What could be more perfect than an old western with cattle rustling, the stagecoach held up, a hero in white, and a villain wearing all black? The same western, but with an all-midget cast!
Click here to go to the Review (http://www.badmovies.org/movies/tinytown/)
I saw this movie when i was 10 days old
Once I had my fingers slammed in a door, pins stuck through it, set on fire, and squirted with lemon juice. The only other time I have experienced such pain is when I watched this movie.
They actually made a movie like this? What is this? The Munchkins of the Old West would be a more suited title for this film.
You must see this movie- it is a moral imperative. (I'm glad I'm not the only one who was weirded about by the penguin, though.) I've seen it sober, and tripping on acid, and I'm not sure which way is weirder.
This movie is kind of scary!I had nightmares about these midgets for a week! They're CRAZY!!!
a masterpiece of world cinema. next to herzog's even dwarfs started small, this is the greatest dwarf story ever told. i firmly believe that the simple inlcusion of a midget into any film will instanty make said film watchable, not necessarily good, but watchable as long as the midget is onscreen. same with voodoo. this movie takes that idea and runs rampant with it like a pair of sharp scissors, injuring any who might get in its way. that analogy really sucks, doesn't it? anyway, terror of tiny town is a work of rare vision. see it. some of the stars were in tod browning's freaks. i want to be in a band named jed buell's midgets.
I'm sure this movie was made to be viewed after consuming a 128 oz glass of night train followed by 96oz Everclear chaser. But since I don't drink, it is more likely that this movie was MADE by people who took great plesure in consuming their body weight in lighter fluid coolers.
...ohmigod...this is decidedly un-P.C....it's very much like having to sit through a third-grade rendition of "High Noon"...there's something very unsettling about women who look like they're about seven years old dressed as saloon girls...i repeat -- ohmigod...
Basically no replay value here but initially life-changing
I've watched this about 3 times and the least time it sort of got painful to watch and I just wished for the end. But the very first time you watch it, it's hilarious. The acting it pretty bad. Ok really bad, but watching them ride the horses at breakneck speed (5mph) or play the cello makes up for it.
It took me until the third time to figure out who the Vampire was though.
YAAAAA! The Midgets are coming! The Midgets are coming!
Be prepared to "Hit Leather" and then some. I always wondered how they got a penguin to go west.
A twisted classic, but a classic nonetheless. This did not hurt Billy Curtis's career at all. He worked consistently through the late 1970's. Check out Clint Eastwood's "High Plains Drifter" and you'll find Curtis there, too.
Funniest scene has to be a midget walking UNDER the saloon doors.
The CATCOM Company released this film on DVD with a second feature ("Marijuana"), which I found at a place called "Value City". I was pleased to see that CATCOM managed to include the film's narrative prelude on the DVD. Not all video versions of Tiny Town have the intro on it.
A movie so bad -- so wrong -- so disturbing that not even Mystery Science Theatre 3000 would touch it.
What on earth was the audience for this movie going to be? It seems to be made along the same lines as any hack western/musical only with midgets. That was the whole purpose, just to laugh at people with dwarfism? My God, that's disturbing.
This is like clint eastwood meets willow...is it just me or is that barmaid lookin hot?
Often opined as the worst movie, I must disagree (that honor still belongs to Plan 9). Just look, the sets, costumes,et al were top drawer for their day. And if the actors weren't up against full size sets you'd (almost) not realize that they were midgets. If the Academy Awards ever come out with a 'Tongue in cheek award', this one would win.
This film not only aroused me but it also changed my life
the midget western genre shall live on in me until I leave this
cruel mudball we call earth. God bless the little ones god bless their tiny souls........
I think I figured out how the penguin got into this movie.The little fellow is the choreographer.How else can the little cowboys learn to strut, put their hands in their pockets and look like real tough hombres.They needed an example and the penguin is perfect.Besides, the genius behind this movie is not going to list a penguin in the credits as a choreographer."HIT LEATHER MEN!"
Degrading by todays politically correct standards, but then again, what before 1980 isn't? This film was work for a lot of little people who had a VERY difficult time finding work. Actors in those days where not the high powered money grubbing bullies they are today. Actors where cattle for the high powered money grubbing studio heads who ran things. And little people of those by gone days had a choice...be a freak living on charity...or be your self and get paid for it. Billy Curtis and Billy Barty, both inparticular, were fine actors. As no doubt were many others who's names we'll never know. Like Todd Browning's FREAKS, this film was a novelty, but in no way was making mean spirited fun of anyone. It's just a typical B-western formula story with a twist in the casting. Like all B movie westerns of its day the story sucks big time, and if it wasn't for the fact that the screen is crawling with midgets riding ponies hell-bent-for-leather, and chucking dynamite at each other, there wouldn't be anything to watch. I can't call this a "Bad" movie...it's a...it's a...it's a...well...it's got midgets drinking beer from mugs bigger than their own heads in it...and there's dance hall midgets, and school marm type midgets and...oh yeah...some big assed guns...well...everythings kinda big assed 'cause they're all midgets...see? How can you describe this movie? Gotta see it to believe it. Enjoyable? For the most part. Fascinating? You bet! Do I laugh at the midgets? No...I laugh with them...and I'm glad they were able to pay their rent that month, and get their kids teeth fixed, and were able to afford Christmas that year. Life can be a b***h, if you have a short coming and are able to use it to your advantage...more power to you, little brother.
Midgets rule! Midgets equal funny! Whens the sequal? Where can I get my own pet/helper midget? I love the midget! Midgets are sexy b***hes! Where can I get my own midget b***h! I want to be the center of a midget sandwhich...mmmmmm! Is that a midget in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? Where's the midget porn? They just don't make classics like they used to, sigh!
This movie is a classic! You would NEVER see something like this made now a days. I had taped it in the early 80's and would put it on for my nephew who loved it and would sit there and want to watch it over & over. I love this film. I've been looking for it on DVD for a long time. Does anyone know where I can purchase it on DVD? I had seen in a magazine that it was with another DVD, but there was no info as to where I could buy it. If anyone knows, please email me!
Didnt they do another movie called "Trouble in Tinytown" ??
I remember seeing these movies before cable, on the 11:30 pm
or midnight movies.
I have loved this film ever since I saw it 20 years agoon late night TV. The next time it was on, I taped it. I have shown it to numerous dis-beliving friends. Needless to say, the tape was wearing out. Discovering your site make me aware of the existance of a commercial tape! I am so happy!
What can I say? If I owned a couple dozen midgets, I'd put 'em in a movie too! Truly bad flick, but it seems to keep a lot of little folks busy! Exploitation? Nah. They look like they had fun. Seems better with sound off - make up your own dialogue! Everything a cheezy western should have, and a penguin (???), too!
Help! Can anyone figure out the words to the "Tiny Town" theme song? Here's my best guess:
Laugh your troubles away and HA HA HA HA HA
Then you're well on your way and HA HA HA HA HA
Don't make life a national drama
Smash away your blues with your big hammer
Did anyone else notice...the penguin was actually taller than a couple of the extras? I think that penguin was the same one that would end up stuffed and sitting on the "tele" in a classic Monty Python skit made some 35 years later...I only know of two penguins with Actor's Guild cards...and one of them has been living with his daughter in retirement since 1958 in Argentina. The other went to Britain for a series of British Airways Ads in 1964. Then disappeared. Fowl play? I have my own theories. I am sure the penguin on the "tele" was wearing the same suit as the one in this film...that little black tux was this particular bird's trademark shtick. Were they two different birds who, by coincidence, used the same Beverly Hills tailor? Or...do John Cleese and the rest of those curry swilling Limeys have a nasty little skeleton in the closet? Terry Gilliam, the only American in the Python troop was known to harbor ill feeling towards the little feathered thespian in question. During a college lecture the bird gave, he reportedly bit Gilliam while a Freshman in writing classes. I uncovered this infomation from a very reliable source. I also found evidence, in the form of a handwritten reciept, that Gilliam had placed a want ad for an ad agency asking for penguins with experiance to come to London. It promised above scale pay and all the free herring one could eat. One of the actors in Terror of Tiny Town, had remained a life long friend with the penguin and had this to say..."Ol' Jake was a fine bird, damn good at his craft too! Bad breath though, I mean, REAL BAD!...I told him not to go over there to England...Whole thing smelled fishy to me...next thing I know, I see him some years later on PBS...sitting kinda still-like on a T.V. set in England with two of them there Python guys in drag making fun of him...it was kinda eerie...He didn't have no kin that I knew of...just makes me and all his friend kinda sad. I wrote a letter to the British Foriegn Office about that just last week...I'll let you know what I hear back." Sadly, just two weeks after this actor...(who shall remain nameless)...gave me this information...he was found dead in his retirement home apartment. He had somehow gotten his head stuck in his toilet and drowned. Police said they suspected no fowl play...but the apartment did have a faint smell of ginger beer and blood pudding. Another Hollywood Mystery? Who knows? I have my theories...
...Yes, Mr. Buell did "own" his midgets. He was breeding them on a Ranch just outside of Santa Anna California. He also owned all the ponies and sheep. I'm told he was very fond of the sheep in particular. He made a Hollywood killing renting them out to the studios over the years. It's been rumored he made some fifty thousand dollars on the Wizard of Oz shoot alone. Big bucks for those days. Of course he had to pay to keep the little buggers fed and for straw to bed them down with...he had to pay to take care of the ponies and sheep too. His overhead costs finally broke him...then the midgets went Union and revolted. I understand that Mr. Buell's body was never found, just one cowboy boot and a cigar stub with teeth marks on it. Some time afterwards several of the "head" midgets went on to set up a colony on an island somewhere in the South Pacific where their decendants live to this day. I have a friend who worked for the CIA for years. He says the midgets have been working on a plan to control the world for several decades now, but all their attempts have failed due to the one basic problem that has stymied them for centuries...their inability to reach doorknobs.
I can't believe so many people have seen this movie! I taped it from TV ("Night Flight" on the USA Network) back in the mid-80s. Periodically, when the family gets together and we want to watch a movie, I'll suggest "Terror of Tiny Town". The reaction from the kids is always the same: "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!" But I like it. I've played it often for my own benefit. I often wondered, since it's an all-midget cast with Shetland ponies, why the saloon doors were mounted so high that people going through them almost knock their hats off. Also, the crates in front of the bar and the enormous leap up to the sidewalks these people had to do. I guess it's true that they had to keep all the props "real" sized; otherwise, you'd never know you were watching a movie with midgets! A classic. As for the comments about it "exploiting" these little folks, I liked the comments about how this movie allowed them to pay the rent. Exactly!! Amen!
Jeez, you guys gave it 4 stars!!! It sucked badly!!! I rented this piece of crap and it was very disappointing. Waht a piece of grub!!! The plot sucks, the character suckes, the midgets suck, everything sucks... It shouldn't be considered a b movie but a S movie for sucka duck.
I'd have to say that the best part was during the song at the end when the bartender chugs 2 full size beers. He didn't have an easy time of it, either. Classic movie.
Imagine a all midget western and here it is this looks like HIGH NOON and the munchkins and they realy could have used shetland ponies these little horses would have been just right for them or how about two men in a horse costume?
I saw this movie and it cut out in the middle. How come? I got it part of a western movie set. What a ripoff. The part I saw was still enjoyable. I was great.
The ___Best......I'm almost tempted to buy the video.....I remember seeing this movies back in the 1960's.....along with the other movie "Reefer Madness", another classic.......this is a great web-site ..thanks again.....mitchrroe7
The "Terror of Tiny Town" ranks right up there with "Plan 9 From Outer Space" as the greatest movie ever. If Jed Buell hadn't come up with this idea, I'm sure the great Ed Wood would have. The best $1.99 I've ever spent>
My boss was telling me about this movie a couple of years ago, and I really didn't believe him. We were talking about it again today and I said I'd look for it online. I was soooooo excited to find it!!! We had a great time with the pictures and the video. Thank you for brightening my day!
Too bad someone did not make a few sequels to this turkey film.
IE: The Terror Of Zorro
The Terror Of Tarzan
The Terror Of Godzilla
Dooo.Little people drinking beer,dooo.I wish the mugs were kegs, doooo.No wonder I got sick watching this pu.Dooooo!!!
Look around, watch the tube a little, listen to Rush, What is so strange about this movie?
Please, can someone show me an internet store where they are selling this DVD?
.... This movie is so morally wrong on many levels... I must go cry in a corner now....
After watching this movie I killed myself.
Billy Curtis (Buck) was my late Father's uncle. Stian-I just found this on DVD at collectablerecords.com for $5.99. I'm in HEAVEN, and my Christmas shopping is now half done!!!!
Hari-your reaction is completely understandable and quite logical.
I watched this film at the cinema in 1966 at the age of 10 years old and it freaked me out giving me a phobia of midgets ever since. Whenever i tell anybody about it they think i'm making it up - i'm almost pleased to find out i wasn't. Now I've found out what it was called do I dare watch it again?
I watched this movie about ten years ago, Could'nt sleep and turned on the tele and it was on public television. I thought it was hillarous. I told my friends about it and they asked me what I had to drink. I remember when watching the movie, it looked like some of the female midgets were dressed up like men. Does anyone know if this is true? Anyways I was pleasantly surprised to find I am not the only one who watched and enjoyed this movie.
OH, stop already. I saw it when it first came out (yes, yes, I know. I am old) and I loved it.
And it did slove one problem. Now I know why Dorthy wanted to come back home.
Just a great classic film. Excuse me, I have to go and try to get my tongue out of my cheek.
The Western Forever. Even in a small format
Crazily enough, this is one of my favorite films. Even more crazy, I actually know quite a bit about the cast members. (Yeah, well, I have a lot of spare time.) Jed Buell did, in effect, own his midgets; dwarfs would often perform in singing dancing troupes, billed under the name of their manager. Jed Buell's Midgets wasn't a real troupe, though -- most of the midgets in this film were members of The Singer Midgets, managed by Leo Singer, who a year later was given the contract to procure Munchkins for MGM. (Though the Munchkins were made up of members of many different troupes as well as, well, free-lance midgets, they are credited collectively as The Singer Midgets, when credited at all.) The female midget who performs "You Better Look Out" was actually only thirteen years old in this film, so yes, it is wrong to be attracted to her. But the deep-voiced one in the barbershop was eightteen -- of course, the voice was fake. Most of the cast did go on to appear as Munchkins in 'The Wizard of Oz;' most notably, the devilish bar maid (The Vampire) & Nancy Preston (The Girl) make up two-thirds of the Lullaby League. The only cast members who didn't play Munchkins were the black midgets, because MGM didn't want them. To me that's much more offensive than anything in this film -- a midget's gotta work. As for 'Freaks,' nobody from 'Tiny Town' appeared in it; that is a common misconception. I actually bought this film looking for the midgets from 'Freaks' (Harry & Daisy Earles), but was pleasantly surprised to find such a strange yet engrossing little gem of exploitation cinema.
The DVD is widely available on Amazon Marketplace from a number of different sellers, at very reasonable prices. You can also watch it online for FREE at movieflix.com!!!!!!!
I think it was on USA 's "Up All Night" that I 1st was subjected to this wonder of cinema. My brain's never been teh same since. :teddyr:
Ooopppsss!!! Too late! Geroge Lucas has already taken Brugomaster's idea and made it into a film. It's called "Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi."
But, back to the subject. Not that bad of a film. A typical western, except for the midgets. But, certainly, not unwatchable. Which is more than I can say for some films I've seen.
It's okay that you had seisures because, when I read that his trial would be shorter than the tree they'd use to hang him, I p**sed my pants.
This movie just snuck under the velvet ropes to the front of the to-watch line.
Actually, not everything in the movie set was normal-human size- I see in the video clip they had a scaled-down stagecoach. They probably had to do that so the ponies could pull it I suppose. (I have to point out, respectfully, that vidclip wasn't the best one to demonstrate the weirdness of this flick.)
Can I suggest one more movie that should be remade with midgets? BLAZING SADDLES! That was the only thing missing from the original, IMO.
I'm just waiting for some PC type to yell "Little people! We call them little people!", like on that ep of CSI Vagas.
You know, actually, I read somewhere in an old interview with George Lucas (made about the time the movie Willow came out) where he said that he originally wanted to do Star Wars with all little people (as they were called back then) but he couldn't find anyone that fit the roles.
Dunno how true that is or not, but still, couldn't help but think of that when you mentioned the twist of using an all midget cast for Star Wars.
Bless every independent video store that still carries VHS just so they can still carry movies like this.
What does it say about your midgets if the only ones who act beyond the cue cards are the villian and the clown?
It was good for a guilty laugh, but if you really want to give someone little nightmares, it's all about "Even Dwarves Started Small". I'm still afraid to know the back story of that one.
I saw this movie for the first time in the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep. It was either late High School or early college. I can't remember. I can say this is not the movie you want to stumble upon if you're having trouble sleeping and want to lull yourself to sleep with the TV. When I saw the Wizard of Oz for the first time when I was around 4 or 5, it wasn't the flying monkeys that scared me like most people, it was the Munchkins. I had nightmares for months. Thank God i didn't see this back then. I've been telling people about it for years. most people don't believe anything like this could ever have been made. Makes you wonder what other midget movies much worse than this didn't survive. I can't decide whether it's kinda cool they got paid to make a second movie or if it would have been more humane just to send them packing. I remember when I watched i alternated between peels of laughter at the bad acting & writing and horror. I think I had nightmares after this one too.
Hehehe, it should be called "Hang 'em Not So High."
What I want to see is a 1930s-Universal-style gothic horror film with an all midget cast.
This is an absolutely jaw-dropping movie and, as such, worth watching. This movie follows all the genre cliches of the Western right down to the letter. A guilty pleasure? I never believed in that category. Either you enjoy something or you don't. Still, it is incredibly un-PC and it might induce some squirms in some of the more morally squeamish viewers. Look at it this way. It gave these people some work. What the hell. Yeah, I was bugged by that little blurb saying the producer of the film 'owned' the midgets in question. Does anybody out there have any info about this? Even in the 1940s and 1950s, it was still illegal to 'own' someone as if they were slaves. I got a real kick out of the midget playing the bar floozy. And the 'cook' was a hoot. Pursuers of oddities should definitely check this out. As Charles Fort used to say, Can Such Things Be? Yup....
I just found out this played last night on TCM. And I messed it. Bummer, but this idea should be applied to other types of movies. We should have an all midget scifi movie.
I bought this movie on Amazon as part of the Cult Classic 20 Movie DVD pack put out by Mill Creek. It was very inexpensive and the whole collection is a great source of early bad movies. It's a must have. Even though I have it on DVD I prefer to watch it on the "Big Screen" as I also have it on 16mm!
Are you sure the penguin wasn't actually a midget nun?
One of my favorite all time movies, my equally sicko brother bought "Terror" for me in a a package set with "Plan 9 from Outer Space". Then the new Jack-in-the-Box commercial comes out about 3 or 4 weeks ago and I thought to myself...I am not alone!!!!
The penguin? What the f**k?
The penguin was the best part of the whole movie, I lost it when it cut to the penguin and it was never seen of again nor its presence explained.
I found watching this movie mostly painful interspersed with moments of creepiness and unease during the midget children 'playing saloon whore' scenes. However I have no regrets as this is a movie that every bad movie lover has to watch.
I do have one question, is the villain in the movie a man or a woman? I assumed it had to be a man due to bad guys generally being guys, however because of the pitch of voice, sallow face and the fact the movie was a bit 'out there', what with the whole midget cast to begin with. I was wondering if it was indeed a female midget playing the bad guy in the movie.
Quote from: DarknRahl on October 03, 2010, 08:04:59 AM
I do have one question, is the villain in the movie a man or a woman? I assumed it had to be a man due to bad guys generally being guys, however because of the pitch of voice, sallow face and the fact the movie was a bit 'out there', what with the whole midget cast to begin with. I was wondering if it was indeed a female midget playing the bad guy in the movie.
A good question, but the villain in the film, Bat Haines, was played by a man. Born William H. Rhodes, but when credited in films, he often went under the name of Little Billy Rhodes. He is also one of the Munchkins, who can be spotted in "The Wizard of Oz." He has an uncredited role as the barrister.
I wonder if this was the inspiration for Johnny Puleo and the Harmonica Gang in SCTV's "Maudlin's Eleven."
! No longer available (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pehsws6QYEo#)
According to Wikipedia the copyright's expired. Here it is on YouTube.
An uncle gave me this movie as a gift a few years back......