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Started by Rev. Powell, July 30, 2021, 08:52:38 AM

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Rev. Powell

My favorite movie of 2021 so far.

King Arthur's nephew Sir Gawain accepts a challenge from the mysterious Green Knight to strike one blow against him, which the knight will return in kind in exactly one year. Gawain cuts off the Green Knight's head, the Green Knight picks it up and reminds him to meet at the Green Chapel in one year. Most of the movie is devoted to the strange adventures Gawain experiences on his journey from Camelot to the Green Chapel to meet his destiny.

If you're familiar with the tale, you'll notice that it's not exactly the same, and there are new incidents on Gawain's journey that weren't in the poem (although they feel like very authentic Arthurian legends that were probably taken from other stories).

It's the best Arthurian movie since EXCALIBUR, it's closest cousin. THE GREEN KNIGHT delves even more into the strangeness of the old legends, though. Magic is everywhere in Gawain's world.

If I had to search for a complaint, I might say the cinematography is too murky, especially at the very beginning. That's more of a personal preference than an actual flaw, though.

At any rate, 5/5 from me.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Looking forward to seeing this one.
I'll show you ruin
I'll show you heartbreak
I'll show you lonely
A sorrow in darkness


Quote from: Rev. Powell on July 30, 2021, 08:52:38 AM
My favorite movie of 2021 so far.

King Arthur's nephew Sir Gawain accepts a challenge from the mysterious Green Knight to strike one blow against him, which the knight will return in kind in exactly one year. Gawain cuts off the Green Knight's head, the Green Knight picks it up and reminds him to meet at the Green Chapel in one year. Most of the movie is devoted to the strange adventures Gawain experiences on his journey from Camelot to the Green Chapel to meet his destiny.

If you're familiar with the tale, you'll notice that it's not exactly the same, and there are new incidents on Gawain's journey that weren't in the poem (although they feel like very authentic Arthurian legends that were probably taken from other stories).

It's the best Arthurian movie since EXCALIBUR, it's closest cousin. THE GREEN KNIGHT delves even more into the strangeness of the old legends, though. Magic is everywhere in Gawain's world.

If I had to search for a complaint, I might say the cinematography is too murky, especially at the very beginning. That's more of a personal preference than an actual flaw, though.

At any rate, 5/5 from me.

That looks PDA: Pretty Damn Awesome. :thumbup:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


I did like how the titular Green Knight was handled.  The design looks good for a forest elemental type creature, and the practical effect suit design looked great.  I hope somebody tries to cosplay as him.

The sparing use of CGI will hopefully please others.  When it was implemented, it was to varying results.  The giants (briefly seen in the trailer) look like CGI,but their other worldly creatures, so it was acceptable.  The fox character, however, took me out of the scene.  Its the uncanny valley effect, when you try to make something real that the flaws become more noticeable.

Strong use of color is implemented throughout the film.  Our protagonists golden cloak, standing out among more muted earth tones and such.  Some scenes have strong color themes or highlights imposed on them, either for mood or in one scene, implied magical powers.

The director plays around a little with weird angles, and painting-esque composition on screen.  Reminded me of some of  the fantasy art books I have.

As for whether or not I liked the movie as a whole.....that's the part I'm not sure of.   Its not a movie for everyone, I can say that.  I do want to see it again, but I want to wait until its on blue ray/ DVD with a directors commentary.  I'd love to hear his thought process on making this. Also, so I can re-watch some parts to pick up on what I missed.  I'm glad I saw it on the big screen, though.  Maybe I was expecting more of a modern style  LOTR style fantasy film, which this is not. 

At least, that's what Gary Busey told me...

Dr. Whom

I found this disappointing. It is very slow, and at times, it reminded my of the high concept artsy movies of the 70s, where the protagonists wander from one weird situation to the next, with no obvious narrative function. That being said, it is an interesting and very watchable take on the Arthurian romance (although the movie takes care never to explicitly mention anything Arthurian)

Some random thoughts
This Gawain is the least competent questing knight, this side of Monty Python.
The director of photography took the 'dark' in Dark Ages very literally.
This is one for the Dev Patel fans. He is in the vast majority of the shots. I don't mind, and I think he is doing a great job here, but your mileage may vary.

All in all, an intriguing movie. There was just one instance that took me out of the movie: when the Lady asks Gawain if he believes in magic. Given the nature of his quest and the place where he is, that is a very silly question.

"Once you get past a certain threshold, everyone's problems are the same: fortifying your island and hiding the heat signature from your fusion reactor."

Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! ... Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput.

Jim H

I generally liked this but I'd be hard pressed to explain what I liked and didn't like about it.  Well, it's a good looking movie well performed, I can say that.  But I'd find it hard to even discuss.  I'd only recommend it to people whose tastes I knew pretty well though, I'd say that.


Quote from: Rev. Powell on July 30, 2021, 08:52:38 AM
It's the best Arthurian movie since EXCALIBUR, it's closest cousin. THE GREEN KNIGHT delves even more into the strangeness of the old legends, though. Magic is everywhere in Gawain's world.

If I had to search for a complaint, I might say the cinematography is too murky, especially at the very beginning. That's more of a personal preference than an actual flaw, though.

All aspects I wondered about. Excalibur, eh?  This will go a long way to determining just when I see it.  (I choose movies and books the way most people do food: what would 'taste' good today?)   Thanks. 
"May I offer you a Peek Frean?" - Walter Bishop
"Thank you for appreciating my descent into deviant behavior, Mr. Reese." - Harold Finch

Rev. Powell

Quote from: Newt on October 02, 2021, 06:51:50 AM
Quote from: Rev. Powell on July 30, 2021, 08:52:38 AM
It's the best Arthurian movie since EXCALIBUR, it's closest cousin. THE GREEN KNIGHT delves even more into the strangeness of the old legends, though. Magic is everywhere in Gawain's world.

If I had to search for a complaint, I might say the cinematography is too murky, especially at the very beginning. That's more of a personal preference than an actual flaw, though.

All aspects I wondered about. Excalibur, eh?  This will go a long way to determining just when I see it.  (I choose movies and books the way most people do food: what would 'taste' good today?)   Thanks. 

After more consideration and seeing other people's reactions to the film, I think I might have misled people with that comparison. It's very much like EXCALIBUR in terms of the setting and mood, but it doesn't have as much action, it's much slower paced.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Quote from: Rev. Powell on October 02, 2021, 09:24:40 AM
Quote from: Newt on October 02, 2021, 06:51:50 AM
Quote from: Rev. Powell on July 30, 2021, 08:52:38 AM
It's the best Arthurian movie since EXCALIBUR, it's closest cousin. THE GREEN KNIGHT delves even more into the strangeness of the old legends, though. Magic is everywhere in Gawain's world.

If I had to search for a complaint, I might say the cinematography is too murky, especially at the very beginning. That's more of a personal preference than an actual flaw, though.

All aspects I wondered about. Excalibur, eh?  This will go a long way to determining just when I see it.  (I choose movies and books the way most people do food: what would 'taste' good today?)   Thanks. 

After more consideration and seeing other people's reactions to the film, I think I might have misled people with that comparison. It's very much like EXCALIBUR in terms of the setting and mood, but it doesn't have as much action, it's much slower paced.

Setting and mood are most of what I recall from EXCALIBUR so the comparison works for me.   :wink:
"May I offer you a Peek Frean?" - Walter Bishop
"Thank you for appreciating my descent into deviant behavior, Mr. Reese." - Harold Finch


Quote from: Newt on October 02, 2021, 11:45:55 AM

Setting and mood are most of what I recall from EXCALIBUR so the comparison works for me.   :wink:

The thing I most remember about Excalibur is Trevor Jones' music.  :cheers:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.

Rev. Powell

Quote from: Trevor on October 03, 2021, 12:04:08 AM
Quote from: Newt on October 02, 2021, 11:45:55 AM

Setting and mood are most of what I recall from EXCALIBUR so the comparison works for me.   :wink:

The thing I most remember about Excalibur is Trevor Jones' music.  :cheers:

I remember them using Carl Orff's "O Fortunata." Definitely one of my earliest exposures to classical music.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


When I was 13, we read the King Arthur legends for English class. When assigned to write my own take on Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, I wrote about a furious sword battle where Sir Gawain had the upper hand, but a sudden riposte from the Knight severed one arm, and then a leg. The Green Knight bound his wounds and dragged him into the castle, into a room filled with other limbless knights, screaming and in chains. Gawain was just the latest in a line of those who had come to kill the Green Knight and failed. The story ends with the Knight closing the vast wooden door, muffling Sir Gawain as he began to scream like the others. Funny how I had forgotten this until now!  :teddyr:
"Many others since have tried & failed at making a watchable parasite slug movie" - LilCerberus


I'll show you ruin
I'll show you heartbreak
I'll show you lonely
A sorrow in darkness


Quote from: Dr. Whom on August 24, 2021, 02:26:37 PM

Some random thoughts
This Gawain is the least competent questing knight, this side of Monty Python.

Looking at some reviews of this movie -I guess that was  the point.
At least, that's what Gary Busey told me...