel characters, more or less, that is suppose to appear in . . .
Avengers : Infinity War, part I in 2018
and Avengers : Infinity War, part II or an untitled Marvel project in 2019.
One's person idea, from August 2016, who might appear. Some have already been confirmed. Some have been rumored. Some are just guesses, but, they make for interesting reading.
@ ne'er e'er appeared in a live action film ere, as far as I know.
# Netflix character. 1st, they will not be in the film. Now, they will be in the film.
Adam Warlock -- Agent Colson -- Agentt Sharon Carter --Amara an Asgardian@ -- Angela@ -- Aannihilus@ -- Ant-man
Bill Foster@ -- Black Panther -- Black Widow
Captain America -- Captain Marvel (Ms. Marvel) -- Clea@ -- The Collector -- Corpsman Dey
Daredevil# -- Destroyer 2.0@ -- Doctor Strange -- Drax the Destroyer
Elektra@ -- Eric Selvig@
Falcon -- Fandral -- Fire lord
Galactus@ -- Gamora -- Ghost rider -- Groot
Hawkeye -- Heimdall -- Howard the Duck -- Hulk -- Hyperion
Iron Fist# -- Ironman -- Iron Patriot
Jane Foster -- Jessica Jones#
Lady Death@ -- Lady Sif@ -- Loki -- Luke Cage# -- Luna@
Maria Hill -- Modok@ -- Moon Knight@
Nebula -- Nick Fury -- Odin -- Omega@
Red Hulk@ -- Red Skull -- Rocket Raccoon
Scarlet Witch -- Sentry@ --Spiderman -- Star Lord -- Super Skrull@
Terrax the Terrible@ -- Thanos -- Thor
Vision -- Voltagg
Winter Soldier
Yellow Jacket -- Yondu
and Stan Lee. It ain't Marvel, if Stan Lee ain't in it!
Even if they only go with those who have already appeared in a film, it's going to be a heck of cast.
There are already trailers for the film or films already floating around the web-o-sphere. Nothing official yet, just homemade trailers using clips from the films already made, but, if the film or films look anything like these trailers, the film or films will be one heck or hecks of a film or films.
The only question I have is who is going to die and how many?
Next time: they sail the 7 Seas.
The fact is . . .
They sail the 7 Seas.
Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines (RCCL)
DreamWorks characters
(or they did)
What might not be known is that the founder of DreamWorks was very, very unhappy, when he left the House of Mouse. Thus one of the reasons DreamWorks was founded was to compete with the House of Mouse. So, where is DreamWorks now. Like many of the competitors it no longer exists, or it is a mere shadow of what it was, but, cry not for him, Argentina, as the last surviving founder of DreamWorks, the others pulling out sometime ago, he sold DreamWorks Animation, the last and most successful component of DreamWorks to Time Warner for $2 billion and change. Thus, his final payout should be somewhere north of 9 figures. Cry for all the peons who got laid off in various downsizing over the years.
Norwegian Cruise Lines (NCL)
Nick characters
Carnival Cruise Lines (CCL)
Seuss characters
Disney Cruise Lines (DCL)
--a little off topic, but, if you remember the animated film Big Hero 6, there was a very special appearance by a very special person, and my favorite of his cameos, at the end of the film and when the film becomes a TV series in 2017, this person will become a regular feature on the show.
--again off topic, but, if you remember the TV show Muppet Babies, it is coming back to TV as a reboot in 2018.
Star Wars
--for the 2nd year in a role Star Wars Day at sea on specific cruises leaving Port Canaveral (Florida) between January, 2017, and April, 2017. Bring a costume.
--and for the 1st time Marvel Day at Sea on specific cruises leaving New York (New York) in the fall of 2017.
----meet 'n' greets
------Captain America, Spider-man, Thor, etc.
----Showing of Marvel films
------an Ant-man--a Doctor Strange--a Guardians of the Galaxy--both Avengers films--all 3 Captain American films--All 3 Iron Man films -- all 3 Thor films + whatever Marvel films are released in the 1st half of 2017.
----Showing of Marvel TV shows
------Marvel's Avengers Assemble -- Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy -- Marvel's Ultimate Spider-man
----all themed to Marvel
------activities -- arts 'n' crafts -- a deck party with dancing, games, music, etc. -- a light show -- more games -- special merchandise -- trivia -- and unique food and beverage offerings.
----And the greatest gathering of Marvel heroes and heroines, villains and villainesses ever seen in 1 place on 1 cruise ship.
----And bring a costume.
Next time: some 3 dozen facts about Lord Guildford Dudley. And who is Lord Guildford Dudley? That we shall find out next time.
The fact is . . .
Here are some 3 dozen facts about . . .
Some more verifiable than others.
Lord Guildford Dudley
a child of the 1% of the 16th century
or, as my generation called them an Yuppies' Puppy
and a major character in My Lady Jane if that fantasy novel ever gets turned into a film.
Contemporary (Then)
from someone who knew him.
"comely . . .virtuous. . .goodly [or godly]"
Contemporary (Now)
From Hester Chapman's
Lady Jane Grey
from 1985
". . .conceited and disagreeable"
and that is not the worst things said about him.
vicious -- sulky -- petulant -- spoiled -- nasty -- ill-mannered -- effeminate
brute -- bully -- coward -- dolt -- rapist -- sadist -- sociopath -- weak willy -- womanizer
So, how did he go from then to now?
And what is stranger? Remember, chronologically, he was just a child during all this, and ever since Shakespeare's time, children have normally come off better than adults. Though, the pendulum may be swinging back the other way. For in . . .
Dunn's The Lady of Misrule
Higginbotham's Her Highness the Traitor
He is not only more likable than this wife. He is a better person than his wife, or, at least, less religiously intolerant.
And in The 3 Janes My Lady Jane
Which not only shows how a couple can go from disliking each other to liking each other in less than an year, but is probably the most realistic portrayal of the couple yet, even if he is a horse by day and a man by night.
So, slip into their shoes,
slip into his shoes,
and see how they feel.
01. In the past 1000 years, there have been 8 women who have had some claim to the English throne.
02. Matilda who married a Frenchman, who we'll get to later.
Mary who married a Spaniard.
Elizabeth, who was the only unmarried one.
Mary who married a Dutchman.
Anne who married a Dane.
Victoria who married a German.
Elizabeth who married a Greek.
And Lady Jane Grey, the only one who married an Englishman, and who we'll get to next time.
Continuing . . .
03. The Dudleys had 13 children. Six of the boys living long enough to become teens.
Henry or Harry, who died during a military campaign in France, ere he was 20.
John or Jack, who was imprisoned in the Tower of London, which so shattered his health, that he died soon after he was released, ere he was 30.
Ambrose who outlived them all.
Robert or Robin, who was the best known of them all for his on-again/off-again relationship with Queen Elizabeth.
Guildford or Gill, who was executed on Tower Hill, ere he was 20.
And Henry or Hal, who was killed in battle, in France, ere he was 20. And who was an year younger than Gil.
04. Outside of politics, the best known of Gil's relatives was his nephew, the great Elizabethan poet, Sir Philip Sidney, as one of the Dudley girls married a Sidney.
05. A more distant relative was the actor Cary Elwes, who portrayed Lord Guildford Dudley in the film "Lady Jane." And not only was he related to Lord Guildford Dudley, he was also related to Lady Jane Grey, Gil's wife.
06. Look at Gil's portrait (Google it, Dad!) or, what is believed to be his portrait. An arrogant little pismire, but he had call to be. For he had . . .
. . .the money
. . .the looks
. . .and the family connection.
Though, was he a hard nut all the way through or did he have a soft and chewy center? I go with the latter.
07. Though, portraits can be deceiving. What was believed to have been a portrait of his mother-in-law and her 2nd husband is now to be a portrait of someone else--a mother and son duo.
08. While at the Dudley boys were considered to be good looking, especially Robert, Gil was considered to be the best looking of them all. Actually, he was considered the handsomest young man of his generation in England.
09. Maybe because he did not look like his father and brothers.
--While they were of average height, he was 6'3", which was tall for that age and tall even now.
--While they had dark hair, he was a dark blond.
--While they had dark eyes, he had blue eyes.
--While they were dark complexion, he had a fair complexion.
--While they had facial hair, he was clean shaven.
10. Which is why some think he was actually illegitimate. A cuckoo born into another man's nest.
11. Like his father before him, he may have been a page at the royal court.
To be continued . . .
Continuing . . .
12. Gil was 1st engaged to Lord Clifford's daughter Margaret, but their engagement was broken off. The odd thing was that it was broken off by his future father-in-law. What was odd about it was that while Gil may have been the 4th surviving son, he was the 4th surviving son in the most powerful non-royal family in England, and thus would have been a good match for any woman.
13. We don't know how he felt, but Higginbotham in her novel on his mother and mother-in-law, said he was happy, as he could now spend more time in southern England, where it was warmer, then in northern England, where the Cliffords lived, where it was cooler.
13a. I have spent time in England in various places at various times of the year, and southern England, which is bathed by the southern currents, is remarkably warmer than northern England. Of course, if you go even farther north, to the Scottish highlands, you can get snow even during the height of summer, which I have also seen.
14. In the Boleyn trilogy, he does marry Margaret. Though this does not save him from being executed, as the Cliffords had a claim to the throne. Not as good as the Greys, but they did have a claim to the throne, and to marry someone in line to the throne, without the monarch's permission, was tantamount to treason and made one liable for the death penalty.
15. Because of the Greys better claim to the throne, he did marry Lady Jane Grey in the non-royal wedding of the decade. A wedding celebration that lasted 2 days and 2 nights, as it joined together 2 great families with the son of one marrying the daughter of the other. A wedding where no expense was spared, so anybody who was anybody was there, including several foreign delegations.
16. To celebrate the wedding, there were 2 sets of mummers: 1 male and 1 female, jousting, masked balls, fireworks, etc.
17. Though 1 novelist has stated the highlight of the wedding was an almost life size statue of Gil in the nude, made out of marzipan, with a cockle shell covering the area between his legs. I doubt it, as do you know how small a cockle shell is? It had to be a shell of a pearl oyster at least.
18. Theirs was not the only wedding at that time. Both a sister and a sister-in-law of both the bride and the groom were married off to 2 young lords at the same time.
19. And at the end, both the groom and several of the guests came down with a severe case of good poisoning. Which probably prevented him from doing his husbandry duties for several weeks.
Next: and which we'll get to next time. To be continued.
Continuing . . .
20. With an inexperienced teenage bride. A teenage groom who--apparently--knew little or nil about sex. Though boys his age were known to frequent whorehouses. No wonder their 1st attempt to consummate their marriage was such a disaster that the next morning the bride packed up all she had and went back to Mother, and the groom's family had to send one of his younger sisters after her to bring the bride back to her husband and his family.
21. Because both bride and groom were both teens when they married, they would both live with his family for the next 5 or 6 years, till both were in their 20s and thus considered old enough to go off and live on their own.
22. Apparently, before the next time, he went to one or more of his older brothers, who were all married, at this time, for advice on how to sexually satisfy his wife, or one or more of his older brothers came to him with advice on how to sexually satisfy her.
22a. Which speaks well for him, as being a man, I know how men hate to think they are anyway sexually inadequate.
23. Whatever happened. It seems to have worked, as the next thing we hear is that she wrote someone or told someone how much she enjoyed sleeping, every night she could, with her teenage husband in the same bed as him. And this was in a time when couples not only slept in different beds, they slept in different rooms. The only problem now was that neither one of them was getting much sleep. Horny teens. Horny today. Horny in the 16th century.
24. This also puts a lie to the belief by some that their 1st attempt at consummation of their wedding was nothing more than spousal rape.
25. Though there is also the belief by some that he and his new father-in-law were actually lovers before or after the marriage or would be lovers before or after the marriage. Actually, it is not unknown for fathers-in-law and sons-in-law to fall in love with each other. Though, in those cases, they were both adults when this happened. Not as in this case, where we have one adult male--the father-in-law--and one underage teen--the son-in-law.
Next time: if the wife threw a snit, then now it is the turn of the husband to throw a snit.
Elvis had a twin brother (Jesse Garon) who was stillborn. Elvis was haunted by this fact his entire life and would often "talk" to his brother. One can't but wonder had he survived instead of Elvis if he would had the same musical talent, or perhaps chosen a different path in life.
David Bowie had anisocoria, a condition in which the pupil in one eye remains permanently dilated. He developed this condition at age fourteen (some sources say age thirteen) when he got into a fistfight over a girl and suffered an eye injury that multiple operations never repaired. Bowie claimed he got used to this condition with time and no longer noticed, though it is said he preferred to read with two lights nearby set at different levels of brilliance.
Part of the promotional campaign for Head, the Monkees movie, involved putting up Head stickers in random places.
Jack Nicholson one of the two writers of the movie was arrested at one point for trying to put a sticker on a policeman's helmet as that policeman got onto his horse.
Continuing . . .
26. If wife throws snit, then husband does, too. He threw his snit, when his wife refused to make him a king, now that she was unofficially queen, but only a duke. So like her, he went home to mother, and someone had to be sent to bring him back. This time, it being two members of the privy council.
With his actions, he mishandled the situation, actually, everyone did, but it is now thought that he might have had some justification for being upset. This depends upon 2 questions.
1st. What did he mean by king?
2nd. Who had the power to make him king?
For if you look at the next woman/queen on the throne, her husband was made, if not king, then king consort by an act of Parliament. And he was not even English, but Spanish.
27. First came the reign, and at less than 2 weeks, the shortest reign in British history.
28. Then the overthrow of the ruling queen, being replaced by another queen. And what ever our political leanings, I am sure we are all aware of another time, when the wrong person wound up winning, as in this case.
29, And then the imprisonment. And then the trial. And then the execution. Not to give anything away. And then the aftermath.
To be continued . . .
Next time: the imprisonment.
Do you recognize this woman?
Hmm... well, how about now?
Looks a little more familiar doesn't she? Still can't place here? Try this famous image based on her..
Got it now?
That's Debra E. McKee-Fowler aka Little Debbie, the woman whose face has stared at us from thousands of different snack cake boxes over the last several decades. Yes, Little Debbie was based on a real girl. Back in 1934 her grandparents O.D. McKee and his wife Rudy bought a failing bakery with the idea of selling cheap, small cakes. The idea was a success and in 1960 they were ready to expand production with a plan to sell a dozen cakes in one box carton. Realizing they didn't have for the new product, McKee happened to glance a photo of his then four-year-old granddaughter and decided to call the cakes "Little Debbies".
The gave the photo (seen above) to artist Pearl Mann, who aged her up by about five years, and the rest is history.
Continuing . . .
30. The imprisonment was hardly vile or dire.
31. He was granted a monthly cash stipend by the government to pay for his food and fuel.
32. He was allotted 2 manservants to take care of his needs.
33. And he was hardly lonely, as, except for John or Jack, who was imprisoned someplace else in the Tower of London, all the Dudley boys--Ambrose, Robert or Robin, Henry or Hal, and our hero Guildford and Gil were all imprisoned in the same room. Which gave rise to a piece of artistic graffiti, which can still be seen, if one ever visits the Tower of London. The graffiti consisting of . . .
acorns and oak leaves for Ambrose,
roses for Robert or Robin,
honeysuckle for Henry or Hal,
and gillies or carnations for Guildford or Gil,
+the Dudley 2-tailed lion
and the Warwick ragged bear and staff.
34. There is also another piece of graffiti, which is associated with our hero. The word "Jane" or "Iane," as it was spelt at that time, which while the artist is unknown, it is believed to have been done by our hero in memory of his wife Lady Jane Grey, and which can be seen like the other graffiti, if one ever visits the Tower.
To be continued . . .
Next time: the trial.
The average woman speaks about 20,000 words a day, the average man 13,000, though Trappist monks may be throwing the male numbers off a bit.
Continuing . . .
The trial
35. A trial in name only.
--No defense lawyer there to defend the defendant.
--No right to question hostile witnesses.
--No right to call own witnesses.
--No right to speak up in one's own defense.
--And a panel of judges that were picked as sure guilty votes even before the trial began.
36. Thus, the 5 defendants--our hero, his wife, his older brother Ambrose, his younger brother Henry or Hal, and Archbishop Cranmer--pleaded guilty. Sentences were passed. And then everybody went home.
37. That could not happen today. Not because of the above reasons, but, because the U.S Supreme Court, said, which would align the U.S. with much of the world, that when a person under the age of 18 commits an offense, even a capital offense, cannot then be sentenced to death, even when they reach the age of 18. For to do so would be cruel and unusual.
38. Then they strengthened that ruling with another ruling that said, when a person under the age of 18 commits an offense, even a capital offense, they cannot be sentenced to life without benefit of parole. They can be turned down when up for parole, but they have to be offered parole. For not to do so would be cruel and unusual.
To be continued . . .
Next time: the execution
Continuing . . .
The Execution
39. We know why they were executed. Except, the execution does not make any sense. If she was no threat to the monarchy, then he was even less of a threat. If it was meant to stabilize the monarchy, it was the 1st in a long series of mistakes that destabilized the monarchy.
40. The only reason that I have ever seen that makes any sense is the possible belief at that time that if he had been allowed to live, and his wife had been executed, he would never have stopped trying to avenge his wife, so he was dangerous in that way and had to be disposed of.
41. If no one then or now knew it, then his wife knew it. That he was as much being martyred for his faith, as she was.
42. Indeed, his faith may have been stronger than hers. When he asked for a Protestant minister to accompany him to his execution and was turned down, he was offered the same Catholic priest that accompanied his wife to her execution, and he turned that down, so he went to his death without spiritual support.
43. That does not say that he went without support. He was accompanied by several young men, as a sample of people who knew his execution and his wife's, was bogus.
44. His father gave a speech, ere his execution, which was recorded. His wife gave a speech, ere her execution, which was recorded. He did not give a speech. Actually, he did, which was not recorded unfortunately, except we know it was s short speech.
45. Higginbotham thus gives him a short speech in her book Her Highness the Traitor. Which is not uncommon, as when executions were still public, the last words of the executed were sold at the execution, even if they never came from the executed, but were made up by someone else.
46. We do know that, though some have said otherwise, he did not shed unmanly tears on his way to his execution on Tower Hill.
47. The same place his father and grandfather were executed. That's keeping it in the family.
48. His wife was executed in the more private Tower Green within the Tower of London. If being seen executed by a hundred people is private.
49. We don't know how many people turned out to see him executed. Though, as many as 10,000 people are known to turn out for an execution, when they were still public spectacles. And his ., . .
--his family connections
--and his good looks
would draw a big crowd.
And they were both executed.
Next time: the aftermath, the age question, and the wedding customs of the medieval 1%.
Continuing . . .
The age question
50. At first, it was thought, that--typically--he was older than his wife.
51. Now, there is some thought that he--atypically--was younger than his wife. Thus, if she was only 16 or 17, when executed, he may have been no more than 16, when executed, and he may have been only 15.
52. Which gives him the dubious distinction of being the youngest prisoner held in the Tower of London to be executed in the vicinity of the Tower.
53. And while it is not usual for 15-year-old boys to marry, if he did marry at 15, he was not the only one. Matilda. (Remember her.) She married a 15-year-old French noble, but, instead of being an year or two older than her husband, as in other cases, she was a decade or two older than her husband. (Which, frankly, creeps me out.) Though, she did all right for herself, as even as a teenager, her husband was highly regarded by his older contemporaries.
54. There was at least one other 15-year-old, who married a woman a decade or more older than him.
To be continued . . .
Next time: wedding customs of the medieval 1%
Continuing . . .
Medieval marriage customs of the 1%
55. Boys and girls could be betrothed to each other at the age of 3 or 4. A betrothal being a promise to marry at some agreed upon date in the future.
56. Princess Aurora. Prince Philip.
2 adjoining kingdoms
2 fathers
If you look at the beginning of the 1959 animated version of Sleeping Beauty, you'll see a very young Prince Philip, with his parents, there at the ceremony. Which at that time Prince Philip was probably betrothed to Princess Aurora, with the agreement that the two would marry 16 years in the future, when both would still be in their teens. Thus, no wonder his father was upset, when he came back and said he was going to marry a peasant chick he met in the forest. For if Princess Aurora's father took the rejection of his daughter as a personal insult, it could lead to a war between the two kingdoms.
57. Boys and girls were married to each other when they were still pre-teens.
Again a bit of fiction, but there is probably some truth to it. A pre-teen couple were kneeling in front of the altar, being married by the priest. The bride was well behaved, but the groom could not stop fidgeting, and if he was not fidgeting, he was looking wildly about him. This so irritated the bride's mother, his future mother-in-law, that she wanted to get up and just smack the kid. LOL!
Of course, after they were married, they would be separated, with the bride going back to live with her parents, and the groom going back to live with his parents, till some agreed upon date in the future. As for teenage couples . . .
58. Apparently, at this time, the age of sexual consent for girls was 14. (Think Juliet.) Though, there was sometimes agreement between the two families, that the bride and groom would not only sleep in separate beds, but in separate rooms, for a year or two, till the bride was older.
59. And if you think 14 was young, apparently, the age of sexual consent for boys was only 12. Of course, I know of not instances of a 12-year-old having to try to being a husband to his wife. The youngest I know for a boy is 15, with several cases of this, including this one.
60. With both bride and groom being in their teens, the couple would live with the groom's parents, again as in this case, till such time both the bride and groom were in their 20s, at which time, they were considered old enough to go off and live on their own.
To be continued . . .
Next time: the aftermath
I know a woman who has had intimate relations with three members of the same family, and she thinks the others don't know about the....others.
Quote from: ER on February 19, 2017, 11:28:54 AM
I know a woman who has had intimate relations with three members of the same family, and she thinks the others don't know about the....others.
At some point I would like to hear that story! :buggedout:
Quote from: indianasmith on February 19, 2017, 02:21:43 PM
Quote from: ER on February 19, 2017, 11:28:54 AM
I know a woman who has had intimate relations with three members of the same family, and she thinks the others don't know about the....others.
At some point I would like to hear that story! :buggedout:
Oh, Indy, you know how much I hate talking about myself...
Quote from: ER on February 19, 2017, 03:00:27 PM
Quote from: indianasmith on February 19, 2017, 02:21:43 PM
Quote from: ER on February 19, 2017, 11:28:54 AM
I know a woman who has had intimate relations with three members of the same family, and she thinks the others don't know about the....others.
At some point I would like to hear that story! :buggedout:
Oh, Indy, you know how much I hate talking about myself...
Ahem, fact of the day, I was only kidding about it being me! (Thought maybe I should make that clear.)
But okay, new fact of the day: Bethesda is working on a VR version of
Fallout 4. Can you imagine getting attacked by a Deathclaw in virtual reality?
I'll see your death claw and raise you a desolation hangnail.
There is mounting evidence that we've had our globes upside down all through history, and the southern hemisphere may be pointing up toward the bulk of the surrounding galaxy, and the northern hemisphere may be pointing down.
Continuing . . .
Hindsight being 29/20. We know what went wrong, and what went wrong caused people to die. Yet, despite more nuanced portrayals of the people involved, both non-fiction (Hartwig) and fiction (Higginbotham, The 3 Janes) we are still getting it wrong, because we do not question the "facts," as we know them. Thus, if we continue to get the past wrong, what does that say about the present and the future. Will we get them wrong for the same reason? And will people die, because we got it wrong?
Next time: a billion here. a billion there. and you know what. after awhile it adds up.
Nuns never laugh at abortion jokes.
The Dirty 30 - 6, or, the 2 Dozen Films that Earned O'er a Billion $ (Unadjusted for Inflation) at the International Box Office (Between 1993 and 2015, Inclusive)
Beginning with . . .
1993 Jurassic park
1997 Titanic
1999 Star Wars, episode 1 : the phantom menace
2003 The Lord of the rings : the return of the king
2006 Pirates of the Caribbean : dead man's chest (HoM)
2008 The Dark Knight
2009 Avatar
2010 Toy story 3 (HoM)
Alice in wonderland (HofM)
2011 Pirates of the Caribbean : on stranger tides (HoM)
Transformers : dark of the moon
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, part 2
2012 Marvels : the avengers (HoM)
Sky fall
The Dark Knight rises
The Hobbit : an unexpected journey
2013 Frozen (HoM)
Iron Man 3 (HoM)
2014 Transformers : age of extinction
2015 Star Wars : the force awakens (HofM)
Avengers : age of Ultron (HoM)
Jurassic World
Furious 7
And how many have you seen?
Next time: the slate of films from House of Mouse (HoM) for 2017
According to The Denver Sun, 12% of cardiac patients between the ages of 35 and 45 admitted to the emergency room at one area hospital had been using marijuana in the last six hours before the event.
Quote from: ER on March 04, 2017, 11:09:45 AM
According to The Denver Sun, 12% of cardiac patients between the ages of 35 and 45 admitted to the emergency room at one area hospital had been using marijuana in the last six hours before the event.
I tend to think this shows how widespread the use of marijuana is rather than indicate that the drug caused the cardiac event.
Films from the House of Mouse for 2017
03/17 Beauty and the Beast
1st. Modern film, but old fashioned.
2nd. The more you look at it. The more the human roles in the film look to be well cast.
3rd. We might get an answer to the one of the great questions in film. How old was the prince at the start of the film? We know the actor who plays the prince. We do not know the actor's age. It looks like we'll have to see the film to get an answer.
4th. A difference from the animated film that seems to make this one more scary. If the last rose petal falls, not only will the prince remain a beast, but the servants will remain household objects.
Whether they will still be sentient, that is the question.
Earth Day. Born in China
The House of Mouse is the last major studio in Hollywood that is still doing full-length nature documentaries.
05/05 Guardians of the Galaxy, vol. 2
05/26 Pirates of the Caribbean : Dead Men Tell No Tales
Apparently, the last film in the series
06/16 Cars 3
07/17 Spiderman : Homecoming
Though, actually a joint production of Sony Columbia and Marvel Studios, some sites have it down as a House of Mouse film.
11/03 Thor : Ragnarok
The question I have is what will become of Loki at the end of the film. Will his fate be like the one in the comic book, or will it be different?
11/22 Coco
12/15 Star Wars : Episode VIII
2017 Magic Camp
Next time: from the House of Mouse for 2018 and 2019
Morocco has great skiing. There are resorts in the Atlas Mountains where you'd swear you were in Austria.
An informative and entertaining article on the real St. Patrick:
"Happy Irreverent but yet still Historically Accurate St. Patrick's Day, wherever you are."
A bad stomach flu can make you revile the day your parents met.
From the House of Mouse, 2018 and thereafter, excluding the films from Marvel Studios, which have already been mentioned.
03/09 Wreck-it Ralph 2
04/06 A Wrinkle in Time
05/25 Han Solo's solo film
06/15 The Incredibles 2
11/21 Gigantic
which is a retelling of Jack and the Beanstalk with a Spanish twist.
06/21 Toy Story 4
07/19 an Untitled Indiana Jones film
he's back and the House of Mouse has him.
Pirates of the Caribbean 6
Well, I got that wrong. When I saw "The Beginning of the End." It's not the end, but the beginning of the end. Thus, the series, which began in 2003, will have a double trilogy.
And if you look at the latest in the Bill Slider police procedural, which is set near London (England) and is by a Brit, who lives in London, one of the new characters is described as looking like Captain Jack Sparrow minus the dreadlocks. Which is just one of the examples of how dominant Americanisms are in the rest of the world.
Next time: you saw it in animation. Now see it in live action.
And I need to get out what Columbia Sony, Paramount Viacom, Time Warner, Universal NBC Comcast, and 20th Century Fox, the other major Hollywood studios, are doing for 2017.
In 1984 the movie The Evil Dead was banned in Germany for its gruesome and violent content. 32 years later rights holder Sony had the movie re-evaluated, and German censors found nothing about The Evil Dead that could harm the fragile mind of underaged children. The Evil Dead was dismissed from the list of banned movies, and the complete uncut version was given a new "16" rating which is like a PG-13 rating :teddyr:
To celebrate the event The Evil Dead had a limited one-weekend-only theatrical run in 80 cities across Germany in early March, followed by various Blu-ray and DVD editions :cheers:
In 1994, a satire conspiracy theory stated that the town of Bielefeld, Germany, doesn't exist at all and is just an illusion. Since then, the town has been rolling with it.
You saw them in animation. Now, see them in live action. Of course, some of these are more further along than others.
Chip 'n' Dale Rescue Rangers
Jungle Book 2
The Lion King (James Earl Jones has agreed to voice Mufasa)
Malificent 2
Mary Poppins Returns (12/25/18) (Dick Van Dyke will be back, but not as Bert, but as Dawes, jr.)
Mulan (11/02/18)
Night on Bald Mountain (aka Chernaborg)
Peter Pan
Prince Charming
Rose Red (Snow's little sister)
Sword in the Stone
Tinker Belle
Winnie the Pooh
The Littlest Mermaid (2017) (Not the Disney version)
Of course, this is a very tentative list, and I expect some of these never to see the light of the projection booth.
Next time: it's already March, so I need to get out what Sony Columbia, Time Warner, Viacom Paramount, Comcast NBC Universal, and 20th Century Fox are going to do for the rest of the year, but first . . . Has one of the greatest literary mysteries of all time finally been solved?
One of the great literary mysteries is who is the Fair Youth featured in Shakespeare's Sonnets. There are a couple of other mysteries, which we'll get to later, but who is the Fair Youth? At first it was thought that it was an young contemporary of Shakespeare, but what if it was not a contemporary, but an young man who had been dead almost a decade before Shakespeare was even born.
Who we'll get to later, but here are the clues to the young man's identity as found in the Sonnets.
Sonnet 13
he thinks he's king. Check
Sonnet 52
he is imprisoned. Check
Sonnet 64
he is imprisoned in the Tower of London. Check
Sonnet 12
he is beheaded. Check
Sonnet 13
he is beheaded during the winter. Check
Sonnet 2
the sonnets were written 40 years after his death in 1554. Check
Sonnet 11
he was 20 years old when he died. Check
Actually, not. Though people are still getting that wrong today, when we know more about when he was born and died than Shakespeare did. Thus, it seems that he may have been as much as 4 or 5 years younger when he died, then Shakespeare states in his sonnets.
Of course, this is all supposition, and more than his age, what points away from this dead youth, is Shakespeare's admonition that the youth marry, so he could pass on his fair looks to his children. Even if Shakespeare got the age wrong, he should have known that the youth was already married, when he was executed. The wife being executed that same day.
As for who it is, it is Lord Guildford Dudley, who was married to Lady Jane Grey. More can be found at "Guildford Dudley : the Fair Youth." (Google it, Dad.)
As for the other 2 mysteries about Shakespeare's Sonnets. 1st While most scholars, though not all, believe the Sonnets were written by Shakespeare, and 2ndly, even more controversially, because it is even more mysterious than who wrote them, is if a contemporary of Shakespeare, whether the passion expressed in the Sonnets remained platonic, or whether there was a physical relationship between the poet, and the subject of his poetry?
Next time: the upcoming films for this year from another of the major Hollywood studios.
There have been cases of people being shot in the heart and still running a hundred yards before finally falling over and dying.
BTW, a hundred yards is the length of a football field, minus the end zones.
Some of my undies are clean. :wink:
Quote from: Trevor on April 04, 2017, 01:40:30 AM
Some of my undies are clean. :wink:
And you keep them locked up in a glass case so they stay that way, right?
Anyway... fact. ...
Studies have shown that after being decapitated, a mouses brain has electrical impulses that would suggest consciousness for up to four seconds. Tests with larger animals likewise suggested they remain capable of conscious thought for even longer.
Quote from: Chainsaw midget on April 08, 2017, 11:47:09 AM
Studies have shown that after being decapitated, a mouses brain has electrical impulses that would suggest consciousness for up to four seconds. Tests with larger animals likewise suggested they remain capable of conscious thought for even longer.
Basically, if a human is decapitated, they would have enough time to realize what a s**t job the killer did? That's kinda cruel.
Onto the fact:
In the Windows OS, you cannot name a folder "con". I tried it with Windows 7, and it's true (at least up to W 7).
Decapitated heads die from cerebral hypoxia (lack of oxygen) , i read that a frenchman wanted to test out a guillatine when it was first invented. His test was a success, he proved that the guillatine works and that cutting ones head off can be fatal, even for village idiots. Oh, and the atomic weight of cobalt is 58.9.
Sony Columbia releases for 2017.
06/16 Rough Night
06/28 Baby Driver
07/07 Spiderman : Homecoming
08/04 The Dark Tower
08/25 All Saints
09/15 The Soultrean
11/10 The Star
12/20 Jumanji : Welcome to the Jungle
And here are a half dozen of the most popular DCOMs (Disney Channel Original Movies), which makes them some of the most popular made for TV movies ever seen on TV, and in alphabetical order . . .
Camp Rock
High School Musical 2
Phineas and Ferb : the Movie
Teen Beach Movie
Wizards of Waverly Place : the Movie
Next time: another day. another studio + "what goes up. must come down. lest it also goes up."
At one point Rocky Balboa was going to become a member of the G.I. Joe team.
They had made a mold and artwork for the toy before the deal fell through. There is even a single issue of the G.I. Joe Marvel comic that shows Rocky as a member and gives him a bio. The very next issue they had to put out a disclaimer saying that Rocky was never a member of the team.
There was also a convention exclusive figure of Rowdy Roddy Piper who's bio says he's actually a relative of Destro.
20th Century Fox
Upcoming features in 2017
05/12 Snatched
05/19 Alien : Contact
05/19 Diary of a Wimpy Kid : the Long Haul
06/02 Captain Underpants
(and a congratulations to Trevor, who as a member of this board, is the 1st one to get his own film)
07/14 War for the Planet of the Apes
07/29 Kings man : the Golden Circle
10/20 The Mountain Between Us
11/10 Red Sparrow
11/22 Murder on the Orient Express
(normally, this is something I'd see, but I've already seen it twice, the theatrical version in 1974 and the TV version, so I lack interest in seeing it a 3rd time)
12/15 Ferdinand
(this is actually a full-length feature remake of the 1939 Oscar winning animated short subject, which is worth checking out for the caricatures of the animators who worked on it, and for the matador who is the old man himself Walt Disney)
12/25 The Greatest Showman on Earth
Note: that over half of these are either remakes or sequels.
What goes up must come down. Lest it goes up.
Indoor Cinemas
1995: 7151
2015: 5375
decrease 25%
Drive-in cinemas
1995: 593
2015: 349
decrease 41%
when I 1st moved into the area in which I still live, there were several, then there were none, and now there is 1, and as it is still in existence, it must be doing enough business to reman open.
Average ticket price
1995: $4.35
2015: $8.43
increase 48%
Popcorn sold
1995: 1.03 billion lbs.
2015: 1.11 billion lbs.
increase 7%
As studios can and have demanded 100%, even 110% of the gate receipts, this is where the cinema makes its money, and if moviegoers are like myself, they'll spend more at the concession stand than for the ticket.
Next time: another day. another studio and then there were 9 + 1 surprise kicker.
The Empire Strikes Back was the biggest domestic box office hit of 1980. However, the movie that spend the most weeks at #1 in 1980 was Coal Miner's Daughter.
Released March 7, 1980, Coal MIner's Daughter took the top spot for nine continuous weeks and was finally de-throned by Friday the 13th on May 11, 1980.
Coal Miner's daughter ended up grossing $67m. The Empire Strikes Back made $209m, but only spend six weeks at #1.
Quote from: claws on April 22, 2017, 02:30:17 PM
The Empire Strikes Back was the biggest domestic box office hit of 1980. However, the movie that spend the most weeks at #1 in 1980 was Coal Miner's Daughter.
Released March 7, 1980, Coal MIner's Daughter took the top spot for nine continuous weeks and was finally de-throned by Friday the 13th on May 11, 1980.
Coal Miner's daughter ended up grossing $67m. The Empire Strikes Back made $209m, but only spend six weeks at #1.
On the opposite end of that spectrum.
Zyzzyx Road was released in 2006. It played in one theater for six days and made only $30 dollars. Six people saw it. $10 of that was refunded. The make up effects artists saw it with a friend and they both got their money back from the star of the movie.
The Worst Movie Ever was released in 2011. It had two midnight showings in a single theater and made only $11. Only person paid to see it.
Upcoming features in 2017
06/09 The Mummy
There is some talk, after this, of Universal rebooting all of its horror film icons.
06/16 The Best of Henry
06/23 The Beguiled
If the title sounds familiar, it is the remake of the 1971 film, with the same title, starring Clint Eastwood.
06/30 Despicable Me 3
07/21 Girls Trip
07/28 Atomic Blonde
An example of how an adapted novel can be changed for the film to make it more suitable for film audiences, as they may not be the same as the audience for the book. Based on the graphic novel The Coldest City by Johnston and Hart, the film originally had the same title as the graphic novel till it was changed to what you see here.
09/22 Victoria and Abdul
09/29 American Made
10/13 The Snowman
10/20 Half to Death
10/27 Thank you for Your Service
11/24 Darkest Hour
12/22 Pitch Perfect 3
2017 The Best Man Wedding
Then There Were 9 + 1 Surprise Kicker
Every 2 years the House of Mouse at its D23 Expo awards people it calls its Legends with its Disney Legends awards. Here are the actors, animators, entertainment executives, Imagineers, etc. receiving the award in 2017.
Clyde Geronimi
Manuel Gonzales
Wayne Jackson
Stan Lee
When that old man dies, it'll be an end of era, he'll have outlived most of his contemporaries, including his brother. Now he has a 2nd career of making cameo appearances in films. His being his appearance as himself in The Mallrats (1995) My favorite of his cameos is as Fred's father in Big hero 6 (2014.)
Gary Marshall
Julie Taymor
Oprah Winfrey
If there is any question as to why she is here, her production company Harpo Production has produced many of the programs seen on ABC. She can be seen in the upcoming A Wrinkle in Time for the House of Mouse. She produced and starred in a motion picture for the House of Mouse's adult division. And she voiced a character in one of the animated films for House of Mouse.
Carrie Fisher
Mark Hamill
And who is missing? That is where the Surprise Kicker comes in, as someone has pointed out, the awards ceremony often features a Legend who is not announced to the awards ceremony. And this year it is thought it may be Harrison Ford.
Next time: another day. another studio + if there is a way to make money legally, it is involved.
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on April 26, 2017, 02:35:28 PM
Stan Lee
When that old man dies, it'll be an end of era, he'll have outlived most of his contemporaries, including his brother. Now he has a 2nd career of making cameo appearances in films. His being his appearance as himself in The Mallrats (1995) My favorite of his cameos is as Fred's father in Big hero 6 (2014.)
I'm assuming you meant to say his first being his appearance in mallrats. That's incorrect. He cameod as a juror in the made for TV movie Trial of the Incredible Hulk in 1989.
Quote from: Chainsaw midget on April 26, 2017, 09:17:20 PM
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on April 26, 2017, 02:35:28 PM
Stan Lee
When that old man dies, it'll be an end of era, he'll have outlived most of his contemporaries, including his brother. Now he has a 2nd career of making cameo appearances in films. His being his appearance as himself in The Mallrats (1995) My favorite of his cameos is as Fred's father in Big hero 6 (2014.)
I'm assuming you meant to say his first being his appearance in mallrats. That's incorrect. He cameod as a juror in the made for TV movie Trial of the Incredible Hulk in 1989.
Thank-you for catching that Chainsaw. While I do try to proofread my posts, some of them come across as being badly written and indecipherable, which that one is. What I meant to say was that Lee's favorite cameo was in The Mallrats (1995.)
2017 upcoming releases for Time Warner
05/12 King Arthur : Legend of the Sword
05/19 Everything Every thing
06/02 Wonder Woman
06/30 The House
07/21 Dunkirk
08/11 Anabelle : Creator
09/08 It
09/22 Ninjago
10/06 Blade Runner 2049
10/20 Geo storm
11/17 Justice League
12/22 Bastards (2017)
2017 Chicken Soup for the Soul
When you think of the House of Mouse, what do you think of?
Animation? Live action? Theme parks? Maybe TV?
That's just scratching the surface, as they have more fingers in more pies, than you can shake a stick at, and here are some of them.
animation -- apps
beauty boutiques -- Broadway musicals -- business education and conferences
cruise ships
entertainment expos
guided adventures
hotels -- housing developments
ice shows
live action
marathons --merchandise -- musical concerts
nature preservation
on-line channels and broadcasting -- on-line gaming
radio -- recording -- retail stores -- river cruising -- road shows
shopping centers
theme parks -- transportation -- TV
vacation clubs
and weddings and honeymoons
Next time: the last of the major Hollywood film studios Paramount/Viacom/CBS and can Paramount do what the House of Mouse and Universal have done successfully so far?
The final major Hollywood Studio and its upcoming releases for 2017.
05/25 Baywatch
06/21 Transformers : the Last Knight
10/13 mother
10/27 2017 Clover field Movie
11/03 Suburbican
11/10 Daddy's Home 2
12/22 Downsizing
And can Paramount do successfully what the House of Mouse and Universal have done? And that is build a successful theme park, which they want to do on 82 acres in the London (U.K.) area, which they want to open in 2023.
For London (U.K.)
It seems to be a win win situation. Even if they have to offer tax incentives to Paramount, if it is worded correctly, even tax revenue lost should be made up by a tax gain in the temporary construction jobs + the jobs needed to operate the theme park + the taxes generated by the thousands of guests expected to visit the theme park each day.
For Paramount
It seems more of a bad news/good news situation.
The bad news is the cost.
62 years ago you could build an entire theme park for a few million $. Now that few million is unlikely to build even one ride or attraction, since you are now talking about in the billions of $. And where will Paramount get the money, and since there has been talk of spinning off entirely CBS, which is the most profitable part of the company, it'll be even harder to find the money to build the theme park.
The good news is that while Paramount does not have has many franchises to its bow as House of Mouse or Universal, it does have more than I thought. And they include . . .
Baywatch -- Mission Impossible -- Nickelodeon -- SpongeBob Square pants -- Star Trek -- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles -- and Transformers.
All of which can be converted into rides and attractions.
And we shall see what we shall see in 2023.
Next time: who is the biggest bat of them all
QuoteNext time: who is the biggest bat of them all
In olden times, they'd have open meat markets where people sell lambs and pigs and such. A person who could come by, negotiate a price and then their purchase would be placed in a bag. Sometimes though some unscrupulous salesmen would switch out the purchase for a bag containing another animal, like a cat. Thus came the phrase "letting the cat out of the bag".
Who is the biggest Bat of them all?
Excluding the Legos Batman, here are the 6 actors who have played Batman on the big screen.
The Batman listed is the original Batman from the comic books.
And the measurements are given in centimeters and kilograms, because the lists originated in the U.K.
193 cm. Ben Affleck
188 cm. Batman
188 cm. Adam West
183 cm. Christian Bale
183 cm. Val Kilmer
180 cm. George Clooney
178 cm. Michael Keaton
98 kg. Ben Affleck
95 kg. Batman
93 kg. Val Kilmer
91 kg. Adam West
82 kg. Christian Bale
78 kg. George Clooney
72 kg. Michael Keaton
Next time: horror + boy scouts = a match made in Hollywood heaven.
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on April 19, 2017, 05:41:44 PM
06/02 Captain Underpants
(and a congratulations to Trevor, who as a member of this board, is the 1st one to get his own film)
:bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle: :thumbup:
Quote11/22 Murder on the Orient Express
(normally, this is something I'd see, but I've already seen it twice, the theatrical version in 1974 and the TV version, so I lack interest in seeing it a 3rd time)
:bluesad: :bluesad:
NOOOOO: that was the film which got me started in and liking films: which idiot went and remade that?
Quote from: Umaril The Unfeathered on February 12, 2011, 12:41:02 PM
I'm not wearing any underwear; film at 11 :smile:
:buggedout: :buggedout: :buggedout: :buggedout:
Although people refer to money as "green paper", money (at least American dollars) isn't made out of a paper. It's actually made out of cotton. (Well, technically 75% cotton and 25% linen.)
Here are probably the 10 best horror films featuring boy scouts.
(And in order by release date)
1968 Gamera vs. Viras
1980 He Knows You're Alone
1981 Omen III
1988 Lair of the White Worm
1994 Cemetery Man
2009 Hobgoblins 2
2012 Mockinbird Lane
2013 The Scout
2014 Cub
2015 Scouts' Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse
An international as the boy scout movement, as they come from . . .
the U.S. -- the U.K. -- Japan -- Italy --- Belgium.
Next time: Elizabeth II was not the youngest.
Mario and Donkey Kong were created beause Nintendo couldn't get the rights to Popeye at the time.
The original Donkey Kong game idea would have used Popeye instead of Mario, Bluto instead of Donkey Kong, and Olive instead of Pauline.
In 1952, when Elizabeth II took the throne, she was only 25, but she was not the youngest monarch to sit on the throne, as here are 10 of her peers, who were even younger.
Charles II
18 years, 8 months
Victoria I
18 years, 1 month
Henry VIII
17 years, 10 months
Jane I
15 years, 8 months
Edward III
14 years, 2 months
Edward V
12 years, 5 months
Richard II
10 years, 5 months
Edward VI
9 years, 3 months
Henry III
9 years, 1 month
Henry VI
0 years, 9 months
Average age
12 years, 5 months
While this was not done deliberately, hindsight being 20/20, it was a bad idea to put someone so young on the throne, as half of these named--Jane I, Edward V, Richard II, Edward VI, Henry VI--either died violently sometime later and/or died while still in their teens.
Next time: is everybody happy?
Is Everybody Happy?
By a process I do not know and cannot comprehend, here are the 5 "happiest" songs from the House of Mouse. From 5th to 1st.
A Girl Worth Fighting For
from Mulan
Under the Sea
from The Little Mermaid
I've Got a Dream
from Tangled
I Can't Wait to be King
from The Lion King
Hawaiian Rollercoaster Ride
from Lilo and Stitch
I would also add a 6th to the 5.
The Silly Song (The Dwarf's Yodel Song)
from Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs
The success of the film was due in part to the music, which is why the sheet music for all the individual songs sold very well, with one exception, and that is for the song listed, even if when you see the film, it is the most visual song in the film.
What I do know is that I owe my love for music to them, to Captain Kangaroo (Bob Keeshan), and my mother.
I also know that the House of Mouse has had a better understanding of the importance of music to film than most studios. One example being that they were the last of the major studios to retain a member on the staff to write music for the productions of the House of Mouse.
Next time: well, that's a change.
Looks like ScrubTheWeb sold their domain name; at the very least they took the link to the domain market place down.
EDIT: A quick search shows the name still listed as for sale.
According to my son, a "complimom" is when you say something nice about your mother.
My sister's chihuahua went blind due to his diabetes. :bluesad:
Well, that's a change.
There is a certain agreement now among some historians that the 5 greatest American presidents are . . . (from 5th to 1st)
Thomas Jefferson
George Washington
Abraham Lincoln
Teddy Roosevelt
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Next time: merchandise. the gift that keeps on giving.
There have been instances of people getting shot in the heart and still running a hundred yards before finally collapsing. (Hundred yards, BTW, is the length of a football field.)
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on June 27, 2017, 12:57:55 PM
Well, that's a change.
There is a certain agreement now among some historians that the 5 greatest American presidents are . . . (from 5th to 1st)
Thomas Jefferson
George Washington
Abraham Lincoln
Teddy Roosevelt
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Next time: merchandise. the gift that keeps on giving.
Not according to this year's President's Day CNN Historians poll:
https://www.c-span.org/presidentsurvey2017/?page=overall (https://www.c-span.org/presidentsurvey2017/?page=overall)
It lists the top 5, in order, as:
But, in all fairness, there's been a lot of movement up and down the list in the last ten years.
It's interesting to see how their stars rise and fall.
Quote from: indianasmith on July 03, 2017, 06:17:46 PM
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on June 27, 2017, 12:57:55 PM
Well, that's a change.
There is a certain agreement now among some historians that the 5 greatest American presidents are . . . (from 5th to 1st)
Thomas Jefferson
George Washington
Abraham Lincoln
Teddy Roosevelt
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Next time: merchandise. the gift that keeps on giving.
Not according to this year's President's Day CNN Historians poll:
https://www.c-span.org/presidentsurvey2017/?page=overall (https://www.c-span.org/presidentsurvey2017/?page=overall)
It lists the top 5, in order, as:
But, in all fairness, there's been a lot of movement up and down the list in the last ten years.
It's interesting to see how their stars rise and fall.
They may be in a different order, but it seems historians agree that both Roosevelts, Washington, and Lincoln belong in the top 5. The only difference between the two lists is that Eisenhower replaces Jefferson in the Top 5.
Merchandise: a gift that keeps on giving.
Frozen may be one of the few films to earn over a billion $ at the box office, but that was nothing compared to the $3 billion in merchandise sales that came from the merchandise associated with the film.
A film is only a film, but merchandise is where the big money was in 2016. Where it earned $56.6 billion for the House of Mouse, or $178.99 for every second--approximately--in 2016 or $4 billion more than in 2015. The top 3 sellers being . . .
Star Wars
Finding Dory
Minnie Mouse
Which is why whether we see another Cars and/or Transformers depends upon as much as the merchandise sales the films generate as the box office.
Next time: the more things change. the more they stay the same--the teen years
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on July 05, 2017, 05:30:02 PM
Quote from: indianasmith on July 03, 2017, 06:17:46 PM
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on June 27, 2017, 12:57:55 PM
Well, that's a change.
There is a certain agreement now among some historians that the 5 greatest American presidents are . . . (from 5th to 1st)
Thomas Jefferson
George Washington
Abraham Lincoln
Teddy Roosevelt
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Next time: merchandise. the gift that keeps on giving.
Not according to this year's President's Day CNN Historians poll:
https://www.c-span.org/presidentsurvey2017/?page=overall (https://www.c-span.org/presidentsurvey2017/?page=overall)
It lists the top 5, in order, as:
But, in all fairness, there's been a lot of movement up and down the list in the last ten years.
It's interesting to see how their stars rise and fall.
They may be in a different order, but it seems historians agree that both Roosevelts, Washington, and Lincoln belong in the top 5. The only difference between the two lists is that Eisenhower replaces Jefferson in the Top 5.
If you care to read it, there is a great little book called STAR SPANGLED MEN: A LOOK AT AMERICA'S TEN WORST PRESIDENTS that Nathan Miller wrote back around 2000 or so. It's largely his personal opinion, although most of the Presidents on his list are near the bottom of this poll. But there is a bonus chapter at the end about the two most overrated Presidents. In his opinion, they are JFK and Thomas Jefferson. I agree with that judgment - JFK has always had this halo of ability about him that his actual accomplishments don't really match, and Jefferson's achievements as President never really earned him a spot with the "greats," although he was well above average.
According to a professor of Popular culture (whatever that is) at Syracuse University Charles Schulz's Peanuts is "arguably the longest story ever told by one human being.''
Peanuts ran from October 1950 to Febuary 2000. There were 17,897 comic strips made.
During that time, Charlie Brown kicked the football only one. ... in 1956. Schroeder and not Lucy was the one holding the ball that time.
The more things change. The more they stay the same: the teen years.
Then: 4 and a half centuries ago.
They liked to party, which would include dancing, and to entertain their friends.
Boys liked to participate in sports.
Then: jousting
Now: excluding Medieval Times, you don't see much jousting, except in Maryland, where I believe a variation is the state sport.
The question is how old a boy had to be ere they could joust, since one could be seriously injured and even killed, it might have been 18 or 19.
When one wanted to show one was interested in another, one sent them a picture of oneself.
Now: a photo, most likely a selfie.
Then: a miniature portrait.
While the advice was often wrong and contradictory, it would behoove the sexually inexperienced to seek advice from the more experienced, if only to prevent the next from happening.
When newlyweds had a martial spat, they went home to mother. That is both the bride and the groom.
It was not always the man's fault.
Teens were horny and enjoyed sex.
Then: one newlywed teen bride wrote to a friend saying how much she enjoyed spending every night she could sleeping together with her teenage husband, in the same bed. The only problem was that neither one was getting much sleep.
Relationships are made to be broken up by the parents.
Mother-in-laws and sons-in-law and daughters-in-law did not get along sometimes.
It was not always the mother-in-law's fault.
They still can be dumb as a rock.
They still live in their own world.
Prison can change one.
When one is imprisoned, one reaches out to one in a similar circumstance.
When one knows one is going to die, even more so.
Death of a teen still hurts. Grown men were seen to weep openly at hearing of a teen's death.
And, of course, teens were probably similar 4 and a half centuries ere then, and will be similar 4 and a half centuries from now.
Next time: why would a man attend a comic con?
Why would a man attend a Comic Con?
This question was asked on the internet, and while I do not know whether the questioner was being facetious or not, it did get me to thinking, and these are the reasons I came up with. Of course, this was from someone who has never attended a Comic Con, and most likely will never will, as it is just not my thing, so I probably missed a reason or two, but these are the reasons I came up with.
A. If one likes to cosplay.
B. If one likes to be amid a community of like believers.
C. If one has enjoyed a film or TV show, a visit to a theme park, playing a video game, or reading a book or comic book in the past, what does the future hold.
D. If one wants to meet one's favorite stars.
E. If one is a collector for fun and/or profit.
F. If one wants to learn how things are done.
And exclusive to D23.
G. If one is interested in Marvel and/or Star Wars. Probably the best place for it.
H. If one is a power player, then one gravitates to the power center of the most powerful--at this time--entertainment company in Hollywood, which is headed by the most powerful person in Hollywood. The last from The Hollywood Reporter.
Who may become even more powerful, as there is talk of his running for president in 2020.
Next time: if I can find the figures, the 10 most attended Comic Cons.
According to page fifty-five of the thrift paperback edition of A Confederacy of Dunces, Ignatius Reilly liked bad movies.
Here are the top 10 genera cons by attendance figures.
A genera con is one with multi genera.
*U.S. only
**latest attendance figures and not necessarily the average attendance.
***from least to most.
Momo Con
(Atlanta, Georgia)
Indy Pop Con
(Indianapolis, Indiana)
Comic Palooza
(Houston, Texas)
Wonder Con
(Anaheim, California)
Dragon Con
(Atlanta, Georgia)
Mega Con
(Orlando, Florida)
Phoenix Comic Con
(Phoenix, Arizona)
Denver Comic Con
(Denver, Colorado)
San Diego Comic Con
(San Diego, California)
New York Comic Con
(New York, New York)
And that is only one type of Con. Other Cons. Other types of Cons. There are . . .
Gaming cons
Gen Con
(Indianapolis, Indiana)
Fan cons
D23 Expo
(Anaheim, California)
Sci Fi cons
Star Wars Celebration
(Orlando, Florida)
Though what separates one type of con from another type of con, I have no idea.
Next time: something new
Experts on facial expression say Mona Lisa's face reflects . . .
83% happiness
09% contempt
06% fear
02% anger
Either that or she saw and smelt Trevor's used undies, when her portrait was being painted.
Next time: ?
Today's word is icosahedron, which is basically a shape with twenty sides, common amongst D&D players.
The Coahuiltecan Indians of South Texas were so poor that they practiced something called the "Second Harvest" - they would pick through their own feces for undigested seeds and grains, wash them off, grind them up, and eat them again.
The Tudors and Dudley, or, why they were not like us.
Descendants of Henry VII from 1445-1664
Men (25)
Ages of death: 16 to 82
Average age at death: 46.5
Women (22)
Ages of death: 17 to 70
Average age at death: 51.5
Dudley Family Tree
Men (30)
executed: 6
killed in battle: 3
murdered: 1
total 33%
Women (24)
executed: 2
suicide: 1
total 17%
One family between 1525-1541
had 13 children or 7 boys and 6 girls
Of these . . .
1 boy and 4 girls did not survive past their 1st decade of life.
3 boys did not survive past their 2nd decade of life.
and 1 boy did not survive past his 3rd decade of life.
Thus, of the 13 children born, only 2 boys and 2 girls lived past 30.
The Church at that time said: "Girls can wed, when they reach the age of 12, and boys can wed, when they reach the age of 14."
Next time: what does the post office know, that we don't.
Abingdon intended to call the young colt "Potato" and instructed the stable boy to write the name on a feed bin. The stable boy facetiously spelled the name as "Potoooooooo" (Pot followed by 8 "o"s), which so amused Abingdon that he adopted the spelling.[3] Subsequent writers have used a variety of spellings that reflect the intended pronunciation, "Potatoes".[1] In The Jockey Club's online database equineline.com, the name is spelled as Pot8O's.[4] The General Stud Book uses Potoooooooo.[5]
Apparently there are no qualifications required whatsoever to announce a high school football game.
Sixteen years ago tonight I met the man I eventually married. When I set eyes on him that night, I saw fireworks. Of course 700,000 other people did too, right outside, but telling the kids the first part of that makes for a nice story.
Last month an alternative press publication ran an article that showed in almost any city in America, including mine, if you trace a line between all the Outback Steak Houses, you come up with a near perfect (inverted) pentagram.
What do I take away from this? An explanation for why every time I eat there they forget to put my salad dressing on the side: the devil made them do it.
If you're making a campfire and want to place stones around it, don't put the stones in a circle, make a semi-circle with the opening in front of where you'll be. This will draw the air into the fire by you, and make the smoke mostly blow away from you.
In a lot of cereal commercials what you're seeing in the bowl is usually NOT milk. Think about it, commercials can take awhile to film and it doesn't take but a few minutes for cereal to get soggy and gross looking. So, what do you use? Often it's glue. Another neat fact, all the flakes/chips/pieces you see in the bowl are usually hand picked beforehand.
What does the post office know that many of us don't?
The value of the villain to a film, as recently they came out with a set of stamps honoring the Disney animated villain. Among the villains depicted on the stamps are . . .
The Wicked Queen from Snow White and the 7 Dwarves
J. Worthington Foul fellow from Pinocchio
Lady Tremaine from Cinderella
The Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland
Captain Hook from Peter Pan
Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty
Cruella de Vil from 101 Dalmatians
Ursula from the Little Mermaid
Gaston from Beauty and the Beast
and Scar from the Lion King
And if one wants to read more about the backstory of the Disney animated villain, Serena Valentino has come out with a trilogy of books featuring the Wicked Queen from Snow White and the 7 Dwarves, Ursula from the Little Mermaid, and the Beast from Beauty and the Beast. And next month on October 3, we get her take on Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty. And next year in 2018, we get a 5th book on a villain yet to be named.
Ever think about the process of walking, or just...do it?
It's believed by many medical historians that stepping so that your heel is the part of your foot that first touches the ground is a modern development, dating only into the industrial age, and that across most of history (and in the non-developed world even now) people walked with the ball of the foot touching before any other part.
In fact walking heel first is unnatural, something primates and other mammals do not do. Even in humans it is an acquired trait, as evidenced by how toddling children walk ball of the foot down, heel next, and only after wearing shoes does the practice change.
It even makes sense to stride heel last, since it makes less stress on the body, and also---important in shoeless societies---puts down less weight at the start of a step (and distributes it more evenly later) so that if one were to encounter, say, a thorn or stinging insect, less weight would be exerted and the foot could be jerked back faster. It also develops the calf muscles to be almost as strong as the thigh, an advantage in running and climbing and other things humans were called on to do over 99.9% of our history, and it gives a sort of efficient speed-walking momentum to each step a person takes.
There are living history interpreters who are consciously trying to add a more authentic motion to their stride by re-training their bodies to walk in ways more in keeping with the past, heel-last. Some chiropractors are prescribing it to treat back pain.
All that said, how do I walk? Still heel first!
Ifre a uently walk on the balls of my feet.
Quote from: AoTFan on September 17, 2017, 09:33:06 PM
In a lot of cereal commercials what you're seeing in the bowl is usually NOT milk. Think about it, commercials can take awhile to film and it doesn't take but a few minutes for cereal to get soggy and gross looking. So, what do you use? Often it's glue. Another neat fact, all the flakes/chips/pieces you see in the bowl are usually hand picked beforehand.
Other than glue, paint is often used.
Shakespeare's Kings
Chronologically, King John, regarded by some historians as being Britain's worst monarch, is the 1st British monarch covered in Shakespeare's historical plays. Followed by his son Henry III. Then for some odd reason, skipping Edward I, II, and III, Shakespeare takes up the order of British monarchs with Richard II. Then he follows with Henry IV, V, and VI; Edward IV and V; Richard III, and concludes his historical plays with Henry VIII.
The Hank McCune Show which aired in 1949 was the first TV show to use canned laughter.
(IMHO) a hero's best opponent is a mirror image of the hero, just in reverse, and what can be true in fiction, is also true in fact. While I no longer remember the title or the writer, there have been comparisons of Hitler and Stalin, finding similarities between them. This is not from the same time, but from 4 centuries earlier, but similar.
Richard III of the House of York and its last reigning monarch.
John Dudley, the Duke of Northumberland of the House of Tudor, which was made up of the remnants of the House of Lancaster.
Both Houses being opponents in the War of the Roses. The only reason the 2 men did not personally oppose each other was that the 2nd was born after the 1st one died.
1. Both were competent rulers, which is often forgotten.
2. Both fought for their lives for both knew if they lost they were dead.
3. Both were hated then and now.
4. Both somewhat unjustly.
5. Both were good fathers and loved their children.
6. Both had their daughters educated alongside their sons.
7. Both had multiple sons.
Richard: 1 legitimate + 1 not legitimate
John: 6 legitimate
8. Both were seen to weep openly at the death of a son or the thought of a son's death.
9. Both came to a bad end.
Richard: killed in battle
John: executed
10. Both had fathers who came to a bad end.
Richard: his father was killed after a battle.
John: his father was executed.
11. London backed the wrong person both times.
Richard: who was the winner.
John: who was the loser.
12. Both were gamblers, which is why both probably lost their lives.
13. Both have been reevaluated--favorably--since their times.
14. Win or lose
Richard: the better man won
John: the worst woman won
15. Both were associated with the Tower of London.
16. Both men were rash to the point of foolhardiness.
Next time: do not shun the pun
More cereal trivia!
When the "Monster" cereals (Count Chocula and Frankenberry, Booberry didn't come along till later) were first introduced, they had to recall the Frankenberry because they found that the dye in the cereal was turning kids stools pink, and this, naturally was rather concerning to parents. It's unknown if Count Chocula had a similar effect because, hey, who'd notice?
On October 5/6th, I experienced being drunk off my ass. I even tweeted about being drunk by mashing random letters/numbers into the tweets.
Do not shun the pun.
He loves a good or a "bad" pun, and some of the best or "worst" are found at Walt Disney World. Here are a sample.
The Pun (what it puns) what it is.
AbracadaBar (abracadabra bar) drinking
Auntie Gravity's Galactic Goodies (anti-gravity galactic goodies) dining
Avalunch (avalanche) dining
B Active (be active) fitness center
B Indulged (be indulged) spa
Beaches and Cream Soda Shop (peaches and cream soda shop) dining
Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique (bibbidi bobbidi boo) spa
Boathouse Boatique (boathouse boutique) shopping
BouTiki (boutique) shopping
Contemporary Grounds (temporary grounds) drinking
Di-Vine (divine) performer
Dinosaur Gertie's Ice Cream of Extinction (dinosaur gertie's ice cream of distinction) dining
Frosty the Joe Man Coffee Shack (frosty the snowman coffee shack) drinking
Good's Food to Go (good food to go) dining
Grand I (grand one) boat
Hundred Acres Goods (hundred acres woods) shopping
Innoventions (innovations) attraction
Ketchakiddee Creek (catch a kiddie creek) splash zone
Let's Go Slurpin' (let's go surfin') drinking
Lottawatta Lodge (lot of water lodge) dining
Lunching Pad (launching pad) dining
To be continued . . .
Quote from: AoTFan on October 10, 2017, 11:31:59 PM
More cereal trivia!
When the "Monster" cereals (Count Chocula and Frankenberry, Booberry didn't come along till later) were first introduced, they had to recall the Frankenberry because they found that the dye in the cereal was turning kids stools pink, and this, naturally was rather concerning to parents. It's unknown if Count Chocula had a similar effect because, hey, who'd notice?
In addition to Frankenberry, Boo Berry, Count Chocula, Yummy Mummy, and Fruit Brute, there were plans to introduce one more monster cereal mascot.
While artwork was made and ideas were pitched, nothing ever came of it. The ideas included,
Bride of Frankenberry
Phantom Berry
and a Jekyll and Hyde berry guy who's name I can't remember
According to a fact on my Snapple cap, in Texas it is legal to shoot bigfoot.
Continuing with . . .
Do not shun the pun!
The pun (What it puns) What it is
Mardi Grogs (Mardi Gras) drinking
Merchant of Venus (merchant of Venice) shopping
Mickey's Philharmagic (mickey's philharmonic) attraction
Miss Adventure Falls (misadventure falls) attraction
Mount Gush more (Mount Rushmore) attraction
Olden Gate Bridge (golden gate bridge) attraction
Picabu (peek-a-boo) shopping
Pizzafari (safari) dining
The Power of the Park Side (the power of the dark side) tour
Rock 'n' Roller Coaster (rock 'n' roll coaster) attraction
Sand Bar (sandbar) drinking
Schoolyard Spray ground (schoolyard playground) splash zone
Sci-fi Dine-in Theater (sci-fi drive-in theater) dining
Sugar3 (sugar cube) shopping
Team boat Springs (steamboat springs) attraction
Tike's Peal (pike's peak) splash zone
Tren-D (trendy) shopping
Waggin' Tail (wagon trail) dog park
Next time: final comments and about a half dozen from Disney Cruise Line (DCL)
Considering I've had my blood drawn more than most people (not because of sickness, it was related to a job) so often it stopped even registering as something to be dreaded or to think twice about, here is a tip next time you have to undergo this. After it's done, don't bend your arm at the elbow like they tell you to. If you let your arm lie straight for a few minutes you will virtually never get a bruise, no matter how vitamin-K deficient you are or how prone to bruising. Once I figured that out it changed my life. (This popped into my head because they're doing a blood drive down the street today and I figured I'd donate.)
Continuing with . . .
do not shun the pun.
That's . . .
10 dining
07 attractions
06 drinking
06 shopping
03 splash zone
07 everything else
39 total puns
And now almost a dozen puns from Disney Cruise Lines (DCL.)
Arr-cade (arcade) arcade
Buoys and Gulls (boys and girls) restrooms
Buy the Seashore (by the seashore) shopping
Daisy De-Lites (daisy delights) dining
Eye Scream (ice cream) dining
Suns (sons) restroom
Tow Mater's Grill (tomato's grill) dining
Twist 'n' Spout (twist and shout) waterslide
Whozits and Whatzits (who is it and what is it) shopping
Next time: we'll think of something.
Each year Project Censored comes out with the 10 most underreported stories. Thus, here are those stories for 2017.
01. Widespread lead contamination threatens children's health and could triple household water bills.
02. More than 6 trillion dollars in unaccountable Army spending.
03. Pentagon paid U.K. PR firm for fake Al-Qaeda video.
04. Voter suppression in the 2016 presidential election.
05. Big data and dark money behind the 2016 election.
06. Antibiotic resistant "superbug" threatens health and foundations of modern medicine.
07. The toll of U.S. Navy training on wild life in the North Pacific.
08. Maternal mortality a growing threat in the U.S.
09. DNC claims right to select presidential candidates.
10. 2016: a record year for global internet shutdown.
More information on these stories can be found at the website for Project Censored. Also in the past, though I have not see it this year, Project Censored also published a book which went into more detail about the stories. And while not mentioned in the article I found these 10 stories mentioned, Project Censored also comes up with an yearly list of over reported stories. In the past, think Kardashians.
Mac 'n' cheese is no longer a plebian dish. It has gone patrician. Mac 'n' cheese can be obtained with . . .
chicken breast -- crab -- crawfish
filet mignon
pulled pork
seafood -- Sriracha -- shrimp
And in almost 2 dozen more different ways at Walt Disney World.
Next time: Heat Index
Heat Index
(from 0 to 10 with 10 being the hottest)
00 bell pepper
01 yellow wax
02 guajillo
02 Anaheim
03 cherry
03 Poplano
04 jalapeno
05 ancho
06 chipotle
07 chile de arbol
07 aji rojo
07 Serrano
08 cayenne
08 piquin
08 tepin
09 tabasco
10 habanero
Next time: Pardon me! Do you happen to have $60 billion?
"Pardon me! But do you have $60 billion?"--"I am sorry, but I left my wallet in my other pants." And I think it is obvious which seller and buyer I am talking about.
Or, what do you get for $52.4 billion reduced from $60 billion?
As always, we know more what we do not get then what we do get.
What is not got.
--Fox News
---and President Trump is happy.
--FS1 and FS2
And these networks
--Fox Business
--Fox Broadcasting
--Big 10 Network
As for what is got.
---And James Cameron is likely happy, for when he 1st saw Pandora - World of Avatar at Disney's Animal Kingdom, it is said he broke down and started to cry. Not because he was unhappy, but because he was so happy, for what had been imaginary was now a reality.
--Planet of the Apes
--Fantastic 4
---And Stan Lee is happy.
That leaves only Ghost Rider and Spider-man in the hands of Sony Columbia, and while both the House of Mouse and Universal have certain rights to Spider-man. Sony Columbia had the film rights. And while they may let Ghost Ride go, they are going to let Spider-man go. Their one major film hit this year and a film that grossed almost $900 million internationally.
--The Simpsons
---And they may be happy, as while it took 19 years, almost 2 decades ago, they predicted the House of Mouse would purchase Fox.
---Which leaves Universal Orlando up in the air, as they are heavily invested in the Simpsons at the theme park.
TV Channels
--National Geographic Wild
--Bam Tech
---Whatever that is.
---Most likely buying out 20th Century Fox's share.
---The 39% share already owned + 61% they are trying to purchase.
--Star India
---Which would give them a foot in the door of the last major untapped TV market out there.
The Studio
--the sound stages
--the backlots
And then there were 5 major studios, as it looks like 20th Century Fox will cease to make films after over a century of filmmaking.
Which leaves . . .
The 3 pygmies
--Viacom Paramount
--Time Warner
--Sony Columbia
---who with this deal if it goes thru, are badly placed, at this moment, to continue.
And the 2 giants
--the House of Mouse
---of course
---with its theme parks and TV and film divisions, even more so now that they have signed an agreement with Nintendo to produce theme park attractions, and live and animated films with the Nintendo characters. The 1st being a Mario Brothers animated film.
And with all this we'll even throw in James Murdoch who joins the House of Mouse executive board. And in a position to mesh the 2 cultures, which was something that AOL and Time Warner were unable to do, when they merged a number of years ago.
Next time: the business of business.
Apparently by killing 40 million people Genghis Khan delayed the onset of Global Warming and thus has done more to save the planet from it than any other human being.
on April 21, 1985 Prince and band member Wendy checked anomylously into a hotel were they stayed for two nights. The reason was the April 22nd worldwide release of his album Around the World in a Day. Prince was afraid at how the album would be received, because everybody was expecting Purple Rain 2 which Around the World in a Day was not.
According to Wendy on April 22nd they both spend all day and all night hiding underneath a table quivering with excitement, concern and fear. They both checked out the hotel the following morning feeling relieved, like 'we had given birth to something' as Wendy recalls.
Yeah, it's slow fact of the day day.
Aristotle believed men had more teeth than women.
Why such a smart guy never thought of actually counting people's teeth to see if that was true is one of history's greatest mysteries.
In the lemurs world the one who smells the worst in the group is the boss.
That would make some fanboys I know GODS.
Quote from: AoTFan on January 02, 2018, 10:07:41 PM
In the lemurs the one who smells the worst in the group is the boss.
That would make some fanboys I know GODS.
Yikes, it's stinky.
The Roman Emperor Domitian seduced his own niece, Julia Flavia. She later died giving birth to one of his bastard offspring.
"The business of business is business," but 1st.
Kenneth Branagh directing.
Kenneth Branagh producing.
Robert DeNiro producing.
It was thought that he might play Root in the film, but now it looks like he is only going to produce.
Harvey Weinstein
Almost bankrupt, was also going to produce, but he was fired, when he got into trouble.
Michael Goldenberg and Conor McPherson writing the screenplay.
Apparently, based on the 1st 2 books in an 8 book series.
Books by Eoin Colfer.
Judi Dench as Root.
Who with this will be marking her 7th decade as an actress, making her acting debut in the '50's. While I could care less, whether an actress or an actor plays Root, who is a male elf in the books. What surprises me is that after the negative reaction to an all-female Ghostbusters. This gender change has mostly got a positive reaction.
Josh Gad as Diggum.
Leia McDonnell as Short.
Nonso Anozan as Butler.
Artemis Fowl : the Movie. Finally, after almost a decade in "movie development hell."
And as Artemis Fowl,
making his acting debut,
beating out 1199 other boys, age 9 to 12,
Ferdia Shaw.
4 things to remember about Artemis.
1st. He's an anti-hero. That may change for the film.
2nd. He's a criminal mastermind.
3rd. He's Irish.
4th. And he's only 12 years old.
Film to be released August 9, 2019.
Next time: some facts about the ballet The Nutcracker.
"The business of business is business."
Even in Hollywood, business trumps politics,
as a politically conservative studio, relatively speaking, and a supporter of Trump, sells out to
a politically liberal studio, relatively speaking, and a supporter of Clinton.
Comcast was never in it, which is surprising, as Comcast was more politically attuned to 20th Century Fox, as Comcast was one of the few media companies to give more to the Republicans than the Democrats.
Apple. There was some thought that Apple, as it was sitting on a ton of cash, would buy out the House of Mouse. Which I thought was a bad idea, Apple choking on the price it'd have to pay. Now there is even less change it'll buy the House of Mouse. What with the combined worth of both the House and Fox, even the $250 billion Apple is reportedly sitting on, is not enough.
So what are you going to do now Apple? It's going to buy Netflix, or so it is said. Which I think is a better idea.
1st. Even at today's worth of Netflix, it's a cheaper buy than the House.
2nd. While Netflix provides the streaming service and the content, Apple can provide the platforms to stream the content.
The House and Fox is what is known as a horizontal integration or 2 links in 2 chains or content + content.
AT&T and Time Warner or the one that Trump set the Justice Department on is what is known as a vertical integration or 2 links in 1 chain or distribution + content.
I'd like to see the merger succeed, as AT&T can provide the streaming service and Time Warner can provide the content. Though, they'll have to bulk up on their content like House of Mouse. For nothing chews up content faster than streaming something 24/7. There can't be enough competition (IMHO.)
And it'll be interesting to see how it plays out in the courts, as Trump, either as plaintiff or defendant, has not had much luck in the courts recently. For example: his ban on transgenders in the military was recently thrown out by the courts.
Unfortunately, as in most mergers, there will be layoffs. Though, not at the numbers some have predicted. (IMHO) the most likely layoffs will be at Blue Sky Studios or the animation arm of 20th Century Fox. For reasons stated below.
1st. With Pixar it is not needed.
2nd. The quality of animation from there is not quite as good as Pixar or House of Mouse.
3rd. The best known and most successful franchise from Blue Sky Studios is Ice Age, and with the underwhelming last film in that franchise, the franchise is thought to be dead.
And we will see what we will see.
And, finally, this is not the 1st time that House and Fox have done a deal. The TV channel known as Free Form was originally owned by Fox till purchased by House, but while it is believed too much was paid for this. It looks that the House this time got everything at a bargain price.
Next time: my personal stake in all this.
This is no way an endorsement of investing in the stock market. I would add, that before investing in the stock market or making any other investment, seek the professional financial advice of someone you trust. Having said that . . .
The fact is that I like my investment in the stock market.
I like . . .
--the return, which is 12.5% or better than any investment in an up market. And the return may be even better this year (2018.) It is not always a win/win. Some years I have lost money.
--the members of the investment club to which I belong. Maybe because their political views are so diametrically opposed to my own. Listening to them is like watching Fox News.
--watching the ebb and flow of business, which the stock market represents.
--the better understanding of economics which it gives me.
I dislike . . .
--the lack of liquidity or how fast I can turn what I have into cash. According to the rules of the club, it is a month before I can get what I owe converted into the cash.
--the illogic of the stock market. It was illogic when I 1st invested in it, and it is still illogic and makes no sense.
There is one moment of logic in an illogical market. When shareholders are unhappy about a bit of news, such as Netflix and the House of Mouse parting ways, the share price of both went down. On the other hand, if shareholders are happy about a bit of news, such as Viacom/Paramount and CBS merging into 1, as they were a decade ago, the share price goes up, as it did for both.
That merger would require the approval of both sets of shareholders. Though, as the Redstones have a controlling interest in both companies, that is just a formality, as it is with most mergers, as long as both executive boards approve the merger, as when DuPont (stock owned) merged with Dow, creating Dow/DuPont (stock now owned.)
Last time I said that Blue Sky Studio, the animation arm of 20th Century Fox, would most likely be closed as being an unnecessary component of the merger. Instead, it may be spun off or sold off, if a buyer for it can be found, as what happened when ABC/Capital Cities merged with the House of Mouse, a number of years ago. To get ABC, everything owned by Capital Cities was bought, and the parts not wanted were then sold off to a 3rd buyer. Or, they may decide to keep it as a means of producing a lower grade (IMHO) of animation than Pixar.
Like some people, I do have a concern about the merger. Though, it is not the concern of most people, and that is for every 4 shares of 20th Century Fox a shareholder owns, they get 1 share in the new company. Which comes to 515 million more shares of company stock, or the concern that it'd dilute the value of shares I now own. Yet most sharehoiders seem to be happy with the merger, as the share price in the company continues to rise slowly.
And that is that. Except, for the fact that it'll take from 2 to 4 years for the merger to be complete or 2019 to 2021.
Frogs use their eyes to help swallow their food. They close their eyes when the insect is on the back of their tongue, pulling their eyeballs down into their head, which in turn pushes the bug on down their throat.
A dozen facts about the Nutcracker Ballet.
The fact is . . .
01. The parts of Clara and the Nutcracker Prince in the ballet were originally written for children--a girl and a boy.
02. Now the roles are mainly performed by adults--women and men.
03. Yet the roles are still performed by children. More often Clara than the Nutcracker Prince.
04. For example Clara by Mackenzie Foy in the film The Nutcracker and the 4 Realms, when she'll be 17 years and 51 weeks old, when the film opens in the U.S. this year (2018.)
05. Still the role of the Nutcracker Prince is still danced by a pre-teen boy or teenage boy.
06. Of a hundred different performances of the Nutcracker Ballet, perhaps, 1 in 5 or 20% the role is still danced by a boy.
07. For example, Macaulay Culkin who danced the role on stage and in the film version of the ballet.
08. When it was originally performed in Russia in the 1890s, it was not a success.
09. It was not considered a success till the 1950s and George Balanchine's version of it in New York (New York.)
10. Now it is a holiday staple of most ballet companies, who earn almost half of their annual revenue from their production of The Nutcracker.
11. Actually, it is not hard to find a boy to dance the role of the Nutcracker Prince. What is hard is to find enough boys to dance the role of the boys at the party at the beginning of The Nutcracker.
12. Often they have to be portrayed by girl ballerinas disguised as boys.
Next time: some names of men, who you would not think would take ballet lessons, when they were younger.
Here are the names of a half dozen men, who you might not expect, who took up ballet, when they were younger.
martial artist Jean-Claude Van Damme
Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel
actor Jon-Erik Hexum
director Ken Russell
actor Macaulay Culkin
actor Pat Corley
I think Pat Corley had an interesting reason for talking up ballet. Like a lot of boys, he 1st took it up, at 15, to meet girls, but he continued in ballet for the next decade, he said for the power it gave him. He said, when he was on stage, with just a flick of his wrist, he could get every eye on the audience to focus on him. He said, that was power, and he liked it.
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on January 28, 2018, 02:49:57 PM
Here are the names of a half dozen men, who you might not expect, who took up ballet, when they were younger.
martial artist Jean-Claude Van Damme
Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel
actor Jon-Erik Hexum
director Ken Russell
actor Macaulay Culkin
actor Pat Corley
I think Pat Corley had an interesting reason for talking up ballet. Like a lot of boys, he 1st took it up, at 15, to meet girls, but he continued in ballet for the next decade, he said for the power it gave him. He said, when he was on stage, with just a flick of his wrist, he could get every eye on the audience to focus on him. He said, that was power, and he liked it.
Interesting. Wasn't David Carradine also into ballet?
Some of the most watched made for TV movies in the history of TV have been DCOMs or Disney Channel Original Movies. From the 1st in 1983, Tiger Town, to the newest, Zombies, in February, 2018, there have been 104 of them or almost 3 every year since the 1st.
Now that the Living Dead can be prevented from having a desire to eat the Living, they have started attending regular high school with the Living. Of course, this brings them into conflict with those who don't want them there.
They are behind the curve on this one. Just restricting ourselves to teen or pre-teen Zombies, the 1st one, as far as I can tell, was in Orgy of the Dead in 1965.
What this film does do, is that while they use the term Zombies, what they are really doing is referring to those that are different: racially, religiously, sexually, and their need to attend regular high schools without being harassed: verbally, sexually, physically.
Next time: what is new for 2018. Studio by studio. 2 by 2.
Quote from: ER on January 28, 2018, 02:55:46 PM
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on January 28, 2018, 02:49:57 PM
Here are the names of a half dozen men, who you might not expect, who took up ballet, when they were younger.
martial artist Jean-Claude Van Damme
Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel
actor Jon-Erik Hexum
director Ken Russell
actor Macaulay Culkin
actor Pat Corley
I think Pat Corley had an interesting reason for talking up ballet. Like a lot of boys, he 1st took it up, at 15, to meet girls, but he continued in ballet for the next decade, he said for the power it gave him. He said, when he was on stage, with just a flick of his wrist, he could get every eye on the audience to focus on him. He said, that was power, and he liked it.
Interesting. Wasn't David Carradine also into ballet?
Maybe. I haven't seen or heard, that he did, but I'd not put it past him to take up ballet, as an young man. And I'm sure there are others out there, who'd we not might expect, who took up ballet some time earlier in their life.
Facebook just spent $600 million in India, and what did they get for their $600 million? The exclusive right to show Indian cricket for 5 years. And if they spend $600 million in India, what are they willing to spend for broadcasting rights in the U.S.? No wonder the old line studios are bulking up. And Trevor, if Indian cricket is worth $600 million, what is South African cricket worth to Facebook?
Universal/NBC/Comcast are bulking up their theme parks. So, Friends of Barney, if you want to see A Day in the Park with Barney at Universal Orlando, you better hurry, ere it is replaced by Nintendo Land and its rides and attractions based upon the Nintendo characters, including the Super Mario Brothers. Also on the chopping block are . . .
Curious George -- E.T. -- Fievel -- and Woody Woodpecker.
As for the films for 2018 . . .
03/09 Thoroughbreds
03/12 2 Days Entebbe
03/23 Pacific Rim Uprising
04/06 Blockers
04/13 Truth or Dare
04/20 Tully
05/11 Breaking On In
06/08 Won't You Be My Neighbor
06/22 Jurassic World : Fallen Kingdom
07/04 The 1st Purge
07/13 Skyscraper
07/20 Momma Mia : Here We Go Again
08/10 Scarface
08/17 Captive State
08/31 The Little Stranger
09/03 Johnny English@
09/21 The House with a Clock in Its Walls
09/28 Beyond
09/28 Night School
10/12 First Man
10/19 Halloween
11/02 Mary, Queen of Scots@
11/09 Dr. Seuss the Grinch
11/21 Untitled Robert Zemeckis film
12/14 Metal Engines
From the titles, 9 sequels, remakes, prequels, 36%
@Films I plan on seeing, at this time, of course, this can always change.
Johnny English. I've seen and enjoyed the 1st 2 in the series, especially the 2nd, so I'll probably see the 3rd.
Mary, Queen of Scots. I've already seen 3 different versions of it, including a film within a film, but I am always up for another retelling.
Time/Warner . . .
is bulking up by trying to merge with AT&T. No doubt aiming for their own streaming network. As for films for 2018 . . .
02/16 Detective Chinatown 2
02/23 Game Night
03/16 Tomb Raider
03/29 Ready Player One
Rampage 04/20
He has this. He had last year's (2017's) surprise hit Jumanji, which no doubt will earn it a sequel. He has the upcoming Jungle Cruise with Emily Blunt, and--yes--it is based on the theme park ride.
And he has the title role in the upcoming solo spin off film from DC Comics Black Adam. No wonder he is regarded as being one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood.
05/11 Life of the Party
06/08 Oceans 8
06/15 Tag
07/13 The Nun
07/07 Teen Titans Go! to the Movies
With this, can Marvel's Young Avengers be far behind? It is said that the teenage Wiccan and his goofball twin brother Speed[ball] will be seen as infants in Avengers : Infinity War, and with one 10-year film cycle coming to an end, and another 10-year film cycle beginning, this will be their intro to that 2nd film cycle.
08/10 The Meg
This idea and film has been kicked around the studios for years. So, I am glad it has finally found a home. Though, I have no interest in seeing it.
08/17 Crazy Rich Asians
09/07 Untitled New Line horror
09/28 Small foot
10/05 A Star is Born
10/19 Mowgli
A strange choice, despite the director and cast, as soon after this we can expect a sequel to 2016's The Jungle Book.
11/16 Fantastic Beasts : the Crimes of Grindelwald
12/21 Aqua man
While this does not show it, there is talk of a DC-Marvel crossover film sometime in the future. One need to look no further than Who Framed Roger Rabbit? to see the benefits for both parties.
12/25 Untitled WB big event film
Just from the titles, 8 sequels, remakes, and prequels, or 42%.
@At this time, nothing to see here. Just move along. Move along.
Next time: more studios. 2 by 2.
The name Great Britain does not come as many people think from the empire, but instead back to when a north western chunk of France (Breton) was owned by the english king. Or possibly the English king was owned by the king of France at the time. There is a whole bunch of confusing titles and ownership claims. Indeed it could be that the whole of Europe is actually owned by a small Gerbil who lives in Wandslow called Gerald.
It wouldn't surprise me.
Anyway, the island was referred to as Grande Breton and the bit of France Little Breton which in time ended up as Great Britain.
Or maybe that is just what Gerald decided it was going to be called.
Bulking up, and no studio needs more bulking up, by re-merging with CBS. Which it was once a part, ere they split into 2 parts, a number of years ago. As for their films for 2018 . . .
02/23/18 Annihilation
03/23/18 @Sherlock Gnomes
04/06/18 A Quiet Place
05/18/18 Book Club
06/01/18 Action Point
07/27/18 Mission : Impossible : Fallout
10/26/18 Overlord
11/02/18 Untitled Paramount event film
12/2118 Bumblebee
Just from the titles
Sequels, remakes, prequels
2 out of 9 or 22.22%
Films I want to see
@I saw the previous one, Gnomeo and Juliet, and I enjoyed it. So, we'll probably go with this one.
Columbia Pictures
And then there were 4. After 99 years of filmmaking, under various names, Columbia Pictures may soon cease to exist. As word has it, that Sony Corporation is looking to sell off Sony Entertainment, of which Columbia Pictures is a part. And if it is absorbed into another company . . .? The good news is that it may sell back its rights to the Marvel characters back to Marvel Films, so all the Marvel characters will be under one studio. As for its 2018 films.
03/02/18 Foxtrot
03/09/18 The Leisure Seeker
03/23/18 Final Portrait
03/23/18 #Paul, Apostle of Christ
04/13/18 The Rider
06/15/18 Super fly
06/29/18 Sicario 2 : Soldado
07/13/18 Hotel Transylvania 3 : Summer vacation
07/20/18 The Equalizer 2
08/21/18 Slender Man
09/14/18 Alpha 9
10/05/18 Venom
10/12/18 Goosebumps 2
11/09/18 The Girl in the Spider's Web
12/14/18 ##Spider-man : into the Spider-verse (3D)
12/21/18 Holmes and Watson
From the titles alone
sequels, remakes, prequels
7 out of 16 or 43.75%
Films I want to see.
#An interesting title, so we'll probably go with that.
##I saw the last one, so we'll probably go with that.
As for Holmes and Watson, normally yes, but . . . ? I don't particularly like the cast, and I do not like comedic versions of Sherlock Holmes.
Next time: 2 more. 2 by 2.
20th Century Fox
If you can't beat them, be eaten. When will the Mouse eat the Fox? Who can say. Till then here are the films for 2018 to be released under the 20th Century Fox logo.
04/20/18 Super Troopers 2
05/18/18 Dead pool 2
08/03/18 The Darkest Minds
08/14/18 The Predatory (2018)
10/05/18 Bad Times at the Royale
11/02/18 Dark Phoenix
11/12/18 Widows
12/24/18 Alita : Battle Angel
12/25/18 Bohemian Rhapsody
What we can say. Besides Dead pool 2, where are the Marvel films? 2019. Between 2019 and 2021, 20th Century Fox is expected to release a dozen Marvel films, including a re-booted Silver Surfer and the 1st film starring Doctor Doom.
Do more. With less.
Here are the films to be released by the House of Mouse
03/09/18 A Wrinkle in Time
05/04/18 Avengers : Infinity War
05/25/18 Solo : a Star Wars Story
06/15/18 The Incredibles 2
07/06/18 Ant-man and the Wasp
09/03/18 Christopher Robin
11/02/18 The Nutcracker and the Four Realms
11/21/18 Ralph Breaks the Internet : Wreck it Ralph 2
12/25/18 Mary Poppins Returns
The fewest films for 2018, and the least original, as there is not a film here that is not a sequel or a partial remake of a previous film. Yet, because of the films being released in 2018, the House of Mouse will probably once again dominate the cinema box office in 2018.
Here are some of the languages spoken in the Star Wars Universe.
Droid Speak
Galactic Basic
Nothing like this has been seen since 2013 and Frozen. Black Panther. Even a month after it was 1st released to theaters, Black Panther is selling out some showings. Which is why, if you are ever in the Orlando (Florida) area, and you want Black Panther merchandise, then you'll have to visit Universal (Orlando.) Of course, the House of Mouse has its lawyers pouring over the agreement between Marvel and Universal to see if a loophole can be found that'll allow Wakanda to be rammed thru the loophole. ("Ramming speed!")
That does not apply to the other theme parks. Black Panther has already appeared at Disney's California Adventure, and there is some talk of him coming to Disneyland Paris.
"More Stars Than There Are in the Sky."
Much to his surprise. MGM is still making films. The latest is a remake of Death Wish with Bruce Willis in the Charles Bronson role and directed by Eli Roth.
Multiple covers for a single issue of a magazine is becoming more common, but, this has to be something of a record. Entertainment Weekly's 15 different covers featuring the 22 main characters to be found in Avengers : Infinity War. And Entertainment Weekly is a part of Time Warner which is rival of Marvel's House of Mouse.
Next time: Previously, we had a list of the famous who served in the military, ere they were famous. This time, the famous who served in the military, when they were famous--more or less.
Earlier we had a list of famous people who served in the military, ere they became famous. Here is a list of famous people who served in the military, when they were famous.
Eddie Albert
WWII U.S. Navy
Francis Xavier "X" Atencio
House of Mouse animator
WWII US. Army Air Force
rising to the rank of Major
Gene Autry
WWII U.S. Army
Pat Brady
actor/Roy Rogers' sidekick
WWII U.S. Army
the battlefields of Europe were safer than the roads of America.
he survived WWII only to return home to be killed in an automobile accident.
Jackie Cooper
WWII U.S. Navy
rising to the rank of Captain
Dr. Seuss
WWII U.S. Army
rising to the rank of Major
his commanding officer was director Frank Capra
Henry Fonda
WWII U.S. Navy
rising to the rank of Lieutenant J.G.
winner of the Bronze Star
John Ford
WWII U.S. Navy
rising to the rank of honorary Rear Admiral
one of the few to film himself being wounded.
on Midway, when it was attacked by the Japanese.
he filmed the attack for the Oscar winning documentary Battle of Midway.
watch for when he jerks the camera. that's when he was hit by shrapnel.
To be continued . . .
Now from the factual to the fictional.
DC was 1st with Wonder Woman. Now it's Marvel's turn.
Brie Larson as Carole Danvers and Jude Law.
What does Jude Law now have in common with Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman, and Robert Downey, Jr. Each has appeared as Holmes or Watson on film, and now each have starred in a Marvel film.
Since the film takes place in the 1990's and deals with the Kree/Skrull War, it is a prequel to most of the other Marvel films. And it will be the 1st appearance of the Skrulls in a Marvel film.
Captain Marvel sometime in March, 2019.
The following list is inspired by some of the lists on youtube.com. And because the 13th on the list was moved up a week, I moved this list up a week. Thus, here are some of my favorite action scenes from the films I have seen.
01. All Quiet on the Western Front (1930)
the French charging the German trenches.
02. Bram Stoker's Dracula
the posse members charging after Dracula in his coffin, ere he gets back to his castle.
03. Cimarron (1960)
the homesteaders charging across the Oklahoma Territory to stake their claims.
04. Glory
the charge of the 54th Massachusetts at Fort Wagner.
05. Intolerance
the Persians charging the walls of Babylon.
06. Lord of the Rings (1978)
the Riders charging out of Helm's Deep and any charge against the Orcs.
07. The Messenger
the French charging the British fortifications surrounding Orleans.
08. Swiss Family Robinson (1960)
the pirates charging up the hill where the family members are held up.
09. The Tower
the Frisians charging the Tower where our heroes are holding out, waiting to be rescued.
10. Waterloo
the cavalry charges.
11. Young Winston
the cavalry charge.
12. Zulu Dawn
the Zulus charging the encampment.
And that is 12 I have seen, and 1 I have not seen on the big screen, but hope to see this coming May 3.
13. Avengers : Infinity War
The Wakandans, the Dora Milaje, and the Avengers charging Thanos' Black Legion.
One of the few new action scenes that may equal the older action scenes from the past.
Next time: What I found interesting. What I disliked. What I found interesting that I disliked.
From my last post.
What I dislike. What I found interesting. What I dislike that I found interesting.
What I dislike
While some were actually dummies, each one was an individualized individual, for the most part, and for whom I feel empathy.
Oft times, the individualized individual becomes a not individualized individual in a group, and for whom I do not feel empathy.
And this includes . . .
the allies -- the French -- the posse members -- the riders -- the whites, etc.
What I found interesting.
The short time span that the films cover. As an example, the Top 10 Charges in Films, which covers an expanse of less than 40 years. That may seem long, but if you look at the list I previously posted, there is over a century of filmmaking there, and some of the films are so old, they were made even ere any of us were born.
What I dislike that I found interesting.
Again taking the Top 10 Charges in Films, I have not seen 6 of them, of the 4, I have seen, I dislike 3 of them, not only the scene, but the entire film, and of the 1 I liked or Gettysburg, I do not think it compares to Glory.
Next time: back to famous persons who served in the military, when they were famous.
Continuing previous post.
Famous people who served in the military, when they were famous.
Clark Gable
U.S. Army Air Force
Henri Gaudier
French army
Killed in 1915
Samuel "Sam" Hawkins
Howard Hawks
Signal Corps then the Army Air Corps
William Holden
United States Army Air Force
rising to the rank of 2nd lieutenant
John Huston
Signal Corps
rising to the rank of lieutenant
To be continued . . .
Continuing previous post
Famous people who served in the military, when they were famous.
Tommy "Tom Sawyer" Kelly
U.S. Army
Joyce Kilmer
U.S. Army
killed in 1918
Robert Mitchum
U.S. Army
H. H, "Saki" Munro
British Army
Killed in 1916
Jay "Dennis the Menace" North
U.S. Navy
George Orwell
Spanish Civil War
Fought for the POUM against Franco's Nationalists
Wounded and almost killed when shot thru the throat in 1 battle
To be continued . . . but next time:
Is it a film? Is it a play? It is both
Look! Is it a play? Is it a film? It is both.
I don't know a successful Broadway play or musical or off-Broadway or off-off Broadway that was not made into a film.
While I am still waiting to hear someone is making a film version of Hamilton, today is the opposite of yesterday, with films being adapted for the stage. Here are some that were turned into plays or musicals. There are more. These are just the ones off the top of my head.
Carrie. Despite the talent involved, including Betty Buckley, a local gal, this is best known as one of the greatest critical and commercial failures ever seen on Broadway.
The Full Monty.
The Graduate.
Spider-man. Another Broadway failure. Maybe because the SFX were not up to what was called for in the script.
Wicked. Finally. Release date is December 20, 2019.
and Harry Potter. Now that he has grown and is an adult, he is appearing on Broadway.
Of course, they were not the 1st to come up with the idea of turning a film into a play or musical, but they have probably done more with the idea than any others. Including . . .
Beauty and the Beast (seen)
Freaky Friday -- Frozen
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
The Lion King (seen) -- The Littlest Mermaid
Mary Poppins
Shakespeare in Love (in London, U.K.)
Just another one 'round the river's bend. Since some of these have played for so long, played in so many places, played for so many people, that the box office gross exceeds the box office gross of the film. No wonder people are always looking for another film to turn into a play or musical. My guess, is the next film to be turned into a play or musical is Tangled.
Next time: back to famous people who served in the military, while they were famous.
Continuing . . .
Famous people who served in the military, when they were famous
Elvis Presley
U.S. Army
rising to the rank of sergeant
Mickey Rooney
U.S. Army
Robert Ryan
U.S. Marines
drill sergeant
William Saroyan
U.S. Army
Jimmy Stewart
U.S. Air Force
rising to the rank of brigadier general
Torin Thatcher
Royal Artillery
rising to the rank of lieutenant colonel
Next time: we'll finish up with famous people who served in the military ere they were famous
And we'll finish with . . .
famous people who served in the military, ere they were famous.
Bea Arthur
U.S. Women Marines
Johnny Cash
U.S. Air Force
Lonnie Donegan
British army
Willie Nelson
U.S. Air Force
Carl Sandburg
Spanish American War
U.S. Army
Ed Wood, Jr.
U.S. Marines
rising to the rank of corporal
legend has it, that when he landed on bloody Tarawa, he wore women's underwear under his uniform.
Next time: nothing like this has been seen since Romulus and Remus came to Rome.
Nothing like this has been seen since Romulus and Remus came to Rome.
While this has been compared with The Emoji Movie, a film, I must admit, I have never seen, but, of which I have heard little that is good. Thus, being the old git that I am, I think a better comparison is with 1988's Who Framed Roger Rabbit? A film that had 70 to 80 retro cartoon characters (75% Disney, 25% non-Disney) with cartoon characters from . . .
Max Fleischer -- MGM -- Nicktoons -- Paramount --- Walter Lantz -- and Warner.
The filmmakers wanted to add more non-Disney characters, but they couldn't get the rights to the characters.
While we yet to know how many cartoon characters will be in this one, and now many will be Disney and non-Disney, we do know that they seem to have no trouble obtaining the rights to the characters they want to appear in the film. Characters . . .
from their partners . . .
Lucas Film -- Marvel -- Pixar
from their future partners . . .
Blue Sky Studios -- 20th Century Fox
and even from their competitors . . .
Aardman -- Comedy Central -- DC Comics -- DreamWorks -- Hanna Barbera -- MGM -- TriStar -- and Warner.
Ralph Breaks the Internet : Wreck-it-Ralph 2 (release date November 21, 2018)
Next time: if you can't beat 'em, eat 'em!
responsible for women's rights as we know them,
responsible for environmental regulations as we know them,
responsible for gun control as we know it,
and for pulling our boys outa Nam'.
Happy Watergate Day!
Also, the first national conention of The Republican Party,
Bunker Hill Day, and uh, the day we lost Rodney King, And Charleston day, and uh, Occupation of the Latvian Republic Day... So, I'm not a crook & don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes & can't we all get along... https://open.spotify.com/.../12123460900/playlist/2TclL0YtSnZ...
Let me solve an age old mystery for you.
The Marcels put the bomp in the bomp bah bomp bah bomp in their version of "Blue Moon." In that same song, they put the dip in the dip da dip da dip.
The Edsels put the Ram in the Rama-Lama-Ding-Dong.
And Chubby Checker did the "boogidy shoo" in the song "Pony Time."
If you can't beat 'em, eat 'em. These invasive species are now winding up on the menus of some of the finest dining establishments in the U.S.
1. Asian carp
2. Axis deer
3. European green crab
4. Haioe Koi
5. Silver carp
6. Wild boar
Next time: what do these 10 people have in common?
Quote from: LilCerberus on June 17, 2018, 11:05:09 AM
responsible for women's rights as we know them,
responsible for environmental regulations as we know them,
responsible for gun control as we know it,
and for pulling our boys outa Nam'.
Happy Watergate Day!
Also, the first national conention of The Republican Party,
Bunker Hill Day, and uh, the day we lost Rodney King, And Charleston day, and uh, Occupation of the Latvian Republic Day... So, I'm not a crook & don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes & can't we all get along... https://open.spotify.com/.../12123460900/playlist/2TclL0YtSnZ...
All right, no matter what nixon did that may have been good, he tried to sabotage democracy and that outweighs anything good he might have done. Unfortunately the republican party has made sabotaging democracy a standard part of their party's MO.
Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on June 21, 2018, 07:02:56 PM
All right, no matter what nixon did that may have been good, he tried to sabotage democracy and that outweighs anything good he might have done. Unfortunately the republican party has made sabotaging democracy a standard part of their party's MO.
What do these 10 people have in common?
01. Dolly Parton
02. Dr. Roberto Ortiz Brenes
03. Jamie Duque Geri Sala
04. John F. Kennedy
05. John Paulet
06. Maksim Gorky
07. Walter Elias Disney
08. Walter Knott
09. William F. "Buffalo Bill" Cody
10. and Donald J. Trump
Next time: the answer and "And then there was Alpha"
QuoteWhat do these 10 people have in common?
None of them have ever bought me a pizza.
Quote from: Chainsaw midget on July 01, 2018, 07:56:57 PM
QuoteWhat do these 10 people have in common?
None of them have ever bought me a pizza.
:bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle:
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on June 27, 2018, 12:23:15 PM
What do these 10 people have in common?
01. Dolly Parton
02. Dr. Roberto Ortiz Brenes
03. Jamie Duque Geri Sala
04. John F. Kennedy
05. John Paulet
06. Maksim Gorky
07. Walter Elias Disney
08. Walter Knott
09. William F. "Buffalo Bill" Cody
10. and Donald J. Trump
Next time: the answer and "And then there was Alpha"
They are all bipeds.
It is such a boring day at work I am doing almost anything to kill time and distract myself from a doctor's appointment at lunchtime. It's also lethally hot and muggy outside.
Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on July 02, 2018, 09:06:08 AM
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on June 27, 2018, 12:23:15 PM
What do these 10 people have in common?
01. Dolly Parton
02. Dr. Roberto Ortiz Brenes
03. Jamie Duque Geri Sala
04. John F. Kennedy
05. John Paulet
06. Maksim Gorky
07. Walter Elias Disney
08. Walter Knott
09. William F. "Buffalo Bill" Cody
10. and Donald J. Trump
Next time: the answer and "And then there was Alpha"
They are all bipeds.
True, but what I was looking for is that they have all had an amusement park named after that.
And then there was Alpha.
The film about a boy and his wolf. Well, that is original. Though, that the lack of originality is not what makes me hesitant to see it. It is that the filmmakers, for some reason, needed several bison killed for one scene. Though, they were killed humanely, and afterwards turned into buffalo jerky, the film is not going to get the Canadian equivalent of the ASPCA seal of approval. Still, I have plans to see it. If for no other reason, I had nothing scheduled for August, when the film is suppose to be released, after being delayed after an year.
As for the wolf in the film it is actually a hybrid breed called the wolf dog, that combines the dog with the wolf.
Next time: these are your librarians
These are your librarians.
Normally, a librarian refers to someone who has one or more advanced degrees, such as a MLS or Masters in Library Science. Here we have a looser definition or anyone who worked in a library being a librarian.
Casanova. Who ended up in Bohemia, at the end of his life, worked as a librarian for Count von Waldstein.
J. Edgar Hoover. Ere he became head of the FBI, worked in the Library of Congress.
Pope Pius IX. Ere he became Pope, worked as a librarian.
Eratosthenos, the 1st man to accurately measure the circumference of the earth, was a librarian.
Poetry and libraries seem to go together. Poets . . .
Callimachus of Cyrene
Philip Larkin
Archibald MacLeish
were all librarians.
The Italian humanist Platina and the German neo-humanist and philologist Christian Gottlob Heyne were librarians.
As does writing and libraries. Writers . . .
Jose Luis Borges
A. N. L. "Tim" Mumby
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
were all librarians.
The German philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and the German folklorists and brothers Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm were librarians.
But, the strangest librarian seems to have been the son of the Secretary of State for War under Louis XIV, the son, at the age of 9, in 1684, becoming the head librarian of the French National Library. Eight years later, he was still there, but his most notable achievement that year, was that for the 1st time in history, he opened up the Library to the public for 2 days a week.
Next time: we know that Rome was built on 7 hills, but can we name all 7? Next time.
These are the 7 Hills of Rome in alphabetical order.
1. the Aventine
2. the Capitoline
3. the Celian
4. the Esquiline
5. the Palatine
6. the Quirinal
7. the Viminal
Next time: Not many surprises here.
The defeated harbor anger long after the victorious have forgotten. This is as true in petty matters as it is in the death struggles of nations. No German rage born of defeat-shame, no Hitler. This makes leaving enemies alive risky---the dead trouble no one, as Stalin famously opined---and is why the Romans with their scorched earth policies lasted seven centuries, yet the Mongols conquered the largest land empire in history, only to see so much of it retaken so soon. It is why Mao and Stalin, brutal men, died in their beds, and Lincoln, benevolent, perished to a foe's bullet. Caesar likewise fell to blades of enemies he could readily have destroyed. And yet Jesus commanded forgiveness of enemies. King, Gandhi, Jean, Sadat, Christ, bloodied have been the peacemakers, and there's my fact. And now my question: in the end, who is better off, I wonder, those who turn the other cheek with the hope of forthcoming blessing, or those who delight in their detractors' lamentations in the here and now? I try to live by ideals the younger me, companion to partakers in blood sport, would have scoffed at, but I really don't know the answer to the gamble. But I'll repeat the lesson again and name it fact: bloodied are the peacemakers.
Survival at any cost is just living.
To quote Tyrion Lannister, "I like living." :bouncegiggle:
Angry, pessimistic people are more prone to cancer. Be happy!
Quote from: ER on July 16, 2018, 03:15:49 PM
Angry, pessimistic people are more prone to cancer. Be happy!
Damn, I am screwed then.
The return into the United States of diseases once considered eradicated in the First World has coincided with the influx of illegal immigration from the Third World.
Celibate men are more prone to prostate cancer.
Quote from: ER on July 18, 2018, 01:48:12 PM
Celibate men are more prone to prostate cancer.
Thats not a fact. WTF?
One of the stupidest things I ever heard.
Quote from: ER on July 17, 2018, 09:45:51 AM
The return into the United States of diseases once considered eradicated in the First World has coincided with the influx of illegal immigration from the Third World.
And when the Spanish and English landed in America-it killed the Indains.
So your point is?
I know what your point is.
It's " I hate Mexicans- so keep them out of this country because they carry diasese."
Your the one who's sick, You carry the disease of bigotry..
Quote from: RCMerchant on July 18, 2018, 03:51:34 PM
Quote from: ER on July 18, 2018, 01:48:12 PM
Celibate men are more prone to prostate cancer.
Thats not a fact. WTF?
One of the stupidest things I ever heard.
Actually, I have heard that frequent ejaculation promotes prostate health in men.
From an actual doctor.
Quote from: RCMerchant on July 18, 2018, 03:57:21 PM
Quote from: ER on July 17, 2018, 09:45:51 AM
The return into the United States of diseases once considered eradicated in the First World has coincided with the influx of illegal immigration from the Third World.
And when the Spanish and English landed in America-it killed the Indains.
So your point is?
I know what your point is.
It's " I hate Mexicans- so keep them out of this country because they carry diasese."
Your the one who's sick, You carry the disease of bigotry..
And when Asians came to Europe in the 1340s they brought the Black Death. What's your point? Third World diseases are appearing in the US for the first time in decades, just a fact. I didn't say a word about Mexico, you did. The Third World covers a lot more than Latin America, much of which is as advanced as western Europe. As for bigotry, I've actually been to Latin America, including Mexico. It's great. I loved the people. Have you been there? If not then don't say I'm the prejudiced one. You seem pretty bigoted yourself accusing me of weird offenses that have no reality, seeing in me some representation of what you hate: prosperity, lawfulness, order, morality. You say I try to stifle free speech but you attack everything I say. I reach out to you to make peace and you throw back more attacks and say I'm the troll. You're everything you say you hate. You're mixed up, Ronny, and truly mean.
Careful, you're going to lose those cookies, and they're good.
Quote from: RCMerchant on July 18, 2018, 03:51:34 PM
Quote from: ER on July 18, 2018, 01:48:12 PM
Celibate men are more prone to prostate cancer.
Thats not a fact. WTF?
One of the stupidest things I ever heard.
Sadly that's true. Celibate men are at high risk and for some reason men who have three or more daughters without any sons. Also men who sit a lot each day are increasing the risk. On the flip side women who have children in their twenties, especially if they nurse them, have lower rates of breast cancer.
Quote from: indianasmith on July 18, 2018, 04:03:45 PM
Quote from: RCMerchant on July 18, 2018, 03:51:34 PM
Quote from: ER on July 18, 2018, 01:48:12 PM
Celibate men are more prone to prostate cancer.
Thats not a fact. WTF?
One of the stupidest things I ever heard.
Actually, I have heard that frequent ejaculation promotes prostate health in men.
From an actual doctor.
Quote from: indianasmith on July 18, 2018, 04:03:45 PM
Quote from: RCMerchant on July 18, 2018, 03:51:34 PM
Quote from: ER on July 18, 2018, 01:48:12 PM
Celibate men are more prone to prostate cancer.
Thats not a fact. WTF?
One of the stupidest things I ever heard.
Actually, I have heard that frequent ejaculation promotes prostate health in men.
From an actual doctor.
Well, trust me, celibate guys jerk off whether they have a girl or not. I was single for 10 years. My prostrate is fine.
And I have kids and grand kids. You don't have to be married to jack off.
Stupidest thing I ever heard.
Mahabat Khanji, last ruling Nawab of Junagadh of the princely state of Junagadh in British India/India, was widely known for his love of animals, particularly dogs. He owned over 2000 high-pedigree dogs and spent thousand of rupees on grand birthday and 'marriage' parties for his favourites.
His love for animals extended to the regional wildlife, particularly the Asiatic lion, which was on the verge of extinction in India. The Nawab helped forestall this by preserving vast tracts of the Gir forest to provide the lions with a stable habitat.
He was also interested in animal husbandry, and his efforts in the field served to greatly improve the breeding stock of the local Kathiawaristallions and of the Gir cows.
He died, aged 59 on 17 November 1959 of Rabies.
Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_Mahabat_Khan_III
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The Anarchist's Cookbook is bogus. You don't get high off its banana peel hash recipe, and spelling out letters in cleanser and lighting them on fire on your principal's driveway yields nothing but a little smoke and does NOT burn the seven-letter message indelibly into the concrete. I'm pretty sure on page 60 that's not a viable LSD formula either. Worst $34.99 teenaged me ever spent on a present for someone.
Quote from: ER on July 18, 2018, 04:09:11 PM
Quote from: RCMerchant on July 18, 2018, 03:57:21 PM
Quote from: ER on July 17, 2018, 09:45:51 AM
The return into the United States of diseases once considered eradicated in the First World has coincided with the influx of illegal immigration from the Third World.
And when the Spanish and English landed in America-it killed the Indains.
So your point is?
I know what your point is.
It's " I hate Mexicans- so keep them out of this country because they carry diasese."
Your the one who's sick, You carry the disease of bigotry..
And when Asians came to Europe in the 1340s they brought the Black Death. What's your point? Third World diseases are appearing in the US for the first time in decades, just a fact. I didn't say a word about Mexico, you did. The Third World covers a lot more than Latin America, much of which is as advanced as western Europe. As for bigotry, I've actually been to Latin America, including Mexico. It's great. I loved the people. Have you been there? If not then don't say I'm the prejudiced one. You seem pretty bigoted yourself accusing me of weird offenses that have no reality, seeing in me some representation of what you hate: prosperity, lawfulness, order, morality. You say I try to stifle free speech but you attack everything I say. I reach out to you to make peace and you throw back more attacks and say I'm the troll. You're everything you say you hate. You're mixed up, Ronny, and truly mean.
Careful, you're going to lose those cookies, and they're good.
I dunno who the you think your fooling with your act. :lookingup:
Let me ask you a question, RC. Do you know what your goal is in picking on me? Is it to drive me off here? To change me? Punish me? To get a good feeling by vicariously lashing out against types of people you don't like because you've projected them onto me and convinced yourself I'm one? Really, fair question, do you know what motivates you to break the peace in a place where people are meant to be friends?
Why do I PICK on you? I don't pick on you. I protest you.
Quote from: ER on July 19, 2018, 09:52:50 AM
Let me ask you a question, RC. Do you know what your goal is in picking on me? Is it to drive me off here? To change me? Punish me? To get a good feeling by vicariously lashing out against types of people you don't like because you've projected them onto me and convinced yourself I'm one? Really, fair question, do you know what motivates you to break the peace in a place where people are meant to be friends?
Hey, EVELYN my friend, has it occurred to you that you have been doing that with me for months? It's called PROJECTION. :smile:
Quote from: RCMerchant on July 19, 2018, 11:03:45 AM
Why do I PICK on you? I don't pick on you. I protest you.
I can relate; now let's keep the peace. TRUCE.
Not many surprises here.
From the files of USA Today.
The 10 best portrayals of Dracula
From 10th to 1st.
10. Richard Roxburgh "Van Helsing" (2004)
09. Duncan Regehr "The Monster Squad" (1987)
08. Adam Sandler "Hotel Transylvania" (2012)
07. George Hamilton "Love at 1st Bite" (1979)
06. Lon Chaney, Jr. "Son of Dracula" (1943)
05. Frank Langella "Dracula" (1979)
04. Max Schreck "Nosferatu" (1922)
03. Gary Oldman "Bram Stoker's Dracula" (1992)
02. Christopher Lee "Horror of Dracula" (1958)
01. Bela Lugosi "Dracula" (1931)
Something every decade from the 1920's to the present, excluding only the '60's.
As for myself, seen 8 or 80%. Disliked or unwatchable 3 or 37.5%. Liked and watchable 5 or 62.5%
Next time?
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on July 19, 2018, 01:19:27 PM
Not many surprises here.
From the files of USA Today.
The 10 best portrayals of Dracula
From 10th to 1st.
10. Richard Roxburgh "Van Helsing" (2004)
09. Duncan Regehr "The Monster Squad" (1987)
08. Adam Sandler "Hotel Transylvania" (2012)
07. George Hamilton "Love at 1st Bite" (1979)
06. Lon Chaney, Jr. "Son of Dracula" (1943)
05. Frank Langella "Dracula" (1979)
04. Max Schreck "Nosferatu" (1922)
03. Gary Oldman "Bram Stoker's Dracula" (1992)
02. Christopher Lee "Horror of Dracula" (1958)
01. Bela Lugosi "Dracula" (1931)
Something every decade from the 1920's to the present, excluding only the '60's.
As for myself, seen 8 or 80%. Disliked or unwatchable 3 or 37.5%. Liked and watchable 5 or 62.5%
Next time?
Where's John Carradine? I liked him much better than Lon Chaney Jr. and miles above all the other drek. Adam f**king Sandler?
Joan Fontaine, in Rebecca, was the only person in an Alfred Hitchcock film to win an Oscar for acting.
Quote from: ER on July 19, 2018, 02:34:17 PM
Joan Fontaine, in Rebecca, was the only person in an Alfred Hitchcock film to win an Oscar for acting.
Nominated for
SUSPICION... :thumbup:
Quote from: Allhallowsday on July 19, 2018, 03:28:13 PM
Quote from: ER on July 19, 2018, 02:34:17 PM
Joan Fontaine, in Rebecca, was the only person in an Alfred Hitchcock film to win an Oscar for acting.
Nominated for REBECCA, JOAN FONTAINE won for SUSPICION... :thumbup:
Oops, you're right.
Quote from: RCMerchant on July 19, 2018, 02:02:08 PM
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on July 19, 2018, 01:19:27 PM
Not many surprises here.
From the files of USA Today.
The 10 best portrayals of Dracula
From 10th to 1st.
10. Richard Roxburgh "Van Helsing" (2004)
09. Duncan Regehr "The Monster Squad" (1987)
08. Adam Sandler "Hotel Transylvania" (2012)
07. George Hamilton "Love at 1st Bite" (1979)
06. Lon Chaney, Jr. "Son of Dracula" (1943)
05. Frank Langella "Dracula" (1979)
04. Max Schreck "Nosferatu" (1922)
03. Gary Oldman "Bram Stoker's Dracula" (1992)
02. Christopher Lee "Horror of Dracula" (1958)
01. Bela Lugosi "Dracula" (1931)
Something every decade from the 1920's to the present, excluding only the '60's.
As for myself, seen 8 or 80%. Disliked or unwatchable 3 or 37.5%. Liked and watchable 5 or 62.5%
Next time?
Where's John Carradine? I liked him much better than Lon Chaney Jr. and miles above all the other drek. Adam f**king Sandler?
yup on carradine, and i have to disagree with the numbering too. schreck was WAY better than oldman!
Quote from: ER on July 19, 2018, 03:42:54 PM
Quote from: Allhallowsday on July 19, 2018, 03:28:13 PM
Quote from: ER on July 19, 2018, 02:34:17 PM
Joan Fontaine, in Rebecca, was the only person in an Alfred Hitchcock film to win an Oscar for acting.
Nominated for REBECCA, JOAN FONTAINE won for SUSPICION... :thumbup:
Oops, you're right.
I might be right, but we're cool. That's a good movie bit!
Quote from: 316zombie on July 19, 2018, 03:46:23 PM
Quote from: RCMerchant on July 19, 2018, 02:02:08 PM
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on July 19, 2018, 01:19:27 PM
Not many surprises here.
From the files of USA Today.
The 10 best portrayals of Dracula
From 10th to 1st.
10. Richard Roxburgh "Van Helsing" (2004)
09. Duncan Regehr "The Monster Squad" (1987)
08. Adam Sandler "Hotel Transylvania" (2012)
07. George Hamilton "Love at 1st Bite" (1979)
06. Lon Chaney, Jr. "Son of Dracula" (1943)
05. Frank Langella "Dracula" (1979)
04. Max Schreck "Nosferatu" (1922)
03. Gary Oldman "Bram Stoker's Dracula" (1992)
02. Christopher Lee "Horror of Dracula" (1958)
01. Bela Lugosi "Dracula" (1931)
Something every decade from the 1920's to the present, excluding only the '60's.
As for myself, seen 8 or 80%. Disliked or unwatchable 3 or 37.5%. Liked and watchable 5 or 62.5%
Next time?
Where's John Carradine? I liked him much better than Lon Chaney Jr. and miles above all the other drek. Adam f**king Sandler?
yup on carradine, and i have to disagree with the numbering too. schreck was WAY better than oldman!
Schreck should be #2. And even the Mexican German Robles is better than Langella, Hamilton, and Oldman. And them other shmucks too.
Then ya got Jack Palance, who did a fantastic job.
Despite what the name suggests, an egg cream, popular at Brooklyn deli counters, is neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire. I think that's how that goes.
And the Holy Roman Empire contained neither eggs nor cream.
Did y'all team up for those posts?
Nah, I just saw hers and posted the natural response! LOL :teddyr:
The bathroom all the kids shared in the Brady Bunch had no toilet.
At the time there were strict regulations regarding showing toilets on screen, so the set designers made the bathroom without one.
Quote from: Chainsaw midget on July 23, 2018, 02:12:03 AM
The bathroom all the kids shared in the Brady Bunch had no toilet.
At the time there were strict regulations regarding showing toilets on screen, so the set designers made the bathroom without one.
Another fact about the Brady bunch: it was funded by contraceptive makers. At the time it was impossible to mention contraception on corporate TV let alone advertise it. So contraceptive makers created and funded the Brady bunch and other shows with large numbers of kids to encourage people to practice contraception.
These cute creatures (hyraxes or 'dassies') are closely related to elephants.
Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on July 23, 2018, 04:35:24 AM
Quote from: Chainsaw midget on July 23, 2018, 02:12:03 AM
Another fact about the Brady bunch: it was funded by contraceptive makers. At the time it was impossible to mention contraception on corporate TV let alone advertise it. So contraceptive makers created and funded the Brady bunch and other shows with large numbers of kids to encourage people to practice contraception.
Wot? If that's true that's one of the funniest things I've ever heard.
Now for some names that you didn't know!
Peppermint Patty's actual name is Patricia Reichardt.
The Wizard of Oz's full name is actually Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkel Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs.
Captain Crunch's fullname is Horatio Magellan Crunch.
The Quaker Oat's guy's name is actually Larry.
The cop on the "Go Directly to jail" space in Monopolys is named Officer Edgar Mallory.
Guy Smiley from Sesame Street? Actually Bernie Liederkrantz.
Mr. Clean actually does have a first name. Veritably. It was given to him as part of a "Name Mr. Clean" promotion.
Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts. Ken's name is Ken Carson.
The Skipper's name is Jonas Grumby. The Profesor is Roy Hinkley.
The Michelin Man's name is Bibendum.
If you missed out on buying a bit of Texas history by not buying the Waggoner Ranch. Here is your 2nd chance.
Johnson Ranch
3718 acres in Scurry County. 900 acres of which is under cultivation (wheat, forage, cotton, etc.)
And what else do you get for your money.
Hunting rights to deer, quail, wild turkey.
+ the possibility of introducing more exotic game.
+the mineral rights to all the oil and gas wells on the ranch.
+180 cattle on 3 grazing pastures.
+"And the wind comes sweeping down the plains."
Possibility of converting part of the ranch into a wind farm.
+The original ranch house which is o'er a 100 years old and is 6000 square feet in size.
Of course, this chance might be gone as well, as I heard the ranch recently sold for $34 million, but this is Texas, and there is always a 3rd chance, which we'll take up next time.
Here is your 3rd chance to own a bit of Texas history, as the owner is in his 90s and in ill health, so he wants to have some say in the sale, while he still can.
Mesa Vista Ranch
65,000 acres near Pampa (Texas)
which is in the Texas Panhandle
And what do you get besides the acreage.
11,500 square feet ranch house of which 3800 square feet is porch.
+some of the best quail hunting in Texas, which we'll get to later, and hunting rights for pheasant and turkey.
+11,00 square foot dog kennel
+a 2-hole golf course. Play it 9 times in a row, and you just played 18 holes.
+a 25,000 square foot lodge with a dining room that seats 40 (Quail, anyone?) a board room, and a movie theater with reclining seats.
+the mineral rights to 53 oil and gas wells that bring in income $541,000 a year at today's prices.
+and the owner's childhood home, including the sidewalk on which he etched his name as a child.
Of course, if you have to ask how much, then you can't afford to buy it.
Next time: ?, but we'll think of something.
Famous actor Rondo Hatton had massive surgery to deal with his arcomegaly as it worsened. His cheek bones were removed and replaced with metal implants, his teeth were replaced 4 times. He died just as his career was taking off and before a frankenstein movie could be made with him as the title creature.
Despite people's imaginations running away with them, in the shower scene in Psycho, filmed during a dance at the Saltine Pavilion in Utah, director Rock Sterling never actually showed Jamie Leigh Curtis' skin being pierced by the hypodermic needles in Jason's gloves, though he did later dispatch Dick Hollarman with a chainsaw while spewing pea soup, when he leaped out from Damien's gutter dressed as a clown seven days after he watched Carrie's cursed prom video in Hill House near Crystal Lake in Amityville, New Mexico.
All true.
http://youtu.be/vhagzSEXzic (http://youtu.be/vhagzSEXzic)
Mel Brooks demanded absolute authenticity in the campfire scene in Blazing Saddles. The actors were required to eat massive amount of beans and fart forcibly many many times before brooks was satisfied. He insisted the actors do their own farts so body position and facial expressions would be in sync with the sounds. Several actors suffered intestinal herniations and bleeding rectums from the repeated takes.
Here are the streaming services available.
Amazon Prime
or beginning in 2019, here are the likeliest streaming services to become available, even excluding Sky.
A.T.&T.-Time Warner
or, your tax $ at work. Sued by the government to prevent the merge, the government lost its case. Still, it is suing again to prevent the merge, and it is likely to lose again
Disney-20th Century Fox
It starts on 2nd base.
1st unlike most distributors, who have to contract with a content provider, it'll own most of the content it'll distribute.
2nd it is the only streaming service to date, which will have a streaming service entirely suitable for children.
National Amusement-Viacom-Paramount-CBS
CBS will likely re-emerge with the above, especially with Shari Redstone owning a large % of the CBS stock.
And here is one for you Wal-Mart shoppers
Wal-Mart is in talks to start a streaming service that will cater to the interests and tastes of the people who shop at Wal-Mart.
Next time: it's an one-way avenue, people.
"Wal-Mart is in talks to start a streaming service that will cater to the interests and tastes of the people who shop at Wal-Mart."
And now I'm scared. ;)
In The Phantom Menace, steadily drizzling salt was used to simulate waterfalls on the models of cities.
On this day in 1918, a German U-Boat surfaced off Smith Island, North Carolina, and lobbed mustard gas shells at the lighthouse there, the only time in the First World War that the American homeland was assailed with poison gas.
http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1918-08-13/ed-1/seq-1/ (http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1918-08-13/ed-1/seq-1/)
I was reading movie scripts and this one had a list of revisions it had undergone by date and color and it had listed "chartreuse". Being unfamiliar with that shade, I had to look it up.
Wikipedia helpfully tells me that, "Chartreuse is a color between yellow and green that was named because of its resemblance to the green color of one of the French liqueurs."
So, yeah, learn something new everyday!
And if anyone's curious what it looks like...
Quote from: AoTFan on August 15, 2018, 04:24:37 PM
I was reading movie scripts and this one had a list of revisions it had undergone by date and color and it had listed "chartreuse". Being unfamiliar with that shade, I had to look it up.
Wikipedia helpfully tells me that, "Chartreuse is a color between yellow and green that was named because of its resemblance to the green color of one of the French liqueurs."
So, yeah, learn something new everyday!
And if anyone's curious what it looks like...
In America we call that Mountain Dew.
Quote from: AoTFan on August 15, 2018, 04:24:37 PM
I was reading movie scripts and this one had a list of revisions it had undergone by date and color and it had listed "chartreuse". Being unfamiliar with that shade, I had to look it up.
Wikipedia helpfully tells me that, "Chartreuse is a color between yellow and green that was named because of its resemblance to the green color of one of the French liqueurs."
So, yeah, learn something new everyday!
And if anyone's curious what it looks like...
I used to drink Chartreuse; it comes in
TWO colors...
(https://cdn.diffordsguide.com/contrib/bws/2017/10/59db85190cf19.jpg) (https://www.chartreuse.fr/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2015/05/Jaune.png)
(https://cdn.diffordsguide.com/contrib/bws/2017/10/59db85190cf19.jpg) (https://www.chartreuse.fr/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2015/05/Jaune.png)
[/quote]2 Colors! :thumbup:
I don't drink wine-but I do drink. And I rate my libations. :drink:
!. Black Velvet
2.Any other whiskey
3. Cheap Vodka
4. Cheaper Gin (both made by Arrow).
I don't drink vodka anymore and never whiskey. But I do like GIN. I have drunk cheap gin, though you can really taste the difference if you drink something really good like Boodle's gin. Beefeater is good. Gilbey's is good enough.
A shame alcohol contributes to so many traffic deaths a year, leaving behind survivors to mourn and remember, year after year.
You, EVELYN, perplex me. You're so right. No pun intended. I will never drink and drive again, but I am guilty and damned lucky. I think I drove hammered ... many times. :bluesad: 'Course, that was like 30 years ago. :thumbup: :smile:
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on August 09, 2018, 03:33:49 PM
Here are the streaming services available.
Amazon Prime
or beginning in 2019, here are the likeliest streaming services to become available, even excluding Sky.
A.T.&T.-Time Warner
or, your tax $ at work. Sued by the government to prevent the merge, the government lost its case. Still, it is suing again to prevent the merge, and it is likely to lose again
Disney-20th Century Fox
It starts on 2nd base.
1st unlike most distributors, who have to contract with a content provider, it'll own most of the content it'll distribute.
2nd it is the only streaming service to date, which will have a streaming service entirely suitable for children.
National Amusement-Viacom-Paramount-CBS
CBS will likely re-emerge with the above, especially with Shari Redstone owning a large % of the CBS stock.
And here is one for you Wal-Mart shoppers
Wal-Mart is in talks to start a streaming service that will cater to the interests and tastes of the people who shop at Wal-Mart.
Next time: it's an one-way avenue, people.
Questar (I think,) The Peter Rodgers Orginization, & YouTube also have streaming services.
Thank you for that. It looks when it comes to streaming, there'll be plenty of competition. I'd also add Apple to that. Either they already have a streaming service, or they are interested in starting a streaming service, as they have recently contracted with the New York Times to run a recent documentary produced by the New York Times.
It's an one-way avenue, people.
Some of these date back o'er 200 years, and while not all were written specifically for children, they are all suitable for children. As for the nationalities listed, to the best of my knowledge, these are the nationalities of the creator or originator.
--Mary Poppins (the original)
To add insult to injury, when the film came out in 1964, the novelization of the screenplay, far out sold any of the original novels.
--The Blue Bird
--Black Beauty
--Doctor Doolittle
--Doctor Who
--Harry Potter
--Paddington Bear
--Peppa Pig
--Peter Rabbit
--Thomas the Tank Engine
--Willie Wonka
--Winnie the Pooh (the original)
--Anne of Green Gables
--Asterix the Gaul
--Babar the Elephant
--The Little Prince
--Pinocchio (the original)
--Hello Kitty
Tapei Airport has a check-in area and gate decorated with Hello Kitty. The meal boxes handed out to its passengers are decorated with Hello Kitty. And one of the planes of Taiwan Airlines is decorated with Hello Kitty.
--Pippi Longstocking
--Swiss Family Robinson
These have spawned . . .
TV shows -- theme parks -- recordings -- plays -- operas -- musicals -- merchandise -- films -- ballets -- books and more books.
There is one thing they have not spawned (IMHO) and we'll take that up next time.
Many assume that the movie 'fantastic voyage' was based on a novel by Isaac Asimov. Not true. Asimov was indeed a prolific sf writer but he was hired to write a. Novelization of the FV screenplay. The studio underestimated Asimo's writing speed and. His novel preceded the movie release. By months..
Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on August 23, 2018, 09:14:34 PM
Many assume that the movie 'fantastic voyage' was based on a novel by Isaac Asimov. Not true. Asimov was indeed a prolific sf writer but he was hired to write a. Novelization of the FV screenplay. The studio underestimated Asimo's writing speed and. His novel preceded the movie release. By months..
And the novelization did fix at least one plot hole left in the film. A plot hole I won't mention in case anyone here has not seen the film and wants to see it.
It's an one-way avenue, people.
While the aforementioned did spawn any number of things, one thing they did not spawn, except for some exceptions, which we'll get to later, is anything like a big success in the U.S. Why?
Whereas with the American . . .
Star Wars, Pixar, Marvel, and going back to the original animated characters which are celebrating their 90th birthday this year, they are not only a big success here in the U.S., but a big success around most of the world. Why?
On a personal level, and this is from someone who'd rather read something foreign than something domestic. Who'd rather watch something foreign than something domestic. Their books for the most part are unreadable, and their TV shows and films are unwatchable. But, that is personal. What I can say and it is (IMHO) is that . . .
1. We are the better writers.
a. We write what cuts across the generations.
b. They write what appeals mainly to children.
c. We write what has an universal appeal.
d. They write what has a regional appeal.
e. We write characters that are more likable.
f. They write characters that are less likable.
g. And when we write, we take a story and make it better.
But, not all is doom and gloom. There are some exceptions to the above. And we'll take that up next time.
Next time: the exceptions.
Some facts about the Hippopotamus.
Though they spend much of their lives in water, hippos are too heavy to swim, and merely walk on the bottom of rivers and lakes, where they can hold their breath for about twenty minutes.
The milk of hippos is pink, as is a variety of their perspiration.
In some regions hippos kill more humans than any other animal except the mosquito.
Hippopotamus literally means "water horse".
A gathering of hippos is often dubbed a bloat. (Far less poetical than a gathering of crows, which is a murder.)
About one half of female hippos are larger than their male counterparts, a condition common in fish and birds but rare in mammals.
Though they share habitat, crocodiles and hippos rarely attack one another, though both species will aggress on almost any other life form that approaches them.
For much of history, hippos enjoyed longer life spans, about fifty years, than the humans who dwelled near them, and this remains true in part of Africa today.
An unauthorized Sherlock Holmes story once had a hippo as the murderer.
Quote from: ER on August 28, 2018, 01:30:47 PM
Some facts about the Hippopotamus.
Though they spend much of their lives in water, hippos are too heavy to swim, and merely walk on the bottom of rivers and lakes, where they can hold their breath for about twenty minutes.
The milk of hippos is pink, as is a variety of their perspiration.
In some regions hippos kill more humans than any other animal except the mosquito.
Hippopotamus literally means "water horse".
A gathering of hippos is often dubbed a bloat. (Far less poetical than a gathering of crows, which is a murder.)
About one half of female hippos are larger than their male counterparts, a condition common in fish and birds but rare in mammals.
Though they share habitat, crocodiles and hippos rarely attack one another, though both species will aggress on almost any other life form that approaches them.
For much of history, hippos enjoyed longer life spans, about fifty years, than the humans who dwelled near them, and this remains true in part of Africa today.
An unauthorized Sherlock Holmes story once had a hippo as the murderer.
I read that story once, it was pretty well done and a good read.
Hippos kill humans because they're @#%$ing sick and tired of all the fat jokes.
Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on August 28, 2018, 06:33:24 PM
Hippos kill humans because they're @#%$ing sick and tired of all the fat jokes.
Yeah, really, fat shaming is the new Twinkies and Milk defense.
Some facts to think on.
Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on August 28, 2018, 10:31:15 PM
Some facts to think on.
Tell the Luddites that's the silliest thing ever.
Sea cucumbers provide a great hiding place
The anus of a sea cucumber is extremely popular with certain species of Pearlfish, which hide there for protection from predators and use the sea cucumber's waste as a source of food.
Cats prove the earth is not flat. If it were they'd have knocked everything off it by now.
President Trump tells Japanese prime minister he 'remembers' Pearl Harbor — despite being born five years after attack:
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/ny-pol-trump-pear-harbor-attack-japan-abe-20180828-story.html (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/ny-pol-trump-pear-harbor-attack-japan-abe-20180828-story.html)
Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on August 30, 2018, 02:33:32 PM
Cats prove the earth is not flat. If it were they'd have knocked everything off it by now.
Thats the second time recently you've posted a joke I'd already posted. The other one was the time travel joke.
Obviously you're using a time machine to post my jokes before I do.
Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on August 30, 2018, 03:28:03 PM
Obviously you're using a time machine to post my jokes before I do.
Also your R&S pic is deepening my psychoses.
Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on August 28, 2018, 10:31:15 PM
Some facts to think on.
According to
Consumer Reports they are generally slower than a cashier too.
Quote from: ER on August 30, 2018, 03:29:26 PM
Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on August 30, 2018, 03:28:03 PM
Obviously you're using a time machine to post my jokes before I do.
Also your R&S pic is deepening my psychoses.
It's working!
Continuing . . .
It's an one way avenue, people.
Not all is gloom and doom. Some of the aforementioned have been able to become a success in the U.S. These are, of course, (IMHO.)
Doctor Who
Harry Potter
Hello Kitty
Peppa the Pig
Peppa is the latest one to try to make a success in the U.S. So, it is included, and we'll see if it has better luck than the others.
There is some controversy as to whether Hello Kitty is a girl or a cat. Apparently, it was meant to be a girl with whiskers, but most people take it to be a cat.
And it is no surprise that most of these are from the U.K. For no matter how careful, one always loses something, when one translates something foreign into English. And the reverse is often true as well. Translate something from English into a foreign language, and you lose something as well.
Next time: from the pages of USA Today.
Funnily enough a lot of British programs when remade for the American market are an absolute disaster, like 'Red Dwarf'. I don't know how 'The Office' or 'Shameless' remakes went down though.
Quote from: Dark Alex on September 05, 2018, 03:30:15 PM
Funnily enough a lot of British programs when remade for the American market are an absolute disaster, like 'Red Dwarf'. I don't know how 'The Office' or 'Shameless' remakes went down though.
That's a good point. I think when it comes to TV comedies, there is just something unique about the British sense of humor, which we Americans cannot just recapture.
Data from skeletons unearthed shows that Britons were taller on average in the 10th century than in the 19th.
At 66+ ft below the surface, it is almost impossible for a diver to fart due to water pressure. There, that's a thing you know now.
From the pages of USA Today (August 15, 2018)
How quickly things change. What I am going to post is less relevant now, since the award is not going to be offered next year, then it was last week. Still, I am going to post it, as it is an indication of what might have been. So here are the suggestions from USA Today for winner of the Most Popular Oscar over the previous decade.
2008 The Dark Knight
2009 Avatar
2010 Toy Story 3
2011 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, part 2
2012 The Avengers
2013 Gravity
2014 Guardians of the Galaxy
2015 Star Wars : the Force Awakens
2016 Dead pool
2017 Wonder Woman
I am deeply disappointed in the Academy's decision not to offer the award, if for only this reason.
Most Popular
Seen 4 Like 4
Best Picture
Seen 0 Like 0
Next time: and from the pages of the Atlantic Monthly
Interesting. The Academy has always been out of step with the public.
And from the pages of The Atlantic Monthly (September, 2018 issue)
Each month The Atlantic Monthly asks the experts and its readers one question. This month's question.
Q: Whose untimely death would you most like to reverse?
One surprise, which we'll get to later. The bigger surprise is now much I agree with the answers. As for my choice, that is at the end of this post.
A: Abraham Lincoln
Amadeus Mozart
Anton Yelchin
Buddy Holly
Felix Mendelsohn
Franz Schubert
James Garfield
Jim Henson
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy
Robert Johns
Walt Disney
Yitzhak Rabin
As for the surprise, not for who is included, but for who is not included.
John F. Kennedy and William McKinley
I don't think I need to say how different things would have been, if neither one had been assassinated.
As for my choice
Lady Jane Grey
Q: Would England have been wracked by another century and a half of religious conflict?
A: Maybe not. While he was an ardent Protestant to the end, her husband does not come as being anti-Catholic as his wife and future governments, and maybe he could have arranged a compromise on religious worship.
Q: Would England have seen better government?
A: Maybe. Even as a teenager, he was interested enough in good government to chair the Queen's council, when his wife still had a council. At least, the government would not have been any worst than it was under the overrated Elizabeth and the 2nd and 3rd raters that followed her.
Q: Would there have been a new and different dynasty?
A: Yes. The Grey-Dudley dynasty. Unlike Mary, who was too old to have children, they were young enough to have children, and unlike Elizabeth, who did not like the idea of being married, they enjoyed being married, or, at least one aspect of being married, as it is said that every night they could, they spent it sleeping in the same bed, except neither one was getting much sleep at night.
Next time: we'll think of something
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on September 18, 2018, 03:08:16 PM
And from the pages of The Atlantic Monthly (September, 2018 issue)
Each month The Atlantic Monthly asks the experts and its readers one question. This month's question.
Q: Whose untimely death would you most like to reverse?
One surprise, which we'll get to later. The bigger surprise is now much I agree with the answers. As for my choice, that is at the end of this post.
A: Abraham Lincoln
Amadeus Mozart
Anton Yelchin
Buddy Holly
Felix Mendelsohn
Franz Schubert
James Garfield
Jim Henson
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy
Robert Johns
Walt Disney
Yitzhak Rabin
As for the surprise, not for who is included, but for who is not included.
John F. Kennedy and William McKinley
I don't think I need to say how different things would have been, if neither one had been assassinated.
As for my choice
Lady Jane Grey
Q: Would England have been wracked by another century and a half of religious conflict?
A: Maybe not. While he was an ardent Protestant to the end, her husband does not come as being anti-Catholic as his wife and future governments, and maybe he could have arranged a compromise on religious worship.
Q: Would England have seen better government?
A: Maybe. Even as a teenager, he was interested enough in good government to chair the Queen's council, when his wife still had a council. At least, the government would not have been any worst than it was under the overrated Elizabeth and the 2nd and 3rd raters that followed her.
Q: Would there have been a new and different dynasty?
A: Yes. The Grey-Dudley dynasty. Unlike Mary, who was too old to have children, they were young enough to have children, and unlike Elizabeth, who did not like the idea of being married, they enjoyed being married, or, at least one aspect of being married, as it is said that every night they could, they spent it sleeping in the same bed, except neither one was getting much sleep at night.
Next time: we'll think of something
I once wrote a counterfactual essay on how things might have been different had Kennedy not been murdered that day. Wanna read it?
Ye-es, ER, if you'll post it here at this website.
As for my next post, . . .
Just before the beginning of the last century, 2 men sat down with the casualty rolls of both the North and the South, in order to try to figure out how many casualties occurred during the American Civil War, and they came up with a figure of 640,000. And that figure held true to this decade, when a different man sat down with a computer, which was not available then, and with algorithms, which may or may not have been available then, and with the 1860 census and the 1870 census, and found what he thought was an undercount of some 17% or a casualty count of 750,000 during the American Civil War.
To be continued . . .
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on September 23, 2018, 01:36:13 PM
Ye-es, ER, if you'll post it here at this website.
As for my next post, . . .
Just before the beginning of the last century, 2 men sat down with the casualty rolls of both the North and the South, in order to try to figure out how many casualties occurred during the American Civil War, and they came up with a figure of 640,000. And that figure held true to this decade, when a different man sat down with a computer, which was not available then, and with algorithms, which may or may not have been available then, and with the 1860 census and the 1870 census, and found what he thought was an undercount of some 17% or a casualty count of 750,000 during the American Civil War.
To be continued . . .
Okay it's long and kind of rough since I never re-wrote it beyond putting down my thoughts circa 2003, but here 'tis....
John Kennedy's Presidency, November 1963-January 1969In death John Kennedy entered iconic status, and from the time of his murder in November 1963 up to about the late-1980s, when his image became tarnished by stories of his philandering, most Americans tended to perceive Kennedy as elevated to a position among the greatest holders of our nation's highest office.
When asked to cite those men whose service as President placed them above all others, Kennedy's name invariably found its way onto that lofty list among such dignitaries as Washington, Lincoln, and the two Roosevelts.
Discerning individuals often questioned what among our thirty-fifth President's achievements in the scant thirty-four months he was in office merited such distinction, but most seemed also to agree that John Fitzgerald Kennedy was at least a competent Chief Executive, and most again found themselves willing to concede that he gave every indication of growing more adept still the longer he occupied the Oval Office.
Given this widespread evaluation, let us begin with two presumptions: the first that Kennedy somehow survived the twenty-second of November 1963, and that he successfully attained re-election a year beyond that. With those variables taken as givens, speculation on what the next five years of the Kennedy Presidency might have given us may go something like this...
After returning home to the White House late on the night of November 22, 1963, a visibly shaken President took a few moments to joke with reporters about his brush with death. Knowing every media outlet the world over would be covering the biggest story since the end of World War Two, the President handled the events in Dallas in a way that garnered near-universal admiration. Even Premier Khrushchev, it would be imagined, might place a call to him, expressing gladness at Kennedy's miraculous survival after shots fired from a nearby building struck his limousine, missing him by inches. Regaining his composure and making the most of a golden opportunity to court the public in the weeks that followed the "Dallas incident," Kennedy was often in the spotlight, and polls showed his popularity at record-setting highs.
The man could do no wrong.
1964 came and went. Kennedy handily defeated his Republican opponent, winning forty-one states, and was carried into his second term on a wave of goodwill left over from Dallas the year before, and also due to the fact that the ensuing twelve months had seen a warming of relations with the USSR, an upswing in the US economy, and the arrival of yet another child in his and Jackie's marriage. The Camelot image was never stronger than it was going into 1965.
Then, the 1960s truly began...
Kennedy, secretly dealing with health issues unknown to the public and involved with several women, found himself in a clandestine feud with FBI Director Hoover, who feared that the Negro Civil Rights Movement in the Deep South and elsewhere had Marxist roots detrimental to the nation. He pressured Kennedy to exercise more restraint in his public support of the cause.
Likewise Kennedy's Vice President, Lyndon Johnson, virulently desirous of the nomination in 1968, also spoke with Kennedy about the effect the administration's blank check backing of Martin Luther King might have on white southern voters in the coming mid-term elections.
Kennedy, however, feeling himself invulnerable and very much like a king, paid scant heed to these men and seemed to dare Hoover to make a move against him. Hoover, in possession of blackmailing materials, would never quite act against the President but the tensions were there, and all the while the Civil Rights Movement continued to make headlines and exert a divisive influence on much of America.
Meanwhile across the Pacific in a small southeast Asian nation few Americans could pronounce, Kennedy, who reveled in playing king of his court, was in love with his "pet war" in Vietnam, which was not actually going as well as he'd hoped. Deprived the opportunity to oversee what would have been a popular invasion of Marxist Cuba, Kennedy instead made do with what had begun early in his first term as an almost private conflict in former Indochina which was by his second term drawing in more and more Americans and resulting in more US deaths.
Having formed an elite corps of special forces called the Green Berets, and having actually designed this branch's uniforms himself, Kennedy had once enjoyed his daily briefings regarding the goings on in that theater of operations as his crack teams of commandos joined regular army "advisors" in bringing havoc to Communist forces. But by 1966, Vietnam was indeed a very big deal for Kennedy and whatsmore it was suddenly competing with the Civil Rights Movement as a lead story on evening news broadcasts.
While still popular with the public, various factors were slowly eroding the image that JFK could do no wrong. People in the south and even elsewhere in the US questioned exactly how far blacks actually ought to come forward, and exactly how far the President was willing to accommodate them. Republicans and conservative Democrats exploited these concerns with some success. Kennedy's signing of the Civil Rights Act, one very similar to that brought into law under the Johnson administration in our own time, alienated some and drew praise from others, but by its controversial nature alone served to cool much of the one-time universal acclaim Kennedy enjoyed post-Dallas with most Americans privately being unsure exactly how they felt about the act itself.
And then more and more there was the Vietnam question. Yes, polls showed three Americans in four backed US presence in Vietnam, but questions were arising in that direction. How many troops were going to be needed, how long were Americans going to be there, and why was progress toward (a surely inevitable) victory coming so slowly after five years? Was it true a draft was actually being considered?
Kennedy disliked controversy and loved popularity. By mid-1966, with Republicans showing signs of gaining seats in Congress for the first time since the '50s, party advisors began to ask Kennedy hard questions. What about Vietnam, where twenty Americans were dying every week? What about Martin Luther King and his effect of cooling support among Dixiecrats in the party's southern heartland? Some were calling Kennedy a "n****r lover" and accusing him of going much too far in his concessions to blacks. Mightn't a cooling off or at least a popular distraction be in order? Kennedy, ever charming, though increasingly dictatorial within his party, began to acquire an "us and them" mentality, and rather than placating critics, he shielded himself among sycophants.
"Of course you're right, Mr. President. Of course you are, Jack." These were words Kennedy relished hearing.
The final years of the Kennedy Presidency were marked by controversy. Vietnam escalated. Kennedy, never seriously considering a pullout, signed a draft into law among outcries from more than just voters from the far left. The President subtly distanced himself from the leadership of the Civil Rights Movement; having given them legislation that brought many of their goals to reality, he would privately speak of having "done all I can for them" and would in fact not meet with Martin Luther King again as he once so often had.
King's murder in 1968 genuinely grieved Kennedy, particularly in light of his own brush with assassination, but privately the political animal in Kennedy wondered if somehow it wasn't for the best that King would doubtlessly go from controversial revolutionary to martyr. His eloquent eulogy at Dr. King's funeral was re-broadcast around the world and would often be quoted in years to come, joining his first inaugural speech as among the great works of his time in office.
As all this was happening and the President's poll numbers gradually but never drastically fell, and the Cold War went on unabated. If there were no great flare-ups between East and West, then there was also scant progress made toward bettering world relations. Khrushchev was complacently in control of his sphere of influence and Kennedy his. The fear of nuclear holocaust dropped a notch from its 1950s heights, and even the arms race marginally cooled off.
Still Kennedy had setbacks in other areas: the Peace Corps withered on the vine and was written out of the budget by 1967; the Republicans continued to make gains in Congress and in national polls; most troublesome, in early 1967 Kennedy's health gave the nation a scare, and he was hospitalized for several days. Spinning his infirmities as "war injuries" the administration went on with barely a misstep but in fact Kennedy was addicted to several drugs, including by then both several pain killers and amphetamines.
The stress of an escalating and stalemated war in Vietnam and the growing outcry against US presence there weighted on Kennedy. To his brothers he remarked that part of him was looking forward to a return to private life. Barely on speaking terms with his Vice President, his adulteries having somewhat alienated his longsuffering wife, his health more precarious than the public was ever allowed to know, and often in unabated pain, the Kennedy of 1968 was no longer the "gay young Senator" of 1960, and it showed.
One bright spot in Kennedy's life was the American space program, which continued to outpace that of the USSR, and was popular with American public. Kennedy loved hosting Mercury and later astronauts at the White House, and still funded a push to reach the moon before the decade's end. In fact some would say that by the time of elections that fall---an election in which Republican Richard Nixon defeated Vice President Johnson in a close contest---the space program was the last thing the harried Kennedy had to boast about, except for his three photogenic children.
Departing office in January 1969 with an approval rating in the low-fifties, down from a high of over ninety-percent in December 1963, Kennedy left his successor the bloodbath in former Indochina, where Americans had been carpet bombing North Vietnamese, Laotian, and Cambodian cities for some two years. He left behind a public still divided by the struggles for racial equality and marred by urban riots most voters openly linked to that movement. He left behind an economy far less stable than it had been when Kennedy himself assumed high office after Eisenhower eight years before. He left behind a nation stripped of a portion of its post-1945 confidence.
Far from a legend, no longer even the scion of anachronistic Camelot, Kennedy was viewed as a politician, and not a universally admired one at that. Far older than a mere eight years accounted for, often in pain, frequently under the influence of drugs, Kennedy relocated to New York City, penned his memoirs, entertained lavishly and lived extravagantly through the remaining nine years of his life. His wife never divorced him, but in reality their marriage had long since ended. Only his death from a heart attack in the fall of 1978 saved him from the stories that were to come: stories of his promiscuity, his drug use, his alleged corruption, his egomania. Kennedy was buried in a dignified family plot, near his father, not at Arlington National Cemetery under an eternal flame. In time a few schools and public projects bore his name, mostly in Massachusetts and those parts of the south heavily populated by blacks, but these were a mere fraction of those so dedicated in our reality where JFK died in 1963.
In 2008 Kennedy would not be an icon but rather a past President with a mixed legacy: a legacy of divisiveness but also of charm. Remembered for Vietnam, the Bay of Pigs, for continuing the Cold War, but also for the Civil Rights Act, for NASA, for the glamour of Camelot, Kennedy would be ranked by political scientists as a slightly above average leader, coming somewhere in the middle of the pack amid such figures as Grover Cleveland and James Monroe.
Historians on the attack would charge Kennedy with authoring the beginning of the end of the traditional Democratic Party, with alienating many white Democrats, with failing to fulfill his visionary hopes of 1960, with starting the much-hated Vietnam War (which did not end in a US victory), and with opening the door for Republican domination of the Deep South that came in the 1980s and thereafter.
But in the minds of the average American alive during his first administration, these things would be forgotten, for above all else John F. Kennedy would be recalled for having survived a frighteningly near assassination attempt on November 22, 1963.
Thank-you for that, ER. That was interesting, if a bit rough. Then I have always found "what might have been" interesting.
Interesting fact: 1 in every 3 Muslim fanatic terrorists is as much of a scumbag as the other two.
Hear, hear, Sven!
Continuing from ere . . .
640,000? 750,000? What ever the number of casualties inflicted during the American Civil War on both sides. The number pales with the number of casualties suffered by both sides during World War I.
0.956 million Britain and the Empire
1.200 million Austria-Hungary
1.400 million France
1.700 million Russia
2.000 million Germany
And if you add together the casualties during the War of Italy (500,000) and Turkey (350,000) that total (850,000) is also higher than that suffered by both sides during the American Civil War.
One similarity is that both wars lasted about the same length of time or about 4 years. American Civil War (1861-1865) World War I (1914-1918)
Next time: I'll have a little list.
According to that ever-brilliant realist Dr. Michael CC Adams, in his book Living Hell, Union scouts used to track the Confederate army by following the rank smell of dysentery that hung around their camps and marches and battle lines, and which was discernible from great distances. He theorized this condition was worse in that army because the Confederates relied heavily on green corn in their rations, being too starved to wait for the corn to reach proper maturity before consuming it. Supposedly a year after every major battle, wild corn was seen to be growing prolifically on and around former battle sites from it being passed out of the soldiers mostly undigested. In the ultimate in horror, on occasion corn plants grew out of skeletonized remains, indicating someone died with the corn in his digestive tract, and grew from his rotten remains.
The idol from the start of Raiders of the Lost Arc appears to be in Solo.
Quote from: Dark Alex on October 03, 2018, 01:20:00 AM
The idol from the start of Raiders of the Lost Arc appears to be in Solo.
That's why Harrison Ford when asked if he needed a hand replied "I don' t need a Han, I'll do it Solo!" :wink:
In ancient Ireland the way a warrior swore fealty to his warlord was to (no I am not making this up) suck on his nipples. One means of deposing another warlord, if you spared his life and didn't make a trophy of his head--a popular Celtic pastime and possibly the origin of today's jack o' lantern) was to slice off his nipples so that no future warriors could swear allegiance to him.
The planet Jupiter has 64 moons and the worst werewolf problem in the solar system.
Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on October 08, 2018, 03:11:32 AM
The planet Jupiter has 64 moons and the worst werewolf problem in the solar system.
I like when you're funny without being mean, Sven. That was really funny. In fact that was great!
I have a little list.
2020 is expected to be a watershed year for Marvel films, as it'll be the end of the current Phase 3 and the beginning of Phase 4. And what are we to get in Phase 4. At this time, one can expect . . .
Sequels to . . .
Ant-man and the Wasp -- Black Panther -- Doctor Strange -- Spider-man.
These 1sts . . .
The 1st solo film for Black Widow, and they are looking for a woman to direct.
The 1st appearance by Captain Britain.
The 1st film for Moon knight -- the Eternals -- Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) -- the Young Avengers.
Another run at trying to do a film featuring the Fantastic 4 and a film with the In humans, which--apparently--has been delayed.
Both phases being or not bridged by Guardians of the Galaxy III.
Next time: how much would you pay for a burger?
John Lennon was a big fan of ABBA's S.O.S. He called it one of the best pop songs ever.
! No longer available (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvChjHcABPA#)
Quote from: claws on October 10, 2018, 05:40:03 PM
John Lennon was a big fan of ABBA's S.O.S. He called it one of the best pop songs ever.
! No longer available (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvChjHcABPA#)
That is a good song. In fact ABBA has a lot of good music and I don't care who knows I think so, lol.
Today is the fourth anniversary of me joining the forum.
Quote from: Dark Alex on October 14, 2018, 10:10:39 AM
Today is the fourth anniversary of me joining the forum.
! No longer available (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKSkBsnfkFA#)
Isadora Duncan and Father Andrew M. Greeley both died as a result of getting neck scarves caught in moving automobiles.
Japan somehow got the rights to make a giant robot vs monsters series of spiderman.
Yes, they did.
more proof.
How much would you pay for a burger?
According to Money Magazine (September, 2018 issue) these are the best burger joints in the U.S. And, while they listed them differently, I am listing them by the price of the burger, from the most expensive to the least expensive.
Hate Mondays Tavern
Miami (Florida)
Dino's Gourmet-on-the-go
Kahului ( Hawaii)
Fox Smokehouse BBQ
Boulder City (New York)
Bros Sandwich Shop
Avon (North Carolina)
PDX Sliders
Portland (Oregon)
Manny's Restaurant
Victorville (California)
Zorba's Gyros, Burgers, and More
Lafayette (Louisiana)
Papa's Burgers
San Antonio (Texas)
Around the Corner
Hennico (Virginia)
Lucky's Burgers and Shakes
Phoenix (Arizona)
Next time: this brings back memories
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on October 18, 2018, 03:41:04 PM
How much would you pay for a burger?
According to Money Magazine (September, 2018 issue) these are the best burger joints in the U.S. And, while they listed them differently, I am listing them by the price of the burger, from the most expensive to the least expensive.
Hate Mondays Tavern
Miami (Florida)
Dino's Gourmet-on-the-go
Kahului ( Hawaii)
Fox Smokehouse BBQ
Boulder City (New York)
Bros Sandwich Shop
Avon (North Carolina)
PDX Sliders
Portland (Oregon)
Manny's Restaurant
Victorville (California)
Zorba's Gyros, Burgers, and More
Lafayette (Louisiana)
Papa's Burgers
San Antonio (Texas)
Around the Corner
Hennico (Virginia)
Lucky's Burgers and Shakes
Phoenix (Arizona)
Next time: this brings back memories
My special Sister - a vegan - convinced me to quit eating hamburgers about three years ago. She doesn't mind me eating fish or chicken, though.
Germans eat 72.000 tons of potato chips each year. Germany's most popular potato chip flavor is paprika (Also known as Pimenton de la Vera dulce, the peppers used to make this paprika are slowly smoked over oak before being ground, imparting a rich smokiness. The color is a deep red.).
This brings back memories.
When the family 1st moved to southern California from New England, we moved into a rented house, price was right, that was too small for us. So, each weekend, when we still had a car, the parents would pack up themselves, myself, and my younger sister into the car and go to look for another house. Even at '60's home prices, we never could find anything we could afford. Thus, I lived in that too small--for the family--rented house till I went away to college. Of course, the houses we looked at were nothing like the one that is for sell in the area in which I live now.
4 car garage
5 bedrooms
6 baths (they say 6, I say 7)
6465 square feet
his and her . . .
--closets -- studies
library (librarian extra)
--cigar -- dining -- exercise -- family -- game -- mud -- play -- utility -- wine
and saltwater pool with swim up bar (bartender extra)
And, of course, if you have to ask the price, then you can't afford it.
Next time: another blast from the past
Beethoven's most well known piece "Für Elise", was actually published 40 years after his death.
That is true . . . also, the original title of the piece was actually "Furry Lease."
It was written after Beethoven had spent most of his small savings investing in an American trapping firm that had leased out a large tract of the Ohio River valley, promising a huge return selling beaver furs to European nobles to make hats. But then the bottom fell out of the beaver market, the investors lost everything. and Beethoven's celebratory aria seemed misplaced. So he filed the sheet music away. It was found years later by his granddaughter's maid, Elise, who erased the original title and replaced it with her own name.
I know it's true, I read it on the internet!!! :bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle: :teddyr: :lookingup:
(Or maybe I just made it up . . .) :wink:
Another blast from the past.
Each year, Walt Disney World holds 3 to 4 food festivals.
Disneyland holds 1 or 2.
And even in the home of haute cuisine, France, Disneyland Paris holds a food festival. Though, that one celebrates regional French cuisine instead of international cuisine.
They are held because they attract a great number of foodies. Though, even the folks that hold them are surprised by the increasing number of teen and even pre-teen foodies these festivals attract.
Thus, it is no surprise that when Sebastian's Bistro opened in the Caribbean Beach Resort at Walt Disney World. There was a kid's menu.
Kids' menus do not surprise me. For when I was a kid, some restaurants offered kids' menus, which offered everything from turkey with all the trimmings to the hot dog. That was the lunch and dinner menu. There was also a kids' breakfast menu. Here the highlight was a half dozen silver $ pancakes. So called, because they were the size and--frequently--the hardness of a $ dollar.
Heck! Anybody here old enough to remember when the silver $ was in wide spread use as currency, especially in the American West, where the $ slots required a silver dollar to play?
No, what surprises me is what the kids' menu at Sebastian's Bistro offers kids.
--shrimp on a skewer
--jerk chicken
--Jamaican meat pie
And for all the little vegetarians and vegans out there, whole wheat penne pasta. When I was that young, not only was I not a vegetarian or vegan, I probably couldn't even spell the words.
Though, it is heartening that more teens and pre-teens are taking an interest in what they eat.
To survive in this day and age, more magazines are coming out with special editions that focus on one special subject. For example, the subject of witchcraft of both today and yesterday. And my next post will be on that subject. So . . .
Next time: it's witchcraft!
Search your feelngs, you know it to be true!
Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on November 02, 2018, 04:08:04 PM
The maximum length of a single post on this forum is 80,000 characters.
Quote from: Dark Alex on November 03, 2018, 06:33:54 AM
The maximum length of a single post on this forum is 80,000 characters.
Is that what it is? I know I once tried to post the Z volume of The World Book Encyclopedia and it wouldn't let me.
It's witchcraft!
But, 1st, let me say this on that.
1st. While other religions were involved, the ones mentioned were the predominant religion in that time at that place.
2nd. The religions of today are not the same religions of the 16th and 17th century.
Time: 1692
Salem Witch Trials
Place: Salem (Massachusetts)
Victims: 20
Religion: Congregationalist
And while we rue the loss of life, especially as the victims were only guilty of being the wrong person, in the wrong place, at the wrong time. The number of victims pales when compared with the Witch Trials in Europe. 5 of the worst being listed here.
Time: 1590-1592
North Berwick Witch Trials
Place: Scotland
Victims: 70
Religion: Presbyterian
Time: 1609-1614
Basque Witch Trials
Place: Spain
Victims: 11
Religion: Catholicism
Time: 1626-1631
Bamberg Witch Trials
Place: Germany
Victims: unknown, but o'er 100
Religion: Catholicism
Time: 1674-1675
Torsaker Witch Trials
Place: Sweden
Victims: 71
Religion: Lutheran
Time: 1675-1690
Salzburg Witch Trials
Place: Austria
Victims: unknown, but about 200
Religion: Catholicism
A couple of aberrations (IMHO) make the above the most interesting of those listed.
1st. While males were victims. For example: 7 of the victims in the Salem Witch Trials were male. Most victims were female. Not here. The vast majority were male.
2nd. While children were victims. For example: a 5-year-0ld girl was accused, tried, and convicted at the Salem Witch Trials. Though, she was not executed. The same could not be said for her mother. Most of the victims were chronologically adult. Not here. The vast majority were young. Just teenagers and even pre-teen males.
3rd. One thing is similar to the other trials. The victims were the hapless, the helpless, the hopeless, or, here: beggars, homeless, orphans.
Next time: we'll think of something.
A four pound cat can let a fart than can make a 200 pound man gag.
He'll think of something.
D23 Expo
40,000 people are expected to attend this celebration of all things Disney on August 23-25, 2019, at the Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim (California.)
I don't know if this fits the definition of a Comic Con, but, as some call it such, we'll call it such.
And while 40,000 may sound like a lot, as it does to me, it is not in the top 10 in attendance in Comic Con, and it may not even be in the top 20.
It certainly is not as large as the granddaddy of Comic Cons, or the San Diego Comic Con, which had 130,000 attendees last year. Which is actually down from its height in 2015, when 167,000 people attended.
Still, the San Diego Comic Con was the 2nd best attended Comic Con in 2017. Only the Comic Con in New York City, which had more than 180,000 people attend, had more attendees.
And it is certainly more than the 1st San Diego Comic Con in 1970, when 145 people attend.
Next time: inspired by . . .
Peplum refers to sword and sandal movies.
Inspired by . . .
Greatest Rock Bands of the 1960's
Of course, some of these are not . . .
. . .great
. . . nor rock
. . . nor of the '60's
. . . and some are not even bands,
but, they each have 1 song I can hear o'er and o'er again.
the baha men -- the beach boys -- the beatles -- the byrds
the cowsills -- Crosby, stills, nash, and young
the drifters
gary puckett and the union gap
herman's hermits -- the highwaymen
the irish rovers
jay and the americans
the Kingston trio
the lemon pipers
the mamas and the papas
the new seekers
paper lace
the rolling stones
the seekers -- sly and the family stone
the Tarriers -- the tokens -- the troggs
vanity fare -- the village people
the weavers -- the who
and the 4 seasons
Next time: it's almost 2019, so how about a list of films to be released by each major Hollywood studio. We'll start with the House of Mouse
From the House of Mouse in 2019, and why it is thought, they'll dominate the U.S. box office once again.
01/01/19 Kim Possible
I thought this was to be a made for TV movie. Maybe not, but this is not the 1st time that a movie made for TV has been shown in theaters. And, of course, this is the live action remake of the animated TV series.
03/08/19 Captain Marvel
03/29/19 Dumbo
One of the 1st in what is to be thought a string of live action remakes of classic animated films.
04/29/19 Avengers : Infinity War, Part II
05/24/19 Aladdin
06/24/19 Toy Story 4
07/19/19 Lion King
Interesting story behind this one. When a group of news reporters got their 1st glimpse of the opening scene, "Circle of Life," it was said that several of these hard-bitten reporters were so moved, that they broke down in tears.
08/09/19 Artemis Fowl
What we, or, at least, what I have been waiting for. Based on the 1st books in the series, hopefully it'll do enough business that the rest of the books in the series will also become films.
10/11/19 Jungle Cruise
Of course, based on the theme park attraction. Originally set to star Tim Allen and Tom Hanks, it now stars Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt.
11/08/19 Noelle
Maybe this is the movie made for TV or maybe not.
11/17/19 Frozen 2
12/12/19 Star Wars 9
What began back in the '70's finally reaches its conclusion. Then, there should be a reset, and we'll start a whole new series of trilogies.
??/??/19 Cruella
Unknown date for this one, but, of course, based on the book character than the animated character than the live action character. This is another live action film.
Next time: 20th Century Fox. The merger is not totally complete, so Fox is releasing its own slate of films for 2019. Though, it is said that they are moving the dates around, so their films do not interfere with the above films, which tells us who is the dominant partner in this merger.
Films from 20th Century Fox for 2019.
01/25/19 The Kid Who Would Be King
02/14/19 Alita : Battle Angel
04/12/19 Breakthrough
05/24/19 Ad Astra
06/07/19 X-Men : Dark Phoenix
06/07/19 Untitled Fox/Marvel Film
06/28/19 Untitled James Manhold Movie
07/12/19 Struber
08/12/19 The New Mutants
09/13/19 Spies in Disguise
11/04/19 The Woman in the Window
11/15/19 Untitled Kings man Movie
This should be the 3rd in the series
12/25/19 The Call of the Wild
Clark Gable, Charlton Heston, Disney Studios have all made a run at turning Jack London's novel into a film. So, this is at least the 4th version of it.
From a business standpoint, theirs is an interesting relationship. So . . .
What do we know.
1. This is the 1st time that a Mouse has swallowed a Fox.
2. No film under production (whatever that means) will be canceled.
3. When the merger is finally complete sometime next summer or the summer of 2019, they will take over the distribution of the films.
What we do not know.
1. How long will films be released under the Fox banner. Certainly, 2019, but maybe into 2020. 2021, or 2022 and even longer.
2. How much influence they have over the films being made. We know they will have some. We just don't know how much.
Next time: Columbia for 2019 or Sony Columbia.
The Republic of West Florida was an independent nation for 74 days in 1810.
Columbia or Sony Columbia in 2019
01/04/19 Escape Room
01/11/19 A Dog's Way Home
02/01/19 Miss Bala
03/22/19 Greyhound
04/26/19 The Intruder
05/24/19 Bright Burn
06/14/19 Men in Black Untitled
What is this? The 4th in the series?
06/21/19 Grudge
07/05/19 Spider-man : Far from Home
sequel. With more to follow in 2020 and thereafter
07/26/19 Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
08/16/19 The Angry Birds Movie 2
10/11/19 Zombie land 2
another sequel
10/18/19 You Are my Friend
11/01/19 Charlie's Angles
Again what is this? The 3rd in the series?
Of course, based on the old TV show
12/13/19 Jumanji sequel
Do you count this as the 2nd or 3rd in the series?
12/18/19 Masters of the Universe
remake of the 1987 film
12/25/19 Little Women
remake and--at least--the 4th film version of the Louisa May Alcott novel of the same title.
Next time: Paramount or Viacom Paramount National Amusements and CBS (?)
Paramount National Amusements Viacom CBS films for 2019.
With CBS merging with the others sometime next year or 2019.
01/04/19 Eli
02/08/19 What Men Want
02/22/19 Rhythm Section
03/05/19 Wonder Park
04/05/19 Pet Sematary
Remake of the 1989 film which was based upon the Stephen King novel.
05/03/19 Rocket man
06/28/19 Limited Partners
Dora the Explorer
Big Screen version of the animated TV series
10/11/19 Gemini Man
10/11/19 Are You Afraid of the Dark?
Big screen version of the kids' TV series
And the only one on this list that I am actually looking forward to seeing at this time.
11/01/19 Untitled Terminator Project
How many has there been?
He's lost count.
Sonic the Hedgehog
Big screen version of the animated TV series.
Next time: Universal Comcast NBC
Films from Universal for 2019
or Comcast NBC Universal
01/18/19 Glass
02/08/19 Everybody Knew
02/14/19 Happy Death Day 2U
02/22/19 How to Train Your Dragon : the Hidden World
What is this? The 4th or 5th in the series?
02/22/19 The Turning
03/15/19 The Mustang
03/15/19 Us
03/29/19 Captive State
03/3119 Greta
04/12/19 Little
05/17/19 A Day's Journey
05/31/19 Untitled Blum house production project iv
06/28/19 Untitled Danny Boyle - Richard Curtis comedy
08/02/19 Untitled Fast and Furious Spinoff
08/16/19 Good Boys
09/20/19 Downtown Abbey
based, of course, on the TV miniseries of the same title
09/27/19 Abominable
09/27/19 The Hunt
10/18/19 Untitled Blum house production project I
11/08/19 Will Parker comedy
11/15/19 Last Christmas
11/27/19 Queen and Slim
12/13/19 Untitled Blum house production project ii
12/20/19 Cats
Based on the Broadway musical. Though, whether it is to be a live action version or an animated version, I do not know, having heard it both ways.
And that makes 25 films, or almost twice what every other studio is releasing in 2019, and that excludes . . .
06/07/19 The Secret Lives of Pets 2
Never saw the original, as I was singularly unimpressed by the trailer, but enough people must have seen it, to spawn this sequel, which leaves me again singularly unimpressed. Though, what is more, this series is spawning a ride-attraction at Universal Orlando (Florida.) Also coming, as they hold the rights to create rides-attractions based on the Nintendo characters, finally,rides and attractions based on those characters., replacing rides-attractions, or, so I have heard, based on . . .
Barney -- Curious George -- Feivel -- and Woody Woodpecker.
Next time: films from Warner for 2019 or AT&T Time Warner
Most cetaceans sleep in half-hour increments, since unlike most mammals they have to consciously "decide" to breathe, and must wake up to do so. Another oddity about cetacean sleep patterns is that it appears they rotate between shutting down one hemisphere of the brain at a time during sleep, waking up and "turning off" the hemisphere opposite from the one previously dormant. Complex beings, cetaceans.
we need a question of the day thread. that's a fact.
Queen Anne (1665 – 1714) had eighteen pregnancies, including 7 miscarriages and 5 stillbirths. Her longest-surviving child lived to 11. The second oldest lived to 2.
The USAF actually seriously considered making a plane powered by a nuclear reactor core that would use turbofans to suck in air, pass it direcly thru the fission core and blow the super heated radioactive air and particles from the reactor out the back.
Yes, this was actually considered...
http://www.aviation-history.com/articles/nuke-american.htm (http://www.aviation-history.com/articles/nuke-american.htm)
Films from Warner for 2019 or AT&T Time Warner.
The Lego Movie
Instant Remote
As I thought, this one has been in what is known as "developmental hell" for almost 2 decades. So, I am sure everyone involved is glad they finally got something together to put on the screen.
It was also to star Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson as Black Adam. While he will star as Black Adam, just not in this one, as he and the character are getting their own film.
The Curse of La Llona
Detective Pikachu
The Sun Is Also a Star
Mine craft
Of course, based on the video game.
Shaft aka Son of Shaft
Apparently, not so much a remake, but a sequel to the original.
Untitled Conjuring Universe Film
Untitled WB event film I
It : Chapter 2
A sequel to the film which was a remake of the TV miniseries which was based on the book by Stephen King.
Never saw, never will the film. I did see the TV miniseries, which I enjoyed. As for the book, like most of what King has written, I found it to be unreadable. That man needs a good editor.
The Kitchen
The Joker
Batman's favorite villain gets his own film.
The Good Liar
The Goldfinch
Marge Claus
The Mrs., apparently, is getting her own film.
Super intelligent
Total 18
Less than Universal, but more than the other major Hollywood studios.
You ask. He answers.
Someone here was asking about a book series by Ransom Riggs.
So far, there are 4 books in the series + a collection of short stories.
BK1 Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
BK2 Hollow City
BK3 Library of Souls
BK4 Map of Days
+ short story collection Tales of the Peculiar
While I have not read any of the books, I have read the graphic novels based on the books. Both BK1 and BK2 being in that format.
And if you want to see it, rather then read it, BK1 was made into a film. And while the idea was to make films based on the other books in the series, my understanding was that the 1st one did not generate enough at the box office to continue. Not seeing the film, but seeing the trailer for it, my guess was the film was altered from the book to attract a larger audience. Unfortunately, this seems not to have attracted a wider audience, but only to have alienated the book's fans.
We'll have to see whether this year's Artemis Fowl, based on the book series by Eoin Colfer, which consists so far of 8 books, does any better, as there has already been some changes in the characters. Butler is now a black man. Root is now a female elf. Though, from what little I have seen of the film so far, they did get the part of Artemis right, even if it took them 1200 auditions to do so. At least he looks like what I expect Artemis to look like.
Next time: Success at the Oscars does not equate success at the box office.
Given that many peolle now walk around with 2 smart phones in their hands now (I have seen this) smart phone makers are teaming with drone maker to make phone drones that will hover in front of their owners enabling them to use 3 smaprtphones at a time.
James Callis drew on Neil Gaiman for inspiration in how he played Gaius Baltar, and said in many of the early scenes, he was doing his best to straight-up channel Gaiman. Gaiman was said to have been flattered.
Success at the Oscars does not = success at the box office.
"More stars than there are in the sky."
Even 50 years ago, if one would have picked the most likely movie studio to survive into this century unchanged, one would have picked MGM, except one would have been wrong. For the most part, if not totally, it has ceased to produce films. It survives now mostly by being a facilitator for other film producers.
Oscars 5
And then there were 6.
Paramount Pictures
To survive it became part and parcel of Viacom, which they became part and parcel of National Amusements.
Divisions and subsidiaries, at least, in part.
comedy central -- insurge pictures -- mtv -- mickelodeon -- republic pictures -- and maybe in the future, CBS.
Oscars 3
And then there were 5
Columbia Pictures
To survive it became part and parcel of Sony Pictures Entertainment.
Oscars 2
And then there were 4
Warner Brothers
To survive, it merged with Time, Inc., and then to further its chance of survival, it became part and parcel of AT&T.
Division and subsidiaries, at least, in part
castle rock -- the cw -- dc -- fandango media -- hbo -- machinima, inc. -- new line cinema -- tbs -- turner entertainment -- water tower music
Oscars 2
And then there were 3
Universal Pictures
To survive, it merged with NBC, and then to further its chance of survival, it became part and parcel of Comcast.
Divisions and subsidiaries, at least, in part
amblin -- dreamworks -- focus features -- gramercy pictures -- high top releasing -- illuminations -- ntl releasing -- rede television -- united international pictures -- working title films
Oscar 1
Next time: and then there were 2, minor studios, and nominations vs. wins
And since we are talking about the Oscars, if one has not watched them in the past, one may be interested in watching them this year, as they are finding it so hard to find someone to host them, apparently, the last person chose had made some homophobic remarks in the past, which made him ineligible to host this year's Oscars, that there is some talk of doing something different this year, and letting the characters from Marvel Entertainment host the Oscars.
And we will see what we will see.
The Spanish word 'esposas' means both 'handcuffs' and 'wives'
And then there were 2.
20th Century Fox
After the merger of 20th Century Pictures and Fox in the 1st half of the last century, this is the most unchanged of the major Hollywood studios going into this century, when it saw the writing of the wall and merged with the Walt Disney Company.
Divisions and subsidiaries, at least, in part.
Blue Sky Studios -- New Regency Productions
Oscars 4
And then there was 1.
Walt Disney Company
Which started out, less than a century ago, as 2 brothers making black-and-white, silent cartoons in the uncle's garage in L.A.
Divisions and subsidiaries, at least, in part.
A and E Network -- ABC -- BAMTech -- ESPN -- Hulu -- Lucas Films -- Marvel Entertainment -- The Muppet Studio -- Pixar.
0 Oscars
It has also morphed into one of the most dominant studios in Hollywood. We don't know how long this will last, but it will last into this year. When almost half of the movie tickets purchased will be for one of their films or for one of Comcast/NBC/Universal films. Comcast/NBC/Universal also coming out with their own streaming service sometime in 2020.
Their dominance will also like continue into the next decade with live action films like . . .
Pinocchio with Tom Hanks as Geppeto -- Snow White -- Peter Pan -- The Little Mermaid -- and James and the Giant Peach.
And while Pinocchio has been temporarily shelved, we can expect individual films for . . .
Maleficent 2 -- Prince Charming -- Rose Red (Snow's little sister) -- and Tinker Bell.
Their dominance is also due in part to the fact that they can provide that Hollywood rarity, the steady pay check. "When you are done here, then go o'er there, and we'll have a job for you." For example: Pixar's next film is Onward. In a world inhabited by trolls, sprites, and elves, two teen elven brothers leave home to seek the magic in their world and to seek anyone who remembers their father, for they have no rememberance of him. The teen elven brothers, of course, are voiced by Chris Pratt and Tom Holland.
Next time: the minor studios and percentages of nominations versus wins.
Today I learned...
Poutine is a dish originating from the Canadian province of Quebec, consisting of French fries and cheese curds topped with a brown gravy.
Minor Studios
While none of these existed for any great length of time, they did have some success, at the Oscars for Best Film, while they were in existance.
2 Oscars
1 Oscar
J. Arthur Rank
1 Oscar
1 Oscar
And as for percentages = nonimations divided by wins
Selznick 40%
J. Arthur Rank 33%
Universal 25%
Columbia 16.7%
20th Century Fox 15.4%
Goldwyn 12.5%
MGM 12.5%
Paramount 12.5%
RKO 9%
Warner Brothers 8%
Disney 0%
Next time: I guesseth. He knoweth.
Netflix has an hour long "movie" of a fireplace. They call it Fireplace For Your Home.
Do they still have the fishtank too?
No ant farm?
Quote from: Dark Alex on January 28, 2019, 06:59:34 PM
Do they still have the fishtank too?
No clue, I actually don't even have Netflix, I just read that fact somewhere and thought it was worth sharing.
Personally, I think they should do a "waterfall" movie and a "ocean surf" movie (assuming they don't have them already.
You can starve to death on a full belly if you eat nothing but rabbit.
red peanuts are an excellent source of nutrition.
Steak knives are intentionally made handle heavy so if accidentally dropped they will hit the floor handle first nor point first.
Hidden amongst the hieroglyphics in the Egyptian themed artwork for Iron Maiden's POWERSLAVE album (1984):
...graffiti that says "Indiana Jones Was Here"
...Mickey Mouse's face
...a "Kilroy" face with the caption "Wot? No Guinness?"
The first French Fry was actually NOT cooked in France.
It was cooked in Greece.
Banging your head off a wall for an hour burns 150 calories.
The worlds oldest known "Yo mama" joke was dated at around 3,500 years old. The full text has been lost to time, alas and all that remains is "...of your mother is by the one who has intercourse with her. What/who is it?"
Even older than this at approximately 3,900 years is a Babylonian fart joke. "Something which has never occurred since time immemorial - a young woman did not fart in her husband's lap."
Jokes in Babylonian times seem to have left something to be desired I feel and may explain why you don't see any ancient Babylonians walking around today.
Fact of the day: IT'S XXXXING COLD OUTSIDE!!!
I guesseth. He knoweth.
Excerpts from Brian Morton's essay in the New York Times Book Review (January 13, 2019 issue.)
Examples of writers who show . . . in their writings.
Edith Wharton
Walt Whitman
Joseph Conrad
Ernest Hemingway
Richard Wright
Virginia Woolf
E. M. Forster
I am surprised that homophobia is not included, as a professor of Creative Writing at Swarthmore and a published author, I am sure he knows examples of such, as i'd only be guessing, I won't include any, but, I do know it is one of the oldest prejudices to be found in literature, dating back to Boccaccio and Dante, if not earlier.
Next time: when the production is done, the battle is only half won.
When a person cries and the first drop of tears come from the right eye, its happiness. if it from left eye, it's pain.
Kim Jon Un failed all his classes at school at Switzerland.
63 Earths can fit inside Uranus.
There may come a day when I can say that without laughing. But not today!
Quote from: Dark Alex on January 31, 2019, 06:39:52 PM
63 Earths can fit inside Uranus.
There may come a day when I can say that without laughing. But not today!
Hey, how many then could Mr. Slave off
South Park get in there?
Quote from: ER on February 05, 2019, 09:29:37 PM
Quote from: Dark Alex on January 31, 2019, 06:39:52 PM
63 Earths can fit inside Uranus.
There may come a day when I can say that without laughing. But not today!
Hey, how many then could Mr. Slave off South Park get in there?
Ask Paris Hilton. :twirl:
When the production is done, the battle is only half won.
Then comes the promotion.
Which is one of the reasons why the Walt Disney Company is so successful, as they promote, not only thru their international theme parks, but, also thru their . . .
book publishing -- Broadway productions -- comic books -- cruise ships -- European river cruises -- games (both board and computer) -- guided adventure tours -- ice shows -- live stage shows -- merchandise -- music -- radio programs -- shopping venues -- sound recordings -- transportation vehicles -- TV shows -- vacation ressorts -- virtual reality -- websites -- and upcoming streaming services.
Next time: hindsight being 20/20.
America has become a land where people not only want and demand the right to their own opinions, but their own facts and their own realities.
Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on February 07, 2019, 05:46:39 PM
America has become a land where people not only want and demand the right to their own opinions, but their own facts and their own realities.
You are a classic example of that.
Quote from: indianasmith on February 07, 2019, 06:40:10 PM
Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on February 07, 2019, 05:46:39 PM
America has become a land where people not only want and demand the right to their own opinions, but their own facts and their own realities.
You are a classic example of that.
Hello Mr. Kettle.
Not exactly a fact, but probably important:
Reality is so complex no one can understand all its nuances. We try to, & we invent frameworks to help us understand it. These frameworks are based on & supported by facts, but cannot include all the known & unknown facts of the universe. Rather, these frameworks help us select which facts are most important, allowing us to disregard the rest as outliers.
When two people using different frameworks try to discuss reality, they'll probably butt-heads.
So how do we move forward as a society? How do we stop arguing? We cannot understand everything; we'll still have to choose a framework to live by. So who's do we choose? Someone will be left out. Who will it be?
(Note: this post is a framework itself.)
Quote from: Pacman000 on February 08, 2019, 08:56:05 AM
Not exactly a fact, but probably important:
Reality is so complex no one can understand all its nuances. We try to, & we invent frameworks to help us understand it. These frameworks are based on & supported by facts, but cannot include all the known & unknown facts of the universe. Rather, these frameworks help us select which facts are most important, allowing us to disregard the rest as outliers.
When two people using different frameworks try to discuss reality, they'll probably butt-heads.
So how do we move forward as a society? How do we stop arguing? We cannot understand everything; we'll still have to choose a framework to live by. So who's do we choose? Someone will be left out. Who will it be?
(Note: this post is a framework itself.)
Good post, right down my psychological alley. :-)
I remember reading Daniel Boorstin's
The Creators, and he dedicated an entire chapter to how of all the concepts that play a role in reality and daily life, it was the quantification of time that presented the greatest challenge, because it presents an almost totally abstract concept, yet every person alive can feel it. The measurement of time is an monumental idea if you think about it.
Although Humpback Whales have a huge mouth, their throat is tiny by comparison being only wide enough to fit a man's fist down (according to something I saw on TV this morning).
Or, as RCMerchant would put it, "About 3 months worth. " :teddyr:
Hindsight being 20/20, or, the 8 mistakes Paramount Pictures has made, since the new management took over in 1993.
1. absentee management.
2. mismananagement, when it was there.
3. disinvesture of CBS.
4. failure to appreciate the internet.
5. losing Msrvel to Disney.
6. shortsighted decisionmaking.
7. spinning off small screen division.
8. and underestimating talents, who then went to their competitiors, such as Universal.
Next time: we study our successes, when . . .
It is legal in South Africa to equip your car with a flamethrower to prevent car theft.
Quote from: AoTFan on February 14, 2019, 09:52:45 PM
It is legal in South Africa to equip your car with a flamethrower to prevent car theft.
I wonder why Trevor never mentions the cool stuff :buggedout: :wink:
Many historians believe that Alexander the Great may have paid to have his father Philip of Macedonia assassinated.
I have a painful pulled muscle in my upper right arm from a weightlifting mishap.
We study our successes, when we could/should/would study our failures, or, the case of the USFL ('83-'85) or what went wrong.
1. They did not know what they were doing.
2. They had the wrong team owners, including Donald Trump. Yes, that Donald Trump.
3. They hired the wrong people.
4. They drafted the wrong players
5. They played in the wrong cities.
6. They spent too much cash on some things.
7. And too little cash on other things.
8. They let their optimism overrule their common sense.
9. They wanted to go into direct competition with the NFL*. Both on the field and in the courts.
10. And when they did know what they were doing, they had no plan on how to do it.
Jeff Pearlman's "Football for a Buck"
*NFL also comes off badly here. More competent, but less lovable. While the USFL comes off as less competent, but more lovable. 16 LOL!s in the book, and that doesn't happen much in the non-fiction books I read.
To be continued . . .
Continuing . . .
Jeff Pearlman's "For a Buck"
The writer calls Trump a "football moron." That is giving (IMHO) Trump too much credit. Fooball idiot is more likely. Idiot yesterday. Idiot today. Idiot tomorrow--most likely.
Trump may have been the lead leming off the cliff, but, he did not go alone. He had followers, or, as the writer calls them "selectively blind." Which leads to one of my most favorite sayings: "There is none so blind as he [or she] who would not see."
Knowing what they knew, there were still people who voted for Trump for President, because the other candidate was a woman. I have more respect for someone who says they won't vote for a candidate, because the candidate is a woman, then someone who makes the excuse they won't vote for a candidate, because she is too shrill or some such, which they would not apply to a male candidate.
Even with the end of the USFL, the competition for the NFL continues.
AAF (2019-)
XFL (2020-)
If the last sounds familiar, there was a XFL in 2001, which lasted for only 1 season.
Next time: in honor of the Oscars, he has a little list.
Quote from: claws on February 15, 2019, 06:10:20 AM
Quote from: AoTFan on February 14, 2019, 09:52:45 PM
It is legal in South Africa to equip your car with a flamethrower to prevent car theft.
I wonder why Trevor never mentions the cool stuff :buggedout: :wink:
That was known as the Blaster. Civil rights groups here thought getting turned medium rare by a flamethrower was not right for potential car thieves :wink:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blaster_%28flamethrower%29 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blaster_%28flamethrower%29)
Quote from: indianasmith on February 15, 2019, 06:56:37 AM
Many historians believe that Alexander the Great may have paid to have his father Philip of Macedonia assassinated.
I hate my birth parents so much - never knew them - that I would have paid much $$$ to have them put in a hole.
And in honor of the Oscars, . . .
. . . he has a little list of films you can do without and will never be missed.
10 Worst Best Picture Oscar Winners
(USA Today 2/21/19)
10. Slumdog Millionaire
09. Shakespeare in Love
08. Out of Africa
07. The English Patient
06. Around the World in 80 Days
05. Driving Miss Daisy
04. Cavalcade
03. The Greatest Show on Earth
02. Crash
01. Broadway Melody
Your opinion may differ
As for himself. Of the 10. Seen 1. #6. Agree
Honorable mention
Green Book
If only because it beat out the critical favorite Roma and the popular favorite Black Panther for Best Picture. And there is the fact, that while the roles have been reversed, it has a certain similarity to Driving Miss Daisy, which, at least, USA Today considers one of the worst films ever to win an Oscar for Best Picture.
Next time: comic book mash-up in aisle 9
I never heard this before.
I hadn't either. Here's what appears to be a republished contemporary news article: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/01/martin-luther-kings-mother-slain-in-church-1974 (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/01/martin-luther-kings-mother-slain-in-church-1974)
A cockroach can live for a week without its head. Due to their open circulatory system, and the fact that they breathe through little holes in each of their body segments, they are not dependent on the mouth or head to breathe. The roach only dies because without a mouth, it can't drink water and dies of thirst.
Holy crap, why hasn't there been a horror film about giant cockroaches?!
Quote from: AoTFan on March 05, 2019, 02:36:10 PM
A cockroach can live for a week without its head. Due to their open circulatory system, and the fact that they breathe through little holes in each of their body segments, they are not dependent on the mouth or head to breathe. The roach only dies because without a mouth, it can't drink water and dies of thirst.
Holy crap, why hasn't there been a horror film about giant cockroaches?!
Lawyers, being very closely related to cockroaches, sue anyone trying to make a monster movie about them out of species loyalty.
MIMIC dealt with that pretty effectively.
Comic book mash-up in aisle 9.
One of the newest things for comic books, or, newest that I have seen is to take the characters from 1 comic book + them to a 2nd comic book = a 3rd comic book.
Ash + Danger Girl
Ash + Vampirella
Ash + Xena : Warrior Princess
Batman + the Shadow
Betty & Veronica + Harley & Ivy
Conan the Barbarian + Wonder Woman
TV's Batman & Robin + TV's Steed & Peel
TV's Batman & Robin + TV's Wonder Woman
Of course, this is only a selection and there are, I am sure, others.
Next time: all hat and no cattle, or, how much would you pay for hat?
There was also a batman 66 plus the ma from uncle and another batman 66 plus voyage to the bottom of the sea.
The most expensive liquid in the world is scorpion venom, which sells for 39 million USD per gallon.
And than-you to Svengoolie 3 for that. I gave you a karma. Of course, I am sure there are other comic book mash-ups I have left out.
As for today's topic . . .
All hat and no cattle, or, how much would you pay for a hat?
Here are the current prices locally.
custom made
100% beaver felt $1100.00
50% beaver & 50% rabbit felt $600.00
100% rabbit felt $350.00
100% straw $150.00
+ an 1 month wait
off the rack
100% felt $300.00
100% straw $60.00
Next time: we''ll think of something
Quote from: indianasmith on March 05, 2019, 11:47:01 PM
MIMIC dealt with that pretty effectively.
Mimic also dealt with the big bugaboo about giant insects: Lack of lungs limiting size.
Every edible fig has a dead wasp inside of it. (Sort of). https://www.mnn.com/earth-matters/animals/blogs/are-there-really-wasps-your-figs (https://www.mnn.com/earth-matters/animals/blogs/are-there-really-wasps-your-figs)
Fact of the day: Some online christian groups claim that the new Zealand mosque mass murderer is an atheist. new Zeland police have identified him as a christian.
From Dan Jones' The Templars
Who I'd recommend for his historical non-fiction and anticipating his next book.
In the Holy Land, during the time period of the Crusades . . .
Between 1002-1190, inclusive
16,967 Westerners died
in accidents, in battles, in executions, in massacres
Between 1191-1250, inclusive
8414 Westerners died
soldiers and civilians
Between 1251-1291, inclusive
18,698 Westerners died
men, women, and children
And then it was all over, for the most part, and during that time it averaged out to 3 deaths a week for 289 years, and the West was no nearer to wrestling the Holy Land from the Infidels, then it was at the beginning of the Crusades.
Next time: odds and ends
Fact: if the last Hardcore, radical, intolerant fundamantalist chrsitan fanatic on earth killed the last Hardcore, radical, intolerant fundamantalist muslim fanatic on earth and died 30 seconds later from the injuries he sustained in the fight the world would be a much better place.
Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on March 19, 2019, 06:32:31 PM
Fact: if the last Hardcore, radical, intolerant fundamantalist chrsitan fanatic on earth killed the last Hardcore, radical, intolerant fundamantalist muslim fanatic on earth and died 30 seconds later from the injuries he sustained in the fight the world would be a much better place.
Hopefully, they both managed to take the last hardcore, radical, intolerant, fundamentalist atheist with them. If they don't the world is in just as s**tty place a place as before.
Fact: The words "better" & "worse" indicate opinions, not facts.
Fact: The internet can't remember this.
Quote from: Dark Alex on March 20, 2019, 01:22:14 AM
Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on March 19, 2019, 06:32:31 PM
Fact: if the last Hardcore, radical, intolerant fundamantalist chrsitan fanatic on earth killed the last Hardcore, radical, intolerant fundamantalist muslim fanatic on earth and died 30 seconds later from the injuries he sustained in the fight the world would be a much better place.
Hopefully, they both managed to take the last hardcore, radical, intolerant, fundamentalist atheist with them. If they don't the world is in just as s**tty place a place as before.
When there are no longer countries in which an atheist can be arrested, imprisoned, threatened, committed to a mental facility, tortured into converting or executed you can compare them to muslims.
Also, there are states in america where an anteist cannot legally hold and form of public office even if elected to it. Texas is one, there are others. When there are no longer states where atheists are illegally and unconstitutional barred from office then you can say atheists have no right to protest their treatment.
Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on March 20, 2019, 08:14:57 PM
Quote from: Dark Alex on March 20, 2019, 01:22:14 AM
Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on March 19, 2019, 06:32:31 PM
Fact: if the last Hardcore, radical, intolerant fundamantalist chrsitan fanatic on earth killed the last Hardcore, radical, intolerant fundamantalist muslim fanatic on earth and died 30 seconds later from the injuries he sustained in the fight the world would be a much better place.
Hopefully, they both managed to take the last hardcore, radical, intolerant, fundamentalist atheist with them. If they don't the world is in just as s**tty place a place as before.
When there are no longer countries in which an atheist can be arrested, imprisoned, threatened, committed to a mental facility, tortured into converting or executed you can compare them to muslims.
Also, there are states in america where an anteist cannot legally hold and form of public office even if elected to it. Texas is one, there are others. When there are no longer states where atheists are illegally and unconstitutional barred from office then you can say atheists have no right to protest their treatment.
I am from Texas, and I can tell you that is pure BS. Such a law blatantly violates the Constitution of the United States and would be stricken down by the courts in a heartbeat. It does not exist, and to my knowledge, never has. It's certainly not enforced - I know officeholders who are agnostic/atheist.
And FWIW, the only officially atheist states on record have a LOVELY track record of locking up and executing Christians, and all other peoples of faith.
The Soviet Union executed, imprisoned, or exiled millions of Christians during its ugly benighted existence. Same with China, North Korea, North Vietnam, and Cuba. Atheism is just as ugly and militant as any religion when it is handed political power.
So just climb of your "moral superiority" high horse!
Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on March 20, 2019, 08:14:57 PM
Quote from: Dark Alex on March 20, 2019, 01:22:14 AM
Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on March 19, 2019, 06:32:31 PM
Fact: if the last Hardcore, radical, intolerant fundamantalist chrsitan fanatic on earth killed the last Hardcore, radical, intolerant fundamantalist muslim fanatic on earth and died 30 seconds later from the injuries he sustained in the fight the world would be a much better place.
Hopefully, they both managed to take the last hardcore, radical, intolerant, fundamentalist atheist with them. If they don't the world is in just as s**tty place a place as before.
When there are no longer countries in which an atheist can be arrested, imprisoned, threatened, committed to a mental facility, tortured into converting or executed you can compare them to muslims.
Also, there are states in america where an anteist cannot legally hold and form of public office even if elected to it. Texas is one, there are others. When there are no longer states where atheists are illegally and unconstitutional barred from office then you can say atheists have no right to protest their treatment.
You do not get to decide when I can and cannot compare people to each other, so just scale back your arrogance. You've got nothing to back it up with anyway. When people of any stripe chose in any way to impinge on the rights and freedoms of others then I'll compare them any way I please. And that includes you and your attitudes to anyone who doesn't go along with your narrow-minded view of the world. When atheists do the same things as people of any religion (or other world view) then they are just as bad as them. Your excuse seems to be that atheists haven't had the power to oppress non-atheists which shows an incredible ignorance of world history.
Let's not forget the times you have expressed your opinion on what you'd do to people you dislike and disagree with if you had the power. You are just as bad as the people you complain about. Not criminals, just people who run a business or beliefs (and not just religious but also political) that don't exactly match yours. The only difference between them and you is that you don't have the power to oppress them and thankfully I find it very doubtful you ever will, regardless of what pathetic fantasies you harbour that you've claimed would get you in trouble with the authorities just for having.
Did you actually read that article before posting it? It doesn't support your argument.
Lets break down the important things to take away from it.
QuoteThe Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.
So it has established that there is an overreaching law that prevents this kind of discrimination. Even if a lower authority puts a law in place, it is isn't legal.
QuoteHowever, these laws are still on the books and have given atheist candidates trouble in the past. Cecil Bothwell, an atheist who in 2009 won an election for a Asheville, North Carolina city council seat, was almost unseated by local critics who pointed to a provision in North Carolina's constitution that prohibited nonbelievers from being elected.
So someone tried to use one of these illegal laws to prevent someone taking office and failed. So what it is saying is that the system worked as intended. Might not be a perfect system, the right result was borne out.
If you are posting this as proof of your assertion, you've completely failed. Yes these laws are on the books, yes that is wrong, but as evidenced by the very piece you quoted it isn't stopping people from taking elected office. Even though at a local level it may be on the statute books these people can't take office it is in fact totally legal for them to. I haven't done any research to see if there are any cases where an atheist has been prevented from taking office in the US, frankly because your arguments are generally always so full of holes and easily disproved that I long since stopped making the effort to fact check them and I would imagine if this was actually happening the author of that piece would have mentioned them. Since he obviously feels this is something that is happening you'd think he'd check that out and would have posted up any actual examples of it happening, rather than just almost happening.
I will concede that it is difficult for outspoken atheists to win political office in America when over 80% of the population still considers themselves Christian.
But that is because people tend to vote for folks who believe like and look like they do.
And also, many outspoken atheists are just jerks.
Quote from: indianasmith on March 21, 2019, 07:04:20 AM
I will concede that it is difficult for outspoken atheists to win political office in America when over 80% of the population still considers themselves Christian.
But that is because people tend to vote for folks who believe like and look like they do.
And also, many outspoken atheists are just jerks.
https://www.nydailynews.com/news/ny-news-spokane-politician-matt-shea-biblical-war-manifesto-20181031-story.html (https://www.nydailynews.com/news/ny-news-spokane-politician-matt-shea-biblical-war-manifesto-20181031-story.html)
Quote from: Dark Alex on March 21, 2019, 06:18:21 AM
Did you actually read that article before posting it? It doesn't support your argument.
Lets break down the important things to take away from it.
QuoteThe Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.
So it has established that there is an overreaching law that prevents this kind of discrimination. Even if a lower authority puts a law in place, it is isn't legal.
QuoteHowever, these laws are still on the books and have given atheist candidates trouble in the past. Cecil Bothwell, an atheist who in 2009 won an election for a Asheville, North Carolina city council seat, was almost unseated by local critics who pointed to a provision in North Carolina's constitution that prohibited nonbelievers from being elected.
So someone tried to use one of these illegal laws to prevent someone taking office and failed. So what it is saying is that the system worked as intended. Might not be a perfect system, the right result was borne out.
If you are posting this as proof of your assertion, you've completely failed. Yes these laws are on the books, yes that is wrong, but as evidenced by the very piece you quoted it isn't stopping people from taking elected office. Even though at a local level it may be on the statute books these people can't take office it is in fact totally legal for them to. I haven't done any research to see if there are any cases where an atheist has been prevented from taking office in the US, frankly because your arguments are generally always so full of holes and easily disproved that I long since stopped making the effort to fact check them and I would imagine if this was actually happening the author of that piece would have mentioned them. Since he obviously feels this is something that is happening you'd think he'd check that out and would have posted up any actual examples of it happening, rather than just almost happening.
Did you actually read the article before attacking it?
The texas constitution says that a candidate must acknowledged the existence of a supreme being. Period. That is openly ruling out atheists.
BTW I'm an agnostic but I'd be covered under this too.
Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on March 21, 2019, 03:35:07 PM
Quote from: Dark Alex on March 21, 2019, 06:18:21 AM
Did you actually read that article before posting it? It doesn't support your argument.
Lets break down the important things to take away from it.
QuoteThe Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.
So it has established that there is an overreaching law that prevents this kind of discrimination. Even if a lower authority puts a law in place, it is isn't legal.
QuoteHowever, these laws are still on the books and have given atheist candidates trouble in the past. Cecil Bothwell, an atheist who in 2009 won an election for a Asheville, North Carolina city council seat, was almost unseated by local critics who pointed to a provision in North Carolina's constitution that prohibited nonbelievers from being elected.
So someone tried to use one of these illegal laws to prevent someone taking office and failed. So what it is saying is that the system worked as intended. Might not be a perfect system, the right result was borne out.
If you are posting this as proof of your assertion, you've completely failed. Yes these laws are on the books, yes that is wrong, but as evidenced by the very piece you quoted it isn't stopping people from taking elected office. Even though at a local level it may be on the statute books these people can't take office it is in fact totally legal for them to. I haven't done any research to see if there are any cases where an atheist has been prevented from taking office in the US, frankly because your arguments are generally always so full of holes and easily disproved that I long since stopped making the effort to fact check them and I would imagine if this was actually happening the author of that piece would have mentioned them. Since he obviously feels this is something that is happening you'd think he'd check that out and would have posted up any actual examples of it happening, rather than just almost happening.
Did you actually read the article before attacking it?
The texas constitution says that a candidate must acknowledged the existence of a supreme being. Period. That is openly ruling out atheists.
BTW I'm an agnostic but I'd be covered under this too.
I did read the article. The parts I quoted from it should actually show that, but hey I really shouldn't expect you to be able to work that out given the powers of reasoning you regularly display. Clearly, if you did read it then you have not understood what it says and how it fails to back up your argument. I will repeat this for your benefit. Regardless of what the local law says a candidate does not have to acknowledge the existence of a supreme being as (and I will put this in caps for the hard of understanding) IT IS CANCELLED OUT BY A HIGHER LEVEL LAW. THE LAW BANNING PEOPLE FROM SERVING IF ELECTED IS ITSELF ILLEGAL. The article actually says this. The best instance they can come up with to support their own argument happened 10 years ago and they failed to stop the person taking office.
Since you can't figure this out let me repeat it again. They tried to stop the man from taking office and failed. Regardless of what the local law said, a non-believer still managed to take office. The laws you say prevent such people from taking office don't seem to be doing a very good job based on the evidence you are providing. Go off and come back when you actually have an instance (preferably recent), where someone has been prevented from taking office on this issue and you will have a valid argument.
For someone who claims to be eligible to join MENSA you appear to lack a basic understanding here on how debates work. You actually have to provide real evidence that what you claim is happening, really is. This article, while it points out you have out of date and illegal laws most certainly doesn't in any way prove that anyone is being prevented from taking office. If you actually read what it says and not what you think it says you'd see this.
There is an island in the UK that has a law that says something along the lines that if you find a Scotsman more than a mile inland you can legally kill him with a longbow. Dates back to when Scotland and England used to be at war with each other all the time. Guess what would happen if you actually did this? You'd get arrested for murder because there are higher level laws that overrule the lesser ones, and newer laws that overrule the older ones. Just as here you have a constitutional rule that overrules the local one (sorry if I am repeating the same thing over and over again, but it does seem to be one you have a problem coming to terms with).
It is not unusual for antiquated laws like this to still be on the books of various nations. Laws get made and it is often easier to put new laws in place than to remove old, out of date ones.
Of course, we all know that trailers almost always lie, but, by seeing Captain Marvel in the theater, I saw the configurations of the other film studios + comic publishers. Thus, from vest to wurst, whether they got it or ain't got it.
2nd Marvel - Columbia
Spider-man : Far from Home
They finally got it.
3rd Marvel - Fox
Dark Phoenix
They are still looking for it.
4th DC - Warner Media
I certainly wish them the best, and the film will probably make a lot of money at the box office, but it is still a pale imitation (IMHO) of what Marvel has got.
And of course,
1st Marvel - Disney
And in its 3rd week . . .
Captain Marvel has grossed at the box office
$321.5 million domestically
$588.8 million internationally
$910.3 million totally
At a cost to make of $152 million, the film has surpassed that goal. It is a little bit trickeir to figure out the profit it has made, but, as I use the figure of anything over 2.5 x cost = profit, then the profit as the 3rd week should be something around $530.3 million, or, there will be a sequel.
Mext time: (IMHO) one of the best things that ever happened to Marvel, was to get rid of the old management of the 1990s and to bring in new management.
Continuing previous post . . .
One of the best things (IMHO) that ever happened to Marvel was that they got rid of the old management from the 1990s and put in new management, as the old management made one of the most bone headed business decisions I have ever seen. Not that they sold the film rights to the Marvel characters, but . . .
got the Avengers and some other characters.
Paramount still may have the film rights to some of the Marvel characters, for when Marvel bought back the rights to the characters, apparently, they did not buy back all the rights to all the characters.
got the X-men and some other characters.
What do you need for a Marvel mash-up?
1st All the characters under the same studio banner, which happened this year.
2nd A CEO who wants to see a mash-up sometime in 2020 or 2021.
But this might have happened sooner, if one studio had all the film rights.
got Spider-man and some other characters.
Columbia may actually produce an animated Spider-man series for the streaming service Disney+ when it rolls out later this year.
That would probably then give us 2 different Spider-men: 1 for the films and 1 for the streaming service.
That is not the only bone headed business decision the 1990s management made. Apparently, they gave Universal in Florida the rights in perpetuity to create rides and attractions based on the Marvel characters. Which is why you'll see a new interactive, immersive Spider-man ride at Disney's California Adventure and Disneyland Paris, but not at Walt Disney World. Which may be why the same 4 Marvel rides have not changed significantly for the past 3 decades. There is 1 new thing: a Marvel character meal at Universal Florida, so good for them on that. Disneyland Paris is also getting a Marvel art hotel, which is the New York hotel rethemed.
Next time: concluding Marvel, including phase IV.
Continuing from my previous post..
It never ceases to amaze him how foreigners take to American indeas, such as the American Halloween, which has become almost an universal holiday, including in the U.K. We already have girls in the U.K. dressing up as and pretending to be Captain Marvel. How many more will there be around Halloween?
One of the most interesting voices on the acquistion of Fox assets by Disney is from Ryan "Deadpool" Reynolds. When the idea was 1st approached that Disney may acquire some of Fox's assets, including the character of Deadpool. No one seemed to hate the idea more than Reynolds. He hated the idea so much, he said he'd never appear as Deadpool in a film made by the new company. And he was vocal about his hatred.
Now: apparently, there is a picture of Deadpool wearing mouse ears and heading to Hollywood on his web site.
Why the change: the reallzation that may be some good in the acquistion, or, something more mundane. The uselessness of opposing the inevitable?
Marvel's Phase 3 ends with Avengers : Endgame, which is has already set a record for advanced ticket sales, and will set a record for the longest Marvel film to date, at over 180 minutes, he hopes there is an intermission, and Phase 4, supposedly begins with Guardians of the Galaxy, v.3. And after that . . .
Black Widow
The Eternals
Black Panther 2
Doctor Strange 2
2020 or 2021
which is the 1st recent Marvel film to feature an Asian superhero and is on the fast rack. Let the snide remarks begin. Oh, wait. They have already started.
Next time: he'll think of something.
Reading crime fiction is a traditional way to celebrate Easter in Norway.
https://www.visitnorway.com/about/history-traditions/easter/crime-time/ (https://www.visitnorway.com/about/history-traditions/easter/crime-time/)
Russias national economy is smaller than new york states.
4. America's third largest state economy—New York with a GDP in 2015 of $1.45 trillion—produced nearly the same amount of economic output last year as Canada ($1.55 trillion) and would have ranked as the world's 11th largest economy last year as a separate country, ahead of both South Korea ($1.38 trillion) and Russia ($1.32 trillion).
Interestingly enough Canada has a larger economy than russia too.
The modern American accent is closer to that spoken in 18th century England than the modern British accent.
Folksinger Woody Guthrie once lived in an apartment owned by Fred (father of Donald) Trump, and wrote a protest song called "Old Man Trump" about him after he moved out.
I am not looking forward to spending four days traveling in the passenger seat of a truck.
Fact of the day. Black humor has somethjgn in common with unvaccinated children. Both seldom get old.
Well, at least male bees die quickly and while having a good time, unlike human males.
Iron Maiden bassist Steve Harris' middle name is "Percy."
Tyrion is the tallest Lannister. :twirl:
In Iceland, the phonebook is alphabetized by first names. New parents must get approval from the Iceland Naming Commission if they want to use a name that has not previously been used in Iceland.
"I've never wanted to be a big star. I just want to keep on working." - Rita Wilson
Tom Hank's wife Rita Wilson is probably the most prominent actor claiming she only wants to work with no intentions of being a big star. If you look up her filmography at IMDb you'll notice she's been in tons of movies and TV stuff, but mostly as a supporting actor.
My wife does not like me shooting her with my nerf gun.
Shouldn't have bought me it then.
(https://i.imgur.com/vuy4Gwf.jpg) (https://lunapic.com)
Well, if there's evidence I guess I can't argue with it.
Quote from: RCMerchant on May 25, 2019, 08:14:30 PM
(https://i.imgur.com/vuy4Gwf.jpg) (https://lunapic.com)
:bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle:
Naval assault cats were banned by the Washington Naval Treaty in the 1920's. When launched onto an enemy vessel they would find the nearest lap and demand pats. Enemy sailors would be unable to stand up. This would make offensive action impossible effectively crippling the vessel.
Pictured is Cranky Steve ready for action on the HMS Gloucestershire. He was quite insistent on being paid attention to and aggressive in his use of head boops.
I can verify the above post, I have one of cranky steve's descendants living with me. While he may not be bringing battleships to a stop he sure as hell cripples my use of the internet.
Linnea Quigley claimed that she never got naked unless it was artistically justified.
Quote from: Dark Alex on May 27, 2019, 02:52:06 AM
Linnea Quigley claimed that she never got naked unless it was artistically justified.
I like her idea of art.
Banging your head against a wall for one hour burns 150 calories.
The Arizona Cardinals (1899) is older than the state of Arizona (1912)
The letters of "Fact of the Day" can be re arranged to spell "The Fad of Caty"
At any one time, there are 102 registered Elvis impersonators in Texas.
Coors beer is connected to the most evil weapons system even conceived.
Want proof?
I also wonder if this was inspired by or inspired "The lost missile"...
There should be in Hollywood something called the Law of Diminishing Returns. Where . . .
the 1st film makes a profit
the 2nd film makes less of a profit
and the 3rd film makes even less of a profit.
An example would be . . .
2008 Hulk
distributor Universal
cost $150 million
box office $263.4 million
2008 Iron Man
distributor Paramount
cost $140 million
box office $585.2 million
2010 Iron Man 2
distributor Paramount
cost $200 million
box office $623.9 million
2011 Thor
distributor Paramount
cost $150 million
box office $449.3 million
2011 Captain America : the 1st Avenger
distributor Paramount
cost $178 million
box office $370 million
2012 The Avengers
distributor Disney
cost $220 million
box office $1.519 billion
end of Marvel's Phase I
2013 Iron Man 3
distributor Disney
cost $200 million
box office $1.215 billion
beginning of Marvel's Phase II
As Marvel and Disney head into Phase IV, neither have looked back. Of course, Disney has some advantages that neither Universal and especially Paramount did not have and do not have.
As Disney has taken it to its theme parks in Florida and California.
Florida's EPCOT
Guardians of the Galaxy rollercoaster. Reported to be the longest indoor rollercoaster ever built.
California's Disney's California Adventure
Guardians of the Galaxy -- Mission Breakout
and upcoming
an Avengers rollercoast
an interactive film featuring Spider-man
a Doctor Strange stage show
and maybe Avengers Tower
It has taken it to Asia with Marvel rides and attractions at . . .
Hong Kong Disneyland
Shanghai Disneyland
It has taken it to Europe with upcoming . . .
Marvel attractions
and a Marvel art themed hotel.
And it has taken it to the high seas with . . .
Marvel Day at Sea, which will continue at least into 2020 on Disney Cruise Line.
As of January 2019, the Coca-Cola Company in Germany replaced most of their popular soft drinks with sugar free variations:
Coca Cola Vanilla
Coca Cola Cherry
Fanta Strawberry
Fanta Mango
Fanta Lemon
Fanta Mandarine
Mezzo-Mix (Coke & Orange)
They won't be produced with sugar anymore. However, for some unexplained reason only Fanta Orange (easily their worst flavored soft drink) will still be available with sugar.
In a statement Coca Cola declared "war on sugar". They don't say sugar is bad, but that too much sugar is bad. They also claim that artificial sweeteners are really not that unhealthy.
Quote from: claws on June 06, 2019, 02:36:48 PM
As of January 2019, the Coca-Cola Company in Germany replaced most of their popular soft drinks with sugar free variations:
Coca Cola Vanilla
Coca Cola Cherry
Fanta Strawberry
Fanta Mango
Fanta Lemon
Fanta Mandarine
Mezzo-Mix (Coke & Orange)
They won't be produced with sugar anymore. However, for some unexplained reason only Fanta Orange (easily their worst flavored soft drink) will still be available with sugar.
In a statement Coca Cola declared "war on sugar". They don't say sugar is bad, but that too much sugar is bad. They also claim that artificial sweeteners are really not that unhealthy.
Strangely when the UK brought in a tax on drinks with a high sugar content, Coca Cola was the one company not to switch to alternatives sweeteners.
October 4 2014, Saturday morning cartoons officially ended.
The last network station to have a Saturday morning cartoon block, the CW officially ended their cartoon lineup replacing it with life action and education shows.
I mean, there's still some cable channels, but they do their own thing anyway and don't count.
All the military vessels in all the world's navies in 2019 combined do not total the number of ships that were in the English Channel in this day in 1944.
Oranges may be a classic fruit, but they are not actually a naturally occurring one. Fact: the sweet fruits we love are actually a hybrid of tangerines and pomelos, also known as "Chinese grapefruit," which is a pale green or yellow color.
Originally cultivated in southeast Asia, they were originally green before the skin turned orange in warmer climates
The blob of toothpaste that sits on your brush is officially termed a nurdle.
Quote from: Dark Alex on June 06, 2019, 03:00:14 PM
Quote from: claws on June 06, 2019, 02:36:48 PM
As of January 2019, the Coca-Cola Company in Germany replaced most of their popular soft drinks with sugar free variations:
Coca Cola Vanilla
Coca Cola Cherry
Fanta Strawberry
Fanta Mango
Fanta Lemon
Fanta Mandarine
Mezzo-Mix (Coke & Orange)
They won't be produced with sugar anymore. However, for some unexplained reason only Fanta Orange (easily their worst flavored soft drink) will still be available with sugar.
In a statement Coca Cola declared "war on sugar". They don't say sugar is bad, but that too much sugar is bad. They also claim that artificial sweeteners are really not that unhealthy.
Strangely when the UK brought in a tax on drinks with a high sugar content, Coca Cola was the one company not to switch to alternatives sweeteners.
I guess they have different "strategies" for different countries. People here don't mind a sugar free version as long as they have a choice. The Coca-Cola Company didn't give any choice. Plus they are reeking of hypocrisy for still offering drinks with high sugar content elsewhere.
75 years ago we had a physically disabled president whose position on Nazism was that it had to be destroyed.
Today we have a mentally disabled president whose position on nazism is that some are "very fine people. "
Andrew Lincoln of "The Walking Dead" is Ian (Jethro Tull) Anderson's son-in-law.
I do not believe that there is a movie script bad enough that Eric Roberts will not turn up to for a paycheck. Also see Michael Madsen.
The Number 3
Between 2007 and 2016, inclusive, 1271 ships sank or disappeared. That is almost 1 ship every "3" days.
Whether or not you have Red Box in your area, of the films advertised by Red Box, almost 1 out of "3" or "33%" are sequels, remakes, or prequels. And that number has been farily consistent over the past year or so. So much for Hollywood originality. So much for audience's demand for originality. What I have a harder time trying to tell, is how many of those films were meant to be the 1st in a series and did not do enough business at the box office to generate a 2nd film.
Next time: what is harder to win than an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar, a Tony?
"Comet" on "Full House" and "Air Bud" were played by the same dog.
Quote from: Alex on June 09, 2019, 05:47:50 AM
I do not believe that there is a movie script bad enough that Eric Roberts will not turn up to for a paycheck. Also see Michael Madsen.
A graduate of the "John anything for a paycheck Caradine school of acting. "
What is harder to win than an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar, and/or a Tony?
A Disney Legend.
3 reasons
1st while the other awards are given out on an annual basis. A Disney Legend is given out only on a biannual basis or every two years to coincide with the D23 Expo, which is this year.
2nd while more than a dozen of the other awards are given out, less than a dozen Disney Legends are given out.
3rd Disney Legend draws from a larger pool of recipients. Not only those elegible for the other awards, but also those who are inelegible for the other awards.
As for this year's recipients, they include . . .
Barnette Ricci -- Bette Midler -- Diane Sawyer -- Hans Zimmer -- James Earl Jones -- Jon Favreau -- Kenny Ortega -- Ming-na Wen -- Robin Roberts -- Wang T. Chao -- and Robert Downey, jr.
Since the 1st award was given out in 1987, there have been 297 recipients to date, including those listed above.
Next time: what is the most haunted place in the U.S.?
We won't have what we promised last time, as I am still researching the topic, so I'll give you this in lieu of that.
From USA Today
From the wurst to the vest
George Clooney
Val Kilmer
Adam West
Christian Bale
Ben Affleck
Will Arnett
Michael Keaton
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on June 29, 2019, 03:40:16 PM
We won't have what we promised last time, as I am still researching the topic, so I'll give you this in lieu of that.
From USA Today
From the wurst to the vest
George Clooney
Val Kilmer
Adam West
Christian Bale
Ben Affleck
Will Arnett
Michael Keaton
From worst to best ...
Val Kilmer
George Clooney
Christian Bale
Ben Affleck
Adam West
Michael Keaton.
People that only did the voice belong on a separate ranking list.
It's also arguable that Adam West belongs on a list all by himself.
Sorry, clooney was worse than kilmer.
Clooney actually had personality. Kilmer could have been replaced by a cardboard cutout in most of his scenes and nobody would have noticed.
That's the problem, clooney was waaayto poatitive and upbeat to be batman.
The director felt it was time for Batman to get over the death of his parents and enjoy being Bruce Wayne.
33 years ago today Under the Cherry Moon was unleashed in theaters
Error 404 (Not Found)!!1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwkqXsWPY1k#)
on the same day Prince released the third single from his Parade/Under the Cherry Moon album, Anotherloverholenyohead
Error 404 (Not Found)!!1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvICKkHe-Pw#)
I need to go pee now and that's a fact. :wink:
Quote from: FatFreddysCat on June 08, 2019, 09:27:11 AM
Andrew Lincoln of "The Walking Dead" is Ian (Jethro Tull) Anderson's son-in-law.
Wow: I didn't know that. :smile: :thumbup:
Quote from: chainsaw midget on July 01, 2019, 08:41:32 PM
Clooney actually had personality. Kilmer could have been replaced by a cardboard cutout in most of his scenes and nobody would have noticed.
That's what they did with Bruce Lee in one of the scenes in Game of Death :buggedout:
There again we'll put off, till next time, what we were going to post and post this instead.
Spider-man : Far from Home
The students, instead of attending a street festival in Prague, which is what they want to do, attend an opera, which is what they do not want to do. Though, some of the greatest music ever composed has been from operas and operettas and is still used in . . .
Events (both public and private) -- Films -- Radio -- Short subjects (both animated and live action) -- and TV.
And here are some examples.
Carmen Fantasy for Orchestra
Sextet from Lucia de Lammermor
Marriage of Figaro Overture
Barber of Seville Overture
William Tell Overture
Anvil Chorus from Il Trovatore
Brindisi from La Traviata
La Donna i Mobile from Rigoletto
The March from Aida
Von Suppe
Bocaccio Overture
Light Cavalry Overture
Poet and Peasant Overture
Bridal March from Lohengrin
March from Tannahauser
Prelude to Act 3 of Lohengrin
Ride of the Valkyres from Die Walkure
Next time: the research should be done, and I should be able to post what I have been promising to post the last two time.
80% of all restaurants in Germany use Convenience food (prepared food) - processed meats, canned products, pre-cooked pasta and potatoes, sauces, vegetables.
Food that only needs to be reheated, in microwaves most likely :bluesad:
Quote from: claws on July 12, 2019, 06:02:28 PM
80% of all restaurants in Germany use Convenience food (prepared food) - processed meats, canned products, pre-cooked pasta and potatoes, sauces, vegetables.
Food that only needs to be reheated, in microwaves most likely :bluesad:
Urgh, that sucks.
The Most Haunted Place in the U.S.?
Probably The Happiest Place in the U.S.
Here are some of the haunts that have been reportedly seen at Disneyland.
01. Debbie Stone
a cast member who was killed in a workplace accident while working at America Sings, which no longer exists at Disneyland.
02. Disco Debbie
another cast member, but this one at Space Mountain, and who apparently suffered a stroke while in the backstage area of the attraction.
03. Dolly
a guest who was killed while riding the Matterhorn, when she removed her safety restraint. People, they are there for a reason.
04. The Ghost Who Prefers Blondes
on the People Mover, if there is a blonde in the front seat and an empty seat in back, there is a ghost who likes to sit in the back and muss with the blonde's hair.
05. The Haunted Mansion Heart Attack
apparently, the attraction was so scary, that one of the 1st guests to ride it--died, and now he is a permanent part of the attraction.
To be continued . . .
The person who wrote the song Take me out to the Ball game, had never actually been to a ball game until after he wrote it.
Continuation . . .
06. The Monorail Ghost
An young man tried to sneak into Disneyland by following the monorail into Disneyland, and when spotted, he laid down on the track. Unfortunately, a train was coming at that time, and more unfortunately, there was not enough space between him and the train for the train to pass over him, so he was killed.
07. Mr. One-way
A man with a heart condition failed to heed the warning about not riding Space Mountain, if one has a heart condition, had a heart attack and died. Now he rides it permanently, but, only one way.
08. The Musical Ghost of the Haunted Mansion
Music is heard when the ride is closed to guests, but, no one is there in the area, from where the music comes.
09. The Pilot on Permanent Vacation
Apparently, a decade before Disneyland was built, there was a plane crash in that area that killed the pilot. Maybe he knew something. His plane is gone, but, he is still there.
10. The Woman in White
Another blast from the past. A ghost wearing all white has been seen in the park, and they know she is not from this time, as she wears out of date clothes.
To be continued . . .
It's a widely repeated fact that the Great Wall of China can be seen from the moon.
This is false. This "fact" originated from Ripley's Belive it or Not before space travel was even possible.
Fact of the day: the world is now a slightly better place.
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/li-peng-former-chinese-premier-and-butcher-of-beijing-dies-at-90/ar-AAEKCzi (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/li-peng-former-chinese-premier-and-butcher-of-beijing-dies-at-90/ar-AAEKCzi)
Continuation . . .
11. George
just George
One need not have died at the "Haappiest Place in the U.S." to haunt it. One need only have one's ashes scattered there, which is how we got . . .
12. The Crying Boy
at the Haunted Mansion
13. The Boy at the Pirates of the Caribbean.
and there is one other haunt that has supposedly been seen, and that is . . .
14. Walt Disney
apparently, still keeping an eye on the place, some 64 years after he built it.
Next time: Conclusion
Continuing . . . Conclusion
Going on as to why there may be so many haunts at "The Happiest Place on Earth."
1st. Most of those who are said to haunt the place either died violently or unexpectedly.
2nd. At over 100 acres, there is plenty of room for them to spread out, as can be seen by what part of the park they haunt.
haunted mansion (4) -- space mountain (2) -- america sings (1) -- matterhorn (1) -- monorail (1) -- people mover (1)
3rd. And as this is private property, ghost hunters are not allowed on the property, thus they are safe from being bothered by ghost hunters.
Actually, this may not only be the most haunted place in the U.S. It may be the most haunted place in the world. The only place that I have found, that may have as many identified haunts as this, is the Tower of London (England.) And there the haunts are far older. some of them going back to the 2nd half of the 15th century or some 500 years ere Disneyand was built.
Next time: Tiger? Tiger! Burning bright! What will you have this night?
If there really are ghosts and hauntings at sites where people died violently why wouldn't places where mass murders were committed like death camps, gulags, the killing fields, etc be littered with ghosts?
Tiger? Tiger! Burning bright! What will you eat tonight?
badger -- bear -- bison -- buffalo
fish -- frog
seal -- snake --squirrel
termite -- turtle
wild boar -- wolf
Though, there is one thing tigers will not eat, as they have a long memory, they will not eat Trevor's shorts. They still remember what happened to the first and last tiger to try to eat Trevor's shorts. Which is also why you will not find tigers in the wild in South Africa. After that one incident, they all moved to south Asia.
Phonetically, the Comanche word for "nothing" is "much."
In ancient Hebrew the word for 'to go up" is nasa.
5 Historical Events Associated with Disney
1. Nixon's "I Am Not a Crook" speech.
2. The invention of Frito Lay's Doritos.
3. From Tomorrowland in Disneyland, the showing on TV of the 1969 Moon Landing.
4. The 1st and only time--to date--the Anaheim Angels won the World Series was when they were owned by Disney.
5. The official breakup of the Beatles.
Next time: oldest proof of existence.
Oldest proof of existence.
12,000 B.C. bread
11,000 B.C. beer
06,000 B.C. wine
05,900 B.C. cheese
04,000 B.C. caviar
01,500 B.C. nutmeg
?????? B.C. Trevor's underpants
Next time: what do these people have in common?
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on August 21, 2019, 05:45:17 PM
Oldest proof of existence.
12,000 B.C. bread
11,000 B.C. beer
06,000 B.C. wine
05,900 B.C. cheese
04,000 B.C. caviar
01,500 B.C. nutmeg
?????? B.C. Trevor's underpants
Next time: what do these people have in common?
After enough time all of them become horribly foul smelling? :bouncegiggle:
What do these people have in common?
Jesse Fish
Lewis Powell*
Ziba King
"Bone" Mizell
Dr. John Gorra
Napoleon Bonaparte Broward
Carl Graham Fisher
Juan Trippe
Claude Pepper
"Fireball" Roberts*
Jack Kerouac
Jim Morrison
Pat Boone
Burt Reynolds
Jackie Gleason
Bob Ross
Ted Bundy*
Aileen Wuornos*
Bruce Rossmeyer*
Johnny Depp
Eric Robert Rudolph
John Archibald Wheeler
"Boots" Thone*
Harry Tyson Moore*
Ernest Hemingway*
Answer next time + Deadliest Conflicts in History
What do all these people have in common?
They all were born and/or lived in Florida.
*=violent death
That's 8 out of 25 or 32%.
Higher than the percentage of violent deaths in the U.S.
Higher even than the percentage of violent deaths in Florida.
Deadliest Conflicts in History
World War II
60 million
Mongol Conquests
40 million
Taiping Rebellion
30 million
Manchu Conquest of China
25 million
Stalinist Purges
20 million
World War I
17 million
Lushan Rebellion
13 million
Dungan Revolt
12 million
Russian Civil War
10 million
Excluding all other wars that happend at that time, that is a loss of 227 million in almost 1200 years.
And yes that is only 9, the 10th for which we do not have an exact figure is the . . .
30 Years War
during which, somewhere between one fifth and one half of the population, of what was then Germany, lost their lives.
Next time: will it grill on a grill?
My ass smells like s**t.
I would think, after all these years of washing my a***ole it would smell like rose or Old Spice. But no- it still smells like s**t. :bluesad:
Fact of the day: I'm suddenly feeling a bit nauseous....
Quote from: RCMerchant on August 28, 2019, 10:45:35 PM
My ass smells like s**t.
I would think, after all these years of washing my a***ole it would smell like rose or Old Spice. But no- it still smells like s**t. :bluesad:
How do you get your nose down that far?
Quote from: Allhallowsday on August 29, 2019, 12:29:40 AM
Quote from: RCMerchant on August 28, 2019, 10:45:35 PM
My ass smells like s**t.
I would think, after all these years of washing my a***ole it would smell like rose or Old Spice. But no- it still smells like s**t. :bluesad:
How do you get your nose down that far?
I reckon folks can smell it across a room.
I'm a stinky little basterd.
I imagine I smell like Gabby Hayes looks.
Quote from: Allhallowsday on August 29, 2019, 12:29:40 AM
Quote from: RCMerchant on August 28, 2019, 10:45:35 PM
My ass smells like s**t.
I would think, after all these years of washing my a***ole it would smell like rose or Old Spice. But no- it still smells like s**t. :bluesad:
How do you get your nose down that far?
He doesn't. He gets his ass up really high.
Little known fact.
In 1973 film maker Larry Cohen was working on a new movie idea but was unable to come up with a title. Deciding a break might help he decided to take a vacation in south Africa.
As he was driving past a laundromat a woman came across a pair of underwear a young man had left behind accidentally. Seeing her run out of the landromat screaming in abject terror "IT'S ALIVE!!! " Cohen decided that would make a great title for his new movie about a mutant killer baby.
The movie went on to become a legendary bad movie and the young man who accidentally left a pair of his underwear in the landromat went on to become a legendary bad movie fan.
Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on August 29, 2019, 04:54:02 PM
Little known fact.
In 1973 film maker Larry Cohen was working on a new movie idea but was unable to come up with a title. Deciding a break might help he decided to take a vacation in south Africa.
As he was driving past a laundromat a woman came across a pair of underwear a young man had left behind accidentally. Seeing her run out of the landromat screaming in abject terror "IT'S ALIVE!!! " he decided that would make a great title for his new movie about a mutant killer baby.
The movie went on to become a legendary bad movie and the young man who accidentally left a pair of his underwear in the landromat went on to become a legendary bad movie fan.
Gosh, you should meet this person sometime, Trevor.
Quote from: ER on August 29, 2019, 06:17:22 PM
Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on August 29, 2019, 04:54:02 PM
Little known fact.
In 1973 film maker Larry Cohen was working on a new movie idea but was unable to come up with a title. Deciding a break might help he decided to take a vacation in south Africa.
As he was driving past a laundromat a woman came across a pair of underwear a young man had left behind accidentally. Seeing her run out of the landromat screaming in abject terror "IT'S ALIVE!!! " he decided that would make a great title for his new movie about a mutant killer baby.
The movie went on to become a legendary bad movie and the young man who accidentally left a pair of his underwear in the landromat went on to become a legendary bad movie fan.
Gosh, you should meet this person sometime, Trevor.
I never mentioned any names!
When Edward McMillan put a $500 "dead or alive" bounty on the head of his old acquaintance "Railroad Bill" in 1895, Bill sent him a note that said "I wish you hadn't made that statement because I love you, Mr. Ed, and I don't want to kill you." Bill shot McMillan dead in a gunfight a few months later.
Quote from: Rev. Powell on August 30, 2019, 07:38:06 PM
When Edward McMillan put a $500 "dead or alive" bounty on the head of his old acquaintance "Railroad Bill" in 1895, Bill sent him a note that said "I wish you hadn't made that statement because I love you, Mr. Ed, and I don't want to kill you." Bill shot McMillan dead in a gunfight a few months later.
Man, I feel sad just reading that... :bluesad: not a bust on you, RP. Just an observation.
Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on August 30, 2019, 07:49:04 PM
Quote from: Rev. Powell on August 30, 2019, 07:38:06 PM
When Edward McMillan put a $500 "dead or alive" bounty on the head of his old acquaintance "Railroad Bill" in 1895, Bill sent him a note that said "I wish you hadn't made that statement because I love you, Mr. Ed, and I don't want to kill you." Bill shot McMillan dead in a gunfight a few months later.
Man, I feel sad just reading that... :bluesad: not a bust on you, RP. Just an observation.
Railroad Bill was a fascinating character. He was a former circus performer who escaped certain capture multiple times. The authorities kept raising his reward. I'm surprised no one has ever made a movie about him. They made a folk song, though (you can hear the reference to the real-life McMillan killing).
http://youtu.be/GWVa7gIMS68 (http://youtu.be/GWVa7gIMS68)
No thanks, I'm depressed enough already.
Sounds like a movie story tho .
Quote from: Svengoolie 3 on August 29, 2019, 04:54:02 PM
Little known fact.
In 1973 film maker Larry Cohen was working on a new movie idea but was unable to come up with a title. Deciding a break might help he decided to take a vacation in south Africa.
As he was driving past a laundromat a woman came across a pair of underwear a young man had left behind accidentally. Seeing her run out of the landromat screaming in abject terror "IT'S ALIVE!!! " Cohen decided that would make a great title for his new movie about a mutant killer baby.
The movie went on to become a legendary bad movie and the young man who accidentally left a pair of his underwear in the landromat went on to become a legendary bad movie fan.
Sh*t, I never got any royalties for this. :wink:
Seriously, Larry Cohen wrote one of my favourite thrillers:
Best Seller with Brian Dennehy and James Woods. :cheers:
Quote from: ER on August 29, 2019, 06:17:22 PM
Gosh, you should meet this person sometime, Trevor.
:teddyr: :teddyr:
I think I know this person. :wink:
This is kinda true. Vader was born a slave, taken in by the jedi and raised to be a monk without love or family, found love he had to hide, corrupted by palpatine and finally turned into something literally more machine than man.
Will it grill on a grill? One of these will not grill? Do you know which one?
caesar salads
pb and j sandwiches
starburst candies
Answer next time
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on September 04, 2019, 06:07:36 PM
Will it grill on a grill? One of these will not grill? Do you know which one?
caesar salads
pb and j sandwiches
starburst candies
Answer next time
I'll go with starburst candies.
Cucumbers; that list was in the last issue of Popular Mechanics.
True parchment is not paper, it is a form of leather.
Quote from: pacman000 on September 05, 2019, 05:27:45 PM
Cucumbers; that list was in the last issue of Popular Mechanics.
But wouldn't Starbursts just kind of melt into a bubbling glob?
The earliest known American pornographic film is the 1915 movie A Free Ride, a.k.a. A Grass Sandwich. The film was directed by A. Wise Guy and was written by Will She. Those might not actually be their real names.
Quote from: ER on September 08, 2019, 09:27:21 AM
Quote from: pacman000 on September 05, 2019, 05:27:45 PM
Cucumbers; that list was in the last issue of Popular Mechanics.
But wouldn't Starbursts just kind of melt into a bubbling glob?
According to the magazine you skewer them then roast them like marshmallows. When they start to drip they're ready.
Final Destination is based on an idea for an episode of The X-Files that was never made.
Conjoined twins the Hilton Sisters appeared in only two movies in their lives, FREAKS (1932) and CHAINED FOR LIFE (1952). On September 13, 2019, two unrelated movies titled FREAKS and CHAINED FOR LIFE will be released to theaters.
pacman000 got it right. The answer is cucumbers. You can grill most vegetables on the grill, but not cucumbers, as they apparently turn mushy, when grilled on the grill.
He likes/he dislikes. His opinions. Yet they are seldom backed up by facts, as to what he like/he dislikes. There are exceptions.
So, next time: an exception.
The front page of the Cincinnati Enquirer for Monday July 10, 1944 shows a helicopter delivering laundry to a suburban home with an article predicting this as the coming future. With Amazon experimenting with drone delivery, I'd say the writer was not far off.
As he said: "He likes/he dislikes, but he seldom has factual reasons for what he likes/he dislikes. Yet there are exceptions. One being Broadchurch."
Broadchurch. The British TV miniseries from 2013. Here the characters of the police are so poorly written, that they come off as being more stupid than smart. Thus, here are over 30 instances that they showed their stupidity, and over 30 factual reasons he disliked Broadchurch.
01. Failed to treat properly cigarette butt evidence found near victim's body.
02. Failed to sift sand around victim's body for more evidence.
03. Failed to bag victim's hands to prevent contamination of any evidence found under victim's fingernails.
04. Failed to understand that when a family member is killed, the most likely suspect is another family member.
05. Failed to verify one suspect's alibi, before allowing suspect to walk off and set up a possible false alibi.
06. Failed to understand that any trace evidence found on victim's body is important.
07. Failed to search victim's room for clues to victim's murder. Police not Soco.
In another British mystery, a better written British mystery, the police checked out every book, every cd, every dvd in the victim's room in an effort to try and understand the victim and any possible motivation for the victim's murder.
08. Failed to properly seize victim's electronic devices and search them for clues to victim's muder--in a timely manner.
09. Failed to properly use police manpower.
10. Failed to question improper use of police manpower.
11. Failed to do anything about--apparently--thriving drug trade in town.
To be continued . . .
Continuing previous post . . .
12. Failed to provide competent police laison to watch for suspects in victim's family.
13. Failed to use victim's funeral to look for possible suspects.
In an American mystery, a better written mystery, the police used the victim's funeral to look for suspects in victim's murder.
14. Failed to call for more police when a mob shows up at one suspect's door.
15. Failed to have another adult present, when questioning a child who was a suspect in the murder. Thus, possiblely, making any evidence attended in questioning inadmissible in court.
In other British mysteries, better written mysteries, apparently, a child cannot be questioned by the police, in most cases, without an another adult being there to represent the interests of the child.
16. Failed to stop pursuing one suspect, even when suspect's hands proved to be too small to commit a strangulation murder.
17. Failed to prevent one material witness from leaving town.
18. Failed to bring material witness back to town.
19. Failed to even pursue material witness.
20. Failed to listen to police chief, when being spoken to. Instead walks away.
You do not walk away when the boss is speaking to you. You just do not.
21. Failed to say anything to person being spoken to, who walks away.
That is the problem with Broadchurch. Characters say and do whatever they want, without anyone correcting them.
22. Failed to create a realistic recreation of victim's last moments.
To be continued . . .
There are still quite a few movies that German censors think are harmful to minors, remaining on a list of forbidden movies that will most likely never see a release in Germany. A few examples:
The School Girls (1970) - pornographic scenes involving young teenage actors.
Mark of the Devil Part II (1973) - glorification of sadistic violence.
The Bod Squad (1974) - glorification of sex and violence.
Faces of Death (1978) - animal violence, graphic death scenes.
Cannibal Apocalypse (1980) - glorification of violence.
Ilsa, Harem Keeper of the Oil Sheiks (1976) - pornographic scenes, sadistic violence.
Inseminoid (1981) - glorification of violence.
Inferno (1980) - liable to have an undesirable influence on the moral development of young people.
The Toolbox Murders (1978) - for violence and sadistic violence.
Tower of Evil (1972) - for graphic violent content.
Skin 'em Alive (1978) - glorification of violence.
Death Wish II (1982) - rape, violence.
The Ultimate Warrior (1975) - violence.
Torso (1973) - sex, drugs and violence.
Caligula And Messalina (1981) - pornographic content.
Don't Go in the House (1979) - sadistic violence.
Vigilante (1982) - violence.
Vengeance of the Zombies (1973) - sex and violence.
In the early 20th century, when words had other meanings, the state of South Carolina launched an ad campaign in various magazines aimed at attracting tourism to the state.
The slogan was:
(This was re-discovered in this century and resurrected, amid much protest and anger.)
I am currently 40% sure that my new co-worker is either gay and living in a closet or at the very least bi. Not that this makes any difference to anything. Even when I was a child or teenager I never really cared about anyone's orientation.
Possibly his excuse though of being late for work because he had to finish the sing-a-long version of The Greatest Showman might be the worst excuse for being late I have ever heard.
Some scandi country rated. E. T. "X" because it taught kids to defy adults.
Denmark was founded by men named Dennis and Mark.
Did you know that a bunch of lightly armed Canadian paratroopers saved Denmark from Soviet occupation at the end of WW2? I'd imagine both Dennis and Mark and both grateful.
Continuing . . .
23. Failed to remove oneself from case, when ill health endangers case.
24. Failed to remove one from case, when ill health endangers case.
25. Failed to protect possible crime scene from weather and/or human contamination.
26. Failed to take back-up when confronting murder suspect.
27. Failed to keep victim's father away from possible murderer of victim.
28. "Rats" (i.e. Internal Affairs) failed to properly investigate prior case, which had to be dropped because of police misbehavior.
29. Failed to do door-to-door canvasing for witnesses.
30. Failed to look for any boats that went missing on night murder was committed.
31. Failed to investigate suspects' past, as this is probably not the 1st time that suspects' were suspected of child molestation.
32. Failed to investigate what victim was doing with 500 British pound sterling hidden in room.
No why? No who? No where? No when? No how?
33, Failed to note and/or photograph, for suspecious behavior, of people visiting victim's memorial.
Thus, the police are the best examples of characters so poorly written, that they come across as being almost totally stupid, but, the other characters in the TV miniseries also said and/or did somthing so stupid, that the mind boggles, at how poorly written, they were. Thus, we will take them up next time.
To be continued . . .
Quote from: claws on September 22, 2019, 08:11:34 PM
There are still quite a few movies that German censors think are harmful to minors, remaining on a list of forbidden movies that will most likely never see a release in Germany. A few examples:
The School Girls (1970) - pornographic scenes involving young teenage actors.
Mark of the Devil Part II (1973) - glorification of sadistic violence.
The Bod Squad (1974) - glorification of sex and violence.
Faces of Death (1978) - animal violence, graphic death scenes.
Cannibal Apocalypse (1980) - glorification of violence.
Ilsa, Harem Keeper of the Oil Sheiks (1976) - pornographic scenes, sadistic violence.
Inseminoid (1981) - glorification of violence.
Inferno (1980) - liable to have an undesirable influence on the moral development of young people.
The Toolbox Murders (1978) - for violence and sadistic violence.
Tower of Evil (1972) - for graphic violent content.
Skin 'em Alive (1978) - glorification of violence.
Death Wish II (1982) - rape, violence.
The Ultimate Warrior (1975) - violence.
Torso (1973) - sex, drugs and violence.
Caligula And Messalina (1981) - pornographic content.
Don't Go in the House (1979) - sadistic violence.
Vigilante (1982) - violence.
Vengeance of the Zombies (1973) - sex and violence.
Wow, that sounds like a British Video Nasty list. I never thought of Germany as heavy on censorship (except for Nazi stuff, for obvious reasons). Some really sick stuff has come out of Germany over the years. If I understand the system correctly, they can still sell this stuff directly---isn't it like the US MPAA rating system, where "NC-17" means no one will advertise it, but it's not actually prohibited? I mean, they sold NEKROMANTIK, after all.
Fun fact: if yoiu took out all your blood vessels and laid them end to end, you would die.
Quote from: Rev. Powell on October 02, 2019, 02:20:06 PM
Quote from: claws on September 22, 2019, 08:11:34 PM
There are still quite a few movies that German censors think are harmful to minors, remaining on a list of forbidden movies that will most likely never see a release in Germany. A few examples:
The School Girls (1970) - pornographic scenes involving young teenage actors.
Mark of the Devil Part II (1973) - glorification of sadistic violence.
The Bod Squad (1974) - glorification of sex and violence.
Faces of Death (1978) - animal violence, graphic death scenes.
Cannibal Apocalypse (1980) - glorification of violence.
Ilsa, Harem Keeper of the Oil Sheiks (1976) - pornographic scenes, sadistic violence.
Inseminoid (1981) - glorification of violence.
Inferno (1980) - liable to have an undesirable influence on the moral development of young people.
The Toolbox Murders (1978) - for violence and sadistic violence.
Tower of Evil (1972) - for graphic violent content.
Skin 'em Alive (1978) - glorification of violence.
Death Wish II (1982) - rape, violence.
The Ultimate Warrior (1975) - violence.
Torso (1973) - sex, drugs and violence.
Caligula And Messalina (1981) - pornographic content.
Don't Go in the House (1979) - sadistic violence.
Vigilante (1982) - violence.
Vengeance of the Zombies (1973) - sex and violence.
Wow, that sounds like a British Video Nasty list. I never thought of Germany as heavy on censorship (except for Nazi stuff, for obvious reasons). Some really sick stuff has come out of Germany over the years. If I understand the system correctly, they can still sell this stuff directly---isn't it like the US MPAA rating system, where "NC-17" means no one will advertise it, but it's not actually prohibited? I mean, they sold NEKROMANTIK, after all.
It (is and) used to be a complicated system. Since the 2010s German censors have "lighten up" so to speak, in regards of forbidden movies from yesteryear. Movies they thought were harmful to minors in the 1980s aren't anymore these days. For example, The Evil Dead (1981) was banned in Germany for what, 36 years? Two years ago German censors and the court declared The Evil Dead as not a threat to minors anymore (in other words: it is dated by today's standards. They also said the special effects come off as laughably bad now). The uncut version was re-rated and received a "16" rating which is similar to a PG-13.
In some cases (back in the day) German censors actually confiscated original prints / film rolls directly from the distributer of movies they thought broke the law (example: Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2). There was also a time authorities would raid video rental stores, confiscating tapes of movies that were put on the index list.
If German censors refuse to give a movie a rating, the distributer has a few options. They can release the movie without a rating but they usually end up on the index list of forbidden movies. They still can be sold in stores, but you have to ask (clerk) for them. They can not be displayed or sold online anymore.
In college my roommate's brother worked for the NPS and shot a video of a bobcat killing a rattlesnake in Yellowstone that was amazing to watch.
No real point to this fact, just tossin' it out there while I run down four more hours at work.
While the police in Broadchurch are the prime characters for being so poorly written, that they come across as being more stupid than smart, many of the other characters in the British TV miniseries are also so poorly written that they say or do something so stupid, that the mind boggles, or from the stupid to the stupider to the stupidest.
Pub customer
After the muder, "No on will want to come here now." WRONG! They'll have to beat people off with a stick, as nothing attracts visitors like an accident, a crime, a disaster.
The victim
In another British mystery, a better written British mystery, the victim who is drunk, then drugged, then raped, and then thrown naked out of a moving vehicle, when someone comes along and tried to rape her again, fights back the best that she can, and when she can no longer fight back, curls into a ball to try to protect herself. Here the victim who is neither drunk nor drugged nor naked nor injured from being thrown out of a moving vehicle, does not even try to fight back. One does not even have to think about fighting back. It is instinctive.
The local newspaper editor
When a reporter from a large national daily comes to town to do a story, she asks to use a vacant desk at the local weekly, and is turned down by the editor. That is so stupid, because all that will do is p**s off the reporter.
To be continued . . .
If all the girls at Yale were laid end to end Dorothy Parker wouldn't have been surprised.
I love Lucy was the second TV show to ever show a pregnant character.
In its day, I Love Lucy was not only hugely successful but also groundbreaking. It was the first sitcom filmed using multiple cameras and on 35mm film. This allowed the recording and preservation of episodes in high-quality which could then be shipped all over the country.
Prior to this, less important markets had to suffice with inferior-quality kinescopes of the originals. It was also the first program to show reruns. It was among the first shows to promote an interracial relationship. Yet its landmark moment happened during the second season when star Lucille Ball became pregnant.
The TV executives at the time forbid the use of the word "pregnant" stating that it was too vulgar. The
The episode where her pregnancy first appears was called "Lucy Is Enceinte" which means "pregnant" in French. For the next 27 episodes characters had to either imply the pregnancy or use other terms such as "expecting" or "having a baby."
During the filming of each episode, the studio hired a minister, a rabbi, and a priest to attened and make sure nothing objectionable was done.
The episode where Lucy gives birth was viewed by 72 percent of American homes with TVs making it one of the most watched episodes in history.
Continuing previous posts . . .
The pub's landlady
when guests staying at the pub want cocaine, she goes and buys some from the local drug dealer. That was stupid enough, as it may have threatened her liqour license, but, when her guests leave, no longer wanting the cocaine, instead of destroying it, she keeps it and eventually returns it to the drug dealer's girlfriend.
The drug dealer's girlfriend
Instead of her destroying the cocaine in her possession, she keeps it, where she lives, even knowing that the house would be searched, once the murder victim was identified as her younger brother. Which, of course, the cocaine then being discovered during a search of the house.
To be continued . . .
Continuing previous posts . . .
But, the way the characters were written, the stupidest of them all had to be the villain.
1st. He came in contact with his victim's body, thus leaving the possibility of leaving his trace evidence on the victim's body. For in another British mystery, a better written British mystery, it took only finding a hair on the victim to lead to the murderer.
2nd. He spent too much time around the dead victim. Thus leading to a better chance that someone would see him with the dead victim.
3rd. And the stupidest thing he did, and as odd as it may seem, one of the most feared disasters on water is fire, so when he set fire to a boat to destroy evidence of his crime, there'd have been calls up and down the coast to the authorities, reporting a fire at sea, and thus drawing attention to himself. If he'd wanted to destroy the evidence, if he was smart, would be to take the boat out to the open water, open the seacocks, and fill the boat with water till it sank. No fuss. No muss, But the writer couldn't write something that smart.
Next time: conclusion and one more example of police stupidity.
The first rock and roll DJ to unleash the word "Rocktober" on humankind, back circa 1955, was an agent of the Archdemon Brevatrixar, Lord of the Plane of Constant Irritation, since only that can explain why that annoying term has never died a natural death but gets repeated millions of times every fall, no matter how much listeners writhe in agony and plead for it not to be said.
Tom Selleck and Farrah Fawcett (channeling Marilyn Monroe's voice) did a liquor commercial together in 1972.
Error 404 (Not Found)!!1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgVQPAfnqQg#)
I was curious as to where Americans' health insurance came from, so I looked it up (data as of 2017):
Employer supplied (includes military) - 49%
Medicaid (low income public assistance/disabled) - 21%
Medicare (retirees public system) - 14%
Uninsured - 9%
Private insurance (not employer-supplied) - 7%
Continuing previous post . . .
A couple of good things came out of watching Broadchurch.
1st It was a good mind exercise to find all the errors--41, actually 42--that the characters made in the British TV miniseries.
34. The police failed to take DNA swabs from any of the suspects in the case. Where in another British mystery, a better written British mystery, when the body of the victim is found, some 3 decades after she disappeared, the police are immediately out there taking DNA swabs from all the suspects in the original case.
2nd While there are other examples of films and/or TV shows highly regarded by audiences and/or critics, this is the clearest example yet of something that is highly regarded, but is actually highly overrated, as those who saw it may have seen the wood, but they missed the trees, or, why, except for this web site, I don't have much truck with the opinions of others.
Next time: 11 reminders that censorship still exists and not all books are loved by everyone, or, the 11 book receiving the most requests that they be removed from schools or libraries,
11 reminders that censorship still exists and not all books are loved by everyone,
A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo
The State U Give
13 Resons Why
This One Summer
Skippy Jon Jones
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian
This Day in June
2 Boys Kissing
and probably the best known of the 11
Captain Underpants
Next time: Reasons given for removing these books from schools and libraries
On this night in 1974, Ronald Clark O'Bryan of Pasadena, Texas ruined it for everybody, by becoming the only recorded case in history of someone poisoning Halloween candy, when he murdered his own son with a Pixy Stix laced with cyanide.
Reasons Given for Removing the Most Censored Books from Schools and Libraries.
Most books have more than one reason, and most reasons cover more than 1 book, so here they are, from most to least reasons given.
and he has no idea what I and A stand for.
3 profanity
3 sexual references
2 religious
1 gambling
1 illustrations
1 Mexican cultural stereotypes
1 political
1 same sex couple
1 teen suicide
1 transgender character
1 underage drinking
1 violence
Next time: All Music! All Singing! No Speechifying!
According to this, the average person has sexual 5,770 time before first and last intercourse.
http://www.elitedaily.com/dating/sex/sex-average-amount-times-before-death/1744446 (http://www.elitedaily.com/dating/sex/sex-average-amount-times-before-death/1744446)
We will wait to next week, what we said we'd post last week, so we can post this this week, ere November 12.
1. O'er 80 years
from 1937's Snow White and the 7 Dwarves to 2019's The Mandalorian, or o'er 80 years of Hollywood history.
2. 3 hours, 17 minutes, 54 seconds
in 20 second clips. That's almost 600 films and shows.
3. No one does it better.
No one has a better backcatalog, having seen the components of AT&T's HBO Max, not HBO Max. (IMHO) the only one that may come close is Comcast's Peacock, which will roll out next year.
4. An almost . . .
. . . perfect blend of the old and the new.
5. Nostalgia
That is what drags them in.
6. The last of the old line studios . . .
. . . that answers to no one but themselves.
Warner answers to AT&T (telecommunications)
Universal answers to Comcast (telecommunications)
Paramount answers to National Amusements (movie theaters)
Columbia answers to Sony (electronics)
Then there was 20th Century Fox, but, last year, they saw the writing on the wall, threw in the towel, and sold out.
7. 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 =
or, why, at this moment, a half dozen reasons, Disney+ has the edge o'er the others in the upcoming streaming wars.
Next time: what I said last time next week.
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on November 06, 2019, 05:00:07 PM
We will wait to next week, what we said we'd post last week, so we can post this this week, ere November 12.
1. O'er 80 years
from 1937's Snow White and the 7 Dwarves to 2019's The Mandalorian, or o'er 80 years of Hollywood history.
2. 3 hours, 17 minutes, 54 seconds
in 20 second clips. That's almost 600 films and shows.
3. No one does it better.
No one has a better backcatalog, having seen the components of AT&T's HBO Max, not HBO Max. (IMHO) the only one that may come close is Comcast's Peacock, which will roll out next year.
4. An almost . . .
. . . perfect blend of the old and the new.
5. Nostalgia
That is what drags them in.
6. The last of the old line studios . . .
. . . that answers to no one but themselves.
Warner answers to AT&T (telecommunications)
Universal answers to Comcast (telecommunications)
Paramount answers to National Amusements (movie theaters)
Columbia answers to Sony (electronics)
Then there was 20th Century Fox, but, last year, they saw the writing on the wall, threw in the towel, and sold out.
7. 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 =
or, why, at this moment, a half dozen reasons, Disney+ has the edge o'er the others in the upcoming streaming wars.
Next time: what I said last time next week.
At the moment I think they (Disney) are the only service I can see giving Amazon a serious challenge. The combined Disney & Fox archives gives them a massive amount of material (although I wouldn't be surprised if the money men decided Fox should be a serperate service). The last time I looked at the figures Amazon was by quite some distance the largest streaming service having four times the subscribers of its nearest competitor (Netflix) and that was before the end of Game of Thrones and the mass unsubscribing that followed its finale.
Quote from: ER on November 04, 2019, 11:38:37 AM
According to this, the average person has sexual 5,770 time before first and last intercourse.
http://www.elitedaily.com/dating/sex/sex-average-amount-times-before-death/1744446 (http://www.elitedaily.com/dating/sex/sex-average-amount-times-before-death/1744446)
That article also says people fall in love an average of 6.5 times in their life (and also have an average of 6 unrequited loves, which I hope are counted separately). That sounds awfully high to me.
Quote from: Rev. Powell on November 07, 2019, 08:53:46 AM
Quote from: ER on November 04, 2019, 11:38:37 AM
According to this, the average person has sexual 5,770 time before first and last intercourse.
http://www.elitedaily.com/dating/sex/sex-average-amount-times-before-death/1744446 (http://www.elitedaily.com/dating/sex/sex-average-amount-times-before-death/1744446)
That article also says people fall in love an average of 6.5 times in their life (and also have an average of 6 unrequited loves, which I hope are counted separately). That sounds awfully high to me.
The more I've thought about it, some things don't sound right to me either. But then again 44.6 percent of statistics are made up.
Ever notice how dangerous being in a plane while doing a good deed is? Think about it.
Patsy Cline and those with her died in a crash after a benefit concert for the family of a DJ who had suddenly passed away.
Peter Tomarkin, host of Press Your Luck, which I used to love (the game show with the whammies), died in a crash along with his wife while they were volunteering for a group called Angel Flight West, which provided free air travel for needy medical patients.
And of course baseball star Roberto Clemente, who crashed while on a mercy mission to Nicaragua.
I'm sure there were others but going out that way seems especially unfair.
Quote from: Rev. Powell on November 07, 2019, 08:53:46 AM
Quote from: ER on November 04, 2019, 11:38:37 AM
According to this, the average person has sexual 5,770 time before first and last intercourse.
http://www.elitedaily.com/dating/sex/sex-average-amount-times-before-death/1744446 (http://www.elitedaily.com/dating/sex/sex-average-amount-times-before-death/1744446)
That article also says people fall in love an average of 6.5 times in their life (and also have an average of 6 unrequited loves, which I hope are counted separately). That sounds awfully high to me.
If that is true, I am about 4,000 below average!
Quote from: indianasmith on November 07, 2019, 10:25:11 PM
Quote from: Rev. Powell on November 07, 2019, 08:53:46 AM
Quote from: ER on November 04, 2019, 11:38:37 AM
According to this, the average person has sexual 5,770 time before first and last intercourse.
http://www.elitedaily.com/dating/sex/sex-average-amount-times-before-death/1744446 (http://www.elitedaily.com/dating/sex/sex-average-amount-times-before-death/1744446)
That article also says people fall in love an average of 6.5 times in their life (and also have an average of 6 unrequited loves, which I hope are counted separately). That sounds awfully high to me.
If that is true, I am about 4,000 below average!
Yes, sir, but you found true love in your first love, and that's the stuff of other people's hope and dreams.
I keep telling myself that . . . most days I believe it.
You've seen every Star Wars movie together, and if that ain't romantic then I don't know what is.
Quote from: indianasmith on November 07, 2019, 10:25:11 PM
Quote from: Rev. Powell on November 07, 2019, 08:53:46 AM
Quote from: ER on November 04, 2019, 11:38:37 AM
According to this, the average person has sexual 5,770 time before first and last intercourse.
http://www.elitedaily.com/dating/sex/sex-average-amount-times-before-death/1744446 (http://www.elitedaily.com/dating/sex/sex-average-amount-times-before-death/1744446)
That article also says people fall in love an average of 6.5 times in their life (and also have an average of 6 unrequited loves, which I hope are counted separately). That sounds awfully high to me.
If that is true, I am about 4,000 below average!
Which explains why you have so much free time to write novels and hunt for arrowheads.
Quote from: Rev. Powell on November 08, 2019, 11:31:16 AM
Quote from: indianasmith on November 07, 2019, 10:25:11 PM
Quote from: Rev. Powell on November 07, 2019, 08:53:46 AM
Quote from: ER on November 04, 2019, 11:38:37 AM
According to this, the average person has sexual 5,770 time before first and last intercourse.
http://www.elitedaily.com/dating/sex/sex-average-amount-times-before-death/1744446 (http://www.elitedaily.com/dating/sex/sex-average-amount-times-before-death/1744446)
That article also says people fall in love an average of 6.5 times in their life (and also have an average of 6 unrequited loves, which I hope are counted separately). That sounds awfully high to me.
If that is true, I am about 4,000 below average!
Which explains why you have so much free time to write novels and hunt for arrowheads.
:buggedout: May I act as your second in the forthcoming affair of honor, Indy?
LOL at both of you!
Aww, no duel?
I thought that was how you Southerners settled things.
I'd meet the Rev's second someplace dignified, and he'd offer me some of the Rev's select bourbon and I'd offer him one of Indy's Diet Doctor Peppers, and we'd pick a time and place, maybe Devou Park at dawn, and Indy'd bring his Roman gladius, slayer of many a pumpkin, and the Rev would bring....I dunno, something equally lethal, and they'd write their wills (being a lawyer the Rev would help Indy do his, and Indy would write him a check dated after the duel), and on the dawn we'd all meet and I'd shake the other second's hand, and a priest would be there and a doctor and some onlookers, and the combatants would face off and we'd all turn our backs so we could testify we'd not seen a thing, then there'd be chilling clashes of steel or the explosion of fighting irons, and one or both of our beloved fellas would spill earthward, and Indy's wife would weep and somewhere the beautiful woman the Rev was destined to cross paths and fall in love with soon after would feel a sudden coldness about her heart and never know why, and we'd see the doomed duelists buried at Cave Hill or First Baptist, and BMDO would grow into a less interesting place, but dayham what a way to go out....
Wow, you make it sound quite appealing!
Again, we will delay what we'd said we'd post this week from last week, so we can post this.
When Fox sold out, one of the things it sold was its film library. Thus, besides the films already mentioned, the following Fox films are expected to be shown on Disney+.
-- The Sandlot
--Never Been Kissed
--Jouney to the Center of the Earth (1959)
--the Home Alone series
--Garfield : a Tale of 2 Kitties
--the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series
--and, of course, The Simpsons.
That does not include these Foxs film which are expected to get a reboot, either as a film or a TV series.
--Night at the Museum
--Home Alone
--Diary of a Wimpy Kid
--Cheaper by the Dozen
And when the Fox film library was sold, so was the National Georgraphic film library, so we will get to see . . .
--Brain Games
--The Incredible Dr. Pol
--Mission to the Sun
--Secrets of the King Cobra
And for those of you are reading this in Europe, excluding the Netherlands, Disney+ rolls out on March 31, 2020, in . . .
France--Germany--Italy--Spain--and the U.K.
It makes one wonder how many of the people living there will subscribe to the streaming service, as not there, but in some polls, as many as 81% of the people polled said that they are at least thinking of subscribing.
And an almost century later, we have arrived at this moment, where the old is new once more, as there is now a plaform to show mid-price films, $20M-$60M, such as . . .
teen romances -- slapstick comedies -- inspirational dramas -- and animal adventures . . .
to the number of about a dozen films an year.
Next time: unless something else comes up, a post of what I said I'd post last time.
Being a millionaire ain't what it used to be... according to Voice of America, 5.8% of Americans are now millionaires.
The Atlantic Ocean is warmer than the Pacific.
Hard to imagine in our age of instant information, but when Abraham Lincoln was murdered, Queen Victoria did not learn of the fact for eleven days.
All-music! All-singing! No-speechifying!
If he had his druthers, there'd be a score of songs sung at his funeral. 10 secular. 10 sacred. We'll take up the secular 1st.
circle of life
don't fence me in
i am a rock
i've got a dream
let's go fly a kite
que sera sera
turn, turn, turn
the ugly bug ball
you are my sunshine
Next time: the sacred
Last time, I posted what secular songs I'd like sung at my funeral. Now, it is time to post what sacred songs I'd like sung at my funeral, and they are . . .
Amazing Grace
Children of the Heavenly Father
Have Thine Own Way
How Great Thou Art
The Lonesome Valley
O, Happy Day
Rock of Ages
Watchman, Tell Us of the Night
Trust and Obey
Next time: would you buy an used foreign policy from this man?
Good songs, BSK. You're doing okay though, right?
Quote from: ER on December 07, 2019, 03:30:36 PM
Good songs, BSK. You're doing okay though, right?
Yes, so far, even though I saw an gastroenterologist last month, who wants to do an endoscopy, and this month I see a surgeon to see if he wants to do a hernia operation and an urologist about a mass they discovered on my left kidney, then next year my primary care physician wants to run my head thru a CAT scan to see why my sense of balance is shot, but, today I feel better than I have in sometime. And thank-you for asking.
On this day in 1941, The Nazis disappointed an awful lot of American Nazi sympathizers.
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on December 07, 2019, 02:40:41 PM
Amazing Grace
I've concluded Amazing Grace is the worst makeout song ever written. He's undoing your bra and you're hearing a song about a wretch "like me."
We'll put aside what we were going to talk about for next time. So, this time we can talk about . . .
Despite MGM's motto of "Art for Arts Sake." It is not that, but domination at the boxoffice, that mostly matters in Hollywood. And one studio dominates all the others with 5 of its films earning $1B or more at the international boxoffice and an international boxoffice of $10B to date, as to the why.
Reason #1
It comes nearest to making films that appeal to all, and Frozen II is a good example of that. For, when I saw it in the cinema, the audience consisted of . . .
pre-teen boys -- teenage girls -- their parents -- older women -- whites -- non-whites, etc.
Reason #2
The Many
On any list, there are better places to work, but there are many that want to work for them. When 1 position opened up that required 8 employees to fill it, did they get 8 applications? No! Did they get 80 applications? No! They got 800 applications.
Reason #3
The Many II
Most of the animators use to be old white guys. Now, and again if you look at the credits for Frozen II, you'll see many of the animators are women, Latinos, Asian-Americans, etc.
Reason #4
Warner Brothers released 7 mid price (under $100M) well received films last year, and what did they all have in common. They all died at the boxoffice, costing Warner Brothers money. Thus, it is the films that cost over $100M to make that will dominate the boxoffice.
Reason #5
Cost II
Though, unlike 2019's Midway, which is unlikely ever to make a profit for its makers, their films make a profit.
Reason #6
There are some dates that are better than others: whenever Easter is, the summer between Memorial Day and Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, or, anytime people are off work and children are out of school and may want to see a film. And they have these dates sewn up for several years to come. Thus leaving the others to the lesser dates, as one does not want to go up, for the most part, against one of their films.
Reason #7
Desire dominates opinion. No matter the opinions of the critics and others, if people desire to see a film, such as Frozen II, they'll see it. On the other hand, if people have no desire to see a film, the opinions of the critics and most others will not get people to see a film.
Next time: what we were going to talk about last time "Would you buy an used foreign policy from this man?"
In the original book, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, the Grinch was not green. In the book, he's just shown in black and white.
Chuck Jones insisted that the Grinch be colored when brought to animation. Why green? That was the color of the rental car he drove when he went out to discuss the project with Dr. Suess.
Would you buy an used foreign policy from this man?
% that trust Trump's handling of international issues. While the figures are from some months ago, I expect most of these are probably even lower than the ones listed here.
78 Philippines
69 Israel
59 Nigeria
56 Kenya
48 U.S.
and its all downhill from there to . . .
06 Mexico
We were going to post something else, but, instead, we will post that next time, and this time post this.
Time's People of the Year in 2019
Time (12/23/19-12/30/19)
Greta Thunberg
And to date, probably the youngest person ever to be Time's Person of the Year.
the Public Servants
who testified at the impeachment hearings
Bob Iger
CEO and President of the Walt Disney Company
U.S. Women's Soccer Team
And he must say yes to them all.
Next time: the gift that keeps on giving and giving--internationally.
If Abraham Lincoln were alive today, he would be very very old.
The executioner who beheaded CHARLES I was brought from Ireland for the job, and had the same surname as my family. :teddyr:
The gift that keeps on giving--internationally.
While Frozen earned o'er $1B at the boxoffice, it earned twice that much in merchandise sales, and Frozen II is expected to do just as well, as it is now the 3rd best seller behind (1st) LOLs! Surprise and (2nd) Barbie.
While there are stage productions of Frozen on Broadway, on the ships of Disney Cruise Line, and at Disney's California Adventure, in 2020 further stage productions will roll out in France, Germany, Japan, and the U.K.
And Hong Kong Disneyland, Paris Disneyland, and Tokyo Disney Seas are expected to get Frozen attractions sometime later this year.
Next time: upcoming warner Brothers movies for 2020.
Mount Everest is not the tallest mountain on Earth, only the highest.
I was recently among a gathering of very lovely young men with soft manners and weightless wrists, and we had a discussion after I referred to Freddie Mercury as gay.
Dead silence followed my use of the word, and then, "Sorry, we don't like when people call him gay."
"Why?" I asked.
And it was explained to me.
Being homosexual, they said, is not the same thing as being gay. Freddie Mercury was not gay, because being a private man, he never felt he owed anyone his coming out.
Good for him! I thought.
Freddie Mercury also disliked labels of straight and gay and bi and pan and uni, and let's not forget he loved his not infrequent forays into the private parts of nubile women.
Oh, yes, he flamed merrily, dropping the term "darling" right and left, he swished and sashayed and strutted and called gay men he knew "Mrs." He loved being in drag, he picked up pretty boys right and left and with delightful abandon he went "around the world" with rough trade in Soho bathrooms and Chelsea studios and Hollywood clubs, and got freebies from rentboys galore at Studio 54, but he was not, by the agreed-upon rules of the community, gay.
Well what do you think about that?
Quote from: ER on January 23, 2020, 10:58:41 PM
I was recently among a gathering of very lovely young men with soft manners and weightless wrists, and we had a discussion after I referred to Freddie Mercury as gay.
Dead silence followed my use of the word, and then, "Sorry, we don't like when people call him gay."
"Why?" I asked.
And it was explained to me.
Being homosexual, they said, is not the same thing as being gay. Freddie Mercury was not gay, because being a private man, he never felt he owed anyone his coming out.
Good for him! I thought.
Freddie Mercury also disliked labels of straight and gay and bi and pan and uni, and let's not forget he loved his not infrequent forays into the private parts of nubile women.
Oh, yes, he flamed merrily, dropping the term "darling" right and left, he swished and sashayed and strutted and called gay men he knew "Mrs." He loved being in drag, he picked up pretty boys right and left and with delightful abandon he went "around the world" with rough trade in Soho bathrooms and Chelsea studios and Hollywood clubs, and got freebies from rentboys galore at Studio 54, but he was not, by the agreed-upon rules of the community, gay.
Well what do you think about that?
I think it's horsesh!t. Yet, you can't disguise your bigotry.
Quote from: Allhallowsday on January 23, 2020, 11:15:32 PM
Quote from: ER on January 23, 2020, 10:58:41 PM
I was recently among a gathering of very lovely young men with soft manners and weightless wrists, and we had a discussion after I referred to Freddie Mercury as gay.
Dead silence followed my use of the word, and then, "Sorry, we don't like when people call him gay."
"Why?" I asked.
And it was explained to me.
Being homosexual, they said, is not the same thing as being gay. Freddie Mercury was not gay, because being a private man, he never felt he owed anyone his coming out.
Good for him! I thought.
Freddie Mercury also disliked labels of straight and gay and bi and pan and uni, and let's not forget he loved his not infrequent forays into the private parts of nubile women.
Oh, yes, he flamed merrily, dropping the term "darling" right and left, he swished and sashayed and strutted and called gay men he knew "Mrs." He loved being in drag, he picked up pretty boys right and left and with delightful abandon he went "around the world" with rough trade in Soho bathrooms and Chelsea studios and Hollywood clubs, and got freebies from rentboys galore at Studio 54, but he was not, by the agreed-upon rules of the community, gay.
Well what do you think about that?
I think it's horsesh!t. Yet, you can't disguise your bigotry.
John, you sound like a breeder bigot. You live with a gay man and raise him like I do and did before you call me a bigot. You have gay men to dinner, all the time, whenever they drop in to see the gay young man who lives with you, like we have all the time, you throw gay friends a baby shower like me, you grow up around them like I did because you're part of the arts community, you get babysat by one, and call me when you do, THEN you can possibly judge me. Don't like the terminology, tell the gay men who got on my case about it. Think gay men don;t stil swish in the 2020s? Get out more often. Don't like the fact Freddie Mercury, the greatest live performer in rock history, did all that in his sex life, tell his ghost you disapprove, because he bragged about it. Don't like the reality of gay sex, then maybe you're the bigot. Rule one is to be gay you come out. Freddie Mercury didn't come out. He also screwed more women than you and me put together, though half of that team is not contributing much to the total. I don't make the rules.
Bigotry? I gotta go tell somebody about that laugh.
Quote from: ER on January 23, 2020, 11:28:08 PM
John, you sound like a breeder bigot. You live with a gay man and raise him like I do and did before you call me a bigot. You have gay men to dinner, all the time, whenever they drop in to see the gay young man who lives with you, like we have all the time, you throw gay friends a baby shower like me, you grow up around them like I did because you're part of the arts community, you get babysat by one, and call me when you do, THEN you can possibly judge me. Don't like the terminology, tell the gay men who got on my case about it. Think gay men don;t stil swish in the 2020s? Get out more often. Don't like the fact Freddie Mercury, the greatest live performer in rock history, did all that in his sex life, tell his ghost you disapprove, because he bragged about it. Don't like the reality of gay sex, then maybe you're the bigot. Rule one is to be gay you come out. Freddie Mercury didn't come out. He also screwed more women than you and me put together, though half of that team is not contributing much to the total. I don't make the rules.
Bigotry? I gotta go tell somebody about that laugh.
You are interesting enough to read, but I know bait when I see it and will call it as I see it. Sorry to have offended you Evelyn.
No worries whatsoever, John.
Though Tyler told me to tell you he prefers the collective sobriquet "International Brotherhood of Ass-Fisters" but I told him your head might explode, so he said next time use, "Union of Sausage Swallowers" since it has a more PC ring to it.
He also said he thinks straights need to lighten up on the "fake homophile routine" and have more fun.
There you go, wisdom from the under-21s. :lookingup:
I'm sure there were no characterizations. :thumbup: :smile:
I honestly don't know what that means, John, but I'll pretend it's nice, even witty. Like something Oscar might've said. Lol Have a good night.
Warner Brothers Films Upcoming in 2020
02/07 Birds of Prey
03/06 The Way Back
05/15 Scoob
06/05 Wonder Woman 2020
06/26 In the Heights
07/17 Tenet
08/14 Malignant
08/21 A Fred Hampton Project
09/11 The Conjuring 3
09/20 The Witches
remake of the 1990 film, which he has seen
09/25 The Many Saints of Newark
11/20 Godzilla vs. Kong
11/25 King Richard
this many not be what you think. A film based on the life of Richard Williams, the father of tennis players Serena and Venus Williams
12/08 Dune
at least the 3rd version of Frank Herbert's sci fi novel. There was the 1984 film, which he saw, and the TV miniseries, which he has also seen, and now there is this one.
12/23 Tom and Jerry
and TBA
The Little Things
Hope's Wish
and as an added bonus, the top 10 grossing films at the domestic box office, in reverse order, and 2 by 2
10. Star Wars : Episode IX : the Rise of Skywalker
this was as of the end of last year, as it played into this new year, it may have moved up a notch or two.
09. Fast and Furious Presents : Hobbs and Shaw.
Next time: upcoming films from Universal in 2020
Universal Upcoming Films in 2020
01/17 Doolittle
01/24 The Turning
02/28 The Invisible Man
03/13 Blumhouse Production Project V
04/08 No Time to Die
Bond. James Bond
04/17 Trolls World Tour
sequel to 2016 film
05/22 The Fast and Furious 9
06/12 Candyman
"a spiritual sequel" to the 1992 film
07/03 Minions : the Rise of Gru
07/10 Purge sequel
the 5th and final chapter in the series
08/14 An Event film
09/25 Last Night in Soho
09/25 Praise this
10/02 BIOS
10/16 Halloween Kills
the next film in the series
12/23 The Croods
Of the 16 films listed, at least 9, or over half, are sequels, remakes, or prequels.
And 8 at the 2019 box office Aladdin (Disney)
And 7 at the 2019 box office Joker (Warner)
Next time: Paramount Upcoming Films in 2020
It's so sad when you notice that most of the titles in that list are recycled stuff. Creativity has been butchered a long time ago.
Male spiders do not have penises.
One of the back-up "dancers" in Weird Al's music video for Fat was just a fat guy that happened to be delivering pizza to the set.
With every exhalation, microscopic quantities of red blood cells pass from our lungs into the air, meaning we are constantly breathing-in other people's blood.
Quote from: ER on February 04, 2020, 08:03:04 PM
With every exhalation, microscopic quantities of red blood cells pass from our lungs into the air, meaning we are constantly breathing-in other people's blood.
(https://i.imgur.com/TrMJyTb.gif) (https://lunapic.com)
The name of the Harlem Globetrotters (originally the "New York Harlem Globe Trotters") was choosen because Harlem was deemed to be the center of black culture at the time and that an out of state team name would give the group more mystique. At the time they played in Iowa and Illinois.
The team wouldn't play a game in Harlem until 1968, forty years after the team originally formed.
Upcoming fillms from Paramount in 2020.
01/10 Like a Boss
02/14 Sonic the Hedgehog
03/16 Monster Problem
03/20 A Quiet Place Part II
04/03 The Lovebirds
05/22 The Spongebob Movie : Sponge on the Run
06/26 Top Gun : Maverick
07/31 Rumble
08/07 Infinite
09/08 Without Remorse
10/16 Snake Eyes
a G.I. Joe Film
11/13 Clifford the Big Red Dog
12/18 Coming 2 America
a sequel to the 1988
6 out of 13 are sequels, remakes, or prequels or 46%.
6. Toy Story 4 (Disney)
5. Captain Marvel
And of the top 10 films, the one that is not a sequel, remake, or prequel, but, of course, with its success at the boxoffice, it has spawned at least one sequel.
Next time: Upcoming films from the Walt Disney Company
The full title of Robinson Crusoe is actually ...
The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner: Who lived Eight and Twenty Years, all alone in an un-inhabited Island on the Coast of America, near the Mouth of the Great River of Oroonoque; Having been cast on Shore by Shipwreck, wherein all the Men perished but himself. With An Account how he was at last as strangely deliver'd by Pyrates.
... bit of a mouthful isn't it?
Google Street View had a hard time getting started in Germany because of strict and complicated privacy laws. After several battles in court Google Street View was allowed to do their thing but with restrictions: 244 237 applications for pixelation had to be done first. After filming 20 of Germany's largest cities Google Street View decided just to leave it at that. The majority of the footage was filmed in 2008 making the Google Street View Germany experience extremely dated since a lot has changed in 12 years.
However, it was reported in October 2019 that Google Street View was in talks with Germany's data protection authorities regarding the current legal situation of the old pixelation, and possibly updating and expanding Germany's street view.
The average person will walk past 36 murderers during their lifetime.
Quote from: Alex on February 13, 2020, 10:08:58 PM
The average person will walk past 36 murderers during their lifetime.
Does that include cats?
Upcoming films from Disney in 2020.
03/06 Onward
03/27 Mulan
live action remake of the animated film
05/01 Black Widow
believed to be a prequel to the earlier films
05/25 Artemis Fowl
the one I am looking forward to seeing as I am so fond of the book series. As it covers only the 1st two books in the series, if it is successful, then we should get 3 more films. Eoin Colfer continues the series with a series of books featuring Artemis' younger twin brothers Myles and Beckett.
06/19 Soul
07/24 Jungle Cruise
like Pirates of the Caribbean, a film based upon the theme park attraction.
08/14 The One and Only Ivan
11/16 The Eternals
based on the Marvel Superheroes.
11/25 Raya and the Last Dragon
Despite having only 9 films so far for 2020, this is the strongest slate of films yet. Of course, it also excludes any of 20th Century films to be released in 2020.
4. Spider-man : Far from Home (Sony)
3. Frozen 2 (Disney)
Next time: upcoming films from Columbia in 2020.
Peanuts are not nuts, they're beans.
The speed of gas emitted out one's butt when farting travels at 7 mph
Upcoming films from Sony, he likes to think of 'em as Sony/Columbia, for 2020.
01/03 The Grudge
01/17 Bad Boys for Life
02/14 Fantasy Island
semi-remake of the '70's/'80's TV show
03/13 Bloodshot
04/03 Peter Rabbit 2 : the Runaway
he is somewhat surprised to see a sequel, as the original is regarded by some as underperforming at the box officce.
04/10 Charm City Kings
05/08 Greyhound
07/10 Ghostbusters : Afterlife
again an almost all-female cast, but a different female cast than the previous one.
07/31 Morbius
08/14 Escape Room 2
09/16 The Mitchells vs. the Machines
10/02 Venom 2
TBA The Craft
remake of the 1996 film
TBA The Wish Dragon
7 sequels, remakes, prequels of 14 or 50%
Top 10 Grossing Films of 2019
02. The Lion King (Disney)
01. Avengers : Endgame (Disney)
and the highest grossing film at the boxoffice of all time.
He does not know where to place this, except, he did know he did not want to start a new thread, so he placed it here.
Peter (Spider-man) Parker has the rumor that in his next film, he'll come out as being bisexual. And he is not the only one coming out as being bisexual. Valkyrie, from the Thor films, will also come out as being bisexual, in her next film, and The Eternals will get the 1st gay couple, or, so it is said, in the history of the MCU.
Next time: Melts in your mouth. Not in your hand.
Cheerful, upbeat 80's pop tune 'The future is so bright I gotta wear shades' is about nuclear annihilation.
New Line Cinema was saved from bankruptcy by the success of A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET, and was jokingly nicknamed "The House that Freddy Built".
The ancient Greeks had eight words for love:
Patrios: The love one feels for nation or community.
Philia: The love one has for friends.
Storge: The love one has for family.
Eros: Sexual love.
Ludus: Romantic love.
Philautia: The love one feels for oneself.
Pragma: The love one has for one's very best friend.
Agape: Selfless, highest love, regarded as the rarest and most beautiful of all forms of love. According to Chesterton this word fell out of use for nearly a thousand years until revived in Christian times to describe the motivation for Jesus' self-sacrifice.
Most "Before and After" advertisements you see for weightloss are the opposite of what you think.
Companies take fit people and then pay them to gain weight for their "before" pictures.
An oldie but a goodie: much of the dust in homes is composed of shed skin cells.
Billy Barker was a "host" of the cartoon series Barker Bill's Cartoon Show in the early 1950s. The show was hosted by a stationary picture of the Barker Bill character with an off-camera announcer introducing the cartoons.
He also had a very short lived newspaper comic strip. The show ended in 1956.
Somehow he ended up getting his own NES game in 1990, created by Nintendo themselves.
I have yet to find any explanation as to why this exists.
M and Ms.
"Melts in your mouth. Not in your hand."
plain -- peanut
plain -- peanut -- almond -- caramel -- coffee nut -- dark chocolate -- hazel nut -- milk chocolate -- mint -- peanut butter -- pretzel -- white chocolate
And, actually, they will melt in you hand, if you hold 'em in you hand long enough. He knows, because he held 'em in his hand till they did melt.
Next time: an organization for veterans celebrates its centennial this year. Which one will be revealed next time.
These are the partners/[supporters] of an organization that is having its centennial this year.
A&W -- egAmerica -- ESPN -- Ford -- Frish's Big Boy -- Golden Corral -- governmentCIO -- Hankouk -- Price Chopper -- Southern Edge Knife Works -- True Car -- USAA -- Walt Disney Company -- Wells Fargo
One of the most eclectic lists of partners I have ever seen, and not without interest to me, as I can remember, when I was younger and lived in southern California, Frish's Big Boy was Bob's Big Boy, which makes me believe most of these are centered in southern California, even the ones that are so obscure I have never heard of them.
As for the organization, it is the DAV or Disabled American Veterans, of whcih my father was a member for many years, and was founded in 1920 as an advocate for the disabled American veterans of WWI.
Next time: there is the faux and there is the reality. Can you tell the difference?
Quote from: ER on February 28, 2020, 11:11:44 AM
An oldie but a goodie: much of the dust in homes is composed of shed skin cells.
Makes me wonder: if I have a dust allergy, and I live alone, does that mean I'm allergic to my own skin?
The US Forestry Service does not do what most people assume. It is FAR more about managing the destruction of forests, not the preservation of them.
The very first TV commercial aired in the U.S. was for a New York based watch and clock company. The commercial cost $9. It aired in 1941 right before a Dodgers and Phillies baseball game.
The first made for TV movie that ever aired was called See How they Run. it aired in 1964 and featured Leslie Nielsen.
It wasn't the first one made however. The Killers was made first, but the studio decided it was too violent for Tv and released it in cinemas instead. It starred Lee Marvin and Ronald Reagan.
He'll have a faux and a real comparison for everyone next time, as compensation, here are the New "Big 6" Among Global Media Companies.
Apple -- Amazon -- AT&T -- Comcast -- Disney -- and Netflix.
All of which now or will offer a streaming service, and as a comparison, here are the Old "Big 6" Among Global Media Companies.
20th Century Fox -- Warner Brothers -- Universal -- Paramount -- Disney -- and Columbia.
Quote from: Rev. Powell on March 07, 2020, 11:08:58 AM
Quote from: ER on February 28, 2020, 11:11:44 AM
An oldie but a goodie: much of the dust in homes is composed of shed skin cells.
Makes me wonder: if I have a dust allergy, and I live alone, does that mean I'm allergic to my own skin?
Some people do suffer from this.
Immortan Joe in Mad Max: Fury Road was portrayed by the same actor who played Toecutter in the first movie.
After the distribution rights expired for Paramount, the 1975 cult film The Stepford Wives is now owned by Pharmaceutical company Bristol-Myers Squibb.
Humphrey Bogart used to hustle people at chess for money. He continued to do this even when he was shooting movies.
In Casablanca there's a scene of Rick studying a chessboard. The positions are from one of Bogart's correspondence games.
I nearly pee'd myself from laughing this morning.
WWII delayed production of The Quiet Man for the best part of a decade.
The 1950s hit "It's All in the Game" by Tommy Edwards is actually a 1911 composition written by Charles Dawes with lyrics written for it.
Charles G. Dawes was Vice President of the United States under Calvin Coolidge.
This makes "It's all in the Game" to be the ONLY #1 U.S. Single to be co-written by a Vice President, it's also the only #1 to be co-written by a Nobel Peace Prize laureate (Dawes was both).
Error 404 (Not Found)!!1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-0sUuGufmw#)
Shannon hasn't received payment for Let The Music Play since 1984.
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.....unless it's digital or has its hands broken off or we skip an hour forward in the spring, passing that time or Endora freezes time.
Apparently, if you were to take the most powerful nuclear weapon in existence (the Tsar Bomba) and detonate it at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, it would not cause any volcanic explosions or earthquakes. Indeed due to the sheer weight of the water pressure bearing down on it, the explosion would expand only to be fairly rapidly be crushed. The only noticeable effect would be the radioactive water.
According to some random fact video I just watched anyway.
"Batman" was a unit of measure used in the Ottoman Empire, although it's actual value varied wildly from place to place.
Flash Gordon is Superman's dad!
... well, okay not really but in the first episode of Adventures of Superman, Jor-El's costume is a recycled Flash Gordon suit originally worn by Buster Crabbe in one of the serials.
Every time Freddie Mercury performed Bohemian Rhapsody in concert, he'd blow his mom a kiss.
The Simpsons Butterfinger commercials ("No better better lay a finger on my butterfinger") actually predated the Simpsons TV series. They were still just shorts on the The Tracey Ullman Show when the first commercials began to air.
Milhouse was created specifically for the commercial.
Well, if you thought he was dead, he's not. He was just waiting for an internet café in his area to open back up. Now, that one has opened, you'll see him more often. Though, he does not know how often, but, here is his 1st post in some 2 months.
These 4 facts are based upon a book about South Africa from 2 South African writers. Can you tell which 2 are true and which 2 are false?
1. Most of the people you see in downtown Johannesburg will be black South Africans?
2. Downtown Johannesburg is a good place to jog after dark?
3. South Africans like their beer?
4. South Africans especially like it after it has bee strained through used underwear, as it enhances the taste?
We will see if our resident South African knows.
Next time: 2 dozen people born in South Africa, you might not think were born in South Africa and the answers to this post.
2 and 4. At least I hope 4 is false!
Statistically, if you have dated more than 10 people in your life you are unlikely to ever get married, and if you do it will most likely last for less than 5 years.
Congratulations to anyone out there who has had more than 10 romantic partners and managed to beat the odds by finding lasting love.
:bouncegiggle: just goes to show that stats prove out as well as polls do, lol! :cheers:
Yes, 2 and 4 are false. RC Merchant is correct.
Now, here are 2 dozen people you may not know who were born in South Africa.
Alice Kriege
Anthony Sher
Basil Rathbone
Charlize Theron
Cyril Cusack
Dave Matthews of the Dave Matthews Band
Elon Musk
Ernie Els
Gary Player
Glynis Johns
Hugh Masakela
J. R. R. Tolkien
Janet Suzman
Juliet Prowse
Manfred Mann
Steve Nash
Trevor Noah
and to make an even 2 dozen, the Rosenkowitz Sextuplets, the 1st set of sextuplets in which all survived pass babyhood.
Next time: when I was a kid, I read as a kid, but, when I became an adult, I put away my kid readings.
why did you put away ANYTHING you enjoyed reading? i never have understood that...
Quote from: chefzombie on May 30, 2020, 09:53:07 PM
why did you put away ANYTHING you enjoyed reading? i never have understood that...
Neither do I, but there is a lot about me that I don't understand, but, when I was a kid I remember reading--not comics books, though, I did read those, but the comic strips in the local daily, but, when I became an adult I stopped reading them, which I don't understand, but now that much of the reading is still inaccessible due to the virus, I have gone back to reading what is available, and that is the comic strips in the local daily, and I noticed some differences from today's strips and yesterday's strips. 1 Good. 1 Bad. and a couple of surprises.
The good
What was once all-white now features Afro-Americans and Latinos.
The bad
How few of the cartoonists are women. I say less than 10%. Even those strips that feature a female main character seem to be drawn by men.
The surprises
How few of the main characters are middle aged adults. Not youngsters. Not oldsters. Not animals, but middle age adults. Less than half I say.
While the comics can and do cover dramatic subjects, they are comic strips because they look at life thru a comic viewpoint. There is only 1 strip in the local daily that is not comical. And in a time I can remember strips that were not only comical and dramatic, but also . . .
adventurous -- educational -- fantastical -- historical -- inspirational -- political -- romantic -- sci fi -- and westerns.
I don't know if they still run these strips anymore-
.Dick Tracy
.Mary Worth
.Rex Morgan M.D.
.Alley Oop
.Prince Valiant
.Tarzan of the Apes
Quote from: RCMerchant on June 01, 2020, 03:34:54 PM
I don't know if they still run these strips anymore-
.Prince Valiant
I don't read comics anymore, but to my amazement, I think I sometimes still see
Prince Valiant...
^ It looks like Tracy is still around! :buggedout:
https://www.gocomics.com/dicktracy/2020/05/31 (https://www.gocomics.com/dicktracy/2020/05/31)
Prince didn't like memories, he used to say memories are unhealthy. Whenever people left his close circle, he would burn bridges. He was known for being good at not maintaining friendship once they left. However, Prince rewarded loyality by keeping people on the payroll for many years and decades.
After Prince divorced his first wife Mayte Garcia he had the house they were living together demolished. It was his way of erasing "old" memories.
Quite to the contrary, Prince always intended his studio Paisley Park to become a museum, filled with old memories.
thank you kevin. your reply means alot to me, for many reasons. :cheers:
Tomorrow is the anniversary of D-Day.
During the mating season, Lama's will bite the testicles off of other competiting males.
responsible for women's rights as we know them,
responsible for environmental regulations as we know them,
responsible for gun control as we know it,
and for pulling our boys outa Nam'.
And the Clean Air and Water Act.
And the Endangered Species Act.
the EPA
Happy Watergate Day!
Also, the first national convention of The Republican Party,
Bunker Hill Day, and uh,
the day we lost Rodney King, (Makes me wonder what he would say about this mess we're in now)
And the Charleston Massacre, and uh,
Occupation of the Latvian Republic Day...
So, I'm not a crook & don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes & can't we all get along...
Quote from: RCMerchant on June 01, 2020, 03:34:54 PM
I don't know if they still run these strips anymore-
.Dick Tracy
.Mary Worth
.Rex Morgan M.D.
.Alley Oop
.Prince Valiant
.Tarzan of the Apes
Spider-man was ended a short time after Stan Lee's death.
The others I don't know about.
Here's another fact for you. Stan Lee was unable to watch most of the marvel movies he appeared in. In the last several years of his life, his vision was so bad, even things only a foot or two away were just a blur to him. He was a also unable to read anything, which he was really sad about.
Marcel Petiot aka "Docteur Satan" was a serial killer active during World War II. When his crimes where discovered, he grew a beard, and adopted the name "Henri Valeri". "Henri Valeri" joined the police force and was assigned to capture Marcel Petiot. Eventually he was caught when somebody actually recognized him.
During the Nigerian Civil War, the two sides agreed to a 48-hour cease-fire so they could watch a Pele' play a soccer game without having to worry about the war.
Although in almost every version I've seen of the 'Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde' the doctors name in pronounced as 'Jeckle', according to Robert Louis Stevenston it should be pronounced 'GeeKill'.
When Doritos got started in Europe they didn't know how to advertise "Cool Ranch" in Germany because germans weren't familiar with Ranch dressing or the ranch flavor in general. They played around with the idea of incorporating "Buttermilk" as a name for the chips but they eventually settled on "Cool American".
No explanation needed for Cool American :teddyr:
Wayne Gretzky holds the record of points per game in the NHL. he earned the record well after he had actually retired.
He used to be 2nd only to Mario Lemieux, but Mario came out of retirement and ended up lowering his average, pushing Wayne into the number 1 spot.
wayne gretzy.... SWOOONN.... i had such a crush on him... :cheers:
In the late 1890s, a dentist named Edgar Parker hired one of PT Barnum's ex-managers and started a traveling dental show. He had dancing girls and a band that would play both to attract attention and to hide the cries of his patients.
He claimed his dental work was painless and later to avoid breaking the law for false advertisement, he legally had his name changed to "Painless Parker."
The American Dental Association declared him "a menace to the dignity of the profession."
Certainly, these losses are not on par with the tragic loss of life so far, but, with the loss of the original moving picture playdate, due to the closing of movie theaters, film studios are seeking alternative motion picture playdates. As most of the film studios are doing the same thing: later in the year, next year, streaming, these samples from Walt Disney are an example of what the other film studios are doing.
Then March 6
a live action remake of the animated film
Then March 27 Now July 24
Now that Tenet has been pushed back from July 17 to July 31. This is the 1st major release from Hollywood since March.
Black Widow
Then May 20 Now November 6
After the Avengers, she gets her own film
Artemis Fowl
May 25 Now June 12 on Disney+
He is still not sure if this is a + or a -, but, with this one apparently being based on the 1st 2 books in the series, and there being 6 more books in the series, if the ratings hold up, we may see a 4-part miniseries.
Then June 19 Now November 20
If Onward featured the 1st lesbian character in a Pixar film, then this features the 1st black hero in Pixar film.
Jungle Cruise
Then July 24 Now 2021
Based upon the theme park attraction
The One and Only Ivan
Then August 14 Now August 14
Based upon the best selling book which was based upon the true fact of a gorilla that lived for several years in a shopping mall in the U.S.
The Externals
Then November Now Unknown
Reya and the Last Dragon
Then November Now Unknown
The last two are most likely to keep their original playdates in November.
While many songs are tragedies, reflecting the tragic events in life, there are some songs that are the complete opposite. Thus, . . .
Next time: There can be joy in a song
Quote from: Rev. Powell on July 01, 2020, 10:51:31 AM
My mind is blown.
In Batman returns, the production department wanted to use King Penguins specifically. However, the only ones in captivity that were tame were located in England.
The birds were flown to the US in a refrigerated plane. They were then given their own refrigerated trailer, their own swimming pool, a half a ton of fresh ice every day, and fresh fish delivered daily straight from the docks. The birds also had an around the clock body guard and the set was cooled to 35 degrees.
^ I was Thinking that was the one with George Clooney and " so That's why his nipples are so hard!"
A large bag of chips in Germany is usually 6,1 ounces (175 grams).
Only one firm in Germany called Chio, offers a 400 gram (14,1 ounces) bucket with a handle of red bell pepper (Red Paprika) flavored potatochips, but only for a limited time (sometimes once a year or sometimes every second year).
Jimmy Carter once sent a jacket to the cleaners with the nuclear codes still in the pocket.
In 1923, a jockey named Frank Hayes died of a heart attack in the middle of a horse race. The horse finished the race with his body still in the saddle, making him the first deceased person in history to win a horse race. He had never won a race before.
Here be joy in this here song, or, 15 of the most joyful songs ever written (IHHO)
You Give a Little Love from Bugsy Malone
The Luaty Month of May from Camelot
Hair from Hair
The Circle of Life from The Lion King
Under the Sea from The Little Mermiad
Let's Go Fly a Kite from Mary Poppins
The Lord's Bright Blessing from Mr. Magoo's Christrmas Carol
Sailing for Adventure from Muppet's Treasure Island
Old Yeller from Old Yeller
Be Back Soon from Oliver
Go! Speedracer! Go! from Speedracer
The 3 Caballeros from The 3 Caballeros
While, none of these (IHHO) are particularly comedic, here are 3 comedy songs that are comedic + being joyful.
We're Despicable from Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol
Cabin Fever from Muppet's Treasure Island
The Silly Song from Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs.
Well, it's good to be back, and now that more is open, you'll probably see him herre every day, as he has about 6 moths of posts to peruse. So, next time . ..
It was exactly a century ago, but it seems like only yesterday.
It was exactly a century ago, but, it seems like only yesterday.
1919 Henry Ford
2020 Donald Trump
1. Both had a low opinion of the media of their day.
2. And the feeling was mutual. The media professionals of their day did not think highly of neither one.
Yet, for all his negatives, Ford had some positives, at least, compared to Trump.
3. Ford had a brilliant vision for the masses and the country.
4. Trump, if he has a vision, it can hardly be called brilliant.
5. Both had an insecure sense of their own superior self-worth.
6. Both had a narcissiistic personality.
7. Ford, at various times, was called an Anarchist, a Communist, a Progressive, and a Socialist.
8. Trunp, while called many things, I doubt he was ever called any of these.
9. Both wanted sole credit for most everything.
To be continued . . .
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on September 03, 2020, 05:19:27 PM
It was exactly a century ago, but, it seems like only yesterday.
1919 Henry Ford
2020 Donald Trump
1. Both had a low opinion of the media of their day.
2. And the feeling was mutual. The media professionals of their day did not think highly of neither one.
Yet, for all his negatives, Ford had some positives, at least, compared to Trump.
3. Ford had a brilliant vision for the masses and the country.
4. Trump, if he has a vision, it can hardly be called brilliant.
5. Both had an insecure sense of their own superior self-worth.
6. Both had a narcissiistic personality.
7. Ford, at various times, was called an Anarchist, a Communist, a Progressive, and a Socialist.
8. Trunp, while called many things, I doubt he was ever called any of these.
9. Both wanted sole credit for most everything.
To be continued . . .
Why, Kevin, you and I waste no time when we return after an absence, do we? Welcome back. Oh, and re: number 8? I once called Trump a Socialist, but it was when I was on what I thought was peyote but turned out to be a really old cruller my cousin found under her passenger seat that she pranked me with. I was so gullible at age six....
The first "adaption" of Bram Stoker's Dracula appeared before the book was even published.
Eight days before the book was published there was a theatrical performance designed to drum up publicity for the book as well as to insure copyright. There were only two playing customers of the performance.
Americans spend 1 hour and 8 minutes of every weekday consuming food and drink.
(I was kind of wound up last night.)
Continuing . . .
10. Both were international isolationists.
11. Both informed people of "the truth," but not "the total truth," but "their truth."
12. Ford was a brilliant manipulator.
13. Trump may or may not be a manipulator, but "brilliant" is questionable.
14. Both achieved wealth if not greatness.
15, Both were embraced by the evangelical movements of their day.
16. Ford hired the best and brightest, because they made him look good.
17. Trump fired the best and brightest, because they made him look bad.
18. Both promoted themselves as something they were not.
19. Both had the curtain pulled back on "em and exposed as "an emperor without clothes."
20. Both wanted to be idolized by all.
The facts on Ford are from a weekly column in the local daily, which the columnist admits he took from Robert Lay's "Ford, the Man, and the Machine." The facts on Trump are, of course, taken from the daily news. And thank-you for the warm welcome. Now that things are opening up here, you'll see me more often. Just be aware that I am restricted to a hour a day, so it'll be awhile before I can peruse 5 months of unread posts, which I will read.
Next time: Stan and Walt. Separated at birth?
^ Andrew came out of hibernation and put a kiboosh on s**t like this. That's why he stopped the politics thread.
Let's stick to fun facts.
In 1993, San Francisco had an official vote over whether a police officer was allowed to patrol while carrying a ventriloquist's dummy.
A British Lieutenant Colonel called "Mad Jack" was only British soldier in WWII known to have killed an enemy soldier with a longbow. He insisted on going into battle armed with both a medieval bow and a claymore sword. I couldn't find any info as to whether he'd killed anyone with his sword or not.
There was once a family in Kentucky that had blue skin. This was due to inbredding and a rare medical condition that was passed along.
Stan and Walt. Separated at birth?
Stan Lee
Walt Disney
1. Both were product of an urban enviroment.
a. Walt. (Chicago, Illinois)
b. Stan. (New York, New York)
2. Both were from impoverished backgrounds.
3. Both married only once.
4. Both sets of parents had only one child--a girl--born to them, that lived to adulthood.
c. Walt's 2nd daughter was adopted.
d. Stan's 2nd daugher died when only a few days old.
5. Both were patriotic.
e. Stan served in the Army during WWII.
f. Walt, too young to serve in the Army, served in the Ambulance Corp at the end of WWI.
6. Both toiled many years in rhw "vineyard," ere they became famous.
7. Both grew a moustache as they grew older.
8. Both were geniuses in their own way.
9. Both have at least one * on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
To be continued . . .
Comtinuing . . .
10. Both relied on collaborators.
11. Both had collaborators that relied on them.
12, Both had tempestuous relationships with their collaborators.
13, But, it was Both who tied almost everything together.
14. Both had their haters.
15. Both were surrounded by various controversies.
16. Both began in a business that began as a family business and morphed into a business juggernaut and a mercchandising bonanza.
17. Both businesses suffered from money woes.
18. Both were involved in almost every aspect of their business.
19. Both, at times, felt hemmed in by forces they could not control.
To be continued . . .
In 1903 a man named Will West was sent to Leavenworth prison. When he got there, he saw that they already had his picture in a prison uniform despite him never having taken one. A guard even recognized him and asked what he did this time.
It turned out there were TWO nearly indenticle looking men serving time in the same prison, one named Will West and the other William West. Because of this, prison authorities realized they needed a better system for identifying prisons other than by name and a picture. This is why they began to fingerprint prisoners.
Continuing . . .
20. Both saw the power of mass media.
g. Stan. Radio
h. Walt. TV
21.Both made many appearances on film.
i. Walt. TV
j. Stan. Films
22. Both became the face and voice of their respective media.
k. Stan. Comic books
l. Walt. Animation then TV.
23. Both were workaholics.
24. Both were still working up to the day that they died.
Of course, there were differences, which we'll get to next time.
To be continued . . .
The matter and energy that we know of and deal with make up only 4.9% of the universe. What we call dark matter is believed to take up around another 28%. The rest is currently referred to as dark energy. We can see some of the effects of this, for example galaxy's spinning faster than they should be able to without centrifugal forces sending them flying off elsewhere, but actually understanding and figuring these things out may change our understanding of physics.
a. Walt was not only a product of an urban enviroment, but, also of a rural enviroment Marceline (Missouri.)
b. Stan not
Which can be seen in many of the Disney theme parks, or, some idealized representation of it on Main Street.
c. Walt was a product of the Turn of the Century.
d. Stan born some 2 decades later, was a product of the Jazz Age.
e. Stan was the oldest boy in the family.
f. Walt was the youngest boy in the family.
g. Stan was Jewish.
h. Walt was a WASP.
i. Walt was a conservative Republican.
j. Stan was probably not a Republican and probably less conservative.
k. Walt sometimes ignored the uglier things in the world.
l. Stan less frequently ignored the uglier things in the world.
Yet, both became famous for what they did or did not ignore.
m. Stan's wife preceded him in death.
n. Walt left a widow behind.
o. Stan (1922-2018) outlived most of his friends and foes.
p. Walt ((1901-1967) not.
To be continued . . .
Mext time: Conclusion
More tourist money is said to be spent visiting sites associated with the life events of Tom Sawyer, Anne of Green Gables, and Scarlett O'Hara, than any other fictional characters in North America, though some claim that Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote a fictional version of herself in the Little House books, and if so, then she would top that category, hands-down.
In England the fictional figure raking in the most tourist money is Sherlock Holmes, with the Loch Ness monster heading the roll to the north in Scotland.
The Stan Era and the Walt Era ended tthe day that both died, but the Marvel Age and the Disney Age lives on; for, thanks to their innovations, theirs is the world of genera culture in which we live.
They will be missed.
Next time: victims of the virus
In the movie Son of Frankenstein, the script wasn't prepared when they started filming. Most of it was written moments before the actors had to film their scenes.
Bela Lugosi's character Ygor wasn't even in the original screenplay!
^ A good thing, too! Because the monster mostly lies on his back through most of the film!
(https://i.imgur.com/774kxSA.jpg) (https://lunapic.com)
Insomnia sucks a fat toe.
Victims of the Virus, or, a Rollcall of the Dead
Certainly, some of these have already been mentioned, so let this act as a reminder of what a wide swath the pandemic has cut.
Trini Lopez. actor-singer
Mark Blum. actor
Anne Glenn. advocate for people who stutter and the widow of John Glenn.
To be continued . . .
The only member of ZZ Top not to have a beard was Frank Beard.
If you say "name me a vegetable" nearly everyone says 'carrots'.
Tony Todd was given a bonus to make up for everytime he got stung by a bee while filming Candyman.
He got stung 23 times during the making of the movie.
There is a legal challenge underway to remove President Harding's remains from his grave, so a DNA test can be conducted, possibly verifying the heritage of a number of potential "natural" descendants of this philandering Chief Executive.
You know, I read a biography of him this summer which said that the entire Nan Britton story - that she was his mistress and bore him a daughter - never happened and was in fact a product of her vivid imagination and a desire to cash in on the recently deceased President's reputation.
It may be impossible to prove at this point minus a DNA test, but it seems like surely there are some surviving Hardings - nieces or nephews or some such - that could provide a sample without disturbing the repose of an American President.
Quote from: zombie no.one on September 19, 2020, 03:38:32 PM
If you say "name me a vegetable" nearly everyone says 'carrots'.
Tomatoes. Which actually is not a vegetable, but, botanically speaking is a berry.
Continuing victims of the virus
--Curtis Cokes
--Jimmy Glenn
Herman Cain. businessman and presidentai candidate
Harry Grimes. bassist
Momcilo Krajisnik. Bosnian war criminal
Tom Seaver. baseball player
To be continued . . .
Continuing victims of the virus
Joe Diffie. country music singer
Alan Garfield. character actor
Luis Sepulveda. Chilean writer
Beryl Berny. children's TV hostess
Yu Libua. Chinese-American novelist
To be continued . . .
Continuing victims of the virus
Bill "Midnight Cowboy" Mack. dj
Mort Drucker. caricaturist
The last is something of a guess, or, so I have heard, but, he was suffering from breathing problems, which is a classic symptom of the virus.
To be continued . . .
In 'Charlie & The Chocolate Factory', Charlie was originally supposed to be black.
The director of the movie "Cannibal Holocaust" was arrested for murder and had to prove his innocence by calling in all his "murdered" actors. This is because the courts could not understand how an impalement scene was done and believed an actress was murdered for the sake of the movie.
Continuing victims of the virus
Martin Lovett. English cellist and last surviving member of the Amadeus Quartet.
Tim Brooke-Taylor. English comedian. Of the Goodies.
Dave Greenfield. English musician. Of the Stranglers.
To be continued . . .
Continuing victims of the virus.
David Owen Brooks. henchman
While there have been more infamous serial killers and since his time, there have been 2 or 3 serial killers that had more victims, but, at the time these serial killings came to light, the man he worked for had the record for the most serial killings at 28 or 29. There may be a couple of reasons for this.
1st. While most victims are just dumped out in the open somewhere, these victims were buried. Most in a boat shed near Houston (Texas) but others in the piney woods of east Texas and others along the Texas Gulf Coast.
2nd. While most victims up to this time were female, these victims were all male, and ranged in age from 7 to 8 and 20 to 21.
The man may have kept on killing, if he had not been shot and killed by another of his henchmen.
To be continued . . .
Continuing victims of the virus
--Bootsie Barnes
--Lee Konitz
--Ellis Marsalis. father of Wynton, Brandford, Delfeayo, and Jason.
John Horton Carny. mathematican
Steve Dalkowski. minor league baseball player and the inspiration for Bull Durham.
Mexican singer. Oscar Chavez
magician. Roy Horn. of Siegfried and Roy.
Bennie Adkis. Medal of Honor winner
To be continued . . .
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on September 22, 2020, 04:36:08 PM
Quote from: zombie no.one on September 19, 2020, 03:38:32 PM
If you say "name me a vegetable" nearly everyone says 'carrots'.
Tomatoes. Which actually is not a vegetable, but, botanically speaking is a berry.
Depending on the definition, all fruits are vegetables:
[ˈvejtəb(ə)l, ˈvəjədəb(ə)l]
a plant or part of a plant used as food, typically as accompaniment to meat or fish, such as a cabbage, potato, carrot, or bean.
"fresh fruit and vegetables" · [more]
herb · flower · shrub · weed · greenery · flora · vegetation · undergrowth · herbage · verdure
a person with a dull or inactive life.
"I thought I'd sort of flop back and be a vegetable for a bit"
Continuing victims of the virus
Jerzey Glowczenwski. Polish WWII flying ace
Peter Brancazio. physicist and sports debunker
Terence McNally. playwright
To be continued . . .
Continuing victims of the virus
Donald Reed Henry. ret. lt.col. and elder brother of Sen. Elizabeth Warren
To be continued . . .
Hacking a federal officer's computer carries up to ten years in prison.
Peanut butter works better than cheese in a mouse trap.
Maybe fumunda cheese would work.
( Ask me what fumunda cheese is! :bouncegiggle:)
Continuing victims of the virus , , ,
Mike Huckaby. techno dj
Helen Jones Woods. trombonist and member of the all-female International Sweethearts of Rhythm.
. . . To be continued
Continuing victims of the virus . . .
James "Kamala" Harris. wrestler
. . . to be continued
Continuing victims of the virus . . .
Jay Johnstone. baseball player
. . . to be continued
Sometimes the New York Times gives its obit section to a list of ordinary people who have died around the world from the virus. We will begin with that next time.
There was a question about film adaptations of the writings of Shirley Jackson, as I can't find the question at the moment, let me put the answer here.
The Lottery is her most adaptted work, being adaptated 8 times.
The Haunting of Hill House is her 2nd most adaptated work, being adapted 3 times.
The following have also been adapted onto film.
We Have Always Lived in the Castle
Nothing Important
The Bus
Come Along with Me
After You, My Dear Alphonse
Boy on a Fence
The Bird's Nest
The Summer People
The 1st adaptation was in 1950 and the last adaptation, to date, was in 2018.
In the 1850s, the US government bought camels from Egypt. They thought that they would do better in the western heat than horses would. When the Civil War broke out a few years later, many of the camels escaped and bred, leaving hundreds of feral camels in the wilds of Texas.
Quote from: chainsaw midget on October 21, 2020, 08:10:43 PM
In the 1850s, the US government bought camels from Egypt. They thought that they would do better in the western heat than horses would. When the Civil War broke out a few years later, many of the camels escaped and bred, leaving hundreds of feral camels in the wilds of Texas.
Not only Texas, but, Arizona as well. When my late mother was vacationing in Arizona, during the 1st half of the last century, she swears she saw one of those feral camels.
Then there were 7 or 8 streaming services, which he divides into entertainment and non-entertainment.
those streaming services from companies that have always been in entertainment. Some for more than a century.
Turner TV + Warners = HBO Max
NBC + Universal = Peacock
CBS + Paramount = CBS All-access
ABC + Disney = Disney+ + the more mature oriented Hulu.
That leaves only Fox TV and Sony's Columbia, who do not have a streaming service at this time.
those streaming services from companies that have only recently entered the entertainment business, seeing the profits that can be made with their own streaming service.
Amazon = AmaZon Prime
as Amazon seems to have a toe in anything that looks profitable.
Apple = Apple TV
which it is using as a come-on for the purchase of its other products
AT and T = HBO Max
and, of course, Netflix.
While the competition has started to have an effect on how many people subscribe to Netflix, it still has more subscribers than any of the other streaming services.
Other streaming services, other components to those mentioned, but, these are probably the major ones at this time. As for who is ahead of the others, it is the old pro and the new kid on the block.
The old pro = Netflix
which has more subscribers than any of the other streaming services.
The new kid on the block = Disney+
which is the fastest growing of the streaming services
And then from the Monday, October 19, 2020, issue of USA Today, 8 streaming service plans that range from $20 to $50 per month. The only 2 streaming services that made all 8 plans were CBS All-access and Disney+.
And a final bit of news, Pixar's Soul, which was suppose to be released to theaters this summer, will now be seen exclusively on Disney+.
Sometimes the New York Times gives its obit section over to a list of ordinary people who have fallen victim to the virus around the world. Now and then, we will post one of those lists here.
Saturday, June 6, 2020
a zoologist
a prosecutor
an Italian boxer
an artist
an advocate for the disabled in the Congo.
In the history of the Super Bowl, the following teams have won at least one Super Bowl.
packers -- jets -- chiefs -- colts -- cowboys -- dolphins -- steelers -- raiders -- 49ers -- redskins -- bears -- giants -- broncos -- ravens -- rams -- patriots -- buccaneers -- saints -- seahawks -- eagles.
There has been 7 teams that have won back-to-back Super Bowls, but, no team to date has won 3 Super Bowls in a row. The nearest was the Dallas (Texas) Cowboys, who won Super Bowls XXVII, XXVIII, and XXX.
Times to eat in Germany
Regular Breakfast
2nd Breakfast - known as "Pause" (Break), usually between 8:00 am - 10:00 am. Traditionally 09:00 am.
Dinner - Main meal of the day. Dinner is served in Germany usually between 11:30 am - 12:30 pm. Traditionally 12:00.
"Coffee" - between 02:00 pm - 04:00 pm. That's when Germans enjoy coffee with sweet or savory pastry. Traditionally 03:00 pm.
Lunch - between 05:00 pm - 07:00 pm. Doesn't always include a hot meal. Traditionally 06:00 pm.
Time to eat in Michigan!
Coffee-6:00 am
Peanut butter sandwhich- noon.
Pork chop and saurkraut and mashed potatoes and green beans- 6:00 pm.
Juju fruits- midnight
(https://i.imgur.com/ldodpld.jpg) (https://lunapic.com)
In the last two months, I've bought ten (count 'em, ten) new pairs of underpants.
This is a fact:
This may be one of the most insane things I have ever seen in 3 months!
Well, no,maybe a week.
http://youtu.be/hD74Vzb_yi8 (http://youtu.be/hD74Vzb_yi8)
Ice Cream? WTF is with the ice cream?
Wyatt Earp was an uncredited extra in the 1916 Douglas Fairbanks movie, The Half-Breed.
Victims of the virus continued . . .
New York Times (Wednesday, June 10, 2020)
an entertainer
a nurse
a Russian politican
a theater producer
a waitress
. . .to be continued
The first ever taxidermied walrus ended up much bigger than the walrus had been in life.
The taxidermist had never actually seen a walrus prior to this and had over stuff the body to smooth out the wrinkles.
Quote from: chainsaw midget on October 28, 2020, 02:21:48 PM
The first ever taxidermied walrus ended up much bigger than the walrus had been in life.
The taxidermist had never actually seen a walrus prior to this and had over stuff the body to smooth out the wrinkles.
Why do I find that hilarous? :bouncegiggle:
Previously, I posted a list of football teams that have won the Super Bowl. Here is a list of baseball teams that have not or yet to win the World Series.
Colorado -- Milwaukee -- San Diego -- Seattle -- Tampa Bay -- Texas.
All hosts of the TONIGHT show have the first initial of 'J'.
Jack Parr, Johnny Carson, Jay Leno, and Jimmy Fallon.
In Italy, they're not afraid of Friday the 13th. The day they feel is unlucky is actually Friday the 17th.
Samhainophobia is the medical term for the fear of Halloween. I don't know if there's a movie with that title, but there needs to be.
The world record for largest pumpkin even grown was set only a few years ago in German in October 2016. The pumpkin weighed 2,624.6 lbs.
Joan Rivers was set up to be the next Tonight Show host. But she p**sed Johnny off.
And she was a "j' too.
Victims of the virus continued . . .
New York Times (Saturday, Junfe 13, 2020)
an artist
an Italian coast guard officer
a marine scientist
a pharmacist
a Salvadorian refugee
. . . to be continued
Streaming is now more popular than cable TV.
Comcast's streaming service Peacock 22M
Its cable TV service 19M or
a decline of 273,000.
Netflix 160M
or 7 and a half times as many
Disney+ 60M
or 2 hand a half times as many
New or re-subscribers per month on average
Netflix 2.3M
Peacock 3.5M
Disney+ 5.0M
and this is worldwide
Comcast also has 28M broadband subscribers
Quote from: Trevor on October 25, 2020, 12:42:57 AM
In the last two months, I've bought ten (count 'em, ten) new pairs of underpants.
Stocking up for next Easter, Trevor?
Here comes Trevor Cottontail
Hopping down the underwear trail
Brining loads of underwear to boys and girls who have been good all year.
So, boys and girls
Unless you wanted a broken window
Leave your window open
Because Trevor Cottontail will toss your underwear
Thru the window whether it's open or closed
Hippity! Hoppity!
See him on his way.
Victims of the virus continued . . .
New York Times (Saturday, June 20, 2020)
a Jewish teacher and scholar
a Mexican artist
a leader of the indigenous people of Brazil
a former prisoner
a jewwelry designer
. . . to be continued
A loss need not be a loss
Dolly Parton
once entered a Dolly Parton Look-a-Like Drag contest and loss to a man in drag who looked more like Dolly Parton than the real Dolly Parton. She is not the only one to enter a look-a-like contest and lose.
Charles Chaplin
once entered a Tramp Look-a-like Contest and came in 3rd to two men who looked more like Charles as a Tramp than the real Chaplin.
when she was on Ted Mack's Amateur Hour came in 2nd, losing to a man who played a tune by blowing on a leaf.
Dennis Miller and Sinbad
by the luck of the draw competed against each other in the comedy category on Star Search. Both receiving a perfect 4.0 score from the judges. So the decision was turned over to the audience to pick the winner, and again they tied. Each receiving the same number of votes. So, they both came back the next week, and again both received a perfect 4.0 score from the judges. Again, it was up to the audience to pick the winner, and Dennis Miller lost, Sinbad receiving 1 more vote than Dennis Miller.
This is old, dating back to the time of ancient Greece. When, who is considered one of the great ancient Greek dramatists entered a drama contest with what is now considered a classic ancient Greek drama and lost. What was the winning entry? We do not know as no known example of it still exists.
If I remember right Chaplin did that on a lark; he saw a contest & decided to enter. He lost to someone in a costume.
A handful of 60's/70's movies were shot on high-res video tape: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronovision
Victims of the virus continued . . .
New York Times (Saturday, August 1, 2020)
a baseball player
a home health aide
a professional poker player
a professor
a teacher
. . . to be continued
And then there were 5.
According to wiki, the founding dates for these 5 major film studios are . . .
04/30/12 Universal
05/08/12 Paramounr
04/04/23 Warners
10/16/23 Disney
01/10/24 Columbia
Japan developed an analog HDTV system called Hi-Vision. It was used till the early 2000's.
In The Lord of the Rings series, Aragorn's clothes have a nice worn out lived in look to them.
This is because Viggo Mortensen decided to live in them.
In order to get his clothes as realistically tattered as possible, he worn his costume in his time off and went hiking, horseback riding, and fish in full gear. When there was a tear in his clothes, he'd sew it back together himself.
Victims of the virus continued . . .
New York Times (Wednesday, September 9, 2020)
a neighbor who cared
a music lover
an Indian TV journalist
a teacjer
South Africa's chief social worker
. . . to be continued
While the dates may be somewhat off.
pre-1920s America
an agricultural society
1920s America
an industrial society
with the 4 biggest American corporations being . . .
(in alphabetical order)
General Electric (GE)
General Motors (GM)
International Business Machines (IBM)
U.S. Steel
2020 in the 34d quarter of the year
an informational society
the 4 biggest American corporations by market capitalization
(in alphabetical order)
And who knows what type of society America will be a century from now.
63 days
1512 hours
90739 minutes
5444347 seconds
until Wednesday, January 20, 2021 (Washington DC, District of Columbia time)
(It is 63 days, 0 hours, 19 minutes, 7 seconds.)
I'll be working from home that day too. There *would* be a crowd for the inauguration, but Joe will wave it off as a matter of public safety.
Still, wish I could be there, to yell and wave for Biden and for Senator Harris. Madam VP!
Victims of the virus continued . . .
New York Times (Saturday, September 19, 2020)
a rheumatoid arthritis sufferer
a Mexican actress
a gospel music prodigy
a decorated veteran
. . . to be continued
"Din" stands for "Dinner" apparently. Another internet slang term mystery solved.
What do Walt Disney and Gene Roddenberry have in common? Besides the obvious. It is said that both were members of the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC) or Rosicrucian Order. It is more doubtful that both believed that the Lost Land of Lemur and the Lemurians could be found in the area around Mount Shasta (California.) Certainly, the founder of the Order Harvey Spencer Lewis believed it, as have many people, members and non-members, since then.
In 2009, Irish Police went on the search for 'Prawo Jazdy', a serial driving offender wanted for 50 driving infractions. He not only gave police a different address each time, he also gave them a different alias. It turned out 'Prawo Jazdy' was Polish for 'driving license' and officers had taken this down during traffic stops instead of actual names.
The Elizabethan version of "Jack-of all-trades" was "Johannes factotum" which basically translates as "Johnny do-it-all".
Johnny Do-it-all really needs to make a comeback as a phrase.
Victims of the Virus continued . . .
New York Times (Tuesday, October 27, 2020)
a nurse
a city mayor
a baseball coach
a college football star
a minister
To be continued . . .
Next time: favorites from the world of graphic novels
Rome has some major issues trying to expand their subway system. They keep accidentally running into major archeological finds.
One particular expansion has been in the works for forty years. It's uncovered Hadrian's Athenaeum, a military complex, and an amphitheater.
Rome should just build an elevated train.
As a reader of graphic novels, these are some of my favorites, Except for the 1st one, they are all taken from the graphic novels I have read.
Favorite villains
Batman (TV series)
Favorite villain as a child
an obscure character from one of the Batman stories, but . . .
That is before Batgirl got a hold of him and reformed him.
Favorite villain
Lex Luthor
Though, every portrayal of him on film has left me unsatisfied.
Favorite posse
Scott Lang's (Ant-Man's)
Favorite father and child reunion
Scott Lang's (Ant-Man's) and Cassie
To be continued . . .
Victims of the virus continued . . .
New York Times (Wednesday, November 18)
a Belgian teacher
a Brazilian politican, who downplayed the pandemic
a college professor
a cowboy
founder of Endtime Ministries
. . .to be continued
It is illegal to own gerbils in California or Hawaii.
Quote from: Rev. Powell on December 17, 2020, 02:38:05 PM
It is illegal to own gerbils in California or Hawaii.
And piranhas. At least in California, though that was years ago, when my late father got interested in owning tropical fish. Whether they are still illegal or now legal, I have no idea.
Continuing favorites from the graphic novel.
Favorite Moment
a boy and a girl are standing on the roof of their high school, watching what they think is death approaching, but knowing that they will never be more than friends, as their differences--religion, race, class--are to great to overcome, but, sometimes ere you die, you have to express your true feelings, so they turn to each other and express their love for each other. (Bruno and Kamala or Ms. Marvel)
Favorite heterosexual couple
Bruno and Kamala (Ms. Marvel)
Favorite hero as a child
who I think was more interesting when he was a child, then when he was an adult. And that applie to Thor and the Frost Giants as well. Plus Star Wars, where I think Kanan Janus (Caleb Dume) in the graphic novels was more interesting as a teen, then when he becae an adult.
Favorite Group
The Young Avengers
Favorite gay couple
Hulking and Wiccan
. . . to be continued
Before the movie It Follows (2014) was released to theaters, the German motion picture rating system organization FSK rated the film "12" which is equal to a PG rating, even lower than a PG-13 rating (The film is rated R in the US). The movie's German distributer wasn't happy about the low rating thinking it will lose impact as a horror film in misguiding audience in thinking it was a "children's movie". They re-submitted the film to the FSK requesting a "16" rating which is equal to a PG-13 or R rating. In a rare occasion the FSK granted the wish of the distributor and re-rated It Follows with the requested "16" rating.
The Supreme Court building in Washington DC has a basketball court on the 5th floor, above the actual courtoom.
It is officially labeled "The Highest Court in the Land."
The lizard people from Zathura were puppets: https://www.stanwinstonschool.com/blog/zathura-behind-the-scenes-stan-winston-studio-zorgons?utm_source=YouTube&utm_medium=Zathura%20-%20Behind%20The%20Scenes&utm_campaign=Blog (https://www.stanwinstonschool.com/blog/zathura-behind-the-scenes-stan-winston-studio-zorgons?utm_source=YouTube&utm_medium=Zathura%20-%20Behind%20The%20Scenes&utm_campaign=Blog)
This is one I found out when I was reading up on stuff for the 100 most evil people topics.
in 2009, a 300,000 Euro reward was offered for the capture of "The Phantom Of Heilbronn" (also referred to as "The Woman without a face").
DNA evidence linked her to murders and crimes all across Europe including the murder of a police officer. In one case in particular, two bodies were dragged out of a river and evidence was found to convict two different men. However the Phantom's DNA was also found in the culprits car and whoever she was, the murderers weren't admitting to.
At the end of 2009, after a MASSIVE manhunt, the Phantom of Heilbronn was finally tracked down.
She was an innocent woman that worked in the factory that produced the polices DNA kits.
It's snowing! :buggedout:
Corrine Orr is the last surviving va from the US version of Speed Racer.
QuoteSouth Dakota will let you keep a bear on your property, but domestic pigs are prohibited.
Wha? :question: :buggedout:
Source: https://www.findlaw.com/injury/torts-and-personal-injuries/exotic-animal-laws-by-state.html (https://www.findlaw.com/injury/torts-and-personal-injuries/exotic-animal-laws-by-state.html)
The book The Detective was made into a movie starring Frank Sinatra.
The book had a sequel called Nothing Lasts Forever. That book was later adapted into a movie you may have heard of (especially around Christmas) Die Hard.
Due to contracts when the movie Die hard was being made, they legally had to offer the role to Sinatra first, even though he was ... pretty old at the time.
the next THREE Die Hard movies weren't written as sequels to Die Hard at all.
A book called 58 Minutes became Die hard 2.
A screenplay written as Simon Says was eventually made as Die Hard witha Vengeance (although the script was almost bought and made as Lethal Weapon 4 first).
Another screen play called WW3.com was chosen to be made into Live Free or Die Hard.
A Good Day to Die Hard was the very first Die Hard movie to actually be written as a Die Hard movie.
Up until the 1980s a popular thing to do in Germany was putting a crochet "hat" over a roll of toiletpaper, proudly put on display in the rear of the car
Red dyes were so expensive in Viking-age Scandinavia that those seen wearing red clothes were assumed to be nobles.
Quote from: pacman000 on January 14, 2021, 10:03:00 AM
QuoteSouth Dakota will let you keep a bear on your property, but domestic pigs are prohibited.
Wha? :question: :buggedout:
Source: https://www.findlaw.com/injury/torts-and-personal-injuries/exotic-animal-laws-by-state.html (https://www.findlaw.com/injury/torts-and-personal-injuries/exotic-animal-laws-by-state.html)
It's a misprint on findlaw. It should read "non-domestic [i.e. wild] pigs." (Look at the grid below the article). Good catch on your part.
Between 1986 & 2006 Tokyo Disneyland had a walk through attraction based, in part, on the Black Cauldron. https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Cinderella_Castle_Mystery_Tour
Oscar Levant knew Doris Day before she was a virgin.
There are no drums on the first 50 seconds of "Hey Jude" because Ringo was late coming back from a visit to the bathroom.
I am no longer mad at my husband, so I am going to bed. Fare-thee-well, one and all. Even you.
When I drink red or grape pop, my poop is bright green.
I just read that an NPR station I sometimes listen to is doing a radio performance of Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar Sunday, and that the actor who is playing Julius Caesar is named-----wait for it------Marcus Anthony!
Forty years ago today, Reagan got shot....
Twenty-two years ago today, Fabio collided with a goose.....
The role of Dracula in The Monster Squad almost went to Liam Neeson.
According to a recent study (https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/files/cow/imce/papers/2021/Suitt_Suicides_Costs%20of%20War_June%2021%202021.pdf), since 9/11, four times as many members of the military have died from suicide as were killed during actual operations.
The first "phone book" was printed in in New Haven, Connecticut two years after the phone was invented. It was a single sheet of cardboard with the names of 50 business and people that had phones. It had no actual phone numbers listed on it.
Netflix was originally a DVD by mail service (anyone else remember that?) and the first EVER DVD they sent out was Beetlejuice.
Quote from: Rev. Powell on June 26, 2021, 08:39:07 PM
According to a recent study (https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/files/cow/imce/papers/2021/Suitt_Suicides_Costs%20of%20War_June%2021%202021.pdf), since 9/11, four times as many members of the military have died from suicide as were killed during actual operations.
:bluesad: That's incredibly sad.
Quote from: chainsaw midget on July 07, 2021, 11:17:01 PM
Netflix was originally a DVD by mail service (anyone else remember that?) and the first EVER DVD they sent out was Beetlejuice.
Why wouldn't I remember it? I still get DVDs in the mail from Netflix.
It's been raining so much around here ants are coming into my house.
We're getting a LOT of rain.
Quote from: Rev. Powell on July 08, 2021, 07:45:39 AM
Quote from: chainsaw midget on July 07, 2021, 11:17:01 PM
Netflix was originally a DVD by mail service (anyone else remember that?) and the first EVER DVD they sent out was Beetlejuice.
Why wouldn't I remember it? I still get DVDs in the mail from Netflix.
Honestly, I didn't know they still did that.
Mc (or Mac) in a last name means "son of". So McDonald was "Son of Donald."
However they were also suffixes for "Daughter of". Daughter of Doandl would be NcDonald.
There was even a "grandson of". This was Vc and it was used in addition to the Mc Last name. So Joe, son of Donald and grandson of Mike would be Joe McDonald VcMike.
If I would order one 14.5 oz bag of imported Tostitos Scoops! Tortilla Chips from amazon.de it would cost me €15.79, which is $18.73.
^ Holy Moly! :buggedout:
I got it! Order nachos at a fast food joint- and tell them to hold everything- so you just get chips!
We have nacho chips here in Germany, but no tostitos chips. I used to buy tostitos at the commissary at U.S. Army Installations here when I used to have access to go on base. I was craving tostitos chips the other day because I haven't had any in over ten years :bluesad: but I won't pay that much for a bag of chips. No sir.
Well, dam! Send me your address, and I'll send you a bag of chips! Unless, of course, postage is gonna cost me over $18! :buggedout:
Quote from: chainsaw midget on July 07, 2021, 11:17:01 PM
Netflix was originally a DVD by mail service (anyone else remember that?) and the first EVER DVD they sent out was Beetlejuice.
I remember my parents getting a lot of DVDs that way during my first college go around
Quote from: RCMerchant on September 06, 2021, 10:56:49 AM
Well, dam! Send me your address, and I'll send you a bag of chips! Unless, of course, postage is gonna cost me over $18! :buggedout:
Thanks but there are other places online that sell them cheaper. I might try one of those.
The American book that has been translated into more languages than any other from the US is 'The Way to Happiness' by L.Ron Hubbard.
In 2004, a publishing company called PublishAmerica was trying to dispel rumors that they were a vanity press. People pointed out that they would publish anything and they denied it.
Then they decided to insult fantasy and si-fi writers, claiming the "quality bar" for both genres was "a lot lower than for all other fiction," and that sci-fi and fantasy writers were "literary parasites and plagiarists."
So a group of writers got together and decided to design the WORST book EVER!!! to see whether the company would publish it.
The book was called Atlanta Nights.
It was full of grammar errors, had missing chapters, included one chapter twice, and had two separate chapter 12s. Characters in the story would die and come back to life with no explanation. One chapter was entirely computer generated and contained lines like "I know I was hungry, and impelling him lying naked. She slowly made for a man could join you I know what I ought to take you probably should have. He wants it worriedly. About think what to wear?"
The company accepted it and was ready to publish it right up until the authors revealed what they were doing, then suddenly the company explained that it didn't meet their standards after all.
I was reading about "old" Hollywood recently. Back in the day almost every studio had a 4-7 year contract for actors, but that system phased out during the 1980s.
For example you had to sign a contract if you were an actor Interested in a part of a Universal production. This came with benefits,
rent free housing in Universal City.
extra income $350 weekly for 4-7 years (depending on contract) whether the actor was working or not. That would translate to $1,580 per week in 2021.
Guaranteed to appear in at least two Universal movies per year.
First dips on parts in Universal movies, TV movies or TV series if the head of talent at Universal liked the actor.
Salary for appearing in Universal movies or TV.
Actors were allowed to be in other movies outside of Universal during their contract, if the director or casting agent from another studio insisted.
It was possible but not easy to get out of the contract.
Not a really bad deal I reckon. The biggest problem was if the head of talent didn't like the actor for whatever reason. She (forgot her name but she could be a real biatch from what I read) would go out of her way so the actor wouldn't get work even though under contract.
Dr. Ernst Trier Morch saved thousands of Jews in Denmark by performing surgeries to transplant fake foreskins onto men so they could pass for gentile. He also invented a mixture of rabbit's blood and cocaine that would render bloodhounds unable to track fleeing Jews.
Quote from: chainsaw midget on January 17, 2021, 02:13:02 PM
The book The Detective was made into a movie starring Frank Sinatra.
The book had a sequel called Nothing Lasts Forever. That book was later adapted into a movie you may have heard of (especially around Christmas) Die Hard.
The weird thing about the Roderick Thorp book is that it is way more violent than Die Hard, rather like the book of First Blood by David Morrell.
Quote from: Trevor on October 16, 2021, 02:29:39 AM
Quote from: chainsaw midget on January 17, 2021, 02:13:02 PM
The book The Detective was made into a movie starring Frank Sinatra.
The book had a sequel called Nothing Lasts Forever. That book was later adapted into a movie you may have heard of (especially around Christmas) Die Hard.
The weird thing about the Roderick Thorp book is that it is way more violent than Die Hard, rather like the book of First Blood by David Morrell.
Because of his contract for The Detective, Sinatra had to be offered the lead in Die Hard first.
Quote from: Alex on October 16, 2021, 04:52:19 AM
Because of his contract for The Detective, Sinatra had to be offered the lead in Die Hard first.
Considering that the character Joe Leland - a recovering alcoholic and a retired cop - in the book was a lot older than Bruce Willis' character, that would have been correct to have Mr Sinatra in that role. But man, is that book violent! :buggedout:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nothing_Lasts_Forever_(Thorp_novel) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nothing_Lasts_Forever_(Thorp_novel))
Chief Engineer Montgomery "Scotty" Scott created the Klingon language.
Sort of.
James Doohan recorded several lines of "Klingon" dialogue on tape for an actor that was going to speak in Star Trek the Motion Picture. The actor transcribed the tape phonetically and used that to deliver his dialog.
In Star Trek III they actually hired a linguist to build upon Doohn's work and make a functioning language out of it.
Oscar Wilde dined at London's Savoy Hotel over one-hundred times, and stayed there for several weeks, primarily for illicit purposes, reserving a particular suite with a double bath tub. Wilde declared the hotel to be "a perfect paradise" and said he could die happily there.
At the trial in which he was rashly suing his lover's father for libel after the Marquess of Queensbury infamously accused Wilde of "posing as a sodomite" (an absurd charge, if one thinks about it) employees of the Savoy were called to testify against Wilde concerning his conduct at the posh hotel, giving details of Wilde's brazenly carrying on with men within the confines of the Savoy, largely setting the stage for Wilde to lose his case and subsequently face ruinous arrest under Britain's existing laws against homosexuality.
Wilde compared his "betrayal" by his beloved Savoy to the kiss Judas gave Christ, and to the end of his life, five years later, wept bitterly at the memory.
In the 21st century management at the Savoy would apologize to Wilde for violating his privacy in court, though the Savoy also revealed the notoriously spendthrift Wilde still owed the hotel over four-thousand pounds in unpaid bills....
British director Ronald Neame's most popular movie was The Poseidon Adventure (1972). The first movie he directed was Take My Life (1947), and the last movie he directed was the comedy Foreign Body (1986). He was 75 when he did Foreign Body. He passed away in 2010 at the age of 99.
I feel like he never got the credit he deserved, especially for The Poseidon Adventure. He also directed First Monday in October (1981) which I enjoyed quite a bit.
Born in 1911, he lived through almost ten decades which I think is amazing. What a life he must had.
1910s - When he was 1 the Titanic sank.
1920s - When he was 9 women gained the right to vote.
1930s - When he was 26 the Hindenburg caught fire.
1940s - When he was 30 Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.
1950s - When he was 46 the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1.
1960s - When he was 52 John F. Kennedy was assassinated.
1970s - When he was 59 the Beatles disbanded.
1980s - When he was 69 John Lennon was killed.
1990s - When he was 86 Diana, Princess of Wales died.
2000s - When he was 90 terrorist destroyed the World Trade Center.
Piers Morgan tells of an occasion in which he saw President Clinton shake dozens of hands at a function, then turn around and scoop up a piece of pie in his own unwashed right hand, and set about devouring it. Oh my.
^ If it was pecan...well hell yes! :thumbup:
I'd pet a wet dog, wipe my ass, blow my nose and grab some pecan pie!
Quote from: ER on December 28, 2021, 10:06:54 AM
Piers Morgan tells of an occasion in which he saw President Clinton shake dozens of hands at a function, then turn around and scoop up a piece of pie in his own unwashed right hand, and set about devouring it. Oh my.
I'd be more worried if I had touched Piers Morgan to be fair. There isn't enough sterilizing fluid in the world to cleanse that kind of taint.
Quote from: RCMerchant on December 28, 2021, 10:18:52 AM
^ If it was pecan...well hell yes! :thumbup:
I'd pet a wet dog, wipe my ass, blow my nose and grab some pecan pie!
Quote from: Alex on December 28, 2021, 11:42:26 AM
Quote from: ER on December 28, 2021, 10:06:54 AM
Piers Morgan tells of an occasion in which he saw President Clinton shake dozens of hands at a function, then turn around and scoop up a piece of pie in his own unwashed right hand, and set about devouring it. Oh my.
I'd be more worried if I had touched Piers Morgan to be fair. There isn't enough sterilizing fluid in the world to cleanse that kind of taint.
Ha! I take it Piers Morgan is yucky?
Quote from: ER on December 28, 2021, 11:52:06 PM
Quote from: Alex on December 28, 2021, 11:42:26 AM
Quote from: ER on December 28, 2021, 10:06:54 AM
Piers Morgan tells of an occasion in which he saw President Clinton shake dozens of hands at a function, then turn around and scoop up a piece of pie in his own unwashed right hand, and set about devouring it. Oh my.
I'd be more worried if I had touched Piers Morgan to be fair. There isn't enough sterilizing fluid in the world to cleanse that kind of taint.
Ha! I take it Piers Morgan is yucky?
He is a pretty foul example of humanity who should have served jail time imo. There was a scandal where journalists from Rupert Murdock's newspapers in the UK were hacking into people's phones and listening to their voice mails, including in one case where a young girl went missing. When voice mails were being deleted from her phone, it gave the police and her family hope that she was still alive. It turned out the hackers were deleting messages because her phone was full and they wanted to get new ones. The girl was later found dead. Due to political connections, the people in charge involved mostly lost jobs rather than facing criminal convictions. He had moved on from being the editor of The Sun by the time the scandal broke, but there was some evidence that it was happening during his time there and with his knowledge. Nothing was ever proven though. Generally, The Sun was one of the worst papers for making up stories and telling outright lies.
Quote from: Alex on December 30, 2021, 01:48:32 AM
Quote from: ER on December 28, 2021, 11:52:06 PM
Quote from: Alex on December 28, 2021, 11:42:26 AM
Quote from: ER on December 28, 2021, 10:06:54 AM
Piers Morgan tells of an occasion in which he saw President Clinton shake dozens of hands at a function, then turn around and scoop up a piece of pie in his own unwashed right hand, and set about devouring it. Oh my.
I'd be more worried if I had touched Piers Morgan to be fair. There isn't enough sterilizing fluid in the world to cleanse that kind of taint.
Ha! I take it Piers Morgan is yucky?
He is a pretty foul example of humanity who should have served jail time imo. There was a scandal where journalists from Rupert Murdock's newspapers in the UK were hacking into people's phones and listening to their voice mails, including in one case where a young girl went missing. When voice mails were being deleted from her phone, it gave the police and her family hope that she was still alive. It turned out the hackers were deleting messages because her phone was full and they wanted to get new ones. The girl was later found dead. Due to political connections, the people in charge involved mostly lost jobs rather than facing criminal convictions. He had moved on from being the editor of The Sun by the time the scandal broke, but there was some evidence that it was happening during his time there and with his knowledge. Nothing was ever proven though. Generally, The Sun was one of the worst papers for making up stories and telling outright lies.
Yeah, that's bad.
The first time Marvel and DC comics ever worked together was to produce a comic adaption of the Wizard of Oz.
Apparently Marvel and DC both had the idea for a Wizard of Oz comic at about the same time.
DC aquired the rights to the MGM movie, while Marvel was going to based theirs on the books, which where public domain. It wasn't long into the production of the Marvel comic before Stan Lee learned DC was working on its own Wizard of Oz comic.
While there was clearly a market for one Wizard of Oz comic, two competing Wizard of Oz comics would probably cancel each other out, leading to neither company making a profit. Lee went to the publisher of DC and the two of them worked out a deal to make one 82-page oversized comic with the oversized title of Marvel and DC Present MGM's Marvelous Wizard of Oz.
It was actually mostly a Marvel production using Marvel staff as it's creative team and the licensing rights DC had acquired.
One year after this, Marvel and DC would work together again and have Spider-man meet Superman.
This topic has been dormant long enough!
The design for Chewbacca was based on a character George Lucas saw on the cover of a science fiction magazine. The character he saw on the cover was from a story by a pre-Game of Thrones George R.R. Martin.
Hitchcock once wrote a movie that he had planned to at least partially take place in Disneyland. Walt Disney himself nixed the idea saying that "in no circumstances would Hitchcock, maker of that disgusting movie Psycho, be allowed to shoot a foot of film in Disneyland."
Hitchock tried to rework the idea, but the movie itself never ended up getting made.
The Bill Murray movie "Stripes" was originally written as "Cheech and Chong in the Army."
Things got so bad during the production of Shrek that Dreamworks began to assign animators to it as punishment.
Movies used to be banned in Hollywood! Before 1910, cinemas where banned in Hollywood. When Hollywood merged with Los Angeles the ban was removed.
Quote from: ER on December 30, 2021, 06:19:48 AM
Quote from: Alex on December 30, 2021, 01:48:32 AM
Quote from: ER on December 28, 2021, 11:52:06 PM
Quote from: Alex on December 28, 2021, 11:42:26 AM
Quote from: ER on December 28, 2021, 10:06:54 AM
Piers Morgan tells of an occasion in which he saw President Clinton shake dozens of hands at a function, then turn around and scoop up a piece of pie in his own unwashed right hand, and set about devouring it. Oh my.
I'd be more worried if I had touched Piers Morgan to be fair. There isn't enough sterilizing fluid in the world to cleanse that kind of taint.
Ha! I take it Piers Morgan is yucky?
He is a pretty foul example of humanity who should have served jail time imo. There was a scandal where journalists from Rupert Murdock's newspapers in the UK were hacking into people's phones and listening to their voice mails, including in one case where a young girl went missing. When voice mails were being deleted from her phone, it gave the police and her family hope that she was still alive. It turned out the hackers were deleting messages because her phone was full and they wanted to get new ones. The girl was later found dead. Due to political connections, the people in charge involved mostly lost jobs rather than facing criminal convictions. He had moved on from being the editor of The Sun by the time the scandal broke, but there was some evidence that it was happening during his time there and with his knowledge. Nothing was ever proven though. Generally, The Sun was one of the worst papers for making up stories and telling outright lies.
Yeah, that's bad.
Piers recently returned to tv with a new show with him avowing he was going to use it to "cancel, cancel culture". The first episode featured an interview with ex-prez trump and pulled in 400,000 viewers. A few weeks later his viewing figures have plummeted to 10,000 and falling (although for the channel he is on, this is still a high number of viewers compared to the other shows it has).
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain lived the last forty years of his life with a bullet lodged in his bladder.
Germany has one of the highest rates of gun ownership worldwide, yet also one of the lowest rates of gun-related deaths.
Quote from: claws on May 26, 2022, 02:42:28 AM
Germany has one of the highest rates of gun ownership worldwide, yet also one of the lowest rates of gun-related deaths.
Here in South Africa people were disarmed in 1994 as the new government feared a revolution and it is extremely difficult to get a firearm licence. Firearms are also hideously expensive.
It's now Ben's Original Rice instead of Uncle Ben's Rice, but before it was even that it was originally promoted as Uncle Bens Plantation Rice.
Who is Uncle Ben? There's actually very little information on him. We don't even known his real last name. We do know, however that he was a rice farmer in Texas in the 1940s (possibly. It could have been the 30s or earlier) who was renowned for his rice.
The reason he's "Uncle Ben" and not "Mr. Ben" is because at the time the product was first named, white people often felt uncomfortable calling black people Mister, so Aunt and Uncle were often used in it's place for older black people.
However the guy you see on the labels isn't Uncle Ben. It's a man named Frank Brown who worked at a restaurant frequented by the man who owned "Converted Brand Rice". He paid Frank the equivalent of $50 for his likeness and used it to rebrand his rice company.
"Marriages between relatives are widespread in the Middle East, particularly in Saudi Arabia, where a government study has found that 56.8% of all marriages are between first and second cousins or more distant relatives."
Recent studies have discovered that Sand Tiger Sharks engage in cannibalism even fore they're born. While still in the womb, unborn baby sharks eat their siblings to satisfy their hunger.
Corporal punishment in German schools ended in 1973 but was not completely abolished until 1983.
It is still legal in America. More than 167,000 students were paddled in the 2011–2012 school year in American public schools.
If you could empty out Loch Ness (of both the water and that big dinosaur that lives in it) you could fit every single person in the planet in it. They probabaly wouldn't like it though.
I have insomnia. Um, yaaaay.
A painting that had been missing and assumed lost for 90s years was rediscovered when an art historian sat down with his young daughter to watch Stuart Little and saw it hanging in the background of a scene as set dressing.
Russia's total gdp os only a bit larger than NYC's, and a bit smaller than New York state's.
Australians export camels to the Middle East.
Charlie Chaplin and Groucho Marx met while performing in a theater in Manitoba. Marx was seventeen and Chaplin a year older. While Marx did a standard Vaudeville comedy routine, Chaplin's act was insane and involved him pretending to be a drunk who staggered up to a balcony two stories above the stage, then spilled stuporously off the balcony, only to catch himself on the handrail with the crook of his umbrella. Even half a century later Marx would say it was the craziest thing he'd ever seen a comedian do, yet Chaplin did this hundreds of times without incident.
Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page played guitar on the classic theme song to "Goldfinger" (1964).
I've been invited to section hike the Arizona Trail.
^If I was you I'd go! If I was me (and I am me) -hell no! I'd be a pile of bones with vultures picking at my flesh. '' You're 60 years young! " No,I'm 60 years old!
I am very, very tired today. I used to be able to handle 3 or 4 days without sleep, but right now I seem to be down to one. This is the 3rd.
Richard Francis Burton wrote that in Yemen there is something called "the sweet wind" that happens each year coinciding with when strong breezes blow off the Red Sea and bring with them the sugar-rich pollens of a type of shrub that flourishes in the Horn of Africa. It is said the waters of the Red Sea keep the pollens moist and thereby preserve their sweetness, making it seem the winds themselves suddenly have that taste.
"Scientists know that rats like to have their bellies tickled, so they used that as basis for testing happiness in rats. They found out that the ears of rats undergoing tickling became droopier and pinker - subtle signs of being relaxed and happy"
Just what I needed to know- how to make rats happy.
Tom Graeff, the man who wrote, edited, and directed Teenagers From Outer Space (You know, the movie with the ray gun that turns people into skeletons and the one that uses the shadow of a lobster as it's giant monster) put an ad in the Los Angles times declaring himself to be Jesus Christ The Second and even had his name legally changed.
I'm on my second bout of Cellulitis in about 5 or 6 years. Bacterial infections are FUN. :cheers:
Tiger Pee smells like buttered popcorn.
Quote from: HappyGilmore on January 24, 2023, 09:29:16 AM
I'm on my second bout of Cellulitis in about 5 or 6 years. Bacterial infections are FUN. :cheers:
I trust you'll be OK soon. :thumbup:
Rod Serling (of Twilight Zone fame) once tried to play a prank on Richard Matheson (who wrote the Nightmare at 20,000 feet among other things).
The two of them were going to fly to San Fransisco together. Serling arranged the seats, and made sure the stewardesses had the shades drawn closed. Rod also had a poster of the gremlin blown up and taped to the outside of the window. The idea was that he would nervously say to Richard to to draw the shades and Matheson would open them to reveal a gremlin right outside the window.
However right as he was about to have Matheson open the window, the plane started and the propellers blew the poster away.
Rod was a bit uipset as he had spent hours trying to figure out how top pull the prank off and Richard Matheson never even saw it.
Quote from: chainsaw midget on January 24, 2023, 11:42:10 AM
Tiger Pee smells like buttered popcorn.
Maybe theater popcorn uses tiger p**s? :question:
I mean, it's yellow, and...butterey? :question:
I know leopard urine does, but I didn't know that about tigers. Boy, that's sure not true of housecats...
Kellogg's pop tarts made their way into German supermarkets only a few years ago. They are made in the US and shipped to Germany.
There are only two pop tart flavors available, strawberry and chocolate.
One single pop tart weights 1.6 oz. One single pop tart in the US weights 3.3 oz.
In the 1828 Presidential campaign, John Quincy Adams was accused of using Federal funds to install "gambling tables" in the White House in order to turn it into a den of iniquity. What he'd actually done was purchase (out of his own salary) a chess board and billiards table to play against his sons.
I believe it! Why not?
Historians consider the 1895 short film L'Arroseur Arose, directed by film pioneer Louis Lumière, to be not only the first comedy in cinema's history but the first film to use a fictional narrative.
The plot of the 45 second film is thus: a gardener waters his plants with a hose, a young boy steps on the hose, the gardener looks into the end of the hose to investigate, the boy removes his foot from the hose, the gardener is sprayed in the face, the boy runs.
^Oh, hey, I remember seeing that.
Martial Arts actor Michael Jai White has a strict "he can't ever lose a fight on screen" clause in his contracts when he films fight scenes.
Vin Diesel was the first to have such a "can't ever lose a fight" clause, followed by Dwayne Johnson, who has the same clause.
Quote from: claws on August 18, 2024, 01:44:36 AMMartial Arts actor Michael Jai White has a strict "he can't ever lose a fight on screen" clause in his contracts when he films fight scenes.
Vin Diesel was the first to have such a "can't ever lose a fight" clause, followed by Dwayne Johnson, who has the same clause.
what's this about... is it purely a vanity / 'image' thing? because if so that's really dumb.
I believe it's a fact that Bruce Lee never had an actual officially recognised 'fight'... as in tournament / championship / one-off bout stuff.
I did some laundry last week. 😉
Quote from: zombie no.one on August 18, 2024, 02:43:21 AMwhat's this about... is it purely a vanity / 'image' thing? because if so that's really dumb.
I assume it is about image, and probably a huge ego. They want to be seen as the hero type.
So yeah, dumb indeed.
edit to add Jason Statham to the list.
Mrs. Columbo ran for 13 episodes. During that time, it had three name changes.
It started out as Mrs. Columbo changing to Kate Columbo, then Kate the Detective and ultimately Kate Loves a Mystery.
In France it was released on DVD as Madame Columbo.
^...better known as " Kate's Ratings Bomb."
^ it's on tubi
Lebanon is 43.4% Christian
since 2009, every single video on youtube to break the 'most viewed video ever on youtube' record, is a music video.
Somehow, I find that sad.
MTV stopped showing music videos in the mid-2010s. People were looking for other viewing options, I guess.
Say what you want about music videos as an art form, but they are (or were) a good place for beginning filmmakers to develop their technical chops before tackling features.
Quote from: Rev. Powell on October 17, 2024, 08:55:28 AMSay what you want about music videos as an art form, but they are (or were) a good place for beginning filmmakers to develop their technical chops before tackling features.
Agreed, Russell Mulcahy and Steve Barron come to mind 😊😊🐢
Quote from: Rev. Powell on October 17, 2024, 08:55:28 AMSay what you want about music videos as an art form, but they are (or were) a good place for beginning filmmakers to develop their technical chops before tackling features.
No problem with music videos; I just wish YouTube remained an amateur platform.
Then again, some of those videos were made by amateurs who may not have gotten a shot without YouTube.
Quote from: claws on October 28, 2024, 11:37:25 AM(https://i.postimg.cc/GhJbTFLH/IMG-3824.jpg)
I originally misread that as "highest grossing unwanted movie of all time."
QuoteIs Terrifier 3 rated NC 17?
Had it done so, it would have almost certainly received an NC-17 rating, which would have barred anyone under the age of 17 from attending. Instead, Terrifier 3 went unrated – something that would usually mean that most US theatre chains would refuse to show the film at all.
I assume most theatre chains are now like "damnit!" for missing out on $$$
So, it is possible to have a box office hit for movies without a rating. The more you know!
Quote from: pacman000 on October 19, 2024, 02:42:15 PMQuote from: Rev. Powell on October 17, 2024, 08:55:28 AMSay what you want about music videos as an art form, but they are (or were) a good place for beginning filmmakers to develop their technical chops before tackling features.
No problem with music videos; I just wish YouTube remained an amateur platform.
Then again, some of those videos were made by amateurs who may not have gotten a shot without YouTube.
big music artists have teams of promoters behind them, wouldn't surprise me if a lot of algorhythm jigging goes on
one thing I noticed lately is youtube will start autoplaying vids in search results as you scroll down past them, and that counts as a view! (because said vids will then show up in your 'viewing history', even though they were not actively clicked on)
the Hunga Tonga underwater volcano eruption of 2022, erupted with the force of 150 million tons of TNT. the largest underwater explosion ever recorded
4 different teams have won the last 5 world series. All of them had a player on the roster named "Will Smith."
The Vatican's secret spy service is known as the Holy Alliance or the Entity. The Vatican has a long history of espionage, with activities dating back to the 16th century.
They also have one of the biggest telescopes in the world too right?
Which I find that really interesting...
Pope facts!
People wanted Pope Clement VII to ban coffee because they thought it was the "devil's beverage." After tasting some coffee though, the Pope said it would be a sin to only let unbelievers drink something so delicious.
The Pope doesn't have to be a cardinal or a priest. Any baptized man can be elected. However, the last non-cardinal, non-priest elected was Urban VI in 1378. Also on that note, there is no age limit on being the Pope. The youngest Pope ever was only 18 and the oldest man to become Pope was 80.
Pope Gregory IX thought cats were the incarnation of Satan! This led to a massive killing of cats, which caused a massive increase in the rats, which THEN caused a massive outbreak of the black death. oops.
Pope Francis was once a nightclub bouncer.
Sometimes the Pope names a new cardinal without telling anyone. Not even the cardinal. You could be a cardinal right now and not even know it!
Pope Benedict XVI flew his own helicopter but never learned to drive a car.
According to experts, thanks to technological revolutions in production and distribution, today more music is released in one day than was released in the entire calendar year of 1989.
All seven DeBarge siblings were drug addicted (cocaine) throughout their career, except El BeBarge (bottom, left).
Jackie Chan's father was secretly a spy for the Chinese Nationalist Revolutionary Army as well as a gangboss. He met Jackie's mother when he arrested her for smuggling opium into China. In addition to being an opium dealer, she was also a well known underground gambler.
His father also told him that his name wasn't actually Chan at all. It was Fang.
Jackie didn't learn this facts until after his mother's death in 2001. Jackie was 47 years old at the time.