Finally, the best in the Godzilla series is on GODZILLA VS. THE THING (1964; Video Title: GODZILLA VS. MOTHRA) contains everything a Godzilla fan would want. Great special effects from Eiji Tsuburaya, superb camerawork, colorful scenery, a good cast, and best of all English language dubbing that actually works well in this film. And if that is not enough, their is plenty of gripping action in this one too and contains the best Godzilla costume ever to be constructed by those wonderful people at Toho International. Definatly the best in the series because it delivers more than what you really ask for. This is available in it's original widescreen 2.35:1 on both video and DVD (if you check out the widescreen version, it has the original U.S. title GODZILLA VS. THE THING unlike how the panned and scanned version has the computer-like title GODZILLA VS. MOTHRA imposed on the film). Here is some interesting trivia for the Godzilla fan: the American distributor American International Pictures (AIP for short) requested extra footage to be added in for U.S. release. Director Inoshiro Honda fillmed a scene in which both the Japanese and U.S. Navy attack Godzilla with Frontier Missiles. Though intedned for it's U.S. release, the additional sequence is NOT in the Japanese version! So get the dubbed widescreen version for the full uncut impact.
This is, to my memory, the first Godzilla film I remember seeing. The battle between Big G., and the title creature is of course the main reason to sit through this flick. Godzilla is in top form here, in a seemingly evil role, as the "Bad monster", while Mothra is "GOOD MONSTER" WHO SAVES Tokyo, and her offspring from certain death. A good way to kill an hour and a half, on a Sunday afternoon. The network SPACE, is the best chance to see these treasured films. At least, this wasn't as bad, as Godzilla's Revenge (the worst Godzilla movie on record).
Loved this one as a kid, mostly for the dream-like fantasy atmosphere, and I've always had a weakness for those cute little twin Fairy girls speaking in unison and singing their lilting, hypnotic song to Mothra.
Yeah, I also had a crush on the tiny shobijin girls... OKAY OKAY I still do.., They were always so adoreable! ...But that singing of theirs, AAAAAAAAIIIIIIIEEEEEEE!!!!!!!
All I gotta say is: what's up the twins? No! No! Don't sing!! Ack!
In what was the 1st G-flick to face off 2 star monsters against each other, i find this one very likable with its formula,good direction and subplots.
Thers's so many things to like about the movie:
(a)Godzilla erupting tailfirst from the ground..
(b)the usual military efforts(the electric volt net is cool)to stop him.
(c)Mothra to the rescue!!
(d)Even the act of avengence by the mothra twins on Godzilla is a one-of-a-kind experience.IMO
Throw in the goofy guy element,the bad guys subplot and 2 fairy girls rounds out this solid sci-fi fantasy.
Actually, this is the 3rd. The first being Godzilla Raids Again and the second being King Kong vs. Godzilla.
Godzilla vs. The Thing was the 4th of who knows how many Godzilla films,originally released by Paramount in 1964,A.I.P bought the rights to show it on tv,the movie kept its orignal title,after some behind the scenes frictions with there American counterparts,Toho decided to make this the best one for the 10year anniversary,Godzilla gets to fight Japans national treasure Mothra a.k.a. The Thing,usually the name of the victorious monster goes first,that's why they gave Mothra the alias the thing,now days like Sandy Frank redone Gamera movies,someone got the idea to change the name to Godzilla vs. Mothra,which doesn't work,mize well consider Mothra vs. Godzilla.
I always wonder how they manage to rebuild Tokyo again and again and... after Godzilla and some other monster have a fight in the middle of it. I mean if i was the emperor i would have the city relocated underground ( it worked in Evangelion didnt it?) since every monster in the world obviously hates the damned metropolis ,or do they just want to see that famous TV tower.
Yeah, mothra's little fairy preistesses are cute, but as soon as they start that annoying singing buisness, I'm lookin' for the fly-swatter!!!!
I adore the Peanut Sisters, and I think their singing is Great! So much so that I've collected the songs they released in their non-Mothra yah boo to all the tin-ears who think their singing sucks (who thought that a loooooooooooooong time ago...
I found some of the teaser posters for the American release of Godzilla vs. Mothra. They kept saying that Mothra was going to be a monster so horrifying and shocking that people with heart problems could not enter the theater, etc...typical Alfred Hitchcocky gimmicks of the day that basically say "this is too scary for p*ssies like you!"
Imagine the audience's collective laughter and relief when they discovered that this horrible "THING" they had anticipated was not a nightmarish fiend, but a good-natured, cute giant moth!
To an earlier comment on whether Godzilla vs Mothra was the 1st G-flick to pit 2 star monsters against each other--i believe this was the case(not the 3rd..) a definition of 'star monster' meant as in being the lead role-in their own movie before pitting 'em against each other in another toho flick (King kong didnt originate as a toho star-being an American creation but in Godzilla Raids Again, true, Angurus is a toho icon BUT he never starred in his own movie ala Godzilla(1954) and Mothra(1964).
Even though I hate the Peanut Sisters' singing, and their song for Mothra used in the film, I think that this is one of Akira Ifukube's best score, especially his 'Terror of Godzilla' theme. I also think that this is THE best Godzilla movie of all time, not just touching on the horror of nuclear weapons, as represented by Godzilla, but also as an allogory of corperate greed, as represented by the two capitalist pig villians. Eiji Tsuburaya's SPFX are also great and the G-suit design was perfect, matched only by the suit used in GODZILLA VS. BIOLLENTE.
Completely changed my life! Applying sophistication and quiet reserve of the twin fairies have pulled me through many a perilous moment!
The best of the Godzilla series, with only "Ghidorah-- The Three-Headed Monster" & "Godzilla Vs. Monster Zero" being any competition. The Godzilla suit this time around is well done, not as frog-like and bug-eyed through the face as later versions. After this entry, just about all traces of Godzilla's terror and villainy were eradicated as he became more domesticated and even "cute". Mothra the Goddess-Moth (though she's presumably hermaphroditic) is both lovely to behold and a force to be reckoned with. Only Ghidorah is able to match her in sheer majesty. I can recall watching the film on late night TV as a child and crying at Mothra's climactic demise after she has expended all of her lifeforce to defend her imperiled egg. It's probably one of the most profound moments of pathos in the Godzilla series, much like the surviving pterodactyl diving into the lava to join its doomed mate in "Rodan." Later entries in the series became jokey and excessively cartoonish, lacking the delicate balance between outlandish destruction and character development that "Godzilla Vs. Mothra" displays.
The First time Mothra battles my Hero Godzilla for the first time. Godzilla vs. Mothra was the best godzilla movies I've ever seen the special effects were good such was godzilla's Radioactive Fire breath (wouldn't miss it) and Mothra's Poision dust but the bit when Godzilla melted a tank looked a bit silly but still the Realistic tank melting scene was great all the miniatures in godzilla movies are real not fake and now I think Godzilla vs. Mothra is the best godzilla and mothra movies ever.
I loved this movie.
I hated the shobijins' singing.
I have enough aggravation...!
I've recently seen a slightly different version of this, made around the mid-90's featuring a monster called Battra (or something like that). Made by Toho as well. Is it a direct remake or simply an adaptation?
I do not really like it that much.The shobijins' singing not interested.This is like the worstest Godzilla film ever.I rather watch Godzilla from the 70's like GODZILLA VS. THE SMOG MONSTER!THIS SUCKS!
And how about those twin elf girls who could talk and sing in unison? MOTHERA,MOTHERA,MOTHERA neat i tell you
A very enjoyable movie with the monsters playing there parts seriously unlike in the later sequels.They did a remake in the 90's called GODZILLA VS MOTRHA THE BATTLE FOR EARTH and that movie was great but the girls who played the fairies in that movie was not as adorable as the PEANUTS.THE PEANUTS RULE.
How can anyone not like the singing of the Peanuts? It is the most beautiful sound in the universe, that's why the Mighty and Glorious Goddess Mothra responds to those sweet and beautiful Peanuts who are Goddesses in their own right! I wish I could clone myself so I could double date with the Peanuts! It would also be nice if I could have a peanut standing on each of my shoulders so they could sing directly into my ears so I could get the full stereo effect of that heavenly sound! If I were a moth, large or small, I would fly anywhere to save those divine little creatures if they were ever in distress. May Mothra always be glorified! And may those adorable little peanuts always be adored!
This is an awesome movie. I grew up seeing the Mothra[2nd Generation who fought Godzilla]see for details.I mostly like the colors of Mothra's wings
The Ito Sisters, better known as The Peanuts, are said to have actually appeared on 'The Ed Sullivan Show' and elsewhere on 1960s American teevee. I have been lucky enough to hear some of their non-Daikaiju music, and it is at least as good as any they sing on this and other Toho films. And they even had an excellent command of English. Highly recommended is their cover of "Blue Canary".
I said I regretted not giving Keith my Godzilla vs. The Thing,my old vhsplayers and tapes are getting old however I did it!.
I made,although not perfect,but some of it was due to station trouble,and given the faded color of the original AIP print,but I'll never understand why UPA cut little bits out the first 38mins of the film.
Back in 1980 I taped Godzilla vs. The Thing off TV,the AIP version,but I didn't tape the whole thing back then. OHHH!! Those tiny!!,if not return the egg!!,it was that Mothra Song!!.
I finally broke down in 1999 and pieced it all together,"Return the Egg",Mothra Song and all. Though sometimes I wonder.
But if we can get through that this is the best of all the Godzilla movies,the great musical score,Godzillas rampage,the military's up to full strength,the lighting towers would of worked if the high ups have listened to the privates and not increased voltage,and next to Gamera and Gaos,another wonderful monster battle featuring 4 super monsters!,the final battle between the two larvas and Godzilla on the island was classic,just like Gamera and Gaos air battle.
Despite the sound & some picture discrepancies and having to turn up the color control up,I'll take my homemade DVD and vhs version of Godzilla vs. The Thing over the Sony version,which has the AIP opening but turns out to be a letterboxed version of what they originally came out with in the first place any old time!.
I just got Sonys other Mothra vs. Godzilla.
Seems like this one is a real AIP print after all,however,after all these years of waitting for this,putting up with the UPA missing little bits and pieces edition,guess what scene,although minor,is missing from this version.
I won't say what it is,it's minor,but still,even when Sony tries to get it right,they still cannot make a Godzilla vs. The Thing without at least on missing scene.
Quote from: George on December 17, 2010, 07:01:27 PM
I just got Sonys other Mothra vs. Godzilla.
Seems like this one is a real AIP print after all,however,after all these years of waitting for this,putting up with the UPA missing little bits and pieces edition,guess what scene,although minor,is missing from this version.
I won't say what it is,it's minor,but still,even when Sony tries to get it right,they still cannot make a Godzilla vs. The Thing without at least one missing scene.
That's right,I quote myself,"Missed the spelling one by an e."