If you should see this movie for any reason it is the polar bear. If you haven't seen it, it is a man painted white wearing a bear head and bear gloves. To this day my brother and I still laugh our asses off about that.
I've always felt sorry for Canadians...the world looks at them as "Americans without the Big Stick..." We p**s so many people off...I'd be terrified to walk around anywhere without my stick...I'd feel even worse if I were a Canuck mistaken for an "American" and got my guts stomped out or even spat on...You all seem like such nice people up there...Are your misquetoes really big enough to fly off with small children? Do you people ever make s**t movies as bad as we do?....Wait! You did send us Michael J. Fox and Loren Greene, didn't you. And Ceilin Dion...I'd love to whap her with a stick. I'd love to see the Yukon...but I wouldn't willing go anywhere knowing they still showed this rotten film on the tele...Really now, after experiancing Alan Thicke...I thought you people had better taste than we did! Peace...(Sorry this isn't in French...I'm a product of the American Public Education System...Which means I'm damn lucky if I can write it in English after forty+ years of practice.)
I'm sorry to disagree with my esteamed colleage, but the Mexican "Santa Claus" is by far worse than Santa Claus Conquers the Martians. Perhaps he hasn't seen this brillaint film, in which case I'll be glad to play it with him next month when he comes in to B-Fest.
SCtM has a much better theme song, though.
I finally, after months of searching, have found this rare gem of a film. Good for those who are true moviephiles, like myself. For others, a good cure for insomnia. Works better than a dose of sleeping pills.
After reading some reviews for this movie, I thought it was gonna be really bad, I mean, bad, not even good.
But it is good. But still bad, if you know what I mean...
If you like bad movies, see this one!
Yes this movie is just plain atrocious.It's not even a "good" bad movie.It is, in fact, akin to a bottle of sleeping pills.I watched it once at 3 in the afternoon and found myself sawing wood halfway thru. I found a copy on tape at Blockbuster for $2.99 and it was cut! No performance by the dear little kiddies doing for theme song. I was ripped off.
I just gotta know: Is that one weasely little villian REALLY Jamie Farr? IMDB does not list him, nor his earlier nom de film: Jameel Farah. However, E-online, DOES list him. Who am I to believe? Can Santy help?(it's spelled S-A-N-T-A, but pronounced "Santy")
It has been over 20 years since I've seen this film, but I am still haunted by the sheer goofyness it asked viewers to accept.
Just started watching this movie what a laugh!! I just finished watching the scene with the robot busting down santas door "torx" the bobot whith the silver painted can on his head..Im laughing my ass off, a true gem of a movie indeed.....this movie is so action packed, with high suspence and mind altering twist, a must see over 18 yrs of age for sure...Later M....
Was this movie acutally in theaters? If so, I gotta have the poster!
In 4th grade my best friend and I stumbled upon this movie at Blockbuster under the "Cult Classics" section. Still to this day, 15 years later, we both LOVE watching this movie together. We still laugh with all the intensity as the first time we saw it. YOU MUST SEE THIS MOVIE!!! I wonder how Pia Zadora feels about it...
My name is Vic Stiles and yes, i starred in the movie "Santa Claus The Martians" as the earth boy, Billy Foster. I was searching on yahoo and came to find this site is alive and well. I am very please to see that people still love to talk and watch the movie i had once made years ago. I think it had been and will always be a classic,and should be played on T.V every year. For the past couple years i have been fortunate enough to catch my movie on T.v. This year i was sad to learn that it had not been played. We need to put pressure on networks to get this classical movie played once again! Thanks a lot for making a site dedicated to this cult classic. Goodluck with the site its very nice, thanks again
Vic Stiles
In response to Betsy, I was wondering the same thing.... is that weasily,little martian with the big shnozz Jamie Farr??? Listen to his voice, with the few lines he says, it sounds like him!! Obviously this is one of those flicks he'd rather forget. He isn't even listed in the final credits. Overall, this is a fun flick to watch around Christmas time with the kids, or other adults who like to make fun of low-budget blunders, a'la Mystery Science Theater 3000. Maybe Rhino Records will release the MST3K version.
I've seen this item and the Mexican Wrestling Federation "Santa Claus" (mentioned previously) back to back at a holiday MST3K evening.
Poo. It's really hard to take even with the full MSTreatment. Actually, I got up and went for a walk to avoid a bit of it. I live in Canada. The year this happened, we had -40 temperatures without wind chill (and don't bother asking Celcius or Fahrenheit; at -40, they meet). I guess the moral is, even a REALLY bad movie is better than loosing your ears to frostbite, since I did come back for the end.
The worst movie I have ever seen in my entire life (22 years of age). A MASTERPIECE OF DISGUST!!! The actors are simply awful! The toilets on their heads are absolutely ludicrous! Their green tights are absolutelly gay appealing!
Movie zenith highlights include :
1) The "nuclear" curtain that totally rocks!! What a conseption!!!
2) The battery shaped spaceship!! I guess these guys were awfully low on budget!
3) And finally the wonderfull oscar deserving role of DROPO (what a name!)
P.S: Somebody please send me a copy on DVD!!!
The MST3K version of this movie is the only way to watch it, without clawing your eyes out and spiking daggers in your ears.
"What's in the pipe, Santa?"
Great song! Rotten movie. Made me hate Santa Claus and children! Real Earth children would have killed the "lovable" Dropo right off. Our old theater on main street here used to play this thing on Saturday afternoons every December. Nearly everybody could sing along with the damn song...none of us needed the bouncing ball finalie anymore. It was always advertised as a new Ckristmas time classic...PUKE! When Pia Zadora had her quick brush with fame it was advertised as that classic we all love starring Pia Zadora! Chuckle, chuckle...PUKE! We'd go see it again...on a lark...PUKE! When it pops up on TV nowadays around Christmas time...PUKE! We're opening gifts around the tree later on...someone says, "Remember that Martian Santa Claus Movie?"...PUKE! Last week I was playing my Stratocaster in the living room and watching the coming attractions on Cable's AMC station...guess what? PUKE! You don't have to buy or rent this atrocity to see it, just wait around, it'll track you down and corner you on it's own sooner or later...have a barfbag ready.
Fun and touching,this film is the best Christmas cult film I have ever seen.It would go with my favorite cult films like Critters 3,Killer Klowns from Outer Space,Mst3k episode Pod People,Joe Dirt,Troll 2, and Trilogy of Terror.I hope i`ll get the Mystery Science Theater 3000 version for Christmas.
It's so bad I liked it!!!! I remember watching this show late at night on TV.This guy who made this must have been put in a mental hospital for having an IQ of an 5 year old.I like the aliens. They remind me of that T.V show "my best friends an alien.
Get the song out of my head! AAAAARGH! Get it out! Get it out!
I love this movie!!!!! It's the worst film I've ever seen, but I watch it every x-mas and still get a kick out of the vomit-inducing singing, incredible dialogue and the most...artistic sets ever. Classic!!!!
Everyone seems to have summed up this baby really well. I've read multiple reviews, and seen the MST3K version, and there's one opportunity everyone seems to have missed, so allow me to point it out for you all - KIMAR AND VOLDAR = HALL AND OATES! That is all.
This movie is hilarious if you watch the Mystery science Theater 3000 version of it.
I saw this movie as a Mystery Science episode. I could not possibly have watched it any other way! The comments by the robots and Joel is what kept me awake!!
Last scene: Silly song is playing, move screen is filled with Santa's picture and Joel intones in a deep voice: "Santa Claus, killed in Vietnam."
Ugh. Even worse than the Carrey/Howard Grinch. I find it amusing how the kid "Billy"'s face turns grey in several scenes. (Bad lighting, I assume.) Voldar looks like Frank Zappa, doesn't he? And ANY kid with any intelligence would find Dropo creepy and irritating.
Poor Vincent Beck seems to be the only good actor in this turkey, and he often looks as embarrassed as hell, as if to say "I went to acting school for this?! Somebody shoot me!"
The dreary atmosphere, and murky, often underlighted camera work make this an unsettling experience. The entire film looks as if it were shot in somebody's cellar. Add to this a muffelled sound track and grotesque overacting, and you have the comedic equivalent of a fake South American snuff film. Still it is some kind of weird classic in it's own right.
What in the name of Jesus H.Christ?! Some stupid film about Santa fighting martians is what this mess is about. Santa must be spinning in his grave man!!! Although the film would be good for kids right enough. If adults want to see the film it is advisable that they should drink a few pints to dull down the pain.
my rating: 0/10
childrens rating: 7-10/10
My parents took me to see this movie when it first premiered in theaters during the Christmas holiday in 1964. Why do I clearly remember this movie in detail, given that I saw it when I was a small child? Even given my limited experience with movies in general to that point, it stuck out in my mind as a truly special, truly bad film. I have not seen it since then, but I do savour the awful memory of it.
Very fancinating with the current update of film
THis movie was so painful to watch. Ripping at my heartstrings. Even with the bots from MST3K, I wanted to hurt myself. Please, for the love of god, don't see this movie.
Sora the B-Movie Alchemist's Ratings
Hurtful.... so hurtful....
Well, here it is, forty years to the day that I saw S.C.C.T.M for the first time! I just finished watching it again, and a few things struck me. One, Billy Foster and I both got our AARP cards this year (age ten to age fifty) . Two, Girmar means Girl Martian and Bomar means Boy Martian. Three............who would have thought I'd be watching this movie in the year 2004?
Something to talk to my shrink about!
p.s. Yes, the movie sucks, but it's a GOOD kind of suck.
Love this movie!!!!!!!!!Saw it on Sci-Fi Channel and finally found the VHS couple of years ago of all places in my Pathmark food store in the xmas section. I bought all of them-every video store said couldnt get it! I know its silly and makes reference to "earth children" not being very bright but it still makes me laugh.
I found this on DVD at a local thrift store, for the amazing price of $1. Best dollar I ever spent, well at least since that last dollar I spent to buy "Plan 9 From Outer Space" on DVD.
And now it's legally free!
A real gem in bad movies and a real lump of coal for the director i mean there are some christmas movies that will be classics like ITS A WONDERFUL LIFE,MIRICLE ON 34TH STREET ETC and then theres tha real bad ones SANTA CUASE THE MOVIE CHRISTMAS WITH THE KRANKS POLAR EXPRESS but this one is the #1 in bad hoilday films
I used to watch this movie on t.v. with my brother every Christmas, and we loved it! This year I got it from my local library and showed it to my classroom of 4th graders during our Christmas party (Polar Express was all rented out). They thought it was awful, but they loved it. They even asked to see it again when they came back to school after the new year. I'm cultivating a new generation of bad movie lovers (your tax dollars at
work : )
I saw this movie as a kid 2 years in a row at the UA Oasis. They always used to run kids matinees and had all the K. Gordon Murray classics and anything else they could play.
This is the best movie I have ever seen...SO funny that I could hardly watch the ending because i was crying out loud and tears we're running from my eyes. A true joy (if you're a masochist like me) to watch again and again. Really addictive song...can you find a soundtrack? Please name the title of this mexican Santa film, it sounds good!
This is the best movie in the so bad it's goog genere of film. SCCtM is the Top Shelf example of the 'Just beacuse you own a Video Camera dosen't mean you should take this weeks allowence (Probably $5-$10)and make a Sci-fi/Chrismas movie.'
Wow. I JUST finished watching this movie on TV 101 in Atlanta.
What can I say that hasn't already been said?!
The dialogue, the sets, the costumes. I give them an "A" for effort and creativity...didn't know Martians wore hot pants! And that green, greasy makeup that SOME of the Martians wore; I guess the others were allergic to it.
This movie is on a par with (actually, better than) the live-action crap currently on Cartoon Network (that Garth Merenghi show, for one).
Yes, Pia Zadora started making bad movies at a young age; the only other thing I've seen her in is "Butterfly."
SCCTM has an extremely high "cheese" factor! I guess recreational drugs were readily available in the 1960's..."I want my DOLLLLLLLLLLLS!" ( A quote from another cheese-fest, Valley of the Dolls, but that's a whole 'nother story).
wow..me and my mom were glued to the screen yesterday when we watched it...it was so bad it was good! the thing that trips me out, though, is the fact that it was supposedly 19 degrees below zero and that Andy Anderson dude only had on a fur coat...overall, it was HILARIOUS.!
I grew up on this film. They would run it every Christmas on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon when they'd run out of Christmas specials to show. i watched it with the same intensity as Rudolph when I was like 7. Pretty scary I was allowed to watch this kind of crap. It's important to remember this was Pia Zadora's first film. But then probably no one remembers her and her rich husband who tried to buy her a film career anyway. I'm gonna go see if Toxic Zombies is here.
That robot look a bit like the one from a episode of GILLIGANS ISLAND
Jamie Farr wasn't in this movie. It was filmed in 1964, and Farr was born in 1934, yes it does look like a 30 year old man. But according to his biography, the only martian works he was in was...
Benny, "Avenue `C' Mob," My Favorite Martian, CBS, 1965
Fred, "Virus M for Martian," My Favorite Martian, 1966
The martian who looks like Farr, Stobo, was played by Al Nesor. See more at...
toy massacre FTW
This film is very much a product of the '60's. Indeed, I doubt if it could have been made during anyother decade. And whereas, "Citizen Kane" may be the greatest film ever made, I much rather see a film like this again, then a film like "Citizen Kane" again.
God! Everyone in the cast look like they're stonned with marihuana LOL
Well, well, well,.........this really is an awful film, or am i missing something?.
Things i liked about it:
The abysmal polar bear outfit, ( i heard the violin of pity playing in my head on this one)
The acting,......???????????.
The dialogue
It was like receiving a jigsaw puzzle where the pictures al right, but the pieces hopelessly don't fit.
Mrs Claws, ( oh dear! ) my mother in law acts like her, wonder if she auditioned?.
However, my three year old daughter loved it, she pointed out the polar bear at which point i burst into tears.
After reading the other comments made about this film, I must disagree. All right, yes... it is a poor film from a technical point-of-view.
But, keep in mind that the budget of SCCTM was around 200 thousand dollars... peanuts, even in 1964 when the film was made. Considering the scope the picture attempts to convey, I don't think the director could have done much better with such a small budget. He simply had too much movie on his hands to lens for 200 grand.
As to the actors all being terrible, or looking stoned, as some commentors have suggested... this is patently false. The actors did a competent job with the material they were given. The acting is certainly on par with the status quo for kiddie films, such as Casper and those horrid Home Alone movies. And that's an important thing to remember... SCCTM is a kiddie film. It was never meant for an adult audience. Yet commentors and critics frequently judge it as if it were adult science fiction, an unfair assessment.
The story is actually rather sweet and has a kindly message over all. Nothing any sensible person would object to their seven year old sitting through.
All in all, SCCTM has gotten the proverbial raw deal. I, for one, enjoy the film immensely and reccomend to critics that they view it again, but with a different frame of mind. :wink:
I'd been hearing/reading about SCCTM for years 'n' years but never pulled the trigger on it till last Holiday season when I found it on DVD at the dollar store. Sat down to watch it and laughed my ass off for the entire film.
Gotta love that "Hooray for Santy Claus" song, catchy as hell!
I'd thought about possibly showing the film to my kids but once I'd viewed it myself I decided not to -- I have a feeling that such an act might constitute child abuse.
Seriously, if ever there was a movie begging to be re-made by Tim Burton or Rob Zombie, this is the one!!
hooray for Santy Claus
Funny this one comes up, I was thinking about busting this DVD out tonight to watch whilst I wrap the kids' Christmas gifts.
In the MST3K version, when Dropo's mugging and capering got to be too much, Joel would interject, "Drop 'em, Dropo."
Quote from: vwyler on October 01, 2011, 03:20:22 AM
After reading the other comments made about this film, I must disagree. All right, yes... it is a poor film from a technical point-of-view.
But, keep in mind that the budget of SCCTM was around 200 thousand dollars... peanuts, even in 1964 when the film was made. Considering the scope the picture attempts to convey, I don't think the director could have done much better with such a small budget. He simply had too much movie on his hands to lens for 200 grand.
As to the actors all being terrible, or looking stoned, as some commentors have suggested... this is patently false. The actors did a competent job with the material they were given. The acting is certainly on par with the status quo for kiddie films, such as Casper and those horrid Home Alone movies. And that's an important thing to remember... SCCTM is a kiddie film. It was never meant for an adult audience. Yet commentors and critics frequently judge it as if it were adult science fiction, an unfair assessment.
The story is actually rather sweet and has a kindly message over all. Nothing any sensible person would object to their seven year old sitting through.
All in all, SCCTM has gotten the proverbial raw deal. I, for one, enjoy the film immensely and reccomend to critics that they view it again, but with a different frame of mind. :wink:
Finally saw this, & I agree; it's not that bad.
Sets are about on par with
Star Trek or
Lost in Space, so they're acceptable for the era. Costumes aren't as good, but they're still creative, & not as bad as some aliens. (
Plan 9;
Killers from Space.) Space ship FX are unimaginative, but sufficient. The song was fun, tho it'll teach kids to mis-pronounce Santa's name.
The story was fairly standard 50's/60's sci-fi stuff; Martians advanced technology has led to cultural stagnation, so they look to Earth for inspiration. A handful of Martians think Earth's influence will make their kids too soft, so they hatch a plan to stop Earth's influence. It's a Christmas movie, since Christmas is a big movie-going time, so they made the influence Santa Claus.
Only two complaints:
1) Once on Mars Santa seemed fairly happy about being kidnapped. There should've been a scene where he saw how sad the martian kids were. Then he could've seen why the Martians kidnapped him. Santa, being a friendly man who loves kids would then have forgiven the Martians for kidnapping him & agreed to help them start Christmas.
2) The Martians TVs use NTSC? Seriously, that's the only way this plot works. If the Martian TVs had their own standard there's no way for Earth's signals to reach the Martian kids.